Regional Development in the Nordic Countries 2010

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Regional Development in the Nordic Countries 2010 Regional Development in the Nordic Countries 2010 Regional Development in the Nordic Countries 2010 Maria Lindqvist, editor Nordregio Report 2010:2 ISSN 1403-2503 ISBN 978-91-89332-76-8 © Nordregio 2010 Nordregio P.O. Box 1658 SE-111 86 Stockholm, Sweden [email protected] Analyses & text: Maria Lindqvist, Lisa Hörnström, Petri Kahila, Moa Hedström, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, Lisa Van Well, Jon Moxnes Steineke, Lisbeth Greve-Harbo, Peter Schmitt, Stefanie Lange, Johanna Roto, José Sterling, Lise Smed Olsen, Katarina Pettersson, Patrick Galera-Lindblom, Asli Tepecik Dis Dtp: Allduplo, Stockholm, Sweden Linguistic editing: Chris Smith Repro and print: Allduplo, Stockholm, Sweden Nordic cooperation Nordic cooperation takes place among the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, as well as the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. The Nordic Council is a forum for cooperation between the Nordic parliaments and governments. The Council consists of 87 parliamentarians form the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council takes policy initiatives and monitors Nordic cooperation. Founded in 1952. The Nordic Council of Ministers is a forum of cooperation between the Nordic governments. The Nordic Council of Ministers implements Nordic cooperation. The prime ministers have the overall responsibility. Its activities are co-ordinated by the Nordic ministers for cooperation, the Nordic Committee for cooperation and portfolio ministers. Founded in 1971. Nordregio – Nordic Centre for Spatial Development works in the fi eld of spatial development, which includes physical planning and regional policies, in particular with a Nordic and European comparative perspective. Nordregio is active in research, education and knowledge dissemination and provides policy-relevant data. Nordregio was established in 1997 by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The centre is owned by the f ive Nordic countries and builds upon more than 30 years of Nordic cooperation in its fi eld. Stockholm, Sweden, 2010 Contents Preface 9 Executive summary 11 Introduction 17 Regional Policies in the Nordic Countries 19 Introduction 19 The impact of EU policies 19 National regional policies 22 Structures and reforms 28 The Evolution of Rural Development Policies 32 Cross-Border Interactions 35 Introduction 35 Continuous development of Nordic cross-border cooperation 35 European cross-border and transnational cooperation programmes 41 The Challenge of Cross-Border Statistics 45 A Macro-Regional Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region 48 Regional Development Trends 53 Introduction 53 Human Resources as a base for regional development 54 Economic Development and Business 66 Labour Market 74 Combined challenges and future possibilities 85 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 87 Introduction 87 Knowledge as a resource base 87 Regional Innovation Performance 91 The importance of entrepreneurship 92 Climate Change and Energy Policy 97 Introduction 97 The Nordic response to climate change 98 Energy policy in the Nordic Context 101 Bibliography 111 Technical Annex 115 Annex of fi gures 119 Statistical annex (electronic version only) List of fi gures Figure 1: Location of the Nordic cross-border committees that receive funding from NMR in 2009 ................................................................................... 40 Figure 2: Current EU programmes in the Nordic region ................................. 44 Figure 3: Commuting between the Nordic countries (2006 fi gures) ................. 47 Figure 4: State of play for National Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in the BSR .............................................................................................. 51 Figure 5: Relations between GDP, jobs and population .................................. 53 Figure 6: Population change in the European NUTS3 regions in 2005-2009 ...... 55 Figure 7: Population change in the Nordic commuter catchment areas in 2000-2010 ............................................................................................. 58 Figure 8: Population change in the Nordic municipalities in 2009-2010............ 61 Figure 9: Migration between the Nordic Countries in 2009 (a) ........................ 62 Figure 10: Migration between the Nordic Countries in 2009 (b) ...................... 63 Figure 11: Net migration rate in the West Nordic Countries in 1970-2009 ........ 64 Figure 12: Population change in the European NUTS3 regions in 2005-2009 .... 66 Figure 13: GDP growth at market prices 2000-2010 ..................................... 68 Figure 14: GDP in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) per Capita in 2007 ........ 68 Figure 15: GDP in PPS per capita and per employed person in 2007. Index, EU27 = 100 .................................................................................. 70 Figure 16: Total exports and imports by sector in the Nordic Countries, 2009 .. 73 Figure 17: Trade fl ows in the Nordic Countries 2009 .....................................74 Figure 18: Unemployment rates in June 2010 compared to 2008 annual rates . 76 Figure 19: Total employment growth rate 1995-2009 ................................... 76 Figure 20: Unemployment development in the Nordic countries in the last 10 years (annual change) and during the global fi nancial crisis (quartile change) .. 77 Figure 21: Total and youth unemployment (2009) and youth unemployment development between 2006 and 2010 (fi rst quarter) .................................... 77 Figure 22: Youth unemployment in the Nordic regions at the end of 2008 ....... 78 Figure 23: Long term unemployment in Nordic regions at the end of 2008 ...... 78 Figure 24: Total and immigrant unemployment rates in the Nordic countries in 2009 ..................................................................................................... 78 Figure 25: Harmonised unemployment rates 2009 at municipal level in the Nordic countries ................................................................................. 81 Figure 26: Employment growth by main economic sectors in the Nordic countries 2005-2009 ................................................................................ 82 Figure 27: Labour force levels of education in the Nordic countries ................. 83 Figure 28: Regional Development types ...................................................... 87 Figure 29: Share of employment by sector in Norden 2008 ........................... 90 Figure 30: Students in Higher Education in Norden ...................................... 91 Figure 31: Private/public sector R&D expenditure ........................................ 92 Figure 32: Evolution of gross domestic expenditure on R&D as a percentage of GDP ................................................................................... 92 Figure 33: Regional Innovation Performance in Europe ................................. 93 Figure 34: Enterprises birth rates by sector in the Nordic Countries 2006 ........ 94 Figure 35: Distribution of self-employed workers in the Nordic countries, 2002-2008. ............................................................................................ 95 Figure 36: Total energy consumption and total primary energy production in the Nordic countries 1997-2007 ............................................................105 Figure 37: Generation of electrical energy by source 2008 ...........................105 Figure 38: Electricity generation by source in NUTS 3 regions .......................106 Figure 39: Electricity consumption by consumer group and per capita in NUTS 3 regions ......................................................................................107 Figure 40: Consumption of electric energy by sector in Gwh. ........................108 Figure 41: Share of renewables and non-renewables for electricity generation 108 Figure 42: Electricity generation by renewable energy source in the Nordic Countries .....................................................................................109 Figure 43: Dominant branch of employment in Nordic Local Labour Market Areas .........................................................................................120 Figure 44: Total age dependency 2010 ......................................................121 Figure 45: Young age dependency 2010 ....................................................122 Figure 46: Old age dependency rate 2010 ..................................................123 Figure 47: Domestic net migration 2005-2009 ............................................124 Figure 48: Natural population change 2005-2009 ........................................125 Figure 49: Gross domestic product per capita and productivity in 2007 ..........126 Figure 50: Regions and municipalities in the Nordic Countries in 2010 ...........127 List of tables Table 1: Nordic Cross-border committees, 2010 ........................................... 36 Table 2: European Territorial Cooperation, ongoing programmes, 2010 ........... 42 Table 3: Entrepreneurial activity among men and women in the Nordic countries ................................................................................................ 95 Table 4: Measures supporting women´s entrepreneurship in the Nordic countries ................................................................................................ 96 Preface Nordic policy makers need to have access to up to third chapter on regional development trends. In this date and comparable information in order to develop chapter, a state-of-the
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