Title: Classify this – Deep Sea

Key stage: Key stage 2 and 3

Summary: This activity introduces the major classification of which are found on the Deep Sea. Work out which invertebrate

Activity 1. Lay out 10 images of Deep Sea creatures (see below for examples) images out flat on a table. 2. Brief the children on the key features of each group of animals (see descriptions below). 3. In pairs children should try to name the , work out which group it scientific group it belongs to and how it feeds (i.e. Predator, grazer or filter feeder). 4. Correct the children’s answers.

Resources needed  Good pictures (or preserved examples) of the following creatures, number the pictures 1 to 10. . Anglerfish (Lophius Piscatorius) . (Holothuroidea) . Acorn Worm (Saccoglossus . giant isopod bathynomus kowaleskii) giganteus) . Basket Star (Gorgonocephalus . Barrel Eye Fish (Macropinna eucnemis) microstoma) . Spiny King Crab (Paralithodes . Stalked Barnacle (Lepas rathbuni) anatifera) . Sea Angel (Gymnosomata) . The red paper lantern medusa (Pandea rubra)

Answers to quiz

Animal Name Scientific Group Feeding method

Anglerfish Fish Predator Basket Star Echinoderm Predator/filter feeder Acorn Worm Annelid Filter Feeder Spiny King Crab Predator Sea Angel Mollusc Predator Sea Cucumber Echinoderm Scavenger Giant Isopod Crustacean Scavenger Barrel Eye Fish Fish Predator Stalked Barnacle Crustacean Filter Feeder Red paper lantern medusa Cnidarian Filter Feeder/Predator

Classify this

Animal Name Scientific Group Feeding method

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Identifying the Scientific Group


Scientific Annelids Mollusc Echinoderm Cnidaria Crustacea Fish Group

-Segmented worms -Usually a well developed -Five part body plan -Jellyfish group -Hard shell - Gills head -Tube feet -Soft body - - Fins -Soft body Description -No obvious head -Specialized feeding -Segmented legs -Usually hard shell tentacles