Per word. Henry Kent, St. Jude's Road, Englefield Green, Egham, S. B. Surrey, lately trading as partner in firm of Kent & Cocos 3 0 Ward, London Road, Staines, Middlesex, engineer and East Africa— ironfounder. British East Africa (East Africa Pro- Walter George Rimann (trading under the style or firm of W. Rimann & Co.), 16 Pearson Avenue, Beverley Road, tectorate and Uganda)— lately carrying on business at 8 Hanover Square, both Mombasa in the city and county of Kingston-upon-Hull, foreign Otber places produce importer and commission agent. German East Africa ... Charles Frederick Blackwell (lately carrying on business Portuguese East Africa (Mozam- at Marguerite & Co.), lately residing at 5 Brndenell bique)— View, and carrying on business at Queen's Square Buildings, Cobourg Street, both in the city of Leeds, Beira Railway Company now residing at 31 Agar Street, Thornton Road, in the Zambezia «ity of Bradford, lately fancy draper, now commercial Delagoa Bay (Lourenco Mar- traveller. ques) ... Edwin Morris, residing at 8 Wharfe View, and carrying Mozambique, and on business at 34 The Grove, both in Ilkley, in the Other places county of York, fruiterer and florist. Frank Michael Mundell, the Wharfedale Hotel, Arthing- Zanzibaar 3 0 ton, in the county of York, licensed victualler. Madnjjasccar a 8 Alfred Mitchell, 38 Woodgate, in the county borough of Mauritius a 0 Leicester, draper. Natal 3 0 Thomas Leopold Clews, now residing at 150 Earl Street, Drang liver Colony ... 3 0 , but lately at Flat Lane, Sandbaoh, and lately Rhodi , Northern 3 5 carrying on business at High Street, , Rhodi L, Southern 3 2 , saddler. JZ 3 Edgar William Hill, residing at 31 Leaf Street, Hulme, Rodriguez 0 Manchester, and William Boydle, now residing at 9 St. Helenla 3 0 Great Jackson Street, Hulme aforesaid, but previously Seychelles 3 0 at 28 Sanderson Street, Harpurhey, Manchester afore- fEastern Co.] said, insurance agent, trading under the style of the Tasmania 3 0 Provincial Trading Company at 44 Lancaster Avenue, i ... -Jlndo-Euro- !• Fennel Street, Manchester, and also lately engaged as [ pean Co. J teachers of music, at 2 Knowsley Chambers, Bolton, Via Turkey... 2 10 Lancashire, and Witton Street, , Cheshire, Transvaal1 3 0 musical instrument and general dealers in household West Africa — requisites, lately teachers of music. Swakopmund Herbert Wormald, residing at 3 Trafalgar Road, Birkdale, Zululand Sauthport, formerly carrying on business with a partner at the Hen and Chickens Hotel, Oldham Street, and the Brunswick Hotel, Piccadilly, both in Man- , publican's manager, formerly a publican. Thomas Harding, residing at Alley Bank House, Alpraham, and , and carrying on business at Alley Bank House, Spurstow, farmer. BANKRUPTS. William White, 49 High Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. Hants, corn dealer and grocer. Richard Jones, Church Street, Church Bank, and 41 Terrace Buildings, Welshpool, in the county of Mont- RECEIVING OKDERS. gomery, wool, seed, and manure merchant. Malcolm Orchill Groeme, late of 7 Alfred Place West, Joseph Mee, now residing and trading at 92 Sandon Street, New Basford, Nottingham, lately residing and South Kensington, Middlesex, but whose present trading at Chapel Street, Kilburn, near Derby, green- residence the petitioning creditor is unable to ascertain. grocer and grocer, lately greengrocer. I. Gutman, 227 Graham Road, Hackney, and 40 Danbury Street, Islington, both in the county of London, manu- William Thomas, the Commercial Inn, Ford, in the facturers' agent. parish of Hayscastle, in the county of Pembroke, innkeeper, grocer and auctioneer. G. W. Home, 49 Addison Gardens, Kensington, Middle- sex, mining engineer. Thomas Edward Bryan, Bridlington, Yorkshire, grocer. George William Phillips, 204 Harrow Road, Paddington, William Henry Harper, Prince of Wales Hotel, 26, 28, and 30 Carr House Road, Doncaster, Yorkshire, in the county of London, property manager. licensed victualler. Samuel Rotstein, 25 Little St. Andrew's Street, St. Giles- iu-the-Fields, lately residing and carrying on business Edward Twigg, 12 Armstead Road, in the city of Sheffield, at 68 High Street, Camden Town, both in the county carting can tractor. of London, watchmaker and jeweller. William John Bygott, 62 High Street, Hartlepool, in the 0. L. Watchurst, 16 Wool Exchange, Coleman Street, in county of Durham, newsagent and tailor. the city of London. Charles Henry Rowland, 40 Prospect Hill, Swindon, Daniel Fine, 55s Lewis Street, Aberaman, in the county Wilts, grocer and greengrocer. of Glamorgan, furnisher. Sdwin Autie, Offeriham, near Evesham, Worcestershire, Kate Jones, now of 5 Highfield Road, Hagley Road, lately market gardener, now out of business. Edgbaston, Birmingham, lately residing and carrying Thomas Clarkson, 24 Emerald Street, and Layerthorpe, on business at the Clifton Hotel, Vanghan Street, both in the city of York, coach and rulley builder. Llandudno, Carnarvonshire, private hotel and res- taurant keeper, a married woman, carrying on business The following Amended Notice is substituted for that separately and apart from her husband. published in the Edinburgh Gazette of the 22nd Jamas Sharp, Glasoote, near Tamworth, in the county of November 1901:—George Sedlmayr (described in the Warwick, lately carrying on business at the Fox Inn, Receiving Order as George Storey), Westcliffe, South- Coleshill, in the county of Warwick, innkeeper. end-on-Sea, Essex, hotel waiter. Charles Atkinson, 195 Otley Road, and lately residing and carrying on business at 136 Manchester Road, both The following Amended Notice is substituted for that;, in the city of Bradford, butcher. published in the Edinburgh Gazette of the 24th December 1901 :—William Edmund George, residing; Caiman Altman, 211 Freeman Street, Great Grimsby, at 1 Belston Villas, Sutton, in the county of Surrey, watchmaker and jeweller. and carrying on business at the Thicket Orescent William Robert Thompson, Trinity Street, Southwold, Joining Works, Thicket Orescent, Sntton aforesaid, Suffolk, grocer and provision dealer. staircase maker and turner.