8 Tracing the Outputs from Drained Acid Sulphate Flood Plains to Minimize Threats to Coastal Lakes

B.C.T. Macdonald,1 I. White,1 L. Heath,1 J. Smith,2 A.F. Keene,3 M. Tunks4 and A. Kinsela2 1Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, , e-mail: [email protected] 2School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of , , Australia 3School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross University, New South Wales, Australia 4Tweed Shire Council, New South Wales, Australia


Drainage of acid sulphate flood plains for agriculture and urban development has led to the acidification of coastal waterbodies, major fish kills and other environmental effects in the subtropical areas of eastern Australia. These have produced problems for local governments and conflicts in communities. Here, we trace the effects of drainage from an acidified, subtropical flood plain on water quality and sediments in an estuarine lake, Cudgen Lake, in northern New South Wales. This shallow, brackish lake was once a renowned fish and prawn nursery. The local government has monitored water quality in drains and the lake since 1990. This has revealed episodic discharge events with pH as low as 2 and concentrations of dissolved iron and aluminium that are toxic to gilled organisms. Highly acidic waters were found to accumulate in drainage channels after rains following long dry periods. These were then discharged into the lake, causing major fish kills, low benthic organism biodiversity and infestations of acid-tolerant reeds and disease-bearing mosquitoes. High concentrations of arsenic, mercury and lead were found to have accumulated in iron monosulphides in the lake sediments, together with massive amounts of alu- minium and iron. Ion ratios show that these metals were mobilized by drainage from the acidified soils within the flood plain. Although the lake sediments at present represent a sink for these metals, distur- bance and oxidation of the monosulphides in the sediments could release major contaminants into the lake. The heavy metals sequestered in the lake sediments could partly explain the low benthic biodiver- sity. These results provide pointers for enhancing the conservation and fishery values of the lake.

Introduction waterlogging, particularly in the Asia–Pacific region. Many of these coastal flood plains

Pressure is increasing to develop and drain contain iron pyrite (FeS2), with concentra- coastal lowlands to reduce flooding and tions sometimes averaging over 3.5% (w/w), © CAB International 2006. Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones (eds C.T. Hoanh, T.P. Tuong, J.W. Gowing and B. Hardy) 99 100 B.C.T. Macdonald et al.

deposited under brackish, reduced condi- annual evaporation is 1100 mm. The Cudgen tions during and following the last sea-level Lake flood plain was formed following sea- rise. Drainage promotes oxidation of sul- level rise 12,000 years ago (Roy, 1973; phides to sulphuric acid, acidifying ground- Chappell, 1991) and has soils rich in reduced water and accelerating mineral weathering sulphides, such as pyrite. The area of acid (Dent, 1986). Discharge from drained coastal sulphate flood plain is 20 km2 and the total flood plains following flooding can export Cudgen Lake catchment area is 100 km2. hundreds of tonnes of acidic products into Figure 8.1 shows the extent of acid sulphate coastal streams, with devastating effects on soils within the catchment. Cudgen Lake is a fisheries and coastal communities (Sammut shallow (1–2 m), weakly tidal (tidal range et al., 1996). 30–50 mm), brackish lake that covers 160 ha The well-studied primary environmental (Fig. 8.1). It has restricted drainage to the sea impacts of acid drainage are partly due to through Cudgen Creek, which discharges the presence of dissolved metals, particularly through an interbarrier depression. aluminium and iron, but also other heavy metals (Willett et al., 1993; Tin and Wilander, 1994; Åström and Björklund, 1995; Sammut Drainage of the flood plain et al., 1996). However, the fate of these exported metals has been less well studied. The Cudgen flood plain was once an exten- There is potential for them to be sequestered sive wetland. European settlers began to in iron monosulphide (FeS)-rich sediments in clear the flood plain for agricultural produc- receiving waterbodies (Billon et al., 2001), tion in 1869. Drainage of the flood plain with the risk that, under certain conditions, began in 1907, primarily for dairying. metals can be remobilized, causing sec- Mechanization greatly accelerated the rate of ondary environmental effects. drainage from the 1940s to the 1980s. There Many sulphidic coastal flood plains in are multiple land uses within the Cudgen eastern Australia have been drained for agri- catchment, including grazing, sugarcane culture. Massive fish kills have followed production, tea tree, tropical fruits, tea, wet- (Easton, 1989), generating conflicts, particu- land conservation areas, and urban, recre- larly between fishers and farmers. Often, ation and transport infrastructure. In 1995, local governments have jurisdiction over Cudgen Lake and its surrounding area was these drained flood plains and it falls to declared a state nature reserve because of its them to minimize conflicts and environmen- fisheries and conservation values. tal, economic and social impacts. In this The Cudgen Lake flood plain is the most chapter, we describe collaborative work extensively drained coastal flood plain in between researchers and local government NSW, with a drainage density of 70 m/ha. aimed at providing information to govern- Drainage and resort developments have ments and their communities on the caused widespread oxidation of sulphides processes occurring in drained acid sulphate within the flood plain and have led to con- flood plains discharging into coastal lakes, flicts within the catchment community, on the potential risks of secondary impacts which have generated problems for the local and on possible remediation measures. government, the Council.

Cudgen Lake Study Area Environmental impacts of flood plain drainage This study was conducted in the subtropical Cudgen Lake catchment on the east coast of Cudgen Lake was once a renowned nursery Australia (28°20ЈS, 153°29ЈE) in northern for fish and prawns. However, following New South Wales. Average annual precipita- massive drainage developments in the late tion is 1620 mm, with 70% of rainfall occur- 1980s, major fish kills occurred in the lake in ring from December to May, and average May/June and December 1991. An addi- Tracing the Outputs from Drained Acid Sulphate Flood Plains 101

Fig. 8.1. Cudgen Lake study site showing the lake, its catchment boundary, main drains and streams, and the distribution of acid sulphate soils in the flood plain (from Macdonald et al., 2004). tional major fish kill occurred in August such as sailing and boating. In the acidified 1998, when intense rains followed a pro- areas of the lake, benthic diversity is also low longed dry period. These fish kills generated and reed-infested areas are devoid of benthic widespread community concern, particularly life. The acidification of the lake also threatens among recreational and commercial fishers. the health of the local community. The mos- Monitoring by the Tweed Shire Council quito larva Aedes vigilax, responsible for carry- following the 1987 fish kills showed highly ing Ross River Fever, an infection caused by a acidic water (pH 2.5), with large concentra- member of the Togaviridae family of viruses, tions of dissolved aluminium (approx. 60 occurs in acidified areas of the lake. mg/l) being discharged into the lake (White The conservation and fisheries values of et al., 1997). The continued discharge of oxi- Cudgen Lake, the extensive disturbance of dation products from the flood plain has acid sulphate soils and the presence of major severely affected water quality, compro- scalds within its flood plain have led to the mised the conservation value of the reserve identification of the Cudgen Lake flood plain and changed the lake’s ecology. In addition, as one of 13 acid sulphate soil ‘hot-spot’ pri- significant scalded areas, devoid of vegeta- ority areas by the NSW Acid Sulphate Soil tion, have developed in the catchment, thus Management Advisory Committee. reducing grazing and cropping productivity. Following acidification of the lake, the acid-tolerant spike-rush (Eleocharis spp.) and Measurements sedge (Schoenoplectus litoralis) have become the dominant vegetation. These have Soil profile and water quality samples were restricted fishing and recreation activities, collected from the flood plain, from drains 102 B.C.T. Macdonald et al.

and from Cudgen Lake. Measurements of water contents around 0.9 m3/m3. The pre- pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were dominant soluble and exchangeable cations made in the field. Soil water content, soluble in this sulphidic layer are the base cations and exchangeable cations (1:5 extracts), magnesium, calcium and sodium. Their con- organic carbon, acidity and pyrite content, centrations are greater in the unoxidized and aluminium, iron, chloride and sulphate layer than in the topsoil. The soil profile content were determined in the laboratory illustrates the oxidation processes that occur (Macdonald et al., 2004). Cudgen Lake sedi- within these coastal flood plain soils. The ment samples were collected from near the oxidation of pyrite ultimately can be written inlet of , which drains the 20 as (Dent, 1986) km2 acid sulphate flood plain (Fig. 8.1). Two FeS+→15/ 4 H O Fe( OH) 0.4 m sediment cores were extracted and 22 3 ( ) ++2−+ 81. frozen with liquid nitrogen for transport 24SO4 H back to the laboratory. A 1 m core was extracted using a sediment gouge, and sedi- The acidified porewaters react with common ment descriptions, field pH and redox were estuarine clay minerals such as illite to measured immediately. Bulk density of the release metal ions, principally Al3+, K+, Fe2+, upper sediments, reactive iron, total S and C, Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ (White et al., 1997): organic S and C, FeS and FeS were deter- 2 (K Na Ca )(Al Si ) O (OH) mined at 0.02-m intervals. A separate 0.4-m 0.5 0.36 0.05 0.45 3.46 10 2 +++++ →+ sediment core was dried and crushed for 7.41H 2.59H2 O 0.5K 0.36Na (82. ) total elemental analysis using concentrated +++ 0.05Ca++ 0.3Mg2 0.25Fe (OH) HNO that extracts metals from all but the 3 3 ++3+ most weathering-resistant minerals. 1.95Al 3.46H44 SiO Sediment porewaters were sampled using These acid-weathering products increase diffusion-controlled dialysis membrane sam- the EC of porewaters. Higher-valence cations plers, ‘peepers’ (Hesslein, 1976). Peepers exchange with lower-valence cations on clay were removed after 10 days’ equilibration exchange sites in the acidified topsoil, build- and the porewaters analysed for metals, ing up a store of acid products. The acid cations and nutrients (Macdonald et al., porewaters also release heavy metals associ- 2004). ated with clays or other minerals into the soil porewaters, which may be transported into the topsoil or exported into adjacent water- Results and Discussion ways. Drainage of the Cudgen flood plain has transformed the soil from a sink for Flood plain soil properties reduced sulphur, metals and carbon to a transient store, from which they are mobi- The upper 0.25 m of the flood plain soil pro- lized by rainfall into the flood plain drains. file had greater than 60% organic C and the top 0.5 m contained sulphide oxidation products, with aluminium and iron, fol- lowed by sodium, as the dominant soluble Flood plain drain-water quality and exchangeable cations, and pH as low as 2.7. This acidic layer had bulk densities as After rainfall, water quality in the flood plain high as 1.2 t/m3 and volumetric water con- drains deteriorates and pH decreases, tents around 0.35 m3/m3. The exchangeable whereas EC, concentrations of Fe and Al, 2Ϫ Al and Fe species represent a store of about 5 and the ratio of SO4 :Cl, increase (Fig. 8.2). ϫ 105 moles H+/ha of acid products in the Provided ClϪ is a conservative ion, increas- 2Ϫ Ϫ 2Ϫ flood plain topsoil. Below 0.5 m was unoxi- ing SO4 :Cl indicates transport of SO4 dized blue–grey sulphidic clay gel with pH from the soil profile to drains (Sammut et al., from 5.5 to 7, organic C less than 2%, bulk 1996). The relation between Al concentration density around 0.4 t/m3 and volumetric and pH in Fig. 8.2 is Tracing the Outputs from Drained Acid Sulphate Flood Plains 103

log [Al]=− 3.53 0.68 pH( 8.3) late in sediments by co-precipitation with FeS, 10 adsorption to FeS or direct formation of metal The mean dissolved Al concentration in sulphides. Sulphate reduction and the forma- the Tanglewood drain in Fig. 8.2 is 28 mg/l tion of a monosulphide layer provide a lake and that for iron is 12 mg/l. This Al concen- sediment sink for metals sourced from the tration is greater than the average concentra- flood plain acid sulphate soils. tion for 147 acid mine drainage sites (20 mg/l) Table 8.1 shows the approximate total mass (Singh et al., 1997). The mean annual dis- of metals within the monosulphide layer of charge into Cudgen Lake is 6 ϫ 104 Ml (Heath Cudgen Lake. This is based on assumptions of et al., 2001). The Tanglewood drain appears to an average layer depth of 0.2 m, bulk densities be representative of other drains within the of 0.124 t/m3 and half of the 160 ha lake being catchment, so that the approximate mean covered by these sediments. There is a large annual discharge to the lake is 1680 t of dis- store of metals within the lake system and solved Al and 720 t of dissolved Fe. The peak these sediments will probably continue to discharge of oxidation products occurs during accumulate because of inputs from the flood the recession phase of a flood event, when plain soils. If these lake sediments were groundwater inputs are at a maximum allowed to oxidize, through dredging, by re- (Sammut et al., 1996; White et al., 1997). suspension or by variations of lake pH due to acid drainage, stored metals could be released into the water column. The continued very Lake sediment characteristics low level of benthic organism diversity in the areas of Cudgen Lake prone to acidification may be partly due to the accumulation of The Cudgen Lake sediment core had three heavy metals within the lake sediments. distinct layers: a black monosulphidic layer, a pyritic grey sandy clay layer and a pyritic grey clay gel layer (Fig. 8.3). The pH of the Conclusions sediments was neutral but increasing at depth, whereas SO and dissolved Fe were 4 We have shown here how the drainage of sul- present in the top two layers but decreased phidic flood plains can redistribute sulphur when going into the gel layer (Fig. 8.3). and metals through the drainage system into The sedimentation rate at the sampling the sediments of receiving waterbodies. Flood site since European settlement was estimated plain acid sulphate soils, once a sink of sul- to be 3 mm/year and is composed of an iron phur and metals, have become a source, and monosulphidic-rich facies. This surface layer the drainage network is the conduit through of the lake sediments has high organic C, S which dissolved species are exported into and monosulphides (FeS) to a depth of 0.19 m. Drainage of the flood plain acid sul- 2Ϫ phate soils has increased the supply of SO4 Table 8.1. The mean total weight (t) of acid- and Fe to the lake sediments. Their concen- extractable metals in the top 0.2 m monosulphide trations decrease with depth because of sediment layer in Cudgen Lake (from Macdonald reduction and mineralization (Fig. 8.3). et al., 2004). Reduced S in the underlying sandy clay layer (to a depth of 0.55 m) is principally pyrite Metal Total weight (t)

(FeS2), and, in the clay gel layer below 0.55 m, Al 101,700 pyrite concentration is approximately 1.5%. Ce 60 This layer is comparable to the pyritic clay As 200 gel layer underlying the flood plain. Co 30 The monosulphide layer has elevated con- Cr 37 Cu 41 centrations of Al, As, Hg (Fig. 8.4) and Pb that Fe 401,600 exceed ANZECC (Australia and New Zealand V 270 Environmental Conservation Council) guide- Pb 100 line trigger values. These metals can accumu- 104 B.C.T. Macdonald et al.



pH 4


10,000 S/cm)

µ 1,000 EC ( 100



10 Al Fe 1

0.1 Dissolved Al and Fe (mg/l) Dissolved


20 /Cl ratio)

4 10

SO 0




0 Monthly rainfall (mm) 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Year

Fig. 8.2. Water quality (pH, EC, dissolved Al and Fe, SO4/Cl) response to rainfall in a main drain, Tanglewood drain, discharging into Cudgen Lake. downstream lakes and estuaries. Increased explain the low benthic organism diversity in sulphate and organic matter inputs into these areas of the lake prone to acidification. waterbodies have enhanced monosulphide It is clear that the continuing discharge of formation and metal sequestering in the acidified products into Cudgen Lake will upper lake sediments. These accumulations of continue to affect the conservation and fish- labile sulphides pose a potential threat to eries value of the lake unless this problem is estuarine environments if sediments are dis- examined. Work is under way to cap scalded turbed or lakes drained. They may also areas in the flood plain with clean fill. In Tracing the Outputs from Drained Acid Sulphate Flood Plains 105

(a) (b)

Water 0.0 FeS layer

−0.2 Pyritic layer


−0.6 Pyritic gel layer Sediment depth (m) −0.8

−1.0 SO4 pH Fe 2+

6.5 7.0 7.5 05 × 10–3 10 × 10–3 pH mol/l

Fig. 8.3. Profiles of pH (a) and dissolved iron and sulphate (b) in Cudgen Lake sediments (from Macdonald et al., 2004).

(a) (b) (c) 0.0


0.2 Depth (m)


0.4 01020300 80 160 0 0.08 0.16 mg/kg 103 mg/kg mg/kg

Fig. 8.4. Concentrations of arsenic (a), aluminium and iron (b) and mercury (c) metals in Cudgen Lake sediments and the ANZECC trigger value for contaminated sediments (from Macdonald et al., 2004). 106 B.C.T. Macdonald et al.

addition, ways to decrease drainage density are being examined and lime dosing of drainage discharge has been tested. A useful corollary of this work is the suggestion that artificially constructed wetlands may be useful for treating discharge from drained acid sulphate soils by trapping acid products and dissolved metals in monosulphide layers.


This work was supported by the Australian Research Council under grants LP0219475 and DP0345145 and by the NSW ASSPRO initiative.


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