Diocese of Connor St John’s Church, - C.I. - N. Ireland

Agnew Monument to right of Church Next to Fenced Adair Family Burial Site


Erected by THOMAS AGNEW of In Memory of his wife CATHERINE Who died 25 September, 1860? Also his daughter ANNA MA RIA Who died 8 September 1859 The above mentioned THOMAS AG NEW Who died at Green Cottage 11 November, 1887 Age 64 years ------

In Memory of JOHN WOODS BALLARD AGNEW Youngest son of THOMAS AGNEW of Ballymena Who died at 30 th April 1898 Aged 37 years

SAMUEL AGNEW Late Master Gunner C.B.R.A. Died at Ballymena 19 th March 1893 Aged 80 years

In the SW corner of the Cemetery there is a veritable glut of Agnew burials.

Erected By THOMAS BENJ. AGNEW (of Donegore) In Memory of his Father WILLIAM AGNEW Who departed this life the 26 th June 1803 Aged 57 yrs Also His Mother AGNES GORDON Wife of the Above WILLIAM AGNEW who departed This life 21stMarch 1831 Aged 69 years ----- And two of their children ???? 1814 AE 19 yrs , Charles , 1827 AE 24 yrs

Also the above THOMAS B. AGNEW Died Nov 1834 Aged 40 years.

Much and Deservedly Regretted

Erected by John G Agnew --- In Memory of his Father JAMES AGNEW Who died 6 Nov 1897 aged 68 years And his brother HUGH AGNEW Who died 20 th Nov 1877 aged 2 years And his sister MARY AGNEW Who died 12 th Sept 1887 aged 19 days and also his son THOMAS WRIGHT AGNEW Who died 1 st June 1887 aged 3 mo And also his mother JANE AGNEW Who died 8 th Jan 1900 aged 61 yrs And his brother JOSEPH GRAHAM AGNEW Who died 22 nd Nov 1906 aged 46years Also the above named JOHN GRAHAM AGNEW Who died 15 Jan 1930 aged 70 yrs Also his brother THOMAS AGNEW Who died 17 th Jan 1935 aged 64 years And Thomas’s wife ELIZABETH AGNEW Who died 27 th June 1974 aged 102 years

Erected by JAMES AGNEW of in memory of his children SAMUEL - SARAH - NICHOLAS Who died young Also his beloved wife SARAH REID Died 30 th Mar 1850 Aged 53 years Their son SAMUEL died July 1852 Aged 13 years The above JAMES AGNEW died 11 th Feb

1859 Aged 61 years

Erected by Wm AGNEW In memory of MARY AGNEW his wife d. May 18?? In Ballysavage Also his father JOHN AGNEW d May 20th 1856 age 72 yrs Also daughter MARY AGNEW d Feb x 1862 age 9 wks Also son JOHN ? AGNEW d Oct 1883 age 29 yrs And his wife JANE d Sept 18 18?? age 78 yrs Also his [Wm] wife MARY ANN AGNEW d Jan16 1911 age 72 yrs

Here lieth the body of JAMES AGNEW and ELIZA [BETH ADAIR] his wife. He died Feb 26 th 17[5]8 aged [5]0 and she the 6 th of Feb 1772 Aged 61 years. [Latin follows best guess]

Jacobi et Eliza Corpora Filio eorum pria lacobo hic obiam jacenti puerum 11m aetatis Mense

[the son of Jacob and Eliza body lying in the 11 th month of his age]

Variolae factilia Jul 3 An. 1782 eripuere Puellam .. an 17 th An. 1786 [7 mo] Virae Hebdoma Febris removir.

[sketchy .. To the effect .. The 7 month old girl died after a fever of a week]

The stone above is located on posts a few feet from this stone below which appears to be a newer stone with more recent family inscriptions and not the infant deaths.

SACRED The memory of JA’ s AGNEW who died 26 th Feb 1758 aged 50 & ELIZ th ADAIR his wife who died the 6 th Feb 1772 aged 54 also of MARG it LEE the beloved wide of their Son JA’ s M.D. who died the 27 th May 1804 aged 53 and five of his children VIZ JA - ELIZA & JOHN who died in infancy JAMES Wm M.D. who died the 20 th Aug 1823 aged 36 & ANN who died the 21 st May 1840 aged 50 also of his adopted daughter MARG it HORSEMAN who died the 21 st Oct 1842 aged 66 [JAMES] died at 11 th december 1843 JAMES AGNEW M.D. aged 89 years

ERECTED In Memory of JOHN AGNEW who departed this life at his residence at Donegore July the 2 nd 1832 aged 65 yrs [b1767] Also his son WILLIAM who died 6 April 1835 Aged 26 yr [b1809] ---- A man of letters manners morals pails They rest here till the day break and the shadows flee away.

I will ransom them from the power of the grave I will redeem them from death. O death I will be thy plagues O grave I will be thy destruction. [Hosea 13:14] ------This memorial placed here by a mourning widow and a bereaved parent. Also MARY AGNEW widow and mother of the above who departed this life 24 th Aug 1867 [b1779] aged 88 yrs. ------JOHN Y AGNEW d 17 Dec 1938 [death certificate shows d 17 Dec 1937] Wm AGNEW died 27 May 1941 Also MARTHA M. MAWHINNEY daughter of above John Agnew died 18 Dec 1993 aged 88 yrs

In Loving Memory of WILLIAM AGNEW Died 14 th March, 1960 Aged 85 Years Also his wife RACHEL Died 21 st May, 1966 Aged 80 years VICTORIA AGNEW AUNT VICKY Died 2 nd May, 2000 Aged 80 years