Published by the Outrigger Canoe Club for Members and Guests at ·Home and Abroad By Brant Ackerman President's Goals and Objectives for 1997

s we start a new term, your As our facility has reached the menus in food and beverage opera­ Board of Directors is already 30-year mark, (has it been that tions, as well as an increasing A off and running with a fu ll long?) we are currently conducting demand by both genders and age agenda of items to accomplish. Our professional surveys to determine groups for larger Fitness Center first order of business was to what surprises may be "lurking facilit ies. re tructure the Executive inside our walls" so that we can put A Logo Shop Adhoc mer­ Committee. It will be made up of contingencies in place to plan for chandising committee has just been members of both the Board and those eventualities. These will he formed to evaluate all products, Management. countered with an aggressive main­ vendors, and pricing to meet both Its primary purpose will be tenance program member and guest expectations. planning for the complex chal­ As recent federal legislation Your activities committees are lenges that we face in the future as has just been enacted with regard busy at work on not only planning well as monitoring the activities of to non-profit organizations, we are coordinated fun-fi lled events but both management and committees reviewing the employee benefit also a forma l membership roster. past is currently sitting in boxes, to insure completion of our goals program and investigating the feasi­ An annual master calendar has just basements, and attics. and objectives. bility of implementing a 401(K) been completed so that we can Our goal is to scan this infor­ We have just fin ished our plan. maximize the potential activities mation (including color pictures ) yea r-end review with our auditors Your Long Range Planning and function opportunities for our into a common database so that it and I am happy to report that com­ Committee is interpreting the membership. can be archived for the future pared to other clubs across the results of the Club survey and Probably the most important before it gets lost fore ver. country, we are in good financia l incorporating it into our LRP. As goal that we are undertak ing this Stay tuned to your Outrigger shape. As waiting lists for clubs demographics continue to change, year is a master plan to get as much magazine as all committees will be continue to diminish, the challenge so do our members' expectations. of the history of the Outrigger stepping up their efforts to increase for seeking new members will be Such things as fitness and Canoe Club consolidated onto an communications to all of the OCC striking a balance between quality health are changing members' in-house computer system as we fam ily! lil and affordability. tastes and desires for different can. Our historically significant

f' A G E 2 0 U T ll G G E ll Get Ready For A Blast From The Past Club Day Fair, Wednesday, June 11

o you remember those fabu­ everyone. Beach games for keiki working, ger rhe day off, gather the Club Day is back in a big way. lous Club Days of years past and adults ro resr your kill; run kids and get down ro the Club on o plan to be there and come cheer Dwhere members of all ages down the beach tied ro your part­ Wednesda y, June II, Kamehameha u on. 0 joined together ro play games at rhe ner's ank le while balancing nn egg Day for rhe Club Day Fair. beach? on a spoon in your mourh. Poi car­ I remember broom-paddling ing conr ests, nerf softba ll games, canoe races to rhe wind sock and and paddling races. There' so back, and playing volleyball on rhc much za ninc · planned we wouldn't and courts for rhc fir r ri me. We dare tell you now! had ream and relay race where Then nfter an exhausting day everyone participated and had a of fun in rhc sun, we'll have a teak fabulous rime. These were memo­ Fry and recogni:e winner of many rable da ys for the whole fam il y. of rhe events wi rh trophic and Well Club Day is back. This pri:cs. Live musical entertainment year, we have renamed it rhe Club and good cheer will grace rhe Day Fair to empha i:c the event for Terrace inro rhc evening. the whole fami ly, not ju t our ath­ Haven't you been wondering letes. This Kamchamcha Day we when the Club would fin ally plan will ho r Club Day Fair with more an unforgettable event for the fe rive and wacky events rhan you whole fami ly? Well , wonder no can shake a paddle ar. more. Please don't mi rhe e\·enr; There will be something for it's a srare holiday. But if you're Guest Chef Night June 18 Features Eddie Fernandez

e arc delighted to The price per per on is ~36 announce that Chef plus tax and service charge. The WI nstrucror Eddie Hau Terrace will offe r the regular Fernandez of the Culinary Arts full menu. Program at Kapi'olani Community The Guest Sommelier for rhe College, will be our Guest Chef on evening will be Em ily Field of Wcdne lay, June I in the Main Grand Cru Wine Merchants. Dining Room. Emily is married to Richard Field Chef Eddie, a Kauai boy, starr­ of R. Field Wine Company and ed his cul inary career a a Prep wa prcviou ly a Sommelier at the Cook in 1970 wirh Nick's Pacific Club. Emily will be on Fishmarket Restaurant where he hand ro assist our Sommelier, worked hi way up to Executive Richard juanrilla, with rhe fea­ Chef. He later was the Executive tured wines of the evening. These Chef at the Black Orchid wi nes arc priced cparately. Restaurant before accepting his cur­ Dinner seatings begin ar 6 rent position of head ing up the p.m. tl nd reservations can be made much respected culinary program ar at the Main Dining Room. We are very excited to host Guest Kapi'olani Community College. Appeli~er Chef Eddie i excited about Kadaif \XIra fJped Shrimp and )umbo Scallop Chef Eddie Fernandez at the teaching "hi kid " rhe fi ner points on Vanilla Seemed Onions lt'i!lt Coconu1 Vinaigrelle Outrigger Canoe Club on June 18. of cooking and i' imprc eel with Space i limited o make your rhc local mlenr here in rhe I land . Emree re er.•arion early in order to rake He is a firm believer in u ing the Rum and PepfJCr Paimed Salmon and Mochi Cnmclt PofJcom advanmgc of rhi wonderful oppor­ freshest ingred ients, reaching hi Crus! Loin of Pork wi!lt Mango Clwrdonna)' Sauce, Lobs1er tunity. I) students rhe proper techn ique and Risollo, and SfJring Vegcwbles nor cutting corner . Chef Eddie, with the a sisrancc of his students, Des sen created the fo llowing menu for his Macadamia Nw Tone, Lilikoi Curd Torte and Sweet Poww evening at the Outrigger Canoe Cheesecake Dri zzled with Assorted Island FntiL Coulis Club.

0 lJ T It G G E I( P AG E- 3 The Outrigger Kama'aina Hui

As Remembered by only. of our meetings wa · addressed by Erne ·t 1-l."Tommy" Thomas, "Further, any regular member Bill Mullahey, the Club Vice Hui Past President of the !-lui in good standing at the President who outl ined the plans At some time in the late time, who is elected to the Board of for the renovation of the Club's 1930's or early 1940's some of the Directors of the Outrigger Canoe bar area. \XI hen l presided at the leaders of the Outrigger Canoe Club wi ll be automatically made an meeting I 1 reserved the nece ary Club decided to form a "Club with­ Honorary Member of the !-lui while decorum by getting a very large in the Club" which they named the an officer of the Outrigger Canoe serving spoon from the Chef and "Kama'aina Hui". Club. At the termination of his using it as a gavel. There had been a loosely DirectOrship, he may again become At ome meetings we dis­ organized group called the a regular member of the Hui, if cussed upcoming Club elections "Kama'aina Beachcomber !-lui" on approved by the Advisory Board." and I might add there were elec­ Waikiki Beach during the 1930's, Obviously, the name tions in which !-lui members were according to Ronald Q. "R.Q" "Kama'aina !-lui" didn't limit the placed in nomination by Hui "sug­ Smi th, who was President of the members hip to the generally used gestion", and these !-lui members Outrigger Canoe Club in 1932-33. term "Kama'aina" because ! was were supported strongly by the l-!ui From my discussions with invited to become a member within in the elections. R.Q., l don't believe the founders a very shorr time after I joined the Sometimes they won-and of the new Hui con idered it to be OCC in Ma y, 1943. sometime they lost. I know that a continuation of the old Then, I believe it was in to be a fact-I was nominated Beachcombers Hui ince the new 1944, I became the Secretary of the three times for Club Director Kama'aina Hui was limited to !-lui. l believe the main reason I before I was fin ally elected. John OCC members while the old got that job wa due to the fact "Eleele" Black was con idered to be Beachcombers Hui was not. that, being a Major in the Army, I our "top" politician. l have a copy of the had my own secretary, thus I was The !-lu i parties were memo­ Constitution and Bylaws of the able to provide the !-lui with type­ rable! We would take over the Kama'aina Hui. The document is written minutes of the meetings. Club since with our wives or dates well-written, with all the necessary There is another very good we would have a pretty large party. "legalese", which leads me to reason why I could have very well We would hire our own musi­ believe that the author was Wilford been "blackballed"- ] was what cians- ! went to see the musician Godbold , one of Hawai'i's leading wa then a perfect example of a union's President, Buddy Peterson, lawyers and a Circuit Court Judge. "Barracuda"-a name used by the and he was very nice to arrange an Wilford served longer than any "local boys" for young, ingle mili­ orchestra for one of our parries at a other OCC President- even con­ tary officers, who the "local boys" very low price, since we weren't a ecutive term . believed were trying to steal the commercial organization. The Bylaws state that "The "local boys'" girl frie nds. Of course, The Outrigger Canoe Club purpo e of the Hui shall be to pro­ in my case nothing could have really treated us fa bulously! Grear mote clo -cr friendship and ocial been farrher from the truth! Of food, great drink . The first time relations among its members and to course. "Anzai's Banzai Punch" was served constructively assist the Outrigger To my amazement I was hon­ was at one of our Kama'a ina Hui Canoe Club in maintaining a high ored to be elected President of the parties. For the record, the recipe smndmd of achievement and Kama'ainn !-lui in 1945, immedi­ for this famous punch uses "bond­ sport manship." ately following the term served by ed" whiskey and involves The qua lifications for mem­ Bi ll Capp. I thoroughly enjoyed overnight standing. Some of our bership were as follows: "The being a member of the Hui, partic­ members were very talented ama­ membership of the Hui shall be ularly being its President. The teur entertainers, and we also had confined to male members of the main reason it wa so enjoyable, some who were professionals, so we Outrigger Canoe Club who are in was that although the basis of the had our own entertainment. Late good tanding and at least twenty !-lui was somewhat erious, it in the evening we would dance out (20) year of age, and shall not turned out that our main activity on the "Sun Deck" in the moon­ exceed at any one time a total wns hav ing fun! We had dinner light- under the tars. It surel y did membership of One Hundred meetings each month , usually at result in some wonderful memories! (1 00)". the Outrigger Canoe Club-we Someti mes we had our The following General Policy would usua lly eat at a long table on monthly meeting away from the wa rated: "The policy of the Hui the Club's Sun Deck, and we would Club. Bob Fischer's home was one i enunciated that any officer have a program of ome sort, or, of our favorites. It was at his house (Direcror) in the Outrigger Canoe sometimes we would just have that we had a serious discussion Club wi ll be carried on the rolls of entertai nment. \XIe often had a concerning selecting a ymbol for the Hui in an Honorary capacity Club Director as the speaker. One the Kama'aina Hui and "Shorty"

p 1\ G E 4 0 U T It G G E R Log ron propo cd rhar ir should be through hi singing on the "Hawai'i and ate. I'm :1 fraid I created ome Hi name was Avent. He a jock map-"sincc we arc support­ Calls" radio program. That night panic, or at least concern, when a gave these new members of the Hui ers of rhe Club" on the lanai he strummed his friend and I swam out pretty fa r, a suranccs that he would "take care Many of rhe !-lui member of ukulele and sang softly and beauti­ and when we ob en•ed that people of the Outrigger Canoe Club" and the wartime Hui arc no longer with fu lly until about two o'clock in the were standing on the picn ic table he set up a luncheon meeting at u . Wilford Godbold (who I morning! I hone tly till con ider yelling and waving at us, we came which time he presented his plans believe was rhc guiding light that music to have been the in, and everyone said, "Didn't you for a hotel and a commercial beach behind he Kama'aina !-lui) came to absolute best music I have ever sec the sharks?" Apparently there club to be named "The our functions, as did Bill Mullahey heard! were five or six sma ll sharks International Surf and Sand Club" and others who were OCC Then, after we had won between us and the shore. on the site. Dirccrors duri ng rhose years. World War II, it was rime for me ro The Outrigger was facing irs As for our Club, his plan George and Bill Cook were leave Hawai'i, temporarily at lea t, grcarc t challenge in the fi ftie - showed the OCC would be housed very active members. Bill and go to my former home tate, our lease was expiring in 1964 and in the Ewa-Kal

0 ll T R P A G E 5 BASTILLE DAY Monday, July 14 The Colony Surf Hotel is reopening in full splendor Dinner Buffet on August 1, 1997 after an e)l.'tensive renovation. SALAD BAR Selection of Garden Crisp Vegetables, Couscous Salad, Potato Salad, Chicken and Asparagus In the interim, we m·e in Orange Vinaigrette, Bay Shrimp, Pasta Salad and offering you, our neighbors, Herb Grilled Vegetables a $175 rate for our 900 sq.ft. ocean front condominiums. SOUP French Onion From now to August 1st, members and their friends ENTREES Coq au Vin and family can take advan­ Beef Stroganoff tage of this special offer. Fruits de Mer in Fennel Cream Sauce Angel Hair Pasta When a reservation is made Rice Pilaf by an Outrigger Canoe Club Seasonal Mixed Vegetables member, mention this ad, Rolls and Butter and you or your guest will receive our Ohana Offering. DESSERT Build your own Ice Cream Sundae with We hope to welcome you Assorted Toppings, Brownies, Caramel Custard, soon, Fruit and Cream Pies

Aloha, Main Dining Room and Hau Terrace 6 - 9 p.m. $15 per person + GET + 15% Service Charge

P.S. Watch for our Outrigfler Having an Affair? If you're planning a special event this summer-anything from a Canoe Cluh grand opening ojje1; reunion, wedding or baby luau-call our Catering Office for ideas. Liz Ventura or Don Figueira can offer suggestions for a pecial menu, color cheme, entertainment, flowers, etc. TelepJ1one1 924-3111 The Outrigger welcomes your group, small and large, for break­ Toll free, 888-924-Surf fast, lunch or dinner parties or meetings. 2885 Kalakaua Avenue Check out our private dining room for groups ranging in ·ize from l0-300, or reserve the entire Dining Room on Mondays. Honolulu, Hawau96815 Our Chef can prepare ethnic cuisine or all-American favorite . It' nor roo early to chedule your holiday parties either, as room book up quickly. For more information, call Liz or Don at 923-1585. 0

P AGE-G OlJ T it i GGEit ~ ·········---.. [ . •. As the Terrace Turns - ick and Joan Rodby took a Denis Alexander, Honorary recent trip to Boise, Idaho Con ul to Honolu lu from the Dwhere their grandson Sean Federation of Saint Kitts and Nev is, Ballenryne was awarded the rank of and his wife, Freida, returned to Eagle Scour. While in Idaho, they Honolulu for a short visit as passen­ took a fami ly ski trip. Joan's grand­ gers on board the Srarcndam cru ise sons had a great time teaching ship in May. The Alexanders Nana how to ski. A good time was entertained a small group of long had by all. rime friends in Honolulu and a fell' David Williams, son of members of the Honolulu Consular Rianna and Willie Williams, and Corp on board rhe Sratendam Katherine juhn were married in wh ile rhe ship was docked in The Rodby clnn skied in Boise, ldllho. From left, Joan Rodby, Robin, Scou, Sean and /an Ballemyne , Bob March. The wedding and reception Honolulu. and Flora-May Bradly. ll'ere held at the Halekulani Hotel. Fred Dailey, former long rime Family members and friends attend­ member of rhe OCC, was inducted ed from seven states and two for­ into the Polo Hall of Fame at Palm Maril yn and John Goss were Comrib11tions to this col11mn are eign countries. The couple lives in Beach, Florida on February 7. in Texas for Easter visiting their always welcome. Leave items for the San Franci co. Murph and son, Michael Dailey, daughter and grandchi ldren. Editor at the From Desk or fax to Word around the Terrace is were on hand ro accept rhe star­ Marilyn writes she is rccci1·ing 833- 1591 or send by email co that the fabu lou Ka'au Crater Boys uette, a beautiful bronze of horse "aroma therapy, bur it stink ." [email protected]. Be SllTe to will be performing at our annual and rider with accompanying photo Notes wishing her well, can be sent incl11de yo 11r name and phone nwnber Club Luau on September 20. of Mr. Dailey and article describi ng to her Honolulu address and will be in case additional infomwtion is need­ Sounds like it will be a must see hi contributions to the sport. The forwarded for rhe next month when ed . event. Look for information in Museum of Polo and Hall of Fame we hope ro have her home walking next month's Outrigger magazi ne. offi cially opened rhc next day. Kapiolani Park again. I)

Macfarlane Souvenirs

The Outrigger Duke Men's Long Sleeve Tees Kahanamoku Foundation and rhe OCC are aga in offering Macfarlane $15.00 Regatta T shirrs, tank tops for men and women, caps and other 4th of July Regatta wear in the Logo Shop. Men's Tee Go now, avoid the rush on the $12.00 beach and make your selections for siz e and color in the convenience of the Logo Shop. Every 4th of July, the T-shirr sale Men's Tank Tops 1·olunreers rruck rhe 4th of july $10.00 Regatta gear down to Waikiki Beach, unload and carry it ro the beach. • Comprehensive Marketing They arc greeted by a long line of Polo w/ embroidery logo eager buyers, cash in hand, waiting for • Intensity of Sen•icc rhe "shop" to open, and they bu y, buy, $28.00 • Market Knowledge buy. For rhe past two years most items have been gone before noon, and Women's Tank Tops Anne Ilogwr Perry {ll) Susan Johnston Hemmings (RA ) there are disappointed !are buyers and Direct Line 593-6474 Direct Line 597-5563 $10.00 email: [email protected] email: hemmings@dps. net souvenir hunters who go away empty handed. Don't wait, don't hesitate, go now to the Logo Shop and get your Baseball Caps COLDWeLL souvenirs while they have your size. BANI(eR~ PACIFIC PROPERTIES And then wear it to the regatta to $!5.00 1177 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu Hawaii 96814 cheer on our crews. 0

0 ll T It G C. E It 7 Girl's Volleyball Update-Tourneys Ahead By Mark and Kelsey Rigg

early 30 years ago, the sand the stare and ha ve clone well, win­ courts at the Outrigger were ning three and placing second in Na place where my friend rwo other . and I learned to play the game of Our primary focus is ro train volleyba ll. Today, I've moved from lwei for the Kaepa Volleyball the courts to the sidelines as the Fe rival ro be held ar UC Davis in coach of the girl 's 14-year-olcl div i­ late June. Thi is the largest junior sion volleyball team. volleyball rournament in the coun· This i the fir t year the rry, with more than 900 reams in Outrigger Canoe Club has spon­ four divisions with approximately sored a junior girl's tea m competing II ,000 girls, aged 12 ro IS, com­ in this division. The ream includes peting for one week. Megan Abbott, Kirra Downing, The stare regional champi· Members of rheOCC Girl's 14 mlleyball ~e~~m are from , Kellie Pi'ikea Dudoit, Auli'i George, onships, held in early June, will be )ames, Kirra Downing, KeLsey Rigg. Back, Christine \ViLson , Pi'ikea Kel lie James, Nani Loui , Kelsey a good opportunity to prepare for Dudoir, Nani Loui, No/IJ!a Torres , Megan Abbo11 and Auli'i Rigg, Nohea Torre and Christine the rigorous chedule of playing a George. Wil on. even-day tOurnament at Davis. Throughout the yea r, our prac­ Th is group of girls, who come and grown into a girls are now receiving through this tice schedule has remained consis­ from different schools, must com· strong ream that represents the junior program will contribute w tent, condition work outs on pete against each or her during the OCC with pride and good sports­ the next generation of women's Tuesday afternoons on the beach school year. They have bonded manship. The foundation these volleyball. 0 courts, followed by kill training and occa ional scrimmages on Thursday and Saturday at La Pietra. Sporting News From We have competed in rourna· Father's ment against the top local reams in the Club Captain Day at the By Kalani Schrader June 22 · Waimanalo his June is a very busy and Regatta/Waimanalo occ exciting month for OCC Beach Park Tathletics. The canoe pad­ In add ition, thi month the Bring Dad to the cll ing regatta season gets in full OCC Volleyball Comminee will swing with races every Sunday for be hosting at the Club both the Outrigger to celebrate the entire month at different Women' Open (June 14, 15) and Father's Day on Sunday, venues around the island. Men's Open (June 21-22) June 15. With the junior, enior and Volleyball Tournaments. I encour­ upper division men's and women's age everyone w rake ad vamage of A special Breakfast programs anticipated to be stronger the Club's unique volleyball fac il i­ Brunch will be held from than ever, these regattas provide ties and ro come and support the an excellent opportunity for all many OCC member who will be 8:30a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Club members and participams to competing in the e wurnamem . Hau Terrace and in the come out and enjoy a day at the There's nothing like "home court Main Dining Room. beach, cheer on your favorite crew advantage" and this is a excellent and show your support for one of opportunity w prove it . Our regular Prime IsLand the original sport that made AI o, don't forget the annual Rib Buffet, with specials DeLight Outrigger Canoe Club famous. OCC Paddleboard Surf Race open most Dads love, will be The regatta schedule i a wall ages which wi ll he held on fo llows: Saturda y, June 14th. This race held from 6-9:30 p.m. in always proves w be one of the the Main Dining Room June I · Clement Paiaina most exciting for both participants and Terrace (dress code Regatta/Kechi Lagoon and pecrawrs alike because of the usually unpredictable "wave fac­ required) . June 8 - King Kamehameha tor." The Club has an excellent Make your reserva­ Regatta/Kailua Beach Park quiver of paddlebmmls for exclu­ sive u e by members so ign up tions earl y by calling 923- June 15 ·Leeward Kai early and tart training! Thanks 1585. @ 1222 Knrm111nlii 51. Ph. 847-4806 Regatta/Nanaku li Beach Park for your support and sec you in the M o111fny to Snturrlny 9-5 water! 0

P AGE -8 0 u T n G G E n 1997 Haili Tournament Calling All Summer Sand By Marc Haine Volleyball Players s it does every year, Outrigger showed up at the Haili Tournament in force. The popular tournament, a showcase of the Islands' very By Stevie Li Abest players, was held March 27,29 on the Big Island. The OCC Summer beach volleyball will heat up again with summer tournaments 35's team and OCC's Open team entered the Open division, playing well and clinics scheduled by the Volleyball Committee. enough through pool play to get to the playoffs. The clinics will be offered on several weekends and are open to all ages. Both teams won their first round matches eliminating two teams from Sign up at the Front Desk. There will be boys, girls and adult clinics. r.J the tournament. With four teams remaining, the OCC Open played the Back Yard Federation, a team comprised of former UH volleyball players. The summer schedule: OCC lost its match and was left to watch the finals from the stands. June 7,8 Adult Men and Women Beach Clinic at OCC Members of the Open team were Keone Kowalski, John McDermott, June 14,15 Junior Boys and Girls Clinic at OCC Danny Mcinerny, Tony Mcinerny, Chris Siegfried, Gary Van Sickle and Scott Wong. June 21,22 Jr. Tournament at OCC The OCC 35's played against Kaneohe, another team of ex,UH play, June 28,29 Bud Light 4,Person Tourney at Queen's ers including Allen Allen, in its playoff round. The team also lost its July 5-6 Keauhou Tournament at Kona match, but Scott Rigg and Marc Haine were distinguished by making the July 12-13 Kane-Wahine at OCC All,Star Team. Other team members were Jon Andersen, Kimo Brown, July 19-20 Jr. Beach Clinic at OCC Tom Harrer, Jimmy Kalaukoa, Alan Lau and Jon Stanley. July 26,27 Jr. Club Championships at OCC The OCC 45's entered the Masters 35 and over division and won. It was a great championship final as Outrigger went head to head against old Waikoloa Tournament-4 Person at Waikoloa friends who play for the Natatorium. The team played steady to outlast a August 2,3 OVA Championships at Queen's more physical team. Randy Shaw suffered a leg injury in a previous playoff August 9,10 Riggers Tournament at Queen's match, but coached his team to victory in the finals. Both he and Bill August 16,17 Duke Kahanamoku Championship at OCC Lawson were named to the All,Star team. Other members of the team August 23-24 Emporia Armani Tournament at Queen's were Tom Madison, Rob Durand, Bill Johnson, T.C. Gray, Mike Cote and Chris Crabb. August JQ,J1 Daddy Haine 4,Person Tourney at OCC OCC's A team didn't fair as well against older, more experienced September 6-7 Jose Cuervo Tourney at Fort DeRussy teams entered in this competitive division, but showed some feisty and fired up play. The team hopes to make a better showing next year. Members of the A team were Lindsey Breeden, Dylan Fern, Dominic Griffin, Ryan Haneberg, Milo Haneberg, Bill Pratt, Luke Rigg, Maui Tautaha, Brendan Watumull. la Chips From the Rough

he second Outrigger Stroke (97). Low Net honors went to Vic Play event was held April 2 Hawthorn (72) and Alice Cross The Silent Make a Statement Tat Mamala Bay GC Hickam (79). Closest to the pin honors of By Bill Danford entrance to the Ala Wai after trail­ AFB, and based on the weather the the day went to double winner Bill hey're not boisterous nor do ing for some 17.8 miles of an 18, prior day, all participants were Cross and May Borthwick. they seek peer gratification. mile race. wondering whether there was even Our third event is scheduled TThey're mild-mannered, Mark Rigg's closest competitor going to be an event that day! for Kalakaua Golf Course somewhat unassuming, and normal, in the Open One-Man Canoe It rained hard and steady all (Schofield) on Thursday, June 12 ly soft spoken athletes, who in fact Division was five minutes behind. day and all night on April I, and (check in at 7:30a.m.). The sign are almost to the point of being Walter Guild placed fifth to close those who left the windward side up sheet is in the Golf Folder at embarrassed or apologetic for win­ out the top five positions the morning of April 2 said that it the Front Desk. ning. Kelly Fey, women's open was still pouring and they expected The fourth event will be Three peas in a pod and lucki­ kayak, was followed by team mem­ to find Hickam under water. August 28 at Leilehua Golf Course ly they represent our own OCC bers Nicole Wilcox and Mary However, Mother Nature (7:30a.m. check in). Our Annual racing team. Smolenski. She served notice to delayed our April Fools Day and we Match Play Championships start Kelly Fey, Mark Rigg and all "step up" or "step aside" because arrived to find the course dry and on July 1 and run through Nalu Kukea are unique team play­ she is definitely back in stride. in great condition. And while it November, so watch for the sign up ers. In the Oahu Championship Tom Connor continues to was cloudy, we did not get rained sheet in the Golf Folder for those Kayak and One,Man Canoe com­ deflate a lot of the young lion's egos on even once! With that kind of a events also. The sign up sheet is petition they dominated their divi­ as he posted a seventh place finish start, it's no wonder that all18 generally in the Folder one month sions. behind Courtney Seto and won the golfers ended u p enjoying the day prior to the event, Hope to see you Nalu finished first on his 50+ men's division with not even a tremendously. The Low Gross out there! la kayak in a time of 2:10, followed by "may I pass by." honors of the day went to Bill Billy Robello, and OCC's Wyatt Check the results which are Cross (85) and May Borthwick Jones and Kala Judd. Wyatt caught posted weekly outside the Men's and passed Kala right outside of the Locker Room. la

OUTRIGGER P A G E - 9 through the losers bracket to win the 1957-40 Years Ago Backward Glances tourne y. Defeated in the finals were Pre ident: Frederick E. Steere, Jr. International Randy Shaw and Jay Anderson. General Manager: E. P. "Ted" Magill By Paul Dolan Thi rd place went to the team of Jon New Affiliated Club Added­ Buffets Hi torical Committee Haneberg and Tom Davidson. On April 18, 1957 the Board of All buffets include Directors of the OCC confi rmed Appetizers, Salad Bar, Theme 1987-10 Years Ago affiliation with the Tattersall's Club 1967-30 Years Ago Entrees, Carving Station and President: Thomas A. Haine (2nd of of Bri bane, Australia, one of the President: Thomas M. Arnott Dessert Bar 2 terms) oldest and finest clubs in Australia. General Manager: Raymond P. General Manager: Peter Van Darn OCC Volleyball Team returned Ludwig June 6 Pacific Rim Feast For the fi rst time in the 79-year from Detroit with the following july 4 No Buffet Due to 4th of history of the Outrigger Canoe Club, accompli hments: I. Captured the 1947-50 Years Ago July Party AAU National Championship President: Wilfo rd D. Godbold the head canoe racing coach is a August I Flavor of France and against 22 team . 2. lied for 5th General Manager: A. Gay Harris woman, Michele St. John. Spain place in the U VBA Tournament The Board of Directors Sept 5 Endless Summer­ again t 40 teams. approved the Hou e Committee's Lob ter BBQ 1977-20 Years Ago Team members were: Dodge authority to employ a recreational President: Robert A. Anderson, Jr. Oct3 Oktoberfest Parker, Colin Chock, Ron Sorrell, director for the summer to supervise General Manager: Norman Reide Nov 7 Autumn Game Buffet Pete Velasco, Tom !-Iaine, Mike the children's activities on the Club Dec5 Huki lau Seafood Buffet Clwlie Jenkins and Dave Shoji Holmes, Tony Crabb, John Lowell, grounds. 0 came in first in the OCC Doubles, Dave Hendrickson (coach), Carl Reservations Suggested held the weekend of june 4-5. The McGown, Mike McMahon, with match featured an unusual double Main Dining Room 923 -1585 @ Wally Young as manager. fi nal, wi th the victors advancing

Regular-Eli abeth Knoke, Associate-Caprice ltagak i, Devon Ki rkpatrick, Alana M. New Merrill N. Werblun, M.D, Lawrence Gino Roos Merez, Kaiali'i Kahele, Gospodnetich, Alana K. Lee, Kaleo Tseu, Stefan lv!ichael Reinke, Amanda Schull, Franz T. Solmssen Kaaihue, Matthew Enderton, Parker Members Anthony E. Debold Jr. K. Smith, Victoria T. R. Yau, Jeremy Intermediate- Michael T. Junior-Starr B. John on, Grad 0 Pfeffer Nicole H. Howe, John Kruse,

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-Pharo courresy Royallnsri1111ion of Com wall Surfers /XJSecl on rhe beach in Perranporth , Cornwall, in 1921.

0 U T ll G G E It &hl t• G t December 1996. This 1995~96 he was the champion of the Rell Sunn ODKF Awa rd S Al' e IC ran S grant is to assist the club Triple Lei held in Makaha. He was the "cover with their youth summer boy" of the 1995~96 Outrigger Duke The Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku paddling program. This grant comes from the Kahanamoku Foundation Annual Report. Foundation has announced its second quarter Muriel Macfarlane Flanders designated fund The Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku grant awards for 1997. established by ODKF to remember canoe enthu~ Foundation is the only foundation devoted to The following grants were made: siast and OCC member Walter Macfarlane and grants and scholarships for athletes. The $1 ,000 to the OCC Volleyball Boys 18 to honor the great water sportsman, Duke Foundation has given 96 scholarships for a total team. The team is coached by Scott Rigg and is Kahanamoku, a life member of the OCC. of$92,000, and $157,909 in grants to 143 indi~ one of the most successful junior volleyball teams $1 ,000 to the Royal Hawaiian Rowing viduals and teams since 1986. in the country. They've won several AAU Challenge to continue the international rowing ODKF athletic grants are given every three championships. They will attend the Junior event held annually in January on the Ala Wai. months. The next application deadline is Olympics in Denver in July. The renewed interest in the royal sport of rowing August 15. Information and applications are $1,000 to the OCC Volleyball Girls 14 has assisted with focus on dredging and cleaning available at the OCC Front Desk. ~ team. The team is coached by Mark Rigg. The up of the Ala Wai Canal. January 1998 will be Girls 14 are attending the Kaepa Volleyball the fourth year for this event. OCC members Festival in June in Davis CA. This is the largest Walter Guild, Diane Stowell and Tom Lalakea USVBA Junior Volleyball tournament in the are on the RHRC Board of Directors. country. Girls on the team come from four dif~ $500 to Kanaka lkaika, an ocean kayak rae~ In Memoriam ferent schools. ing organization which sponsored the World Charles These two volleyball grants come from the Championship Kayak Challenge from Molokai Lazer Deceased: ODKF designated Tom "Daddy" Haine to Oahu last month. This is an international February 1996 Volleyball Fund, established by the friends and event entered by many members from OCC. Member: 12 Years family of the late Tom Haine, former volleyball Individual athletic grants were given to: Olympian, and treasured Richard D. Davi member of the OCC. Christina Tumey of Kailua. She is a kayak~ Tom Haine died nearly three years ago and dona~ er and paddler and will use her grant to attend Deceased: March 24, 1997 Member: 26 Years tions to the Haine Fund continue to come to the the Junior World Kayak Trials in Seattle in May. ODKE These funds are used only to support vol~ She is a member of the Hawaii Canoe and Kayak leyball activities. Team and the Lanikai Canoe Club. Yvonne Mary Raab Of interest to OCC Deceased: March 26, 1997 members are these Raymond Reichle, a 12~year~old surfer from team grants: Sunset Beach Elementary School. He began his Member: 24 Years $1,000 to NaKai Ewalu, the Maui Canoe career as a Rell Sunn Menehune Surfer and in Club that had its Halau damaged by arson in Mrs. Red McQueen Deceased: March 29, 1997 Member: 12 Years

Marion S. Senger Deceased: April12, 1997 Kainuela Member: 25 Years Are you ready for the country? Daisy Keith Deceased: April16, 1997 Because it's time to go! Member: 16 Years Mauna Kea Fairways Sandalwood at Waimea Anekona Estates Mauna Lani Resort Kohala Ranch Puu Lani Ranch Waikii Ranch LOGO SHOP Stop in and see the new summer line

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PAGE-12 OUTRIGGER room which were hand painted by There is also a full gas station in Giovanni Smeraldi of Paterno, the garage. Reciprocal Clubs Italy. He painted these ceilings The Beach Facility has dining lying on his back in the same fash· service on weekends, and has an By Valerie Davis nearby LAAC Olive Park Garage ion as did Michelangelo when he excellent reputation for entertain· Note: Ninth in a series of for $8.80/day. painted the Sistine Chapel. ment, social events and cuisine. Reciprocal Club Reviews, this month The club has concierge ser· There is ample parking. Payment we feature three of the six Los Angeles The California Yacht Club vice, a ticket agency in the lobby, at both clubs is handled by signing area clubs. Their sister club-the flower shop, indoor swimming pool, of chits, no credit cards or cash; no he Los Angeles Athletic California Yacht Club in Marina three floors of dining rooms, tipping; and introductory cards are Club is a large facility locat· Del Rey- has an excellent reputa· lounges and private meeting rooms. necessary. Ted in downtown Los tion in yachting circles, and is a The dining rooms and lounges are More, information on these Angeles. Founded in 1880 with very attractive facility. The club is open during the week mostly for fine clubs is available in the OCC membership open to men and closed on Monday and Tuesday but lunch and dinner, with breakfast office where you may also pick up women, it also comprises the is very active during the weekend also being served in the main din· your introductory card. California Yacht Club in Marina and has a beautiful dining room ing room. Suits and ties are Note: This is a reminder that del Rey. overlooking the marina. required. whenever you are traveling on busi· The Town Club not only has Their dress code is more infor· There are two floors of athlet· ness or pleasure, if there is a club a four floor athletic department, mal with only a sports coat required ic facilities with a roof top running you particularly like and think but also has 72 guest rooms and at dinner-no tie necessary. They track, and the only doubles squash would be a good addition to our suites, four restaurants, and nine have a 100-meter swimming pool, court in the Western U.S. list, please bring back information meeting rooms of various sizes to saunas, and paddle tennis courts. Guest rooms are available and give it to John Rader. ~ meet your needs. The large athlet· However, they do not have hotel with special reciprocal rates. A sin· ic department consists of a full fit· rooms. Both clubs require a letter gle is $90, a one bedroom suite is ness center with exercise trainers, of introduction, and will accept $120, and a two bedroom suite is weight room, running track, sports credit cards for payment. offered at $160. There is an all­ lab, 150-meter swimming pool, valet parking garage open 24 hours squash, basketball, handball, rae· Johnathan Club and the charge is $10.50 per day. quetball, and paddle tennis courts. The next club I'll review is The men's and women's locker the well known Jonathan Club. It rooms have steam rooms, is actually two clubs-one down­ WINNERS' CAMP whirlpool, cold plunge and mas· town at 6th and Figueroa and the LIFE-SKILLS sages by appointment. There is other one in Santa Monica. This WINNERS' also a beauty shop, manicurist, and dignified club has a rich and inter· TRAINING FOR sports shop on the premises. esting history, being founded in TEENAGERS CAMP There's a main dining room, 1895 and named after the leg­ Cited by the Conference Personal and Academic Success main bar, grill room and game endary Jon Trumbull, the sixth Board as being among Ufe-Skills Training for Teenagers room-all open Monday to Friday Governor of Connecticut, and t!Je most effective edu­ for lunch and dinner. The Grill close friend of George Washington. cation improvement serves breakfast. Duke's Room also Their membership roster boasts projects in the nation. 1 Sports Bar has 20 TV sets for you many names of high stature in Winners' Camp to watch your favorite game and is California's development. 1997 Camp Oates brought out Steven's open Monday to Saturday. The The Beach Club facility was June 9-15 Kauai snack bar is also open on weekends. begun in 1928, and in 1935 moved August 4-16 Oahu natural leadership Room service is also available in to its present location-a seaside qualities and gave the hotel rooms Monday to Friday. resort on Sorento Beach with Coat and tie are requested in the ocean view dining, paddle tennis, Tuition includes a one weeks him confidence in accommodation and meals. more than dining rooms and bar. volleyball, Olympic-sized swimming 110 hours of accelerated learning, those qualities. We The regular guest rooms will pool, and fitness center. educational materials, course room handle up to three people and are supplies, full day Parent Seminar and encourage other The current 13 story Town Integration, ground transportation and $110 per day for reciprocal guest Club was opened in 1925, with its Winners' Camp T·shirt. parents to give members. Over three in the party architects and designers coming For a brochure their teenager the would require a suite and is $195 from amongst the most elite in Call our hotllne: 263·6909 per day. All rooms have private America. Many of the public opportunity to baths, telephones, T\1, cable, air To speak to someone personally rooms feature original objects of art Call: 263·0177 this conditioning, and the suites and and valuable paintings. Two exam· experience deluxe rooms have desks and mini· Enrollment in each camp is limited. ples are the ceilings of the Winners' camp is a non-profit organization leadership training." bars. Parking is available at the Florentine Lounge and main dining

OUTRIGGER p A G E • 3 Paki Vaughan and Head Coach Jim Gaddis for 3 with a horne run, double and single in a 13~ Extra Innings knocked in a run each. Rammer, Paki and Ralph 6 win over The Exterminators. Killer is 9 for 9 DeWitt turned two double plays backing up this season with 5 RBI'S. Jon Whittington and A thrilling 7~6 corne~frorn~behind win Gaddis who also managed to strike out four bat~ Mike Miranda had hot bats with rnulti~hit over Budweiser helped OCC compile a 4~2 ters. games. Mike crushed a horne run to right center. record in Leahi League action through April. In a 16~9 romp at the hands of After Shock, Other rnulti~hit performers include Cavanah, Jim Cavanah followed a long third inning Chee had three hits including a horne run. Siegfried, Chee and Hoernig. Lerman returned horne run with a one out single in OCC's last Chris Siegfried, Henry Ayau, Aaron Eberhardt, to the mound while Gaddis nursed a sore knee. inning. An out later, Clayton Chee knocked Cavanah and Rammer had two hits each in the 1997 has proved to be the year of the horne Cavanah in with the tying run. Nolan loss. OCC's pitchers, Keith Letrnan and Gaddis, run with round trippers by Siegfried (2), Chee, "Rammer" Ramirez then knocked the speedy couldn't make the game which resulted in dou~ Cavanah, Miranda and Kilcoyne. Chee in with the game winner. Cavanah, ble~digit walks for the opposition. Be sure to read next month's Extra Innings Chee and Rammer joined Brian Hoernig with Bill"Killer" Kilcoyne returned from a trip article for the facts and stats from Mays playoffs. ~ a rnulti~hit game. to Guam with his bat still on fire. Killer was 3

and honor that surfing represented in Hawaii for son and the possibility of opening the summer Surf Team News so many years. surf contest to the public. If you have ideas or Many of our members have benefited great~ suggestions or would like to volunteer for this, By Rob Farrow ly from surfing and the Club in the past. Now, please notify us as soon as possible. The Outrigger Surf team, the oldest surf it's a great time to give something back, by get~ Thanks to Mark Jackola for his efforts over team in the world, is looking for supporters, ting involved. the past few years in running the surf program surfers, and members to come and join in the As OCC enters its 89th year, we begin and the Outrigger Surf Team. making of history. We are currently seeking preparations for our annual Surf Contest, which The following members competed and members who would like to serve on the Surfing will include multiple age brackets, a canoe surf~ placed in the following HASA events in April: Committee. If you have no experience, some ing contest and an awards ceremony you won't experience or tons of experience in committee want to miss. Event 6 Haleiwa work, it doesn't matter~we would love to have We are also continuing to compete in the Marc Rocheleau 3rd, Jr. Mens you. Any and all input is greatly appreciated. Hawaii Amateur Surfing Association (HASA), Our goal is to re~establish surfing as a cor~ the National Scholastic Surfing Association Event 7 Diamond Head ner stone of the OCC and to re~install the pride (NSSA), as well as assorted international spe~ Jimmy Austin 4th, Jr. Men cialty events such as the Rabbit Kekai "Toes on Marc Rocheleau 2nd, Jr. Men the Nose" contest in Costa Rica. 3rd, Jr. Long Board We encourage members of all ages and surf~ Robin Johnston 2nd, Mens 1A ing backgrounds to come join us in these or Rob Farrow 6th, Masters Long Board other competitive ventures. If you have an event you think OCC Event 8 Ehukai should be part of, or would ColonySurf like to participate in Marc Rocheleau 4th, Jr Men an event, let us know. We want to be involved at all levels of surfing on a competitive level and For more information call Rob Farrow 583~ promote surfing on any level. 2093 (ask me about Costa Rica) or sign up at We are also seeking input sea~ (Next to OCC) for the 1998 the Front Desk. e) Extras include: • Washer/Dryer Schofield 56-Mile Relay Race • Maid Service· By Bill Manfredi, Running Committee Stackhouse. OCC made a good showing at the The seventh lap was split up by Bob, • Beautifully Furnished Schofield 56~rnile Relay Run with two, six~ Brigitte and Dave. The Scooters finished person tearns-Katy's Scooters in the Mixed third with medals for the team. They did a • Sunsets Division, and Bill's Silver Streaks in the great job even after some bad advice about Masters Division. More than 35 teams from seventh lap hand offs. • Turquoise Blue Water around the islands participated in this eight~ I started off for the Silver Streaks and mile course around the perimeter of Schofield handed off to veteran Streaker Jon Hunter, • Diamond Head Views Barracks. It was a gorgeous cool morning and who matched the pace, and then handed off a great event on April 6. to Joe Teipel. Taking on the challenge next Starting off at 5 a.m. for the Scooters was Chris Haines handing off to veteran Fred was Tommy Damon, handing off to Keoni Hemmings for the fifth lap. Don Eovino took Kino, passing to Brigitte Egbert, with her the baton next and picked up the pace. The Phone: (808) 593-1800 graceful gait, and then to Scooter Kary seventh lap was split up by me, Chris and Bourne. Katy picked up the pace, passing the Don. Fax: (808) 5S)3 .. 1800~ baton to speedsters Bob Egbert and Dave The team finished in fourth place. e1

PAGE· 14 OuTRIGGER l. John For i, Lanikai I~(:d~rad l ey, 3rd,30-39, Canoe Racing For the Record 2. Walter Guild, OCC Hi n:mo/Canoe Sports Coastal Relay Robbie Harri on, 6th, 30-39, 3. Mark Rigg, OCC 4/6/97 Kawainui Channel to Magic Volleyball 2:44:04 4. Courtney ero, OCC Island, 34 miles 40th Annual Haili Men's Club Ralph Gray, 7th, 30-39, 2:44:10 5. Todd Bradley, OCC Mark Rigg/\Valter Guild, lst, 4:18:59 Invitational Volleyba ll Tournament Karl Heyer IV, Srh, 30-39, 2:44:35 Chris Kincaid/Courtney Seto, 3rd, 3/26-29/97 Hilo Chris Kincaid, 2nd, 40-49, 2:45:32 Kayak Open Men Top Five 4:28:37 OCC, 3rd, Men's AA Tom Connor, 1st, SO+, 2:39:44 I. Wyatt Jonc·, OCC Tom Connor/Eric Lcvora, 4th, 4:34:48 All-tourney team-Scott Rigg and Byron Ho, 16th, 30-39,3:06:23 2. Jim Beaton, OCC Robbie Harri on/Todd Harrison, 9th, Marc Haine Patricia Nagatani, 1st, 40-49, 4:21 :27 3. Guy Perc, Beach Boys 4:40:10 4. Kala Judd, OCC Marc Haine/Karl Heyer IV, lOth, OCC 1st, Men's Masters Kayak 18 miles 5. Billy Robello 4:40:47 All-tourney team-Bill Lawson and N01 lu Kukea, 1st, Open, 2: 10:59 Donna Kahakui/1-bdley Gaffney, lsr, Randy Shaw Wy;H t Jones, 3rd, Open, 2:14:26 Kayak Open Women Top Fh·c j:02:03 David Buck, 1st, 18-29, 2:24:23 1. Karen Kiefer, KCC Mary Smolen ki/Nicole Wilcox, 2nd, Women's A James Beaton, Ist, 2:22:32 2. Nicole Wilcox, OCC 5:04: 17 Lindsey Berg played for Asic's, Ist James Kincaid, 3rd, 400-49, 2:3 1:57 3. Mary Smolenski, OCC Diana Clifford/Lisa Livingston/Sara All-tournament team- Lindsey Berg Marshall Rosa, Is t, 50+, 2:16:38 4. Donna Myers, KCC Ackerman, 8th, 5:32:42 Bill Mowat, 2nd, 50+, 2:33:47 5. Kelly Fey, OCC Patricia Nagarani/Colburn, 9th, 5:34:31 Queen's Open Beach Doubles Gaylord Wilcox, 3rd, 50+, 2:5 :26 Jeff Met:ger/Dcnnis Yap, lst, j0+, Tournamem Kelly Fey, lst, Open, 2:34:25 50+ One Man Canoe 4:40:56 4/6/97 Queen's Surf Beach Nicole Wilcox, 2nd, Open, 2:42:01 1. Tom Connor, OCC Tay Perry/Rodney Romans, 2nd, 50+, Milo Haneberg/Ryan Humid, 3rd, Men Mary Smolenski, 3rd, Open, 2:45:28 5:01:20 Keoki hupe/Pono Ma'a, 4th, Men Kayak 18-29 Bill Danford/Mark Buck, 4th, 50+, Canoe I0 miles I. David Buck, OCC 5:15:07 OVA Jeff Met:ger, lst, Crui cr, I :36:25 Chris Crabb/Paula Crabb, lst, Mixed, 4/19-20/97 Queen's Beach lvhm Rigg, 3rd, Cruiser, 1:42:10 Surfing 4:40:59 Mart Rigg/J

Summer hours are now in force at rhe Snack Shop through Labor Day. The Snack hop wi ll open at 7 a.m. and close ar 6 p.m. daily throughout rhe summer. On Fridays, the Snack Shop is open until 8 p.m. BBD~t The Snack Shop is now offering Cappuccino, Original, Hazelnut and ~ French Vanilla. Stop by and give it a try. 0 D on't miss the fun on t he beach every Employee of the Month Saturday night during the summer. Barbecue y our favorite steak, fish or chicken Our Employee of rhc Month is He is married and has two Federico (Rico) Aglugub. He is a children-a 17 -month old boy and w hile you watch the sunset a nd visit w ith Main Dining Room busperson, and a 6-year old daughter attending Sr. friends. a more helpful person you could nor Theresa Kindergarten. Rico find, according to Liz Ventura. She acknowledges that's where his June 7 • June 14 gives Rico high praise for burnish­ Employee of the Month award will June 21 • June 28 ing the silver coffee pots, rak ing on go, to help with his daughter's a hosr of miscellaneous jobs, and tllition. Ba rbecues are complete with salad bar, n ee, just being a "nice guy". OCC has many fine employees onions, baked b eans and b read. Rico ha been in Hawaii for who are dedicated to serving our 14 years and at OCC for five years. membership. This is why we feaw re He helps to clear the tables, helps one of them every month in rhe J oin us every Saturday from 6-9 p .m. the wair staff serve the rabies, and magazine, so you can recognize keep your cup filled with coffee them and congratulate rhem for and your glass filled with water. their good service to you. 0

0 ll T II G G E R P A G E - 5 Reminders to OCC Members With summer getting close, it' a good Membership Privileges removed or re-arranged without permission of the time to remind members of the following Membership privileges apply to the person General Manager. Only beverages and/or foods House rules. whose name appears on the membership card authorized for approved activities are allowed. and- as applicable-that person's spouse and Minimum dress code, no tank tops or swimwear. Identification Cards their children under I0 years of age when accom­ A Membership Card is issued to each panied by the member. Commercialism member bearing the member's name and mem­ Spou es of Members holding a va lid Spouse No member or guest shall be approached on bership number. The card is required to obtain Card may u c the Club facilities unaccompan ied Club premise for business purposes except by all goods and services and may be u eel only by by thei r spouse, invite guests and sign chits on invitation. No petitions shall be circulated, nor the person to whom issued. Cards arc non­ their spouse member's account. subscri ptions, fu nds or donations solicited unless transferable and subject to cancellation for The privilege of signing chits is reserved for expressly authorized by the Bylaws. The usc of the cause at any time by the Board of Directors. the per on who e name appears on the member­ Club's name, stationery, addrc or telephone Spou c Cards arc i ued to pou cs (aka ship identification card and may not be delegated number for business purposes is prohibited. "spouse member ") of Voting Class, to anyone, other than spouses holding S1e cial The fac il ities of the Club are nor to be used Nonresident or Service Members upon the Guest Cards, for any reason. There arc no excep­ for any commercial purpose or for conducting any sponsor completing and returning to the tions. Any violation, by children or others, is TV, radio, pre s inrervicw, conference or profes­ Receptionist ar the Front Desk a green special cause for automatic suspen ion of Club privileges. sional photography without prior explicit guest card application which is avai lable upon Membership entitlements include the use of approval of the Board of Directors. request. Ca rds remain valid unless canceled by like private clubs around the world with which There shall be no display of badges or name the sponsor through the Business Offi ce. the OCC has agreements. A list of these clubs is tags on Club premises, unle authorized for spe­ available at the Front Desk. Reciprocal privi­ cial function . Parking leges, charge and accommodations vary from Limited parking facil ities, including a club to club. The Executive Secretary will issue Bulletin Boards bike rack, are ava ilable in the Club garage 6 introductory cards at a nominal fee to qualified Signs, posters, notices or advertisements for a.m. ro mi Ini ght. Safety regulations arc posted members upon request. other then authorized Club related functions and in the garage and enforced by parking facility activities arc not permitted anyw here within the attendants. Lobby Club. Items posted on Club bu lletin boards are Persons in swimwcar arc not to loi ter in to be coordinated with and approved by the Club Lobby. No food or beverages allowed. Reading Manager. Offi cial committee postings arc to be mate rial provided is nor to be removed. coordinated in advance with the Executive Surfboards and other large articles are not to be Secretary. transported through the Lol by. OCCMembers Complaints Boardroom Employee are directed by the Board of Luxuriate at The Board of Directors has priority usc of Directors to report observed violations of house the Boardroom. Club committees are authorized rules to the General Manager for appropriate dis­ lliE COLONY SURF use of the Boardroom for an approved activity at ciplinary action. times specified and registered with the Executive All complaints regarding Club services, (ON THE BEACH NEXT TO OCC) Secretary on a first requc t first reservation basis. breaches of normal social conduct or other Club The Club duty manager is authorized to unlock matters arc to be made directly to the Club man­ Includes: new~J' furnished unit the room and thereafter secure it-only for an agement. 0 with Maytag Washer!Drye1; Bose approved activity. Furnishing will not be music system, FAX machine, Maid service and Oceanview and The OCC Running and Fitness Commi ttees Tradewinds Present Member/Owner 4th Annual Non Run Fun Run Wendy Lazer Monday, July 21 6 p.m. (408) 625-1011 Fa:<: (408) 625-0410 Main Dining Room, Hau Terrace and Beach

Monthly only Featuring Food from Honolulu's Finest Eateries

This event sell out every year, o get your tickers early

Reservation ava ilable at the Front Desk, 923- I 585 or from Fitne or Running Committee members

p A G E • 6 0 IJ T It G G E It HANS HEDEMANN The Healthier Alternative ••• • Rainforest's skin, body & hair care • Natural Cosmetics (Sponsors of the 1997 Miss USA Pageant) II t: II • Water & Air Filtration Systems SURF SCHOOL • Earth Friendliest Cleaning Solutions 350 WARD AVE. # 1 06 HONOLULU. HI 96814 PH (808)5 9 1-77 78 FAX (808)924-7 77 8 e-mail: hhsurf® •.. for our children. web page: Visit 1 of our 300 Nation-Wide Showrooms Hans Hedemann Surfing & Bodyboarding Piilani Schneider 1-888-984-5014 President Lessons. Camps. Tours Business also INTER-ISlAND INTER-ISlAND AIR MAINlAND

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O U TitiGG Eit P AGE - 1 7 Calendar June

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BRUNCH 8:30 am Noon Bridge Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunc~h Hau Terrace Lunch Prime Rib Buffet Hau Terrae~ & Dinner Sen~ce & Dinner Service & Dinner Sen~ce Pacific ·-·' Regular Dinner Sernce Dining Room6 pm Lunch & Dinner Rim &·~ Kau piko Regatta BUFFET ~ Kechi Lagoon Dining Rm 6 pm Club BBQ 6 pm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BRUNCH 8:30am Noon Bridge Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Hau Terrace Lunch Prime Rib Buffet Hau Terrnce & Dinner Serncc & Dinner Service & Dinner Sen•ice & Dinner Service Summer Surf Dining Room 6 pm Lunch & Dinner Paddleboard Race Kamehameha Regatta Regular Dinner Service Kailua Beach Club BBQ 6 pm

15 Father's Day 16 17 18 19 20 21 BRUNCH 8:30 am Noon Bridge Kamehameha Day Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Hau Terrncc Lunch and Buffet Club Day Fair &Dinn er Sernce & Dinner Service & Dinner Service Regular Dinner Service Dining Room6 pm Hau Terrace Steak Fry Gue t Chef Leeward Kai Rega tta Lunch & Dinner Regular Lunch Eddie Femande: of Nanakuli Beach & Dinner Service KCC Dining Room6 pm Club BBQ 6 pm

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BRUNCH 8:30 am Noon Bridge Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Hau Terrace Lunch Prime Rib Buffet & Dinner Sernce & Dinner ernce & Dinner Smice & Dinner Senic~ Regular Dinner Sen~ce Dining Room6 pm Hau Terrace LIVE MAINE LOBSTER Waimanalo Regatta Lunch & Dinner Reservations Dining Rm 6 p.m. Club BBQ 6 pm

29 30 Father's Day Brunch and Buffet· Sunday June 1; BRUNCH 8:30am Noon Bridge Club Buffet on June 6 is Pacific Rim, come taste the cuisine of countries bordering the Pacific Ocean Prime Ri b Buffet Hau Terrace Dining Room6 pm Lunch & Dinner Guest Chef Eddie Fernandez of KCC, training ground of Hawaii's Chefs June Summer Barbcques are back on tbe Hau Terrace and Snack Shop, every Saturday aUs ummer long! July

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4th of July Macfarlane Regatta on 1 2 3 4 5 ihe beach at \Vaikiki Paddler's Breakfast Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch ~b cfarlan e Regatta Hau Terrace Lunch Regatta T-shirt sale • Club BBQ & Dinner Senice & Dinner Sen~ce & Dinner Sernce Regula r Lunch Get your party tickets at the OCC Front Desk No Dinner Src. Regular Dinner Sen•ice CLUB Pa rty~ Entire Club Club BBQ6 pm 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BRUNCH 8:30am Noon Bridge Rt.ogular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Hau Terrace Lunch & Dinner Service & Dinner ervice & Dinner Service & Dinner Service Regula r Dinner Serncc Prime Rib Buffet Hau Terrace Club BBQ6 pm Dining Room6 pm Lunch & Dinner Blue Hawaiian Moonlight Concert 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BRUNCH 8:30am Noon Bridge Rt!!,'lllar Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Hau Terrace Lunch Prime Rib Buffet Hau Terrace & Dinner Service & Dinner Sen~ce & Dinner Sen•ice & Din ner Service Dining Room 6 pm Lunch & Dinner Regula r Dinner Sen~cc Kaupiko Regatta Special Menu Ke'chi Lagoon Bastille Day Club BBQ 6 pm 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BRUNC H 8:30am Noon Bridge Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Regular Lunch Hau Terrnce Lunch Prime Rib Buffet Hau Terrace Lunch & Dinner Senice & Dinner ernce & Dinner Service & Dinner Senoice Dining Room6 pm Regular Dinner Sen•icc Oahu Canoe Championships Non Run Fun Run Kc'ehi L1goon Club BBQ 6 pm 27 28 29 30 BRUNC H 8:30am Noon Bridge Regular Lunch Regular Lunch July 21st • Non Rw1 Fun Run (No running aUowed event) & Dinner Service & Dinner Sen~cc Prime Rib Buffet Hau Terrace Details next month • watch your magazine Dining Room6 pm Lunch & Dinner and the Club bulletin board State Championshi p Canoe Regatta August 2 in Hilo

p A (; E 8 0 u T It G G E It Board Briefs Board Briefs is taken from the minutes of Cull y Kamisugi, Ma rk Jackola, Terry Kincaid was approved as chair of the PR rite Board of Directors meeting of March 24, Needles ... Approved for the Swimming Committee. Members are Michele St. /997 and che Execmive Commiuee meeting of Committee were Arnold Lum, chair; John, Kyoko O'Neill, John Mounds, AJJril /7, 1997. Chrissy Rhodes, Chris Worral l, Gerry Rob in Nonaka, Marilyn Kali , Gerry Treasurer's Report- The Treasurer was DeBenedeni, Peggy Danford, Jon Haig, DeBenedetti, Gloria Keller, Scrappy authorized to reinvest the proceeds of a Chris Moore ... Approved for the Tennis Li pton, Thurston Twigg-Smith, Conne maturing U.S. Treasury Note in State of Committee were Gloria Keller, chai r; Ann Sutherland, Matthew Kresser, Sharon Hawaii or City and County of Honolulu Mart in, Carol Wilbur Sheehan, Susan Twigg-Smi th, Lisa Livingston, Debbie general obligation bonds or U.S. Treasury Ireland, Sara Dudgeon, Laurie Siegfried, Peck, Barbara Del Piano, Elizabeth Lacy. notes ... The followi ng members were Rod Muller. .. Approved fo r the Softball Historical Report-Or. Michael approved to serve on the Finance Committee were Jim Gaddis, chair; Paki McCabe was approved as chair of the Commi ttee-George Cook, Chair; Peter Vaughan, Bill Kilcoyne, Henry Ayau... Historical Committee. Members are E. Ehrman, Easton Manson, Richard Coons, Approved for the Golf Committee were C. Higgins, Anita Brightman, Elizabeth Brad Wagenaar, joanie Shibuya, Charles joie Gopez, chair; Jim Hammons, Larry Brodhead, Mazeppa Co ta, Paul A. Swanson. Langley, Strat Whiting, Stan Brown, Bruce Dolan, Ruth Hakuole, Alan Lloyd, Beth Vice President of Activities Report­ Bolton. Macl inger, Moana McGlaughlin­ A Merchandising Adhoc Committee has Building & Grounds Report-Kurt Tregaskis, Eugenia McMahon, Marjorie been formed for the Logo Shop to review Mitchell was approved as chair of the B&G Moore, Tay Perry, Joan Pratt, Carol mark-up and the vendor structure. Committee. Members arc Sall y Mist, Eel Remillard, J. Ward Russell, Eric Rhodes, Secretary's Report-Eleven members Broadbent, Randy Worsley, Doug 0 trem. Marian Sandeli n, Alan Dowsett. were suspended for 15 clays due to failure to House Report-The American Club Admissions & Membership pay their accounts on time ...Thr ee mem­ in Tokyo and Capitol Hi ll Club in Report-The commi ttee will be review­ bers were terminated for being four times Washington, D.C. were approved as recipro­ ing the res idency policy and athletic par­ delinquent. cal clubs.. . The merchandising and mar­ ticipation with one year full dues (non­ Athletic Report-Approved for the keting arm of the Logo Shop was moved residents) wi ll be reviewed by Athletic Canoe Racing Committee were Paul a under the Vice President of Activities and and A&M ... The membershi p count Crabb, Chair; Steve Scott, Mark Sa nclvold, will fall under the direct responsibilities of was 4,275 as of February 28 ... Greg Moss Kala judd, Kawika Grant, Bruce Black, Tay the Ge neral Manager... Duane Wa lker was was approved as chair of the A&M Perry, jeff Zimmerman, Pam Zak, Janna approved as chair of the House Commi ttee. Committee. Mem bers are Peter A. Arakaki , Scrappy Lipton, Ttare Finney, Members will include Anne Oliver, john Balding, Jon Bryan, Chris Dawson, John Genie Kincaid, Kalani Schrader... Pyles, Ttm Guard, Valerie Davis, Tom T. Goss, Walter Guild, Gerri Pedesky, AI Approved for the Volleyball Committee McTigue, Patti Spengler, Glen Perry. Serafin, Sue Tctmeyer. 0 were Stevie Li , chair; Marc Haine, Randy Long Range Planning Report-John Shaw, Jon Andersen, Kisi Haine, Kimo Goo ly will chair the LRP Committee. Brown, Bill Johnson... Approved fo r the Members will include Dr. Bob Atkinson, ~ jus! a few paddles away ~ ji-om !be Outrigger Canoe Club Kayak Committee were Bill Danford , chair; Carole Gibbs-Fisher, E.C. "Chip" Higgins, David Buck, jeff Metzger, Jim Beaton, Bill Greg Markham, John Marshall, George CORAL STRAND Oo:an front buildmg offl1ing s.:cumy. pml JJJ. skit.: \'it.:w of <.x:t:m Tom German, co-chairs; Chris Haines, Entertainment Report- The maste r $279,000 FEE SIMPLE Carolyn Corrigan, Steve Dun n, Blake calendar is being pu t together. It will list all Johnson, Bill Manfredi, Eel Moore, Gina Club activities for the coming year. Jeff Schultz, Laura Williams, Ch ris Worra ll , Zi mmerman was approved as chair of the Francis Wright. .. Approved for the Water Entertainment Committee. Members are Polo Committee were Robert Gifford, chair; jon Andersen, Henry Ayau, Ann Boclinson, john Nielsen .. . Approved for the Barbara Bryan, Clayton Chec, Kay Paddleboard Committee were Chris Moore, Cobourn, Norm Dunmire, Mary Fern, Ttarc chair; Peggy Danford, Kawika Grant, Dale Fi nney, Ralph Gray, Mark Jackola, Linda Jane t Schiller (n) (CRS) 732-l"i I'I (Offio:) Hope, Chrissy Lambert, Greg Moss, Donna Jameson, Ttsha Love, Cindy Mahoney, Ann 737-3352 (Hesitk:no.:) Muller, Jackie Muller, Norm Skorge, Eric Martin, Patrick O'Neill, Debbie Peck, Rhodes, Mark jackola, Alan Pflueger... Christine Peterson, Chris y Lambert­ 11~; i!

Ou Tni GGEJt P A G E - 9 Published by the Outrigger Canoe Club 2909 Kalakaua Avenue Honolul u, Hawaii 96815 Phone: 923-1585/921-1485 Fax: 92 1-1414 utr1gger Di ning Room: 92 1-1444 Beach Attendants: 92 1-1 460 Walter J . Macfarlane Regatta Logo Shop: 92 1-1432 6:30 a.m. Paddler's Breakfast Hau Terrace l!f Tickets for the Club Directors Opening Ceremonies Waikiki Beach, Urant A~: kcnnan , l'resitlent 8:30a.m. Party are Marv l'hil polls·McGr.uh, l'ice l'resitlent fro nti ng Outrigger Hotel, on site of original · ofOperations available at the Front Jimmy Ma\lahon, l'ice l'resitlenl OCC Featuring Robert Cazimero, Leina'ala ofActitlities Desk for $1 each. Harold Henderson, Treasurer/Finance Kalama, Manu Boyd & Guido Salmaggi Peter Nonage, SecretiiiJ' Regular, Senior, Mark Buck, Assistrmt Secretm)' Intermediate members Rohen Moorc,Assistrmt Treasurer 8:30 a.m. -4 p.m. Christopher McKerwje, tldmissions are limited to fou r & Member.;bip Canoe Races with 14 OHCRA clubs com­ Karl Heyer IV, Atble/ics peting in 33 events tickets; all others, two Mark lluck, /Juiltling & Grounds J oy~:e lirnpson, Entertainment tickets. Gregg llobenson, long Range !'Imming lloben Moore, /louse Trivia contest and prizes during the races Uz Perry, Public Relations For everyone's enjoy­ K:twika, 1/istorica/

Medals fo r 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place distrib­ ment, persons under Standing Committees uted the same day Greg Moss, Admissions & Mcmbersbip the age of 21 are dis­ K:tlani Schrader, Atblelics couraged from attend­ Kun Mitchell , Building & G'romids Jeff Zimmenuan, Entertainment Club Par ty>:~ ing the Club after 8 George Cook, Fitumcc 6-ll p.m. Club BBQ and Spaghetti Di nner at Snack Mi drael ~kCabc , 1/istorica/ p. m. Club member­ Duane Walker, /louse Shop/Hau Terrace John Good y, long Range /'Imming ship cards for identifi- Genic Ki ncaid, l'ublic Relations cation and veri fication Dancing, Entertainment in Dining Room Management Staff of age will be Johu R Rader Jr., Geneml Manager Gordon Smith, Comptroller required. Donald Figueir.t, Food & /Jeremge Great view of Waikiki Fireworks [)avid Kuh, Club/)()use Manager Debbie Stml ey, f~reculive Secretary Joanne Huber, Secretary• Outrigger Staff Maril)1l Kali , t'dilor F:Lx: 833·1591 email: OCG\[email protected] On the Corer- The \\fairer ]. ~fac[ar!ane Regaua tl'ill be held on the ~th of July ar \\/aikiki Gcrr)' Dellcnedcni, ,lssistant Editor Beach. T-shins (design on the cover) , caps and miter sotn•enir irems are on sale nowarth e @ PtUNTEIJ ON REC\'CI.W l'tii'EH Kyoko O'Neill, Adt'IJrtising Logo Shop. See story on page 7. r lJiftlt i.UW.tJI Phone: 373-1846 Dcs ig nl~l & Printed by Ohun llawai i, Inc

'l11 e Outrigger Canoe Club Bulk Rate 2909 Kalakana Avenue US Postage Honolulu , Hawaii 968 15 PA ID Permit No. 174 Honolu lu, Hawaii