The End of Space and Time

Robbert Dijkgraaf Galileo’s `Book of Nature’ The Book of Nature “The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the Galileo Galilei letters are triangles, circles and “Il Saggiatore” other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word.” “To those who do not know it is difficult to get across“ a real feeling as to the beauty, the deepest beauty, of nature ... If you want to learn about nature, to appreciate nature, it is necessary to understand the language that she speaks in.”

Anonymous Mathematician “If all mathematics disappeared today, .” would be set back exactly one week.”

Anonymous Mathematician “That was the week that God created the world.”

Richard Feynman

Universe Relativity

Particles Quantum Space Time

“Absolute, true and mathematical time, of itself, and by its own nature, flows uniformly on, without regard to anything external.”

- Newton “Time is the fourth dimension” time Mass curves space and time Gravity = Curvature of Space-Time

Mass = Energy Physics is Geometry

My biggest blunder! Hubble, 1929 1965: Penzias & Wilson Cosmic Microwave Background

WMAP Sattelite (2003) Very Early Universe

First Light, 400,000 yr after Big Bang

Why is the Universe so flat, large, and full of structure?

Cosmic Inflation t = 10-35 ~ 10-32 s classical

Scale × 1026

quantum Big Bang The Quantum World

Black Box in ? uit Black Box in ? uit Standard Model Grand Unified Theory?


d d  e u

u  Dark Matter Dark Matter Large Scale Structure of the Universe

Supernovae (type Ia) Supernovae Survey Λ > 0: Dark Energy

73% dark energy 23% dark matter

4% known matter

Weight of the Universe

Why is every electron exactly the same?

 e NATURE’S ELECTRON FACTORY There is only one electron in the universe!

John Wheeler

Richard Feynman time +




Space + +


+ -

Time -


- time Virtual Particles time Vacuum Fluctuations time Vacuum Fluctuations

Dark Energy

Quantum Space Time Universe Relativity

Particles Quantum Quantum Gravity Unification 1015

10 10

105 Energy (GeV) Energy


Strong Weak Electro Force Force Magnetism Gravity Space Time Foam

Planck length 10-35 m Max Planck

} Planck length Planck Hierarchy of Scales

1035 m 105 m 1025 m

Planck Scale “Life” Hubble Scale Black Holes Galactic Million of Suns

Center of the Galaxy




Imploding Star


Time 2nd Law Black Hole Thermodynamics


black hole merger

Geometric Entropy = Area Horizon

Hawking Radiation


ThermalHorizon Radiation Temperature = Surface Gravity “Evaporating” Black Holes

Imploding Star Quantum Black Hole ≈ Instable Particle

[space,time] ≠ 0 “It from bit”

Geometric Entropy S = ¼ Area Horizon = log(# quantum states)

BH horizon Horizon

2 1 bit/ Planck The

The information associated with a certain part of space may be (heuristically ) represented as bits on the surface surrounding it.

String Theory

Black Holes in Theory

Open strings

Horizon Black Hole Closed strings Open Strings: Yang-Mills Gauge Theory Open Strings: Yang-Mills Gauge Theory

j i

NN matrix of strings Aij Geometry is “Emergent” Low energy


Large N Gauge Theory High energy ADS/CFT Correspondence

Equivalence between field theory on the “boundary” and gravity in the “bulk” Holography Emergent Space Dimension

IR radial distance = energy scale UV Renormalization Group Flow Strings in Anti-de Sitter Space Gauge/Gravity Duality

gauge gravity = 4 dim 5 dim Yang-Mills strings Strings

gauge gravity =

“QCD string” fundamental string ThermalLow Temperaturephase transition

gauge gravity =

thermal vacuum confining High Temperature

= Black Hole deconfining Black Holes at Accelerators?

Quark Gluon Plasma (2009) Gravity as an Entropic Force

F m




Entropic force of thermodynamics

Polymer molecule

Entropic force due to the tendency for entropy to increase “Derivation” of Newton’s Laws

FDx = TDS F m 2pkc M DS = mDx

T T = a 2pck F = ma Reduction

Standard Model

Garbage Beauty Emergence

Navier-Stokes H2O Hydrodynamics Garbage Beauty Emergence

Quantum Space-Time Information Geometry