(ICEDS): Guidelines for Implementing an OGC Web Coverage & Web Map

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(ICEDS): Guidelines for Implementing an OGC Web Coverage & Web Map ICEDS: Guidelines for Implementing an OGC Web Coverage & Web Map Server Reference: ESYS-RPT-2005487-02, Issue: 30 March 2006, Version 3. Integrated CEOS European Data Server (ICEDS): Guidelines for Implementing an OGC Web Coverage & Web Map Server to Serve Global-Scale, Full-Resolution SRTM and Landsat Data 1 ICEDS: Guidelines for Implementing an OGC Web Coverage & Web Map Server Reference: ESYS-RPT-2005487-02, Issue: 30 March 2006, Version 3. 2 ICEDS: Guidelines for Implementing an OGC Web Coverage & Web Map Server Reference: ESYS-RPT-2005487-02, Issue: 30 March 2006, Version 3. 1 Executive Summary The Integrated CEOS European Data Server (ICEDS) provides on-line access to a global SRTM Digital Elevation Model (DEM) together with Landsat satellite imagery for Africa and Europe and other information layers; all made available through Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant Web Map Servers (WMS) and Web Coverage Servers (WCS). The work has been carried out by ESYS plc and the Dept. Geomatic Engineering at University College London under funding by the BNSC International Co-operation Programme 2. The project is in support of the activities of the CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS). Following trial implementations (using software from Cadcorp, Ionic and Deegree) the final implementation uses the University of Minnesota Web Map Server (UMMS) with a client developed from Ionic’s RedSpider software. Some extensions to the functionality in Ionic’s client are explained. This document provides guidelines to assist other data provider organisations set up similar OGC compliant servers and serve, over the Internet, similar continental-scale full-resolution SRTM and Landsat data. SRTM data can be downloaded via ftp at no charge from the USGS and GLCF, however it is not a straightforward matter to process the data further. This document explains how to process tiles of SRTM data to produce hill-shaded RGB images which can then be served with a WMS. It also shows how to host the SRTM data with a WCS in order to serve subsets of the data in 16-bit GeoTIFF format. A similar procedure for processing Landsat data in order to serve band-composite mosaic images with a WMS and single-band, unstretched mosaics with WCS is also provided. The example used here is the processing of a Landsat 5 image mosaic of Africa and Europe, made available to ICEDS by the Cartographic Applications Group at JPL. These data will probably not be available to other data providers but the techniques described can be adapted for other similar datasets. An RGB global mosaic of Landsat 7 data is already available via an OGC WMS at http://onearth.jpl.nasa.gov/. This is cascaded through ICEDS as an additional available map layer. 3 ICEDS: Guidelines for Implementing an OGC Web Coverage & Web Map Server Reference: ESYS-RPT-2005487-02, Issue: 30 March 2006, Version 3. 2 Contents 1 Executive Summary.............................................................................................. 3 2 Contents ............................................................................................................... 4 3 List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................. 6 4 Introduction........................................................................................................... 7 5 MapServer cookbook............................................................................................ 9 5.1 System........................................................................................................... 9 5.2 Installing MapServer ...................................................................................... 9 5.3 Installing MapServer using FWTools............................................................ 10 5.4 Installing MapServer from source ................................................................ 11 5.4.1 Unpacking downloaded tarballs............................................................. 14 5.4.2 GD, LibCURL, LibWWW........................................................................ 14 5.4.3 PROJ 4.4.9, PDFLib Lite 6.0.1 .............................................................. 14 5.4.4 GEOS 2.2.3, JASPER 1.701.0 .............................................................. 15 5.4.5 GDAL 1.3.2............................................................................................ 16 5.4.6 MapServer 4.8.3.................................................................................... 16 5.5 Testing & CGI set-up.................................................................................... 16 6 Data processing.................................................................................................. 18 6.1 SRTM........................................................................................................... 19 6.1.1 Data retrieval ......................................................................................... 20 6.1.2 WMS data preparation........................................................................... 20 6.1.3 WCS data preparation........................................................................... 24 6.2 SRTM30 and GTOPO30.............................................................................. 25 6.2.1 Data copy .............................................................................................. 25 6.2.2 Hill-shading............................................................................................ 25 6.2.3 Pyramiding............................................................................................. 26 6.2.4 Overviews.............................................................................................. 26 6.3 Landsat mosaics .......................................................................................... 28 6.3.1 Data copy .............................................................................................. 29 6.3.2 GRID conversion ................................................................................... 29 6.3.3 Resampling............................................................................................ 29 6.3.4 Image composition ................................................................................ 30 6.3.5 Overviews.............................................................................................. 30 6.4 MODIS Blue Marble ..................................................................................... 31 4 ICEDS: Guidelines for Implementing an OGC Web Coverage & Web Map Server Reference: ESYS-RPT-2005487-02, Issue: 30 March 2006, Version 3. 6.5 DMSP Night-time Lights............................................................................... 32 6.5.1 Data copy .............................................................................................. 32 6.5.2 GRID conversion ................................................................................... 32 6.5.3 Tiling...................................................................................................... 33 7 Configuring MapServer....................................................................................... 34 7.1 WMS MapFile .............................................................................................. 35 7.2 WCS MapFile............................................................................................... 39 7.3 Testing the service....................................................................................... 42 8 Web Portal Implementation ................................................................................ 45 8.1 5.1 Description of current portal ................................................................... 45 8.2 Data download............................................................................................. 49 8.3 Layer effects ................................................................................................ 50 8.4 Layer styles.................................................................................................. 51 8.5 Temporal Selection ...................................................................................... 52 8.6 Gazetteer ..................................................................................................... 53 8.7 Connection from other OGC clients ............................................................. 55 8.8 Google Earth................................................................................................ 55 8.9 Image formats.............................................................................................. 57 9 Conclusions........................................................................................................ 58 Appendix A. ICEDS Team Members ..................................................................... 59 Appendix B. Other Servers and Processing Methods............................................ 60 Appendix C. MapServer 4.4.1 cookbook ............................................................... 62 9.1.1 GD 2.0.28 .............................................................................................. 64 9.1.2 LibCURL 7.10.7, LibWWW 5.2.8 and PROJ.4 4.4.8.............................. 65 9.1.3 GDAL..................................................................................................... 66 9.1.4 MapServer............................................................................................
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