

The essence of

K. C. Nicolaou* and Scott A. Snyder Department of , The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037; and Department of Chemistry and , University of California, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093

Edited by Jack Halpern, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, and approved July 1, 2004 (received for review May 27, 2004)

For the past century, the total synthesis of natural products has served as the flagship of and the principal driving force for discovering new chemical reactivity, evaluating physical organic theories, testing the power of existing synthetic methods, and enabling biology and medicine. This perspective article seeks to examine this time-honored and highly demanding art, distilling its essence in an effort to ascertain its power and future potential.

Essence (e´s’ns) n. the most signifi- cant part of a thing’s nature; the sum of the intrinsic properties without which a thing would cease to be what it is, and which are not affected by accidental modifications. (The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary) lthough the practice of total synthesis and the rationale be- hind its pursuit have changed A throughout the course of its history, its most fundamental property has not. At its core, in its most essential form, natural total synthesis is a for discovery, one that is per- haps unparalleled by any other endeavor in the realm of chemical synthesis (1–3). The reason follows: every natural prod- uct type isolated from the seemingly limitless chemical diversity in nature provides a unique set of research oppor- tunities deriving from its distinctive Fig. 1. Structures of quinine (1), (2), (3), F2␣ (4), and cobyric acid three-dimensional architecture and bio- (5), natural products whose total synthesis inspired and resulted in the development of manifold advances logical properties. For instance, in the in chemistry, biology, and medicine. early part of the 20th century, efforts directed toward the synthesis of the an- timalarial agent quinine (1) (Fig. 1) led designed with activity profiles This brief synopsis drawing from just to a sizeable body of knowledge regard- superior to the parent , five examples barely scratches the sur- ing the construction of heteroaromatic and revolutionized the entire peptide- face of the rich history of scientific systems and the unique physical proper- synthesis field. In the 1960s and 1970s, breakthroughs in this field and the po- ties of quinoline and piperidine rings. In members of the eicosanoid family of tential for making fundamental ad- more recent times, its structure has natural products, such as prostaglandin vances. Here, we offer several additional served as the basis for the design of sev- F2a (4), served as the artistic canvas on examples from our own experiences in eral new classes of antimalarial drugs which E. J. Corey was inspired to create the hope that they will illustrate the true that have saved thousands of lives (4). the first catalysts capable of orchestrat- wealth of discoveries that can emanate Similarly, attempts to construct ing asymmetric Diels–Alder reactions. It from more contemporary endeavors in such as progesterone (2) before World also was the arena in which he and his total synthesis. War II provided insights into how car- group developed the now ubiquitous bon–carbon bonds could both be forged Selected Total Synthesis Endeavors family of silyl-based protecting groups, and cleaved, with their partial or total one of the most general and powerful If the past few decades have taught us synthesis ultimately rendering them methods for the catalytic asymmetric anything about the power of our syn- available in quantities that are sufficient thetic tools, it is that we have yet to to propel them into useful drugs, such reduction of ketones (Corey–Bakshi– Shibata reduction), and a series of reach a level of efficiency and deftness as the birth control pill, which is now commensurate to that possessed by na- used by millions of women around the prostaglandin analogs used for various purposes (7). During the same era, the ture. Yet, although we cannot exactly world (5). In the 1950s, the highly sensi- emulate the master chemical artisan, tive ␤-lactam ring of penicillin (3) unique structures possessed by mole- served as the impetus for John Sheehan cules like vitamin B12 and cobyric acid (6) to develop carbodiimide-based re- (5) served as the testing ground for new This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS agents for the formation of peptide reactions and fundamental physical or- office. bonds. This discovery capped the first ganic principles, such as the Eschen- *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: practical synthesis of this essential me- moser corrin synthesis (8) and the [email protected]. dicinal agent, enabled the synthesis of Woodward–Hoffman rules (9). © 2004 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0403799101 PNAS ͉ August 17, 2004 ͉ vol. 101 ͉ no. 33 ͉ 11929–11936 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 synthetic can come close when they develop synthetic strategies toward natural products based on biogenetic considerations because what often re- sults is a concise and elegant construc- tion of molecular complexity. As an added benefit, such approaches also af- ford insights into how reactions can be combined productively into novel cas- cade events. Historical examples of such successes include W. S. Johnson’s syn- thesis of progesterone by means of a series of cation-␲ cyclizations and our own construction of several members of the endiandric acid family of natural products by means of a cascade se- quence that combined electrocycliza- tions and Diels–Alder reactions (10). A more recent entry comes from our research program directed toward se- lected members of the bisorbicillinoid family of natural products (11). For in- stance, although the cage-like natural product trichodimerol (12) (Scheme 1) seemed hopelessly complex on initial inspection based on its dense array of chiral centers and unusual ring frame- work, closer analysis suggested that its entire architecture could arise in a sin- gle step from a far simpler, but highly reactive, intermediate: quinol 7 and its tautomer 8. The operations required to bring about this tantalizing proposal, however, were relatively complex be- cause they involved a dimerization-based domino sequence comprised of two Mi- chael reactions and two ketalizations. After careful experimentation, we were able to accomplish this ambitious series of events in the by carefully cleaving the acetate group within 6 un- der basic conditions to generate the re- Scheme 1. Insights into the synthetic efficiency of nature: total synthesis of trichodimerol (12) through active monomers and then quenching ͞ the reaction with NaH PO ⅐H O. A sim- a dimerization event based on a double Michael ketalization sequence. A different pathway from 6 led 2 4 2 to bisorbicillinol (13) and bisorbibutenolide (14). ilar strategy protocol was employed by Barnes-Seeman and Corey in their suc- cessful synthesis of trichodimerol (12). when targeting a complex natural prod- the power to forge such strained struc- Amazingly, if this protocol was altered uct with a unique conglomeration of tural domains in highly functionalized just slightly, we could also convert 7 and structural motifs. Indeed, rare and chal- settings. By using this gap in methodol- 8 into two other members of the family, lenging molecular features within sec- ogy as an opportunity for discovery, we 13 bisorbicillinol ( ) and bisorbibutenolide ondary metabolites have long presented developed a series of synthetic reactions (14), by coaxing them to participate in synthetic chemists with golden opportu- based on the power of heteroatoms (i.e., an intermolecular Diels–Alder union nities for invention, whether simply by sulfur and phosphorous) to drive these instead (11). Whether or not nature cre- inspiring creative strategies and tactics, entropically disfavored ring closures; ates these natural products in the same way is unknown, but it is difficult to or serving as a stringent testing ground four of these methods are shown in conceive that nature would employ a that reveals weaknesses in the power of Scheme 2. Apart from finding wide- pathway that is any less expedient. In existing methodology to fashion such spread applicability to a range of other any case, these sequences point to one complexity effectively. The brevetoxins synthetic problems, these unique ap- of the key directions for the future of (15, 16) (Scheme 2), the toxic agents proaches were critical to the completion chemical synthesis as pressure increases responsible for the ‘‘Red Tide’’ phenom- of both of these formidable targets, ac- to generate molecular complexity rap- ena, certainly fit this bill with their ex- complishments that have more recently idly through efficient and -econom- quisite array of trans-fused ether rings inspired a host of researchers to attempt ical processes that produce minimal of various sizes (13). Of particular chal- the total synthesis of other cyclic poly- chemical waste. lenge were their medium-sized cyclic ethers, some of even greater size and Similar levels of beauty, challenge, ethers because the that was complexity (14–20). and opportunity for discovery also exist available when we undertook their total In addition to new science emanating in multistep total synthesis, especially synthesis in the 1980s did not possess from well planned endeavors, discover-

11930 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0403799101 Nicolaou and Snyder Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 plored, this field of study might have remained latent for many years to come, if ever uncovered at all. As a final set of examples related to the theme of how challenging molecular connectivities of natural products can lead to new methodology, we mention our recent forays toward diazonamide A, a natural product whose originally proposed structure (48) has recently (26) been revised to 49 (Scheme 4). Both of these architectures offered unique chances to make discoveries of the designed and unexpected varieties. For instance, early efforts directed to- ward the generation of the quaternary center linking the two major macro- cycles of 48 were based on effecting a 5-exo-tet cyclization on a , such as 50, leading to 54 (Scheme 4). This transformation would, indeed, be real- ized eventually, opening a new entry for the formation of such benzofuranone adducts (27). At first, however, initial experiments led to the observation of an unintended cyclofragmentation cascade leading to the highly desirable 3-aryl- benzofuran nucleus (53), a privileged structural motif found in numerous clin- ically used pharmaceuticals. This insight into chemical reactivity inspired us to extend this finding into the realm of split-and-pool combinatorial synthesis, ultimately providing technology for the facile and traceless preparation of di- verse members of this important family of compounds (28). The opportunity to design and de- velop another cascade sequence within the context of the diazonamide A pro- gram came with roadblocks confronted in forming a carbon–carbon bond to Scheme 2. The brevetoxins: ornate architectures whose unique ring systems demanded the develop- close the right macrocycle of the revised ment of several novel synthetic before yielding to total synthesis. structure (49) (29) with enough func- tionality to assemble all its disparate ies can also arise by serendipity when an a new field of chemistry, as the deter- heteroaromatic rings. Inspired by a se- attempt to construct a certain structural mined pursuit of the mechanistic under- ries of seemingly unconnected literature motif does not proceed as expected. Our pinnings of this reaction led to the ratio- precedents, we anticipated that we could accomplish this objective by combining adventures related to the total synthesis nal design of several new reactions. three known reactions into a new single of the CP (31 and 32) Some of the most important of these sequence. As shown in the conversion of (Scheme 3) underscore this mode of processes include the synthesis of het- 55 to 60, those operations were a het- discovery as forging its complex polycy- erocycles from intermediate o- eropinacol reaction initiated by the clic architecture not only demanded the quinodimethanes generated from com- power of SmI complexed to N,N- development of many planned sequences pounds such as 37, the formation of 2 ␣ ␤ dimethylacetamide, in situ N–O bond and new methods but also afforded sev- , -unsaturated compounds from satu- cleavage to generate an amino alcohol, eral examples of unexpected chemical rated precursors (40341), the deprotec- 3 and subsequent peptide coupling. Not reactivity that led to the opportunistic tion of dithianes (42 43), the oxidation only did the successful realization of this 3 development of new chemistry (21–24). of heterocyclic systems (44 45), and cascade sequence represents the first For example, as shown in Scheme 3, the generation of p-quinones from ani- macrocyclization using a heteropinacol 3 treatment of intermediate 33 with Dess– lides (46 47). These studies have also reaction, it also fueled the completion Martin periodinane (DMP) at elevated led to the design and synthesis of a of the revised structure of diazonamide temperatures was expected to provide number of new and highly selective A(49), an endeavor that finally proved 34. Instead, the sole product of this ex- classes of hypervalent iodine its long-questioned structural disposition periment was the polycyclic adduct 36,a (ref. 25 and references therein). Had the (30, 31). Reflecting on this program, as compound of little use for the prosecu- experiment seeking to convert 33 into well as the other programs described tion of our strategy to access the target 34 not been performed and had the ra- thus far from a broader perspective, molecules. Yet, its occurrence unlocked tionale for its outcome never been ex- these endeavors illustrate that virtually

Nicolaou and Snyder PNAS ͉ August 17, 2004 ͉ vol. 101 ͉ no. 33 ͉ 11931 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 tain objectives, then we can likely un- ravel many of the mysteries of biology and gain the insights needed to impart function to molecules of our own imag- ining. Over the course of the past 15 years, one of the most important fami- lies of natural products that has helped to guide scientists in such directions is the enediyne antitumor , the ␥ I flagship of which is calicheamicin 1 (61, Scheme 5) (32). These compounds exhibit their potency by cleaving single- and double-stranded DNA through a diradical species generated upon Berg- man cycloaromatization of their enediyne motif. What is especially inter- esting, however, is the way that nature has loaded a uniquely engineered trig- gering system within each enediyne to set this critical event into motion at just the right moment. For instance, in the case of calicheamicin ␥ I 1 , this process is initiated by the cleav- age of its trisulfide moiety to reveal a thiol species followed by the attack of this newly unveiled motif onto its neigh- boring enone functionality through an intramolecular conjugate-addition reaction. Such ingenious reactivity has inspired chemists to develop their own enediyne systems with equally sophisticated acti- vation devices. As part of our program that culminated in the first total synthe- ␥ sis of calicheamicin 1 in 1992 (33–35), we designed several such compounds by using information gathered from a series of physical organic studies that estab- lished the structural parameters re- quired for cyclic enediynes to undergo Bergman cycloaromatization. As shown in Scheme 5, these molecules ranged from simple hydrocarbons (i.e., 62) acti- vated by exposure to heat to far more ornate systems like 65 (which is a com- pound patterned after the natural prod- uct dynemicin A), whose reactivity was unleashed under basic conditions. The latter of these in vivo-activated designed enediynes exhibited cytotoxicity at pico- Scheme 3. The CP-molecules: a serendipitous discovery during their total synthesis, in what was molar concentrations (36). As such, this expected to be a routine oxidation, served as the catalyst for the design and development of a series of program illustrates how endeavors in new synthetic technologies. total synthesis not only can lead to a better understanding of specific archi- tectural domains but also how the reac- all complex architectures are destined to It is also important to recognize that, tive features of a natural product can lead to some form of discovery. Key to no matter how unique they may be, nat- be harnessed to deliver new classes of this state of affairs is the fact that total ural products are not merely compounds therapeutic agents with real-world synthesis is uncompromising, i.e., no meant to show off the synthetic skills of applicability. atom or within the nature. Secondary metabolites almost Similar themes drove our program structure of a natural product can be always have a specific biochemical pur- toward the clinically used anticancer altered or subtracted to make the task pose, and more often than not, their agent Taxol (69, Fig. 2) (37), in which of synthesizing it any easier. Conse- presence has conferred some form of the presence of two highly functional- quently, every failure along the way evolutionary advantage to the producing ized six-membered rings led to the (and there are usually many failures in organism. This concept has important design of unique Diels–Alder-based syn- such research programs) forces the prac- ramifications because if we can deter- thetic strategies (38) for their construc- titioner to be creative if progress is to mine both how and why nature has tion, and its novel activity inspired the be made toward the final destination. evolved these molecules to achieve cer- design of several types of taxoid mole-

11932 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0403799101 Nicolaou and Snyder Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 aryl ether forming reaction catalyzed by copper salts to generate the two 16- membered macrocyclic rings of the tar- get molecule, a transformation with broad synthetic scope (45–49). The sec- ond task, preparing vancomycin analogs with improved activity, was accom- plished by means of an inventive use of a process known as dynamic combinato- rial screening (also known as target- driven combinatorial synthesis). Drawing insight from the fact that two molecules of vancomycin can bind simultaneously, and reversibly, to its biological target (an L-Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala peptide subunit) through a number of hydrogen bonds, we hypothesized that we could create potent vancomycin-like antibiotics by creating a dimeric form of the natural product. Our method was to expose a collection of monomeric analogs to the biological target by using a reactive han- dle on these building blocks to trap the strongest binders as a new heterodimer. As indicated in Scheme 6, this goal was accomplished under ambient conditions through the power of olefin cross- metathesis by using catalytic amounts of a ruthenium catalyst (50) and a phase- transfer (51). In each round of screening, the predominant product was also the most potent (based on synthe- sizing and testing all dimers separately), with several compounds possessing en- hanced activity relative to vancomycin as well as high potency against several van- comycin-resistant bacterial strains. Again, total synthesis provided an outlet to develop not only new reactions and synthetic strategies but also tools that might prove key in combating bacterial resistance. Our final entry for this article takes total synthesis one step further with another set of bioactive molecules. This group of compounds are the epothilones (73–76, Scheme 7), a family of natural products whose ex- ploration has not only provided an op- portunity to develop new synthetic technology but also is at the brink of providing real medical dividends for the treatment of disease (52). First iso- Scheme 4. The diazonamide A studies: confirming structural assignments and discovering new chemical reactivity. lated in the 1980s, these agents kill tumor cells with extremely high effi- ciency, possessing IC50 values in the low nanomolar range for most of the cules (39–43). Such rationales also pro- product. Achieving the first of these ob- cell lines that constitute a typical first- pelled our work with vancomycin (70, jectives required the development of round anticancer activity screen. Such Scheme 6), the agent currently consid- new synthetic methodology because the potency rivals, and in some cases ex- ered to be the of last resort tests provided by the unique conglomer- ceeds, that possessed by agents like against deadly methicillin-resistant ation of vancomycin’s sensitive func- Taxol and vinblastine, two compounds strains of Staphylococcus aureus (44). tional groups (including seven epimeriz- currently used in the clinic to manage Here, our program sought to accomplish able arylglycines) and stereochemical cancer. Therefore, numerous research- both the total synthesis of the molecule complexity (including 18 chiral centers ers from academe as well as the phar- and, subsequently, the preparation of a and three axes of atropisomerism) were maceutical industry have been lured to series of vancomycin analogs to counter rather rigorous. Most noteworthy among pursue research programs directed bacterial resistance to the parent natural these discoveries was a triazene-driven toward their total synthesis in order to

Nicolaou and Snyder PNAS ͉ August 17, 2004 ͉ vol. 101 ͉ no. 33 ͉ 11933 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Scheme 6. Vancomycin: a synthetic target whose novel architecture afforded the opportunity to de- velop new chemistry, such as a triazene-driven I method for bisaryl ether formation and a cross- Scheme 5. Calicheamicin ␥1 and the enediynes: an opportunity to make fundamental discoveries in chemical synthesis, physical , molecular design, and . metathesis reaction in water to form dimeric van- comycin analogs with activity greater than that of the natural product. render them readily available and to many structural isomers as possible with create new, and potentially better, clin- minimal effort. That goal was achieved way for the intelligent design of novel ical candidates (53). by using the power of -phase syn- epothilone-like structures possessing Some of our work toward these highly thesis along with reactions that could comparable or even more potent and promising molecules is shown in lead to stereochemical mixtures. Thus, selective anticancer properties than the Scheme 7. Unlike most synthetic plans after the synthesis of 77, a compound in which the controlled installation of generated as a mixture of two diaste- parent natural products. One of these stereochemical elements is deemed to reomers by a nonselective , compounds (82) is now in clinical trials be of critical importance, we initially we exploited the nonselective nature of sponsored by Novartis, our collaborator chose to develop a strategy toward the ring-closing to form for its development. Accordingly, this epothilones in which we could access as both E- and Z-macrocycles. Accordingly, work further reinforces the value of nat- from one common resin-bound interme- ural product total synthesis in leading to diate, we were able to access four struc- drug candidates and eventually to useful turally different epothilones (78–81), medicines; in fact, approximately one- compounds that were separated by half of the top-selling pharmaceuticals HPLC and independently elaborated to on the market today either are natural the final targets. This combinatorial ap- products or are based on structures of proach, complemented by target-ori- natural products (55). As an aside, these ented synthesis of specifically designed investigations provided one of the first analogs, led to several hundred distinct examples of a complex natural product compounds whose biological screening being synthesized on solid-support. The Fig. 2. Taxol: total synthesis met the challenge established a clear set of structure–ac- use of the radiofrequency method of through a convergent strategy using two Diels– tivity relationships for the epothilones encoding combinatorial libraries in this Alder reactions. (54). These studies ultimately paved the study was also pioneering (56).

11934 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0403799101 Nicolaou and Snyder Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Scheme 7. The epothilones: use of new solid-phase technology combined with an olefin metathesis-based cyclorelease strategy rapidly generated a number of structural analogs, ultimately culminating in a drug candidate (82) for cancer chemotherapy.

Conclusions vey the richness of this art, and we best regarded as a youngster with a New reactions, cascade sequences and close instead with some words penned brilliant future (2). biomimetic strategies, clinical drug in 2003 by E. J. Corey: We thank our collaborators whose names ap- candidates, physical organic chemistry How many challenging and worthy pear in the references and whose contribu- principles, structure elucidation, art, synthetic targets remain to be discov- tions made this work enjoyable and highly and excitement: the list of discoveries ered? How many truly powerful and rewarding. This work was supported by the and concepts that consistently emanate National Institutes of Health, the Skaggs general new synthetic strategies and Institute for Chemical Biology, American from programs in total synthesis is rich synthetic reactions remain to be dis- BioScience, Merck, Schering Plough, in content and is increasing in length covered? Is there a prospect for the Hoffmann–La Roche, GlaxoWellcome, (57). We leave it for the rest of the development of entirely new ways of Amgen, Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb (fel- insightful Perspectives and research planning or executing synthesis? In lowship to S.A.S.), Boehringer Ingelheim, Zeneca, CaPCURE, the George E. Hewitt articles in this Special Feature dedi- my judgment the opportunities for Foundation, Pfizer (fellowship to S.A.S.), and cated to natural product total synthesis new developments and discoveries the National Science Foundation (fellowship to reinforce these categories and con- are so vast that today’s synthesis is to S.A.S.).

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