Modern Web Application Development Using MEAN Stack 1
A Three Day National Level Workshop on A THREE DAY NATIONAL Advisory Committee LEVEL WORKSHOP ON Modern Web Application Development using MEAN Stack 1. Prof. D.Subba Rao, Rector, JNTUA. Modern Web Application 2. Prof . M.Vijay Kumar, Registrar, JNTUA. Development using MEAN Stack th th th 26 , 27 and 28 SEPTEMBER 2019 3. Prof. A.Ananda Rao, Director R&D, JNTUA 26th, 27th and 28th SEPTEMBER 2019 Under 4. Prof. B.Eswar Reddy, Director SDC, JNTUA Under TEQIP – III 5. Prof. C.Shobabindu, Director SDC & IC, JNTUA TEQIP – III Registration Form 6. Prof. S.Vasundra, NSS Coordinator, JNTUA 7. Dr. R.Rajasekhar, Associate Professor of CSE Name: 8. Dr. K.Madhavi, Associate Professor of CSE Branch: 9. Dr. A.P.Siva Kumar, TEQIP-III Coordinator 10. Dr. K.F.Bharati, Assistant Professor of CSE Qualification: Organization: Address for Communication: Prof . P Chenna Reddy , Organized by Address: Professor of CSE Department of Computer Science &Engineering JNTUA College of Engineering Dr. B. Lalitha, (Autonomous) :: Ananthapuramu Mobile No: Assistant Professor of CSE Andhra Pradesh, India Email: Co-Ordinators, Modern Web Application Development using MEAN Stack Workshop Chief Patron Place: Department of CSE Prof. S.Srinivas Kumar Date: Signature of the Applicant JNTUA College of Engineering, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Ananthapuramu- 515002, JNT University Ananthapuramu. Forwarded through Head of the Dept. / Institute Andhra Pradesh, Ph No: 9885336491 Patron Email: meanworkshop.jntuacea Prof. K.Govinda Rajulu Principal, JNTUACEA Co-Coordinator Mr. K. Anil Kumar, Co-Patron Assistant Professor (Adhoc), Prof. M.L.S. Devakumar Phone No: 7780553796 Vice Principal & TEQIP Nodal Officer Student Organizers: Convener Prof.
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