NEWS Controversial Former Sheriff Runs for Arizona Senate

Valentine Sargent

ormer Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is running for the Arizona senate seat in the 2018 midterm elections. He Ftakes pride in being known as “America’s toughest sheriff.” The 85-year-old served as sheriff in Maricopa County for 24 years. Arpaio lost re-election as sheriff to Democrat in 2016. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt in summer 2017 for failing to listen to a judge after being told to stop what was ruled as of Latinos. Before Arpaio could be sentenced, President teased the idea of a pardon for Arpaio at a Phoenix rally in August 2017. A few days later, Trump signed the pardon. This was Trump’s first presidential pardon. Arpaio is extremely well-known in Arizona and, more recently, has made a resurgence in the national media. With his name on the ballot, there is a chance he could win. Arpaio is looking to fill the soon-to-be vacant seat of incumbent Sen. , R-Ariz., who decided in October 2017 not to run for re- election. Flake was criticized by Trump for being weak on crime and border security in the lead up to the August rally. Flake is also a strong advocate for a fair and balanced solution on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and told The Lumberjack, “DACA should be my legacy.” Arpaio also has close ties with President Trump and a higher media presence than other candidates such as Republican , who was seen as a better candidate than Flake. Trump tweeted that it was “great to see” Ward enter the race to challenge Flake’s seat. Arpaio’s reason for running is easy to explain. Then-presidential candidate Donald Trump joins Joe Arpaio, then-Maricopa County sheriff, during a news conference in “To support the agenda and policies of President Donald Marshalltown, Iowa Jan. 26, 2016. Arpiao is now running for Republican Jeff Flake's senate seat. Mary Altaffer |Associated Press Trump in his mission to Make America Great Again,” said Arpaio in a Jan. 9 tweet. Ann Heitland, the communication chair for the Coconino elections. Since Flake decided not to run for reelection, several County Democrats, said that if Arpaio were to win, it would be In both parties, a majority of women are running for senate, candidates are interested in the position and have put their names “a tragedy” and that it would be a “huge embarrassment for the making this a unique and competitive election. Nuño said that into consideration. It is also possible that long-time Arizona state.” both parties see the benefit from having women candidates. Nuño Republican Sen. John McCain’s seat will be in contention, though Right now, the focus for Coconino County Democrats is said that “Arizona is in a transition." he has not said whether or not he is stepping down, despite being to inform voters on who is running and preparing them for the If Arpaio were to win the senate seat, Nuño said that people diagnosed with a brain tumor in summer 2017. primary election in late August. The general election is scheduled would “lose sight of our real values as a democracy” and that The well-known Republican nominees include Martha for Nov. 6. Heitland said that there are several good candidates Arpaio is fighting for non-minorities. Nuño believes Arpaio finds McSally, who currently serves in the House of Representatives for running for senate and that voters will be able to choose someone joy in targeting Latino communities and that “Arpaio and Trump Arizona's 2nd District, Ward, who currently represents Arizona’s committed to public service and uniting the country. are symptoms of problems of the GOP.” 5th district in the state legislature and has been a strong supporter A popular choice for Democrats is Kyrsten Sinema. She is With a candidate like Sinema, it is possible the election will of Trump’s pardon and his immigration policies. And, of course, noted as a strong candidate and has a chance of winning against be a toss-up. Arpaio. the Republican candidates in traditionally red Arizona. Arpaio may have a difficult time getting enough votes. Nuño Jeff Oravits, the talk show host of “The Jeff Oravits Show” Flagstaff is considered a blue dot in a red circle since it is said that the population of Arizona is 30 percent Hispanic, with a and previous Flagstaff City Council member, said that the three known for being more liberal while the surrounding towns and median age of 27. The median age of non-Hispanics is 44. Republican candidates have “varying degrees of conservatism.” counties tend to be more conservative. Oravits said the state of More and more young people and minorities are focused on Arpaio and Ward come from farther right perspectives, while the GOP in Flagstaff is “very blue” and that Flagstaff should “stop getting involved in politics, making elections in typically slam McSally comes from a more moderate standpoint, like that of trying to be the UN of Arizona” because Flagstaff is focusing dunk races more competitive. Flake. on social justice issues rather than focusing on core jobs, while “[Republicans cannot] continue with their [current] strategy. ABC15 conducted a poll Jan. 9, the same day Arpaio Arizona as a whole is a “strong, conservative state.” A strategy built around the interest of the patriarchal system, announced he was running for senate. According to the poll, NAU political science professor Stephen Nuño said that maintaining power of that group,” Nuño said. Arpaio has a presumptive 29 percent of the vote, which is a Trump has influenced local elections with a surge in women With such strong candidates, there is a lot of interest in statistical tie with McSally who has 31 percent. Ward dropped to candidates and lots more involvement from millennials and the Arizona senate election and as seen over the past two years, 25 percent in the latest survey. minorities — two groups who have been absent from some recent anything seems possible in politics.