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. 4- y:. Bte= Read the Herald For Read the Herald Serving Summit for $6 fmr$ For Local News

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tuid Sunmit Record

Y#«r—No.*4 -I* T«« fetcttoM Tttcpboar • Summit Clio* SUMMIT, N. J.WURSOAY, JUNE 24, Entered »» srciiud CU*» Mattel at ikt _ .. •t.Summit, N J Lndw tkt Act of Hurt* j. lit*. $4 A YIAH 10 CI1MS City to Open Six Playgrounds Residents Urged 198 Students Graduated at For 10-Week Season Monday Tc Get July 4th The Bqartf -of. Recreation's mi Tickets Promptly Summit High School Exercises Is of the city were urged :'••• One hundred and ninety-eight capped,, and'gowped" this- Week to send in their contri- : seniors walked 'down the aisles of the Summit High &chW * butions without delay for the an- jauditoiriuni at commencement exercises, Friday night.-.to bf* nual daylong Fourth of .July cele- awarded diplomas and certificates* which -weft* .presented remain open for a. 10-,]' bration to be .staged a week from by Leonard E. Best, president of the Board of Education. this Sunday at Memorial Field. j Rev. fleece R. Hill, minister «f 4,^ek period closing on'Sep- A.s in. the pa.'t, tlie .committee the New ' Providence !ftet.lk»d-!>*..' tember 4, Hew Junior High is asking a' minimum donation of Awards Totaling 'Chinch, j;ave the. invueahon ami &!'per family to help offset the Tins vear Unccln Playgrounds •Thomas VVilkcs, class president," co-t of the? gala show. The con made the welcoming address. •A the. rear uf the new Lmcdn Fledge Rejected tnb'utkm entitles each v donor to $18,500 Won by "The United States- As Other Sfhot'l on Woodland avenue, vnll tickets for every member of the Nations See Her, "was the thenve i;e*'tn operation. The play area I By Student Body family. . > • of the student.inotivjited.progra.nl. Tickets will be on .bale in the Thirty Graduates Christopher. Warren vas cha'u- , v.as closed la>t year bc«U;t i»f j Junior High ' Schoo! t residents would purchase with t'te ci>riti--,>.verMil "luture c«j-' prizes contributed by jocal and Ryaii.. aodXloijnce M^jer. . ^ JM --bse Playground al Sum nut av.e- ; theirs m advance by mailing non-local groups . at the com- Albert-J.' Kartholtiinew . |t£-ks?i!rt'«>t;%Va,shington zen r.f the wc.!|?|' f.J»ra;e deieled. checks to \V. (i. Tatlock, treas- The eight-nVor.Ujs . old ^tontfo- mencement services held Friday pal, introduced the 't'las*. The •'Li.j.ground" at Washington School urer, through the blanks that 4 5 •^ci'jy ii-as icttled m a it-.v mm- night:, The scholarship* totaled presentation of the class v^s • ,i .NorU) .Summit: Rooseiclt Play v, ere sent o(ut last week. ; ute.-?,• when ti.e,>tad«,u at an as- $]8,500 . made by Roberts v. S lived,' su- :!:ninitl at Roosevelt"Schucl. East sembly vetoed the recent pledge Event & Civic Affair * The Frieda M. Crichheld $325 perintendent of-schools i vim mil; Edison Playground, r»n which tvas di'awn tip by- <.tu- George H. Hufraaii, committee scholarship for boys which is The ceremony was opened uiih ' Morris avenue, also in East SMIU- a dEat-ficuhy comrntttce &iid ck&yed.thainnan' , emphasised that" the awarded on the basis of scholastic the orchestra's rendition of Pomp • wt and Mcnion,-;!,Field, .off Ash- by- the Board of Education. .; celebration is strictly a civic af- standing, personality, need, char- and Circumstance and cb.-ved witit ' r.i!id road, • *=, . • ' ' acter -and, general attainments, The Gladiator foiiov. ing The '«ing- Ho*vcver. Lc>R3rd> K . B-est. fair, dependent for its financial 13 Directors Named •.president of ?he Boird vl tduca-' • as well as artistic success on the was won'by Edward Smit. The irr^; of'"thc Alma" Mater, Albert J. Bartholomew award of The Board tins week announced tion, yesterday, nsarfe -ij "clear that : tooperation of Summit's citizen- Class president Wilkes present- 'licitppoinlmer.ti «f JS'.play ground ry," j $200 made on the basis of ability, ed. Mr. Bartholomew with a check ( _ tlie Board \vas 4;reeah?e to what- .' character, and need, also was won •ipervisors V> work under Hirlan ' ever,.the itudertv "flette-J. for $175 tor the Albert'J. Barthofo A carnival and patriotic almos- READY FOR WOKK—New playground directors for Hoge, Washington; Aaron Siegel, Mubic; Mrs.I by Smit. He will attend Rens- '•* Kennedy and R L. Carter, di- "It i< their-pledge." Mr Be^t phere will prevail over Memorial mew Scholarship fund. '•xhtr and assistant director,- re- ' ''ji*l. 'and they ha\e chc.'.fn the the coming season which opens Monday attend a Daphne Woods, Roosevelt; William Cox, WaVhinjitoh; -sclaer Polytechnic Institute. The students who received di- Field throughout the day. The briefing session this week at1 the Reid House, Me- Mrs. William Cos, Lincoln; Mary sharke'y. arts and Mary Rafforty, who won a $200 pectivety, of the retreatian dc- ' Oiip'taey ^an! program will open at 9:15 curt, plomas were: VFIV Appro* e<> morial Field, during whjeh their duties are outlined. crafts supervisor, and Robert L. .Carter, assistant! award given by the College Club (Donald - M '» , p.irtmcnt. Mr. Kennedy is in with a 21-gun salute and a flag- Sagan j Suzanne Baker >« U *li? i ' „' Nonnan V,', Martin. t:on«:jiander Left lo. right are Madge Evans. Mabie: Isabclk director of recreation. (Wolin photo) of Summit, also won the ''barge of -personnel, equipment 1 raising ceremony in charge of the [•Foundation Scholarship of $200. I Theodore Bakk t SVLt n : of Beacon Hsl! Foil. V.FW. ^aid Sciierer, Edition: Josppli JCertney, Edison; Luey Ann Joan. BarbU'rl tit.I M < •in'l maintenance and Mr Cartel i VJ-'W, and at 10 a.m. the mechan- Wljllam BaJ>ui that the Post, met Monday cve- j This also is -based pn character, •'ill- supervise the summer pro ical prides, rides featuring a For.-- i- scholastic stianding 'and financial Elstne Barry , turfg and ij'ian'iKH>u.4y endorsed \ ris wheel and a whip, wjll start Richard Pe*i iv d* \l« '1" I need. It carried an annual stipend Carl Bldtiulph • the action cf the student body in \ operation for the entire day Named .arts and ,traft< ; r ; of $200 subject to renewal upon re- Carol Bishop : its \4't arid .that .letters .of.'ap- Boto Proposes Merger Of Church Services J .i, -. M '- ! Highlights of the day again will PUylLs BOC'K "tisor'for all play round-t was Mfs* : protal are. being. «nt by' the' Post i application yearly for a four year > M • be a six-act circus, starting at 3 Patricia Bathweil fc* » o" SI"ii i Mary.Sharkey of Chatham, a sen- •: to Ht-ber! E. " Woodward? princi- j period. 1 ; p.m., and an hour-long firework.; Charles Bowman flir »>'r at-* Parser College. •pa1:; ifie'Eofrd c-f Education and Ifs Schools with Summit Revised for Also Gets $600 College Grant Barbara Brtnuan 'l M J-' I display, starting at 9 p.m. In be- .Stifxsrvisora at Maine wul re : the- student bod;. • Sliss Rafferty^ who will attend Doris l r M n. ' tyveen tficre will be field events for t Robert MV- •^h>s- Madge Evans of -sot ijiiu'unil '.' Mr, , Marjjn dcd new closed youngsters, a- game be- dencc continue., its ' 'i ctiJ m> longer educate its high Summer Months i ccived a $600 grant (renewable) jjjf ; and will vhna'in tbsed.,- He-slid- "- tween the Summit Legion, Yanks with Summit l>y a 'p ^cl^l;Jl students. "Mr. Best said, «.net Cairn* K, 'r*m "Syracuse' University and 1 During the summer months j from that institution. An addi- \« and th« St. Louis Browns Rookies holidation of the tv% IEii?J-Vt.li C!lf;on "' the Summit Symphony Orchestra Bers of" tli^, -.0 w«rfc wiili Die BSrough in the ..;<•, and la 'poA. nradu-iic indent j could 'not have mil -fat private Bapfr-t Church and -the Mothodist I awarded to Miss Rafferly by the Steptlea Cohui'u > under the direction of Harry S. Board of Edtication ard Borough i.Cihtinupd on S I Alfred 'Cci',*> . * O ••-'! education at Rutger- 1,'niv^i-- •J discussion about the •• pledge to Church combining their ser\ices i College Club. iAntbo.1v Cotaugelo t -I llannalortlf * / . Council at. a . meeting 'wifttw. offi- .' elmmale '"th? ' fanfare and un- as they have done in previous 1 The Summit Teachers Associa- Emmy Lou CollUr I, pleasant publicity fbr Summit." All Circus Acts New cials of the State DKnant'iftoii" of Domtulck Colaslmo W i •« ir IK At Lincoln • Playground *> <'l n? years. tion's scholarship of S2O0 to assist Gall Conkling U'.ftJd t'cr»t "'Ma.T^-fit•!'(?> crept is in nvil-oi'- The circus acts will Iw brought Education held at ...Trenton. The Thonwa Conio.v Bur J«". Seniors Dedicate j worthy students in preparing for 1 ".'••'• 'William Cox of Chatham. here by .ffte George A. Haiivid purpose of the se'ssfitoii was to dis- ' The First Baptist and Method- Paul Cook . Ji J J" '- rd -* »9j2 graduate of \(>rthwc^!e~ii 'Continued'on page ~> eu§|- tlie i Borough's, Hir.h School ist will hold services jointly dur- { a career in teaching was awarded Eugene Cooper t.nw > i lo Patricia Liddy. This also is Joarph Cooper Alex. •:'-iversity, and a ild.st graduate problem wiiieh is being brought Yearbook to ing July at the Methodist Church Nancy Culb*riaon .Barb. • "-; Drew University and Sheldon to a'head because. Sunimit lias and in August at the Baptist ! awarded on the basis of , char- John Cummins Mary Rsfferty ^K'-^cl of Irtaplcwootl. a senior at Awards Presented beeli forced; • •because of space ; acter, scholastic standing and fi- Edythe Ciuiunln.-.' Christ! :w R^ja Church while construction work Dorothy .Dav^s Roberta Water Supply OK, j nancial need. -Miss Liddy will at- JuMua Dimnahslu Srt-on Hall Univo.F5itj. limitatiofts, fb ban students from is being done at the Methodist English Teacher 1 tend Newark State ^Teachers Col- j Marilyn Ditmur Warren Rlrl !n charge of Washington Pity that community after 195". Church. Guest preachers, who J:»niC5 R.llio To Junior High Summit High School seniors this. ' Inop , ' | Robert Doll "round will be Miss Lucy Ann will be announced at a later date, Joy R Pumps Inadequate The Borough suggested that :' '" ' , ^Patricia Dowd Mirjor ' Rc-x.ac;:/ , Mr>ce of 50 Bedford road, a ion- aye;ir dedicated ,the annual year- will deliver the >ermons. pos s i b 1 y some arrangement The YWCA Shapiro scholarships tCon»t'c» Eb.rajrdi Robert R«r.«o .-•'• '-.•'X at Wheaten. College, and Wj! Students Tuesday might be worked out with Sum-' book. "The Top,' to Mrs. Helen Rev. David K. Barnwcll. D D., went to Emmy Lou Collier, S150, Road • i •(i.Hti K, Cos of Chatham, a 11)52 OradtKifjrtri eve^cises were held Company Explains mit whereby all grades of the two Davis. English teacher. The dedi- minister of Fii>i Baptist will | and Joyce Herbert, $50. Two hun- iAdaria h Rucid R?.»n graduate of Morns flarvcy C<-1 'I"ue->d«ty at 1:30 p.m. for the jehool districts could be merged cation t-ites Mrs. Davis" "efforts leave Tuesday by Royal Dutch ! dred dollars also was Riven to i Irene *"aka A water shortage created not Alii, rt a;l>~ ?• ge anil in charge 6f youth ac-th i ,?iir'inr Hsc'n 'HJcho»*l ninth grade into one or a resionalizatioa plan as >»' teacher and adviser' and Airlines for the > Near Ka.st. The . , . , . ... !Louis Falkmao Rr.ger *hipaoc 1 by any lack of water but by in- fips .at tlie Wyoming Avcntit duiins" .vhidi awards ff-r good adopted f T high 'school grades makes special mention of her tour, a seminar study group of I graduates of previous years. Miss JThoittas Fier» Klchar'd adequate pumping facilities at ! Collier will attend the College of iFionmce Fiio Church, Millburn. . • -iti?en>h'irt "ere presented to'mein- only. guidance in the Assembly program Holy Land shrines, includes visits ; Canee Brook reservoir "plagued ; Wooster and Miss Herbert, Or- jnarbaw ChuthL Supervisors for Rw>sc\c!t 1'iay- hprs of ttip g;'r 3duatsnf class' as Attending the session wiUr. the. and her founding, two years ago. to Jugoslavia. Greece, Turkey, countless Summit families the be- of* the Senior Book Club which 1 ange Memorial Hospital - lUnda Ojutiuer Btmind will he Mrv Jhiphne' ucll a5 eight?! and seventh grade New Providence officials Was Lebanon, Jordan. Israel and Sciiratd.r ginning of this week as well' ag "enabled its members lo sjnin a ! TWO Win Nursing Plllt (Bella M. Gianni Woods of 45' Franklin pin re. a Leonard E. Best, president of the Egypt. ,,.' Lot Scoit The ceremony opened with the the other nearby communities Bci'iter understanding of and lik- The nursing grant, awarded by Wlliiam ' 'earlier at Madison Nur-iiy Summit Board of Education. Oth- Mav>!>'u S nhivinc of a processional march serviced by the Commonwealth ingv" for bcoks." Re\. Jossc Lyons of the Method- a community group to assi.st two iJoseph Jeanne Sh School and graduate cf fenttnary er.s present were W. W. Braun- fThc-SIaryc Goforth by -the Junior High School arches-, ist Church wil| .summer, at Bay j students in nurses training schools, 'jHenry Gileco .Jtmirir College,, and t«cpo M Sosiili Water Company. v.artli, Borough Board M Ecluca- • sFhr. Ijoftk also contains the clas.s tra under the direction of Harry View. Mich., from July I to I went to Phyllis Odjakjian, Orange Grltr Eciv-vrd '*f Far Hills, a' graduate of .1't'Um First notice of the trouble came president: Jlayor Robert Badgley "flections" In which members are Grist);-; Smith : Memorial Hospital, and Jacqueline e Gu;uliiS Oarrlv. i ,'HannatorH- and followed toy the Monday night between the hours of New Providence, Borough Su- cited fnr special abilities and August i">. Junior College tliis month. ' Tre'siddcr," Mountainside Hospital, Jpan Hann Eieaucr Pledce of Alleiianee and the periiitcnUcnt of Schools Alton \\. characteristics. Voted b>' class- Central Presbyterian Church Hitm A:uirew At Memorial Field M'ill he Mt••«. fi{6 and 9 p.m. when city officials Montclair. The grants are $100 >clwl plecige ami The- U'rd'< Roberts- and chairman of the mate? as '".most likely, to succeed" uill remain open but with only H.uoblit- A-.ieJrtv Sp.»'.vo. •iRctty Sa'rtorius -of R Clcn Oak- particularly the police, were del- each and will be continued for Richard H.iupi. r.'.U'vV,itd S'ilt -' Trover . "•'-•"•.•: • ugeri with phone calls from irate Borough's H13I1 School commit- were Marilyn Hughes and Robert one service, scheduled'for 10 a.m. Joyce Hertocrr avenue, a leather in the Nrv\ Mary Ann May.-president^fihe Brodsky. Miss Hughes is the threA epriz yearse of. $100 E hond, siven hy Peggy Ho'dnan resident'? unable tnVibtuin water. tee, Mrs. Audi'ey \V. t'oddington. during July' and August, rather Rarest i Providence school -syslfin at>d a Student Council for the first **- dJiualiter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Ed- (lie First National Bivnk and Trust Judith Howard EUcu ttv than the tuo which are conducted liana Howar'.is d' falke sradu.'le of Kansas State C.ille^e ; In some sections of the city, fuich .Ill-Year Association rneste'r. minister, 'vacation?;- . > in" for three years] DrtVitl Knoop J MIH Isabellc Schcrcr of "r • However, according to Oliver Holy .Communion will be marked Ormond also won a S13 prize for iMlchai'-l ' Richard We id bookkeeping which was awarded ibonaW Numerous spetMai event? arc, nutMaridV'2 scholarship iward.s Johnson, assistant director, "no as usual at 8 a.m. and the regu- Hllll'l \\>C'S bv the Emilv Bensinger Memorial rniomw Lynch planned for this season and will I were as follows: unfortunate incident occurred." And 33 More Kids Rejoice l,ir 11 a.in', schedule will be fol- i '101H-i.« WlUri include the Fourth 'of July field lowed. The mid-week celebration Meanwhile, Miss Mafici was the |KUU*» Mattel Ann W; i Operation Hampered Venccnt'ft Malno D.v, id V 'lav, a fashion show. (,ticnt shov.1, Contributions since la* Tlmrs- fare of the yotith^f Summit.'" of holy communion will be discon- recipient of a secretary's hand- ArneW Mr. Johnson said that some Jo Ann Marctdity , diaper derby and day totaling S1O2.8G have ptished i Mrs. Brokaw also made .special tinued for the t\vo months book given by the Union County Bonny Mart|n D:,-.rse W-rxMut ; surgery was being performed in the Herald Camp Fund to U 1,905.16 I mention of the Optimist Club for Association of School Clerks and Kathu'lne Marx Hdbcrt Wolff' baby show, marble .tournament Community Unitarian .Church N»noy May John Your.K j the sixth floor operating rooms —only ' 64e less than last year'* ! again, volunteering to provide Secretaries. and the annual Plan Pay vheti all will close until September Vi fol- Rectlvln^ cer i that night and the lack of suffi- $1.906—and have enabled Mrs. j transportation to and from the (iiven Legion Scholarship Hulbich, L > *<"" • fContiuucd on P?»gc l>* ' ppm..»» liitVh'rtwra. M*n TW*»I>*T. Arthur low ing,. the service this Sunday. Tof*ltm . Weh!l«t V*-! Wwkk, VUHiom cient water made it difficult for Ann Brokaw, executive secretary i camps for the Various urcups to N»polltiii]o. John Hew Jacob Trapp, Sf T. 1).-, minis- Lee Ellis, who received S400 C Wt '' Sthe doctors. He*added that the of Family Service Association, 1 leave during the next two months. ter, will preach on July 4 at the i from tlie College Club of Summit, Leaves for Army Duty Winners of. grid 'S* awards to? i pressure,-was still low at 11 p.m. select an additional Xi bpys and [The Optimist flub, she Fnid/'for New Golf Champ Gives • i.Continucd on p«fW -3* • j also received R $700 scholarship Louis A. Vespoli i-i \t Aubre? • Thomas \V. t'oleman, Jr., man- girls for camp vacations, bringing i the third year has voted 1 > as Rensselaer Presbyterian Church, I from Bryn Mawr College, $150 street was the sole Summit metn- Local Coddy $1,000 Tip ager of Commonwealth, declared the total to be given summer va- ; sume this detail as part ui ii . Rensselaorvilic. N. Y. On July-18, he will be litest preacher nl the • (renewable for four years) from ber of the contingent, le.«MfiK lor for a champion Loc«rf MiiiiiSVM there in tin water shortage. He at- cations through the Camp Fund ; community service program. I American Legion Auxiliary's Claire I'nitarian Church oi (lermantown. Army duty from Sfleoluc Sen- not only fan hut profitable Set State Synwl Record tributed the nightly short age t,o to G4. I.ast .week's contributions were | Oliphant grant. Pa,, and on August t at the icc Board 4-1 at I'Kunfichi Mi»n Summit man, Bill ftyan, «. Ftdii yijiing men, members t»f inadequate, puinpins facilities HI In • H joint »sliit«nient, The j Hided considerably by one of VItH) Church of All Souls, i A Citizens 'Trust ,Company $30 da.v nnuning. Ho \\;i-. <*sc(trlott by wn »f Mr. and Mrs. Kdwaril ^. Centntl l*Ml/Jienan Church, were Canoe Brook reservoir. Herald and Family Service As > from the Convtdestent this vein's fund for ! leave this Saturday when ten j tween Miss Ellis and Theodore ww Open f"h«mi>i«n. at llallus <>f the PiTibUerj of Morris and uled for Canoe Brook aitd it is their support. j hoys (fepart for (amp Morris On summer nt Cape May Point, His i Graves. ml last week-end nerHved a i Orange If«!«l Tuesday it thfi Ctover expected to he installed upon ile "It is indeed gratifying to know Tuesday nine girls, will ;ti»i» tlu»i> son, Herbert, * seminarian at. I The Anna Peck Moore Metnovial fill *<, t'hifo. ..„„.,.. r pump on Snydcr avt >nl will be necessary in iltivf gtwip.* till- itttci'iri fii'ai'f>> \\ltitein hiiHvi' «'l iM'U ffnv! in the school went to Scoft Me •'«*»• Fiirgol* nanif on a draw ew. Jeferlk Tftf Berkeley Heichts, which will aitl the number of Summit children camps. » * ! dence, trust oftiior of the Sum Cann. Providence 9, 16 'nI inr- caddy awlM""*0'* ' f allendar. a jusktr w Union | In ritJsing picRsine in the hill ureas we feel should liuve en nip Vaca- Mrs, Rrokavv also issued » re init Trust 'Vomptiny, hist week Stephen P, C*»burn received the Deatht < . . 6 llteoloi'ictl Seiinnary, Krnneth was elected second vice president riii'Kdl'fi purw for winning thr !uf Summit. llnikelr\ llfiKhis and tions." the >i(iif«>ment «.timceie :i|ipi«'ciiitioti i!« «' Associiitinn ;it the iinmi.tl Sporh - .11 he thought alHMii the h-\rl lit the Urutd stHiidpiiHi .>! \n\\r ( i,tin iHrth o< whom ««d ! Yesterday « company jinfl small, who h»\e MI uithout the proper 'camp ^car jjolf totirnaiiiont and bariqmt held W»*«> C*H Summit «-o»w Township . ,k, f. 10 , Ryan rould only rrply. tinted from Summit High School t M"(intiriurd on pvidpnrJ'ii their intfr«"»t in HIP wel on page ?) at the Plninfiold I'mintry Chin, MKTA Ac IOWARO BKAtJTY «.«I.ON wsmferfu!!" y ni(thj Have You Made Your Contribution to the Fourth of July iHE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, 40NE 24, 1954 Pac 3 ries full tuition amounttnf to $3,- ; All of the, *ets *r* new, rang wiiterfrynt a »h>taiit; Miss Pearle 2O0 over a four year period. K\an$, Miss A*Uid Evaw, and Thirty Graduates j ing from acrobats who perform 90 Girl Scouts German Guests A Stevens Institute scholarship Edward Residents Urged j tricks on one-wheel devils to Ottawa Canada, unit leaders. - (Continued from par? I) of $400 went to John Jacobsoo and «d the Edw«d pri'umu (Continued from page 1) . ' trained dogs, chimiwaugs and New member* of the *ta£f in- $100 renewable for four years and a Universi^ of Rochester scholar- to Uiiiversit Enterprises, noted throughout the even a baboon. Off to Camp dude: Mrs Zi-lleau Payjie, cook; Attend Rotary awarded by Bulgers UniveMty. ship of $390 for four years went The chimps asa* baboon wtU He also received the Reader's yean. country for -jluch presentations. VJiss Mardjn Miller, assistant to Roberts v.S. Heed. perform together under the tute- Digest awird of a year's subscript Winner* unit leader; Miss Barbtra Ayers, Club Meeting The Fisher Scientific Company's the lage of Miss Charlotte Levine, Next Thursday tioo given to the student who scholtrthips w«re William LABOR-MANAGEMENT who is descended frop * well- waterfront director; Mis* Carol ranked highest schoIasticaUy. award, following competitive Contract Conn wiling Camp W&nola, Summit Area Five .youog Germans—four der, S400, University of known circus femiiy. < Of th* Neville, Miss Doris Brawn, Mis* exams, went to Robert Koch. It Miiiji Mtdtattnn and Arbitration Girl Scout Camp at Bear Mmin men and a woman—who are in The Vera • Klizabetb- Rou$e Rob«rt Wolff, $4oo, w Impartial .Contract AdnwnUiration chsmps. Miss Leviite says: 'Thev Muriel Heppes, unit leadtr*; Um carries a grant of $700 a year for ( tain, N, Y., opens "next Thursday this country for six months under awards of two $25 E bonds, given j four years. Polytechnic IiwUtute* and Benton Business Bureau thoroughly enjoy doing their their by Dr, Hailatn K. Mendenh'all in ii! I for its fifth season with a full Debbie Lecraw, Miss Sherry the "Experiment in International Susan Leach received a 130© Jarnagln, $?oo, Mtisich IS Court Sr. Morri$tow» tricks and showing-off in puhlic. encampment of ninety girls and Loomis, assistant leaders; Miss memory of his wife. *wl to Mona ! There's a'lot of pure ham in every Living" for sis months, were scholarship from Centenary Jun- stitute of Ttchaologj. Mo. 4-1300 25 staff members. Alice'. Osman'. unit leader; Miss Jeanne King and Alexandra Rac- one of them. guests of the Summit Rotary Club kowski. They are for students The fun will start for the scouts Patricia Keyes, Miss Christine on Monday at its luncheon, meet- who will begin nurses training when they gather at 11 9. m. Allsbroek, kitchen helpers. July 1 at the Y.M.C.A. to board ing in the Y.MCA. They will spend Miss King has selected the Col- the bus for camp. Mrs. L. B. •All stpff members'will report a month in Summit. lege of Mount Saint Vincent and Miss Rackowski at Muhlenberg it's fun... Winer, camp committee member to Camp this week-end for four Allan R. Devennty, program SUMMIT LUMBER CO. in charge of transportation, has daj;s of, pre-famp training and chairman for the day, introduced Hospital, . .•* arranged for two mothers to ac- conferences. Mrs. H. G."Luiidberg, Mr§. Edgar B Young, represent- Gets Jouraali»nj Prite company {he girls on each bus chairman of the camp committee Carmelt GianhattaMo received it's economical,., A Dependable Source and Mrs. George Sawyer, & for- ing the Summit Council of Church- trip, Mrs. B. E. McFarland and the Wilhim E. Bfdtil Kiwanis i - ' *.."••? mer chairman, will visit eamp es,' who in turn introduced the Mrs. Donald Zenobu will be on visitors: Miss Maria Marquar.dt Club *ward. The award is given ,. ' * * • «•* the first trip. Luggage will be tomorrow with a work party of from Essen; Klaus Flume from in memory of Mr. Bedell, news- older boys and f iris who will paper editor, columnist ..hips has "announced the Mr. G. Borgesia, who was In dent *ho showed the most promise 1 to July 14, the second July.il campersliip award? for this sum* charge of the group, represent- in his work on 'the staff of the. and to July 27 and the third from uter, Tl»(* selections were made ing the organization in Newr York, school' newspaper,-The Tower/ July 27 to August 9. The enroll- 6n . th'e•• basis of Achievement'in said that at present there are 560 ' Constance-Eberhardt was award- ment for the first two encamp- scouting," by an unbiased commit- young people in the experiment ed the Daughters of tiie American Combination Doors ments ii full but a few places re- tee with no previous knowledge Mf to 30 years old in the United devolution certificate given to the main for the third. Information of the identity of the'girls who States, representing 22 countries. girl chosen>by the senior «irls and 255 Broad St. Summit 6-0525 about Camp Wanola may be qb- were candidates for the honor. Each member of the group faculty as the most, representa- tained at the Girl Scout office. The following will receive camper- Made brief remarks prr what they tive girl citizen. • chips': Susan, Bart, Troop.31; .Mar- Three new boats and some are here for and what they ex- • The New Jersey Scholarship of ilyn Benner. Troop 5; Phyllis pect to take bac^k huh them to $500 for study at Rutgers Univer- much-needed -power, equipment Brown, Troop 38; Nancy Cunning- their own country. for the kitchen have been pur- sity went to Domenei BonUlo and ham, Troop 30;. Janet Gruirtka, Previous to the speakers, Mr. a Baldwin. Wallace College schol- SAVE WITH SAFETY chased by the camp committee Troop 30; Ruth Geise, Troop 2; this season, Devenney introduced P h o t i o s arship of S225 for four years went Jean Sawyer, Troop 2, - ' ( Freddy) Tchochaiopoulos a to Robert Earie Doll. Mrs, Carl Sutton of Westfield Camperships were donated by Greek youth who has been attend- Richard Edwards received the Btfore you go away, stncj -• again heads the staff as director ODOBUSS KEYSTONE WAY the following: Rotary Club,; Ki- ing Summit High School this year N. R. O. T. C. appointmet {0 Cor- and the following former staff wanis Club, Troop 19', Mr. and and is about to return to his own nell University which carries tuti- members will return this year: Mrs. Judson C. Travis'^-/ eountry. He thanked all who had tion, books, and $o0 a month A little spara Hm« .. .0 few cons of K«y»ton# paint,,,' Mrt. Margaret Saxgis, nufse; helped htm and said that he toward expenses. Long #tap!e cotton has been de- and ywt hwtm r«tponds os If to o magk to«ch I Without YOUR RUGS Miss Sally Baker, waterfront as- would report to a Rotary Club in Wins Lehlgh firant sistant; Miss Margaret Malcolm, veloped «s a staple "crop in Arizona. a tract of «np/«dsonf odor, hiattoch* w •y«imgrf« his country of his experiences Joseph Ginocchil was the're- to BEDROSIAN for safe and thorough and accomplishments here. cipient of the Stabler Scholarship walls, c«il»ngi, woodwork, trim, floors and furniture fo, Visitors introduced were Wil- to Lehigh' University .which car- sdm« cKesrful end Mw-looking" one* ogdln. And with liam Peterson, Elizabeth; Isaac Keystone painh, tn«m«f$ and varniihct, It's so eoiy to Combs, Boonton; Roland Lewan, • Moving Willburn; Witter Clawson, Pl»in- ochftve professional rtsulfsl Th«*« quality finiibei |ojt Cleaning and Storage fleld; Arnold C. Bull, Catdwell: • Storage ftov from your brwsh w rolbr. •.. «ovtr solidly and evtnly Clarence Winans, Linden; Paul R)RD DEALERS .,. glvt beauty end prot«^Hofl that lam for yean. Id during the summer • Packing W. Drake, Madison; Clay Frede- rick, Fanwood; John D. Hood and so economical to point it yourtalf — ' Leonard V, Buichman, honorary w# KIYSTONI ..> famous for Clean Like New! Custom cleaned with th« tantt Indi- • Shipping membera, Carl Zimmerman of quolity sinc« 1828, i •t viduaJ care tfcat hat made Hit BEDROSIAN method Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, IGRWIKTI Household Inc., and Channing R. Booley of famous for SAFETY and thoroughness. the Training Within Industry or- Good* ganization. ISED CAfi WALL TO WALL CARPETS CLEANED • AGENTS F(l Editors Name Local Man IN THE HOME WITH BIGELOW'S ALLIED C. B. Tavenner of 180 Summit avenue, has been elected to the KARPET-KARE VAN LINES executive committee of the New- MAPLE York Business Paper Editors for the 1954-55 term at the associa- Phone Summit 6-0500 tion's annual election meeting (Punt held at the Advertising Club of j 395 SPRINGFIELD AVE SUMMIT PHONE SUMMIHOIC |i/r% VprJ? recently. Mr. Taven j JUNE 21 JULY 3 &lm Is the managing editor of j BEDROSIAN'S f*kJway A«e magazine. I SUMMIT 6-0315 428 Springfield Ave. Summit 6-0500 66-76 Railroad Avenue Summit, N. J. Here's your big chance—Don't miss it!



The lerm as we use !t in a bank means defense against care-

/^S "••"•' ' -'• • ' ' '/ *' ' »' The Same Great Tires lessness, fire and theft. A Safe Deposit box here will bring i";'. - • • • • :.' . ' '• • ••••••,..;.. That Come On 1954's '.- ' - • ' • • . ' ' • ' •• M • . '\ ' " iectirity that is not possible at home. Finest New Cars!

if 20% greattr miU- The protecllon afforded by bur vaultr is yours for only a oge made possible by new processes ond materials

few dollars a year. s -k World's mast com- fortable ride absorbs road shock and vibration

if Special Steer-Easy Treads for effortless han- dling and parking

t... IASY CRIDIT TIRMS SXJMMIT TRUST ^COMPANY E S T A B 11 S H E D 1 8*9 i P>lilCI* IMCLUDI TAX mi IMITAUATIOM PaMtalc Valley Rrcrnrh Sprlngfl.ld Av.. ntif South St. Summit ftov OTTO SCHMIDt JR; life. fttl«rvt Syitem 304^306 IROAD ST., SUMMfT M«mbor N^eral D#»e«!t lfl»«r«M« C«rp#r««o« a 1ROAD ST.. SUMMrt IU. MHS Ct)Mt IN THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 24. I*S4 3 ward. Then several groups' re kind's problems.** Pledge Rejected quested] some recognition of world a playground newspaper tq keepRiemer. girls'- athletics; Frank , tin, Beacon Hil! Post commands The old pledge, with the dele- Skit Highlights j parents informed lans and functions of the pJayiliaiu Watson Lighthouse editor, and was also county adjutant fur s,ev ,-lcr way last fall when the local "Hie deletion set off the city. | health, success and happiness oi grounds may call the Board of; William Rodgcrs, chief of usual VFft' protested that the 15-year- at Roosevelt School presented a en years. • | wide dispute which drew national i all people.'* rv Recreation office, SutniniUf-2932. : aids crew. •, old pledge was "un-American"' ( .1 attention to Summit. parting program for the school ! Members of the Recreation Stationed of Fort Dix fvhen it cited the words "future Hopkins .Grammar School found | The rejected nk-dK'f carried the and parents. Board are Walter P. BlunUch'li, Twenty-Year Pin Given i Theodore F. 'Van I>.yk.e.'son oi citizen o£ the world." j ed by Edward jHopkins^ seven | sentence "1 will be lojal,, courte- 'Oscar D. Dennis, \V. Gerard Tat? i Postmaster and .Mrs. Theodore Shortly after the protest, the | times governor I of Connecticut The master of ceremonies wag VFW Charter Member ous and trustworthy 'and work ! was'llti years olif when the,Dec Wally Peterson. The program was lock, Mrs. H. Woodward, and jF. Van Dyke of 246 Morris avt;- Jause was deleted by Junior High I At a brief ceremony Monday !l | With all freedlim lovinK peoples iteration of Indppendenee was the sixth grader's version of the Kmest P. Patten, Mr. Biuntschli out*, has been assigned to t .e f School Principal Bobert Wood- I at the VFW meeting room at the for the- peaceful Solution of man I signed. ' • "Hep Cat" of today. One act en is president. ^71st. Regiment at Fort "Dix. He i Field House, Memorial' Field, graduated from * Summit High joyed particularly was their ver- ; Russell MacGowan was presented sion of "Our Girl's a Corker." j.Scliool in 1952 and was employed with a 20-year .continuous mem 'by the A & P Tea Co. before"en---' Some of the other acts wer« the i.bership pin by fvnrman W. .Mar- Tramp's Taxi, and the Jumping Awards Presented tering service, .. , „ , Jivers. The act, "Come Back to (Continued from page Jl) SAVE SAVE SAVE Me Shirley" put on by Atfam three successive years were Bur- Scheppe and Elbert Lassiter, was Robert H. Mayer net Clark, Gilbert'..Low,' Judith the hit of the " BIcCann, Andrew McFadden Double i' llVebster Van Winkle and Arthur Following the program the sixth 1 /White. . '• DIAL WITH PRINCIPALS QNLY - SEE grade presented their' teacher, j' Ninth grade awards for out Paul Ryan with a cigarette light- Citizens Trust I Standing citizenship wer-e present Jerome Orlando or Kenneth Kristensen er..They also gave the school sec- i ed fo the following: USED CAR retary, Mrs. Helen Spain, a gift.' Ahrtrn. Jurv.t* B-lt&tt, Joipii Mn> 8 •rift Wiiliiia ButU-r. ••B'ijmt C'lrk The members of the class leav- Names Mayer ft>rol4 Cii>fj»r, Viijii.la L»rS, Fv'>lli-? NO SALESMAN'S COMMISSIONS TO PAY ing Roosevelt are Fred Chasalow, T,\*n». Alixri. F»ir»'«r, ('rank i;»Ef, Aiim.. Donald Cochario, James Cplan- Ot"fi'j«rtiW. I'o'iy Hurf. Marf;or!e Vur gelo, Rocco Isdanza, Gregory MK*».nn. »kr,Artsinln|:i'»\ Joyiens.j Richard Larmonie, FA WilS»m Kc»tSfS#f#, WiHiam i*o!;e>"k, •Wffc .• PRINCIPALS ONLY. We do not have any salesmen and can; pass -bert* Lassiter, Walter Peterson,' Harry W. Edgar, president of »'.*r Vein V.'saklf. 'Arthur \\">.!t» Adam Scheppe, Alan Schoenwies- the Citizens Trust Company, an- Eighth graders selected for.citi the commission on to you. Before you buy, see us. OUR DEAL ner, Robert Tranquilli, Elkn jiouneed this week that at a recent leaship honors were: Mafgfcl Ah\tr», Xi1'i> H*tt» Or*g meeting of the board of directors, in CANNOT BE BEAT Adams, Patricia Caporaso, Anna ttb*V-, Joan Pun, Wsnr>n D«vtr(i>x, Cojangelo, Marie Gargiulo, Mar- Robert II Mayer wai appointed V-'.«r Kd.iy, Bu>»ii FsruHfntr, Richatv gie Lynch,-Antoinette Todeseo-, .manager of t.hfi_consuiper crpdit '53 Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Coupe ^ Your Authorized DE SOTO-PLYMOUTH Dealer ~ . Brenda Woods, Linda Woods, and department of- the bank. Mr, "..JMH. JJittlifli. Jud* Murray. Jfrry '53 Chevrolet 4 door sedan Mary Gattis. Mayer's appointment will fill the i'oisStr, Bi*nt 8«jrr«. Her'mft Bchmldt, ' vacancy created by Mr. William .\MtMnni BbmVQ, Iliidl Sitrm," Jiint 1 V*Mu^t. Hi*#«^* ,Vf«il?, Ruth WJiitmoi*, '51 Chevrolet 4 door sedan ORLANDO MOTORS, Inc. BJermcm Revokes J. Knowles* resignation to accept l'folfgiKf Wil^tlm. DovsglKi Wom1rin|f. The driver's license of John the position of vice president and Seventh grade winners were: '50 Chevrolet^ • 4 door and 2 door, 74 FRANKLIN PL, SUMMIT SU. 4-1221 i J. Fuseo of New Providence was manager of, the consumer credit, R»fei>rt BatHfit P»tri' i» %J,»rnt. tTp«T power glide revoked tor six months and he. (ifipartrnent .of -the •Commercial "liii os.t(irftf,"J'»''!"1iVjjsst, CBSWIII i?pOb». ' '48 Chevrolets 4 door was fined $25 by Magistrate Al- Trust Company of Jersey City. W*l«»r. Ilyr.f. E»rl Lainh, Jtv.t* Luiilow, bert If. Bierman last week after Mr. Mayer joined the bank'? McCJ*!!»n. N»nrv M«M*«tir, Calj*-Mt-fd', '47 Chevrolets 4 door Fuseo pleaded gtiilty to charges Hirr RitmtT, Bun Kitbtiin. !.',r.4a p'+rr- staff June"3, 1940 afler graduating till, Harvey gnyrltr- Ann t't«i>lin. Pin-. '50 Plymouth Station Wagon of speeding. from Regional High School, yiSnklt, 3tnm Vfltth.- WIHiawi Wright. '52 Chevrolet '2 ton Panel truck Springfield. He is al«o a grad- i Officers for the school year, with uate of the Americ; -. Institute of : tht> first iemester officer listed '49 Dodge ' 2 ton Panel truck Banking Elizabeth <- 'liter,, and flrst, are as follows: after graduation, continued his Mary Ann May, William Butler, Our customers are agreeing that you can't beat OK quality studies , and completed several presidents; Beverly Uest, Richard plus a special sale pricp In a used car deal. Why don't you graduate courses. Mr. Mayer has Olive,'.-vice presidents; William visit our lot and sec these Double Value bargains before served"*in various departments of Doll, Webster Van^ Winkle, treas- the hank/arid in January of this iirers; Alan Fox, Gilbert-Owreh, they're all gone. . < i year. . was appointed assistant «ecretaries; William Butler, Thom- 1 tareasurer, which position he will as Ludlow, safety; William • continue .to, bold in - connection Scheck, William Rodgers, assem- ! with his recent appointment. bly; Jacqueline Aul, Catherine Al- VON SIEFART CHEVROLET, Inc. I- During. World War If, Mr. len, girls' service; Lawrence 224 BROAD ST., SUMMIT SU. 6-6500 Ma>er served three years in the Lockfiarl, Albert Forster, boys' OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. L'nited States Navy aboard the service; Minii Murray, Carol , heavy cmiSe.r U.S.S. New Orleans I},in the Pacific 'theater of war, Mr. Mayer married the-fofmer Muriel Hinze of Springfield, they reside at 91 Centennial avenue, Cranford, and have" two sons, Do you want More Space Robert, Jr.I and Kim. ; .-» in your Home ? Playgrounds Open (Gintlnued'ffom page 1) playgrounds meet for, community Do you want to.:.' sports and games,- •«#,. There will also be leagues and tournaments for both boys and girls in baseball, softball, ..check- ers, jig-saw puz2les, ping-pong and volleyball, badminton and tennis, hop-scotch, track-'^nd Chi- Or Do You Want A nese checkers. This year the general program for the day will be conducted on Contractor To Do The an age classification with consid-* oration given to children under 8, 8 to 11 and over 11. ; Job For You? The women directors at each playground will . conduct story telling.hours a£ various intervals 'Z'h hi eitiwr case ive suggest that you visit our and. Mr. Cox wilt conduct square dancing classes at each ,play> ground. Every third week the SWP HOUSE PAINT Poard of Recreation will publish It stands to redsQn lasts longer* • • saves money A dealer

• It pays to be "ciioosy" when you select the brand of house paint to be used on your home. Whether you employ a painting you can contractor or not, the price difference between world-famous SWP» House Paint and house paint of ordinary quality will sells a used ear mean less than $5.00 fofthe average-size, complete house jab. and see the Latest in This slight difference in cost pays for years of extra wear and Home Designs, ...to Expand the is one of the wisest economics you can make. you can trust Materials and Six* of YW Hom«l • In 1953, Sherwin-Williams SWP House Paint was used to Equipment. paint more homes in America than any other brand. Why? It's easy to get foiled when you buy a In one visit to these Exhibit* you'll find more helpful Ideas on Continuous research in Sherwin-Williams.Testing Laboratories used car. So your safest bet & to deal only How-To-Do-Tt than in weeks of eearching elsewhere. and in the field has insured constant improvement and the with follcs who have lots to gain by not top-quality performance of SWP. You'll be money ahead when Moreover, you'll Save Money and you'll have a.wider choice of fooling you. you discover there is a difference in house paints! superior quality Building Materials to select from. We Ford Dealers are established busi-, If you want a contractor to do it, w»* can help you get a good one. $HI«WIN-W»UMMS If you want to pay for it in email monthly payments, we will nessmen. We want you to be. completely PORCH AND FLOOR INAMIL gladly arrange the payments to suit your convenience. satisfied with our, u »ed cars. After all, we, In cooperation with the. leading Manufacturer* of Building For* rich, colorful floor* nnd fltnir* . . . outdoors' want your service msiness . . . and w© «nrt in ... you <'«n count on 8-W Porch & Floor Material* we maintain these tyome Building and Remodeling hope to sell you a n &v car some day to give maximum •ervice, «Und up to Exhibits to demonstrate how Better Homes arcjrtow being built and wear. »» • . , And, you'll find ou| prices rock boitom! at I^wrr Co*t. We hopf you can come in uoon and we them. No ^i* cost to you-rto ohligation—JH'1 a part of our friendly servcci. .90 qt. That's because we've got to make fresh sT Regard^* of whether you want to finish a Room in your Attic room for all the tikde-ins we're getting or BaKeniPfil. add a Pow-li or Garage, or build a Complete Home, on new car sales. Come on in and see our we are headquarter* for helping you get a Good Job at Urn Cost. WillForfiiu Information on SWP HOUMPrint.:; large selection of |-1 used cars. We've •ltd motm of interior decorating id>na, too ... MJ just the one for yoi O»« i«Mklt» •« f for your ttm copy of the 41-pnp "Home DecoTator" *f »K.« wK, m*«« lilt lh« M*n em buy d used car that counts. S. Sniidwq Pwdtitti go. s..r»«r FORD DEALER'S MAPLE SED CARS fr »MlItflNi mmmr Mmmm mi 700 IfiringfitM A«. iirkilty Hil|Mt, U DILLON mTORS Inc. Only a Short t'tUtimk from »*« Center #/ Summit 131 MorrU Avt., urn mi SU. M200 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 19S4 Some items replaced older meat, ' Calvary Episcopal Church fountain Baptist Church Upg Hill Chapel Bet. Ltat C. Riddick Chatham Totroship Tales of South H0.OO0 Gift by IMMMI A memoriBj ; $«v. E. F. Fr»»el», Berlar lUttr. LeRoy C. Webber ' Mrs. Parrot'l fiftwiU W^iS. CHURCH DIRECTORY Re>. Field U. llablw. Curate Sunday — 9:30 a.m., C fa u r c h Installation of $10,006 worth of in-th* ©j>erati8f «ulte, Mrs p«^l 85 Voo«H*ad school; LI a.m., Worship tod ser- Sunday — 8:45 a.m., Sunday Pacific Told ntw iwn^^Ai equipment In therot died ait HounUtnsid* Hoi* Today—10 a.na.. Holy com- mon, "What J*»us EspecU of school for sU classes; U' a.m., operating suite at M&untftinsjde on Jmm M, 1952. •Yet there iaroom! The Community Church and sermon, munion, You." Worship . and sermon; Junior To OW Guard Hospital, under a Itgaey from ; Nursery. Sunday'— 8 a.m., Holy com- Monday — 8:30 p.m.. Young church meets at same hour; Nurs- Mr* himim Gallagher Parrot, hat Altiiough Aighaolstin \Vai Unitarian #ry for pre-school aged children; A story of the S»utt F»cille 000.090 people, the caunti) Springfield and Waldron Ayt*aues .. mumon; 10 a.m., Choir reh*tr*al; Adult meeting. was given to the Old Guard'oo been com|>kt»: "The cratic manner, with Hi own p*rli N. P. Methodist Church Scriptures are very sacred. Our ament, and all officials being na- If so, be sure to *ee our Home Building and Kev, Reece R. Hill | Today—«: 15 pt»-» Church choir aim must be to have them un- j rehearsal. tives. The speaker described the^ Remodeling EXHIBITS for Latest Ideas and derstood spiritually, for only by palace and the. people .as being' Sunday—lUU..V..J l a.m._..., Wonhi« rp. an _..d„ Sunday—Ut a.m.. Worship and this understanding can truth be Helpful Information. ' » • sermon. During July services will mrmon, "The Weather of thegained . . . It U thii spiritual most attractive, they ie«m to in- perception ol Scripture, which iist on the philosophy "no worjt, be held at 10 a.m. in tbe Presby Heart*'; Child-care group in par- n« pay" «o everybody is busy.atk Church. ish fco«»e. lifts humanity out of disease and death and inspires faith" (6*7:33- happy and no one is poor. They U. S. BUILDING PRODUaS CO. 25,-31-32). have compulsory, free education for children from 6 to IS »nd at All Uftit »f UtiMUM From the King James version of 18, ?ieh boy ir given, by the A IB pie Telephone First Church of Christ, Scientist Urn Bible the following patsagos 700 Sprlngfltld Avtnut government, a plot of eight acrei, Nrkiftf SM, »-3355 292 Springfield Avenu* Summit. Ntw i*ill also be read: "For ever, O which is sufficient for him t» Itrfcetey Heights. N. J. Our Funeral fl^nte at 309 Springfield Avenue A Branch of Tbs Mother Church, The* First Church ol CUdM Lord, thy word is settled in make his living from $300 a year Scientist, ia Boston, Maasachusetta - ... heaven '.".-. O how love I thy law! being enough income on which Sunday Services at 11 A. U. Sunday School 1J A. 5L it is my meditation aU the day.' (Psalms 119:89. 97). to support a family, The sole cost BURROUGHS & KOHR Wednesday Testimonial Meettag at 8U8 p. M.. for this plot is a poll tax of $7 to The Golden Text i* from Igaiah: $8 a year, collected by the govern- K.VEIl.tl. "Awake, awake; put on thyment. Mr. Havca said that, prior Christian Science Reading Room strength, O Zion; put on thy beau- to hit coming to th« Statei, he wai - $utce*H>r* to tiful garments, O Jerusalem, the • OPEN TO THE PUBLIC a teacher in Tanga and received COFFEE : ,, "Y" and resume* its customary, informal gatherings at the Field "Both coffee and tobacco contain targ which House. can cause cancer. Dr. Angel H. Roffo, of Buenos Airet, Argentina, km found. Some of the tars he Long Hill Chapal Bible extracted from tobacco caused cancer when painted on rabbits' tA|n# in 109% 0/ the wimah. Mont School to Open Monday active cancer-coming tun were obtained from Turklth, Egyptian, Kentucky tmdjivist tobaccm. The Long Hill Chapel, Chatham Tan of tobaetot from Haixma,{Italy, Paraguay. Township, dally vacation Bible Germany and Saita were not g^aetiw but -even school will start Monday it 9 a.m. and continue through July 9. A these caused ctmctr In more than S'oyfrpf' the ani- bu» will leave from Southern mate treated. Dr. Roffo estimate* that th? average, boulevard and Rolling Hill drive •moker in 10 yean applie* mor* than 8 quarU of at 8:30 a.m. to take the children tobacco tar to th§ Untie* lining hit breathing ap- to the ehapel. When the sessions paratus." are over at 11:30 a.m. the bus will return the youngsters to the On June 21,1954, the American Cancer Society pick-up points. Children may be confirmed the relationship between smoking and registered on opening day or any cancer. • ' ; •" '' • " • \ ' : • day thereafter. • Millions of lives have been saved from a prema- Named Medical Instructor ture death by adopting the Sensible idea of stop- Douglas J. Baird, son of Fuller ping the use of all Coffee, tea, chocolate, and colas D. BairtI of 73 New England ave- and thus not need the use of tobacco pmoke to relax nue has been appointed an in- j nerve tension caused by the caffeine drinks. structor in the medical field serv- OancinjB Initructlon? ice school at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Baird is a graduate of Summit High School and entered TME FOR A CHANGE the Army last November. The thrill of • "Rockrt Ride"1 i* ju»t U near dm ytrar plifttw! Call IM today nature a chance to cure mistakes and live for an etriling dcmonnlration tlrire— You Are Intited to Attend *r don'l be too itirprimi ij H* cwl/ you! A FULL GOSPEL MUTING fa-peace'.. Sponsored by the Assembly \ of God Garden Soppllei? Held at Lodge Room Boward B. Bltthcp with OLJDSMOBILE! HILARY BLDG. 433 Springfield Ave.- HUMAN ENGINEERING FOUNDATION Sunday School, 9:43 AM. Learn the rttnoru hth'md OMtmol'ilc'g s'-* Mtne rccmrd iak»«—f«l Sunday Morning Worship, Summit, N«w leVley behind ttunvhtct oj nflathinn "Hock#r E,*#m mr! Just call in «nd 10:45 A. M. Yon win tnjoy th#»e Imptrinf «n««t- w«*II reserve a "RoeMt" «lenjoB»trati«)in dthe t».m jmt. And fet inii. Write fer Free BooMH *#t Tew th« |re|le»t driving ttirllli you've ever*kn»»rn! YoulI park— Rev. Daniel Mucci Summit 6 1HR W tnn»—maneuver—all with orK-fingrr «;«»y a «i»1kl, r»»a4-hupging rWe! Abo?** »U, Employment? you'll c«inmatt«J * mnootb, «ilken flow 'of pawcr... irwlant re«»ji«Kit»e .,. the icivn'fiiDwn lll>.b|i. "H«*rt" Engint! Th#r«'i a


for Thli Sign a>f OtttliieHofi SPERCO MOTOfi Co. lnc.,491 Morris Ave, Summit CHAMBER «*.»« Shopping for Food, Merchondlte or 5ervic#. OPEN EVENINGS — SU.6-1700 ' ill ui io* "icie^if* iPifSijuf-iAMfir-tfifia ttit» e«n CO/V\lVlfcRCE THE SUMMtr HIRAID, THURSDAY. JUNE ?4 |954 Spaldirigs. "Many lutings have The balance ot the captains, and M. Spaldtog, vice chairman of been received during the past lew Mn. A. Lassiter. and Mr. and j and MM. F. E. Conger, Mrs. Mary Id: Mrs. Kallman Na&hner, Mrs. genersl solicitation. the district ehstirmen who selec Mrs. Roy Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. ! Hag

Beverages 2";: 29c Sweet Plums 23 Ib. 5-oz. jar B«r»y Ross '' 29c 47C Full of Juice Saving at the modern Summit C Federal is a lot different than,ati $3.00 VAIUE Borden's Kraft old-fashioned institutions; For ex- Sunkist Lemons 3 5 ample, no fixed saving! plan is nec- v^ith New Design MODESS Hi-C *0 «# doz Liederkram De Luxe Slices •ssory. To $ave any bujiness day of featured by the McCann* tKe y'ebir, you just fill out a slip and 46-oz. 4-oz, pkg. American — Pimento — Swiss can BUVIPANAA'CAI WOB 9:30 to 10 A.M. preterit it -to the teller—that's fcrill KINGS 25c RlGOWRPRICE^fiET Giont 29c 33c Iniuranco protection for your money, too, ii ' Waffles comparable to that of any other modern saving* With Sundau Chicken- Kou"»y Krafr Kraft •» tan 29c institution. Tn« tafety of your »aving$ ii guaran- Downyflake Froien GIANT63TUBE 29c Velveeta 2 - ^ 89cChantelle » teed, up to $rO,000, by the Federal Saving* Corn and loon tniurance Corporation, a permanent 2 Domettic Creamy Sliced 1 instrumentality of the United Sfafes Government. Woodbury b 1 Swiss Cheese > 69cMnenster 2 37c Your money U 100% safe here. Shampoo Pineapple Juice Mr. Joe's Private Stock Casino 4-oi. roll Get tokno w the modern Summit Federal! Your special ,,.*/# lfc>- . ;'_ Sharp Cheese Blue Cheese 36c inquiry or account, from $5 vp, h invited. Of, CRANBERRY SAUCE •i ..•i.tii ffop In and wi« our eonvenient financial lervicei, 20C 2 cans OPEN TONIGHT & FRIDAY TILL f P. M. 10c COUPON INSIDE(

CHAHTIHID AND PILLSBURY'S 321 Springfield Avenue • UftftVISID tY I PASTRY BRUSHi UNITID Sf ATIS Angel Cake Mix C«t thil «n(le«y)ty teeih Mill. M#H Ctrton wttfc you' mm« md ridrrtl to SUMMIT FREE */C, i«« *0*, IlizaNth, N*w U'ttf, »0f 1m lubt Oflir »iptft» June 10, 1954, of added cost wifh Free Parking can of fiffWiet on Summlf Avt. SUMMIT .,EepJ5RAt- SAVINGS AND LOAN 'ASSOCIATION' Tomato Ehlers Grade 3IS SfirlngntM Av#nu». 1IIIIP • t»twt«» Nttehwood Road $nd Maple Street PKIIK Grand Dwchets • •', Juice filUSX *1.19 Tender Steaks COFFEE • C>ffilSTWAS,CtUl"» WOITO 46-ei. tan tOANS • MONIt O»0MI « «*VIU«' €HKW 27c Where Mr, Joe Saves You Dough aid Anderson went named data and Tom Conroy MargtrtJlch BegotUm homebwnera to turn off-Kprlaldert. Weil fake Ours Rare - Magardich Bogosian of 519 CompUc.tiog the ahortafe- on comedian* Monday was a water main break Vet*4 Beat Athletes In addition Allied and German scientists in the syn- Morria avenue, died Tuesday er members of the (Jun« 22) In Overlook Hospital in a line between Berkeley Considered the meat r-t-: itnetic nation of Buonia have applied their after a bag Ulness. He was 68. Heights and New Providence. The wer« Beverly Hulin and Dinny were break wai a minor one and re- Walker and voted the most intelli- j Mr. j skill at synthesizing to the age-old problem Mr. Bogosisn was born in Ar SUMMIT ERALD .menia and had lived here for 50 paired shortly after it was spotted. gent were May Raflerty and Steve\ G»rbaci, all editori ! of frugal housewives. How to make fc^pd go years. He formerly owned md Asks for Conservation , Coburn. Boria Brooks and Chris j Mr. WUft* «« cl,»8 Warren were voted the most dig j (twice as far. American housewives had this roperatcrtUif. Union Silk Co., cor Appealing for conservation of and Mr. Walker vicr ner of Mi»rr»s and Lafayette ave water for the present, Mr. Cole nifiel Claai mum henort wtre J Miss Miino served »f. H*w ttntj Mat tonal • problem in the (lavs of war rations and ap- : who usually $hop» in Newark was j retiring in man asked residents not to do f btatowed upop n Connie Eberiiardi and Mi** Barbara for 16 treasurer. pUed .1) »r,s of lender. ,o .k. «.. >hor, j ta«* *—>^» •$?£** j extensive watering of lawns or *nd Geat Coo|»r and Let EiUs. ! Mr. Bogosian is survived by car washing particularly in the ! Htm f meat supplies. The scientists, however, have a^je \0 find n m any of the stores j two ions, Anthony M. Bogosian of early.evening until the new pump (Cuntlnalni Tht iuiamit i*rw» *»< Stony Hill. Berkeley Heights, ja pproach«d ,h« prob.em on . g,and« Scal« »?%&&,>££.'%£ ' is installed. foil ore invrt«d to comt In onyrimt j than the family cook who stretches scrambled ,y 'hop* ' here in Summit and Richard Bugosian of ISO Summit Berkeley Heights reported a P»i6JikC«J tot lUt-Summit PuBlliftWI OO etery Tftur»a*) s avenue, and a daughter, Mrs. fcLtfrwl M widespread shortage of water at and t««-our, Horn* Buildiing {„, et»M m»«« Oetooer 3 1888 it t» ! eggs with "bread crumbs and milk or who ! found exactly what she wai look- Oiian Carroll,'Of the Morris ave did Milibum and Maplewood. The and np*rsted % i .ucder »st "J Mu-efe 3 t*7t nue address. hibift—no coif t© you—np' 6J ' t*t >orb«i *r.T you with our 1:30. thence to Calvary Episcopal planation from Commonwealth. A Kern .. Using high grade solvents derived from i Church where, at 2 p.m. services S Huleit , Esplatoa Negative Vote In Springfield police and fire- pitta Hem* Building coal as a source of proteins and something will be conducted by Rev. Elmer men, using loud speakers, ap- F. Francis, 'rector. Burial will pealed to the residents to turn off called rnonosodiurngiutinate for flavor, the In a release we gave a list show- be in Fair Mount Cemetery, Chat- U. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. tpbmitttd tu «ari't.*» ifct a* pvuibl*. Cop} ham. garden holes and not to use water scientists have produced meat in the form ol ing how the memters of the As- •| ^unnecessarily until'the situation 700 IPHINGWILD AVINUi. MUKILtY HEIGHTS. H, afUt 5 p.«. .T» sausage. Hverwurst and salami that is in | "J^voted ^ ,,miit*<< from 1hutUi>y'» t was alleviated. . • 4tl lettert to th* editor reality only 50 per cent meat, The other .50 f fjrorn Union County as voting on Will. fc# puUhhei unit** otherwise r#. per cent is synthetic but tastes like meat and j the fintl roU call against these Inadequate Pumps has the same nutritious qualities. "We can j bills, which was comset. How- (Continued from pap- 1> Seniors Dedicate 1 Summit t-tMO even -produce 'roast beef so that you would | ew we have since been informed ca.me from Philadelphia to look j (Continued from page 1> 1 } •^-- ., rof Jhe reason for this acUon. over the Canoe Brook pumping j in-chief of th# yearbook, was also M tear U> »fltmc# - 16 not know the difference from the real thing." station equipment with a view to I selected as the girl student who Bwlr ctnu Mrs. Dwyer, being chairman of installing temporary pumps'until the scientists proclaim. the Education Committee voted ! "did the most for Summit High the ordered one arrives. j School." • The proof of synthetic food, of course, is for the bill on every couftt until l 1 the end of the final tally at which ]'., 1'oliee (" 'ecki»g Sprinklers I Bast dancers of the class werf in the eating. T-he scientists are sure they are THURSDAY, JUNE 24 time she changed her vote to the } Mr. I'dlcman said that the (Suzanne Mun-n and Calvin Low and oh solid ground here because committees of negative so that the bUl would not* lack of water can be expected to j Carol Wiedenmayer and Thornal German housewives have eaten and enjoyed receive a final dei?at- . -'. ' -•" „ continue'until a good" 'rain cuts ! VVtlket were--judged bsst looking. Graduates, Here and There down lawn sprinkling. He" ex- A rule of the Assembly ailo'ws i Mr. Wilkes and Vennle Malno for the new ersatz mea^ But .her* it should be plained.that it exists only In the were named seniors with the best The commencement season is over K a bill once lost on the floor oi pdirited out that mest German housewives airly evening hours when an ex- personality, and also the roost another/year. Locally, its climax was reached the house to be brought back for cessive amount of showers are would enjejy almost anything;edible, whether vote only st the request of one of popular students. The best dress* last Friday evening with the graduation of ft'tasted like meat or not. For a. nation re- taken .almost simullareotjsly ard fd were Elaine Maiffei and Mr. "the members who voted against practically every homeowner the bill. Hence, by voting in the Smit and selected the class flirt 198 seniors from Summit High School. The duced to the point of using human hair as turns on lawn sprinklers. wes Marilyn Moore with John a source of albumen, high grade coal sol- negative when the bill * did not graduation events of the many colleges and receive enough votes for passage, At the request of the company, Bullock being designated the claai schools have been items of interest to parents vents probably taste like a dejicacy. ,t it gave Mrs. Dwyer an opportunity, pciice Tuesday began ordering "wolf," Audrey Spawn and Ron- This is not to undermine the efforts of to have the bill reconsidered, and others for several weeks, as our columns which she. did. indicate. ''.'.. scientists to discover new food sources. With two-thirds of the world's population chroni- Mrs. Dwyer has made an ex- .The season is one of sadness and one, cellent chairman of the Education cally undernourished, any scheme to make Committee? and has worked hard also, of joy. Sadness, because it breaks radny meat-go "twice as far deserves applause. But for the passage of these bills. She a friendly door- ties of friendshipp that have been formed in there is room for doubt that people'whpeoplewho are j has obtained a clearance from SOLD her committee for all the bills* these crucial four years of the young people's -n ^he habit of eating real meat ttnnot teu lives, whether it be high school or college. sponsored by the Federation and and so convenient the difference .between it and the 'synthetic, has piloted "them successfully- ' THROUGH THE But mostly it is joy. For it is the day -when product. The British Food Ministry recently through the Assembly. She do the college graduate, his schooling over, steps made the same claim about oleomargarine in serves our thanks for her excel- Many folka plrnc* their iavings tvith us localise we out to conquer the World, It is the day when comparison with butter, and was greeted with lent service to the cause of edu Summit Real Estate Board's cation and we trust this letter will are »o convpnlentty located. They can drop by to the High School senior, his long years of ?corn. People do know the difference. They convey to her'the appreciation oJ put money In,- or tafce raoiwy out when they go elementary education over, steps out to tackle , may like, even prefer, the substitute, but this Federation. Multiple Listing System the complexities of higher education or starts they know the real thing when they taste it— * - Very sincerely yours, ahopping, or to lunch, or when they're Just <>ut for to make a living. A new future opens for all if only because it taates strange to them. Jesse Foster, Secretary, tone air — and we become an easy natural part of graduates. N. J. Federation District, Feeding the world's rapidly-mounting pop- tiieir d&Uy Uvw. American graduates are very, very for- Board* of-Education." ulation is a problem that has kept many sci- tunate. There are no strings attached, fie entists busy of, late. Recently one group may, armed with his college degree, go to urged us to -eat the plankton which-inhabits DEATHS They save more money at a result, too. work in Labrador, Buenos Aires, or Bangor, 1 the sea. while another group, said that fresh , Mrs. S. Ho well Brown Me. He need not aak permission of anyone. water algae were the answer to'world starva- Mrs. Dorothy R. Brown, wife of Oar convenience has a second advantage. It makes And he can always come back. S. Howell Brown,- Jr., of Ma tion. Not so long ago it was vitamins in maroneck, N. Y., died Monday ut neighbor* — and you sense that neighborly cor- Contrast this with the graduates of Rus- plain ordinary grass that were held up as morning at her home after a long sian or its satellite universities. Graduation salvations. But all the time Americans go illness. diality as soon as you enter our door. It makes days there, according to reports, are often a on coasuming an average of 14$, pounds of • Mrs. Brown h«d been a resl quite a difference. V time for weeping for the state, sets the career meat per capita a year while others starve. dent of Summif for marty yeSrs of the graduate! They are sent all over the previous to her removal to Ma So it appears as though those who have maroneck seven years ago. .She Founded in 1914 vast domain of th# Soviet Republic to work was born in Atlanta, Minn., in l^W, where the government decidea and often real meat at hand will eat it with gusto a»d the daughter of the late Frank' 0. graduation day is the last time their parents hang t;he substitution.!. And thdse without Robert and.1 Josephine LeCroix. see them. meat, will eat high grade coal solvints, ohe- Besides tier husband, Mrs. HILL CITY SAVINGS celled animals from the sea or human hair Brown leaves two daughters. Mrs. This Russian government considers that and tell themselves they like it, They have Sarah Blatchford at'home; and AND LOAN ASSOCIATION graduates who have benefited from state Mrs. Susan Blatchford of New no choice but to like it or die, which explains Bedford, Mass. SUMMIT • NEW PROVIDENCE scholarships—and this means most of them— why food synthesizers have a fairly easy time 97 Commonwealth Ave, New Providence recently have no right to decide their future. It's a Funeral services were" held in Bold through our Multiple Listing System to Mr. N!W JERSEY of it. . ' ••'" • the Sllletk & Keech Funeral matter for the state to decide. A graduate Home, T67 East Post road, Ma j and Mrs. Russell Bauer. Mr. Bauer, is associated violates criminal law if he defies the govern- maroneck, at 10 a rh. yester- j with The Rlchlftnd Co., in Summit. This home waa ment, and he faces criminal perialties if he Current Comment \ day. Burial was in Charles Town. { formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kraemer. W. Va. quits hii job, once he gets there, without Americans Like Pets . • permission 6f government authorities. (Plainfield Courier)' " . John, Plrrone The plight of the fellow graduate in Rus- Americans, soft hearted toward most ; Mrs. Anna T. Pirrone of 9 Gates sia is something that can well be considered avenue died Monday (June 21) in animals, are treating their pets Better today • by our recent graduates as they spend some Columbus Hospital, Newark.-aftet than ever before. a long illness. She was 65. Mrs. of the leisure time they have well earned be- Pirrone was the widoW of John fore starting a new and different phase of •Affection centers on hamsters, skunks, Pirrone. ; their careers. *The American heritage, like monkeys, parakeets,tropical fish, guinea pigs, Mrs, Pirrone was born in Ciecb oslovakia and had lived hert for *he newly-won diploma, is something to be rabbits, screech 6wls, even lions, snakes, fly- cherished for life. fifty yeir*. She waa a member d ing squirrels and in cases pn a wolf and an the,Rosary Society of Sf, Te?esa'i Churcft, ?ind of the . AmericiB anteater. , Women's Society of Summit. Public Trust Shaken But no animals satisfy the American She leaves a son, August pir- The, story of former Governor Hoffman** rone of Summit; four daughters, PROTEGION craving for household companionship like Mrs, Mary Harootunlan of Chat- embezzlement is far from complete. Weeks dogs and cats, be they purebred or common ham fovmship; Mrs. Ralph Fico . and months will pass before-the puzzle can be breed, says the National Geographic Society. I of Flbrham Park; Mrs. Carmdla FOR YOUR VALUABLES Mareantanlo of Madison and Mrs. -pieced together as auditors and examiners Authoritative estimates place the U. S. *tre%a Roslello of this city, and trace peculations over the years. V- dog population at nearly 23,000,uOQ, the,cat seven grandchildren. ...less than V a day! '. But the tale as it stands approaches the at 27,009,000. Mostly these pets live in the The funeral wia. from tha Hob country, 21,100,000 on farm* and 11,700,000 ert D. Brough Funeral pome,. 535 fantastic. Here is an after-death confession in other rural homes. Urban dwellers number Springfield avenue at 8:30 a.m., which sets the amount at $300,000. Half of Wednesday, to St. Teresa's Churcli There is no safer place for your jeW 17,400,000^ Chat wai paid out in blackmail, the other half where, at i:30 a high requiem mass was offered. Burial was In silverware), precious papen, going to maintain the former New Jersey Curiously, almost half tht dogs but only St. Teresa's Cemetery. member of the House and Governor in com- 26 per cent of the cats inhabit cities. or other items of value fortable style and defray his campaign coots. The growing food business indicates how than one of our »afe depofilt AH sorts of emotions are evoked by this abundant is the canine and feline life t6day. Patronize . confession. The firat is probably revulsion More thin 20 compahiea turn out canned Hie peace of mind you'll MI jo; for the Jekyll and Hyde character. Then pity meat and dried meal, Wicuits and pellets. crowds in for the widow and daughter, and Frozen pet food is now on the market. La»t Local from this positive protection admiration for the moral fiber that>prompted year Mies of dog food alone amounted to $20u the daughter to disclose the confession and million, double 1947. agalntt fire, theft, or lots vow to make good the thefts. Americans lavish love and money not only Is worth far more than the modest Everyone will understand how Hoffman on thi faithful dog and tht comfort-setkinf Rental charges start at less than 2c wai tempted. His confession describes the cat but dh many other creature*. debt thrust on him by the default of another including Federal Ta*. Not long ago the country was twept by a candidate's promise, It appears that there h a craze for htiniten, the small, Syrian rodents little too much of this foisting bin me on that outproduce the rabbit. For some time others, for Hoffman reciUs other instances. scientists had used them for experiments too. For all that, the fiirpt unintentional lapse Then the public discovered how toft wti t.*w8»*W«i.vj»flw||A'»%%.\v>^it)i8l thievery at his theif g&ftien brown iw, n&w gouliul « fKST NATI Hour Hoffman could live with himself For yaara cinarl#a wire tb§ darllngi of fotiBl young manhood—as he puts it—ter of ytk« on the commit- Camp Fund Disbands, Holds fall under the leadership of Mm (Continued :-i>ux page 1) Mrs, HoJden was given a if dene Moore. Tfte three girls id a log fKwk con members who are left in Troop 12 «*iU form L'»ed but guod khurU and rain- ' Farewell Meeting *H we history of the •iruop. present and received atten- toe nucleui of the new troop. coats are especially needed. Such fjllowjnjj adults wi'Jp pie dance stars; Peggy l\jlk. Chris- articles m\y i** left at the Fannl\ Cjrt Scout Troop 12, Summit's icntfd Hitij iiiitiiature Girl Scout "More Time first. Mariner Sc<»ut Troop, held tina Ragatz, Betty Slack,.Grantliia Service office, S5 Summit pins in appreciation <>f their .serv- L,avery, Betty Ormond. Barbara ;t< farewell meeting last Saturday ice to the troop over a period of Bed Associates st. the'home of Mr. and Mrs. Warnsull, Diane Skerritt, Pcgjiy Camp Fund Contributions 'years': Mr. and Mrs. Harry Askew, Askew, and loy Roberts. Peggy Law tenet Holtjen, Chatham. . Mr.' and Mrs. Henry Kagatz, Mrs. The Summit lit raid and Ftum* For Better Living..." Mrs, Holdeit, a former .resident Askew received a 10 year pin-, and Honor Local Man grille Skerritt, Mr. and Mrs Ed-Barbara WfnniUll a 5 year pin. i>y Service Association grate- i>f SumiAH, has teen ll,e troop s W ;•en J, Paek ISO, : ports and publications. During Franklin Schoel .. U.tt the war. he. was responsible fpr of years, during which time lie Kl*inl» club ..T ^.j._100.00 and we're celebrating with a big... established an emergency radio Edward A. Duller 10.64 the production planning and con- Anonymoui „„ 3J.M trol of military equipments at network. Anonymoui ... ' 23.00 Den *, Lincoln School S.8O Mr. Kostkos Is a graduate of Rotary Club _„ 40.W) New York Electrical Institute and iTed E. Somm#r ... 3.W has attended Columbia and New Summit lodge EIJtt 28.60 Wf Be Closed Anonynioni . '.. Sioo York Universities in engineering, Mri. Edith n. 8ttl«i 10.00 TRADE-IN JAMBOREE AMBASSADOR management and journalism. He Francei Waterman 10.00 A. W. C. .„ 20.00 it * member of the American In- BroHnie Troop 48 S.00 SERVICE Stitute of Electrical Engineers and Den 6, Pack 18$ on the greatest performers ever built! the Armed Forces Communica- Lincoln School «.00 Summit Llom Club 100.00 Recommends tions Association. Allre A. Truslow 3.00 MONDAYS Jf«*le M. Htepheni 25.00 Olrl Scout Troop 13, St. HOME STYLE LAUNDRY Spanish" conquistadors 'under Trrpsa's CliUTh . . f.00 HUDSON Hernando Cortes explored most of Den .1, Park lfil, ' Lincoln School 5.00 Montclair, N. J. Mexico and what is now the U. S. Urownle Troop M, during the months of HORNETS t WASPS • JETS Southwest nearly a century be- Hrayton School li.64 "Mr. r«t"» -. 4.4* *jM><1»f<) trim «!.;! !•'.:;, r •; •••;•'.•-'• ' *ml fore the Pilgrims landed in New .Kuinvinoiis 5JI.00 England. Mr. and Mrs. Vrceland "A S«rplc* fpr Tornpkln* " 2500 Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Lcnrl.-Jr. 10.00 July and August to Sewcomen to Zoologists estimate there are Mr. and Sirs. M. W. Mtyn . 2J.O0 Summit" around 900,000 species of animals Home Itoom 2^3, 'Junior of which 675,000 are insects. High School .. .. . 21.21 Chatham 4-84U3-R Anonymous „ MaeMurra^ & Wallden Mitchrll Foundation Sff.OO give their employees British railways often run trains Franklin School 8th Orade" *-00 In Mt-mory of A.II.M. 10.0« for ladies only with tea served on Mrs. H. Cwll Hogan .. 1S.04 312 BROAD STREET SUMMIT, N. J. the trains during outings of wom- Anonyirifiiis : 15,09 en's clubs. ("onvitlcKcenl I'und 200.00 VWCA Co-Kd Club 10 00 a longer week-end Air. and Mrs, Karl Keller . 40.00 Howard H. Bishop '•]* ''l'ifflih:|:'.:J"»!l;;'!H jiijniiUiih'^j Anpnymous .,,...., 4500 ;'51fpifH'lffiJlPMPiijjg; lljjgfgf!:; WitshiiiKtnn School Siiith Gtado ... S-00 Forttjlghily < lub Welfare vocation. Opam . Edith A, Shad* .Xtfti 5. l.incoln firftool. Group 81, Junior Hish School 5.81 KARL A. DOWE Total $1,905736 Celebrates his 65th Anniversary and The majority of Summit stores offers you this wonderful saving will be closed every Monday PUNNING / TOBUfW during July and August, They feel that you—the shopping

l public—will endorse this move

h H*re under ene ?oof /• you'll find th* L»t«it • I d r a s, Literature and and cooperate by rearranging § For "DO-IT-YOURSELF" OFF Jobs your summer shopping schedule Tlif Ideas »nd Lit«-r«ttire" «r« FREE ami the Pattcmi are ON ALL PIANOS very noniitinl in ro«l. so that a Jong week-end can be U. S. Building Products Co. 700 Sprinfrfielrl Ave. ' 7 DAYS ONLY Berkeley HelRhU, N. J. enjoyed by the employees of | Many Fine Pianos to Choose From the stores participating in the SHONINGER STEINWAY HARDMAN iALDWIN SOHMER summer closing program. KNABE STULTZ and BAUER ACRO5ONIC CHICKERING KOHLER and CAMPBELL BUY or RENT WITH PRIVILEGE OF DEDUCTING RENTAL FROM PURCHASE PRICE —CALL— Pianos Expertly Morris & Essex Tree Co. REBUILT - REFINISHED - APPRAlSf D- TUNED j SHOP FRIDAY NITE TIL 9 P.M. SHOP TUISOAY THRU SATURDAY • SPRAYING • PRUNING STORES CLOUD ALL DAY MONDAY • REMOVAL

•.!• KARL A.DGWE • NEW PLANTING EsTab. 1889 and trantplanfing Cavity Work • Cabling (Formtriy with L Bamb«rgtr & Co.) Fully ooi'crrd h> nil In Eastern Fuel Bldif. Summit 6-7496 t>i>f>« of UtMtrntire 233 BROAD ST. Free Hntlmate* ( hrerfully ketail Menhantt 0M$ion of the OPEN 9 to 9 WMkdayi, 9 to S Sot. Givvn mt PARKINS Madison 6-2608 "wlWloW* v^WMBfflpi^V ^^•H^^BWP^eB^M^k ^Fit ^BP'^I^^^^^^B^B^BJHU^BTBI j THE SUMMIT HEfcAtD. THURSDAY; JUNE 14.* the First Congregational Church it.in three auecttiive eburcfae* At Guided Missile School «"rolUld in th« »"»'"^raft and I stud} ing medium and heavy anti luUford. Conn., and wu operated! 1»2. Wl j aircraft art tile r> maintenance. Cornog Wins No Realty Slump New ProvirtMi" - l';i\ Clurle, j S'lided missiles branch of the : A graduate of Summit High C. frb. ir . >-or\ < f Mr. and Mrs ; Artillery bihool at Fi'it Blis>, Tex 1 School. Erb-entered tho anny on Top Honors at Cnaries 16, In Jersey, Holmes is now He i& spending ;>e\en weeks j Newark Bank Pennsylvania Tells New Yorkers Chester Coroog, soa cf Mr* FLY THE FUG! Gives Globe Mrs. Elwood C. Cornof ex Banking Com degree in arts and sciences wiU Holmes Agency on Maple street, I pany. The group awarded two enter Hahnemana Medical Col- addressed the annual convention f-. | $44)00 scholarships to residents lege in September. Among 78 of the New York State realtors j of Essex County. Penn athletes receiving diplomas, at the Sagamore Hotel, Lake I Theron L. Marsh, vice-president Cornog was also cited for receiv- George, and told his fellow-busi- 1 of the bank, said that the scholar- ing the most major letters during ness associates that realtors from ! ships were given by the institu- his college career, three in foot- New Jersey are "busier than ' tion in recognition of the respon- ball and two in baseball. ever." sibility of business to help edu- At Summit High School, where GETS NEW POST—The appoint- "True we're working harder' cate future citizens. The globe rep- he prepared for college. Cornog ment of A Joseph Zannieri of 3 than ever," he added, "The days resented the need for solutions to won four letters in baseball and Evergreen road, to assistant per- of order-taking are over, but that's world problems—solutions which sonnel director at the Clark Town- as it should be, three in football. • ship plant of the Hyatt Bearings could be found only by an edu- Cornog recently completed ' a "Tiiere's nothing wrong with cated citizenry. division of General Motors Corp., successful baseball season io *as announced this week. Zan- our economy so far as I can see— Dr, Allan Culiimore, presiderit- which he pitched in 11. games, nieri has been director of educa- and I've traveled from one end of ;,ementis of the Newark College of winning three and losing one. He tion and training at Hyatt since our state to the other meeting ^Engineering, served as chairman worked 48 innings, struck out 35 195(2. Prior to that he wa« asso- with our boards everywhere—that Col the scholarship group. Lawr- and walked 20. His only com- ciated with the General Motors hard work and the proper spirit | ence Springer, headmaster of Pin- plete game was agabst the Uni- Institute. After graduating from can't cure. The only thing that can RENT A j gry School, served with Mr. Bar- versity of Santo Domingo which won the New York State College at firing on la depression or recession } tholojriew on the committee. Peirv-ivania 9 to 2. Albany, he was a'science instruc- is our continual harping upon it." tor in a high school and worked More People, More Money HAMMONDORGAN for his master of education de- '"Why should there be a reees gree. Shortly after receiving his sion? There are more families degree from Alfred University, he than ever before. Our population enlisted in the U.S. Air Force as is higher than ever before, and at Griffiths a private. Four years later, he UK tfie service as a major. As a growing rapidly. Our income is CHOOSE FROM ALL FIVE MODELS vocational advisor for the Vet- the highest on record, and stead erans' Administration. Mr. Zan- ily- increasing. People have more You con rent a lovely Spinet Model nieri was concerned with the prob- money to spend, and are spend- Hammond Organ for at little o» $25 lems of disabled veterans who ing more. They also are saving par month at Griffiths, where all five Pay As Little As sought vocational rehabilitation. more for that big investment—a Continuing his own education, he home of their own. The banks models of the Hammond Organ art have more money on deposit than BUY A FUG! on display. attended the New York State MONTH Sc&ool cf Industrial and Labor ever, the stock exchange is healthier than ever; it just doesn't You can keep this Hammond Organ Rental Money Relations. Mr.. Zannieri is mar- THI for as long as six months. If you de- ried and has three children. make sense that all those favor Can Be Applied to able factors can evaporate over cide to purchase it alt the rentals you night and we find ourselves faced hove paid may be applied to the Purchase Price Exams Listed for Jobs with a business decline. purchase price. The balance can be ! "The only thing that could pos- SUMMIT LIONS CLUB paid over a long period of months.— At Local Post Office sibly change the outlook in the An examination for appointment face of today's conditions would offers you the finest two-ply bunting flap with Everyone who has seen and heard the Hammond Organ con- to Substitute Clerk acid Substitute be for people, like some realtors sewn stars and stripes, 2-piece jointed pole, with firms the fact that it is one of the. sen jot ions of the mus.col City Carrier jobs in the Summit I know, to talk depression and lawn socket or house bracket . . . all delivered to world. If you can't come in soon, use the coupon. Post Office has been announced shout recession so long and loud your .home. Separate flaps, poles, sockets or brack- by the United States Civil Serv- that people become frightened and ets are available, The "DO-IT-YOURSELF" Home climb into a shell, refusing to buy ice Commission. The starting sal- what they need and want." fc. Free Lessons In Our Studio ary for these jobs is $1.61Vai^an FUGS ON DISPLAY AT: On EXHIBIT of U. S. Building Products Co. hour. Holmes took the New York Real- tors through the intricacies of op- Summit Trust Co.. 367 SpringfitW Ave. r" 700 Springfield Ave. Berkeley Heights, N. J. Persons living within the deliv- crating a small office and stressed i Rll OUT#.TEAR OFF AND MAIL i ery area of the Post Office " or that the most important asset a Citixens Trust Co., 30 Mopfe St. PJeaie send me full details on your Hammond I A great help to those who wont to save who are employed at the Post Of- realtor has to sell is service. I Organ Rental Plan. fice .may file in this examination. "The public is entitled to that money by doing all or part of the work them- No specific education or experi- HW City Savings & Loan, 342 Springfield Ave. Nam* service and the public will go to selves. ence is required but applicants the realtor, or any business or pro- Werner Motor Co., 517 Springfield Ave. j Address. must take a written examination. fessional man, who gives good Further information on the ex- service. In our office we have You are cordially invited to come and sec it. amination and the necessary Eastern Fuel Co., 233 Brood St. "The Mutic Center of New Jersey" made a survey covering a number forms for applying may be ob- of years and we discovered to our No cost to you and no obligation whatever. tained from Mr. Cubberley, In- amazement that 82 per cent of al! Col ERNEST P. PATTEN NOW of formation Representative, at the our business has come from peo- GRIFFITH PIANO CO. Just a part of our friendly services. Summit Post Office or from the KKPRl'SKNTATIVES- ple we've already done business Second United States Civil Service with before other than persona) SU. 6-8115-W 605 BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2, IS. J. Region, Federal Building, Chris- friends. The answer is service, Open Weductday Evenings until 9—Phone MArket 3-5880 topher street, New York 14, N. Y. and it is the answer for any of "AH Proceeds To Summit I). S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. Applications must be received no you." later than July 8. Lion* Chib Welfare Fund" On* of the first public clocks in America was installed in 1727 in


CUSTOM MOTIt Twm-TurbiiM Dyn

ou must know, of course, that From its size and its breadth and the might of Buick's greatest horse- a fine car is more than merely magnificent modernity of its styling, power, the magic cushioning of coil Y& means of fine travel. you know it is a car of custom stature springs on all four wheels, the exhil- It is, as the psychologists tell us, an — and so does the watching world. arating ease of Buick Safety Power Steering at your hand. extension of a man's own personality. The wondrous windshield is a pride It reflects what you feel, what you in itself, Tfou don't just see the view Out with all this, you buy with pru- like, what you are. —you command it. dence when you buy a ROADM ASTER. So we ask you to take the wheel o! You will find it, too, a car of luxuri- For—though it is, and looks, custom a fiuick RoADMASTER like the one ous obedience. shown here—for it is, we have found, production — it sells for the lowest the automobile'chosen more and From the moment you ease your foot price-per-pourid in the fitwear field. more by those who are definitely down on the pedal, you take imme- And so wise; an investment makes HTHIS BOOK cells you how to go moving ahead in the world. diate mastery of the road and of yoil feel even more like the man distance.' yoifare. ••• about selecting and purchasing • hoijM of your OWJJ. It letdt you Ion will find it a car that fairly And you know it—in the silken whip Drop in, or phone us this week, and through tht different tttps — look* breathes success. of Twin-Turbine Dynaflow, the we'll gladly arrange a demonstration. ing over the neighborhood, chicking tht houM, arranging tht financing", taking poMttttoft and m on. Then It ttlli you about tht many conven- tlflCK SAUS AM f OAftlNOl iences and luxuries • home tould have. Tht book it mailed free on lattil Agurti |#f fh« Art! four riMjnrtu at If54 request, Tht coupon it for your ifio* lultl no* outlining »v«fy oih«r ear In convenience. tht*»:! l"(#f Isslo Into IwStfc f! you ynni b«ou»y end Ibt buy «i th» y»«r. Custom 32 pages prlnfod in two color* JIM AH •UICK WiU WM THIM- Illoitratlom UNMIT BUICK CO. fraaklln Place, Summit, N. J. Jn. 4-OS11 * **« ** *^_jf SUMMff HfRAlP, THURSDAY. JUNE 24, ff54 Police Ask for Countryside, Free Acres Talks Resume on 44 Graduate from Jr. High School New Providence Borough New Providence— President Wil- in cplov showing various' and liam W. Braynworth . of the of the cia»s and school. - New Pay Schedule Bored at Probe Sewer Plans for Board of Education presented Those receiving diplomas Berkeley Heights — Harry Mas- reduction in h|s assessment from diplomas to 44 members of theWilliam Badi'ley, Shirley Bennett,' Berkeley Heights low of Emerson Line, trustee' of Plumb for his political activity. Golf Club Tract clfiss of UU »t Junior High School Audrey Berg, Eleanor tlrundo,, Effective Jan. 1 Free Acres, testified at tfct sixth Amodeo Land Questioned commeiiee merit exercises held at Klin Bolasb,-,Florence Cadmus, session of the State bearings in- John A mode©, whose land was Berkeley Hejghti—Further dis- Lincoln School Tuesday night/ John'Clay,. Denis Cleaver, Sharon Berkeley Heitfbtt ~~ A request vestigating " the tax. is*§$sing the only land assessment on cussion on plans for linking the Members of the class served «& Crow, LeRoy Cowan, Rose Marie for "serious consideration of a meth^t nmi by Tax Assessor Dunkel's list of those receiving sewer system for a 800-homt de- Curcio, Shirley De Marco, Pa- narrators in a visual education ; Boro Proposes Merger Of definite and equit»Me uttry sched- Theodore C, Plumb Monday night ss&etsment decreases • because of velopment on the old Murray Hill program which included 40 slides trit'ia Delmonte, Paul f 'icliter, ule" was msdt of the Township that r«g*rdkss of the v*jsie of g political favoritism, testified that Golf Club to the Summit system Gaii Fox, Victor-Guadagno, Jill home in Wtm Acres, a iiafle Ux will be made tomorrow at 8 p.m. Committee last Wednesday night hi* tract at 525 Springfield avenue Harms, Eincr»on Hawley, Carl Its Schools with Summit colony, a person's ta,» is derived is worth over $20,WK>, Finkel testi- at i special meeting of the Town- Nom« Certificate Filed Jaeger, .Alfred Johaiuson, Richard iContinued from page 1) by the five-man Police Depart- Raubinger, it Is the advancement from UMamount of land he rents. fied at the last hearing that it is ship Committee. Blew Providence —- Alanbrook Kennedy, RuthJireisel, Hansntv- Hit <>n of its high lebool by five yeart (to 1857) of this ment, AJi five men signed a peti- In•• tubsUaet .{Ms metns that • worth $20,000 with an 11 per cent Attending the meeting will'.be Company, plumbing and heating .enbach, Nka Macarl, Eugene Mc- loag range plan that precipitates tion which will be studied by the person owning a flO.OQO torn* on ratio. . Elsoa T. Killiais; consulting .engi- supplies, 1545 Springfiild avenue,. Carthy, James McCurmtek, Ellen "!*•" , the present crisis. Th-. consolidation proposal of town fitheri in conf#r«nce. a M0 x m plot pays tb§ same Leo Rosenbluin of Jersey City, neer; John J. Kent?, township en- Frank P. GUzebrook, Short Hills, McCue, Thomas Moore, Carl Niel- ta>c gg « person owning a $25,OQ0 jvew Providence, Mr. Best »dded, Debt May Delay Plans They inked that the proposed attorney for Plumb, in eros«- gineer; Albert IL Hierman, town- and Alan C. Mathiasen of thesen, Anne Osborne, Susan Parker; vuiM be given every eonsidtra- The State officials commended pay ichedule be acted upon im- home pn the »&n* , §mo»irjt of exambung Finkei on the ba»is of ship attorney; representatives of Swingfield avenue address, has Janet • J'grkin, - Eegioa Pel-w, t; ii by the Summit fioard of Edu- the New Providence Board of jts mediately «nd that the salary h> Isnd. ' ••• • •***• his weighted average of 18.6 per the Jonathan Dayton Regional liled this name certificate with .Frank] fiui, Low Rejchenbuch, High School, owners of some of Henry (i/Nultwn, county clerk. Call Rol)idoux, -Edward Rttggerjo, tjinii. Summit now accepts al- thoroughgoing approach, where- cremtnta become effective Jan- M-adow eipotiwlfd on tt>ts by cent on the 3? properties he listed, M the land involved, and Ben Gal- Dorothy Spurgfeon, Mary Ellen. v,m\ ill New Providence »tu- by all conceivable possibilities of uary J, 1655. if the committee citing an examgki. II, %* tiid, asked, If we take this figure dent-v xt an annual fee of $400 solving the problem are being could take no action, the petition and apply it to ,Committeeman Ar- lin»uri of Ptterson, contractor, Stationed of Fort Dix Stilntx, Ang.'l*) Tofiescrv -Porothy the Free Acres "Association re- who plan* to develop the laod for Troeber, Hubert Watson, IUchurd per student. looked into. It was recognized by said, it should authorize a referen- ceives « tax bill of $5,009 oa 50thur A. Manner's asfceisment ra- New Providence — Raymond' dum on the request to be placed homes. „ • Whitmprc and Aim Elizabeth Zim- • The Borough officials also ex- all concerned that the Borough's acres of land, a person with an tio of 19 per eertt, he is paying B. Dawson, son of Mr. and. Mrs. on the ballot in the November Early in Mgrch Gallinson tp. mer. «! Ined that until mnn basis ean debt position, a$ wril.as the num- sere of land pay» a fee' of tlOO over the-average." Finkel agreed. Frank Dawson of 80 Union ave- ejection. preached Summit and New Provi- found whereby Summit can ber of high school pupils antic- regardless of the value of hjgThen Rosenblum asked if his tax nue, New Providence, h«i been ipated, m*y make it im'possible dence official*i-rtgarding joining fit by such a merger, the The propose^ salary schedule home. Free Acrti has BO persooaj assessment rfductionvin 1S5JI was assigned to the 27lit Infantry j, >mu£h must continue to ••••seek. vto build and operate a senior high their sewer lin« but was turned Secreictrldl places the starting |>ay for a pa- property tax at alt warranted. Before Manner re- Regiment at fort plx. Before en» (!htt« ntaintiins for probate of the will of Wilbur rangements. rangement with Summit for sev- crease for sergeant, bringing pay stallation. ' g tm|ioiUnt j J received a tax • cut while neigh- P. Henderson has been filed in the , May Have to Build Own School eral years. for that office from 13,800 to U, reductions", frvorwg p«rsonj who Committeeman Victor Dunkel i. One grid I»o }ti( c«ufi>ea!fi>r had circulated nominating petl- boring properties received none, office of Charles A. Otto, Jr., sur- high »rl»o«jl md ptivitie trhoo) (trmiuriSM Those consideration* lead to the The Boro Board is awaiting 4M; a $500 increase for captain, opposed the proposed "package" sn?t f olls^e wpitien. tMiir-M h(jui plrttenient tiorxi for Cornrnitteeman Ira C,in an effort to clear up what he rogate, courthouse, Elizabeth. itrvlte. Write (ur "GiB8i tii'ui.* *i VVUKK." ot"' -'in that New Providence .some indication from the Region* raising that pay from $4,100 to sewer system and said the prime Holley in 1B33, Jflaslow txplaiaed called an implication by Liotta Catherine. Henderson, widow, J6 mi' veto fitid a way to build .al Board as to its, ability'to serve 31,600 and a $700 liike for the chief, concern of both towns was to that Free Acre residents hold 89- that he (Bennett) violated the Maple avenue, is named execu- KATHARINE GIBBS am "ate Us own high school. as such a receiving district when making'the new salary $5,200. reach agreement on a method of year leases on the land, which H'atch Act In circulating a peti- trix and beneficiary. Mr. Hen- A i y of what this would in- its additional facilities are .com- A chart comparing police pay disposal.' • ' U H>MMttt $(., Mi*Ul«lr, M. J. MO t-Mtt permit the lale of the building tion for Holley. According to the derson died June 4. Ah* I* N*« Vtrk. UMltH. Hi volve was made by the Board of pitted after 1956, Meanwhile,' and here with' neighboring towns ac- Thirty of the proposed 300 but not the laad. Post Office Manual, Bennett, a Education, assisted by members perhaps of greatest significance companied tlit petition, It was homes will be located in New Post Office employee, ia permit- of the Lay Committee, during the at the moment is this fact: Since shown, that the Township starting la earlier testimony, Dunkel Providence and the remainder in ted to engage in local political ac- ipring of this year. A capital out- additional school plant definitely pay for * patrolman is $400 lower testified that Frte Acres contains Berkeley Heights. Price range for tivity, the Hatch Aet forbids na- lay of $1,190,000 was eitimated will be needed within the Borough than the lowest scale'of any other 72 homes which ia 1953 were as- the bouses, Gallinson said, will be tipnal political activity. to he necessary. in the very near future, the eoits town and $733 lower than the high- ees&ed at $75,000 and the land at from $18,000 to $38,000. During the meeting in Trenton of borrowing for new construction est paid In any other town. j $3,000. Julius Finkel of Elifa- The hearing closed with Liotta Duhkel reported that the Com- it was pointed out that a Borough can be held to a minimum if a b«th, real estate appraiser hired planning to subpoena all 86 resi- j inonwealth Water Co. of Summit dents of Free Acres and insisting • j^igh School is a distinct possibil- reserve is built up in advance for sent among the State officials i by the Township Committee by a had completed a 600-foot emer- ity in the long run, and has been capital outlay. present. • j split vote, submitted testimony that the officers of the single tax gency section in Snyder avenue to part of the Board's long-range lowering a previous appraisal of colony- bring all books concern- alleviate low pressure in sections planning, to be realised perhaps May Start Capital Fund During the meeting, a detailed ' ing the Association to the next presentation was made of all the ' Free Acres in lieu of a riiore care- of Mountain avenue and Park ave- Pre-Fourth in 1962. As wps stated in the It appears, therefore, that the ful study made since the last session, scheduled for last night nue. Board of Educatipn would be well various efforts that have been! memorandum to Commissioner hearing. Finkel earlier declared and conducted ajjfcer the Herald's The summer recreation pro- advised to include in its next made by the New Providence j the- land to b« valued at $60,000 deadline.' • gram will be held July 6 to August budget a sizable amount for cap- Board to find an alternative to ; and the buildings at $420,000. At There was also a rurnor current 27 at Columbia School, Commit' ANTHONY FIMIA ital outlay and to include such the present arrangement whereby SPECIAL... Monday's session he eubtnitted a that day sessions might he called teeman Anthony Castellano report- lobbing Prom tit ly Att*ndm4 T» j an item each year until an ade- Borough pupils in grades 10, 11 new figure of $407,800 for build- in order to bring the probe to aned. William Russo will be play- ! quate reserve is built up to off-and 12 -are received by Summit PLUMBING • HEATING High School. These efforts. in- ings and stated the land value re- end. ground director at $400 for the Excellent Buy set some, of tho borrowing that SHEET METAL WORK cluded a study of the possibility of I mained the same. The new fig- eight-week period and Joan O'Neill later will be necessary- To this 1 CHESTNUT AVEMJJ! the formation of a new regional; ures, he stated, place the ratio will be assistant at $200. Ses- advice for the delegation in Tren- Lions Install •SUMMIT «-tl21-J district with Passaic Township of assessment on land value at sions will be Monday through CANNED HAMS ton last Friday there was no dis- and Chatham Township. This 8.3 per cent and the buildings »t Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ' study was stopped in Peccmber 19 per cent. New Officers; because of adverse sentiment in Finkel also testified on about Give PAL $100 See Our Selection of Chatham Township. Meanwhile. 37 improved property sales made Passaic Township is understood Diplomas Given in 1952 and ignored all land trans- New Providence —- Patrolman to be moving toward a different actions for that year. The 37- James -Vcnczia thanked the New NURSERY STOCK regional grouping • with neighbor- transactions, Finkel said, show Providence-Berkeley Heights 47 Students at Ing districts to the South and how low the assessments ate inLions for their contribution of flowering Shrubs Evergreens West. $100 and three rifles for his town's the Blue Mountain Farms and Columbia School Full membership in the exist- Countryside developments as com- PAL rifle team which he coaches Rhododendrons Lairds ing Union County Regional Dis- and directs. He said Chief of Po- New Providence—Seventeen of pared to the assessments in the the 47 members of the eighth- trict seems to lie a remote possi- , "poorer" sections. lice Rustum Bey of Chatham bility in view of the fact that this j Township had accorded the rifle grade graduating class at Colum- ribs of beef 49' i . DONO BROS, NURSERIES district is extremely large and af- Countryside Cited team- privileges of the ' police bia School presented a program b firmative votes would be needed Finkel previously declared that range in that town until range of brief speeches and music at £ Springfield Ave,, New Providence Sir. 0-8184 he assessment ratios in the poor- all beef franks...... 59 lb. Formerly Lof»trd on Passatc AVP., Chatham separately in each of the six con- facilities are available here. commencement exercises held at stituent member districts. er sections run from 22 to 25 per Past President Robert A. Web- the school Tuesday night. •cnt while in Countryside from ster, Sr. presented one-year .per- John Saxton spoke on "Our boneless corned beef. 69' lb. 2 to 18 per cent. fect attendance pins to Milton Teachers/' Linda Sijas, "Our Par- FinKel gave as an example the Adler, L. W. Baldwin, C. P. Behre, ents," and Carol McNight, "Our property of Richard Southgate of Walter Behre, EKekiel R. Carter, Community." Frances Allen of- legs of lamb...... ©5* ib. 'vtiddleway, Countryside, which, Nicholas Capp'raso, Frank Jeckel, fered class prayer. An ensemble ie stated] is valued at 131000 but Victor A. Johansson, William Me- including Mary Ellen Patrick, roasting chickens..... 39* ib arried a land assessed valuation Namara, Louis Nigro, Mr. Web- Ruth Meyers, Sarah Ceglia, Lorna jf $200 arid a building assessment ster, Sr. and Jr. Dally, Mary Gartland, Carol Ann armour's bacon ...... 59* ib. at S3,100, making the ratio be- The latter installed as 1954-55 Tomlinson, Diane Van Wettering, ween assessment and value 8.6 officers; Walter Behre, president, Martha Blair and Brenda Schuk per cent. Mr. McManc and Mr. McNamara, presented Keschat's 'The Lord Is On property owned by Howard and Charles Kelly as fifst, second My Shepherd." In two piano solos, Cottingham in Winchip road, Fin- and- third presidents; secretary, Will Brown gave Beethoven's

# y wnleh ^mu** Harry's Esso Servicenter l>v it MAlrhtniiUor. MARKET JOHN S. WiSTIERI Freol HAIRY I. KIRN. Prep. OPRN mtM Y MTE HUMS DKUVfCRY PWJ

CESSPOOL __._ . For a limited time only we rREt I wUJ tng^u General Electric CLEANING a!r-coiiditioner« FREE OF LABOR •if. Building - Repairing CHARGE providing electrical outlet Is within 3 feet of unit. CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TAJVKS CLEANED, BUILT , AND REPAIRED CRANE ft BULLDOZER Residence Construction Co.. Inc. BERVIOB 312 Main St., Mlltburn. N. J. MIBbum 4-0458 Btff-Car luxury and Performance Truck* for Hire at the lomst Price of all CARUULICK Morriitown 4-2082 ••mordsvlllt 8-2082 The etoitr you compare valuts fhe more certainly you'll pee that I'ontiac is the standout buy on automobile row, personal wishes.. • In ittt and weight alons Pontiao of* Headquarter* for ten you more car per dollar titan a Jikr Nationally AdvcrtJitd •mount ever bought before. And tUtti Work Clothei. Smith and Smith*! traditionally Important, l>«€a»ii« that Jong whcelbu* Sportiwtor Uilits reanort for cottifori, riding ea»e an Sporting Good* fine *itliin bun Camplnq Nttdt tfifeda of dollara «f il* modeil price. PfftfilitQ Equtpm*nf And olortfl with trm« big-car f •alurtf ifd t«t-|k« individiul wi She*i It Luggagt, J get remnrkublf #(uiiig^ Opprnting IMld Opkcep ecoawny nrff,S»f mums, $*r,, L«vl't, m fin* of DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR TOV CAN'T BEAT A eeplioniil. Vim m,t |« tl.r 1,-M.I f,ir mnf Jbljl, Ittxttty tutmnolnh - it ifMii a fmv mm&n 0/ #A«? Imwut-prhwl . Qm IOYS DVT SMITH AND SMITH -!1amii$»Ui uppmitnlm ntfi nntnbly largo and ffl&* mmk v«lu« k nmotiK tb« high* ldy. Com- in for tb« f««t# W72AC SALZMAN tO(il/l tmm KMirtii.ig vnlur. Of WCIAL A1MY 1 mmmINN* mmmk tm.t NAVY oirr. iron ANDERSEN 'PONT I AC. Inc. Ml Mmin Mt OKutif mmmr •• w 9 HE nrvpa w f? mil w^w 4 OOHI mm mm a ARROWm «.D*Y..r. u. IHi HEEAID. THUHSiMfr. JUNi 24. »fS4

VOLUME No 13 The Friendly Family Store Where Your Dollar BUVH i*OW AVAILABLE More! FUNK * WAGNAIA Unlvertai Standard Eaerdopedla With mmrs tfctt. $ PEACHES Cling. Vz's or Slicod 4 COBS 1 IDEAL Fancy 16-oz. $ GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS 7 cona 1 DEL MONTE JUICE PINEAPPLE 8 cons CAMPBELL'S IS-es, $ BEANS With POBK 8 cots 1 WITH CBIF Lean, Tender A* Ideal Beans 10'£^'1 Ravioli car. Doughnuts • CREP BOT-AJt-DEi. 4 Farmdale Peas WITH HEAT BALLS VTBC^HIJI LEE 8'r.1 Spaghetti cans I carton IDEAL O>lde> (DIAL 46-oin S4 SafetmL Plain Corn WHOLE 7 ^ '1 Nectar APKICOT 3 of 12 COODI.AND i $ 19c PORK INS Kidney Beans RED _ r. 1 Cheez-lt-Jr. C«ACItlKS cans I Fresh from ©or awn bakery! "Dated" for freshness! f? (Bib IDEAL Tomato Paste 12 '-1 U-Bet Syrup Jpkgm. I Se* the day clearly marked on the package! | Portion) loin 4^ km^ IDEAL Ib. TOMATO 4 Juice 5 ™ '1 Green Beans'"""•> *f bottles I IDS AX Supreme White TOMATO 15'i-oz. $| Lean, tende35^4r pork is easy to 5 Soup 12':ri Toilet Tissue 6 digest, rich in Vitamin B. Center Cut Pork Chops or Koast Ik 79c rDEAL SLICED F TEIXOW CUMO fauna | Peaches 8 *can~s '1 Kee Detergent loci Serve with Ideal Apple Same 2 :v«- 39c 4 Bread 15 roEALPwich Sav* up to 5c a loaf! Finest ingredients! 16-oz, M DDEQEDX/EC -pin«n»pu. A 0at«d" for freshness! ~ Government Graded " (/. S. Choice" sT ImC^ El% T E^ Aprteot-Pinwippl©. Apricot ; fifi fort ARMOUB lb e CORNED BEEF 4 cans 1 WELCH'S 12-ox. $ GRAPE JUICE 5 bortlei VEAEnjoy a deliciouLs top-qaalit^y Acme ^«al roast for a49 change! Ht-C I Fresh $ ORANGE ADE 4 am* Orange Juice Lean 3ib. 1 2- < GROUND BEEF CAMPBELL'S I0V2-«. $ ORANGE 6-OZ. Loin Veal €hops «, 69c Fresh Frosted Fish! SOUP TOMATO 9 can« Ail food, no waste! No fuss, no muss! <*ft» $ Rib Veal Chops BOWL CANS Ready for the pan! What a variety! 8 1 Breast of Veal 23c Economical, too. Moonlight Mallows 33' Charms Pops Etch Can Makes 1»/, Pints Pure Juice! Boneless Butts ( Fillet of Haddock ^.49c Kcebler Saltines ,, f Bub Bubble Gum r 69c b Boneless Brisket S!»,a* » Fillet of Cod ,'h ,. 39c Cat Nabisco Ritz Crackers ptr 36^ B&BMalties Idea! Lemonade „.*.. 2 t£ Sliced Bacon ^TpST11 45c Salmon Steaks ,*. 69c sir POWtSS C AJSOaTKD -Minute Maid Orangeade H 2 *^S 25c Ducklings o^SX *""' U'«S* 53c Swordfish Steaks n. 79c Sunshine Brownies '[:C 39 Fruit Slices u ubhy Birds Ere Sliced Strwbcrrie* Round Roast «r/.k •». 79c Shrimp «*••• ^-%*.•* 61c Sunshine Hyde Park liZW Charms Sour Balls Seabrook Baby lima Beans Lamb Liver ». 29c Extra Large Shrimp lb. 75c ffESt0N ^25* Orange Tea Rings p^ 29?Garden Asst. Lt'DE.V sho HVISHHAILOW BIRDS EYE French Fried Cream White ,ttf Palmolive Soap 3.S&22' frN Olive Oil , 1V^ Palmolive Soap CASHMEKE BOUQUET Potatoes 2x. 27* 1 Instant Frosting «* 2JST Soap Cakes Fancy Pint CASHMKRE BOUQIET Bath C SnowWhip Frostin QT Soap With tic Canpsa Jersey Box 35 ^ 8 ^23^ 4 Cakes Blueberries x OCTAGO Luscious, plump, fancy blueberries are lier«! Enjoy them now at this special TrTce^irafl Kl POD Com T Je * **• 2pk»s. Laundry Soap * J Cakes 25' Acnw Markets. A treat for the entire family 8 tiiant mA, A | IMHTW C Jl Chipzel Potato Chips ^25* Vel p^ W 72* R f Giant Fancy Domestic Watermelon «>• 4 *• 3 iiMarcalWhiteNapk^^^i^ Fab ^ p k; 3(^ 72' t1 Red ripe* aug*r iwe«t. Select just the stae you uant. Coolintest fruit of nummer! Why not BSV£KAGES 13 ot have a watermelon party? Refreshing but low In calories! 29oz. Octagon Cleanser 2 cans bottles Depssll .19" Bala Club 2 NEW Giant BLUE ALL Super Suds Freestone JJ, Bala Club FLAVORS cans 7? NEW BLIB Georgia Peaches 12 os, N» H'PRICE OfAt ALL Super Suds Provolone Salami Cheese 57c ft. Tender, ripe, golden,, »we«sweet freestone*free»lone«! A treat Ifor any palate! Bala Club bottle* BALA CLUB Gloidale Sliced Swiss 29c Florient Deodorant ean Fancy New Dietetic Bunch Imported French Roquefort a, Beets Home frown Cabbage Southern ICE CREAM Sheffield Cottajre Cheew Belected DAIRYCKEST 4^k mM ^ Extra Sharp Cheese n. 79c Tomatoes Box Li 17 LIU WC Extra Larg« Head I M» '., r.«!lon (jrlBB TT Tf f Wispride Sharp Cheddar ,fc. 59c fi Perfed •lldng! S«rv« with Hom-de-ltte IM«Upr**l Baf Fr«*S f mayonnalite! Escarole $s - 6 ", » Mirr'f rs*-O-t , 'i £//ecf/Ve ' Saturday, June 26 Cake Cups Arnonr Star Vlsnna J Wilson's College Inn College Inn Ideal Ball Ball Wilson's Sausage 2 -;.37c Fruit Jars Mason Jars Ham Salad Chicken Broth Tomato Juice UrMtai flat Derllwl Chopped Beef Plat* ll-M. 16c Cocktail t? 23e -.S1.MvsS1.19 97e CkMM-rS1.0W 9 37 »* 31 * Nam •-.- 20c Oix* Beechnut Beechnut DIAMOND Diet Delight Diet Delimit Swift Meat! Snap Peaches Bartlett Pears for Baby Dog Food Baby Foods Jr. Foods MATCHES .•UtMt 3U 3 tt Mr ..,..,. s 3 _.22« At >trt«tt*« w M&M DASH PARKAY Wesson OH Realemon Durkee T Ohrty itiri (Vrnily Lemon Juice Marthmallow Chicken v: BEEF STEW Dog Food MAR8ARINE "-. Chocolate CWekii til Wig *L 3 41 31B Mut 3* CklokiiFrictMM ^ 111 SpringfleW Ave, and South St. Mew I 49-51 MipleSL Summit 12 J THi SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, ^UNE >4,_.li»L tfer. U January, 1853, h* wife, Jessie Helms Petty, and a Council chemical Former Resident advanced to field sales manager, son and daughter, Orville KaAer Local Man Named New Version of |Ceianese Wins from which post he was promoted son Petty, ?rd, aged 10, and Gail, record trophy, and the Mdtiuf Named Sales i to his new position. Previous to aged 7, . ing Chemists' Asocial;,;,, joining Schick', Mr. Petty was Executive of 60-Second Camera Safety Awards cat* of «chievement. Head for Schick - sales manager of Embree Maou- Stationed at Fort Dix "Our company I; ; factoring Company, Elizabeth. Raymond G Cro»s, Jr of 38 De For Second Year IU bes»t record of Orville A Petty. » recent Sum- Makes Local Debut ance to date, wars ri He was graduated from the Uai-i Forest avenue, is now j>U!ionetiy in jjeneia i road, was appointed vice president dealers, Eastman's, and the Cam- today tu the employees of the Sum- ager of Schick Incorporated, pio- war he served as Lt. Colonel in j who formerly lived at New Provi- «d George Rurnmtl, fll ! of the tour fire companies of the itiit research laboratories of neer manufacturers of Schick Army Ordnance Department. I denee, is a well known local ath- era Shop, have announced that neer of 49 Uogviowl. |£!lt Celane^e Corporation of America L,l electric shavers, it w as announced Mr. Petty lived in Meadow- i lete He played with the Newj America Fore Insurance Group, they have been selected to intro- Heights. '.'This noteuon! iiiis week by Kenneth C, (iifford. Providence PAL baseball team, it was announced this week. Mr. in a ceremony highlighting their nent would r»«t havch,,,, ,„, brook Court, Summit, while he duce a new Polariod Highlander tetoid breaking achievement in **! I president. was sales manager for-the Embree the Summit Yankees and «ith Soward was formerly secretary ot camera — a smaller, lower-cost without the continued ,,*.A the J. K Smit team in the indus- industrial safely performance l>r\ ing of our employees Mr. Petty joined Schick in Jan Company, Ke now makes his the fire companies. • • version of the camera that made Bruce B Allen nf 61 Blackburn home m' Damn, Conn., with his trial leaggue their whole -he a i ted nary, 1832,. as 'eastern salei man- He joined the organization io picture-in a-minuU photography toad, manager of the laboratories, and cooperation m \» 1918 as a .map clerk for the Con- famous—to local camera fans, announced thjt Cclaneje men *nd cidents.'1 *i!» tinental Insurance Company of the women had pas*rd 2.095,215 man- Group and a year later was pro* So that tb? publtc njty see the jhours worked without a disability Niirofllycmn .._„ „, U. S. Building Products Co., Suggests: moied to the position of inspector new Highlander in action, free 1 injury. This safety record h«s jby.an lt*han .chenibt , ., working out of the Chicago office. again won for the labor atones the f u demonstration pictures will be j canio Sobrero in 1846 Whcn In 1926 he was in charge of the j taken all of this week of every corporation certificate of com- with an inert material engineering department in Chi- visitor to Eastman's or the Cam- mendation' in the second Ceianese sawdust, nitrogtycenn Herbert E. Soward era Shop,, Bob Sergeant of East- company-wide safety contest in dynamite. He held -various position* until man's, and Jim Abramson of the which lft plants and facilities par- oi Group Two years later he ticipated ill »6lt« W»lMt 1940, when he was appointed was appointed secretary of the Camera Shop, announced. - Each I agency superintendent in charge of these give-away pictures will j companies and transferred to Glenn (1 Fleming, safety direc- of the General Cover and Inland be placed in an attractive mount ] tor, presented the awards to W, iLDERNEY Marine departments in Chicago. e Home office in New York. Has Faster Lens . . ]M. S. Riehipds, chairman of U»e Braojtlawn Farms In 194$, he was appointed assist- A n<*ts\e of St. 'Louis. Mo. he The new camera works essen- j safety committee. In addition to Dairy TroilucU /Do Your Own ant secretary of the fire, companies attended Northwestern tially the same as the original the corporation certificate of com* Horttt I'Uiui, n. 4 «lul I*Ml Polaroid camera, and has the mendation the local labs also advantages of. several improve- earned the National.Safety Conn- Cement Jobs! ments. It has a faster lens, a faster shutter, a long base optical j Iw'M ft, »»/wl'» "•"* ikmU...\nl tii wain. Refreshing Summer Eating •viewfinder plus several other tea- j ... tk> hundred* of cement jobs. Get professional re»uk» every tures vvnieh surveys showed the ; ' time. It's quick tnd euy with ready-mixed SAKRETf. No public wanted Other improve- : wiste—no guesswork ... . just add water fod use. Ingredient^ lreadf proportioned. / - - - — meats have been made in the \ whole new line of accessories de- signed especially for the High- SAND-MIX 5AKRETE: GRAVEL-MIX SAKRETE: lander. The flash gun, for in- 25 Ib. bag ... .80 45 1b. bog 1.10 stance, clips nght to the cam- Vint* Iera, and has no wires to plug in. 45 1b. bag 1.15 901b. bag 1.60 When Dr. Land announced his 80 1b. bag 1.65 PARTY SNACKS" I picture-in-a minute process <$even l years ago, one of the nation'stead- l mg magalincs called it the 'pho- 1 1 tography of the future *' Since C A17 D FT I HEAD* ffFMFlTT delicious .., ready to ttrvt • that time hundreds of thousands SAILiib 1 ti *vx&> vtiintiH I I of Polaroid cameras have been HERRING FILLETS I sold, and film sales figures show to own the safest tires made! U. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. I that more than 200 million pic IN WINE SAUCE I tures have been tak>en with them throughout the world. re'rythinf. for "./*<*>/(•! our»elj" Project* Telephone NEW VITA FOOD PRODUCTS, INC. • 700 Springfield Ave., Berkeley Heights, N. J. Summit 6- 644 GREENWICH ST., NEW YORK 14 • Dog Owners Warned Not GENERAL To Let Nil Run Loose Persons permitting their dogs to TUB loose in violation of the TIRES law are going to find themselves A»tm(«ari {jros«!cuted to the ninth degree. Dog Warden Charles Cutler warned yesterday. Know the Noting that school is over and PER WEEK many kids will be playing out- doors. Warden Cutler declared it 4 70 « 15 was unfair to risk bste« because Here's your big I some persons don't feel like walk- opportunity to own ' ing their pets on leashes. Cutler a set of famous > a-oroui>d rear window in oil closed model*. Lima Church in Short Hills. The e Fashion-tailored interior fabric* and trim. POND couple plan lo make fheir first . *. WHICH MO OTHf* CA* IK K>*D'S MU> CAM MATCH' wins on otiolo* home in San Antonio. . .. MB modtlti 14 body stylos I

Ford wins on the t r "deal," too! ' I Come In and is ffe horns

i ' sign ! ami the score i —*nd proud the homeowner too! For Dutch f AD MAN HOMOABD-Oeorgt J Hmtfe Painty tbr favorite of master painters $\\ ' ,,. .,» yMfc'% ; Abrami of m Cinoe Brwk Park America, gives your IIOIUP a brighter, longw-l way, hat be«n ntnt«d, th# "Out •« tindlni limn* Advertising Man beauty. What's wore ii applies more evenly ttw Yf*r*# by \\k National Ad f*motii (or il< good coverage mu\ "renewing" q vertUing Men and Woman, The HM Bright White or smart ready- award wag made June in «t the mmtd tintfc Choose s nui Dutch Mr, Abrimi hat »erv»d at arlver lodas, «t m» slme, Jk ' tiling dlrtrtor of lli«» Btnck Drug Company, Jtrwy City, for m»ve» rod MAI«IIN« ACtiHti on tttion ftirf, Mf li ehtlrm»n of the mm tfiutmitirim, tetectrtutttful Dutch paper committed of the h$mtl§ lay Sill* Trim Mrfwj Hnttlnttup ' Nflll Ad tttm ht*A tafeff •your home N MOTORS ifun if on Phont Su. 6-4200 Summit, N.l City Piint 4 WaHpaper Co. CHANKIL •, fiMf, M. THUMOAY. ^hLLJLL.^ ;:«: '•"",' * '•• • ' THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. JUNE 24, 1954 Locust drive to Kent Gardens Mn..duties W. Crane of 174 land drive has beea staying at PERSONALS apartments, 417 Morris avenue. Summit avenue flew to Minneapo- Mrs. William ft. home at 2$ Fanwood avenue, Fan- will also be in charge bf the pro- tiie Boyal Hawaiian Hotel in Ha- wood, on Saturday. «t a farewell party given at the Jacques Thibaut School of Music, lis last veck where she was ma Mrl r. Curry Jone», Sirs. W. gram for next year's National McGiffen home ia honor of Pho-> P France. waii. Mrs. Emery, who i* ex- Mr. and Mrs., N. A. Burgess of Iron of honor at the wedding of ecutive director of the Summit sclby Harney, Jr., and Mrs. C. Open. tios "Freddie" Tcociutzopoulo.s; her mother. Mrs. William C. . Karl Klar«n of Lenox road at- of Athens, Greece. About 60 class ! Ridge drive, east, Berkeley Red Cross, chapter, went to the E Graham Reeves attended their Mrs. Rose Cascio, manager of j Heights, have had as their guests. Ward, and Selwyn E. Taylor. tended his class reunion last week Mr. tod Mrt. Charles Herb of oiates of Freddie attended the the Fashion Center. 356 Spring- wett coast to attend the Ameri- \teltedcy College Class -reunion party and pre$ent©i turn with a Miss Virginia Peck of Straston. at Dartmouth CaUege, Hanover, 29 Oakley avenue and son are on field a\enue, and her daughter. Pa,,"Mrs. Burgess1 sister. Miss „ Edwin Dederer, Jr., *oa of Mr. can Red Cross National Confer- June If through 20. N. H. Hamilton watch as a parting gift. Florence, have returned from a ience before flying to Hawaii." a motor trip to Montreal. Freddie, who has spent a year in Peck was a bridesmaid at last and Mrs. Edvtin V Dederer of 41 three-week vacation at the Sherry Saturday's wedding of Miss Dor* Kdgewood rbad, started his third Attending the meeting of the Summit, under the sponsorship Frontenac Hotel in Miami Beach, Mrs. J. II, Maroney of 57 Fern- City Clerk and Mrs. Harry SL ' othy A. Johnsoa to Calhouu L. H summer as swimming and diving Miss Charlotte Helander, daugh- Million- Dollar Round Table, a of toe Y. M. C. A., is sailing for wood road has left for her sum- Kates of 177 Colonial roadf left home on Saturday st 5 p.m. Howard. instructor at the Jdarine Pool, ter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Heland- ^roup ol 5©0 fif the nation'! lead- mer residence at Seven Gates Sunday for a two-week motor trip j aboard the American Export Mr. and Mr*. V: Q, Mattson of Lake Mohawk. M$>? Dederer, sen-er of 11 Primrose place, has left Farm, Chihnark, Martha's Vine- ing life underwriters, being held through the mid-west. They will ! Lines ship, S. S. Executor. 25 Linden place have returned Mrs. Allison IL 1 learn oi 25 ior AAU 150 vm%*t medley cham- for summer study during July at at the Hotel del Coronado, Coro- yard, where she will spend the visit at. Chicago and Joliet, ~Ul. from a two-week motor trip to pion and hpJwr #f ten .New Jer- the University-of Wyoming near remainder of the summer. Dr. f i ' .. Tulip street had a luncheon-bridge mdo, Cal., is Bernard C, Lewis and ia Michigan. '•'•"' I ' *~~" • Appleton, Wis., where they at- sey *wijr^ titles, was csptai.» of Laramie. Miss Helander, a sen- Maroney will arrive later in the | Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sherwood j Tuesday for members of the pro- 'of 12 Clen Oaks avenue. Mr. T tended the commencement exer- gram committee'of the Fortnight- the Ljrfiigh freshman swirotning | ior at Wellcsley who is majorSag iuiumer. | of Euclid avenue faad**s$ a week cises June 13 of Lawrence College Ij^xis hai been a member of the Miss Stepham'e Parsons of 417 ly Club. Mrs. Hearn is vice presi- teadi. His family have a summer in geology, expects to visit Yel- end guest Mr. Sherwood's broth- (The Institute of Taper Chemis- lowstone, (ilacicr and Teton Na- organization for three years, hav- Morris avenue, who was gradu- dent of the club.~ • at Lake'Mohawk. Mr. and Mrs, Matthew Zdgner ated from Oek Knoll School and er, Dr. David W. Sherwood' of try) at which their son, Victor. tional 1'arkb in connection with ing written $1,000,000 or more in- of 243 Munis avenue will return completed her work at the Katha- Oakland, Cal. Frank Mattson, received the de- Mrs. John IL Emery of 45 Wdwi her studies at the university. surance each year., home Sunday from a 10-day trip gree «»f doctor of philosophy.' | Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Jit rine Gibbs School, in Morsldair, Miss Joan D. Webster, daughter j Jr., returned .Monday tptfm to Chicago aftd Grand. Rapids j has secured a position through I of ""'Mr.'and Mrs. Charles I. Web Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Fox of \ ape Village on Faii'view Lake ait Mrs, -Stephen O. Kent, Jr., of where-• they attended.'furniture ' the placement department-of.the t ster of Kent Place boulevard, re- j Tilton, 1'a.. in thej'oconos where 225 Blackburn road and her shows UM\ from Kat>t Liverpool, school with the American Ex- turned from Europe yesterday on Oakwood drive.'Murray Hill, were hosts Saturday t/> members of the they spppt;.,.th£tr' 'wedding .trip. daughter and infant son arc vis- Ohw, 'where they visited friends. press, New York City. the He de Fiance and will leave j Mrs. Jfpstn.is the former Li tine a I //'» Aluay Coal At The'Caromel j Friday for.Boston to be a brides- j Stony Hill l'layers at a picnic sup- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. per. • Lindberg.'tSaughter of Mr., fend. | Kur Vuur Camlottl Itoyee Riker Spring of Eaaton, Mi*. Archibald Murray of 54 Mr. and Mis. Norman F. Linn ma id at the wedding of a Mount Mrs. I^awrence J. .V- Lindhcrg of j New England avenue and chii- have moved into their new resi- Hoiyoke classmate. Miss Webster | 80 ^Bet'kmati road. The Jensen*! Md. She will soon join her hus- dence at 70 Hillcrei-t avenue. The band in Havana, Cuba, where they (hen left yesterday to open her j has completed a year's study of Mr. and Mtf..^Louis J Wanan i vviJl reside In Boston where Mr., j Linns formerly resided at 45 Ro- piano under a Reid Hall fellow- summer home at Cotu'it, Cape moved yesterday from, their Lo: ]'Jep,st>n is a lieutenant (jgj aboard j will make their home for several wan road. ship grant at the Marguerite Long years. Mr. Kent is with the Na- L'oti, where she will spend the re- cust Gardens apartment at 26 the, USS Stnallev. i tional City Bank of New York. mainder of the summer. Mr. Murray, who Isas recently taken Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feibuih of a new . position at Philadelphia, Irving place entertained for their COMPLETE HOME daughter, Gayle, al a dinner party Mtss Ricky Kaplon of 78 Kdge- will join his family for week-ends uood road, left Saturday on the held at the Chant icier last Sun- throughout the summer. IMPROVEMENT SERVICE AROUSE! - f •' • S S. Seven Seas for a two month clay in honor of her 16th birthday. -.• *? lour through Europe. She will visit Fourteen guests from Summit, Artie Conversion! ..JMIAS Elizabeth Ann Winters, j nine countries including Scotland, Millburn, Linden. Hillside. South Goragei — Dormers daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Austin i England, Germany, Italy and Orange, Maptewood and New Rooff — Sidings ./ P. Winters of Ashland road, will j beth attended. France. She is touring with "Stu- .sail Saturday aboard the SS ! No Money Down—Years to^Poy dents for Delnocratic Action" Aro.sa Star \<> spend the summer j Free Estimates -—Local Financing whose main purpose is to study in England under the Experiment : Mr. and Mrs. Willis in Eitrier European politics... in international Living program, i and their family have moved CALL YOUR LOCAL CRAFTSMAN from Summit road, Mountainside HAIRDRESSERS Miss Winters will reside with a ! AND SAVE or CALL AND ASK ABOUT Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ucbcle and to their new home at 6 Hillcre&t British family,./or the month of j avenue, their two daughters of 133 SunVmit July and in August will tour the HIS "DO IT YOURSELF" PLAN ON avenue, will move into their new British Islesi JALOUSIE^NCLOSURES, ALUMINUM DOORS, HASCt) JALOUSIE ENCLOSURES ( iB "' Marilyn Me.(iiffen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. McGiffen of WINDOWS. FANS OF ALL TYPES. 816 Springfield Avenue Summit 6-1988 Year 'round .... Mrs. Carl S. llult-tt and daugh- 199 Kent Place boulevard, and A. E. SMALL ter, Lynn, of 76 Beekman road Marion Grove, daughter of Mr. FACTORY TO YOU. "Just Drive Up and Park" left today for East Chop, and Mrs. L, J. Grove of 209 Kent Martha's ' Vineyard, where they Place boulevard, were hostesses SU 6-3963 will spend the remainder of the summer.

Mr. a n d M r s* Edward C. Holmes uf 141 Beechwood road arc at .the Sagamore Hotel. Lake George. X.Y., where Mr. Holmes will,deliver an address before the convention of the New York State Re;il Estate Association. Mr. Holmes is president of the New Great Fan Fair Jersey Association.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barclay of Hohby Hall have left for the Lake Placid Club, Lj-kc Placid, N. Y., where they will.again spend the summer in charge of the club's social dancing program.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Woodward i First oscilloting wind tunnel fan McDowell and daughter, Nancy, of €7 Oak Ridge avenue have left 5 for Chflmark, Martha's Vineyard. Kmty diKOverr.1 for joy ...» Mass., where they will open their New Gilbert f«fe\»Iou«lp twnutUiiI. light tr»n»mft i .ttni ftbf«t'*M owning to •>(<] k summer home and remain VA" (Milling oulsid* look 10 your home md Msta4lmnt nin-filwrc.l tiifftwd through July. Mr. McDowell will IIJM intldt; Choou on#, or a torn- join his family later this sum- i. windstreaiiier lituiion of ipjrklinj colors for your mer. i * » hannonioul eflrctl Contidpr iti all wetther * jirolecticm •fid ventiUtion whirh tirept your •1 i&om* tool mttA tomforttblt. Misses Phyllis and Sally Flag Ejtpfrt (fcilgninn cf pre^ut, %>r*- ler, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. * drilled md pfe-ajwrnbted partt give )9'[ without side rxpanderi-48.80 •12" without »ide expander*™- $$9 r.jf s» room? Yoii can build it yourself i» your j to fit windows 2t to 36". Full year guar- "*y winiltm* ic, in iJut iifitiscd jv-irt of voiir l lil defertp *•>*£ '"•fkiHt H",r-tku . Sec us for itieas ;mcl plans, then ll help you select the Hghf matcriali the job. Conic in »x)til MiII, T«Unrvlc«. t STEPHENS • MILLER COMPANY ' *> * toMMnti Material* Wed. and Fri. till OILttl R\t;itS -.CUM - WELM1* Bain\s open it RUSSIU mm THI SUMMIT HjiAJP. THUyPAY, JW1 14 **11^*^SJSPWWPSJBSW^PBBB^ Wktor f. Mvttton h Calvary Men'j Group Fortnightly ulub i V^tai: Prank Usttlsn, i?w 5I DepgrfmmhiTell ! Mr. and Kn. V. 0. *|tt»op iefl, Sr.; • On October 2$ at 2 p..as. Mrs.. During two years* iejrvtc« wltt elasi of MS5, (vacancy) Henry t. Leonard V. BusC^mauBii.wffl the Army h« ssw action In the Slack a (jwk review oa a,tarr*at European th«*ter »M ««l Samuel M. Coombs, Jr., presided .dairon? popular atfiwlk*. •-OB awarded the Purple Heart. He rt- 'December S a prMKam will and Pliilip Rafferty, Jr.. presented n ceived a bachelor of science de- i!r^jc tH jointly *s?fc tke usasfc the report of the nominating com- f'er'irtnir':t gree from Uaion College, Sche- mittee,' aectady, N.Y. in 1949, *nd his "A'Vision of Victory," a new P n.. J Hr, V War*, j master of scieace degree from A r rf FVckt-t Baoks !»c. of ,-Lawrence College in 1S51. He li colored film showing tbe work of Yr-k viili present a talk «n now with the research laboritor-1 the Episoca,l Church in the Philip- 1 t' ,- r^rth a-.d R.** rf Fwket ies of the Meade Paper Co In j pines via* the feature of the pro It. -.- " a-prv^r^-.a dewrsbirg t>,e FROM AKDOVEE—James Merrill Carlsmilh "••'•• pul*niv ct the ,\r$. Leonard E. Carls.mith* of 32 Park View terrace and tjt-".*:»e p-?er rov«red books David Mackenzie (right), §«n of 41 r; and Mrs. .Gordon C. Mac-; The word siavie 6omm Iroito the of t"i?t r*arob-er-^ * ill lit r**d and • • Plating Kent Place boulevcrd, directed by • Crystals Fitted Mr. arid Mrs. Hamilton McGiffin,. BERMUDA. HONEYMOOX-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph - Bluntschli are pic-;• There will be e«e field Iris V Immediately the sort-?,' mude t» tbe Piert»nt will open Monday morning. We lave life and we waist to live mer «4ray ., . you'll, want to ;tured above at The Beefs, 111 Southa-mpton, Bermuda, where they are. J° y lhh« newest disc hits So \iu\\ Morg.in library ia X** York Ctfv. The nursery camp aecommo- gun ^ fun clothes J OBAVMAT^ Mew CARLANS •honeymooning. Mrs. Biuntschli is the former Miss Ruth Saam, daugh-; The literature dej-artmesl will ter of the A! Stains oi 387 Maple street, Murray Hi». Mr.. Biuntschli; start a special gjroep cf lessens while the elementary camp has where }'«wr Community Jrtcfler / LOR, Millburn, by BriganceS the newest Record tunes ol*the is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. fihmtschli of 36 Edgewood oroad.J creative writing-in-tie ft!!,,winch a varied program for boys and O|»ei» Pri. Eve*, til i'p.Ji'. girls from six to 10 years of age. Sparkling town and^ountry .cot- day. If you haven't heard Iki,n He is associated with the Bakelite Co., Bound Brook. The'couple w^re will be continued thrcxyflioGt fee 449 HprinsrfiHd Ave. SU. »-lU« 1 tons (10-16) with Brigancefresh Rene's "The Happy Wanierer" winter, . if )1.9S.. • # Fortnightly flub. <"1 which Mrs. j LORD AND TAYLOR icoop: Beau- We're going on vacation on W. C»l?s?er of I1)! EEactbarfli road. hobby show * treasure huijts, .vari- "A thing of beauty Is a joy for- tiful short • sleeved Ballantyne r July 3rd for two weeks. At Conference is chairman, has- arri-ffrd the fol- ous tournaments and a parents' evei' . . and a TELFER STUDIO cashmeres, $26.95. Twenty-one young persons from lowing program for the ssason of night. designed room is a room to be tn-1 Pttcae anticipate your needs. Central Presbyterian Church are 1554-55: The'first metimg. m No- ; WHEATON GRADUATE — Nor Enrollments are now being re- joyed "from this day forward"' RX ... for a healthy, happy attending a Preshyterian youth verriber 19 at 9:3»J 3. ra. will start • son of Mr. and Mrs. ceived for the summer session. TELFER STUDIOS, Short HiSj, with a second brtiiteftst. *t vacation! Before you "take off 527 MH burn Ave. conference at Blairstown this i Alaa'A. Pott of 2 Silver Lake Closing exercises were held at has an excellent selection of fte The Melroses tiirse Mrs. A. B. Lstnrr.**. tl:a Elkwood Play School, June for fun, have your prescriptions II ».m. — 6 p.m. the Chantlrlej week. drive, received a bachelor of arts filled and stock up on drugs, vi- best in coordinated fabrics tn4 known authority on,. African vio- 15 and 16. A program of songs, wallpapers. Their roster of out. Closed Mondavi and the Little lioaie) They are accompanied by Mrs. degree from Wheaton College. tamins, first aid supplies and sun- Lets, will give a Ulif en the care dances and rhythms was present- standing names Includes Schu- Leonard V. Buschtnan and Miss and propagation o'f • these Hav- tan lotions at CHARLINl'S CUT Wh'eaton, 111. He majored in the ed for parents and friends and re- macher, Katzenbach and Wane", Elizabeth Boelt v.ho arc serving ers. freshments were served. RATE DRUGS, 417 Springfield study cf the Bible and graduated Ave!! Special service: Send a post Lonergan, et cetera. Shwt Mii:< as members of the faculty of the •On January 14 1955, at a des- mem. conference. Reports, pictures and diplomas card with RX number to CHAR< -2440. sert meeting at 2 p. ra., Mr?- Ed- were distributed with the latter The young persons are: Jacque- win Florar.ce, cf 66 Pn*e Grove ; ber of Excelsior Literary Society, LINE'S . . . they'll "ship" pre- Rere'f the low down on tirt going to students who will enter line . Biggs. Warren , Braunwarih, avenue, (in 'authentic costume) i Voung. Life Fellowship, captain scriptions to your vacation vistal prices! In time for v?c:-ti..n no- baskelball and'the'team'Tout" kindergarten in. the fall. Willis Butler. Virginia Evans, will present a lectare tided 6-1032. torinf . . , SAVAGE'S standing player and high scorer, j The following Summit pupils re- Gerda Felter, Albert Forster, Sal- 'Scandinavian Samnier" •which AND F.RSO won- lie Golding, Carolyn Heineke, Ed- she\vill.Ulustratetfcroujfhout»ith!He served on the homecoming ; ceived diplomas: Precious gift* for preefcrat little derful values on fa m o')? Atlas die Holt, Polly Hunt, Granthia committee for two years. ! Tommy Bnt?. NP.« H^iur.d. H»I ... at the SECONDS SHOP OF tires. And speaking <-f v.-fi-stinn? colored slides. On Thursday eve- LocUifirt, Bonnie I-jw:y, K*ren l.v*lt>. La very, Judy Linn, Diane Lund- ning. March 17, (thedepartment's Bobby ' VogeUr. Tommy Aintw, Ju!l- CONTEMPORARY CERAMICS, 32 before you take 'hat "t«t> ry, Sally Miller, Scott McCann, jjuest night.) *t S p m.. Eric H. at the clubhouse, and the season tnue Bunch, Jo)T* Dunndcr, Oforg-- Watchung Ave., Chatham, where weeks with play" \\i\t SAV- Ertn*. P*ul K»yi. BUS Hol*!»«. Utry AGE'S give yotir car a Lynn Negus, Wright Patterson, Peterson of the Agricultural Ex- will be rounded out by a picnic on Ann K»n«. J»^dy Ktr.nv. B<-!i Mc-they've beautiful ceramic and pot- Arthur Torrell, Fred Vande teasion Service cf Rstfers Uni- May 20 to be held at the home of Furlane, Blclty North, M*r«h» Rt>?h»n. tery buys (flrat quality "surplus" tune-up and Happy lMi'1* Dan Ssvory. Itlt Sh*rt«, Pitm 6in:;U. and selected seconds »-4 to 1/3 re^ For pick-up and delivery, t-h\ Vusse Cynthia Waldau and Mary versity'will ipeak. co "Spring Mis* Margaret Rogers in Berke- Crtii. 8hoem**«r, MeW. Stc«l, K*?h- Dare Whiteside. Gardens and Home Ground Im- ley Heights. During the year le«n 8pe?*r». P«.tty T^mplt. Kim tail price). You'll find unique provement." there will be the usual flower ar- V%u\ Thomptan. Tjlppe gifts for your weekend hostess From the "good gay life" dept.: OB Wednesday. May 4, the Fifth jI rangement coursei sponiored by | ^thy^AU*n? mr"%^vA^ AS . . . and for her imall fry: darling Good food, good fun and t <4: For Hie 4Hi! Annual Flwer wul be held ' the denartment. Skipper Bfown, O*!l Cas?, M«c j porridfjers, dishes, mugs, bright cheer await you at TIIK (11ANT1- Chumbera. Sltubrth Rilx-r^K. with nursery rhyme characters. V An Unbeatable 1s» Ort»Uh. M»ry \l\V-Strrctc. CLER, Millburn. A C "o1 HA Canopy Your Sheet Kolmns. Jimmy Msorc. Rl^n.-irt T1CLER cocktail's (he l>o;iut:( 1 Combination! n«r, J«elt!t O'Shes.'Mtkt Q-Urt , Shir- f Summit Couple to Present Film Lectureley Smcfttifk, Sl»rtan:;» V. What's in a name? Everything beginning to .t nipmoral.lc c- K#nnr Wo'iOtin, c»thy ow-t. Bosbj . . when It's "Beechwood," the nlng: their delicious food an a' COOLER SLEEP Atw«t«r, Fr»!JC«i Bfln»cjc». • Carol. venture in fine "dining »"'; HIM CRESCENTS Oorlut, Owl K«ttlD|. D'.ck private label proudly presented by At Trailside Museum Sunday gtr, Chtrlt* Bauni. Mslljr S. BALISH AND SON, 1 Beech- Leo Reisman'i orchestra fin tal- The TROPICAL WAY 1.80 doz. C«r!» Or»ubtrf . colored to appeal to youngsters of all ages. Bobby 81k«s, Clthy Strs?':isn. M»ry Bourbon (J4.69), Beechwood Gin, Dial W for w*athfi . ... an* sheet away Irom your feet, lotting cool air circulate be- slides and exhibit* at Trai!«i«»r old fox t»rHfr, east Amana, the Canyon deCheH « ' which each year selections of cold cuts, saun<. PIERSON'S, ly. where the famous ancient i replaces the 14,000 bulb tulip dis- tives attending the conference had after beetles, canker #orms and ct cetera. 6-3034. If Inlprcstcd in taking cats .to ••\Vhite House* puebbraiasstand. \ P'^jn M»!'. contains plants from outstanding sales and service rec- tomato worms. They'Ve a variety board, call lit. • 1 The uncanny ttnrteke* of Monu-1 400 flats, which were ger- ords in 1953, and are among the of tested dusts and sprays . . , As colorful M Port-au-Prince and.' THE HOME OF FINE UOV SEW ARES and all the ne«> easy-to-use CALL SUMMIT 6-6698 ment Valley will al*» be pictured. minated from seed in the Perk leading members of the com- at cool as CapHaltlen b«e»J dusters and sprayirs. 431 SpringfltW Avt., Summit SU. 6-4541 The aceorapamyfef exhibit will Commission's own nursery in the pany's field force irr the United , . . the spart sisal squ^ feature paintings hy Mr*. Har-Watchung Reservation. States and Canada^r^ R.S.V.P. woven In Haiti so Summcr-jwifff bosch, known fa art' circles as Those attending from the local TROST'S BAKE Local Architect* Cited SHOP, 427 Springfield Ave., forfor rugs. CENTER CARPET- -I Mien Harbosch; Indian craft, office are Benjamin H. Gilbert, Summit Ave., has, a„ wealth 01 rug*, pottery *s«J basket* of both At State Convention Peter J. Accorsi, Albert Dege, wedding cakes destined to be the , from natural talk of the reception! TROJT'S Summer Hopi and Pueblo; «nd a real liopi Richard B. Zimmerman, John R. rush squares to Haitian sisal < J Among tJhsse winning rwcrds cakes are sheer artistry in every Kachina or deity. Moore, Frank Simon, James latter (n 15 joyous decora, «r ' and mentions lor entries in the detail . . . from the first golden Architectural exhibition held In Sherry. Julius E. Gatcsy, Rucfolph ora to besuOfully Wend with y>« Buhs, Douglas Hatchman. Rob- rich layer to the final festive fin- Program tmt conjunction with the 54th annual ishing touch. For a wedding cake color scheme). «-M0O. ''Cliildnen's N»t«re Howr" pro- convention of the New Jersey ert Freyberger, Claude Monks, • and William Colandrca. that's pure perfection . . , discuss Madeline and Emi grams wilt fee offered vacation- chapter of the American Institute your confectionery "dreams" with See you next week • • • ". •*! ing younssteni at the Trsilsidle of Architects tt Atlantic City was AtHnd Convention TROST'8. f • f TACKKOOM VACATION SPECIAL for CHILDREN PHMANINT WAVIl-SI . 17 A

j*««»#d an* block north of tftt YMCA, fhont MAdlwn 6-1993 fo *h» A*me pttkhq \*\t Wdditon. I! I «;» li HOTEL S J ' lid IPRIN^NUO AVI., 1UMMIT r ;•: mm* THf SUMMIT HERALD, fHUftSDAY, JUN1 14, J954

Four Receive \ Sons of Poland Ust Henrietta Heath Piano - Plant for Mas*, Outing Mhs Joan White, Degrees from The Scat of Poland, Branch 100, Pupils Present Recital Harvard of St. Wojcied* Society, will bold- A Ban Snively, 3rd Piano pupils at Henrietta U, its asfui*l mass this Sunday at 8 Heath of 13 Lorraine place pre- Receiving degrees from liar ». m. at St. Teresa's Church. At vaVd University last Thursday 11 * m. members will leave by bus Married June 12 sented a recital last Sunday and \u-re four Sum nut students. Imm Chapel street and Moms j At First BapUs! Church on June Monday evenings at tiie Heath Awarded the degree of master ' avenue for the annual outing to bVl _ 12, Miss Joan White, daughter studio. Sejveral of the students in business education was David . held at Use S@ns of Poland camp, ! of Mr. and Mrs, George L. White have won award* at-Griffith Mu S. Crtyder of 44 Kent Place Boule- of 9? Es&ex road, was fnarned to MC Foundation auditions and one, vard. Croyder graduated from Members desiring to make Km, A, Barr SnheJy, 3rd. son oi \\ ashiBgton and Lee University rtstrvttmu - for the ©siting may Mr. and Airs. A. Barr Snivel}. Jeao Myk-s received a special with an AB degree in 1950. call cilber Mrs. tY Korkucii, 557 it of Durham, N.H. three year b<>noi* pin from the Frank Boas of 570 Springfield . Murris aveoue (Summit 6413?) or Rev, David K. Barn«<41. D.D , Foundation. avenue received a bachelor of . His. A. ROSOJ, 2 South street, ' pastor «f the. church officiated ai , Appealing in the recitals were laws degree. He graduated from tSuiiUHit e-0i*8»-M). ihe afternoon ceremony. Robert Huestun; Robert Zollo, Harvard in 1951 with an AB de- Given in marriage b> 1KM U- Gary Baum, Bruce Frutehey, gree. . •' . . • • • I her, the bride \u,iv * pjr.k or Edmund K. Summersby of 99 yandv ballerina-length dn>s with Patty and Nancy Finch, Jean Prospect street and Wilson White, matching" malihe im-line h«t Mjles. Susan Meitck. Joan Pitney, 3rd, of 133 Summit avenue, were earned a bouquet of wlulr I Linda Murray, L'ttilia Paciullo, awarded bachelor of arts degrees. white baby's brv«th and Barbara Kob^laiv, Rosemary1 Summ.ersby prepared for Harvard pink sweetheart IHM--. M'f- }'a\ at Middlesex School, Concord. MK-s Mignonette W. Smith Mrs. Douglas J. Btanthanf niu K. Gulick, (Uii.J.lt1 of Mi Mooijey, Joan Pitncj, Bonnie iPlioto by Chili Fiaiji/riii" Mrs. Dewey B«Ui»tl Mis. A. Han .SnivH>, :iid Mai>s., and White prepared at • ; .' Bacbractt l>ochtfrip.a»n. Hubert Kno«lton, Pbolo i>y Wot;n i and Mrs. 1\an JK GuJtck «f 11 1P1 1 •, I)-: • - ,. Summit High School. Valley View avenik *«•> mwA t»t •••••'. • • i -l.ee ('hfg\U(kh:n, Peter Kline, honor. She wore u dif > elh'W tul'tls J. KberhaitH, daughter , Avave I'urtis, William arid Kath: Pamela Pool of this .city was. Rose Marie Grillo] a matching tiara hcjflj.nce s'if carried'a bouquet (•[ v.j.rc- Udi-K* i/( MJ t. man. L'.-h- i l:olle^e on the ba.'-is of her spring j Paula .idden and Karen Mr and Mrs. Ivdward B. Smith. ; Dewey Battisti ers.were Robert M White, brotlier i'ienH'hter's work, i l.urulry of Hartford, t'unn. formerly ol; Tlie marriage of Mis- Bt\eit- * Mtss Rose Marie Gnllo, dpugh- | of the bride, and Ens, Walter Suiiinul, havf announcprt tlie en Ann fcvanx, daughter of M: ., ' of 4 Myrtle avenue, was married j E. J. Hiklebrand of .Sum.mit pro- Ui\e Muchmoi;e Colitis, sun ol ..Blanchard. son of Mr. at^I Mi« Sunday at St. -Teresa's' Roman vided a harp'acconi|j'amm<-t,t for Will Build On Order HARD TO Hi GIRL Mr. and Mrs. Robert L Coutis " Jay J Blanchard of Bdi'iMitj Catholic Church to Dewey Battisti. the wedding _ of -17 Oltn.stead load, M»rriNtrsity 'School • nf Nursing., Mr, Hity Church, >vjth Rev. J.uob l: tistl of Trenton, Kev. John J. ior College. Kn.-i^n Snively at- ("oults is. a senior at Middhlwn '• Trapp officiating. A -it teptui Twomey performed the ceremony tended Deprfield. Academy &t TWOMBLY DRIVE, Franklin School District SUBTEENS 8 to 14 1 ('ollepc in Vermont. A fall wed followed at Ihe'.'-Fortniiihtiy Hub . which was followed by a recep- Deerfield,' _Ma'ss. ant ' Williams dm£ is p.lanncd., ovi 1 \>IILY iiorsi; in .Summit. tion at Clu^jBiui Ballusroi in College. He was graduated from CHUBETTES, GIRLS, Sheila Rosenspn the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Itimrli or S|» 1 iI I.r»«l *J'4]p. bride, v,ho v, as gtyen. in Springfield. Soloist was Joseph JMd., in. 1953: Bell Lab Man Married marriage by1 her father, war* a SUBTEENS AND TEENS O"Mahpne,v. j and tVilliam Y. Eiis. and Mrs-, Snively are now Miss Anno ZoainVr. tlauiihler , 'i>nnceSs-'g a the bride wore a floor • length On Sunday: at noon Miss" Sheila Program. . 12? I, Fronr St. sun of Mr. and Mrs. Cl^menl A, ibonnet appliq-ued with matching R-.wij.on. .'daughter of Mr. andgown of Chantilly lace and ny- (The fDrfgsinj *!-co».:r hs« b»»>. LANDSCAPED—ANY AGENCY Dact'V of Arcadia, (,'a'j. Mr. lace and seed pearls, and she ear JJrs. Frank Rosenson of Elizabeth, lon tulle with a mandarin collar reprinted trotn :a»f- weck> Sumnr Hcrstd n'-zy.iif il:fi . S:L1V»-!V> p:'.-T.o- Datey. v ho resides at Chatham, 1 Plainficld, N. J. s lied a bouquet of euchans IJie* '-tas nsarried at Temple B'nai Is- of rhinestone-trimmed lace. Her jrlph waj'' lncarrf-: .!^ placed* . is a research physifisl at the Bell and stepltanotii. rael in Elu&beth to Gerald Ber- SI 6-1010 I.ab5. Murray .Hill, tulle veil was draped from a lace The matron of honor was .Mrs. keUismmer. son of .Mr. and Mrs, crown trimmed with rhinestones Newcomers Greet New Jack Mason Reynolds, sister of .Max Berfcelhammer of 6 Canoe and pearls.* She carried a bou Bros>fc place. Rabbi G. B. Chertoff, Members at Luncheon the bride, of Sidney, N\ Y . and ' quet of white orchids, roses and the. bridesmaids were Miss Madge f'h.P . ofiiciaied and a reception The Newcomers Club held its stephanotis. V. * • - • ; Evans, sister of the bride.' and faIM»wed at the Temple, Mrs. June luncheon on Tuesday, June CLOSING OUT Mrs. Donald K, Kane, of-I'hoebiis. Samuel A Simon was soloist and Mrs. John Yarns of 55 B'altus- 15, at the Suburban Hotel. Mrs. Final Week of Sole.' Va. The attendants wore honey- Mr*. Ahna-Oncley played the or- rol road, sister of the bride, was Ansel Cain was chairman of the our entire colored ballerina length rnou^sa- gan •• . matron of honor. She wore a bal- day and Mrs. Donald A. Smith in- line de strie- gowns and carried -«« -!hevalley on a • prayer avenue; Miss Nancy Fusco of Mrs. Albert Ley, Mrs. Theodore a LONG PLAYING Charles Franklin, of \Vatert»>«a. Huntley drive, a niece of the bride; Mannell, Mrs. Ronald Nordquist, We are discontinuinf} the curtain & linen depts. of N. Y., and Donald Patrick of Miv? Janet Rosenson, sister of Miss Priscilla Battisti. sister of Mrs. Stanley Price, Mrs. Harry this" store. We are enlarging our fabrics and dec- Syracuse, N. Y. the bnde. was maid of honor. the bridegroom and Mrs. Robert Quiglev, Mrs. Fritz Robitsehek, RECORDS Bridesmaids were Ruth Berkel- Grillo, sister-in-law of the bride. Mrs. Philip Shaw and Mrs. How orating depts. Buy Now and enjoy tremendous Tlie.-bride, who was graduated ha'Tsmer. sisler of the bridegroom, Miss Roseann Blumette. the aid Sweeney. • from Summit High School. St. savings!! ALL SALES FINAL. NONRETURNS and >!is-> Judith Roscnson of Cran- bride's niece, was flower girl. Lawrence University, and Staf- NO REFUNDS. f^.-d. a 0iVj5.»n of the bride. The The bridesmaids wore matching ford Hat! School of Business tn ' Five to Enter Smith attendants v.erc dressed alike in ballerina-length dresses of blue Summit, is a member of Kappa ?o»n?.pf white nylon lace and nylon tulle with blue tulle hats and Five students fruin Summit will KappK a Gainina sorority. The SAVE 15% On All Fabrics During Sale fiara! hri'ddre5.>e«. 'they carried carried colonial bououcts of sweet- enter Smith College, Northampton, groom, a graduate of Bald«in.»- nosegay of pink rosebuds. heart roses. Miss Blumette was Mass., this fall, it was announced ville Academy and St. Lawrence U. !j;.i Leigh F. Benner of attired in a pink ballerina-length this week by the college. University, is a member of Beta Summit wa?; best man. Ushers dress. They are Susan Bohmcr of 7 Theta Pi fraternity. After a wed Letter Berkelhamer of New- John Yarns, brother-in-law of Lorraine road, Karen Joy Misscm EMBASSY FABRICS ding trip through N'ew England hsrgh. N Y and Steven Katz of the bride, was best man. Ushers of 208 Summit avenue, Ellen C. 327 Springfield Avenue Summit 6-0393 and eastern Canada the couple Smith of 106 Hobart avenue. Alice The JABBERWOCK Ymhns.. \- Y included John Battisti, brother of will reside in Balilwinsville until : Mrs. Berkeihaminer is a grad- the bridegroom; Rudolph Pa- Wilson of 79 Blackburn road and the groom reports for service m 325 SPRINGFIELD AVE. SUMMIT 6-9295 uate of Battin High School and lomb of Trenton, a cousin of the Constance Ann Mocnch of 84 Hill- the I". S. Army. 5"ter.

WINDOW Carried in Ail Site* mi Width* VENTILATORS

SUMMIT SHOE SHOP I 370 SPRINGPI6L0 Summit Hardware & Paint 414 SFMNftNILO AVi. SUMMIT 6-2488

319 SPRINGFIELD AVI, SUMMIT *t : U THE SUMMIT HSRAtP, THUftSDAV, JUNE 24t ItS4 Dorothy A Johnson Becomes Bride ! New Providence LC.De Marco, Edwin C. Shwert, Cornell Student JoanHelm$tetter Marries Marion R.Depue on Saturds, Of Calhoun Howard at Calvary Church Girl Married at Central Presbyterian Churefc was * ' The marriage of MM I)oroth> Married Saturday the setting Saturday for the after Ann Johnson, daughter of Mr* Toronto Church noon wedding of Miss Marion Whaiton \ ail Johnson of 3 Uk- Miss Jo*n Helnsstetter, daugh- Roberta Dcput, daughter yf Mrs. Miss Ruth Josephine Taylor, j ter of Mr. *nd Mrs, Robert Helm Sherrerd Deptie of H Portland raine road'and the late Mi. John- formerly of New Providence, was j stetter of Springfield was roar- road sod the late Mr. Dt-pue, to : son, to Calhoun L. H. How aid, s<>;i 1 married on June 5 to Cordon R. i ried Saturday to Lawrence C, l)e Edwin Clark Stewart, son o£ Mr. of Mr. and 'Mrs. Frahewi N Huv,- j Kerns of North Phinfield. -._. Marco, son of Mr. and Mr», A and Mrs. W. Penning Stewart of ard of 5S Urdt-n place took place j The ceremony took piece in the ; De Marco of 1161 Springfield ive Pittsburg. lev. Leonard V. Buseb- .Saturday afternoon «t dtlvarvy i Broadview Free Methodist Church, • nue, N«w Providence. The cere man, D.D., perjorraed the cere- Episcopal (hi.nh R«?v. Elmer I Toronto. Canada, at.4';30 p.m. j mony took place at 4 p. m. st Our mony which yas followed by a with Rev. Paul -Ellis officiating reception at the, home of the bride. Francis peif-.-muu the cei't'inonv. ; Lady ©f Peace Chureh, New Prov and was fojlowed fay a reception j Given ia marriage by her mother and1 a r*t-ccpl<"r, Mluwed at thf , idence, with Kev. John F. Met in the church. About 110 friends'' ! officiating. The church was dec and escorted by Edmund w. Fortnighth ('!;.?• and relatives witnessed the cere- j or«ted in white carnations, snap- Iteeve, a family friend, Uie bride The bndc. vt,> was given In muny. dragons tad babies'-breath, wort her motber'i wedding gown marriage bj U-i i-iviher. Williiin Attending the bride v»eif Mis> } The bridle, given in marriage, ••i ivory silk and rose point lace 'V»ii"](ihni''n".'v.'Ut a fii>or-ler,gt!i pe Taylor of ( fui i-t'1'. and ; by her fatlier, had as matron of and her veil of prinrtst lace. She gown of i«iv i'i=and> with em- Mrs. Jeaiini-e MaUhtws vi Scuttle. [ honor, Mrs, J. CaUahan.-of New carried * cascade of'white del- broidered ii-.-ili A >liort tulle Wash., sisters <>f t»-- bu.K>. ajui Providence, sister of the bride- phinum, stephanotis and pink veil M'ai l-j>tiT.f<1 to .an organdy Miss Ida LaVancha Kei ••"•. of sweetheart roses. 1 Am Stephens Bigclow Mrs. Francis D. Dolczal \ groom. The bridesmaids were headband." Rhr earned a cascade Noith Plainfield, a n-U-v >-f the Miss Mabel N. Depue, sister of P:utoi -i Miss Doris HHmstetter of Spring- of fleur* d'amour roses, stepha- giootn.' ,'Miss Charlotte Ni>--I>. a j field, sister of the bride and Mrs,.the bride, was maid of honor, uotis an-d baby's* breath. . college • roommate, v*as cundhv J. De Marco of New l/jovidenee,-. Bridt'amaids included Miss Nancy Miss Carolyn Stafford Johnson lighter. Miss -.-Taylor, a cou^n, , .sister-in-law of the bridegroom. T{ee,ve of 81 Blackburn road. .Miss was soloist. , ; Shirley Sly of IW Beechwood road j was maid of honor for'her sister. Greenwich Girl Sheila M. Walsh • Best man. was Norbe'rt Kuffner «)f Mr*. Calhoun h. .H, Howard and Miss Yvonne Laird of 24 Bridesmaids were Misses Carolyn 4 "brother of" the .gAoom.. Fran-.' j Springfield and'.utters were Jo- Ann Husrs f»f Newtort. Center,,- cis R. Kerns of South' Plainfield, ; Is Married to Windsor road. The attendants Mai* .a cousin of the bride';'MarV' Phi society. After a wedding trip j ' d hi$ daughter, Reveals Troth | seph De Marco of New Provi- were dressed, alike in. bouffant was bes? man; an dence,, brother of the bridegrooin Pennsylvania Bell Man Brjfogleof Montgomery,.Pa,; Vir- throuHi the south, the couple will • §ancjra, Was flower .girl, Nebraska Man gowns of shell pmk pique. They cinia Peck'of Waverley, Pa-, and. hve.in CharluHesxulle. Va. .', J „.,„„„ . and Joseph Ruggkro of New carried old-fashioned -bouquets.'. Now. Living 5n Summit giflia College fripnrfriendKs ooff thhee yotmj; Richard Hamilton Miss Sheila-Mary Walsh, daugh- Providence. Priscilla Belts, Marjone Graves..- •. • ••.- •--'-; --— •- : couple were ushers John Taylor ter of Mr, and Mrs, Robert E. A brother of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. John H n,i v,,^ Mr. ,*ndMrs', Ogden Bigulwv. The bride's gown was of im- and Joanne Leslie Young, all of* (yjiss Elizabeth P. Grone Walsh of 802 Springfield- avenue, George B. Stewart of Tittsburg of Spring Arbor. Mfch.: 'Leon and three daughters, f.-r . r'j v Summit, the attendants were: ••• n ,, , of tireeinuciv, :Conn., have an- was married. Saturday at a nuptial ported Chantilly4ype lace uith was best man. Ushers included Winslow of Port Credit, .Ontario: West Chester, Pa .tare 1. •* | dressed.alike in -owns of selUm Graduates as Dance Mapr John Ellis of Toronto; and David nounced the'cHKuscmeiit «f tlieir mass at St. Teresa's Church to a scalloped Queen Anne collar, William D Stewart, Jr., of, Hun VL: organdy They carried shaded and a side drape of ruffled ny- at 258 Springfield a\ (•!••.,.• id hdd Percy Crone, Sandcl of Jersey City. daughter,Miss Ann Stephens Bige-< Francis Dale Daiexal, son of Mr* School, Princeton, and Charles T. bouquets of Tal.Mnan roses, and J. of lon tulle. lier headpiece was a Stewart of Irvingt«w-oh-.Hud$pn. Mr. Ilibbard' is asu-in M, . Lpster »,;r George Blades of. 22 toll road crown of seed ptarls with a finger- N. Y,, also brothers of the bride- the American Telephone ar.d was best man. Ushers included A- Crone rf 4« Colt road, received ard wai .2 r,. tip veil. She carried a bouquet of Broom;. Harry S. Matthews of ; College, L^nihan performed the ceremony graph Company in N\". V "Richard McDennott of Marion. her bachelor of science degree uated from Greenville the LU' Mr. Ilamilton of 2* white rose* and lilies of the valley. Pittsburgh James R Gorham of Mass. Wrniwurils Foster f-'f.. from the Greenville, Ill- 'and a reception followed at tiie an engineer in the tr^ffr r of The matron of honor's gown Pittsburg, John T. Clftrkson, Jr., Roanbkcv *Va>..' Nil's Trulisnn of A graduoti-ut, North Plainficld j Ri^e road, • Hotel Suburban. . section, " was white nylon eyelet^ with a of St. I-ouis, 'Mo', and Bailey '.#teckholm. Sweden, Anthony Edge- on Friday, June 18. Miss Crone, Higigh School"School . Mr: Kerns 'received-j Miss Bigeluw, a graduate',of Gowned in caiicllelight taffeta, pastel yellow taffeta underskirt of Smith of New York, N. Y. Mr., Hibbtrd recei\r-d • < i, worth of Wilntincton. Del.. and a dance ,-ma.ior, was honored at _ B.S. degree from Greenville Col- \• Walnut Hill School and Smith Col- the b'ide wore a fingertip veil Mrs. Stewart attended Kent gree 'from Haverf'ord '( '.«.«.• held by a tiara of orange blos- -ballerina length. She wore a Robert Moorf and Tupper Eaton, ; the MXtmuh annual university lege and U* associated with the j leSe is the KranddaugWter of the Place School and was graduated 1941 and in August of tie 1 \\-~, division of atomic research at j . ^. \{ Kellogg soms. "She carried Eueharis lilies matching picture hat, and car- both of Sims ni!( •" • i honors convocation because of Iat> made. She was latc Mr and Mrgi Thpmas wu of honor and bridesmaids were eyelet with pastel green taffeta Katherine (iibbs School. Mr. How- member of the Junior Serviea j AilArtillerl y ffor 16 Roekaway. ••______.i co.x': Stephens of Montclair, Misses Norms D!Alcssandro; underskirts of ballerina length. ard is a junior at the University president of Orchesis. the cam- League. Her husband attended Kuropean theater and d.j graduate of Jeanne Walsh, a cousin of the They wore, matching picture hats. g [ of 'Virginia. H.e is a member of pus danco society; and active in • • • - I Mr. Hamilton, Phll E . ,,-, I Phillips Exeter :.Academy and bride and Mrs. Robert E. Walsh, Phillips Exeter Academy, Bow- i charged in October, the .Serpentine Club and Sigma \ her sorority. Alpha Gamma Del- ^^. %,^ ! Vale University, where he was a Jr., the bride's sister-in-law. A reception was held at the doin College and is now at Cornell In January 1948,. Mr l'.> "•ari" ta. She is a' graduate, of Kent fc KeniJworth Inn in Kenthvorth. The ! member of St. Elmo and the The bride's brother, Robert E. University. He is a member of joined the. Bell Teleph -i • ir, Place School and attended Carle- 1 i couple are on a southern motor Whiffenpoofs, was recently sep- Walsh, Jr., served as best man. Psi Upsilon fraternity, After a pany of Pennsylvann .<;•{ h'.i ton College in Norihfield. Minn. arated from the U. S. Army after Ushers were John S. Bonneson, trip, wedding trip to Sea Island, Ga., various assignments in the trif J] for two years'*before transferring ' • sen ing as a second lieutenant Charles R. Treptow and John B. Mr». De Marco is a graduate the couple will live in Ithaca, NY. ftc department. JOHN J. AHERN to the University of Wisconsin. in Germany. Hi* is the grandson j Walsh,- cousin of the bride. of Regional High School and is She has accepted a position as a , of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mrs Dolezal, a graduate of the ployed by Carpenter Steel Com- member of a dance group spon- Hamilton of 'Groton, Conn, and Oak Knoll School of the Holy pany, Union. Mr, De Marco at- FAR BROOK SCHOOL sored by the University Bureau the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Child, graduated this month from tended Summit High School and of Lecture's and Conceits, and will Lindsay Crawford of Summit, the College of St. Elizabeth at Rutgers University. He is em- SUMMER DAY CAMP tour the Midwest this summer Convent Station. Her husband is ployed at the National Biscuit Co., in a series of concerts. attending Rutgers University Orange, The couple will live at 52 Grea* Hills Road .Short-Hilli, N. J. DISPENSING OPTICIAN School of Engineering. The couple 1161 Springfield avenue, New BOYS AND GIRLS—3 to 13 Receives Law Degree will live in New Brunswick. Providence. Swimming, riding, dramayes, sports, hikes, trips, Laboratory on Premises Richard Iran Gulick, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Gulick of 22 Valley crafts, music, art, overnight camping Vie* avenue, received a bachelor Ruth Saam of Murray Hill Married 267 MILLBURN AVE. COUNTRY ENVIRONMENT BUS TRANSPORTATION of laws degree duriBg the spring June 11 to Ralph A, Bluntschli EXPERIENCED COUNSELORS' SMALL GROUPS MILLBURN commencement exercises of George Washington University, In the Wyoming Church, Mill- MRS. WINIFRED MOORE, Director Washington, D. C. •• . , Millburn 6-0*56 .Next to A & P burn. Miss Ruth Saam, daughter , SHORT HILLS 7-S03G or SHORT HILL 7-2588-W Lieut. Gulick, USX received a of Mr. and Mrs. August Saam of bachelor of science degree in 1945 1 Dr. Nancy Blades 387 Maple street, Murray Hill, 20th Camp Season, June 21 to August 13 from the U. S. Naval Academy, ; was married Saturday, June 12, I to Ralph A. Bluntschli. son of Mr. Register Now Also For Fall School Term j and Mrs. Walter Bluntschli of 36 Nursery, Elementary, Junior High Dr. Nancy Blades ' Edgewood road. Rev, Richard Elkwood Day Camps • Bryan officiated at the afternoon Engaged to Wed i ceremony which was followed by a '• » • • t JUNE 28 thru AUGUST 20 I reception at the home of the> By The Day ; bridegroom. Miss Lois Ketcham Cincinnati Man was soloist. NURSERY CAMP: For Children Ayes 2Vi to S I The Pinery Seliool Mr. and Mrs. John R. Blades' . The bride, who was given In of 22 Colt" road, have announced ELEMENTARY CAMP: For Children Ages S to 10 ; marriage by her father, wore a Thirteenth Summer Session the engagement of their daughter. Miss Dorothy Louise Leonard ' bouffant floor-length gown of ny- Dr. Nancy Blades, to William Reid HALF OR FULL DAY SESSIONS (Michael Romeo) I Ion tulle and Chantilly late with Geiler, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. June 28 TO August 20, 1954 a petal collar. Her illusion veil Regular Camp Program Mornings Geiler of Cincinnati, Ohio. was draped from a small head- Accredited by the N J. Stite Department Swimming ..Afternoons Dr. Blades, a graduate of Con- band of illusion leaves embroid- necticut College and the medical Dorothy Leonard of Education P. M. Care . Afternoons ered with seed pearls. Her bou- Open to BOYS and GIRLS from all Schools school of the University of Mary- quet was of white roses and step- TAXI SERVICE AVAILABLE land, is a resident physician in Engaged to Wed hanotis. . > Academic Department Grades 1-12 j the Christ Hospital, Cincinnati. Mr. Remedial Reading Grades 2-12 "Send For Brochure" Mrs. John Kuran of River road, Mrs. Ralph A. Rhmtschl! Geiler attended the University of Syracuse Man Chatham, was matron of honor. Afternoon Recreation Adelaide and Hamilton McGiffin, Directors , New Mexico and is a graduate of (Photo by JulM WoiSn) Mrs. Charlotte Leonard of Spring Other attendants were M4ss Peg- Sports •—Arts — Crafta — Swimming 199 Kent PI. Blvd., Summit SU. 6-6719 Tri-State College, A fall wedding gy Townley of 7 Linden place o Engineering. After a wedding Registered Nurse is planned. Hill Garden Apartment, 7C7 trip to Bermuda, the couple will Springfield ;\venue, and Joseph P. and Miss Edith Fineberg of Jer- Writt or Telephone: The f'gry 5cho»! sey City, bridesmaids; and Miss make their home in Somerville. Leonard of Washington, D. C. Mr. Bluntschli is associated with Elixab.rt, }, N. J. TcUphent O. 2-5657 have announced the engagement Betty Anne Saam, sister of the bride, a junior bridesmaid. The the Bakelitc Corp, of Bound "Smalt 1'lasneg to Fit the Individual Need" of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Brook. attendants were dressed in match- For a Privileged Few . Louise Leonard, to Gary Law- (The foregoing account haj t)«*ti rence Fellows, son of Mrs. Harry ing floor-length gowns of light reprinted from Iwt weeK'g Summit blue crystalette with small head- Herald because Mr«. Bluntach!!',* photo- Fellows and the late Mr. Fellows graph wu ir.eorffrctiy placpc!.) TH E NEW of Syracuse,- N. Y. bands of the same material. Mrs. Miss Leonard graduated from Kuran carried a bouquet of pink Washington School Closes Summit High School in the class roses and delphinium. The brides- when of 1950 and from the Liberal Arts maids carried pink carnations With Program by Pupils and delphinium. PA C K ARD College of, Syracuse University Washington School closing e Robert Bierman of Oak Ridge this'June. She is a member of crcises were held June 16 at 7:30 Alphi Xi Delta sorority and Phi avenue was best man. Ushers p. m. A varied program of speech* Kappa Phi honorary society. were Fred Bluntschli of East Or- as, songs and musical pieces wag Mr. Fellows graduated from ange, brother of the bridegroom, offered by the atudenta. John J. Caribbean Nottingham High School in Syra- and Watson Smith of 31 Euclid Boyle, sixth grade teacher, wai cuse, attended Syracuse Univer- avenue. presented with a gift from the sity and is now working towards The bride attended Summit clans by Sally Clark who also *he completion of his engineering High School. Mr. Bluntschli at- presented the principal, J. Bind- Tito,.* degree. tended Summit High School and ley Hoff, with a gift from the class. graduated from Newark College ... It means wedding Following the program a recep- bella arc chiming! And tion was held for parents and that's jutt when it» pupils. tm-art to turn to u« for t p*non«Hted Oiydrmm Pre-Fourth of July Remember. •. every inch Fitterers Hav© Third Son of your mdtbng Mr. and Mr*. Robert Fitterer of garment! mu*t bt Glaci«r Hills, Morris Plains have finished with paln»t«kinK announced the birth of a third care. ..andour**^1 son, James Herrick, last Thurs- finilhert Mv« had wufe Two-For-One day at Morrlstown Memorial Hos- exptfltnct in th\* pital. Mrs, Fitterer, in the former ip«daliifd service Ruth Allison Heart), daughter of ^r. •ml Mr*. AlUctn H. Hearn of Dress Sale 25 Tulip street. > , s BUY ONE DRESS, 51.00 MORI F0E VAU.BY 1HIIIIP mvr 8rtiwurtfni Truly'a limited edition in raotorcan ,,, fine as only Packard 1UYS SECOND DRESS* l 1|« i:raftsmanBhi|» and engineering can build ,,, the new I'ackard VVti% OW thow mmn - America'! CAHIBBKAN *sftUj§fie§ your urg# for individuality «» no ONLY 100 DRESSES! Qptn ivtn »•» other sports car w~ ALL TYPES OF ^ 4%fa $ AJ fn SHANTUNGS COTTONS ftower feature Illthmmtie drive, steering, bruising, ' UCfS • Ofi&ANZAS Matte i'VffcAuT #indow liftB-ftrfl all ntmAwi equipment. Set and „..., VOMK EARLY FOB FIRST CHOICE Smartly Styled for Anterlca'fi »rnnrt<«t »|wtg e»r — tht ucclUnft Packard STAHTVTODAY, 10 A. M. •h,1 CARIBBEAN. •• • ^ ALL OCCASIONS •Si-fond 4m* mini b* umt prlri' group n litdl DICK MEYER JAMES GORMAH, Inc., SUMMIT PACKARD •Ml Blanche Haber HI* Orcht»tra ONLY AUTHORIZED PACKARD DEALER FOR THIS AREA H4 MMX ST., MILLIURN Ml. 4.2111 CHATHAM 4.1774 2tf MOA0 IT, SUMMIT OPIN mMINfti, IU. t-1144 It I Mult l». ilMtlMMI Two from City At National Library Meeting Summit will be'.well represent ed at the annual conference t*i the American Library Assoda tion being held in Minneapolis June 21 to 26. As chairman of the committee on relations with MISS PRIMULA JEAN F04S business groups, Miss Alice E. Ettt l fMttsnil HOftor Society, Prm Club Carter, director of the Summit |l#» Club, C«ntr|! Trmwrtf C>w»ur» Library,' hss participated in the tow a, fnmmtnt Clui StertUr/, l planning vi 8 series of workshop CMOOStS 6MW VNlOft FOR; meetings «« the theme "Basic "Cilii iterts.., f ntndi) Atrootphtrt Reference Books for a General Reference Collection." . From her experience as head of the business and industrial de GRAND partment of the South Bend (Ind.) Library, she will serve as business specialist on a pane! June 22 on "How to Use What M|Sf MARGMEI A. BUTLEK HiSS JOAN NAZZAKO j, Mtw York You Have" and in the same <-apa •• Hawinotnt, Ne« Jersey. MISS COLUMBINE ft. CUu prisSdent, Prtsltont o» ei'jr on Wednesday in a meeting Honor Roll Student, Aft tnd S»Utt;all BJth( Hew York Mcftcrt, Btnedictint Academy »lti, Capteln- of V on "Estimating Current Book Se CAR. Uuf ttmnir, Anl|tt«t t» 6 ef th UXIOIV lection Tools." On • Friday^ as co CHOOSES GRAND UNiON fORi . "fri»H(lline« . . . Fln» Man»gem«nt, ,, CH005CS CRANB UNION CHOOSES CRANO UNION F0R. Young leaders choose Grand Union for shopping chairman with the committee on Cltinimm," j... Efficient Strvict" Library Service to Labor Groups, convenience, friendliness and economy. she will preside at »n open forum meeting. "DATID" T« Iniure Frohneu Mist Carter attended the pre conference Library Buildings In- "BACKED-BY-BOND" Your Guar*nt«t of jiitylo In St. Paul last week-end where the. topic* of preliminary Sstiifjiction or Your Money Refunded planning of library building's, U. S. Choice and Packers' Top Brands public library building problems; and programming of a library Bonelcis Brisket — Served Hot or Cold building were discussed. Mrs. Gerald H. Winser, treas- urer of the Summit Library Board Corned Beef w ill sneak on "Personalities in the CHUCK ROAST Fifty tyears Growth of Business Libratfy Services" as.librarian of Sliced Bacon the Business Library in Newark Best October will mark the fiftieth an- niversary of the establishment of Lamb Fores Center Tender the Newark Business Library and Ib. the inauguration of any library cllopkg. Cuts Juicy service foeussed o n business 31 needs. » lwilt'i trtmivm — MI4«t» Fresh Drcised — Eastern Shore — Regular Top Quality SMOKED LIVERWURST 8 ox. pkg - Summit Churches luncheon Steaks ui«-$wm-»?«••«• (Continued from page 1) . BROILERS & FRYERS Mount Airy, Philadelphia, will fill Ttddy's Quick-Fraicn Regular the pulpit from July 11 through Haddock Fillets Fish Sticks August I. - New—Longer Lasting Spray Deodorant Dressed Oakes Memorial Church will lib etilo pkg 3 to 3v2 lbs. remain open with supply minis " " 1.2oz. lilt * 2.25oz. size tera conducting services. Rev. Philip S. Walters, Jr., will be di rector of the Young Adult Con- Mum Mist 59 98 KRAFTS PHILADELPHIA ference of Cedar Crest College, Plui Tax Allentown, Pa., from July 30 to August 7. Del Monte Following the conference Mr. and Mrs. Watters will spend two weeks in Maine with Mrs. Watters" Pineapple Juice 2 parents, Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Wells, nf LirninRt.on. Me. They then will visit with Mr. • Watters' Uncle B«n'i parents. Dr. and. Mrs. Philip S. 28 oz. CHEESE Watters, of Tupper Lake. 43< Rev. Harry S. Carlson, minister Converted Rice of First Evangelical Lutheran Church, will conduct the worship Kitchen GardM— Fancy ^ flNo303"OQv ^rvices during July and August pkgs at 9:30 a.m. instead of 11 a.m. • ••new cleaner and decay fighter! 2 The first Chinese .student ever Whole Kernel Corn Z 00 to graduate from an American col leg* or university received his Delicious Pastry Cookies Nabisco B A. from Yale just 100 years ago. Only Proctor & Gamble's . pkg 7V4 The ttudent was Yung Wing whr 27' | vanilla Wafers served! as China's commissioner F.F.V. Dutch Sprits 25 ff education and associate min Wesr n i>ter of China in .Washington after New GLEEM Has GL-70 aft aft I ° 6V4 oz. graduation from Yale in the Class Angel Soft boxes of 1854. Mediutn Siz* Large Siz« Economy Size Facial Tissues 2 of 400 39M Cocoanut Strips FORD DEALERS 27< 47 63^ Made With Lean Red Meat / t ib. can Ken-L Ration Swift'Sprs y fGRENBT? JUST ONE Baby Meats can 21 BRUSHING Canada Dry Dash USED Beverages Dog Food destroys decay- and CLEARANCE ,28 oz bcls TEAPOT TEA BAGS ^35 odor-causing bacterial 2 plusd.ri.

Gerber's Strained Chopped Sun Ton Lotion JUNE 21 JULY 3 1 3 /* or bot. Baby Foods5 49^6-89- U. S. No. 1 Siie A SKOL P'us Tax 49 r BEST BLADE BUY! MVJUIULE POTATOES PROMPT Libby's PREMBM fTEMS CLEANERS PAL Orange GRAND mm* i 19 UNION PLACE -35 Hollow C^rcund Juice SUMMIT 6-6565 Blueberries Rut Fw Mi ir Frilt 2 £ 33^ Flavorful — * Have Your Razor Blades California — Volmclo* rfj |1 Juicy Lemons 6 Olckeni Astortaient' 29< Oranges IU r *ll flit Riv«i Brand Dilleat* flo*«» Injector Fftth frofr m Local WINTER CLOTHES Single and Rlci 33' Yellow Squash 2 Blades Cat food Itohl M«y«f Romaine Lettuce 5/ Double Edge " J '4 «««**!31/ A||y« With W«w' cleaned Liver aprsad Sardtn fft*h can Fresh Radishes Cocoa Mart! Fresh Beets 20 BLADE 1 Keeps You Fresh O W! 21 BLADE Blues WKiJe It Washe? Crtamy Sdft Suds "Sweet-N-Easy pkg. pkg. Quality—Odorku Rinso Blue Rinso Dial Soap **- 60/ 2 DRY CLEANING Shav« Batter) Losfs Longer! Costs Less' ALL WORK DON! ON PREMISES SUMMTt, N. J. if DEFOREST AVENUE 18 THE SUMMIT HERAID, THURSDAY, JUNE U. tn Hall and Mi"halska which netted Watchung Riders Birofka Again by North , inTI* rim fvr the Furgol Captures 1 I.4.C.F. and Corbys Take Legion Juniors >.i S'Jir.ro it. Bruce Present Annual Fails to Grab " a*, the <»i.lj '3'««n t'1 £{'tut l base Open National ofltr. wajr *t th« WartnaSiC0 Shut Out By ng IP the fourth. Great field Show Sunday Tourney Crown court*, «faai>et#'aod Road Opponents in Softball Thwadty, J^ i m i . by -hoihl'jp Wovil of Aigonne America's largest equestriennt at m what looked hke jiits •»> T-'.eM A ( F deputed Ken Jyhn- the winners and also contributed At Baltusrol Joe Birofka of Summit, recog- Claiiti wUI be held each gr«»up tlie Watchung Troops, will nised »t toe top Public Unks Golf Staic Champs Bob*>* Mfcr ^nd Billy \Ville> in '•V'f's !.i»' lues'l.tj tnpht ai day from ^ ,, ro, t« \2 Mc-noiial Field, vhile the d,\b\ « Rcctrillon Softball League Ed Furgol. (lavton, >Jissouri bold its annual horse show and et in Unioo Couttty, if not tibe en- T!-t- f<> fii*> !*-'Jrnmi1 »J< junjhlc tf walloped the 1ro*t « Bake S^'iv I professional, is the 1954 National gymkhana on Sunday, June 26, tire state, found history repeating through August S. Hank pmn yyr*rJe an> kind >>i » s?'>nijR »•' I. ? at the completion of its 20th spring n- U-2 B> v inning t'-e I \ 0 F , r F I1 Open Golf Champion, coming itself when he lost the final nl the teunii proiutioul at Canoe Br J threat jsi-nj-i the hurlme nf Joeotabhshed Iheinyfhf* <^ the club season (or members ind friends Metropolitan Public links Cham Couijtry Qu% Sawmit, w ..II '. J-.j-.o «M!I that »: pe F v | j through with a fine ?2hol« 284 at the Watchung Stables. Glenside 'f l'> ber.i m tho tene HeTeatinp pionship to Roy Fafaer 8 and 5 last the six week clinic. Mil 1- Softball Leasue r-ji*5 ' A'' F 0 j total, four strokes over par. Fur- avenue, Summit The first event Sunday afternoon over the Ash scored their first run in the sec 1 ! gol displaces Ben Hogan of Fort will be called at 1:00 p. hi, with Piayeri may register fw • 4 • fi :> Al!> Brook Golf Club, Scotch Plaint. T <-• Oit'.ct 0 2 Miss Joan Janasen of Maplewflud course at the Wirinsmco ]>L.V i.'t of the Tuurnaijiei.t. the ond lnhJi'K when Freddie SfC7.?i , Worth, the '53 Champion, who Birofka also lost the final ol the II- ?•> i:»e Results scheduled to judge the tew «vent ti booth, (lull will paitiupate tn the Union wa* nicked by enr of Pete Kivlen's K .->:'i 6 Pc-j; Otr:-e 8 it!?) j was co-favored with Sam Snead New J«r«y State Amsteur to big •'•11'. srltlr-J n;>n M'.cn 4, ^ j to take the h* t\tnl at the Bal- prog/i. in. rvunt> Legion U-ague during the inside pitches Spe^i advancing Chet Sanok by the identical mar- '•! !AfF -. Ken J: ,, er :ig hoiiif £in>eg on a fielder's chnice. scurirg vhen \ tusrol Golf Club, Springfield. There are classes and mounted r.iif a gin. : (••.' e\t r;' Tuesday at Memorial Field. Pet raced booted N*dt?le's hard (II) Trost* (2) Furgol won the championship games for riders, rtf all ages. * .1 f rvf-. He \H n ii tRRH Faber gained the lead after five it * 15 pin • 'remained ]•'• rf 4 ! ; DeO i~~> VJ j » i last Saturday s-fternoon l>cfore a Horse events for hunters and • Fi .-3beth3 ••> ^'"c < f«i »unj in it until t!-c f:ft*• 'hen tt-ey F M £ ^; record breaking gallery by *h: 9 ','j.golf, whrreas the favorites may-be obtained from T. N. Tally, have, dropping behind as Fsfatr ID rirs? rtf .! *c \!ich;.'-'- TMotna? 'A -. 1 * • • .• 4 direct- r of Uie Watchung Troops, took a 3-up lead at the Ji*fifway n?if!c avenue, Summit mark. , -' '" ri at Birofka came t\€i? to winning J-a.-e- The W;itchtifg Troops wnich (?n- Ken- • d hole mark vith Furgol -havinc io" ed a ifmrd spring season #n- the Metropolitan Public Links r*i:i •' o o .it'- f fi:-!. •> '!h ru'ineis 1C1 At thehu-If way 'mark (35 title lijt-jiMT, losing the final tff f '-"'nrr.it 1 0 n rollmcit of 634 members will be- sronn.;. T s •o 2 ^gsi a d . Furg^f' had gin a si'mtuer riding program for Ray Sullivafi of Hillside, with the 141's, With S;iea'd- a Ml From -entire tournament placed,,over the In \Uc hi t' 'ii r>f »'ir «(»vepfi t} c l.A.CF. .(") Ken Johntto*- t (?) ,, vcnniRsters from -7 to 17 on Jy.s*" fljt 4 pit < I I (reel plaved v rolling Galloping'•Hill-c»ur&« at J'j'lt -t'Hl ^ I ill p.j for |M H->'S \K R II AH H II t"?t 28. The e Summer Trows will T thr M - if M N 3o •itviK a <\ s'H'MI (: If, rever try- Kenilworth, I'en'ln y ii ">1. v -th Mart :i * 1 ride voekday morntngs for a ten j the ?» t * ' r . • > ins; t» vnl t f'e [ M wher«>r.s- Hn- !o • J",; "..;li ;s hri (.< • <• i fidf season. Ttiere' is also an ( C r --at "on dud S'IC, d v«" t for the flat!, Canoe Brook Tennis Pro L-ui n'.-Piui-i flie-.l out t> i is* : w tiea tdult riding^,|jr»?gram evenings MIltBUSN 6-2O00 1 inlv t J «'ion I t) traps or off the hut Doi (irtl'.ii- cati'.p thru i^h vith Kl\ «•' during thjMJVmimer months. Infor- Heads County Par* Clinic ' ' It's Cool and Sfiady. af a sin;j! M>'< P ' df nny be The Third Annual Union County i" ' - ''i lr> t Rimback Storage Co, M.onni- The thrcj.t e:u|*^ .'* 'I '»'!•> r •: . TenH* Clinic fir bbys and girls ••niiuidfti 'itit to >.h'urt. .' 'h \' ' ') "i . 1 O I „ J I Srejtl r.'lbjf a bit, pulling -even BOWCBAPTS..WOODLAND PLAYLAND bulski fouling out to firs* Baltusrol Wins 5-4 vt J5 J 4 v.ith Ho?ati .it t'M^ point--" but. it In the other half- of the t .- ON ROUTE 22 IN SCOTCH PLAINS, N. J. was Fiirf-il coming, lhroii«!i with The Y>,1CA( Junior lij-Y Softball 1 bill-.' tbc d.irtoy's- wallyped tic !-•#> ••*••-• .* •• -* •*-• League, sot under way. last Tues- Trost's Bake Shop by a 11-2 score. a 72 in tho finjd eighteen to win JUST ARRIVED: CANOEING & BOATING ON SHAUOV/ LOCH LUQUE T(im *- i gol/'s moM ••civcted title. Furgol day, with the Balhisrols edging with Debbie Rranr.an leadio^ the J K. Smit the Crusadeis 5-4 in ten innings ARCHERY RANGE MINIATURE GOLF attack with four straight hiK two !!--;: I.aba had rqutids of 71-70-71-72, posting CSbi only one round in par, that corn- .it Memorial Field. The eighth NEW 1954 DODGE rtOlLSR SKATING OUTDOORS , ftf t!;e:n consecutive homer>. Public Service grade Crusaders overcame a four Harhrnw hrirled five hit Jv'H f >r North Jersey Quarry ing on the second eighteen. The BADMINTON TABLE TENNIS TETHER-BALL Alrco - • victory was extremely popular run deficit to take the game in- C?'.&r.est Csrp. with qveryone as Furgol has • to rxtra innings, but the ninth FOUR DOOR Tel. WesHiefd 20675 Open 9 A, M.—Midnight n Swim Classes Be>g Be!) Labs 6. Vub'.:~ 8#fv!ce 1 proven again that determination grade .Baltusrol came..back to j:-K. Sm!;-ie, C:-l*t.ne 5 can overcome even a maimed score their winning tslly in the Held of Park Pools J K. Snr.lt 5. N^th Jersey Quarry 4 tenth when Roger Pennington Cloaks! Air,.•ff?i«e:ittn'4 and withered arm to crmture osie T.carn-tn-swim schools for young- of the most coveted titles: looped a short single into left field U. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. SUGGESTS: Sttmmi'-M'Hhurn Ciirls* STATION WAGON to break up the highly interesting sters between the nges of seven Soflbill The local pros posted the fol- anrl fourieen will be conducted at lowing scores afler thirtv six battle. _ $e« It Today both -the I/r.den and Habway ¥ark W v holes—Babe Lichardus had 77-80 It's Easy! Its Fun! iinoi? '?hirti"cj on •Morda ,-' Jt'tic •b ifi S.-m fo.r a 157, with Johnny Parrel) 23 and continuing daily for "ne. and Harold Sanderson posting 158 week from J» a. m, Io 10 a. m. The Rfsutls totals. Otto Schmidt, JrM Inc. schools are snopeorccl bv thr Surr: 14. Bjltusrol Officials were praised Authorized Dodge'Plymouth Dialer IMPROVE YOUR HOME Uni^n C'\unfv Park Commission^ by the contestants; and the USGA Cla.v*cs i^re frpe and interested Short Hills Engineer for the fine condition' of the 304 BROAD ST., SUMMIT SU. 6-1665 boys and girls may register fur Picked for Sewer Link course as well as the vi.Htmp with amazing, now the Lpnrn-to-swim school at either pressmen. The galleries wer one of the two count** park pools. Milo S, Borden, chairman of the greater than anticipated, well SwiiTiTnirf! instruction at the Esses-Union Joint Sewer Meeting, handled, and generally speakinp Tiindcn Fool ii under the direc- announced yesterday that Elson "golf educated"—extending the REYNOLDS *•»•»«*- tion of Michael Grossman, vhile courtesy of the game to the con ?\ thp -Riliway Pool, Frank Ca- Killan of Short Hills will prepare testants. tale vill be in charge. Both men detailed plans for construction of YES! JOHNSON HAS You are well nullified, each having The favorites disappointed the vp the $400,000 replacement trunk many who had travelled thou- ,nnrP tjiar ten ars of experience DEVELOPED THE WORLD'S ALUMINUond r*« M sewer-to serve Millburn and Sum- sands of miles to see the. 54th t>* the park pool*. mit. Open, filling to conquer the sup- FIRST fffJjlY QUIET o e posed easy Baltusrol Lover ccive "King N ptiir! " r?rtifirq1<>s The 11 communities compris- Course. Hogan, the defending OUTBOARD MOTOR! cant 3« v*>1! as American Red Cross ing the joint meeting have agreed Champion, posted a record break certificate?. to t.Nj Project th•re cost of which irig 64 the previous Saturday, but fool Makers will be borne by Summit and Mill- j [n thg (owr(mn d Championship Th<* sepfninglv heavv burn ! bill of the hornHll bird actually j Th- e sewer, which will replace grind, failed to crack par. Sam S-ead, Cary Middlecoff, Bob To buy The outer vails ?re ;-nne buiH in m?^ wi], eJ£,cnd hut and the in^ides ski, Jimmy Demaret, Billy Joe R d the iids i fect from (he Mil!burn-Sum- THIS MOK* neUvork of bon Patton, Jackie Burke, Llovd Man y.| mit lipe at Morris avenue to grum, Bobby Locke and other? OlSOlfTH fibers. Ridgewood road and Locust ave- fV«Y Open Thursday Efriiings. 5 TO 9 O'clovk just couldn't cope with Baltus Bacteria in suspended animation nue, Millburn. rol's tricky greens, and with rarr OUT1OAID better fnr'Vour Coni*niewc« \hich have been found imbedded Bids for the project are expect- exceptions couldn't get the ball U. 5. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. deep in the mud of the ocean ed to be accepted in October. to *'bite" on the rolllttg greens. Bill Ryan who lives at 17 Beau 700 5PR1VOFILLD WF.MK. BEHKKllY I1K1UI1S, N. J. floor may he the world's old- e?-t living thing?, scientists say. YMCA to Hold Boxing voir Avenue, Summit had the di« tinction of caddying for the auto School During Summer Champion. Billy, who usually Plans are now being formulated caddies out at Canoe Brook drew by the YMCA Physical Education FurgoPs name out on a drawing ENTIRELY NEW! Department to hold instructional for caddy assignments at Baltus- ENTlRflY DIFFERENT1 boxing classes during the summer rol. Thii new motor l» so qul»t thai insurance months. These classes will meet conversation b»com»» a part oi • at the YMCA gym and will be Summit Aid Asked in closely supervised. outboard booting, ft means the pl*H*rt4 hw est mrf ktmnmc—th»t'« one re**®;* Fresh Air Program er«rjf uaj ttrolution o/ all outboard why th* number of AUctate policyhqlder* hx* more than Raymond Coleman, who is a manutactatw, It* lh« ffiotor you'v* former Golden Gloves and colle- Summit residents have been in- doubled in lew than thn» year*. Today, over two million vited to participate m the Herald always want»d! B« on» of lh» firrt car owners enjoy AHstate'a famoua f«it, fair d«im «*tt!f» giate boxer, will provide leader- Io run and txpetienc« outboard ment«, easy payment plan and many extra benefit* They ship for the groups, which will Tribune's "friendly Town" fresh meet on Monday and Wednesday air program by the Chatham Ki moloiing't n»weit ••niatioa! all add up to the really better value you'd expect from the v.anis Club, sponsors of the pro- ~ company founded by Scare. Before you apend another evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. Com* In and, «M If today I dollar for auto insurance, compare ratm andi benefits with Classes are open to male YMCA gram in that community for the last three years. your Allstate Agent. Ask, too, about AU»t«te'a low coit members 14 years of age and Comprehensive Personal Liability Insurance. older; total enrollment for this The program gives children activity will be restricted to IS— from New York City slum areas ROGER C. TOWNSEND & VIMCIMT P. RALPH therefore, interested parties are vacations in the suburbs and coun- urged to contact Bob West at thetry. Last year thirty children Summit Hardware St«rt, Ro«buck ft Co. BWq. Summit YMCA at their earliest stayed at homes of Chatham resi- 33$ Sprlaqfitld Avt. convenience. dents. SUMMIT 6-5900 . 5901 Any Summit family desiring to Sport & Toy have a boy or girl, or both, as a GOLD SETS VALUE RECORD 357 Sprlngfi«M Ave. The Union of South Africa pro- 'guest in their home for the period of July 7 through July 21 can ob- duced 11,936,307 fine ounces of Summit gold last year, the most since tain details of the program by 1945 but still far short of the all- calling Avard Babb at Chatham time record of 14,386,361 fine 4-3644 or George Henesy at Chat- 9! ounces in 1941. However, the ham 4-4734. Johnson fatrnM ly * *** total declared value of the 1953 In an acre of rich pasture there production, some $412,000,000, was are 20Q million insects and mites a record. and born to the road! in the soil.

H#r»» Is beauty that is born to the road: Grac»- PRICES SLASHED fu! and gracious, swift and sweeping;, without a «nn 1« fake note of an>'thing artificial or awkward. TO WHOLESALE LEVELS When ydu open the door and slip b«hind th« %h*«l you realise how truly big this ''A Dodge i*. Big in headroom, legroom, ahoulder-rdom. DURING OUR Bi| in tht steidy easy-going way it hugs the road. Big in po*er and performance. Core* diicovfcr the added pleasure thi« new GIGANTIC CLEARANCE SALE Dodg« offwe, Prit^s *tart below m«ny modeU n the lowest price field. luy Your Cur Now And $mr^ Moiwy! ONI YIAR COMfllTI GUARANTU ON rAHTS i LAIOR

• th» P©j>ui«r1CMRYSLiRf NEW YOiHIR, If SO, 4 «W , 3 to CHOOSE PROM ....,....,.., ONLT DODGE SlAKi lACff.,. OCIANPOf T, N. 4. ,«JH, MC.ftf ..„ ^^fiYMOUfHS « •>icltimi ttbetbn — 1t4f -J|

UANMrA • STATION WAGONS, Plymotifhi & Hr4%'.'.".'...v.'.;. IW * IIUCT HANDICAP , tem30-120,00 0 Add»d FIATUHISI • COMPLCTI STOCK OP If 14 CHRYSURS i PLYMOUTH5

TIAINS IMMO TO MAMD1TAH0 • LIASINO ARRANGEMiNTS ON ANY OP THISI CARS UOBGhtutd PLYMOUTH m m * -ft * imt. looklni (mt, # mt |. WERNER, MOTOR CO. M* MMWfir friN OTTO SCHMIDT, JR.,INC. li wd H«*t«Mr»«ti 117 Springfield Ave., Summit SU. 506 BROAD 5L SU. 6-1665 SUMMIT, N. J. MOM. TMHU Ml. flu f fM* «. §AI* * luW. TIU. • PM. I

! I! SUMMIT HiiUU>t THURSDAY. JUNf U. I?S4 cUelwd the turnstilf, e*r*§ figures for the both tht crowd snd play to in-tion rf the present Wt-nwiouih j?*«w weft ioiacted Tuesday in the school yearbook, the band, bail Wednesday night »fier two I t s«ven-s Ui FJr»d by Herman : Police said the occupants of the Uie correspondinif iA-coiuJng offi- j cars, QM from Morris county *nd cial*,- Frank • French; Howard Magistrate Albert fl. Bierman Smith; Barbara Bean,' and fiose L-isi week fined Rev, James W. one from Summit, accused each Pettracca. Dtviu «,( Union a total of $&) for other of cutting e«e another off. EXCEPTIONAL INCOME Frenda is the sixtti studem to discharging p#sseft.ger» from «»d Marvin and Thraekston entered itr\:e as vice-fs»i^rMleot. and sub-receiving them into his c»r while | Call; Miilburn SPARI OR FULL TIME wA properly parked and (or fail j f counter-charges of assul! and tag to observe direction of an. of- ' battery and reekless driving.. The COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL fleer. • \ other Summit youths, John W, Rtmback Storage Co. Uiiilslc to- pull i.nto- the curb Pollard, Jr-, 19 of-13, Woodland VENDING MACHINES avenue, and Henry Cfrieco, 18. of S.i-«MW« t tiSEl SKI 1 KM) DEALERS because of- parked cars.^Davis PROMOTED-RajmoBd J •t...- held up traffic while he let the FURNISHED WITHOUT CHARGE TO OUR DEALERS of 264 Kent Mace bwlev*rd, has : .pasfengcrs in and out in the mid- • |y,f*li»fa!« *hi'«.-.V*« cntis >t exje: to eii4L vi pe» cy' 'Of file of the street. He also failed been named assistant general &««l»r«l Vtnd^ -Merci-srid ,• #r ,i .Surety Produce. PLUS e to he*d signals to him made by plant manager for New Jersey Niw Li(»« tK«i.it NON-COMPtfillVE m W-, art*. W, wM.fu.r; ,|, «jj | their advisors. . • B«ll Telephone Company. A grad mAchinti *nd *>f*k',sh'>rou-i* «atPO*t t!>arg« for rtspdnsjo'a person Charles Robinson, 30, of 44 uate of the University ol Maine, Now lackawanna Gives You V wJlO hit ihf f!K;n#/ f0 f-arc|:» h'j inerti:'«nd• t» -for c«.iK You do fill Railroad 'avenue, WAS- firited $50 Smith joined• the Bell Sj^tem in buy »h» -mafjKnn. L,t -.... ,j-, [.,p f-. ,r-,f;ii, W -f .U,Vgv-J • v, v 9 r w on t*%o charges of disorderly con- 1921 as a student en|ine*r. Follow- food .-character. <3~od c>«dif end carry no* \m\ *'<•** $500.0 USED CAP- duct, and Mrs. Loraine Turner, 3 WAY CHOICE OF of 'hdi ' also .of Itailroaii avenue, paid ing assignments as outside plant engineer and district plant enfii NO SILtING OR 50LICITIN& • For r«rt«n«t Intar.iew «rit«- $35 on a charge of assault and CLEARANCE batter:!. ncer. Smith-.became division t«U NO BXrERllNCE NICESSARY • MOUND CITY- PRODUCTS engincpr in 1928." The .following WILL TRAIN PERSON S6UCTED • 3*(S pUVt ST., Suit. SOI • Thoffluw Fiers "f 90..New Kng-. W| KACf MACHINES FOR YOU • ST. LOUIS I, MISSOURI land avpmip, and Charles Schov- jear he was appointed tlivisiwi NO CHARGE FQR DEALERSHIP • Inclu.d* Your Phon« Number !in of 121 Summit avenue were trantmission engineer. Smith was fiiifff %9 on careless driving named district equipment' stiper- eharnes; George Long of 9 Union inteQdetrt in 1930 and; p]ant em- place, $1,*. reckless driving, and John L. Sullivan, Jr., of Berkeley ployment supervisor the next year. Heights,' $10, reckless driving. la 1933 he became New Jersey Bell's superintendent of buildings and supplies. Prior to receiving his appointment as'assistant gen- eral plant manager, Smith was the telephone Company's contra! division plant superintendent BUSINESS DIRECTORY with-headquarters in Elizabeth. A RAPID REFERENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSE S member of the professional engi- your vacation or business tfip cctti neering society. Smith is a vet- you Us* than «ver! Chooie the Bargain eran of World War I, far« Plan be»t iuite# for your neeAL - FUEL OIL that the British would leave the t Bought end Sold • 21 Hour Delivery Phone: SUMMIT S-0I71 38 Kutsell PI. SinirfMrr 6-0O29 base when the apes left, they then nOUND-TRIP FAMILY PLANJ For trips lons«r than Complete Estate* Bought 'WILLIAMS OII^6,»IATIC 17 Oeilar Street Summit placed them under the care of an 120 mitei, the perfect way a family can vacation^tnvet Summit Ave. SUMMIT 6-i Oil Burners army officer with the title "keep* "n coaches, sleeping or parlor cars. Husband and wif$ Carpet Cleaning • Salca & Service LaROY BALDWIN 27-31 Stl>r»HT AVE. • PLUMBING er of the apes." require only one regular round-trip anoirrs-nit 27 h Axt, SU. 6-2951 CONTRIBUTE TO half-rate fares will count as one adult fare.) DILLON MOTORS be. I3IIT S-116? . Morris Ave. & Broad St K0FPER5 COKE - FUEL OIL J»*eph J. Bn.tmn, Prop. RoaA Sununit • Auto Sf«t BUILDING MATERIALS ZOTTE'S ESSO SERVICE • Top iB Rustell PI. 8LMJVIIT 8-0OI9 Insurance • • Auto • Mason Contractors • In«t*ll4d While - U • Wtlt • Dairies • $ A V E $ : City Mason Contractor £sso m Monrlt XVe. ' 8UMMEIT 1 If yo:.f own uo C»» - oil . Lubrication Guy S-o.-cc-Jato. Pi'ip. SCHMALZ property you netd not pay the ; For Troinpt SerTiet insurance lossej of the ir- XfA- Construction k \ tcrationa c*U 8UM3IIT «-!»21 • Milk ft Cr*am rpaponsihle and carele&s.. Ption^: Slnunit 6-M7t cor. (Broad, A»tmood & Morris Ave, UN'S MOTOR Ca1l Alien Butler (insurant 19 Morri» Ct. Summit SALI5 t SERVICE • Buttermilk *'xclufiivfly> for rates and in- • Sharpening — Repairs • Auto Htpaira formation. • Cottage Cheese LAWN MOWERS Bady tk Fendtr Worlt JOSEPH DELUCA HAND SAWS Used Cars • Butttr & Eggs BAB^>' CARRIAGES « SUHTWIJI At*. S«wnn'tt S-S249 PERSONALIZED Brick AVA cement work Plaster- SERVICE BICYCLES Drllvered Fre»h from ing or any mnn of ir.a?on worJt. Pick Up 3c Delivery Service outto sd l 1(000 WHEATON'S Summit R-4'80 TIXACO SERVICE Oar Nearby Farm DAN'S BICYCLE SHOP «S Park Ave. Su 6-6142 • ROAD SERVICE OUI ... MUlinrrx • • IGNITION-CARBURETOR, «lc General Repalrinf MILUNGTON 7-0025 Stationcrv MARFAK LubricRtlon SUBURBAN HAT BAR DAVID H. KNOWLES Ready to \\>ar SIEGEL'S •-«€» I'M M©rrl» Delicatessens • STATIONERY SHOP Office & Home Stationery Baittni # HILL CfTY DELICATtSSIN 1KSURA.VCE COVERAGE Mark Cross Leather Goods Home & BuslnfflB i SLnunit 6-1ST5 riNK FOODS Greeting Cards SUmmit fl-3»38 111 Summit Ave* MAJESTIC BAKERY Quality Cold Cuts SUmmlt #-5191 If Nr» AiiMVtealers S9i Springfield Ave. m in 10 days Wedding - Party - Birthday Party Specialities, Canapes Taxicabs CAKES M«dc To Order SUMMIT, Phcm* Ordern Accepted 8 MM* fit- Inflation Contractors HILL CITY 371 gprlnirnfld AVK WaHpaper & Paint Co. We will make you the deal off a lifetime I SUMMIT «-W7i" Appliance Repaint DEVOE * SAPOLIN ; RADIO CABS JOHNS-MANVILLE Paints A Varm«hcs ! Prompt & Dependable* • Beauiy "DAVID J. FLOOD HOME INSULATION WashabJe Wall Pwu ? fUJmmlt 9-ltm We just wont bo underprlced or out-traded! 155 SpHn«;firld Av*. W. j SUimnit «-«73S l Appli«ncc» Only Arprov^d Contractor j New Off ire: HOLIDAY HAIRDRESSERS ftf paired In This ,Arr« j II Oiwitnut OJt* A W. R.B. Station See us before you take anybody else's deal! oti^h«!d Wiring "If %mi €m't |t«p In . Prompt S«rvic# SI Kimit '•»• .'2*.'. I Sr«li« Ac You Q«o W EDWARD CHIOVAROU •PHI LID U off and you'll g*t th« grsateit deal 'MR fteutli pi, tfvw SUMMIT RADIO & • I., .(fw biggest trade-in allowdnc*... you «vtr SITRIM1T AND SON fbVtontsd of on a big, btaullful, n»w 19J4 # Jewelcrs painting' APPLIANCE CO. Auiharin+A f)#«J!#r W«'v« got to ••" our »har« of 10,CX)0 Stude- in 10 dayi-and w«*» fo'no «o do » fuel Company r.ll «s Terrific bargains profit I tl CYCLE I SPORT SHOP WATCH, for you RIGHT HOW Th* lowwt termt «v«r oWaw avoilable MILTON R. WINN on evtry "34 Studobaker model—»*dan», sport* on all our new 1954 eowp#», hard-top* and station wagons, JEWELRY HltL CITY PAINT A mommy ctww»lonl -WAtt*r*AP6R CO,, Inc. btt0«J* iomm l 3 flf P4IRS aNwl *« Datflr Studebakers SUMMIT frt*< * yl 30 intenwtfonal o*tm4* fm Memd«out 1 At* AH W«'*t |#HHI «ip in th« most wntaltenol ial»i HOMi In S»uH*b M kntvUrcorn XtH: 2 bow* tf *-top'"*oU. Nicholas b.i_«-OW»8-J __ roK 5ALi • iwriee, 1300 su. 6-1361* 4-3087, j Although there *„( USED CARS R» SALE '-i C'oionia1 ADVERTISING U— DOGS 4. Jt—MISTING—DECORATIKO uf forge* and furnace- Ui New Jersey dunn i MINIMUM CNAI&I 10 WORDS $1.00 PUSt-IBSD Beagle*. 5 we.*** o.a r'A STEP—flOU»B( tO . p.'.Ot C ft, *: n-ru' mingle Cilnnte 15x12 • tu. £ ; UeMarco. Su. J-T4SI-J. White. Jr & Co Painting tad Oec. wainui bureau ciiifit»ii*be.. inUy > Cub Wit* Order orating- !S Edgar St.. Summit 4- potiji tn. hysmr.^ck '.n^' si Ai MI additional tkatx* icur cb&tifiea atf ta lis**rff< la ail tfcm of i w«k* old. black SUMMER HOMES FOR RENT I lit* a»#iKitrfi. AKC.- :Madison 8-2167 or lltt-t Pr*# wtlmitM ' ^:i bid (j-.ieh 3 A. M» H-aen:: 1 bibit tells the Spend* H«0M Miiibiim - Short Hill. Ittm '«•>• ^ j<,, t of Summit 6-63M Mittbom SERVICES OHMERID iloma of J by aie^ti KAY N1££>E—pai&ttng M Rentals tivi- iron k.N for ^jij,|t i( SprfatffitM SIM IcttrSor ctecor»tlB( Ids Raer t! Point Pl*a»ir.i MaUbam FRKD1 8TEKGKL fa'Ir gSven Suatmit FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT materials tould be n.a>v N«ttet *t •fren |« rspf rasit fci fit en afur fwsl lnatrtlaa T«pn- WILLIAM oitQUng •.* mpkteal trrsn »M tk« Uuli »f tit* a4ttrU«tr «tU »t adjoMttf fey (j»rs forir.tc* tops, recreation room* Bg 46 M a bit' by pn\ Av c-»llfit,.| »a« frt* mannioH (and losi Ullis, Jll»,ti;lH-Bj wvul,,, a e* * All Copy Muit It Submitted by S P. M. l • J BICKEL. < & DUN RTS PAtNTiRS I.id AVON By'IHl.>r.il brano. Through the,,. ,., Al'.erattooi *cd L"X. 3-1W4-W. u'trly it *\ ,o.,t M meat 1 Hj>ito.iM!i »,'! HOUSE FOX RENT u 8SSS-J-' e and othei^ the unp Wai. »n the L,i •„ ', -homes Cnlsav!!.* 3-SHS VISIT 'Jc* Ufrry-O3-Ro-4r.4 Qutultl E JAMcS palnstag *nd i*eor«t I home, in indu. Ii \ . : ^1 Tt'itl-t «!:op 4!-.. Ls ;i N :r*g .fn'.ertof •«£!! Mtt'rtor S (jv.p;» p.efrtuJ f-. <00J 8ur». 10-12. O 2C56 ' work- and in the'dr-M ,„.., A?e2C7.. IS K;Ei | S; - M £? »P\ClOLb NJ. Iron at .!* at HERMAN* SCHmDT psdatmi §nd dec I he jailniad m fs^^ jei T*vlar Si;eet. MUlburt*.. 'Oritiag. forrawly Schmidt & HsU 1 C.'.erka. '9ueh Jvr.f .?•? Hourt : f to Si i ihown Among thP m,u . ,j *' t nun j*or (r»# «Atlm l • t*p!»ti\ »t*tU'.ict3 typi* EM ! Tr«* TrSaim*e> lion 1674 18M>. a y*w (otitit^ ()\f(,,,; i-, Eepjir »r.d put in r.iw t»wn* Trias P.tptr. 5 Sprl*4)(/l*ld AveRae, ': GEORGIAN dlr.lr.jt rocm *e: !0 p: and triaspjaa: thr-ibs. Also put !t> field. M;I!burn 6-n8I-W special f'.hil)ili"U row l>"niy pit- H74i m?K V,'a i i c ., , Be* *ei*.ingj: Hf.x.ove "«r»d cut down SALESWOMAN *r.y-tlze tr«- Fair pri:es Free «!i- sented at the Nt« .lor-fv Mate Vnw\ li'in Woiks i , \>{ , mazes slttn. CJI'J tow M.ilduro 4- «'ountj nhn h i-. M-il i,tl, u; «'.*--?•. p.as- -fctfe Trenton v ill i-'intuu v S as f**,e Tii\l"i \\ Iwit T ! , WA fEKXAi-3 - Steels' iiamus. bfljluns- blockj Also FOOTWEAR, INC d line box *p;;E| f,:\a work. Ca'J Appmuo'*. MUlburo SUMMIT ! the tlnrd m tl N('i It > ff C Jillilii i arid I' ' honthi'.r ir.if.-fcij. Girl* i PACKAKU 4-daa "h U7! TYPEWRITER SERVICE tiuus, (.HI the t,jIji >ul^ j,u! tidfts 334 S,v>.-; H:Ui L*ndiCjp)cj Contractor bit ir 6M Mr Jl*t*'.». 6er»i;# af of i\"f*H JlM'S i v\11ith air ij*on 1 rotr ns v TOP SOIL **'* L^*" * • • 4f;i Of sic* Machine* WELL SINGLE or dnu >> mom. prlv»r» hatn Ait. loiuHiitU'C («f A.-p:;*;t Drivewc;*. OfBt:«:n»a » Parmipy Clac». Sum sored l>y Itir t •BEAUTICIAN i* »oa B(- J WnodUrd Aft. Summit As a >prei;il fc.ture cf the r\ MW\\. ii- HU is!'. 'C^ruK.*. oads *nd er.os.'S-p'.ece bed- p«;r and pir, !.n new U«u Trim- T33m. :n;s!d «'S3d Perfect co1':!!- J'jfJ* ' • FRONT furnished to-jm.- cojsle ,<> hibitir-n «tn \ii.Ud.in tulonlal MllM'U'Jl -IKllllli I *iid truKSpsaut *hrubi AUo atw »•• PACKARD *ia;J« rUri ki'tchfjr pMviifgrs ha r ir!g*m*!3ts ta your Ukmg. Tree wrrlt lt.-*n 4 - kitchen and e.ih b'jck^inilli daih 3 a ni «> * , esttmktts. MUlsurti S-'H'^-M. sliof» ljavo been K'fimstiucU'tt and p f l \. lii :.r, new »1C ; POUCARPIO BKOTHERS, general mi- Sentimental raJu*. aeward, CAH I- kr.shfn op'.isntl si d t 6-:T24. Millburn t-m* T prodttce i>ro'. Mlllburn «O!65-M __ _ _'|' »M contractor, brick block, planter- CLtANEft kitchen centers around u !;«r; c j CLEASEF.S PORCH , ^ oir.dow-indoar fireplace* pitsos LADY'S iSimUtoa wrist witth; firoi>lace with a Dutch oven, 1 is ,,|tf t 1 Prapnpt a:id wr{i; band. Ftswat-d-.' ,P,ione Sa 2 cr.*:.-s . Su. f tram and oui. "wa?»iii!ifi.~7n'cn. ^ranc. nctchpd } 452 Ml." 9*75 MUJDurn 6-! SE39-J \\'v\h •u-tc D SAUCHELLI; a:? kind _!iy^L__ _ •trammels, a raiCjSajv-tooth tram-. ^ %—HOCSEHOID GOODS DARK brown curb* ixnir, medium *ii.e I afi»r i... brick sr.aion y; r.sops, etc. CDtnfortsbic bedrditn Central mel and n'linerous kettfos, ,*kill- ; • Su. 6-3528. miie French poodle. chUdren'i pat STER c ^p « e old. je.ie.-a: ' •,_ 'SELLING '. :-.e entire rexslr.ir j c: Vjrln'.ty MiUburn. R*warrU'.J». MajUon 6-0229-R. .fir'.d Avf Su. 6-2191. I lai nr.W nv,:n-:zii- PACKAKD 1 broilers includm ? a s^ldoin-sccn ' niorikr s in K-.irnpe n-jc Uf-xj Phs-TP b»:»'te-'5 *f) anti DtAtJCR f" art.i " BOARD :i J i:d f Sh-.-: Hlilf 7-2120 or MASON WORK—REPAIRING |?M B-Csd S: .. Surr.r rotary, one, waffle irons, peels,; SJ 6-4S3: . ' • • FOUND 5J EXPERIENCED AA1 Masons On Sidewalks ATTRACTIVE t'oons t tnvel"-, f'irlv*'. ladles, sktutfticr!-. Mo>t nf Jlie Mew, n i- I BLUE r-jg. :5s v«ry gsod condition. -j i DOGS - CATS — Se« Summtt Animal xble T^r three, -vrt •cs between the alti?i,d^of3«s| SALESLADY I replaced and repaired; girasw bail:: i We!far* r.faiu» aottct RJTCU; (>*gr ref;r.eme;u. The take tuiTcri. J" spice gnndpr and ' • It tlB^'li f]T ! O'JCk 4190P-S, regaining wallj. Ail work i Summit H^rttiJ If » Guf*- lea- *:or:; rtisririg ou*. of j WATCH. June '21; Sumrnlt. Owner FIRST floor sui'.r. prlv*;? o»: The black.iUMth shop. (.'r»nip]etc- ' pa»3i!or» Appiy ir. pen-- $50 Su t-Ziti SO! ORANGE 2-4391 nV, Chatlu.-n 4-2399-M. 6-9 p.m.- ton* at your bsrrie We.-net. Ull:ouro »*!*r»nr». 'Suitable far coupir. In early g(?!>l(>su' TinORISO, MUlbu »:e;n?:.ti:.'rv ly ecuiippcfi with loir's: tuuiiaifis, : were 'insects uith w;u GARDEN, H(BJ£ i HOBBY HAMILTON *:<$ttr:c ASK FOR JOE c'.ub. cSi •escher 5-6-7'.rt M Short Htli soh knives, raspis. trace whcel5, I much as 110 inchr? ' . chii:*. !e»'.h«r nail heftders. anvil.';, swa°f< and ! lengths of IS -DENTAL t*»it*r.t. e*?er',fi;r> ri"*. We PAY CAS^ fur your usad ntc«»ir3' Typing reqarw! Box «:. .t»b> A A A antique* liWer books 6r1e-«-brM DIAMOND APPRAISERS a mandrel, features an ei'iht/oot ph rr.Li paintings worn of art, «t«. l'>ii which CIWP from a Summit. H>f*:a. aax::, ___ wai'ls. c«illivgs. windows. c>an eellin OEOHGE'S ADCTION BOOMS OfrlClAL OuaiinsJ Aop.-amrt B!dn*». HOUSI WANTED ~ CASKIEB. p*r.-t:.T>. »??.v Mi^a^n Ci:i Bob Smith, alter 7 p.m, Llvtnj- W 80MM1T AVRTDI .T Hft'.t. EJ* 1*12 MA 1-2124 '«» : blacksmith >}'«r> on Mill Street in DOUBLE • b*d *r.h fpri-ix Air "A"T. AT T ENGINEER trar*ffr: c" south r'*qu";,-M 3 bfdrocm home n Viiii'CPtinvn, lent bv the Camtfen martrea* and Six eprlr.g Cs'.dspo: Wt wtll tuy your atttf ninth r.vxr Refriswi'.or. Army bur.i: beds wi'.h BEBS rtnsov6d by *xpert Day or~n7j$Ft PUblle gr*d* ttihaft! a'^iii N. Y. tra f.'ounty Historical Soi'te.ty. kh',0 town FuU eii»tit ?ou.y: ma:tr<&£U 2 p»s,- new .x'.!j".n raj- gfrrlce. Mill burn 6-0293 or 1B9I-M. WE PAS ftigawt c—b pnce« lot auiy- PDrta'tlon. S«.ini"n;* ?•!»» tt-.. r;"! 3»9$00 extetalon 2831 9.5 *•••!i.d•• •led cur;i:r..«. 2! 3 -.<*, Bed r»:.V,"E TAKE .down storm §a»b, wash thing. Antique*, cblna. «il»*r bric- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES The story ctf iron, ;'<» told bv the -trirough Pridif. Call it:'. " PM rug ir.d pati, S- xl2 su a-brac, patatlnn. ruji Tour attic ; «ir.tjo*s. clean and hang *sreeut 3 COSJMERCIAt *>ul"dins* Jor reat Mueeu^i 'Pxhibitiiin. h?s;ins in an- i«u -8-S2O6-M .A's3-clean'ifuu«s, r]?an and repair' coarenr* our apectalty f Far information call SC. «-»300 tient time's Several iron imple- TEACHER director i-x sl:« . TWO cho ;j. Kabis;«n. chimney*, etc. Rfic&art, V.nazi ''a 8TOCM1T AUCTION ROOM3 3 bedroom hauit cr »p»rsrn»';'. Eiper:«ti«ed wi: chu- 6-:o:g. 9 Summit Av?nu» Preferab'y Pr*r.)t.iii t js^oi. Top ments ?ffr *lv->wn. diti'i^ bctwoen • rare 5 rach. Wlii iumatlt i-SMt rectal Sn.JMlM after PM 0. hju.r* 2-8; * «eU fr>r 150 eac'^ m j\ed to L. & 8, Geiieri; Landscaping. Co.n- J?CO-*00 K. C from Boisan. Pvhs p g F.or'.da. Su. «-0295 tractors — Asphalt drlvewavs. pirk- Pieaat mi tor Rentals CHILDR'tS and th^'lr'r't 5 4!r.rr...'. Hex- BOOKS want** 6bnp P tinr. «ir,d Vulri. Italy, lent hy The Q.»*t9si*, Box Si ONE 12x15'ru:. r\u: color- I'.O Spring ! Sns lot*.. septic ijs'ems. concrete uu> P U HOUSE FOR HINT !ik» *i aimple f juutrv Ud. Surnr:..f . .6: Ma."rt£3 S5 each. Su. 6-2602. ! work, new liwus made. *U! Uirt and 3800 rnivcrsify Museum, l'i iversitv of MABRIED W2 Out *3. •R>sa tap soil.. MiKSngton 7-1CS9 . 0334-J. STWNWAY or other good pttno MILLSCRS. essttltnt protu^lpnuj !o- t . RCGS. -j:ev bitkgrauneS Uckjt.-aw , M:Uburti a'.fEue, 3 bed- , per»or.alitv *bo r.*e4» '.3 add t-0 HOMO wanted Jor gentlemen. State maker, vicinity of SummJ", p.'ej i p»v.ern. i".s:2. 175; 15x6 $"5. !«'. x« i MAINTENANCE. •null paSnt , modern Kt,-?-.eu, 2-ear g»r*if, beth 5l; ard a matf* head made of mete- 155 *' *-o fae !».tr.r- io-tj jobs. w;ndi>w washing:. •gu:ter». c-»l- prl:e. age, Box 15. Suaiir.lt Heraldi g ' »35: Kia!.'.» 3-fr '' iride. »50 ' fifd 8' i -porch, den. feaeetf" yard fiif iron from Syria of c "00, m;r.-;i su. S-935C. ' ' Sirj and yards cleaned. LUlit truric- •V^TX^:- olJ h**'" 3 !>J«iE» D- L. % W. south blt hour* Car 'nff, local. «»Mhore »r.d lake. No j?b B €, lent hy the Metropolitan phsne j f—MISCELLANEOUS •03 until. Essex 4-9127 FOLDING biby carriage. Elizabeth 3- \ O.-antt 2-3O§3. , ' (HAiF Dtipl« rtjwe. 8 ro.imj and TWO-THREE rooma Youag .Mit-eui'j of Art, New York City. i IF IT'S WOTTES, try Alpern'a. Per* 1SILVER PUting, repairing, polishing DININO room, porch ana !»wn farr.l- bath; al! lmp.-svenseat.* 1-cir $*- rtii!dren, na pet? OMnr.vi g HELP WANTED MALE o.' all metaia. MsdUosj Galleries. turc Good condition Short, HUU "- The first successful American j ct:ea. from 29e: P. F Orgaaet. froaii | 2S0 M&ln St.. Msdl*on. ' ra;e. Imtned!*tt pms. 2 »t 127,000. ^ 3 BwclMroad Bd. 'summit «»10K 5-CHATHA.M I EMPLOYMENT WANTED Marrta Plalr-i. Alhtate't low co$f, local bonk pk» baths and game room pita i;a* a'r-hent jj Ss ETtclnwt - Suremit f0970-0970 whom were Col. Lewh Morris, ! UGHT I»undr7 asd curiaisa Co-* at ! *et. Orlfsta'js. doll hoiuie. »nd attached garage. Priced aj. $21,750. HOLMES AGENCY, Realtor G. I. RESALE Peter Hasenflevfr. Rohril Er-' -• my feome. Summit 6-3I». odd pieces drape*. Su. 8- Eat. be_. if 4'c Mortgage *r»S!ab!» a.'ter • Offers combined benefit' "• WkXXLt Ironlnj asl curt 45 M«p> Street Burr.rnit «-9800 COZY CAPE COD dawn doa* at SEE ANY SUMMIT REALTOR payment depcndaiil« AUstnt? Aulo ln^-- ,; a>r home, summit 8-g76g ASPAHAOCS — RHUBAHB Six Jsrge rooms, tile bath. Utatory. ancc, and finnricing in » prcw- Uuadr* and earialnj dsae. , Home groum fresh-cut Aapara«u« and full dry b»*ement with p;a.T area' ! Pick up - deilter CNloaTir* 2-T33I | Ehabirb. Special cuttlnga for frere- BOARD MEMBERS Top Location COLONIAL Piaater wall*, cedar *:nln?!e extPflor I m-nllociil bunk «tI-.OW MAI h"- Pick upr r 2-b«droem«, exceptional miater b«d- • after 4:34 30or0 p.ffsn , 1 * *S orfiers. Wlghtman'a Fii-ma. j Spitt level ColonliJ; through center only 3;.. year* old. Owner moving DIAMONDS hall, large living room, dtnlr.g :oam. room; 1'Mng room vtifr exteller.t ws!i Into larger home. Qu!n *tren. one * HOVSEWOHK£K. wants Job«-B«cfc-Schmidt Corapinj Su space. Tiled bathroom, ultra mod"?.} slocit so achcKjl. I195O0. ' days. Reference*. Call . 3aa- ELBCTSIC polisher: m»pl» bed and paneled study, paneled TV room. kitchen with aeparate U'.r.'.ng are*. whether you're buying a n"* Clarence D, Long & Son 5385 modern kitchen with built-in electric i. • d»y. Orange 5-84S3- uprir.g. Su. 6-8019. oven, dlshwwher, etc Screened porch. See thta %-onderJul l^-rear ©'4 home! PURCHASED inr. !900 Oirners muit aell aa* they HIOH tunlsr will go to ahsre ! COW MANURE. ROTTED Spencer Maben Second l»vel thr« Urge bedroom*, % goin? GRACE A. HANDWORK, One mm monthly i>>P» care. Itr chides. Sauti. TOVSOXL, FREE FROM STONES Wther K. UeKttnara 3330 tile bath*. Third lerel futur* bed- south Torn can't find a better buy In Summit for JI4.I0O. b Realtor FROM everything Orange mon:h or.iy. »5. UN. 2-4888 }JmtM R Umris Agency 5424 room* space. 2-car garage; lot 118x185, « 129 Prospect St , Summit, 308 Springfield Av#, SUmmli «-9to0 33. *vaU»S:2e Wtdnckdiyi, p*r:- j .Mountain, Wbltmort & Johnson . !4O4 Mra. OuiwUlist, Saleslady BSTATES 1 --» • / LEASURE TO MEASURE Gml tomp/ole rf«loi/i - - S«» "' F """ f ! A. E. J. DUNNDER SU, 6-s>3:il ' time. Call Su 6->78'.-J —, WAARNER WEATHER MASTER ! E.wood M. Ob.-!|t O4J5 your Aflilol* Ay* I J EXPERIENCED i^^Tfj,.~.ai I T.'is Rlchland Co 7010 CONSTRUCTION CO. BYSTRAK BROS /NDIV/DU4LS * work S days. 9 13 4 5:i i-t~ AlxT.ir.um c.->:rDlr.3*.!on l'3A-' .' tloirs, parrr.!*. .'Jlinslfji Bsrold Deti:- j The 5:a:fo:d Agency »V50 • BABY jitter, instur? »;:n»r. i^v-erf- , Ij.gtr, O057 Summit 6-5900 ' nlng O«m jepreafa'.»U«e. Sou'.U j Robfrt H. Bresle HVK ACRK9 on 3prln«flf!d »»»., nr-nr 4024 NORTH SIDE fifrkeler HeUht* J3 mlleji fmn New- 2-W. .! Hlcha.-d T. Stromenger ark W|J1 «e;i all or par: IWls,r.vi:i» 2- l: d AR!lm0 8100 Lorely brick and frame* ranch hbmt 373J-J, N mowing, pjwer To:. Car r.d.o °C.r co"? C^h! I Bu * le"r f ? near new Lincoln School. Large 1:7- t Summit e-«i2:-J C~rome pore!) »r. Ol! burner mo- I - Ai?*n.y R1S2 IRK room full dining room, :I1:M EUREKA!! ••ar, Shar'. ^ HUU 7-52*9 j Bya'.rak Biw. •WOMAN wanta 3 dkla c 7080 i modern kl'.crten. 3 bertroonu, 2 fera;n- Prsct;:*:;.- r.'v; 4 lar^e b»A: >•>:•.:. ?/. ~Tl< » UMKCI t O ' ? ing., Su. «-684J.M EaTATLS oflf3UAir67rderirrn-.. Jojepii j. church D4J7 j lc tiled oaths, Horary, Urg» KrecnM ?l> ba.hi. ::b.-ir-. p:ne--p tn*ll*d rtr- •TWO 'High Sshuoi &ladtj;on G» l»r>* 250 Main EdmontUon * Handwork re**.lon room w|-l» ::>fl *l,n-, fiti-.v. $26,000 fewftdaif by S»«ri time,'we h»ve the key P.*j] buy «: «ef.*.lon A-1S rnri» *12.S »rcl 3^ .Summit Avenue Summit B-!4fi( »» 18,000 down Sepii hv »rti de- Btschwood onlv • TYPIST, experienced »-cj;«:-e, ALITMINUM cx-.pnj!on .md-r, 'awn 'tart »]»•.» rcof Colonial, B roorrw s 6-s;SJ * alrai part time p»it'.on Su <-' «p:lcerp . afpp 2-™.BTI fw, i c?uroom»» and 3'333 baths)baths).. tJtJuu hea heatt l-l SUMMIT REALTY CO. ITOTOO man, co:3r9d, wU!i« I SweflUri *vp« i-mai n eaw Pritfrt othtr autnirbiin r*»!fl'-ntl»i communl- ::0-NBW' f'llOVIUKNCB •raploymfnt. full or i»»rt-;:m* Short »:S5 6u 'i bedroom*, tiled bath: 19 yeau old; tt«a thrmi|thout t»t»x Union and lf«i- Hu 73S72 Realtor j new roof, furnace, gsn h:4t»r »nt tit eountlM: ih* Lacka RANCH, BUILT 1950 I ranje; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, lor wanna with these spring-mounted OH School «r*duat» wus-x aiftng *" Siimml'. «- j ti>xi>«. n»sr transportation ROBERT C DIET?, COSCPANT Job for aummtr. Exptrt*ntrt. *1'O ) IS, REALTORS hiifh. living room, ditilnx lonn knn iv d rrftranrw. Su, »-<:n. tlan *»O i.> eltrtri" $19,750 311 MlUOurn a»i Mtllburn-»hwi Hit* plnr kitchen No win:*, h,., „,,,, t roaalfr arid cabinet, n»f»r uaed, rar g*r*ge I »int»rnp»d Jor P-rmme-it \l BOB (traduat* r«|-J«atj tumnw MODERN SPLIT LEVEL MlUburn «-43}1 drive 2 mlnuti"* from aluiiin |2*noo l! work — typing or od* Jshi Su •- NEW Prlnrip,', onlT. Plinkler-O'vni-r. I»o« CHELSEA COOLERS Jus». S in'jritiu old located l'i the new *1 Summit Herald " : THIS "WEEK'S'tTSED SOtTHOATE *ect:on, l.Wlti« room, Houston, Realtor RANCHES WOVU> Ufc* to p:ac« nlc» lr!ah fir., SINGER MACHINE SALE tuning ar«, hltrhen, 1 bedrooinj, 2 SO. 6-64«4 or HV «-1817 COLONIALS mtr JO, alwp-ln. p:»*ri cookin;. Ha« baths Full baafinen: with r»"ie»tlon »PtIT LBVEL* , h jlUl 7 :t>iW blnjer tl«r. For:, . »:n '0 * » • ^ Str,f*r JIB E!P-<: Po.-l. . <;9 50 room nn'l laundry fU* heat 1 rtr gs- «2«.»J0 TO I8O0O0 CIRCA 1752 to mind for working Singer E!*c COII*"J1(* t<8 VJ rage Own^r traimmred Priced «! 6 SOUTH STREET Raatorrd Halt Box Colonial, flummi! $21,750 GEORGE A. ALLSOPP 8u Othfr make Fortab>« .. .'SCO "K*eiualv» Horn**' Ullimirn 0-MM bulit bffor* the Amu km i Other make* Console* ' J3O0 Wt)l-ic«pt 4-b«lroom tioin* e i nic» Old Short HI1U ti'J eorn*f of tun W» dciii't fur* » ropy ol ALL MACHINES OTJARANTKED SPENCER M. MABEN lot with 2-car «»rt«e, big «cr»«naiJ «h» orlglnaJi ninitiiuv apparition u, and fr»* Ina*rucilniu Rl**n porch Owne/r movina; out of town, a*t th» *xact <)»'(« of fTiiistMi."iori hu- Orpy ir Realtor kU 114,S0O ll t* a g*nuin« antlqut Junt tmrt*r »i. BUM St.. Mlimurn. for g-xxJ houat SINGER SEWING CENTER Beef:|iwrjoil Rfi NOW OVER" aer« nf land with a rn»ntly (,»). * eoclu, «rl)'i» •MA£t«r>b Ml fl-Mtt |»»M or Mqn MI «•«) bath ranch home (e»ttirin« s?-it library op»n nn 3 tide* t,intry 91U) In th» ysy cli-ilifMt aa«t)on of Wyrn- ll*l»l rtjrtwi, dlnlni room, uitr« msd- tha»rlul klt«-h*n and ri'yor. 6 hM- * BAtikiNa"RiiSaii" wool *0mb*li i:iirl#. if, b« •krf«.t A »rn ttltehtn with dlnhwimher »nd room* 3 tile ImUw 3rd flo'n, • iiuurjr fmu«* *uh imbiiUviitly bnaltfait area; »)*o lortljr if.r,**n»J. roorru, vwlng room mid atone* •rut* iTiaint»f) F.A0T t g 3 j , htH ua rsibbfr Ml*, tuttitt «ab!n*t*' nil* Hbraiji, it Imntif hrMhfMt room Aiao tnmiy Hue tUtinRa ffom rage f»*» hi>f. w*(ei hunt only IIOO • I4?l fll d • truly formal (llniiiR rwiin *ni * J lU'SUftlliJ hot W».»r, H:*K» *li(l I it IIVK1«V !a a'a> living room Uiit wilt HUM ;>'*>> FREE INSTALLATION 10 Mi.OSO. L#t 1M «f!|l find ID* pjumblujt, comultif^ lr>M.Ut|.i:i, tton, I mil* t« horn* of your «bolc#. »WI.9(»W> t»rt»inlitg #*«y, 'ih* prli'f «/ | fyHfi M*!I *>I<1 *T««>r>«,. or>» Itl farp#Uii|. (tr.ip«ntn. xtul 9 Knvr rmwl ,t!t <)p>n tu t vl*w from th* oorcht tVm»Ant Bit*; lt«9 off on Pllcwd UHf>r.R »4 achoai street for an aa»ro*lm#te fxpotny, to wit: ! LEGAt ADVERTISEMENT dUtauce of tIM feet. U» the Cltji of ALL thtt certain tr»et m Mrttt of Jersey Board on Geographic rulings, Blanchard dteeioi feo- auaimit land a*4 prvmUm, htrtlmiitr mort Name* meets, each member is graphic names with county, town- KOTICC Oik' Tiic approxlmat* qu&aUttec are a* ptjrvuularly d«acrtbed, *ltu»te, lying supplied with the set of case his- Uo*«: ^ •ad brief In th« townablp of Berk;»l«y ship suud r.iumcipal eagiaecrs, nonet m miw? OIVEH, b (al 3sm eu. j-4*. escavation Scclud- HelghU. in the County «t Union md tories. These are studied so that township officials, and borough *S3 PONTIAC - Deluxe, 4 Door tb*. Ut Ir.twiiiraiate t^ountt ©/ tht iag ciwulaf atte of ail btwb and (t»it of New Jcrcty. when the meeting Is held, the clerks. "'-.In addition, he consult* «ubscrlijer, sole Survlvi&g Tru»t«e of t;cc* BeginsSai at a point bftnf * com. members can indicate their choice 19th century Atlas sheet?, historic Hydramatic, Radio & Heater $1?SS certain tru*t« ereafcttf under rh» hum d»j\ ihe 13th clay of JULY, n*rt tion, IstijJ $ ft to i ft deep. Avery and- Gruct M. Avery, hU wife, af 'n AM («J| U tin. ft. 48" relaforc«U Cou- and bHi'g nan tht mottt coutbewtcrly so that each Board Member can ;—— Hydramatic, Radio & Htater , $1650 TOT SUMMIT TRtJST CO&ttSKT. «cte Ctti»ert flpt. including ttuvi- eorter of th<; ltniis hertby cijavijed; Bolt- Smvivicg Tiu*te*. Uon laid 6 ft. to I ft. deep. theact (i» nortb I' 10' *wt along a, have additional time for research Da««. including exeavu- Averjs «ad l&ods of »*1f«i, complete, including tint} Ifciid* of MairU, .374 f«et and members: A. Lee Crover. Secre Newark 2..N. i, ' excavation, oepth 5 ft. to $ ft. 90/UMttu of R foot to a «onj«r betweta tary of the State Highway Depart- Hydramatic.itaidio 4 Hioler $ *»5 Je. 10 It. 24. aty J Oat4f (f» 12 Catch batlsia, complete in- lands of Mid MorrU. Robrrt Roger*. Ciutilrg excavation, average tieptb and tht aaid Aver>*| thence i$) north ment; George J. Miller, member 4 ft. to « ft, Alec GUINNESS NOTICE 8!" 48' vut aio&g a (SlvUion line b*> ofHhe East Jersey Bo^rd of Pro- tN OWED ARTISTS' ) 23 cu. }d*. Clkas "C" Concrete tuttn Units of tht i»ld Aver>« tad Headwalla, Si-.cludlsig excavation. land* of *ald Hobirrt Bogw*. 483 feet prietors; and Mr. Blanchard. The "51 DE SOTO Custom, A Door TAKE NOTICE that the Board of No bid Mil be • considered unh.ws Tax AM>e*s.tirs ol the City uf Summit and M/100th« of a foot to a corntr men serve without pay and each ("Captain's made on piOfKv»«! blauiia luriiUhed in ilnt of Uiiirti now or (onntrly of will meet at the City H»li In the Cay ay the City Enginter. 1 has a specialized experience and Gyromatlc, Radio & Heater . $1095 ef__ Summit, on MONDAY. June 23 Browning: thence Ot «outh 3" I west Yvonne 19ST, lit 8 o'clock P.M. (D.8.T.I tor E«ii propusai iiuist be enclosed In •long aald lut mriHluned Hue or i*nd. interest to help him determine the the purpose of giving a hearing to * »e«S*d envelope,' property mdoreed 48T r«tt and 64/l0Ottu of « foot to a one correct name. The men have MGWS •51 PLYMOUTH ciub c«P.. «U person* Interested In the t^$u. with the name of the bidder and the point and come in line of Und* of meat for beaefiis conferred by the improvement ana directed to lh« Com- , Corey; thepet (|) north 19* 40' Mat a line sense of aesthetic values Clean Throughouf $ 895 completion of a sanitary «ew« under mon Council of the CSty of Summit j along taid lMt nitutK :,«< line of too and may have saved hcad- and IIOIM Harvard Street and 6hun- j Bidders will ttate their price* in land* and along llr.t o! Uncti of Alex- IS YOUR ASSURANCE writing a* well «* tfl figures. ander Hamilton, 313 feet and M/iOOthl aehes for more than one, real es- Of WAH" BOARD" OF TAX ASSESSORS, All worjf' referred to In thU liotice feet to the northw^t corner ef land* tate development by voting out KWftlO JIM GMT Hwry C, K»t««. rmwt be completed on or before trie herttofore convtytd bj the satd Areryf OF GETTING THE '4? PONTIAC DeLuxe City Clerk. ^expiration of ',35 working days from to tr>« ;,6td Bhttttrji thsnet H) tenth such unlovely cognomens as "Mud REA&AH * FQSREST * MftlTil 0*tPd June 10th. 19J*. the. date of-the contract Blddera must 96*• 5' e«*t alenj thi ndrthBrly Hn» of City," Pigs Eye," and "Stink Convertible ;. , .$ 795 Je 17, 2f ... ipeclfy that the> will bind themfceWti lands eon?*y§4'aa ifnreaald, 1SS f*et to cotcpfete; he e&id work wHh.in aaid and ll/ioetha of a foot to tb» pelnt or Creek," in favor of more euphon- tlms. • .'; - •'•••- plac* «f Btfiintting CoatHnlm 4.73 ious designations. SEALED PROPOSALS Coptw of the,plan* and «perlfication# acrf* of land, and iubjfct'to riiht of of the -work m»y b? obt: * certlflM check or t-nt.iy for ten There U due »ppr»xlmat»ly $2,764 23 9>M P.M. per Cent (SO." I of th* total tmount of with interest from June 1. 1144 and :. 1354 tad j bid. li certiflMl check Is* iu'rnUhed HELD opened at the above Darned hour *t I it shall be made payable to the City ALEX CAMPBELL. a public merMt-.n of the iir-lit C .mm:>n j of Summit without reserve. AIR CONDITIONED OVERv •48 PONTIAC TtZ^r Council to be hejd »t stld Mnit »t I A Surety Bond for the full amount Sheriff, the City Hall In the City-of Kumrolt, | of the contract win be required of EDWAHD A. PIZZI, AttJ . Box Office Open Dally and f'i" »he Ci"» nie'iou of a moim water RDJ ic SH CL-P1»C («) Well Kept ...... $ 5« t the sucrtescfiil bidder. Sunday loA. M.i to is P. M The Common council reserves the June J4, July 1, 8. IS' all necessary clearing, grading »n WelkKk — Anxu* Cairns Trustee. working cooperatively, to decide Ticket* Kre»(?.'». Ham"«, »11 Agenc:ti>i SAINTS 01RLFRIMr Dated: Jun* 10th, 19S4. Mall Orrteri • WItPHHD h. DEMPSEY. Att'y. not only what's in a name but 382 BprlagJleki Ave.. Summit, N, J. what's behind it and how it should Je. IT. 24. Jly 1, I — o a w 4 w Tf- »7-20 be spelled. The former agency ,. CIVIL ACTION EXECUTION UNION COTJNTV COURT has been at work on the problem TJnlon County Welfare Board since before the turn of the cen- Mrs. Modern says: a corporation of New Jeraey, WHEN DININC OUT Plaintiff, tury, and the New Jersey Board v*. on Geographic Names, .more re- Think of the COLONIAL INN in Madison. !-Frank C. Shaffer and Annie J,. Shaffer, cently created, works coopera- We serve the finest food and cocktails at ' Defendant*. tively with the larger group. .To- • By virtue of the above-atated Writ, ' moderate prices in a friendly and pleasant t» me directed, I ahull expose for gether they have officially set the « Sale by Public Vendue at the, Court correct spelling (and sometimes atmosphere. i Home, in tho City of Klliabeth. N. J , ] on WEDNESDAY, the 21st dfiy of changed it later on) for some 1,000 LUNCHEON from $1.10 j JULY. AD. J954, at two o'colck In the towns, streams, lakes, ponds, and ; afternoon of s»!d day, all the right, DINNERS from $1.85 j title and interest of the above-named other geographic sites in,the Gar- I defendants la and to the following den State. It Is Always a Pleasure to Serve You Robert G. Blanchard, topograph- ic engineer in the New Jersey j« '•Iwmfiiic *1^%^-" MtiW COLONIAL INN Department oif Conservation and i>, ANTIQUES \Economic Development, describes 54 MAIN STREET the procedure. HVofk begins when MADISON. N. J. MAdison 6-0869 ; ;• Antique Jewdry < the Bureau of Geology and Topog- Free Parking For Our Patrons in the Hear • Silverware < raphy, in which Mr. Blanchard Entrant'* Thru Central Ave. • Furniture • ' serves, revises State AUas sheets. We Will Continue u> lie Open on Sunday* * China and Glass' These sheets represent certain geographic areas of the State and tTHE LENNARDS a total of 17 sheets i« required tf FIRST AND FINEST IN NEW JERSEY cover all of New Jersey. Ar 2547 Morris Avenu« ; Blanchard and his assistant work, * EASTERN * lUNionville 2-M94 UNION, N. J. they note any variations in names ) JBerween Union & Springfield Genten and spellings between earlier j maps and the present. A t:ase DRIVE IN THEATRE brief is then prepared for each UNION MORRIS PLAINS name questioned. The file indi- »ourr 22- NfAt* HAGSHIP fS 10 & 202 or Alder ney fo Tht LAKE VIEW cates variations in names and rrl.-S«t. iune 25-2S Frl.-Sat. Jun* JS-SS Charlton Heston - Robert Yonnj Spring Lake leech, N.J. spellings, history, probable origin Marlon Brando • Mary Murphy "SECRET OF THE INCAS" - Tecfc. A fholee Vacation Spot, and whatever other information "THE W1LI» ONE"-'plus In Tech. Mltzl Gaynor --Keefe Bruselle llo*k to Qerin t Itoard- YOING TEXAN'S" - Tech. "ialk. Golf, n»h)nc. Kid- might be helpful to the Board "Continental Holiday" . Tech. lilt, Ete. Amir. Plan. Sport — Walt Disney Cartoon .Mtmetlire Ratea. Free when it makes a decision on the IN ADDITION TO BEGFLAB SHOW: Parkin*, iilb.on »-«»18. official name and spelling. Sun.-Tue. June 27-2H-2S Jame* E. ntrr«trlcl(, Jr. William Holdrn - tilnser Rosen rRIDAV AT 8:30 ... special nighttime rate About two weeks before the New "FOBEVRK FEMALE" SPECIAL KIDDIE VACATION plug In Tech. SHOW "THE STAND AT APACHE RIVKR" FREE RIDE ON FIRE ENGINE Added — Wnlt r»l——t f--«i..'n GIFTS — CARTOON CARNIVAL FREE PLAYGROUNDS

For AIR CONDITIONED THEATRE 447 SPRINGFIELD AYE. STRAND Summit 6-3900 ft costs less to operate a Homeless electric AUTOMATIC TODAY Hire SAT. JUNE 24-26 water heater! And you always have plenty of hot water .,. whenever you need HI Outcasts... Living by the HOT WATER OF THE Law of t A flameless Automatic Electric Water stays in the water — where it belongs. Filmed High in Heater is the most economical way to And you save in many other ways. ft carefree supply of hot water. Electric Water Heaters have a longer, Wild HEATERS Ktmrf carefree life. They can be installed any- tWith flameless electricity you can CWARODN HESKM • BOBERT K)UK

•>* "Drums Across Water Heater to fit your needs. thick blankets of insulation. The heat The River" (T,th) IN EXCITING COLOR' Witnm Ifistory'a Gmt Events— ''YOV ARETHERE'' C.B.S, Television, Sunday* 6:t0 PJi. TUB. — ONI DAY ONLY JUKI 1 STEWART GRANGE* JCP&L "SARABAND" >» t«c»mcu>» EASTERN SPECTACULAR BRITISH DRAMA. Ufl MAGAZINE hwf Ctntrtl Power & Light Compinju «*•*«*«•' ' ACOUAIWS nrt .. , WID. Mini SAT. JUNI 30 »• JULY 3 ALL ELECTRIC... MDDT KILOWATT MUM dial M forMurdt/ m MILUND'GRACE KELLY • ROBERT CUMWWS •UV AT THIS ••** or HONMt 133 BROAD STRICT SUMMIT 4-00P6 BASED ON WR r AMOl'S BHOADWAY VttW «M HUMU MRVIW Parking IN WONPKWrW IS COMWO SOQNt ft THI SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNfc 14, to fit around pipe* •*» ] b*wt»» activity far yttwg HJ St Louu paint with coarse *a»4pa from the ceOing or floor. You | Some mastic will no* wash off the "Clean and smooth posiUba and press 1 ; S. 3.. *iil be the kceoe of intense • t&r«cr lo players selected. tion m operation tud»> stanh*l ;r\«ii=«:t Miss Flor- Lr*' Dvc't depecd on Uu\t-r&;ty specialist advises, the comers fcr a ti-hi bond. - S "Both pia&iic and nselii tile ence O«*sl*r. extension cbtiucg « R-tfert Ctiv«mty.

. pro.iH you preserve Ifceir « "fluffj quality "*-& TO YOU Some sweaters with fase? tries ©r decor at wu. *fa>'iid be d*r- cleaned ubile otfcer* are washable. Take care w fclg SHOPPED AT A&P the instructioti that tfte nusufac WHO'VE tunr rec^wmends on the label. 'ill jfr'J sr.te-nd to »*sh >c-r tapatt-f, tighten any loose butt.-rs *nd draw ujjcn elastic thr*i tkr ugh neck ribbing *wf fitter Here's Why Twirty of good thbgi to deitmS i«e " Mis* GeiArr tm ever? departmeot, cterf gests.' *'Nvw« drgw sn outlic* t! day — not ju»l wa * few b 'tpccially selected for ywuf fweater os a beavy earo Rot dry r.ear radia- New Green Cabbage tor, in sunlight or on a news- paper." ' Radishes Owen-Ready fibs off Beek .: c You IT.ay want to brash sweat «rm» er tt'ith a soft brush to raise nap. Fresh Escarole Sirloin Steaks ^^«™ A profesdnnal finish can.be given J the sweater by. pressing with a Pascal Celery Porterhouse Steaks *>•«• •«*•» steam iron or a damp cloth and a Excelsior Fresh Carrots W«si*ri) farmi Top Round Roast or Steak . „ r»l«fim q«»r.tr dry iron, says the New Jersey C .State .University specialist. Frozen Meats Yellow Onions Ttui Rib Steaks . ^3 r cu« ib. §9*s *««lf-f»-««A — i«« JO fa 24 ffci. Watermelon Handy Man Can Hp«. Juicy Top Sirloin Roast or Steak Boneless Veal Roast Cheeseburgers . Red Plums Install THe Buttered Beef Steaks Pot Roast Breast of Veal Seedless Grapes c«r.f Ground Beef Loin Veal Chops Plastic or metal tile Is relative- \ Sandwich Steaks , • • .iy easy for the family handy man 9 6 Winesap Apples Ai;-purpot» Stewing Beef •««•- to install in the kitchen, bathroom Veal Cutlet £63* Calves Liver ^M Rib Veal Chops or laundry. These light casy-to- Yellow Bananas Scldtn rip* Cross Rib Pot Roast eet tiles are not expensive. Either Stewing Veal will give you an attractive wall California Lemons Loii Lamb Chops Pork Chops surface that cleans easily and will Nazola Oil Canada Dry last a long time. Seedless Limes fot essltmj. *ai u\&i% t* or Lamb Chops - • Loin Pork Chops "Another attractive feature From by ftrm$. about these tiles for the do-it-your- f Hot. Breast of Lamb **«»•*•«••» Frankfurters self enthusiast is the few tools re- d«pb*if • ™ b«Hl«t From •»)» farm* quired," points out Mrs. Doris OCa!lIOHS Smoked Pork Shoulders ,53« Swordf ish Steaks Anderson, extension home man- agement specialist at Rutgers Green Peppers '17* Sliced Bacon V n i v e r sj t y, "You'll need a , OWN PURE VECftTABLE notched spreader to -distribute j the 'mastic,' as it Is called by the \ trade. With this too], you streak ! SHORTENING the mastic in wavy lines to pro- j "!ti. can 3lb.cao JUNE IS DAIRY MONTH! A&P Can Help Ycu Save With GRAND GROCERY VALUES! vide a'better backing for the tile, \ A5 broad bladed putty knife Is j handy to slap the mastic on the I Sliced Swiss ^r* -49c wall ready to spread. A level will \ 30< 79.dSco help to get the rows straight. For [ itxo, the digestible all-pur- t+zzzz* I ft. Wheat Puffs — 2; IS 14 Fresh Butter ^ Sa!f< cutting plastic tile, a coping saw "' pose shortening, is ideal for brktr is used while metal calls for a .cakes, fries and perfect pies. Blue Cheese D«n"»h imporfad * hack saw, Libby's Fruit Cocktail . 2=;, 43 "The mastic will cover pits or Equal To The Best—Yet Costs You Less Ched-O-Bit Cht«t» food bumps a sixteenth of an inch or less in the wall. If the- wall has Cottage Cheese cup higher areas, you can level them A C Libby's Orange Juice - - 3 =.47 with coarse sandpaper. Scrape Palmolive Soap | Palmolive Soap Sharp Cheddar Cheese z\z 65 off wallpaper and any loose paint. Baby Gouda Patch holes and cracks. Roughen Fof f »!I«t or bald c Libby's Green Beans ^ 2 r»g.' lee Cream 3 !Zcales DelMwtt UP Fancy-White Meat HEALTH FOOD CENTRE Ice Cream 191 Springfield Are, Snmmlt Prune Juice 57c Tuna Pish 65c HEADQUARTERS FOR Borden's Milk ^.^;;;^c R., cont. Wfeitft Bel Mwte LOW CALORIE POODS Borden's Chocolate Drink . HIGH PROTEIN POODS Red Heart Milk Evaporated 4147c Tomato Catsup SALT FREE FOODS Tempting Flavor, Thrifty Priced! DIABETIC FOODS Brownies urn 35c Ritz Crackers — :v 32c FRESH ROASTED NUTS Dog Food Big, juicy fed-ripe cher- NATURAL HERB TEAS Dry Milk Solids 2 Cling ries and pfentjr of Vn» l4tt C make tibb- a delectable -53 Grape Juice J5 3 Flavor Variety trcal. And the is Broadcast Redi Meat 8 ' Beef, Fish, Liver 3 43< flaky-light! W Pineapple Juice AIN.«Y R*D DEALERS Angel Food Cake Mix ;V; 55C Whole Green

Libbys Baby Food SSL* Tomatoes J ',','• Kirkman's Detergent Ajax Cleanser LAXCSI t" Burry's Ace Assortment , , ;;; Mayonnaise ' IGREAMI MoH 2 M« 23c String Beans Salad Dressing ^^- \ Cherry Pie 49 S'^5«T»I«, Club Soda, A 1 c USED CAR. Jane Parker Vo/u»«... ft -. . m b«Hl*f ^ SpightttiSiwo^i ; M C Our Own Tea Bags«^ - -«. JJJ,M« Tomato Soup *. ^ Angel Food Ring .... ';;r«9 b CLEAPANCE PUSS 'N BOOTS Crumb Square ..... -^ Noctar Tea r,&»»4^*M pu '53* IIMI **•''«••• Sail^DttwiMt ,,'7pl,2J» V^W •r 45* Cat Food White Bread Octatei Lauairy Soa» . J 25« Sparkli Stlaiia", KKtbMOMmWaxiiPapir ";.:2f j[ JULY 3 Potato Chi|M 3;;25c2 27c Mareal Papar Napktat . t% 21* B0NT MISS TMI AaKtl Sift Tinye i--*. | -v «• A&P PLAYHOUSE [Formica Sink Tops c«re«li and tbriltf to buy it AIE- Oteati Spray THUBSOAV PM, iMMT f.M. yf k Cabinet Cronberry Juice Mil fumltur* Making Dial Sup KITCHIN RIMODEUNG Dial SMP Cocktail Spearmint Lome **>*>*«* KARL WWDER Cempbil»n Rott Beer or Cinnamon Bade 2 3t 27« tin. 23. Peppermint Jolly Kills *»*»*» ':;;28« MM unit ,WM#wM* «***•» •••» „,_ i, , It IUMMIT AVL, SUMMtT ifTWHN WOAD ST. m*