Program french , and viennoiserie making Level 1 - Discovery & practicing technique

Audience Anyone interested in learning basic techniques in pastry, bread and viennoiserie making. You must bring your safety schoes (you can bring your professional clothings).

Objectives 1. To know the raw materials and their impact in the process 2. To understand the specificity of French bread 3. To master the different basic , fillings and creams and to learn their manufacturing process 4. To itemize the related finished products and to diversify the range. To be able to create simple decorations


Theme 1 Theme 2 Theme 3 Pastry making - The making Bread making - The making Viennoiserie making - The of a full range of of a full range of making of a full range of 35 hours (5 days) 35 hours (5 days) viennoiseries 35 hours (5 days) The basic pastes and creams 1/ The technology and the • : differences between breads 1/ The technology and the basics apple , , millefeuille, 2/ The making: 2/ Yeast : , milk bread flan, galette des rois • Different kneading - intensified kneading 3/ Yeast puff doughs and puff • : - 2nd speed kneading doughs products : , chouquettes, éclairs, , • Fermentation chocolate-filled pastry cream puffed - direct fermentation 4/ Filling and : almond, - controled fermentation confectioner’s : - slow fermentation apple tart, bourdaloue, chocolate • Diversification 5/ Diversification of shapings tart, lemon tart - Farmhouse bread - Whole meal bread • Petits fours secs (dry): - Ciabbatta , sablé, macaroons - Rye bread - Bread with mixed grains

Educational The training is dedicated to practising in laboratory. Trainers are assisted by a professional and apply the different methods and make the different products.

Duration 5 or 10 or 15 days. You can choose 1,2 or all the themes.

Certificate Certificate of the school at the end.

64, rue des Pirogues de Bercy - 75012 Paris - Standard : 01 53 02 93 70 - Fax : 01 53 02 93 71 - N° SIRET 784544 363 000 20 - N° d’existence : 11-75-00970-75 - N° TVA : FR 757 845 443 63 - V1 04/2018 Program french pastry, bread and viennoiserie making Level 2 - Practicing Technique

Audience Anyone interested in learning basic techniques in pastry, bread and viennoiserie making. You need to know the basis to follow this session. You must bring your professional clothings.

Objectives 1. To understand the specificity of French bread with prefermentation 2. To master the delicate doughs, fillings and creams and their manufacturing process. 3. To master the different doughs, fillings and creams in viennoiserie and to learn their manufacturing process. 4. To itemize the related finished products and to diversify the range. To be able to create decorations


Theme 1 Theme 2 Theme 3 Pastry making - The making Bread making - The making Viennoiserie making - The of a full range of pastries of a full range of breads making of a full range of 35 hours (5 days) 35 hours (5 days) viennoiserie 28 hours (4 days) 1/ French pastry “The best of“ 1/The technology of prefermen- • Biscuits : finger biscuits, joconde, tation and the breads with prefer- 1/ The technology and the basics almond biscuits. mentation 2/ Yeast dough: a tête, • Fillings and creams : bavarian 2/ The baguette making: cream, fruits mousse, ganache. brioche with pink pralines, brioche • 2nd speed kneading feuilletée, kougelhof • Initiation into decorating • Fermentation -direct fermentation 3/ Yeast puff doughs and puff 2/ Puff pastry : -autolysis doughs products : a full range of Saint Honoré, Paris Brest - with fermented dough Danish 3/ Shortcrust pastry: - with sourdough 4/ Diversification of shapings • Breadmaking with prefermentation lemon tart with meringue, new 5/ Multi-color , tendance apple tart and with other flours : chestnut, corn, rye, spelt and with 4/ Entremets: different additions : seeds, dry fruits Fraisier, Opéra, chocolate charlotte, and vegetables, cheese. new tendance entremets

Educational The training is dedicated to practising in laboratory. Trainers are assisted by a professional and apply the different methods and make the different products.

Duration 14 days (98-hour training). You can choose 1,2 or all the themes.

Certificate Certificate of the school at the end.

64, rue des Pirogues de Bercy - 75012 Paris - Standard : 01 53 02 93 70 - Fax : 01 53 02 93 71 - N° SIRET 784544 363 000 20 - N° d’existence : 11-75-00970-75 - N° TVA : FR 757 845 443 63 - V1 04/2018