This page has been left blank deliberately FOREWORD The Surrey Heath Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) is published each year. This Report monitors the period 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010. It sets out the progress achieved in implementing the Local Development Framework (LDF) and performance against the policies of the Surrey Heath Local Plan 2000 and the Core Output Indicators relating to development plans. This is the sixth statutory Surrey Heath AMR and will be submitted to the Secretary of State by 31st December 2010. This is in accordance with Section 35 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, which requires every Local Authority to submit an AMR to the Secretary of State. Contact Details Planning Policy and Conservation Team Surrey Heath Borough Council Surrey Heath House Knoll Road Camberley Surrey GU15 3HD Telephone: 01276 707100 E-mail:
[email protected] i This page has been left blank deliberately Surrey Heath Borough Council – Annual Monitoring Report 2009/10 CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 5 CHAPTER 2: SPATIAL PORTRAIT OF SURREY HEATH (PART A) 7 CHAPTER 3: PROGRESS OF THE LDF (PART B) 12 CHAPTER 4: MONITORING POLICIES IN THE SURREY HEATH 19 LOCAL PLAN 2000 (PART C) CHAPTER 5: GENERAL POLICIES 22 CHAPTER 6: URBAN ENVIRONMENT 33 CHAPTER 7: HERITAGE 35 CHAPTER 8: RURAL ENVIRONMENT AND BIODIVERSITY 38 CHAPTER 9: RECREATION 49 CHAPTER 10: HOUSING 51 CHAPTER 11: EMPLOYMENT 70 CHAPTER 12: SHOPPING 75 CHAPTER 13: MOVEMENT 79 CHAPTER 14: COMMUNITY SERVICES 83 CHAPTER 15: CAMBERLEY TOWN CENTRE 86 APPENDIX 1: CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION 90 APPENDIX 2: HOUSING COMPLETIONS 1st April 2009 – 31st 109 March 2010 APPENDIX 3: EMPLOYMENT COMPLETIONS OF 50+ SQM 111 2009/10 Surrey Heath Borough Council – Annual Monitoring Report 2009/10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY a) This is the sixth statutory Surrey Heath Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) and will be submitted to the Secretary of State by 31st December 2010.