Sun 2 Ramblers around Martley to the Malvern area Meet 12 noon Church car park Mon 3 Wichenford Parochial Church Council Meeting in the Memorial Hall, Wichenford at Volume 13 No. 6 November 2003 7.45pm Editor: Michelle Higgins (01886 888344) Martley Parish Council Meeting Editorial Team: Martley: Alan Boon (01886 8pm Memorial Hall 888527, Nellie Bradley (01886 888339), Kate King (01886 888439), Beth Williams (01886 888273) Wed 5 Bonfire Night! Wichenford: Janet Andrews (01886 888303), Sheila Richards (01886 888378) Fri 7 Wichenford Ladies’ Fellowship Advertising: Jim Sandison (01886 888393) Distribution: Martley George & June Lawrence Whist Drive 8pm Wichenford (01886 821064) Wichenford Bill & Jo Root (01886 Memorial Hall 888585) Contact The Villager: leave articles at Martley Post Sun 9 Remembrance Sunday Office or 1 Oxford View Wichenford or email the Teme Valley Farmers Market for Editor at [email protected] local produce 11am The Talbot, Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of The Villager. The Villager cannot be held responsible for any goods or services advertised in the magazine Wed 12 Martley WI: AGM 7.30pm Martley Memorial Hall Diary Tue 18 Wichenford Ladies Fellowship Regular events: meet in the Memorial Hall at

Teme Valley Shufflers Line Dancing 2.30pm Weds 7pm Martley Memorial Hall. Enquiries: Jeff and Thelma 01886 821772 Thu 20 Meeting of The Wine Club 8pm Wichenford Memorial Hall Weight Watchers 6.30-7.30pm Tuesdays Martley Memorial Hall. Enquiries: Jennie Fri 21 Schools closed for teachers’ Barnes 01886 888712 Professional Development Day Citizens Advice Bureau Teme Valley Wine and Cheese Evening with Telephone Service Mon & Tue 10am—3pm Entertainment Wichenford Thu 10am— 7.30pm 01584 810860 Memorial Hall &Knightwick Surgeries Prize Bingo at Gt Witley Village Weds 10am -4pm - by appointment. Tel. Hall in aid of St Richard’s Hospice 01584 810860 7.30pm Short mat Bowling Tuesdays 2.30pm Martley Memorial Hall Thu 27 Martley & District Horticultural Society: AGM 7.30pm Martley Wichenford Local Heritage Group Evening Memorial Village Hall Classes—Wednesdays 7.30-9.30pm

For Church services, please see Church page Articles to go in The Villager must be with the Editor by the 1st of the previous month

The Villager * November 2003 7 Martley Parish Council

Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the up of 23%. A letter from a parishioner Martley Parish Council held on to MHDC concerning the non- Monday 1 September 2003 at the reciprocal agreement between the bus Memorial Hall. companies to accept each other’s Mr. D. Cropp Chairman return tickets was read and it was agreed that the situation was Matters Arising ridiculous. The “Safer Routes To The petition for School” consultation document Schools Funding was signed. The indicated that substantial spending was Lengthman reported that Prickley proposed for Martley and included a Green Road was satisfactory and that Pelican Crossing in 2005. the lay-by had been levelled. Mrs. D. Goodyear thought the loose surface Parish Footpath Officer’s Report could cause problems. The Clerk to Mr. J. Nicklin reported that work write to Highways requesting an would be on replacement stiles and inspection. other hardware.

Parish Matters Planning The close proximity of the 40mph and Land at Worcester Road. This 30mph speed limits on the Hillside application has been opposed and towards the village - the Chairman there was surprise that it was being explained the original thinking behind classified as “affordable housing”. The the placement and said that the limits Chairman will attend the Planning may be reviewed in the future. The meeting and represent the views of the Lengthman was asked to check the Parish Council. White Cottage footpath on the main Worcester Road Kingswood. No objections providing from near the Taylors Yard around the the old building is not subject to bend at Barbers. historical interest. Martley Millennium Green Sign; no comment. Mardon County Councillor’s Report Worcester Road Martley. Application Mr. A. Davies was unable to attend withdrawn. Applications granted: therefore no report was given Cherry Orchard Newtown; Endways Bungalow Hockhams Lane Formation District Councillor’s Report of ponds; Endways Bungalow Mrs. B. Williams reported on Hockhams Lane: Replacement MHDC’s thinking on recycling. The dwelling. Application refused: Site at concessionary bus fare shows a take Laugherne Villa

8 The Villager * November 2003 Finance Slough said that the footpath up to the There were 4 cheques totalling Referral School is becoming £5531.78 were signed. There was a overgrown again; the Lengthman to special cheque for the second payment check and clear. Mr. M. Nott reported to Herries Development Ltd. of that the temporary road signs for the £4866.72 for the Library and Cyber top dressing were still up in Hollins Café project. This cheque will not be Lane and Ankerdine Road and that presented until the grant equalling this excess gravel needs sweeping; the amount is paid to Martley PC and Clerk to discuss with Highways. In cleared through the account as for the addition overhanging trees and bushes first payment. are causing problems in many places. A general letter in The Villager is Correspondence needed to alert parishioners to their Correspondence included: West responsibilities. Mr. D. Cropp said that Mercia Constabulary-Tenbury Police ten persons had indicated an interest in Station Beat Manager. It was agreed to allotments and the problem now is to invite the Beat Manager to the next find some land for acquisition. meeting. Martley has been nominated for Village of the Year; a result is Councillors Reports expected soon. Mr. G. Taylor mentioned that Kingswood Lane needs major repair. The next meeting is on Monday 6 The Clerk to request Highways to October 2003. inspect and report. Mr. N. Stammers Tom Pearsall reported that Neighbourhood Watch Parish Clerk 01886 888256 has lost the administrator at Worcester due to ill health and that there was poor interest at the Martley Show where he demonstrated security devices. Mrs. D. Goodyear reported a drain on Hillside was blocked with plastic; the Lengthman to check. Mrs. M. Randall reported that a special and rare type of vetch had been discovered down Rosses Lane - it is hoped this may influence the WCC when it came to controlling 4x4 vehicles in the lane. The Clerk stated that Rosses Lane is wholly in Wichenford parish according to the gully plans. Mr. J.

November 2003 * The Villager 9 OOUTUT AND ABOUT IN MARTLEY Visit our website—

Martley Wins! Martley & District Now it is official - Martley is Worcestershire Village of the Year Horticultural Society 2003, and has gone forward to the At the September meeting in the Regional and National Finals, in the village hall, chairman Barbara Kirby last 40 top communities in so thanked everyone for their help in to speak. Two of us from the Parish making the Annual Show a great Council were honoured to go to success. The guest speaker was Roy Perdiswell Leisure Centre at the start Mantle, his subject “Mushrooms and of October for the official Toadstools”. Roy has spent thirty presentations. years studying hundreds of varieties of For the next fungi, some edible, but some very rounds we have poisonous. He explained how fungi had to provide— lived on their host, living or dead would you wood. Each variety has its own believe it! - particular systems of producing twenty sides of millions of spores, some of which are A4 describing exploded into the air. Others are Martley, the washed into the soil. If all the spores community, the were successful in propagating into businesses, new plants, half the country would be young people, covered in fungi! Thank goodness older people, the only a few survive. Some of these are environment, very attractive, producing very odd and information technology, six 8 x 6 shapes and beautiful colours that were photographs (many thanks to John shown on many excellent slides. He Nicklin), media contacts, and maps was thanked by Ray Ellis. and directions - plus six copies of The Annual General Meeting will be everything! on Thursday 27 November at 7.30pm By the time you read this, the second in the village hall. Do come along with round of judging will have taken ideas; new members most welcome. place, so maybe just maybe there is The Annual Dinner is on Friday 5 more good news to tell you...... December in the village hall; details in Dave Cropp, Chair the December issue of The Villager. Nellie Bradley

10 The Villager * November 2003 Martley Ramblers social activities and to chat with each other; something we do not always Will the good weather hold for this have time to do. All old, young, last walk of the season? Even Pam and present and future members very Colin Hill achieved a dry walk in welcome. Do come along. August. Usually they lead in very wet Kate King conditions. The walk around Hawford, Claines and Bevere, led by Pam Welcome Bowers was equally dry, no mud, no waterproofs needed. The luscious Nick Whitehouse and Annette Smith blackberries on the hedges of the canal have come from Northfield near made us think of apple and blackberry Birmingham to live at Fairview, crumble for supper, but we didn’t stop Willow Road. Welcome to Martley. to pick them. This month, note change of day and Remembering those time. Sunday 2 November (to avoid who died in combat clashing with Remembrance Sunday) and start time 12 noon from the church Those parishioners who gather round car park, to leave for the Malvern area the War Memorial on 9 November with Pam Southall and Jean Williams. 2003, might like to picture in their A picnic lunch and drink to eat on minds the scene on the very first arrival there would be a good idea. gathering in June 1920 as described so Don’t forget the AGM to plan next movingly in the Berrows Worcester year’s programme on Monday 17 Journal of the time – an extract of November at 8pm at Hillend Cottage, which appears below. So different Pudford Lane. from today’s journalism! However, the Kate King reporter did miss one of the original 16 names – W Wilson. Four other names were added in the next one or two years. Martley WI Alan Boon Dedication of a Cross Wednesday 12 November 7.30pm Part of Martley’s war memorial was Memorial Hall dedicated on Saturday afternoon. It This is the AGM, to vote for President consists of a cross erected in the and Committee for 2004 and to be churchyard on the north east corner, reminded of how busy we have been whence one can obtain a fine prospect during the past year. As the business is of the country with Ankerdine Hills in usually over rather quickly, the rest of the distant background. The cross has the evening will give more time for been erected at a cost of £100. It is

November 2003 * The Villager 11 proposed to erect also a parish hall. thousands given for us in the Great Towards this nearly £340 has been War. He then asked those who had raised. The two things will mark, in a brought wreaths to lay them at the foot very impressive way, Martley’s sense of the cross. Soon the green around of its indebtedness to, and pride in, the the base was covered with beautiful gallant fellows who fell in the war. flowers. For some this laying down of The service was very much like those a simple tribute was an ordeal; they in dedication of other parish could not pass through it without memorials of the kind. There have breaking down. been many. … These sad ceremonies furnish so many pathetic incidents; A new arrival some of them are common to all these kind of services; some are quite Born on 7 September, distinctive. There was one of the latter a daughter, Katherine on Saturday. There was present one Isabel Barbara to blinded soldier – a spectacle that Neal and Karen would move the heart of a cynic. A Kirby, of the Noak comrade beside him carried a wreath. Farm, Clifton-upon-Teme. A Another comrade described it to the granddaughter for Tony and Barbara sightless one. “There’s maidenhair Kirby of Hope House Farm, Martley. fern and stocks and-,” the recital went on. ... The very glory of the season and Congratulations To.... the day made him a figure pitiable Trevor Keegan, Carol Williams and beyond expression. But there were Debbie Murphy for completing the other human and pathetic elements. "Great North Run". The 13-plus miles One was able to perceive, if only in a half-marathon left them not just with dim sort of way, what havoc war had medals but also some very stiff aching wrought in Martley homes. ... In front legs. However, they did a very good of the memorial, in a semi-circle, were job up in Newcastle, Carol and Trevor gathered the ex-Service men. Until the got over £800.00 between them for service commenced, they seemed Cancer Research while Debbie raised embarrassed by the prominence given over £400.00 for a Blind Children's to them. When it began, they were charity. among the most impressed of the Well done to Barbara Williams and company. Wiz Clift for completing the London The Rector, (the Rev JF Hastings) To Pamplona Classic Car Rally while briefly stated that they had long raising more money for the local desired the completion of the Scanner Fund. Not only did they memorial to those young lives, who collect a few more hundred pounds for were some of the hundreds and the fund along the way they also

12 The Villager * November 2003 picked up four trophies:- The First in Branch of The Royal British Legion their Class Cup, The Novice Cup, The £50.00; St John Ambulance £30.00. Clubman Team Trophy and the Beth Williams (Show Secretary) "Against All Odds" Plate. I think Barbara will explain this latter one and Pudford Lane tell you all about their adventures in a future issue of The Villager. One subject rather bothering us during Beth Williams the last days of autumn was the question of equine passports for our Martley Spurs donkeys. How would we get Pippin and Jacob into the little booth at Tottenham are not the only side to get Woolworth’s for their photos? a really bad start to the new season, Hopefully, by the time this is read the our very own Spurs did too. All three problem will be solved, the donkeys of our teams have lost most of their are not illegal immigrants and we do early season games with just the one not risk being fined. Allan’s Old Girls, win on the 21st when the Sunday the four-footed woolly ones, tidy the Premier side beat Perrywood 4 goals remains of the orchids and herbs in our to 1. They had been in the lead the SSSI and the above-mentioned previous week when Scott Harford equines happily pass the winter bagged a pair in the first half but failed munching through the hay, oblivious to save a penalty in the second while to the rare flowers they are digesting. playing away to last season's The poultry keepers in the Lane are champions New Chequers. proliferating. Perhaps we should Training is now held on a Wednesday consider forming PLC plc (Pudford evening, 6.30 on the field, anyone Lane Co-operative plc). Nominations wishing to play should just come for a chief executive on a postcard, along. please. Beth Williams Kate King

Martley Horticultural Charity Jazz Picnic Society Show and Fete On Sunday 31 August, 200 people The Fete Committee met at the end of enjoyed a sunny afternoon in the September and decided to make garden of Scar Cottage listening to donations as follows: Martley Village music of The Perdido Street Jazz Hall £350.00; The Recreation Band. The picnics ranged from Association £350.00; St. Peter's smoked salmon and champagne to Church Martley £200.00; Martley sandwiches and beer. Ron Dalton Equipment Fund £100.00; Martley excelled himself by raising £370 on the raffle and the event produced a

November 2003 * The Villager 13 new profit of over £1,300 for the Nigel Collett charity “Action Research”. We would like to thank those willing helpers who With his untimely death at the early prepared the venue and manned the age of 64, Martley has lost a valued bar, everybody who came and member of the community and The supported the event, various donors Villager a key member of its who gave money or raffle prizes, managing committee. Colin Bray for allowing us to park in Nigel Collett was born in Worcester his field, but above all to Pam and Ian just at the outbreak of the Second

for making their beautiful garden World War on the 6 September 1939. available to us. His father served throughout the war Jackie and Peter Wenman in the Royal Air Force so his early formative years were largely guided Martley Running Club by his mother, who happily is still with us. Are you tired and feeling jaded? In After primary education, Nigel went need of a change? Want to feel good on to the Worcester Royal Grammar about yourself? School and, his bent being towards Why not come and join the recently matters of a practical nature, on founded Martley leaving school he became an Running Club. engineering apprentice at Archdales. We are a friendly Having completed this, he joined informal club for Metal Box with whom he was to those of all ages remain for some 36 years. His early and abilities who years with Metal Box involved want to get fit, installing and commissioning can have fun and meet new people. manufacturing plants; this took him to Nobody is left behind and we such diverse locations as America, particularly welcome beginners and Scandinavia and the Gulf States. His those who have not been running or last years at Metal Box were spent as jogging for sometime. Apprentice Master in charge of We meet outside Sport Martley every training, a job to which his outgoing Sunday at 10. am and again on personality was well suited. Wednesday at 6.30 pm. Nigel moved to Martley from If you would like to know more please Worcester in 1992 accompanied by his call Will on 821977 or Tony on wife Margaret, whom he had married 888500. Best of all just turn up and see in Claines church in 1961, his sons what it’s like! Adam and Lee, a number of pedigree Shelties, and two Austin “Frog Eye” Sprite sports cars, the rebuilding of

14 The Villager * November 2003 which were to occupy much of his The communities of Martley and leisure hours. He somehow seemed to Wichenford owe him their gratitude find time to keep the very large garden for his contribution to the community at the Glebe in immaculate condition. spirits of their villages. He was very gregarious and had soon However it is as a person that he joined the Village Memorial Hall Air should be and will be remembered. At Gun Club and the Admiral Rodney a time when such values are no longer Skittles team. These two activities as universally admired as they once were to prove invaluable when he were, he was a thoroughly decent man, joined the committee of The Villager a man of complete integrity, a loyal as his travels with these two teams friend, and one who had enormous were to provide him with a wide range goodwill towards his fellows and was of friends and acquaintances. He never known to say a bad word about appeared to have an encyclopaedic anybody. He was devoted to his family memory for people and faces. and in recent years was much Nigel became advertising manager for exercised about the health of his The Villager in 1999. At that time the mother. To Margaret, his sons and his financial fortunes of the magazine mother we extend our sympathy in were at a low ebb, and it was their loss. depending on handouts from the Parish Councils and village charities Trefoil Guild for its continued existence. Such dependence did not augur well for the We invited members from Malvern, future of the magazine. The committee Redditch and Bromyard Guilds to join agreed that making the publication us for a Harvest Supper, at financially viable was a top priority Village Hall. 32 members sat down to and Nigel, as the Advertising a wonderful three course meal. Manager, was the instrument by which Afterwards we sang harvest songs and this viability was achieved. As a look the County Chairman told us of a at the broad spread of its advertising special service to be held in Pershore will show he was outstandingly Abbey on Sunday 30 November at successful in this respect, and his wide 2.30p.m. to celebrate our diamond range of contacts enabled him to sell anniversary. advertising space to quite an amazing The November meeting will be an range of people and organisations, and open one, at . The even more importantly, having got speaker will be Heather Hill talking people aboard, he was able to retain about her job with Lord and Lady them, no mean feat at a time when the Baden-Powell. average businessman was looking at Geraldine Cooper shedding expenses in his business.

November 2003 * The Villager 15 Road Safety Royal British Legion Now that the dark nights are here may The October meeting was well- I remind everyone, for their own attended and many items of business safety, to wear something light- discussed, including arrangements for coloured when walking the lanes Remembrance Sunday which falls this where there are no foot paths, year on 9 November. The service will especially when walking dogs. be at Broadwas church at 10.45am— Last winter I had some near-misses members please make every effort to whilst driving in the dark when people attend. Meet on the car park at walking dogs had dark clothing on and 10.30am. Following the service, we could not be seen. It would be far will go to the Royal Oak, Broadwas, better to wear a high-visibility for the traditional “sherry taking”. Our waistcoat or jacket with reflective Martley members will be attending stripes to give yourself and motorist's their own service at Martley church. a chance. Six members and guests will be G. Neil Stammers attending the Festival of Martley Neighbourhood Watch Group Remembrance on Saturday 8 Co-ordinator. November, those of us who have been know they will find it a great Teenagers and younger children experience! should also note that when they are Social Secretary, Thelma Taber, is skateboarding or riding bikes in the planning two events for the New dusk they are invisible to car drivers Year—the ever-popular Fish & Chip unless they wearing light-coloured or Supper Evening with entertainment reflective clothing—Ed. and a film about the building of the Burma Railway. Watch this space for details. Poppy Appeal—collectors are required for the and Knightwick areas. Please contact Mike Peters on 01886 821504 if you can help. The Treasurer wishes to remind members that subscriptions, still £13.59, are due. The next meeting is Monday 3 November and will be the monthly meeting followed by the AGM. Please note that this meeting starts at 7.30pm. Joyce Tyler, Hon. Sec.

16 The Villager * November 2003 Over the Garden Wall in Wichenford

WICHENFORD NEEDS YOUR NEWS Janet Andrews John Willis 01886 888303 We are very sorry to hear that Sheila Richards John Willis has died. John 01886 888378 managed Bulmers Orchards for Phone your Wichenford news to Janet or some years, having previously Sheila or leave articles at Martley Post studied fruit growing in New Office or 1 Oxford View Wichenford Zealand. He was dedicated to his work that was also a pleasure to him. His hobbies included walking and travel, which he enjoyed with his In Memoriam wife Gillian, who sadly died only a Sandra Webb wishes to thank few weeks ago. John was a devoted everyone for showing her such family man and we send our deepest kindness in the recent loss of her sympathy to his daughters Katie and husband, Bill. To everyone who Liza and their families. He will be attended his funeral, for the cards, remembered with respect and flowers and donations, thank you so affection. much. It was a great comfort to her and she is so grateful. Get Well We are sad to report the sudden death of Bill Webb at the age of 46 years. We are sorry to hear that Don Bill was born in Wichenford and Bakewell has been in hospital and attended Wichenford School until his send our very best wishes for a speedy family moved to Dunley. However, six recovery. years ago he and Sandra moved back to Wichenford and perhaps they are Welcome most known for being seen walking We welcome Adam and Sue Barwell miles through the country lanes, either and their family, who have come to together, or accompanied by their live at Wichenford Court. We wish dogs. Our deepest sympathy goes out them happiness in their new home. to Sandra and the family.

November 2003 * The Villager 17 Ted Wojceichowski Wichenford Church News We are saddened that Ted has passed Altar Flowers away. Pam, Ted and their daughter 2 November Mrs Barber Rachel, moved to Wichenford in 1980. 9 November Mrs S Britten – They lived in a mobile home while Remembrance Sunday Ted built their lovely home at Pughs 16 November Mrs S Britten Rough, where they enjoyed many 23 November Mrs P Webb happy years farming the land, and Ted 30 November Advent – no flowers carrying on his business in Oldbury. Eventually they decided to move to Church Services Clifton-upon-Teme where, Evensong is to continue in November unfortunately, 4 years ago Ted became and December at the earlier time of ill and bravely fought his illness with 4pm, so do come and join us on 16 great courage. He will be remembered November. Anyone needing a lift for his patience, helpfulness and please ring one of the Churchwardens. consideration for others. Our deepest sympathy goes to Pam, Rachel and Diary Dates Roger. 3 November Parochial Church Council Meeting in the Memorial Remembrance Service Hall, Wichenford at 7.45pm 18 November Ladies Fellowship meet The Remembrance Service at in the Memorial Hall at 2.30pm Wichenford this year will commence at 10.45am and will be attended by representatives from various Bingo organisations who played their part in On Friday 28 November a Prize Bingo the Second World War and more will be held in recent conflicts. A choir from the the Memorial Chantry High School, a Brass Hall, Ensemble from the West Mercia Wichenford in Police Force, with four singers, will aid of Princess perform during the Service, and it is Diana’s hoped that as many parishioners as Hospital possible will be able to attend. (Charlotte’s Everyone is welcome at the Memorial Trust). Hall after the Service, for Doors open at refreshments. 7pm, eyes down 7.30pm All welcome for a fun evening and good prizes.

18 The Villager * November 2003 In Sympathy “Operation Christmas Child” appeal and bring items to fill a shoebox to the Our deep sympathy goes to the next meeting. Mrs Brenda Hadfield families and friends of Mr Albert led the prayers. Mrs Jane Wheeler, James and Mr WJ Webb (Bill), who Mrs Millie Pargeter and Mrs Sheila passed away in September. May they Richards provided a delicious tea, and rest in peace. we all wished Mrs Jane Wheeler a happy September birthday. Wichenford Ladies fellowship Wichenford Memorial Our September meeting was held at HallHall———FundFundFund---raisingraising Events Heath Farm, Hallow, by kind On Friday 31 October 2003 at invitation of Mrs Jane Wheeler. 7.30pm for 8pm at the Memorial Hall Charlie and Jo from the St Peter’s enjoy an evening with Brian Draper Garden Centre had brought along an MBE when he will be giving one of interesting display of plants and his illustrated and entertaining talks on shrubs, and some beautiful orchids, the flora, fauna and local ecology of giving details on how to care for these the River Severn. Light refreshments plants and assuring us that orchids available, raffle. really aren’t that difficult to grow. Mrs Tickets are £3 on the door. Do please M Wall thanked Charlie and Jo on bring family and friends – our earlier behalf of the Fellowship. talks by Brian Draper, illustrated with Rev Jennifer Whittaker, our newly slides, were greatly enjoyed by appointed curate, was welcomed to the everyone. Proceeds are to raise funds meeting and invited to join us at future for the maintenance of the Memorial meetings, as her duties around the Hall. parishes allowed. We were pleased On Friday 21 November a Wine & and relieved to hear that Mrs Isabel Cheese Evening is to be held at Field has had her hip replacement 7.30pm for 8pm. Musical operation and making steady progress. entertainment provided by local Two other members who had suffered Ladies Barbers Shop Singers. recent injuries, Mrs Joan Banks and Tickets £4 each available from Hall Mrs Pam Webb are now improving. committee members or telephone In October we had Sister Desi Green bookings accepted on 01886-888214 speaking to us, and on Friday 7 or 01886-888368. A raffle will take November the Fellowship will be place, and all profits will go towards holding a Partner Whist Drive in the the maintenance of the Memorial Hall. Memorial Hall in aid of Church funds. Members agreed to support the

November 2003 * The Villager 19 Wichenford 100 Club Wichenford Wine Club Unbelievably we have completed our Wichenford Wine Club will meet on first year and £1,400 has been raised Thursday 20 November at 8.00.p.m. at by the villagers for the village. In the Village Hall. We look forward to addition, 12 lucky members have won what we are sure will be an over £100 each in monthly draws. entertaining visit and tasting of wines At the AGM it was decided to from Argentina and Chile hosted by distribute the money as follows: Malpass Stallard, very well respected £900- Millennium Green upkeep and Worcester wine merchants. Members equipment and visitors all welcome. £200- St Laurence Church £200- Village Hall Wichenford Heritage £100- Wichenford Nursing Association Group Thank you so much to everyone who The exhibition staged by Heritage has participated and made the club group members in the Memorial Hall such a success - and MOST important on 13—14 September was a great of all - PLEASE RENEW YOUR success. The weather was very kind MEMBERSHIP! and it was wonderful to see so many September winner: no. 191 J. Draper visitors and share their reminiscences. (£108) Thank you to everyone who loaned their precious photographs and Millennium Green Tidying memorabilia for the exhibition, to the & Inspection Rota Chantry School for lending their display boards and to all who worked November: Jan Panton so hard to set up the display. Over 30 people registered for the autumn series of classes in the Memorial Hall on 'The Making of the Local Landscape' enabling the course to start as planned on 1 October.

Wichenford Ladies’ Fellowship Whist Drive Friday 7 November 8pm at Wichenford Memorial Hall—refreshments and good prizes. In aid of the audio system for St Laurence’s Church.

20 The Villager * November 2003 Church Words The Rectory 01886 888664

This month our new work. The care of the earth is ours. We Curate Rev Jennifer have to learn to respect it, not abuse it, Whittaker to writes for us: remembering the generations to come. As Douglas and I settle into the area, riting this in the middle of may we thank you for your warm W September shortly after welcome, and encourage you to say arriving in this area with my husband hello and introduce yourself if you see Douglas, I am reminded of Keats' us around. Can I encourage you, even description of Autumn: "Season of in the midst of the mists of November, mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close to be aware that in his infinite wisdom bosom friend of the maturing sun; God ".Has made them (humans) a little Conspiring with him how to load and lower than God and crowned them bless With fruit the vines that round with glory and honour" and to be the thatch-eaves run." thankful. As I begin my ministry in this Revd. Jennifer Whittaker, Curate beautiful part of the country we have tasted many of the fruits of this harvest For Church Services see page 22 time, some generously pressed upon me as I call on people around the Benefice - not only is Nature herself Two messages from the generous this year! My appreciation of this along with the beauty of the Churchwardens countryside reminds me of God's For the benefit of everyone who uses generosity, seen not only in His the churchyard, may we ask dog- creation, but also in the place in it owners to keep their which he has given to each one of us. pets under close control The Psalmist writes: "When I look at there, and if necessary, your heavens, the work of your to clean up after them. fingers, the moon and the stars that Thank you for your co- you have established; What are human operation. beings that you are mindful of them, The church cleaning rota is presently mortals that you care for them?" We being revised and those wishing to help are blessed through God's gifting but with the cleaning (approximately two this gifting places responsibilities on hours per month) should contact Dot all of us no matter where we live and Fletcher on 01886 821884.

November 2003 * The Villager 21 Church Services for November In the Kitchen

2 November Wichenford 9.30am Holy Communion Martley 11am Family Service; 3pm Memorial Service for the Bereaved Stuffed Onions Broadwas 11am Morning Worship 4 large onions about 225g/8oz each Knightwick 8am Holy Communion 225g/8oz cooking apple 6.30pm Evensong 100g/4oz fresh breadcrumbs 100g/4oz Stilton cheese 9 November 1 bunch watercress Wichenford, 10.45am Remembrance Day Salt and pepper Martley and Service 50g/2oz butter Broadwas

16 November Method: Wichenford 4pm Evensong 1. Peel the onions and boil for 15 mins. Drain and cool. Martley 8am Holy Communion; 11am Morning Worship 2. Peel, core and chop the apple and mix with the breadcrumbs and Broadwas 11am Holy Communion crumbled cheese. Cotheridge 9am Matins 3. Reserve 4 sprigs watercress for Knightwick 3pm Evening Worship garnish and chop the rest and add it to the apple mixture. 23 November 4. Scoop out the centre of each onion Wichenford 11am Holy Communion with a spoon, leaving a thick shell. Martley 9.30am Holy Communion; Chop the removed onion and add 6.30pm Evening Worship it to the apple mixture. Season the apple mixture and press carefully Broadwas 8am Holy Communion; 11am All-Age Worship it into the onion shells. 5. Stand the onions in an ovenproof 30 November dish and dot each one with the Martley 6.30pm Benefice Advent butter. Bake at 180ºC (gas 4) for Carol Service with guest 35-40 mins to cook the stuffing. speaker from Worcester Cathedral Garnish with the reserved watercress before serving.

22 The Villager * November 2003

Prize Bingo News from Villa Fiore at Great Witley Village Hall (Witley Church) 7.30pm Friday 21 November Tea Rooms

in aid of St Richard’s Hospice We would like to take this

Tel. 01886 812497 opportunity to thank everyone who for more information has supported us by visiting or recommending us to your friends. We have had a wonderfully successful season due entirely to our Norah Parsons Day fantastic, loyal and dedicated staff. Centre Christmas Fair We have decided to extend our season to include group bookings for 2pm Monday 1 December lunches, if required, and we will also

Home made cakes and be holding two special Friday Night produce, wrapping paper, a Candlelit Suppers in November and raffle and lots more ... special Christmas Lunches in December. For menu details, bookings and any other information please ring Carol on 01299 896978. A day of African drumming We will also be holding a local crafts with Ayodele Scott evening to include hand-made jewellery, hand-made Christmas here in the wilds of West Worcestershire cards and art works on Monday 17 Village Hall November at 7.30pm. Saturday 6 December 10am-4pm. Pets and fireworks £25 for the day Also an evening concert Please remember that many small 7.30-11.30pm with Ayo and animals are very frightened by workshop participants and one or fireworks, and “bonfire night”, two guest performers. which has now become “bonfire This promises to be an exciting and week”, is a horrific time of year for them and their owners. Out of memorable event. respect for animals and their For more information, contact Angie owners, please try to confine your on 01886 888762 or bangs and flashes to 5 November [email protected] only.

November 2003 * The Villager 23 Lost Lippitts

Dear Editor, Beneath the Poppies Some of my husband’s “Lippitt” ancestors lived in Martley and we’re hoping you can help us with some When long ago the carnage ceased information or direct us to someone who could help us. And left this desecrated land in peace In the Martley churchyard is the It came too late for us, who died, following headstone: “In loving memory of Alfred Lippitt died 10th Now amid the poppies side by side November 1966 aged 73 also his We lie in graves beneath the grass dear wife Margaret passed away 13th October 1997 in her 100th Where at the head there stands a cross year”. We know the history of Bearing the name and service number Alfred from his birth backwards, but only recently were we told about this Of those left here in peace to slumber. headstone. We would very much like So many years have now passed to contact the family of Alfred and Margaret Lippitt and we are Since making our ultimate sacrifice wondering if anyone knew her or That few are left who shared those any of her children and how we may come in contact with them? years Do any Lippitt families live in With us who lie, in Flanders fields. Martley or the area at the moment? What are the name(s) and address of any funeral homes in Martley or Derrick Jinks surrounding villages that service the people of Martley where Margaret Lippitt’s funeral service may have been organized from so that we can contact them. Tom & Judy Mann Milton Ontario Canada

If anyone has any information, please contact The Editor on [email protected] or leave a note at the Martley Post Office

24 The Villager * November 2003 Tea-break

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9

10 11

12 13 14 15


17 18 19 20 21

Ed. 22 23

24 25

ACROSS 4. PACIFIC ISLAND (6) recent cross- in clues on numbers of lack for Apologies crossword the to make a ploy error, not an was words—this difficult! - more 1. ONE OF THE MARVELS JESUS 5. TALKS TOO MUCH (slang) (7) PERFORMED (7) 6. ONE OF A ROW OF SEATS IN CHURCH 5. PART OF AN ACCLAMATION; CHRIST (5) IS …..(5) 7. OT BOOK (7) 8. IN OUR CHURCH THEY ARE A AND B 12. PRESCRIBED FORM OF PUBLIC (5) WORSHIP (7) 9. THE SEVENTH DAY (7) 13. ON UNCLE (anagram)(7) 10. GRADUAL ESCAPE (7) 15. PAGAN (7) 11. MUSLIM RELIGION (5) 16. HURTS (6) 12. PRAYER WITH RESPONSES (6) 18. ITALIAN FOOD (5) 14. CHESTY AFFLICTION (6) 20.FOR THE RELIEF OF CONSTIPATION 17. THEME (5) (5) 19. BISHOP (7) 21. SENIOR (5) 22. LOOK UP TO (7) Answers to October Crossword 23. GARMENT (5) ACROSS: 1.PAGANS 4.CENSER 7.RELIGIOUS 24. DESIRE (5) 9.EVER 10.NAME 11.PIOUS 13.THEIST 25. BRIDGE (7) 14.EPOCHS 15.EXTOLS 17.MANUAL 19.MAKER DOWN 20.SINS 22.ARTS 23.THEOCRACY 24.RECTOR 25.SYSTEM DOWN: 1.PRIEST 2.AVER 3.SPIRIT 1. ETHICAL(5) 4.CLIQUE 5.NOUN 6.RIPENS 7.REPENTANT 2. WITHDRAW (7) 8.SANCTUARY 11.PSALM 12.SPEAR 15.EASTER 3. ‘…..BRAVA’ (5) 16.SAVOUR 17.METERS 18.LISSOM 21.SHUT

November 2003 * The Villager 25 have just come through a very trying summer for vegetable growers. The In the Garden use of manure and mulch around plants has never been better demonstrated. This is the time to prepare the soil for next year. Does your soil need lime? This is an essential Garden Tips for November requirement in the growing of good November signals the end of the brassicas. A growing season as we approach simple kit to test winter, and the end of the year. The the lime content of seed catalogues will be at hand; it is your soil can be not too early to plan your seed purchased from requirements for 2004. local garden centres. No matter how long you have been a Rhubarb is often planted in an odd gardener, you will find new ways of corner of the garden and left to look producing and growing plants. We after itself. Now is the time to pay attention to it. It needs a good dressing of compost or well-rotted manure to produce a good crop. If you wish to produce new plants dig up part of the old root and leave it spread out on the top of the soil for the frost to clean it up. Plant out early next year, splitting it up into small pieces with at least one bud showing. It will take about 12 APEX months to produce a good plant. ADVERT Jack Bradley Attention puzzlers! If anyone fancies compiling a crossword, or just writing some clues, I will put together our very own Villager crosswords. How about a themed puzzle—the seasons, round and about Martley and Wichenford, country pursuits etc? - Email me or leave contributions at Martley Post Office—Ed. [email protected]

26 The Villager * November 2003