Kevin Eastman,

Bob Hurley, over 1,000 victories to his name, sitting here in the stands taking notes reaffirms my faith in the game of and the profession of coaching. 2 things kill workouts: 1. Boredom 2. Fatigue Fatigue Demands Fundamentals- the more tired we get, the more we need to focus on fundamentals. “In terms of ball screen ability, speed is the last thing a guard needs. If it was about speed, I wouldn’t even be in the league.” –Steve Nash The more you do drills at GAME SPEED, the more ready you will be at GAME TIME. Players are taught by coaches, players are made by themselves It’s not about being right, it’s about getting it right. The Four Time Zones a. Spare Time: I’ll get there on my spare time b. Part Time: I’m gonna do it some c. Full Time: I will give you everything during practice d. All The Time: every fiber of my body Hard work = the price of admission…In reality, it’s what you need to do to even GET on the floor The best do the unrequired work One thing I wish all the good high school players/all the college guys out there knew: in the NBA, the best players often refuse to step out of drills. (Eastman told a great story of trying to rest KG’s legs late in the year and KG refusing to come out of a shell drill. After he was physically removed from the drill, KG went to the side court and started mimicking all of the actions that Leon Powe (the player who subbed in for him) was doing). Look at the best (in every walk of life) and ask what are those characteristics of those that are really, really good? In order to get buy-in, you must get believe-in My job as an assistant coach: take stuff off Doc’s desk that he does not need to do If the shit hits the fan, do you clean up the shit or do you shut off the fan? (Do you just cover it up or do you get to the root of the problem?) Be there before you get there ( counting down the final seconds leading up to a shot) Ray Allen doesn’t shoot 500 shots, Ray Allen shots 1 shot 500 times Big eyes, big ears, small mouth (I use my mouth for one thing: asking questions) Success doesn’t stop once you get there (Jordan) Phil Knight: Nike has no finish line Life-long learning Entitlement versus investment (titles are never won through entitlement/ teams of entitlement are at the bottom of the league) Read 2 hours a day (How do I find the time? How can I NOT find the time?) Young guy trying to break into coaching? Show up, shut up, keep up Young players get on the floor through invisible stats Coaching is done in the office, leadership in the locker room Knowledge = quickness (if we know what is likely to happen, we will be quicker in reacting to it) We communicate to give each other a head start 2 things you can’t win without: 1. “My Turn” shots 2. Shooting turnovers Have a kid struggling a bit? Is he a “Don’t know kid” or is he a “Don’t care kid”? Preparation trumps pressure Are you a team of get or a team of give? In your mind, who wins? Fear/doubt or belief? Darrell Royal, Texas Football: “The best coaches do not take council of their fears.” (Your players will be able to smell that you’re worried). Budget your bitches—bring stuff to your administration that truly helps you win and doesn’t just make you feel better about saying. Next time you’re running your team into the ground with sprints because you’re mad at them, ask yourself “Are you covering your ass or killing their legs?” Determine how long practice will be the next day BEFORE the game Coach in absolutes until the first game then start tweaking What you emphasize in October, keep emphasizing

Change your habits, you can change your limits Change your limits, you can change your life Change your life, you become what you used to dream about as a kid

Don’t fail the plan, let the plan fail you Championship teams get past 3 things 1. Mad 2. Bad (feeling bad for themselves) 3. Hard We don’t want to be lucky, we want to be good. Do you have a “what if?” coach on your staff We must be creative masters of the over-kill Once practice starts, everything counts What our point guards need to see: whole floor, whole game Coach in bullets, not paragraphs See the action, don’t force it Energy and effort from everyone Everybody, Every play, Every day The best players see games like their coach Assistants should be great antenna/thermostat guys Malcontents don’t want to walk alone (Corey Dillon with the Patriots) Drills you do in practice should show up in games You say “back” to fundamentals-wait, where’d they go? “Son, if your mental ever met up with your physical, you’d have a chance to be an all-star Coaches, be weary that your players think role player is spelt Y-O-U S-U-C-K. You tell him he’s a role player, he thinks you think he sucks. He who angers you owns you. KG’s favorite word is “grind”…always talks about never getting bored with the process Assistants during game: 1. Emotion 2. Evaluation (90%)

The 4 things you have control over: 1. Your system 2. Your culture 3. The players on your team 4. Your preparation

Musts of Coaching Put out fires Put gas in the tank Refocus the lens

You Must Master the –bilities Responsibility Accountability Dependability Sustainability Availability

3 C’s Character (we want character not characters) Chemistry (Do the players like, respect and trust the coaches? Do the players like, respect, and trust the players—each other? Do the coaches like, respect, and trust the players? Do the coaches like, respect, and trust the coaches—each other?) Culture (If it is ever breached, we must confront it immediately)

Trust (what is needed to build it) Time Consistency Proof

Truth You have to be able to live it You have to be able to tell it You have to be able to take it