• V. the Rice Thresher Vol. LXXXIX, Issue No. 28 SINCE 1916 Friday, April 26, 2002 Fewer athletic events to be broadcast on KTRU by Mark Berenson both basketball and baseball were in season, when four KTRU submitted proposals to the KFC regarding what they THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF were broadcast. Men's basketball was also broadcast this felt was the appropriate level of athletics on KTRU. Athletics past year. requested a continuation of the three-four policy until July The KTRU Friendly Committee decided unanimously Tues- Besides the elimination of the airing of men's basketball, 1, 2004, and KTRU requested that 40 regular season games be day to reduce the amount of Rice athletics broadcast on KTRU. which will now be broadcast exclusively on commercial broadcast, with the agreement in effect through July 1, 2006. The agreement takes effect Jan. 1 and runs through the radio, the cut in games comes from baseball, which will go KTRU Station Manager Amie Knieper said KTRU was not 2003-'04 school year. from 38 regular-season games broadcast on KTRU to 25. very satisfied with the length of the agreement. KTRU will broadcast all 27 women's basketball games, one Currently, football and most men's basketball games are Knieper, a Wiess College sophomore, said the Athletics baseball game per week until classes end (for a total of 10), and commercially broadcast. Department wanted the agreement to expire in 2004, when its 12 regular-season baseball games after classes end. In addition In addition to airing games, the agreement stipulates that commercial radio broadcast contract with Clear Channel ex- to the one game per week, the Athletics Department will KTRU will web broadcast any games the Athletics Department pires. Then, if the subsequent commercial agreement entailed decide three additional baseball games that will be aired wishes to be covered. fewer games, Knieper suspects Athletics would want more before classes end. In addition, KTRU will broadcast all post- Voting members of the KFC include three undergraduate games on KTRU. season baseball and women's basketball games. students, three faculty members, the KTRU Station Manager, However, Knieper said she felt this consideration was The KFC's plan will lead to KTRU broadcasting 52 regu- one alumni with prior KTRU DJ experience and one staff irrelevant. lar season games per year, as opposed to the 78 under the member. All decisions must be approved by at least six mem- "KTRU has a limit of athletics that it can take," Knieper said. current three-four proposal. The current proposal included bers of the committee. "We felt that if 50 games is the maximum that we can take at the broadcast of three games per week, except for when Prior to the meeting, both the Athletics Department and See KTRl J, Page 6 Students design parking proposal Rally recommendations omission of Parking Commitee's gates, visitor fees

by Meredith Jenkins Trustees, includes gating parking proposal.html, acknowledges the THRESHER STAFF lots across campus, charging visi- need for parking reform, but sug- tors for parking and raising fees for gests slower, more studied imple- About 20 students, faculty and students, faculty and staff. mentation. Although the plan calls staff gathered at Willy's statue last Organizer Michael Leggett, a for consolidated visitor parking, im- Friday to discuss an alternative park- Wiess College senior, revealed a stu- proved signage ana increased fees ing plan. dent-drafted rebuttal to the Parking for students, faculty and staff, it The forum was organized in re- Committee's plan. Leggett said he denounces visitor fees and gated sponse to the parking proposal sub- hopes to present this alternate pro- lots. mitted by the University Standing posal at the May 22 and 23 Leggett said he intends to create Committee on Parking to President The student proposal, which can an online petition on the Web page Malcolm Gillis. The plan, currently be accessed online at http:// to gather student support. pending approval from the Board of www.michaelleggett.com/parking/ See PARKING, Page 7 Judicial affairs to enforce college fees

& by Jenny Rees transcripts or graduating until the mous and so had attempted to ex- THRESHER STAFF fines are paid to the college. tract tardy fees themselves," said Unpaid fees have never been con- Steve Cox, chair of the Masters Com- College courts will receive sup- sidered a matter for the student judi- mittee. "The collection of these fees, port from the Student Judicial Pro- cial system before. however, has placed an unfair bur- grams Office in collecting college In the past, college coordinators den on the college coordinators and fees beginning this year. A change could turn the names of students with student leadership, people who ought in the college judicial system offers unpaid fees into die Cashier's Office, to be facilitating positive change colleges a new method for collect- which would add the fees to the stu- rather than chasing down deadbeats, ing unpaid fees. dents' bills. Students would pay their and so the colleges turned to the Under the new system, college fees to the Cashier's Office, and the Student Judicial Programs Office." courts can charge a student with money would go directly into the A new system was needed to en- failure to pay college fees, hold a college's account, often paying for dam- force college court fines, and the Stu- hearing and fine the student the age fines incurred by the college. Last dent Judicial Programs Office created amount of the unpaid fees. A fine year, the university adopted new bill- the judicial hold process for that pur- SUSHI SUZUKI/THRESHER assessed by the college courts will ing software that does not allow the pose. A judicial hold, placed on a be enforced through the Student Cashier's Office to enforce college fees student's account by the Office of Stu- While they still hare spare time... Judicial Programs Office, which can and fines made by the college courts, dent Judicial Programs, works like a Sid Richardson College sophomore Jett Jones meets an Owl during the place a judicial hold on a student's according to Assistant Vice President medical, financial or admissions hold. activities fair in the Ray Courtyard in the Rice Memorial Center last account, preventing the student from for Student Affairs John Hutchinson. The new judicial hold system pre- Friday during Owl Weekend. registering for classes, receiving "The colleges strive to be autono- See FEES, Page 5 Wiess demolition delayed INSIDE Breaking for exams dent associates, who will now have a by Mark Berenson The Thresher will be taking a three-week hiatus much easier move to the new build- THKKSHF.K EDITORIAL STAFF to ensure that reading the Thresher W\W not distract ing. students from studying for exams. We will return The current Wiess College will In addition, Morgan said he ex- in May with our graduation issue. not be demolished until winter re- pects the current Wiess to play a Good luck on finals. cess, though pre-demolition work role during Orientation Week, with will begin this summer. advisers showing freshmen what Director of Project Management Wiess used to be like. Las Vegas Style Barbara White said her department's "We want to be able to take fresh- Bring your bags and Tupperware to the Gillis- analysis of the demolition process men on a tour of Old Wiess during I-J* Camacho study break which will be held Monday determined that it is not possible to O-Week," Morgan, a junior, said. from 9-11:30 p.m. in the Student Center. complete the demolition this sum- A post-demolition plan for the mer, though parts of the project, land will be determined by Student including the salvage of the site, will Affairs. The most likely option at OPINION Page 3 begin. this point is transforming the site Graduation reminds us of our goals "Because of the asbestos abate- into an intramural field. ment and because the utility turn- Intramural Sports Director Tina A&E Page 11 down is extensive, it will not be pos- Villard said her department is wait- Media Center looks at Rampling sible to tear down Wiess this sum- ing until the construction schedule mer," White said. is set before proceeding with poten- SPORTS Pages 16-17 The actual destruction and rubble tial plans for the site. WAC tennis tournaments preview removal will take place while stu- However, Villard said she had dents are away from campus during heard from the Student Association, winter recess. which reported that students favor Friday Wiess President Robby Morgan creating a sand volleyball court and y jw Cloudy, 70-82 degrees said he is pleased with the decision a small intramural field usable for CHRISTINE LIANG/THRESHER Saturday because it brings several advantages flag football, rather than a full-size Winning pitcher sophomore David Aardsma snares a Mostly cloudy, 73-85 degrees to the college. soccer field, which would require throw during Saturday's game at Reckling Park Sunday Morgan said the postponed cutting down most of the trees on against Hawaii. See Story, Page 14. Partly cloudy, 73-88 degrees teardown is beneficial to the resi- the site. ' <•' t * I • • " •


[ &y oavip cHien r the Ri » EXCLAMATION i nao HOUR(S) OF I Coming to a real sueep NUMBEin RTn e pasT NUMBER compromise pays. r«\ &UT STILL EMOTION a uTTue e>iT _ , utce The KTRU Friendly Committee had its first real test EMOTION this past week and it passed. on While not all sides or all parties are overwhelming NOUN A "FUN" DRUG pleased with the results, the committee achieved its i nave to Finis* a NUMBER ultimate goal of creating a compromise and reaching a conclusion (See Story, Page 1). pae-e papeR a&ouT Tne In the turbulence of last year's KTRU shutdown and the IfftPaCT of bitter aftermath, nobody knew whether the KFC would NOUN really work. The parties involved may not have had high expectations, but they went into the process with open by-PRODUCTS orI THe minds. DieesTive TRacT of Now, KTRU, the Athletics Department and the KFC have worked beyond those resentful days and are pro- naTtve . gressing toward establishing a tradition of peaceful com- POPULATION GROUP promise. aro> i Have a Tino-uno- Everyone acknowledges that KTRU wishes the deal involved broadcasting fewer games and the Athletics sensaTion in «w Department wishes it included broadcasting more BODY PART games. There are also third parties which may not be PLeasant, can'T e>e pleased with the plan. However, the KFC worked out a noR«\aL deal that really does create a compromise between the two parties' original proposals — neither party got ev- erything they wanted. While this deal may change when it is renegotiated in a year and a half, hopefully the cooperative spirit will continue for years to come.

FinaL exa«\ «\ap Lib Making a plan, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

proving a point courts, reparations for damages car- back squirrels in 'clash of civiliza- Reparations can be ried in the spirit can still come from tions'") in the April 19 issue: It cap- The group of students who met at Willy's Statue last more than just money the heart. tured the essence of Rice quirks Friday did better than protest — they discussed, they that really are funny, and I found To the editor: Emily Nghiem myself not only recommending it to planned and they decided to be proactive. Brad Lega's column correctly ac- Baker '88 my friends, but insisting that they The result of that meeting, as well as many previous knowledges legal difficulties in seek- read it immediately. meetings and conversations, was a comprehensive, in- ing reparations for slavery on behalf Insurance increase is I appreciate the addition of inclu- of ancestors ("Aetna, ancient Rome ( sive humor in this section. depth parking proposal to counter the official one pro- reveal value of common law," one more mistake' duced by the University Standing Committee on Parking April 5). However, political oppres- Rebekah Ross sion deserving of reparations con- To the editor: Brown freshman and recommended to the Board of Trustees (See Story, tinues today for many African Ameri- It seems to me that the university Page 1). cans and other minorities in lower is trying to scramble for money from The group's proposal maintains that visitors to the economic classes. all possible and impossible re- Native Americans report high sources, and one of them is health CONTACTING THE university should not be forced to pay for parking while rates of cancer and reproductive dis- insurance. visiting campus. The fact that these students chose to orders linked to toxic waste disposed I thought I would switch to Rice's THRESHER on their land, in part due to the lack health plan after the proposed $500 focus on the proposed fees for visitors — and not the fees of state regulations on reservations health plan reimbursement for the Letters students, faculty and staff will have to pay — demon- and representation in legislatures. 2002-'03 academic year, but this Hispanic and now Arab-American dream faded away after I glanced • Letters to the editor strates their concern for the welfare and reputation of immigrants living in fear of deporta- through the proposed health plan should be sent to the Thresher Rice as a whole rather than for any particular on-campus tion or discrimination are also de- fees. by e-mail to thresher^rice.edu. group. nied equal protection under the laws. The proposed 70 percent increase Letters must be received by Welfare programs hardly provide for the so-called "Plan A" leads to an 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to Their proposal is an ideal form of constructive feed- "reparations" but punish the poor approximately $200 increase for a Friday publication date. back to the administration. Instead of complaining about for saving money, whereas corpo- health insurance even after taking • All letters to the editor rate welfare, which costs taxpayers the proposed, but not confirmed, must be signed and include a results, or even physically protesting them, this group of far more, reimburse expenses to $500 graduate student subsidy into phone number. Rice students students decided to try to make a difference and proposed large companies, thus rewarding the account. and alumni must include their a plan they liked better. rich. Here is what I have to say to the college and year. In , welfare recipients Student Health Insurance Commit- • Letters should be no Though the administration and the Board may never (50 percent Hispanic and over 25 tee: It pays to shop around! Most longer than 250 words in look at the recently-proposed plan, the students have percent African American) are fi- likely, I will be able to find more length. The Thresher reserves nancially discouraged from invest- reasonable insurance and will not the right to edit letters for already succeeded. They have made a statement for all ing in education, daycare, cars or go for the Rice health plan. If the both content and length. Rice students by accepting a challenge and offering homes, perpetuating vicious cycles Student Health Insurance Commit- News Tips ideas. of ignorance and poverty. tee thinks that students will pay what- Reparations not easily assessed ever it proposes, then they are com- • Tips for possible news sto- Hopefully, their actions will serve as a sign that Rice or mandated by government are more mitting one more mistake in addi- ries should be phoned in to students do want to be involved in decisions and can offer appropriately provided voluntarily tion to gating parking lots and bor- the Thresherat (713) 348-4801. through the private sector. Examples rowing money against the endow- Subscribing good suggestions. In the future, perhaps students will be of charitable means of creating eq- ment. more involved in making plans before the outcome is uity include homeownership pro- • Annual subscriptions are final. grams through Habitat for Human- Konstantin Tsvaygboym available for $50 domestic and ity, and free business training through Graduate student, $105 international via first A small group of students talking at Willy's Statue Microbusiness USA, which invests Chemistry department class mail. proved that while Rice students may not protest in giant small loans in low-income neighbor- Advertising hoods. m We accept both display numbers, we are willing to come up with solutions to our Volunteer efforts in poorer com- Squirrels make funny, complaints. and classified advertisements. munities have proven effective in inclusive Backpage Please contact the Thresher addressing economic oppression ads manager for more infor- still plaguing African American and To the editor: mation. Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the Thresher' other minorities. Where the law fails I really enjoyed the Backpage editorial staff. to provide remedies enforceable by article on squirrels ("Bush, Gillis '•S

THE RICE THRESHER OPINION FRIDAY, APRIL 26,2002 I'm part of the problem Bridges of communication should be blown up Very well then, I contradict myself Communication in principle is I would wager that at least 75 per- If, for example, you tell someone Be deliberate: make your highly overrated. cent of the time, if someone says "I think you're catty and selfish. I I think, theoretically, communi- "We need to talk," you're about to feel like slapping you," not only will cation is supposed to make things get fired or dumped or told that the person likely get angry, they diploma more thn a 'receipt' better. someone died. very well may slap you first. Now, Four years have gone by. Time pus. We need to step back and Communication in re- Even worse is "We you have to deal with an angry per- is up. Where do we go from here? question why we do things. lationships makes them need to talk sometime." son and you've lost the element of Unfortunately, a lot of Rice stu- You are young. Revel in your stronger. Communication Now, you have an unde- surprise. What good is that? dents and American youth in gen- youth. Why should you listen to in the workplace makes fined period of time to eral fall right into place authority figures? everyone happier and spend dreading the am- on the paths our teach- Those in power are more productive — we've biguous but inevitable ca- ers, parents and culture thoroughly destroying all heard someone sing lamity. If somebody's go- have pushed us down. the world and have left the praises of interper- Nothing good ever ing to shoot me in the foot, We've grown up in it for us to inherit with sonal communications. I want them to just pull follows the phrase an America that has war, famine and pov- Frankly, at work, I Carly the trigger, not warn me largely been success- erty. don't care who's happy or Kocurek days in advance. " We need to talk ful economically and The system is look- unhappy as long as the Sometimes, I wish without wars or insta- ing out for itself. You're job gets done. Just be- people would just send bility. Sept. 11 affected in or you're not. If you cause you work with someone form letters. That way, when I get us so much because we Ben don't step out of line doesn't mean you want a personal fired or dumped or told that some- However, if you tell someone "I were so well en- Home now, when will you? relationship with them. Besides, one died, I can just pick up the mes- really appreciate your help. I feel trenched in our com- After you've made $30 when people talk about their feel- sage along with the rest of my mail grateful," the person will probably fort zones. million by age 30 in in- ings, things get messy. If everyone and then react appropriately. If I'm ascribe to you any number of vir- At Rice, few of us even know vestment banking are you going in an office went around telling ev- going to cry, I should be able to do tues, including but not limited to about, much less understand, to rally behind the cause of im- eryone how they felt about things, so in a dignified fashion — in the kindness, honesty and openness. world events. We don't have the poverished children then? Why or, even worse, how other people in safety of my room, away from which- Occasionally, people do want you time, we claim. The workload is not now? Why not while you're at the office felt about things, a mini- ever terrible person made me feel to talk about your not-so-happy feel- heavy and there is much to be Rice? mal amount of work would get done, like crying. (Maybe it's okay to feel ings. This is usually because by pro- done — but why are we doing If people call you rebellious but it seems unlikely. A more likely like crying in public, but it is defi- viding a person to vent to or a shoul- those things? What's the point? Is because you don't accept the scenario is that no work would get nitely not okay to do so.) der to cry on, they automatically there some large goal we have, or American culture you are force- done. And, I can almost guarantee that become a better person. They really are we putting our heads down fed, then very well then, embrace This is what makes the people on most people really don't care how care about you — they're so warm, and pushing towards an unknown the term "rebel." I'll gladly be a soap operas so dysfunctional. They you feel, unless they think you're so humane. end? We spend so much of our rebel to a world of injustice and all tell each other too much about going to feel a way that somehow People generally do not want you time working toward our futures hate. how they feel. Communication with benefits them. It's completely ac- to talk about your feelings, unless that we don't really grasp where If you do accept what you're people you want to have personal ceptable to talk about feeling happy, you are going to make them feel or why we're going there, except told, at the very least, know why relationships with isn't automatically grateful or even obligated. Feeling better. that "I've always known I wanted you do. Understand why you be- better either. hurt, distrustful or angry, however, And who cares how they feel? to be a doctor." lieve what you believe. Contrary For starters, let's take this ex- is not. If you don't believe me, try Auniversity, especially a place to logic, understanding what you ample: the widely used phrase "We telling someone how you really feel Carly Kocurek is a Will Rice College as chock full o' goodness as Rice, believe does not begin with decid- need to talk." Nothing good ever sometime without hedging any- sophomore and an arts and enter- has too much to offer for any of us ing what you believe and then follows the phrase "We need to talk." thing. It will work out badly. tainment editor. to take in. Too often, it seems justifying it. Rather, it calls for we're flailing around, trying to investigating without the need for complete two problem sets, a pa- drawing a conclusion. Once you Irony is overrated per and plan a club meeting. We investigate, you begin to under- lose focus, examining only our stand, and in that way come to microworlds and ignore the understand why you believe Hitler no more than 'sniveling, sadistic bully' (in) significance of our actions. things. ( The truth is, most of us can't Realize that when you think When you were learning about one to avoid an ugly truth; I honestly going on. They just don't do what's do everything. Something slips about issues, even a little bit, your the Holocaust in junior high history believe we have mythologized Hitler necessary to end it. — grades, extracurriculars, rela- beliefs will not fall directly in line class, did your teacher or reading to our own detriment. This sounds harsh, I know. I don't tionships. That's fine, as long as with political parties. That's okay. material ever refer to Adolf Hitler as Think of what the word "genius" intend it that way. I certainly don't it's a conscious decision as to what Embrace that imperfection, that an "evil genius"? Did that connotes: A person mean to imply that every tragedy is we choose to pursue. If you value lack of fit. Intelligent people are ever bother you? It sure whose mind and talent preventable, or that any human be- people over grades and recognize too big to be confined that way. didn't sit right with me. makes him influential, ing can be reasonably expected to it, you can best take advantage of If you are an underclassman, I First of all, I don't think powerful, a force that can anticipate or know how to avert ev- your 3ice education by interact- urge you to attend graduation at Hitler was a genius, and steer society in a certain ery potential atrocity. ing with the amazing people here. least once before your senior year. I'm not saying that for the direction. All I'm saying is that we can do If you value community service It puts things in perspective and sake of political correct- In other words, better, and one way to start is to over your social life then spend helps you realize what you're ness. It may be true that, there's the sense that this examine how we think of the people an extra hour tutoring a kid in- working for. It's not too late to get if given an IQ test, he person's ideas represent responsible for atrocities through- stead of an extra hour drinking at bearings on why you're here. It's would score at the genius something bigger than out history. If we focus on their for- pub Thursday night. not too late to add significance to level, but that's not what we — something we can midable intelligence or their mag- The phenomenon of losing (or your actions and choices at Rice. I'm talking about. scarcely comprehend, let netic charisma, we are more likely never having) perspective is not Or to make different choices that To me, there's more alone argue with in a to make excuses for failing to act. unique to Rice, but it abounds are significant. to genius than just intelli- timely or effectual fash- We need to abandon that attitude here. Losing the big picture. It's If you wait too long, four years gence; a true genius must ion. When we allow our- and replace it, not with expectations like the the fact that Rice con- will end and when you receive also possess sufficient imagination selves to be overawed like this, when of perfection, not with self-blame, stantly trims the hedges and cut your diploma, all it will signify is a to apply his or her intelligence in a we approach history with the atti- but with a greater faith in our ability the grass with obnoxious ma- receipt. creative, productive way (Einstein tude that Hitler was a "charismatic to make things better. chines that make every daylight is a good example). Hitler, on the evil genius," we implicitly assign a hour cacophony, while the goal is Ben Horne is a Wiess College other hand, was one of the least larger-than-life, too-big-to-grapple- Raj Wahi (Wiess '99) is a chemistry to make a beautiful, tranquil cam- senior. imaginative men of the twentieth with quality to a man who in truth graduate student. century. He may have had the intel- was little more than a sniveling, sa- ligence of a genius, but it was ne- distic bully. gated by the hatred and arrogance he attempted to pass off as "vision." The Rice Thresher, the official student Why, then, did so many people newspaper at Rice University since 1916, is follow him if he was so foolish? It We have mythologized the Rice Thresher published each Friday during the school year, certainly wasn't because they didn't except during examination periods and know his intentions; the plans he Hitler to our own holidays, by the students of Rice University. laid out in Mein Kampf were more detriment. Editorial and business offices are located than clear. It must have been his Rachel Hustin on the second floor of the Ley Student Center, charisma, then. Right? Editor in Chief 6100 Main St., MS-524, , TX 77005- No. One person's charisma alone 1892. Phone (713) 348-4801. Fax (713) 348- doesn't convince people to know- 5238. E-mail: [email protected]. Web page: ingly engage in mass murder. Hitler I am aware that in writing this, I NEWS LIFESTYLES http://www. riceth resher. org. wouldn't have managed to kill mil- risk passing judgment on others with Liora Danan, Senior Editor Corey E. Devine, Editor Mark Bcrenson, Editor Annual subscription rate: $50 domestic, lions of people if he hadn't been the unfair benefit of hindsight. In Lindsey Gilbert, Asst. Editor CALENDAR $105 international. Nonsubscription rate: first surrounded by people with even less fact, this consideration alone would Ashley Friggel, Editor copy free, second copy $5. imagination than he had, people who have been enough to keep me from OPINION COPY were ready to hear and believe the raising any of these questions if Catherine Adcock, Editor The Thresher reserves the right to refuse liana Feld, Editor any advertising for any reason. Additionally, sorts of things he said. holocausts had indeed ended in Grace Hu, Editor And I'm not just talking about his 1945. But it didn't. That year only SPORTS the Thresher does not take responsibility for the factual content of any ad. Printing an followers in Germany, either. Most marked the end of one specific in- Jonathan Yardley, Editor Skye Schell, Online Editor Jason Gershman, Asst. Editor advertisement does not constitute an of the world leaders who dealt with stance of genocide in one specific Dylan Hedrick, Asst. Editor David Chien, Illustrator endorsement by the Thresher. Hitler had at least an idea of how part of the world. In all other periods ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT dangerous he could be, and they of history, in all other parts of the Natasha Alvandi, Editor BUSINESS Unsigned editorials represent the majority chose to look the other way, whether world, there has been an ongoing Carly Kocurek. Editor Polly D'Avignon, Business Manager opinion of the 77ires/i?reditorial staff. All other it was because of isolationism, anti- epidemic of cruelty, whether in the Lindsay Roemmich, Payroll Manager opinion pieces represent solely the opinion of form of rape, ethnic cleansing, sui- BACKPAGE Lindsay Sutton, Distribution Manager the author. Semitism in their own countries, or Carly Kocurek, Acting Editor Parul Patel, Subscriptions Manager some other consideration. cide bombings, torture or some Margaret Xu, Office Manager Polly D'Avignon, Acting Editor The Thresheris a member of the Associated Why do I bring all this up? Why other atrocity. Collegiate Press and the Society of PHOTOGRAPHY ADVERTISING should it matter whether or not we This is the case even today. Professional Journalists. 1 like the way you Katie Streit, Editor Robert Lee, Ads Manager use the word "genius" to describe People around the world see these Kijana Knight, /lssf. Editor Ethan Varela, Asst. Ads Manager jiggle when you type. Hitler? It matters because words and atrocities and choose to look away. Sushi Suzuki., A«/. Editor Gretchen Raff, Classified Ads Manager rhetoric shape thought, even if only They don't need hindsight or even © COPYRIGHT 2002. subconsciously. I'm not asking any- foresight; they aren't blind to what's THE RICE THRESHER FRIDAY, APRIL 26,2002 _ awards announced

by David Berry you are in a classroom where there in the Rice community. In the past, Huston has held lotteries at 7:30 a.m. THRESHER STAFF is a mutual feeling that neither the professor nor the students want to to limit the enrollment in his classes Political Science Professor John be there." on Shakespeare film and drama. Ambler and English Professor Den- Ambler has recently has taught In addition, Computer Science nis Huston, were among around 25 an introductory course in compara- Professor Ken Kennedy and Chemis- professors who won prestigious tive politics, a 300-level class en- try Professor Rick Smalley were teaching awards earlier this month. titled Western European Democ- named university professors last Ambler is the 2001-02 recipient racies and an advanced seminar in week, an honor that allows them to of the $6,500 George R. Brown Prize comparative public policy. teach in any department of the uni- for Excellence in Teaching, Rice's "I would bet many of the former versity. The professors are the sec- most prestigious teaching award. Six students who voted for me went ond and third university professors other Rice professors are winners of through the whole sequence," he at Rice. The first title was conferred George F. Brown Awards for Sup- said. to James A. Baker III Institute for erior Teaching, each worth $2,000 Although Dennis Huston, a Public Policy Senior Fellow Neal Lane (See Box). professor of English, is no longer upon his return to Rice in 2000 after Brown Award winners were cho- eligible for Brown awards be- serving as director of the National sen by the graduating classes of 1997 cause he has won the maximum Science Foundation and as President and 2000, who voted earlier this year of six, he too received a presti- Clinton's chief science and technol- on which professors they found most gious teaching award earlier this ogy adviser. impressive and influential during month. their time at Rice. A ten-member academic com- When asked about his teaching mittee that honors the most out- success at Rice, Ambler responded standing professors in Texas uni- AWARD WINNERS by praising his students. versities and colleges named George R. Brown Award for Supe- Huston the recipient of the presti- "I came here in 1964 expecting to rior Teaching: stay three or four years, but I'm here gious $5,000 Piper Professor Award. 38 some years later, and that has a Steve Cos, Computational and lot to do with the students," Ambler Huston was named Carnegie Applied Mathematics said. Foundation National Professor of Chandler Davidson, Sociology Ambler called Rice students "very the Year in 1990. He is currently on Terrence Doody, English smart." sabbatical but will resume teach- Michael Gustin, Biochemistry "For the most part they are very ing next fall. Mikki Hebl, Psychology interested in getting an education," Huston could not be reached John Zammito, History Ambler said. for comment, but his enthusiasm "There is nothing worse when for the classroom is well known

SUSHI SUZUKI/THRESHER The most successful all-nighter Lovett College sophomore Caleb Redfield (bottom) collects a laptop computer as his prize for knowing all 24 words that Martel College senior Gavin Parks (top left) and Hanszen College senior Travis Johnson read out during their 24 hour Rice Broadcast Television marathon last Thursday and Friday.


The Student Association met Monday. The following were discussed: • Juniors and seniors can order a class ring in the Campus Store during regular business hours. • The last opportunity for Campanile senior portraits is Thursday from iSSf' -i r I* . noon to 4:30 p.m. at the Senior Picnic in the Ray Courtyard in the Rice Memorial Center. •RIM • Past Campaniles are available in the Campanile office or the Student Activities Office (both on the second floor of the Student Center), or u the Office of Student Media in the Rice Memorial Center cloisters. • Students who will not be in Houston in the fall can have their 2001- '02 Campanile mailed to them for $7.50. Forms are available in the Campanile office. • Sid Richardson College sophomore Jeff Bishop and Wiess College sophomore Rachel Rustin were appointed coordinators of the Stu- dent Institutional Memory Database (See Story. Page 5). • The Senate approved changes to the Rice Taiwanese Association's constitution. The constitution now outlines the responsibilities of •I each officer. • The 2002-03 SA budget was approved by the Senate. Copies can be requested by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. • Senators will be asking members of their college to fill out a survey about attending sports events for the SA Sports and Health Commit- tee. Committee chairs Wiess sophomore Jill Browning and Martel Why is it so hard for a 30-year-old College sophomore Julia Pergola told the Senate they hope to be able to learn what can be done to increase student attendance at When you're young, retirement to think about retirement? games. planning is pretty far down on your list of concerns. Say, somewhere between the melting • Orientation Week Student Director Mike Bader updated the Senate on progress of 0-Week planning. Bader, a Wiess junior, said that polar ice caps and dishpan hands. And that's completely understandable. But by planning changes would be made to combine the all-campus dinner and Rice Night In into one night — Rice Carnival — which would allow the early and sticking to that plan, you can increase the money you'll have to enjoy retirement, colleges to have another night to do activities within the colleges. and potentially decrease the years you'll spend working. We offer a range of different This was the last SA meeting of the school year. options, including tax-deferred retirement plans, SRAs, and IRAs, all with low expenses

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THE RICE THRESHER NEWS FRIDAY, APRIL 26,2002 Forensics moves to Humanities SA names institutional

by Stephanie Dornschneider funded by the university and an the debate team. David Worth will endowment," West said. "We re- THRESHER STAFF join the staff next year to coach memory coordinators cruit, we audition, we travel." debate, as West will be taking a All speech and debate activities West said he hopes the move year of leave. student history during January's Lead- will be part of the School of Hu- brings more clerical help for foren- by Maeve Quigley Dean of Humanities Gale ership Retreat, which is sponsored by manities starting next semester. sics activities, which is needed be- THRESHER STAFF Stokes said West's speech team the Student Activities Office. While speech and communication cause of the paperwork generated has been competing well recently, If a parking proposal in 10 years Together with then SAPresidents classes are already administered by the expansion of the program. including last year's first place in calls for drastic changes to on-cam- Jamie Lisagor and Gavin Parks, a within the School of Humanities, "The team has grown to the the Pi Kappa Delta national tour- pus parking, students would at least student historian search committee the George R. Brown Forensics point that we could probably use nament. have an easy way to find out how was formed. Of three groups of ap- Society has been operating under staff support," West said. At the 2002 National Parliamen- the Vice President for Student Af- students dealt with parking prob- plicants, Bishop and Rustin were tary Debate Championship Tour- lems in the past. selected to receive the $1,000 grant fairs for the past five years. nament in March, the Rice debat- The Student Association an- to begin the historian project. "I think we gain coordination ers won 10th place out of 360 com- nounced last week the appointment Beginning the project in May and of effort," Dan West, debate team petitors. At the 25th Annual Ameri- of Sid Richardson College sopho- working under Hicks, Bishop and coach and School of Humanities 'Teaching and can Forensics Association National more Jeff Bishop and Wiess College Rustin intend to focus on the last 10 lecturer, said. "I have one admin- Individual Events Tournament in coaching is one job sophomore Rachel Rustin as official years of Rice history, extending fur- istrator now who looks over every- April, the Rice speakers placed 14th student life historians, a post desig- ther if necessary. They are sched thing we do." out of 95 schools. that's related — it's all nated to record significant happen- uled to complete the binder by the West said it was sometimes Lovett College senior Jitu ings that affect students at Rice by end of December. SA President Matt frustrating to answer to two deans speech Sardar placed 13th out of 200 in creating a Student Institutional Haynie hopes to then transpose it under the old system. the individual competition. Memory Database. onto the SA Web page, where stu- 'Teaching and coaching is one communications Other Rice students placing in Last year's Senate created the dents could access it. The initial job that's related — it's all speech the top ten or twenty in the speech — Dan West position, and allocated $1,000 as a binder will be organized by issue communications," West said. tournament in April are Hanszen George R. Brown grant to the student (s) that com- and will be available to anyone inter- West said he wanted the new College senior Brook Ames (13th pleted the project. ested in utilizing it. system of organization because Forensics Society coach in Impromptu Speaking), Sid "Issues repeat themselves annually "The administration talks about the department has grown sig- Richardson College sophomore at the college level," Director of Stu- how every year it's like starting over nificantly. Ben Norris (7th in Extemporane- dent Activities Mona Hicks said. "Yall from scratch," Haynie said. "I think When West came to Rice in Five years ago, then Dean Judith ous Speaking), Brown College se- better choose your battles, because this position is a very good thing." 1993, the team was still entirely Brown decided to have the debate nior Chas Cahn (13th in Commu- chances are it's been fought before." Three years ago, then SA Presi- student-run, and English Profes- team operate under the vice presi- nication Analysis and in Poetry Hopeful of preventing more is- dent Anne Countiss developed the sor Dennis Huston taught the only dent for Student Affairs, West said Interpretation) and Jones College sues from repeating themselves, publication "A Short History of the speech c'ass. The debate team had in order to give the team a higher sophomore Elizabeth Wells (13th Bishop, the Campanile editor-in- Student Association." Since then, the been a student club under the profile. in Dramatic Interpretation). chief and Rustin, the Thresher edi- SA has kept minutes and files from School of Humanities since its cre- West said the School of Hu- At the National Parliamentary tor-in-chief, will research Rice events issues in the past years, although ation in 1984, but members of the manities now offers 11 sections of Debate Championship Tourna- in the last 10 years, such as previous they are not organized. team and then Dean of Humani- speech and communications ment in March, Martel College parking debates and college jacks Beyond using the Thresher and ties Allen Matusow were looking classes, for which he serves as the sophomore Brett Murphy and Sid complaints, and record them in a Campanile archives, Bishop and to institutionalize the program with coordinator of curriculum. West freshman Catie Rosenthal placed student history binder. After the first Rustin will talk with students, staff and a full-time instructor. said the classes, which are taught 33rd, and the two-person teams of binder is complete, keeping the administrators and use the Woodson After his first year as debate \ by four speech and communica- both Lovett senior James Dallal record will be included in the job of Research Center, located in Fondren coach, West was hired as an instruc- tions instructors, have been very and Lovett sophomore Malcolm the SA secretary. Library, as their primary sources. tor as well. West said he views the popular, and there are often wait- McCollum and Will Rice College "Students spend so much time Hicks said administrators record programs as a "quasi-varsity sport." ing lists. Jeremy Grace and Wade junior James Sullivan and Brown mobilizing themselves that there's no events on campus in annual reports, "We're ranked nationally, we Hescht serve as lecturers, and sophomore Elise Sumnicht placed time to look at the issues themselves, which indicate how departments compete for the university, we're Grace is also assistant director of 65th. because there's no record," Hicks said. have reached goals they set at the Bishop and Rustin said that even beginning of the year. Administra- with their combined knowledge of tors have tried to express the stu- their publications, they saw there dent voice in their annual reports, wasn't enough of a basis for student Hicks said. Colleges may implement one-time fee history. "Hopefully [Rustin and Bishop] "We don't like how every four or will be able to see significant pieces FEES, from Page 1 five years people forget about what in the last 10 years," Hicks said. sented an opportunity to create a happens at Rice," Bishop said. "Maybe we won't waste so much mechanism for college courts to col- COLLEGE FEES They pitched the idea of recording time." lect unpaid fees through the student judicial system. The college presi- Baker Freshmen: $175. other on-campus: $55 dents and Hutchinson discussed the Brown $65 if on-campus. $50 if off-campus possibility of enforcing payment of Hanszen $74 if on-campus, $52 if off-campus college fees through the judicial hold Lovett $50 if on-campus. $30 if off-campus Beach Lifeguard! system, and the new system will be Martel $67 per year, all paid as freshmen Now's the time, Don't wait implemented on a college-by-college Sid $80 if on campus, $40 if off-campus basis, Hutchinson said. Wiess $52 it on-campus. $25 if off-campus "The object was to leave the col- Will Rice $60 if on-campus. $20 if off-campus Spend your time on the beach in a fun and leges in charge of the fees, not to challenging position working for the Galveston have the university in charge of as- Note: No information was provided by Jones. Beach Patrol. Starting pay $9.00/hr with incen- sessing and collecting fees," Hutchinson said. tives for bonus pay. Salaries increased for The Committee of Masters and Many of the colleges have experi- participate in room jack, which in- EMT's. Discount housing available; summer Presidents approved the new sys- enced problems collecting fees, espe- cludes a fee for laundry and dam- school available at Galveston College or Texas tem on Jan. 17, Cox said. cially from off-campus members. ages to the college. Students who "We have had some problems move off campus will pay nothing. A&M Galveston. Minimum qualification, be collecting fees from individuals who able to swim 500 meters in 9 minutes or less. are often not very involved in the 'We were losing a lot of college," former Hanszen College Call (409) 763-4769 for information or President Erik Vanderlip said. "In ' The collection of these www.galvestonbeachpatrol.org Tryouts March 10, April 28 and May 5. money in our budget the past, we have tended to let these people go if the amount was not that fees, however, has because a lot of off - much. However, this year we have placed an unfair burden new methods of enforcing payment campus people weren't through the Judicial Affairs Office. on the college It has really helped Hanszen collect paying at all.' outstanding fees." coordinators and Summer Storage? — Mani Kumar Baker College was losing around Baker College president $2,(X)0 from its budget every year student leadership.' due to unpaid college fees, Baker — Steve Cox No problem. President Mani Kumar said. Sid Master "We were losing a lot of money in Take it to your neighbor's. Under the new system, if a stu- our budget because a lot of off-cam- dent fails to pay college fees, the pus people weren't paying at all," treasurer of the college can submit a Kumar, a junior, said. Fees at the colleges range from complaint to the college court. The Due to complaints by many off- $50 to $75 for on-campus members court will inform the student of the campus students, especially seniors, and from $20 to $55 for off-campus LLSEYE charge and ask the student to pay the who felt they should not have to pay members. College fees generally in- fees. The court may also hear miti- for parties and other on-campus col- clude laundry, kitchen, computer, gating arguments from the student. lege events that they did not attend, equipment, damage and social fees, STORAGE If the student still refuses to pay, the Baker instituted a new system for as well as key and mailbox deposits. court will request that the Student collecting college fees that will take Most colleges collect at least some www.hullseyestorage.com Judicial Programs Office place a judi- effect next year. Baker will collect portion of their fees on a yearly basis, cial hojd on the student's account. social fees from freshmen for all four but Martel College decided this year The student will pay the college in years. On-campus non-freshmen will to collect fees from freshmen for all 4250 S.W. Freeway 2505 S.W. Freeway order to have the hold removed. be required to pay additional fees to four years. (Hwy 59) @ Weslayan (Hwy 59) <§> Kirby 713.622.6234 713.524.8900 subscribe to the thresher WE ALSO SELL BOXES AN0 MOVING SUPPLIES. THE RICE THRESHER NEWS FRIDAY, APRIL 26,2002 KFC to reevaluate agreement in 18 months

KTRIJ, from Page 1 ment is asking for is about 8 to 9 this time, two years from now, that percent of KTRU programming," will still be the case, and it should Ellis said. not matter what decisions are made Ellis added that he was upset by by outside groups." KTRU's proposal and advocated stay- KFC Chairman Bill Wilson said ing with the three-four plan. the committee felt the expiration of "KTRU asked for the bare mini- the commercial broadcast contract mum amount of games instead of at could be relevant. least trying to compromise," Ellis "It is going to have to be looked at said. "I just found that to be very again," Wilson, the KTRU faculty disingenuous." adviser, said. "It may not be changed, The previous three-four agree- but it certainly needs to be looked at ment was made by Vice President m again." for Student Affairs Zenaido Camacho in November 2000 in re- sponse to a proposal from the KTRU 'must advisory committee, which has 'But we are not going since been replaced by the KFC. The KTRU advisory committee con- to be all happy, just sidered the issue when May re- quested an increase in the amount because the nature of of athletics broadcast on KTRU. our programs are very Prior to this in the previous two 6 years, KTRU had broadcast around different. They have a 25 games a year. HH| To protest Camacho's decision,

SUSHI SUZUKI/THRESHER product to sell, and KTRU DJs played music over a women's basketball game; two days Protesting polution KTRU isn't like that.' later the administration locked stu- — Amie Knieper dents out of the KTRU office and Jones College sophomore Alex Klpp takes part in the Rice Environmental Club's Smog Jog last Friday along had the station broadcast the World KTRU station manager Main Street. The purpose of the event was to bring attention to Houston's poor air quality. Radio Network. The station was shut down for about one week until an agreement was reached be- Knieper said she could under- tween the administration, KTRU stand the rational behind the num- and the Student Association re- ber of games KTRU would broad- garding the operation of KTRU. cast. Knieper said that Title IX, which The agreement included the cre- guarantees gender equality in aca- ation of the KFC. demics, requires all the women's Knieper said she felt the KFC has basketball team's games to be broad- worked as it was intended. cast since all of the men's basketball "It is an agreement that will work," games are broadcast commercially. Knieper said. "But we are not going Knieper said the reasoning be- to be all happy, just because the hind broadcasting the women's bas- nature of our programs are very dif- ketball games made KTRU more ferent. They have a product to sell, amenable to the idea. and KTRU isn't like that." "KTRU can understand the feel- Wilson said he felt it was a fair ing of being the underdog and being compromise that showed the viabil- unrecognized as a sport," Knieper ity of the KFC. said. "I think we can embrace being "The process worked," Wilson the only outlet of women's basket- said. "This is the second time we've ball." opened it, and it's worked both Wilson, an electrical and com- times." puter engineering professor, said he Under the guidelines worked out felt Athletics found full commitment in the aftermath of the KTRU shut- towards women's basketball an im- down, the Athletics Department, portant issue. KTRU, or any faculty/staff member BUSINESS BOOT CAMP "It is a very good program that or student can appeal to the SA. deserves to be covered," Wilson said. FOR NON-BUSINESS MAJORS Athletics Director Bobby May de- clined to comment, citing a lack of SUMMER BUSINESS INSTITUTE familiarity with the KFC's decision. Knieper said she felt the baseball KTRU asked for the An Intensive Course In Business Essentials schedule is appropriate because it bare minimum amount For Non-Business Majors allows more late-season games to be broadcast. of games instead of at The job market today is challenging, demanding new She added that the existence of employees oe well versed in business concepts and practices. the web broadcast was a valuable least trying to capacity, citing a Rice-Nebraska The Summer Business Institute is designed for students like baseball game that 16,000 users lis- compromise. I just you, with little or no business training or experience, giving tened to on the Internet. Knieper found that to be very you an edge to compete for top positions in any field. said more games should be aired in that manner. disingenuous.' • One month, intensive non-degree certificate program "A lot of people do listen to [streaming web broadcasts], more — Scott Ellis • Real-world business knowledge in: accounting, finance, than athletics would like to admit," Rice Baseball radio announcer marketing, information technology, operations she said. management, presentation skills In a letter to Wilson, May said he • Career planning assistance felt the level of athletics on KTRU • Exceptional faculty should stay the same because the However SA President Matt • Nationally-ranked business school in the heart of Dallas, former agreement, reached in No- Haynie said he supported the KFC's a major hub of business vember of 2000, was already a com- decision. promise. "I respect the decision of the KFC 214.768.9008 In addition, May said he felt ath- and am glad to see that the proce- execdev.cox.smu.edu letic events should be broadcast at a dures put in place after the shut- significant level because athletics is down worked to come up with a one of the most purely Rice activi- policy that both sides are happy ties KTRU could broadcast. May with," Haynie said. pointed out in the letter that the Knieper said KTRU has no inten- games are Rice events involving Rice tions of appealing to the SA. student-athletes, and that the broad- Wilson said he expected no prob- casts are bolh produced and com- lems with the implementation of the municated by Rice students, while a policy, despite potential opposition. large part of the listenership is com- "I know for sure that the KTRU posed of Rice alums. management has bought into it, but Sid Richardson College sopho- there are always going to be people more Scott Ellis, who broadcasts base- with different points of view," Wil- ball games, said the composition of son said. the student body should dictate a Knieper said that in addition to SMU m cox higher level of athletic broadcasts. broadcasting athletic events, KTRU "There are over 300 athletes on was looking into the possibility of Summer Business Institute campus — that represents about having a weekly half-hour sports show 15 percent of the student popula- that could feature sports that are not

Southern Methodist University will not discnmirate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sei. age. disability, or veteran statjs. tion, and all the athletics depart- broadcast, such as track and field. SMU's commitment to equal opportunity includes nondiscnmination on the basis of sexual orientation. CX0220050 THE RICE THRESHER NEWS FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2002 Students encourage gradual implementation of parking changes

PARKING, from Page 1 (fees] up every year 30 percent, we Leggett said last Friday's meet- think that $53 is reasonable," Leggett ing wasn't the only rally planned. said. "We're willing to pay our fair Another gathering at Willy's statue share." is scheduled for today, and Leggett The student proposal also ad- said he will continue to publicize the dresses the location of visitor parking. student proposal until the board Leggett said he agrees with the meeting in May. Parking Committee's plan to con- The first issue tackled by the stu- solidate visitor parking to ease con- dent proposal is the university's park- fusion. ing budget. "They want to better consolidate According to members of the the visitors and make what they call Parking Committee, one reason for a way-finding system," Leggett said. their proposal is the $800,(XX) park- "We think this is a good idea, to ing budget deficit, which will in- consolidate the spots and to put up a crease by $ 1 million next year due to lot better signage that says where expenses associated with the new the visitor parking is." parking garage under the Jesse H. Under the Parking Committee Jones Graduate School of Manage- proposal, lots in the East Stadium, ment building. as well as most faculty and staff lots, The student proposal outlines a would be gated and protected by a parking budget that does not include proximity card system. Faculty, staff costs associated with the new ga- and students would enter the lot by rage. waving a card in front of a reader at the entrance. Visitor parking would be consoli- dated in a few lots accessible by 'Why do we want to credit card. Visitors could also park in the new parking garage under the gate our campus Jones School building and pay by cash or credit card. furthermore and, we Close-in lots would be gated by Sept. 1, and the stadium lots would SUSHI SUZUKI/THRESHF think, make it more be gated by Jan. 1 under the Parking Wiess College senior Michael Leggett (left) talks to William Cannady. the chairman of the University Standing closed off to all?' Committee's plan. Committee on Parking, at last Friday's rally held at Willy's statue. Leggett said he does not think — Michael Leggett gates should be used to ensure that at Willy's statue. "It creates a situation where next conducted next year to evaluate Wiess College senior those who park on campus park in Cannady, a professor in the year we're going to have $1 million the effectiveness of the plan, at their assigned lots. School of Architecture, said he is or thereabouts less in the coffers. which point changes could be "There are other ways of doing committed to addressing the needs Tuition's going to go up, or my made. it that have been proposed," of frequent visitors. salary's not going to go up — one of "The protest comes for the board "We don't think the students Leggett said. "Why do we want to "They may not live here and they those two things is going to hap- meeting," Leggett said. "I'll be out should pay for something that's un- gate our campus furthermore and. may not work here, but they contrib- pen." there, even if I'm all by myself, pick- der the Jones School, not necessar- we think, make it more closed off ute to the community, and we're Cannady said a study might be eting the board meeting." ily for the Jones School, but that to all?" going to take care of them," Cannady students most likely won't even be After presenting their proposal, said. using," Leggett said. "This shouldn't the student organizers of the meet- Leggett responded that he ap- come out of the parking fund." ing asked for comments from the preciates the concern about frequent In addition, the student proposal audience. visitors but thinks it should be put in suggests an alternative fee structure Lovett College junior Daniel writing. for on-campus parking. Phillips said he is concerned about "We understand that there are a The Parking Committee has pro- the impact that visitor fees would lot of considerations going to the Student? posed visitor parking fees of $1.50 have on MOB members, many of visitors who are paying," Leggett ? •' frf an hour for close-in lots and $.75 an whom are alumni or community said. "We just don't see it in writing. hour in the East Stadium Lot, with members. If the intent's there, we don't see (notforever) free parking in the West Stadium "We're all worried about it," why it's not in writing." Lot and a maximum fee of $7 per Phillips said. "That's half of our mem- day. bership right there." Student fees would be $53 for the Angela Collman, accounting and (/Sajfify Total Fitness East Stadium Lot, $8 for the West purchasing coordinator in the phys- '[Delaying the Stadium Lot and $113 for the college ics and astronomy department, said Student Membership Discount. lots. All students would face a $6 she thinks those who pay high park- proposal] creates a The semester's almost over, but increase in the shuttle fee, which is ing fees should Ik guaranteed a park- situation where next don't wait to take advantage of currently $31. ing spot. incredible savings on a Bally "When we leave for lunch, we Faculty and staff would pay $400 year we're going to Total Fitness student membership. for the parking garage, $240 for all don't always get our spots back," Join now and use any of our lots east of the Shepherd School of Collman said. "If we're increasing have $1 million or over 385 locations for 4 months Music except for the North Lot, $150 this kind of payment, what kind of by paying only $144. Plus, if you for close-in lots (the North Lot, Jake security do people have that they're thereabouts less in the Hess Court lot, School of Continu- guaranteed a spot?" want to stay a member, you have ing Studies lot and Greenbriar Build- Rose Berridge, department ad- coffers. Tuition's going the option to renew for just $24 ing lot), $90 for the East Stadium Lot ministrator in the physics and as- to go up, or my salary's a month. and $45 for the West Stadium Lot. tronomy department, said she sup- Our clubs have everything you The student proposal does not ports a more gradual implementa- not going to go up.' need to get the results you want, tion of the plan include fees for visitor parking. including: "At some point fifty years from "I'm all for just slowly implement- — William Cannady now, we may need to charge visi- ing this in stages instead of doing it Chairman • Treadmills tors, but what we're saying is we all at once," Berridge said. University Standing 4-MONTH • Cross trainers don't know that," Leggett said. "We Leggett said he thinks the meet- Committee on Parking STUDENT • Elliptical trainers don't have any clear logic as to why ing was helpful. that has to happen." "I do think it was productive," MEMBERSHIP • Stationary bikes Leggett said he does, however, Leggett said. "Although few showed • Resistance equipment agree with the Parking Committee's up, those who did felt strongly about Cannady also said it is unlikely • Group exercise classes proposal to raise fees for students. this stuff, too." that implementation of the Parking s • Certified personal "We think there is a budgetary Before the meeting began, Park- Committee's plan will be delayed. 144 trainers problem, and as long as this isn't ing Committee Chair William "I think the idea of delaying it is abused, as long as they don't jack Cannady spoke with those gathered not going to happen," Cannady said. 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by Mark Berenson speakers are." THRESHER EDITORIAL STAKE Linn said she has heard false ru- mors of needing a ticket to sit in the Preparations for Rice's 89th Com- quad. mencement on May 11 are rapidly There are plenty of seats," Linn coming to an end. said. "Lots of seats go unused be- The commencement ceremony cause they are in the sun." is scheduled for 8:30 -11:30 a.m. in Linn said more seats would be the academic quad. Entertainer Bill set up to ensure enough capacity. Cosby will be giving the commence- In addition, video viewing of com- ment address. mencement will be available in Assistant Director of University Sewall Hall 301 for those who prefer Events Lauren Linn said the uni- to be inside. versity is not expecting much ex- In the event of inclement weather, tra demand because of Cosby's the ceremony will take place at Autry high profde nature, and security Court. Because of the limited seat- will not be heightened from previ- ing capacity of Autry Court, each ous years. graduate will be provided with two

ALEX SIGEDA/THRESHER Secretary to the President Judith tickets to the ceremony. DuVall said part of the reason there Linn said students could pick up would be little extra demand is be- the tickets and their regalia at the cause Rice does not publicize its Campus Store during the week prior commencement speaker. to commencement. "We just keep it within the cam- Graduates should order regalia pus, and then if students and staff as soon as possible if they have not and faculty spread it around their already done so, Linn said. They friends, then fine," DuVall said. "But should also confirm with the we never notify the [Houston] Registrar's Office that their name is Chronicle, KTRH, or the Chronicle of listed in the program in the manner Higher Education as to who our in which they prefer. n The following items were reported to the University Police for the period April 17-23.

Academic Buildings Anderson Hall April 23 Bicycle tires stolen from a secured bike.

SUSHI SUZUKI/THRESHER Parking Lots Learning beyond the classroom Abercrombie Lot April 17 Vehicle boot stolen. A turing machine (above), a type of machine that can allow someone to understand any language, is demon- Allen Center/Cohen April 17 Vehicle boot stolen. strated Tuesday in Famsworth Pavilion in the Ley Student Center. A person views the Doctors Without Borders House Lot exhibit (below) at the Rice Expo, held In the Rice Stadium parking lot Saturday. West Stadium Lot April 18 Vehicle stolen.

Facilities and April 18 Car reported damaged, Engineering Lot and no information was left. Wi Other Areas College Way April 18 Female subject found passed out in Allen Center/Cohen House Lot. Subject was arrested for public intoxication and transported to Harris County Jail. Vehicle was towed.

Entrance No. 12 April 22 Vehicle was struck while parked in lot, and no information was left.

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_THE RICE THRESHER NEWS FRIDAY, APRIL 26,2002 Student panel engages in dialogue on Arab-Israeli conflict by Skye Schell organizations must enforce the ex- THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF isting international laws on human rights and on this issue. He said Six students participated in a U.N. Resolution 242 set out rules for panel discussion on the Arab-Israeli Israel to follow, and that Israel needs conflict in Sammy's Cafe April 17. to work toward compliance with that The panel, entitled "Dialogue resolution. Despite Conflict: Student Perspec- He said the United States is very tives on Israel and Palestine," was biased toward Israel and noted that organized by ADVANCE. About 150 25 percent of U.S. foreign aid — students attended the one-and-a-half more than that allotted for the entire hour discussion. continent of Africa — is given to ADVANCE Student Coordinator Israel. Sabina Dugal introduced the panel, Muallem disagreed and said and said she feels it is especially Resolution 242 includes a number of important to recognize that there yet unmet conditions that must be are more than two viewpoints on reached before Israel withdraws issues involving the Middle East. from the territories. International or- Dugal introduced Assistant Pro- ganizations cannot solve the prob- fessor of History Alex Byrd, the mod- lem, she said. Instead, a solution erator of the panel, and the six stu- must come from within. dent participants. The students "It's a question of every side un- spoke briefly about themselves and derstanding the conflict, not some explained their interest in the Arab- saving grace coming from some- Israeli. where else," Muallem said. Ibrahim Ibrahim, a Martel Col- Azzam, however, said outside lege junior, said his parents, both help is critical and that unbiased Palestinians, fled the Middle East American aid is necessary. and came to America. "The U.S. is essentially funding KIJANA KNIGHT/THRESHER Medical school student Pierre the occupation," he said, adding that Hanszen College sophomore Gaia Muallem (left) looks on as Pierre Azzam (Wiess '01) shares his thoughts at the ADVANCE-sponsored Middle East forum held April 17 in Sammy's Cafe. Azzam (Wiess '01), an Eastern Or- the United States has thus invali- thodox Christian, said his parents dated itself as a moderator in the are also Palestinian and also fled conflict. He believes that only the "Right now, Israel is an apartheid tion of what constitutes terrorism, she said. "So I would suggest that from Israel upon its establishment. European Union or Arab states can state," Ibrahim said. "You have four disagreeing with Azzam's earlier they try a new tactic ... What if we Adir Doliner, a Will Rice College help solve the conflict. million residents that are not given definition. did pour aid into Palestine? What if senior, said he is from a town in Byrd then asked the students rights." "The way I define it is a targeted we gave these people great schools Israel close to Tel Aviv. about their thoughts on the religious, Azzam agreed. killing of civilians to achieve politi- and great opportunities, and hopes Frieda Fotouh, a Wiess College social and cultural components of "It's true that there are Arab Is- cal means," he said. and dreams and futures and food senior, said her parents are from the conflict. Their answers moved raelis that serve on the Knesset," he By this definition, the actions of and lives, and marriages and chil- Cairo, Egypt, and her personal con- rapidly into a discussion of terror- said. "But it's also true that it's illegal the Israeli army could not be classi- dren who don't kill themselves be- nection to the crisis stems from her ism worldwide. for any political party to claim that fied as terrorism, but rather "collat- cause they have so much hatred in- grandfather's status as a prisoner of First, Almagor stated that Pales- an Arab is equal to a Jew in Israeli eral damage," he said. side them? What if that worked?" war while fighting with Israel. tinian society is closed and that there government." Azzam said he thinks that for Gaia Muallem, a Hanszen Col- is no open dialogue that could lead Muallem, however, said she be- peace to come to the region, the lege sophomore, said she is a dual to moderation. She presented the lieves that Israel can give greater Israeli occupation must end. citizen of Israel and the United States, Israeli society as a true "open soci- rights to Jewish citizens because of 'Trust will bring peace. "People rightfully retaliate for and her sister is a soldier in the ety." its nature as a Jewish state. actions against them," he said. Israeli Army. Ibrahim strongly disagreed and The next question was directed I don't care how we get "There is a reason that people are Sid Richardson College junior L said Palestine has a very open soci- at Azzam, the Palestinian Christian, strapping bombs to themselves and l Almagor said she is also a dual citi- ety that was encouraged by Arafat's and asked how he felt about Ameri- trust ...just do it.' blowing themselves up." zen of Israel and the United States. moderate Palestinian Authority. He can Christians supporting the state — Gaia Muallem Muallem reiterated her previous said that in destroying the PA, of Israel for religious reasons. Hanszen College sophomore comments, saying the fundamental Panelist questions Sharon did much to harm that ele- Azzam said it is important to real- element missing in the region is trust. Byrd, also a Baker College resi- ment of moderation and gave ex- ize frhat Israel is a secular and politi- Trust will bring peace," she said. dent associate, began the forum by tremists more power. cal state, not the biblical state that "I don't care how we get trust — we asking the panelists to discuss the Azzam added that for any some Western Christians imagine. Ibrahim disagreed, saying the Is- can build a wall, we can build a moat "stakes" of the crisis for both Israe- progress to occur, both leaders Palestinians can be Christian as well raeli army does actually target civil- — just do it." lis and Palestinians. must recognize each other and be as Muslim, he said, and American ians and that the term "collateral dam- Ibrahim spoke last, summarizing All of the panelists answered, dis- willing to deal with each other. He Christians should remember those age" ignores the reality of the situa- the spirit of what all the panelists cussing the Israeli occupation of said terrorism on both sides must fellow Christians when deciding tion. He mentioned an article that de- had been saying. Palestine and the security and sur- stop. which cause to support. scribed a group of Israeli soldiers us- "Fundamentally, peace means vival of Israel. Another audience question asked ing Palestinian children for target prac- freedom," he said. "For the Palestin- Azzam said he thinks the Israeli what the panelists thought could be tice to emphasize his point that Israe- ians, it means ... freedom from occupation is the main issue at stake 1 done about the 3.9 million Palestin- lis are also involved in terrorism. checkpoints, freedom from humilia- in the crisis and that 35 years of Right now, Israel is an ian refugees. In his final question, Byrd asked tion and freedom from the occupa- repression and killing need to be Fotouh answered the question, the panelists to describe their vision tion. And for the Israelis, it means addressed and ended before any apartheid state. You saying the refugees clearly want to of peace and the steps necessary to freedom from suicide bombings, other progress can be made. have four million go home but such a solution is not reach that goal. freedom from terrorism and [free- Muallem disagreed with this politically feasible. While Israel Almagor said Israel should re- dom] from other attacks on civil- viewpoint, and said listing past griev- residents that are not wants the neighboring Arab states turn to its pre-1967 borders and that ians." ances is unproductive. to absorb the refugees, those states creating a separate Palestinian state Audience member Adam Larson, "It's really an issue of trust," she given rights have not done so, perhaps because is the only possible solution. a Will Rice junior, said he thinks the "I don't care anymore whose fault said, adding that the occupation only — Ibrahim Ibrahim they do not want the huge injustice panel should have included a mem- exists because the Palestinian people to be forgotten. this is," she said. "I just want us to ber without direct ties to the Middle have made it necessary. Martel College junior Muallem also spoke to this issue, both be able to live in our countries East conflict. Ibrahim agreed with Azzam that asserting that Israel is not solely to in some kind of peace." "I would have preferred to see the fundamental issue in the conflict blame for the refugee crisis. When Doliner added that the basic hu- somebody who was interested in [the is the occupation, which he views as 'Terrorism does mean killing any the Arab states attacked the newly man desire for a "normal" life must conflict] not because of their ethnic a violation of basic human and civil innocent civilian, not just an inno- created Israel in 1948 and were de- eventually lead to peace in the re- background, but because of a gen- rights. cent civilian that's an ally to the U.S.," feated, they lost the right to the land gion. He said he expects a "cold eral desire to know about world af- 'To solve this problem, you have he said. "So, inasmuch as the 400 that Israel took, she said. peace" at first, similar to the current fairs," he said. to give basic human rights to the Israelis that have been killed at the She added that she thinks the relationship between Israel and Jor- Even so, Larson said the discus- population," Ibrahim said. hands of suicide bombers are vic- grant of "pockets" of land in the dan and Egypt. sion was a good example of open, Doliner said the term "occupa- tims of terrorism, so are the 1,500 Oslo accords was a large sacrifice Fotouh said both sides should constructive dialogue. tion" has been distorted and that Palestinians that have been killed in for the Israeli people, and there- rise above their anger and try a new "I was very surprised, happily so. Israel's military presence is valid and the West Bank and the Gaza Strip fore, the Palestinians should end solution to the problem. that it was very non-confrontational," necessary. Israel's very survival is over the past nine months." the violence. 'Treating the Palestinians badly he said. "I wish more things like this on the line, he said. Fotouh agreed, claiming that Doliner then returned to the ques- hasn't made the problem go away," happened on the Rice campus." Fotouh brought up a different Sharon's analogy between the Is- Attention: perspective, tying the crisis to raeli-Palestinian conflict and America's political image abroad. America's "war on terrorism" is in- ENGINEERING, "If the U.S. does not deal fairly valid. with the Israeli-Palestinian issue, "If there's one message I'd like to then it loses legitimacy everywhere leave with the audience, it is 'Watch COMPUTER SCIENCE, MATH, else," Fotouh said. out for the rhetoric of Sept. 11,"' She also said a major problem Fotouh said. and SCIENCE MAJORS: with both sides is hypocrisy, both in 3rd and 4"' YEAR UNIVERSITY Students and the people and their leaders. Audience questions GRADUATE Students Needed The Israeli people call for peace After Byrd's last question, he se- and then continue building settle- lected a number of questions sub- For a research study held on THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2002 ments in occupied territory, she said, mitted by the audience and read while Arafat professes interest in them to the panel. peace even while funding terrorism. The first question asked if two CALL SAVITZ: 713-961-8927, ext. 2 Byrd's next question asked what co-religious and multiethnic states Monday to Sunday 9 am to 9 pm constructive role America and inter- could be the solution to the conflict. national groups can play in the peace Most of the panel members who Ask for Henry or Project 9855 process. responded agreed that two separate IF QUALIFIED, YOU WILL BE PAID $100 Ibrahim said he believes that the states are needed and that all people United States and all international must have equal rights in both states. FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION *"*< , f!»


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LL \l ULR \\h i u i THE THRESHER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVENTS AROUND Media Center retrospective to focus on Charlotte Rampling HOUSTON THROUGH MAY 16, 2002. Sarah Ahrens Rampling, had it in spades. FOR THE THRESHER Months later, I was sitting in Sali- "It's a film about what?\?l" This nas' office when he told me that he was my almost constant exclamation was planning a retrospective on EDITORS as I researched the actress Charlotte Rampling's work. He then showed Rampling for her retrospective at Rice me a picture of her from Liliana Media Center, beginning May 3. Cavani's The Night Porter, one of her "A woman having an affair with a early films that has been credited picks chimpanzee. It's hilarious," Kristian with truly launching her interna- Salinas, film series coordinator of tional career — a beautiful young tonight and the Rice Cinema and mastermind woman wearing men's dress pants, tomorrow behind the retrospective, said in ref- held up by suspenders that barely erence to Rampling's performances covered her nipples, long black WE HAVE SOME in NagisaOshima's Max Mon Amour. leather gloves and a Third Reich- issue officer's hat. It was the cool PLANES Intrigued, I rented the film. He was right — it is quite funny — and confidence that was written across for a film about love affairs with ani- her face, this steely charisma that Infernal Bridegroom mals, it has nothing to do with besti- soaked up the outfit she was wear- Productions presents We ality at all. Rampling, it goes without ing, that grabbed me so much more saying, has never been shy of taking than the mere clothing. What was Have Some Planes, a new on challenging, offbeat and often going on that would require such an interdisciplinary dance- downright controversial roles. amazing get-up? t theatre piece by Brian The first time I encountered the The scene in the film in which British/European actress, I was flip- Rampling wears this outfit is one of Jucha. Jucha uses real ping through one of those issues of the creepiest that I have every seen. sources for his dialogue — Vogue that condescends to celebrate (Madonna evidently thought so too. I beauty of every kind. It was an ar- In her Erotica days Rampling's cos- | in this case, the transcript of ticle on 'extreme beauty' (whatever tume is an obvious inspiration. It is *• the conversations between that means), and the accompanying even rumored that she asked Ms. f flight controllers and three of black and white photograph depicted Rampling's co-star, Dirk Bogarde, { one of the most beautiful, beguiling, to appear in one of her music vid- the hijacked planes on Sept. older women I had ever seen. My eos.) The scene is a summation 11. Opening weekend ticket opinion on beauty is basically that moment in a very unsettling film. COURTESY RICE MEDIA CENTER it's a game of dumb luck and genet- Cavani, the film's writer and direc- special tonight and tomorrow Charlotte Rampling, shown here in The Night Porter, screening May 4 at the ics when one is younger, but beauty tor, is said to have written it after an lets you in for $5.99. Rice Media Center, earned her reputation as an actress by taking risky roles. in older women is something that interview she conducted with a Nazi The film reportedly served as inspiration for Madonna's image during her At the Axiom, 2524 McKinney. must be accrued, gathered, written. concentration camp survivor who Erotica era. And this woman, this Charlotte See SURVIVOR. Page 13 Regular-priced tickets are $10-15. Call (713) 522-8443 OUT or AFRICA for reservations. Through i Saturday, May 25. Kentridge exhibit explores apartheid with fused media tomorrow and Elizabeth Decker Sunday THRESHER STAFF Confronted with the complex his- HOUSTON torical and political realities of South Africa in transition, artist William INTERNATIONAL Kentridge looks for answers through FESTIVAL art, and the results are breathtaking.

Do you know you like 'william crepes, but don't know kentridge' much about French i William Kentridge culture? Go to the Rating: -k-k-kir $ (out of five) Houston International t Through June 2, Festival and learn all at the Contemporary about French life. Arts Museum, free.

f $8 advanced tickets, The exhibit, at the Contempo- $10 at the door. Downtown rary Arts Museum through June 2, Houston. For more is the first major American retro- spective of Kentridge's work, and information and the this is the only place to see it in the opportunity to purchase Southwest. It consists of 11 animated films, more than (50 drawings and advanced tickets, visit two video installations. Kentridge's www.hif.org. art reflects a fusion of his work with drawing, film, theater and opera. may 3 The core of the exhibit is a series of eight short films made between MOZART AND 1989 and 1999 that are animated films of the adventures of Soho Eckstein MORE and his alter ego, Felix Teitlebaum, COURTESY CONTEMPORARY ARTS MUSEUM in the transitioning apartheid and "Ubu Tells the Truth" (1997), one of the fascinating pieces at the William Kentridge exhibit at the Contemporary Arts Need a nice study break post-apartheid world of South Africa. Museum, is an animated film made from charcoal drawings. that might also raise your On the surface, the series is a is explored in the contrast between Soho and Felix. There is no clear is displayed in each drawing because narrative of a love triangle, running the individual title characters and winner, though Felix gets in a couple of the faint outlines left from each IQ? Give Mozart a try. See loosely through the films, with more the faceless, snaking masses that fill of good moves that tip the match in scene, while at the same time, the the Houston Symphony prominence some times than oth- the screen, sometimes cheering, his favor. The transient, dreamy drawings are but the garbage, the ers. We meet Soho, the dark-suited sometimes rioting. They silently beg quality of the films is enhanced by empty screens on which the film concert which will feature industrialist baron at the height of for food as Soho enjoys a feast, only the style of drawing Kentridge uses. was performed. master composers. his capitalist glory, building his em- to have Soho throw the remaining The films were made by reworking The issues of chaos, freedom and $20-35. 8 p.m. Moores pire and erecting monuments in his food at them as if he were throwing luminous charcoal drawings hun- guilt are explored in other works in own name. rocks. As the chaos increases, the dreds of times and changing one the exhibit. "Ubu Tells the Truth" Opera House, University of But while Soho revels in his vic- masses grow bolder, take to the detail at a time until they formed a (1997) uses both documentary foot- Houston. For more tories, the thoughtful, naked artist streets and destroy Soho's empire. rough sort of animation. age that capture the violence of peace There is a sense of exposure re- Kentridge is a master with char- marches in South Africa and information, call Felix is dreaming of Mrs. Eckstein. Ultimately, Soho loses his wife to flected in the nakedness of dreamy coal. His works add depth and rich- Kentridge's charcoal animation to (713) 224-7575. Felix, but none of the three seem Felix, who braves the physical and ness to the appearance of the films. explore the promises and failures of satisfied. What emerges emotional hardships of the world Traces of previous scenes run a post apartheid world. at the heart of the series without protection. Soho, by con- through the films, left by the con- "Ubu" lacks the delicacy and wist- is a complex web of emo- trast, hides behind the armor of his stant erasure and redrawing, as when fulness of the Soho and Felix series. tions of loss and guilt and business suit, only to find in the end the wind catches a newspaper and However, it explores the same issues chaos, all set against a that he has shut out too much of the whirls it across the scene, leaving a from a different stance, focusing on fluctuating backdrop of world. Mrs. Eckstein alternates be- trail behind of all the other places it the stark violence and abruptness of apartheid. The films are tween clothed and unclothed, de- has been. There are no perfectly the struggle for freedom, and the not overtly politically am- pending on her preferences at the isolated moments, only a constantly- harsher animation and real footage bitious, but rather reflect moment. changing stream of time with con work well to convey this focus. the uncertainty, hope and The struggle of finding a balance tinual reminders of a still living past. This exhibit is a must see for all. guilt of the historical mo- between too much and too little ex- The final versions of the draw- Kentridge's fascinating search for ment. posure takes on metaphorical real- ings used to make the films are also political answers through his art is The chaos of the films ity in a wrestling match between on display. In a sense, all of one film an exhibit that cannot be missed. 'CS ; • • ">• ' i -•:: '



1424 W«sth«lm»r • 713-528- ('// \ S/.VY / .//. s s/( l si 11\ Movie portrayal of homosexual characters too black and white grounds become temporarily irrel- In his review of The Maltese particularly irksome — self-loath- Jessica Stein labors under such a evant. Think of it as the "idealiza- Falcon, Roger Ebert makes an in- ing closet gays who use gay-hating misconception. In fact, the movie tion" stage of romantic love. Jes- teresting observation about the rhetoric as a smoke screen (Col. recognizes something that many sica falls for Helen because Helen interactions between Humphrey Fitts in American Beauty). There's people do not — namely, that an is interesting, smart, funny, down- Bogart's Sam Spade always something individual's sexuality doesn't al- to-earth, self-assured and sweet. and Peter Lorre's Joel "wrong" with them, as if ways fall neatly into discrete cat- egories such as "gay," "lesbian," It's possible that she also has SURF FLICKS Cairo. Spade, he notes, homosexuality were in- or "straight." There are intermedi- sexual feelings for Helen, and the ON THREE "beats up Joel Cairo... extricably bound up with fact that Jessica starts dating a SCREENS not just because he has a more general pathol- ate points on the continuum. man at the end of the movie to, but because [Cairo] ogy. doesn't negate that. It's just that carries a perfumed Now, here's the re- those feelings aren't strong handkerchief, and you ally strange part: Film Many people enough to sustain a full-blown ro- know what that meant critics and audiences mantic relationship, as both in a 1941 movie." Nice. are aware that the ENVISION all gays negative portrayals of women eventually realize. Every Tuesday At least today's movies or bisexuals as are more enlightened gay, lesbian and bi- So, why is it that people find than that, right? sexual characters are CONFORMING to a complex, sensitive films like Chas- $2.00 Dos Equis still a problem, yetthey ing Amy and Kissing Jessica Stein $2.00 Tequiia Slammers Well, not entirely. If «§: the depiction of "non- often level accusations set of "rules," more objectionable than the films het" characters in the movies is at the wrong movies instead of that portray one-dimensional gay VlSfT OUR W&SfTB less euphemistic today than itwas going after the true offenders. like members stereotypes like Braveheart and www.stfderjfrar.coM 60 years ago, the gay-bashing is The most recent example of this of a SECRET American Beauty? One reason, I more overt as well. Take, for in- is the flak that Heather Juergensen think, is that homosexuality and stance, Richard Longshanks' gay and Jennifer Westfeldt have re- fraternal order. bisexuality are incidental details son in the 1995 film Braveheart. ceived for Kissing Jessica Stein, a in the latter movies, whereas a Aside from a male lover who is Chasing Amy-ish movie about a film that's actually about a well- unceremoniously thrown from a touching same-sex romance that Jessica Stein gets involved in a rounded gay character demands tower to his death, the prince is ultimately doesn't pan out. relationship that seemingly goes that audiences spend an extended the only homosexual character in The biggest complaint I' ve heard against her sexual orientation, but time considering notions about the movie, and guess what? He's about the film is that the title char- what's really happening is that sexuality that don't precisely also the most cartoonish — a acter (Westfeldt), who dated only she's exploring aspects of her match their own. weepy, ineffectual fop whose sole men before beginning her relation- sexuality that she hasn't consid- The fundamental problem, in purpose is to elicit contemptuous, ship with Helen Cooper ered before. Does that mean Jes- other words, is that many people, grim laughter from the audience. (Juergensen), ends up with a man sica is "really" a lesbian who has regardless of their own sexuality, While we're on the subject of after she and Helen break up. The just been in denial all her life? Not envision all gays or bisexuals as villains, here's something else you arc of the story has led a number of necessarily. It also doesn't mean being the same — as conforming might have noticed: Gay and bi- critics to conclude that Juergensen that she's playing a game, or bid- to a set of "rules," like members sexual male movie characters may and Westfeldt "submit that sexual- ing time, or trying to be something of a secret fraternal order. The be more common than in the past, ity is merely a choice — and homo- she's not. The movie is less about reality, of course, is that no one but they still tend to fall into a very sexuality, a diversion for dilet- pinning down Jessica's sexuality can ever hope to completely un- limited number of categories. With tantes," as the Houston Press' than about the process by which derstand any individual's sexual- very few exceptions, they're either Robert Wilonsky wrote. two people fall in love. ity, let alone sexuality in general. wimpy bad guys (Prince Henry in I don't agree with Wilonsky's Still, it is worth examining why Some movies are a good first Braveheart), sexually predatory bad conclusions, but I think I under- a woman who has dated men all step toward that understanding, guys (Tom Ripley in The Talented stand where he's coming from. her life would turn around and but we can't expect them to be Mr. Ripley), flamboyant caricatures Like him, I find the notion of les- date a woman. In this case, Jes- anything more. who practically reduce homosexu- bian "conversion" upon "meeting sica is drawn to the bisexual Helen ality to a fashion statement (Albert the right guy" to be offensive and in a holistic sense, to the extent Raj Wahi (Wiess '99) is a graduate in The Birdcage), or — this one is ignorant, but I don't think Kissing that their respective sexual back- student in chemistry. I

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Last week's advertise- ment incorrectly listed the ages above. We We support Rice athletics. regret the error. THE RICE THRESHER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ERIDAY, APRIL 26, 2002 13

sound and a melodic layer. Kiln" which picks up right where the Another strong point is the previous title track instrumental left album's dynamic contrast — some- off. Moya's vocals are rhythmic on times, the music is even quiet. this catchy song, building up to Rampling tacklesrisky roles None of the tracks quite reach sound explosions after both verses, SURVIVOR, from Page ll Rampling plays the delightfully the raw rock 'n' roll energy of the and eventually the track climacti- had carried on a sadomasochistic bitchy roommate of a sweet Lynn first track. However, this is a credit cally ends with a slowing guitar riff. relationship with one of her cap- Redgrave, to her more recent to the quartet. Rather than wallow in The Godspeed!-like three-minute tors. In this context, the film be- work, such as Signs and Wonders the formulaic, they've created solid instrumental "City of Gold" is car- comes a powerful exploration of opposite Norwegian actor Stellan variations on a theme. ried by hard drumming, cymbals power and subservience in ex- Skarsgard. These tracks cannot slip mind- and strings. treme situations. It takes place What I find so interesting about lessly into the canon of angst-ridden The album then hits its weirdest many years after the war has al- Rampling's characters is the indie-rock. They're fun — people two tracks of garbled vocal noises ready ended, when Rampling's strength they always manage to could dance to these — some even ("I can transform myself into any- character thinks she has escaped hold onto themselves, even in dif- end on a major chord. The lyrics are one I want") and high-pitch squeal- her past forever. She was, accord- ficult circumstances. Sometimes sampler still a little far from upbeat, but who ing, reminiscent of the Boredoms' ing to Bogarde, "the perfect part- this strength is manifested in a cares? Feeling bad has rarely noise bits like "Jakominiplatz." ner in a difficult film and in an delicious bitchiness, such as in The sounded like so much fun. These tracks are not enjoyable by almost impossible role." Ski Bum (which has nothing to do My one gripe with the album is themselves, but when the album is Salinas fell under the spell of with skiing) or the cult classic hot hot heat the basic fact that it's an EP. The five taken as a whole, they provide an Rampling's performance again in Zardoz (which opens with a big tracks amount to only around 17 interesting, if slightly unneeded tran- The Night Porter, and it is because stone head flying out of the sky, minutes of music, and with a full- sition. KNOCK KNOCK of this fascination that he em- declaring that it hates the penis, length album expected soon, the fan "21-87" is sleepily sung with barked on the labor of love three then spewing rifles out of its mouth KNOCK on a budget might be inclined to haunting lyrics in which the vocals years ago that comes to fruition at a bunch of men in red under- wait. drive the song until Moya reaches May 3 with the first film in the pants, Sean Connery among them). Subpop an emotional climax and the drums Other times, this appears as a — Carly Kocurek series, Max Mon Amour, the infa- Rating: it it it 1/2 take over. mous ape-love satire previously steely determination, such as her (out of five) mentioned. small role as Helen, a dying Rounding out the first week- woman trying to unite her family Once, there was rock 'n' roll. It hrsta end of the festival is The Damned, one last time in Aberdeen. One of was fun. It made people dance, and it the film that got Ms. Rampling my favorites is her role as Dorrie was good. Then a dark cloud de- L'ECLAT DU CIEL her role in The Night Porter. Dirk in Woody Allen's fantastic Stardust scended. Music fans were divided Bogarde plays a Nazi in this film Memories. Playing up a vulner- into two camps: those who embraced ETAIT too, and Rampling plays a sup- ability that is sometimes saccharine pop and those who INSOUTENABLE porting role as the daughter of a overlooked in her characters, she laughed at the pop fans, instead steel tycoon in 1930s Germany. portrays the girlfriend of Allen's trumping the musical superiority of Alien 8 Recordings Bogarde, in an article he wrote character, a woman who is out of depressed and depressing rock sing- Rating: itititit for The Daily Telegraph in 1987, her mind for twenty-eight days of ers. (out of five) tells how during the scene in the month, and so completely fan- Recent events seem to indicate which the family is told of the tastic for the other two or three the cloud may be lifting. Case in burning of the Reichstag in Ber- that it makes everything some- Godspeed You Black Emperor! what okay. Allen said he cast her point is Victoria, British Columbia- is a collective nine-member Cana- lin, "Rampling suddenly turned to based Hot Hot Heat's Knock Knock me, her eyes wide with horror at because she "reeks of neurosis." dian rock band that creates epic, "I kiss your broken heart/ I kiss Knock. The five-song album is the orchestral music in which each the terrible implication of what This retrospective is the first band's first on Seattle-based Subpop, lips made of stars/ And the devil's lay ahead, and I instantly saw the of its kind in the world — no one lengthy piece builds to an immense my prisoner tonight/ Got him but is the fifth release the band has climax. If you strip away the huge, power of those wonderful eyes. has yet to put together anything made since forming three years ago. trapped in a box made of shimmer- Green, wide, appalled. No words of this magnitude focusing solely full-sound moments by reducing the ing light/ Tonight I kiss you all/ number of instruments by half and were used, only that look. I have on Rampling's work — and Sali- Beautiful Philistines that you are." never forgotten it." nas has managed to gather a body stir in some folk music, you are left This moves into the album's slow- with Hrsta. When he was approached to of her work that is staggering in est, darkest track, "Silver Planes," its breadth and scope. Several of Hrsta (pronounced hursh-tah), work on The Night Porter several which involves minimalist drones the films are Houston premieres one of the newest of the ever-grow- years later, he demanded that and Moya's teetering voice barely and most are archive prints (the ing number of Godspeed! side Rampling be cast opposite him, squeaking out the words, "And the only copies of the se films around). projects, involves almost solely Mike as opposed to another, at that time, hole in the wall leads clear down to Several, such as Three, you are Moya, one of Godspeed!'s founding more bankable star. the sea ..." probably never going to see any- guitarists. Other members of God- The rest of the films in the The album's most powerful track where else. For anyone interested speed! (Bruce Cawdon on drums retrospective are as brilliantly cho- is the folky "Lucy's Sad" where the in film, especially those inter- and Norsola Johnson on cello) back sen as the first three. They range simple, catchy guitar riff and strings ested in actors and acting, this him up at times. from some of her earlier work, drive the song as Moya's half-asleep including Georgy Girl, in which retrospective is a must-see event. L'eclat du ciel etait insoutenable, voice slowly builds up until he virtu- the first Hrsta album, like most post- ally explodes into a dazzling climax rock albums, moves fairly slowly, in which he is straining under every Schedule of upcoming Rampling movies creating a soothing, dark mood as it word. The album ends with slower, May 3, 8 7 p.m. Max Mon Amour May 10,11 7 p.m. Signs and Wonders The album kicks off with "Le Le flows from track to track. While Low." Despite opening with stylized eerie melodies. May 4 7 p.m. The Night Porter May 10, 11 9 p.m. Aberdeen Godspeed! creates 20-minute ar- Godspeed You Black Emperor! May 5 5 p.m. The Damned May 12 5 p.m. The Cherry Orchard vocals and stripped down instrumen- rangements involving fairly similar is the best point of introduction to May 8 5 p.m. Max Mon Amour May 15, 16 7 p.m. Signs and Wonders tation, the track quickly swells, pick- elements, Hrsta song lengths and this style of music, but Hrsta has May 8 9 p.m. The Night Porter May 15,16 7 p.m. Aberdeen ing up percussion as the singer half- sounds are all over the place. created an enjoyable and melodic May 9 7 p.m. The Damned For further dates and times: 713-348-4882 scolds: "Where's all your passion Regardless, the mood is kept con- gone?/Now you feel famous." album, blending many styles while stant throughout the album, with still creating an accessible sound. The vocals on all the tracks are humming walls of guitar and bass in L'eclat du ciel etait insoutenable half-shouted. A drop more angst in the background. The music and vo- reaches furious crescendos, but still the mix and they'd be unintelligible cals are explosive enough, though, remains spookily soft. and unpleasant, but as are, they work. that this hour-long album never gets Hrsta's project is clearly ambi- One of the best things about Hot boring or repetitive. tious and even experimental at Hot Heat has to be their use of key- The material on l'eclat du ciel times, but the musicians from boards (often set to a piano sound, if etait insoutenable that is immediately Montreal never back down from the skilled keyboardist is not actu- grabbing is not the minute-long making all sorts of hauntingly beau- ally using a piano). instrumentalsof guitar feedback that tiful melodies no matter what the The band's sound overall is heavy knit the work together, but rather musical style. on drums and guitar, but the solid the explosive, folk-noir songs. piano work, particularly on "5Times — Ben Home %i§ili§^S 'Hie first of these songs is "Lime Out of 100," adds an unexpected


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THE RICE THRESHER Friday, April 26, 2002

-THRESHER SPORTS/commentary — Parking fee drives Freshmen pitch Owls past A&M by Jonathan Yardley close to home (plate) THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF Olsen Field in College Station is one It's almost as much of a tradition as the game itself— of college baseball's most intimidating right up there with face paint, hot dogs and the seventh- venues. This gem of a ballpark routinely inning stretch. Although it takes many forms in hosts several thousand swaying, stomp- ballparks and stadiums across the country, paying for a ing, yelling Aggie fans aching to get parking spot has become a great American tradition. In a inside a pitcher's head. society where convenience and ease of access have Rice freshmen Jeff Niemann and become two of our most important priorities, we have WadeTownsend didn't let it happenTues- become accustomed to paying for day as Niemann recovered from early the luxury of a close-up parking control problems to keep the Owls close before the offense erupted en route to a space without having to walk a 7-4 victory over Texas A&M University. mile or more to the sporting event. Niemann appeared to be bothered by Now that our own university the crowd in the early going as he walked has proposed and effectively the first two hitters and gave up an RBI passed a parking payment plan, single, but settled down and got out of students, faculty and university the inning trailing just 2-0. departments are anticipating the His offense picked him up in the third effects of the plan. The 10-year inning with a leadoff walk, three singles Dylan and a run-scoring groundout. Freshman plan will attempt to recover Hedrick parking expenses, which are first baseman Vincent Sinisi capped off the inning with a two-run homer over the currently paid using funds from right field wall for a 5-2 Rice lead. the undergraduate education fund. Sophomore designated hitter Enrique Although the Athletics Department cannot yet Cruz showed off some of his power with officially speak on the predicted effect of the proposed a rocket over the left field wall in the plan, I believe that it will have a minimal negative fourth inning to make it 6-2. impact on Rice sports. Niemann worked into the fifth, but True, there has been much grumbling about the walked the leadoff hitter and left with the plan from students and faculty alike, but sports fans bases loaded and a 6-3 lead forTownsend. CHRISTINE LIANG/THRESHER are of a different breed. Nerves are often problematic for fresh- Sophomore outfielder Chris Kolkhorst scores in the seventh inning of the Owls' 7-6 win men in such situations, especially with Sports patrons already have to pay anywhere from $5 over Hawaii Saturday at Reckling Park, cutting the deficit to 4-2 in the comeback victory. the bases loaded in front of more than for a parking spot in an unpaved dirt lot to S15 for a close 5,000 Aggie fans, but Townsend wasn't pick up his first collegiate victory. Head freshmen often Tuesday, with highlight- space at Astros Field — often more than what I pay for fazed. coach Wayne Graham was not surprised reel plays from senior centerfielder A.J. my nosebleed upper-deck seat. At the Compaq Center, "It really wasn't [intimidating]. Their at such displays of poise under pressure Porfirio, senior third baseman Hunter covered garage parking is free, but the costs are hidden fans weren't really that vocal,"Townsend from his freshmen. Brown and freshman shortstop Paul by the increased price of a Rockets or Aeros ticket. said. "It was just fun. [There wasa] bunch 'These kids have been playing in high Janish, among others. The defense has The fact is that loyal fans who already support the of music going on —just dance with the competition since they're 12 years old — responded to a three-error inning Owls will not mind paying an extra dollar to see their music, have some fun out there, it wasn't it shouldn't bother them," Graham said. April 16 by committing just three errors favorite team play. I would not let a one dollar bad at all. [April 9 at the University of] "Niemann and those guys had to pitch in the last four games. difference stop me from seeing the nationally second- Texas was a lot worse." against Bellaire High School with two, "The defense was absolutely great," ranked baseball team or the nationally sixth-ranked Townsend got a key strikeout of A& M three thousand people in the stands — it Townsend said. "I'd get behind hitters cleanup hitter Neal Stephenson and shouldn't bother them." and leave it right in the middle, and women's track and field team, and this is the exact worked the remaining four innings to The Owls defense bailed out the two See BASEBALL, Page 18 attitude the Rice administration is banking on. When I attend a game or match or track meet or whatever the event may be, I again and again see the same Rice faithful cheering for the blue and white. Hopefully, a discounted preferred parking package Men to race at home, women at Iowa can be made available to these fans, so as not to Dylan Hedrick place third in the event. Wiggins also discourage our most devoted followers. competed in the 400-meter dash, finish- THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF IN FOCUS: TRACK & FIELD Although the fair-weather fans may be turned off by ing second in 51.59. Davis and Pessing being charged more to watch athletes who do not even The forecast for this weekend: hot, Last week: The women ran at the participated in the 800-meter dash fin- get paid to play sports, they must realize how the money sunny and a 100-percent chance of some LSU Team Championship Meet ishing in second and fifth places with is going to be used. In addition to trying to recover fast-flying Owls. and both squads competed in the times of 1:48.48 and 1:50.32, respectively. parking debts, some revenue should be used to make Tomorrow, the men's track and field Mt. SAC Relays in Walnut, Calif. Davis' time is a preliminary qualifying time for the NCAA Championships. substantial parking improvements, such as resurfacing team will compete in the Rice/RunSport What made the difference: Erin Mazza ran a time of 1:53.34, while senior the lots, fixing the potholes and re-striping the pave- Twilight track meet at the Rice Track/ Brand, Adam Davis and Ryan Jeremy LaBuff finished in 1:54.43. ment. If the money is used in this manner, fans might Soccer Stadium, its final home tune-up Harlan all provisionally qualified before the Western Athletic Conference even be glad to pay the parking fee. If the fans leave for the NCAA Championships in "Jeremy won his heat in the 800- outdoor championships also to be held meters after coming back from racing in thinking that our parking lot is not in much better shape their respective events. at Rice. the 1,500," Warren said. "Daniel also than the current state of Shepherd Drive, then they will "There are going to be a lot of good Up next: The men host their won his heat and set a personal best. certainly question the utility of charging for parking. competitors there," men's head coach final warmup meet at the Track/ Overall I give the team a A-minus to a While on the topic of leaving the parking lot, if the Jon Warren said. "McNeese State Uni- Soccer Stadium tomorrow. Field B-plus rating for this week." parking fee at sporting events is collected by a parking versity, Louisiana State University and events begin at 2 p.m. and In other highlights, junior Ryan Harlan attendant at the parking lot entrance, those same SouthwestTexas State University should running at 6 p.m. The women ran an NCAA Championship preliminary travel to Des Moines, Iowa for workers could be used to direct the rush of traffic when all be there as well as a lot of good qualifying time of 13.90. Harlan ran a the Drake Relays. the game is over. The one-dollar fee is well spent if it can unattached runners and a foreign Olym- 13.96 in the finals to place second. Harlan pian in the 400-meter hurdles." reduce the congestion madness at the end of the game. also notched a fifth place showing in the The meet kicks off at 2 p.m. with field "It gives us a chance to focus on academ- shot put with a distance of 50 feet, 5 1/2 Since sports fans are already acclimated to paying events, beginning with the hammer ics in this final week of classes." inches and a ninth place finish in the high fees for parking, I feel that events other than sports throw. Running events start at 6 p.m. Warren was also pleased to be run- jump, clearing a height of 6-4. may suffer the most The Shepherd School's musical with the 400-meter hurdles. ning at home. While the men stay at home this week- performances, Hamman Hall's theatrical productions The women's team will travel to the This is the best situation to have," end, the women will travel to Des Moines, and Duncan Hall's academic lectures, where the tickets Drake Relays in Des Moines, Iowa. Warren said. "It is the best opportunity Iowa to compete in the Drake Relays. are often free or sold only to recover production costs, While both teams have been training to do what we need to do [to qualify] for Last year at the meet, junior Allison could undergo the greatest decline in patronage. for the upcoming WAC Outdoor Champi- the NCAA events." Beckford ran the 10th fastest 400-meter The next few years will be a telling time to see the onships, the track has also undergone some Last weekend, the men traveled to dash time in the world at 56.31. effect of the plan on Rice events. The administration conditioning. During the past month, the Baton Rouge, La. to compete in the Loui- This year, head coach Victor Lopez track was repaired and repainted to fix siana State University Team Champion- must show fans that the money is being used to make hopes the team can run even better. damage caused by Tropical Storm Allison. ship meet. "We're taking a good group up there," improvements to the campus while not alienating Rice "The foundation was repaired and the Freshman Scott Loftin placed third in Lopez said. "We did well last year and are supporters and their pocketbooks. track was resurfaced and restriped," the 1,500-meter run with an outdoor sea- looking for good performances again this The key for the administration will be letting the Warren said. The infield was resodded son-best time of 3:49.14 seconds, while year." fans know the reasoning behind the new cost while too. The whole area is firmer and Pierce placed fifth in 3:51.59. Senior Erin Brand said she hopes to maintaining the convenience of parking near the event springier and the track is probably as "Scott ran well," Pierce said. The compete well in Iowa. For the remainder of this year, or at least until the fast as it's been in ten years." race was there for him. My time was "Originally my time in the 1,500 didn't parking plan is finalized, take me out to the ballgame, With classes ending this week and pretty slow, but it wasn't a bad start. It qualify for the Drake [Relays,]" Brand enjoy the free parking and go Owls! final examinations beginning next week, was something to build on." said. "But with my time last week, I was the Owls are delighted they do not have The Owls' 1,600-meter relay crew of able to get in late." Dylan Hedrick is a Martel College sophomore and an to travel. sophomores Daniel Pessing, Adam Davis last week, the women's team split its and Ben Wiggins, and junior Erik Mazza assistant sports editor. "It's nice to stay at home and run on squad to maximize its training for com , o,ur pwn track," senior Keith Pierce said. ran its best outdoor time of 3:12.90 to » * V <, V. V ' See TRACK, Page 18 THE RICE THRESHER SPORTS FRIDAY, APRIL 26,2002 15


as he saw it and we didn't let it Humber selected to happen anymore after that." try out for Team USA UT went on to defeat A&M 7-6 to earn the division's bid at the Freshman Philip Humber is national championships May 3-5 among a select group of just 19 in Atlanta. Rice, in just its second collegiate players invited to try out year playing in the women's for the 2002 USA Baseball National league, improved on its fourth- Team, coached by University of place finish last year by defeating Louisville head coach I>elo Prado. Baylor University 7-3 in the third- The tryouts will be held in Tucson, place game, marking the third Ariz. June 18-23. straight time Rice has defeated Humber, a righthander from Baylor by at least four goals. Carthage, is 8-1 for the Owls this "I was really proud of how year, mostly as the Saturday our team performed this week- lill IS8 starting pitcher. He is tied for end," Benedict said. "Our abil- 11th in the country with eight ity to play smart made us com- wins, 18th with 11.1 strikeouts petitive with the bigger teams— per nine innings pitched and 31 st [Lankau] is great at picking out , * .. ~ in ERA at 2.22. the other team's weaknesses : : ALEX SIGEDA/THRESHER — Rice Sports Information and that made a big difference Cloud 9 junior Ray Yee lays out for the disc during the sectional tournament last weekend in Austin. throughout the tournament." Top LA. guard signs The young Owls return all of their firepower for next season Cloud 9's reign at sectionals ends with Lady Owls and believe a division title is a realistic goal, especially if they by Chris Larson down all three teams on key points. trip in six years to the national tour- We were also able to pick up our nament, which will be held May The Lady Owls added another can add to their team roster so THRESHER STAFF weapon to their potent lineup that they can make substitutions intensity on offense and make some 24-26 in Spokane, Wash. Wednesday by signing four-time during tournaments — every The men's club ultimate team fin- big plays. The South Region receives just California Interscholastic Federa- Owl had to play the entire game ished third in a tour-team field at last "Our lack of experience began to one bid to the national tournament, tion Southern Section Player of in each match last weekend. weekend's sectional tournament in hurt us as the games stretched on. so Cloud 9 must win the tournament Austin, ending Cloud 9's five-year All the players showed great inten- to see its season continue. Rice is the Year Amber Cunningham to "We have no one graduat- reign as sectional champions. sity, but at times tried to push them- ranked just 107th overall and ninth a national letter-of-intent. ing, we should pick up a couple Missing several of its key players, selves to make plays that they among South Region teams, but the Cunningham, a 5-10 guard from of freshmen and we have two including senior captains Kevin Koller weren't ready to make, which re- players believe that rankings don't Los Angeles, joins Lauren players from last year who will and Steve Abrahams, Rice fell 15-7 to sulted in turnovers." tell much of the story since Rice has Neaves, Rosyland Jeffries and be returning home after study- both the University ofTexas and Texas not competed at full strength in the lattice Elder as the I.ady Owls ing abroad," Benedict said. "It's Against UT's second team, Rice A&M University before rebounding vast majority of its tournaments. And signees for the 2002-'03 season. really hard to play a water polo fell behind 4-1 early before rallying to defeat UTs "B" team 15-5 to secure for an easy 15-5 victory. having faced the region's top two "Amber's pretty versatile, game without subs, much less third place in the tournament. "We were able to pick up our teams last weekend, Cloud 9 won't handles the ball pretty well, can three. I really think we can beat Against UT and A&M. which are level of play and behind our zone be intimidated. shoot the three and can pen- everyone in the Texas Division ranked 20th and 28th, respectively, defense and some big plays ran the "We are looking forward to etrate," head coach Cristy next year when we get some Rice's defense kept the game close next nine points," Yee said. "We got regionals because after sectionals we McKinney said "We're excited more subs." before badly-timed turnovers al- stellar all-around play from [senior] felt that we could be competitive with about her coming and what she — Chris Ixirson lowed Rice's opponents to score Matthew Winslow, and [graduate theotherTexasteams,"Yeesaid. 'We can add to the program." some quick points and take a com- student] Guthrie Partridge and have been plagued by injuries to our Cunningham led Pilgrim manding lead. [sophomore] Bryan Debbink also key players, but this weekend all but High School to a 2002 CIF-SS Men's hoops signs "At times we played the best I've stood out." one returning player will be able to Division 5A crown and to the 3A Player of the Year seen all season, but we were unable Next up for Cloud 9 is the re- play. If we are able to take the inten- state regional finals. She was to maintain that level of play," junior gional tournament tomorrow and sity that we had last weekend into also named Heritage League Men's basketball head coach Ray Yee said. "I was most impressed Sunday in Little Rock, Ark., where regionals, I would say we have an Most Valuable Player and the Willis Wilson completed his lat- with the effort we showed on de- Rice will look to reclaim the regional excellent shot at winning regionals Los Angeles Times Central City est recruiting class Monday by fense, really stepping it up to shut tide it won in 2000 and earn its fifth and making it to nationals." Player of the Year. Cunningham signing Texas 3A Player of the was nominated for McDonald's Year J.R. Harrison to a national All-American status during her letter-of-intent. senior season. Harrison, a 6-foot-6 forward "We're excited about from Gainesville, Texas is the Amber," McKinney said. "We fourth and final high school player PEWERSC©RE think she's kind of an unknown to join the team for next season, in some degrees to a lot of joining fellow new recruits Jamaal people, and we think we found Moore, Alex Spotts and Mike one that can come in here and Kinsella. do some things next year." Harrison helped Gainesville ULTIMATE — Rice Sports Information High School defend its No. 1 state ranking by leading the team to the 2002Texas3Achampionship. Water polo wraps up He was named Most Valuable Player of the state championship year with 3rd place game after scoring 16 points, The women's club water polo grabbing 11 rebounds, dishing team was a model of consistency out six assists and blocking three PREPARATION this season, finishing third at last shots. For the season Harrison weekend'sTexas Division Cham- led the Leopards to a 29-6 record pionships in College Station after while averaging 19 points, 9.5 re- earning the third seed based on bounds and 2.5 blocks per game. regular season results. In addition to all-state and mul- LSAT Course Comparison Rice entered the tournament tiple all-district accolades, with a 4-4 record, having Harrison was named the MVP of PowerScore Kaplan Princeton Review the state tournament as a junior defeated Baylor University and Total Course Hours 80 25 40 Trinity University each twice in 2001 after leading Gainesville while suffering two losses to to the semifinals. Total Lecture / Discussion Hours 64 16 24 both the University of Texas and "Athleticism has been a Texas A&M University, which theme in our recruiting efforts Total In-Class Timed and 4 3 4 earned the division's top two the last few years, and J.R. fits Proctored Practice LSATs respective seeds for the that mold," Wilson said. "What Minimum Instructor LSAT Percentile 99,h 90th 90th Championships. we've been looking for is Early on, it looked like the athleticism to go inside and Hours per Week of LSAT Hotline 25 0 0 streaks were destined to outside, and he's another guy Manned by Instructors continue, as A&M handed Rice who can give that to us." an 11-3 loss Saturday after blow- The Owls had tremendous Personal Set of Every Yes No No ing the game open with several success finding a player at the Real LSAT Question? fastbreak goals early in the state's 3A level last season. In second half. his recruiting class a year ago, Course Cost $1095 $1099 $1099 The Owls' next game against Wilson signed freshman forward top-seeded UT began similarly, Michael Harris, who went on to with the Longhorns tallying a earn Freshman All-America It's a simple equation: few quick goals, but Rice made honors as well as Western some adjustments and was able Athletic Conference Freshman More Hours + Better Instructors + Better Materials + Better Support = Higher Scores to stay competitive the entire of the Year. It is the second con- game before falling by a final secutive year the Owls have put score of 9-6. together excellent recruiting "In the third quarter of the classes. (800) 545 - 1 "750 A&M game, they scored four or "J.R. completes what I believe five goals in a short period of is an excellent recruiting class." time, just because we didn't get Wilson said. "By combining this back on defense quick enough," class with the terrific class we We also offer 16-hour Weekend Courses and LSAT tutoring. junior Kelly Benedict said. "This had last year, we are definitely Call us today for more information! started to happen during the UT making major progress on the game, but (senior coach 1 Rick recruiting front for the program." (Lankau ] called a time out as soon — Rice Sports Information PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.POWERSCORE.COM i|l9H


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STUART SINCLAIR/THRESHER Sophomore William Barker knocked off 13th-ranked Jean Simon of UT Saturday at Jake Hess Tennis Stadium and hopes to lead Rice to a WAC title and an NCAA tournament berth this weekend. Title up for grabs in wide-open WAC

by John Turpin Venkataraman said. "There's no real Jackson came back to push the set THRESHER STAFF reason not to win. It's just a matter of into a tiebreaker while battling performing well." cramps. A disputed ruling on a serve The Western Athletic Conference The Owls performed well in their left Jackson down 4-2 in the tiebreak, tournament takes center stage this last matches of the regular season, and it was enough breathing room weekend as the men's tennis team, splitting matches with No. 15 Uni- for the Longhorns to win and barely ranked 52nd in the country, heads to versity of Texas and Lamar Univer- escape the upset, taking a 4-3 win. Tulsa in hopes of earning a bid to the sity Saturday. The day began with "Cody just played balls out," NCAA tournament. back-and-forth action against heavily Venkataraman said. "It was the best The conference is remarkably favored UT. effort I've seen out on the court." evenly matched, leaving the title UT took the doubles point be- Rice faced Lamar in their second open to any team that can put to- cause Rice could only manage one dual match of the day, so head coach gether a strong weekend. doubles win, an 8-2 decision in favor Ron Smarr rearranged the lineup to No. 30 Southern Methodist Uni- of Jackson and sophomore William rest some players. versity comes in as the favorite. The Barker, who was later named WAC The Owls swept through the Mustangs, a team of solid individual Player of the Week. doubles, taking all three matches players, will be hard to beat, as will Texas'Jean Simon then defaulted and the early lead. Lamar fought the host, No. 42 University of Tulsa. at the No. 1 spot while trailing Barker back, however, to win the No. 5 and 'Team morale is really high right 4-1, evening the team score. After 6 positions in three long sets. Barker now,"juniorCodyJackson said. "It's that, the match was a dogfight, with earned a three-set victory and junior just going to be a matter of having a Rice sophomore Vuk Rajevac and Ramez Qamer won in straight sets few matches go our way." senior Fabien Giraud winning the to put Rice back out in front. The Owls said they have already 4th and 5th spots, both in three sets. After junior Matthias Mathaes, displayed the talent needed to win The Longhorns were able to take had to default at No. 2, senior Rafael the WAC title. the No. 2 and 3 matches in straight Reyes dashed the Cardinals' hopes "We have the same team now sets, leavingjackson out on thecourt by winning a third set tiebreaker in that beat [No. 17Texas] A&M [Uni- in the decisive match. his final home match to give the versity Feb. 20]." senior Prakash Down a break in the third set. Owls a dramatic 4-3 win.

SCOUTING THE FIELD After fading in the second half of the season, Rice should still earn the third seed for this weekend's WAC Championships, setting up a first-round match with Hawaii. The Owls likely need to win the tournament in order to make a return trip to the NCAA tournament — here are the teams standing in their way:

Southern Methodist Boise State

Projected seed: 1 Projected seed: 5 Record: 16-12 (3-0 WAC) Record: 10-12 (1-1 WAC) Intercollegiate Tennis Association ranking: 30 ITA ranking: Not ranked Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4-3 to Fresno Last year's WAC tournament: First year in WAC. State in the semifinals. Outlook: Boise State was ranked for most of the Outlook: The Mustangs are having somewhat of a season before limping through a recent four-match down year after advancing to the Final Four at the losing streak. The Broncos have a shot at advancing to NCAA tournament a year ago, but wins over Fresno the semifinals but their run will likely end there against State, Rice and Tulsa earlier this year make SMU the Tulsa, as Boise State has no top-50 wins yet this default favorite. season.


Projected Seed: 2 Projected seed: 6 UNINVISIBCE TOUR 2002 Record: 15-11 (1-1 WAC) Record: 15-9 (0-0 WAC) ITA ranking: 42 ITA ranking: Not ranked Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4-3 to Rice in the Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4-0 to Fresno State first round. in the first round. FRIDAY, MAY 10 Outlook: The Golden Hurricane closed the season Outlook: The WAC's mystery team, Hawaii has built a with nine straight matches against ranked teams, but solid record against suspect opposition. Their coach, won just three of them. Tulsa has been tough to beat Jim Schwitters, is the winningest coach in collegiate at home, however, defeating Rice as well as No. 23 tennis with 800 wins, but the Warriors will still be hard- This Buds Fbr You: North Carolina. pressed to defeat a tested Rice team in the first round.

Fresno State Nevada SOUTHWEST mms Projected seed: 4 Projected seed: 7 Record: 7-15 (2-1 WAC) Record: 1-13 (0-2 WAC) ITA ranking: 56 ITA ranking: Not ranked VCti/'Onwireless theater Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4 2 to TCU in the Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4-0 to SMU in the www.verizonwirelesstheater.com championship match. first round. Outlook: The Bulldogs earned their ranking by playing Outlook: One of the worst teams in Division I tennis, Call For Tickets 713-629-3700 (automated), or online at Ticfcetmatter.com Tickets also available at all outlets and the Veri/on Wireless Theater Boi one of the most brutal schedules in America, facing Nevada has been shut out seven times. The bottom Get Tickets At CO COM Office *70 Teias Ave 713735-8551 All dates acts, and tlcfcet prices subject to change 12 top-40 opponents, but still have a lot to prove, as of the roster is particularly weak — Nevada's No. 5 without notice. A service charge is added lo each tlcfcet price A Clear Channel they went 1-11 against those teams. player has a 2-23 record and its No. 6 player is 3-24. THE RICE THRESHER SPORTS FRIDAY, APRIL 26,2002 17

Alex Vasquez, D.C., N.D. Fearless Owls ready to score upsets Licensed Naturopathic Physician (Washington) Former Adjunct Professor, Bastyr University by Wei-Han Tan Doctor of Chiropractic THRESHER STAFF Holistic healthcare • Mr.«wiite range of health concerns If confidence is half the battle, • tor the prevention o! disease- • lor peak performance the women's tennis team should lave no problem winning the West- The Whole Health Center Therapeutic Nutrition ;rn Athletic Conference tournament 5177 Richmond, Suite 125 Botanical Medicines championship. Houston. TX 77056 Physical Medicine For the first time in recent history, Phone: (713) 203-7828 www.dralexvasquez.com le Owls truly believe they can win IJlie WAC tournament held today through Sunday in Tulsa, Okla. | "I am really confident because I know where we stand. We recog- nize that we will be the underdogs, but honestly [25th-ranked] Fresno State is the only team that we need to worry about," sophomore Annie Graduates, you've •Goodrich said. "Earlier this season wo lost matches that could have gone either way to three of the seeded worked hard to earn teams. We have grown so much since then. It is very realistic for every- thing to fit together." your diploma Also realistic is the team's goal of taking early momentum by winning the doubles point. "We're focusing intensely on the We'll memorialize it right! doubles point because we need it for our team to win," senior Judith Hagedorn said. "It's really gotten us going, and the way our bracket falls, we have a really good chance." The Owls have won four of their last five matches, taking the doubles For the last five years, ^e've successfully point in each victory. "Staying positive in doubles point framed Rice diplomas. We are one of six is especially important," freshman ROB GADDI/THRESHER Erika Villalobos said. "The key is Senior Judith Hagedorn, seen here dominating her Texas A&M-Corpus Christi framers in Houston who can fiame sheep- being patient and not getting upset opponent April 6, will seek to extend her five-match winning streak this weekend when the Owls compete at the WAC Championships in Tulsa, Okla. skin diplomas in-house with the newest at missed opportunities — just keep moving on." provement this season and our abil- We've been playing really well lately," technologies. This means you can get the Rice's chances have been en- ity to work through the tough times. senior Natalie Briaud said. 'The big- hanced by the tremendous cohesion The Owls have gotten through gest thing for us is team confidence. framing done right and back to you in 3 that was quickly evident to Villalobos those tough times and head If we go in believing that we can win, hours*. and freshman Mindy Ko. confidently into this weekend, but will we can take the whole thing, but if "When I came here, it was nice to be challenged by No. 52 Boise State we go in believing that the seeding see that there was no tension within University and the tournament host, really matters, then we won't. It the team," Ko said. "I think that it's No. 71 University of Tulsa. comes down to whoever shows up really made a difference in our im- "I think it's anybody's game. that day." Perimeter Gallery 713-521 5928 2365 Rice Blvd. SCOUTING THE HELD (in the Village) The WAC will crown a new champion this year, as last year's team championship went to TCU, which now competes in Conference USA. Fresno State is the odds-on favorite, but the Owls, who will likely earn the sixth In-stock frames onlv in 3 hours. We hornwthe Rice Sihvr Savtr canL seed, hope some late-season momentum can carry them to a couple upsets.

Fresno State Nevada

Projected seed: 1 Projected seed: 5 WVMIfWWmwm! Record: 13-5 (4-0 WAC) Record: 5-9 (1-2 WAC) ITA ranking: 25 ITA ranking: Not ranked Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4-2 to TCU in Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4-0 to SMU in first 0 championship match. round. o u i s»Q « Outlook: Fresno State towers over the rest of the Outlook: The Wolf Pack come into the tournament off WAC — the Bulldogs have shut out their last four a solid 5-2 win over UTEP, and their No. 1 player was opponents, all five of their losses have come to top- a first-team all-WAC selection last season. U. L1VN 15 teams and they have two of the nation's top 50 UJ V- A singles players. Texas-El Paso

Boise State Projected seed: 7 Record: 13-6 (3-3 WAC) All Kinds Of Drivers Save With GEICO. Projected Seed: 2 ITA ranking: Not ranked You may know that GE1CO has Record: 20-3 (2-0 WAC) Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4-0 to Tulsa in first been providing high-quality auto round. insurance to some of your neighbors ITA ranking: 51 LA HO Last year's WAC tournament: First year in WAC. Outlook: UTEP's winning percentage is best in school for years You may think you have Outlook: The Broncos have amassed a sparkling history, but the Miners have no wins over ranked teams. to be in government, or have a record this season after returning all of its players BRN 2 RCK spotless driving record to qualify from last year's Big West Conference championship for GElCO's low rates and squad, but have posted just two wins over ranked outstanding service. squads. Their top doubles team, ranked 45th Projected seed: 8 Truth is, all kinds of drivers nationally, has posted eight straight wins. Record: 3-15 (0-1 WAC) ITA ranking: Not ranked can qualify for GEICO. Even if you're not »n government or if your Southern Methodist Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4-0 to Fresno State in first round. driving record isn't spotless, you Projected seed: 3 Outlook: The Rainbow Wahine just don't have the can still save with the GEICO Record: 14-11 (4-1 WAC) depth to compete at this level — they may get past 1 DAD Companies. Louisiana Tech but then will quickly say aloha. NO ITA ranking: Not ranked So if you want quality auto Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4 1 to Fresno insurance with 24-hour service, State in the semifinals. Louisiana Tech affordable rates, a variety of dis- Outlook: SMU may earn the third seed by virtue of its counts. and convenient payment 4-3 win over Tulsa in the Mustangs' last match of the Projected seed: 9 plans, call GEICO We're the A++ season. The Mustangs may be Rice's first-round Record: 4-11 (0-0 WAC) opponent, and the Owls will try to avenge a tight 4-3 ITA ranking: Not ranked rated company that's been insuring loss to SMU March 24. Last year's WAC tournament: First year in WAC. generations of smart drivers for Outlook: The Lady Techsters won't even need to nearly 60 years. unpack in Tulsa after dropping two matches to Division II teams earlier this season. Projected seed: 4 (713) 665-4667 Record: 14-9 (2-1 WAC) San Jose State AUT0INSURANCI ITA ranking: 71 Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4 1 to TCU in the Projected seed: 10 Geico Direct semifinals. Record: 2-9 (0-1 WAC) 5405 Betlaire Outlook: The Golden Hurricane are dangerous due to ITA ranking: Not ranked Houston, TX 7/401 their homecourt advantage — Tulsa has won its last Last year's WAC tournament: Lost 4-0 to Hawaii in four matches at home, including wins over UH and No. play-in game. Government Employees Insurance Co • C.£ICO(.enerai Insurance Co. 66 Tulane. 87th-ranked Alicia Pillay leads the team and Outlook: Freshmen comprise more than half of the GEICO Indemnity Co. » GtlCO Casualty Co is riding a nine-match win streak. Tulsa also squeaked Spartans' roster, and San Jose State is winless against by with a 4-3 win over Rice March 23. Division I teams this season. 1 •^r unk-KW _J| „_ _ BBS rv X- I • ,W.:,: \ . ,V,W v ••if $$»• .1- «

18 THE RICE THRESHER SPORTS FRIDAY, APRIL 26.2002 BY THE HAWAII 1 RICE 9 Score by Innings R H E Pitching strong in sweep of Hawaii Hawaii (14 26, 3-11)000 000 001 — 1 5 2 Rice (34-8, 16-1) 002 101 23X — 9 12 0 april 18-23 Hawaii: Sean Yamashita, Matt Le Ducq (7). Chad BASEBALL, from Page 14 double, and sophomore left fielder Bubela was 4-for-7 while scoring Giannetti (8) and Brian Bock. Rice: Philip Humber, they'd hit a shot at somebody. Ev- Chris Kolkhorst singled to tie the four runs and driving in two in the David Aardsma (9) and Jeff Blackinton. erybody played good defense tonight game once again. series against Hawaii. His two-run Win — Humber (8-1). Loss — Yamashita (2-5). 2B — Hawaii: Gilbride (4); Rice: Arnold (13), Porfirio 2 (12), and that saved me." "I think it's awesome," Brown single in the third inning Friday Blackinton (2). HR — Rice: Sinisi (6). Cruz would add his second home said. "It just shows the character of opened the scoring, and the Owls run of the night and team-leading our team. We never give up—we've exploded for five runs in their final HAWAII 4 RICE 9 11th of the season as Rice (36-8) got that attitude and we believe we two at-bats as Rice rolled 9-1. Fresh- Score by Innings R H E earned a big midweek win against can beat anybody." man Philip Humber (7-1) worked Hawaii (14-25, 3-10)201 000 010 — 4 8 2 rival No. 19 Texas A&M (31-16). Brown was the hero in the elev- eight scoreless innings, striking out Rice (33-8, 15-1) 110 430 00X — 9 14 2 seven while surrendering just three Hawaii: Chris George, Bryan Lee (4), Jason Piepmeier "It was good to get a win," junior enth inning, lining a double to deep (7) and Brian Bock. Rice: Steven Herce and Justin catcher Justin Ruchti said. "This was right center field to score Sinisi and hits and striking out seven. Humber Ruchti, Jeff Blackinton. big for us because these guys are give the Owls their second dramatic is second on the team in wins behind Win — Herce (9-1). Loss — George (4-3). 2B — junior Steven Herce, who fired his BASEBALL Hawaii: Omori (15), Martines (9); Rice: Arnold (12), ranked and this could've hurt us if victory in four games. Bubela (8). 3B — Rice: Porfirio (2). HR — Rice: we lost." "I was just trying to stay back — third complete game Thursday in a Kolkhorst (3). It was the Owls' eighth consecu- I was kinda pulling off the ball all 9-4 win that tied him for fourth place RICE 7 TEXAS A&M 4 in the country with nine wins. Porfirio tive victory, coming on the heels of day," Brown said. "Luckily, I got a Rice (36-8) Texas A&M (31-16) MEN'S TENNIS another Western Athletic Confer- good piece of the bat on it, and we provided the offense, going 5-for-9 Name (pos) AB H Bl Name (pos) ABR H Bl ence series sweep against the Uni- were able to score." in the Hawaii series, including 3 RBI Kolkhorst If 4 1 1 Reed cf 3 TEXAS 4 RICE 3 Porfirio cf Alexandr ss 3 versity of Hawaii. Senior right fielder Mike Lorsbach in each of the first two games. Arnold 2b Meyer c 3 Singles Sinisi lb Stephnsn rf 4 The series' most dramatic game had a big day against Hawaii, going The Owls will try to extend their 1. William Barker (RU) d. Jean Simon (UT) 4-1, ret. Brown 3b Evans dh 4 2. Rodrigo Echagaray (UT) d. Matthias Mathaes (RU) was the Saturday finale, when the 3-for-4 and leading off the tenth in- 14-game home winning streak this Janish ss Pouk lb 4 6-4, 6 3 Owls rallied from 4-1 and 6-4 defi- ning with a key walk to spark the Cruz dh Garner 2b 4 weekend against Louisiana Tech 3. Drew Hoskins (UT) d. Prakash Venkataraman (RU) Davis rf Wrdnsky 3b 3 cits to take the game 7-6 in 11 in- rally. Lorsbach and junior outfielder University in WAC play and keep 6-4, 6-1 Ruchti c Lang If 3 4. Vuk Rajevac (RU) d. Alastair Jenkin (UT) 2-6, 6-1, nings. Dane Bubela are two lefthanded hit- that homefield advantage into the Niemann p Ponder p 0 7-6 Townsend p 0 Parcus p 0 Sophomore outfielder Austin ters who are not in every game, but postseason. 5. Fabien Giraud (RU) d. Roger Gubser (UT) 4-6, 6-4, Totals 34 7 10 6 Totals 31 4 Davis doubled down the left field are often counted upon to step in "To get the sweep at home, it's 6-3 6. Mike Domanski (UT) d. Cody Jackson (RU) 3-6, 7- line with two outs in the bottom of against righthanded pitching. big — it feels great," Brown said. Score by Innings R H E 5, 7-6 the eighth inning to score Janish, "It's frustrating when [Coach Gra- "We've been playing real well at Rice 005 100 001 — 7 10 0 Texas A&M 200 010 100 — 4 5 1 who had singled, to tie the game 4- ham] pulls me but I understand why home, and we like playing here, so Doubles 1. Echagaray/Simon (UT) d. Mathaes/Venkataraman E — Meyer (3). DP — Texas A&M 1. LOB — Rice 2, 4. In the tenth inning, Hawaii took he's doing it," Ruchti said. "We've got we need to keep on playing well so (RU) 8-4 Texas A&M 5. 2B — Kolkhorst (11), Sinisi (17). HR a 6-4 lead, but Janish struck again guys that come off the bench and hit we can get a regional here and hope- 2. Barker/Jackson (RU) d. Hoskins/Will Clinton (UT) — Sinisi (7), Cruz 2 (11). SF — Meyer (2). SB — Reed 82 in the bottom half with an RBI the ball extremely well." fully a super regional as well." (14). CS — Arnold (3), Davis (2). 3. Ryan Haymond/Jenkin (UT) d. Giraud/Rafael Reyes IP H R ER BB SO (RU) 8-5 Rice Niemann 4.2 LAMAR 3 RICE 4 Townsend 4.1 Health, training concern Owl women Texas A&M Singles TRACK, from Page 14 while senior Keitha Moseley finished Hinshaw and Ally Daum finished Ponder 4.2 1. William Barker (RU) d. Jakob Paulsen (LU) 7-5. 6- Parcus 4.1 7, 6 2 petition. Rice runners competed in the race in 24.14. Beckford placed second and third in the pole vault, 2. Edgar Gonzalez (LU) d. Matthias Mathaes (RU) 6- both the Mt. San Antonio College third in her heat in the 400-meter clearing 11-11 3/4 and 11-5 3/4, re- Win — Townsend (1-0). Loss — Ponder (1-2). WP — 7, 3-4, default Ponder (5). PB — Ruchti (10). hurdles by crossing the line in 57.48. 3. Ramez Qamer (RU). d. Juan Pablo Alatorre (LU) 6- Relays in Walnut, California and the spectively. 3. 6 3 LSU Team Championships. At the LSU meet, sophomores With 16 runners traveling to the Attendance — 5,220 4. Rafael Reyes (RU) d. Nebo Murisic (LU) 7-6, 5-7, At the Mt. SAC Relays, Brand won Shannon Murto and Amanda Felder Drake Relays and three weeks of 7-6 HAWAII 6 RICE 7 (11 INNINGS) 5. Naeem Kath (LU) d. Take Monta (RU) 1-6, 6-4, 7 her heat in the 1,500-meter run in a scored team points by finishing sec- training time until the WAC Out- 5 time of 4:23.60, provisionally qualify- ond and eighth, respectively, in the door Championships May 15-18, the Score by innings R H E 6. John Guerrero (LU) d. Harding Brumby (RU) 1-6, 6 ing her for the NCAA Champion- 1,500-meter run. Murto finished in team is set to claim another confer- Hawaii (14 27. 3-12)000 210 100 20—6 15 4 2. 6-3 Rice (35-8, 17-1) 010 000 210 21 —7 15 1 ships. Senior Liza Ruckman also com- 4:43.19, while Felder crossed in ence championship. Hawaii: Ricky Bauer, Aaron Pribble (7), Bryan Lee Doubles peted in the event, running a per- 5:10.73. "This week, we are just trying to (10) and Brian Bock. Rice: Justin Crowder, Philip 1. Mathaes/Prakash Venkataraman (RU) d. Guerrero/ sonal season-best of 4:28.39. In other events, junior Rebecca survive exams," Brand said. "But we Tribe (7), David Aardsma (10) and Justin Ruchti, Jeff Gonzalez (LU) 8-2 Blackinton. 2. Barker/Jackson (RU) d. Paulsen/Alatorre (LU) 8-4 Freshman Yvonne Umeh Perry reached a distance of 16 feet, are focusing on our running and Win — Aardsma (6-1). Loss — Lee (2-2). Blown Save 3. Fabien Giraud/Reyes (RU) d. Kath/Christian Olivier improved her outdoor 400-meter 10 1/2 inches in the long jump and training. We've had bad luck with — Pribble: Lee. 2B — Hawaii: Omori (16), Russell (LU) 8-6 dash time, finishing in 54.64. Umeh (3): Rice: Davis (6), Brown (12), Bubela (9), Janish finished eighth in the triple jump, injuries, but with some rest, we can (10). - compiled by Michelle Brock also ran a 200-meter time of 24.45, measuring 38-4. Sophomores Beth qualify nationally and do well again." Special Offers for Rice Students!

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G*"%i | i is THE RICE THRESHER CALENDAR FRIDAY, APRIL 26,2002 friday APR 26 monday APR 29 at the Gi||is ALL THAT a student ART GET LUCKY - exhibition, goes on display today in the Camacho study break, "Las Vegas Night," Rice Art Gallery. View works by the Art and from 9 to 11:30 p.m. in the Rice Art History Department's graduating Memorial Center and the Ley Student seniors through May 11. Center. There will be plenty of food and fun and perhaps a magician and also Elvis The BASEBALL team prepares to running amok! Visit the link on the Rice slaughter Louisiana Tech University at homepage for more information about this Shepherd School of Music students Saturday may h 7 p.m. tonight and 2 p.m. tomorrow at exciting event. give a chamber MUSIC Reckling Park. PERFORMANCE at 8 p.m. Bill Cosby speaks at Rice University's in Duncan Recital Hall in Alice Pratt 89TH ANNUAL tuesday APR 30 At 8 p.m. the Shepherd School Brown Hall. COMMENCEMENT near SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Christine Gorman (Rice '82), associate rolling down cheek] today. performs in Stude Concert Hall in Alice editor and senior writer for Time thursday MAY 2 Pratt Brown Hall. magazine, presents "The Potential Threat tuesday a' BIO- AND NUCLEAR a CHAMBER MUSIC .MAY 14. RECITAL featuring Shepherd Relax, it's summer. Come out and watch the Saturday APR 27 TERRORISM : Is Media Coverage Hazardous to Our Health?" as School of Music students begins at BASEBALL team defend its honor The Houston International Film Festival part of the "Health and Welfare Policy" 8 p.m. in Duncan Recital Hall in Alice against the University of Texas at Austin. takes place this weekend in the colloquium series. The talk is at 4 p.m. Pratt Brown Hall. The game is at Reckling Park at 7 p.m. downtown theater district and the in the Kyle Morrow Room in Fondren surrounding areas. This year's theme Library. Wednesday thursday focuses on France, turning downtown into MAY 8 .MAY 16 a FRENCH SPECTACLE David In-Jae Cho conducts a chamber No more finals = no excuse to not come The men's and women's Western Athletic complete with French cuisine and street music CONCERT at 6 P-m- in watch the BASEBALL team take Conference outdoor TRACK performers. Tickets are $10. For more Duncan Recital Hall in Alice Pratt Brown out Lamar University. The game is at AND FIELD championships will information call (713) 654-8808 or visit Hall. Reckling Park at 7 p.m. be held at the Rice Track/Soccer Stadium www.ifest.org. all day today through May 18. Houston Friends of Music presents a friday .MAY 10 The men's and women's TRACK STRING QUARTET Calendar submit items: AND FIELD teams host the featuring pianist Maxim Philippov at The BASEBALL team takes on Riot/Run Sport Twilight meet at the Rice 8 p.m. in Stude Concert Hall in Alice San Jose State University this weekend. Games are at 7 p.m. tonight, 2 p.m. Track/Soccer Stadium, with the first event Pratt Brown Hall. Call (713) 348-5400 to • by CAMPUS MAIL to Calendar beginning at 2 p.m. reserve seating for $25-$42. There will tomorrow and 1 p.m. on Sunday at Editor. Rice Thresher, MS-524. • by FAX t0 Calendar Editor, be a limited number of complimentary Reckling Park. (713) 348-5238. MEN'S GROUP a tickets for Rice faculty, staff and • by t0 students. [email protected]. confidential social and support group for a PRESIDENTIAL E-MAIL are celebrates Calendar submission FORMS gay, bisexual and questioning men of the CONCERT tomorrow's commencement. The Class of available at the Student Activities Office or Rice community, will get together to Wednesday on the Thresher office door. MAY 1 2002 convocation begins at 7:45 p.m., watch a GAY FILM a. 3 P.m. The DEADLINE for all items is 5 p.m. Send an e-mail to [email protected] for FINAL EXAMINATIONS followed by a concert at 8:30 p.m. in the Monday prior to publication. the on-campus location and more for non-graduating students officially begin Stude Concert Hall in Alice Pratt Brown Submissions are printed on a space- information. today and last through May 8. Hall. available basis.

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Covered patio. floors, central air and good closet speed data, and/or energy services. Part- FREE DOG to good home! Seven-year- roommates. 2/3, fully furnished, A/C, (713) 665-7587. $1,375. space. Small, quiet, owner-managed time or full-time, no experience neces- old 65 lb. Lab-dalmation mix. All shots. washer and dryer, garage. Must like building. $600 plus some utilities. Call sary. Earn $400-$1(X)0 weekly. For in- Smart, active, loves people, trained. cats. Contact Felicia (713) 842-7561 or SUMMER SUBLET. $350 a month. Andover at (713) 524-3344. terview, call Gerry at (713) 782-3331. Good for person with yard. Had to i send e-mail to [email protected]. Nice quiet one-bedroom apartment. move. Call (832) 656-5735 or send e- Early May to late August. Fully fur- UNIQUE, LUXURIOUS LARGE room WANTED: NANNY for the summer: mail to [email protected]. nished. Overlooks pool. Off Holcombe, for rent in nice house very close to June 3-Aug. 14, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Mon- MED CENTER/RICE—4 / 2 V2 / 2— Large, lovely home for family available 6 minutes from Rice. Laundry facili- campus. $650 per month, all bills paid, day-Friday. Bellaire, ten minutes from BIKE/BIKE RACK FOR SALE. 1993 June 1. Kolter Elementary, cable, DSL ties. Workout room. Free cable. Call maid twice a week included. No lease campus. Needs to be dependable and specialized Allez 56 cm, Look pedals, $2250 per month. Call (713) 504-8300 Jared at (713) 661-5291. to sign, male preferred. Available im- have real love ofchildren. Care for happy, Shimano components. Thule rack or (281) 725-9314. mediately, call (713) 817-7771. well-behaved five-year-old boy, includ- holds two bikes. Send e-mail to 1301 RICHMOND. Two-bedroom, one- ing occasional day trip, reading together, keeper@rice. edit. bath apartment with oak floors, off street, lots of playtime in neighborhood. Grand- VINTAGE WEST U. Two-story HELP WANTED townhouse-style duplex. I>ots of char- gated parking, central air, pool, on-site parents nearby. Okay if you need two ASHTANGA/POWER YOGA. Strength, weeks off; I can make arrangements for acter and charm. Two bedroom/one laundry. $700 plus elec. with lease and WANT A GREAT SUMMER JOB? flexibility, serenity. One mile beyond deposit. Call Andoverat (713) 524-3344. Demanding, highly rewarding sum- that time. Provide references. $225 per the hedges. www.YOGAndrew.com. mer camp jobs available at oldest camp week. Call Peter, home (713) 66643449, in Southwest. Come teach sports and cell (713) 870-8755. SPORTS TEAMS, CLUBS, student outdoor activities while helping kids groups. Eam$1000-$2000withtheeasy to grow. Top pay. Work on beautiful, THE PRINCETON REVIEW is currently Campu sfu ndraiser.com t h ree-h ou r cool Guadalupe River near Kerrville. accepting teacher applications for all test fundraising event. Does not involve Give us a call at (800) 545-3233 or types. If you or someone you know enjoys credit card applications. Fundraising Pub Rookie download an application at http:// teaching and scored in the 95"' percentile dates are filling quickly, so call today! www. vistaca m ps. com. on the LSAT, GMAT, GRE, MCAT, SAT Contact Campusfundraiser.com at or ACT, please inquire about our teaching (888) 923-3238 or visit LOCAL STORE wants student part-time opportunities at (713) 688-5500orvisit our www. campusfundraiser. com. Monday-Friday, 3-6 p.m. Some Satur- website at www.princetonreview.rom. Paid days 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Can study. Call training starts soon! Call today to learn $3,000 FEE PAID TO EGG DONORS. Ml/tor/ Heather or Shannon at (713) 528-0041. more about our immediately available of- "Have a heart — give an egg." Give the fice staff positions, too! gift of life to help infertile couples. MAKE ENOUGH MONEY this sum- Reply to [email protected] or mer to pay tuition next year. Serious COMMUNICATIONS COM PANY ex- (214) 503-6553. wealt h for someone who is serious about panding. Pre-launching local and na- making money. Call (888) 292-5765. tionwide markets. Full-time/part-time. To schedule interview, call toll-free fella/: Iodic/: OCCASIONAL BABYSITTER needed (888) 292-5765. CLASSIFIED ADS for two young children. Approximately 1 mile from Rice campus. Experience and SUMMER JOB: The Institute of BIOS Rates are as follows: lac Kilpatrick references required. Call (713) 520-7498 and BIOE at Rice needs a part-time 1-35 words: $15 fOoggic fflalone for more information. office assistant all summer. 10-20 (Co-Captain) 36-70 words: $30 (Captain) hours per week, $7 per hour. Call 71-105 words: $45 loui/ Durbin SEEKING SAWY, ORGANIZED and Carolyn at (713) 348-6034 or send e- Amanda Cahn responsible individual to handle the mail to [email protected]. Payment, by cash, check or credit (Co-Cciptain) box office register for the Rice Film SCOREPERFECT IS HIRING LSAT card, must accompany your ad fTleg Bayer instructors. $30 per hour. Minimum Series. Must commit to working in the Notes & Notices submissions are Chaz B. 99th percentile score on real LSAT re- summer. $6 per hour. Free movies! published according to space Julie fllulliQan quired. (800) 259-6211. John llo/ley Work-study preferred. Contact Rachel, availability. Erin Porter (713) 348-4882, [email protected]. flndy ludwig BABYSriTER NEEDED. Looking for Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. meredith SUMMER FUN. Have an exciting and warm and caring individual to watch/ prior to Friday publication. fun-filled summer working for the South- play with bright and charming two-year- Halby 'a.k.a. Pillow' The Rice Thresher west YMCA. We need lifeguards, day- old 5-15 hours per week. Flexible sched- Attn: Classifieds camp counselors and teen-camp coun- ule, Montrose area. If interested, please 6100 Main St., MS-524 selors. Call (713) 664-9622 for more info. call Beth at (713) 6884600, ext. 441. 2nd Floor Ley Student Center Houston, TX 77005-1892 Phone: (713) 348-3967 r JOB POSTING: We need DYNAMIC and ENERGETIC people I Fax: (713) 348 5238 The Thresher reserves the right to I to teach ANIMATED classes. (An interest in ACTING a plus.) j refuse any advertising for any reason and does not take responsibility for I Pay rate: $18 to $30 per hour. Call 832-419-7104 for more info. the factual content of any ad.