The Thirteenth International Conference on Eurasian scientific development

02nd June, 2017

«East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH

Vienna 2 017 «The Thirteenth International Conference on Eurasian scientific development». Proceedings of the Conference (June 02, 2017). «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. Vienna. 2017. 110 p. ISBN–13 978-3-903115-79-8 ISBN–10 3-903115-79-7 The recommended citation for this publication is: Ilyna J. (Ed.) (2017). The Thirteenth International Conference on Eurasian scientific development. Proceedings of the Conference (June 02, 2017). Vienna, OR: «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Vienna. Editor-in-chief Lucas Koenig, Austria International editorial board Abdulkasimov Ali, Uzbekistan Morozova Natalay Ivanovna, Russia Adieva Aynura Abduzhalalovna, Kyrgyzstan Moskvin Victor Anatolevich, Russia Arabaev Cholponkul Isaevich, Kyrgyzstan Nagiyev Polad Yusif, Azerbaijan Zagir V. Atayev, Russia Naletova Natalia Yurevna, Russia Akhmedova Raziyat Abdullayevna, Russia Novikov Alexei, Russia Balabiev Kairat Rahimovich, Salaev Sanatbek Komiljanovich, Uzbekistan Barlybaeva Saule Hatiyatovna, Kazakhstan Shadiev Rizamat Davranovich, Uzbekistan Bestugin Alexander Roaldovich, Russia Shhahutova Zarema Zorievna, Russia Boselin S.R. Prabhu, India Soltanova Nazilya Bagir, Azerbaijan Bondarenko Natalia Grigorievna, Russia Spasennikov Boris Aristarkhovich, Russia Bogolib Tatiana Maksimovna, Ukraine Spasennikov Boris Aristarkhovich, Russia Bulatbaeva Aygul Abdimazhitovna, Kazakhstan Suleymanov Suleyman Fayzullaevich Chiladze George Bidzinovich, Georgia Suleymanova Rima, Russia Dalibor M. Elezović, Serbia Tereschenko-Kaidan Liliya Vladimirovna, Ukraine Gurov Valeriy Nikolaevich, Russia Tsersvadze Mzia Giglaevna, Georgia Hajiyev Mahammad Shahbaz oglu, Azerbaijan Vijaykumar Muley, India Ibragimova Liliya Ahmatyanovna, Russia Yurova Kseniya Igorevna Blahun Ivan Semenovich, Ukraine Zhaplova Tatiana Mikhaylovna, Russia Ivannikov Ivan Andreevich, Russia Zhdanovich Alexey Igorevich, Ukraine Jansarayeva Rima, Kazakhstan Proofreading Khubaev Georgy Nikolaevich, Russia Andrey Simakov Khurtsidze Tamila Shalvovna, Georgia Cover design Khoutyz Zaur, Russia Andreas Vogel Khoutyz Irina, Russia Editorial office Korzh Marina Vladimirovna, Russia European Science Review “East West” Association for Kocherbaeva Aynura Anatolevna, Kyrgyzstan Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Am Kushaliyev Kaisar Zhalitovich, Kazakhstan Gestade 1 1010 Vienna, Austria Lekerova Gulsim, Kazakhstan E-mail: Melnichuk Marina Vladimirovna, Russia [email protected] Meymanov Bakyt Kattoevich, Kyrgyzstan Homepage Moldabek Kulakhmet, Kazakhstan Material disclaimer The opinions expressed in the conference proceedings do not necessarily reflect those of the “East West” Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, the editor, the editorial board, or the organization to which the authors are affiliated. East West Association GmbH is not responsible for the stylistic content of the article. The responsibility for the stylistic content lies on an author of an article. © «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Publisher. Typeset in Berling by Ziegler Buchdruckerei, Linz, Austria. Printed by «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Vienna, Austria on acid- free paper. Biology 3

Section 1. Biology

Nenasheva Elena Mikhailovna, Kamchatka State Technical University, postgraduate student, Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences E‑mail: [email protected] THE INFLUENCE OF VOLCANOGENIC FACTORS ON THE FORMATION OF THE BASIC COMPLEX OF SPIDER’S FAUNA (ARACHNIDA: ARANEI) OF KAMCHATKA DURING PRIMARY SUCCESSIONS AFTER VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Kamchatka is a region of modern active volcanism, in which the processes of landscape formation continue from the Cretaceous to the present 1. Modern volcanic activity is a powerful environmental factor: strong eruptions lead to sharp, often catastrophic changes in ecosystems. In the regional aspect this is manifested in the influence of physical factors and biologically active compounds on the habitat 2. The scale and nature of the impact in each particular case is difficult to predict, because they depend on the strength and timing of the eruption, as well as on the characteristics of the relief. Volcanic erup- tions disturb the state and natural dynamics of biological communities, and these disturbances are of a complex nature, as both the living environment of living organisms and the biological communities themselves at all levels 3. The interaction between volcanic processes and living organisms, the nature of the reaction of living beings and their communities to volcanic eruptions are of great and practical importance. As volcanic factors, we follow the terminology of Markhinin 4 to consider the effect of volcanic gases, piroclastic flows, ash falls and seismic shaking. Under the influence of volcanic eruptions, the vegetation cover undergoes significant transforma- tions up to complete destruction, although in most cases we are confronted with intermediate variants of successions of plant communities overlapping each other and often never reaching the climax stage. The most typical vascular plants — the first settlers on volcanic eruptions, during successions in Kamchatka

1 Fedotov S. А., Masurenkov Yu. P., Svyatlovskij А. Е. On Quaternary and Modern Volcanism of Kamchatka // Active Volcanoes of Kamchatka. – Vol. 1. – Moscow: Nauka, – 1991. – P. 12–14. [in Russian]. 2 Lobkov Е. G. Volcanoes and the Living Organisms (Ecological problems in Biovolcanology) – Moscow: Znanie, – 1988. – 64 p. [in Russian]. 3 Nenasheva Е. М. Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of volcanic highlands of Kamchatka: mechanisms of adaptation to inhabitation in conditions of active volcanism // Adaptation of biological systems to natural and extreme environmental factors: materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing house of South Ural University, – 2016. – P. 127–137. [in Russian]. 4 Markhinin Е. К. Volcanoes and Life. – Moscow: Mysl’, – 1980. – 200 p. [in Russian]. 4 Section 1. are usually creeping pink (Dianthus repens Willd.), cutleaf anemone (Pulsatilla Nuttaliana(DC.) Bercht. et Presl), microcarpous poppy (Papaver microcarpum DC.), Merk’s saxifrage (Saxifraga merkii Fisch. ex Sternb.), white mountain-avens (Dryas punctata Juz.), volcanic cinquefoil (Potentilla vulcanicola Juz.), Kamchatka oxytrope (Oxytropis kamtschatica Hulten), fireweed Chamerion( angustifolium (L.) Scop.), clubmoss mountain heather (Cassiope lycopodioides (Pall.) D. Don), alpine azalea (Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Loisel.), blue mountainheath (Phyllodoce caerulea (L.) Bab.). Of the 16 families of spiders occurring in Kamchatka, in zones of volcanic highlands and in areas of active volcanism, spider-herpetobionts almost exclusively exist 1, represented by the families of Lycosidae, Gnaphosidae, Philodromidae, Linyphiidae, widespread in the Palaearctic, which is apparently due to the peculiarities of the landscape and the mosaic structure of plant complexes. In spite of the fact that spiders as a biological group, unlike insects, do not have obligate connections with vegetation, nevertheless, they use plants as “fodder lands” and in some cases — as shelters when exposed to unfavorable environmental factors. The dominant family of spiders in the extreme habitats of primary successions in volcanic erup- tions is the family of wolf spiders (Lycosidae). We ventured to assume that this may be due to their pronounced adaptive characteristics with respect to extreme environmental conditions 2. It is believed that the spiders as a group as a whole are characterized by a fairly weak latitudinal-land- scape differentiation and the almost complete predominance of polyzonal and temperature species. This is directly related to the low phylogenetic level and relative primitiveness of this group of living organisms, which causes the prevalence of passive adaptations to habitat conditions in the newly emerging landscapes. In our opinion, it is reasonable to talk about historically developed strategies for adapting spider- wolves to habitat conditions in volcanic areas of Kamchatka, which is directly related to such extreme environmental factors as heat deficiency, winter conditions rigidity, radiation regime peculiarities, seis- mic events. According to our observations, in the volcanic highlands, individuals with a larger body size predominate, which is in full agreement with Bergman’s climatic rule. In analyzing the samples of the spiders fauna collected by us in the areas of active eruptions of the Bezymanny, Klyutchevsky, Plosky Tolbachik and Zhupanovsky volcanoes located on the territory of the Nature Park “Volcanoes of Kamchatka”, we noted that the spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) are one of the first animals that, in parallel with plants begin to actively explore the space after the eruption 3. One of the most original ways of settling is the migration of young spiders on spiderweave threads through the air from the lower forest zone. This is typical for virtually all regions of active volcanism. For example, Wunderlich 4 cites data that, just 2 years after the eruption of St. Helens volcano in 1980, more than 40 species of spiders began to colonize the newly formed landscape from the air, and the points from which they moved were removed from the volcano on 40 kilometers. In general, the colonization by spiders of volcanic landscapes of Kamchatka, according to our ob- servations, begins to occur already in the second year after the eruptions 5. After the end of the secondary

1 Nenasheva Е М. To fauna of wolf spiders (Aranei: Lycosidae) of mountain and volcanic ecosystems of the Nature Park “Volcanoes of Kamchatka”//Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters: Abstracts of the XIV international scientific conference. – Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Kamchatpress, – 2013. – P. 359–363. [in Russian]. 2 Nenasheva Е. М. Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of volcanic highlands of Kamchatka: mechanisms of adaptation to inhabitation in conditions of active volcanism//Adaptation of biological systems to natural and extreme environmental factors: materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing house of South Ural University, – 2016. – P. 127–137. [in Russian]. 3 Vink C. J. Lycosidae (Arachnida: Aranei). – Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zeland: Manaaki Whenua Press,– 2002. – 94 p. 4 Wunderlich J. Die Spinnen der Kanarischen Inseln und Madeiras: Adaptive radiation, Biogeographie, Revisionen und Neubeschreibungen. – Triops Verland, Langen, West Germany, – 1987. – 435 p. 5 Girina О. А., Nenasheva Е. М. Eruptions of the Zhypanovsky Volcano in – 2013–2015 // Materials of XXXII Biology 5 fissure eruption of the volcano Plosky Tolbachik, which lasted from 2012 to 2013, and was accompanied by the outflow of a large number of liquid lavas of the Hawaiian type, colonization by spiders of the cool- ing lava surface began one year later, in June 2014 we observed separate species of spiders of the family Lycosidae (Pardosa palustris (Linnaeus, 1758), Pardosa riparia (CL Koch, 1847), Xerolycosa nemoralis (Westring, 1861)), as well as individual species of spiders of the Araneidae family (Araneus diadematus Clerck, 1758) 1. The eruption of the Zhupanovsky volcano (2013–2015) was of a different nature from the eruption of Plosky Tolbachik, no lava effusions occurred, but strong ash emissions were noted, which somewhat complicated the colonization of the volcano’s slopes. In the summer of 2016, after the end of strong ash falls, we surveyed the slopes of the southwestern exposition of the volcano, while only one species of wolf spiders, Pardosa palustris (Linnaeus, 1758), was noted at two points of the route. In our opinion, this is due to the viscosity of the soil cover (fatty volcanic ash of fine fraction), which hinders the movement, as well as the lack of fodder base (insects) and shelters (plants). Thus, it can be concluded that strong volcanic eruptions, changing the landscape, change the eco- system as a whole. Colonization of the changed landscape by living organisms begins almost immediately after the eruption, but it must take several years before the ecosystem at least partially recovered. At the same time, changes in the vegetation cover (settling of the territory of plant species more adapted to extreme conditions) are not excluded, which leads to changes in the composition of fauna of invertebrate animals, in particular spiders, the composition of local faunas is directly dependent on the forage base (insects, in turn, are associated with trophic relationships with certain plant species). References: 1. Fedotov S. А., Masurenkov Yu. P., Svyatlovskij А. Е. On Quaternary and Modern Volcanism of Kamchatka // Active Volcanoes of Kamchatka. – Vol. 1. – Moscow: Nauka, – 1991. – P. 12–14. [in Russian]. 2. Girina О. А., Nenasheva Е. М. Eruptions of the Zhypanovsky Volcano in 2013–2015 // Materi- als of XXXII Krasheninnikov’s Readings. – Petropavlovsk–Kamchatsky, – 2016. – P. 172–174. [in Russian]. 3. Lobkov Е. G. Volcanoes and the Living Organisms (Ecological problems in Biovolcanology) – Mos- cow: Znanie, – 1988. – 64 p. [in Russian]. 4. Markhinin Е. К. Volcanoes and Life. – Moscow: Mysl’, – 1980. – 200 p. [in Russian]. 5. Nenasheva E. V., Novikova I. V. Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) how to display the ecosystem assess- ment indicators sustainability of protected areas of Kamchatka (on the example of Nature Park “Volcanoes of Kamchatka”) in today’s active volcanism and current landscape formation // The priorities of the world science: experiments and scientific debate: Proceedings of the XII Inter- national scientific conference 16–17, November – 2016. – Create Space: North Charleston, SC, USA. – P. 185–188. 6. Nenasheva Е. М. To fauna of wolf spiders (Aranei: Lycosidae) of mountain and volcanic ecosys- tems of the Nature Park “Volcanoes of Kamchatka” // Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters: Abstracts of the XIV international scientific conference. – Petropavlovsk-Kam- chatsky: Kamchatpress, – 2013. – P. 359–363. [in Russian]. 7. Nenasheva Е. М. Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of volcanic highlands of Kamchatka: mechanisms of adaptation to inhabitation in conditions of active volcanism // Adaptation of biological systems to

Krasheninnikov’s Readings. – Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, – 2016. – P. 172–174 [in Russian]. 1 Nenasheva E. V., Novikova I. V. Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) how to display the ecosystem assessment indicators sustainability of protected areas of Kamchatka (on the example of Nature Park “Volcanoes of Kamchatka”) in today’s active volcanism and current landscape formation//The priorities of the world science: experiments and scientific debate: Proceedings of the XII International scientific conference 16–17 November – 2016. – Create Space: North Charleston, SC, USA. – P. 185–188. 6 Section 1.

natural and extreme environmental factors: materials of the VI International Scientific and Practi- cal Conference. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing house of South Ural University, – 2016. – P. 127–137. [in Russian]. 8. Vink C. J. Lycosidae (Arachnida: Aranei). – Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zeland: Manaaki Whenua Press, – 2002. – 94 p. 9. Wunderlich J. Die Spinnen der Kanarischen Inseln und Madeiras: Adaptive radiation, Biogeog- raphie, Revisionen und Neubeschreibungen. – Triops Verland, Langen, West Germany, – 1987. – 435 p. Geography 7

Section 2. Geography

Komekova Altinay Jaldibay qizi, Master’s student at the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, city E‑mail: altinay–[email protected] Artemyev A. M., Candidate of Technical sciences, docent, Head of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty city EXPO-2017 AS ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL EVENTS IN THE HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN The“ Expo” International Specialized Exhibition is the major international exhibition demonstrating the latest scientific-technical achievements, future development as well as history, tradition and culture of the countries all over the world. Such international exhibitions result in extension of international, economic, political, cultural and scientific ties. The world’s exhibitions are held once every three to five years with specialized exhibitions filling the intervals. It should be noted that The World Exhibition took place for the first time in Great Britain in 1851. Over the period of few months it was demonstrating vari- ous exhibits among which there were industrial goods, items of practical arts, machines, mineral resources and even objects of art. The Exhibition of 1851 was fairly declared as a major landmark in the industrial revolution history. The idea to hold such exhibitions offered by the British craftsmen association, had caught on and they began taking place on a permanent basis, gaining momentum and becoming more and more grandiose and amplitudinous from year to year. A few know, that the construction of the famous Eiffel Tower was started in Paris specially, for the World Exhibition 1889 as an entrance arch to the exposition territory located in the Trocadéro Palace. Besides, the London Crystal Palace and unique residential complex Habitat 67 in Montreal were erected to hold the world’s exhibitions. It is for sure that all international exhibitions had huge impact to the host countries national image, economy and to the relationship with other republics. At present, 65 Fairs have been held. Such countries as the USA, Spain, Italy, France, Japan, Korea, Belgium, Brazil and China have picked up the baton in the relay race of “Expo” exhibition holding 1. Kazakhstan is a member of the International Exhibition Bureau (IEB) since 1997 and participates in EXPO since 2005. In Table 1 the history of EXPO in more detail from the moment of Kazakhstan`s entry to this global organization is presented. The forthcoming exhibition held under the motto“ Future Energy” will be held in the capital of Kazakhstan from June 10 to September 10, 2017. It is expected that the exhibition will be visited by over 5 million people from around the world. “Future Energy” EXPO 2017 aims to explore the strategies,

1 Expo-2017: “Energy of the Future”. [Electronic document]. – ( astana/exhibitions/expo-2017.htm). Retrieved 30/03/2017 8 Section 2. programs and technologies aimed at the development of sustainable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency and reliability. Its purpose is to encourage the use of renewable energy sources and the efficient use of energy resources. Table 1. – The History of EXPO after Kazakhstan’s entry (compiled by the author) № Host Country Period Theme Mascot Visitors 22.05.1998– “The Ocean is a heritage for the (Portuguese navi- 1. Portugal, Lisbon 11 million 30.09.1998 future” gator GilEanes 01.06.2000– “Humankind-Nature – Technol- Twipsy (a burst of 2. Germany 18 million 31.10.2000 ogy – the creation of a new world” energy) Japan, Eastern 25.03.2005– 3. “Nature`s Wisdom” Moricoro 22 million part of Nagoya 25.09.2005 14.06.2008– “Water and Sustainable Develop- Fluvi (a little male 4. Spain 6 million 14.09.2008 ment” drop of water) 11.05.2010– Haibao (treasure 5. China, Shanghai “Better city – better life” 73 million 31.10.2010 of the) 12.05.2012– Yeonyand Suny 6. South Korea “The Living Ocean and Coast” 8 million 12.08.2012 (beautifulwater) 01.05.2015– “Feeding the Planet, Energy for 7. Italy, Milan 22 million 31.10.2015 Life” Energy resources that are available to us today are an integral heritage of mankind, which must be used responsibly and rationally. The objective of this global event is to call for a sense of responsibility in the international community for the planning and control of energy consumption, as well as searching for sustainable energy sources needed for future generations and the preservation of all life on our planet. It should be emphasized that Kazakhstan’s candidacy to host EXPO-2017 was endorsed at the meeting of the executive committee of the International Exhibitions Bureau in Paris on 24 April 2014. In a secret ballot of 161 representatives of Member States of the BIE, Astana’s bid was supported by 103 member countries, while 44 members were against. On a par with Astana, Belgian city of Liege also claimed the right to host EXPO 2017. In its bid, Belgium proposed the theme of «Connecting the World, linking People, better living together» 1. It is no secret that hosting EXPO‑2017 International Specialized Exhibition in Astana is one of the key projects of Kazakhstan. The initiative to host a large scale event in the capital of the country belongs to President Nursultan Nazarbayev 2. The Head of State devoted his message in 2014 “Kazakhstan’s way- 2050: The common aim, common interests, common future” for the implementation of Strategy‑2050 “According to many forecasts, the next 15–17 years will be a big opportunity for us, the exhibition will present our capital city with a completely different side, expand and beautify it. Today, in Astana many im- portant objects have already built. However, the complex EXPO — is a project of a very different quality, using the technology that fully meets the requirements of the XXI century. It is a unique opportunity to join in the future of energy for residents and guests of the capital, to see the scientific achievements and enjoy the beauty of constructed facilities” — Nazarbayev said. He believes that an international exhibition — Expo will play a supportive role for the development of the country. The upcoming Expo 2017 — an event on a global scale, by importance comparable with the World Economic Forum, and by the tourist attraction — with the most popular international sports competitions. Conducting such a

1 International specialized exhibition EXPO–2017. [Electronic document]. – ( kazakhstan/expo2017eng.html). Retrieved 05/02/2017. 2 EXPO–2017 [Electronic document]. – ( Retrieved 03/01/2017. Geography 9 major event in Kazakhstan requires special communication training for both organizers and staff, and visi- tors themselves. Removing barriers (linguistic, psychological, etc.) in communicating the organizers and guests of the Expo will facilitate the cooperation of the parties and ensure the effectiveness of this im- portant event for the country. Over the period of three moths (from 10 June to 10 September 2017) the “Expo‑2017” will receive about 100 member-countries and 10 international organizations. During the World’s Specialized Exhi- bition 2017, the member-countries will demonstrate the achievements and prospects for utilization of renewable energy sources and such advantages as ecological cleanness, low operating cost and safety to the environment. The“ Expo‑2017” will become a milestone event for Kazakhstan: no international exhibi- tion of such level has been held in the Central Asian region and CIS countries before. Benjamin Loring, deputy director of Ceres, the Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies at Georgetown University in Washington, D. C., sees Kazakhstan’s success in winning the competition to host EXPO 2017 as the logical next step in the process of integrating that nation and the rest of Central Asia into the global community and economic market place after long eras of being cut off as part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. “This region of the world has been very poorly understood outside its im- mediate environs in the past,” Loring told. “However, the last 20 years have seen a gradual opening of the region to the global economy and to the world community. This will be one more step in that process” 1. It should be restated that the exhibition will provide a powerful impetus to diversification of economy and technological upgrading of production facilities along with the scientific grounds of the country. The preparation for such a big event involves the domestic small and medium enterprises, including into the construction of exhibition facilities and infrastructure. During the days of EXPO‑2017, Astana will be filled with the spirit of different cultures from all over the world. Every day various concerts, shows and other entertainment activities will be held at the exhibition. Moreover, the mascots of the exhibition Tengri and Bouri represent the theme of the event Energy of the Future and have a touch of Kazakhstan’s national heritage, as they represent a sun-like deity of Turkic (god of the sky) nations and a grey wolf. The researches show that Astana EXPO‑2017 is designed to raise awareness and tourist attrac- tion of Kazakhstan in the world, and to show hospitality of our people. The exhibition will also be an additional incentive for economic and infrastructural development of both the capital and the country as a whole. Structures being erected on the site of the EXPO will in the future make it possible to view Kazakhstan and its capital as a major international exhibition, information and presentation platform. The expansion of political, economic, scientific and cultural ties between nations and peoples contributed to its transformation into a massive socio-economic phenomenon of international scale. The popularity of event tourism has increased, with the primary purpose of the trip is often a business, and as a co- considered introduction to natural and cultural attractions, local food, traditions, etc. If we talk about the advantages of this exhibition for our country, then of course they are huge. For example: the development of the infrastructure of Astana, the creation of new jobs, the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the capital. Divided into two parts, the EXPO‑2017 construction project includes exhibition and cultural pavilions, residential areas; places of service, including “shopping”, socio-cultural, educational and civic amenities. For residents of the capital will be huge plus develop- ment of the infrastructure of the city, related to the holding of EXPO‑2017, and as a result, the creation of new jobs. The small and medium business of the capital and adjacent regions will also receive a new serious impetus for development, primarily in the sphere of public services, hotel business and domestic tourism. The development of inbound tourism, in turn, will lead to an increase in the influx of foreign tourists. It is expected that the exhibition will be visited daily by up to 50 thousand tourists. Efforts related to the organization of EXPO‑2017 should be aimed at creating the missing tourist infrastructure, making

1 Martin S. EXPO–2017 The World Comes to Kazakhstan. [Electronic document]. – (http://www.edgekz. com/expo-2017‑world-comes-kazakhstan/). 10 Section 2.

“soft” changes and solving the main tasks related to improving the competitiveness of the tourist product of Kazakhstan: simplifying the entry formalities, creating a tourist and transport infrastructure, the pos- sibility of providing attractive prices and control destination, etc. The main directions in the development of international tourism are the expansion of international tourist relations and the implementation of in- tergovernmental agreements in the field of tourism. According to the registration dossier and master plan, organizers of the exhibition expect more than five million visits within these three months. According to preliminary estimates, 55 thousand guests will be in the exhibition complex during the day, on peak days about 110 thousand people.

Figure 1. Approximate number of foreign visitors during Expo‑2017 (Compiled by the author on the basis of preliminary estimates) The number of foreign visitors will be approximately 15%. It is expected that the main countries generating tourist arrivals to Kazakhstan during Expo‑2017 will include Russian Federation, countries of EU (UK, France, Hungary, Germany, Switzerland), China, countries of Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan), countries of Near East (Iran, Turkey, UAE, Israel), India and others (USA, Canada, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Australia). One cannot ignore the fact that visa free regime will soon be established for Monaco, Malaysia, Singapore, as well as for 35 countries that are members of the or- ganization for Economic Cooperation and Development, most of which are members of the European Union. Nevertheless, it is clear prove that the forthcoming worldwide exhibition will be the center for new meetings, co-operations, strengthens the international relationships. It should be taken into account that every single nation waits a warm welcome, respect and ap- propriate attention from host country which is one of the vital parts of the exhibition period. As having knowledge on cultural diversity is the key to cross-cultural communication. Learning how to better com- municate with people whose first language does not match with ours does not necessarily mean study- ing their language and culture. However, it is important to learn the basic about other people culture is paramount. The basics about culture help one engage effectively in greetings and physical contact that is the first step of forming an effective communication. Establishing a common ground helps in creating productive dialogue between the two parties that will enhance the relationship between the two sides. To integrate into the international economic union, it is necessary to form its image as competent, reliable partners. We need to know the rules, the specifics, the national characteristics of the partner countries, the behavior patterns of representatives of other cultures and use these rules in practice. On the contrary, rejection, misunderstanding, ignorance of another’s culture can lead to a break in business relations. Let us consider some peculiarities of different cultures. Some businessmen (English, Canadians, Americans) at business meetings, wishing to revive the conversation, transfer it to the level of informal relations, they can tell jokes; others (Germans, Japanese) do not accept any form of humor at the negotiating table. Humor is a subtle matter: something that will amuse a Frenchman but it can lead to a Japanese being bewildered, Geography 11 because the Japanese perceive all words of partners literally. Let us look at the attitude of representatives of different cultures to time and space. Italians can be late for a business meeting for half an hour, their compatriots will not cause any condemnation. Not particularly they will be condemned by the French and the Spanish. Punctual Germans will be annoyed if they are forced to wait about 5 minutes. The Chinese will come to the meeting 15–30 minutes earlier. The cult of time is especially developed in the USA, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Scandinavia 1. Moreover, every nation has its own idea of space. Spanish or an African in conversation can hold the interlocutor by the hand and thereby show a special, friendly attitude. The Japanese consider this unhygienic and reject any touch. Danes, Germans, Swedes, Finns, etc. also experience discomfort when they violate their personal space zone. One should remember that these examples do not mean that some cultures are good, others are bad. Cultures are different, and every single organizer or worker who works in international sphere needs to be able to adapt to them, study others language, foreign culture — this is the guarantee of effective business cooperation, success and prosperity. Knowledge of the basics of intercultural communication is extremely necessary for specialists working in the “contact zone”. Experienced and highly qualified personnel are in high demand during Expo‑2017. When training personnel for the Expo‑2017, it is necessary to develop projects and activi- ties for the development of higher, technical and vocational education with the accent of world fairs and management. It is necessary to create schools of the industry of tourism and hospitality at the centers of retraining and advanced training for the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO‑2017 in Astana.

Figure 2. The approximate number of needed personnel during Expo‑2017 Concluding all, it should be restated that the international exhibition, which is a symbol of indus- trialization, demonstration of technical and technological achievements, the emergence of new ideas and interesting projects, the center of the new co-operations, investments, meetings and international contracts will contribute to Kazakhstan’s integration into the world economy. Of course, the republic of Kazakhstan objectively deserved such a chance. Expo‑2017, not only a chance for more bright future but it is a big exam for whole country. As during exhibition the representatives of different cultures will get acquainted with Kazakhstan’s history, culture, traditions, people, the level of globalization and mod- ernization, they access the host country’s attitude and hospitality to foreign friends. It is an evident fact that international events strengthen many countries diplomatic relationships with other countries, they bring many cultures together. Nevertheless, the preparation process is an important experience for other future global events. Moreover, the exhibition will help Astana become one of the “global cities” of the world, along with London, Paris, Vienna, Shanghai, etc. Thanks to the preparation for Expo‑2017 Astana has entered the rating of “Top‑21” smart cities of the planet. As a proof the capital of Kazakhstan has

1 Сахарчук Е. С. Психология делового общения в туризме и гостеприимстве: учебное пособие. – Москва, – 2014. – С. 93–99. 12 Section 2. already established itself as an experienced organizer and implementor of major international discussion platforms: the Astana Economic Forum, the Investment Forum, the Annual Meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Islamic Economic Forum, the European Forum of Future Energy, the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) In Central Asia and the CIS and many other events. Obviously, holding an EXPO‑2017 in Kazakhstan, as in any other country, means that Kazakhstan has already achieved many that achievements can be shown at the world level. Intercultural communication, foreign affairs and social integration will be strengthened as EXPO‑2017 is a sign for a new period in Kazakhstan’s history at the international level. References: 1. Expo – 2017: “Energy of the Future”. [Electronic document]. – ( zakhstan/astana/exhibitions/expo‑2017.htm). Retrieved 30/03/2017 2. International specialized exhibition EXPO–2017. [Electronic document]. – (http://complete. Retrieved 05/02/2017. 3. EXPO–2017 [Electronic document]. – (‑2017). Retrieved 03/01/2017 4. Martin S. EXPO–2017 The World Comes to Kazakhstan. [Electronic document]. – (http://www.‑2017‑world-comes-kazakhstan/). 5. Сахарчук Е. С. Психология делового общения в туризме и гостеприимстве: учебное пособие. – Москва, – 2014. – С. 93–99. Journalism 13

Section 3. Journalism

Qulmurodova Odinakhon Abdugafforovna, Uzbek State World Languages University international journalism faculty 1rd year master’s student Uzbekistan E‑mail: [email protected] INTERVIEW AS THE MAIN WAY OF COMMUNICATION IN JOURNALISM Қулмуродова Одинахон Абдугаффоровна, Ўзбекистон давлат жаҳон тиллари университети, халқаро журналистика факультети 1 курс магистранти O’zbekiston E‑mail: [email protected] ЖУРНАЛИСТИКАДА ИНТЕРВЪЮ КОММУНИКАЦИЯНИНГ ЕТАКЧИ УСУЛИ СИФАТИДА Жамиятда юз берувчи ижтимоий-сиёсий соҳадаги муҳим воқеа-ҳодисалар, ахборий жараёнлар шахслар ва гуруҳларининг ўзаро алоқага киришуви коммуникациялар асосига қурилади. Ом- мавий ахборот воситалари фуқороларинг фаоллигини ошириш, уларни жамиятда юз бераётган жараёнлардан ўз вақтида зарурий ахборотлар билан воқиф этади. Бугун очиқ ахборот жамиятида яшаётган фуқаролар ҳам ўзаро ахборот алмашиш жараёнида иштирок этаётган эканлар журналист- лар информацион жанрлардаги материалларни тезкор, холис, ҳаққоний тарзда ёритишлари муҳим аҳамият касб этмоқда. Аслида, ижтимоий ҳаётда барча муносабатлар бир ёки бир неча шахсларнинг ўзаро алоқаси, суҳбати барча-барчаси диалогларидан ташкил топади. Айниқса, журналист касбий фаолиятининг асосини ҳам айнан интервъюлар, турли ижтимоий қатламдаги шахслар билан тани- шув, аудиторияни психологиясини изчил ўрганишни талаб этади. Одамлар билан мулоқот ўрнатиш маҳорати репортёр касбий фаолиятининг зарур шартлари- дан бири экан материалнинг 80 фоизидан кўпроғи суҳбатлатдошлар билан муносабатда бўлиш, мутахассислар билан учрашиш, ижодий изланишлар асосида вужудга келадиган ўзаро шахсий мулоқотлар воситасида қўлга киритилишининг ўзи шу муҳим жиҳатдан далолат беради. Интер- вью бир санъатдир. Санъат эса чегараловчи қоидалар ва кўрсатмаларни ёқтирмайди. Бироқ айни пайтда энг истеъдодли, қобилиятли рассом ҳам ўз ижодини тасвирлаш қоидаларни ўрганишдан бошлайди. Ҳиндистонлик профессор К.М Шривастава сўзлари билан айтганда, интервъю журна- листикада ахборот олишнинг асосий усули ҳисобланиши барчага маълум. Журналист ахборотни асосан сўраб-суриштириб йиғади. Америкада чоп этилган Оммавий ахборот воситалари луғатида шунга ўхшаш тушунча бор: «Интервю-бир шахснинг бошқа шахслар гуруҳидан ахборот излаши 14 Section 3.

ва топиш жараёнидир. Албатта, бу гапларда асос бор. Янгиликлар, репортажлар ва бошқа жанрлар учун ахборот йиғиш усулларидан бири интервъюдир. XXI асрга келиб жамиятнинг ахборотга бўлган бугунги талаби ҳар қачонгидан ҳам юқорилаб кетди. Эндиликда олинаётган ва узатилаётган ахборот қандайдир мақсадлар, манфаатлар туфайли оммага ҳар қанча тез ва тўғри етказилса-да, барибир ахборот манбасининг ўзи берган хабарчалик ёки фикрчалик таъсирга эга бўлмайди. Ахборотни имкон қадар холис ва аниқликка асосланиб ет- казиб бериш заруратининг ўзи оммавий коммуникация воситалари зиммасидаги масъулиятнинг аҳамияти борган сари ортиб бораётганлигини кўрсатмоқда. Ҳар қандай ахборотни етказиш ва уни жамоатчилик томонидан қабул қилиниши билан ахборот билан боғлиқ муаммони ҳал қилмайди. Бал- ки бу муаммонинг ечими иккинчи томоннинг, яъни ахборот қабул қилган томоннинг реакцияси би- лан белгиланади. Айниқса, бу жамиятнинг турли бўғинларида муаммоли масалаларнинг кўндаланг бўлганида яққол кўзга ташланади. Оммавий коммуникациялар қанчалик ривожланмасин барибир жамоатчилик ташқи олам би- лан муносабати, улар орасидаги илғанмайдиган боғлиқлик, қарама-қаршилик аниқлик киритишга эҳтиёж сезади. Ўз-ўзидан булар бутун бир жараёнлар тизимини ташкил этадики, журналист уларни ўрганиб, муайян мавзуга бағишланган факт ва далилларни йиғиш, тизимга солиш, уларни бир-бири билан қиёслаш, таққослаш, муҳим ва иккинчи даражали маълумотларни ажрата билиши, муаммо- нинг тугуни, уни келтириб чиқарган омилларни аниқлаш орқали, бир сўз билан айтганда — таҳлил қилади. У бошланган жойда журналистиканинг иккинчи вазифаси, яъни жамоатчиликка таъсир қилиш, фикр уйғотиш, муносабат кайфиятини қўзғатиш каби вазифалари кўзга ташланади. Ҳозирги даврда жамоатчилик оммавий ахборот воситасиларидан ахборот етказиб беришдан кўпроқ на- рсани кутади. Ва аксарият ҳолларда ҳозиргача ҳам оммавий ахборот воситаларининг муаммони ҳал қилишга қодир куч сифатида тасаввур этади. Табиийки, бу жараёнлар оммавий ахборот воситалари учун ҳам ахборот етказиб беришдан кенгроқ, изчилроқ фаолият олиб боришни тақозо этади. Айниқса, жамиятнинг бирор бир бўғини, соҳасида қарама-қаршилик, муаммо ёки жумбоқ юзага келадиган бўлса, у ҳақда муҳим ва кутилган ахборотларни бериш жамоатчилик ўртасида воқеликка бўлган қизиқишни янада орттиради. Омма ўша муаммо ҳақида кўпроқ маълумотга эга бўлишни истайди. Бундай ҳолларда муайян ахборот юзасидан манбаа сифатида турли доирадаги, савиядаги, дунёқарашдаги шахслар билан бўладиган мулоқот орқали бериладиган аҳборотлар муҳим роль ўйнайди. Зеро, жамиятнинг ривожланишининг асосини турли коммуникациялар мулоқотлар ташкил этади. Шу боис, М. Бахтин коммуникацияга қисқа ва лўнда таъриф беради: “Мавжудлик бу — гаплашиш, мулоқот қилиш. Шунинг учун диалог моҳиятан бўлиши ва тугаши керак эмас. Қачонки диалог тугаса, ҳаммаси тугайди”. «Журналистика ва публиицистика» дарслиги муаллифи Мухтор Худойқулов эса интервъюни оммавий ахборот воситаларида кенг қўлланиладиган жанр сифатида эътироф этади. Бу сўз инглизча бўлиб «сўраб суриштириш» деган маънони билдиради. «Шунингдек, мазкур жанрнинг матбуотда кўп учрашининг сабаби шундаки, ҳаётдаги ҳар бир факт, воқеа-ҳодисанинг қандай бўлиб ўтганлиги, тафсилоти, одатда шу фактдан хабардор бўлган воқеа-ҳодисани кўрган, билган одамлардан сўраб суриштириб билинади, кейингина бирор жанрдаги матбуот материалига асос бўлади, — деб қайд этади муаллиф. Шу сабабдан сўраш, суриштириш ҳаётни билиш асоси бўлса, унинг матбуотдаги акси эса ахборий публицистиканинг энг муҳим кенг тарқалган оммабоп жанри ҳисобланади. Бу жанр жамият ижтимоий-сиёсий, иқтисодий-ишлаб чиқариш, маданий-маърифий ҳаётининг барча соҳаларида қўлланилади. Шу билан биргаликда у оммавий ахборот воситалари- газета, журналлар, радио, телевидение, ахборот агентликлари, интернетдан доимий жой эгаллаб келади. “Интервъюни ёзиш чоғида журналист аввало фактларни аниқлиги, воқеа-ҳодиса тафсилотлари- нинг ҳаққонийлигига эътибор бериши лозим. Интервъюнинг қайси шаклида ёзилиши унинг қайси мавзу, масала ва муаммога бағишланганлиги, ижтимоий аҳамиятига боғлиқ. Журналист интервъю олишда маълумот олинаётган одамга ўша воқеа, ҳодисанинг моҳиятини очиш учун зарур бўлган Journalism 15

саволларни ўз вақтида бера олиши ва уларга тегишли жавоб ола билиши лозим. Журналист мўлжалга урадиган қисқа, лўнда саволлар бериб, суҳбатдошдан ҳам шундай жавоб олишга эришиш лозим. Кераксиз тафсилотлар, ортиқча сўзлар интервъюни бузади, унинг аҳамиятини пасайтиради. Энг муҳими кўпчиликка, жамоатчиликка янгилик, янги факт, янги маълумотлар етказишдир” 1. Бугунга келиб интервъю жанри ҳақида турли қарашлар ва назариялар шаклланиб улгургани маълум. Аммо уни амалий жиҳатдан тадқиқ этиш мақсадга мувофиқ. Аввало буни интервъюга пухта тайёргарлик кўришдан бошлаш зарур. Токи бош рольни ўйнаётган актрисадан “Сиз қайси рольни ижро этаяпсиз?” деб сўраб мулзам бўлиб қолмаслик учун, албатта, ҳар бир интервъюда бош мақсад мавзу белгилаб олинади. Бунда турли китоблар, манбалар, газета ва журналлардаги, чиқишларни, ҳаётимизга кириб келган интер- нет маълумотларини ўрганиш, таҳлил қилиш зарурати туғилади. Интервъю берадиган шахсни танлаш ҳам катта изланишни талаб этади. Унинг иш фаолиятига оид, агар мавзуга тааллуқли бўлса, шахсий ҳаёти билан боғлик ахборотларни топиб ўрганиш суҳбат жараёнида кўпгина бекорчи савол-жавобларнинг олдини олади. Бу танланган мавзу бўйича саволлар тузишда хам асқотади. Саволлар пишшик, пухта мавзуга йўналтирилган бўлса, журналистнинг мавзуни билиш даражаси кўринади, интервъю берувчида ўзига нисбатан ҳурматни сақлайди. Бу ҳурмат ўз йўлида интервъю берувчининг ёлғон маълумот бериши- дан сақлайди.Суҳбатдошни ҳам тўғри маълумот беришга, самимий ва очиқ мулоқот ўтказишга ундайди. Янгиликлар учун керак бўладиган Ким? Нима? Қачон? Қаерда? Қандай қилиб? Нима учун? саволлари интервъюда ҳам аввалгидай аҳамият касб этади. Агар интервъю бирор ҳодиса рўй бер- гач олинса, саволлар мантиқий кетма-кетликда берилади. Айрим респондентлар интервъю бериш жараёнида четга чиқиб кетадилар. Бу ҳолат баъзида атай баъзида эса табиий кечади. Шунда, ал- батта, кечирим сўраган ҳолатда суҳбатдош сўзини бўлиб уни мавзуга кайтариш зарур. Журналист интервъю олаётганида ўзини эркин хис килиши зарур. Бунда баъзида қувноқ, баъзида эса жиддий бўлишни талаб этади. Барча ҳаракатлар одоб доирасида бўлиши керак. Ҳатто ортиқча сўз оҳанги хам интервъю бераётган кишининг кайфиятига таъсир қилиши мумкин. Шу ўринда англиялик жур- налист Девид Рендалнинг «Интервъю сиз ўз фикрингизни билдириб, истеъдодингизни ярқ этиб кўрсатиб, кизғин баҳс олиб борадиган жараён эмас деган фикрини эсласак, айни муддао бўлади. Вахоланки, саволлар қисқа, лўнда, аниқ бўлиши керак”2. Интервъюннинг ички тузилишига келсак, унинг қандай бўлиши унга асос бўлган мавзудан ва журналист танлаган шаклдан келиб чиқади. Бу борада тайёр, кўп учрайдиган шаблон тузилишлар- дан қочиб, оригинал, ижодий услуб топилиши лозим. Журналистлар интервъюга жуда кўп вақт сарфлашади. Бунда ҳам маълум даражада асос бор. Сабаби айнан интервъю жанри ўзининг жон- лилиги ва табиийлиги билан информацион жанрлардан ажралиб туради. Илк маротаба интервъю олишга ҳозирланаётган журналист аввало суҳбатдоши, танлаган мавзуси, кўтариб чиқаётган му- аммо хусусида ўз фикрларини бир тартибда шакллантириб олиши лозим. Журналист интервъю олаётган кишининг ҳақ-ҳуқуқини ҳам ҳурмат қилиши зарур. “Агар у мўлжалланган интервъюнинг шарт-шароитини: қайси каналда берилиши, қайси дастурда кўрсатилиб, қанча вақт давом этишини масаланинг моҳиятини билишни истаса, имкони борича у билан ҳисоблашиши керак” 3. Муҳимлардан муҳими интервъюга изчил тайёрланишдир. Бу журналист гап мавзуси ҳақида бе- малол фикрлайдиган, ҳатто у ҳақида интервъю берувчидан кам билмасликни талаб этади. Журналист тўсатдан қўпол савол бериши суҳбатдошни гангитиб қўйиб унда салбий руҳий таъсир кўрсатиши мумкин. Қўпол ва кутилмаган савол бериш ҳар доим ҳам тўғри бўлавермайди. Фақат масалани моҳиятини тушуниб ета оладиган инсонгина салмоқли савол қўя олиши мумкин. Илк дастлабки савол баъзан бошқаларга жуда жўн ва содда бўлиб туюлиши мумкин. Аммо журналистнинг бундай савол қўйишдан мақсади бўлади.

1 Худойқулов М. Журналистика ва публицистика. – Т.: Тафаккур, – 2011. – 158 б. 2 Саидов Ҳ.,Тўхлиева Н. Репортёрлик маҳорати. – Т.: “Ғафур Ғулом нашриёт матбаа уйи”, – 2008. – 88 б. 3 Фихтелиус. Э. Журналистиканинг 10 қоидаси. –Т.:.Шарқ, – 2002. – 67 б. 16 Section 3.

“Интервъюга тайёрналиш дегани берилажак жавобни олдиндан таҳминан билиш деганидир. Бундай ҳоллар кейинги муқобил саволларни ҳам ҳозирлаб қўйиши мумкин. Журналист гап тайинли нарса ҳақида кетадиган интервъюларга ҳам тайёргарлик кўриши лозим. Аввал муҳокама қилинмаган ҳукумат ёки парламентнинг таклифлари ҳақидаги суҳбатга тайёргарлик ҳаммасидан қийин, бироқ бу ҳолатда ҳам мухбирни мавзу ҳақида умумий тасаввурга эга бўлишини талаб этади. Бу ўринли савол бериш, қиёсий изоҳ беришга имкон яратади. Газетадан кўчирмалар, қайдлар, интернет саҳифалари журналистга мўлжалланаётган суҳбатга материал танлашда ёрдам беради ҳамда интервъю берувчи назарида чаласавод бўлиб қолишдан асрайди. Ҳозирлик кўришнинг яна бир йўли мазкур соҳани яхши ўзлаштирган кишилар билан олдиндан суҳбатлашишдир. Ҳозир радио ва телевидениеда ол- диндан интервъю атамаси тез-тез ишлатиб турилади, бунинг маъноси дастурни олиб борувчи ёки таҳририят тадқиқотчиси журналистнинг интервъюга таклиф этилган кимса билан то кўрсатув ёки эшиттириш ёзиб олингунга қадар уюштирилган суҳбатидир. Бу олиб борувчи журналистга масалани қанчалик тўғри йўлга қўйилганини аниқлаш, маълумотларни текшириб кўриш имконини бериш билан бирга суҳбатдошининг ҳам мўлжаллаётган мавзусини аниқлашга имкон беради. Ҳар қандай интервъюда дастлаб суҳбатлашмоқчи бўлган қаҳрамон ҳақида маълумот тўплаш талаб этилади. Ҳозирлик кўриш бу шахс портрети билан боғлиқ ишларда ҳам катта аҳамиятга эга. “Маълумот тўплаш учун ўша шахсга тегишли бўлган дўстлар билан суҳбат, ишдошлари билан учра- шиш, қаҳрамоннинг аввалги интервъюларини эшитиш ва кўриш, унинг мақолалари ва нутқларини кўриб чиқиш кабилар тайёргарлик ишларининг таркибий қисмидир” 1. Саволни тўғри қўйиш аслида мукаммаллик назаридан интервъюга ҳозирлик кўраётган журналист соатлаб кутубхонада китоблар, газеталар, архив ёзмаларни ўтириб титкилаб чиқишни талаб қилади. Бундай вазиятда олд интервъю уюштириш ва маълумот тўплашга улгуриши керак бўлади. Журналист биринчи навбатда қандай интервъю олмоқчи, нима ҳақида, мақсади нима эканлигини белгилаб оли- ши шарт. Бу дегани, журналист олдиндан бериладиган саволларни белгилаб, ёзиб қўйиши деганидир. Атрофлича, идрок қилинган, қисқа, лўнда ва жўн саволлар энг яхши саволлардир. Масалага киришиш- да баъзан журналистнинг қизиқувчанлиги иш беради: “Мен анчадан бери билишга қизиқардимки, ёки бизнинг тингловчиларимиз ёҳуд томошабинларимизга мана бу нарсаларни билиш қизиқарлидир.” Ҳар бир савол масаланинг фақат бир томонига тааллуқли бўлмоғи жоиз. Бирваракайига икки саволни қўйиш, интервъючи ўзига нобоп бўлган саволдан сирпаниб чиқиб кетишига имкон беради ва аслида бир савол- га жавоб олиш ҳам қийин кечади. Савол сўроқ оҳангида бўлиши, зинҳор тасдиқ оҳангида бўлмаслиги муҳим. Саволни қўйишда интервъючининг ўз фикрини, ҳиссини, бошидан кечирганини баён қилиши учун имкон бўлишини ҳисобга олмоқ керак. Шунинг учун ҳам “Ҳа” ва “Йўқ” билан кутиладиган саволлар ташламасликка эътибор берилади. Бошқаларга ғалати, қўпол бўлиб кўринадиган айрим саволлар гоҳида ҳеч кутилмаган, чуқур ва қизиқарли жавобларга ҳам олиб боради. Мана, шундайлардан бир нечтаси; –– Ўзингизни қандай ҳис қиляпсиз? –– Нимани назарда тутяпсиз? –– Сиз қандай тасаввур қиласиз? –– Энди нима қилмоқчисиз? Саволларнинг мантиқий моҳияти, мазмуний ҳажми, муаммолиги жавобнинг мазмунида, ифода- ланиш тарзида ўз аксини топади. Савол бериш воситалари, турлари, уларнинг вазиятга қараб турфа хил ўзгаришларга учраши ҳам журналистга кенг имкониятлар яратади. Афсуски, айрим таъқиқларга биз кўп ҳам эътибор беравермаймиз, юқоридаги зикр этилган кўрсатмаларга амал қилмасдан тўлиқ ахборот олиш ва тарқатиш имкониятларини ўзимиз чегаралаб қўямиз. Журналистлар йўл қўядиган энг кўп хатолардан бири жўнгина жавоб талаб қиладиган саволлар қўйиш ва сўроқ гап ўрнига тасдиқ гапларни қўллашдир” 2.

1 Фихтелиус. Э. Журналистиканинг ўн қоидаси. – Т.: Шарқ, – 2002. – 68 б. 2 URL: http: // Journalism 17

Интервъю олиш санъатини мукамаллаштириш воситаларидан бири журналист ўзининг эфирга узатилган эшиттириш ва кўрсатувларини қайта кўриб, эшитиб, юқоридаги рўйҳат асосида таҳлил қилиб чиқиши ҳамдир. Албатта, журналист воқеа ҳақида маълумот, белгиларга эга бўлиши ҳамда уни оммага тушунарли, содда қилиб етказиши шарт. Лекин шуни ҳам унутмаслик керакки, ахборотларни умумлаштирувчи киши сиёсатчи ёки қандайдир лавозим эгаси эмас, балки журналистдир. Интервъю у ёки бу масаланинг чигал томонларини тингловчи, ўқувчига интервъючининг нуқтаи назаридан, унинг ҳиссиётлари, таассуротлари воситасида етказилмоғи керак, интервъю қуруқ рақамлару, ҳиссиз ҳодисалар баёни бўлиб қолмаслиги учун ҳам шундай қилинади ва мазкур жанр журналисти- канинг асоси бўлиб қолаверади. Сабаби ҳаётимиздаги ҳар бир жараёнлар мулоқот асосига қурилади. Адабиётлар рўйхати: 1. Фихтелиус Э. Журналистиканинг ўн қоидаси. – Т.: Шарқ, – 2002. 2. Професионал маҳорат сари тўрт қадам. Ўқув қўлланма. – Т.: Шарқ, – 2002. 3. Эрназаров Қ. Т., Маматова Тошалиев Ё. А Репортёрлик фаолиятининг назарияси ва амалиёти. Ўқув қўлланма. – Т.: Шарқ, – 2002. 4. Тошпўлатова Н. Қ. Журналистика психологияси. – Т.: Академнашр, – 2013. 5. Лукина Мария. Интервъю технология. – М.: Академия, – 2005. 6. Худойқулов. М. Журналистика ва Публицистика. – Т.: Тафаккур, – 2011. 18 Section 4.

Section 4. Innovations

Mukhamadeyeva Railya Minibulatovna, Kokshetau Abay Myrzakhmetov University, associate professor, the faculty of engineering E‑mail: [email protected] Fidchenko Igor Konstantinovich, Graduate student of the Faculty of Psychology Kokshetau Abay Myrzakhmetov University, E‑mail: [email protected] RESEARCH OF ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY IN KAZAKHSTAN Over the past years, industries in Kazakhstan and in other CIS countries have undergone significant transformation. Enterprises have experienced entry into the market, reducing influence of the govern- ment in the economy, interruptiom of well-established cooperative relations, the disappearance of tradi- tional channels and product markets, the appearance of more efficient foreign competitors, the process of change of ownership. Today anew equipment which operates on the additive technologies is introduced in all spheres. Additive Fabrication (AF) or Additive Manufacturing (AM), which means produced by addition, is a technology based on the layerwise building of the model produced by the three-dimensional digital simulation or scanning. In the past the term Rapid Prototyping or RP-technology was increasingly used. Depending on the method of layers connection, the method of material deposition there are dif- ferent types of technologies. The most widespread types of the developed additive technologies are the following: stereolithography (SLA) – curing a photo-reactive resin with a ultraviolet laser or another similar power source; PolyJet technology – layer-spraying of a photopolymer with the following curing of each layer, MIT- layer-gluing of powder material particles, 3DP – inkjet deposition of liquid binder on powder. These technologies were used in military-space production and precision engineering, and were declassified after the expiration of the patent on the above mentioned SLS (2) technology. Additive technologies (Additive Manufacturing, AM) — a term that is currently logged into use almost in all sectors and spheres of human activity. Heavy industry and dentistry, foundry and cooking, light industry and construction. Successfully conducting research in the field of 3D-printing in tissue engineering to create artificial human organs. Nowadays, when profits of enterprises depends on the speed of response to market needs, neces- sary using of new technologies that provides updating its range of products in short terms. For successful business development you need to respond quickly to growing and changing demands of consumers, this means greatly simplify, accelerate and reduce expenses of manufacture 1.

1 Muhamadeeva R. M. Research and development of additive technology in industrial manufacturing of new products in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Engineering Research and Generic Science – 2016. Innovations 19

From the above it can be concluded that using of computer solid modeling provides a rapid expansion of additive technology and a its market price will be decreased. The cost of printed product will depend on uniqueness and quality of three- dimensional digital model much more than on material and equipment. All of this suggests that technologies and systems of 3d printing will occupy an increasingly large place in our lives. Analysis of the situation below regarding the implementation of additive technologies has shown that as weaknesses for development new technologies in Kazakhstan may be key factors: – absence of clear understanding of equipment purpose of and its inefficient use; – unprofessional service; – lack of technical support. No quality advice due to the lack of highly qualified specialists. The main threats to transfer new technology in Kazakhstan is human potential. As professional will be experts who will make adaptation of new technology in the country, and so will be the level and terms of development and introduction of additive technologies 1. Economy becomes innovative due to innovation development of material production, which is based on technology – “knowledge and ability” to do anything: chip, software, car tire, a turbine blade or medical apparatus. Exactly technology in the broad sense – the presence or the absence of them – determines the posi- tion of national economy in the world, its strategic position. Available of technologies provides scientist or designer with powerful tools for implementation of new ideas. Exactly technology in the broad sense – the presence or the absence of them – determines the position of national economy in the world, its strategic position. Available of technologies provides scientist or designer with powerful tools for implementation of new ideas. Technologies allow the use of new highly efficient materials, new methods of management and thus cause new functional and intelligent product content. Lack of technology limits creativity of scientists and engineers, forcing them to apply technical solutions that are in their possession, rather than those that are required to achieve goals. Therefore, technology itself is a major part of innovation. Technologies discussed in present work are not only modern and highly effective, but innova- tive in its essence, because they make possible to generate new technologies, carry a new quality. Besides obvious advantages in speed and often in manufacturing cost of products, these technolo- gies have important advantage in terms of environmental protection, and in particular, greenhouse gas emissions and “thermal” pollution. Additive technologies have great potential in reducing energy costs for the creation of a wide variety of products. Finally, the degree of use of AM-technologies in material production is correct indicator of real in- dustrial power of state, indicator of its innovative development. Thus, in accordance with the the foregoing for implementation of additive technologies are necessary: – Fundamental knowledge based on scientific principles; – Specialists teachers to transfer skills; – Equipped workshops and laboratories for the acquisition of skills; – A new specialty in high school. And most importantly, based on the above we can suggest that the successful development of new technologies requires the support of the state. The possibility of qualitative development and implementation in production, and most importantly in the educational process of new additive technologies will help to boost industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan, and will enable young professionals feel more confident in the international market 2.

1 Muhamadeyeva R. M. “Сomputer aided design system in the education procces of competitive professionals” “Global Science and Innovation” Materials of the V international scientific conference. Chicago, – USA – 2015. 2 Muhamadeeva R. M. Innovative technologies in the education process of competitive professionals. International journal of advanced research (IJAR) 4(11) – 2016. 20 Section 4.

References: 1. Materials 3D Print Conference, URL: http: [email protected] 2. Muhamadeyeva R. M. “Сomputer aided design system in the education procces of competitive professionals” “Global Science and Innovation” Materials of the V international scientific confer- ence, – P. 353–355. Chicago, USA – 2015. 3. Muhamadeeva R. M. “Parameters of additive technology at the 3D printing”, The International scientific and practical “Europe-Asia” conference, 4, – 2014, – P. 118. 4. Muhamadeeva R. M. Research and development of additive technology in industrial manufacturing of new products in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Engineering Research and Generic Science (IJERGS) – Vol. 2, – Issue‑5. – 2016. – Р. 19–28. 5. Muhamadeyeva R. M., Muhamadeyeva A., Akoxova N. V. “Problems of technical and vocational education in Kazakhstan”. Scientific publications Journal “Actual problems of the humanities and natural sciences” – No. 11, part VI of, – Moscow, – 2015. – P. 108–112. 6. Muhamadeeva R. M. “Implementation issues of additive technologies” International journal of engineering sciences & research technology – No. 5 (2): February, – 2016. 7. Muhamadeeva R. M. Innovative technologies in the education process of competitive professionals. International journal of advanced research (IJAR) – 4 (11), – P. 383–385. Study of art 21

Section 5. Study of art

Epishin Andrey Sergeevich, the Russian State University A. N. Kosygin, Ph. D., associate professor, Department of Art Critic Solomonenko Olga Nikolaevna, the Russian state University A. S. Kosygin, student, Art Institute E-mail: [email protected] THE STYLE «LITTORIO» IN THE ARCHITECTURE OF FASCIST ITALY Епишин Андрей Сергеевич, Российский государственный университет им. А. Н. Косыгина, кандидат искусствоведения, доцент кафедры искусствоведения Соломоненко Ольга Николаевна, Российский Государственный университет им. А. Н. Косыгина, студентка Института Искусств E-mail: [email protected] СТИЛЬ «ЛИТТОРИО» В АРХИТЕКТУРЕ ФАШИСТСКОЙ ИТАЛИИ Функционализм и возникший на его основе международный стиль имели в качестве проти- воположного полюса тенденции, возвращавшие в архитектуру традиционные композиционные принципы и использование классических форм. Подобные тенденции проявляли себя в совершен- но различных общественных и культурных условиях и имели различные причины возникновения и смысл. Установки традиционализма, отступившие в первой трети XX столетия под напором авангардистских течений, в 1930–1940‑х годах вновь получили широкое распространение. Мно- гие работы, представлявшие данные тенденции, руководствовались принципами функциональной и пространственной целесообразности, однако в нацистской Германии и фашистской Италии по- добная архитектура тяготела к формам упрощенного неоклассицизма, находившегося в согласии с господствовавшей в этих странах идеологией 1. Вплоть до конца 1920‑х годов в итальянской архитектуре преобладали два творческих течения: неоклассика и функционализм, который сами итальянцы называли рационализмом. Следует отметить, что фашистское правительство, пришедшее к власти в 1922 году, лояльно относилось к различным на- правлениям в архитектуре, поэтому неоклассицизм развивался параллельно функционализму.

1 Станькова Я., Пехар И. Тысячелетние развитие архитектуры/Под ред. В. Л. Глазычева. – М.: Сройиздат, – 1984. – С. 249. 22 Section 5.

Образовавшаяся в 1923 году группа миланских архитекторов‑неоклассицистов «Новиченто» призывала вернуться к национальному наследию, отказаться от индивидуальных проектов в пользу единых традиционных ансамблей. Спустя три года в Милане появилась «Группа 7», объединившая архитекторов‑рационалистов. В своем манифесте они прокламировали отказ от неоклассических тенденций, предлагая возродить классическое наследие в новой модернистской интерпретации. Один из лидеров этого объединения — Джузеппе Терраньи создал ряд проектов, полностью соответство- вавших данным установкам. Многоквартирный дом «Новокомум» (1927–1929) и «Дом фашистской организации» (1932–1936) в Комо стали образцом соединения римской средиземноморской тради- ций и рациональной логики. «Дом фашистской организации» отличался сравнительно новым, хотя уже не новаторским решением — конструкция вынесена наружу, стены внутри каркаса. План здания представлял собой квадрат, а его высота была равна половине стороны квадрата. На каждой стороне полукубического объема (за исключением юго-восточного фасада, пересеченного главной лестницей) размещение окон и наружные ленты кладки были устроены с намеком на наличие атриума (первона- чально здание было спланировано вокруг открытого двора, по образу традиционного палаццо). Вну- треннее пространство представляет собой зал двойной высоты, освещаемый верхним светом через остекленную бетонную кровлю и окруженный со всех сторон галереями и комнатами для собраний. Стоит признать, что функционалистские идеи, которые отстаивал Терраньи, уже были сфор- мулированы и частично реализованы советскими конструктивистами, архитекторами Баухауза и Де Стиль. Однако если за пределами Италии зодчие-модернисты придерживались коммунисти- ческих или просто левых убеждений, Терраньи и его единомышленники были фашистами. Однако в сложившейся политической ситуации они смогли избежать прямого насаждения тоталитарных идеалов, создавая иллюзию открытости, отсутствия барьеров между народом и властью 1. Начало 1930‑х годов в Италии ознаменовалось расцветом стиля «Литторио» — официального стиля фашистской власти 2. Новая архитектура стала важным инструментом утверждения силы и вели- чия тоталитарного государства, а ликторский стиль успешно сочетал в себе элементы неоклассицизма и функционализма. Чистый функционализм отвергался как слишком простой, аполитичный и не соот- ветствующей величию civiltа fascista. Как уже говорилось выше, в Италии не произошло официального отторжения архитектурного модернизма, как это было в Германии, где модернизм воспринимался как наследие Веймарской республики. «Литторио», как новая версия итальянского модернизма, в отли- чие от футуристической архитектуры не противопоставлял себя классической традиции, но провоз- глашал новое прочтение римского наследия через визуализацию классических архетипов. Намереваясь укрепить чувство исторической гордости итальянского народа, Бенито Муссо- лини обратился к наследию имперского Рима, как способу активизации культурного возрождения. «Литторио» явился генеральным направлением в поисках тоталитарного стиля. Дуче, полагавший, что стиль определяется прежде всего формами колонн, поручил неоклассицисту Марчелло Пья- чентини, впоследствии ставшему главным архитектором государства, создать колонну из элементов фашистской эмблемы — фасций. Ликторские колонны получили наиболее яркое воплощение в «Па- мятнике павшим войнам в Больцано» (1926), возведенном в виде триумфальных ворот с массивны- ми пилонами по сторонам. Монумент напоминает древнеримские триумфальные арки, не копируя, однако, ни одной из них. Стилизованные колонны с огромными топорами направленные острием на зрителя, вызывают тревожные чувства. Еще более устрашающий эффект производил павильон Италии — проект архитекторов Марио де Ренци и Адальберто Либера, созданный для Междуна- родной выставки в Брюсселе (1935). Массивная стена, перфорированная однообразной сеткой небольших квадратных окон, украшена четырьмя гигантскими топорами из камня и металла. Их

1 Иконников А. В. Архитектура XX века. Утопии и реальность. В 2‑х т. – Т. 1. – М.: Прогресс-Традиция, – 2001. – С. 371. 2 Там же. – С. 375. Study of art 23

очевидная несоразмерность, нарушающая масштабность естественных архитектурных соотноше- ний, подавляет, создавая зловещее, мистическое впечатление 1. Одним из первых проектов в ликторском стиле был комплекс «Пьяцца Витториа в Брешии» (1932), созданный по проекту Марчелло Пьячентини при реконструкции старых кварталов в центре Рима. Над замкнутой, обстроенной по периметру площадью-залом, высится ассиметрично постав- ленная массивная девятиэтажная «Башня революции». Монотонным расчленением и огрублением классических деталей архитектор подчеркнул помпезный монументализм неоклассического здания. Ха- рактерным для «Литторио» стал ансамбль Университетского городка в восточной части Рима (1936). Пьячентини разработал генеральный план кампуса, руководил всей группой проектировщиков и сам построил основное здание – ректорат. В центре фасада, выходящего на парадную площадь, архитек- тор расположил гипертрофированный портик, лишенный декора. Основательность тесно сдвинутых мощных пилонов квадратного сечения без капителей и баз подчеркивает лежащий на них легковесный антаблемент. Геометрическая строгость, повторяемость ритма, острота пропорциональных соотноше- ний рождают подавляющую архитектуру, лейтмотивом которой становится воспевание тоталитарного могущества, пропаганда подчинения и смирения. План с сильной главной осью, парадный въезд, оформ- ленный массивным сквозным портиком на квадратных столбах, система просторных прямоугольных площадей предназначенных для массовых шествий придают всему ансамблю военную строгость. Помимо постройки общественных зданий, Муссолини поручил архитекторам разработать про- екты перепланировки Рима и Милана, Флоренции, Генуи, Неаполя, Турина, и других политических, административных и промышленных центров страны. В планах преобладала сплошная периме- тральная застройка с неблагоприятным расположением жилых домов непосредственно вдоль улиц, гипертрофированное подражание монументальным ансамблям прошлого, стремление устраивать грандиозные площади, прямые и широкие проспекты, приспособленные для маршировки военизи- рованных фашистских организаций. Демонстративная амбициозность градостроительных начинаний фашистской Италии вскоре была разоблачена, так как реально осуществленными оказались лишь неко- торые достаточно ограниченные замыслы генерального плана Рима и реконструкция центра Милана. Составленный в 1931–1932 годы проект планировки столицы Италии почти не затрагивал про- блем жилищного строительства, зато намечал пробивку через тело древнего города целого ряда парадных магистралей и проспектов, создание ансамблей административного и общественного на- значения. Рассекая центр города, был проложен проспект «Виа деи Фори Империали» шириной 30 метров и длиной 850 метров, поглотивший почти полностью грандиозный форум Траяна, а так- же форумы Цезаря, Августа, Нервы и Веспасиана, от которых сохранились только разобщенные небольшие фрагменты. Насильственно проложенный проспект связал своей жесткой геометрически прямолинейной асфальтированной лентой площадь Венеции с Колизеем 2. Еще одним неоднознач- ным проектом стала широкая магистраль «Виа делла Кончилационе», непосредственно выходящая на площадь Святого Петра, где образовавшаяся широкая эспланада, грубая в своей классицисти- ческой композиции и тяжеловесно-парадной застройке, была обрамлена фонарями-обелисками. В 1935–1943 годах архитекторы Марчелло Пьячентини, Джузеппе Пагано, Луиджи Пиччина- то, Этторе Росси, Луиджи Виетти спроектировали район EUR (Esposizione Universale di Roma) для всемирной выставки 1942 года, на которой Бенито Муссолини планировал отпраздновать двадцать лет правления фашизма. По замыслу дуче, EUR должен был стать ядром «Третьего Рима» с музе- ями, залом конгрессов, дворцами, мемориалами. Его оформление было обусловлено принципами фашистской эстетики и задумывалось как высшая ступень ликторского стиля 3.

1 Всеобщая история искусств. В 6 т. – Т. 6, кн. 1. – М.: Искусство, – 1956–1966. – С. 254. 2 Там же. – С. 252. 3 Иконников А. В. Архитектура XX века. Утопии и реальность. В 2‑х т. – Т. 1. – М.: Прогресс-Традиция, – 2001. – С. 377. 24 Section 5.

Ключевым зданием комплекса стал Дворец итальянской цивилизации, архитекторов Джо- ванни Гуэррини, Эрнесто Бруно Ла Падула и Марио Романо (1937), достроенный к 1950 году без отступлений от проекта. Решенный в форме вертикального параллелепипеда дворец отсечен от земли распластанным каменным стилобатом. Грани главного объема, словно в напоминание о древнеримском Колизее, равномерно заполняют шесть ярусов одинаковых арок. Здание обли- цовано травертином, что характерно для всего района EUR. Отсутствие как таковой фасадной до- минанты, как и главного фасада вообще, очевидно, обусловлено, идеологическими соображениями: монотонная фактура Дворца, вызывающая ощущение бесконечно протяженного пространства, должна была символизировать вечность и незыблемость фашистской диктатуры. Тоталитарные идеи ярко проявили себя не только в реконструкции Рима, но и в постройке новых городов. С точки зрения фашистских теоретиков архитектуры, Рим не мог в полной мере воплотить идею идеального города, поскольку был слишком сложен и многогранен. Воплощени- ем архитектурной и градостроительной политики режима должны были стать «новые города». С 1928 по 1940 годы было заложено девять городов, но реальное значение получили только пять из них: Литтория (1932) 1, Сабаудия (1934), Понтиния (1935), Муссолиния (1937) 2, Помеция (1939). Сравнивая два самых успешных градостроительных проекта – Литторию и Сабаудию – нель- зя не отметить как сходства, так и различия между ними. Оба города были построены на средства государства для инвалидов войны, которых наделили землей и превратили тем самым в фермеров. Аграрный характер обоих городов, построенных на осушенных болотах, примерно равноценная малоэтажная застройка, тождественный набор общественных зданий и площадей, не привели, од- нако, к сближению приемов их планировки. Если план Литтории с его взаимно перпендикулярными и диагональными улицами, а также системой концентрических восьмиугольников, окружающих центр, предельно геометризирован, то план Сабаудии скомпонован в более непринужденной манере. Литтория представляет собой почти отвлеченную схему, отдаленно напоминающую «идеальные го- рода» эпохи Возрождения, тогда как Сабаудия скорее похожа на английские города-сады начала века. Важное пропагандистское значение имели архитектурные сооружения, возводимые за преде- лами Италии – в итальянских колониях. Колониальная архитектура должна была стать зримым символом фашистской Италии, как новой Римской империи, созданной Муссолини. Краткосроч- ность реального существования стиля «Литторио», особенно применительно к колониям, не по- зволила итальянским архитекторам реализовать свои градостроительные замыслы в полной мере. Однако необходимо отметить, что построенные в Ливии, Эритрее, Эфиопии здания «итальянского колониального стиля» во многом соответствуют зданиям, построенным в Италии в 1930‑е годы, прежде всего постройкам Литтории и Сабаудии, римского района EUR и зданиям фашистского двадцатилетия в других итальянских городах 3. В теории, стиль «Литторио» должен был стать воплощением новой культуры и нового способа