
Turk J Gastroenterol 2004; 15 (2): 100-103

A case of Budd-Chiari syndrome secondary to multiple thrombogenic conditions: A case report and review of literature* Multipl trombojenik duruma bağlı olarak gelişen bir Budd-Chiari sendromu vakası: Vaka takdimi ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

Evren ABUT, Hakan GÜVELİ, Tülin KENDİR, Cengiz BÖLÜKBAŞ, Ali Tüzün İNCE, Ali Remzi DALAY, Oya ÖVÜNÇ KURDAŞ Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Department of Gastroenterohepatology, İstanbul

This report describes a case of Budd-Chiari syndrome caused by Bu makalede latent polisitemia vera ve faktör V Ledien mutas- latent polycythemia vera and factor V Leiden mutation. This yonuna bağlı olarak gelişen bir Budd-Chiari vakası sunulmak- syndrome usually occurs due to thrombosis of hepatic veins or tadır. Bu sendrom genellikle hepatik venlerin trombozu veya in- membranous obstruction of inferior vena cava. The most com- ferior vena cava'nın membranöz obstrüksiyonu sonucunda mey- mon reasons for thrombosis are manifest polycythemia vera and dana gelir. Trombozun en sık nedeni aşikar polisitemia vera ve the other prothrombotic conditions. Recently, latent polycythe- diğer protrombotik durumlardır. Son zamanlarda ise latent po- mia vera and factor V Leiden mutation have been reported in lisitemia vera ve faktör V Ledien mutasyonu giderek artan sık- increasing frequency. In this report, we aimed to emphasize that lıkta rapor edilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu sunumdaki amacımız, all prothrombotic conditions must be evaluated while investiga- Budd-Chiari sendromunun takibinde, latent polisitemia vera ting the etiology of Budd-Chiari syndrome, including latent ve faktör V Ledien mutasyonu da dahil olmak üzere, tüm prot- polycythemia vera and factor V Leiden mutation, and approp- rombotik nedenlerin araştırılması gerektiğini ve zaman geçir- riate antithrombotic and surgical therapies must be performed meksizin uygun antitrombotik ve cerrahi tedavilerin uygulan- without delay. ması gerektiğini vurgulamaktır.

Key words: Budd-Chiari syndrome, latent polycythemia vera, Anahtar kelimeler: Budd-Chiari sendromu, latent polisitemia factor V Leiden mutation, antithrombotic therapy, vera, faktör V mutasyonu, antitrombotik tedavi, transplantation karaciğer transplantasyonu

INTRODUCTION Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) is characterized by caused by latent PV accompanying factor V Leiden venous outflow obstruction of the liver. In western mutation. countries, BCS usually occurs due to thrombosis of hepatic veins, whereas in eastern Asia and Africa CASE REPORT it is most frequently seen due to membranous obstruction of the inferior vena cava (IVC) (1). A 42-year-old otherwise healthy male patient ad- mitted to our Gastroenterohepatology Department While manifest or latent polycythemia vera (PV) is with complaints of newly onset abdominal swel- the most frequently responsible disease for BCS, hepatic venous thrombosis because of factor V Le- ling, abdominal pain and weight loss in the last iden mutation has been reported in increasing fre- two months. There was no family or personal his- quency, and in recent literature, it is presented as tory of venous thrombosis. Furthermore, there the second most frequent etiologic factor after PV was no history of alcohol or tobacco consumption (2). In this report, we present a patient with BCS or exposure to drugs and hepatotoxic chemicals.

Address for correspondence: Evren ABUT Manuscript received: 26.06.2003 Accepted: 26.04.2004 Nuzhetiye Caddesi Deniz Apartmani No: 38-40 Daire: 15 80690 Beşiktaş / Istanbul, Turkey Phone: +90 216 330 30 44 Fax: +90 216 346 05 82 E-Mail: [email protected] *This manuscript was presented at the 19th annual meeting of the National Week, Antalya, Turkey, September 2-7, 2002 A case of Budd-Chiari syndrome 101

Physical examination on admisson revealed subic- We performed liver biopsy to make definite diag- teric sclera, abdominal distention, an enlarged nosis, which showed intensive congestion in zone and tender hepatomegaly with tense . The I-II and widespread centrilobular ischemic necro- spleen was not palpable. Other physical examina- sis. These histological findings were found to be tion findings were unremarkable. compatible with BCS. Thrombophilic reasons we- re investigated to determine the etiology of the The laboratory findings were as follows: aspartate thrombosis. Elevated levels of hemoglobin and he- transaminase 268 IU/L (normal range, 0-32 IU/L), matocrit concentations were noted. Arterial oxy- alanine aminotransferase 370 IU/L (normal range, gen saturation and erythropoietin levels were me- 0-31 IU/L), alkaline phosphatase 475 IU/L (nor- asured to exclude the causes of secondary eryth- mal range, 60-240 IU/L), γ-glutamyl transpeptida- rocytosis, and were normal (98% and 27.6 IU/ml, se 11 IU/L (normal range, 6-28 IU/L), total prote- respectively). For this reason, the cause of eryth- in 7.6 g/dl (normal range, 6.6-8.7 g/dl), albumin 3.7 rocytosis was thought to be a primary condition. g/dl (normal range, 3.4-4.8 g/dl), total bilirubin Bone marrow biopsy showed hypercellularity and 2.03 mg/dl (normal range, 0-1.1 mg/dl), direct bili- evident erythroid hyperplasia but no megakar- rubin 0.93 mg/dl (normal range, 0-0.3 mg/dl), yocyte hyperplasia. In our patient, there was no 6 erythrocyte count 7.25 X 10 /µL (normal range, splenomegaly, thrombocytosis or leukocytosis. 6 3.83-5.08 X 10 µL), hemoglobulin concentration Furthermore, both leukocyte alkaline phosphata- 18.9 g/dl (normal range, 11.7-15.5 g/dl), hematoc- se and vitamin B12 levels were within normal li- rit concentation 58.2% (normal range, 38.5- mits (48 ml IU/ml and 348 pg/ml, respectively). 48.2%), leukocyte count 18200/µL (normal range, Thus, because all diagnostic criteria for PV were 4100-11200/µL), platelet count 198 X 103µL (nor- not fulfilled, latent PV was diagnosed (3). mal range, 159-388 X 103/µL), prothrombin time Laboratory investigations concerning thrombophi- 20.49 seconds (normal range, 11.0-15.0 seconds), lia revealed that protein S, and anticardiolipin an- international normalized ratio (INR) 1.84 (normal tibody IgG and IgM levels were in normal limits. range, 0.8-1.2), activated partial thromboplastin Ham test for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinu- time 39.46 seconds (normal range, 22.95-38.0 se- ria was negative, but protein C and antithrombin conds) and fibrinogen 490 mg/dl (normal range, III levels were found to be under normal levels, 170-390 mg/dl). Serological tests were negative for due to liver dysfunction since two of his brothers A, B, C, and E, cytomegalovirus, Epste- had normal factor levels. Further genetic investi- in-Barr virus, and antinuclear, antimitochondrial gations were performed and homozygote Arg506- and anticardiolipin antibodies. Serum iron, total Gln506 mutation on genes encoding factor V pro- iron binding capacity, ferritin, ceruloplasmin and tein was found without prothrombin G20210A alpha-1-antitrypsin levels and copper level in 24- mutation. hour were normal. Ascitic fluid analysis re- vealed a leukocyte count of 52/µL, total protein le- For these reasons, hepatic vein thrombosis was vel of 2.6 g/dl, an albumin level of 1.4 g/dl, and a thought to have developed as a result of homozy- gote factor V Leiden mutation and latent PV. serum ascites albumin gradient of 2.3 g/dl, indica- Standard heparinization for three days followed ting portal-hypertensive ascites. Ascites cytology by warfarin orally were given to the patient to ke- revealed only rare mesothelial cells. ep the INR between 3 and 3.5 to maintain the pa- Abdominal ultrasonography showed hepatome- tency of the middle hepatic vein and portal sys- galy and massive ascites while there was no sple- tem. Hematocrit level was lowered to 38% to imp- nomegaly. On abdominal computed tomography rove the existing erythrocytosis by performing (CT), a relative increase in caudate lobe size in ad- phlebotomy twice. dition to hepatomegaly, compression of the IVC at Nevertheless, the patient was referred to the De- the level of the hepatic portion and nonhomogene- partment of Hepatobiliary Surgery for portasyste- ous contrast absorption by the liver in early phase mic shunt operation because of progressive worse- after contrast injection were noted. Color flow ning of the liver functions, intractable ascites and Doppler examination of portal system revealed no clinical improvement in the following days. Du- obstruction of right and left hepatic veins by the ring the preoperative period hepatic decompensa- thrombosis, but the middle hepatic vein, portal ve- tion and hepatorenal syndrome developed and in and IVC were patent. shunt surgery could not be performed. Despite 102 ABUT et al. plans for urgent , the patient with hypercellularity on bone marrow biopsy, the- died due to hepatorenal syndrome and hepatic en- re was no rise in plasma erythropoietin level to cephalopathy preoperatively. produce this effect. We thus decided the patient had a latent PV. This condition appears clinically DISCUSSION as a hepatic vein thrombosis or deep vein throm- bosis years before the PV manifests, and it is cha- Clinical reports have revealed that hepatic vein racterized only by erythroid and myeloid hyperp- thrombosis usually results from more than one lasia in bone marrow biopsy (10,11). The deficien- thrombogenetic disease together with a triggering cies of protein C, protein S and antithrombin III factor (4-6). Most frequent causes are primary are seen rarely and inherited as an autosomal do- myeloproliferative diseases (especially PV), antip- minant trait (12). One must be very careful when hospholipid syndrome, paroxysmal nocturnal he- drawing a conclusion that congenital deficiencies moglobinuria, genetic deficiencies of anticoagula- of these factors are responsible for the etiology of tion factors that are found naturally in peripheric patients with BCS having hepatic dysfunction, be- circulation (such as protein C, protein S and an- cause liver dysfunction could be the main reason tithrombin III) and other prothrombogenic dise- for deficiencies in such patients. It is necessary to ases (such as prothrombin gene mutation). Abdo- show deficiency of these factors in the first-degree minal trauma, pregnancy and oral contraceptive relatives to be able to discriminate. use act as triggering factors initiating thromboge- nesis in the presence of the mentioned diseases Even though the levels of protein C and antith- (7). rombin III were found to be under the normal va- lues in our patient, they were due to liver dysfunc- Recently, demonstration of Arg506-Gln506 muta- tion because the factor levels of the two siblings tion located on genes encoding factor V clarified were normal. that many cases of BCS previously reported as ha- ving undetermined etiology, actually occurred as a The main purpose for the treatment of BCS is the result of factor V deficiency. A mutant factor V correction of the liver functions rapidly by diminis- (called factor V Leiden) cannot be activated by pro- hing centrilobular congestion. Anticoagulant the- tein C and this makes the patient prone to coagu- rapy with heparin and warfarin is sufficient in lation. The prevalence of factor V Leiden mutation only a small number of patients to correct the is 5% among healthy people and 25 to 31% in pa- obstruction. Most patients require invasive radi- tients with BCS (8). In our patient, factor V Le- ological techniques (i.e. transjugular intrahepatic iden mutation had been detected in genetic analy- portasystemic shunt, balloon dilatation or sten- sis for etiology of the thrombosis. ting of hepatic veins), surgical decompression or li- ver transplantation (13). Liver can deve- Deltrene et al. showed that another prothrombotic lop in a short time, about six months, in patients condition or thrombotic risk factor had also contri- having persistent obstruction, and death may oc- buted in 70% of Budd-Chiari patients with factor cur attributable to fulminant hepatic failure (14). V Leiden mutation (9). This finding suggests that Consequently, many authors advise treating those factor V Leiden mutation alone cannot be suffici- patients with hepatic vein obstruction and suffici- ent for thrombogenesis in hepatic veins and, more ent liver functions using invasive radiological importantly, is effective by increasing thromboge- techniques (TIPS) or portasystemic shunt operati- netic potentials of the other factors. Consequently, ons (mesoatrial, mesocaval or portacaval) as soon the presence of other prothrombotic disorders as possible. But in the presence of a prothrombotic must be investigated in patients with BCS who condition, initiating antithrombotic treatment in have factor V Leiden mutation. the early period is quite important to maintain the In our patient, the presence of erythrocytosis and patency of the IVC and portal vein, and to prevent leukocytosis were noticed in addition to factor V stenosis after shunt surgery. Therefore, it is re- Leiden mutation. For this reason, we initially tho- commended for all patients without active ble- ught the patient had manifest PV coursing with eding (15). If develops in a complications, but we then determined that he did rapid course accompanying manifestations of liver not have all the criteria described for PV as desc- failure (fulminant or subfulminant ), ribed by the Polycythemia Vera Study Group (3). orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is the only Despite an evident erythroid hyperplasia together appropriate treatment (16-17). A case of Budd-Chiari syndrome 103

CONCLUSION galy. After diagnosis with appropriate radiological We present a case of BCS caused by latent PV ac- methods, antithrombotic medications must be gi- companying factor V Leiden mutation. The course ven immediately and thereafter invasive radiolo- of BCS may be fast and lead to death in a couple gical and surgical treatment options must be eva- of months. Because of this, especially in the pati- luated without delay. Prothrombotic factors, parti- ents known to have prothrombotic and facilitating cularly latent PV and factor V Leiden mutation, factors, BCS must be considered in case of sudden must be scrutinized carefully to determine the eti- onset of abdominal pain, ascites and hepatome- ology of BCS.

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