THE LIFE OF THE RED SEA EASTERN SINAI PENINSULA TEN WILDERNESS & CROSSING COMMANDMENTS WANDERINGS THE RED SEA On Mount Sinai, God As the consequence for After the tenth delivers His law to Moses refusing to enter the plague, the death of and provides him with Promised Land, God MOUNT HOREB the firstborn sons, two stone tablets bearing has Israel wander in the Pharaoh demands Commandments. wilderness for 40 years. This that Israel leave nomadic journey continues Exodus 20:1-17 Moses receives his the land of Egypt. until the last individual from assignment from God Moses leads the that disobedient generation and is sent to deliver through AARON AND has died. Israel from their the Red Sea. ISRAEL MAKE A Numbers 14:20-35 slavery in Egypt. GOLDEN CALF Exodus 12:31-15:21 Exodus 3 When Moses sees the MOAB golden calf and the — IS NAMED — Israelites' extreme idolatry, he throws down AS MOSES’ WESTERN SINAI the stone tablets bearing SUCCESSOR EGYPT PENINSULA the . After surviving the wilderness MOSES WILDERNESS wanderings, Edom, and Moab, Exodus 32 RETURNS TO WANDERING the people of Israel stand at EGYPT God gives the the edge of the Jordan, now COVENANT Moses and Aaron people and ready to take possession of RENEWAL appeal to Pharaoh to water from a rock. the Promised Land. release the Israelites Moses sees God, and Exodus 15:22-17:16 Deuteronomy 31:1-8 from slavery. Pharaoh his face glows from refuses and forces the the experience. Moses oppressed Israelites intercedes on behalf of to make bricks the rebellious Israelites. without straw. God permits Moses to MOUNT NEBO see his back. Exodus 4-5 MOSES DIES Exodus 33-34 BANKS OF THE NILE MIDIAN As Joshua is preparing to lead the Israelites PHARAOH MOSES FLEES TEN PLAGUES across the , THREATENS FOR HIS LIFE & PASSOVER God takes Moses up HEBREW Moses kills Egyptian Pharaoh continually to Mount Nebo so that BABY BOYS guard, and escapes to refuses to let Israel he can look over the Baby Moses the land of Midian where go; God sends ten Promised Land. Moses discovered in the he marries Zipporah. plagues on the land dies on the mountain Nile by Pharaoh’s and introduces the and God buries him in Exodus 2:11-22 daughter. first Passover. a secret place.

Exodus 2:1-10 Exodus 7:1-12:30 Deuteronomy 34 AGE 40 AGE AGE 120 AGE AGE 80-81 AGE AGE 81-120 AGE

3 MOS. OLD 3 MOS. 1 2 THE LIFE OF MOSES THE RED SEA MOUNT SINAI EASTERN SINAI PENINSULA THE EXODUS TEN WILDERNESS & CROSSING COMMANDMENTS WANDERINGS THE RED SEA On Mount Sinai, God As the consequence for After the tenth delivers His law to Moses refusing to enter the plague, the death of and provides him with Promised Land, God MOUNT HOREB the firstborn sons, two stone tablets bearing has Israel wander in the BURNING BUSH Pharaoh demands the Ten Commandments. wilderness for 40 years. This that Israel leave nomadic journey continues Exodus 20:1-17 Moses receives his the land of Egypt. until the last individual from assignment from God Moses leads the that disobedient generation and is sent to deliver Israelites through AARON AND has died. Israel from their the Red Sea. ISRAEL MAKE A Numbers 14:20-35 slavery in Egypt. GOLDEN CALF Exodus 12:31-15:21 Exodus 3 When Moses sees the MOAB golden calf and the — JOSHUA IS NAMED — Israelites' extreme idolatry, he throws down AS MOSES’ WESTERN SINAI the stone tablets bearing SUCCESSOR EGYPT PENINSULA the Ten Commandments. After surviving the wilderness MOSES WILDERNESS wanderings, Edom, and Moab, Exodus 32 RETURNS TO WANDERING the people of Israel stand at EGYPT God gives the the edge of the Jordan, now COVENANT Moses and Aaron people manna and ready to take possession of RENEWAL appeal to Pharaoh to water from a rock. the Promised Land. release the Israelites Moses sees God, and Exodus 15:22-17:16 Deuteronomy 31:1-8 from slavery. Pharaoh his face glows from refuses and forces the the experience. Moses oppressed Israelites intercedes on behalf of to make bricks the rebellious Israelites. without straw. God permits Moses to MOUNT NEBO see his back. Exodus 4-5 MOSES DIES Exodus 33-34 BANKS OF THE NILE MIDIAN As Joshua is preparing to lead the Israelites PHARAOH MOSES FLEES TEN PLAGUES across the Jordan River, THREATENS FOR HIS LIFE & PASSOVER God takes Moses up HEBREW Moses kills Egyptian Pharaoh continually to Mount Nebo so that BABY BOYS guard, and escapes to refuses to let Israel he can look over the Baby Moses the land of Midian where go; God sends ten Promised Land. Moses discovered in the he marries Zipporah. plagues on the land dies on the mountain Nile by Pharaoh’s and introduces the and God buries him in Exodus 2:11-22 daughter. first Passover. a secret place.

Exodus 2:1-10 Exodus 7:1-12:30 Deuteronomy 34 AGE 40 AGE AGE 120 AGE AGE 80-81 AGE AGE 81-120 AGE

3 MOS. OLD 3 MOS. 1 2