Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091

A STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF (AYURVEDIC LIFE STYLE) FOR HEALTHY LIVING IN MODERN AGE Hiremath Parameshwar Kulkarni Pratibha Kekuda Prashantha Chiplunkar Shivprasad Dept. of Shareera Kriya, SDM College of & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT Health includes one’s reserve of physical strength and stamina as well as mental steadi- ness to meet the requirements of the daily life. Only healthy individual of sound body and mind can endure social and cultural pressures. Health not only means freedom from the disease, but the ability to work with the satisfaction and self control. Health is the best root factor in achiev- ing Dharma (attain pious acts), Artha (wealth), Kama (desire) and Moksha (salvation). Lifestyle change, more than any other factor, is considered to be the best way of preventing the disease and early death in our society. When people in western society die before the age of 65, it is con- sidered to be early or premature death. Many factors contribute to early death. The major causes of early death have changed from infectious diseases to chronic lifestyle-related conditions. The most important is unhealthy lifestyles that contribute to more than half of all early deaths. One who wants to keep fit himself for whole of his life time should also be fit for every day. Health depends on how one spends day. The ideal life style for a day is called as daily regimen (Dina- charya). Daily regimen explains the various duties from one day to the next day. Health, Daily regimen, Life style disorder, Food items

Keywords: INTRODUCTION are in the state of equilibrium along with Ayurveda emphases importance to mental sensory and spiritual pleasantness maintenance of health of a healthy person and happiness.3 and curing the disease of an ill.1 To maintain Fundamental texts of Ayurveda opine the health some activities are mentioned in that diseases affect both in mana and share- Ayurveda under the term dinacharya. By era which shows the importance given to following daily regimen (Dinacharya) one both physical and mental health in Ayur- will be able to follow a healthy lifestyle the- veda.4 reby maintaining health. A person in good health should wake Health is a state of complete physi- up, for protecting his life in Brahma mu- cal, mental, social and spiritual well being hurta, after considering the position of di- and not merely the absence of disease. (Acc. gestion or indigestion5. One should excrete to WHO).2 According to Ayurveda man is the urine and faeces only after getting the said to be healthy (Swastha) whose humors urge, facing the north during daytime and (), tissues (Dhatus), excretory prod- should south during night6. One should do ucts (), and digestive capacity () achamana (clean) after the following acts- Hiremath Parameshwar et. al: Effect of Dinacharya for Healthy Living touching excreta, tears, fat, hair, and nails tively17. Elevated cholesterol alone is re- separated from the body, after taking bath, sponsible for 60% of CVD morbidity glo- before and after taking the food and getting bally18. up from the sleep and after sneezing7. After Major diseases of the 21st century this one should chew the dantha dawana like diabetes and hypertension affects our (Brush) sticks meant for cleaning the teeth. body and causes very severe effects over Sticks used for brushing teeth should be of body. They are remaining silent for 5 to 7 Arka, Khadira, Karaveera, Arimeda, Apa- years. Thus they are called as ‘silent kill- marga. They should be astringent, bitter8. ers’19. They effect very severely over vital One should daily apply the collyrium called organs like- kidney, eye, heart, brain etc20. Sauviram, which is beneficial to the eyes; by There can be no symptoms for diseases like this eyes become beautiful, sharp to see even -high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high minute objects9. Then Anutaila is to be blood pressure. All these diseases are caused dropped into the nose & next gandusha due to unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits. should be held10. One should next undertake People who experienced chronic anxiety, use of smoke i.e, inhalation of smoke11. long period of sadness and negativity, unre- Actions which produce weariness to mitting tension were found to have double the body are called exercise or Vyayama. By the risk of disease- including asthma, arthri- exercise, feeling of lightness of the body, tis, headaches, peptic ulcers and heart dis- ability to do work, intensity of fire, reduc- ease.21 tion of fat is produced12. Now a days the above mentioned life Massage of the body subsides, Ka- style disorders are affecting today’s society, pha, dissolves the fat produces firmness to as one of the quotation says that “Prevention the limbs and gives good appearance to the is better than cure”. We can prevent the dis- skin13. eases by maintaining the life style. Bath stimulates digestive fire, in- For preventing the diseases we creases span of life Ojus and strength. It also should follow the above mentioned healthy removes itching, dirtiness, fatigue, sweat, diet, exercise, positive attitude and yoga. So lassitude, thirst14 etc. these lead to the healthy life style. One should take the food, according Waking up in Brahmi muhurtha i.e. to the rules laid down with a pleasant mind, ‘two hours before the sunrise’, Brahma is after offering to fire- God, after giving char- knowledge, which is gained by reading. It is ity to poor food should be prepared all and the time which is ideal for gaining of the not for self alone15. knowledge. And also now a day, there is a DISCUSSION lot of pollution in the environment. And in Life style disorders the morning hours it will be clean without Overweight and obesity are asso- pollution. Along with the clean air, the plea- ciated with high blood pressure / cholesterol sant atmosphere, absence of noise, the levels and increased risk of developing di- morning rays of the rising sun is very bene- abetes (insulin resistance) 16. Excess body ficial to the health. Sun is the god of health. fat accounts for nearly 60% of diabetes and Health is got from the sun. So, one should 20 % of cardiovascular disease respec- get up early in the morning before sunrise. 87 IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 6; Nov – Dec 2013 Hiremath Parameshwar et. al: Effect of Dinacharya for Healthy Living Achamana means to wash, which Nasya: Head is considered as the most im- will be done after cleaning the excreta, tears, portant part of the body. So nose is the entry sneezing, and after travelling. It will helpful way for the head. It causes benefits like for the digestion of food, and also evacua- lightness of the head, proper sleep, and awa- tion of the bowel completely. kening, cure of diseases, clarity of organs, Danta dhavana: One should brush in the and pleasant mind. In modern days nasal in- morning with twigs of Arka, Vata, Khadira, sufflations are there. So they are prepared Karanja, and Arjuna. One should brush in from plant origin they are good for health. vertical direction from bottom to top. So by Vyayama: by doing regularly exercise nou- doing this it brings freshness, takes away the rishes the body, gives good complexion, bad odor, coating on the teeth and creates proportionate the body parts, enhances agni, desires for the food. But in modern age by avoids laziness and obesity, provides light- using chemicals the pastes are going to be ness of the body parts, and also avoids early prepared. So those are not useful for the aging. It lowers the body fats, reduces the modern era to have a long life. risk of heart disease. And lowers LDL and Jihva nirlekhana: It should be done with the raises HDL. It helps for the controlling the help of gold, silver, or iron. It will benefit in blood sugar, reduces the risk of osteoporosis bad odor of mouth, cure edema, and gives and cancer, helps for giving energy, reduc- taste. Now a day those metals are very costly ing the stress, improves the sleep, to enhance so at least we can use at least steel items. mode of work and the self- esteem. In mod- Gandusha and Kavala: It gives strength to ern days about exercise they are having mandible, clarity of mouth, lightness and knowledge so that will improve individual clarity of sense organs. And also gives good life span. taste. In modern era such items are prepared : By taking proper massage it de- with chemicals, so one should avoid those lays aging, cures tiredness and vata disord- chemical items. ers, and improves vision, complexion, nou- Anjana: It cleans the eyes, which makes rishment, life, sleep. And by doing padaa- them shine like the bright moon in clear sky. byanga, it provides strength and stability to Dhumapana: Smoking is the procedure to feet, improves the vision and pacifies the take smoke through the nostril and then vata. through the mouth. It gives benefits like By doing Shiroabyanga it prevents the lightness of the chest, throat, head, and li- balding, graying, hair fall, strengthens the quefaction of the Kapha. In modern era hair root, and makes the hair long and black. smoking is completely different and fa- And it also nourishes the sense organs, sof- shionable because they are taking the smoke tens the skin, through the mouth and leaving out through Udvartana: By doing this blood vessels be- the nostril. And that cigarette contains nico- come dilated and complexion in the skin is tine like harmful things which will affect the enhanced. Cures rashes, vata diseases, en- lungs. So by smoking with these things in- hances the strength of thighs, and provides stead of increasing the life span they will the lightness. decrease the life span.

88 IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 6; Nov – Dec 2013 Hiremath Parameshwar et. al: Effect of Dinacharya for Healthy Living Samavahana; Gentle massage enhances the gives good smell. And improve functions of affection, sleep, virility, avoids the Kapha Indriyas. and also improves the circulation. Mental health and social health By massage therapy the people will have an Now a day we are seeing the 80% 0f dis- idea about the benefits. So the people are eases are psychosomatic. For every emotion interested to go towards the massage centers. there is chemical secretion in the body like They will definitely increase the life span of anger, hostility, frustration, violence, de- the individual. pression, etc. Factors which decide our atti- Snana: Taking bath is auspicious, enhances tude are environment: (home, school, work, virility, longevity, strength, compactness and media, cultural, religious, social, political ojus, at the same time it cures tiredness, etc.) Experience: (reference point of our ac- sweat and impurities of the body. It takes tual experience).Education: (formal and in- away the sleep, burning sensation, sweat, formal), etc. thirst and unpleasantness due to sweat. CONCLUSION Aahara: One should start Ahara with Mad- Ten healthy lifestyles have been identified hura rasa then amla, lavana, tikta, katu, that are associated with reduced disease risk: Kashayaa. Like this one should take Ahara a) Increased wellness b) Regular physical in a chronological order. And one should activity c) Eating well d) Managing stress e) take anupana as jala. Because this Ahara Avoiding destructive habits f) Practicing rasa gives strength, bala, varna, pushti, safe sex g) Adopting good safety habits h) dhatu poshana, indriya prasadata etc. Learning first aid i) Adopting good personal Healthy food items health habits j) Protecting the environment. Fruits, roasted cereals like gram, peanuts, Just as unhealthy lifestyles are the principal pulses etc. Sprouted cereals, Puffed rice, causes of modern-day illnesses, healthy life- Chhole Ghanji, butter milk (mattha) are styles can result in an improved feeling of considered as healthy food items. wellness that is critical to optimal health. In It is needed to change our style of food as: recognizing the importance of “Years of Consume a diet rich in vegetables and fruits healthy life,” the public health service also (all colored), avoid eating more high calorie recognizes what it calls “Measures of well- fruits (mango, banana, jack fruit etc), whole being.” This well-being or wellness is asso- fruit is better than fruit juice because it con- ciated with social, mental, spiritual, and tains fiber. Vegetables which are green, re- physical functioning. So “Health manage- duces fat and blood sugar level. Stop or mi- ment is free and enjoyable; But disease nimize alcohol intake, because alcohol is management is very costly and painful.” hollow calorie drink. And have sufficient REFERENCES water such as 3 to 3.5 lit/day. Prepare food 1) TrikamjinYadavji, Charaka Samhita by boiling, roasting, steaming, baking and with Chakrapanidatta Ayurvedadipika avoid frying. commentary. Reprint ed. 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