Perpetual Care Ticipated La Raising the Money

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Perpetual Care Ticipated La Raising the Money ' " : : f ,,n y New 'OREGON STATES1IAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 14 1929 , !ZZ . i - CALIFOENK'S CREW BEATS WASHINGTON EASILY " W Evangelical Hoop Team Fights Off Presbyterian Threat to Capture Title World's Champions Row to Amity High Hoopsters Make Unusual Record Victory . Fans WiU SCHOOL' Over Rivals From See Johnny- - SUH North in Three Mile Event Beck Pitch THirENDFJ By RUSSELL J. NEWLAND Associated Press Sports Writer IVsA Interest locally In the Denny ESTUARY, Oakland, Williams benefit game at Portland Third Game of Final Series . vAASSP Calif., April 13 ?r Monday between the Portland i atj uver tne saver flecked, green waters of Oakland Es- hy' Bearers and the Hollywood Stars, Declared Unnecessary; tuary, eight young giants and a coxswain mite, members of increased Saturday when It was the world s champion California varsity crew, skimmed to a learned here that Johnny Beck, Final Count 25-2- 0 one-side- d but none the less thrilling three mile victory today former Salem pitcher, has been se- over nMpf - lected to start on the mound for The Evangelical Sunday school their -mwfnor- . n'mla. a X7.v.;4- IIMUUlgVUUB ttixiusjues. Portland. basketball team emerged as the unconcerned as though it were a practice spin, those It will be Beck's first start, but championship quintet in the senior eight stalwart oarsmen launched their shell shortly after then it Isn't league game. Never Sunday school league by defeating noon today: slipped no to the theless, a number of Salem fans the Presbyterians 25 to 20 Satur- starting line, and soon after aped will go down to see the former day night in the second game of along the arm of water to finish Senator perform. Proceeds of the the final playoff. A third game Bfl nFTTF S in IS minutes nd 14 seconds, game will go to the widow and will not be necessary, as the Evan m winner by one-ha- lf child of Denny Williams, gelicals won the first tilt Friday m a w mm mm m m mm m fire and boat Port w lengths. land player who was killed in an night. II to IS. Hasky Crew Trie automobile accident in California The second game started out Strong Bat Vain Spurt during the training season. with a promise of being' as close HARD HITTER Outclassed but not outgamed. "Frisco" Edwards, manager of as the first la the opening quar- tne Huskies Increased their speed the Senators, will be on hand. He ter Evangelical led S to 2, the as they entered the last mile played ball with Denny Williams, Presbyterians Overcame the lead stretchy It was a fine but futile on a school team and on the 'sand-lot- s' and the half ended In a tie, 10 to Aggressive Fighting His Dish effort. Little Mulilns beat a tat- at Portland. While there, he 10. too with the tiller rope handles &Z will attempt to complete arrange The Evangelicals' air tight de Workout at Armory, on the side of the California shell Ti ments for a game between the fense functioned again In the and his booming cries 1 't and third quarter and their opponents of "loom, ssV&l Senators the Bearers here. , Here ' Reveals k ? zoom," floated back to the press with-Bec- scheduled to pitch for were again prevented from scor- " -- ing a field goal, period ending coats a hundred yards In the rear "' ' ' 'I ' i A ' f'S" . Portland. the Salem fight fans who were for- Eight bronzed backs swung "'t t II to 11. After increasing their tunate enough to see Jack Demp-se-y pendulum-lik- e a little deeper; the Vni lead two more points, the winners in action when he was king blue and gold boat responded kept ahead for the remaining min- pin of the heavies, will see. some- with a surge and open water be- Two Couples Wed utes although their opponents thing to pt fa- tween the two widened halt staged a determined rally. remad that until -- ' Ui Bv J I " ' - ' v-- -- mous efficiency ieftftfert wheni the mile from home, five full ' ' . r t 4 wl Each of these teams had won riew Fred Gandette in action her lengths separated the first from Despite 13th Day eight games 'and lost one in the Wednesday night against "Tiny the last. league season prior fo the playoff Hayes of Independence. Terrific Oration Undaunted by the fact that the for the championship. Gandette revelaed in a workout Follows Victory day was the 13 th of the month, Evangelical Presbyterian at the armory Saturday afternoon Under the Fruitvale bridge two couples applied for and re Todd (8) F() Hagemann that he Is an aggressive fighter, sped the victors while a thunder ceived marriage licenses Saturday Bewley (8) ...F.(6) Slegmund boring fn very much on the same ing ovation from massed thou from County Clerk Boyer. The Remington (l).C.(J) H. Colgan Dempsey He will sands proclaimed them coast couples were Leslie Eugene Libby Maves (I) . ...O Johnson style that used. O Woolery champions Young Mul-- Ruby Looney, Flesher work out again 3 o'clock this for 1929. and both of Jeffer (3) afternoon and Monday afternoon. lins stood up and shook hands son, and Bernhara Richard Tuve Hllfiker (2) ...S Hale All fighters on Wednes- with himself and his mates made and Mae Hall, both of Salem. of the the up day night card who are here by for previous tongue lashings Get-Togethe- by dumping the hustling cox AMITY, April IS. (Special) The Amlir Uirh mAatA haakethsll foam, nrutrh fv J. IT. Oamomn r9 that time, will do their final work ship this year but one of players, 8TANFORD WTXS ria. Xhm swain arena Tuesday night swain into the estuary. Two min the Fred Fosrnier, guard, led all high school players in tha state in scoring by amassing a total of 240 points. Tbe Amity basket tossers were easy victors race Yamhill county league competing- - at S o'clock. The public is Invited utes later nine California athletes in the for the championship. Other teams were UNIVERSITY, Tourney Is To had claimed Jerseys .uuuu, iwjiuu, Doenoajt ana wixiamina. 8TANFORD to attend. the white of wiuu, tvuw, Cal.. April 13. (AP) Winning the northerners, a time-honor- ed Sheridan and Willamina tied for second ilace with Seven tFamea iron and fnnr Jnmt uufi. Tha Aml famm nii nln vamA anil Irtmt 13 out of II first places and mak- Be Ended Today custom of the conquered paying events, tribute to the conqueror. Players in the picture are: Tod row. from the left. Warner. r"ohhan. OalvnrnA v VM,mi- - uriiiioma r.m.. w. ing a clean sweep in 7 Ij. Fonrnier, Slassey, Pnntio, Wood. DuChien, rrh nim Stanford University's track team The "Get-Togethe- r" tournament The crews made their bids for Grabel. Cali- bail' glory flood overwhelmed the Southern In prograss for the last ten days council at tide but weather all-star- s,. 106 conditions were not as favorable fornia conference at the Illahee golf club Is to be position 3-- 4 as in other years. The sun peeped him at first base, the that to 334, in a dual meet here concluded today, winners In the LEAGUE TO START iorin dui rareiy irom a gray JOR LEAGUE Rain Prevents Practice of has caused him the most worry, today. matches being treated to lunch at clouded sky and the air was cool and since Stan is handy anywhere thej clubhouse. Dr. J. B. Hill will These conditions, and the fact in the infield, the manager be- supplied with a key, and the one snool ' a new numoer or me that the Bears were not pressed Solons; May Delay League lieves he will hold that assign- who came out to get Harklns' ser- players as they drive down the will be started, ' Mon-- r winning, I ment down acceptably. Practice in indicate that Califor- vices. fairways and later the films will of the commercial SESSION BEGIN so day teams on by nia's varsity is as powerful, if not S There's no chance for the Salem the second games weren't played Other clubs In the Oregon-Washingt- Assuming that Robeus wouldn't be exhibited in the club house and Industrial league in. anticipa- more so than last season's great Senators ball club to hold that until May 6. league are baring agree to that, MIckelson made a players can see how their swings tion of the series to begin. April eight. "regulars vs. yannigans" second proposal to make a trip to are In error and make needed im practice oh practice But anyway, although there their little difficulties too. judg- 92. Tha teams will game today and if the weather won't be any practices today. Man- ing from controversy has Longvlew and toss a coin In the provements. 6 All play Uncertainty Opening the that Olineer field at o'clock Marks doesn't change radically within ager "Frisco" Edwards has just been raging between MontaviHa presence of three witnesses, the era meet at C. A '- HALTS TOURNEY wil theT.!. - Of Race for Pennant; the next week, the opening of the about settled all of his worries by and Longvlew bosses over the ser- winner to get the desired player. RAIN Monday night at'7:3T for a bust PLANS TB Oregon-Washingt- on league up Albany fans held a "booster" Rain continued to prevent play, npss meeting. mm will signing Stanley Pillette, broth- vices of Fred, Harkins. Harklns Yankees Strong have to be postponed too.
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    2017 MEDIA GUIDE GENERAL INFORMATION Location . .Murfreesboro, Tenn. Table of Contents/Quick Facts. 1 Enrollment . .22,511 Media Information. 2-3 Founded . 1911 Schedule. 4 Nickname . Blue Raiders Roster. 5 Colors. Royal Blue and White 2017 Outlook. 6 President. Dr. Sidney A. McPhee Opponent Information . 7-10 Athletic Director. .Chris Massaro C-USA Composite Schedule. .11-15 Athletic Director Phone. .615-898-2452 The 2017 Blue Raiders . .16-47 Sr. Woman’s Administrator . Diane Turnham Aaron Aucker. 17 Athletics Phone . .615-898-2450 Blake Benefi eld. 18 Website . Reid Clements. 19 Conference. Conference USA Devin Conn . 20 Home Field. Reese Smith Jr. Field (2,100) Riley Delgado . .21 Dimensions . 330 - LF/RF, 365 - Alleys, 390 - Center Austin Dennis . .22 Press Box Phone . .615-898-2117 Kevin Dupree. 23 Ticket Offi ce Phone . .615-898-5261 Darrell Freeman . .24 Chase Hensley. 25 BASEBALL STAFF Drew Huff . 26 Head Coach . Jim McGuire Will Jackson . .27 Alma Mater . Cumberland, 1985 Brad Jarreau. 28 Record at MT . 111-117 (4 seasons) Kaleb King . 29 Record at Rend Lake (Ill.) Junior College. 220-116 (4 seasons) Phillip Kunsa . .30 Career Record. 331-233 (8 seasons) Carson Lester. 31 Assistant Coach . .JP Davis, 3rd season (Memphis, 1994) Manuel Lopez . .32 Assistant Coach . .Tim Donnelly, 1st season (Hardin Simmons, 2004) Tanner McDivitt . 33 Volunteer Assistant Coach/Direcor of Operations . .Robbie Britt Cody Puckett . 34 . 2nd season (Maryville, 2015) Will Schnure. 35 Baseball Executive Aide. .Pat Fones Austin Sistrunk . .36 Baseball E-mail . [email protected] Will Small . 37 Baseball Offi ce Phone. .615-898-2961 Caleb Smith .
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