
Meeting notes

Meeting Community Consultative Committee No. 21

Project Lynwood Quarry Date Friday 26 April 2019

Venue Onsite at Lynwood Quarry Time 12pm – 1.15pm

Chaired by Brendan Blakeley Recorded by Olivia Dodds

Purpose To provide an update on the Holcim Lynwood Quarry project.

Attendees Stephen Mossie Holcim Susan Pearson Valley Progress Group Richard Savage Holcim Rosemary Turner and District Historical Society Brendan Blakeley Elton Consulting John Nicastri Marulan Progress Association Olivia Dodds Elton Consulting Dennis Isbister Cookbundoon Preservation Society Dr Stephen James Marulan Region Chamber of Commerce

Apologies Warwick Bennett General Manager, Goulburn Clr Alfie Walker Councillor, Goulburn Mulwaree Council Mulwaree Council

Discussion points

1 Welcome and introductions Brendan Blakeley welcomed members to the 21st meeting of the Lynwood Quarry Community Consultative Committee (CCC) and thanked them for their ongoing participation.

Brendan welcomed and introduced members to Dr Stephen James, the group’s new representative from the Marulan Region Chamber of Commerce.

Brendan took the group through the actions from the last CCC meeting and reminded members to confirm their proxies, if they have not already.

Members indicated that they received the community information cards after the last meeting, however, noted a preference for the information cards to be printed on a better quality material. It was agreed that better quality information cards will be provided to members via mail.

Brendan reminded everyone that the final meeting notes from the last meeting have been uploaded to the Holcim project website. Nevertheless, John Nicastri moved the meeting notes on behalf of the group.

Actions • Members to confirm their proxies, if they have not already done so. • Elton Consulting to provide CCC members with a new set of information cards for community enquiries.

2 Operations update Stephen Mossie gave an operations update (see presentation attached). The main points discussed were:

• Alana White has left the business. Stephen thanked Alana for her contributions to the project and introduced Richard Savage, Quarry Manager, as the current community contact for Lynwood Quarry.

• Market demand remains strong, with a dip in some residential demand offset by continued infrastructure demand. • Operations continue, as usual. • Holcim continues to use local contractors, wherever possible.

Stephen asked if there were any questions. Group members indicated ‘no’.

Actions • None noted.

3 Granite pit update Stephen Mossie gave a granite pit update (see presentation attached). The main points discussed were:

• The project is progressing, including overburden and source rock extraction areas, as per the Development Consent. • Amenity bund construction continues. The bund has been constructed for about 1/3 of the final length and is currently 8-10 metres high. The bund is required as part of the modification consent.

A series of operational questions were asked by members, including:

• Is the overburden material being used in the bund? Overburden is either placed in the Overburden Emplacement Area or used in construction of the amenity bund. Some of the rockier material can’t be used in the amenity bund because it does not provide a stable structure; clay and sand material work much better. • How many trains? The Development Consent allows for up to three trains a day. These take the product up to the 24-hour Rooty Hill Distribution Centre. • What is the tonnage? A significant volume of product is allowed via a mixture of truck and train movements. Consent allows for more rail movements than truck. • Have there been any questions from the community in the past regarding truck vs. train movements? Some submissions in response to the modification project noted concern around the potential number of trucks on the road. In response to this, Holcim built a dedicated bridge to avoid impact to the Marulan community. Also, fewer truck movements are allowed in the consent than train. • How far down will the pits be dug? The consent allows for a significant depth to be reached. • What is the timeframe for the project? The current consent lasts through to 2035 and is modelled towards the maximum tonnage per year. Holcim projects that the quarry has a 90-year life, therefore, another Development Application will be submitted to continue operations after 2035. In the meantime, Holcim is required to regularly report to the NSW Environment Protection Authority and Department of Planning and Environment to satisfy the current consent.

Brendan asked if there were any questions. Group members indicated ‘no’.

Actions • None noted.

4 Community update Richard Savage gave a community update (see presentation attached). The main points discussed were:

Community Investment Fund

• Marulan Public School has requested funding to contribute to the upgrade of playground equipment at the school. The upgrade is being funded through a State Government grant and sponsorship from local quarrying companies. • Marulan Football Club has requested funding for facilities and ground upgrades. This requires more exploration to determine a funding amount, but would more likely happen after the current season is finished. • Advertising for CIF applications will be placed in various local publications, as well as on the Holcim project webpage. • The CIF catchment includes all locations within a 20-kilometre radius of Marulan. • On behalf of the Historical Society, Rosemary Turner thanked Holcim for the grant recently received by the

Society. The Society plans on placing a photo in the newspaper and on Facebook. Holcim will also be acknowledged as the major sponsor on a plaque once the project is complete and will be invited to the opening. • John Nicastri commented that he would like to see Holcim’s presence maintained at the regular Council meetings. Stephen said the team is conscious of this and is currently working through resourcing matters. Stephen suggested catching-up with John to discuss key events Holcim could be present at. • A number of members commented that the CIF could be advertised in Discover Marulan and on the Towrang website. • Richard added that the Towrang LED sign is currently being made. Dennis Isbister and Susan Pearson indicated there was a delay with its installation and would keep Holcim updated on progress.

Community engagement

• Richard noted that since the last meeting, Holcim’s engagement program has included the Lions Christmas Lights tour and BBQ, Day, Goulburn & District Showjumping Club and improvements to Gibraltar Road. • Richard noted some upcoming activities, including a rock-climbing wall at the Tallong Apple Festival, sponsoring jerseys for Marulan Football Club and involvement in the Kite Festival. Rosemary Turner encouraged Holcim to have a stall at the Kite Festival, as well as donations.


• Holcim to provide content on the CIF for the next edition of Discover Marulan.

5 Environment update Richard Savage gave an environment update (see presentation attached). The main points discussed were:

Compliance and management plans

• A dust exceedance was recorded in February, which was attributed to a regional dust storm. Otherwise, the quarry has been compliant. One dust sampler is currently having its solar batteries replaced. • Dennis asked if today’s windy weather would have implications on dust monitoring. Richard noted that dust is measured over a month, so today will not likely cause an exceedance for April. Nevertheless, Holcim is continually looking at mechanisms / control methods and how they can be improved. Stephen Mossie added that on a day like today, the quarry changes operations in response to the weather, e.g. the large stockpile machine is turned off and a lower height is used. • Recent dry conditions have caused ground surface water results which exceeded limits on pH and electrical conductivity. The quarry has not discharged any water from the onsite dams so far this year. • Noise and blasting monitoring have been fully compliant. • Final Independent Audit and Annual Environmental Management Reports were submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment in March. These ensure the quarry has checks and balances in place to ensure it is compliant. No feedback has been received yet. • Lynwood Quarry Management Plans are to be reviewed shortly and any revisions will be submitted to the relevant agencies by the end of June.

Brendan asked the group if they have been hearing anything in the community. Group members indicated ‘no’.

• Rosemary asked if there had been any run-off from site dams into the creeks. Richard replied that run-off would only occur if there was above average rainfall. Any discharge is tested as it is occurring. There is no pumped discharge into the creeks. • It was suggested that the information card for community enquiries be sent for inclusion in the next edition of Discover Marulan.

Dust, blasting and noise enquiries

Richard provided an update on the complaints received regarding dust and noise from residents to the east of site:

• All residents have been contacted and most are satisfied by the communication which has taken place. • Holcim is looking at various controls and has already applied some, including moving some activities to another area onsite. • Independent monitoring was undertaken regarding silica dust content and compliance with health standards was confirmed. • Noise monitoring was conducted at an additional location for a month. The results showed that although the quarry can be heard at times, all levels were compliant with consent. • Holcim encourages community members to contact them as soon as possible (and with as much detail as possible) regarding any operational complaints. All complaints will be investigated.

Other community consultation

• A month-long blast monitoring activity is being undertaken at Lockyersleigh, a couple of kilometres from the quarry pit. This is in addition to a permanent blast monitor near the homestead. • Holcim is working with a Towrang resident to identify whether a new light source experienced by the resident is from the quarry or not. • Following a review of the draft DA by Council, planning for the village sign needs to fulfil some further requirements before the final DA is submitted for approval. On behalf of the Chamber, Stephen James thanked Holcim for their efforts on this matter. • Holcim recently hosted the local RFS at Lynwood Quarry for a site familiarisation day. • A number of members commented that the previous public open day was very well-received and encouraged Holcim to hold another one. Stephen Mossie noted that last year they held an open day for families of employees. Holcim will consider holding another one open to the public.

Indigenous consultation

• The scar tree from the granite pit has been relocated. • Holcim is currently working with the Aboriginal Heritage Committee to finalise the contract regarding the final keeping place for artefacts found onsite. • There are 80+ sites across the property, which will require regular maintenance work. This work will be supported by one of the local Aboriginal groups.


• Elton Consulting to send the file including contact details for community enquiries to Stephen James for Discover Marulan.

6 Other matters and general discussion

Richard Savage gave an overview of activities for the next six months, including:

• Continued consultation with residents regarding complaints. • Management plan reviews. • Develop and implement schedule of compliance activities. • Granite pit works, including the amenity bund. • Complete EPBC (Box Woodland) Conservation Agreement. • Participate in the Marulan Village Working Party. • Continue with 2019 CIF projects.

Brendan asked the group if there was anything they would like covered in the next meeting:

• A number of members suggested an overview of Holcim’s approach to local community engagement, including how much Holcim gives to the community outside of the CIF, as well as information on the use of local contractors and suppliers.

Brendan asked the group if there were any other matters to discuss:

• Rosemary Turner questioned if six months is too long between meetings. Brendan replied that six-monthly CCC meetings is a standard approach for projects, once they reach a stable state of operations. Triggers for

extraordinary meetings include significant events, such as a modification or change in consent. If any members have questions or comments in between meetings, please email Holcim or Brendan/Olivia directly. • Susan asked for an update on the lunchroom near the pit. Richard confirmed that Holcim is not proceeding with this. • The group queried what had happened since the structural failure of the overhead conveyor in February last year. Stephen Mossie reinforced that safety remains a number one priority onsite and, at the time, safety exclusion zones were in place until clearance was provided. A number of audits have since been undertaken to make sure an event like last year’s does not happen again.


• Holcim to provide an overview of its approach to local community engagement in Marulan at the next CCC meeting, including how much Holcim gives to the community outside of the CIF, as well as information on the use of local contractors and suppliers.

7 Next meeting and close

It was agreed the next meeting will be tentatively scheduled for Friday 25 October 2019.

Brendan again thanked the group for their attendance. The meeting was then closed.


Strength. Performance. Passion.

Community Consultation Committee Meeting: April 2019

Short title, Department, Date yymmdd, Classification © 2012 Legal entity


1. Operations Update

2. Granite Pit Update

3. Environment and Community Update

© 2012 Legal entity 2

1 2/05/2019

Strength. Performance. Passion.

Operations Update

Short title, Department, Date yymmdd, Classification © 2012 Legal entity

Operations update

• Alana White has left the business • Continuing to develop Granite pit • Market demand continues to be strong • Operations as usual • Continuing to use local contractors where possible

© 2017 Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd A Member of LafargeHolcim 4

2 2/05/2019

Strength. Performance. Passion.

Granite Pit Update

Short title, Department, Date yymmdd, Classification © 2012 Legal entity

Current Pit Development 26/04/2019

● Progressing as per the development consent

● Overburden and source rock extraction areas are developing as per plan

● Amenity bund construction progressing

© 2017 Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd A Member of LafargeHolcim 6

3 2/05/2019

Strength. Performance. Passion.

Environment and Community Update

Short title, Department, Date yymmdd, Classification © 2012 Legal entity

Community Investment Fund - 2019 Projects

● Requests received to date ○ Marulan School - playground equipment upgrade ($15k) ○ Marulan Football Club - Facilities & Ground Upgrade (value to be advised)

● Applications to be advertised

© 2012 Legal entity 8

4 2/05/2019

Community Engagement Program

Since last meeting

▶ Lions Christmas Lights tour and BBQ

▶ Australia Day

▶ Goulburn & District Showjumping Club

▶ Gibraltar Road Residents


▶ Tallong Apple Festival

▶ Sponsorship - Marulan Football Club

▶ Kite Festival

© 2012 Legal entity 9

Compliance and Management Plans

Monitoring - Dust - exceedance in Feb (regional dust storm), otherwise compliant. - Water - pH, Conductivity & nutrient exceedances most months. Likely to be a result of dry conditions. - Noise - fully compliant - Blasting - fully compliant Independent Audit & Annual Environmental Mgmt Reports - Final reports submitted to DPE in March. No feedback at this stage. A number of non compliances to be addressed Management Plans - To be reviewed & any revisions submitted to agencies by end June

© 2012 Legal entity 10

5 2/05/2019

Community Update - complaints • Complaints received regarding dust & noise to east of site from several residents • All residents contacted. Most satisfied by communication which took place • Independent monitoring undertaken regarding silica dust content - compliance with health standards confirmed • Noise monitoring also conducted - confirmed compliance with consent

© 2012 Legal entity 11

Other Community Consultation

Blast monitoring at Lockyersleigh - Monitoring underway - Assess results once program is complete Light Emissions - Working with Towrang resident to identify & address new source Village Sign - Draft DA reviewed by Council - Additional planning requirements to be addressed RFS Open Day

© 2012 Legal entity 12

6 2/05/2019

Indigenous Consultation

• Scarr Tree Relocation

• Keeping Place / Committee Mtg

• Site Maintenance

© 2012 Legal entity 13

Next 6 months

▶ Continued consultation with residents

▶ Management Plan Reviews

▶ Develop & Implement Schedule of Compliance Activities

▶ Granite pit works - Amenity bund

▶ Complete EPBC Conservation Agreement

▶ Participate in Marulan Village Working Party

▶ Continue with 2019 CIF projects

Short title, Department, Name/Function or Event/Creator, Date yymmdd, Classification © 2012 Legal entity 14