2001 Husky Football

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2001 Husky Football UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 2001 HUSKY FOOTBALL www.gohuskies.com Contacts: Jim Daves & Jeff Bechthold • (206) 543-2230 • Fax (206) 543-5000 2001 HUSKY SCHEDULE / RESULTS #15 WASHINGTON vs. ARIZONA Sept.8 MICHIGAN(ABC-TV) W,23-18 Huskies Return Home Looking to Rebound Sept.22 IDAHO W,53-3 THE GAME:TheWashingtonfootballteam(4-1overall,2-1inthePac-10)takesonunrankedArizona Sept.29 atCalifornia W,31-28 (3-3,0-3)inaPacific-10ConferencegamethisSaturday,Oct.20,atHuskyStadium.Gametimehasbeen Oct.6 USC(FoxSportsNet) W,27-24 re-scheduledfor3:30p.m.PDT.WashingtonisrankedNo.15inthelatestAssociatedPresspollandisthe Oct.13 atUCLA(ABC-TV) L,35-13 No.12teamintheESPN/USATodaycoaches’poll.TheHuskiesarelookingtoreboundfroma35-13loss Oct.20 ARIZONA(FoxSportsSyndicated) 3:30p.m. atUCLAlastweek,alossthatbroketheUW’s12-gamewinningstreak. Oct.27 atArizonaState 6:00p.m. Nov.3 STANFORD 12:30p.m. RESCHEDULING:Washington’sgameatMiami,originallyscheduledforSeptember15,waspost- Nov.10 atOregonState 1:00p.m. poneddueSept.11incidents.ThegamehasbeenrescheduledforNovember24,thoughnogametime Nov.17 WASHINGTONSTATE 12:30p.m. hasyetbeendetermined. Nov.24 atMiami,Fla. timeTBA alltimesarePacific THE SERIES:Washingtonholdsacommanding12-4-1edgeintheseriesagainstArizona,withthe Huskiestakingfiveofthelastsix.Overall,theHuskiesare26-12-1all-timeagainsttheArizonaschools 2001 PAC-10 STANDINGS (ArizonaandArizonaState),includinga14-5recordatHuskyStadium.Thelastthreegamesinthe Huskies’serieswithArizonahavebeendecidedbyatotalof14points,includingWashington’scome- Team Pac-10 Overall from-behind,35-32winlastyearinSeattle.TheHuskieshaveamasseda7-2recordatHuskyStadiumand 1. WashingtonState 4-0 6-0 havealsowonthreestraightinTusconsince1992.TheWildcats’lastwinatHuskyStadiummaybethe 2. Oregon 3-0 6-0 mostmemorablegameintheseries’history.Trailing28-24toWashingtonwithunderaminutetoplay, 3. UCLA 2-0 5-0 ArizonaquarterbackOrtegeJenkinsflippedheadoverheelsoverthreeHuskydefenders,landingonhis 4. Washington 2-1 4-1 feetintheendzoneforthewinningscore.ClosewinsforArizonaaretheruleinthisseries.Threeofthe Stanford 2-1 3-1 Wildcats’fourwinsintheserieshavecomebythreepoints,includingArizona’sfirst-everwinover 6. OregonState 1-2 2-3 Washingtonin1988,snappingtheHuskies’six-gameunbeatenstreakintheseries.TheWildcatsovercame 7. USC 1-3 2-4 two10-pointdeficits,butstillappearedheadedforatiebeforeWashingtonquarterbackCaryConklin 8. ArizonaState 0-2 3-2 fumbledinthefinalminute,settingupDougPfaff’sgame-winning22-yardfieldgoalwithfiveseconds 9. Arizona 0-3 3-3 left.TheWildcatswonagainbyafieldgoalthefollowingyear,markingtheirlongestwinningstreak(two California 0-3 0-5 games)inserieshistory.Washingtonalsoholdshistoryintheseries,asthelastteamtoshutoutArizona, This Weekend’s Games blankingtheWildcats54-0enroutetoaNationalChampionshipin1991.HuskyheadcoachRickNeuheisel ArizonaatWashington hasnotlosttoArizonasincearrivingatWashingtonin1999,amassinga2-0record,whileArizonahead OregonStateatArizonaState coachJohnMackovichasneverfacedWashington.Neuheisel’sColoradoteambeatMackovic’sTexas CaliforniaatUCLA Longhornsinbothmeetingswhenthetwocoacheswereattheirrespectiveformerposts.Coloradobeat StanfordatOregon Texas28-24inBoulderin1996and47-30inAustinin1997. USCatNotreDame AFTER LOSSES:Washingtonentersthisweek’sgamevs.ArizonacomingoffalossatUCLAlast MontanaStateatWashingtonState(Thursday) week.ThatlossbroketheHuskies’12-gamewinningstreak.TheHuskies,however,haven’tlostback-to- Last Weekend’s Results backgamesunderCoachRickNeuheiselsincethefirsttwogamesofNeuheisel’stenure(lossestoBYU Oregon48,California7 andAirForce).Playinginahomegametheweekafteraroadloss,theHuskieshavewon12ofthelast15 OregonState38,Arizona3 times,datingbackto1989. WashingtonState45,Stanford39 TELEVISION:TheWashington-ArizonagamewillbebroadcastontheFoxSportssyndicatedpackage UCLA35,Washington13 ontelevisionstationsthroughouttheWestCoast(seepagefourforafulllistofstations).BarryTompkins USC48,ArizonaState17 (play-by-play),formerHuskyquarterbackWarrenMoon(color)andJohnJackson(sidelines)willcallthe Quick Hits action.ThegamewillalsobereplayedSundayonFoxSportsNorthwestat4:15p.m.AllHuskygamesare shownontapedelaytheSundayafterthegame,withallsubsequentreplaysscheduledtostartat3p.m. •WashingtonandArkansasaretheonlytwoDivision I-Ateamstohavereturnedakick,puntandinter- RADIO:KOMOAM-1000broadcastsalloftheHuskygames,servingastheflagshipofthe21-station ceptionforatouchdownsofarthisseason. HuskyFootballRadioNetwork,whichcoversnearlyallofWashingtonandpartsofAlaska,Oregonand •Washingtonhasn’tlostback-to-backgamessincethe Nevada.BobRondeau(play-by-play),ChuckNelson(color)andBillSwartz(sidelines)providethecall. firsttwogamesofthe1999season. •Washingtonhaswon11consecutivehomegames, datingbacktoa1999losstoArizonaState. WASHINGTON VS. ARIZONA • HUSKY STADIUM • OCTOBER 20, 2001 • 3:30 P.M. PDT THE COACH: HuskyheadcoachRickNeuheiselisinhisthirdyearatthe helmoftheWashingtonprogram.Intwo-plusseasons,Neuheiselhasledthe MEDIA RESOURCES Huskiestoan22-7overallmarkanda15-4recordinPac-10play.Lastseason, UW ON THE INTERNET: TheWashingtonathleticdepartment’sofficialweb Washingtonpostedan11-1overallrecord,a7-1conferencemarkandshared sitecanbefoundatwww.gohuskies.com.Thesitefeaturesinformationonall23of thePac-10Championship.AfterbeatingPurdue,34-24,intheRoseBowl,the theHuskies’intercollegiatesportsprograms. HuskiesfinishedwithaNo.3rankinginthefinalnationalpolls.Inhisfirstsea- sonatWashington(1999),NeuheiselledtheHuskiestoa7-5overallmark,a ARIZONA ON THE INTERNET: Arizona’sofficialathleticwebsitecanbe second-placetie(6-2)inthePac-10andatriptotheCulliganHolidayBowl. foundatwww.arizcats.com. NeuheiselbecamethefirstHuskycoachinhistorytoleadtheUWtoabowl PAC-10 ON THE INTERNET: TheofficialPac-10website,whichincludesa gameinhisfirstseasonasheadcoach.PriortocomingtoWashington,Neuheisel copyoftheweeklyPac-10footballrelease,canbefoundatthefollowingaddress: servedfourseasonsastheheadcoachatColorado,postinga33-14(.702)over- www.pac-10.org. allmarkwiththeBuffaloes.Hiscareerrecord,insix-plusseasons,is55-21(.724). Neuheiselworkedforsixseasonsasanassistantcoachathisalmamater,UCLA, RADIO ON THE INTERNET:KOMO’sradiobroadcastsareavailableonthe beforejoiningBillMcCartney’sColoradostaffin1994asthequarterbackscoach. internetviabroadcast.com.Tolisten,you’llneedaRealPlayer.Goto OriginallyawalkonatUCLA,Neuheiselwonthestartingquarterbackposition www.gohuskies.comandfollowthelinkstofindthebroadcast. asaseniorandledtheBruinstothe1983Pac-10championship.Hewasnamed theMVPofthe1984RoseBowlthatsawUCLAdefeatIllinois,45-9.Washington TEAMLINE:FanscanpaytolistentoradiobroadcastsofallHuskygamesby fansrememberNeuheisel’stremendousperformancewhenhecompleted25 calling(800)846-4700andenteringaccesscode5939.AVisaorMasterCardisre- of27passestosetanNCAArecordthatwasonlyrecentlybrokenbyTennessee’s quired.TocontactTeamlineregardingspecialrates,call(800)225-5321. TeeMartin.Neuheisel,amemberoftheRoseBowlHallofFame,stillholdsthe COACH’S SHOW:HuskyTalkwithKOMORadio’sBobRondeauandhead Bruins’single-season(69.3)andcareer(68.3)completionpercentagerecords. coachRickNeuheiselwillaireachMondayeveningat6:00p.m. NeuheiselYear-by-Year Thefollowingstationsmakeup Year School Overall Conf. HUSKY FOOTBALL RADIO NETWORK: the21-stationKOMORadioNetwork: 1995 Colorado 10-2 5-2 1996 Colorado 10-2 7-1 WASHINGTON: OREGON: 1997 Colorado 5-6 3-5 Seattle(flagship) KOMO 1000AM Portland KUIK 1360AM 1998 Colorado 8-4 3-5 Bellingham KPUG 1170AM 1999 Washington 7-5 6-2 Centralia KELA 1470AM ALASKA: 2000 Washington 11-1 7-1 GrandCoulee KEYG 98.5FM Anchorage KTZN 550AM 2001 Washington 4-1 2-1 Kelso KLOG 1490AM Juneau KSUP 106.3FM Totals 6-PlusSeasons 55-21 33-17 Mt.Vernon KBRC 1430AM Ketchikan KTKN 930AM Olympia KGY 96.9FM BEST OF THE BEST:Washington’slossatUCLAmovedHuskyheadcoach Omak KOMW 680AM NEVADA: RickNeuheisel’scareerrecordto55-21.That’sthesecondbestmarkforcoaches Othello KZLN 97.5FM LasVegas KRLV 1340AM whobecameheadcoachesin1995.Neuheiselcurrentlyrankseighthamongall PortAngeles KONP 1450AM activeDivisionIcoachesintermsofwinningpercentage. Shelton KMAS 1030AM Spokane KJRB 790AM I-ACoachesWhoBeganasHeadCoachin1995byVictories Tri-Cities KFLD 870AM Coach School Won Lost Percentage WallaWalla KGDC 1320AM 1. LloydCarr Michigan 63 17 .788 Wenatchee KPQ 560AM 2. RickNeuheisel Washington 55 21 .724 Yakima KUTI 1460AM 3. ButchDavis* Miami 51 20 .718 4. TommyTuberville Auburn 43 30 .589 PAC-10 FOOTBALL COACHES TELECONFERENCE: EveryTuesday 5. TyroneWillingham Stanford 37 35 .514 duringthefootballseason,eachofthePac-10footballcoacheswillbemadeavailable *nolongeracollegecoach formediainterviewsbyteleconference.Mediawishingtoparticipateinthetelecon- I-AActiveCoachesbyWinningPercentage ferencecancalltheUniversityofWashingtonorthePac-10Conferenceforthe Coach School Yrs. Won Lost Tied Pct. teleconferencephonenumber.Eachcoachisscheduledtobeonthelinefor10 1. PhilipFulmer Tennessee 10 87 19 0 .821 minutes,accordingtothefollowingschedule: 2. LloydCarr Michigan 7 63 17 0 .788 CALLDATES CALLSCHEDULE(PACIFICTIME) 3. BobbyBowden FloridaState 37 318 89 4 .779 Tues.,Oct.16 9:30a.m.MikePrice,WashingtonState 4. SteveSpurrier Florida 15 137 39 2 .775 Tues.,Oct.23 9:40a.m.DennisErickson,OregonState 5. JoePaterno PennState 36 322 94 3 .772 Tues.,Oct.30 9:50a.m.TyroneWillingham,Stanford 6. R.C.Slocum TexasA&M 13 114 38 2 .747 Tues.,Nov.6 10:00a.m.TomHolmoe,California 7. DennisErickson OregonState 16 133 48 1 .734 10:10a.m.RickNeuheisel,Washington 8. RickNeuheisel Washington 7 55 21 0 .724 10:20a.m.MikeBellotti,Oregon 9. BillSnyder KansasState 13 102 45 1 .693 10:30a.m.PeteCarroll,USC 10. JohnRobinson
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    Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media information 202 / 418-0500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202 / 418-2222 REPORT NO. 28982 Broadcast Applications 5/10/2017 STATE FILE NUMBER E/P CALL LETTERS APPLICANT AND LOCATION N A T U R E O F A P P L I C A T I O N AM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE ACCEPTED FOR FILING AK BAL-20170505AAT KCBF 49645 LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, Voluntary Assignment of License LLC E 820 KHZ From: LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC AK , FAIRBANKS To: TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC Form 314 AK BAL-20170505ABA KFAR 6438 LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, Voluntary Assignment of License LLC E 660 KHZ From: LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC AK , FAIRBANKS To: ROB INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC Form 314 FM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE ACCEPTED FOR FILING NY BALH-20170505AAA WLIR-FM 61089 LIVINGSTONE BROADCASTING, Voluntary Assignment of License INC. E 107.1 MHZ From: LIVINGSTONE BROADCASTING, INC, NY , HAMPTON BAYS To: VMT MEDIA, INC. Form 314 AK BALH-20170505AAU KWDD 190239 LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, Voluntary Assignment of License LLC E 94.3 MHZ From: LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC AK , FAIRBANKS To: TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC Form 314 AK BALH-20170505AAV KWLF 6439 LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, Voluntary Assignment of License LLC E 98.1 MHZ From: LAST FRONTIER MEDIACTIVE, LLC AK , FAIRBANKS To: TOR INGSTAD LICENSES, LLC Form 314 Page 1 of 17 Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media information 202 / 418-0500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202 / 418-2222 REPORT NO.
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  • 104494 FB MG Text 125-232.Id2
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