1952, XXVIII, 403



LUDVIK HOBEIRLANDT Entomologicke oddeleni, Narodni mus.eum, Praha (IPrijato pro tisk dne '6. listopadu 1952.)

Po vyj iti podrobneho zpracovani H emiptera-Heteropte'Y'a ostrova 0 Cypru profesorem HAKANEM LINDBERGEM (Commentationes Biologicae, X. 7 : 1-98, 1948) obd:rZel jsem laskavosti Dr. J. A. 'Slatera ke zpracovani dalSi mensi material z tohoto ostrova, ktery :sbiral Mr. G. A. Mavromoustakis. Tento material ohsahuje 92 druhu a forem z lokalit neudavanych v LIND­ BERGOvE praci. 17 tdruhu jest novy·ch pro faunu ostrova, z toho dva druhy jsou druhy s rozsirenim vychodomediterranim, 12 druhu jest potom puvodu medi.terranniho, pro[likajici dtaleko do vychodni a stredni a.Z severni Evropy, dva druhy jsou ;puvodu angarskeho a novy druh nutno povazov,ati za en­ demitni. After the publication ~of the working on the H emiptera-Heteroptera of Cyprus tby ·Professor HAKAN LINDBERG (Commentationes Biologicae, X. 7 : 1-98, 1948) Dr. James A. Slater most kindly sent me for identific·ation a further, smaller material from Cyprus, collected by Mr. G. A. Mavro­ moustakis. This material ooritains 92 ! and forms from localities not listed m LINDBERG's work, of which 17 species are new for the fauna of Cyprus and one species is new for 'science. Below I give :a list of the species found. Cydnidae

Macroscytus brunneus (FAB.) - 1 rf and 1 !i!, Amathus 4. Ill. 1950. Cydnus aterrimus \(FORST.) - 1 '!j!, Polemedia Hills 3-4. IV; 1 rf, Amathus 17. IV; 1 rf and 1 !i!, Cherkes 28. IV. 1950. Sehirus dubius (ScoP.l) - 1 !i!, Cherkes 17-18. Ill. 1950. Sehirus cypriacus DOHRN -- 2 cf rf and 1 !i!, Polemedia Hills 2. IV. 1950. . Ochetostethus nanus (H. ScH.) - 1 !i!, Episcopi Forest 26. IV. 1950. 109 110 Hemiptera-Hete!'optera. ·z oSltrova Cypru.


Eurygaster integriceps PUT. - 1 rJ and 1 •Sjl, Cherkes 17-18. Ill. (at Calendula persica); 1 ~, Polemedia Hills 2. IV ; 1 5i1, Limassol 14. IV. 1950. Podops (Opocrates) rectidens HORV. - 1 rJ, Cherkes 17-18. Ill. 1950, New record. Aelia acuminata (L.) - 4 r! o and 2' ~ · 9. Cherkes 17-18. :and 30. Ill. 1950 (at Calendula. persica). Stagonomus ·amolenus (BRULLE) - 1 ir:f and 2 l5i1 !5il, Episcopi Forest 20-23, IV. 1950. Stollia inconspicua (H. SCH.) - 1 .r:J, Cherkes 17-18. Ill. 1950 (at Calendula persica). Holcostethus vernalis (WOLFF) - 1 rJ and 1 5i1, Yermasoyia River 6. Ill; 1 rJ :and 1 ~. Polemedia Hills 10-11. Ill; 1 5i1, Cherkes 22-24. Ill. 1950. New record. Ca.rpocoris pudicus (PODA) - 1 rJ, Yermasoyia River 1. Ill; 2 rJ rJ and 3 5i1 5i1, Polemedia Hills 10-11. Ill. 1950. varia (F.) - 1 .r:f, Cherkes 22-24. Ill; 1 rJ, Amathus 17. IV. 1950. Dolycoris baccarum (L.)- 2 ~ · ~, Yermasoyia River 1-3. Ill; 1 r:J, Amathus 4. Ill; 1 · ~, Polemedia Hills ,10-11. Ill. 1950. Eurydema ornatum f. decorata (H. ScH.) - 5 rJ rJ and 1 ~, Yerma­ soyia River 28. II. 1and 1. Ill. 1950. Nezara viridula f. smaragdula (FAB.) - 3 rJ rJ and 1 5i1, Yermasoyia River 1. Ill. 1950. Nezara viridula f. torquata (FAB.)- 2 r:fr:J, Yermasoyia River 1-3. Ill. 1950. Piezodorus lituratus (FAB.) - 1 ~, Polemedia Hills 10-11. Ill; 1 ~, Li.massol 14. IV. 1950. · rhombeus (L.) - 1 5i1, Cherkes 17-18. Ill. 1950. Haploprocta sulcicornis •(FAB.) - 1 rJ, Cherkes. 17-18. Ill. 1950 (at Calendula persica). Centrocoris .spiniger (FAB.) - 1 rJ, Amathus 17. IV. 1950. Arenocoris waltli (H. ScH.) - 1 ·Si1, Limassol14. IV. 1950. Loxocnemis dentator (FAB.) - 2 rJ rJ, Limassol 14. IV. 1950. CoriJomeris 1hirticornis (FAB.) - 1 rJ, Yermasoyia River 2-3. Ill; 2 r:Jr:f, Cherkes 17-18. Ill. and 30. Ill. (at Calendula persica); 1 r:f, Pole­ media Hills 3-4. IV. 1950. Strobilotoma typhaecorni"S (FAB.) - 3 rJ rJ, Cherkes 17-18. and 30. Ill, 22-23. IV. (at Calendula persica); 2 \r:f ,r:J, Limassol 14. IV. 1950. Strobilotoma; divergens REUT. - 3 ~ : ~, Cherkes 17-18, 22-24, 30. III. 1950. Acila EnrbomoJlo·gka Mrws.ei N.ati~nl1rul1s- PDagae, 1952, XXVIII, 403. 111

Dicranomerus agilis (SCOP.) - 1


Lygaeus saxatilis (ScoP.) - 4

Macroplax fasciata (H. ScH.) - 1 ~, Limassol 14. IV; 1 ~, Episcopi Forest 20-23. IV. 1950. M egalonotus praetextatus (H. ScH.) - 1 rJ, Episcopi Forest 26. IV. 1950. I • ·! . :·. · ! i.'<: !l~l Aphanus rolandri (L.) - 1 rJ a.nd 4 ~ ~, Cherkes 28. IV. 1950. Beosus quadripunctatus (MULL.) - 1 rJ and 3 ~ ~, Cherkes 17-18. IlL and 28. IV. f(at Calendula persica); 1 ~, Lima·s.sol 14. IV. 1950. Ischnopeza pallipes PuT. - 1 rJ, Cherkes 30. Ill. 1950. Emblethis grisews (WOLFF.) - 1 rJ, Cherkes 17-18. Ill. 1950 (at Calendula persica). 0 Lethaeus cribratissimus (STAL) - 2 rJ c" and 1


Berytinus signoreti (FIEB.) - 3 rJ rJ and 3 ~ ~, Episcopi Forest 26. IV. 1950. N e w r e c o r d. Pyrrhocoridae Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) - 3 rf rJ, Yermasoyia River 2-3. Ill. 1950. Scantius aegyptius (L.) - 3 rf rJ, Yermasoyia River 20-21. I. 1950.


Tingis (Lasiotropis) ragusana (FIEB.) - 1 ~, Episcopi Forest 20-23. IV. 1950. N e w r e cor d. Monanthia nassata PUT.- 4 ~ ~' Epis.copi Forest 20-23. IV. 1950. M onanthia pZatyoma FIEB. - 1 rf, Episcopi Forest 20-23. IV. 1950. New r e ·c or d. Reduviidae Pasira basiptera ·STAL - 1 ~, Cherkes 17.-18. Ill. 1950 (at Calen- d'ula persica). · Pirates hybridus (ScoP.) __:__ 6 ~ ~, Akrotizi Bay 16. Ill. 1950. Coranus eagyptius (FAB.) - 1' •(J and 1 ~ ~, Polemedia Hills 13. III. (at Calycotome sp.) ; 1 ~ ~, Cherkes 17.-18. Ill. 195.0 (at Calendula persica). Nabidae

Nabis (s. str.) capsiformis GERM. - l id, Yermasoyia River 2.-3. III. 1950. Nabis ( Aspilaspis)' viridis BRULLE - 1 ~, Yermasoyia River 2.-3. III.; 1 rJ and 4 ~ ~, Phinikaria River 18. IX. 1950 (at Tamariscus sp.). ACita Eill't:omo1l.ogica M:u1s.ei NaUonaJI~s , 'Pmg·ae, 1952, XXVIII, 403. 113

Anthocoridae Anthocoris minki !DoHRN - 1 o and 3 ~ ~, Amathus 4. Ill. 1950. New record. Orius (s . .str.) niger (WOLFF) - 1 o and 8 ~ ~ , Episcopi Forest 20.-23. IV. 1950. New record. Miridae Deraeocoris (s. str.) rutilus (H. ScH.) - 1 o, Episc01pi Forest 20 - 23. IV. 1950. Deraeocoris ( Camptobrochis) serenus ( DGL. Se.) - 1 ~, Y ermasoyia River 28. Il.; 1 ~. Cherkes 28. IV. 19·50. New record. Deraeocoris (Camptobrochis) punctulatus (FA:LL.) - 3 !o.o and 1 ·. ~, Yermasoyi:a River 2R II. 1950. M acrotylus nigr1:cornvs FIEB. - 1 o and 2 ~ ~, Polemedia Hills 3.-4. IV. 1950. Macrotylus lutescens FIEB.- 2 o o, P.olemedia Hills 3.-4. IV. 1950. New re cord. Pachyxyphus lineellus (MULS. et REY) - 5 o o aJnd 1 ~, Episcopi Forest 20.-23. IV. 1950. New record. Plagiognathus (s. str.) fusciloris REUT. - 3 o o and 1 ~, Epi.gcopi Forest 20.-23. IV. 1950. N e w re c o r d. Campylomma lindbergi s;p. n. - 3 o o and 2 : ~ ~, Episcopi Forest 20.-23. IV. 1950. Tuponia t(J)maricis (PERR.) - 3 )oo and 4 ~ : ~, Phinikaria River 18. IX. 1950 (at Tamari'3cus ·31p.) Tuponia hippophoes (FIEB.) - 4 o o and 2 · ~ ~, Phinikaria River 18. IX. 1950 (at Tamariscus :sp.) Cyphodema instabile (Luc.) - 1 o, Gherkes 28. IV. 1950. New re eo rd. Calocoris (Closterotomus) annulus (BRULLE)- 4 o o 'and 2 : ~ : ~,Pole­ media Hills 13. Ill. (at Calycotome); 1 ~, Cherkes 30. IlL 1950. Calocoris (s. ~str.) hispanicus (GMEL.) - 1 • . ~, Polemedia Hills 2. IV. 1950. Calocoris (s. str.) hispanicus f. confluens REUT. - 1 o., Polemedia Hills 2. IV. 1950. Calocoris (s. str.) hispanicus f. vittata REUT. - 1 o; Polemedia Hills 20. IV. 1950. Calocoris (,s. str.) hispanicus f. coccinea (DUF.) - 2 :0 :0 and 1 : ~, Polemedia Hills 2. IV. 1950. Calocoris (s. str.) rubrinervis (H. ScH.) - 3 0 ,0, Limassol 13. IV. 1950. Lygus (Neolygus) apicalis FIEB. --..:.. 1 o, Episcopi Forest 20.-23. IV. 1950. Lygus (Exolygus) pratensis (L.) - 5 0,0, Yermasoyia River 21. II. 1950. Lygus (Exolygus) gemellatus (H. ScH.) - 1 : ~, Yermasoyia River 28. II.; 1 o 1and 7 · ~ ~, Cherkes 22.-24. Ill. and 28. IV. 1950. New record. 114 Hemiptera-Hetel'optera z os1trova Cypru.

Capsodes (H oristus) infuscatus (BRULLE) - 1 cf and 1 5i?, Polemedia Hills 9.-10. Ill. 1950. Capsodes (Horistus) infuscatus f. rufipennis REUT. - 1 cf and 3 ~ 5j?, Polemedia Hills 9.-10. Ill. 1950. Dionconotus cruentatus (BRULLE) - 5 cf cf and 1 ~, Akrotizi Bay 16. Ill. 1950. Leptopodidae

Patapius spinosus (Rossr) - 2 cf cf and 4 5i? ~, Yermasoyia River 30.-31. I. and 2.-3. Ill. 1950. Veliidae Velia (s. str.) filippii TAM. - 6 15j? 5i?, Fasoula 26. XII. 1945. New record. The following .survey of the biogeographic elements include 17 species newly ascertained for the fauna of Heteroptera of CyprUJs 1: The Mediterranean element: (1) Species with eastmediterranean distribution: Podops (Opocrates) rectidens HORV. Velia ventralis filippii TAM. (2) Species with mediterranean distribution penetrating into East or Middle and Nmth Europe: Nysius senecionis (SCHILL.) A rtheneis foveolata SPIN. Berytinus signoreti (FIEB.) Tingis (Lasiotropis) ragusana (FIEB.) Anthocoris minki DOHRN Orius (s. str.) niger (WOLFF) Deraleocoris (Camptobrochis) serenus (DGL. Se.) Macrotylus lutescens FIEB. Pachyxyphus lineellus (MULS. et REY) Plagiognathus (s. str.) fusciloris REUT. Cyphodema instabile (Luc.) Lygus (Exolygus) gemellatus (H. ScH.) Angaran element: Holcostethus vernalis (WOLFF) M onanthia platyoma FIEB. E n d em i c s p e c i e :s ( ?) : Campylomma lindbergi sp. n. Campylomma lindbergi sp. n. M a 1 e: length to the end of hemielytra 2.55-2.81 mm, maximum width 1.14 mm. Head: length 0.23 mm, width 0.74 mm, vertex 0.35 mm. Alntennae: length ·Of segment I, 0.17 mm; II, 0.65 mm; Ill, 0,27 mm; IV. 0.19 mm. Rostrum: length 0.86 mm. Pronotum: length 0.47 mm, width 1.05 mm. Acta Ent;omo~ogilca M'llls.ei Na.ti,onaUs Pmgae, 1952, XXVIII, 4J3. 511

General ·colour reddish brown in different shades, shining. Head pale reddish brown, frons with two irregular dark reddish brown spots which fuse more or less with the blackish tylus and with the blackish irregular spots on the lower :part of the head unfar the base of the antennae. The whole tylus and in some .specimens almost the whole genae are blackish. In some specimens the black frontal spots are hemmed in by a ibright red border which passes into the reddish vertex.· Frnns in the middle of the black spots with a yellow tinge; eyes bordered red. Eyes blackish brown. Rostrum yellowish brown, ~ a;pical half of the last .segment black Antennae yellowish brown, only the :base o.f the second segment slightly darkened, 3. and 4. segment 1pinkish. Pro·notum brownish red, base of the pronotum with two large blackish four-sided spots, whkh fuse more or less in the middle. Anterior part of the ,pronotum with two bright red .spots, direct.ed from the anterolateral angles to the middle, where they a;nastomose. Anterior margin of the pronotum and a 1small part in the middle of the disc with a yellow tinge. :Scutellum blackish, anterior ,angles and the tip of the scutellum somewhat 1paler. Hemielytra reddish brown, inner and apical part of the davus blackish brown, inner part of the corium to the inner angle reddish brown; cuneus somewhat redder than the !base proJPer of the hemielytra. Membrane dark brown, at the base somewhat darker, basal veins of the membrane reddish. Sternum exc~pt the outer posterior angle of the propleura and acetabula reddish, shining. Venter reddish brown, shining, the first two ventrites and the end of the IX. segment •brownish.

CampY_lomma lindbergi

Legs yellowish brown, distal half of the posterior femora reddish. Anterior and middle femora with rone or two black dots on the upper side, posterior femora with 12-15 dots on the Ui)Jper and outer side. Tibiae with large black dots from which !black spines grow out. The whole lbody is oovered with a long, a;ppressed golden pubescence, which is long especially on pro­ notum, scutellum, clavus, corium, and ~ cuneus. The .sha,pe of the ibody is elongated oval, 2.3 times as long as broad. Head 3 times as broad as long, strongly perpendicular, vertex very finely bo:rdered, 1.9 times broader than the width of the eye. Tylus strongly projecting. Surfa;ce of the hea,d with a very fine sculpture. Antennae linear, first and second segments towards the · ape,x slightly widened, stronger than the last two. Relative lengths of respective antennal segments as 14 : 53 : 23 : 16. Rostrum rea;ching to the end of the middle coxae. Pronotum regularly arched, somewhat inclined anteriorly, 2,2 times as broad as long. Pronotum and scutellum very finely irregularly transvernally rastrate. Hemielytra projecting far beyond the end of the body, margins of the hemielytra very finely rounded, davus and corium with fine sculp­ ture. IX. abdominal segment very broad, broader tha;n long. Aedeagus of ty,pical shape, vesica strongly S-shaped. Left paramere with two unequal pl'olongations, hy;pophysis lengthened into a long hut only slightly narrow­ ing point, central processus short, strong, distinctly narrowing. Right paramere slightly bent, 'b:voadest in the basal third. F e m a 1 e: length to the end of hemielytra 2.58-2.66 mm, maximum width 1.18-1.25 mm. Head: length 0.23 mm, width 0.75 mm, vertex 0.36 mm. Antennae: length of segment I, 0.16 mm; II. 0.59 mm; Iii. 0.25 mm; IV, 0.18 mm. Pronotum: length 0.48 mm, width 1.1. mm. Similar to the male, only slightly broader. Coloration of the dark spots not so striking and contrasting, the dark ~coloration on the ~corium rather disappears in the two females at my diSiPosal. Sternum bright red coloured, venter pale brown. 3 0'0' and 2 ~ ~ ~ (holotype, allotype and paratypes)- Epi rscopi Forest, 20.-23. IV. 1950. Ho,JotYJl)e, allotype and 1 1paratype in the collection of the National Museum in Prague, 2 paratypes in the collection . of Dr. J,ames A. Slater, .Kmes, Iowa, USA. The new species is distinguished from all other species of the Campylomma REUTER iby the very striking coloration ·of the head, pro­ notum, scutellum and hemielytra. In general coloration it is somewhat reminiscent of the male of Campylomma platani LINDBERG from Cyprus; the antennae without black drawings on first joint are reminiscent of C. nigronassuta REUTER.