Gewillis & Son, Inc. Nazis Press Toward Seine, Paris

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Gewillis & Son, Inc. Nazis Press Toward Seine, Paris V w TUESDAY, JUNE 4,1949 ' — — 'T— *■■■ ATcrage Daily Circolation /' TheW eathfr flatidiMlMr Etttttfa^ Xm dH Far the Month of May, 1910 Foroonat of C. 8. Woothw Barenn 8 t John’* Sewhig club meet Orford Perish Chapter. Deugh- Plan Branches Sboworo tonight and Thmadoy; Emergency Doctors - with Mra. |ere of the Amertcen Revolution. Auction S iark et To Be Doctor To Address Grange 6,401 this evening at 7 o'clocF not mneh choage ta About Town J. Bungud of 59 Nocth etreeL hold Ita ennuel meeting T h u ^ Member of the Andit Phyalclana of the Mancheattir day at the Y.M.CrA. et 3:S0. The Open^Wext Week Of Toy Center ♦ Barenn of ClrcolatloM Medical saaoclation who will Center Church ^ m en 'a Federa- bosteeeee wlU be Mrs. Arthur Of Medicine Mtmche»ter— A Ciiy of Village Charm uamJ Wood, • well known rwH- respond to emergency calla to­ Hon w in hold UM annual m eetly Loomla, Mis . Clifford J o r ^ end ) ... * . • ; ; c t TWoottvIlle Md for many morrow afternoon are Doctora Mrs. Myre Oallnet. Mancheeter Auction Market / ■ tomorrow afternoon at 2:80. Of* To Distribute at'Recre­ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5. 1940 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS I BMlatant poatmaater at the D. C. Y. Moore and Mortimer fleers will be^ected, the different Ita Bixth season on Wednea- John E. McCluflkey VOL. LIX., NO. 210 (Claaoiflod AdmrttMng aai Fnge 14) i^ttafila lio tt offica, and man* Morlarty. groups of sromen workers will New six htpb plpb ,to be laid Juiie 13, the directora of the ation Centers;-28 Are ariT 0 t Talcott Brotbera gananl make t h ^ reports and other through the ekkenston of ffoUlste^ assodetion. announced today. The Get Degree at Boy street by the Mancheeter Water ■tan, haa raaigned from theae po- bustneaa/wlll be transacted. block thla year, aa It haa been Now Employed. / Company, has arrived and -naa since the market drat opened, will State School June 10. and haa entered the employ Miaa Margaret FlUgerald, of 39 « ( the United Aircraft Corpora- clergy .and laymen of Ihe been distributed ajong the- new ha' In charge of R. M. Reid A High street who hss been serious­ road where the matp Is , to be ex­ Sona and the plan that haa been The WPA Toy CenUr wtU be fVifi- la the clerical department ly III since Good Friday, haa now Melodist denomination will at- Waltham, Maas.. June 4.—John Batara taMng chargre of the atom t e ^ the sesalona of the Southern tended. There wdll'be J.OdO feet followM for the past four years Edward McCHuakey, son of Mr. and opened each day this w ^k and recovered from her llincaa and has of alx Inch main. Tbi excavation of having the Mancheeter Trust next week for the dUtributlon of at tWcottvUle, Mr. Wood In part- returned to her position In the 'ew England Houtherti Conference Mra. John McCluakey of Manchea- nenblp with Alfred Pitkin were at Trinity Union church. Provi­ for the pipe and tlie refill will be Company act aa cashier will again toys. -On Tucaday of next week, credit department of the Manehes done by the Alex^der Jervis com­ ha followed; te. , Conn., will be a candldaU .Tor tlM ®wnera of what waa the well ter Eleclrtc dlvleloh.. dence, the next three daya. Among theio will be opened a branch ott /■ Men Battle knoarn "Country Store" condiicted the apeakera will be Blahop G. pany. ^ The pletfohn and grounds on the tha degree of Doctor of Medicine Bromley Oxnam and Bishop E1- lot to the aduth of Charter Oak _t the commencement exerciaea of the Center at the West Side Rec tar many yeara by the late Waldo / William McBumey. i who/was TOUnKhast at Vernon Depot. wln F. Lee of Singapore. 1 Rev. Joseph Casey, pastor of street will be made ready for the Middlesex University, to be held where toya-can be secured for use i manager of the Woolwort^ store ' St. Augustine’s church In Hsrt- openliig on next Wednes^y. To­ on June* 10th at Waltham. Mr. Mc­ of boya and girls in that part of In Norwich. N. Y. has b e « trans­ day R. M. Reid A Sona were get­ Cluakey waa graduated from Man- Workcra In the water dcpart- Ths Willing Workers of the. v,,,, » weekend visitor with the town. A week later It !■ ex­ End o f Onu **Stuka" Bomber ferred to the local slor^as man South Methodist church will hold {rtends In town. ting out notices to the different cheater High school In 1930, and laant of the town arc at prcaent ager, replacing Charle^Carr who their annukl meeting with election . ----- buyers of atrawberriea and other received hla premedical education pected that another branch yrill be Town’s Population angafed In changing the poaitlon has been trsnaferrefF to Buffalo. produce today announcing the a. Fordham University, where he opened In the Blast Side Rie6 where Nazis Press Toward of the hrc hydrant on the apnth afternoon Merle Davis of Loa Ah- N, Y. 2:30 at tha church. / !geles la visiting here with Mrs. opening. received hla B.8. degree. toys will also be distributed. aide of Maple atreet directly oppo- The opening this year is a little The effort made to secure toys ■Itc Cottage atreet to the north 1 Jennie Hoff and Mrs.- Thomas Miss Pauline Wt Helmold of this Sons of the American L ^ o n Hooey.' .They will leave tomor­ late, but comes at a time when by granting admisaidn to the boys aidewalk at the Interacctlon of town formerlj'/of .\Vltllmantlc, and will hold their, meeting this eve­ moat of the schools In Manchester and girls who brought a toy to the For ’40 is 23,709; row for a vacation trip through Fireman-Laborer Maple and OotUge atreeta. Thla Mlaa Alice ^ Heckler of Bolton, ning at 6 o'clock at t l^ Legion will be closed which will make morning show held at the State Mtange la in keeping with the northern New England. r Seine, Paris; who la a graduate of Manchester home on Leonard street. All available pickera of early berries. Rev. Karl Richter theater last Saturday, thin being ■nhey of the department to High acho^, have coijipldid their memhera are urged to be present. Sought for P. O. Rev. Karl Richter, pastor of the their admUaion, resulted iii ovrj faplaCe hydranw that because of. four year courses at Wllllmsntlc The pigeon found dead here 1,100 toys being secured whlq yaara of aervlce may not bo reli­ after, It la a'uppoaed, he flew Into a Concordia Lutheran church, will Is Gain 1,736 Teachi^ College and will receive An urgent appcAl le being made be the gueat speaker at the an­ will be reconditioned and adde able. their riegi-ecs on June 12. to women to volunteer for knit­ high tension wire, haa been Iden­ Fire District to the number now on hand. tified by Chief of Police Samuel The United States avU Service nual Memorial night service of ting or sewing St the Red Crosa Commission announces W open The number that viattad the Dawn Starting Time G. Gordon. From a leg band Manchester Grange, No. 31. P. of Preliminary Figure* Autos Can’t Be Trusted No j Claire June Taggart daughter | headquarters In the Y. M. C. A. Toy Center during the week that of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Taggart, -'^mpany No. 4 of the South ntimber, It appears the bird waa Tax Session competitive examination for Fire* H., to be held at the Masonic Matter How Long Owned { „.'ancheateV Ore department was building. The need Is all the man-Laborer {Coal). 81260 a year, Temple tomorrow night. the exhibit was held haa rcaulted Subject to Revision Are celebrated her alxth birthday yea- time Increasing as the war spreada owned by Dauat ■ of 319 Tailed at 10;1.1 thla morning to 42 Shaw road, New Bedford, Maaaa- for filling a vacancy in Uua posi­ The regular business session of In additional Interest being shown tarday afternoon with ten of her. In Europe. Tomorrow aeiylhg by the SllfTerent organizations In Announced; Census New Bern, N. C., June 5.— | Hitler Sends Armies of ‘Remarkable Foresight’ j French Holding Every­ little playmates as guests. The F:idrldge street. A Are was start­ chtiaetfs. South Manchester Offi* tion In the CYiatodlal Service, Post the Grange will be' held at 8 (IP)— You Just can’t trust an , ed and the chimney was damp, re­ will be raTried on lietwcen Hi and- Office here. Due to receipt of in­ o'clock, with Wilbur T. Little in ManchcatV as well aa by many of Sentence Appeal Basis, where Against German Cblldren enjoyed playing gnmea 12 and 1 to 3 In the afternoon. Head Asks All Who automobile, no matter how long ; West Plunging Against sulting In smoke that caused ___ / cers to Urge Two Mill sufficient applications obtained pharge. Every member Is urged the towns people In the^shop. and Borne of the little girls rnter- 'ITje final" season meeting of the from previous examination. It haa you’ve had It. France on . Soniint^ Offensive on Sommey telned with tap dancing and alng- alarm and resulted In the rail for G a e f club will be. held Thuraday, to attend thla Grange Memorial There are now 28 employed at Have Not Been Visited Gilbert S. Waters bad been I Paria, June 5.—(IP)—A Psi'l* the firemen There was no dam­ Olbboiui AasemWy, Catholic Levy Tomorrow Night.
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