Countryman Genealo13y
Countryman Genealo13y P,ART I By Alvin Countryman 1925 Lux Bros, & Heath, Publishers To show in a small measuPe ouP appPeciation of his effo-,,ts in collect ins and compilins this family his to-,,y, we affectionately dedicate this volume to ouP fathe-,,, the late Alvin CountPyman, bo-,,n FebPuaPy 4th, 1835; d:ed JanuaT'y 13th, 1916. His Family Preface The idea of family reunions and the compiling of a Countryman gu1ealog-y occurred to the late Alvin Countryman on Aug·ust 15, 1901, \\'hen :\[r. and :\[rs. Countryman, their gran<lson, Arthur T. Guest, and Fred \\'. Craft attended a clan reunion at Silver Lake Assembly. ~ew York. Heretofore, the members of the family in Steuben county, ::;-ew York, mostly descendants of John A. I. and Solomon, had held reunions attracting from fifty to one hundred of the relatives together, includ ing an occasional member from other branches. But in the year 1901 it was determined to lay the foundations of a more comprehensive organization which would be in touch with all possible members of the family and provide for accurate gathering- of all possible data bearing on the genealogy of the family. Presi<lent, Rev. A. F. Countryman, of Scottsburg, N. Y., pre sided, an<l Alvin Countryman was elected President, and the next reunion was voted to Rochelle for June, 1902. The largest and most nearly representative reunion ever held was that of June 18, 1902, at Rochelle, Illinois, the first for this sec tion. About one hundred and twenty guests assembled and some of these, own cousins, who had never met before.
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