(Iowa City, Iowa), 1948-07-10

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1948-07-10 ".-.- - _.. ~ -And Keep It Combed ..... Th. Weather Today' BANOKOK (JP) - Irked a& IIh&CQ hair -"Ies In ImUa­ Portly cloudy, warm and humid today and \118 of maUnee Idols, ~he Siamese mlnbt". of education lIP "e~d \ha\ no IIChoolb4t' ma, wear his balr lonler tomorrow with scattered thundershowers tua tile cmUmeter. That'. las Ulan foar tenths of an ... - ~al close clip. 11le mlnlaln also Is conslderln.­ late today and tomorrow. High today 88· • ......r ban on waves and upawept .t,lea for II4lhool. 92; low 65·70. High yesterday 89; low 67 • ~ .. Established 186B-VoL 80,No. 24Z-AP News and Wirephoto ....~ Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, July 10, I940-Five Cents IC( Approyes Democratic Cha:irman McGrath and Friend New ,Railroad' 'u.s. Note ' Tells Russ Rales in East WASHINGTON (JP) - The In­ tmlate Commerce commIssion yesterday authorized a new 17 To Ra ise 'Berli nI Block percent average increase In rail­ roid passlmger fares in the east. The boost will add an estimated * * * $61-million to the 'annual cost I)t Writes Essay Under Senlence Threats Won't travel in that section of the Russ, To Ease country. SEA TTLE (,/P)-Mrs. Bertha Devling, an author arrested Cor The advances involve 20 percent speeding, was ordered to write an essay on "why women drivers IMoye,Us Out, , more for interstate passenger tic­ should not drive over 50 miles an hour"-{)r spend three days kell! in coaches and 14.3 percen t Car Traffic In in jaiL. more in sleeping and parlor cars. he did both. Part of the essay: The higher charges may be put "There are sometimes officers of the law abroad in incognito Marshall Says inlo effect on five-days notice vehicles who hunt 'em and ketchum and then comes de grief." to the public. A Pennsylvania Berlin Area ' Officers in the case were State Patrolmen A. L. Hunt and Al BT JOHN M. mGHTOWE& railroad oIflcial said at Philadel­ 'BERLIN (IP) - The Soviet-li­ Ketchum. The judge was Justice of the Peace Roy De Grief. WASHINGTON (JP) - The phia that the roads haw chosen censed news agency ADN said United states has warned Russia JulY 19 as the date to boost lares. Wednesday night the Russians that it will not be compelled "by The ICC authority went to the wQuld permit ailled automobile threats, pressures or other actlons" 61 railroads carryin, passengers traffic to proceed to and from to abandon its rights in Berlin. north of the Ohio and Potomac Berlin II the vehicles carry spec­ Say 325-Jews Killed; It has demanded that the Russians rivers and east ot the Mississippi ial travel permits issued by Soviet lift the blockade 01 the German river. authoritieS. capital immediately. The same lines pioneered the This was revealed by the state 1147 proceeding which resulted in This would amount to {lasing lO-Day Truce Sought departmen.t last night with pub­ an average 10 percent rise in pas­ the·current highway blockade for lication of the text ot the note senger lares last year-llrst in CI\.P Wlrepbalol traftlc moving from the west Into which Secretary of State Marshall Berlin, but would place a new AIRO (IP)-Arabs reported last night they had killed 325 Jew­ the east, and subsequently In the THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CHAIRMAN. J. Howard McGrath, and the l>emocratlc national ish fighters during the first day of renewed Palestine warfare sent to Moscow last Tuesday WfSt and south. • restric\lon on ali\ed automobiles through the Soviet embassy here. armbol rot to,eUler for a picture yesterda.y on the'marquee of the Bellevue-StraUord hotel In Phlla­ departing from the city for the even as the nited Nalions mediator was pleading for a new 10- The western and southern car­ delphi.. The hotel Is beln, used by the Demoerats a.s conven&lon headquarters. day truce. The United States acted in con riers have not indicated whether west. cert with 'Britain and France, who IIley will again foUow the lead The agency report, which it Count Folke Bet'lladotte, the mediator, said in Rhodes after a sedt separate notes. of eastern roads and ask for the said was obtained from official meeting with King Abdullah in Amman, 'frans.Jordan, that he Authorities described the Amer. new higher rates in their terri­ Soviet sources, did not set a date had asked both sides to stop ican note as extremely firm Wries. on which the new regulation fighting for 10 days, beginning though not In any sense belllgrent The new revisions will make would take effect. at 6 a.m., Iowa Hme, this morning. in tone. [)~mos Give Up on 'Ike' The Swedish count's appeal was Po,ol Fund Passes coach rates in the east 3 cents a It was issued only a short time In it Marshall proclaimed mile and sleeping and ;parlor car before the western allies made made on an urgent basis-but American willingness to negoti· rales 4 cents a mile, compared * * * . public three notes calling on Rus­ neither the Arabs nor the Jews Halfway Mark With ate with the Soviets and other with 2.5 and 3.5 cents per mUe actually are pledged to vote for sia to lift lhe 21-day land block­ showed any signs of agreeing. An occupation powers outstanding dis­ PJses now in eUect throu,hout General Says Eisenhower. ade Which has forced them to Israeli spokesman said in Tel Aviv putes"Over Berlin, but he declared no action would be taken last night the country. These rates are bas­ But the general could scarcely supply western Berlin by air. Addition of $351.81 that restoration of communica­ Civil·Rights because of the Jewish sabbath. ic; a federal transportation tax have made it more certain that tion between the western sectors It was the allied refusal to al­ Bernadotte will lly today to The swimming pool fund passed of .15 percent also must be paid. he would tUrn the nomination low their trains to pass Russian the halfway mark yesterday with ot the city and the western zones Refusal ',Final' down. He said lIis position was Lake Success to place the whole The ICC order covers interstate inspection last April that first the addition ot $351.81, the Com­ ot Germany is "A pre-requisite" travel and travel inside Illinois PHILADELPHIA (IP) - Gen. based 01'1 a "sincere conviction 9S situation before the United Nations of any negotiations. FigHt Flares precipitated the communications security council. munity Dads announced last night. to the best interests of the coun. and Michigan (where the federal Dwight D. Eisenhower laid down crisis. And observers were incHn­ The fund now stands at $6,379.37. Marshall indlrect.Iy accused the commission has 'authority to fix try." The ~yptlan defense ministl'1 Russian government of breaking a ','final and complete" refusal PlilLADELPHIA (IP) - The ed to feel that the allies would The breakdown of the figures the intra-state rates). The rail­ In quick succession alter Pepper fight over civil rights wilhin the Issued .. communique here last an agreement which Premier Sta­ yeste.rday to accept the Democra­ not submit their automobiles to for the entire campaign shows $3,- roads will have to obtain separ­ tic presidential nomination under released his wire: nl,bt saylll' 325 ZloJt1st, soldiers lin made with President Truman Democratic party finally exploded inspection when traveling to and had been killed In military oper­ 200 given by lodges, $1,347.87 ate authorities In the other states any, "term~" conditlpns or prem­ L (Jhlca,o DelDOCratlc leader from Berlin which is occupied un­ in June, 1945, through the impo­ into the open lasl night. A south­ .."OIlS undertaken by the Ecyp­ from the residential area, $1,796.- to make the jnterstate Increases ises." Jacob M. Arvey announced that der [our-power agreement. sitJon ot blockade restrictions on apply to intra-state -travel in those erner, Aubrey Williams, told tlan army, Sa.udl Araba.lan troops 50 from the business dlstrlct and Key anti-Truman Democrats he a'nd Mayor William O'Dwyer Allied highway traffic en route travel to BerUn. states. Democratic leaders they would not and Sudanese volunteers. Th~ $35 Irom Coralville. "It Is intolerable that anyone from the north quickly abandoned of New York were abandoning to Berlin has been stopped at tlute the operatlol1ll started was William Grandrath, publicity Commutation lares are not dis­ their campaign to draft the gen­ the boom to draft Eisenhower and lose southern volers by support­ the He Lmstedt border point by of the occupying authorities turped by yesterday's action, since not riven. The old truce expired chairman, announced that the fi­ should attempt to impose a block. eral and switched their support to "intend to "Vote in lbe convention ing President Trtm1an's civil RUSSIan authorities since June 18 a.t U mldntrM (loW" time) gures for the residential area in­ they are flllured on a dilferen t the President. tor the nomination of President ade upon the people of Berlln. basis. The commutation rates took rights program. whep a currency reform was de­ Thurlld ..y nlrrht. clude only donations from the Truman." Al'vey in Chicago and creed tor western Germany. The "The United States government an average 20 percent advance Those from the South went into Southern members of lhe Dem- Attacks were launched, the com­ Longfellow and Manville Heights is therefore obliged to insist that hurried huddles, trying to figure O'Dwyer in New York both pre­ highway through Helmstedt is the munique said, on points occupied districts and one small area In the in the east last year.
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    2014 TRACK & FIELD RECORD BOOK CALIFORNIA GOLDEN BEARS 2014 Track & Field Record Book 1 2014 CALIFORNIA TRACK & FIELD 2014 SCHEDULE QUICK FACTS Date Day Opponent Site Name ............... University of California January Location ....................... Berkeley, Calif. 24-25 Fri-Sat at Cherry & Silver Invitational Albuquerque, N.M. Founded ...................................... 1868 31-Feb.1 Fri-Sat at UW Indoor & Multis Meet Seattle, Wash. Enrollment ................................ 36,142 Nickname ...................... Golden Bears February Colors ............ Blue (282) & Gold (123) 14-15 Fri-Sat at Don Kirby Invitational Albuquerque, N.M. Chancellor .................... Nicholas Dirks 14-15 Fri-Sat at Husky Indoor Classic Seattle, Wash. Director of Athletics ..... Sandy Barbour 28-March 1 Fri-Sat at MPSF Indoor Championships Seattle, Wash. Senior Associate Athletic Director ................... Foti Mellis March Home Facility ........... Edwards Stadium 8 Sat California Outdoor Opener Berkeley (22,000) 14-15 Fri-Sat at NCAA Indoor Championships Fayetteville, Ark. 2013 Men’s Finishes (indoor): 20-21 Thu-Fri California Multis Berkeley MPSF/NCAA .....................3rd/T54th 22 Sat at Hornet Open Meet Sacramento, Calif. 2013 Men’s Finishes (outdoor): 26-29 Wed-Sat at Texas Relays Austin, Texas Pac-12/NCAA .......................8th/N/A April 2013 Women’s Finishes (indoor): 4 Fri at SFSU Distance Carnival San Francisco, Calif. MPSF/NCAA .........................8th/N/A 4-5 Fri-Sat at Stanford Invitational Palo Alto, Calif. 2013 Women’s Finishes (outdoor): 5 Sat California-Michigan-Virginia Tri-Meet Charlottesville, Va. Pac-12/NCAA .......................9th/N/A 12 Sat at Stanford (Big Meet) Palo Alto, Calif. 18-20 Fri-Sun Mt. Sac Relays Walnut, Calif. AtHLETIC 25 Fri Brutus Hamilton Open & Distance Carnival Berkeley 26 Sat Brutus Hamilton Challenge Berkeley COMMUNICATIONS May Assistant Athletic Communications Di- 3 Sat at Payton Jordan Invitational Palo Alto, Calif.
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