The Morning Star E-Journal • 1 A Great Victory by Rick Joyner

n these days of intense political confrontation, the very foundations of our social order are being Ichallenged. This is not necessarily a bad thing. The evaluation of our true condition will always be useful if we use it the right way—to strengthen our foundations. We should also, as spiritual warriors, always take conflict as an opportunity for victory. The truth is more powerful than any lie. If we will stand for the truth, we cannot lose because the Truth Himself has guaranteed us that He will always lead us in His triumph. We must also always keep in mind that we are never warring against people, any people, but against spiritual forces who are holding people captive. This is why we are told in Ephesians 6:12: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Spiritual forces use people to do their will, but we must not stoop to just fighting with people. The battle is much bigger than that. The battle is bigger than the conflict between Republicans and Democrats. It is bigger than any personality or agenda. Though I am personally a conservative, and I have deep grief about the direction of the U.S. under the Obama Administration, there is one spiritual victory by Obama’s election that we must never allow to be lost. It was a victory against one of the most evil strongholds that dominates much of mankind—racism. We should rejoice and be very proud of our nation for electing our first black President. This is a huge victory over our racist history, and though racism is still very much alive in our country, and maybe even to some extent in each of us, this did much to heal the wounds caused by it. It is still a marvel to much of the world and caused the stature of the United States to rise dramatically around the world. It is really hard to emphasize what a great victory this was and how it can so positively impact our future. For this reason, we need to understand it, and understand how we need to be vigilant so that the devil does not steal this great victory. Racism is one of the ultimate evil strongholds of the human heart. This is because it is rooted in two of the ultimate evils of the human heart—pride and fear. We are racists if we think we’re better than others because of the color of our skin, which is pride. We can also become racists if we fear those who are different from us. Therefore, one of the biggest weapons against racism is having a basic understanding of how the Lord declares that He will resist the prideful and give His grace to the humble. This alone should make us utterly devoted to seeking humility. The second weapon must combat the fear factor, which makes people racists because they fear those who are different. We know that “perfect love casts out fear”(see I John 4:18), so we should promote the love for diversity that God created. We also need to impart such vision and purpose to people so that they become secure enough in who they are not to fear those who are different. When these two most powerful and evil strongholds of fear and pride combine into racism, it becomes a basic “gate of hell” through which the spirit of death is released. This is why we are told in Romans 11:15 that when the ultimate racial barrier, the one between Jew and Gentile, is overcome, it will also mean the overcoming of death by the resurrection of the dead.

2 • The Morning STar E-Journal Consider how much death has been brought in the last century by racism. By some estimates, the worst conflict in history, World War II, which was rooted in some of the most diabolical racist ideologies, resulted directly in 100 million deaths. Recently, we have Rwanda, the Balkans, and other conflicts where this enemy keeps surfacing and death comes like a flood. When I was first shown the link between racism and the spirit of death more than two decades ago, I have not ceased to study it. I have spent many days in Germany with one of the foremost authorities on Nazism seeking an understanding of how such evil could take over one of the most cultured and brilliant people on the planet. I was compelled to do this when myself and a number of prophetic friends were all shown that the same spiritual principalities that had taken Germany were seeking to do the same in the United States. In fact, what happened in Germany and World War II had just been “a dress rehearsal” for what the devil wants to do now. When the Lord began to teach me about the stronghold of racism, I was shown that it was not just a principality but “a world ruler.” It is one of the ultimate evils. The election of Barack Obama did strike a major blow against this ultimate evil, but we can count on this evil striking back and trying to turn this great victory over racism into a victory for racism. Therefore, even more than praying for his success as President, we need to pray for his safety. As we see in the Book of Revelation, when Satan is cast out of heaven, or a high place where he has had dominion, he comes to the earth with great wrath (see Revelation 12:12). With this great blow against racism, we can expect racism to hit back in every way that it can, through every open door that is given to it. For this reason, even though some have tried to play “the race card” every time Obama or his policies have been challenged, it has almost always been disregarded because every thinking person could see through such accusations. Now they are hardly made. I am also thankful that President Obama never pulled the race card directly, and if he did in a subtle way, it was obviously not driven by any real racial bitterness as much as political expediency. I’m not saying this is right either, but my point is that even though none of us are perfect, he has been a good example of one who seems to have overcome one of the ultimate issues of our times. I confess that virtually every other agenda President Obama has had, and the class warfare that is now being promoted by the Obama Administration, is deeply disturbing at best, but for his example of rising above racism, I will always be thankful. It was a great victory for our nation. The fact that Herman Cain rose to the top of the Republican field for a time is proof we have achieved something special in America, and we cannot allow it to be lost. For this reason, let us be vigilant to stand against it, and let us resolve to keep taking more ground until, as one great American said, “no one is judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the senior pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than forty books, including his latest, I See a New America, as well as The Final Quest, a worldwide bestseller. Rick is the president of The Oak Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing Christians to be engaged in the great issues in our time. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam.

The Morning Star E-Journal • 3 Where a Desolate Soul Finds God by Francis Frangipane All Scriptures are New King James Version unless otherwise indicated.

n spite of breakthroughs in several regions, many Christians have grown weary. Their love Iis growing cold; their passions, lukewarm. The Prophet Daniel warned of a time when the enemy would “wear down the saints of the Highest One” (see Daniel 7:25). To emerge victorious in this day, we must climb into the reality given to us by God in Psalm 91. There is a place of replenishing life, a fountain of light, wherein we can abide. The Bible calls this place the shelter of the Most High.

Elijah: A Man Like Us Elijah was a man with passions like ours, and he fought in a spiritual war similar to ours. In his battle for the soul of Israel, he stood against the wiles of Jezebel and her husband, King Ahab. Yet his most intense battle was not against visible foes but against personal discouragement. As bold as Elijah was, he lived as a fugitive moving in and out of caves and places of hiding. Jezebel had murdered nearly all of the Lord’s prophets, replacing their godly influence with the dark, satanic oppression accompanying the priests of Baal and the Asherah. A new initiative, however, had come from the Lord: Both Elijah and the prophets of Baal were to build altars, each to the deity they served. The God who answered with fire would be acknowledged as Lord over the nation. King Ahab and all Israel came to the confrontation. Try as they may, the priests of Baal could draw no response from their demonic idol, Baal. In dramatic contrast, at Elijah’s prayer, fire immediately fell from heaven and consumed his sacrifice. This was Elijah’s greatest victory. When the Israelites saw the display of God’s power, they bowed to the ground saying, “The Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God” (see I Kings 18:39). But the Lord was not finished. After Elijah had the priests of Baal executed, he went to the top of Mount Carmel and, kneeling facedown, he prayed seven times for rain until the Lord brought a great downpour that ended a devastating three-year drought. On this one day, both fire and rain miraculously fell from heaven! Perhaps if this tremendous day had occurred at any other time in Israel’s history, the nation would have repented, but it did not. Baal worship should have ended, but it continued. In fact, nothing changed. Instead of the revival that Elijah envisioned, the opposite occurred: An enraged Jezebel vowed to kill the Lord’s prophet, spurring Elijah to flee into the wilderness. There Elijah collapsed, exhausted and despondent, beneath a juniper tree. “It is enough; now O Lord,” the weary prophet prayed, “take my life, for I am not better than my fathers” (see I Kings 19:4). Elijah had offered the Lord his very best effort. This day had been the culminating event of his life. Elijah had prayed that Israel would know the Lord was their God and that, in response, the Lord would turn Israel’s “heart back again” (see I Kings 18:37). Yet like the prophets before him, Elijah could not trigger revival for Israel. Discouragement overwhelmed him. He had had enough.

4 • The Morning STar E-Journal Have you been to the point of spiritual or emotional exhaustion where you too have said, “It is enough”? Perhaps you were frustrated by your own inability to effect positive change in your family; or, you’ve fasted and prayed for your church or society but no visible change occurred. You gave your all but found little success. Disheartened and weary like Elijah, all your resources were spent. Elijah lay down and slept. As he did, an angel touched him and said, “Arise, eat” (see I Kings 19:5). At his head were bread and water. Elijah, weary with life itself, ate and withdrew back into sleep. Once more the angel touched him. “Arise,” he said. “Eat, because the journey is too great for you” (verse 7). For all our visions, plans, and programs, the journey before each of us is also “too great.” Indeed our journey will always, at various points, be too great for us. For life is so constructed to drive us closer to God.

Back to Our Foundations “So [Elijah] arose and ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mountain of God” (I Kings 19:8). The Lord gave Elijah strength, not to send him back to battle but to bring him back to basics. If we become more consumed with our task than we are with our love for God, our lives will eventually become brittle and desolate. To restore our souls, the Lord brings us back to the essentials of our faith. Indeed, He might even stop our labors completely and direct us to the simpler realities of prayer, time in the Word, and worship. He reminds us that, of all He calls us to accomplish, His greatest commandment is to love Him with “all our heart” (see Mark 12:30). Without this focus, we lose touch with God’s presence; we are outside the shelter of the Most High. The Lord brought Elijah to “Horeb, the mountain of God.” In Hebrew, Horeb means “desolation.” The barren environment mirrored Elijah’s soul. Yet to God, Horeb was actually a place where the issues of a man’s heart were flushed to the surface. There is no theater at Horeb, no acting. It is the place of unembellished honesty and core-to-surface transparency.

How Did You Get Here? Perhaps Elijah’s greatest virtue was his zeal. Indeed, twice in his communication with God, Elijah speaks of having been “very zealous” for the Lord. But zeal unattended by wisdom eventually becomes its own god. It compels us toward expectations that are unrealistic and outside the timing and anointing of God. To remain balanced, zeal must be reined in and harnessed by strategic encounters with the living God. Otherwise we become frustrated with people and discouraged with delays. We step outside our place of strength and spiritual protection. Elijah had come to Horeb and lodged there in a cave. Soon the Word of the Lord came to him: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (verse 9). This is one of the most important questions God will ever ask us. His question probes the reality of our spiritual state: “How did your service to Me become dry and desolate?” God wants us to know that when we fail to esteem Him as our first love, we will always find a desert awaiting us.

The Morning Star E-Journal • 5 Our primary purpose in life must be to abide in Christ. Otherwise we can become so consumed with the deteriorating condition of the world that we fail to see the deteriorating condition of our own soul. In His love, the Lord stops us and forces us to look honestly at our heart: Is this existence that I now live the abundant life promised me from Christ? Let’s speak candidly. We have nothing to prove and no need to pretend. We can abandon the internal mechanisms of defensiveness and pride. If we are disappointed, we are free to express it; if frustrated, we can admit it. We must simply and truthfully evaluate, without rationalization, our true spiritual condition. Transparency is the outer garment of humility; and, humility draws the grace of God to our hearts. Is not intimacy with God the very thing we most neglect? And is not the Lord alone our source of strength in battle? If the enemy can distract us from our time alone with God, he will isolate us from the help that comes from God alone. Let us approach the living God without any garment, but with transparency.

A Fresh Anointing As the pressures of this age escalate, we will soon discover that yesterday’s anointing will not suffice for today’s battles. The Lord brought a new beginning to Elijah’s life at Horeb---one that would ultimately release a “double portion” of power to Elijah’s successor, Elisha. Under this new anointing, Jezebel would be destroyed, Baal worship abolished, and the only period of revival the northern tribes ever experienced would begin. To reach a similar place of breakthrough, it will take more than the momentum of our own zeal. We should not be surprised if God calls us to pass through our own Horeb. How will we recognize this place? Horeb is the voice of personal desolation; it is the desperate compelling of our heart to possess more of God. We must now listen carefully to the voice of God. For it is at Horeb that He brings us deeper into Himself. It is here, under the canopy of His compassion, that we discover the purpose of our brokenness: our desolation is in fact a time of preparation. The Lord is about to bring a new beginning to you. When you return to the battle, you shall war from the shelter of the Most High. Lord Jesus, apart from You, my life is dry and desolate. Forgive me for trying to do Your will without abiding in Your presence. I desperately need You, Lord. This day, I commit my heart to return to my first love. Teach me, Lord, to consider intimacy with You the greatest measure of my success. Let me see Your glory; reveal to me Your goodness. Guide me, Oh Holy Spirit, into the spiritual fortress of the presence of God. Amen. This article was adapted from a chapter in Francis’ book, The Shelter of the Most High published by Charisma House.

Francis Frangipane is the pastor emeritus of River of Life Ministries in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and the president of Advancing Church Ministries. The Lord has used Francis to unite thousands of pastors in prayer in hundreds of cities. With more than one million copies of his bestselling books in print, and with an expanding online training school called, “In Christ’s Image Training,” Francis is in much demand worldwide. His newest book is titled, And I Will Be Found By You. For more information, visit:

6 • The Morning STar E-Journal MorningStar Missionaries Face Increasing Persecution by Jorge Parrott

e see the great harvest coming as darkness is covering the earth. The glory of the Lord Wwill shine brighter and brighter on us in the days ahead. Many leaders are saying the global body of Christ is entering its finest hour. While many people in the West are facing the most challenging times of their lives, I want to update you that many brothers and sisters in the Lord are serving with MorningStar Missions who are facing death, imprisonment, and the loss of homes and churches, some even becoming refugees. We have missionaries who are part of MorningStar/CMM Missions who have been kidnapped, stoned, had churches burned, ministry headquarters bulldozed, spent time in jail, have been driven from their homelands, and are facing intensifying persecution. God is preparing us for the great harvest. It is never too late for the church to wake up in the West and save America during this election year. It is the most important in our lifetime. Many do not realize the risks we are facing in the U.S. of having our rights and very Constitution threatened during the economic war being waged to topple our economy and lead our nation toward a socialist/Islamic state. Kevin Freeman’s presentation at the recent Oak Summit held at Heritage International Ministries was another shocking “eye opener” with its amazing depth of research connecting the well thought-out plans of our enemies to destroy the U.S. economy through economic warfare. I encourage you to visit his website at Rick Joyner shared at The Oak Summit what the Lord had showed him years before about the four winds of the earth ruling for a season: the Military, the Religious, the Political, and last the Economic era which we are in at present. Even prior to 9/11, America’s economic foundations were under siege by radical forces intent on our destruction. Visit for more thorough details and research to become an informed voter this year. The Oak is neither a Democratic or Republican organization. It does not follow the elephant or the donkey, but rather the Lamb of God. When we discover our identity in Christ, our sense of purpose and destiny becomes clear. We learn what freedom, truth, justice, and righteousness mean in terms of a biblical worldview. Our Constitution sprang from the wisdom and truth of the Bible. The blood of our fore- fathers is much like the blood of martyrs, who died for a cause worthy of the ultimate price. It was so our Republic would stand for life, liberty, and justice for all. How long will we fail to stand for righteousness? Will 238 years of advances be wiped out in an effort to appease a minority who hold a radical extremist view full of political correctness, hate speech, and fear of offending a tiny percent rule? Can we not see that once the leftist/socialist/Islamists take over that our lives will change in a heartbeat?

The Morning Star E-Journal • 7 We have many missionaries who are covert, serving in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, some of whom have been followed and watched during their weekly ministry activity. We will not reveal their identities. • One friend serving in Kenya knows of a friend who was helping rescue women in Somalia and was beheaded last July. • A dear friend serving in Israel was kidnapped near the Sea of Galilee, and while the car traveled at high speed, she jumped out of it and was not seriously injured. • A pastor in India was evangelizing in the Gujarat state and was threatened with death and stoned, losing his eye. His overseer told him he would not have to go back to that town. The faith-filled pastor said he must go back, even if they killed him. Upon his return, the gang of thugs reminded him of their threats and the brave pastor said even if they killed him, he had to tell them about Jesus’ love. About ninety men gave their lives to Jesus and some are now pastors. • In Pakistan, one on our team escaped arrest and a death sentence just six weeks ago by first having his wife and children flee the nation. He escaped two weeks later, and they are now in exile in another Asian country. Another of our Asian team helps families of pastors escape Iran, and we thank our donors and partners for helping free these wives and children. The women reported being raped and abused while in captivity. Their husbands face death sentences. • A friend in Nigeria with a real apostolic ministry had her ministry headquarters and business bulldozed by radical Muslims and called me to say all she had left was her cell phone. One of our sources we know and trust reports that Nigerian Muslims have declared jihad against Christians in that nation. News reports come in almost every Sunday of burned Christians and burned churches. • Only two weeks ago, a new church plant in eastern Andhra Pradesh, India was burned by anti-Christian forces. There are many other reports of the dramatic increase in violence against Christians in Africa, the Middle East, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Asian nations. Pray for the persecuted church. America, it is time to wake up and see how the core foundation of our nation is being threatened. Too many Islamists count women as being worth less than goats. Where are the women in leadership in Washington, D.C. and across America? As Rick Joyner has shared, the women may well be the ones to stop the threat of Islam to America and the implementation of Sharia law. We pray that truth and righteousness will prevail in our land. Pray that our light will shine bright and many Muslims will come to Jesus. In Rick Joyner’s book, Fifty Days to a Soaring Vision, we read, “Paul said: “Overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us enough to die for us” (Romans 8:37 LB).

8 • The Morning STar E-Journal This verse reflects the depth and power of a conviction that was the foundation of the apostle’s life. Despite distress, persecution, tribulation, famine, nakedness, peril, and sword, Paul lived above it all as more than a conqueror. We too can live as more than conquerors because Jesus conquered and spoiled Satan at Calvary (see Colossians 2:15). Living according to the power of this great truth is the power to live an overcoming life. The victory of the cross is the source of our confidence, and if we live by it we will always eventually see triumph.” (From Fifty Days for a Soaring Vision, Copyright © 2001, 2005 by Rick Joyner. All rights reserved.) You can learn more and support MorningStar Missions by visiting or contacting the Missions Department at 803-802-5544 ext 391.

Jorge Parrott has been the President of Christ’s Mandate for Missions (CMM) since 1998. In 2009, CMM joined forces with MorningStar Missions, which now has more than five hundred missionary leaders serving around the globe. Many of these leaders have more than one hundred churches and two have more than two thousand churches each in their networks. Jorge and Anna Marie have been married thirty-three years and have three grown sons, Orion, Matthew (married to Miriam), and Jonathan (married to Jennifer). Jorge has more than thirty years experience as an entrepreneur and a Doctoral of Theology and a Ph.D. from NCCT. He helps administer the MSU College of Theology Degree program at MorningStar Fellowship in Fort Mill. His heart was captured by the Lord for the nations when he stepped out in the faith realm and encountered the supernatural love of the Lord.

The Morning Star E-Journal • 9 America's Black Patriots by Mary Anne Hardiman

“You will know the truth and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32). n 1926, African-American historian and scholar, Dr. Carter G. Woodson, was alarmed that Ithe contributions of black Americans were being ignored by historians and researchers. He launched a Black History week to bring attention to the accomplishments of black people throughout American history. Fifty years later, expanding on this commitment to education, the entire month of February was designated as Black History month. Yet still today, Americans know too little about this rich heritage. Many of our greatest revolutionary heroes were of African descent. Why aren’t these stories taught throughout the entire year, inspiring faith and courage from all Americans? We deserve to be told about how America’s black patriots rose above their circumstances and became real heroes in our nation’s history. Slavery was introduced to America when the first slave ship sailed up the James River in the year 1620. However, in 1645, when the first slaves arrived off the coast of Massachusetts, the outraged Puritans seized the crew and returned the slaves to Africa. There were also anti-slavery leaders who signed the Declaration of Independence such as Benjamin Rush, James Wilson, Elbridge Gerry, Benjamin Franklin, and others. John Adams wrote: “…my opinion against it [slavery] has always been known . . . never in my life did I own a slave.” ( Vol. IX, pg. 92) Slavery was very much an issue during the founding era. Tragically, slavery was practiced in much of the civilized world in the eighteenth century. America was no different, but there were efforts made during the first Continental Congress to stop the atrocious practice. England had refused to allow the colonists to end the slave trade. Slavery was permitted in England and slavery would be permitted in the colonies. It is clear from original writings that many of the Founders were opposed to this institution. Elias Boudinot, signer of the Declaration, President of the Continental Congress, and devout Christian wrote: “[E]ven the sacred Scriptures had been quoted to justify this iniquitous traffic. It is true that the Egyptians held the Israelites in bondage for four hundred years . . . but . . . gentlemen cannot forget the consequences that followed: they were delivered by a strong hand and stretched-out arm and it ought to be remembered that the Almighty Power that accomplished their deliverance is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States, Washington, D.C.: Gales and Seaton, 1834, 1st Congress, 2nd Session, p. 1517, March 22, 1790.) Benjamin Franklin wrote in a 1773 letter to the Rev. Dean Woodward, that whenever the colonies had attempted to end slavery, the British government refused those efforts. Franklin wrote that:

10 • The Morning STar E-Journal “. . . a disposition to abolish slavery prevails in North America, that many Pennsylvanians have set their slaves at liberty, and that even the Virginia Assembly have petitioned the King for permission to make a law for preventing the importation of more into that colony. This request, however, will probably not be granted as their former laws of that kind have always been repealed as the interest of a few merchants here [in England] has more weight with government, than that of thousands at a distance.” (Franklin, Benjamin, The Works of Benjamin Franklin, Jared Sparks, editor, Boston: Tappan, Whittemore, and Mason, 1839, Vol. VIII, pg. 42, to the Rev. Dean Woodward on April 10, 1773). Estimates are that nearly 500,000 enslaved Africans were imported into North America by European traders. Although Congress abolished the importation of slaves to the United States in 1808, nevertheless slavery still continued. The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution finally abolished slavery 240 years after the first slaves arrived on America’s coast. William C. Nell, African-American scholar, lawyer, and historian, authored a book in 1855 titled, The Colored Patriots of the American Revolution. The introduction was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. She writes, “The colored patriots of the Revolution fought not for their own land, not even for a land which adopted them, but for a land which had enslaved them, and whose laws, even in freedom, more often oppressed than protected. Bravery, under such circumstances has a peculiar beauty and merit” (Nell, William C., The Colored Patriots of the American Revolution, Boston, 1855, pg. 5). Overcoming difficult beginnings, African-Americans persevered and believed that the land which presently enslaved them would one day be the land of the free. The history of the United States is rich with the accomplishments of these great Americans. Many courageous black leaders played important roles in our government as early as the 1760s, but little is known about the first African-American who held public office in 1768. His name was Wentworth Cheswell. Cheswell was the grandson of a slave, who earned his freedom, raised his family, and owned property in . An only child, Wentworth studied Latin, Greek, reading, writing, and arithmetic. At the age of twenty-one, he was also a property owner and newly married. The next year in 1768, he was elected Town Constable. He later served as Auditor, Assessor, Coroner, and Justice of the Peace, and presided over town meetings settling disputes. For nearly fifty years, Wentworth Cheswell held a position in local government in the town of Newmarket, New Hampshire. During the Revolutionary War, he was elected Town Messenger for the Committee of Safety in which he carried news back and forth to the Provincial Committee at Exeter, ( Just like Paul Revere, Cheswell had an all-night ride, warning towns and villages of the impending attack of the British. As the church bells rang the alarm, men from surrounding areas assembled, ready to defend their property and supplies. After the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the British made their way back to Boston. The Redcoats were met by colonists who kept a steady fire from behind trees and stone walls. The sixteen mile retreat proved to be a nightmare for the British. These were the townsmen who were warned by Revere and Cheswell, who swarmed to the defense of their countrymen. The

The Morning Star E-Journal • 11 battle raged until the British reached the safety of Charleston, where the protecting guns of the Royal Navy brought an end to the fighting that day. Wentworth Cheswell is an American hero. During the American Revolution, black and white soldiers fought side-by-side for freedom. Nearly five thousand blacks fought in the Revolutionary War. One man in particular was instru- mental in reducing years off of the Revolution. James Armistead is shown in a painting by Jean-Baptiste Le Paon with General Lafayette at Yorktown. Many mistake Armistead as the General’s slave, but this was not the case. James Armistead was a slave during the Revolutionary War and received permission from his owner to join in the American Army to fight against the British. Armistead was stationed to serve under General Lafayette, commander of the French forces allied with the American Continental Army. General Lafayette encouraged Armistead to perform important espionage services behind enemy lines. When Armistead infiltrated the British camp of Cornwallis posing as an escaped slave, he was able to overhear plans and relay them back to Lafayette. Cornwallis thought that he could gain an advantage and asked Armistead to spy on the Americans. Armistead was a double agent easily going back and forth between enemy lines. He gave General Lafayette actual plans of British troop movements and falsified information when he relayed it to Cornwallis. As the combined American and French armies marched South, a battle between the French and British fleets in the Chesapeake Bay sealed the fate of General Cornwallis and his British troops at Yorktown. James Armistead helped bring about an end to the American Revolution when Cornwallis surrendered to General Washington at Yorktown. Incredibly, when the war was over, James Armistead returned back to his life as a slave in Virginia. Lafayette wrote a testimonial about Armistead’s service and was instrumental in helping the slave gain his freedom. Eventually, Armistead even adopted the name Lafayette and used it the rest of his life in honor of the friendship he had with the General. When Lafayette returned on tour to America, he saw his old friend in the crowd, called him by name, and embraced Armistead. What a service this man was to his nation! Another great American was Frederick Douglass. He had been born into slavery and taught himself to read and write and remained a slave until he escaped into New York. Once there, he became a speaker for the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, and often traveled with well-known abolitionist, William Lloyd Garrison. Garrison believed that the Constitution was a pro-slavery document. Douglass accepted this claim, and his early speeches and writing reflected that belief. However, Douglass later began to research the issue for himself. He read the Constitution and he read the writings of those who wrote the Constitution. He concluded that the Constitution was not a pro-slavery document but rather an anti-slavery document.

12 • The Morning STar E-Journal In My Bondage and My Freedom, Douglass writes that “…the Constitution of the United States not only contained no guarantees in favor of slavery, but on the contrary, it is, in its letter and spirit, an antislavery instrument, demanding the abolition of slavery as a condition of its own existence, as the supreme law of the land” (Douglass, Frederick. My Bondage and My Freedom, New York, 1855. pgs. 395-398). In his later years, Douglass became a trusted advisor to Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. Marshal for the District of Columbia, Recorder of Deeds for Washington, D.C., and Minister General to the republic of Haiti. Numerous other black patriots distinguished themselves in the history of our nation. Many Americans know about Barbara Jordan, Malcolm X, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. but most do not know about the great Americans that served in our United States Congress as early as the 1870s. Currier and Ives Print—1872 The First Black Senator and Representatives in the 41st and 42nd Congress

Clockwise from left, is Hiram Revels of Mississippi. He was the first black American to serve in either House or Congress. He was ordained an AME minister in 1845 and also served as a missionary and a pastor. In 1854, Revels was imprisoned for preaching the gospel to blacks. He served as an army chaplain during the Civil War and helped to raise black regiments in Maryland and , then was elected to fill a seat in the U.S. Congress for Mississippi from 1870-1871. Ironically, it was previously filled by Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Hiram Revels was the first Republican to serve in that seat, and he was the first black Senator in U.S. history. Five years after abolishing slavery, a person of color was elected to the U.S. Senate! He served for one year and then became President of Alcorn University, the first land grant college for black students. Second from left is Benjamin Turner of Alabama. Turner was a slave during the Civil War, but within five years after the war he had become a wealthy and prosperous businessman.

The Morning Star E-Journal • 13 Pictured standing on his left is Robert De Large of South Carolina. He was born as a slave, but within three years after the war, he served in the State House. He also chaired the Republican Platform Committee and became a statewide elected official. Sitting at center is Josiah Walls of Florida. Walls was a slave during the Civil War and was forced to fight for the Confederate Army. After he was captured by Union troops, he enlisted as a Union soldier and became an officer. When elected to Congress, his credentials were chal- lenged by Democrats, and he was twice sent home. He was reelected after the first challenge, but during the second challenge Democrats regained control of the Florida legislature and he was prevented from returning. Standing on the right is Jefferson Long of Georgia. Long was born as a slave and he was self-educated. He built a thriving business. When elected to Congress as a Republican, Democrats boycotted his business causing him great financial losses. Long was the first black American to deliver a congressional speech in the U.S. House of Representatives. Second from right and sitting is Joseph Hayne Rainey of South Carolina. Born a slave, Rainey actually served briefly as Speaker of the U.S. House and was in Congress longer than any other black American from that era. He was a four-term Congressman serving from 1870-1879. On the far right is Robert Brown Elliott of South Carolina. Elliott was well-educated, reading in Spanish, French, and Latin. In Congress, he led in the passage of civil rights bills over the opposition of national Democrats and he later became the Speaker of the House in his state legislature. All seven of these men are Republicans, and remarkably, the first twenty-three blacks elected to Federal Congress were all Republicans! Half of these men had been self-educated in the five-year period. Five years prior to serving in the United States Congress they were slaves! Four of them later became university presidents. Others became teachers and several were pastors. (Neglected Voices— African-Americans have continued to distinguish themselves throughout our history. In his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, Martin Luther King, Jr. said that “when the architects of our Republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men—yes, black men as well as white men—would be guaranteed the unalien- able rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Black patriots of the past two centuries have advanced the cause of freedom for all African- Americans. We do well to honor those who have gone before us to secure the liberties of this great nation. This article just scratches the surface of the African-Americans who believed in “securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” (The Constitution of the United States). I urge you to do further research and learn about these great Americans.

Mary Anne Hardiman and her husband, Tom, work together providing the oversight for the MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries. They have been in ministry for more than thirty years. One of her passions is to see Ameri- cans rediscover our history, our spiritual roots, and learn the true intent of our Founding Fathers. She teaches on this subject at MorningStar and is a frequent speaker at MFM conferences. She and Tom have been married for thirty-two years and have three grown children.

14 • The Morning STar E-Journal Why is Israel So Important? by Mike Roberts All Scripture references are New Living Translation.

e are alive in a time when one of the primary focal points across the globe for nearly a Wcentury has been the nation of Israel. Everything from the nightly news to international politics is influenced by this one tiny nation. This nation that is roughly the size of the state of New Jersey occupies more attention across the world than other nations many times its size. Why is this? Why is Israel so important? Why have so many people throughout history wanted to destroy this nation? Why is understanding his or her foreign policy toward Israel so important when choosing a candidate for President here in America? Why is so much of the Bible written to and about the people of this nation?

Israel in the Past

These are questions that many have pondered and even debated, but many people still do not understand the current, historic, and futuristic significance of Israel and the Jewish people. To best answer these questions, we need to start by going back in time about four thousand years. The Jewish people descended directly from Abraham, and to truly understand Abraham, we need to consult the pages of the Bible. Abraham is first mentioned in Genesis 11, and he is continually discussed throughout much of Scripture. He was a citizen of the land of Ur of the Chaldeans, and the Lord called him to leave that land and follow Him to a land that would be for him and his descendants. Genesis 12:1-3 says:

The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to a land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.” A few chapters later, in Genesis 15:5, the Lord told Abram (the Lord would later change his name to Abraham): “Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. That’s how many descendants you will have!” The Lord promised Abraham a son who would be the first of these descendants, and in Genesis 21, this son, Isaac, was born. As time passed, Isaac grew and married Rebekah, and together they had two sons: Esau and Jacob. Esau became the father of a nation called the Edomites, and Jacob also became the father of a great nation. In Genesis 28, Isaac blesses Jacob and says to him:

The Morning Star E-Journal • 15 “May God Almighty bless you and give you many children. And may your descendants multiply and become many nations. May God pass on to you and your descendants the blessings He promised to Abraham. May you own this land where you are now living as a foreigner, for God gave this land to Abraham.” Later in the same chapter, the Lord visited Jacob in a dream and confirmed the words of Isaac. Let us read verses 13-15. The Lord says:

“I am the LORD, the God of your grandfather Abraham, and the God of your father, Isaac. The ground you are lying on belongs to you. I am giving it to you and your descendants. “Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust of the earth! They will spread out in all directions—to the west and east, to the north and south. And all the families of earth will be blessed through you and your descendants. “What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I promised you.” Later in his life, Jacob, like his grandfather, had an encounter with the Lord that resulted in his name being changed. In Genesis 35:10-12, the Lord visits Jacob and says to him: “Your name is Jacob, but you will not be called Jacob any longer. From now on your name will be Israel.” So God renamed him Israel. Then God said “I am El-Shaddai—‘God Almighty.’ Be fruitful and multiply. You will become a great nation, even many nations. Kings will be among your descendants! “And I will give you the land I once gave to Abraham and Isaac. Yes, I will give it to you and you descendants after you.” Just as Isaac told Jacob, and the Lord later confirmed, Jacob became the father of many nations, and through his son, Judah, his descendants carried on the name “Israel.” Through this bloodline King David was born, and through this bloodline, the Messiah, Jesus, was born. There is much in the nation of Israel’s history that we obviously cannot cover in this article. However, let us fast-forward to the year 1948. Prior to this, the people of Israel were scattered all over the world and there were numerous attempts to annihilate them. Not least of which was the horrendous attempt of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime to exterminate the Jewish people through the Holocaust. However, in 1948, Israel declared their sovereignty and settled in part of the land the Lord promised Abraham and Jacob about four thousand years ago. In spite of the efforts to destroy the Jewish people, after thousands of years, they actually became a recognized nation. The Lord has kept His promise to protect and preserve the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

16 • The Morning STar E-Journal Israel in the Present and Future

Since that time, the nation of Israel has dominated much of the world’s attention. As I have already mentioned, in terms of land size, Israel is relatively small, but its role in the world is immensely important. The promises the Lord made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are still true today. The Lord has promised to bless those that bless Israel and curse those who treat her with contempt. That applies to every nation of the world, including the United States, China, and the powerful Arab nations that neighbor Israel. For the most part, the United States has treated Israel favorably, and history proves that America has experienced blessing because of it. If America begins to treat Israel unfavorably, the blessing that is tied to that favor will begin to diminish. Again, this is true of every nation of the world. That is how seriously the Lord takes the promise He made to a friend of His four thousand years ago. Along these same lines, the land that the Lord promised Israel will play a major part in the future of our world. The actual land that the current nation of Israel occupies in only a part of the land the Lord promised Abraham and Jacob. We read in Genesis 28:15: “What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I promised you.” We know that God is not a man that He should lie (see Numbers 23:19; I Samuel 15:29), and He is not slack about any of His promises (see II Peter 3:9), so He is still going to give the Jewish people everything He promised Abraham and Jacob. This includes the land that He originally promised them. Modern-day Israel is bordered by Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. The land they were originally promised includes part of present-day Egypt, Syria, and Iraq, and it includes all of Jordan and Lebanon. This being the case, Israel will obviously play a major role on the future international political scene.

Does Israel Get a Free Pass?

These are some of the reasons Israel is so important. The Lord made some clear promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and He is going to fulfill them. Although much of the world either isn’t aware of them, or they may have lost sight of them, these promises are still a reality. Because of these promises, Israel occupies much of the world’s attention. Israel is extremely important to the Lord, but let me clarify what this does not mean. Even though the Lord made irrevocable promises to Abraham and his descendants, this does not give Israel a “free pass” in terms of salvation or international politics. In regard to salvation, Jesus is the only way to the Father. Salvation is totally tied to Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, and whether or not we as individuals receive Him as our Lord and Savior. This is true for Jew and Gentile (see Galatians 3:28), and no one, whether Jew or Gentile, comes to the Father unless they recognize that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (see John 14:6). In regard to international politics, the Lord requires justice, mercy, and humility (see Micah 6:8). Whether Jew or Gentile, the Lord’s

The Morning Star E-Journal • 17 standards are the same. The Lord does not grade on a curve, and His standard has always been Jesus. Again, there are no free passes, but Israel is very dear to the heart of the Lord because Abraham and his descendants are very dear to the heart of the Lord.

Conclusion As we move closer to the end of this age, the intensity surrounding the nation of Israel will increase, and we need to understand the important role Israel will play as we move forward. Israel is important because of the promises the Lord made to His friends four thousand years ago. The Lord will bless those who bless Israel, and He will curse those who treat her with contempt. The Lord made specific promises to Abraham and Jacob in regard to the land He had reserved for them, and He will fulfill that promise. Israel holds a special place in God’s heart, and that is why Israel is so important.

Mike Roberts is originally from Fort Mill, South Carolina and has been involved with MorningStar for about seventeen years. He and his wife, Nicole, lead a community outreach in North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, where they live with their two daughters, Ava and Ali. Mike also regularly maintains a blog called “Further In,” which can be followed at

18 • The Morning STar E-Journal A Culture for Truth by Karla Perry

esus said the truth will set you free. Truth, however, is more than factual statements. It is of JChrist; thus truth pervades one’s mind and heart, and effectuates a change therein. It draws one in closer to Christ and brings a transformation relating to that aspect of experienced truth. When we have tasted revelation of the Lord, it cannot be filed away on an intellectual shelf. If we have truly tasted of it, it must transform our hearts and renew our minds. Once this internal shift has taken place, the external changes should follow. This is why faith without works is dead. If we cannot live out the revelation that has changed our interior, we cannot demonstrate the power of the gospel upon us. If we are exhausting ourselves to attempt to live out something learned, maybe we have the cart before the horse and have not had the internal change necessary to produce external results. Healthy fruit cannot be produced from an unhealthy vine or tree. Only a good apple tree produces good apples. An apple tree that memorized the ingredients of the best fertilizer and believes it to be the best source of nutrients cannot benefit from it unless it receives the fertilization. If the apple tree is strong, healthy, well-fertilized, and producing the best of apples, but the town in which the orchard grows does not value apples, how will the fruit of its labors be sustained? The farmer may fill hundreds of baskets with the juiciest of apples, but if no one values apples they will all perish. Frequently, believers taste of a heavenly truth and it begins to transform them to the core, but it is a struggle to live out that truth because the community in which they subsist has no value for their fruit. The truth may be a restoration of honor, freedom, miracles, or even the labor the Lord has called them to. If the community does not value it, if there is no culture established to sustain it, the restored revelation in the life of one can quickly become stamped out by an antithetical culture. Christians often champion the cause of ending abortions, but without first establishing a culture that values monogamy, marriage, abstinence before marriage, unborn children, children, and forgiveness, the war against abortion will continue on a front that cannot be won. American laws were established to align with the values of culture, not to create the values of culture. Change culture and the laws can follow suit. Change the laws and the problem goes underground. The Lord is bringing a shift to the culture of the church. The shift is going to become infectious to the culture of the world because the love He is producing will not be able to be contained within the walls of the church. It will change the very core of our beings to such an extent that we will once again love our neighbor as ourselves and begin to truly be world changers. We have to understand that we need to make room for what God is doing now in this season and to let go of the things that are pet peeve issues and stale doctrines that steal life rather than give it. When God shows up in our lives, He is going to change the fabric of our thinking. We need to dispense with old ways of thinking and be moldable to His revelation. It is a spiritual process that we often hold at bay by mental blockage. We must submit our minds to our spirits

The Morning Star E-Journal • 19 so that as the Holy Spirit leads our spirits into all truth, and our minds are renewed. In so doing, we must realize that new language will be birthed. A worldview, or way of thinking, has its own personal jargon. For instance, when we live with the worldview that God heals sovereignly, sometimes we do not expect the release of an instant healing. Thus, a person may request that one “be praying for them” as they endure whatever ailment they are experiencing. This language professes the belief system that does not commonly practice instant healing. It is more a relational “remember me in your prayers” than it is a request for a miracle. If new revelation is going to take root, the language and practice must change. Otherwise, our old way of living will kill our new way of thinking. Distinctions in language are a key component of a particular culture. Once a truth is restored, there must be a culture to sustain it or it will quickly be lost again. People who teach children find that if the values taught outside the home are not reflected in the home, they have little chance of taking root in the children. The children need a culture or a community where these values are practiced, to sustain the values in their lives. The same is true for adults. New knowledge, no matter how well memorized, cannot produce the change to a person or a group of people without infusion into a culture where these values are prevalent. This is why Paul admonished believers to not stop meeting together because if they would leave the community—the common unity—of believers, they would leave the culture that sustained their way of life. They can have a relationship with Jesus in isolation, but they cannot maintain the way of life without the body of Christ. When Jesus sent out His apostles to disciple nations, He was instructing them to spread the way of life that liberates people to their true nature across the globe. To do so, they had to take the whole gospel of the kingdom and demonstrate this new way of life in such a way that it could be replicated and instilled in the DNA of the nations of the world. This was not to be done by sword, but by demonstrations of His kingdom through love. One needs only to be a student of history to see how people armed only with the Spirit of the Lord and His Word, the Bible, have transformed nations. Even now we live in the fruits of many waves of biblical transformation in America. The problem is that most Americans live without an understanding that our government, education, science, technology, industries, values, and freedom came from an infusion of the Bible upon our culture.1 True history is not taught. These institutions have lost their spiritual moorings, and the cultural elites have driven the idea home that our nation is a secular one. Freedom of religion once meant freedom to worship God without government intrusion. Now it means government enforced privatization of religious freedom, and equal status of all public displays of the same, Christianity excepted. The question reverberates throughout America as to how this nation can be saved. As long as we put the solution off upon someone else, it cannot be. The truth is that America is first and foremost a government of the people, by the people. Thus, it is the duty of each concerned American to be part of the restoration process. We await a George Washington to take the reins in the White House, but if we cannot be the Patrick Henry, John Adams, Abigail Adams, Noah

1 Mangalwadi, Vishal, The Book that Made Your World, United States: Thomas Nelson, 2011

20 • The Morning STar E-Journal Webster, Benjamin Franklin, or any of the number of patriots that served first as average pastors, farmers, writers, lawyers, philosophers, and housewives, even a George Washington cannot turn this ship. We cannot wait for someone else to educate people about our founding values and Christian heritage. We cannot wait for someone else to teach ethical business practices, or good stewardship, or how to love children. As long as we see ourselves as incapable of making a difference, we only exacerbate the problem, for we lament upon the issues without contributing to the solution. The Lord has been shaking our nation. He has been moving people around in all levels of society. He is telling His people that He is bringing a great deliverance, a great awakening, to our land. He has been preparing His church to receive Him, and this time the church will not contain Him, for even now He is expanding her vision beyond the walls of the church. What is coming is too big to stay indoors. The preparation is largely internal; it is a matter of preparing our hearts to receive Him and to ride with Him rather than against Him when He comes. We are going to be enabled to operate at a new level of efficiency as our worldview is realigned with His kingdom in such a manner that a new culture is sustained in the church, ready to receive our King. Positioning and preparation are both vital in these days, but if we have been current with Him, we are aware that He has been doing both in us already. Positioning and preparing are not an end unto themselves, they are setting us up to receive and steward the territory where the Lord establishes us. Each person cultivating and stewarding their land, and equipping their neighbor to do likewise, will refashion a nation as all the parts come together in common unity.

Karla Perry, apologist and worldview revitalizer, is an avid writer with a penetrating and thought-provoking style. Having written for local publications and for Relevant Magazine online, Karla helps people develop their worldview through presuppositional apologetics. Karla connects regularly with Christians and non-Christians alike on her Blog at Karla lives with her husband, Joseph, in Virginia Beach, Virginia where they lead Remnant Ministries, a member of the MorningStar Fellowship of Churches.

The Morning Star E-Journal • 21 MFM Directory

Nanette Diogo CANADA AFRICA Light On the Word Sylvain Gauthier (Pastor) John & Sharon Senin 1005 Pavor y Morelos, Vincente Guerrero, Najoth Ministries Shiloh House Mission Baja Norte, Mexico 784 Rang 7, Ste-Clotilde P.O. Box 399, Kabarnet, Rift Valley, Phone: 011-52-616-16-62403 Quebec, Canada G0N 1C0 Kenya, East Africa Email: [email protected] Phone: (418) 484-5611 Phone: (816) 761-3667 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] John Ebenezer (Pastor) World Children’s Center Ministries P.O. Box 126, Hyderabad, AP, Dennis & Eleanor Hansen 500001, India Box 244 - 887 Hansen Road, OTHER COUNTRIES Phone: (9140) 6682-1730 Mason's Landing Aivars Alksnis (Pastor) Fax: (9140) 6677-7430 Courtes Island, B.C. V0P 1K0 “Light in the World” Fellowship Email: [email protected] Phone: (250) 935-6389 Matisa jela 113-3/4, Riga, Latvia, LV—1009 Fax: (250) 935-6389 Phone: +371-2959-1321 Email: [email protected] Fax: +371 6754 9485 George Ferrar (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Tree of Life Ministries Nelson Richardson (Pastor) Avenida Mangle, Caye Caulker, Maranatha Fellowship Ralf D. Bürzele (Pastor) Belize, Central America 4 James Long Court Hans-Reyhing-Weg 26, 72531 Phone: (501) 226-0342 Nepean, Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K2J 4R1 Hohenstein, Germany Email: [email protected] Phone: (613) 823-6815 Phone: +49-7387-984920 Fax: +49-7387-8284 Francine Tessier Email: [email protected] / International Christian Chamber of Conrad Gille Commerce – Canada Face to Face Rob & Aliss Creswell (Pastors) Schwalbengarten 61, Bonn/ 360 Ave. Emile-Pominville Gloryfires Lachine, Quebec H8R 1M3 53175, Germany Blacon, Chester UK Phone: +49-228-9614335 Phone: (514) 903-6574 Phone: +44 (0) 7964 084934 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] / Bryan Yager Sung-Jun Han (Pastor) Eagleview Ministries United Church and All Nations 205 Meadowbrook Road, Victoria, British David Daynes MIssion Association Columbia V9E 1J5 544 Falmer Road, Bongcheon-dong, 94-15, Phone: (250) 479-7166 Woodingdean Brighton, England BN2 6XZ Gaunack-gu, Seoul, South Korea 151-050 Fax: (250) 479-7168 Phone: + 44-1273-691802 Phone: (016) 338-6341 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

22 • The Morning STar E-Journal MFM Directory

Richard & Audrey Ho UNITED STATES CONNECTICUT Streams Revival Ministries 658h 27/154 Taman Bkit Anggerik Craig & Amy Bassett Cheras, Kuala Lumpur 56000, Malaysia ALABAMA Atlantic Missionary Aviation Phone: 603-79806843 Miles Wylie Albright (Pastor) P.O. Box 5, Tolland, CT 06084 Email: [email protected] Phone: (860) 454-4377 Day’s Dawn Ministries Email: [email protected] 301-A CC Ivy Road, Huntsville, AL 35803 Pieter Jordaan (Pastor) Gateway Ministries Email: [email protected] Weston Brooks (Pastor) 18 Mount Street, Aylesbury, Buckingham- River of Life Christian Fellowship shire, HP 20 2SE United Kingdom Steve Christmas 384 Y Merrow Road, Tolland, CT 06084 Phone: +44 1296422669 Montgomery, AL Phone: (860) 871-1070 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Fax: (860) 875-7214 Email: [email protected] Charles Payne (Pastor) Andreas Keller (Pastor) Open Door Fellowship Stiftung Schleife P.O. Box 280 Chris Fields Pflanzschulstrasse 17, Postfach75 Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763 The Armory Bookstore Winterthur, Switzerland CH-8411 Phone: (256) 682-2645 12 Goose Lane, Tolland, CT 06084 Phone: (860) 906-7580 Phone: + 41 (52) 233-6080 Email: [email protected] Fax: +41 (52) 233-6082 Fax: (860) 872-6828 Email: [email protected] Tracy Schellhorn Email: [email protected] Manifest Ministries International P.O. Box 382227, Birmingham, AL 35238 Jerry McNally (Pastor) Phone: (205) 980-4996 Rick McKinniss (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Wellspring Church Living Hope International 222 Lincoln Street Mexico Kensington, CT 06037 Phone: (262) 381-0121 Phone: (860) 225-0661 Fax: (262) 364-2153 Fax: (860) 229-5433 Email: [email protected] ARIZONA Email: [email protected] Cory McClure (Pastor) Website: LifeWay World Outreach Center John Powell (Pastor) 2487 S. Gilbert Road, Suite 106-120, Deleen & Don Walton The Key of David Ministries Gilbert, AZ 85295 33 Trent Lane, Groton, CT 06340 San Jorge, La Paz, Bolivia, South America Email: [email protected] Phone: (860) 445-6005 or (860) 235-0139 Mailing: 2771-29 Monument Road #224, Email: [email protected] Jacksonville, FL 32225 Phone: 011-591-706-27678 ARKANSAS Wesley Zinn (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Wellspring Church Randy & Crystal Moser (Pastor) 222 Lincoln Street Chris & Mary Ellen Reber The Gatherings Kensington, CT 06037 White Falcon B.A.M. 87 Nieboer Drive Phone: (860) 225-0661 Asia / Email: [email protected] Mountain Home, AR 72653 Fax: (860) 229-5433 Phone: (870) 491-5299 Email: [email protected] Sheena Ryan (Pastor) Fax: (870) 491-5353 Beauty for Ashes International Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 284, Nambour, QLD, Australia FLORIDA Email: [email protected] Gerrick & Jill Busl CALIFORNIA Sabbath House 2720 SE Kern Road Valentina Tomasello Kim & Mary Andersson (Pastors) Port Saint Lucie, FL 34984 Via F. Cordova, 26, Palermo – Italy 90143 Christ the Rock Ministries Phone: (772) 340-5807 Phone: +39 (338) 4828415 P.O. Box 1474, Anderson, CA 96007 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (530) 365-5048 Email: [email protected] Randal Cutter (Pastor) Hans Jakob & Tanya Winsnes New Dawn Community Church (Pastors Nanette Diogo 9335 West Sample Road Alive Ministries Coral Springs, FL 33065 Light On the Word Phone: (954) 753-7729 Phone: +47 48310445 858 3rd Avenue #451 Email: [email protected] Fax: (954) 345-2562 Chula Vista, CA 91911 Email: [email protected] Phone: (619) 540-0590 Ferry Wieland (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Christian Fellowship Drachten (C.F.D.) Kelly P. Galati (Pastor) Torenstraat 18, Drachten 9203 BG Gina Misch Family Life Church Netherlands Firebrand Ministries, Inc. P.O. Box 121, Frostproof, FL 33843 Phone: +31 (512) 341095 43172 Acacia Avenue, Hemet, CA 92544 Phone: (863) 635-2704 Email: [email protected] Phone: (619) 341-4702 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

the morning star E-journal • 23 MFM Directory

Frank A. Gresham (Pastor) K.R. “Wake” Upchurch (Pastor) Peggy Pulliam Whosoever Ministries Liberty Ministries & Fellowship: Passionately Serving Ministries P.O. Box 9591, Daytona Beach, FL 32120 God’s House Church & FreeSong 2855 Jones Chapel Road Phone: (386) 566-4779 P.O. Box 252, 210 N. Lake Shore Way Sparta, GA 31087 Email [email protected] (US HWY 17 & 92) Phone: (706) 998-0748 Lake Alfred, FL 33850 Email: [email protected] Phone: (863) 956-0144 or (863) 299-0506 Keith & Janie Smith (Pastors) David Hartz (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Keith Smith Ministries, Inc. Cherith Ministries P.O. Box 1263, Jesup, GA 31598 1506 Bannerman Road David Weber and Providence Worshiping Arts Center Tallahassee FL 32312 126 Belmont Drive 3343 Highway 341 North, Jesup, GA 31545 Phone: (850) 893-3032 Winter Haven, FL 33884 Phone: (912) 270-5030 Fax: (850) 893-3032 Phone: (863) 325-8215 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tom & Carole Hayes GEORGIA New World Ministries Elizabeth Brunson ILLINOIS 535 Greenbrier Avenue The Meeting Place for Women, Inc. Gail H. Ciarrachi Celebration, FL 34747 907 Cammaron Way, Augusta, GA 30907 Phone: (407) 361-6650 Order of the Saints of the Holy One Phone: (706) 210-7638 137 N. Maple Avenue, Elmhurst, IL 60126 Fax: (321) 939-3998 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] John David & Sarah C Kirby John David Kirby Ministries Craig Cooper (Pastor) Tony Danhelka 4690 Woodstock Road Relationship Church Riverwoods Christian Center St. James City, FL 33956 1401 Cleveland Highway Suite C 1005 Crestwood Circle Phone: (239) 283-2553 Dalton, GA 30721 St. Charles, IL 60175 Email: [email protected] Phone: (800) 903-9809 Phone: (630) 377-5695 Email: [email protected] Fax: (630) 443-0286 Greg Pusateri (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Partnership for Global Mike & Becky Chaille Advancement Firestarter Ministries International Rodney A. Drury 20701 NW 70th Place, Starke, FL 32091 7523 Ridge Road, Hiram, GA 30141 Peoria Prayer Center Phone: (904) 966-0404 Phone: (770) 439-2397 3011 N. Delaware Street, Peoria, IL 61603 Email: [email protected] Phone: (309) 361-4052 Email: [email protected] Mike & Becky Chaille (Pastors) Rick Reddick (Pastor) Great Commission Fellowship Clearwater Fellowship Church 578 Brownsville Road Thurman Ferree Clearwater, FL 33756 Powder Springs, GA 30127 Goshen Fellowship Phone: (813) 787-0249 Phone: (770) 949-8877 1 Equestrian Court Email: Info@clearwaterfellowship- Fax: (770) 573-2551 S. Glen Carbon, IL 62034 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] [email protected] www.goshenhouse .org Sr. Chaplain Linda Spaulding, MA Janice Fennell Levite Ministry & Bryan & Mona Gabriel 1701 Bristol Hollow Road School of Worship Inc. Dunlap, IL 61525 P.O. Box 90736, Lakeland, FL 33804 1015 Cherokee Road Winterville, GA 30683 Phone: (309) 243-5067 Phone: (863) 581-1784 Fax: (309) 274-4686 Email: [email protected] Phone: (706) 742-5732 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Cynthia D. Stewart Brian & Darla Hayes (Pastors) Theresa Forkins-Phillips Cindy Stewart Connects The Gate Church Praise Ministries International 4526 Serenity Trail 350 Bentley Way, Fayetteville, GA 30214 1731 South 7th Avenue Palm Harbor, FL 34685 Phone: (770) 460-8822 St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: (727) 251-6155 Email: [email protected] Phone: (630) 377-5355 Fax (727) 942-9268 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www. Ryan & Torrey O’Connor or (Pastors) Rick & Bette Strombeck The Lighthouse Worship Center Hilton Thomas Koinonia Ministries 411 Cobalt Valley Lane 3377 Maple Tree Lane 10812 Poinciana Drive Canton, GA 30114 Wadsworth, IL 60083 Clermont, FL 34711 Phone: (770) 345-6361 Phone: (847) 858-3136 Phone: (352) 536-2792 Email: [email protected] Fax: (847) 244-1446 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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Robert Whitt (Pastor) KANSAS Nancy Nichols Family Life Church Transformations Ministries 270 E. Chicago Street, Elgin, IL 60120 Nick & Jana Harris (Pastors) P.O. Box 4202, Presque Isle, ME 04769 Phone: (847) 717-4878 Living Waters House of Prayer Phone: (207) 768-3400 Fax: (847) 697-4987 P.O. Box 48607, 201 N. Washington, Fax: (207) 768-3401 Email: robertwhitt@familylifechurch. Wichita, KS 67201 Email: [email protected] Phone: (316) 217-0777 Email: [email protected] Roy Roden (Pastor) Destiny Church Fellowship and INDIANA Destiny School of Ministry Jerry & Ruth Wickline (Pastors) P.O. Box 711, Camden, Maine 04843 J.L. Horton (Pastor) Spirit Life Church & Spirit Life Phone: (207) 236-4904 or Firewater Fully Gospel Fellowship Ministries (Wichita, KS) (207) 975-1849 PO Box 68, Angola, IN 46703 P.O. Box 215, McPherson, KS 67460 Email: [email protected] OR roy@ Phone: (260) 668-3676 Phone: (620) 245-1058 or Fax: (260) 668-3676 (316) 217-0777 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Michael Lee (Pastor) MARYLAND The Prayer & Training Center KENTUCKY Gene Paul & Debra J. Nesgoda 1901 Mansfield Street Front Line Word Ministries, Inc. Indianapolis, IN 46202 Ann B. Anderson 100 Dumbarton Road #D Phone: (317) 632-0206 Chalice Baltimore, MD 21212 Email: [email protected] 1411 Wilshire Circle Phone: (410) 616-9478 / (813) 454-7643 Hopkinsville, KY 42240 Email: [email protected] center Phone: (270) 885-9620 Fax: (270) 885-1594 Email: [email protected] Jack L. Smith (Pastor) MASSACHUSETTS Elijah’s Fire Int’l Church Linda Dulin-Moore Karen Elliott (Pastor) 607 MIddleton Run Road Prayer Ministries with Messiah Eagle & Dove Ministries Elkhart, IN 46516 Ministries P.O. Box 7094, Gloucester, MA 01930 Phone: (574) 522-9944 2800 Tates Creek Road Phone: (978) 283-9111 Fax: (574) 294-7470 Lexington, KY 40502 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Barry Grauman (Pastor) Taconic Valley Christian Fellowship Russell Wagner Tommy Hays 3399 Hancock Road Omega Kingdom Ministries Messiah Ministries Williamstown, MA 01267 213 West Van Buren Street 2800 Tates Creek Road Phone: (413) 738-5814 Columbia City, IN 46725 Lexington, KY 40502 Email: [email protected] Phone: (260) 388-1130 Phone: (859) 422-1794 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Donna Milham (Pastor) H. Dean Woolard (Pastor) Eagle & Dove Ministries / Judah’s Cornerstone World Sandy Lee Roar Church Outreach Ministries Walking In Destiny Ministries, Inc. P.O. Box 7094, Gloucester, MA 01930 P.O. Box 743, Auburn, IN 46706 Phone: (978) 283-9111 Phone: (260) 925-4360 P.O. Box 3132, Paducah KY 42003 Phone: (270) 898-2626 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Steven & Karen Williams LOUISIANA (Pastors) IOWA Crown Fellowship Church Lonnie R. Parton (Pastor) Denise LaPorte P.O. Box 550092, Waltham, MA 02455 Victory Fellowship International Spirit of the Nazarite Phone: (781) 609-2552 Ministries P.O. Box 12624, Lake Charles, LA 70612 Email: [email protected] 2111 23rd Avenue / PO Box 1843 Phone: (337) 499-6763 Council Bluffs, IA 51502 Email: [email protected] Phone: (712) 323-3453 MICHIGAN Email: [email protected] Christopher J. Hardwick MAINE (Pastor) Linda Schreurs Jumpstart Ministries Intimacy with God Ministries Thomas Markham P.O. Box 1551, Owosso, MI 48867 P.O. Box 1294, Johnston, IA 50131-1294 Healing Room Phone: (989) 723-9511 Phone: (515) 270-0231 657 Main Street, Farmingdale, ME 04344 Email: jumpstartministries@jumpstart- Email: [email protected] Phone: (207) 458-1170 Email: [email protected]

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Patti Morris NEBRASKA NEW YORK Intercessory Prayer Ministries 4435 North Rochester Road, Rochester Bradley & Kimberly Campbell Robert Barker (Pastor) Hills, MI 48306 City On A Hill Ministry Church on the Sound Phone: (248) 652-3353 127 Gregg Place, Bellevue, NE 68005 335 Oxhead Road Email: [email protected] Phone: (402) 968-4851 / (402) 201-3002 Stony Brook, NY 11790 Email: [email protected] Phone: (631) 941-4100 Wendy M. Waterson (Pastor) Fax: (631) 941-4102 Sanctuary Gate Church Email: [email protected] 1422 W. Cutler Road, Dewitt, MI 48820 Jeff & Hanna Farwell Phone: (517) 980-6603 Overflowing House of Prayer Email: [email protected] 5110 North 51st Street Omaha, NE 68104 Joanie Boring Phone: (402) 934-5829 4856 Hitchcock Road, Odessa, NY 14869 MISSISSIPPI Email: [email protected] Phone: (607) 594-2293 Email: [email protected] Carlton & Marilyn McCarter James M. Murphy, Jr. (Pastors) Victory FEllowship Church, Dylan T. Bowden Victory International Christian Center Council Bluffs IA Whole New Life Ministries 8401 Ocean Spring Road 7316 North 111th Avenue 110 Miner Road Ocean Spring, MS 39564 Omaha, NE 68005 Porter Corners, NY 12859 Phone: (228) 875-3131 Phone: (402) 981-7673 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Bob & Kathy Campbell NEW JERSEY (Pastors) MISSOURI Harvest International Family Church Diane M. Czekala Ken Bellan 4647 Reservoir Road 105 Chestnut Hill Lane Geneseo, NY 14454 Restore the Glory Ministries Columbus, NJ 08022 670 B. Shady Drive, Branson, MO 65616 Phone: (585) 243-9280 Phone: (609) 647-4056 Phone: (417) 544-0664 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Dan Farley Steve Burton (Pastor) House of Praise Ministries John Cuomo Public Square Ministries Abide in the Vine Fellowship, 131 Stillwood Drive, Branson, MO 65616 P.O. Box 511, Swedesboro, NJ 08085 Phone: (856) 467-0986 Owego, NY Phone: (417) 337-8622 23 London Lane, Endicott, NY 13760 Email: [email protected] Fax: (856) 494-7841 Email: [email protected] Phone: (607) 754-4466 Eric & Kristy Murray Email: [email protected] Awake Ministries 380 West 22nd Street #405, Kansas City, Margaret Clark (Pastor) Ralph & Linda Diaz (Pastors) MO 64108 Gateway Ministries at GFP New Harvest Christian Church Phone: (402) 212-3597 626 Plainsboro Road 1230 RT 94 P.O. Box 217 Fax: (402) 939-0382 Plainsboro, NJ 08536 Vails Gate, NY 12584 Email: [email protected] Phone: (609) 799-5637 Phone: (845) 568-0135 or [email protected] Fax: (609) 799-0012 Fax: (845) 568-6013 Email: [email protected] Meghan Williams Email: newharvest@newharvestchris- Dyed4you Ministries Daniel P. McKeon (Pastor) 139 Kings Drive, Florissant, MO 63034 LifeSpring Church Phone: (314) 504-1162 P.O. Box 11247, Yardville, NJ 08620 James & Roseanne Exner Email: [email protected] Phone: (609) 387-4230 Email: [email protected] (Pastors) Syracuse Airport Christian Fellowship & Ministries Int. MONTANA David & Evelyn Scull (Pastors) 7744 Frontage Road Plaza Thomas C. Banks (Pastor) Jubilee Living Word Ministries Cicero, NY 13039 Morningstar International Fellowship P.O. Box 333, Quinton, NJ 08072-0333 Phone: (315) 415-6217 609 S. Harris, Helena, MT 59601 Phone: (856) 451-1356 Email: [email protected] Phone: (406) 439-6938 Fax: (856) 451-2288 Email: [email protected] Email: jubileelivingwordministries@ James Fuller Lloyd Phillips (Pastor) Dr. Andrew P. Surace (Pastor) Church on the Sound FLINT Net (Fellow Laborers’ Covenant Life Christian Fellowship 335 Oxhead Road International Network) P.O. Box 1038, Marmora, NJ 08223 Stony Brook, NY 11790 P.O. Box 113, Missoula, MT 59806 Phone: (609) 602-5811 Phone: (631) 941-4100 Phone: (406) 251-8580 Fax: (609) 609-7445 Fax: (631) 941-4102 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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Fred & Donna Hoover (Pastors) Mark & Kathy Edwards (Pastor) Don Stiver Abide in the Vine Wake Forest Church Father’s Vineyard 1018 Lillie Hill Road 5916 Deep Spring Circle 404 E. Church Street, Bostic, NC 28018 Appalachian, NY 13732 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Phone: (828) 245-5784 Phone: (607) 625-5907 Phone: (919) 610-5142 Email: [email protected] Fax: (607) 687-0045 Email: [email protected] Rick Stoker Email: [email protected] First Fruit Ministries 2750 Vance Street, Wilmington, NC 28412 Martial Ferigo (Pastor) Phone: (910) 612-9437 Jim & Peg McLaughlin MorningStar Ministries Wilmington Fax: (910) 452-0211 (Pastors) 6253 Sentry Oaks Drive Email: [email protected] New Beginnings Church Wilmington, NC 28409 15 Silver Street, Norwich, NY 13815 Email: [email protected] Phone: (607) 334-2833 David White (Pastor) Fax: (607) 441-1231 Terry Howell (Pastor) MorningStar Fellowship Church - Email: [email protected] Father’s Vineyard Wilkesboro 724 Oakland Road, Spindale, NC 28160 486 Hollywood Road Phone: (828) 287-2868 Moravian Falls, NC 28654 Gary W. Pfeiffer (Pastor) Phone: (336) 667-0359 MorningStar Christian Fellowship Fax: (828) 287-3170 Email: [email protected] Church Email: [email protected] 36 Heritage Woods Court Rochester, NY 14615 Byron Wicker (Pastor) Phone: (585) 529-5769 David Olinger River Life Fellowship Email: [email protected] Awake Church 2487 Charlotte Hwy 5426 Shattalon Drive Mooresville, NC 28117 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Phone: (704) 664-3540 Michael Quinn Phone: (336) 712-4008 Fax: (704) 799-1928 Resurrection Life Ministries Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 672 Dogwood Avenue #182 Franklin Square, NY 11010 Phone: (516) 312-2532 Matt Peterson (Pastor) OHIO Email: [email protected] Awake Church 5426 Shattalon Drive Steve & Shaye Caperton Dianne Robinson Winston-Salem, NC 27106 (Pastors) Abide in the Vine Fellowship Phone: (336) 712-4008 River Tree Church P.O. Box 314, Appalachian, NY 13732 Email: [email protected] 5857 Highview Drive / PO Box 886 Phone: (607) 625-3516 Milford, OH 45150 Email: [email protected] Phone: (513) 248-8733 Carey & Suzanne Ramsey Email: [email protected] Lovingkindness Ministries Diane Scalchunes (Pastor) 690 Sink Road, Lexington, NC 27295 Deep Waters Ministry Phone: (336) 224-1216 Hombre Liggett (Pastor) P.O. Box 2091, Port Washington, NY 11050 Email: [email protected] Church of the Harvest Phone: (516) 629-6540 420 W. Third Street, Dover, OH 44622 Email: [email protected] Mike & Nicole Roberts Phone: (330) 343-1905 P.O. Box 992, Moravian Falls, NC 28654 Email: [email protected] Phone: (336) 262-4175 Robert Seymour (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Abide in the Vine Fellowship Timothy & Lynette Martin 279 Lower Fairfield Road Doug Rowe (Pastor) (Pastors) Newark Valley, NY 13811 Faith Family Church His Glorious Church Phone: (607) 687-5920 2468 Highway 441 South, Sylva, NC 28779 15655 Street, Rte. 170 Phone: (828) 631-9050 East Liverpool, OH 43920 Email: [email protected] Phone: (330) 843-4895 NORTH CAROLINA Email: [email protected] Clifton Sutton Leo Barnwell JLJ Ministries Faith Community Church OREGON 1220 Alamac Road 321 Fonville Street, Burlington, NC 27215 Lumberton, NC 28359 Phone: (336) 538-1616 Robert & Rebecca Haaby Phone: (910) 671-0339 Email: [email protected] (Pastors) Email: [email protected] Lavon Shapland Eagle Mountain Fellowship of [email protected] Ministries House of Worship Home Fellowship 910 SE Wilson Avenue, Suite A1 Sally Boenau 173 Cimmeron Drive Bend, OR 97708 122 S. Greenbriar Woods Road Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 Phone: (541) 312-9345 Hendersonville, NC 28739 Phone: (828) 877-5154 Fax: (541) 312-9345 Phone: (828) 697-2172 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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PENNSYLVANIA Tom Hardiman (Pastor) Bill & Chris NeSmith MorningStar Fellowship Church Harvest Light Ministries Gregory J. Buzzanco (Pastor) 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 1646 W. Hwy 160 Suite 105 Triumphant Life Church Phone: (803) 802-5544 Fort Mill, SC 29708 5651 Perry Highway, Erie, PA 16509 Phone: (704) 541-2693 Phone: (814) 864-3984 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Brandon Hull (Kids Pastor) MorningStar Fellowship Church 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Jorge & Anna Marie Parrott Paul & Cindy Johnson MorningStar Ministries Missions It Is a New Day Inc. Phone: (803) 802-5544 ext. 224 Email: [email protected] Director 1122 Mica Circle, Bethlehem, PA 18017 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Phone: (610) 691-3368 Phone: (704) 517-2557 Email: [email protected] Bobby & Ginger Hussey (Pastors) Fax: (888) 816-0725 MorningStar Fellowship Church Email: [email protected] Ted & Joyce Moyer 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Rock Community Church Phone: (803) 802-5544 837 Main Street, Harleysville, PA 19438 Bart Peacher Phone: (215) 723-8678 MorningStar Fellowship Church Email: [email protected] Oliver & Barbara Jones 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Wind and Fire Ministries Phone: (803) 802-5544 ext. 250 [email protected] James & Jackie O’Keefe P.O. Box 1048, Fort Mill, SC, 29716 2216 S. 17th Street Phone: (704) 737-1501 Trevor Tiessen Philadelphia, PA 19145 Fax: (704) 973-7724 MorningStar Fellowship Church Email: [email protected] Phone: (215) 805- 1931 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Email: conferences@morningstarminis- Terry Smith (Pastor) Deborah Joyner Jubilee Christian Center MorningStar Fellowship Church P.O. Box 405, Clearfield, PA 16830 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Phone: (814) 765-1915 Phone: (803) 802-5544 Jim Whitley Email: [email protected] 892 Hickory Stick Ln. Fort Mill, SC 29715 Eugene Strite (Pastor) Rick Joyner (Senior Pastor) Phone: (704) 995-3775 Sent Forth Ministries MorningStar Fellowship Church Fax: (803) 547-5656 826 Tallow Hill Road 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Email: [email protected] Chambersburg, PA 17202 Phone: (803) 802-5544 Phone: (717) 816-6002 Al Wood Email: [email protected] Laura Kunzie MorningStar Fellowship Church ZEB Gear 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 1646 West Hwy 160, Ste E, #8119 Phone: (803) 802-5544 SOUTH CAROLINA Fort Mill, SC 29708 Email: [email protected] Cris & Rebecca Bennett Life Ministries TENNESSEE 439 Fischer Road, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Robin McMillan (Pastor) Phone: (803) 820-0288 Robin McMillan Ministries / Queen Marc Huddleston (Pastor) Email: [email protected] City Church Hunters Point Celebration Church Meetings at The Visulite Theater, 2232 Hunters Point Pike John & Barbara Briggs Lebanon, TN 37087-1102 Restoration Ministries International 1615 Elizabeth Avenue 711 Chelton Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Charlotte, NC 28204 Phone: (615) 547-9420 Phone: (828) 508-2122 Fax: (615) 547-9425 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Scott McClelland Foundational Missions Keala Elston (aka FX Missions) Darrell Simbeck (Pastor) Morningstar Pastor of Intercession 109 Redcoat Drive, Fort Mill, SC, 29715 Ascension Life Fellowship 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Phone: (704) 909-0631 Phone: (803) 802-5544 Ext. 209 205 E. Madison Ave, Athens, TN 37303 Fax: (888) 307-2141 Phone: (423) 829-5102 Email: intercession@morningstarminis- Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Jim Garrison (Pastor) Gateway Outreach Christian Bradford McClendon Living Vine International Ministries & Susan Todd Ministries (Chapel of Love) Crossmember Ministries P.O. Box 675, Wagener, SC 29164 MorningStar Ministries Phone: (803) 564-3399 Phone: (803) 802-5544 12 Otto Warner Rd, Crossville, TN 38571 Fax: (803) 564-5750 Email: bmcclendon@morningstarminis- Phone: (931) 200-3092 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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Paul “Red” & Tricia Wilson TEXAS WASHINGTON (Pastors) Darren Carter Tom & Jackie Archer Aggressive Ministries Foundation Ministries P.O. Box 790, Sumner, WA 98390 25760 174th Place SE Phone: (253) 709-6441 PO Box 362, Cross Plains, TX 76443 Covington, WA 98042 Phone: (254) 725-9471 Fax: (253) 891-1710 Phone: (253) 638-8490 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Lisa Kitchen Aggressive Ministries WEST VIRGINIA UTAH P.O. Box 1184, Milton, WA 98354 Phone: (253) 219-8882 Joni Ames Tracee Anne Loosle Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 99, Elkview, WV 25071 Intrepid Heart Ministries Phone: (704) 608-1052 P.O. Box 13847, Ogden, UT 84412-3847 Ken & Deborah Deonigi Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 782-5663 P.O. Box 1140, Maple Valley, WA 98038 Email: [email protected] Phone: (425) 413-9118 Email: [email protected] Robert Foster (Pastor) VIRGINIA My Father’s House Frederic D. Huntington Phone: (509) 447-3152 (Pastor) Email: [email protected] San Marcos Congregation 6744 S. Wings Highway Angela Greenig (Pastor) Alexandria, VA 22305 Setfree Ministries International Phone: (703) 765-3949 428th Street SW, Auburn, WA 98001 Phone: (253) 863-8031 Keith M. Jones Email: [email protected] Keith Jones Ministries, Inc. 916 Centerfield Place Apt. 304, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 Patrick O’Hern Phone: (757) 361-6640 Northwest Open Door Ministries Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 7333, Covington, WA 98042 Joseph B. Perry (Pastor) Phone: (425) 432-9931 Remnant Ministries Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 2942, Virginia Beach, VA 23450 http://northwestopendoorministries. Email: [email protected] Christine (Heasoo Gim) Coy Wood Wagoner Remnan Ministries 25826 158th Avenue SE Virginia Beach, VA Covington, WA 98042 Email: [email protected] Phone: (253) 639-3578 Email: [email protected]

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