
Establishment - Rural Develoflment and Panchayat Raj Department - District - Creation and Diversion of posts to the newly formed Srimushnam Panchayat Union - Sanction of Posts, furniture, vehicles and other equipments and sanction of Expenditure - Orders - lssued. Rural Development and Panchavat Rai (E5) Department

G.O.(Ms).No.45 Dated :21.02.2020. oflonfl, nn#|9, OtU.rirref ari qgator@ 2051.


G.O.(Ms).No.97, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (PR-l l) Department, dated 05.08.2014. From the Director of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Letter No.43908120191F.1, dated 18J22019.


In the Government Order first read above orders has been issued by forming of a new Panchayat Union viz, Srimushnam Panchayat Union bifurcating the , Kammapuram and Keerapalayam Panchayat Unions with 41 Village Panchayats in .

2. The Director of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj in his letter second read above has stated that the Srimushnam Panchayat Union in Cuddalore District is newly created and has to be started functioning. The Panchayat Union General Fund Account has to be opened and a portion of sum corresponding to the population may be apportioned to start the function of the new Panchayat Union. Further, the Director of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj has recommended for creation of 43 new posts and 15 posts by diversion from Keerapalayam (4 posts), Kattumannarkoil (6 posts) and Kammapuram (5 posts) Panchayat Unions to the newly formed Srimushnam Panchayat Union which is based on the norms prescribed as the staffing pattern for the Panchayat Union in Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Depaftment and also requested to sanction the recurring expenditure towards salary, recurring cost other than salary expenditure and non-recurring expenditure towards purchase of 3 Jeeps, furniture and office equipments thereof. 3. The Government have examined the proposal in detail with reference to the norms prescribed as the staffing pattern of Government orders for the Panchayat Union and accord sanction forcreation of 43 new posts and diversion of 15 posts

2 ..2.. from Keerapalayam (4 posts), Kattumannarkoil (6 posts) and Kammapuram (5 posts) Panchayat Unions to the newly formed Srimushnam Panchayat Union as detailed below:- l) Government Side - Administrative Post sanctioned for post Staff Strength No. of E newly formed sanctioned for E after diversion of E. Srimushnam Posting the the Panchayat .e9b Panchayat Union with Panchayat Union Union 8 41 Village Panchayats sl. =5 E Name of the Post E L E E3s. L E c No o o o o.9 g o o o o o L o c o .9a c 6 EE L o o.= o o o q) og E6 o o- -o o q) CU' o-o 8iF o- L o E o E o -oJg(r L F=Y E E L =Y E o o o o o c) G o m t- 0) Y c) \z m Y Y z Y \l

1 1 1 Block Development Officer (BP) 1 I 1 1 1 1 Development Deputy Block 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Officer (General)

Deputy Block Development .1 3 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Officer (NMP) Zonal Deputy Block Development 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Officer-lV

5 Accountant 1 1 4 1 1 I 1 1 4 4 6 Assistant 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 ? (1 from Grade-l z z 2 1 1 1 3 3 7 Rural Welfare Officer each block)

8. Junior Assistant (NMP) 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1

9 Rural Welfare Officer Grade-l I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ,l 10 Extension Officer (SW) 1 1 1 1 1 I 1

11 Rural Welfare Officer (Women) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total 13 13 13 3 12 12 12 9 3 12

ll) Government Side - Technical

Staff Strength Post sanctioned for No. of post E after diversion of newly formed sanctioned for P - Posting the Srimushnam the Panchayat s3b Panchayat Panchayat Union with Union E Union 41 Village Panchayats sl. =5 Name of the Post E E3-E E L L E E c No o (! o E.9 I o (I' o c o L c L o .o o c f 6 EE o c f o o o- o (6: o- (tr L caop o- F6 o ^ob6 o_ FO o o o o- EY >'4 o_ L (! J E o E o D 6.ro L F E E L =\< E o o o o 0) o o Y o z o Y o m m F v Y Y Y

1 Assistant Engineer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 Overseer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3

lll) Union Side - Administrative

E Staff Strength Post sanctioned No. of post o for newly c after diversion of formed Srimushnam sanctioned for the Posting the Panchayat Union Panchayat Union egb with E Panchayat Union 41 Village Panchayats st. E E Name of the Post L E =5 L E No. o (U o E3-q o (\' o c C c L E"9\o- E o E -oJg o- L F g o o=Y E E o o E o c) \z o o) c) Y o d) m F \z Y z \< Y

1 Election Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

4 2 Junior Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1

3 Typist 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 Cashier 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 5 Jeep Driver 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 o Record Clerk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7. Office Assistant 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

.l 4 8 Night Watchman 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 13 13 .1 '2. 13 13 13 13 13

lV) Union Side - Technical

Staff Strength No. of post E Post sanctioned for newly g after diversion of sanctioned for formed Srimushnam Posting the the Panchayat Panchayat Union with .e3b Panchayat Union 41 Village Panchayats E Union st. =s Name of the Post E L E E L E No. (U o o (6 G c c c L €fiF c E o .o o o f o c f o o o'= o- 6ijP o (U: o- o op o- o o- cO (5 o o c8 o- E\1 83s o- L o f- E o E o ! oo- g E E L E=Y E o o) o o o o (E o d] o Y o) \. m F v Y z Y Y

1 Road Inspector 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Total 3 J 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4

V) Government Side - Administrative

Staff Strength No. of oost E Post sanctioned for newly after diversion sanctioned for E formed Srimushnam of Posting the the Panchayat Panchayat Union with e 3.b Panchayat Union 41 Village Panchayats 8 E5 Union sl. E E9t E Name of the Post L E L E c No o o o o o o c c €Ei' c L o .9 (5 G C a c 6 E! L o (E= o- o o o CAop o- cO (E o- eo o o o o- *^ob6 >\o- o- ()L o E o E o -o.g o- L =Y E E L =Y E o 0) o o o () Y o o o Y o m m F Y Y z Y :<

,l 1. Block Development Officer (VP) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Deputy Block Development 2 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Officer (Panchayat) Deputy Block Development J 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Officer (Audit) Zonal Deputy Block 4 1 1 1 1 1 I Development Officer-l I Zonal Deputy Block 1 1 1 1 1 1 Develooment Officer-l | | Zonal Deputy Block 6. 1 1 1 3* 3 3 Development Officer-V 7 Accountant I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8. Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 q Rural Welfare Officer Grade-l 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 10 Rural Welfare Officer Grade-ll 2 2 2 2** 2 I 1 2 2

11 Jeep Driver 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Total 13 '12 13 5 12 11 11 6 5 11

Vl) Government Side - Technical

E Staff Strength Post sanctioned for newly No. of post P after diversion of formed Srimushnam sanctioned for the .c. - Posting the Panchayat Union with Panchayat Union eEb E Panchayat Union 41 Village Panchayats sl. Name of the Post Ets=5 E g E L No (U E E.9 (s E c o o g O* o (5 c c L c L o .9 o (o f U)0DY o c f o (5 o- (5 11l: o- o og o- P'6 o eis o- -o (! o o CA o- c\1 o- L o J E E o E o o -ogo- E o) =Y E o o) o o o (D o Y o z o :< o m F Y Y Y \Z

1. Assistant Engineer 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1

I 2 Overseer 1 1 1 1 I 'l 1 1

Total 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

5 5

Vll) MGNREGS - Administrative

E Staff Strength Post sanctioned No. of post sanctioned (! for newly after diversion of for the Panchayat formed Srimushnam Posting the Panchayat Union .e 3.E Union with E Panchayat Union 41 Village Panchayats E^a P^ st. =5 E Name of the Post o (! E 5o X (o E c No G 6 g o - E.9 E .o .o o 6 R: o- 6ii9 ft o- (U L og :o o o- co o o c) C.t o- cv * o- o 5- E ^obE>o- (5 E o 6 .ro L E L E o (I' E q) (U=Y E o o Y c) o Y o rn Y Y z \z \z m I Deputy Block Development Officer (MGNREGS) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Zonal Deputy Block Development Officer-l 1 1 1 1 1 1

J. Assistant 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 Computer Assistant 6 6 7 3** 5 5 6 2 (Consolidated Pav) 3 5 Total 10 10 11 3 9 I 10 5 3 I

Vlll) MGNREGS - Technical

Staff Strength Post sanctioned No. of post E for newly after diversion of formed Srimushnam sanctioned for the o-E Posting the Panchayat Panchayat Union Union with o.9Eo(E(5 Panchayat Union 41 Village Panchayats st. t E 9O F E (U E o E c Name of the Post 6 (5 Y tr'= o (U ([ No L L o o i;aE: (U l .o a fr o- 6fr,E (E o- o L og o- cvFE o o- EO o o o ca o- J E PZ3 o. E :o o E (o o E J9 IL E 'g- L =Y E q) o (5 c) G (6 d) F o Y Y a vo Y Y d]

I Assistant Engineer 2 3 z 2 2 2 1 1 2

2 Overseer 7 6 6 3***** 6 5 5 2 3 5

Total I 9 8 8 7 7 3 4 7


E (0 Staff Strength Post sanctioned for newly No. of post after diversion of formed Srimushnam sanctioned for the .e3b Posting the Panchayat Union with 41 Panchayat Union E Panchayat Union Village Panchayats Ea z st. E =5 Name of the Post E 5o X (U E No (I' d o EgE o (! o E .o .oo (I' o- 6iu9 (U (U: o- (! L a9 o- o- qo (! .o o) o- =oEY ^obd* o. =at (s l E )-o- E o 6no L E o E E (5=Y E o o o (U o o o o Y o) Y -co F \< Y z Y c0

'l Total No. of Administrative Post 49 49 50 11 46 45 46 33 11 44

2 Total No. ofTechnical Post 16 to 15 15 14 14 10 4 14

Total 65 65 65 11 61 59 60 43 15 58

* 1 Post of Zonal Deputy Block Development Officer from each Panchayat Union

6 ..6..

** 1 post of RuralWelfare Officer (Grade - ll) from Kattumannarkoil and Kammapuram Panchayat Union

*** 1 post of Computer Assistant from each block

**** 1 post of Assistant Engineer post from Kattumannarkoil Panchayat Union and

***** 1 post of Overseer from each Panchayat Union

4. The Government further accord sanction for the Fuel expenses of 3 jeeps, Telephone charges, Rent, Electricity charges, Contingency, Stationary, Furniture and Office equipments and the Level of Pay to the posts to the newly formed Srimushnam Panchayat Union as detailed in the Annexures l, ll, lll and lV of this order.

5. Sanction is accorded for incurring recurring expenditure of Rs.2,83,47,4001- (Rupees Two crores eighty three lakhs forty seven thousand four hundred only) per annum and for incurring non-recurring expenditure of Rs.44,52,4271- (Rupees forty four lakhs fifty two thousand four hundred and twenty seven only) for the newly formed Srimushnam Panchayat Union as detailed below:-

Non sl. Recurring - Items Recurring No. (Rs.) (Rs.) 1. Towards Salary Expenditure

i) Government Head of Account 1,50,03,600 (ii) Panchayat Union General Fund 72,86.400 (iii) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural 2,76,83,400| Employment Guarantee Scheme 53,93,400 Admin Fund Total 2,76,83,400

2. Recurring Cost Other than Salary (will be met from Panchayat Union General Fund except the fuel and maintenance of Vehicle allotted to Block Development Officer (VP) which will be met 6,64,000/- from State Finance Commission Fund.)

3. Purchase of 3 Jeeps (@ Rs.6,48,000/- per vehicle) Block Development Officer (BP) 1 Jeeo 19,44,000t- Block Development Officer (VP) 1 Jeep Chairman, Panchavat Union 1 Jeep

4. Purchase of Furniture 19,41,4271- 5. Purchase of Office Equipments 5,67,000/- Total 2,83,47,4001- 44,52,4271-

6. The new posts are created temporarily for a period of three years reckoned from the date of filling up or till the necessity ceases, whichever is earlier. The incumbents of posts sanctioned in paa 3 above are eligible to draw pay and allowances in the scale of pay applicable, as per rules in force. The expenditure sanctioned in paragraph 5 above shall be debited to the heads of accounts as indicated in Annexure - V of this order.

7 ..7..

7. The Expenditure constitutes an item of "New Instrument of Service" and the approval of the Legislature will be obtained in due course. Pending approval of the Legislature, the expenditure is to be initially be met from an advance drawn from the contingency fund. Order regarding this will be issued separately in Finance (BG-l) Department. The Director of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj is requested to apply in duplicate for sanctioning of contingency fund in the prescribed proforma along with the copy of this order to Government in Finance (BG-l) Department. The Director of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj is requested to include this expenditure while sending the proposal for Final Supplementary Estimates for 2019-2020 at appropriate time.

8. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its U.O.No.5417lFin(RD)l 20, dated18.02.2020 and U.O.No.8749lFin(CMPCy20,dated 20.02.2020 and with Additional Sanction Ledger No.3029 (Three thousand twenty nine).



To The Director of Rural Development and P gfaorO/nr -15. , DirtcLotals The District Collector, Cuddalore District. f .lo.lo The Commissioner, Srimushnam Panchayat Union, Davdoprurrnb Cuddalore District. tu! Dcpar[namf , The Accountant General, Chennai - 18 / 35. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Chennai-35. The Director of Local Fund Audit, Chennai-35. .fonoard,ad {or The District Treasury Officer, Cuddalore District. r ) ^lfrgsdl9 Copv to ac[ion The Hon'ble Chief Minister's office, Chennai-9. The Special PA to the Minister for Municipal Administration, Rural Development and lmplementation of Special Programme, Chennai-9. rlo The Principal PS to the Chief Secretary to Government, cll,tr Chennai-9. The Principal PS to the Additional Chief Secretary to G_overnment, Cuadolnn . Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department, Chennai-9 The Finance (BG-l/BG-ll/CMPC/RD) Department, Chennai-9. All Departments of Secretariat, Chennai-9.

llForwarded by Orderll ANNEXURE - I

(G.O.(MslNo.45. RD&PR (E5) Department. dated 21.02.2020)

Annual Recurrinq Costs (other than salarv) for Srimushnam Panchavat Union st. Amount Details No. (in Rs.)

1 Fuel & Maintenance of Vehicles (3 Jeeps) 3,15,000

2. Telephone Charges 24,000

3 Rent As per PWD norms

4. Electricity Consumption Charges 1,50,000

5. Contingency 25,000

6. Stationery 1,50,000

Total 6,64,000


llTrue copyll ANNEXURE - II

(G.O.(Ms)No.45. RD&PR (E5) Department. dated 21.02.2020)

Details of Furniture required for the srimushnam Panchavat Union

Name of the Office (Requirement in Nos.) st. Unit Total Name of the ltems Total No. Cost Expenditure Block Village (Rs.) (Rs.) Panchayat Panchayat

Wooden Junior 1. 2 2 4 5,519 Executive Chair 22.076 Wooden Assistant 2 22 17 39 4,760 1,85,640 Chair

3. Wooden Typist Chair 1 1 2 4,760 9,520 Senior Executive 4 12 10 22 23,416 Table 5,15,152 Wooden Assistant 5. 22 17 39 Table 10,471 4,08,369 Wooden Typist 6 1 1 2 10,471 Table 20.942 7. SteelAlmirah 4 3 7 10,947 76.629

8. Wooden Almirah 10 7 17 10,947 1,86,099

9. Wooden side rack 15 8 23 13,000 2,99,000

10 Wooden Stool 6 5 11 1,000 11,000

11. Wooden tray 2 3 5 1,000 5,000

12. Reaper record rack 15 15 13,000 1,95,000 Pigeon hole 13. 1 1 7,000 7,000 cuoboard Total 113 74 187 19,41,427


llTrue copyll


(G.O.(Ms)No.45. RD&PR (E5) Department. dated 21.02.2020)

st. Requirement Unit Gost Total Expenditure Details of items No. in Nos. (Rs.) (Rs.)

1 Computer 7 65,000 4,55,000

2 Multi Purpose Printer 2 20,000 40,000

3 Photo Copier 1 50,000 50.000

4 Fire Extinguisher 2 10,000 20.000

5 Telephone 2 1,000 2,000

Total 5,67,000/-


llTrue copyll ANNEXURE - IV (G.O.(Ms).No.45. RD&PR(E5) Department. dated 21.02.2020) Srimushnam Panchavat Union

Total No. sl. Details of Post of Posts Level of Pay No. Greated

Government Head of Account

1 a Block Development Officer (B.P) & ry.P) 2 Level 20 37700-119500 b. Deputv Block Development Officer 4 Level 18 36900-1 16600 c Accountant 2 Level 10 20600-65500 d Assistant 2 Level 10 20600-65500 e. Junior Assistant 1 Level 8 19500-62000 ,f Jeep Driver 1 Level 8 19500-62000 q. Extension Officer(Social Welfare) 1 Level 11 35400-1 12400 n. Rural Welfare Officer (Women) 2 Level 6 18500-58600

I Assistant Enoineer 2 Level 20 37700-119500 Overseer 2 Level 1 1 35400-112400 Sub Total 19 Panchayat Union General Fund

2 a Election Assistant 1 Level 10 20600-65500 b. Junior Assistant 1 Level 8 19500-62000 c. Tvoist 2 Level 8 19500-62000 d. Cashier 1 Level 8 19500-62000 e Jeep Driver 2 Level 8 19500-62000 f Record Clerk 1 Level 2 15900-50400 q Office Assistant 4 Level 1 15700-50000 h. Niqht Watchman 1 Level 1 15700-50000 I Road Inspector 3 Level 8 19500-62000 Sub Total 16

MGRNEGS Admin Fund

3 a Deputv Block Development Officer 1 Level 18 36900-116600 b Assistant 2 Level 10 20600-65500 c Computer Assistant Rs.11,000/- per month 2 Consolidated Pay (each person)

d. Assistant Enqineer 1 Level 20 37700-119500 e Overseer 2 Level 1 1 35400-112400 Sub Total 8 Grand Total 43


llTrue copyll ArAt ANNEXURE - V (G.O.(MslNo.45, RD & PR (E5) Department. dated 21.02.2020)

DETAILED HEAD OF ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION HEAD 2515-00 Other Rural 301 Salary (OLD DpC (DH)) Development Prog rammes. 01 Pay 001-Direction and (plc 2515 00 001 AE 30101) (0102) Administration - State's 303.01 DA Expenditure. AE-Block (QPC 2515 00 001 AE 30301) (0317) Headquarters - Block 305 Office Expenses Panchayats 05 Furniture (pPc 2515 00 001 AE 30505) (0559) 321 Motor Vehicle 01 Purchase (pPc 2515 00 001 AE 32101) (2119\

301 Salary 01 Pay (pPc 2501 06 003 JC 30101) (0103) 303.01 Dearness Allowances (pPc 2501 06 003 JC 30301) (0318) and Controlling of Panchayat 305 Office Expenses Raj and lmplementation of 02 Other Contingencies (Telephone purchase) Rural Development Schemes. (pPc 2501 06 003 JC 30502) (0523) 05 Furniture (pPc 2501 06 003 JC 30505) (0550) 321 Motor Vehicle 01 Purchase (DPC 2501 06 003 JC 32101) (2110\ 376 Computer & Accessories 01 Purchase (pPc 2501 06 003 JC 37601) (7615)

2505 - Rural Employment. 01- 301 Salary National Programmes. 7 02- 01 Pay Jawahar Gram Samridhi (DPC 2505 01 702 JP 30101) (0106) Yojana State's Expenditure. 303.01 Dearness Allowances JP-Sampoorna Grameen (DPC 2505 01 702 JP 30301) (0311) Rozgar Yojana-Village Panchavat

2515-00- Other Rural 301 Salary Development Programmes. 01 Pay 800-Other Expenditure-State's (DPC 2515 00 800 KV30101) (0104) Expenditure. KV- 303.01 Dearness Allowances Strengthening of Block (DPC 2515 00 800 KV30301) (031e) Administration- lmplementation of Anti- Poverty Programme-Village Panchayats.

2515-00- Other Rural 301 Salary Development Prog ram mes. 01 Pay 001-Direction and (DPC 2515 00 001 AT 30101) (0102) Administration State's 303.01 Dearness Allowances Expenditure. AT-Block Head (DPC 2515 00 001 AT 30301) (0317) Quarters - Villase Panchayats.

2 2

2236-Nutrition. 02-Distribution of nutritious food and bewerages. 1 02-Mid-daY PC223602102AR 30101) (0108 meals-State's ExPenditure. AR - Staff for implementing (DPC2236 02102 AR 30301) (0313) puratchithalaivar MGR Nutritious Meal Programme in RuralAreas

Recurring and Non-Recurring 2505-Rural Employment. O2-Rural Development Guarantee Scheme. 101-National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme - Scheme shared between State and Centre. UA-National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. 309-Grants-in-aid. 03-Grants for 2505 02101 UA

Recurring and Non-Recurring 2505-Rural Employment. 02-Rural Development Guarantee Scheme. 793-5pecial Central Assistance for scheduled castes component Plan- Scheme Shared between State and Centre. UA-National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. 309-Grants-in-aid. 03-Grants for Specific Scheme. 250s 02 793 UA 30903


llTrue copyll