Carment's ... Directory for Dalkeith and District
-^r : t. ; u Dalkeith District Directory AND HOUSEHOLD m 'S^r-s'V?' FOR £ j| ig| o Pontains a Complete J)irectqry fop DALKEITH, BONNYRIGG, LASSWADE, LOANHEAD, POLTON, ROSEWELL, ROSLIN, GOREBRIDGE, HERIOT, FORD, BLACKSHIELS, AND UPPER KEITH; i WITH Notices of Dalfceitb, its Societies ano 3-n*titutkm$- Civilt ^Ecclesiastical, ano Social. ! PRICE TV^OPEISTCE. DALKEITH PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY P. & D. LYLE, 45 HIGH STP«EETi ^established 182 4. CAPITAL SIX MILLIONS STERLING. Invested Funds, £3,600,000. Annual Income, £800,000. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON. GLASGOW. 3 King William Street, E.G. 150 West George Strbbt. HEAD OFFICE: 35 ST ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH. DIRECTORS.—Messrs T. Hector Smith, A. D. M. Black, John Kennedy, John M. Crabbie, John Mackenzie, Wm. S. "Davidson, Daniel Ainslie, Andrew Jameson, Hon. James W. Moncreiff, Andrew Thomson, James Taylor, and J. A. Crichton. Secretary—J. K. Macdonald. Assistant Secretary—H. D. Prain. General Manager and Actuary—John M. M'Candlish. LIFE INSURANCE. EARLY BONUS SCHEME (E. B.) The following among other special advantages apply to ordinary Policies issued under this Scheme. Besides being payable immediately on proof of death and title, they are, at the end of three years from their date, ENTITLED TO RANK FOR BONUS ADDITIONS; INDISPUTABLE ON THE GROUND OF ERRORS OR OMMISSIONS; WORLD-WIDE WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE; AND KEPT IN FORCE, WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY EVEN IN CASE OF NON-PAYMENT OF THE PREMIUMS. SPECIAL BONUS SCHEME (D.B.) Under this Scheme Profit Policies are issued at Non-Profit Bates and share in the profits when the premiums received, accumulated at 4 per cent, compound interest, amount to the Sum Assured.
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