trends in science Perspectives

with cDNA from the Arabidopsis aquaporin Root water uptake and AthPIP1a gene, an abundant transcript fluctu- ated in a pattern that closely resembled the diurnal variation in root hydraulic conductiv- transport: using physiological ity12. Studies of the importance of aquaporins for whole-plant water transport are needed, especially for woody , but it is clear that processes in global aquaporins help to orchestrate water move- ment within the plant and that they might determine the balance between apoplastic and predictions symplastic (cell-to-cell) water movement. Many other potential roles remain untested Robert B. Jackson, John S. Sperry and Todd E. Dawson (e.g. whether they facilitate embolism repair13). A second application is a new ability to Plant water loss, regulated by stomata and driven by atmospheric demand, identify roots in the field using molecular cannot exceed the maximum steady-state supply through roots. Just as an tools9–11. Unlike shoots, which can easily be electric circuit breaks when carrying excess current, the –plant continuum matched to a specific plant, roots growing in breaks if forced to transport water beyond its capacity. Exciting new molecular, a community are difficult to identify at any biophysical and ecological research suggests that roots are the weakest link taxonomic level, especially fine roots that take along this hydraulic flow path. We attempt here to predict rooting depth and water up water. A new method (Fig. 1) overcomes uptake using the hydraulic properties of plants and the soil, and also to suggest this long-standing limitation by using DNA how new physiological tools might contribute to larger-scale studies of hydraulic sequence variation of the internal transcribed lift, the water balance and biosphere–atmosphere interactions. spacer (ITS), the 18S–26S nuclear ribosomal repeat. The ITS region can be amplified in all lants use water in biochemical reactions, controls of water loss. We examine new mol- plants by using PCR and a set of universal as a solvent and to maintain turgor, but ecular and physiological tools that should help primers14. It evolves fairly rapidly and there- Pmost of the water taken up by plants is to predict the quantity and depth of water use fore can be used to distinguish genera and, transpired to the atmosphere. Globally, plants at larger scales, present a set of predictions for often, species. Such identifications are needed recycle more than half of the ~110 000 km3 yrϪ1 rooting depth that can be tested at scales from for in situ physiological studies and for deter- of precipitation that falls on land each year1. the individual site to the globe, and discuss mining belowground community structure Transpired water moves from soil to plant to potential links between plant biology and the and water uptake at depth9. GenBank now has atmosphere along a continuum of increasingly physical sciences using new global datasets. Ͼ9000 ITS sequences online and is growing negative (␺), flowing ‘down- rapidly. Extensions of these techniques are hill’ thermodynamically but ‘uphill’ physi- Applying molecular tools to a global also being made for fingerprinting roots (to cally from root to shoot. problem distinguish individual plants within a commu- Plant water loss is a function of stomatal Two recent applications of molecular biology nity). Candidates include randomly amplified conductance and atmospheric demand but, to should contribute to a better understanding of polymorphic DNA, inter-simple-sequence avoid desiccation, it also cannot exceed the rooting depth and water transport: molecular repeats and amplified fragment-length poly- maximum supply rate through roots. In the- studies of plant aquaporins7,8 and the use of morphisms. Such molecular tools should be ory, maximum steady-state supply rates can molecular tools for identifying and studying useful in determining the zone of water uptake be predicted from field data and from trans- roots in the field9–11. Aquaporins are mem- for individual plants and species. They also port models that incorporate soil porosity, pro- brane water-channel proteins that facilitate open new possibilities for in situ studies of files of and root density, and the water movement along a passive gradient in ␺ plant physiological and community processes. relationship between whole-plant hydraulic (Ref. 8). In Arabidopsis, Ͼ30 genes code for conductance (K) and ␺ (Ref. 2). In practice, aquaporin homologs and cells generally Hydraulic architecture and water flux in such supply rates are difficult to estimate express several different aquaporins at a time. stems and roots because of the challenges of sampling roots Although aquaporins are undoubtedly impor- Stomata are the pressure regulators of the and the soil at depth, and of measuring in situ tant for cytosolic osmoregulation, inhibition plant: they prevent pressure and tissue root activity. New advances are helping to studies in vivo and studies with antisense water status from reaching damaging values integrate the above- and below-ground func- mutants indicate that they are also important by regulating water flow through the tioning of plants (e.g. determining hydraulic for bulk water flow. soil–plant continuum. For this reason, factors limitations along the entire plant flow path and Arabidopsis plants transformed with an that influence the hydraulic conductance of signals that coordinate hydraulic supply3), and antisense construct of the aquaporin PIP1b the continuum (‘hydraulic architecture’) also to understand biosphere–atmosphere interac- gene (one of a class of plasma membrane influence stomatal conductance and transpi- tions (e.g. feedbacks between vegetation and intrinsic proteins) had reduced steady-state ration. This is true regardless of the mecha- climate through water uptake, transpiration levels of PIP1b, water permeability coeffi- nism by which stomata sense water status, a and latent heat fluxes4–6). cients that were three times lower than in con- subject of continued investigation involving This article highlights recent progress in trol plants and five times more root biomass the hormone abscisic acid (ABA) and other understanding the movement of water in the than control plants to compensate for reduced messengers15. Recent studies highlight the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum at a range aquaporin abundance (shoot biomass and importance of xylem cavitation, xylem anatomy of increasing scales. We emphasize root water morphology were unchanged)7. In studies and the architecture of the root system in influ- uptake and transport as the gateway for plant with Lotus japonicus, root hydraulic conduc- encing leaf water supply and plant water use. water supply, complementing traditional tivity varied fivefold during day–night cycles. According to the cohesion–tension theory, emphases on shoot processes and stomatal When mRNAs from the roots were probed capillary forces generated by evaporation

482 November 2000, Vol. 5, No. 11 1360 - 1385/00/$ – see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S01360-1385(00)01766-0 trends in plant science Perspectives

Roots from 7 m depth showed approximately one-third cavitation at Ϫ2 MPa, but the same Identifying roots using ITS ...GATTACA... degree of cavitation did not occur until approximately Ϫ6 MPa in shallow roots and ITS library Ϫ10 MPa in shoots (Fig. 2d). Differences in ...TTGTGAC...* vulnerability to cavitation were accompanied ...TTGTGAC... by gradients in xylem tracheid diameters. Mean conduit diameters were more than four ...AGAGACC... times as large in deep roots as in stems of sim- ilar size and were intermediate in shallow n

o g


t n roots (Fig. 2e). Such studies illustrate the con-





i tribution that deep roots can make to whole- n


i e l

u plant water use and highlight the need to p


m e integrate physiological limits along the entire a s plant flow path. The results also emphasize the R S

C T I importance of root hydraulic architecture for P d n water uptake at a range of depths. a

DNA extraction Linking plant, soil and climate using transport models In the same way that the specifications of an Unknown root electronic device must match those of the incoming current for optimal performance, the hydraulic properties of a plant should be com- patible with the soil properties to optimize Fig. 1. Identification of roots to species using DNA sequences from the internal transcribed 2,25 spacer (ITS) region of the 18S–26S nuclear ribosomal DNA repeat9,11. The asterisk desig- water use and resource allocation . Process nates a correct match between a root ITS sequence and a shoot sequence for a candidate models of the soil–plant–atmosphere contin- species in the reference database. Extensions of such molecular techniques to distinguish uum can integrate plant architectural and roots of individual plants are also expected. This technique has been used to study plant hydraulic properties with soil properties to community structure and water uptake to 25 m depth9 . predict these optimal combinations and the actual water use for various plant functional types and soils4. from leaves move water from soil to root to radius of xylem conduits19. Flow is generally We illustrate this approach here, using a leaf under increasingly negative pressures. more efficient in longer conduits because model that is unusual because it incorporates However, because xylem water is under ten- water passes through fewer pit membranes, variable K properties within both plant and sion, conduits can cavitate (fill with air). which restrict flow. Studies comparing xylem soil25,26. At each time step, the model deter- Recent studies comparing the vulnerability of anatomy in roots and shoots have shown that mines the gradient in ␺ along the flow path roots and shoots have shown that roots (espe- roots typically have longer and larger con- from bulk soil to leaves and ␺-dependent cially small roots) are typically more vulner- duits20. Although little is known about the changes in K. We apply the model to plant able to cavitation16, suggesting that they might hydraulic properties of deeper roots, recent functional types defined by variation in two be the weakest link along the hydraulic flow data indicate that the gradient in anatomy from traits: (1) whole-plant K for plants that are path from soil to atmosphere. shoot to shallow roots extends further under- relatively sensitive, intermediate or insensitive In a study with Acer grandidentatum, not ground. The roots of at a to ␺ (Fig. 3a); and (2) rooting depth from shal- only were roots more vulnerable to cavitation depth of 2 m had larger xylem conduits, low to medium to deep profiles27 (Fig. 3b). at a given ␺ than shoots but the safety margin greater conduit length and higher area-specific The sensitivity of K to ␺ is in part determined at which they operated (the difference between K than shallow roots of the same plants21. by cavitation resistance in xylem but might minimum ␺ observed in the field and the Direct measurements of water flow through also be affected by changes in non-xylary tis- critical ␺ that induces hydraulic failure via roots with sap-flow gauges and other tech- sues with drought28. This model was also run cavitation) was also smaller17. Consequently, niques open new avenues for understanding using progressively drier soil moisture profiles extensive cavitation in roots during drought water uptake and redistribution at depth22,23. (Fig. 3c), which are represented by ␺ at 50 cm limited the gas exchange of shoots. In the same Sap-flow measurements of lateral and tap depth (Fig. 3c, broken line, and x axes of study, a comparison of roots and stems of indi- roots near the surface revealed that ~10–30% Fig. 3d–g). vidual A. grandidentatum trees at wet and dry of spring water use in B. prionotes came from The model’s output includes a steady-state sites showed greater resistance to cavitation in the taproot, with the contribution of shallow water use ‘envelope’ (Fig. 3d–g) that reflects roots from the dry site but no change in vul- lateral roots increasing after rainfall24. In a dif- the maximum carrying capacity of the nerability for stems. That is, roots were more ferent system, water transported from below soil–leaf continuum. Just as an electric circuit vulnerable to cavitation than shoots and their 7 m contributed 24% of growing-season tran- will break when carrying excessive current, cavitation responses were more plastic. A spiration in Juniperus ashei(W.T. Pockman et the soil–plant continuum will break if forced growing body of evidence suggests that root al., unpublished) (Fig. 2a). In situ measure- to transport water beyond its ability. The break transport characteristics might often limit ments of water relations taken along the entire occurs when an overly negative ␺ eliminates water transport and transpiration (see below). flow path diurnally and seasonally suggest hydraulic conductance in the flow path. The Differences in anatomy between roots and that changes in K caused by cavitation might plant’s stomata must regulate water loss to shoots also affect water transport18. Water have altered water uptake among different stay within this limiting envelope or water loss flow is proportional to the fourth power of the portions of the J. ashei root system (Fig. 2b,c). will exceed supply and foliage will desiccate.

November 2000, Vol. 5, No. 11 483 trends in plant science Perspectives

relatively coarse should have more sen- (a) sitive plant conductance curves regardless of soil moisture regime, and plants of finer soils and drier habitats should have relatively 7 m insensitive conductance curves. Both trends have been observed2. Soil (e) The interaction of rooting depth and soil tex- ture on maximum water use (Fig. 3f,g) leads to additional predictions. Deeper root systems increase the water-extraction capability regardless of soil type (analogous to the 7 m Stem ‘deeper bucket’ of land-surface models). The effect is more pronounced in coarse soils (Fig. 3f,g) because the drying surface layers of DL a coarse soil yield their water at higher (less negative) ␺ and roots must go deeper to find water during drought. This result suggests that, (b) for habitats with prominent drying of the sur-

) 40

Ð1 face soil, plants growing in coarser soils should s

s have deeper rooting profiles than similar plants

Ð2 20 J Shallow root growing in finer soils. This difference might be (g m 0 enhanced if plants in fine-textured soils also (c) have relatively insensitive plant conductance Ð1 curves, as predicted, because such curves (MPa) Ð2 duplicate some of the benefits of deep roots for Ψ water extraction (e.g. compare Fig. 3e with g). Ð3 1 Sept 3 Sept The prediction that there are deeper root profiles in coarse than in fine soils was tested 27,30 (d) Deep using a global root database for water-lim- 100 root ited systems. The depth that captured 95% of 80 root biomass in deserts and arid shrublands 60 was 1.06 Ϯ 0.15 m on clay and loam soils and 1.90 Ϯ 0.53 m on sandy soils (n ϭ 17 and 12, 40 respectively; p ϭ 0.08). For dry tropical 50 µm 20 savannas, the average 95% rooting depth was Embolism (%) 0 1.05 Ϯ 0.19 m on clay and loam soils and 1.67 Ϯ 0.19 m on sandy soils (n ϭ 11 and 12, Ð10 Ð8 Ð6 Ð4 Ð2 0 respectively; p ϭ 0.035; H.J. Schenk and Pressure (MPa) R.B. Jackson, unpublished). For simplicity, the influence of plant allo- cation in Figure 3 is not shown. If there are too Fig. 2. (a) Schematic diagram of Cotterell Cave (Austin, TX, USA), which was used for few roots relative to leaves then this causes direct measurements of sap flow in a deep root (7 m) and the main stem of Juniperus ashei. critically steep rhizosphere gradients in ␺, Granier-type probes were installed in the root and main stem, and they were measured every causing hydraulic failure and reducing water 60 s by a datalogger (DL). (b) Diurnal sap flux density (Js) in the deep root (unbroken blue 25 line) and main stem (broken red line) at the onset of drought in early September 1999. (c) uptake capacity . A threshold ratio of root Diurnal measurements of water potential (␺) along the plant flow path at the same time as area to leaf area shifts hydraulic failure from (b). Deep-root ␺ (broken blue line) was measured every 15–30 min with in situ hygrometers the rhizosphere to the plant and maximizes and the ␺ of the main stem and distal twigs was measured with a pressure chamber on twigs water extraction from a drying soil25,26. This covered with aluminum foil the previous night (green circle ϭ predawn ␺; stem ϭ red threshold is greater in a coarse than in a fine unfilled square; twig ϭ red filled square). (d) Vulnerability to cavitation of stems (red cir- soil, suggesting a corresponding gradient in cle), shallow roots (blue filled square) and deep roots (blue unfilled square), measured as the root area to leaf area ratio across soil textures, change in xylem embolism as a function of decreasing xylem pressure using the centrifugal as has been shown for Pinus taeda2. force method. (e) Scanning electron micrographs of wood cross sections from stems and The fact that root xylem can be much more shallow and deep roots of similar diameter (5–8 mm). Mean conduit diameters were 5.2 ␮m, 15.8 ␮m and 21.8 ␮m, respectively. Data from W.T. Pockman et al., unpublished. vulnerable to cavitation at a given ␺ than stem xylem means that roots might be the point of failure during drought. Smaller roots might operate as a ‘hydraulic fuse’, localizing fail- The water-use envelope provides a mechanis- water availability of less sensitive (‘insensi- ure to relatively cheap and replaceable units tic definition of the permanent wilting point tive’) plant conductance as the soil dries compared with tap roots, stems and and available soil water as determined by plant (Fig. 3e). Interestingly, this advantage dimin- branches31. Localized failure in small, shallow and soil properties. ishes in coarser soils (Fig. 3d) because the roots would direct water uptake to deeper lay- Examining the interaction of plant con- loss of soil conductivity with drying is more ers during drought without disrupting major ductance and soil texture (Fig. 3d,e) shows severe – soil rather than plant K limits water arteries of axial transport. Once drought ends, that, in finer soils, there is a large benefit for uptake29. We predict that plants growing on conductance in undamaged roots could be

484 November 2000, Vol. 5, No. 11 trends in plant science Perspectives

restored by cavitation reversal32, with aqua- (a) Plant conductance (b) Root depth (c) Soil moisture porins playing a potential role. New small 100 roots could also be readily regrown. An anal- Ð50 ogous situation has been identified for shoots, 80 Shallow in which leaf xylem is more vulnerable to Ð100 cavitation than stem xylem33. 60 Medium By integrating the influences of K, rooting Ð150 depth and allocation, a process-modeling 40 Deep

Insensitive approach provides a set of testable hypotheses Depth (cm) Depth 20 Ð200 for how much root properties affect plant Intermediate water use across gradients in soil texture and

Sensitive % Maximum conductance Maximum % 0 Ð250 ␺. Under a similar soil ␺ regime, a shift to Ð6 Ð4 Ð2 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Ð3 Ð2 Ð1 0 deeper and denser root systems is likely in Ψ Ψ p Xylem (Mpa) Root fraction m Soil (Mpa) coarser soils because these soils amplify the effects of water stress. Conversely, increased (d) Loamy sand (e) Loam rooting depth and density should be less important in finer-textured soils. Wetter soil 1.0 1.0 profiles during the growing season would tend to reduce differences between soil types, as 0.8 0.8 indicated by the convergence of water use curves at high soil ␺ (Fig. 3). Hydraulic lift 0.6 0.6 (HL) might have similar consequences by mit- Insensitive igating surface soil drying, shifting plants

Sensitive higher on their water use curves and improv- 0.4 0.4 Intermediate ing gas exchange. Scaling this type of model Insensitive to analyse competitive interactions among plants 0.2 0.2 Sensitive and linking it to larger-scale meteorological and hydrological models might also help to 0.0 0.0 close the water cycle4. Such models can be (f) Loamy sand (g) Loam important tools for predicting plant water use 1.0 1.0 with changing vegetation and land use. Hydraulic lift and the consequences of Relative water use rate rate use water Relative 0.8 0.8 soil water redistribution Plants with dimorphic root distributions (e.g. 0.6 0.6 shallow lateral and deep tap roots) influence soil water distributions in novel ways. One Deep 0.4 0.4 Deep current research focus is the importance of HL (Ref. 34), which is the passive movement of Medium Medium 0.2 0.2 water through roots from wetter, deeper soil Shallow Shallow layers into drier, shallower layers along a gra- dient in ␺ (Refs 34,35). HL redistributes water 0.0 0.0 Ð3 Ð2 Ð1 0 Ð3 Ð2 Ð1 0 to shallow soil layers with higher root densi- ties, where it can then be taken up again, Ψ m Soil at 50 cm in depth profile enhancing transpiration by both the ‘lifter’ and its neighbors36. Recently, reverse HL has also Fig. 3. Inputs (a–c) and outputs (d–g) for a soil–plant transport model2,25. (a) Plant hydraulic been shown to occur. This is the downward conductance as a function of xylem pressure (␺p). Responses are based on cavitation vulner- flux of soil water through roots when upper ability curves of woody plants25. The sensitive curve is from a riparian tree (Betula occidentalis), layers have a higher ␺ and is sometimes called the intermediate curve from a mesic-adapted tree (Acer negundo) and the insensitive curve from ‘hydraulic redistribution’23,37. HL has now a drought-adapted shrub (Artemisia tridentata). (b) Root fraction per 25 cm depth class based on been demonstrated in nearly 50 plant species, d the empirical model Y ϭ 1 Ϫ␤ [where Y is cumulative root fraction from soil surface to depth d with more than 20 new reports in the past few ≤ ≤ in cm and ␤ is the extinction coefficient (0 ␤ 1)]). The ␤ values of 0.95 (shallow), 0.97 years. Most of these new examples are from (medium), 0.98 (deep) that were used were based on a typical range of rooting depths from a 27 species in Mediterranean climates but they global root database . (c) Soil water potential (␺m) profiles used in model runs to compare plant (Ϫbd) also come from arid and cool temperate responses with drying soil. Profiles followed the equation ␺m ϭϪa e (where d is depth in cm, b ϭ 0.02 and a was varied to create the range of profiles shown). The broken line indicates regions, and from seasonally dry tropical and subtropical habitats. our use of ␺m at 50 cm depth to represent the profile in (d–g). (d,e) Relative water use rate as a function of soil moisture profile for plants of medium rooting depth but variable conductance Studies are under way to measure the curves for loamy sand (d) and loam (e) soils. (f,g) Plot of water use against soil moisture for effects of HL on the water balance. The effects plants with an intermediate conductance curve but different root depth for loamy sand (f) and of HL by sugar maple (Acer saccharum) on loam (g) soils. Curves in (d–g) assume a ␺ difference of 1 MPa between soil (average ␺m weighted stand and regional water use by northeastern by root fraction with depth) and leaf under high levels of soil moisture. This ⌬␺ is reduced as deciduous forests in the USA are being stud- drier soil profiles induce hydraulic failure and restrict flow and pressure in the continuum. ied using measurements of whole-tree water use38,39 and a soil–vegetation–atmosphere water

November 2000, Vol. 5, No. 11 485 trends in plant science Perspectives

(R.J. Ryel and M.M. Caldwell, unpublished). (a) (b) These simulations for a shrub–grassland Seasonal change steppe suggest that most vertical soil water –0.40 with hydraulic lift 6.0 movement during the growing season occurs

Water subsidy created ha-1) through roots, not through soil capillary flow. –0.80 6 5.0 with hydraulic lift This vertical redistribution extends the period –1.20 4.0 of water use by plants in the system. –1.60 3.0 Such simulations highlight the potential –2.00 Seasonal change 2.0 importance of HL for and for the without hydraulic lift Estimated water use Estimated water water balance, but they need confirmation in –2.40 stand (L x 10 by 1.0 Soil water potential (MPa) Soil water the field. Future research will examine how May June July August May June July August hydraulic properties of the soil–plant system (c) (d) interact with HL. For example, transport mod- 0.25 –6.0 els such as those outlined in the previous section could be combined with landscape –5.0 0.50 models that explicitly incorporate HL to pre- 0.75 –4.0 dict where on the water-use curve a ‘lifter’ 1.00 –3.0 operates and what role species differences 1.25 –2.0 play across the landscape. Moreover, locally streamwater runoff streamwater Seasonal change in water table depth (m) table water Percent difference in difference Percent derived information of rooting patterns and –1.0 1.50 2.1 root functioning could be combined more May June July August May June July August fully with global databases for scaling plant physiology to catchment, landscape and Fig. 4. (a) The measured change in soil water potential (␺) during the 155-day growing sea- regional levels. son under sugar maple trees with and without hydraulic lift (HL). The difference between the lines represents the water subsidy created by HL that is available to plants. (b) The change Think globally, act locally: opportunities in sugar maple stand water use with (filled circle) and without (unfilled circle) HL based on a soil–vegetation–atmosphere water transfer model41 parameterized with actual tree for scaling the physiology of water sapflow40 and site temperature, humidity, precipitation, radiation, runoff and deep uptake drainage data. The difference made by HL amounts to an enhancement of Models provide a useful tool for linking 6 6 Ϫ1 Ϫ1 3 ϫ 10 –7ϫ 10 (l H2O) ha yr . (c) The simulated change in depth to the water table with root water uptake and transport with larger- (filled circle) and without (unfilled circle) HL. The difference between the lines represents scale processes4,42. In the recent Project the impact of HL on soil water depletion caused by the redistribution of water from deep for Intercomparison of Land Surface sources (the aquifer) to shallow soil layers and then enhanced use by ‘lifters’ (b) relative to Parameterization Schemes (PILPS), rooting non-lifters. (d) The difference in streamwater runoff in sugar maple stands undergoing HL depth and vertical soil characteristics were the relative to non-lifting stands. The negative numbers indicate that simulated runoff through most important factors explaining scatter for streams declines in stands composed of ‘lifters’ because more water moves through the simulated transpiration in 14 land-surface soil–vegetation compartment of the hydrological cycle than over the land surface. 43 (T.E. Dawson et al., unpublished.) models . Three approaches for calculating root water uptake are typically used in such models42,43: (1) the minimum of a demand and a soil water supply function; (2) a derivative transfer model40. The soil compartment of the (Fig. 4b). Because the lifted water in this sim- of an Ohm’s law model that calculates soil model is modified to refill the upper soil hori- ulation comes from an aquifer, the water table moisture effects on canopy resistance; or (3) a zon from deeper water (in this case, ground declines an estimated 16–33% (Fig. 4c). In direct function of soil moisture availability. water) on a daily basis (see Ref. 41 for a sim- addition, because more water moves through Models that do not calculate transpiration ilar approach applied at a larger scale). The the vegetation, the model predicts that 3–6% rates often use rooting depth to set an upper magnitude of refilling is estimated from field less water per month is available to streams, limit on the amount of soil water available for measurements of soil ␺, soil properties and the particularly when forest water use and leaf total . Such models vary in size distribution of trees. In many northeast- area peak (e.g. July; Fig. 4d). the degree of ‘physiology’ they include. ern forests, Ͼ60% of all the trees in the stand These simulations show how the water sub- New gridded, spatially explicit root and soil are sugar maple. Furthermore, large trees tran- sidy created by HL, a root-level phenomenon, databases (Table 1, Fig. 5) should be useful in spire 350–600 l dayϪ1 and can ‘lift’ 100 l of can influence the hydrology of the stand or examining controls on plant water uptake at water into the rhizosphere each night through- region. Model outputs also suggest that, as regional and global scales and for testing pre- out much of the growing season38. Small trees sugar maple has grown more abundant in the dictions such as those made above. Two such lack access to deeper ground water and do not northeastern USA (with the abandonment of databases (Table 1) include Ͼ20 000 soil pro- redistribute much water. agriculture and the onset of chestnut blight), the files [the US Dept of Agriculture (USDA)] and Simulations indicate that HL has the poten- region’s hydrological cycle might also have selected physical and chemical data for Ͼ4350 tial to influence the rate and magnitude of changed through greater transpiration. The dif- soil profiles [International Soil Reference and water use by plants and might change the ference in forest hydrology is largely driven by Information Centre (ISRIC)]. The three other hydrological cycle of the forest (Fig. 4). the pattern and unique functioning of sugar databases in Table 1 translate soil maps and Annual water use by sugar maple forests is maple roots and suggests that plant rooting soil classification data into physical and hydro- 19–40% greater than that of forests without strategies might influence hydrology directly. logical properties, including global estimates lifters, in which soil ␺ declines steadily (Fig. 4a) HL has also been modeled using gradients of water holding capacity: the International and water stress ensues. This is an annual in soil ␺, the vertical distribution of active Geosphere Biosphere Programme’s global soil enhancement of 3 ϫ 106 –7 ϫ 106 lhaϪ1 roots and the root–soil conductance for water database, the HYPRES dataset for European

486 November 2000, Vol. 5, No. 11 trends in plant science Perspectives

Table 1. Database names, number of soil profiles, and contact and website information for five global soil databases

Database/institution No. of profiles Contact Website

Amazonia, Embrapa (Brasil) 1153 D. Nepstad [email protected] HYPRES, European Community 1100 A. Lilly [email protected] IGBP Data and Information Services Variable R. Olson [email protected] NSCD, US Dept of Agriculture Ͼ21 000 E. Benham [email protected] WISE, ISRIC Ͼ4350 N.H. Batjes [email protected]

Abbreviations: HYPRES, Hydraulic Properties of European Soils; IGBP, International Geosphere Biosphere Programme; ISRIC, International Soil Reference and Information Centre; NSCD, National Soil Characterization Database; WISE, World Inventory of Soil Emission potentials. soils and the Amazonia database for mapping tioning of evaporation and runoff, and sensi- derived data can be used to scale photosynthe- plant-available water and rooting depth. ble and latent heat fluxes. Large-scale field sis and transpiration regionally and globally46. Additional work is also under way to create studies increasingly demonstrate such inter- Direct measurements of root water uptake and gridded, spatially explicit root datasets27,30 actions. In eastern Amazonia, water from transport supplement such approaches with (Fig. 5). When matched to the scale of the soil 2–8 m soil depths contributed more than three- information about the controls of water databases (e.g. 0.5 ϫ 0.5Њ grid squares), the quarters of the transpiration of evergreen for- uptake, the consequences of underground plant combined datasets can be used in general cir- est in the dry season and helped to maintain an competition and the depth from which water culation models to test climatic, edaphic and evergreen canopy on Ͼ1 000 000 km2 of tropi- uptake occurs. plant controls on water fluxes4,41,42, and to pre- cal forest44. Sap-flux and eddy-flux techniques Our focus here on root water uptake and dict some of the consequences of vegetation have been combined with stable-isotope analy- transport as the starting point of the plant and land-use change5,42. ses to estimate the quantity and source of water water supply complements traditional studies Soil moisture and root water uptake influence evaporated from plants and the soil (e.g. using of shoot physiology and stomatal controls on water and energy fluxes, including the parti- 18O or 2H signatures)45. Field- and satellite- water loss. As tools for laboratory and in situ studies of root physiology improve, the abil- ity to integrate all portions of the plant flow path should yield important physiological insights and improved mechanistic under- standing of plant–water relations. Studying key genes for whole-plant water transport (e.g. those involved in aquaporin function or root development) will be an important step, especially for woody plants. At larger scales, determining the consequences of whole-plant processes such as HL will also be important. Physiological information can be more broadly applied in predictions of ecosys- tem processes, the water balance and bio- sphere–atmosphere interactions. Further progress in understanding water movement along the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum should be accomplished by integrating new approaches at scales from molecules to the globe.

Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge support from NSF and USDA (R.B.J., J.S.S., T.E.D.), the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (R.B.J., T.E.D.) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Fig. 5. The location of 512 root profiles from 279 geographic locations in a global root data- Research and NIGEC/DOE (R.B.J.). This arti- base27,30. Where available, information on soil properties such as the texture and depth of the cle is a contribution to the Global Change and humus layer is included, as are data on vegetation type. (H.J. Schenk and R.B. Jackson, Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biospheric unpublished.) Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle Core Projects of the International Geosphere

November 2000, Vol. 5, No. 11 487 trends in plant science Perspectives

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