THE SYRO-MALANKARA CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC EXARCHATE – QUIZ – AGE GROUP 13 AND ABOVE OCTOBER 26, 2014 ROUND 2/ TEST 2 Name ______Reg. No______Parish______1. was a ______a) Sadducee, b) Pharisee, c) Levite

2. Stephen’s sentence to death was not a politically correct judgment, because______a) Only Caesar and his representatives had the power to hand over capital punishment at that time. b) Mosaic law did not provide for capital punishment. c) did not have any power over Stephen.

3. Timothy was a companion of Paul in his______a) First missionary journey b) First and second missionary journeys c) Second and third missionary journeys.

4. “Your blood be on your head. innocent of it. From now on I will go to the Gentiles”. Who said this to whom? a) Peter to the Jews in Athens b) Paul to the Jews in Corinth c) to the Jews in Italy.

5. The vision about the Macedonian man signaled the direction of the Holy Spirit to extend mission work to______a) Asia, b) Africa, c) Europe

6. Who were Zeus and Hermes? a) Greek gods, b) Roman gods c) two great miracle workers

7. Who was the Herod struck down by the of the Lord? a) b) Herod the Tetrarch, son of Herod the Great c) I, the grandson of Herod the Great.

8. “The Gods have come down to us in human forms”. This was said about______. a) Paul and Silas b) Paul and Barnabas c) Paul and

9. Who of the following first preached the in Samaria? a) Philip, the Apostle, b) Philip, the deacon, c) none of the above

10. Where did Paul see an altar with the inscription “To an Unknown God”. a) In Athens, b) in Corinth, c) in Thessalonica

THE SYRO-MALANKARA CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC EXARCHATE – BIBLE QUIZ – ACTS OF THE APOSTLES AGE GROUP 13 AND ABOVE OCTOBER 26, 2014 ROUND 2/ TEST 2 Name ______Reg. No______Parish______11. What was Paul’s connection with Jerusalem? a) He was born and brought up there as a Jew b) He had his education there. c) He was martyred there.

12. Where was Paul bitten by a viper? a) In Troas, b) in Miletus, c) in Malta

13. Which of these following statements is true with regard to Timothy? a) He was a full-fledged Jew when he became a Christian. b) He was a half-Jew who got circumcised when he became a Christian. c) He was neither a Jew nor got circumcised when he became a Christian.

14. Which of the following statements is true with ? a) He predicted a great famine all over the world b) He predicted how Paul would be persecuted in Jerusalem c) Both the above two options are true.

15. Identify the man who had four daughters gifted with the grace of prophecy. a) , b) Philip, the deacon, c)

16. “Go, I shall send you far away to the Gentiles”: Where did Paul hear these words? a) In the Jerusalem Temple; b) In Damascus; c) At the house of Ananias

17. Who preached the Gospel first in Antioch? a) Believers from Cypriots and Cyrenians b) Peter and his disciples c) Philip, the deacon

18. Who was the ambassador of the Jerusalem Church to the Church of Corinth? a) St. Paul; b) Barnabas c) None of the above (This question was supposed to be the ambassador to the church of Antioch, and the answer was Barnabas. Since the question is wrong, all get one mark gratis.)

19. Which of the following statements is correct? a) Paul objected only circumcision to the Gentile Christians. b) Paul was totally against Mosaic Law regarding circumcision. c) Paul objected circumcision to both the Jewish and Gentile Christians.

20. Outside Judea, the Church first spread to______a) Antioch b) Ethiopia c) Samaria