[.] PUB 998 (POST V FFIC& Pu'BLTCANS-t'ontinued. Saracen's Head, Hy.Conway Barnett, M arkPt pl.Southwelr Bed Lion, Charlotte Motta-1bed, Carol g-at¥, East Saracen's Head, William Camm, ~orooby, Bawtry Red Lion, Thomas Rhaw, Cinder hill, Ba<1ford Saracen's Head hotel, comrnn·cinl inn ~ posting house,.. Red Lion, William Smith, H.nddington, Nottingham Thomas Smith, Market place, Newark Red Lion, W illiam Theaker, Treswell, Lincoln Sm;ile Arms, Williarn Girkin, Eakring, NPwark Red Lion, William Thornton, Thurgarton, Southwell Sawyers' Arms, \'V. Bezant, 2 Grey J:<'l·iar g-ate,Nottinghru Red Lion, W illiam W atf!Fs, Blid wor'th, Sawyers' Arm.-t, George Wales, Chtoapside, Red Lion, Charles Yeornans, Costock, Lough bro' Scots Grey, Joseph Wilkimon, Reindeer, Charles Fry .. r, East Bridgford, Nottingham Scots Greys, T. Cotton, 245 St. Ann's Well rd. Nottingham Reindeer, William Hilton, 9 Wheeler gate, Notting-ham Seven Stars, William Cummint~, Arnold, NoHingham Reindeer, 1\hchael 1\'Ia!olon, South well road, M ansfield Sevm Star.~, William Haslam, West street, Hucknl\ltl Reindt:er, William Noble, Edingley, ~nuthwell Torkard, Nottingham Reindeer, Thoma!l Rndd, N01th gate, Newark S~'v"n Strws, Edmund Hop kin, Barker gate, N ottinghant Reindeer, John Taylor, Eldon street, Tuxtord, Newark ShokP6pHar e tr6vern, Cha!!.Swioscoe,52 Milton st. N ottng-hm. Reindnr, George Tho111as Thorpe, Westgate, Southwell S hP.ffielcl Railway inn, M rs.8. Marshali,Carlton rd. Works~ ReindPer, Robert Watson, Newgate street, Worksop She1'1Vin Arms, ':l'homas St1·etton, Bramcote, Nottingham Reindeer, John Thos.Weightman.North Muskham,Newark ShRrtvood inn, Samuel Wilkinson, Sherwood, Nottingham Riflnnan, He11ry Savag-e, 17 Kirke Whitest. Nottingham Sherwood Fm·est,A. Farnsworth, Kirkhy-in·Aslifid. Mansfieh Robin Hood, Mrs. Ann Colbeck, Turk's Head yard, Grove Skip, Benjamin Farrow, Rempstone, Loughbol'ou~h street, East Retford Ship, David Worsley Frecknall, Wbari'st. East Retford Robin Hood, William Doncastel', Elke~ley, Retford Ship, Thomas Hallam, Moorehouse, Laxton, Newark Robin Hood, Wm.Egleshaw,41 Robin Hood st.Nottingham Ship, George Peck, Water lane, North gate, Newark Robin Hood, .J.Harris, Lambley,Burton Joyce, NottinghrD Ship, Thomas 8Plby, West gate, Worksop Robin Hood, Mrs. Sarah Hind~, Newgate street, Wot·ksop Ship, Thoma~ West, West ~tockwith, Gainsboraug-h Robin Hood, Thomas Meakin, Brinsley, Nottingham Ship, William Whittaker, Newing-ton, Mis:~on, Bawtry Robin Hood, Isaac & Michael Archer Newton, Cossall, Shire Oaks, JRmes Cobb Harris, Shire Oal•s, W11rksop Nottingham Shoulder of Mutton, Henry Benson, 9 Smithyr().w, Market• .Robin Hood, Mrs. Elizn. Shaw, Swan st. Sutton-in-Asllfield place. Nottingham Robin Hood, George Simpson, Edwinstowe, Newark Shoulder of Mutton, Joseph Clay, -under-Hutb-- Robin Hood, Rich d. Reckerby Sheppard,Lombard st.Newark waite, Mansfield . Robin Hood, Jo!