Corporate Management Our ref: MGLA250314-2395

Date: 23 April 2014 Dear

Freedom of Information: Mayor’s Diary

Thank you for your request for information which the Greater London Authority (GLA) received on 24 March 2014.

You asked for;

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request a copy of the Mayor of London’s full diary for the calendar year 2013. I would like to request the same level of details as a previous request recently released by the GLA (ref FS50431334)

Please find attached the information requested. Some information has been withheld because it is exempt from disclosure under one or more of the exemptions under the FOIA. Please see the annex to this letter for further details

If you have any further queries relating to this request then please get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Robinson Information Governance Officer

If you are unhappy with the way the GLA has handled your request, you may complain using the complaints procedure, available at: information

Exemption Section 38: (1) Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to- (a) endanger the physical or mental health of any individual, or (b) endanger the safety of any individual.

Section 40: (2) Any information to which a request for information relates is also exempt information if– (a) it constitutes personal data which do not fall within subsection (1), and… (3)(a) in a case where the information falls within any paragraphs (a) to (d) of the definition of “data” in section 1(1) of the Data Protection Act 1998, that the disclosure of the information to a member of the public otherwise than under this Act would contravene – (i) any of the data protection principles How the exemption applies to this information Section 38 Health and Safety

The Mayor’s diary contains a detailed itinerary of the Mayor’s regular scheduled appointments including the dates, times, location and commuting method to and from his home and place of work. Information that would help someone build up a picture of regular meeting points and precise travel patterns has been redacted under section 38 in order to protect the safety of a prominent public figure who would be likely to be targeted by those with ill-intent.

The risk to the safety of the Mayor is real and significant, as evidenced by a foiled terrorist plot which came to light at the beginning of 2012 where the name and address of the Mayor was discovered in a list of targets.

Section 40 Personal Information

Some of the information in the Mayor’s diary constitutes personal data as defined in the Data Protection Act because it relates purely to the Mayor’s personal life. In order to balance the Mayor’s public engagements with his private life, the diary includes details of engagements relating to his personal life to ensure there are no scheduling conflicts. The Mayor has no reasonable expectation that this information might be disclosed in response to FOI requests.

This exemption is also being applied to withhold the personal data of third party individuals who would have no reasonable expectation that their personal information would be put into the public domain under such circumstances.

Disclosure of this information would contravene the first principle of the Data Protection Act which states that ‘personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully’ as it would clearly be unfair to disclose personal data relating to the Mayor and third parties where they have no reasonable expectation that details relating to their private lives would be made public in response to an FOI request. Disclosure would be a significant intrusion into their personal lives and there is no legitimate public interest in

this information.

The section 40 exemption is not subject to a public interest test. Public interest test (where applicable) Public interest factors in favour of disclosure:

- Promoting transparency and a greater understanding of the Mayor’s schedule.

Public interest factors in favour of maintaining the exemption:

- The Mayor is an internationally renowned public official with the responsibility of leading London’s government and it is not in the public interest to compromise his personal safety by providing information which would be likely to contribute to pre- meditated attacks and disrupt the Mayor’s ability to travel freely and have meetings in public spaces on a regular basis.

On balance, it is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption significantly outweighs the public interest in favour of disclosure.

Subject Location Date Comments Brief with Stephen Greenhalgh - Police & Crime Plan The Mayor's Office 07/01/2013 Catch up with Gerard Mayor's Office 07/01/2013 Chat with Isabel & Ed Mayor's Office 07/01/2013 Lunch 07/01/2013 Budget Briefing 07/01/2013 Work on 2020 07/01/2013 Magic Breakfast Media Launch City Hall 08/01/2013 Meeting with Hammersons The Mayor's Office 08/01/2013 Lunch with Michael Heseltine Wilton's 08/01/2013 Meeting with the City Corporation The Mayor's Office 08/01/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 08/01/2013 Depart for Wilton's 08/01/2013 Return to City Hall 08/01/2013 LGD Speech prep 08/01/2013 Dinner with Benedict Brogan & Tony Gallagher Moro,34-36 Exmouth Market, EC1R 4QE 09/01/2013 London Citizens Round Table Cttee Room 1 09/01/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting The Mayor's Office 09/01/2013 Lunch 09/01/2013 Prep with Will 09/01/2013 Cockerell Interview L&P 09/01/2013 Signing 09/01/2013 Depart for Moro 09/01/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 10/01/2013

Meeting with Terry Morgan & Peter Hendy The Mayor's Office 10/01/2013

Nick Ferrari Interview - policing reforms ISDN Line from home 10/01/2013 CNBC Interview LLR 10/01/2013

Record Tour de France Video Message LLR 10/01/2013 TfL Pre meet The Mayor's Office 10/01/2013 Private Meeting 10/01/2013 S40 Depart for Portland Place 11/01/2013 BBC LDN, Egerton House, Portland Place Regular Phone in - Vanessa London W1A 1AA 11/01/2013 Return to City Hall 11/01/2013 Budget Briefing The Mayor's Office 11/01/2013 Brief with Stephen Greenhalgh - MOPAC FBQT The Mayor's Office 11/01/2013 Meet with Daniel & the Aviation Team The Mayor's Office 11/01/2013 S40 Chat with Neale 11/01/2013

Housing chat with Richard Blakeway & Ed Mayor's Office 11/01/2013 Signing 11/01/2013 Reception St Pancras Grand Brasserie 13/01/2013

Depart home for Shepherd's Bush by Tube 13/01/2013

Steam Train depart Olympia for Moorgate 13/01/2013 Time for media 13/01/2013 Depart from Moorgate on the S8 stock train for Kings Cross 13/01/2013 Budget Cttee City Hall Chamber 14/01/2013

Ark Reception Park House, 116 Park Street, W1K 6NR 14/01/2013 Budget prep Mayor's Office 14/01/2013 Lunch 14/01/2013 Speech prep 14/01/2013 Depart for Park House 14/01/2013 MOPAC FBQT briefing with the Commissioner The Mayor's Office 15/01/2013 Meeting with the LLDC The Mayor's Office 15/01/2013 Party Political Lunch 15/01/2013 LGD Speech prep 15/01/2013 Chat with Kit 15/01/2013 Depart for Forman's Fish Island 15/01/2013 Private Auction Prize Forman's Fish Island 15/01/2013 MOPAC FBQT City Hall Chamber 16/01/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meteing Cttee Room 2 16/01/2013 Visit to Vauxhall 16/01/2013 S40 Chat with Ed - Croydon The Mayor's Office 16/01/2013 LGD Speech prep 16/01/2013 Visit to Croydon 17/01/2013 LBAC The Mayor's Office 17/01/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 17/01/2013 London Government Dinner Mansion House 17/01/2013 Depart for Croydon 17/01/2013 Return to City Hall 17/01/2013 Lunch 17/01/2013 TfL Pre meet The Mayor's Office 17/01/2013 LGD Speech prep 17/01/2013 Depart for Mansion House 17/01/2013 Twitter Session Room 8.6 18/01/2013 Stakeholder lunch The Mayor's Office 18/01/2013 Meeting with Loughbrough University The Mayor's Office 18/01/2013 Meeting with Tony Travers The Mayor's Office 18/01/2013 Cockerill Interview Tanner St 18/01/2013 Depart for City Hall 18/01/2013 Davos Prep 18/01/2013 Catch up with Ed 18/01/2013 Private Dinner XXXX 18/01/2013 S40 Holocaust Memorial Event City Hall 21/01/2013 Meet with Kate Hoey The Mayor's Office 21/01/2013 Brief - MOPAC Challenge The Mayor's Office 21/01/2013 Meet & Greet GLA Apprentices Cttee Room 3 21/01/2013 Outer London Commission Drinks The Mayor's Office 21/01/2013 Dinner with George Iacobescu Harry's Bar, 26 South Audley Street 21/01/2013 Meeting with Sir Charles Allen The Mayor's Office 21/01/2013 Lunch Mayor's Office 21/01/2013 Telephone call with Hugo Swire MP The Mayor's Office 21/01/2013 Chat with Munira & Ed The Mayor's Office 21/01/2013 Depart for South Audley Street 21/01/2013 Travel to dinner 22/01/2013 Private Dinner 22/01/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting The Mayor's Office 22/01/2013 MOPAC Challenge City Hall Chamber 22/01/2013 Chat with Neale The Mayor's Office 22/01/2013 Tell call to Hugh Robertson The Mayor's Office 22/01/2013 Brief - MOPAC Challenge The Mayor's Office 22/01/2013 Lunch 22/01/2013 Davos prep 22/01/2013 Tel call from Patrick McLoughlin The Mayor's Office 22/01/2013 Tel call to Jeremy Hunt 22/01/2013 Signing 22/01/2013 The Modern Pantry, 48 St John's Sq, Nick Serota breakfast meeting Clerkenwell 23/01/2013 Davos 23/01/2013 Depart for the Modern Pantry 23/01/2013 Return to City Hall 23/01/2013 Media - Europe & PM EU Speech City Hall 23/01/2013 Depart for City Airport 23/01/2013 Arrive at City Airport 23/01/2013 Depart London City Airport 23/01/2013 Depart Zurich 25/01/2013 S40 Meet with Lord Sterling The Mayor's Office 28/01/2013 Community Reception - Merton & Wandsworth LLR 28/01/2013 Dinner in Honour of HH Sheikh Hamad of Qatar Dudley House, 100 Park Lane 28/01/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 28/01/2013 Discuss RODMA Room 8.7 28/01/2013 Signing 28/01/2013 Party Political Call Neale Mayor's Office 28/01/2013 Speech prep 28/01/2013 Depart for Dudley House 28/01/2013 Legacy Advisory Group The Mayor's Office 29/01/2013 Meeting with Russian Ambassador The Mayor's Office 29/01/2013 Meeting with Brian Donohoe MP The Mayor's Office 29/01/2013 Bill Gates Dinner Royal Institute 29/01/2013 MQT Briefing The Mayor's Office 29/01/2013 Chat with Neale The Mayor's Office 29/01/2013 Lunch 29/01/2013 Outstanding media slot City Hall Chamber 29/01/2013 Signing 29/01/2013 Interview with James Landale for BBC Radio 4 The Mayor's Office 29/01/2013 Depart for the Royal Institute 29/01/2013 Mayor's Question Time City Hall Chamber 30/01/2013 Lunch 30/01/2013 Party Political Party Political Party Political Regular meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 31/01/2013 London Planning Awards City Hall 31/01/2013 Tennis with Michael Cockerill Highbury Fields 31/01/2013 Depart for Trafalgar Square 31/01/2013 Andy Parsons Photo at various venues around Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square 31/01/2013 Return to City Hall 31/01/2013 Lunch 31/01/2013 TfL Pre meet The Mayor's Office 31/01/2013 Speech prep 31/01/2013 The View from the Shard Event The Shard 01/02/2013 Meeting with Thomas Heatherwick The Mayor's Office 01/02/2013 Depart for the Shard 01/02/2013 Depart for City Hall 01/02/2013 Tel call to Teresa O'Neill The Mayor's Office 01/02/2013 Private meeting The Mayor's Office 01/02/2013 Tel call to Tony Pidgley The Mayor's Office 01/02/2013 Signing The Mayor's Office 01/02/2013 Tel call to Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 01/02/2013 Private Trip 03/02/2013 Private Trip 04/02/2013

Crossrail II Report Event Allen & Overy, 1 Bishops Square, E1 6AD 05/02/2013 Private Trip 05/02/2013 TfL Board Meeting City Hall 06/02/2013 Meet with Mr Jin Liquin The Mayor's Office 06/02/2013 CIOH Annual Dinner Natural History Museum 06/02/2013 Brief - TfL Board Meeting The Mayor's Office 06/02/2013 Lunch 06/02/2013 Brief with Dennis & Neale The Mayor's Office 06/02/2013 Phone call to David Sullivan 06/02/2013 CIOH Speech prep The Mayor's Office 06/02/2013 Housing Media LLR 06/02/2013 Keep clear for CIOH speech prep 06/02/2013 Depart for the Natural History Musuem 06/02/2013 Legacy Cabinet Committee House of Commons 07/02/2013 Prince Phillip House, Carlton Terrace RideLondon Announcement House 07/02/2013 Meeting with Patrick McLoughlin Great Minster House 07/02/2013 Meeting with John Kasarda The Mayor's Office 07/02/2013 Meeting with Prof Ricky Burdett The Mayor's Office 07/02/2013 Depart for Westminster 07/02/2013 Chat with Neale & Will 07/02/2013 Depart for Carlton House Terrace 07/02/2013 Depart for Marsahm Street 07/02/2013 Return to City Hall 07/02/2013 Lunch 07/02/2013 Budget Briefing The Mayor's Office 07/02/2013 Tel call to Chris Boardman The Mayor's Office 07/02/2013 Brief - Transport Select Cttee 07/02/2013 First Draft Budget Plenary City Hall Chamber 08/02/2013 Pop in "Inspires me Week" LLR 08/02/2013 Lunch 08/02/2013 Brief - Transport Select Cttee The Mayor's Office 08/02/2013 Chat with Kit The Mayor's Office 08/02/2013 Chat with Munira The Mayor's Office 08/02/2013 Chat with Isabel The Mayor's Office 08/02/2013 ES Hague T-Shirt photo 08/02/2013 Meeting with the US Ambassador The Mayor's Office 11/02/2013 Transport Select Cttee - Aviation Enquiry Thatcher Room, Portcullis House 11/02/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 11/02/2013 Chat with Isabel & Andrew The Mayor's Office 11/02/2013 LSE Prep The Mayor's Office 11/02/2013 Tel call to Kamal Siddiqi, Frazer Nash The Mayor's Office 11/02/2013 Lunch 11/02/2013 Brief - Transport Select Cttee The Mayor's Office 11/02/2013 Phone call - Patrick Mcloughlin Mayor's Office 11/02/2013 Depart for Portcullis House The Mayor's Office 11/02/2013 Visit to the London Stock Exchange 12/02/2013 Pop into Ed's meeting with Mr Ni Room 8.7 12/02/2013 Brief - Police & Crime Cttee The Mayor's Office 12/02/2013 Media Reception London's Living Room 12/02/2013 Depart for the LSE 12/02/2013 Return to City Hall 12/02/2013 Brief - Air Quality Fund The Mayor's Office 12/02/2013 Chat with Gareth Bacon The Mayor's Office 12/02/2013 Outstanding media slot City Hall 12/02/2013 Depart for Parliament Square 12/02/2013 Party Political Return to City Hall 12/02/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 12/02/2013 Speech prep 12/02/2013 Mayor's Air Quality Fund Launch LLR 13/02/2013 Meet & greet with Egeman Baggis - Minister for Europe for Turkey The Mayor's Office 13/02/2013 Pop into Ed's meeting with Battersea Power Station Room 8.7 13/02/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 2 13/02/2013 Meeting with the LLDC The Mayor's Office 13/02/2013 Meeting with Sir John Armitt The Mayor's Office 13/02/2013 Lunch 13/02/2013 Depart for home 13/02/2013 Private Dinner 13/02/2013 Police & Crime Cttee City Hall Chamber 14/02/2013 Meeting with Patrick Mcloughlin Great Minster House 14/02/2013 Music Fund Valentine Night Fundraising Dinner Café de Paris, Piccadilly 14/02/2013 Lunch 14/02/2013 Chat with Neale and Dennis Mayor's office 14/02/2013 Say goodbye to Richard Brookes Press Office 14/02/2013 Chat with Isabel The Mayor's Office 14/02/2013 Depart for Great Minster House 14/02/2013 Party Political Party Political Depart for Piccadilly Circus 14/02/2013 Polar Bear Visit at Regents Park Zoo 15/02/2013 Depart for Leicester Square 15/02/2013 Nick Ferrari LBC Regular Phone in Leicester Square 15/02/2013 Depart for Trafalgar Square 15/02/2013 Interview with CNBC (Tanya Bryer) Trafalgar Square 15/02/2013 Depart for Knightsbridge 15/02/2013 Private Meeting XXXX 15/02/2013 S40 Private Lunch 15/02/2013 Depart for Regents Park Zoo 15/02/2013 Private Dinner 16/02/2013

Visit to Bloombergs Site - Temple of Mithras 19/02/2013 LLDC Board Stratford 19/02/2013 Depart for Bloombergs 19/02/2013 Depart for City Hall 19/02/2013 French Press Interview - le Monde The Mayor's Office 19/02/2013 Depart for Stratford 19/02/2013 Chat with Neale & Dennis Stratford 19/02/2013 Tel call David Sullivan 19/02/2013 LLDC Board Drinks Stratford 19/02/2013 Depart for home 19/02/2013 The Empress State Bldg, West Brompton, Commissioner's 100 SW6 1TR 20/02/2013 Party Political Party Political Depart for West Brompton 20/02/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 21/02/2013

Evening Standard/British Musuem Event British Musuem 21/02/2013 Eileen House briefing Mayor's Office 21/02/2013 Party Political Speech prep 21/02/2013 Depart for the British Museum 21/02/2013 Meeting with Geely The Mayor's Office 22/02/2013 Depart for Southwark Street 22/02/2013 Party Political Return to City Hall 22/02/2013 Budget Briefing The Mayor's Office 22/02/2013 Tim Campbell Mayor's Office 25/02/2013 Final Budget Plenary City Hall Chamber 25/02/2013 Twitter Session The Mayor's Office 25/02/2013 Tata Innovista Awards Event Park Plaza, Riverbank, Waterloo 25/02/2013 Briefing on the Cycling Strategy Mayor's Office 25/02/2013 Lunch 25/02/2013 Brief: Phone call David Sullivan Mayor's Office 25/02/2013 Phone Call David Sullivan 25/02/2013 Phone call with Philippa Roe Mayor's Office 25/02/2013 Sign off budget Mayor's Office 25/02/2013 Speech prep 25/02/2013 Cycle to Waterloo 25/02/2013 Opening of the East End Manufacturing Factory 82 Dunbridge St, Bethnal Green, E2 6JG 26/02/2013 Mayor's Meeting with Cllr Lib Peck, Leader of Lambeth Borough Council The Mayor's Office 26/02/2013 Meeting with Cressida Dick The Mayor's Office 26/02/2013 Bureau of Leaders Cttee Room 2 26/02/2013

Depart home on bike for Dunbridge Road 26/02/2013 Return to City Hall 26/02/2013 Lunch 26/02/2013 Chat with Ed The Mayor's Office 26/02/2013 Brief - LFEPA The Mayor's Office 26/02/2013 Media - LFEPA 26/02/2013

Chat with Munira - Feltham Reach Academy The Mayor's Office 26/02/2013 Visit to Feltham Reach Academy 27/02/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 3 27/02/2013 Depart for Feltham 27/02/2013 Return to City Hall 27/02/2013 Lunch 27/02/2013 Film Ambassadors Message City Hall 27/02/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 27/02/2013 Discuss housing The Mayor's Office 27/02/2013 S40 S40

Regular meeting with Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 28/02/2013

Meeting with Jules Pipe, London Councils The Mayor's Office 28/02/2013 Life Sciences meeting (BioIndustry Association) Room 8.6 28/02/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 28/02/2013 Crown & Manor Club, Hoxton, Wiltshire Open Crown & Manor Club Row, N1 5DH 28/02/2013 Private Lunch 28/02/2013 TfL Pre meet The Mayor's Office 28/02/2013 Speech prep 28/02/2013 Depart for Hoxton 28/02/2013 Lunch with Eric Fellner, Tim Bevan & Adrian Wootton XXXX 01/03/2013 S38 S40 Return to City Hall 01/03/2013 S40 XXXX 01/03/2013 S38 Return to City Hall 01/03/2013 Outstanding media slot 01/03/2013 France prep 01/03/2013 Michael Woolf chat Mayor's Office 01/03/2013 Meeting with George Osborne HM Treasury 04/03/2013

Meeting with Alain Juppe - former French PM and current Mayor of Bordeaux The Mayor's Office 04/03/2013 Private Dinner 04/03/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 04/03/2013 Chat with Ed & Richard The Mayor's Office 04/03/2013 Depart for the Treasury 04/03/2013 Return to City Hall 04/03/2013 Brief with Ed & Munira The Mayor's Office 04/03/2013 Yossi Gestetner Interview The Mayor's Office 04/03/2013 Party Political Party Political Speech prep The Mayor's Office 04/03/2013 Catch up with Bob Neill 04/03/2013

Cazenove Capital Management Seminar Savoy Hotel 05/03/2013 Vertical Rush visit Tower 42 05/03/2013 Meeting with the Greek Ambasaador The Mayor's Office 05/03/2013 City Property Association Reception The Shard 05/03/2013 Speech prep Home 05/03/2013 Depart for the Savoy from home 05/03/2013 Depart for Tower 42 05/03/2013 Cycle to City Hall 05/03/2013 Lunch 05/03/2013 Catch up with Neale/LLDC The Mayor's Office 05/03/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 05/03/2013 Depart for the Shard 05/03/2013

Launch of the Food Sector Apprenticeship Programme with Raymond Blanc Brasserie Blanc, 60 Threadneddle Street 06/03/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting 06/03/2013 Meeting with Sir Howard Bernstein 06/03/2013 Launch of Imperial West 06/03/2013 Depart for Brasserie Blanc, 60 Threadneedle Street 06/03/2013 Cycle to City Hall 06/03/2013 Cycling launch pre brief 06/03/2013 Pop in to Isabel's Hani Farsi meeting 06/03/2013 Lunch 06/03/2013 Speech prep 06/03/2013 Depart for South Kensington 06/03/2013 Corner of Victoria Embankment & Horse Launch of the Cycle Strategy Guards Parade 07/03/2013 PQT in Lewisham Lewisham 07/03/2013 Depart for Victoria Embankment 07/03/2013 Cycle ride with Chris Boardman The Mayor's Office 07/03/2013 Catch up with Stephen The Mayor's Office 07/03/2013 Brief with Matthew & Ed The Mayor's Office 07/03/2013 Lunch 07/03/2013 Catch up with Isabel The Mayor's Office 07/03/2013 Outstanding media City Hall Chamber 07/03/2013 Brief with Stephen The Mayor's Office 07/03/2013 PQT Prep 07/03/2013 Depart for Lewisham 07/03/2013 International Women's Day Event City Hall Chamber 08/03/2013 Meeting with Val Shawcross, Tessa Jowell & Steve Reed The Mayor's Office 08/03/2013 Meeting with Dame Judith Mayhew Jonas & Gordon Innes, L&P The Mayor's Office 08/03/2013 Lunch - Julian Glover The Mayor's Office 08/03/2013 France prep The Mayor's Office 08/03/2013 MIPIM Brief The Mayor's Office 08/03/2013 Private meeting The Mayor's Office 08/03/2013 Private meeting The Mayor's Office 08/03/2013 Tel call to Jony Ive The Mayor's Office 08/03/2013

National Apprentices Week Event at TUCA Ilford 11/03/2013 Anglo Spanish Society Annual Gala RAC Club 11/03/2013 Depart for Ilford 11/03/2013 Return to City Hall 11/03/2013 Signing 11/03/2013 Lunch 11/03/2013 Speech prep 11/03/2013 France prep The Mayor's Office 11/03/2013 IBAC Prep The Mayor's Office 11/03/2013 Chat with Kit The Mayor's Office 11/03/2013 MIPIM 12/03/2013 Depart London for Nice 12/03/2013 MIPIM 13/03/2013 S40 Paris 15/03/2013 S40 Meeting with the LLDC The Mayor's Office 18/03/2013 Meet with Kate Hoey The Mayor's Office 18/03/2013 Level 39, One Canada Square, Canary Open Level 39 Wharf 18/03/2013 Level 39, One Canada Square, Canary IBAC Dinner Wharf 18/03/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 18/03/2013 Lunch 18/03/2013 Signing 18/03/2013 Record Heathrow Message The Mayor's Office 18/03/2013 Chat with Stephen 18/03/2013 Q&A with school children 2nd Floor 18/03/2013 IBAC Speech prep The Mayor's Office 18/03/2013 Depart for Canary Wharf 18/03/2013 IBAC Siemen's 19/03/2013

Regular meeting with Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 19/03/2013 Regular meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 19/03/2013 Depart for Siemen's 19/03/2013 Return to City Hall 19/03/2013 Lunch 19/03/2013 MQT Briefing The Mayor's Office 19/03/2013 Brief with Stephen Greenhalgh The Mayor's Office 19/03/2013 Mayor's Question Time City Hall Chamber 20/03/2013 Community Reception - North East, Enfield & Haringey LLR 20/03/2013 Boldness in Business Awards RIBA, Portland Place 20/03/2013 Lunch 20/03/2013 Budget Media City Hall 20/03/2013 Depart for Portland Place 20/03/2013 Party Political Party Political Party Political

Stadium Announcement - Press Conference Forman's Fish Island 22/03/2013 Twitter Session The Mayor's Office 22/03/2013 Meeting with Kevin Spacey The Mayor's Office 22/03/2013 Discuss Greenwich & Whitgift Planning cases The Mayor's Office 22/03/2013 Depart by bike for Forman's Fish Island 22/03/2013 Return to City Hall 22/03/2013 Lunch 22/03/2013 Chat with Daniel The Mayor's Office 22/03/2013 Police & Crime Plan Prep The Mayor's Office 22/03/2013 Catch up with Ed The Mayor's Office 22/03/2013 Keep clear for media re Stadium 22/03/2013 New Broadcasting House at Portland Andrew Marr Show Place, Hallam St 24/03/2013 Police & Crime Plan Launch Stoke Newington 25/03/2013 Transforming Volunteering Opportunities in London Conference City Hall 25/03/2013 Legacy Cabinet Committee Cabinet Office 25/03/2013 Meeting with LLDC + Museum LLDC Stratford 25/03/2013 Depart for Stoke Newington 25/03/2013 Return to City Hall 25/03/2013 Chat with John Burton & Neale 25/03/2013 Speech prep 25/03/2013 Lunch 25/03/2013 Depart for Cabinet Office 25/03/2013 Return to City Hall 25/03/2013 Private Meeting 25/03/2013 Depart for Stratford 25/03/2013 Meeting of the Congress Executive London Councils, Southwark Street 26/03/2013 Busking Photo London Bridge 26/03/2013 LLDC Board Cttee Room 4 26/03/2013 Lewisham A&E Meeting Room 8.7 26/03/2013 British Musuem Event British Musuem 26/03/2013 Dinner with Peter Hendy 26/03/2013 Depart for Southwark Street 26/03/2013 Depart for London Bridge Station 26/03/2013 Return to City Hall 26/03/2013 Lunch 26/03/2013 Party Political Chat with Neale & Dennis 26/03/2013 Lewisham A&E Briefing 26/03/2013 Speech prep 26/03/2013 Depart for the British Museum 26/03/2013 Apple conference call 10 Slingsbury Place 27/03/2013 TfL Board Meeting City Hall 27/03/2013 Meeting with Jeremy Hunt DfH, Richmond House 27/03/2013 Meeting with Chris North, Amazon Mayor's Office 27/03/2013 Brief - TfL Board Meeting The Mayor's Office 27/03/2013 Lunch 27/03/2013 Depart for Richmond House 27/03/2013 Return to City Hall 27/03/2013 Chat with Jeff, Ed, Howard and Tom Mayor's Office 27/03/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 27/03/2013 Depart for 10 Slingsbury Place 27/03/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 5 03/04/2013

Regular Meeting with Bernard Hogan Howe 03/04/2013 Chat with Daniel The Mayor's Office 03/04/2013 Brief with Daniel 03/04/2013 Ealing Studio Brief with Munira The Mayor's Office 03/04/2013 Brief with Stephen Greenhalgh 03/04/2013 City Week Prep 03/04/2013 Signing 03/04/2013 Visit to Ealing Studios - Creative Industry Announcement 04/04/2013 Meeting with UK Ambassador to Qatar, HE Michael O'Neill 04/04/2013 Depart for Ealing Studios 04/04/2013 Party Political Return to City Hall 04/04/2013 Private Lunch 04/04/2013 Chat with Will and Camilla 04/04/2013 Tel call from Ian Livingstone 04/04/2013 Harrow Town CC, Rayners Lane, Harrow, ECB Event in Harrow Middelsex, HA2 9TY 05/04/2013 Regular meeting with LFEPA The Mayor's Office 05/04/2013 Depart for Harrow 05/04/2013 Return to City Hall 05/04/2013 Private Lunch 05/04/2013 Anthony Seldon Interview City Hall 05/04/2013 Signing 05/04/2013 Euroleague Basketball Photo Outside City Hall 08/04/2013

Meeting with Jules Pipe, London Councils The Mayor's Office 08/04/2013 Photo with Camilla Yahaya Outside City Hall 08/04/2013 LBAC The Mayor's Office 08/04/2013 Meeting with Craig Donaldson, CEO Metrobank The Mayor's Office 08/04/2013 Depart home for office 08/04/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 08/04/2013 Party Political Lunch 08/04/2013 Chat with Kit The Mayor's Office 08/04/2013 Signing 08/04/2013 Meeting with Professor Dieter Helm The Mayor's Office 09/04/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 09/04/2013 Meeting with Tony Travers The Mayor's Office 09/04/2013 Visit to the 3rd floor with RB to thank Housing team The Mayor's Office 09/04/2013 Signing 09/04/2013 Chat with Munira The Mayor's Office 09/04/2013 Gulf & City Week prep The Mayor's Office 09/04/2013 Private Drink XXXX 10/04/2013 S40 Visit to the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith 10/04/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 4 10/04/2013 Rugby League Wolrd Cup Photo Outside City Hall 10/04/2013 Meeting with Martin Roth, V&A City Hall 10/04/2013 Depart for Hammersmith 10/04/2013 Return to City Hall 10/04/2013 Lunch 10/04/2013 Signing 10/04/2013 Party Political Return to City Hall 11/04/2013 Visit to London Dungeon County Hall 11/04/2013 Meeting with David Sharpe & Nick Varney - Merlin Entertainments County Hall 11/04/2013 Meeting with the LLDC The Mayor's Office 11/04/2013 Meeting with the Academies Enterprise Trust The Mayor's Office 11/04/2013 Depart for County Hall 11/04/2013 Lunch 11/04/2013 Gulf briefing The Mayor's Office 11/04/2013 Telephone interview with Francis Matthew - Gulf Visit The Mayor's Office 11/04/2013 Interview with Pippa Crerar The Mayor's Office 11/04/2013 Chat with Stephen & Blair The Mayor's Office 11/04/2013 Chat with Munira The Mayor's Office 11/04/2013 Depart for St Pauls Cathedral 11/04/2013 Pre Record Adam Boulton Interview St Paul's Cathedral 11/04/2013 Depart for Millbank 11/04/2013 Private Engagement 12/04/2013 Private Engagement 12/04/2013 Meet & Greet with Malala Yousafzai The Mayor's Office 12/04/2013 Depart for Leicester Square 12/04/2013 Nick Ferrari Regular Phone in Leicester Square 12/04/2013 Return to City Hall 12/04/2013 Outstanding media slot City Hall 12/04/2013 Signing 12/04/2013 Depart for Private Engagement 12/04/2013 Depart London Heathrow on Flight EK8 for Dubai 14/04/2013

Depart Dubai on Flight EK5 for Heathrow 16/04/2013 Baroness Thatcher's Funeral St Paul's Cathedral 17/04/2013 Guildhall Reception 17/04/2013 Marathon Briefing 17/04/2013 Depart home for St Pauls 17/04/2013 Time for Media in Paternoster Square 17/04/2013 Seated in St Paul's Cathedral 17/04/2013 Walk to the Guildhall 17/04/2013 Return to City Hall 17/04/2013 Tel call to John Baron MP 17/04/2013 Tel call to Sir John Stanley MP 17/04/2013 Tel call to George Hollingbery MP 17/04/2013 Tel call to Priti Patel MP 17/04/2013 Depart London Heathrow on Flight EK008 for Dubai 18/04/2013 Depart Dubai on flight EK845 for Doha 18/04/2013

Depart Doha on flight QR017 for Heathrow 21/04/2013 the Mermaid Conference Centre, Puddle City Week Speech Dock, EC4V 3DB 22/04/2013 Stephen Lawrence Memorial Service St Martin in the Fields 22/04/2013 Depart for the Mermaid Conference Centre, Puddle Dock, EC4V 3DB 22/04/2013 Depart for City Hall 22/04/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 22/04/2013 Brief - MOPAC Challenge with BHH The Mayor's Office 22/04/2013 Lunch 22/04/2013 Stephen Lawrence Memorial Prep 22/04/2013 Depart for Trafalgar Square 22/04/2013 Photo with Doreen Lawrence 22/04/2013 Private meeting The Mayor's Office 23/04/2013 Charles Moore: Book Launch Banqueting House 23/04/2013 St Georges Day Event 23/04/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 23/04/2013 Dinner with Lakshmi Mittal XXXX 23/04/2013 S40 Depart for London Bridge 23/04/2013 Depart by train for Deptford 23/04/2013 Return to City Hall 23/04/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 23/04/2013 Lunch 23/04/2013 Mark Easton interview 9th Floor 23/04/2013 Depart for Banqueting House, Whitehall 23/04/2013 Depart by bike for Kensington Palace Gardens 23/04/2013 MOPAC Challenge City Hall Chamber 24/04/2013 London Enterprise Panel Cttee Room 3 24/04/2013 Meeting with Patrick McLoughlin The Mayor's Office 24/04/2013 Naz Legacy Foundation Reception London's Living Room 24/04/2013 Lunch 24/04/2013 Pre-brief for Patrick McLoughlin The Mayor's Office 24/04/2013

Chat with Neale re various legacy matters 24/04/2013 Speech prep 24/04/2013 Academy Visit Hounslow 25/04/2013

Meeting with Tom Winsor, Chair of HMIC The Mayor's Office 25/04/2013 Sir Simon Milton Statue Unveiling Corner Piccadilly & Eton Palace 25/04/2013 Pop in to Warner Bros Reception BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly 25/04/2013 Depart for Hounslow 25/04/2013 Return to City Hall 25/04/2013 Lunch 25/04/2013 Measles Briefing Mayor's office 25/04/2013 Speech prep 25/04/2013 Depart for Piccadilly 25/04/2013 Private meeting 26/04/2013 Roadworks Innovation Summit LLR 26/04/2013 London Crime Reduction Board Meeting The Mayor's Office 26/04/2013 Twitter Session The Mayor's Office 26/04/2013 Level 39, One Canada Square, Canary Innotech Summit Wharf 26/04/2013 Lunch 26/04/2013 Signing 26/04/2013 Phone call: Michael Fallon 26/04/2013 Depart for Canary Wharf 26/04/2013 Heathrow Referendum Rally Barn Elms Playing Field, Richmond 27/04/2013 Depart for Richmond 27/04/2013 Legacy Advisory Group The Mayor's Office 29/04/2013

Regular Meeting with Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 29/04/2013 28 South Street, Park Lane area W1K Legacy List Patrons Dinner 1DH 29/04/2013 Chat with Neale The Mayor's Office 29/04/2013 Signing 29/04/2013 Tel call to Justin King The Mayor's Office 29/04/2013 Speech prep 29/04/2013 Depart for Park Lane 29/04/2013 S40 Meeting with Malcolm Grant, UCL The Mayor's Office 30/04/2013 Meeting with Cllr Roe, Westminster City Council The Mayor's Office 30/04/2013 Bureau of Leaders 30/04/2013 Drink with Lord Adonis 30/04/2013 Chat with Neale The Mayor's Office 30/04/2013 Outstanding media slot City Hall 30/04/2013 Chat with Bill Wiggin The Mayor's Office 30/04/2013 Richard Blakeway re Royal Docks 30/04/2013 Private chat with Leon The Mayor's Office 30/04/2013 Lucasfilm Tel Call The Mayor's Office 30/04/2013 Depart for home 30/04/2013 Meeting with Rt Hon The Mayor's Office 01/05/2013 Meeting with Edmund Truell The Mayor's Office 01/05/2013 Prince Andrew Lunch Buckingham Palace 01/05/2013

Meeting with Jules Pipe & Tony Travers The Mayor's Office 01/05/2013 Meeting with Michael Wilshaw OFSTED The Mayor's Office 01/05/2013 Pop into the Drinks Map Area, Lower Ground Floor 01/05/2013 Live Ferrari Radio Interview - Importance of the Thames ISDN Line from home 01/05/2013 Depart by bike for Buckingham Palace 01/05/2013 Return to City Hall 01/05/2013 Recording voiceover for the Mayor's Sports Legacy Programme Video The Mayor's Office 01/05/2013 Visit to Waltham Forest for LEP Announcement GU Puds 02/05/2013

Lunch with Lord Heseltine and Lord Adonis The Exchange, 28 London Bridge Street 02/05/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 02/05/2013 Sports Industry Awards Battersea Evolution 02/05/2013 Depart for Waltham Forest 02/05/2013 Return to City Hall 02/05/2013 Depart for the Exchange, 28 London Bridge Street 02/05/2013 Return to City Hall 02/05/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 02/05/2013 Chat with Peter Hendy 02/05/2013 Brief - Mosque Meeting The Mayor's Office 02/05/2013 Speech prep 02/05/2013 Depart for Battersea 02/05/2013 Old Kent Road Mosque visit 03/05/2013 Eileen House Site Visit 80-94 Newington Causeway 03/05/2013 Pop into Richard's meeting with Mr Ni 03/05/2013 Depart for the Old Kent Road Mosque 03/05/2013 Depart for Elephant & Castle 03/05/2013 Depart for City Hall 03/05/2013 S40 Party Political Chairman's Club Breakfast LLDC, Stratford 07/05/2013 Global Champions Tour Photo International Centre, Stratford 07/05/2013 Meeting with Steve Norris The Mayor's Office 07/05/2013 Big Lunch Photo City Hall 07/05/2013 Meeting with Howard Davies The Mayor's Office 07/05/2013 Ledley King event Park Lane Hilton 07/05/2013 Depart for Stratford 07/05/2013 Return to City Hall 07/05/2013 Lunch 07/05/2013 Signing 07/05/2013 Phone call to Tania Farah Mayor's office 07/05/2013 Speech prep 07/05/2013 Depart for Park Lane 07/05/2013 Meeting with Ruth Carnall The Mayor's Office 08/05/2013 Visit to Tottenham 08/05/2013 Photo with the Lord Mayor City Hall 08/05/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting The Mayor's Office 08/05/2013 Meeting with Cressida Dick The Mayor's Office 08/05/2013 Depart for Tottenham 08/05/2013 Return to City Hall 08/05/2013 Lunch 08/05/2013 Brief with Ed & Jeff The Mayor's Office 08/05/2013 Chat re. Foreign trips The Mayor's Office 08/05/2013 GIC speech prep The Mayor's Office 08/05/2013 Meeting with Chairman Xu The Mayor's Office 09/05/2013 Global Investment Conference 8 Northumberland Avenue 09/05/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 09/05/2013 Edwardian Rooms, Crowne Plaza London Indian Journalist Association Dinner (St James Court Hotel) 09/05/2013 Speech prep 09/05/2013 Depart for Northumberland Avenue 09/05/2013 Return to City Hall 09/05/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 09/05/2013 Telephone interview with Matthew Beard - Bus Visit to Ballymena The Mayor's Office 09/05/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 09/05/2013 Depart for Buckingham Gate 09/05/2013 Wrightbus Visit 10/05/2013 Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce Lunch 10/05/2013 Interview for The Today programme ISDN Line 10/05/2013 Depart for Heathrow 10/05/2013 Telephone interview with Nick Ferrari 10/05/2013 Flight Aer Lingus EI031 from Heathrow to Belfast City 10/05/2013 Depart for the Airport 10/05/2013 Flight Aer Lingus EI036 to Heathrow 10/05/2013 Depart for home 10/05/2013 Party Political

Regular meeting with Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 13/05/2013 Catch up with Rosie The Mayor's Office 13/05/2013 Record LBC trailers for the State of London Debate The Mayor's Office 13/05/2013 Signing 13/05/2013 Party Political Return to City Hall 13/05/2013 Brief with Stephen Greenhalgh The Mayor's Office 13/05/2013 Chat with Ed The Mayor's Office 13/05/2013 S40 Crossrail 2 launch Wimbledon 14/05/2013 Photo with Ray Puddifoot and Cllr The Lord Nick True of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Outside City Hall 14/05/2013 Meeting with George Iacobescu Room 8.7 14/05/2013 Meeting with Havering & Redbridge Borough The Mayor's Office 14/05/2013

Community Reception - Croydon & Sutton LLR 14/05/2013 Depart for Wimbledon 14/05/2013 Return to City Hall 14/05/2013 Lunch 14/05/2013 Chat with Munira The Mayor's Office 14/05/2013 LSE speech prep The Mayor's Office 14/05/2013 Speech prep 14/05/2013 Private Dinner XXXX 15/05/2013 S40 Launch of the London Finance Commission LLR 15/05/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 1 15/05/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 15/05/2013 HOPS Performance Review Meeting Cttee Room 1 15/05/2013 Brief with Tony Travers & Jules Pipe The Mayor's Office 15/05/2013 Live Daily Politics Show 9th Flr Balcony 15/05/2013 Lunch 15/05/2013 Tfl Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 15/05/2013 London Finance Commission Radio Interviews ISDN Line from the Mayor's Office 15/05/2013 XXXX 15/05/2013 S40 Site visit to the Ministry of Sound 103 Gaunt Street, SE1 16/05/2013 Launch of the Evening Standard Get Reading Campaign Battersea 16/05/2013

ICITY Announcement & Press Conference LLDC, Stratford 16/05/2013

LBC Interview - State of London Debate ISDN Line from home 16/05/2013 Depart for Lockington Road, Battersea 16/05/2013 Depart for Elephant & Castle 16/05/2013 Return to City Hall 16/05/2013 Lunch 16/05/2013 Depart for Stratford 16/05/2013 Return home 16/05/2013 Citizenship ceremony City Hall 20/05/2013 Meeting with the LLDC The Mayor's Office 20/05/2013 Meeting with John Burton, Westfield The Mayor's Office 20/05/2013 Chat with Yvonne Doyle The Mayor's Office 20/05/2013 London Health Board Cttee Room 5 20/05/2013 Meeting with David James, IPAG The Mayor's Office 20/05/2013 Chat with Darren Johnson The Mayor's Office 20/05/2013 Speech prep 20/05/2013 Lunch 20/05/2013 Brief London Health Board The Mayor's Office 20/05/2013 Call to Mike Sherwood The Mayor's Office 20/05/2013 Telephone interview with Matthew Beard - Heathrow Referendum The Mayor's Office 20/05/2013 Party Political Party Political S40 Heathrow Referendum Results with Cllr Puddifoot and Lord True City Hall Chamber Viewing Gallery 21/05/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 21/05/2013 MQT Briefing The Mayor's Office 21/05/2013 LSE speech prep 21/05/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 21/05/2013 Speech prep 21/05/2013 Party Political Mayor's Question Time City Hall Chamber 22/05/2013 Meeting with Jo Johnson The Mayor's Office 22/05/2013 COBR Whitehall 22/05/2013 Lunch 22/05/2013 Discuss 20:20 The Mayor's Office 22/05/2013 Speech prep 22/05/2013 Swire House, 59 Buckingham Gate, Garden Bridge Meeting SW1E 6AJ 23/05/2013 COBR Whitehall 23/05/2013 Visit to Woolwich & meeting with Community Leaders 23/05/2013 The Mayor's Advisory Group Committee Room 3 23/05/2013 Muslim Community Leaders Meeting 23/05/2013 Depart for Woolwich 23/05/2013 Return to City Hall 23/05/2013 Depart for Buckingham Gate 23/05/2013 Time for live media 4 Millbank 23/05/2013 Meeting with David Triggs The Mayor's Office 24/05/2013 Private Meeting The Mayor's Office 24/05/2013 Olympic Cabinet Meeting Cabinet Room, No 10 24/05/2013 Leadership Club event with Will Smith LLR 24/05/2013 Depart for Downing Street 24/05/2013 Return to City Hall 24/05/2013 20:20 Voiceover Recording - Atomized cartoon City Hall 24/05/2013 Brief - Will Smith The Mayor's Office 24/05/2013 Lunch & signing 24/05/2013 Outstanding media slot City Hall 24/05/2013 Brief - LAET The Mayor's Office 24/05/2013 Discuss 20:20 Filming script The Mayor's Office 24/05/2013 Discuss 20:20 The Mayor's Office 24/05/2013 S40 S40 Champions League Final Wembley 25/05/2013 LLDC Board Meeting LLDC Stratford 28/05/2013

Regular meeting with Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 28/05/2013 Brief for the Chancellor The Mayor's Office 28/05/2013 Andrew Vicari sitting Mayor's office 28/05/2013 Global Uni Speech prep 28/05/2013 Depart for Stratford 28/05/2013 Chat with Neale & Dennis Stratford 28/05/2013 Return to City Hall 28/05/2013 Brief with Stephen Greenhalgh The Mayor's Office 28/05/2013 Global Uni Speech prep 28/05/2013 S40 Global University Summit 2013 One Whitehall Place 29/05/2013 Asian Business Park signing ceremony and reception LLR 29/05/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 2 29/05/2013 Stairway to Heaven event Forman's Fish Island 29/05/2013 Depart for One Whitehall Place 29/05/2013 Return to City Hall 29/05/2013 Speech prep 29/05/2013 Lunch 29/05/2013 Brief for the Chancellor The Mayor's Office 29/05/2013 Depart for Forman's Fish Factory 29/05/2013 Deaprt by taxi for Mayfair 29/05/2013 S40 Team London Wrapped Train Photo London Bridge 30/05/2013 Team London Relaunch Oval Cricket Ground 30/05/2013 Mobile Swimming Pool Event Maria Fedlis School 30/05/2013 Meeting with the Chancellor HM Treasury - 1 Horse Guards Road 30/05/2013 Near Peer mentoring Event LLR 30/05/2013

Meeting with Peter Hendy & Stephen Allen LLR 30/05/2013 Depart for London Bridge 30/05/2013 Depart for Euston 30/05/2013 Return to City Hall 30/05/2013 Lunch 30/05/2013 Depart for the Treasury 30/05/2013 Return to City Hall 30/05/2013 Excel Olympic Legacy Hand Moulding Room 8.6 30/05/2013 Speech prep 30/05/2013 S40

Regular Nick Ferrari Phone in Barclays, 1 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf 31/05/2013 Crossrail Breakthrough Canary Wharf 31/05/2013 Clipper Race Launch Tower Bridge 31/05/2013 Lunch with Paul Deighton XXXX 31/05/2013 S38 Depart for Tower Gateway 31/05/2013 Depart for Canary Wharf on the DLR 31/05/2013 Depart for the Crossrail Site 31/05/2013 Depart for Tower Bridge 31/05/2013 Return to City Hall 31/05/2013 Signing 31/05/2013 Chat with Ed and Will 31/05/2013 Discuss Peel Centre The Mayor's Office 31/05/2013 Depart for Newgate Street 31/05/2013 Meeting with Peter Hendy The Mayor's Office 10/06/2013 The London Real Estate Forum Berkeley Square 10/06/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 10/06/2013 Discuss Transport Spending Review The Mayor's Office 10/06/2013 Brief 2020 The Mayor's Office 10/06/2013 Sarah Sands Interview The Mayor's Office 10/06/2013 Lunch 10/06/2013 Signing 10/06/2013 Call Harvey McGrath 10/06/2013 Chat with Kit The Mayor's Office 10/06/2013 Speech prep 10/06/2013 Depart for Berkeley Square 10/06/2013 20:20 Launch Event LLR 11/06/2013 Meeting with Patrick McLoughlin Great Minster House 11/06/2013 Meeting with David Blunkett MP & the Future of Youth Foundation The Mayor's Office 11/06/2013 Speech prep 11/06/2013 Lunch 11/06/2013 Depart for Great Minster House 11/06/2013 Return to City Hall 11/06/2013 2020 Media 11/06/2013 The Mayor's Design Advisory Group Conference Room 4 12/06/2013 Regular Planning Decision Meeting Cttee Room 3 12/06/2013 Q&A with staff LLR 12/06/2013 State of London Debate Methodist Central Hall 12/06/2013 Lunch 12/06/2013 Discuss NCVO Conference The Mayor's Office 12/06/2013 Speech prep 12/06/2013 Depart for Westminster 12/06/2013 S40 S40 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 13/06/2013 Mayor's Low Carbon Prize Awards - Charles Wheeler Award Siemen's Crystal 13/06/2013 Return to City Hall 13/06/2013 Lunch 13/06/2013 Tel call to Sir Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 13/06/2013 Chat with Neale 13/06/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 13/06/2013 Speech prep 13/06/2013 Depart for Siemen's Crystal 13/06/2013 S40 S40 Meeting with Apurv Bagri - Chair of the Royal Parks The Mayor's Office 14/06/2013 Depart for Leicester Square 14/06/2013 Regular Nick Ferarri Phone in Leicester Square 14/06/2013 Return to City Hall 14/06/2013 Kimberlee Ponson Portrait shot 14/06/2013 Lunch with Stephen Greenhalgh 14/06/2013 Signing 14/06/2013 S40 Queen's Tennis 16/06/2013 Party Political

NCVO Conference The Brewery, Chiswell Street, EC1Y 4SD 17/06/2013 Meeting with Rushanara Ali MP & John Biggs The Mayor's Office 17/06/2013 Val Shawcross, Lib Peck re Clapham Fire Station The Mayor's Office 17/06/2013 Meeting with Ann Radmore, LAS The Mayor's Office 17/06/2013 Jewish Care Campaign Dinner The Grosvenor House 17/06/2013 Depart for the Brewery 17/06/2013 Lunch 17/06/2013 Signing 17/06/2013 Phone call to Neil MacGregor The Mayor's Office 17/06/2013 Tel call from the Chancellor The Mayor's Office 17/06/2013 Speech prep 17/06/2013 Cycle to Park Lane 17/06/2013 Private Drink XXXX 18/06/2013 S38 Men's Fashion week event Savile Row 18/06/2013 Lunch with overseas business delegations from India and the Gulf L&P Boardroom 18/06/2013 Bureau of Leaders 18/06/2013

Leadenhall Building Topping out Ceremony 122 Leadenhall St 18/06/2013 Depart for Hanover Square 18/06/2013 Return to City Hall 18/06/2013 MQT Briefing The Mayor's Office 18/06/2013 Phone call with Patrick McLoughlin The Mayor's Office 18/06/2013 Discuss the Mayor's Fund Rebranding The Mayor's Office 18/06/2013 Speech prep 18/06/2013 Depart for the Leadenhall Building 18/06/2013 Meeting to discuss Qatar with Ed, Neale and Martin Roth The Mayor's Office 19/06/2013 Aviation meeting The Mayor's Office 19/06/2013 S40 S40 Mayor's Question Time City Hall Chamber 19/06/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting The Mayor's Office 19/06/2013 Meeting with the LLDC The Mayor's Office 19/06/2013 Lunch 19/06/2013

Meeting with Professor Dame Julia King The Mayor's Office 19/06/2013 Twitter Session The Mayor's Office 20/06/2013 Question Time 20/06/2013 Message recording City Hall 20/06/2013 Lunch 20/06/2013 Hold for QT brief The Mayor's Office 20/06/2013 Pre Question Time drinks The Mayor's Office 20/06/2013 Party Political Visit to Lloyd's Lloyd's 24/06/2013 Flag Raising Event Outside City Hall 24/06/2013 Sandwich lunch with Nick Ferrari The Mayor's Office 24/06/2013

Regular meeting with Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 24/06/2013 Shubbak Festival Reception V&A Museum, South Kensington 24/06/2013 Depart for Lloyd's 24/06/2013 Return to City Hall 24/06/2013 Signing 24/06/2013 Tel call to Eric Pickles The Mayor's Office 24/06/2013 Brief with Stephen Greenhalgh The Mayor's Office 24/06/2013 Speech prep 24/06/2013 Depart for South Kensington 24/06/2013 Party Political RideLondon - Team Boris photo Potters Field 25/06/2013 Meeting with Daniel Moylan The Mayor's Office 25/06/2013 LLDC Baord Meeting LLDC, Straford 25/06/2013 Pride Ball Claridges 25/06/2013 Depart for Stratford 25/06/2013 Return to City Hall 25/06/2013 Tel call to Doreen Lawrence The Mayor's Office 25/06/2013 Tel call to Tom Winsor & Steve Otter The Mayor's Office 25/06/2013 Tel call to Chief Constable Mick Ceedon The Mayor's Office 25/06/2013 Depart for Claridges 25/06/2013 Meeting with Henry Dimbleby 26/06/2013 London Crime Reduction Board The Mayor's Office 26/06/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 4 26/06/2013 Lunch 26/06/2013 CSR Media LLR 26/06/2013 Chat with Will & Stephen The Mayor's Office 26/06/2013

Discuss Southwark Academy with Munira The Mayor's Office 26/06/2013 Signing 26/06/2013 Tel call to Mark Ellison 26/06/2013 Tel call to Michael Mansfield 26/06/2013 SR visit to Tottenham Court Road Tottenham Court Road 27/06/2013 Quarterly Meeting with LFEPA The Mayor's Office 27/06/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 27/06/2013 Berkeley Group Charity Ball Horse Guards Parade 27/06/2013 Return to City Hall 27/06/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 27/06/2013 Pop into Oliver Letwin mtg with Isabel 8.10 27/06/2013 Speech prep 27/06/2013 Chat with Victoria The Mayor's Office 27/06/2013 Depart for Horse Guards Parade 27/06/2013 S40 Provost Office, UCL, Gower Street, WC1E Meeting with Michael Arthur - UCL 6BT 28/06/2013 Met Police Annual Ceremony of Remembrance Hendon 28/06/2013 Depart for Gower Street 28/06/2013 Return home 28/06/2013 Depart from home for Hendon 28/06/2013 Tel call form the 28/06/2013 Stud House, Home Park, Hampton Court Pop into Evgeny Lebedev Summer Party Palace 28/06/2013 S40 S40 S40 Bruce Springsteen Concert Olympic Park 30/06/2013 S40 Depart home by bike 30/06/2013 Arrive QE Olympic Park 30/06/2013 S40 Deutsche Bank, 75 London Wall, EC2 Meeting with Anshu Jain N2DB 01/07/2013 Deutsche Bank, 75 London Wall, EC2 CityUK Lunch N2DB 01/07/2013 LBAC The Mayor's Office 01/07/2013 Nick Garland Auction Chamber Gallery 01/07/2013 Speech prep 01/07/2013 Depart for 75 London Wall 01/07/2013 Depart for City Hall 01/07/2013 Signing 01/07/2013 Brief - TfL Board Meeting The Mayor's Office 01/07/2013 Speech prep 01/07/2013 S40 Party Political Ask Boris - LBC Phone in Leicester Square 02/07/2013 Riverlight Nine Elms First Phase Topping Out Ceremony Nine Elms 02/07/2013 Dinner with Eric Pickles XXXX 02/07/2013 S38 Depart for Leicester Square 02/07/2013 Depart for Nine Elms 02/07/2013 Return to City Hall 02/07/2013 Lunch 02/07/2013 Record 2 video messages City Hall Chamber 02/07/2013 Signing 02/07/2013 Chat with Stephen Mayor's Office 02/07/2013 Keep clear for newsletter 02/07/2013 Tel call to Mayor Paes Mayor's Office 02/07/2013 XXXX 02/07/2013 S38 Party Political Party Political Party Political Meet & greet Malaysian PM City Hall Reception 03/07/2013 WIEF press conference City Hall Chamber 03/07/2013 TfL Board Meeting City Hall 03/07/2013 TfL Board Member Lunch City Hall 03/07/2013 Discuss Earl's Court Planning Case The Mayor's Office 03/07/2013 Brief with Ed Mayor's Office 03/07/2013 Poss catch up with Ed 03/07/2013 Tel call to Vince Cable Mayor's Office 03/07/2013 Lunch 03/07/2013 Battersea event 04/07/2013 Taxi Trade Meeting The Mayor's Office 04/07/2013 LFC Thank you drinks The Mayor's Office 04/07/2013 Depart for Battersea 04/07/2013 Return to City Hall 04/07/2013 Brief with Stephen Greenhalgh The Mayor's Office 04/07/2013 Meeting with Peter Hendy The Mayor's Office 04/07/2013 Tel call to Greg Dyke The Mayor's Office 04/07/2013 Private Lunch XXXX 05/07/2013 S40 S40 Open the Emirates Aviation Experience Greenwich side of the cable car 05/07/2013 Depart for Greenwich 05/07/2013 Return to City Hall 05/07/2013 Meeting with LFEPA (Commissioner) The Mayor's Office 05/07/2013 Meeting with Neale, LLDC The Mayor's Office 05/07/2013 Brief - Home Affairs Select Cttee The Mayor's Office 05/07/2013 Signing 05/07/2013 Rolling Stones Hyde Park 06/07/2013 Private meeting 08/07/2013 Meeting with Mayors attending the Policing Conference The Mayor's Office 08/07/2013 International Policing Conference City Hall 08/07/2013 Regular meeting with Bernard Hogan Howe + Brief for MOPAC Challenge The Mayor's Office 08/07/2013 Meeting with Judith Mayhew Jonas Mayor's Office 08/07/2013

International Policing Conference Reception Map Area 08/07/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 08/07/2013 Brief - Home Affairs Select Cttee The Mayor's Office 08/07/2013 L&P Filming LLR 08/07/2013 Lunch 08/07/2013 Speech prep 08/07/2013 Chat with Ed 08/07/2013 Speech prep 08/07/2013

Congress of Leaders Meeting London Councils, 59 1/2 Southwark Street 09/07/2013 Policy Exchange Reception Abbey Gradens, Westminster Abbey 09/07/2013 Depart for Southwark Street 09/07/2013 Return to City Hall 09/07/2013 Lunch 09/07/2013 Phone call to Sheik Nasser of Kuwait TBC 09/07/2013 Brief - Home Affairs Select Cttee The Mayor's Office 09/07/2013 Depart for the House of Commons House of Commons 09/07/2013 Speech prep Jo's Office at the House of Commons 09/07/2013 Depart for Abbey Gardens 09/07/2013 Chat with George Iacobescu The Mayor's Office 10/07/2013 S40 Borough Visit (Road Taskforce) Elephant & Castle 10/07/2013 Regular Planning Decsisions Meeting 8.7 10/07/2013 Royal Parks Summer Reception Hyde Park 10/07/2013 Depart for Elephant & Castle 10/07/2013 Return to City Hall 10/07/2013 Signing 10/07/2013 Video message recording City Hall 10/07/2013 Lunch 10/07/2013 Speech prep 10/07/2013 Depart for Hyde Park 10/07/2013 Dinner with Sid Khanna Novikov 11/07/2013 Sacred Heart RC Primary School, Este DFE Schools Food Visit Rd, Battersea 11/07/2013 MOPAC Challenge City Hall Chamber 11/07/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 11/07/2013 Meeting with Chris Gibson Smith The Mayor's Office 11/07/2013 Depart home by bike for Battersea 11/07/2013 Depart for City Hall 11/07/2013 Sunday Times Aviation Interview The Mayor's Office 11/07/2013 Lunch 11/07/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 11/07/2013 Brief with Daniel The Mayor's Office 11/07/2013 Depart for Novikov Resataurant, Berkeley Square 11/07/2013 Military Funeral Bury Parish Church 12/07/2013 Depart home by Addison Lee car for RAF Northolt 12/07/2013 Arrive RAF Northolt & then depart by helicopter for Bury 12/07/2013 Depart by car for Bury Parish Church 12/07/2013 Depart by car 12/07/2013

Depart by helicopter for RAF Brize Norton 12/07/2013 S40 Party Political Party Political Aviation press conference LLR 15/07/2013 Meeting with Elizabeth Truss The Mayor's Office 15/07/2013

Beyond London 2012 Awards Ceremony City Hall Chamber 15/07/2013 Chat with Daniel The Mayor's Office 15/07/2013 Party Political Return to City Hall 15/07/2013

Media - ITN & BBC interviews re. aviation 15/07/2013 BBA Dinner speech prep The Mayor's Office 15/07/2013 Speech prep 15/07/2013 DT Olympic Interview The Mayor's Office 15/07/2013 Meeting with Kevin Murphy on behalf of the Board of L&P Mayor's Office 16/07/2013 Pop in to see the Malcolm Arnold Academy Students City Hall 16/07/2013 Party Political Breakfast with Anthony Browne Coq d'Argent, No.1 Poultry, EC2R 8EJ 16/07/2013 Legacy Advisory Group The Mayor's Office 16/07/2013 Meeting with the LLDC The Mayor's Office 16/07/2013 DLA Piper Reception DLA Piper, 3 Noble Street, EC2Y 5EA 16/07/2013 XXXX 16/07/2013 S38 Depart for City Hall 16/07/2013 MQT Briefing The Mayor's Office 16/07/2013 Lunch 16/07/2013 Chat with Neale The Mayor's Office 16/07/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 16/07/2013 Depart for Noble Street 16/07/2013 Mayor's Question Time City Hall Chamber 17/07/2013 Global Medical Conference Reception L&P Board Room 17/07/2013 London Civic Forum 25th Anniversary Reception LLR 17/07/2013 Lunch 17/07/2013 Poss clips re heathrow Mayor's Office 17/07/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 17/07/2013 Depart for L&P 17/07/2013 Return to City Hall 17/07/2013 Speech prep 17/07/2013 Live Media 17/07/2013 Live Media 17/07/2013 Breakfast with Justine Greening 18/07/2013 Meeting with Martin Roth & Sir Paul Ruddock, V&A The Mayor's Office 18/07/2013 Mayor's Office Summer Drinks The Mayor's Office 18/07/2013 Twitter Session The Mayor's Office 18/07/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 18/07/2013 Stuart Osborne meeting The Mayor's Office 18/07/2013 Depart for the Wolseley 18/07/2013 Return to City Hall 18/07/2013 Brief with Veronica The Mayor's Office 18/07/2013 Lunch 18/07/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 18/07/2013 Signing 18/07/2013 Meeting with Stephen Greenhalgh The Mayor's Office 18/07/2013 Cricket Lord's 19/07/2013 S40 Volunteering event in the Park Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 19/07/2013 Ferrari Interview - Olympic Legacy ISDN Line from home 19/07/2013 BBC LDN Penny + Paul ISDN Line 19/07/2013 Depart for Chalk Farm 19/07/2013 Depart for Lord's 19/07/2013 Lunch 19/07/2013 Depart for the Olympic Park 19/07/2013 Depart for home 19/07/2013 Dinner with Scott's, 20 Mount Street, W1K 2HE 22/07/2013 Visit to Belvedere & Bexleyheath Bexley 22/07/2013 Lunch with Michael Arthur Cote, Hays Galeria 22/07/2013 BBA Dinner speech prep Mansion House 22/07/2013 Depart for Belvedere & Bexleyheath 22/07/2013 Return to City Hall 22/07/2013 Depart for Hays Galleria 22/07/2013 Return to City Hall 22/07/2013 Phone call to Harvey 22/07/2013 Brief 2020 The Mayor's Office 22/07/2013 LEP prep The Mayor's Office 22/07/2013 Speech prep 22/07/2013 Depart for Mansion House 22/07/2013 Depart for Scott's 22/07/2013 Visit to RAF Northolt 23/07/2013 LLDC Board Meeting Cttee Room 1 23/07/2013

Meeting Associated Press board of editors LLR 23/07/2013 Bureau of Leaders 23/07/2013 Depart for Kings Cross by bike 23/07/2013 Depart on the Metropolitan Line to Ruislip Station 23/07/2013 Transfer by car to RAF Northolt 23/07/2013 Return to City Hall 23/07/2013 Lunch 23/07/2013 Chat with Neale & Dennis Mayor's Office 23/07/2013 Signing 23/07/2013 Phone call to Stephen Hammond 23/07/2013 20:20 Assembly Plenary City Hall Chamber 24/07/2013 London Enterprise Panel Cttee Room 2 24/07/2013

Meeting with Cllr Keith Prince, Redbridge The Mayor's Office 24/07/2013 Meeting with Shaun Dawson The Mayor's Office 24/07/2013 Olympic Anniversary Reception Guildhall 24/07/2013 hold to sign MD 24/07/2013 Lunch 24/07/2013 Speech prep 24/07/2013 Depart for Guildhall 24/07/2013 4th Plinth Unveil Trafalgar Square 25/07/2013 Legacy Press Conference LLR 25/07/2013 Meeting with James Cleverely & Ron Dobson The Mayor's Office 25/07/2013 Meeting with the City of London The Mayor's Office 25/07/2013 Regular Meeting with Criag Mackey The Mayor's Office 25/07/2013 Depart for Portland Place 25/07/2013

Vanessa Feltz Phione In BBC LDN, Egerton House, Portland Place 25/07/2013 Depart for Trafalgar Square 25/07/2013 Return to City Hall 25/07/2013 Depart for L&P 25/07/2013 CNN Interview L&P Board Room 25/07/2013 Lunch 25/07/2013 Signing 25/07/2013 Tour of the BT Facility 26/07/2013 Sainsbury Hospitality & Athletics QE Olympic Park 26/07/2013 Depart from home by car provided by Daybreak 26/07/2013 Daybreak Interview The London Studios, Upper Ground 26/07/2013 Return home by car 26/07/2013 Iain Dale Interview ISDN Line from home 26/07/2013 Depart from home for Stratford 26/07/2013 Arrive at the LLDC - meet with Dennis 26/07/2013 Take car to the BT Sports Studio 26/07/2013 Depart for the Orbit 26/07/2013 LLDC Hospitality The Orbit 26/07/2013 Time set aside for media 26/07/2013

Olympic Anniversary Events - Mo Farah Olympic Park 27/07/2013

Depart home home on bike for the LLDC 27/07/2013 Tour Open East 27/07/2013 Return home 27/07/2013 Watch the Athletics Olympic Stadium 28/07/2013 Depart home on bike for the LLDC 28/07/2013 Walk to the stadium 28/07/2013 Live Channel 4 Interview 28/07/2013 Depart for home 28/07/2013

Lunch with Sir Nigel Rudd & Colin Matthews XXXX 29/07/2013 S38 Chat with Daniel Moylan The Mayor's Office 29/07/2013 XXXX 29/07/2013 S38 Return to City Hall 29/07/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 29/07/2013 Chat with Gerard The Mayor's Office 29/07/2013 Signing 29/07/2013 Party Political S40 Sea Container Port Visit 30/07/2013 Meeting with Ruth Carnball (& HSJ Interview in 8.10) The Mayor's Office 30/07/2013 Meeting with the Mayor's Fund The Mayor's Office 30/07/2013

Depart by bike for Fenchurch St Station 30/07/2013

Depart Fenchurch St Station for Laindon 30/07/2013 Return to City Hall 30/07/2013 Lunch 30/07/2013 Australia Media 31/07/2013 RideLondon press event LLR Balcony 31/07/2013 Lunch with the Editor of the Sun - David Dinsmore XXXX 31/07/2013 S38 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 3 31/07/2013 Meeting with Sir Terry Farrrell The Mayor's Office 31/07/2013 Travel to City Hall 31/07/2013 XXXX 31/07/2013 S38 Discuss Crystal Palace The Mayor's Office 31/07/2013 Signing 31/07/2013 Lendlease Visit Elephant & Castle 01/08/2013 Meeting with David Willetts MP, BIS The Mayor's Office 01/08/2013 Meeting with Mark Carney Bank of England 01/08/2013 Depart for Elephant Castle 01/08/2013 Return to City Hall 01/08/2013 Lunch 01/08/2013 Brief with Stephen Greenhalgh The Mayor's Office 01/08/2013 Tel call from Stephen Hammond The Mayor's Office 01/08/2013 Depart for the Bank of England 01/08/2013 Private meeting 02/08/2013 Visit to Wealtham Forest with IDS 02/08/2013 Depart for Waltahm Forest 02/08/2013 Return to City Hall 02/08/2013 Ride London Start Olympic Park - The Mall 04/08/2013 Meeting with William Castell The Mayor's Office 05/08/2013 Regular TfL Meeting The Mayor's Office 05/08/2013

Regular Meeting with Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 05/08/2013 TfL pre meet The Mayor's Office 05/08/2013 Dinner with George Osborne Wiltons, Jermyn Street 06/08/2013 S40 Regular Monthly "Ask Boris" Phone in Leicester Square 06/08/2013 Air Ambulance Visit 06/08/2013 Meet with Gordon Innes, L&P The Mayor's Office 06/08/2013 Depart for Leicester Square 06/08/2013 Return to City Hall 06/08/2013 Andrew Vicari Sitting The Mayor's Office 06/08/2013 Outstanding media City Hall 06/08/2013 Lunch 06/08/2013 Depart for Whitechapel 06/08/2013 Return to City Hall 06/08/2013 Depart for Jermyn Street 06/08/2013 Private chat with David Higgins Kings Cross Station 07/08/2013 Party Political Australian media 07/08/2013 S40 Depart for Kings Cross 07/08/2013 Return to City Hall 07/08/2013 Lunch Lunch 07/08/2013 Phone call to Lord Darzi Mayor's office 07/08/2013 Signing 07/08/2013 S40 Lunch with Richard Desmond 29/08/2013 Meeting with Chairman Wang 29/08/2013 Meeting with the Vice Chancellor of 29/08/2013

Telephone call to Sir Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 29/08/2013 Discuss Party Conference The Mayor's Office 29/08/2013 Twitter Session The Mayor's Office 29/08/2013 Depart for No 1 Poultry 29/08/2013 Return to City Hall 29/08/2013 Signing 29/08/2013 S40 Meeting with Geoff Muirhead The Mayor's Office 03/09/2013 Meeting with Richard Moore - HM Ambassador to Turkey The Mayor's Office 03/09/2013 Coffee with Robert Thomson, CEO of News Corp The Mayor's Office 03/09/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 5 03/09/2013

Meeting with David Higgins, Network Rail The Mayor's Office 03/09/2013 GQ Man of the Year Awards Royal Opera House 03/09/2013 Depart for Leicester Square 03/09/2013 Regular Monthly Phone in Global Studios, Leicester Square 03/09/2013 Return to City Hall 03/09/2013 Chat with Daniel The Mayor's Office 03/09/2013

Record Message for Jewish New Year City Hall 03/09/2013 Lunch 03/09/2013 Speech prep 03/09/2013 Depart for the Royal Opera House 03/09/2013

Cycle safety event with Stephen Hammond Old Palace Yard 04/09/2013 Regular Meeting with Jules Pipe, London Councils The Mayor's Office 04/09/2013 Meeting with Core Cities Group Cttee room 2 04/09/2013 Meet & greet with City Mayors 04/09/2013 C40 Event Siemen's Crystal 04/09/2013 Meeting with Commissioner Siim Kallas 04/09/2013 Depart for Old Palace Yard 04/09/2013 Return to City Hall 04/09/2013 Telephone call to Lord Carlile The Mayor's Office 04/09/2013 Lunch 04/09/2013 Brief - Core Cities The Mayor's Office 04/09/2013 Speech prep 04/09/2013 Depart for Siemen's Crystal 04/09/2013 Return to City Hall 04/09/2013 Depart for Wimbledon 04/09/2013 Last Leg - TV Show Wimbledon 04/09/2013 Depart by car for home 04/09/2013 S40 S40 Borough Visit to Croydon Croydon 05/09/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 05/09/2013 Meeting with Patrick McLoughlin, Secretary of State for Transport The Mayor's Office 05/09/2013 Stephen Lawrence Trust Fundraiser Dorchester Hotel 05/09/2013 Depart by bike for Tooley Street 05/09/2013 Take the train to Croydon 05/09/2013 Return to City Hall 05/09/2013 Lunch 05/09/2013 TfL pre meet The Mayor's Office 05/09/2013 Chat with Neale & Dennis The Mayor's Office 05/09/2013 Chat with Helen The Mayor's Office 05/09/2013 Speech prep 05/09/2013 Depart for the Dorchester 05/09/2013 London's Biggest Breakfast Photo City Hall 06/09/2013 Peer Outreach Team Meeting Cttee Room 5 06/09/2013 Andrew Vicari Sitting Mayor's office 06/09/2013 Party Conference Speech prep The Mayor's Office 06/09/2013 S40 Lunch 06/09/2013 PWC Video Interview City Hall 06/09/2013 Chat with Will 06/09/2013 Signing 06/09/2013

Opening of the Paralympic Legacy Festival Copper Box, QEOP 07/09/2013 Depart for the Copper Box, QEOP 07/09/2013 Return home 07/09/2013 Party Political 2012 Legacy Event (SMEs) East Wintergarden Canary Wharf 09/09/2013

Regular meeting with Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 09/09/2013 Meeting with Mr Ni The Mayor's Office 09/09/2013 Depart for Tooley Street Bike rack 09/09/2013 Depart for Canary Wharf 09/09/2013 Return to City Hall 09/09/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 09/09/2013 Tel call to Sir Paul Ruddock The Mayor's Office 09/09/2013 Lunch 09/09/2013 Signing 09/09/2013 Regeneration Stocktake The Mayor's Office 09/09/2013 Forwards to the Future Mayor's office 09/09/2013 Party Political Borough Visit - Capel Manor College Enfield 10/09/2013 Pop in to the London Shipping Week Reception Lancaster House, St James's, SW1 10/09/2013 Grange St Paul's Hotel, 10 Godliman LCCI/Asian Business Association Dinner Street, London EC4V 5AJ 10/09/2013 Depart for Bishopsgate Bike Rack for Liverpool St 10/09/2013 Returns to City Hall 10/09/2013 Lunch 10/09/2013 MQT Briefing The Mayor's Office 10/09/2013 Brief - LLDC Budget The Mayor's Office 10/09/2013 Speech prep 10/09/2013

Depart for Lancaster House, St James's 10/09/2013 Depart for Grange St Paul's Hotel 10/09/2013 Mayor's Question Time City Hall Chamber 11/09/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 11/09/2013 Millennium Mayfair Hotel, Grosvenor CST Dinner Square 11/09/2013 Lunch 11/09/2013 Chat with Will 11/09/2013 FT Photo The Mayor's Office 11/09/2013 Interview with George Parker & James Pickford - FT The Mayor's Office 11/09/2013 TfL Pre Meet 11/09/2013 Speech prep 11/09/2013 Depart for Grosvenor Square 11/09/2013 Depart for home 11/09/2013 Party Political Meeting with Lord Darzai The Mayor's Office 12/09/2013

Private meeting with HH Shiekha Mozah The Mayor's Office 12/09/2013 Event with Qatar Foundation LLR 12/09/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting The Mayor's Office 12/09/2013 Meeting with the Lord Mayor of Belfast The Mayor's Office 12/09/2013 Lunch 12/09/2013 Party Conference Speech prep The Mayor's Office 12/09/2013 Signing 12/09/2013 Private Meeting 16/09/2013 Confirmed: Mr XU Event City Hall 16/09/2013 London Health Board Cttee Room 5 16/09/2013 Meeting with the Indian Power Minister The Mayor's Office 16/09/2013 Meeting with Cressida Dick The Mayor's Office 16/09/2013 Churchill War Rooms Event Churchill War Rooms, Westminster 16/09/2013 Legacy List Event Bulgari Hotel, Knightsbridge 16/09/2013 Depart for City Hall 16/09/2013 Lunch 16/09/2013 Signing 16/09/2013

Depart for King Charles Street, Westminster 16/09/2013 Depart for the Bulgari Hotel 16/09/2013 Speech prep Bulgari Hotel 16/09/2013 Private Lunch XXXX 17/09/2013 S40 LLDC Board Meeting LLDC, Stratford 17/09/2013 Regular Meeting with Craig Mackay The Mayor's Office 17/09/2013 Informal Drinks with L&P Board The Mayor's Office 17/09/2013 Depart for Stratford 17/09/2013 Chat with Neale & Dennis Stratford 17/09/2013 LLDC Board Vision Workshop 17/09/2013 Return to City Hall 17/09/2013 Phone call Ed Vaizey 17/09/2013 Conference Speech prep The Mayor's Office 17/09/2013 IOD Annual Convention Royal Albett Hall 18/09/2013 TfL Board Away Day Room 1, Ground Floor, Palestra 18/09/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 2 18/09/2013 Pop into the MYFM Board Meeting Room 8.7 18/09/2013 Meeting with the Prime Minister of New Zealand The Mayor's Office 18/09/2013 Pearls Reception V&A 18/09/2013 William Castell Dinner Wellcome Trust 18/09/2013 Depart for the Royal Albert Hall 18/09/2013 Return to City Hall 18/09/2013 Depart for Palestra 18/09/2013 Return to City Hall 18/09/2013 Lunch 18/09/2013 Speech prep 18/09/2013 Depart for South Ken 18/09/2013 Cycle to the Wellcome Trust 18/09/2013 HE Sheikha mayassa meeting + visit The Olympic Park 19/09/2013 Meeting with Simon Linnett, Rothschild Mayor's Office 19/09/2013 MAG meeting re. Fire Strike 19/09/2013

The Boiler House Venue, Battersea Power Evening Standard Influentials Station, 188 Kirtling Street, SW8 5BN 19/09/2013 Depart for the Olympic Park 19/09/2013

Poss chat with Roth and Neale - pre brief LLDC 19/09/2013 Return to City Hall 19/09/2013 Lunch 19/09/2013 Andrew Gimson interview 19/09/2013 Chat: Isabel & Andrew Mayor's Office 19/09/2013 Signing 19/09/2013 Speech prep 19/09/2013 Depart for Battersea 19/09/2013 S40 S40 S40 S40 S40 Tata meet & greet The Mayor's Office 20/09/2013 Meeting with Michael Arthur, UCL The Mayor's Office 20/09/2013 Outstanding Media 20/09/2013 Conference speech prep The Mayor's Office 20/09/2013 Recite poem for National Poetry Day 20/09/2013 Signing 20/09/2013 Meeting with Charlie Mayfield, John Lewis Partnership The Mayor's Office 23/09/2013 Twitter Session The Mayor's Office 23/09/2013 Brief - TfL Board Meeting The Mayor's Office 23/09/2013

Community Reception - Ealing & Hillingdon LLR 23/09/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 23/09/2013 Conference speech prep The Mayor's Office 23/09/2013 Lunch 23/09/2013 Housing Stocktake The Mayor's Office 23/09/2013 Speech prep 23/09/2013 Photo & MOU signing with Mayor Bloomberg Balcony & Mayor's Office 24/09/2013 Meeting with Mayor Bloomberg, Mayor of Warsaw & Mayor of Florence Mayor's Office 24/09/2013 Innovation prize launch with Michael Bloomberg LLR 24/09/2013 Meeting with Prof Rick Trainor, Principal of Kings College The Mayor's Office 24/09/2013 Regular Meeting with Ruth Carnall The Mayor's Office 24/09/2013 Sackler Serpentine Gallery Dinner with Bloomberg Serpentine 24/09/2013 Interview with Pippa Crerar, Evening Standard The Mayor's Office 24/09/2013 China Briefing 24/09/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 24/09/2013 Party Political Party Political Cycle to the Serpentine 24/09/2013 TfL Board Meeting City Hall Chamber 25/09/2013 Pop into Kit's meeting with the Mayor of Turin 25/09/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting The Mayor's Office 25/09/2013 Visit to Lots Road 25/09/2013 Lunch 25/09/2013 Tel call to Sir Edward 25/09/2013 Depart for Lots Road 25/09/2013 Walk to World End's Studio 25/09/2013 Speech prep 25/09/2013 Party Political S40 S40 Kings Cross Square Opening 26/09/2013 London Crime Reduction Board Meeting The Mayor's Office 26/09/2013 Mobile Phone Roundtable The Mayor's Office 26/09/2013

Meeting with Danny Boyle Representatives The Mayor's Office 26/09/2013 Depart for Kings Cross 26/09/2013 Return to City Hall 26/09/2013 Lunch 26/09/2013 Signing 26/09/2013 S40 Party Political Party Political Regular Monthly Ask Boris Phone in with Nick Ferrari Global Studios, Leicester Square 02/10/2013 London Enterprise Panel Cttee Room 5 02/10/2013 Lunch with Sir Robin Wales XXXX 02/10/2013 S38 Meeting with the Group CEO Khaled Al Sayed, Qatari Diar Mayor's Office 02/10/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Ctttee Room 2 02/10/2013 Mary McLeod Petition & Photo City Hall 02/10/2013 Ridelondon reception LLR 02/10/2013 Depart for Leicester Square 02/10/2013 Depart for City Hall 02/10/2013 XXXX 02/10/2013 S38 Return to City Hall 02/10/2013 Speech prep 02/10/2013 Party Political Party Political

Crystal Palace press conference with Mr Ni 03/10/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL 03/10/2013 Meeting with Peter Johansen 03/10/2013 Regular meeting with Sir Bernard Hogan Howe 03/10/2013 Depart for Crystal Palace 03/10/2013 Time for media 03/10/2013 Return to City Hall 03/10/2013 Chat with Neale & Ed 03/10/2013 Lunch 03/10/2013 Aviation Stocktake 03/10/2013 Speech prep 03/10/2013 S40 Meeting with Martin Roth, Sir Paul Ruddock & Michael Arthur The Mayor's Office 07/10/2013 London Film Festival Photo with Christopher Lee City Hall 07/10/2013 Regular Meeting with Gordon Innes, L&P The Mayor's Office 07/10/2013 Black History Month City Hall 07/10/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 07/10/2013 Lunch 07/10/2013 Meeting with Sebastian Grigg 07/10/2013 Brief - TfL QT The Mayor's Office 07/10/2013 Brief - Immigration The Mayor's Office 07/10/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 07/10/2013 Party Political Mayor's Music Fund Breakfast Event Egyptian Room at Mansion House 08/10/2013 Meeting with Chris Rapley, Chair London Climate Change Partnership The Mayor's Office 08/10/2013 Lord Harris Reception Peers Dining Room, House of Lords 08/10/2013 LBC anniversary 30 Millbank Tower 08/10/2013 Return to City Hall 08/10/2013 China pre-brief The Mayor's Office 08/10/2013 Time for China Media 8.6 08/10/2013 Outstanding Media City Hall Chamber 08/10/2013 Lunch 08/10/2013 Signing 08/10/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 08/10/2013 Depart for the House of Lords 08/10/2013 Depart for Millbank Tower 08/10/2013 Party Political Assembly Plenary - Chair of TfL Q&A City Hall Chamber 09/10/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting + REMA MD The Mayor's Office 09/10/2013 Bureau of Leaders Committee Room 1 09/10/2013 Mayor's Fund for London Drinks The Mayor's Office 09/10/2013 Lunch & signing 09/10/2013 Phone call with the Guggenheim The Mayor's Office 09/10/2013 Speech prep 09/10/2013 Bio Industry Association Event Royal College of Surgeons 10/10/2013 Meeting with Sir Phillip Green The Mayor's Office 10/10/2013 Meeting with Michael Gutman The Mayor's Office 10/10/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 10/10/2013 LTM Fundraiser London Transport Museum 10/10/2013

Depart for the Royal College of Surgeons 10/10/2013 Return to City Hall 10/10/2013 Pippa + Sunday Telegraph Interview 10/10/2013 Lunch 10/10/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 10/10/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 10/10/2013 Depart for Covent Garden 10/10/2013 Funeral of PC Duncan East Molesley 11/10/2013 Depart London Heathrow Terminal 5 on Flight BA39 for Beijing 12/10/2013 Phone call with Ron Dobson re industrial action 15/10/2013

Depart Hong Kong Terminal 1 for London Heathrow (T5) on BA Flight BA0028 18/10/2013 Party Political Meeting with the Mayor of Mecca 21/10/2013 Regular Meeting with LFEPA 21/10/2013 Regular Meeting with Craig Mackey and Brief for MOPAC Challenge 21/10/2013 Chat with Stephen & Helen 21/10/2013 Team Meeting 21/10/2013 Chat with Munira 21/10/2013 Lunch 21/10/2013 Brief - House of Lords 21/10/2013 MOPAC Challenge Committee Room 4 22/10/2013 House of Lords Committee Evidence Committee Room 3, Cttee Corridor, Session House of Commons 22/10/2013 Tim Rice show - From Here to Eternity 22/10/2013 Lunch 22/10/2013 Depart for the House of Commons 22/10/2013 Return to City Hall 22/10/2013 MQT Briefing The Mayor's Office 22/10/2013 Twitter Session The Mayor's Office 22/10/2013 Depart for Shaftesbury Theatre 22/10/2013 Mayor's Question Time City Hall Chamber 23/10/2013

Meet & greet school children with Victoria Room 1.1e 23/10/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting The Mayor's Office 23/10/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL + Crossrail The Mayor's Office 23/10/2013 British Society of Magazine Editors Reception LLR 23/10/2013 Lunch 23/10/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 23/10/2013 Speech prep 23/10/2013

Greenwich UTC Visit with the Duke of York Greenwich 24/10/2013 Meeting with John Armitt The Mayor's Office 24/10/2013 Meet & greet the New US Ambassador - Matthew Barzun The Mayor's Office 24/10/2013 Bonhams Opening 101 New Bond Street 24/10/2013 Depart for Greenwich 24/10/2013 Return to City Hall 24/10/2013 Lunch 24/10/2013 Outstanding media City Hall 24/10/2013 Chat to James Quinn - Financial Editor of Sunday Telegraph re WIEF 24/10/2013 Chat with Stephen & Ray 24/10/2013 Brief with Stephen Greenhalgh 24/10/2013 Speech prep 24/10/2013 Depart for New Bond Street 24/10/2013 S40 Private Invitation 27/10/2013 Private Dinner 27/10/2013 S40 Dinner with Will 28/10/2013 London Global Cities Initiative 28/10/2013 Conference call re Storm 28/10/2013 Media re Jude 28/10/2013 Chat with Neale 28/10/2013 Tel call to Glenn Lowry 28/10/2013 Signing 28/10/2013 Brief - WIEF 28/10/2013 Discuss Housing in London 28/10/2013 Speech prep 28/10/2013 Depart for Canary Wharf 28/10/2013 Depart for Highbury & Islington 28/10/2013 London Councils Executive Committee Cttee Room 2 29/10/2013 Meeting with HM The King of Jordan Excel 29/10/2013

Visit to the Olympic Park with David Willetts QEOP 29/10/2013 LLDC Board Meeting LLDC, Stratford 29/10/2013 Meeting with the Host Borough Leaders & LLDC Office, Room 5, Level 10, 1 Starford Mayors Place, Montfitchet Raod 29/10/2013 Meeting with Crown Prince of Bahrain Excel 29/10/2013 WIEF Reception Excel 29/10/2013 Depart for Excel 29/10/2013 Depart for Stratford 29/10/2013 Chat with Neale & Dennis Stratford 29/10/2013 Depart for Excel 29/10/2013 Party Political WIEF Day 2 Opening Address Excel 30/10/2013 Pop in to Google Hangout 30/10/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 4 30/10/2013 Visit to the Southwark Police Cadets with the Police Commissioner Walworth Academy, Southwark 30/10/2013 Drapers' Hall, Throgmorton Avenue, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Event London, EC2N 2DQ 30/10/2013 Depart for London Excel 30/10/2013 Depart for the Aloft Hotel 30/10/2013 Return to City Hall 30/10/2013 Conference call with James Cleverly & Ron Dobson 30/10/2013 Lunch 30/10/2013 Chat with Neale The Mayor's Office 30/10/2013 Telephone call with Sir Paul Ruddock & Michael Arthur The Mayor's Office 30/10/2013

Depart by bike for the Walworth Academy 30/10/2013 Return to City Hall 30/10/2013 Speech prep 30/10/2013 Depart for Drapers Hall 30/10/2013 Meeting with Hugh Mitchell, Shell The Mayor's Office 31/10/2013 Meeting with the Chancellor No 11, Downing Street 31/10/2013 Le Boudin Blanc, 5 Trebeck Street, Shepherds Market, Mayfair, London, W1J Dinner with Peter Hendy 7LT 31/10/2013 Phone call from Patrick McLoughlin 31/10/2013 Brief CBI Speech The Mayor's Office 31/10/2013 Pre meet with Ed 31/10/2013 Depart for No 11 Downing Street 31/10/2013 Depart for Mayfair 31/10/2013 London Living Wage Event Great Ormond Street Hospital 04/11/2013 Regular Meeting with Ruth Carnall The Mayor's Office 04/11/2013

CBI speech Hilton London Metropole, Edgware Road 04/11/2013 Depart for Great Ormond St 04/11/2013 Depart for the London Eye 04/11/2013 L+P promo recording London Eye 04/11/2013 Return to City Hall 04/11/2013 Lunch 04/11/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 04/11/2013 Depart for Edgware Road 04/11/2013 Regular Monthly Phone in Leicester Square 05/11/2013 Poppy Day Visit Armoury House 05/11/2013 New Schools Network Lunch The Mayor's Office 05/11/2013 Meeting with Jeremy Hunt Richmond House 05/11/2013

PQT The Great Hall, Imperial College London 05/11/2013

Depart for Global Studios, Leicester Square 05/11/2013 Depart for the Honourable Artillery Compant, Armoury House, City Road,, EC1Y 2BQ 05/11/2013 Return to City Hall 05/11/2013 Discuss the London City Airport planning applications Room 8.7 05/11/2013 Depart for Richmond House 05/11/2013 Arrive at K&C & prep in green room 05/11/2013 CSH2 announcment Straford Hiogh Street 06/11/2013 TfL Board Meeting City Hall 06/11/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting The Mayor's Office 06/11/2013 Meeting with Steve Varley, UK Chair, Ernst & Young The Mayor's Office 06/11/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 06/11/2013 Depart for Stratford High Street by bike 06/11/2013 Depart for City Hall 06/11/2013 Lunch 06/11/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 06/11/2013 Signing 06/11/2013

Phone call with Mayor Elect of New York 06/11/2013 Meeting with the Moss Family The Mayor's Office 07/11/2013

Spectator Parliamentarian Awards Event The Savoy 07/11/2013 Crown Princess of Sweden The Mayor's Office 07/11/2013 Only Connect's Annual Dinner Fishmongers Hall. London Bridge 07/11/2013 Speech prep 07/11/2013 Depart for the Savoy 07/11/2013 Return to City Hall 07/11/2013 Speech prep 07/11/2013 Depart for Fishmongers Hall 07/11/2013 GLA Remembrance Service City Hall 08/11/2013 Sheffield Haworth Lunch Gresham Street 08/11/2013 Depart for Gresham Street 08/11/2013 Depart for Park Street 08/11/2013 Conrad Black Interview 47 Park Street 08/11/2013 Remembrance Sunday Ceremony Cenotaph 10/11/2013 Depart for Westminster 10/11/2013 Arrive at the FCO via Horse Guards Parade & the Downing St steps 10/11/2013 Return home 10/11/2013

Depart for London Heathrow Terminal 5 10/11/2013 Depart London Heathrow on BA157 for Kuwait 10/11/2013 Conference Call with Ron & James 11/11/2013 S40 S40 Depart Kuwait on Flight BA156 for London Heathrow 13/11/2013 Discuss Cycling 13/11/2013 S40 Iron Duke Unveiling Ealing 14/11/2013 Borough Visit to Southall Gas Works 14/11/2013 Regular meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 14/11/2013 Meeting with Lord Davies The Mayor's Office 14/11/2013 Odgers Berndtson Annual CFO & Audit Chair Dinner Plasterers Hall 14/11/2013 Ferrari Interview ISDN Line from home 14/11/2013 Depart for Ealing 14/11/2013 Depart for Southall 14/11/2013 Return to City Hall 14/11/2013 Lunch 14/11/2013 Discuss Lecture The Mayor's Office 14/11/2013 Tel call to Stephen 14/11/2013 Speech prep 14/11/2013 Depart for Plasterers Hall 14/11/2013 The Lancaster Ballroom, River Entrance, Evening Standard Theatre Awards Savoy 17/11/2013 Depart home by car arranged by the Evening Standard 17/11/2013 Depart for home 17/11/2013 Beechwood Road, Dalston Junction, Holy Trinity Primary School Site Visit Hackney 18/11/2013 Regular Meeting with Cllr Phillippa Roe, City of Westminster The Mayor's Office 18/11/2013

Hackney School Representation Hearing Cttee Room 4&5 18/11/2013 Community Reception - Faith Groups LLR 18/11/2013 Depart for Holy Trinity Primary School, Beechwwod Road, Dalston Junction, Hackney 18/11/2013 Return to City Hall 18/11/2013 Private Lunch XXXX 18/11/2013 S38 Brief - Chancellor Meeting The Mayor's Office 18/11/2013 Speech prep 18/11/2013 Meeting with Clive Betts & Chairs of Select Cttee The Mayor's Office 19/11/2013 Eileen House Representation Hearing City Hall Chamber 19/11/2013 Bureau of Leaders 19/11/2013 Depart for Portland Place 19/11/2013 Vanessa Feltz Phone in Portland Place 19/11/2013 Return to City Hall 19/11/2013 MQT Briefing The Mayor's Office 19/11/2013 Daybreak filming Mayor's Office 19/11/2013 Lunch 19/11/2013 Brief - Representation Hearing The Mayor's Office 19/11/2013 Mayor's Question Time City Hall Chamber 20/11/2013

Goldman Sachs CEO Conference Four Seasons, Hamilton Place, Park Lane 20/11/2013 Museum of London Dinner Museum of London 20/11/2013 Lunch 20/11/2013 Speech prep 20/11/2013 Depart for Park Lane 20/11/2013 Return to City Hall 20/11/2013 Outstanding media 20/11/2013 Speech prep 20/11/2013 Depart for the Museum of London 20/11/2013 Customer Service LU announcement Piccadilly Circus Tube Station 21/11/2013 Passing out parade Horse Guards Parade 21/11/2013 Meeting with the Chancellor HM Treasury 21/11/2013 London Means Business Museum of london 21/11/2013 Tel call to Paul Ruddock 21/11/2013 Depart for Piccadilly Circus 21/11/2013 Depart for Horse Guards Parade 21/11/2013 Depart for the Treasury 21/11/2013 Return to City Hall 21/11/2013 Speech prep 21/11/2013 Depart for the Museum of London 21/11/2013 Annual Education Conference LLR 22/11/2013 London First Skills Visit Excel 22/11/2013 Brief from Munira on Education Speech 22/11/2013 Discuss Housing The Mayor's Office 22/11/2013 Lunch 22/11/2013 Depart for Excel 22/11/2013 Return home 22/11/2013 Housing Strategy Launch Greenwich Square 25/11/2013 Regular Ask Boris Twitter Session 25/11/2013 Meeting with Idan Ofer The Mayor's Office 25/11/2013 ED&F Man's 230th Anniversary Dinner for the Mayor's Fund Natural History Museum 25/11/2013 Depart for Greenwich Square 25/11/2013 Depart for City Hall 25/11/2013 Speech prep The Mayor's Office 25/11/2013 Team London Awards City Hall Chamber 25/11/2013 Lunch 25/11/2013 Speech prep 25/11/2013 Depart for the Natural History Museum 25/11/2013 LLDC Board Meeting Cttee Room 4 26/11/2013 Meeting with Bernard Hogan Howe + Dominic Grieve The Mayor's Office 26/11/2013 Discuss Notting Hill Carnival with Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 26/11/2013 Meeting with Aneeta Prem Mayor's Office 26/11/2013 Speech prep 26/11/2013 Chat with Neale & Dennis The Mayor's Office 26/11/2013 Olympicopolis Conference Call 26/11/2013

Borough Visit - Islington Rape Crisis Centre Islington 27/11/2013 VAWG Launch City Hall Chamber 27/11/2013 Third Margaret Thatcher Lecture The Gibson Hall, 13 Bishopsgate 27/11/2013 Depart for Islington 27/11/2013 Return to City Hall 27/11/2013 Lunch 27/11/2013 Speech prep 27/11/2013 Depart for Bishopsgate 27/11/2013 Party Political Little Wing Day event Charing Cross Station 28/11/2013 Chanukah event Trafalgar Square 28/11/2013 Depart for Enfield 28/11/2013 Depart for Charing Cross 28/11/2013 Private Meeting 29/11/2013 Party Political Meeting with Cllr Claire Kober The Mayor's Office 02/12/2013 Chat with Ruth The Mayor's Office 02/12/2013 London Health Board Cttee Room 5 02/12/2013

Meet and greet with the Darzi Commission Cttee Room 2 02/12/2013 LBAC The Mayor's Office 02/12/2013 Crossrail High Level Forum ICE 02/12/2013 J. Sheekey, 28-35 St Martin's Court, Dinner with Seb & Carole Coe WC2N 4AL 02/12/2013 Brief - London Health Board 02/12/2013 Lunch 02/12/2013 Depart for Whitehall 02/12/2013 Return to City Hall 02/12/2013 Interview with the Economist 02/12/2013 LEP Prep The Mayor's Office 02/12/2013 Depart for St Martin's Court 02/12/2013 Party Political Regular Monthly Ask Boris Phone in with Nick Ferrari Leicester Square 03/12/2013 LEP Assembly Session City Hall Chamber 03/12/2013 FSB Lunch The Mayor's Office 03/12/2013 Meeting with David Higgins The Mayor's Office 03/12/2013 HoPS Performace Review Panel City Hall 03/12/2013

Institute Cancer Research Carol Concert Royal Hospital Chelsea 03/12/2013 Depart for Leicester Square 03/12/2013 Depart for Charing Cross Station 03/12/2013 Media re fares Charing Cross Station 03/12/2013 Return to City Hall 03/12/2013 Brief - Michael Gove Room 8.7 03/12/2013 Budget Discussion The Mayor's Office 03/12/2013 Depart for Royal Hospital 03/12/2013 Party Political S40 Meeting with Phillip Lewis The Mayor's Office 05/12/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 05/12/2013 GLA Christmas Party City Hall 05/12/2013 Tel call to Sir John Chisholm 05/12/2013 TfL Pre Meet The Mayor's Office 05/12/2013 Speech prep 05/12/2013 Tel call to Jennifer Stockman 05/12/2013 Private Dinner XXXX 06/12/2013 S40 Tel call to David Dinsmore 06/12/2013 XXXX 06/12/2013 S40 Telegraph Christmas Appeal Phone-in 111 Buckingham Palace Road 08/12/2013 HGL Cycle Safety Event LLR 09/12/2013 Hong Kong Lunch Mandarin in Knightsbridge 09/12/2013

Meet & Greet with the Mayor of Ljubljana The Mayor's Office 09/12/2013 LSE Lecture Peacock Theatre, Houghton St, LSE 09/12/2013 Depart for City Hall 09/12/2013 Speech prep 09/12/2013 Depart for Knightsbridge 09/12/2013 Return to City Hall 09/12/2013 Speech prep 09/12/2013 Depart for LSE 09/12/2013 Depart London Heathrow for Qatar 10/12/2013 Tel call to Jules Pipe 10/12/2013 Depart Doha for London Heathrow 11/12/2013 Party Political Party Political Ephraim Early Years Nursery, The London Childcare Annoncement with Liz Academy at Peckham, 112 Peckham Truss Raod 12/12/2013 Join the regular planning meeting - City Forum Room 8.6 12/12/2013 Tell call to Ron & James The Mayor's Office 12/12/2013 Meeting with Patrick McLoughlin Great Minster House 12/12/2013 Meeting with Cressida Dick The Mayor's Office 12/12/2013 Depart for Peckham Road 12/12/2013 Return to City Hall 12/12/2013 Brief - Howard Davies Report The Mayor's Office 12/12/2013 Record Vodafone message City Hall 12/12/2013 Chat with Will, Isabel, Andrew 12/12/2013 Depart for GMH 12/12/2013 Return to City Hall 12/12/2013 Speech prep 12/12/2013 Launch of the Phase Three Cycle Hire 13/12/2013 Twitter Session 13/12/2013 Chat with Len Duval 13/12/2013 Depart for Fulham Broadway 13/12/2013 Return to City Hall 13/12/2013 Outstanding media 13/12/2013 Phone call from AC Rowley 13/12/2013 Depart for the Bengal Clipper 13/12/2013 Mayor's Office Lunch 13/12/2013 Party Political Meeting with Sir Howard Davies The Mayor's Office 16/12/2013 Roundtable with London Citizens Cttee room 5 16/12/2013 Regular meeting with Sir Bernard Hogan Howe The Mayor's Office 16/12/2013 GLA Carol Concert Southwark Cathedral 16/12/2013 Team Meeting The Mayor's Office 16/12/2013 MQT Briefing The Mayor's Office 16/12/2013 Keep free for Op Ed 16/12/2013 Brief with Stephen The Mayor's Office 16/12/2013 Depart for Southwark Cathedral 16/12/2013 Party Political House of Commons Lobby Lunch HoC 17/12/2013 Site Visit to Southwark Free School 17/12/2013 Regular Meeting with TfL The Mayor's Office 17/12/2013 Depart for Millbank 17/12/2013 Aviation media Millbank 17/12/2013 Depart for City Hall 17/12/2013 Speech prep 17/12/2013 Depart for the House of Commons 17/12/2013 Depart for Southwark Free School 17/12/2013 Return to City Hall 17/12/2013 Aviation media City Hall 17/12/2013 Discuss FALP The Mayor's Office 18/12/2013 Mayor's Question Time City Hall Chamber 18/12/2013 Frazer Nash taxi view Loading Bay 18/12/2013 Regular Planning Decisions Meeting Cttee Room 2 18/12/2013 Meeting with Tom Winsor, HMIC The Mayor's Office 18/12/2013 Lunch 18/12/2013 Discuss Apprentices The Mayor's Office 18/12/2013 Brief with Stephen The Mayor's Office 18/12/2013 Tel call to Ron & James The Mayor's Office 18/12/2013 Borough Visit - Sutton + Policing 19/12/2013 Eileen House Representation Hearing Cttee Room 4&5 19/12/2013 Southwark Free School Representation hearing City Hall Chamber 19/12/2013 Depart for Sutton 19/12/2013 Return to City Hall 19/12/2013 Lunch 19/12/2013 Tel call to Jules Pipe The Mayor's Office 19/12/2013 Mayor's Office Christmas Drinks The Mayor's Office 19/12/2013 Conference call - Apollo Theatre 20/12/2013 Tel call to Amanda Staveley The Mayor's Office 20/12/2013 Outstanding media City Hall 20/12/2013 Tel call to Munira 20/12/2013 Signing 20/12/2013