HERALD PAGE6 the Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts
***************CAR-R T SO RT**C-027 24:l 0l/<li./97 R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC JA 130 SESSIONS ST. Rhode Is Iand J ew~~; ~; ~~~:~ .. ~ .~ .. ~; ~:~~~~:;;~\.ll,... l.l,I Sports HERALD PAGE6 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXVI, NUMBER 50 CHESHVAN 18, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1996 35, PER COPY Assassination of Rabin Spurred Teens to Be More Active in Politics by Michele Chabin have coped in the yea r since the JERUSALEM (JTA)-For 14- assassination has depended on year-old Gavriella Lazar of their political and reli gious iden Jerusalem, life has never been tities, Ravi v said . quite the same since the assassi Before the assassination, he nation of Prime Minister Yitzhak said, right-wing teens had a Rabin one year ago. stronger sense of ideological "I've become more active po identity than their left- w ing litically," said Lazar, the daugh counterparts. ter of a Conservative rabbi w ho "Theassassinationhelped the describes her politica l views as doves define their identity, and left wing. served as a ca ta Iyst for group "Before the assassina ti on, I identification. Once the initial was somewhat involved, but grief wore off, they experienced since then I've started going to a relative sense of optimism be more d emons trations. I' m a cause they felt they had a cause, member of Peace Now Youth, a legacy to fulfill." and I pay a lot more attention to Conversely, teens who op what's going on in the coun posed Rabin's poli cies "felt very try." pessimistic.
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