
Unexpected Immunoreactivity in Soft Tissue Tumors: Often Confusing, Occasionally Helpful, and Sometimes Just Plain Odd No Disclosures

Andrew L. Folpe, MD Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN [email protected]

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Unexpected Immunoreactivity in Soft Tissue Tumors • Intermediate filaments • Neuroendocrine markers • Miscellaneous Aberrant Patterns of and Neuroendocrine Marker Expression Which Seem to Exist Only to Torture Surgical Pathologists

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Intermediate Filaments: The Good Old Days • • Glial fibrillary acidic • Gliomas • • Myogenous tumors • • Minor intermediate filaments • Neural tumors

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Sarcomatoid SCC Vimentin ©2016 MFMER | slide-7 ©2016 MFMER | slide-8


Leiomyosarcoma Keratin ©2016 MFMER | slide-9 ©2016 MFMER | slide-10


Keratin expression in 20% of studied ES/PNET


Epithelioid AS CD31 ©2016 MFMER | slide-11 ©2016 MFMER | slide-12

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CK Keratin

Keratin expression in 32% of cases; desmin expression in 2%

GFAP Desmin

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S100 protein • expression in 50% • Expression of at least one NE marker in 43% • Synaptophysin expression in 32% • Chromogranin A expression in 22% • Synaptophysin and chromogranin A expression in 11%

SOX10 Desmin

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• Keratin: 30-40% Desmin Myogenin • Desmin: 24% • NF: 16% • Synapto: 29%

S100 Synapto

Keratin SYN ©2016 MFMER | slide-17 ©2016 MFMER | slide-18

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Melanoma S100 protein S100 protein

CK Melan A Desmin HMB45 ©2016 MFMER | slide-19 ©2016 MFMER | slide-20

Peculiar Immunohistochemical Findings That May Actually be Helpful, Once You Know About Them

Diffuse TGCT Desmin

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Angiomatoid FH Desmin CD68 ©2016 MFMER | slide-23 ©2016 MFMER | slide-24

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S100 Desmin

Ossifying fibromyxoid tumor S100 NF ©2016 MFMER | slide-25 ©2016 MFMER | slide-26

S100 CD117

EMA SYN ©2016 MFMER | slide-27 ©2016 MFMER | slide-28

#74: Composite HE with NE Marker Expression: An Aggressive Variant


CD31 ERG SYN CD34 ©2016 MFMER | slide-29 ©2016 MFMER | slide-30

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Other Confusing and Sometimes Wholly Unexpected Immunohistochemical Findings

Sclerosing ALT / WDL

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Lipoma-like ALT / WDL MDM2 CISH Fat necrosis MDM2 IHC ©2016 MFMER | slide-33 ©2016 MFMER | slide-34

CD31 Angiosarcoma CD31 ©2016 MFMER | slide-35 ©2016 MFMER | slide-36

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63F with arm mass Metastatic RCC CD31 and lung nodules ©2016 MFMER | slide-37 ©2016 MFMER | slide-38

Keratin CDX2

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Pulmonary schwannoma S100 protein

Desmin MYOD1 SOX10 TTF1

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Conclusions • Aberrant expression of intermediate filaments and/ or neuroendocrine markers is relatively common amongst soft tissue tumors, in particular Ewing , endothelial tumors and rhabdomyosarcoma • For certain mesenchymal tumors, unusual patterns of immunoreactivity may actually serve as valuable clues to the correct diagnosis • Careful morphological observation and application of an appropriate panel of immunohistochemical markers are critical to avoid misdiagnoses based on a single aberrant result

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