<5 c » •— ..-fc-ix^ • J^*.- .j^K.-i*_. •^r** «r»o .T.*« ^ aftfri .rtf ».i HtMHIi HTsrV tfitt w'l •< 4LW

March 17, 1965

;! fe> ^/^ /


Mr. Hoover received your Utter of March 11th, with enclosure, and asked me to explain that information eon- "^2 ^ OD£ a: tamed In the files of the FBI must be maintained as confidential f lo accordance with regulations of the Department of Justice and f la available for official use only. Further, the material you

forwarded does not eootaln any reference to the FBI and, therefore, lam returning It to you. p

ettncerely yours, r: i

MAR 17 1955 ! Helen W. Gaady CO:,!M'F?l > ^^ I AS -pj— Secretary yfhty

^OTE: Correspondent Ml is net idWfiatie anfcufiles. The enclosure was a I*therii petition attarHm, th» ^tional Council *t nmn*- - »»-«.»1 K would appearannea r H»af M BJV„ n -^ «.,« — .1 i A «.?J . .7. ,» » that JH^^failed to^ubmit'his fuif"documentor material which he wants substantiated. a.*

DTP.ems <3) OJ \ MJ LnjtfcRH§^MSS?_ hoomO teletype outtO A ij^fafcM^MlMiV.- .au'. :*-

•J' :t^^S^^nj!M *.*>*'• . ->-*- : r& -j- l V> -"V*. ~ - . .

Parch 1?, 1955

- r 1 ^ r I n v 2 s t i c? t i > c n r ? 1 Bureau

r> • * r L i r :

3i(it tO T.3 fTid i

• tc r.^eck int.? tb2 -^cjrscy cT thop :t!ld Ii*e r t**io F.b.i. s':rtsn?:*.ts v.hin r2f3r to q-jct-.-s D


••v DJ:' l.-:. 1 (A)


- PA& 10 Stf ,«"*: .

ex.... . *_*-»-. i^- „ „-.£_ m 'wn* i Tuii'i ^4^. ^ c * i i a'lfciiii^ * !* * We. At aadtrtigatd, who in aiB iuh t re of the L totaCl

V have hecome increasingly altrmed ehowt Chenctlvitiee Mi

the af j Mat* ef Mattoaal Cowacfl aha Ceacrchee of Christ to America (earonftor

f: : MCC). ef which A* fcemoren Chorea ta America, ant

4 £ " ^ ftefermatioa. fa a wnktr. We have therefore initiated a emdy of me ICC aa* wo seal

the tafermetiea which we have gathered ehoald ha given careM ceawlaaratlon ay the

• fe. Cornell and. waleee proven mlee. ahonJd he preeeatrd to aU mamhere af Aefei ft.- 1

Charch. - -*w #.-*-..- \\"

%r ftaca af ee haa etadied tha MCC far eew-rel aonihi aa aa lad! ildaal aaala. %T« f met aa a groep on eeveral occaalaaa aad have had nemkn of the i; i; *-i* Leymsn apt ak to oa aad preeeat aa aa aoaaa of their findings. "We

omer percent across As roaatif. larlndleg oar Congretti

^ from many aoarcaa. JU a reealt, wo have reached the

Tha MCC doss sons mlage which ata good, tt coadacts fsreiga snUslnoary

* distributes food aad clothing to needy paopla overeeac; it prepares aad saetrihwtee J

r llteratara. ate* flmic is alss daoa by individnsl das

J dona and U doing enaay tthings which wa feet are not ia tha hoat Interest <

.J*.ri:.^.- »_ m f af Aa actions of ms MCC

ii 1. Ws believe It is ate MCC as carry ••* lahhriag i

J federal government at all. and It is particalarlr far at m aw aa na aha prafessad

1 of Protestantism. Tha MCC claims w> apasa for 40 million American

abject hacanaa wo haws no voice in the proemm emeate made by t

aaample of aoma of the proaowacemants made hy wee MCC wa Bat

•i au 'That aha Halted emlee tacogmaa Hmt

'-. " " "w. That ma Oi

-a. That Che United amass abolish walvaraal ' r - ** ** *. The MCC U

t + *** **McCwra*Jft«l .1


i-'L •% . topMl AaMeCftrraa Act kM torn dte«M* »' ••••• ~-!:•'-->: • ••• >* • .-*••• • •••...--*•:•:-•'.» *- r ^ * T . . -^-r»*w Koaaa Ua-An*rtc*a AetMttoa Commltto* Wl tin *y ** f*«ate fadlctarp 1 ! I •• » a aaitte* SaaCpmmittaa aa tatoraal aacarity* Or. O. Slaaa ftafl,

> UUTHEftAM, U listed aa ft Motor af tela ctonHtN. 7 $* ..

aftlUagaaa* •»• If 1 f. TaaWCC%rgaaaartteaUait*d Statea saoar ft graater to aalva dlapataa teroaga te* Warld Coart, ftad 1* aw la**|l*g te rapaal 1 fe fc *> & ' ftaaarvatloa afclca protect* te* Vaitad States aovaralgaty avar tta deaaaatte afialra 1- from aaaddUag ay aa* CM. World Coart. V tea CnaatWy Eaaarvatlaa to rapaalad

*.-.. te* World Coart coaM. If It aaairad. »«»d troops Iron aaotear coaatry ** «»•*

•V"' dtataraaac**. aaca ft* riot*, la tor United State*. j* * g. Ta* TCC laaaiad te Wa*hin*toa for teapaaaagaaf ta* CHil *lgate BUI* V $ *• Soctioa MS of atelca aw faal taka* aaay te* laa»aat rtgata of A

party oaaar. Fartear tea MCC argaaiaad aad Baaacaa tea Coasadaat

O aad Raligloa aaaar tea diractlaa af Dr. Sag*a* Caraoa ftlftfca. Dr. 9

actfoa** taa erat publicity i tasoant* that la* *W ract

flcally daaaaadad la aattlag ap tea CocmaJaaioa. voald iaclada

aad teat tela aoaaat "aalag aa tea racaiviag aad of • fir* aaaa." Dr

fartfaar, *Ta* Coonsataaloa to aataorisad to call for aamoaatrattea* aa <

city of tea flatted State* to a* arganiaod by local C aaaclla of cfcarcaaa,

verati aad aaarca aaaa la ordar to arftaaaa oar aatermteattoa teat

I to tally lavolvad la a conHnatag affort to caaaga tea oagragatad pattera m

•* - 1 •- * ~/ .-* \i ma.* . ~ .. r-r^. taa MCC argaaiaad a groap af 4T5 yoaag paopla $m cMl rajata

la ftiiaaiaaippt tela oasaaaar aad gav* team a waak'a tratelag. tea fttea af

to MaataJcaU* caaallct aad traaatV ateaa tea It W* arc apao»« te tea WCC calllag aa Caritlaaa te

aaat aaagu U**a Vy davaloptag lata vlata. Ala*, mm aaar aa

# ; ***•« Tartu aaaaa af tea Waited Mi

aaHUoa* af paopla la ftWvary Walad

aatttattaa teat m fc. Taa WCC I* agaiaat aa aaaaadmaat to aar Ca

aad aay* teat T0» af

* daalr* fttel* raadiag » & ate te ft racaat lap **

ft. W* ara aary aaaca ftaaoaad te aaaaa

I <

**-* •.* **"-. *

• "TtaNogrtAaatrlcaa'AftaadiajUar*. tt ctattltt a Bat a* 1

i^tnMtfUtii, Jaoiort, acatora, aadadulta. to fho tol

to aavo you Um« hy caWa* toa teit« Aad ferthar: "ftaad <

tot took* «fc«rt thoy oil! ho pick* ao.» Th. roadiag tut to toaofaaatola aad tot MCC hot

It to "tmbrrtiitr ahoai It. The lUt to had tor two rUNM. Mrot, aooaa at to aro * «Mttloaablt moral oach«rauad. Tor IuUsm. WITHOUT "A

htocklia Moot dooicta aa act of adaltary hotwoca a Ktgro wmi aad a mttto aaaa to toro Ta As. City, act aaly without aa aapraatloa toat thit wat immoral hut to aach a aaaaaar toat it an i actually c aedoacd. Tto roadar to tod la fotl tympatoy for toa aartc%aato. * Aaothor hook. COLO* BUND ay htorgarot Hatoty. to writtoa to accaptohto :

%at dtvotot Chapter t, pagat #9-110 to toa aubjact at

ditcutttoa lacludad ea rotative aaa potoatlalt of Ntgro aad wait* i

t do mot fool toat toU It tot "boot" roadiag available aad w do aot waat 1 atood to oar chlldrea or pot where tooy will to picked op*, yWrtocratoro. wo bailee* otore I to ao rotate for a church orgaaleatloa to rocoouaaad ouch ] .

. i.-..

t crucial •The eusstioa Id he asked About say eeaeel ceamct - from heldiag I compUto Intercourse - is act so much what is dose as whet to uassnt. A relatftveJy mild necking session eaa mean a crude and selfish abuse of a perssa aa a mo is object wait* a more intsnss type of petting can mesa mat too human hetaae aro expressing a gsnulns ami dssp love for each emr. to It all right to bald haunts Wt wrong to pott Society aesms to aay ao, but men society has soiy iu enmrael concern. It cares tittle or nothing for aay motivation, aaly for roi ae Christinas we are vary much roaroraed with taae *. m In the personal, tadrrtdual seass, then, what i * Justlfiss aad sanctifies is aot the external maHtal status of the people before me law oat rather < they feel toward each other m their hssrts. bieaaarod la aaeh a way. artting hands can be very wrong Indeed while Intimate sea-play can be right ami goad* * - ••The Christian islth is based on forgiveasss, aa mis Is the thistle to the Hebrews would have as continue to rat Jesus the author and psrfsctor ef our faith, rather over the times that we eternals "

We believe fais la be completely confusing and degrading

sa to road It aad wa d that every member of the CouacH

It m IU entirety.

). fteveroad Sdwtn T. Dahlbere,. rest President of the Ratteenl

has a record of IT public Ustlngs of bis affUistfoas with Commanlat activities,

i 4. 719 of the afficers whom i ts appear en the rails of me WCC have '" v •fee manistafMlatftans. ... . , . . ,_..-,-

n. The Revised SUndard Versis* of me Btbls, apparently me official version of 1

Laths ran Church m America, was sponsored by me National Council of Churches aad the

< •rgaaisatioB receives royalties from Its sale. Thirty fSO) of me 95 men wan nave sjs aa

Revised Standard Versioa have beea dtad as being connected wtm rmiaiiai

l 4 front projects , publicstloas. aad enterprises. Sense of these men ware as

saaay as 33 Cornmuaiet freer or causes. W* feel mat mess are not the proper

translate me Bible for as and we sjeestlon oome of the translation, each aa

) ; which it costs aa me Virgin Birth.

Based aa the above find! age aad many others which we salt ware ts i

at this ana, we reaps c tfally reaeeet mat the Vice-Chairmaa I Saymsa ts werb wtm aa am a aaara tatsuslve study af me rlstlosal C iaa rn of .* ! the Urthsraa Church to America's aflHtotina wtm U 1 I V-'. i • he lastructsd to report their findings to me Church 5 4 .11 " l v *- - -;

^a *-# .-* .> * >. -

..,.( i 1 " "Try a «! ^ % J~ K te^**-*^

" " -• * _ .J V • •>' r* l Tt«as5ii.^ & w

-* * a V« wlaa U to to ^ claarlT aaaaratootf that a* tova a* fealt* m laaaailoa ar friction a**la *• caajrag.tion, tot «a totiava Oat *a

Church,. M It it araaaatl, aaarata* U a aarotfal aad highly aaaaaroaa tail

warrant* a ttoraaah lavaaUfa*** ay Caarca Coaacll.


i ;

* ! li

'i —- <• . .» -..


••••'• -•••'.-.-•••; -•-.•••^ -r....^."'-, J • .4 .>,.'• ... ,.:J

« 1 ; j " ' ' ' " ' i » J

1 • << •- v .* 11 < \ if

^ i:;'-.* Sift


-^r^^^fc:^ . • •

March 17, 19C5

r -*- 2"

"n1 I

CD 4> J"ear\ Your letter of March 11th has been received.^ as

With respect to your inquiry, information contained in the files of the FBI must be maintained as confidential in accordance .vith regulations of Ui2 Department of Justice and is available for official ur.e only. In view of the foregoing, I can assure you I have rover made any statements the K'tional Council of Churches anu its relationship to the Communist Tarty, and it is hoped you will rot infer either that '**e do or do not have drta in our files concerning it.

Enclosed is some literature I tru3t will be of interest to you.

Sincerely yours,


Enclosures (5)

! r . .. Enclosures & note page 2. v_:4\v il'X / - — DFC:deh \\\ > 5 •? X '-+ f (3) \y 'M

I# •JAU.arOvCZ] TTirrvprm.iTl I

v ' '*"" <»^--" i' iif» * m il .i.wi'V ,— *^»r« _w-t«-- , ' ^fl^ n. «, • « ^ ' ' ' ' u V?Sfty?> fjygl^.' g ^f ? w *f '^ ' * o



./oulc j^ive y

LED Intro - 4-i-Cl Internal Security - 4-17-62 I-et's Fight Communism Sanely t Faith in God One Nation's Response to Communism hOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Buttles.

:»ra!cvi -2- i

V.i" >^'^V^>*S^* J. ilcgar Hoover Director of Ihe Federal iiu.-sau of investigation Washington, J.C

L>ear Sir:

I have heard you quoted on several occasions concerning th^* national Council of Churches, and its -elationship to the Communist party. Could you please give mo ur refer ne to so.t«3 publication that would give your impressions of the Council in this natter.

oine^rely Yours



« - **f!»

*-' .-%* .-^ *T?, .* • '-* v •^t" • ..'* March 15, 1865

' /

od£! 'v> en [;


Your letter of Morel; 3th has been rcceived,and I appreciate toe concern which prompted you to write me.

While I would like to he of assistance to you, inferma- tion contained in our files must be maintained as confidential in accordance with regulations of the JLepartxucr.t cf Justice. In view of this, X am sure you will understand why I cannot comment concerning tne National Council of Cnurches, nor can I sujjest a source wnere jvjl c mid ooluin the data, you desire. In addition, I hope you will not infer either we go or do not h?.ve iniwrmation in our Xiios regarding taw, urbanization.

It is always reassuring to hear from citizens who demonstrate an awareness of the evils of communism and who desire to comoat this threat to our freedoms. I am enclotiug some material on tne general topic of communism. .You may also wu»h to refer to my books. "Piasters* of L'eccit" and "A Study of Communism. " Tne former f .- was written with the hope that it would help readers gain an Insight into tae true nature of the communist conspiracy in this country. Tne latter contains an analysis of internationai communist practices aivi contrasts totalitarian methods with liie in a free country. booi;c may oe avutlalle at your local library.

Sincerely j\>zx'&,


4nclosuj;es (5) Enclosures & note page 2. • ),'• KLS:alb (3)

*• * '

' ''

• *II. » 0*^vL_ V I ".VIM I":' 1 1

'- v* < . s ""'0




Faith in God—Our Answer To Communism Ccminunlsr.i—The Incredible Swindle Domestic Intelligence Deadly E;r:I Our Heritage of Greatness

NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Dufiles.


"" ' >*••" - -».-* i * - ~ " -XX-^rm'tl-i ^in « * +!*z 7? .m i /'^y t- ^?vr -f. -&

7^-^.« r V — -^-^.— ) (

I.'.arch *'., ] 3:>o

c-i r,*. ::urr:nu of inritv^sU^Mulon

' -.'T-ori.' 1 t.:.o:i Cervine

:\cf: Ilbtionril Ci'J~cii ci'

o. Vno ':-:n<- the- rr.cri.-ia nun rorifilc«s C.'.il ••:::! • S 3 v»i ":• hr;ve ho^ra pro -tna v- .ftu'rn:-! C."i;::cll of Churches nnd in .icopo -i-^wc r-r- Vci '-..a- i". ::.>ht to coa.v.ml5t or- t-w- .\ni romm. : u cvul-i rive us uny ^ •ov .^Jr." ii V ohurch or ^"tv-'tic^nv c.T.,~.. and presant. 10 our ?^ a-rainr.t vie K^-iorn. ,r» votinr ln:.o roinr into or .;c.ini-.t*.. cf Cr.urcnos. itin

.* :"

V3-" /

A/ - fdAi? 17 1365 — .



/ #>

'* Toe SAC, Springfield V Ho- Trva: Director, FBI


Enclosed are tw> copies of a self-explanatory letter from captioned tactfully pointed individual. He should be personally contacted and it should be confidential. He should be informed, 6\ » to him that our files must be maintained as by tiiio however, that the National Council of Churches has not been investigated furnished for his Bureau. I am enclosing some material which he should be iUcrmation.

Tvufiles contain no derogatory information concurring the rmd nc Ldormation identifiable with captioned correspondent.

Submit results to reach the Bureau no later than 3-23-55.

Enclosures CO A J Sanely! Iiet*6 Fi^it Communism . r// 4-17-G2 IiiternU Security Statement "Faith in God—Our Answer To Communism" 4-1-61 LEB Introduction The Communist Party Line

Follow-up mode for 3-23-63

_WAK:rl£ (6) MAIJJD8 *ohr St

KAR 1 C 1935

COMM-fBI :• • —Z. c»>» Y't — V,

.*. I.

• iot»n


- — - - »• **-»— -^-— — » > m . ,^ -w ttH INfr. CsAer iMr.CJlah I Mr. Conrad 1 Mr. Felt — Mr. Cole _ Mr. Rosen Mr. Solliva: *. T«vel . Mr. Trotter rim rtfi ^S&fi'ff^^ Tote. Boor.

. Mim Holm* MiMGand? Up* J # Edgar .HocHoover, Director Federal E'-re^u of Investigation Departoentcof justice Washington, |D. C. ^~/~_ Dear ur. Hotfver:

Ln e i ^ past Jew weeks i has «. . . received a few W*»letter expressing alarm over eoassnin in our churches.

,l8e8 f the8e letters are l6r b or dSecfchargel ° ' ** * ^l^tion T ) ThePe *** been ]*olesale Communist ^ 1.1 •Ji infiltration of the r errl?e to Protestant to XBFSP* , denominations *ich hSSttelong to thKllational ^Council of Churches. (2) ae T&liuuil JuuiiuA3. Ul Bfflgd&ca is a tool o* 1*«' sbe entire (3) ecunenical movement is a Coi^unist plot. e al2r SJidividral « « ^ 2 actually named as a Red is tfie lata / [IP? |& i

z at !t oi"?i**— *--< *::..*' ~r«;rt" & -J -f - ^ &*** *e? 4 **-*»

29 MR ^965 &2SC& Jit __j

Mr. Tnl*«»n .

Mr. IVi IniMtii [_; Mr. \M,r £ I Mr. IVI^,.„h -

Mr. r:«, |l( . r _•. Mr. f«Ilahau_ Mr. fVioruH Mr- PHI Mr. Gnh* Mr. Ro»rn _

, Vr. Sullivan ( Mr. Tmvl _ Mr. Tn.ttor

! Ti-lr. K

Mr. J. Edgar Hoover United States Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C. 20535 sv Dtar Mr. Hoover:

; Your letter of March 2nd has been received, and I -Hi appreciate the fact that the information contained in your files must be maintained as confidential in accordance with !'.• the Department of Justice regulations. i.'« 1 The enclosures which you sent me have been most helpful, and especially since they were most appropriate 1 for l study course the adults of this parish, are engaged in f ^ at present. Last Wednesday night our discussion was con- cerning Christian: the Society and Ethics . The group found { your statements most enlightening, and as a result are better informed than they could possibly have been otherwise.

The manner with which you conduct your office with the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a challenge to all Americans. Thank you for your integrity, character, and wisdom.

Most sincerely yours*


<\ K1 - / . '

> ' Marco 11, 19Cfc Jc »:

(/ - ';

in CD?

letter . lour oi March 5th aa:: been received. . £ £

V.ith respect to your i&quir}, infer motion contained ir. the Iiie& of the rX»I must be maintained us confidential in r *• uccoictance with regulations of the Eeixirta^nt cf Justice and is available for 04fici.1l use only. Therefore, I trust you will under- stand v.ay I am rot in a position to comment along; tne lines you • have mentioned ai:d hope you wiil not infer either that we door go not luve data in our fiies relating to the Rational Council of Churches.

r In response to yow rf qaert, I am enclosing a copy o . Lie U'Jt of organizations which nu/c b^n cited as subversive by the • J>;partrjent of Justice pursuant to Executive Oner 1Q4G0, along with V other literature I truct will be of interC&L '

Sincerely yourz, £r< ' /

'V .Enclosures (a) faith in God—Our Answer to Communism AG List Let's light Communism Sanely

• "ZZ^_: 4-1-61 LEB Introduction

TTT. i 4-17-62 Internal Security Statement C^" '. .,_* - NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufilet. '- DTP/ufp =^1 (3)

!>f : 'ytft-^- ... ^tv- - r ' » ' j

T I ** *> vlLBOOMl I TrirrvpriiKiTl

i --»- i ^- . -' — t m mm l w . ». ~fff "( *ra y^r M „> tm» Kiy «» ^ ^ p g—w ,tr ? y. ; ^3>J\. f^U* 1 ^ V j / "

5 March 1965


A recent article in thefiptters to the Editor of a local paper indicated that the National Council of Churches was either subversive or "red" -dominated. The basis of the charge was information from a Dan Smoot Report and in the mid thirties ,f the Office of Naval Intelligence branded it a subversive organization.

Because of the seriousness of this charge I reguest any information you may have on whether the National Council of Churches is subversive and particularly if it is on the Attorney General's List of Subversive Organization

Thank you for your attention to this.



fj f m

/-•' REC4 ".

ll "- ' « . " l W .M. I N »- < p« 'WM -». .JM W " « „» -T * V^TT" o

S tytu^l, /pes'

d >u.c~a ojujiu j^-a^ SAU. •«• "«. O*^

it » uJh>q


tt " I L " '•j:* ' .»•- " » ".-. ' * J - 7" **r?Tf*fa*&**CT ,- . V '


I ,y> Afarch 8, 1965 ? ^'"t :7c'?f-}. /' •;/

Your letter of March 3rd has been received.

7 lnforn' aUo «o»tei»ed iu the files ol tteraFES'S SSiT!? ' »

Enclosed is come literature I trust will be of fc$e|es£2 Sincerely yours,

:o \

-3 { -• Inclosures (5) s .• - ,:. if A" V. F ith n " °ur Answer To i f, rf 5 f Communism" Let's Fight Communism Eanely! -— Intro to LEB 4-1-61 • f l h \ Internal Security Statement 4-17-C2 "Our Heritage of Greatness" Note: Nocterogatory^information appears in Buttles concerning ^^^^^^nci his group is not identifiable in Bufiles. DTP:cs


»-*n. > n^.t-CZ] ; li Tvrr vmtO .1

" ' - gy 1*^- * < * ^rT ^^ y. - ' i *TrT* J i.. iw i . i iwi. t yp. 1

££*£&&??. :*«

March 3, 1965

Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C. Dear Kr« Hoover:

In add it lutles with the Temperance League of ^^ I am Pastor of a small Baptist Churc; ted near three towns \ and mj church is _-,__at and I am writing to you be- rumors whlch^re rampant in the com- munity concerning thec£a^iaasX££UDfiIlJt£. Charchej

Do you have any_informatlon concerning the rumors that theMJatl2n&lJtaiine.U Is infiltrate/ by Communists—or that the program of the National Council is left-wing—or that it night "lean" in that direction?

It will be greatly appreciated if you, or one of your staff members will furnish me with any informstion relative to, myyAnquiry. ^ Line e rely ( • o • i

March Q . 2, 1965 ./'. EEC- 131 .


Your latter of February 23rd haj u^en recaived. r 5 2\^

T.iille I would like to bo of aj salience to you, informatigi coiii-.i.icd In our fi'es aiu&t be aaintafrsd as confidential in accordance with regulations of the Department of Justice. In visv of thin, I am bure you will understand why I cannot comment concerning the organi- sations about which you asked. In addition, I hope you Vrill not infer that we do or do not have information in our files concerning the subjects of y ;nr inquiry.

I wouli like to rdvLe thai Herbert f hilbric!. furnished iirun i\j;ardiii'j; subversive activities on a confidential bcxis to this Uurenu from li)42 to 1S52 for which he was compensated. His services w^re terminated with his appearance a& a witness in the trial of the eonvnunisi lerdcrs in ITew York City. I cannot conuuent in any v;ay v.hat oever c^ncerni:^ I.'r. lj ailbricl; or his present activities or p^r^nM w.r.oreo.

I am enclosing some mf.terial which I ho^o you will find of interest.

' ' sincerely yorrj,

Enclosures (J) ' " - Time of Testing

Let's Fight Communism Sanely! *\ '"'- : i\ ^ "Faithtf in Coa-- Our /nsv/er To Communism \i f/' "Our Heritage of Greatness" '* J f »•" --?, Tinie For Decision" /' L'^'V

"-irWAJtf :kpl (3) (See oatre 2\

*'>*-> : <"!;.* — -• . •.•^TT*V ' . . i : V : UNIT I J (" ) c (J

NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. The National Council of Churches includes in its membership the leading Protestant churches of the country. Various critics of the Council without access to fact to support their accusations, have claimed this group is communist-controlled or influenced. The FBI, of course, has not investigated the National Council of Churches. (100-50869) f

-2 -

r^*fzr**r**$!£9r7 * SL. *^.*.**m*i*.im+mmu.9*m*i'+m l t rf^ hiimi w irt'rt- t


Feb. 23* 19

Dear Sirs;

I am interested in knowing more about the World Council & National Council of Churches, especially as to its connection with the Communists.

I attended the lecture t>f Mr. Philbrick at the Fort Wayne Bible College Feb. 20. th Any information you can give me will be very much appreciated. w .

Yours truly


i;;> m

•3^ * . r.:. C P!G5 ,

(" " rti ii-pi rm+ . 'i > i a i t r a^rn afti , m


f * >

* *.



•<_ Ar-W/_c^ ll&L. r G

•/••> March 2, 10G5

ten. *? /'>'


*"l mr: U3

= r\»

has besn received. Your letter of February 2Eth

of assistance, information White I would like to be in oJ'^net *, contain* Justice. I reflations of the DepartmentrT^JiSSSS^^St'of ™B«* ance with t^ a*rfhope you wW »* I am unable to help you rei-iii.* w m* *•• not hive data xn our tile* ^^^ do or do 01 Churches.

material I hope >ou will find I am enclosing some of interest.

&ir.cerely ; uurs,

J. E-fcar Hoover

Enclosures (5) "Time for Decision" *y "Our Heritage of Greatness" Communism Sanely! Let's Fight Communism Faith in God—Our Answer to Time of Testing -$'< in Bufiles. NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable

— - WAM:cal t ' / : /' x (3) j ir

/ I stftlj AGS. \j c

i- ebrua.-/ 25, 1965

Tiie Federal Bureau of Investigation V/a shir. -Ion, D. C.


1 understand that tne Federal Bureau of Investigation has done a study or investigation of the National Council of Churches. Since we havi had so much materia: printed ir. the newspaper^ regarding tie Narionai Council of Churches, I wonder if it would be pcssible" 10 -et copy for * my own edification in this matter? I hope to hear from you in the .uar future.

Sincerely yours s


J : ! \ji « c :rw*i

Mr.** t February 17, 196% I £ Mr* J. Bflger Hoover rr .C/0 F# B. X» (fjr tf I Mr. TMter ?SL leebington, Ow C* - Mi«g B i

Snr Mr* Bwrers

In the Saturday, February thirteenth laaue of "The Dlepateh", Lexington, !• C. nevepeper the following article appeared* Ihia article had been withheld from the paper until an article about th£ National Council of Churches had been publiehed Friday 1b oar paper* the Rational Council tiaa beeo^iUerlyTliacked in our eouunlty beeauae of the integration aoTeaent(X prefer calling it the Civil Rigbte 9 aDieawt^ X haTeaerrod aa ehalman ofthe Hunan Relations oonmlttee of our contain ity( X waa appointed by the Ihyor to thie committee and then elected by the ae&bera of the connittee aa ohairaan) and X waa ridiculed* abused and accused of ao Many things* Bran a eaear campaign waa inatitatod in order to oondem the connittee* When we invited the ehalrmn of the Oood Ii ^osga^f our atate(^a^D|ointed by our former Governor,^ ^ and* 4| £ Mayor oftfj Vto come and apeak in our oonaaunit^tEe^rere attacked througl ike RJlo etation* ^^^^^^^ -*- I am eending this article to your a?rice not only to ehow you the artie •ad to determine if it waa eent to you but primarily to tik if t reply was vdi and X eeuld have a aopy of the eaae* Z have read auneroua articlee and I frequently the authenticity of then. X regret that the PBI haa been quaatiooed in regarda to inToatlgetione io Mlaaiaaippi but again thia is part of a aaear that ia taking the aoun by atom.

Xf a reply waa aade to thia article would you kindly aend it to aa and- pa »• It laoerted in our local paper* The awrraat "lava" of thia area ia the RCt* if^t qplllngewood, . tate"?* of Hew Joraoy* He ia being aired orer aaay of the etateTTV radio atationa. I\ II a paTT^rograiTiffd hia eo-oalled religloua prograa ia a eondaanati of about every facet of goveruaent*

Thank you for a reply t- thia letter* X as wot a crank who merely waata to continue to aarry on a prograa of "glTe-end-take, beak-end-forth," but I do think that aome refutation ahould be aide froa tiae to tiae Jaat to indicate that ignoring a eltaatlea ia not the only way to defeat it* Severer, la thia eaae, Ignoring it haa bean aade to appear aa accepting the article aa fact* afOll /og«~5ag££-J33

lincoroly EX-1JS "3

•*8* X aaaleo aorreapondlag aearatary of our local alnlaterlua and although X aa doing thia aa a free agent X know ay brethren will be happy to know if any reply waa eYer aade to thia aeaeage* - *f roe i ^*^*I..-_.

/ February 23, 1065

?,*r. Hoover received ycur letter Oi rel»rcr.ry 17th, with enclosure, and ast^u me to cxoloin that information contained in the *iles of the FBI nu-st be maint.ineu as coiui.UMtiai In accord- ance v.Ith regulations oi the Depi* tment of Jurtice and is available *or cuicial use only. Therefore, it is ho;:cu you will understand why this Bureau is not in a position to be Ox help in tile Instance and tint you will not inter either tiat we to or io n t have Jata in our liles relating to the matters ycu mentioned. ^

i.Ir. Hoover rec:ue~tec me to thank ycu foryoi£ expression oi coniiaence in this Bureau, snu to tnclo'f3 literaturem ?. CO which it is hope J will be of assistance to you. CO o vs. c Sincerely yours, lUOB Jxxit >

i J Helen »V. Candy * co:.«.i-i i I Secretary 4

Enclosures (5) < .. u / Our Heritage oi Crpatness \ j Let's Fight Communism Sanely! Faith in God—Cur Answer to Ccr.ioiunisni 4-1-61 LEB INtroduction 4-17-62 Internal Security Statement WK] W ?T-zr: •^< ' * f ' . c ..

,1PAUI *,;VERr MESSAGE >F.XI> ' . TO^FRJEN — STJiKAT) T1IF ..\I»M -AVT DISCED Towar dA Plannod Socialistic, ornmunistic, Society Led By

' The National Council Churches of Christ iv, i » 1907 - 1935 *-* ©r. Harn- r. Ward, a r*W»n Svwjti. cam* to lb«> S^t-* fnit-o trim IHfam. In l?i7 h- nrz»n1?r:j th* M-ftMist Fed- -.:ioz> for Social Smlre. The nsm- «v< iv-r chanrM to U.r McthodM Federation lor Social Action and placed «•-«•«en the aub-»»«»• rv.on :;« vhu- Pr. Ward was id-n«.f:rd undrr oa'h at a C»-mr.;ini«.

In 1WS on. y-ar ]*>»r. 1h- y»fc-, R Sncia!:*i» an:«- at-J :n the r :P icsasiritinn of Ihr Fcdrral Cronrl of Cbnrcbfi. Dr irrj- F. ITaH wro;- tfc- arssinai >mial Creed for both tfc* Frd- .-al Council of Cburrhr* and the Methodist Church.

, In W2 SWner Itflman or;sr;^d (h- TWi-ion and Labor Foundation In t.. IU Churches i.^ wiih I-.- ;abo- mo'-e-nent ftp RUmM-nd .:»-<• -i-^ »ith Iho Kremi-.n ind hi< «- USA*"•-*•• H b:ir«-:r a* a fois-.drr of the C.T.O. Stcri Workers Union.

-*"? 1 1 *™ 1' cilcd lhc FcderaI C^""" of Churrhea for aid ir^ShM? BrccS *' IP" jivinfi to Communist Causes.- 1935-1950

:.©u-:n: U ' f-rioc: IT.illrr fcilhir ett.y.iii-.bed el**rr workirt relatione \>,r «i-tn Trtr.n roi-neil «f Cfc:tr«b-5 T n F<-hn . ' 1M h- v-is jnvi'orj to tho Keder.-I n.' foiiorll < h>irrhr<* Second Nations! Study Cw^rrnce on Oortb •«*' Economic Ihe MfTxy -.vhi^h drvr|n-,rd t-.e pisn lor a Socialistic |. Scon,- in the Vi. .ed Stat* * unier the ti'Ie: 1 fliJIC CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES AND ASSUMPTIONS TOP. ECONOMIC LIFE." ! 3 tf-.V) •*« I>er-mW * roor-aniriiioti vp* romri«l'r; Un4-r t) ' "rm$ of tmirh lay people wrn- to nave c-jual rwr v«AKit» ^ th* cl*.-. for ?*!,..• «i,in= nol'rv of lb- rh.i-rh «r:an.riiion an-J th» was c.-i-.-:i to th- National Co- -cU o*f ol Curist in America. No char.;- v. as maoi however, i.i Church leadcship.

I 1950- 1764

!ft v- pie rVrr- w.!wn nv* !-w.-.-4 5or?. .. v Whrn lb* T .iy p« '« ? X ? r vr^'d t>? « pir*-. which tr«s Their n?h« und^r rf*»r2an;.^?:nr. r im -f nsn, ti^y wrr. pi,.>.| p%idf anil ti.rir NnllonM Lay Oroimm#r wax rtisban^*1 on June'30 1955 Of tftat dale it ha^ jen fill* jper'J ahrad toward a one wc;!d-one church, Socialistic 5ccse:y.

Declruction cf Fundamental Beliefs

^n 1W?. *^ Tr«»»«;;a!*-*.. 3P *»f vh'*:ti l.nrf h^rn r.ffi iAlfi! ni.I* prr»f fionN p-o.rrijt, nn() r uMir)il|nn- c—n>;. *-.rslon ihi> of T.iMo f-. tr.# National CMinr»: r.r i'hiirrhm. thr r.nitMns

Unt rhar:;* Mas in :>iAh 7:14 rcimvinz •'v;r^iri ihe birth*" u.-.m the prophesy— (Check your S:. Jamr- \V*-sior. with R.?.V.

North Ampritan tpopsiMri) 9*# KmmrnKal Yomh A«srmhlr hr th# Natinnal t«uocil unt! IT»r14 i'ounil of Chu hes at I Arbor ;.*rr«d to 1st as • tie «-a« a f>? at 53."

At the iVrT York Wor!1*a Fair th*» TrAtrMant Cnnnci! «f \ev Y-*rk. N.r.r. sffJU^fr ir yhnwinz a piriurf . **Thr rarsS:?" yr« :? rMrh our l^rd is po;trayM a- a n..-rn a rra' live fo-).ilon! Evryon*) Tiho lnvrr otir Lnr i shn-'id r^ it* the ratr<; Stir rvrry ChriMian: Cn th^ nrws out— rr* the firiur** nut of th» World Tair!—Wc ninMe Or-^IU W;!- -P0. B-x 302 Mo:on:9 Yallry. California, vho *aw it. Shft like many others Just could not believe it until $h* saw It ••If.

>nnday SrhnoT !*» r f.ifrr.itore enns V .C affilirtrif r'-tiirchr^ can ni": rr-nli tn o »r m*-? « r^o'iat^.n nf r^if 2 tt«rs not thr voi.J # i»r God. Th*-. a:«» h'inz p :'*parM to arf-pt tl-r *']:io-ilAm «f finri «r. rarth" t!i^ ma:-m " »r o:*.« • SociaiiMic or?-io W Socirty ^hoso is in Mouow. Cinod c»t;;^ns arrm pai:i!;/"d and ?r^*ch!r>s ciffrrmp littlA or; r

S!a!o'ti?n» A^de By Joseph Stalin in Moscow

1-* We contend lhaf lh« r^ord of the National Council af rhurcbr* . n I diabo'irat p>;, speaks for itself. •II the Foundations be destroyed, what r.-« the rifhtrcus do*—r*cim5 11:J

»ias mailed to th* F.S.I. and th* Housa Committal on Un/merican Acfivitia;

_ Comiaift^e o! Cbristian La>-»*«. Inc. af Woodland Bills P. O. Box :«5# WaodUad Rills, Calif. Publication No. lCe-Cf»ploft Avaliahle at fC f«r 51 en Fran Aboie Address: sent?3T&^nV public iaierest by Firdmoat Cbhstian Layaai'a ComaUU^c. Betty I>. Matthews, Secy*. B^i 2n,3a

- •-» : ; ;. rv?,*' i- ^MfetfMMgifc

February 21, IMS RK-K /*-* -S'oftf-I!j>


etter of February 20th has beta received*

With respect to your Inquiry, information contained 3 .-* la the files of the FBI must be maintained as confidential la accordance with regulations of the Department of Justice and to ^f ^ available for official use only. Therefore, I trust you will ^ £ understand why X not In r am a position to comment along the lines CD g S yon have suggested and hope you will not inferjrfther that we do $ c tH§ or do not have data la our files relating to thc Natlonal Council » £ of Churches. ——— g

Enclosed is some literature I trust will be of interest.

JIAILEDS Sincerely yours,. FEB 2 5 1965 J. Edgar Hoover O0MM.FSI «&f

Enclosures (5) "Our Heritage of Greatness" Let's Fight Communism Sanely! 4-17-62 Internal Security Statement "Faith in God—Our Answer To Communism" 4-1-61 LEB Introduction NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. DTP/ufp - (3) \k cjW Y ->omAR kj$$, &«• .i-i.Tr: :*;' • ) ~

t .


February 20, 1965

Mr. J. E. Hoover (P . B. I. Washington D. C. Dear Sir: r»« Could you furnish me with the information on the Council of Churches as to whether it is communist infiltrated?

The Church that I am a member of wants to join the Council. I am against it because of some of the remarks I have heard about it and also some of the articles it's own members are suppose to have written. * "* Since I am on the committee to check on the Council of Churches I'd appreciate any information you could send me as soon as possible.

Thank you,

/s/ r 4 'r ?('? «r- le

l-i f

* •

- ' ' w "- »w — -— » r« i -.nw . —, * ^Ji M"-.'M- 'T - "^ ry . ». ? *

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2', /f*s

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**£ *iLw-*-



/ /

• 1 \> V*' 4' ^\V-? ...» I

w^t^. 00KJ ' i i " ' M „ H V . JJ O C

Itbruari 13, 1DG5

'**• \\i I-


^* art.*

a our icttc-r of February lith has been received.

v,:h respect to your inquiry, r information contained ii tli3 *il£3 of the hlil must be mafiitain^d as confidential in accord- mice wit-i regulations of tli2 Depai tinent of Justice and is available •y - oificiai as* only. Therefore, i trust you will understand why I am not in a poci;ion to comment alang the lines you £i"-ested *nd hope yo i .vlii not infer either that v:e do cr do not have°data in our fiies rel..tinc to the iTatienal Council of Churches.

Enclosed is son*e literature which I trust will b° c; inter .rut.

Sincerely yours,

'.0\ • • ! }

^nclo^ures (C)

1 - Tarjpa - Enclosure CD> ^ ;:y/: ; yqgs

£ee enclosures and note next pa^e.

DTP:pj/ > ; * t? .'(4) rN . ^ 1 %>

••» . -.« ; --..I •

Faith in God—Our Answ**. « r* 4-1-61 LEB IntrSducar *<*"»«»*»"» SeCUrit > £tate«ent Letlti^l Con2m Our u ? ^sm Sanely! K^rita-e of Greatness NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufilej ^


- r c*r*-j* * > ;;, r-;-^;v.r //^ ; ^v^ " , '."' < .«PI. IJ P L» P-- J **- :Ss^-ftr»- •jQ,-* |i >?* ¥ February 11, 1965 y t. It Mr. John Sdgar Hoover, Director Federal Fureau of Investiratlon '.•/ashing ton, D.C,

Dear Sir:

The officers of Presbyterian Church are trying so ir.ake a stuay ofTBl^fftfnal Council of Churches of Christ r ff ^-^1^ . aowever, we 'are finding IS lit! At w i.T.possisj.e fo locate any factual unbiased Information in this regard. We have heard that the National Council of Is headed by persons either kn~wn as Corarunists, or affiliated with various and sundry Corw.unist front organizations.

appreciate very much if you could send us the results of your investigation, or any information thac you may have that would prove helpful co us in this rerard.

Xhankir.2 you In advance for any help ;hat you may be able to give us, I remain sSS** Sincerely Y-- r s,


CC.i;. L 1 4

February 18 1965* & f

5 o ?£ 7 i

Tour letter of February lith hzs baeii received.

With respact to your inquiry, information contained ;n the liies of the FBI must ba maintained as confidential in accord- ance with regulations of the Department of Justice and is available Tor oiMciai use only. Therefore, I trust you will understand why I am not in a position to comment along the lines you s'l^gestcd and hopo you v;ili not in*er either that we do or do not havu data in our liles relating to the National Council oi Ciuvchss.

Enclosed is some literature which I trust L3?

% # 39 c>i interest. m ^a^ cr "Hi •^f^ Eincarely yours, rn GO

! 10 *> *». i'-uTur Iioover hH ioob 5C CO^'-FR! I

Enclosures (5) / faith in God—Our Answer to Communism 4-1-G1 LED Introduction .' / 4- 17-62 Internal Security Statement 1 Let's Fight Communism Sanely! Gur Heritage of Greatness

NOTE: Correspondent is not identiliabie in Bufiles. WAM:pjf (3)

t \ \A: \ : »"' . •.-Z-.- i"' i M

*] . ^ r ua;:. ;•;;:;».* ittv; . u»;

- '^-^»?aSSS5gW7^^ o c

February 11, 19^5

J. 2dcar Hoover, .Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington D.C. Dear Mr. Hoover: S Tnere has been much debate pro and con concerning Kationa: Co*tincil o "torches. It - r appears impossible to arrive'aT^ friie fa-ts vithcut consulting a reliable source such as yourself.

I vould appreciate hearir.f your vievs concernlnc this organization.

Any information in this regard vill be appreciated.



. / .v

I: -£'<.!?&?! P-C- 13,

' t ' \ H. :• ••"'

T*^ * - »>» »M r ».* *?• ""."T" •.:^'>v/'?rr^'- 7V*7 v r" '

•r " ' to* nc. it c. IVKI1KD SlAifcS GOVEK^P NT • Memorandum

to : JI.; :C" ) .. r ,A date: 1f\2/\tj

. i .<'•--:• r.

' srBjLCJ :

ct. ^'j m ;•*!... irr.-.k-v^iip n#d £iitrsT*c^3 recw i F ed .-ire. /is:

Lvi'K TIIO.r.'LOM, Office of Infor :: cion/ '^atiorj*! Counc

r * *, "* * * *? ~ i 'V* nt > r T* P

B ,

r 6


' 1 - ;c*,: \ iu- k ( 6>- V viiy , - / ~ '- £.


? \ 6?FF: "

p»-p . *i?»^ ^" p-

kr. J. jsrrrrioovctr, Cnie! o: fsueral

Mr. Rom Mr. SulttvSB, Mr. Tsvel _ i*&r r*r. Hoover: Mr. Trotter. y* 1 aat, iaaeed, hcuored *o receive a response Tele. fros you to the birthday siessa^e 1 recently sent you, anu 1 / fcfciit you to ic*ov hot auci* 1 appreciate a renlv frrw a m*n oi your stature. 1 nave always aaoirea your conscientious at-

titude towards your vor< ana have had the utmost confidence in your honesty an^ sincerity. fiavinj lately reaa that the

Council of Churches in Elfhart, Inn., believes you should

apologise to martin Lutner Kin^, 1 .implore you not to con- V sider lor an instance offering this conciliatory aove.

1 would liice ^oueone to point put to ne

Just one instance f vnere this cou-Axy is not going Commun-

ist; oiucerely yours,

\ r£* ll V to I 1/ «3

' ' »•- -.-» >* •" m <*#- » .i u *m . » > « > m ** " f + - ! ^ ' »—^-..-.; »—*1*K} * . r* f} " V ,« *m J fl j c

February 19C5 f- - 10, I ^ ' ' / '•


f . Dear

I received your letter of February 5th, with enclosure, and trwA to thank you for bringing your views to ny attention.

With respect to your inquiries, Information contained In the Hies of the FDI must be maintained as confidential in accordance with regulations of the Department cf Justice and is available for official use only. Therefore, T trust you will understand why I am no*. In a position to Ho *» comment along the linos you have ji^geste-'I anr! hops you o "*• will not infer either that we do or 'o not have data in our 2 ? iiles relating to tlzs nutters you mentioned.

Enclosed is some material I trust will be of interest, along with the stamped, self-addressed envelope jou so Uiou- htf till/ forwarded.

Sincerely yours,

jtm^Hoo,vet / y.7 Enclosures (0) •/ s: Faith in God—Our Answer to Communism _" ....*. Let's Fight Communism Sanely! \W - FBILEB, 4-1-61 / _ Internal • L r_. Security Statement, 4-17-62 —.. - OurJHeritage of Greatness

• -ft *»> v ^~»;.\ >' "NOTE: Correspondent Is not identifiable In Biflles. DTP:lsg(3) .T_- .

" W|» «l.jiiw^,f i «jj.".«^ *j» ^;. TRUE COPY

February o,

J. Edgar Hoover Federal Bureau Investigation Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Hoover: Communist I am writing to you^asklng for information concerning infiltration into the'Natlonal Council of Churches of Christ in America. that House A letter printed In Columbus Bispatch recently stated UnAmerlcan Committee has not cleared the above named organization as early because of Communist affiliations of some of Its top leaders Force as 1960. This Information Is given In Issues presented by Air Reserve Training Manual, page 1303, dated February 25, 1960. We belong to the Reformed segment of the United Church of Christ. I asked our minister about this and he falls to see where this fact has any connection with our local church. Also, he does not believe this to associated be true of the National Council. Also-recently we have been to have seen documented evidence that Martin ! with persons who claim affiliated with as many as 66 Communistic front ; Luther King Is of • organizations. Is this true? If he belongs to even a portion exposed. His actions to me are : that number I believe he's to be of Jesus Christ. If it « not fitting of a true minister of the Gospel to these questions by Feb. I be at all possible I would like an answer 25th, 1965.

the situation Several of our local church members are very upset about combat and would like to know by wh at means we can really effectively not in favor the situation. Any suggestions are appreciated. We are church or any of supporting monetarily or otherwise any segment of our other organization that may in any way be controlled by Communistic

• views of persons at the head. 4rfi / }

liberty Our forefathers and servicemen* tought for the freedom and v stand up for of all peoples and I belleve lt is time that we Americans break down these"eod"-gTven rights and rebel against anyone who tries to tf\ o _ (


any part of these rights. Just finished reading a collection of three lectures written by Rev. John E. Ashbrook of Mentor, Ohio. Believe every person in America should read thi$ pamphlet and really think on it.

an early reply, & Waiting for b_ Sincerely,

'« » - * * i »>. ' ,,r» c»-o . i *rn,m .. ' p ^7 «. . Sz.J^—£m'**.~*+-~ .tM^^J a •t .*

&£**» f>*Z*3U J^ (UuuuJU^ JQ^ul^O auu^Z^.

I- * * ^^ ^^.f^^., tf torn Kz^^m -£ ^^

"^^7 *~~~ 7"*/*: '*•** * * *-** ^^->^/>€t t^mgx**mdit*'w**i -^ — —t.^-... •c

'. Mr- -':^i9R-.'


JU & -L>** *JA*f>r*mJA. s0»JL


*r**»r *tr*~L* tU+X? W»~~ ju-fy+Jr mjX+J> &*> A&i g~JL

" rO /YH*r* Zt**Ziy» Ip/L* flUu^

# tt en- <*** in •»rry-9*-i-t--ir id-***** ^ **^ oV **y

/u^ &u^ p*~ptlJ- *^ AcUJU let*!* **U ( c c


/ ; Jr obruary 5T 1965

xcu/ o.' I ebruaiy 1st has Jce». received.

V l.iie 1 v.ouid like to be of assistance to you, iniarmation contained in the files of the VBI must be maintained as confidential pursuant to regulations of the Department of Justice and is available £ -r. for official use only. I trust you will understand Uie reason for this 5 » w:s\ that you will not infer cither that ve do or do not hsve the data -») ? -n

which you are seeliing in our files. n t

V ith respect to your inquiry£ Mr. V . Cl^ert f. rS ^•kousijn, ,e t- iitar.*d on duty with the 1 hi a3 a clerk on October 24, 19g5, ~£ ani served in this capacity untii June 17, 1940, when hi became a S ^n Special /.gent. Ho voluntarily resided the latter position on October o, 19f'l. His personal ventures as well s-s his opinions and con merits since he left this Bureau are strictly his own. and I am sure you will under- stand why it is not possible for n.e to comment on thes-. in any way whatsoever.

iuicloser- is some material which I trust you will find of interest.

sincerely yours, :

J* j«»;ror #00:vr ' ,

™-~ - enclosures . _ . (5) _ , , Corcmunism„ Sanely! —! - Our Heritage of Greatness Let's Fight ' ." ? ~__ Time for Decision Do You Really Understand Communism :~" — U. S. Businessna.1 J aces the Soviet Spy - -.' -_ NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in ^utiles, j / -"" . PDwOcaf (3)

- "*-*" -"*"- ---1.- . »-^':-/*-* "•*" •" - -*-... .- • . ', "-* .i*:"---;: *-?".. '- -~ k; *• "!:'.- - • .- - .


February 1, 1965

• • //- f . • ' Dear Mr. Hoover,

I would like to know where I can obtain / m information concerning certain accusations I have heard

I about the National Council of Churches. A neighbor of : mine tells me that this organization is Communist controlled and I am very concerned to have anyone believe this. Any information that you can give me concerning this matter I would greatly appreciate. Further, I would like to know if you have any information concerning a radio broadcast calldd 'Twentieth -Century Reformation Hour with Carl Mclntire who made these same charges against the National Council of Churches during his broadcast. I am so appalled at some of the charges this man makes not only about National Council of Churches but our Federal Communications Commission and other government agencies.

/ I would also like to know if there was ever a man named W. Cleon Skousan that was an assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. ;A group here in^ Norfolk & Virginia Beach by the name dt Virginia Constitutionalists use a tape recording of this man in connection with thei/ meeting encouraging study groups to fight Communism in this area and in^the Federal * Government. '

I would like to thank you for taking your time with this letter and shall be waiting for an answer soon.

Yours trul

":C-64 /


i -"- >!- .. . • >« -J? »' y . » »^wF«*n C r • '' '****' 7

< JCjKu^ *^ *« +^y+£^ *a^ (+r

"* * + t*> ^tf r-<^,« • ^ "> < €c

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ref^r^ary 4, 1265 * %* J /

3U rr; "Hi o C3 I received your letter of January SCtii :.nri van; J 1 " ••5 ^un : you for veur interest in my book, "listers of jDeccit. g

V/kh respect to /our inquiries, information coil lined in the files cf the I-UI n*ast be maintained as confidential in aceord-

: mCG with regulations of the Dependent of Justice and ii* available

ici officiil use only. Therefore, I trust you v. ill understand v;ny I a^i not in x position to comment l.1ohj the lines yeu have su^ected

a*;:? ho^-r yeu v/ill net infer either th.t wa co or do i* :ii hr/c Czt\ in cur files. i-elati.«j to the oivpnizatioiif; you mc:;tionec.

f ! .Cnclozsc: ir .:0:1c ii mature I trust ~;i I be of interest.

Sincerely ircrzrs ./// i***** t,#-*'3 (r) /•-I -61 L-.B Introduction X. * - 1 7- 62 Internal Sbcu; ity fUtement , /' Let's I'iijht Communism S-uuely! Faith in Goci—Oyr Answer To Cokwj onisu. •Our Heritage of Greatness"

1VJTS: Correspondent is not identifiable in 3ufiles. f -z _ • -» » DTPralb (3) J:, / . .



Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington D. C.


I am writing this letter of inquiry to enlighten me and others. There have been many accusations regarding Communistic infiltration of the Council of Churches.

I am a mynbei^f the organization known as United Church Women here in| land am presently its Vice President. There are smflraifiliated churches here in the city. We are a branch of the State and National Organization. Locally, it provides a fine fellowship of church women of different faiths. We sponsor four meetings per year, namely: World Day of Prayer, May Fellowship Breakfast, Missions Institute and World Community Day. A part of our funds go to support State and National organization.

I am very eager to know if the organization of United | Church Women is in any way called Communistic and if so why? J

• I would also welcome any information regarding the extent, if any, the Council of Churches is involved in Communistic infiltration. These accusations concerning the Council of Churches J were brought to my mind again just recently and are a source of great concern.

I have read ''Masters of Deceit" by J. Edgar Hoover also "J. Edgar Hoover Modern Knight Erant" by Mildred Houghton Comfara. I feel that every red blooded American should do all he or she can to combat this terrible thing so I am seeking enlightenment.

Please inform me.

-7 ' Very truly yours, ^.w-

1 ^' — ' * - ^ay* » .^ H l Mr. T..Jv..n • ' >, t.Wyb'ir, _ " .!:. ^ j/*i t-r

i: |. JMr. M h;m . . Mr. Cmrrttl _ J

fi Mr. GuU _

Mr. Kr«i

Mr, Tr<*»< ' TVlr. Ki*-i:

V:«» I Mr** __ Mi*.* liar'-

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M«"*...<- - » I I I f I H ,I)|(W»» » I- .

/ - February 3, 1955


* A, CDS = o Your letter of January 29th has been received. , , _

x* With reonect to your inquiry, information contained g in the filos of the FBI must be mainUined an confiJcntial in accord^ ancc wit. regulations of the Department or Justice and 13 available Xor official use only. I rejret I cannot te of help in this instance

but trust you understand the necessary reasons for this policy. • -.

It i^> hox:ed you will not infer either that ve do or do not have data in our files relating to the subject of your inquiry.

Sincerely yoi'rs,

NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. ,:'<*

'_- _"_ DPC:kcI •;• (3) s *

y '.IV

-• ! .1 :. ^v" cu 'yf

, ' i L • 'I > ? » »^r-? Tarry-— -«»-; r ? -' "? ? *^ yyw p w. , w »y Jg 'yTWl ^^. «. , 'SI V.-7fr&#T$g?T&r *~ ^t*"iT.^"^ ./ W^n ^ W January 2?, iyt>5

F. 5. I. Justice re;:t. c Washington D. # ' '-' * J- » Gentlemen:

V.'ouW yoi: hav.i ar.y free livorature regarding aiTiliatir.nE of

II.C.C. Cl3rf-.;men anr* rhair a£tivitier? i We have a publication that

ve want to bring up to date in regards to this.

Very truly

RE(k 13*3



»y^ M »>» 1 » -»— r *1*'-— *p ury-yays'^^yy.,. G

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4 :ZC- 99 //%**' > «» . ,v ,'j *?

ttc **eivej and, v*»£ J* °' February e J ce f 1st fa- ***«» 'ervlcc to vr, *teinly wouiri i-i , 3

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Sincerely 0Uxs y ,

Atlanta - £ncloj•sure f / / osures (5) 6 ffi ,htroduc0™

He C '"ageofGrcatocM« °mimunisni' 1/

' ' »- .. . i il * ! • , n L ' . ' . LJ . "* ** ,'•• » «.c^. «**.. y T.P ^ s • . -

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** --'« r , -**-*«ir ' vises''..,

Honorable J. Ed^ar Hoover, Director Federal Bareau of Investigation Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Hoover:

The writer has been assigned the duty, as Chain^aT^^th^Conarission on Christian Social Concerns Methodist Church (membership °£w m 4400} , to investigate tne activities of the National Council of Churches n >r

I assume that policy would preclude any activity I %f © ! on your part, as Director, in behalf of private organiza- tions. It occurs to me, however, that in the discharge ' 4 ot your duties you may have had some occasion to considev i the policies and activities of ' thVilational Council of *».l f

Churches, ' f ' ir* the Manual issued" by the Air Force S j f it ir charged that soma Pastors of some Churches were 1 - carcl-carryir^ Communists, and that 30 of the 95 persons t who revised the fcible for the National Council of Church -s were affili^ced with subversive organizations. V

If there is any information that you can furaxsh me t^at would not be inconsistent wich your policies as Director cf the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I shoulc a?p-*'_ciate very much having it.

Uith kindest regards, I £i„

sincere L^ " .


/ I t

Dear Mr. Hoover,

' t i Thanks again for the answer of letter my September 11, 1964 ;

j of my asking information whether the council of churches were were

: subversive or not. You said you could not say either way. Our minster call F.B.I in Greensboro and they said they were not. He preached a ' sernion in the pulpit about it. We are Southern Baptist - but I have a lot of decated friends and relatives in other churches that help support that.

Since your letter to me, King and others has attacked you and I wrote and told you I was praying for you. I did not intend you to write me or not this time either. I know how busy you are.

{ You said let the FBI know of information so I am sending this letter to you that was sent in the mail. I also sent another one to Billy Graham. He's Southern Baptist and can look into the^ipatter^ I ^ *"' showed this to my minister wife and she got angry at me. " ; ^ * '7 * J

,- :/. ]' As a Christian, and I know you are, I am concerned"? bout this evil that is tearing our country down. Our youth every where is up set. We are responsible for them and the Bible say Gods will hold us responsible. I have two children and one grand son. What will their world be like, if we don't fight now. I know so many christians are working so hard for the council and I feel they are being mislead. I got the pamphlet from the government 'Issues Presented By Air Reserve Center Tratng Manual/' hearing on committee on U-American Activities February 25, 1960 - There was quite a few things that quoted what you said. It seems to me we church layman are lulled to sleep, then some others are worried and looking and finding material that shouldn't be printed for our church. I feel the communist are using these fronts to get our money and also to tear down our youth in our churches. If I'm wrong I would like to know - but when I get letters of this type. I feel we should be interested -maybe in both sides to see where its' comming from and why, it is comming.

; * If the ones that arc sending it are trying to hurt the church or communists m \J are putting people in there that will help destroy the church. When one^ • reads the papers and news, they sure can see it. .* . .

» - feel if . 1 these people are deceiving our christian people its up to our government to let us know. How can we know where there are *' so many sides. I just hope we can be made to wake up - and to the right cause.

* •

I try not to be so concerned about this but how can Christians not be? If I could talk to 6ome of your men I'd like to. I'd like for them to be a christian, then we're one accord. h' If this group is hurting the church - the church should know *" it. Christian's shouldn't be fighting Christians but be on the one side - God's side and fight the devil. He's our enemy and deceive us in so many ways -

Again I say, I thank God we have a person like you, and if God's will, you'll serve a long time and help sjear our country thru the batfes;,,; that beset us. Then when you step down, majte have another like you.

Sincirely yours,


P.S. My minister thinks you're wonderful. If you like, send him so good material to make him think.

He is for the communists s, o pur youth at colleges - His influence counts - Has two son's at

n ' i iiD m i i n r'iw '^ . **m^ Aim w..yipn» „ n^iy f i ^ 6 *

^K- y




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v. .•*• Nc«r» Cripiiy ftihVi had Every Day m i Yft-: r fcy £7 vtcro C. O. •rtrrRfSS. Pr**dtM *f. v.'. Kf.\i>/.a Ed**-. MBS. MARY J. MclEAN &«cr«t«n W.LL!\M 0. SNIDER AsiseUH Ed rr GEOI.SE W. IEMGN3 ... /.ctarfiiiag Dimeter Circulrtica M.r.gtr t.!.L£S H. V/0!?F Ejeeuttv* Ed; ; E. 0. NICHOLS

106* Fege 4, S^c. A SATURDAY, KOVUMBLR 21,

J. tulwar fiiuws His Top

• ret to r^;>o;i rivil viol:.. ions to J. T:ip-r H^.vrr, tie tfO-yrar-okl i- rphls »:.e 1 i'f o;i;cc ttv.r.? hcc-ii'S*. its i'.jxms -; r.r Ina ! r-.: t of *r KcJcr.'I pruau wi;» all Soi:t!iP/ncis t also was lambast- *•;-!. o;-,. has ]>;.;; I;?rn w;tcd far lie yral ed by tlic dircrt'-r. Dr. Kin.*:, he de-

his » v.:i rc;»u!3- vi;h v.-'.-iii-l. he trfcnH- ch.reJ;. is "iho n.« s' n morbus liar in the

tion r:-i tk::: of i:*e a.\ency lie « in- c.*unl;-v." j.Mii!'. In his recent inlcrvir.v with - Dr. Uin« rcpl'ed, ;n ar interview at a report where he is prrparir.R «rf.j|) ..f v cnitii reports, however, he CnnShcan

: his N'oU! Pri?.e acceptance speech, cii;; rvn~ dcrv./ic daina;u to both. Pccc: is "J v:vis'.d Ncsrocs in Al- ».:, :tly vhru sci Mr. Hoover off thai never i- ! ««» «» -i n.i; lo re; v t! FBI. Ca the r.r»t ck-ar. His agency hr.s been * - bany contrary, reported every ir.ridont. c-:-*"d tbh year on a nurirsrT of couivs. we that Ivj; surety Mr. K'jovcv could l.r.vr ro- P.ut wo v.vrc dismayed hy the fact ri.inr-" Hoover, ;* :yj Jc.- bor i*rrt ir.d mm* r.othw;: *vas ever Mr. h-"* surt.trsU'd. wus "fiihen^c under the the rriiicisns of his r i#; .lie \V r- heavy burden and IVrst t . it--- 1 !: v.ruh v?.s : office." rc:i Con;iv. '*;io.i, whicii in its report on - r nc?nrdk*sE of th" l " .s in the contro- \r-i of Prr.-kicni Ken:v.jy Ii->ov-—**. arcusMion w; s in- rniirizrd lie Mi? for i:«: i::f.iimin;- ;hr versy. Mr. tempi;) i*:. Dr. l.i^s nethods in the 5c rrcl S^rvi*-.? of T^c liTuy Oswald**,

1 ,rt 22. civil rfchis str;;?:,: a.i. or c.ur'O. open prose ;i rA i^ I* M*'* h Novcr.ihT ,# other *.• r ri; vf, to rrititism. ih* i*u*. n»*t en the !*.a*, Mr. M* -vrr :*d. war a /:••:- * to .* nii..liiy as "the most f:;an,p^ • ?'* f'«v nioiYiin? cju i.;-r-d. vat t(. s Jl: »•»!.» :»:- ll-T ill t! i» i*'- i.i;i>." •Mr'.-n-: I:" t|-.p 1 !Ji ;i:d in .cop

.' # .hi';., *i'he interview r.i* - i sv.'-pp:ng on *cv».i v ; -dividual v. ho mi^ht en 5C.ien.!iz.u;on5 <»f tiie son usually re- vie s:*.Vty *'f lh? Pr.vsidcr.l/* he c n- t-ratory: **You can't fnnru, 7.0C0 persons vouM have lo r? served for campair,'- < f Washington, t.-Mincd dniuR a presidential visit t n 5a Wv walk the streets ^Central ,>v. Ycrk City. 1). C, even in the daylight/' •' ]*ar}.;_no one dares walfc there even in Mr. II« ov ronlen::d himsi-f v;i/n m.ri the daytime." The Ku Klux Klan has c iiin,7 tV Warren F*port "unfair ;ly been responsible for "all the lynchings Uiihis'." He did not soe fit, apparei f A ho.nhincs of homes in the South." tu'r-cplnirt why his ap ncy provided r.o and course of one news conference irf*ii;iid!'>n or. Oswald's whereabout-, In the y,r. Hoover managed to caK doubts v.v. *n to? former defector wr.s emr".o-rd ahjut .he ir.tcpiily of the Warren Cor- In n hiiloin;; directly en President J'cr.- ci r.:iF .-#r, Dr. Kin^:, police forces jn a rr-rlv'r- ir.r.iai cr»se nuiiibr-r cf cities end 'Veedinc heart » !m": ly m; Jc OsMnld a special cer- , hr. ; and :* , be.u*.i"'*» judges." He his opinions alnl^ . il"« •'ih-iasarid.* of tainly has every right to express fhent. c-rai*fc*pffts :^nd kc^.ks" Mr. Hoover rnys But as the director of an immensely he hr.s l'» hep under sunxiHanre. r.rd- pwcr.V! investigative force *:* would I>r. Mnri.n I.uih?r Kin?, v.ho—an then* to him- iny tn Mr. i:nr.vcr—t#!d Ncprocs in Al- ha\r to keep there v.*as little self. bany. Ga. f rcccnlly U;at

ENCLOSURE /r -> - cfo ?i. /• ^m m\f nji f c

Public Pulsr

Jfllftif *s UlTW Opinions ilrfil^ * •>! the r>;iily News: Hover's Uaily News: Millions of bumaM disp3tt»vd v.e sh.uid rm jov** Mr. Editor of the 1 tl:.:-k etemitv by u r m2 R frcat about our be- vn for talfcim: U i> alarming >^ knox^n the muttlins/'. H.-.v.'a hai he iv;. loved *;•-. Kin;:. Pu. Mr. fidvnc»tc thr 1 *;;-JJ. his co*jn*.y. ; .R.I. your editorial l*»ncr of Farmer in «;hatc of *J»* 1 < Hoover in docs not rc- His T«.p T>r p'H-xl fa;h«*r and ihcr. Drew Pc;.i on wmil-] Edgar Blows h» finds have done bc^r^ jr»t Ms s'»n bc.-iit.s-e he o'it of a job i>na;is? he -n "He would he to a thief. Neither do--, wviic Uirm (hi, •pinion*) him wouldn't have anything to iokrrp bis nor Vs P».- ,>: his eves to ab^u* in McComo, Mi-» h.m^lf- li tr.s J,ttPis:.i " v ill b«s ,,> 2MiI!. Ti;r mr;.su;c < v A.r.'s v.-nuidr'i it « ' ^t ,; 4;i! !rii, . ; knr.\v i!*.a: l<^* his ddc;n» N.. ; : he dor? wiin pw.-s'.*'/ Sr:n;' ih "frcf . m-eds vmer and strips with so to in* /! frrc spr-fh is ".;< "• *«•'. there. F.ui I think wo. SHANKLASD many r*'>P^ n;.'i«»a. m* ;0SKPiI H : tUi our r pr^n'hers th:«n t^ncis in r.c !•.».--? mute pic- Green- r.oro. ni't the exclusive any:nirj rise in R i*c Hit!. So thM it is »? rrs? ; o.l will j-p^anve of P if incy 1^.1 rraliy pray. t cnli- Mr. King mi n'w j *rnd "thrin v.atrr .li.d Mire*". I, c *J^ r -t ' ,Kl a the vhle ri Pri, \ s.tilrd by I.:** H-v ur.--.-al. of his comr ;.:rir^V hi;vc l>ccn Mn-.-e the ear Minns be an- rai^d. l^rv inuM now lohip. MvcrM. Th-rr is one -uvr t.onccivcd, it «.«rc 8 thoupht is can n-vrr hr cradi.-i^d to s;"* !• would sadden ni*- w.-il'l br h-'Kl- w* rn :t u.-iion. mi« brhrv- win'.;rd by ..iir b-ar^ 4.-aam/ - that l:->ivrr. i'r in C n- U*n he h*a^>. or any otn.r oriiini/a- dividual, or Mn-ilar t-»hir tion is .tiMr.uey iv.f. vash. l^-w f.»r our Uiriy i&" rould nnt b;.ve "skpt uidued-J babe- the night that be

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Circuit Ruler*, Inc. CX2u^^ sgJL**c*£* J&Aes ^& «u£ 110 Government Pi*c»>^ 1 ^JF^^ ^ c ^ — Cincinnati 2, Okio/

to racini fMr wliagi for 12 Hi »3S»gs *•1 fed** ertfc* •**< ^Mtrii

•cHtnHw, IW fir* m0» I* Tnrfwrfi e v.* 9

9M0 for '•is * I*

3 Here your money does double duty


,.#t»VI ijit.ii nl > -», — c Circuit Riders, InS


• — -


Circuit Riders, Inc., has not been Advised by an investigating or security agency of the federal or a state government that any compilation of public records published by Circuit Riders, Inc., is incorrect.

Circuit Riders, Inc., has not read any public speech, or so-celled private statement, made by a responsible head of any fovernmentel security or investigating agency which claims or * mplles criticism of any excessive statement, allegedly made by //. any conservative or right-wing person or organisation, is \\ applicable to the published compilations or statements made by If? Circuit Riders, Inc.

f" Adverse criticism of Circuit Riders, Inc., compilations

mostly by amalgamation . An \l%10 and public statements is attempted %y amalgamator connects opponents with unpopular causes and persons rather than answer the opponents' specific statements. •as \\: Some adverse critics of Circuit Riders, Inc., have ir^ consistently avoided the printed text of Circuit Rider publications §£ and reviewed the publications by copying or quoting statements 3B made oy critics who seemingly attempted to smear the Circuit Riders. m Circuit Riders, Inc., publishes compilations of public records M ' showing whose names appeared where, when and how in public print, fi wittingly or unwittingly, in support of leftist causes. Probably -' the most Interesting critics have been those who use enough of the Circuit Rider texts to create an effect similar to these following ridiculous excerpts: Judas went out and hanged himself. . . go & and do likewise. . . in great haste. All three statements are Jl contained in the Bible, but not in this context. Truthfulness, reliability and dependability are expected inherent attributes connected with either complimentary or adverse i criticism originating with spokesmen for church organisations, publications or programs. So-called snow Jobs, white-wash efforts or smears (per ae) had heretofore been identified with lowclass political arenas. The leaders and spokesmen of liberal church groups are reminded that the vast majority of U. S. clergymen are thought to be coneervatlve on the subjects of theology and economics.

(jJV*At) fa. «5*£wm*w HGL/mb M. G. Lowmsn

»- ' r- 1 *' "^ff" —****%xy f" J. iw » r>?—"m»»^-;;^JH-r.n-r7—*. *-"-* w«**- .7^«v « ifm —%> '* *« " * ^ f" )'* Take the most critical measure-

Who's doing the big job in i

r; the women's service field?

y each generation finds it INCREDIBLE £'



Exhibit #1301 !i ^mj) $**cuit Wd«ri, Inc. !£•: ( t*^' HO Governmnt Flacn \ft (f Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 P::

, • •.;.^^^^^,namitMi/MMfii i In f J Mm Tf liifin i linn iiiin i niii r fciiii^«MMniirMtfifiMiriii«Mii«tlii^-iinaimri¥[7r 1

Gave than timet end special placea, Callinga, gifto, end diepeneetiona, And to each SUMMONED Ve/ee One; Bat of one blood ho i-- Voice Two; I don* believe It Science decent prove It Voice Three; Type A cannot bo miaod with Typo & to a Voice four; Typo B ahhon AB. Voice Ffee; Bach rejeete the other two.

Voice One; But can aubatltttto for ofl. NEW AGE Ifa ooivereaL * IflMlMtV fft* tfOtto** Cfcttfcfc Caorn*: Itfa eonfuelng. ., ,

s • It dlctorbo uo that to netoio '.I 1

We find euch moagreUsatioa. : t 1

; • • . Now toko the racoa and the aati t * We have remedied i God*e ohfiooa •;' And daeeiflod the world to our i trsditiona.

Voice Two.* Take the color of hia >"[ And the way be tiee hie tiee. Voice Four: Seethocolorof biehairandtheway hebroathea the air. Voice Three: Note the ehapo of hie hood ^/ And height of Ida bod.

• Trmm ffe Tmii m «w to *Bfc ^: J4 Voice Fiv: Judge the curve of hia none And the width between hie toon. Ckorua: Oh, we have a wonderful •••



7) Exhibit #1S0U Circuit Riders, Inc. if 110 GoveroMnt Place Cincinnati, Ohio 45202


: t -W-w THIS HAS A

li Special Meaning FOR YOU.. INSTEAD OF DEATH


THI SIA1URY MESS • NIW YORK 1 /S AJ- Sax and th» Sanctuary

Especially among youth, sex is commonly treated in the churches as

if it doee not seriously exist or as if it ought not seriously to exist before or outside of marriage. Thus the Church generally ignores die fret that sex is a profoundly influential reality in the daily lives of young people. Kids are afflicted too much in church youth confer- -A Sunday schools and you* feDowshipe with presentations «m*TT ud about "marriage and die family** that offer only simplified, idealised, foolish, and often false images of sex* and which treat sex as an oHigr^A" exclusive to marriage and procreation* At the same time, these presentations shun or merely deplore the immediate sexual fasues confronting young people who, according to die realities of modern American life, are practically—that is, economically and educationally, if not psychologically and phyuologfeaDy—aiaMe to marry for many more years after school or college, after military service, after landing a job, after saving some money, after a long



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a need tar a new and better hatch of leaders. Dr. that Xt * to be doubted and Norman Vincent PEALE the pushed-around rank ftiewm agree wttb the rat* ion to jstbe Where Are We Heading SexnaUv? , «ttfi as_ a wtntifffminister., _jU< 1**™**%%^ _ t r>i • . what I bava lOCtUaiS. WV •toit i mi e*uM uson to eOUMH j tvb oar to would eetully tedmc sincerely ! British 9019 of Quakers. sexual rtlations with JoungiSaptewbo baring IMe — wanted ftfetft In Ocro^hy. tout I alao wanted help than to* Iheirwaf believing the not to. to iCTpam^ to tea me being hurt Borne be the and mid Je might 0^0^11----—-. - ftgbt out and tell the old montwar «o Of to eome argue of jounger C basu of an at aiatmrma x * •way Cram ae It was iW >£» falling tare seen to 1 •nwibappyl*J«£g«*& a *^ morslttyMfcsedon church, gave m and c **» 1 Basen_ bad eome for help and freedom from woo* out^ wttbWMn n. „,conclu„,—sion»» that— Be ommodedjrengi Froteatant be eu« dtt need It -^ term *^ Me^narttei ess is •»* nee- ——-^ He told me be bad been of from «m" for a gW, to a youth conference IHat freedom jir marrlege." ana they J?*,^!™m-^ ation. f*g be auffietsntly tola religious denomin weakly tmni Si dlseuv v~niz^% minted to bate Ihe Much of the group to have a variety of sexual sex. mi** it seems, was on SSohaT.««manmurt partners does Infactwgb; fttldennlUop>gg Ttwas." be said, "described relations and destroy a to be ncn en nor aonamer^y^B[Jg^* to language that vent over be wsnte hia ltfe offered, But that whokgenenoont \B my bead like a balloon. to given the On the question m young Ainericons. under X got the Impression tot**- of when It is right tor MoMywoou morals taught me by my the innv""* •* course to take place, they aaUetoua»eTahae. family were now for the and said: -It should not happen ox iovo put it straight to SunWWev«abi*op have a oonnotatlon Mrda. X - have there" and until the partners aa the leader: Is having sex 5SrthPood up that la batteally y^ & there- no come to know each urch relations by w* *"^ **£ ^^Sdout One thing la awe. Ch the 10 well that the sexual who sSe right or wrong?' But longe/e^BuUien^ wrtten and Taadafa" tact tififiTtf* a oonsur . feeder, a so-called youth ex* ^J^the-oodtotbere acoBmmodatotolowermnT- question bU inner Bfe— tion, a deeply wmx^X hy^natvaiy^fie- pert, dodged the _tnat to. in -* ai atandirda came beck with aome ^fdiWe. afi«man total uusimnn of ft end 4 bestne mention of mumbo-Jumbo about fellew- to live up 1© the Alp.* Ho and personality con- J^aStotheOodwtth- Alp attmgh fi love in depth. friends, people they . eern and iant of „ of m aik. Tbe dement 11 that night in the may added: * fhe hey I "» -«o later "mTvou In* for tt*^! I and I went TiuKhoid|ngttP«« aonsSbUity should be a bit woods Dorothy th 1 arid, frankly and gD the way. We rationalised volved." JSgatoTlael like X love cared for each booklet issued byJhe that we really pao- A and that if this act is SSJcn * fceKted United Christian^Tooth I other and wttb to me. for tt earJ^™ now considered by church S^ttoughtfuUy liovement says: "WtthJ fdiow- for human wrong to leaders lust one of S5er*SSng person tt may be _ eb-Butrn Xven so X having bumanjreb- all becai att« t^P tt was OJL betogs 5o anything at admtt rm a phony, tari £* that nest day are false and cheap, ESTterrible ST gMn««2K?Ewont to It would be aTwWla — went totto the confer- to thoK who another journey 19****2JZ and IX w Sp up. while with % ~ tdld Mm 22b tndr standards entering Woi Jg^jTdettoSonrfwbjt And yourself SSSivrend'mi^^ ^ the whole atory. rndually dee£**}***» r^wtoM. go «he«^«f0P look. Jsek, to to "**** s ma- *«e_ sett. Vowvow thVSureb tn which yon & __ who «n> out end etlB**I!??S •_ develop a guilt eonv tt it the people in a highly w iona pastors? les. That would be mote £om It end their way as group. » love wttb than whet you actu- It a amall h^JP^JrSii Serious Orto wrtteme- ally on the besli of your toprftlces. Who it all da> •nnj boy dM forttrat to ether word*, ttandty oomttted, total personality develop- tSial which amies .~ whom you 00 s — . pendi upon have mtan - t «Xhe church speaks . mention at can 3* wtth> eat bo u be makes 1 -WbMt kind of guys are AM mm* eft*(Oge- lyway. not to keep bewatojhe n tian Century this mess in tbe majority of of tact that vaat :;j* church members do netgo leaders along wttb ao-caDed onimanymatun. He thtoks SmeSPSTSp^^ %*?££+

?4 Hw—~ Aa • this revolution to ta> m erda PWrlm Sorokln. a so- ciologist, hat deacrlbed the United mates as **s-asto> reted. sex-obsessed and

a-j—«-i- ^^ 1 ^^^z?-^ «•*• ' ir 1 +UJs*Jk*JL*~+~ _ ^ • ./^ A_ £»>***»««^» ^ fc**^«g<*w* ^*^^^ i» i l^fi^r^Ur '

anther country. Washington, los- But his country would not long I to remain ing ,11 tyth Id Britain, hwad a give him 4* allowance 1787 find him wemlng to his fcUow ocl owhti en- In retirement In we president ,of the Constitutional titled, -No. Vbglnlo, Thm b No s first Pres- m Sana daus." Shortly thmafur he Conniption and, in 1789, a of ssade • notable speech baton tht ident of the United States ^™ z Z + Vbglnle House of Burglaiessis, end- America. He swore In his office on £ year. other tng with ««hw ase liberty or give April 30 of the latter No me debtT He wis •ccUbned the President has since been so honored ex- bmd of the hour end es the anonymous choice of the Oa= i s mender of dM asinui pectorate. * we *>0 ell Weih- • m Speee bib os to tell of «c < m to history text- X i*a heroic exploits during the IN DEFERENCE War. only e lew books, we pass I'ghtly over the given. Of course, eight stormy yean of his admin- . Jti ^^fenay be v^iryTBoolboy knows ebout the istration, during *hkh he warily " entinglemenu with 68 terrible winter at Valley Fraae. viewed foreign J: steered the ship of o when Benin Von Steupid tried to one eye and with a> whip die legged colonial uregulais state with the other. In 1797, X post a sign of relief, Washington's a a r Into shape. I! went to Quint? Adams. * m After hitting this wOl-tlme low, John o» 9 • ik x pin 5 5 to his be- Washington's fartunes took *n up- Once again retiring 5 z 2 craned the fcy loved estate on the Potomaine X m «S::.»i 10 ward turn as he I farm a Rubicon and attacked the Hessians River, Washington sold his profiu bly that he be- I! at Trenton. His faithful Martha products so from ice Boa came one of the wealthiest Ameri- followed Mm. leaping s* if. day. By his Indian to ke floe with her husband's shav- cans of his his ready wit as a banquet ing kit In hand. studies, toastmaster, and h s marketing suc- WW***?' THE TREACHERY of Derelict cess, he earned the triple title, "First *~r At- 'defended Washington deeply. in lore, first in feast first in the mam countrymen. 8' i _• nKraitor had fled to England of his IE 14. 1799, this son Matthew later be* On December s i 9 o> v where his ulsi-icox u pentagon of virtue died. He was came well-known), Washington O Q> >> a 1 :6k il fl ^ 0«H ancestral fault remarked to his wife in bhter sad* interrogated in the M Vermin. For many dec- Dm, I cannot tell a spy. Mamma." at Mount and The war being over. Washington ades the estate went to rack •»-*i ? years it has ssa gave his famous Farewell Address, ruin, but in rectnt restored a group of public- also known as his Forwarding Ad- been by oc- spirited ladies with original furni- ! dress. It was on this touching white paint It casion that "Cany Me Back So Old ture and glistening fitting shrine to Virginia- was first sung. stands today as a chief Washington hoped to live out of the memory of Anerica's_first ms days in peace at Mount Vermin. •* ife

• .-/. V *.v iAw-% : W. %?' # •;'<..

i > li iM » a* Mrflaaa- fain eli oVt ^JPa^ew^lJsWiaai SCENT research Indicate that In* childhood George gu Into f\ Bridge. (Tills not stand teen- troubla with his father by chopping autograph Is for Gilbert or for Cufzon MX ' thr average American eligible.) but for GrtdJey. This Is proved by ager knows til loo little about "The down Parson Weans'* cherry tree. tt*M Washington's famoisi "ggr* ft Fodder of Our Country." Reed this (This Incident was used years later AFTER SERVING with extinc- about when to set of the first dyna- kid but carefully by the Russian dramatist Ghekher as the theme of one of his plays.) tion in the Fringe and Engine War, mite blast on the mountain: "You bkurtphy to chad _ Washington married a young and may fire when ready, Gridley.* qviaintance with that great opart* As a youth George, aide* by his wealthy friends Lewis and Clark, surveyed widow, Martha Dandruff . George and Martha Washington Wi large tracks for the colony. Truly CustanL From her first husband lived many yean In martial bliss. she had Inherited extensive wood- Two sons and two daughters came Virginia at an early age. The Old- a many-sided man, he wes surveyor,

farmer, soldier, lands, known as Custard's Vest . to frighten their home. Washing- Style Caknd lists fhe data as woodcutter, mason, chiropractor—the Stand. After she married Washing- ton, a great student of Indian lor* February 11. 1732; but, at all tba statesman, and 'references ton, these forests were eddad to his gave these four children the tribal world knows, February 22 Is really latter explaining frequent names of Seattle, Birthington's Washday. Skillad to him as ''Washington, D.C Spokane, Taooma, Rushmora, have as yat iailad to During one of his youthful jaunts, At nearby Mount and Walla Walla. to carved his Washington sat for the familiar un- Along about this time, the Scamp .^Ai wb this made him George is said have rock, the side of finished portrait by G. Stuart Con- Act, the Teapot Poms, and WST days older, eleven days name in high on Virginia's famous Supernatural trary to popular opinion, the G In several other factors were moving the name of this great sculptor did the colonies toward war with the

tyUQIIiunHMcElrith the fodder of our Country * y

S' : '. 15*


1 *"— ^-^^>«^^—>^^Bs^&ig«i .-»a..»a.^:m.--*.- fiirSaptfiiirirf rrraiMT " ^ '•


•». I l __ W. MAMMA1X* ^^_ i,1,g,^ite^AMt>/UiD TIME Mpsasa erf «a^ 1U1U,—TT*I T I t I I . «K»T' twor* w «tifc). DL COLLECT=WUX NEW YORK NY 26 31 oP EST«


S3 t ICRE: International Council of Religious Education

f DCE-NCC/^Division of Christian Education

£$ I ^ National Council of Churches

I (*Gerald E. Enoff , Executive Secretary

H Clifton Allen, Editorial Secretary of The Sunday School Board of t n 1 Southern Baptist Convention, Haahvllle, Tennessee, la alto chalreu . of the Rational Council of Churches conlttee which prepares the Onlfon LessonfSerles referred to in this telegram and procured f i

I the National Council of Churches at a cost of at least $14,000 (tl aost recently Identified aaount) per year; I £*UL^£ &+.

«i tmi coMPAwt wiu *rr«tci*Tt •uocutioms rao»« ro m»on* concckmsmo m

• v%m< « »*« .

M Following noceea wm a Christian and Race Problem* to write < The the REPRODUCE i as snag-tort ft?£R (seep-H), j»ly &.1M4 12) QuivnoN- * Cm ChrtoienJty and radii b. Why am meoy churches In radaDyto «. b ft aaoemuy far a church to ha know people who wom'i even discuss the question of being Chrie- Do you far to mmaban to teal thto they have been Hon in race rotation* What m the ^CmtimmoT answer to "the toco problem"? far mrry time and place m America? What rttvomd- le the muwer the mme " 4. What k • Christlike ittttudi toward • ^m^foceehooemthUtmwofmtemeerock^ to • biUhesdo o. On what heme do i anarch, or Joto * paitfculer church? Preparation for Union Study Stmdyt S. EimmUu mad Deepewinf Ymmr Mr.Dlieuiilon rctourae aeatorial Oder, hive ootid several pototi In Mr. Coggto/ our responsibility you nay " \. Topic Problem for Thin Study t What U " (wit Ooo on which you mink your union !• or "dig to" wh* Kfprding today's rata problems? transkting attitudes to* of the chief dimcukies Christians always have it fa specie typos of ipocileRMdle actions. Mr. Coggms hit suggested some tenyfahfa II. Scriptural Foundations AcU 17:24-26; Romans 2:11; Epbo- VK*!? E «» ttanTchrktiiM iiwy tafeto help achieve racial fuetfae, hut it idlbMp i sians 2:13-16 hii own tho Drindplm to , Mi* to^nZrind each manbTto apply f not Cofs wto toot j- IIL Study Procedure*! For Instance, on page 9 Mr. Coggms itotn that it Is which tend to Mparato group from group. Ton I Note the relationship of the problem for this men mould tat up Unionbanian 1. Beforo ikm Study* which am* between races 28. want to leadload untounion membenmemben to bettot Ibarrio* - study to the unit as a whole as Riven in the unit introduction for June maymav to your area. Then dlacun how thorn berriara are being Use the hidden strip chart to aid in expressing this relationship. Refer in actions. chart again as part of your Sunday people's attitudei and . last session's study as background. Use the f Coggitts abo mentions the need for friendhness and oowtasv morning announcement, or use for this announcement the large paper poster MMr. races. You mav want to go deeper Mo what fth week. Also, use one or the other of these visual memben oTSiereut your union study last . from ...... V «u_w —race. Whatuik, does t of the Negro topic to the unit of in a white person's lehtmnships wimim memben aids in the union to review and preview and to relate the smhs friendship How does one establish such frtondshipf How cen n n studv. mW ; courtesy to one another? What is of both white and Negro races show , Prepare sheets of paper with the following question at the top: taekrt before this discussion is to come up, you may want view toward other races? Plan to give one to each member and ask the A few weeks my their own attitudes t your group memben to observe and report on > tber briefly to answer the question, but not to sign his name. (Allow several of the J«eedtog this dteusaVm. Prepare a second sheet with the end ectionfandItheee of othen during tone minutes for this written response.) Ny Name* or Tfce what If eomeone in your union has read Nobody Kmxor Mquestion: If all Christians shared my view about the race problem, j St answer Fire Nsat Ttow or Another ComHry by bmei T would be the effect on our world missionary effort? Ask members to t ^^ ^oward^^£Jl^\Criffln, aak b John H you wish, merely write the by Martin Luther King. Jr.; or Black like Me y this question at the conclusion of the study* (If barrien est report as partlif a i|mipostom or pans! rasontiHnriion questions on newsprint 'or the chalkboard at the appropriate time.) him to p you deal with Mr. Coggins' material and prapara to go bayood in i 2. Dmrimg ift* Study t iitoMtti af opinion ara eipnased. they abouU bo resolved (1) As you begin the study, ask members to answer the first question. of mutual respect and Christian love. *': of information to a * to the union without comment. to use one of them i Collect the m* rWfT fT and read them If you decide :. '""fr ojuta those tymporium or panel, appotot a Itosntog team or a jmnef to for this quarter were prepared »• wtoHbrtag btAtfto and tho ouarteriy contoat i the Tfaiata* Union Department, Baptist aaa BILL eSsor, union aaambanto > Virainiai~ JUNKER, Aftmr Ike Stodyt For foitow4himjgh Idaat, ask Nashville. Te tbok bow tbay as todMduab can hasp to aafae race problems to bogta hamiib itsry. o/tor aaraeet prayer. and Deraeala* V* Dtoes. Urge them to fe MM. COCCI** elate executive venUea, Naafcvt

Thipr Ou**tk» v , » ;i r - r i tf^V\.t>• ^ ^5f* ;#eVrf?

. a > eisalaaiHi .^i.».-^^i»*>>'. j^^^^y^-^^ririfA'iltlrTilnltolto-ai'r^BalialrtBaaeiai ana. i laiTSSai'ialnaafinnaii m 1 aniirtafrriHTii [ hLbi^.V. Circuit Riders, Inc.

II* •OWIMUMMt ruci Mi4i«t cmem»*ti % •«*• ^ ^ mem** I

Ho other obscene or licentious writings could more completely arouse the eax eeotlons of toon age boys and glrla than pagaa 23-24 of Another Country , by Jtaei Baldwin. We dara not rlak oflanding mothers and fathara by sending unaollcltad coplea of thia material into their hoaas. Updn request we will aend to parents photographic reproductions of the two pagaa of text Mentioned above. Experts on 'pornographic writlnta aay Another Country "givea lnatructlona" aore than it describes an incident of integrated aax debacle. Use the attached •inscription fore to learn ore ebout who does what to whoa regarding exploitation of church personnel, publlcatlona, progress and other facilities for socialistic, pro- Cu— inlstlc and other un-Aaarlcan activities.

i"- v





*•*-**• * —•*, «- ->m# t**>.4VHHP*iMMa*s»«»^***aa«*aam«aeaaMnBaMsri^ '


TO BE OPENED BY MATE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD This sealed enclosure contains a 2 page photo-reproduction • from the high school age quarterly of the largest Protestant denomination. Young boys and girls are told to order certain books from the book stores of that denomination and then discuss the text at church. These two pages of text could not be more :' offensive or repugnant even if sold under the counter and •-"Vv^k discussed in a clandestine manner. Some security persons this book to be instructions rather than pornogrpahy. !' ; v w regard ' 1.

as sounding ( ! If female heads of families can regard us only , v. I an alarm and not think us indelicate, they can open this sealed enclosure upon their own responsibility . . . OTHERWISE DESTROY i THE SEALED PORTION UNOPENED. i Please send to us lists of names and addresses of stewards, deacons, session members, vestrymen or other officials of your or other congregations. This is only one type of Improper Sunday School and Church literature common to many affiliates I

of The National Council of Churches. | TO BE OPENED BY MALE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD (

! i;

i ) ' k STVDY R£&OUHCK MaTKJUALS TO SfiCUHC IN ADVANCE «***• to ***** *o^ (Stow /tarn p* atytftf Book Stort.O^rr oa Mtv ikm Bopltf *s? »-» — Young People gEPR0uae3f*«^ -^Umbo Quunisi Tk*LKIta* andamd AvnmAirman Unl PSM Bepskt Ynunf Peu|ue*s Union Quarterly t A JCaoue My Nnu* Isms Isldwin (48. I1JI jidy 8 t Bke A. Pierce, fieUlnr TasFi iNsaTuss, Jmm Baldwin (MM. 83J8) Country. Baldwin (MM. ISJH) • Carter, CaatuUtaf Sd Ji_ - f as Lea* j,. 8L Bi«daa, BaW la Cafe/, fM tfranjA a ____Jagr H~~, A~~*._EdU~M EtfJlM fa f*^ (Ml 8358) # HarttoTSrar-arr. Ttalaia« Vmlmm lp^„B., Mac* Urn Ms. lob* Howard CtfBn (48a. MM) Pala> JC TW Safcarasa Csathi t, af aW rjiiwu afc CBe it #BW8 wu« (to. 8MS) >a> He. I Mtata| B*h*ou cad PolMss. WBnsa Meshl Vat 48 it IB Page Cara^aad the Slsto. Joke C Bennett (M> BUS) »s nts Tar Catfetise la fnMe* A. Wahst Janet (Bo, •IMP** 4 ISO) toJyl» J' wFbom Yotm1 EomiH !Q Guanas Adute to MMs Study, a 8. Dobbtos Stoonceb Studies 5 Ways to (6c,78f) Study Resoubcb Matemau 6 t TO SuCUBB IN AOVAN'CB teTLns (Ml $10) Jfieese Aloes. Msnust Kuha (8M. 40#) t You Can't Be % Society Bsss (tab. B July i Being Christian in Handbook m MMs Miidy. Howsid T» foMNsI Amsvul Tfc»«i* fSwsssI Oeoa, 5 The Christian and Raw Problems J L. CMtsd (ed.) (18s. 1180) Christian ami Lalnir Problems 12 ^J. 12 The Tk4Artof toMtog Wonk* lento* T. B. Problems 17 * 19 The Christian and Foreign Policy McDorauad (Mb. BUB). 8 38 22 , Jat .. 38 26 A Christian and the National Election ess. TAs Yoss o/ CMii. Ense TrutUood (9h. I&00) 8 Cawcfc RmmsMml Apst Fykot («c, 7»e) IB life 5«m o August! Being Serious About Church n f• Lenutoe Cuisiiilns. Pknak C Lsabscb Tas WotU 27 41 2 Studying Together (M. |3M» 32 if-i afts «j.Cl How to Work with Craujgs. B. B IVsdnr ted A. B. 9 Playing Together 13 36 Tracker (Ms. I3J0) 16 Leisure with a Plus Thorast Cordon (8Ml 40 Croup-cmlml Uvtorahto. 23 Ministering to One Another $aso) 13 44 30 Forgiving One Another A MsmmI lor Otoatotoi Uodm swi fsntetosrti. 13-80 53.88 t- 48 Paul Boraevia sad Doflfbt Monti (MU. $1.45) 4^B 6 Planning to Act r Cknip TfctoW and Comjmmc* L esrlmfcto. WOsa I. ^ Septembers Being Bes|MMisible in a Church Croup UttnbsdMBB.ia.1B) 52 13 Willing to Ixad Othor MmfrUto 57 20 Responsible in Discussion «2 Trad. "Uoratng to Pis/* (Fno in liotted AafnrtB 27 Fair Play in Discussion iron Tract Editor. Baptist Sunday Sek Nsdnils. Ta The Bible Benders* Course 71 187 Ninth Avaane. North, 37803) Tract. "Maaatty Your Moatbonhip" (Fno in b^nnsd L quamlttoi bm Tut* Sdnos. Baptist Suaday Sdwol

(Lasdsnhip Pan> PamaUat. How to Load Onountom V:. patotfl. 60# boa Adah Bdnsattoa Atonritirtni af *ltU» a Half*. **BrtBf». Tt*BiBglUjBBB JkBaJJJ, **£«.» - Jffg* jSJSL 5 rowawoj hi luiiiii .... r. Train*** Umbbb Lcaaao Coonni MbBobb L. ato* Obocbbi Bfl STU-SJL, TO North Wshash As \n Dimcm*. He**** « UJ.A. ___ $1.10 pjf ycBf. SMOMKlMi BOBBBB BBBB Bt HBOMlttfl. TlBBIBBM . B bowH UbbbbUa* fetMl* BAPTIST VOONO PEOPLE. A Bn#*nN Voom fBBpVaPbobbb'b , C Bf IBB BOBBOYB BOSIIB, Co*

* • : »^v: ')»" •. » i5»»»jaBisw^ »\*.i. . S ;#iiftoi%^m|LV . ^Wsi*>'^ »v0- . ||1 - " i t ir-*"r---— — ' ' " MHO * sBdlBBJBIBSt gb^OBtpBtOMPOj iMI —ann li-Mas 11 . Vltl rrt If ll Ilil^aBlBBBBol OOMOM8B8BM8018aOO)iBOB8aaa


He tuned to face Leooa, who held her *tnk cupped to both bar heodi atid whose brow was quiakaUy liftad mm km despairing eyes end her sweet smile. •Yoni "Ye* I did.- She said I wanted It all."

He took her drink from her and drank half of it, then gave the glass back* moving into the darkest part of the Aad she carried him. m the em wtt cm • bo* with • -WtHlhea,- he whispered. and get k» her glass against her At the very last standing directly before eo this Journey, he ooftry, taattyamLBMh e whispered in raft, "What are you to reach a harbor: biaoretfmmltka) Hying to do to roer

^mLm^^ammammmv ** aWmm am> mmtmmmmmammmanawm! noosy ob auswuMi» it," and he pulled her bbeym far iMMliid to him as roughly as be could, expected her to resist and she dii holding the glass them and frantically trying to pull her body away his body's touch. He of bar oym aad tht hair at bar brow mm wot Hot knocked the glass out of her hand it fell dully to the balcony Soor» rolling away from Go ahead, he thought humorously; if I was to let you go you*d be ap hung up you'd go flying over this balcony, likely. He whispered, tba hmmot day aba bead. Aad. abort** aommf I have "Go ahead, fight I like tt. b this the way they do down Mopped Una, oot tha white Oed bknaatf nor a

arriving on winse>Uod*bmbrmtb I "Ob God," she murmured, and began to cry. At the same bitch and groined and rode hb) ewe, time, she ceased struggling. Her hands came up and touched She began lo cry. # $oU yen. ba moaned, t4 ffw ym t his face as though she were blind. Then she put her arms iMnf to cry eftonf. and. at t around hb neck and clung to him, still shaking. His lips and aboot to opiode or die. A moan and a cone ton i his teeth touched her ears and her neck and he told her, him while he beat her with all the etcngth be ted and fab "Hooey, you ain't got nothing to cry about yet" the venom aboot out of him. enough for a I Yes, be was high; everything he did he watched himself white bebim. doing, and be began to fed a tenderness for Leooa which He lay on ba back. breathing hard. Ho band i he had not expected to feel. He tried, with himself, to make log from the room mode, and a wbietb) on the river. Ho 1 amends for what be was doing—for what be was doing to frightened and ma throat woo dry. The nJr ehUy i her. Everything seemed to take a very long time. He got mm hung up on her breasts, standing out like mounds of yellow She touched mm and and the tough, brown, tasty nipples, playing and to turn to her, lookini mto her oym. wore wet " ling while she moaned and whimpered and Hot oym •till, deep and dork, bar trembUot Hm curved ahgbnyme „ He gently lowered them to the floor, pull- ohy. triumphant smite. He pulled her to bhn, waning be ing her on top of him. He held her tightly at the hip and the could root. Ho hoped aba would hm. -It was e» I shoulder. Part of him was worried about the host and hostess my Mmm* wonderful." aba mid. aad kneed Ami mom word* I and the other people in the room but another part of him am total ooi could not stop the oaa? thing which had begun. Her toprt

Hm)mi o mtmtn ^.>^^-.y ^^Xid^tii*"^^' ... Kte>H&ti^ —ii-li^f- , nfJTlilTliomnmt^^ filnttolTonmnn-^^ MAY ««t COITION •OS* Mm oao. MO. UNITED STATES f^ERNMENT Memorandum

to.^:TO DIrfECTa*, F3I (100-50869) da«: 1/25/65

05-li09i*9) (RUC)


ite3ulet to ?few York, dated I"" 1/7/65.

Enclosed herewith for the fc Bureau are two copies of a t>ftnvi ft ertitled "THK^rjTHErtA!: CIIUHCH IS AHEHICA and THE^fcrtlONAL COUKCIL OP *" THE CVmcSSZ OP CHiilST IK THE UNITED STATES OP AdErtlCA." !*•'8 °n 1A5/65* SaI K under pretext, obtained two $"• copies of the a ->ove-raenTionea oookle t from a female receptionist, u (£ unknown, at the headquarters of The Lutheran Church in America, 231 *W Madison Avenue, tiew York City. This booklet is the "back&»ound paper* 13 referred to in referenced letter* H ' A U (The pretext used, as mentioned above, was that of an individual (J who had hesrd about Dr. FiiANKLIK CLAiiK PiiY*s "background paper" dealing yf w5th the alleeations of Communist infiltration in the National Council // of Churches, and wanted to read Dr. PHY' a exact remarks.) 1/

i** r %* • JAN 88 1965

£> Bureau (Ends. 2) (RH) T - Sew York £\ Ml JJE:jJe /f O) O - ^#?

5srF»g- 7965

, ' - r "''* <' - , * - t ' — !* -* M * « —-* .. .. , ^- ^* . . i» -- "t . -^^ , M , i rr^ ^?T' , ^ qu % ;>








Dfetrfotod fa H* htMMl «f *• by *• •oartf #f feb&Cfttfan «f *• Uffcma Clwtli fa Awiitn :J-4 ftfafed fa USA.


."^ x ,<_-. • ;

Dec****. Iff* Itar Fanner; At the prompting of four southern synodical presidents who fkmd themselves confronted these days by "persistent charges against she National Council of Churches In the USJi. which are troubling many In their constituencies," the Executive Council decided last snomih to "encourage the presidents office to prepare for publication a series of questions and answers concerning the NCCCUSA." Numerous *ma% cations have come to us from other quarters too that a sober radial of facts of that sort will be useful elsewhere. Canadian colleagues awe asked to be indulgent as I devote this month's whole "Slate of she Church" section to this provincial VSJl. concern. I am compelled to It by a virulent form of dementia americana that Is endemic right maw. RUNKUN CUkMX F*Y

1. Wkmt h ffte ffaflavof Cum* of Cearcftes? The abbreviated title in the above question omit* one of the most significant aspects of the council. Its full name is the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. The two words "of Christ** grow out of the preamble to which aO member churches subscribe:

Under the Providence of God communions which confess Jesus Christ as Divine Lord and Savior, in order more fully to manifest oneness in Him, do now create an inclusive cooperative agency of Christian churches of the United States of America to show forth their unity and mission in specific ways and to bring the churches into living contact with one another for fellowship, study, and cooper- ative action.

The council is not just a council of churches, hot a council of churches which confess Jesus 1 Christ as Divine Lord and Savior. Nor b it something apart from its member churches; rather it is an organization in which the representatives of the member churches meet and counsel one another, and through which the mrmbfr churches engage in common

% * Wikh eiarea todies ore amehers of Me KCCC0S4? }S The 31 member denominations, each of which accepts the preamble of die \| tution (aee above), are:

n African Methodist Episcopal Church African Methodist Episcopal Zkm Church American Baptist Cooventioo Armenian Church of America* Diocese (including Diocese of California) *jf SJ Christian Churches, International Cooventioo Christian Methodist Episcopal Church •'J Church of the Brethren The Evangelical United Brethren Church Five Years Meeting of Friends Creek Archdiocese of North and Sooth Hungarian Reformed Church in Lutheran Church in America The Methodist Church

Jtf 4>

The Moravian Cburcfa Id ^ National Baptist Cooventioo of America National Baptist Convention, VSJL, Inc. - Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Polish National Catholic Church of America Presbyterian Church in the United States Protestant Episcopal Church Reformed Church in America Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America Serbian Eastern Orthodox Cburcfa Seventh Day Baptist General Conference Syrian Antiochian Orthodox Church Syrian (Orthodox) Church of Antioch Ukrainian Orthodox Church of America United Church of Christ United Presbyterian Church in the USA Unity of the Brethren

S. Arm casire bedfes vaka are eef Maters peraritfed H parffcfpefe is •cffvftles? Yes, but only if they too accept the evangel**) preamble mentioned above. Ibe list of churches which have been declared by the council's General Board as being eligible for council participation foDows:

United States $*? 1. Advent Christian Cburcfa 2. American Lutheran Church 3. American Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern Church 4. Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church 5. Brethren Church (Ashland, Ohio) \? 6. Brethren in Christ $* 7. Church of Christ (Holiness) USA. 9g S. Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) & 9. Church of the Nazarene £& 10. Churches of God in North America (General Eldership) *M 11. Cumberland Presbyterian Church |$ #12. Evangelical Congregational Church to 13. Evangelical Covenant Church 14. Free Methodist Church of North America *v* 15. Friends, Kansas Yearly Meeting of v| * 16. Friends, Ohio Yearly Meeting of £d * 17. General Baptists £? 18. General Conference of the Mennonhe Church $j 19. Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod '$* 20. Mennonite Brethren Cburcfa of North America « 21. Mennonhe Church % 22. National Primitive Baptist Convention of the USA. j\ 23. North American Baptist General Conference ,: 24. Pilgrim Holiness Church ?> 25. Progressive National Baptist Cooventioo of tte USA. jft". 26. Reformed Episcopal Church «? 27. Salvatioo Army 28. SchwenkfeSder Church 29. Seventh Day Adventtsta 30. Southern Baptist Convex 31* United Brethren in Christ 32. United Missionary Church 93. Wealeyan Metbotfst Church of

, '' " , < * *" ' -^™* *-jr i hi* wi^. «. «' 1 n " — ,' ".• ,"',' y*

Canada 34. Anglican Church of Canada 35. Baptist Federation of Canada ~i ~ 36. Presbyterian Church in Canada :- 37. United Church of Canada

4. W»«f mrm Ha psrpesas of Me caaectf? The eleven purposes set forth in the constitution (Article II) an:

1. To manifest more fully tbe oneness of die Church of Christ acconfing to the Scriptures and to further the efforts of tbe member churches in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the end that all men may believe in Him. 2. To continue, combine, and extend the interests and functions of the general agencies and cooperative services of tbe churches: Church World Service, Inc. Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America Foreign Mission* Council of North America Home Missions Council of North America International Council of Religious Education u Interseminary Movement Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada National Protestant Council on Higher Education Protestant Film Commission Protestant Radio Commission ;*? Student Volunteer Movement £t United Council of Church Women 1 £* United Stewardship Council St ~ United Student Christian Council 3. To encourage the study and use of the Bible.

4. To carry on programs for and with the churches by which the life of fee < may be renewed and the mission of tbe Church may be fulfilled. 3. To foster and encourage cooperation, fellowship, and mutual the churches for the purposes set forth in this Constitution. assist 6. To the churches in self-examination of their life and witness in i with their understanding of the will of Cod and of tbe Lordship of Jesus Christ as Divine Head of the Church. 7. To farther works of Christian love and service throughout tbe nation and fee world. 8. To study and to speak and act on conditions and issues in the natioo and the world which involve moral, ethical, and spiritual principles inherent in the Christian GospeL 9. To encourage cooperation among local churches and to further the development of councils and other organizations to agreement with the Preamble of this I* * Constitution, and to maintain cooperative relationships with such bofiea. 10. establish and maintain consultative and cooperative relationships with the ;~J To h< World Council of Churches: other international, regional, and national acu- £» montcal organizations; and with agencies related to the churches in the United

*4 11. To establish specific ob ectives and to cany forward programs and acthrftka ; j jl for achieving die purposes herein stated. .'a ft S. Wkaf h Me artesftwffeeaf sfracfere of ffte JfCCOfet? A. General Assembly il Tbe basic governing body is tbe general assembly. The triennial IS 1963 convened in Philadelphia with 549 delegates from die member Our church was represented in that assembly by its full complement of 19 V* voting delegates, 21 of whom participated as members of assembly U assembly sections, or fivUoo assemblies. A total of mote than 3,000


1 1 " i " 1 »» — *•-»* ! * " i. — ' «^- tT.*. ^'--^"^--,'^"".*:^. ; . t —?; t.*^.~ > .ff..-* ^•wr^nrcgrvt-^T^ ". . ywi ^ —

registered as voting delegates, alternate, consultants, accredfted visitors,^ and staff — * " B. General Board • * The governing body between meetings of the general assembly k the General ? Board which usually meeu three times each year. Membership in the General Board is drawn almost entirely from among the ?- 5 member churches* iciu"t iiU- lives in the assembly. No more than eight of the approximately 2S0 members of the General Board may be selected by the General Assembly from outside its own membership and even they must belong to the member communions and be nominatedlb* them. Twelve of the v LCA s voting delegates in the assembly are now memhen «f the General Board.

C Genera! Board Committees

To carry forward its manifold responsibilities, the General Board appoints f the following committees: 1) Executive Committee, 2) General CbostitUeut Membership Committee, General 3) Constitution and Bylaws Committee, 4) t General Nominating Committee, 5) General Planning and Program Committee, General Communication 6) and Interpretation Committee, 7) General Admin- istration and Finance Committee, and S) General Personnel Committee. * Hie first four of the above-named committees are to consist exclusively of members of the General Board. Tbe last three, requiring types of competence ' which may not be found in sufficient supply within the General Board, ait to consist in the majority of General Board members; all other members are to be members in good standing of member communions, chosen by the General Board in consultation with tbe appropriate officials of their rrspffti rf t

D. Program Boards *i All program boards are to be made up entirely of persons elected by the C«w*I Board. Approximately one-third of them come from the membership °* General j$ ** Board; all the rest have responsible positions in boards or * agencies of member communions or possess special experience or '^t ruti n The four program boards are: Divisioo a) of Christian F^rrarion, b) DivMn f of Christian Life and Mission, c) Divisioo of Christian Unity, and d) Prrgfrn *> of Overseas Ministries*

'?* 4. W*a arm fie cetwers •fleers? # Thoae 1& elected at tbe 1963 meeting of the General Assembly to serve through the 1966 *-— ***— — - 43* ** President: Bishop Reuben R Mueller (Evangelical United Brethren)

w General Secretary: R. R Edwin Espy (American Baptist) Vice-Presidents at Large: ^i Arthur & Flemming (Methodist) jg Andrew W. Cordier (Church of the Brethren) tv Kt Rev. William Crittenden (Protestant Episcopal) Archbishop lakovos (Greek Orthodox £J Aicbdioccae of Ncrti and South America) % Arthur & Link (United ftabytviu Cfcureh, USA)

* r , '* " ^7. yT* -. "v •

Rev. Malvin R Lundeen (LCA) Robert W. Mance, MJ>. (African Methodist Episcopal Cfawcfc) Joho Rogers (Christian Churches Disciples of Chhet) Mrs. S. Emlen Stokes (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Frieods) Mrs. 1 baxkire F. Wallace (United Church of Christ) Bishop Wdliam J. Walls (African Methodist Episcopal Hoc Church) Mra. Frank C. Wiggintoo (American Baptist Convention)

Vice-Presidents for Divisions: Division of Christian Education—Rev. Harlk L. Smith (Christian Churches Disciples of Christ) Division of Christian Life and Work—Rev. Norman J. laugher (Church of the Brethren) Division ot Foreign Missions—Rev. John Coventry Smith (United Presby- terian Church, USA) Division of Home Missions—Rev. Paid 0. Madsen (American Baptist

Treasurer: David B. Cassat (United Presbyterian Church, USA)

Recording Secretary i Rev. W. J. Harper McKnight (United Presbyterian Church, USA) Immediate Past President of the Council: J. Irwin Miller (Christian Churches—Disciples of Christ)

7. New sear persees •" eapleyed ty Me NCCC0S4? As ol September 1, 1964, 1*0 executives (administrators, editors, aft aL) and approximately 500 others (secretaries, stenographers, typists, file clerks, eft aL) were on the NCCCUSA payroll.

«plr»«ef. mmrml «ed efkkot Inam? £ §. Dsti fie ceaectf keve Ike rlgfct #e speel eat #e & One of the purposes of the council (see #4 above) is "to study and to speak

the world which involve i I <£!M and act ooon conditionconditions and asues in the nation and ethical and spiritual principles in the Christian Gospel* Several basic factt need to be carried in mind in connection with this

a. Ite right to study, apeak and act oo such conditions and described above belongs to evwy Christian; the same sight inheres in

b. Denominational bodies like our own study audi conditions and *1 publish their findings as material to be considered by individuals in their own £•» fmrpfr fog f|ght eoiutkme. i tr-i c lacluaion of the above purpose in the eoundTs constitution means that the Lutheran Church in America and other member churches of the NCOCUSA invite the council to share in this itm-h* Christian privilege and obligation. & No such statement of the NCCCUSA is binding oo any church untaas or until the church, acting oo its own initiative, adopts it as Us own. the National CouocB of a. Still less is any effort made by our church or by Churches to teD an individual what be must believe or do, or to bind Ms

^^W^TT^ « 8

t. fioes Ifte tfetfeeof eiMcl of Me Cftarcfes of eirbf fe ffte WXJL Mot"*""' rw «• r mjN9jm mmmbmrt of ffte If Mater cftarcbee* Ji f No. Tbc council . - makes do pretense that h speaks for all fatfvidua! mtmhm of £ ita member churches, or, indeed, for the member churches themselves* Statements are issued from time to time, solely oo the council's own authority tod m te ftame, id the hope that they wfll be helpful aa guides and aid* to the the to nation and to the world in finding God's will and doing it When the General Assembly or the General Board approve* a policy v it is explicitly understood that it represents only the views of those votu* te to adoption. Care is always taken to record the number of penoos voting to approve a policy statement, the number voting against it, and the number •fct^uug ^H three figures are mentiooed in copies of eveiy statement distributed by the or any of to ^

10. WSe tpMks ff Ma NCCC0S4? The General Assembly, being the counciTs bask governing body, fa , with responsibility for determining the council's policies and making public to ooeness in Christ and His mission. Responsibility for issuing pronouncements, messages or other statements m an- pressioos \tii of positions of the council is to be exercised normally by the Geoaral

The president and the general secretary, assisted by the vice-presidents, am *e &£ principalincipal interpreters and spokesmen of the oouncfl.

11. ftf New dW H# Uttares Clare* fe Aaerfce becewe e if? . -1 The following resolution was unanimously adopted at our church's «—— "yf l m | : h convention at Detroit in 1962 (Minutes, p. 233): *M S£ National Coundl of the Churches of Christ in die United State of

That, formally recording hs acceptance of the preamble and the < stitution of the National Council of the °»"Tbft of Christ in the United States of America and to intention lo fulfill the obligation of §? participation therein, the Lutheran Church in America request the said 2f National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United Stales of 2t - America to recognize it as a constituent member of the oouncfl in sue- * 5$ cession to the previous membership therein of the American Lutheran jj* fehcal Church, The Augustana Bvangelkal Lutheran

IS. Wbmf teeotfs ffte dfcrfro $\ dees tC4 frM Us aesberai^ fc tte tfCCCSM? '$ Tbt major benefit of membership may be summarized aa follows: the tanhy to engage f\ with other evangelical churches in mutual counsel te tl \l of the Gospel, and to participate actively with such churches in of serving love through which the faith of Christians finds expression, % surrender of our church's interpretation of the Gospel, the denkl of or the suppression of our testimony to what we hold to be the Mh. s church's rapirsfintarivas to: V.r ft,'

r^y^y-srr-sv -

*WWI » nCU ICal m>fflKTm relief — * !«» WHICttlOCL fnniingina >j_

' The executive V eecreury of «ch irT^7 * * «V«tt. *e ,taten,au benefit, derived from «^!L' ** **"ioo a tha ou*. Z, bodice •—ww ue those io m effect prior to the j Divmoo of Home Minions Provides ia instrument to e>mr «--*••

v* together scboinn oa three lip ***» brmp leUuoo to four fcuoifoMared «2f™ of the Chnsuan frith «Si J!^ «»•"» to disctat iS


I* *owirf o/ JfefeA Educmltm Division of g Christian Edueetioii: -V** M fcwto n 0f •»» iwrt^T5o\£^ ^ Ci^ niateriaJs lS 00 •oocero and new education] iHBr«S/ 2: P* *"" of common •f «be division 1 MIioD l»rov^ 1 Ior » **S5 "none tbow ^PSt£JVjuoraul sharing^ of cnciMrfb. Christiann~^!r trnrrimiM «ki «°***«» educetioa in the^rtou»*52

*o»i of Pubticmkm Division of Christian «*—thrir

** : . G Q

2. The workshops and conferences conducted by the Department of Audio-Visuals in Religious Education. 3. The freedom to use quotes and extracts of unlimited length from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible without paving royalties

\ ; or securing permission.

I ^ Board of Social Ministry J Division of Christian Life and Work: £"" • The Division of Christian Life and Work b a major resource for the Board of Social Ministry. The complex areas of responsibility assigned •G, to the board by the church require access to basic sources of informa- }r\ tion through printed material, experts in special fields, and govern- ;•." mental and national organizations. Moreover, the widest kind of con- eultation is required to be able to address social ministry problems realistically. The Division of Christian Life and Work has been able to meet these needs on an ecumenical basis in fundamental ways that would not be available to the Board of Social Ministry acting alone.

;\ Board of Theological Education | > Division of Christian I Education:

' ly Contact with the Department of the Ministry of the NCC has been v j indispensable for the BTE during the first bicnnium of the LCA on eeveral fronts: methods of granting financial aid to seminary students; i Pi

X";i- standards of clergy support: continuing education for pastors: strategy J* and methods of ministerial recruitment; uses of ministerial manpower, £"!• etc. AH these fronts are interdenominational, and the information pro- ; •>? vided b rich in comparative data as well as full in ideas and methods. The new Department of Ministry. Vocation and Pectoral Service prom- ises to make the VTE*s relations to the NCCC considerably more direct and informative than before: conversely, the BTE will expect its benefit from the NCCC relationship to be proportionate to what it putt in.

Board of World Missions Division of Foreign Missions:

DFM provides a forum for sharing ideas and experiences with the best leadership of practically all the denominations in the USA who - are engaged in overseas missionary work. Through DFM and related agencies. BWM shares in supporting ecu- menical programs which denominations cannot and should not carry § separately, :-g on such as: Christian Literature Fund, preparation and 2* ~ broadcasting of programs over strong radio stations m strategic parts «£ of the world. United Christian Colleges, etc. 3* Through DFM. the staff is related to the Division of World Mission 5$ and Evangelism of the WCC and aho to the aervfce agendas.

S • Commission on Missionary Education:

v£ Printed and audio-visual materials are provided for missionary .££ education which could not be prepared by any single denomination. aj5 The LCA staff is able to witness to the Lutheran point of view and 3 thus make a contribution to the ecumenical movement in missionary ,;{ oducation. The ecumenical character of tf* mission of the Church m -: brought to the attention of the LCA constituency. 3? National Student Christian Federation 8 The NSCF brim the mission of the Christian Church to the : campuses of the Quadrennial Assembly rovides -. * USA. The p a means of bringing USA and overseas students studying to the USA together in stimulating discussions on the mission of the Church in the world. J " • #

Wt tend some of our overseas students. We share Id confi dealing with work among students. The NSCF has a program of lion by American, as well as international students and .'_ to the university campuses in tbe USA and Canada. . - Commission on Church Architect*!* - ^ Dnriiioo of Home Missions Department of Cburcb Building and Architecture Z.

No agency exists, religious or secular, Oat is more helpful to us. Our work b strengthened through the channels constantly opened for us hy this unit of the National Council enabling us to be in touch with literally everyone in the business and every new development sad research result in tbe Add. Simply the existence of the Department of Church Building and Architecture has been a benefit to us because having such an organization with which to share our skills and iSscov* with responsive criticism has challenged our wits and magnified

Commission on Evangelism Central Department of Evangelism:

Participation in the Central Department of Evangelism provides the Commission on Evangelism with opportunities to: 1) learn first-hand I' 'il tiie evangelism policies, procedures and problems of other denomina- .& tions; 2) interpret in ecumenical circles the emphases most character* sS istic of Lutheran efforts at evangelism; and 3) engage in studies and nik experimentation at levels of .greater breadth or depth than is possible 1$ for a denomination by iteclL

1 .-? Commission Press. Medio end Television j on Broadcasting and Film Commission:

1. Membership in die Broadcasting and FDm Commission avoids undue duplication of effort in the highly expensive media of radio television. : and 5 2. A unified approach to national radio and television networks has gi~ an impressively greater impact than separate denominational actions. 3. In committee, conference and assembly with other denominational i broadcasting executives, opportunities are presented for craes refer- ences, cTos*-**feriilit«tion"~ of program ideas, doubkehecke on ads- takes and

Commission on Stewardship Division of Christian Life smA Week— Department of fcewardbhfr and €*

£g . The Commission on Stewardship i S assistance from hs participation in die Department of Stewardship and Benevolence of NCCCUSA by means of cooperative consultation and M production at printed and awfio-visual materials. In this inter-church g£ exchange of stewardship ideas, the opportunity is also given far n 3 Lutheran voice to be heard and for Lutheran participants to crystafiae <£ fheir stewardship concepts and to firm up their own confessional post* j< in particular, the united •'•l tkm. In areas relating to financial stewardship, $ Prote*tant stand on the principles of Christian etewardship has a common focal point of expression in relation to the general public as H *"—*™ £* well as toward the ;/t '4 Commission on Worship Division of Christian Life and Work—Department of Worship gad Ihe Arts:

It 41

**^»»» - i -—- —

The benefit* received grow out of: 1. the opportunity afforded by exchange of information

studies and programs of the several churches in the area of i and the arts, . * 2. engagement in specific prefects designed to aid the churches is as appreciation and use of the best from the several traditions settled leg., the preparation of a description calendar of the year), and 3. the preparation of certain materials designed to provide a expression for the churches (e.g.« conduct of weddings, etc.). To a lesser degree the department assisted the work several churches by making available to those who desired It a, information about those matters which were not at the time being * developed hv a unit of their respective churches (e*, rdigioas drama, the Is* arts, ale) >

Commission on Youth ActMties f Division of Christian Education: *

The Commission on Youth Activities* participation In the Commis- sion on General Education and Commission on Missionary Education . ? of the Division of Christian Education has been of high value, partaco- » larlv In giving our staff a point of contact with vouth leaders of other Igj* diurch bodies. The informs? sharing of insights bto youth work problems and possible solutions has been helpful. We also have a voice in the preparation of missionary education materials which can be commended to the youth of our church.

Lutheran Church Men General Department of United Church Men:

It is generally recognised that cooperative, or united, men's work is a poit of and not opart from denominational men's srotk that fc extends and makes more effective die men's work of the congregational fjnh. The LCM executive secretary benefits directly through his otilhatinn of the resources made available by the UCM. A more effective Protestant laymen's thrust is made

Lotheron Church Wo General Department of United Church Wo

The value of participation Is threefold. It provides: 1) a

. expressing oneness of the church: 2) an opportunity for c —» <* $ and interpreting the viewpoints sve hold as Lutherans: 3) opportunity ag for planning and fining ways in which we can cooperate to cany not M^~m * * "*** A our common task on — — * H

TTiroufh our participation In the svork of flat Unitad Qirlstlan Youth Movement have arranged for representation at the UCVM- we ~ spomored Ecumenical Study Conference each year. Our part* ]§ have found these meetings stimulating and ssorthsshfle Our !^ meat in other aspects of the UCYM has been vtqr limited.

Lutheran Ckurch In Amerleo Division of Christian Life and Wo*—


Tr?T-*ft3| * 'v«v. ir' jt . -

, »J5wS3LSS5arMK«S«' "ires- «imin| opponimto * iwHibhT^ ••"". No olber xt

Cbre budget of NCOCUSA from Eieeutrv* CouaeflCU . and """ *". S80M0 Order from Executive CouncO "J-JJJ Commission on Religion and Race: fSodt,Miaj*y jo^, nomJS??*°Luther League «n»w Peace Corps Office •*• *W0 of j^^rd C^nege Education and CburdiVocatioas from ""« ... 1,000ljm Board of World Missions .... Clergy ** Compensation Project ..... icrm""* Proteatant Center-World". .'.".'.'.'.'.' *" ~ Fair . . . , ___ JKmwO ... ljOOO Divbiow or Cskhtian Education

W • ^^^ C | "»»^onYo*nA«^^ jj£ 1W /P6V General 'is Program ,„„,. | C^mteionooOooendCtoi^E^o^oB:;" £25 CommissioB "JfiJ >i on Missionary Education . Z™ \~.75 1 Commmion on HiimTEAKSonT^ I,<225,J5J J* National So^taSi.7Sd«do;•: I3, ~ 5.175J2 a Dnwiow op Chmstun Lm and Wo OCA related board, commissions and foundation: Board of Soda! Minkt™


-:-' . »* .-' m fc— -^r- . I .

Division of Christian Life and Work $33,723 SM,17S Proposed research project on the church and juvenile ' delinquency 500 _ National Study Conference on Church and State contribution 9(0 — Contribution by CS toward coat of 1964 motion picture production 1,000 Department of International Affairs (Church Center -W) — 4.700 $33,183 $46378

Division op Forekjn Missions (LCA related board and auxiliary: Board of World Missions and Lutheran Church Women) 1963 1964 it Division of Foreign Missions ., $137,310 ...$190319 BWM East Asia Christian Conference (motion picture) 200 $137,510 $190319 Division op Home Missions (LCA related board, auxiliary and commission: Board of American Mission, Lutheran Church Women, and Commission on Church Architecture)

1963 1964

Division of Home Missions $38,750 .$34,500

BftOADCASTINO AND FlLM COMMISSION (LCA related unit: Commission on Press, Radio and Television)

1963 1964

Broadcasting and Film Commission $29,663 .$35,500

Central Department or Evanoelbm (LCA related unit: Commission on Evangelism) 1963 1964 8 Central Department of Evangelism $10,000 .$10,600 United Church Men (LCA related unit: Lutheran Church Men) 1963 1964 General Department of United Church Men J* $700 $750 *2 United Church Women (LCA related unit: Lutheran Church W< 1963 1964

General Department of United Church Women $2,000 $2,250


V-. of «•#••• *•*"!•**• • 14. I. H free faef oepresfaiefelr •••-*" ». oflfleflMs or Ihjlegs? feflaf CMVNflM fe Cfevefead sed ceamattt ^ ^ (November 28-Dct»»er* * Every delegate attending the constituting convention assume ****** 1950) wu appointed by bis denomination. One can safely exercised painstaking care inspecting church (its convention or executive body) meetings of the Genera) Assembly. its delegates to that and all succeeding investigateifte The National Councfl of Churches has no right or reason to member denominations background or personal affiliations of those named by the other unit It treats the as delegates to the General Assembly or any NCCCUSA done so. churches to have wveB 11* names of those who served as delegates to the constituting |*"J™ charter members of the NCCCUSA the LCA's three predecessor bodies which were follow: Augustana Danish Rev. A. E. Farstrup Rev. P. O. Beraell Agnes Hoist Mrs. John S. Benson Alfred Jensen Rev. Conrad Bergendaff Rex*. Johannes Knudsen Rev. Rudolph Burke Rev. Rev. H. O. Nielsen Rev. S. E. Engstrom Clayton Nielson Emory Lindquist Rev. Rev. Richard B. Pearson Rev. S. H. Swauson Rev. Emil Swenson Rev. Lad Westberg United M. P. Moller, Jr. Rev. Franklin Clark Fry Rev. O. Frederick NoMe Mrs. C. W. Baker. Jr. Rev. F. Eppling Retnartz Miss Nona M. Diehl Rev. S. White Rhyoc Rev. Paul C. Empie O. A. Sardeaoo Henry Endreu Mrs. Rev. G. Morris Smith Rev. Wallace E. Fisher Min Mary Helen Smith Rev. R. H. Gerberding Rev. Robert W. Stackel Rev. Luther A. Gotwald Clarence Stoughtoo Hon. James F. Henninger C Rev. L. Ralph Tabor as Ernst P. Hoeppner Frederick Tdlecn James C. Ktnard S. Rev. Gould Wickey Rev. C. Franklin Koch 1».Wa*bf* •"»•***• **«^ .«?* v*

uncompromisingly on this subject: and mmmamMasmm *•» the more ooocerned to combat eommunn tbna the a. -No body of people is church group, of our country. W^^r^L ^7?" of serving the church. *5 subversive work under the guise *^*»^ should insist that «ch £>ility for kadenhip in the church U * -TTb?S^ CouncO of CtarAes is and *«» *» Board, May 19. 1*») €pp0icd ,o communism.^ (General

14 w

(i V

b.At its meeting is Seattle, June 49 l»59t the General Board reaffirmed consistent position of the National Council of Churches exprcssejl ta official actions opposing die evils, the violence and die violation of rights by communist and other tyrannies.**

It. Wftef emwer sea be §fees to fee* wee clerge fief Me VCCC0S4 h -Cm M9ftmH4fm A sensational accusation of that sort needs to be supported by oncootroverdble facu. The trouble with a term Dke "Communist-inflhrated"—and what Bakes It appealing to unscrupulous critics—is fust Oat it b undefined at the same time that ft sounds condemning. Among the statements, purporting to be factual, that have been made to bolster this charge are:

a. "That several persons with Communist leanings assisted In prenarintr«r— the Revised Standard Versioo of the BiWe.- b. That the NCCCUSA advocates VSJL recognition of the Castro gov- ernment in Cuba.* c That the NCCCUSA advocates gradual removal of aD reference to

•- God in national life and institutions.** i '. * "IT* facts cooceraing such statements are:

a. Thirty-two Biblical scholars, known also for their contributioos in the folds of church history, hymody and Christian understanding, worked on the translation of die Bible which resulted in die Revised Standard Version, under the chairmanship of Luther A. Weigle. Dean Emeritus of Yak thrive*. eity*s Divinity School, who was himself reared in one of the antecedent bodies W of the Lutheran Church in America. They were chosen not becanae of fteir politics or economic theories or on any other bosk except reoogniaad achotarfy competence. b. The NCCCUSA has never, either in General Assembly or by action of the Si General Board, advocated recognition by the United States of America of ,5* the Castro government in Cuba. c The NCCCUSA has never, either in General Assembly or by action of the General Board, made any statement which ooold be interpreted as levering gradual removal of aD reference to God in national life.

17. Met fie tfeeCOTJ or oev of »s eel* ever •dvecofed otelsslee of fie teaeeJIe ef Celee Me tfefted VsMmi »s»eorselp » 1 No. Never in the fourteen year history of die council has the General My. the General Board or any other organ of the council advocated UN I ship for the Peoples tepuMic of China. Tboae who aay otherwise refer to a sentence in the message of fee Ftfkh Wortd Order Study Conference, held in Cleveland. Ohio, in November 19SS. Although that conference was sponsored by die Department of International Affair* of the council's Division of Christian Life and Work, it was specified in advance that the conference could not speak for any denomination or for die oouneJL bat only for itself. TV same message to the churches stressnd that recognition would imply not approval of mainland China's government; it also left open the quaaihw of what coexfitious should be attached to recognition or what the time acheduk of such action should be. No NCCCUSA nit over adopted or approved the S conference's message. u ! c

This message was misrepresented by tome by meant of selective reporting or by deliberate distortion.

It. Dees »• tteffaeef Cesecl ef ffre Cftercftes of Ctrfef fa Mo WSJL net as « fa WartlftftM?

No. The couneft usually expresses its convictions in terms of brood principles.

Only seldom does ft express hsetf on specific bilb before die Congress. Its potky

in this connection is like that of the separate denominations, the National Council and many parallel bodies, including the American Council of and numerous other highly conservative organizations. One notable exception to this general practice was b relation to the GNU

Right* Act of 1964 on which the 1963 General Assembly took a favorable i

19. Dees «*• WCCCtfSJ fmwmr m seclanr fast tea? The council's General Board, meeting on June 2, I960, adopted a meot on The Churches and the Use of Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Puxpoees" (67 for, agaimt. 2 abstentions). Three paragraphs from that are especially significant:

We therefore deem h our Christian responsibility, aa faithful ards, to work for an orderly development of nuclear energy for p ful purposes for the benefit all Afi of mankind. There is urgent need for ethical and political decision to be made regarding the continuance, control, or curtailment of nuclear development, production, and testing for defense purposes: yet the potentialities of nuclear technology for & peaceful and constructive uses are so great as to require in themselves all prudent research and development

• • • One of the most obvious needs is for the nations to operate as ftdly as possible through the recently formed International Atomic Energy Agency. Through it both the nations that produce and those that use nuclear energy and its by-products have their most promising meeting ground. The United States initiated the concept which the Interna- tional Atomic Energy Agency embodies: it should continue to be a major supporter of the Agency. International cooperation and world peace will he promoted by support of the International Atomic Energy % Agency and regional atomic agencies. Christians believe and rejoice in the knowledge that Godt gifts are intended for the enrichment of all mankind and "for die Glory of Ood. £*' We call upon the churches to lead their people to an 35 understanding of Christian responsibility to eerve their fellow jsf that all may share in the development of the peaceful uses of

* §* M. Wfref are Me •bfsctfves •# Me Cemaffssfae oa iedglee nod toe*? |i When the General Board established the commission, it a* fbrft four a. To focus the concern, the conviction, the resources and the action of "•*% the member communions in issues of religion and race; interfaith :|£ b. To provide a national interdenominational liaison with and & other concerted efforts: ** c To focus and mobilize the resources of the units of fte National it Council of Churches; i assist the nation to see this crisis in lis moral dimension. "f d. To *£ The authorizations given to the commission by the General Bond son: * i a. The encouragement of negotiations, demonstrations and in places of particular V. i U


yn^ n. - f *r «*-;- o

b. The mobilization of resource* to encourage legislative and acts to order to bring dignity, equality, and justice to aD An c. The mobilization of the resources of the churches in order to put u owobouse in order by desegregating all of the institutions.of the _ church. It* development and & implementation of long term plans and strategies so that a continuing design of action will move us steadily towardsthe moral goal of full human rights for aD. a. lie formulation of a cell to state and local councils of churches to take such immediate action to aid in the e&pediting of the ^snirit of this paper as seems best at this time.

The commission itself, in barmony with these objectives, formulated major program objectives: a. Community to Actum— be an effective instrument of direct Christian involvement where there is tension over civil rights, working toward the achievement of justice in specific situations; to do joint pUnn,»t wj*k other agencies engaged in the freedom struggle. b. Legislation —to mobilize support among church people for the r*«mr civa 'I"?"' ri«htt fcf*1**"; <° «ve as a liaison with governmental ill *• Desegregation the , .- of Churches—to assist churches and church bodies Jf| o coordinated approach to the rapid | desegregation of r»nthri boards and church institutions. | jg d. interpretation — to keep consistently before the churches and the nation the deep seriousness of the racial crisis and the Christian's responsibility to help solve it

P It. Hew h He ceMfsslM seppsrfed fsescfcffy? The commission's -f-t activities have been financed solely out of designated fundi contributed in response to a special appeal to the member churches and to csted friends of the council. No funds contributed by the churches for the w dTs general purposes or for other specific causes have ever been diverted support the commission's activities.

St, Old Me ffCCCVSJ or my of H% eatfs eeefrlkefe feet* H Inn* #*• Clvl tteftfs

No; however, there are two ways in which the council was involved financially though indirectly, in that activity:

1. Some members of the council's staff participated in the March on Wasbing- **» ton, their travel expenses being paid by the council 2. The Commission on Religion and Race g prepared sandwiches with the fatao- %k tion of selling them and repaying the cost; the sales feO abort of ocpacta multipg in a financial |-£ lorn to the commission. Fkmdb contributed far 'i| National Council of Churches* purposes

3? ^ *^^*CCCW4.rfrN^tHW^«TiM.^w^p^N«^«f^NfrNN? Ibc council has sever been asked by its member ^m^^ to take a position $\ on this subject; consequently, it has n Mas M. meoy specifically eaefrftVefed H He Ceamlsstoe ee teflglee and leco •sod ml seppfy H tof fern** er pey legal lees He porsees arrested after ssHi lag la rector deweesfraHoes. or hi H reMarse *«oaarfo loJ s. fc pert «f *" weges «ertef»ed as a rets* ef Mm test la sr*r fe perrfc^ef* fc This question has arisen from the bet that a student of theology, DovM W. Jones, was found to have in hit possession at the time be was arrested in Wilming- ton, North Carolina, during the summer of 1963, a check in the amount of S339JS drawn on the account of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the UJLA. When this fact was publicized, some people immediately assumed that Mr. Jooss (and perhaps an unknown number of others) had been paid to participate in demonstration* or at least reimbursed for wages forfeited. Such was not the esse. The facta are these:

a. In recent years a project has been developed in a number of seminaries known as the Student Interracial Ministry, the object being to secure white students of theology to serve during summer months as aashtsirta to pastors in Negro or predominantly Negro congregations and Negro students of theology to serve in white or predominantly white congregations. b. The SIM seeks funds to defray expenses of such volunteers since they usually receive little if any compensation from the congregations served and, as n rule, rely on summer earnings to continue in school c The SIM does not edvise volunteers either to participate in is instructed to consult the or to avoid such participation. Each student ; under whom he serves if he wishes on his own initiative to participate in a demonstration. & Because the SIM has no corporate status or any formal organization, md therefore has no facilities for banking money and disbursing checks, ths De- partment of Racial and Cultural Relations of the council's Division of * tian Life and Work agreed to serve as the SIM's banker: the arranged to set up s special account in the council's treasury to * tnbutions solicited by the volunteers themselves and to draw by a committee of students. The SIM is not a councf ;r& council own or control the funds in this special account the account as a service to the students engaged in this e. The check in Mr. Jones* possession at the time of

•gainst the SIM account after proper approval by the wwntnittsr of <

Religion and Race i In sddition t the Commission on ting agent for certain specific remittances designated for legal counsel Though funds given and used for these r very limited, the council has accepted them. Through this service of w National Council of Churches over 90 people have been rsJsaasd on bafl from arduous and severe prison shustions, the youngsst in bis early tssas, the sssistance of An 1 and the oldest, over seventy. The commission, with Lawyers* f>mni*t~ for Civil Rights Under Law, was able So seam the ^ services of a national hooding company for the first time Co for civil rights cases in Mississippi

ffee I. Wftot nbest e "reodtsf MsT sUsfrlbefed by HCCC0S4 heats ceeildsred ehacsee by fftc SLS. fest Oflce A bibliography, "The Negro American—A Ro years ago by the Department of Racial and Cultural

Council erf Churches. It was designed to give leaden and Negro thinking st that time in the United States. Each such person was, of < left to determine for himself what nse be wished to make of the books on i

IS '"' " '""'0 ' ': "

ttactjy at a library mikes available its reading material without coouMnL An- proximately 3t000 copies were printed and distributed, on request, ow a tee * ?*•' period, with bo effort by the department at aay time to promote use of the bibliography. It is now out of print, and there are no plan 10 re-issue the bsbU- Ofrmpby.

The first paragraph of the introduction states: The Supreme Courts May, 1954, school decision caDs far funda- mental dunge in the educational pattern of a large pan of the country. •» «*H ** lor _. te-e*aminauon of racial attitudes nationally Where de- ' segregation is planned A \ or started, there are adjustment problem for pf * *** colored and white. Where resistance k strong,^^ there k need fw specisJ effort and understanding.

The list of 260 books is classified under headings of Negro history, biography, poetry, religion and the church, etc. In addition, the entire list is broken down into in sections recommended for primary, intermediate, junior high, senior high, and adult readers. It has been charged that the book Without Magnolias, by Bucklin Moon, which was included in the reading list, has been declared obscene and banned from the mails by the Poet Office Department Ibe fact a that no book on the Ikt has ever been held to be obscene by any duly constituted and rpmffjti agsocy' public or private.

Another durge is frequently msde against die Negro poet, Laagstoo Hughes. Several of his books were cited because Hughes is a considerable Negro poet In the early 1930's he wrote an offensive poem called "Goodbye Christ" Ttet poem, however, is not included in any of ri the recommended books, Mr 1m it "'} been in print since 1932, until it was reprinted in attacks against the \} an effort to discredit the reading hst.

**- "*•* dW tie Heflesef I IS P** Cesacft of C*arc*es aJev k Ha tfbsfasu>efwr M B Prefeeft 1* k necessary, first afl, T& of to note that the Mississippi Stammer Project and the "Ministry Among Residents of the Delta Area of the State of Mississippi,* com- monly referred to as the Delta Ministry (see #2fbelow), are two different things. The National Council of the Churches of Christ ^d not sponor the ^wrMifriri Summer Project; nor did the oouncil recruit the 950 student* who voiuntasod to conduct literacy and voter education classes in Mississippi Tfce mmrfl ted no ,v *mni over the project in matters of policy, strategy, rationale or personnel At «* ««* ««M the council did raeog^ke. g t however, that many of the mhrntsms ^ and staff persons were members of churches Minting to the NCOCUSA. Md |* eo it Celt a respooeftnlity ao offer spiritual guidance, provide training and ri hng for the volunteers, and prepare them for potentially dangerous To meet this respootfeOity, the Commission on Religion and

r two week-long orientation courses for project votuutaon at We College for Women in Oxford. Ohio, June IM7. b. recruited self-paid volunteer ministcreounseBon and etlwusfs to he with the students in Mississippi on a 24-hour basis. c. sent self-paid volunteer ministers to explain the students* motives and to white ministers in Mississippi, and to attempt to establish in good faith with white and Negro communions in that

..-* ft V£ o.

Mississippi Samoa Project: d endorsed, shared tad eupported the aim of the citixees of Mississippi and eveqf other Mate "full equiJity under law to all in the nation."

refMflaa af porestef oefesrNy' DtM fas NaflsMl Cas««» of Caarcees Hciwift » Youth Muu^r Tto quo!uon ames from new. atones growing out of the in January 1964 under the Coosuliauon on Race held in Nashville. Tennessee, Christian Education. auspices ol the council's Diviaion of proper perspective, ft a necessary To bhnt the question and the newt (tones into General Board specified in 1961: "the super- to understand that the NCCCUSA's pur- call a Consultation to a limited, specmc visory body of any major unit may operations but not to the purpose of policy deter- pose rtl*ung to its program nunmuou or speaking to the public" ' Nashville consulUUoo were persona from Present as resource persons ai the been invited to speak to stall personnel of ™mbg six noo-cburcb groups who bad and denomuuuons and of the council concerning ibeir views W"^ acuon. One member ol the staffJJ member* ol racial minonties engaged in direct 2? Youth Activities was present along with a total of our church's Commission on of 44 dbcn. __ v several pertont present seem to nave During the eourte of the consultation which were reported by repiesenunves made careless and indiscreet statements, permitted to be present. To the credit of of news media who were mistakenly U be voiced prompt and strenuous objection at one the LCA member in attendance, the president or more pomu. Immeduuely after *™ *"££?**• of the NCCCUSA «»"J"k*' concermnV the comuluuon. the general secretary members who had been responsible to tospeak plainly to the councils staff

the cootrihstion. ^ ^TnT'co^ncils General Board, at ha first meeting following « adopted the followuig icsolution: National CouncB ol Q WMERtAS the Oeneral Secretary of the Board a statement S§ Omrctoharbrought to the auenuon of the Oeneral Division of Uiru^ fcducauon P ido^t^t-cuuve Board ot as U J3Eu?a Youth Ministry Consultation on Race; end this board or the National 55 WMfeitliAS. u is not the position of f Co^u^Cbufcht.^ eubverTparental control of yomh; and jS . a appropriate and timely to WMtRtAS the Oeneral Board deems consutuent to to ft tafa^btlnemDer^Smxbes of the communions

be it pohcim and ptotions, new. toxetoe, 5 oecaaion to reaflttm 6 bw«im vmi that the Oeneral Board takea tins 8 iteHSSn'Ibe NanonLiCouncil of Churches and particularly the # SrSat^ucalontomonhediu^ f S^elLenSenuWolfanmytksaim wunm^milytrS. ta "-. $ S-i «J*.««»•fmewhat«fififf!•» S•* feneration tends to see fife m J*M # cSmg ' k SS^umeTof rapid social change to P«*,« 2££L # teocraupm toomcsl *2S cyeoally ; * Totimnmiiueatioo between the I? ehanneb aa SttTlBeeaiise we believe the major «* *2*JZ*fZ2Z^£ SSdmrau with to family, this • a matter of we *f*«*"™»{£* SurcSsTto this eonnecuon j"*f»^ i£^C^ of to whosTwbstancc waa adopted at this meeting G*»«X~1£ ™ SSto new^olaUtution effective 1 1***?^ Councfl of C3uiicl»J^^ » »»mtnm n Suauonrf wo* in to National

J » * *"- - V " f.ff.T.- * )

"responsibility to strengthen marriage and family life through advocacy* of adequate tows and sound public policies and through programs of education, counselling and guidance."*

gg. Wet is Me Oeffo Ifltlstry? The proper title for this project is "A Ministry Among the Residents of the Delta Area of the State of Mississippi.** On February 26, 1964 the council's Genera) Board voted:

(1 That the National CouncO of Churches request the Division of Inter* Church Aid of the World Council of Churches to list for wortd-wide support a comprehensive project in the Mississippi Delta. (2) That the National Council of Churches offer the services of die Di- vision of Home Missions of the National Council of Churches (as coordinating and administrative agent for the Council and its several concerned units) as the responsible agency of the churches of the 1 *: National Council of Churches to operate the project according to the regular procedures of such projects as developed over the years by the Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service of the World Council of Churches. (3) That the National Council of Churches invite representatives of the judicatorial bodies of our member communions in Mississippi to fur- tf^r; tber collaborate with, and advise concerning, development of the proposed ministry in the Delta area. (4) That the judicatory heads of the several communions in Mississippi be consulted directly by the proper officer of the National Council of Churches and the positions of such church bodies be compiled to a memorandum to be presented to the June 4-5, 1964, meeting of the General Board.

In keeping with (3) above, representatives of all the synods, dioceses, pnsby- teries, conferences, etc. of member communions in the Mississippi Delta area invited to cooperate with and advise the council's Division of Home Missions cerning development of the proposed ministry in the Delta area. A consultation, to which all judicatorial "beads" were invited, took place in Saint Louis, Missouri, S May 27, 1964 and approved die following: g It was agreed that the objectives of the Delta Ministry of fee Na- te tional Council of Churches are both necessary and valid. .31 The Delta Ministry should begin with the existing groups dial are §£M in favor of the program and seek to involve other groups as it pro-

SjSs Because of the tensions which are present in the State of Mississippi & the NCC should not expect to obtain approval for the Delta Ministry >J from an of the judicatories in the State. In not pressing for approval £ the risk of rejection is reduced and the Delta Ministry can at least function in a dimate of toleration while sorting to maintain a climate in which consultation can continue. ,'• X AH constituent as wen as non-constituent communions should be $t kept informed and involved as much as possible. y A continuing relationship to die judicatorial leaders should be soe- £f tained through periodic visits and consultations as the Delta Ministry

The judicatorial leaders should be encouraged to gather interested people from their constituencies for purpose* of information and interpretation concerning the Delta Ministry. Personnel of fee NCC should be invited to these gatherings. Every effort should continue to be made to secure leaden from fee v./ Delta for membership on fee National Advisory

.•y^.rv,?!*'^^ TT' o.

The various program features of the Delta Ministry should bt to- mceted in detail as son as possible. Differences of opinioa were openly expressed about fbe value of die mhfey and the propriety of inaugurating it:

(1) The judlcatoria) leaders of nine eommunioDS agreed that the objectives of the Delta Ministry are both necessary and valid and that the National Council of Churches should undertake the Ministry. (2) The judicatorial leaders of three communions agreed with the indicated needs and objectives as outlined in the statement on the Delta Ministry, but they were not convinced that the National Council of Churches b the proper instrumentality to cany forward the program. (3) The judicatorial leaders of one communion disagreed both with flie statement of needs and objectives as outlined in the Delta Ministry and with the NCC involvement in any program in MissisaippL

Tlie Delta Ministry is to be developed along three lines:

1. A ministry of services of direct relief developed to refieve suffering.

2. A ministry of reconciliation and the securing of human dignity. 3. A ministry of community development

For Farther tVi|3 ftoodfef

Congressional Record, Extension of remarks by Rep. Cbarice A. Vanik, Ohio, September 10. 1964, pp. A4650-A4653.

Foster and Epstein, Denser on the Right, Random House. New Yost, N. Y. 1964, 294 p. $4.95 (doth); $2.95 j| (paper). y information Service. Vol. XUI1. No. 16. October 10. 1964. Bureau of Reacucb g§ and Survey. National Council of the Churches of Christ in the V&JL.^^ New York. N ' Y B * ^ Maness. William |f H.f Brainwashing and the National Council of the Churches of 2f Chri" m *** VSui. Oawford. Jacksonville. Fla. 1964. 55 p. 1 copy SLDft 12 copies $10.00. 50 or more. 40% dbcovmt 5| # Maness. WUIiam H. How to Investigate the % v National Cornell of Churches of Christ |f In the VJji. Crawford, Jacksonville. Pla. 1964. '".* Minneapolis Tribune, Sunday. September 20. 1964. editorial by Robert W. tarfth (•ee p. 23).

Overstreet, Harry and Booaro. The Strange Tactics of Extremism, W. W. Norton, New York. N. Y. 1964 315 p. $4.50.

Roy. Ralph Lord. Apostles of Discord. Beacon. Boston. Mass. 1953. 437 p. (out of print; available at most major libraries).

Roy. Ralph Lord. Communism and the Churches, Harcourt Brace. New Yoek, H Y. 1960. 495 p. $730.

Walker. Brooks R.. The Christian Fright Peddlers, Doubkday. Garden City, R Y. 1964. 290 p. $4*95.

rzr '*••+•?*%,** "MOM »AM CAU if . • ." IS SIMPLY A tA» tOM (An editorial from the Editorials and Opinions page of the MofHEATCLB TfeVONB for Sunday. September 20. 1964. by Robert W. Smith of the editorial'pate tuff. Used by permission.)

. Ordinarily, one would Dot even bother to comment on a tract like "None Dm Call It Treason" • It is such a bad book. But this fantastic paperback package of political poison b getting such a vide circulation in this emotion-packed election campaign that h demands attention.

"None Dare . . ." moreover, is being read by a lot of honest citizens who, being trustworthy themselves, tend to be too trusting of the book's purported "documenta- tion" There are SIS numbered references listed in the back of the book. More than 25 per cent of these references are from four particular sources—Human Events magazine, reports of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS), reports of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA) and the Congressional Record.

The latter, of course, is not an authority in Itself. It is merely a record of what congressmen have said or of material—editorials, magazine articles, etc—which senators and representatives have inserted in die Record. Thin a congressman could have this article inserted in die Record and some sob-

sequent critics of "None Dare . . " could quote the Congressional Record as saying - that the book is a "package of political poison." ; ?| BUT HOW ABOUT SOME OF the other "documentary" sources? Seeking to bolster his claim that American defenses are being subverted, die author }% offers, in a paragraph set off in the smaller type used to indicate quotations, an £i ominous sentence which die reference credits to Newsweek magarine ?J No such quotation appeared in Newsweek magazine. Nor can the excuse be snide ^ that h is a paraphrase or summing up of an eight-page treatment of then-current Western and VS. strategic plans, for it is not " "None Dare • . presents what it claims to be excepts from the Ftord Founda- tion annual report of 1951. The statements quoted do not appear in the foundation's report for 1951 or any other year. A direct quotation is credited to—or blamed on—George Bernard Shaw's book. The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism," page 94. You wort ***** > t5? the quote there.

." & "NONE DARE . . MAKES MUCH of a letter supposedly signed "for a Soviet M America** by Walter and Victor Reutber. Almost exactly ah years ago (Sept 22, K 1958), Sen. John L. McCldlan, D-Ariu went to some lengths to let the public know ^Efferent versions of this letter in circulation but || that not only were there several f| three differing versions had been inserted in the Congressional Record. McOeflan further indicated that be and the whole Senate committee probing labor rackets H>5 « considered the various texts to questionable- as not to be worth further Author Stormer refers to Robert Sherwood's book, "Roosevelt and Hopkins," to support bis own daim that during World War II •'military decisions were made, not

None Dare Cell It Treason by John A. Stormer. Liberty BcO Ptess, 254 pages,

•*.'!%? 75c

, ^mm**** - ** ** r —*•» — ...* »» j»' ""'. i.» . -^ y — -r **V"'i i^gp? . >

according to the tactical needs of the day or to capitalize enemy, but for the long-range political advantage of the Communist ' lv - You won't find anything like that said either directly or indirectly on page 590 of Sherwood's book. In fact, read on through page 591 and youH find a rather cogent argument made that the cross-channel assault turned out to be more of a blow to Communist hopes in Europe than the Churchill-proposed east European would have

STORMER DECLARES, citing an SISS report, that during the Korean war chain of command the Security Council to General MacArtbur was from U.N. ; through the undersecretary for political and Security Council affairs, Cunslaidlne r Zinchenko, a Communist* That's just not so. At the time of Korea, die U.N. Security CooncO aet up a unified command under VS. direction. Our government appointed an American commander-in-chief, and each such commander received his orders directly from the reports to the but r VS. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Washington submitted periodic U.N- ? •;•» . these reports contained no classified information or plain and were limited to factual ^ chronicles of past events in the fighting. itself jg[ Stormer distorts a reference from Human Events—which was a $4 struction of a Defense Department statement—so that a Russian experimental p. missile missile installation near Leningrad becomes •'Soviet anti-missile missiles M 3j ployed around Leningrad" possessing the capability to intercept and destroy &£ can Polaris missiles." £3 AND SO IT GOES, quotation after quotation, reference after reference. The '$£ New York Times is assailed on one band, but quoted—and misinterpreted—on the vjj other hand as "documentation* The Rockefeller Brothers Ftod is denounced on the basis of tortured and out-of-context quotations from the Rockefeller Fend Ra- ports. "loaded** and notoriously unreliable document Major William E» Mayer's il A — report on American POWs in Korea—is cited to libel American fighting men and "prove** that the nation's moral fiber has been ruined, but without any mention of suhwmem worts which exposed the Mayer report and demolished its irresponsible conclusions. This discussion has not, obviously, treated all of the tit numbered references in * "None Dare . . It would almost take another book to do that; and some of them m —like the references to the Bible and J. Edgar Hoover—are accurate quotations and & • reliable. || But surely enough has been indicated about the unreliability of the "document*- £i tfon" stressed by the promoters of "Nooe Dare . • ." This should gjve some idea a of the responsibility of die scholarship which went into its writing ... and of the H reliability of the book as a whole.

% i


, , "' "— , , 9 ' i^ M n * '' ^' '*^'5 .* , * m > K +~*~** !' " Miui yiM-. ti i . .. r f ' ** - — ^ lf r ^5?- . :, ! ~ * " * -^-.? !.* » ! . . "T~ .« J .IV^T?*' r x t T\ T ^**R- 1 *'vi- ^\ ^ \ o c

January 22, 180?

/, ^ '"m

Your letter dated J;:3a.iry 11! Uj las h^zn received cos = ru In response to your inquiry re^ardin,; U c Natipii^.g Co*;acii of Churches, the FBI is strictly an investigative agency *> of the Ifederal Government and, as i;uch, Cqjz not u alee evalu- o rn mions nor draw conclusion as to tlio character or intejr^ly of auy orjr.niz;ition, publication or indivfcaT&l. Furthern or.j, information ir. xiA lilts is cornMential and available for orficial use oaly, Jue to regulations of th» Department ol Vuctics- 'lease C:$ not infer iio:i. u.y iaabiluy lo L~ of aid either that we &j or do not related

^ aia in our files.

i2nciosjd are publications I hope you fiai of interest.

Sineci.?ly yourv.,


4/U/G2 latemal Secuiity Do You Really Understand Communism ? Cun ciunitn. and The Knowledge To Comfr.t It! Our lien luge of deatnass / Cocmunisn.: The Bitter Energy of iteligicn NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles.

IX. L: ell (3)

' 1 >;. i^- — ^ w>'i* f*. -T"';"!" . -v . . ,


iir. J. Edgar Hoover, Director, Federal Bureau of Invest! ration, Tashinrton, D. C. Dear Sir: rumors I have I have been disturbed by some Someone suggested that I *riM •„««„*a A"rir. a >^ear or core. It l "« u t0 ?o ;ou ?or info™tlon-. If 1. ^» *£*° --here to *rite. Infirm me, perhaps you can tell me . the have heard several rumors that . I thatffilWlIt ua* n n nr Is communist Inspired and pretending to be a ~§ ida communis t from "osco*, ?has organization. Is this Christian, hololn- ;fflea in this true? of Further, I have heard Dr. Ca5* "t" sita youth over th: C5. hoi iin- larye meeting -ra^i" all Christianity. -rou^s e^lainln- communism rather than want to be If such actions are true, I do not contributes to the -at tonal a mer.ber of any church to.t / Council af «- on the «±tional ftrr «-r 5 A tlon -*au can send X activities wlllbt L* Council of Churches' ani thkr s^creciatei. Sincerely yours ?&?- -.'• r lie » 6-fo **

'Jr*~ . ?*- — -. i i i^> I V?y*v ^y -yr-y fl^ ^^ ^ ^"wttv »» y>n ;. — * * wy/w ^ ^ - y 1

- v :X£ • January 22, 1055


~ear * I received the letter of January ICtli from you and your husband and want to thank y.u tor your generous remarks 2 concerning my book, "Masters oi deceit, " and Tor my administration oC the TBI. It is hoped our future endeavors will continue to mqri£ iv% your support and approval. **? S ^

With respect to your inquiry, information contained =* i't tiie Ales of t :c FBI must be loa.'ntained as confidential in accor§mc«rj with relations oi the department oi Justice and is available for cii'icisl use oniy. Therefore, I trust you will understand why I am not in a position to ce of help in this instance and hope you will not either that we do or do not h we data in our files relating to theT\Tatlonal Council of Churches.

Enclosed is some literature which I trust will jq of interact to you.

Sincerely yours,

HwaW b. Edsar / jtf / i>

?- / /

' I jJocloij .res (5) \ Faith in God-Our answer to Communism T^-/'' / • 4-1-61 LEB Introduction A 4-17-62 Internal Security Statement / /• Let's Fight Communism Sanely! . ^ Our heritage of Greatness 1/ /J NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. > /• DTPtftg (3) .:"•• *ajmp vl : . :»..-? yr- ! "

-C Ci


January 16, 1965

The Honorable J. Edgar Hoover Dii ector of Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Hoover

We feel you have performed a wonderful service to our country as Director of our F. B. I. We have followed your works down through the years. We have read many books about Communism and its evil ways. Among the books we have read is your "Masters of Deceit. " We are very concerned about the infiltration of this evil into all facets of our life today.

One oi our main worries is Communists in the National Council oi Churches. We have noticed a profound change in the sermons we hear in our churches. Please send us all information you might have about Communism and the National Council of Churches. Also what do you suggest we as laity do about this situation.


AFTIR F«v£ DAYS »cTUfcN TO 77-

, ?qr*vyt7^r, ' - y >V * T. »c

Mr. Taitf_ Mr. Ti^tter^^. Telt. Roo«l___

Mi*. Caa4*___






-<** V V-


-r -*>--"*-•:—-.»-#_•• * - 7«wr —^- » .— . jib;, Mr. Toisoa_ Mr. B*lmoot i MrM?hr_

Mr. Cal^fest Mr. Cfmrsd. Mr. FJ Mr. Czl Mr. R Mr. EatK»*a__ Mr. T***_ Mr. Tr<*ttr Tele Miss Hjfanu Miss Gudy



-^1 /-?// 4^

J?5 ^1965

• >' !

C& . Cg

January 21, 1965

V. iti; respect to your inquiries, Information con- tain &.: in the files of the FDI must be maintained a:; confidential in accord- nee wit:, regulations of t'.e Tepartiusnt of Justice ana is available for ofiicial use oiJy. Therefore, i" tiujt you .-/ill under- stand why I aii: not in a position to comment along th^ lines you have s suggested and .ops you .vili not Lifer either that we do or do not have data in our filec relating to the matters you mentioned.

JSnuIssed i3 some lite ature I trus*. A'ill 'js of interest.

Cinceivly yours,

5 Fdnar H00V r

k - Snclcrures (5) ,* % Our Heritage of Greatness / 4 \\ f 4/1/61 LEB Intro ' Faith in God—Our Answer lb Communism [f ' 4/17/62 Internal Security Statement Let's Fight Communism Sanely — 4 NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. V/uj .../• DTP:pp(3)

"-:. . fwd? :;:tnvi-: r-.:CZ3 c r o


Jan 16 - 1965

Dear Mr. Hoover:-

A couple of years ago I found put that I was a member of a Church that is under the direction of the%ational Council~ cf Churches of America.

* Upon investigation I found beyond question that the ;"; N. C. C. , through defcious infiltration methods of Communists of U. America, were in control of the direction of policies and decisions $3 affecting approximately 144 , 000, 000 ^d^Wu^yjonstituent members of thirty :urf* some seven or thirty eight/churcnes (denominations) and and church bodies now subservient to the National Council of Churches of America.

v* My wife has been a member of ourdenomination for exactly seventy years and I about sixty years. | ^grieves at the thought of being forced out of her church .by communists (scriptural i admonition) and I am sticking around to see what happens. I am ready / to leave any time. /« J

You probably know the whole picture of communist ' m infiltration of churches and theological schools, seminaries and colleges from 1918 to now and I would like to have thesbenefit of your m knowledge particularly as regards the N.C. C. and World "^(Re Communr *& Council of Churches. I *f Congratulations on the marvelous job you have done fl . for our Nation even though hampered politically as you have been.

/£ I note, possibly from "Human Events, " that you are expecting to leave the F. in 1966 to go into private industry. J B. L y *f We hate to see you go but wish you the best / ''' - /^> :' / / J.*t

5| P. 8. Do you have anything Your^Btacerely on E.1 William Henry Chrm. M W »JAtiJa&i8tS ^rf of the F. C. C? if ^ ^^ZyfS^'''

' et '. •

i i< m. i t i . ' ^ p i fern Y s^Jk; -_

// &


*** s«*^ ni sf^S*


/jJLjJ. CrPt^W* *f* :? A.*



"pf*^ k M&edrt*' : Xr~ r' *—*TU--f


1 '.1 ~**?r^.r7 mg^.',',' 1—^i^ >i jr-i^' if , w u ^- 6^r ^

T /*"•: c a

January IE, 16S5

! ' i L

r\a Ycur letter of January 12t!i fcai been received. "^ £

With respect to your inquiry, information £• :

contain ;d in the file* of the FDI n ust be maintained as confidential < in accordance with regulations of the Department oi Justice rni is available for official u:e only. Therefore, I truct you *a*IU under&tanJ -.vhy 1 an not in a position to conn ent alonj; the liu-js you have r l «::£•»? £-3 J and hope you >.'iii not ir ar either th?t v/e ib or do not have Jt.ta in our fiic^ relating to the jratiorrl 2o/ncii of Churches. You r> ay be intore^ted in !^ho/;ever, that tie rDI has not invettit/ated this group.

LnciOLcJ is &on-.e literature v/hic?: I trust will fc: of inl .T^st.

Mincer.; \y your*,

M03\r»r ^7/

vJJ : // / it / "Our Iicri tago of Greatest" 12-12-64 1/ "Faith in God—Our /nsvver to Coi-.n unisivi" ;>y Iiiternai Security Statement 4-17 -62 let's Fight Coii.n.jnisjr Sanely! .7 l£T3?ntro4-l-Cl liOTF: Correb icnt-ent i£ not identifiable in Buttles. O. lsTP:r*-p(3)

v.'-.v.. 4.— . I i.LID I •• o c ('


Jan. 12, 1965


Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C.


Is it true that you have ever conducted an investigation into the activities of individual leaders of the National Council of Churches, or of the organization as a whole ?

If you have, is any information available that would help Church members get at the truth? We are being torn to pieces by violent opposition, and wc have no sure facts.


\ :.? .i.v>


"* .^e^J"" ^'^m m m ^ \ **mm . _ s



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yt„- J<, s^:< * — * • '•«"' ,'^*~ '* y . p-* <**"V_


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' 1 ' " - 1 * '-;» ? *"P* *it» w i^^in » J>- w l * ' ..J- ' * /'ii* . ^ f !! y%T *.W ,T t nr^ ) )

.O ( G

January 1?, 1035 /&

"^ /I

Your letter of .Ta:rjsry Ctu hac I •*» *:i rs-c^Iw-il nnr; i v-.uit cO u* .;e this opportunity to than; you on Lca^lf oi aii of us Li the I'BI for your very coraplLiiontery remarks. Your .itaunc^i sai^jort i£ certainly sporeciated. r*.

i My statements are a tn&tter of public record and! -n are quoted iro:n tirae to time. Their cse, however, doss not CO necessarily ;ucan Liat this Bureau h^s or lia:. not "cieaivd tlie I inrnner ir; v/aich L;sy arw1 employed. o 5 Concerninj Uvj inquiry ;-cjjs^rdirjj chc Kat .onal Council ar T of »."iiurcir.-s, I want you to '-now thai nave ne/t:.r :i!;i3-:; ;Liy public

stat:- rent iirUunii:.^ this Drjar.ii.»iijn .:::.:; or hir not bsen r* iiuiitrated ty tlie com .runlets. A strtt.-nve.frc*.. l stale neat I :;:a3e on firch 2G, 1917. before- V:2 rlou-c 'Jou rr.IUee or; Uu-Ataericcn i • .

/.cl-'-ities nns beci. l : v en oi". oi cont:-:* ?nd «.;»wlt.i wii-sly by o.\ cmffiits * T of l.:C ? r>?*o.'al Cj-.::il rf Cujivres. .\ :» t-.a ?< jJ.ij a ccpy of £a„c 12 of tUs ..tate.nent v.. -rein I Iiavc uailc. iiJiid Uio ~?jrltaeni sentence.

TVnilc I vould li:e to be of asr.u-xnco to you, tiie FBI la strictly rn investigative asency of L e !>'er:t Tovarn^ent ar.:l noil ier lanitos evaluations nor draws conclusions a-, to i'ie charat-ter

or integrity of any organization, publication or :.. 'IvUTjal. Information cor.t~dQeu iv. our files must be maintained ar. ;o.Ji:!c3tial in accordance Titu relations of the Depart .icnt c! Justice. In view of tnis, I am sire you till unwer^aad vhy I cannot >ua.;3 ?-«y couimeut eitiier for t>r 2jainst trie boo';, "Hone JVire Call ft l're:.son," by Joan A. Jtormor. (continue d next page.

(1 ote & Enclosures next page. 1/

/ / f ~ * r Ofo I I»

-. r> «:$l •a;: -• L'J

«»i >.~" \ > i. *$? TI MI* . ^y^r-w^T. ' 1 . * i - ..J .

Concerning your inquizy regard! o; tie Council o* Churcnec, the bcon, Jiare C?^B Treason," contains an a.nlijucuG and mlslcadir..; s'.?ic ment rslatinj to this or^ani-ation. Tac- parr^rcph in question states, r, Tho National Council of Ch'ircncs, its subordinate organizations, and the leaders oi many c! its alfiiiatsi: denominations and their pdblicaUons t.. con?iBtcr:'J.y parallel or follow the Co ..imunlst Party lias, as exposed i by J. EUjri. iioovcr." In rereading tiis parcrjraph, I am sure you f, rrlli teo :.-.t 1 «ir:.-3 ji-ade no statement \?hatcvc." le^ar'-fcvj the Nation?! Co acii ei 'Jhurch:... it is tiio ajthor's oph.ica \:ni kitir leaders p* ratlel t:e Communist Varty lino. The Communist Party line has, of course- v been cx::.scr! by t*>e 7131 ao is our duty as protectors oX tii? Intern?.! security of tnis Kaiion.

The author in Xoctnote 17, Chapter 7, Fortaininj to the abvve quotation has mrie reference to an article prepared by me cntitler-

"Ten Com nu?.i.:t i-arty Line ' for the r'enate Internal Security S»ib- co *».i*ittee in I36l. J. ao e i-clcsinj a cop? or ttiis article which ::;a':es no reference v.hrtever to the .'.stio'na! Council of Churches.

I am also enclosing fox- articles I have v-rittea rCuUn^j tj Lie communist ariac*. on reunion. T.;esc publications clearly state my views on this topic.

:-ti)o? yours,

liiclonurrs (?) Taj: 12 ul testimony Varcn SO, 1947, before House Committee on Un-American Activities Co uiiunist 1 arty Line Let's Fig lit Communistn Sanely! Faitn in God—Our Answer to Communism Time of Testing Communism: The Bitter Enemy of Rcliglc.:.

(Note rext page.


* >' • i ' »' . ~


K'.'ii-: L.iiiiiw.1;: ;jo i.ucrnialii -.\ lueutiii&bl* v»itn correspondent. -T:^j^?.i\; : . irei- i:> m- Jjr u aiiiwer t:u- corrc^jou&en-.'c questions were c:.'.iiJtto .roai UaiiU to jaiUvfta :»i3.;i3 dated June 1, 1301, concerning l»a: icvijrv ^c.^. Dzn Lzli It Treason, • Ly Joim A. ctormei. rurtaer i-et-carui. horn ivaj to LcJusoal Vfc.-no dutc« aeptd-iver iG, 103-i, entitled Cc:.i..i^usl lui'iitratlca ol Ciurcaes. (IUU-CGjG'J-IL*') and reaiitta* letter to honorable 1\. Jaaasa, Jcpta.ater 17, i3Ci, (1Cu-5036D-12ai) -•'-•-•? .r«s r-: inti-:ry :v /«i J^ ; &&& -list i' IU! k-uIoji i; iiie Xati-Ki&l -•-'.Vj» » 1 : .« • ;i

•»>- January 6, 1965

Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir»i

Heeently I have seen copies of reports published by the Oomsittee of Christian Laymen Inc., of Woodland Hills, Oalif., P.O.Box 2B$ (Publication #6£, 5-4-64, 7th Printing; Publication #75. 10-1-6J, and others). These publiestions all state that duplicate copies have been forwarded to the P.E.I, and the B.C.U.A.. The principal these «-H*t tkiHlct*apy of BeeJarlc Oity said in a talk to ministers of our area that a^i •kief aan from the P7B.I. was cent around the nation "warning Americans not to be taken in by charges 1 that their churches are overrun by rods , fir. Ispy also quoted Mr. Boover as saying he was "deeply concerned about the danger that self-appointed 'vigilantes* may, in the name of anil-eoanunlsm, play into the communists' hands". A news sheet "The Church At Work", Mov. 1964, printed the ' by Borthern Oalif. -Bevada Oouneil of Churches had as / article about attacks on the Oouneil of Churches. Xt particularly referred to John fl Stormer* s book "Bone Dare Oall It Treason" and said it was criticised as a cheap paper- back in the "Beligious Vows Weekly" of Sept. 22. 1964. They claim that Stormer did act Include complete documentations in bis chapter "Subverting Our Beligious Heritage" and they quote from a remark made by Mr. Hoover la 19*7 to the H.O.U.A.—"I want .you to know that on neither this occasion nor at any other time have I made any statement criticising the P.C.C. or the H.C.C". They go on to cay that Stormer did not include cither of th' quotes given above by Br. Bcpy. They also claim that Stormer used quotes from the Air Force Manual but did mot mention to his readers that It was withdrawn by the Air -Force, officialiy retracted by the Defense Dept., and drew a public apology from the Sect, of ffcfeace -to the M.C.C. The article ends by saying "I would hope—but X»a not very opti- ejistie about it—that those mho have read "Hone Dare Oall It Treason" also will read Marry and Bonaro Overstreet's new book "The Strange Tactics of Bxtrealaa". The Overstreet #re mentioned quite thoroughly in Stormer* s chapter on "Mental Health". Ve have also motioed 4hat their book on Oommunlom .never seems to be included on lists of recooamended Teading*=en the subject as are Booverts, SehwarzeSf'fikousen'c, mad others* " *"z 1 * - . 4V* \ CL^ """' X Fre""Bt one or" V*>1» from P.. 127 of "Bone Dare Oall It Treaeon",—"The B.C. V*f Churches, Its .subordinate organizations, and the leaders of many of its affiliated denominations and their publ lections consistently parallel or folio* Communist Party line, as exposed by J. fdgar Hoover {*»-—nfffJ"™. *"5X3»Yl7. Oh.7— samunist Party

A Z would like to have the truth Jb\>u\ feese matters elearV reasons—00 that I may know the best eourae_i» follow^snay desire _.f -o- mm X d «.4« T°? *»*•**•«* lnfor.«tioa that you ean Piifcly glte to ae about the

•drltwdTe the C. larettigfttioBs of CbMBimi.tti«mI. . \i ?\- *., net wanting arv

«. h.,. ftr .„ ^. ., ^^.h^ve: as^-t j-*-* «!.*.«..

-=3 T our* ! - b c .(

-> J January 13, 1S65

Your letter of January 9th nas been received. O — V.'ltn respect to your inquiry, information contained c: in the files of the FBI must be maintained as confidDntial in accoiQP ance with regulations of the Department of Justice and is availnb^ for official use oniy. I regret 1 am unable to be of assistance in this instance but trust you will understand the necessary reasons for this policy, it is hj^e d you will not inf'-r either that we do or do i ol have data in our files relaur^ to the National Council of Chardies.

Enclosed is some material v.'hich i trust will be of — . interest.

i S... merely yours,


\;/. c ;.! / f icloturcs (4) II Internal Security Statement, 4-17-62 Let's Fight Communism Sanely LEB Introduction, 4-61 Faith in God—Our Answer To Communism

NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles.

DFCikcf ' (3) • Hi/

..... ) i- 67 JAN22i3«:V-

* » . '» T ./. i , » .*?-* 7*~ +*** W », J UP * ; »* J, J c



Dear Sir: O We are very concerned about the '.'NatipnajMCouncil CI u cn QL ? r ^/' and are seeking true facts about this organization" & what control they hold over the American Baptist Convention, local churches as well as other organizations & other Churches.

, ...... Jan 17. 1965 I have been placed on a committee meeting/to make a decision about the National Counsel so any infornation you could give us on this matter would be gratefully appreciated. Thanking you in advance.

/ / .


-4 T- - V *

- *^.5*.«_l» *HI..^V -qf»- « . ii i — •: . n m ;u rf / '



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v «5. * *\- *7 » I * -nff a ^a^ j* 'i'^w>..» ' VT-^^'t^ ' — ».« r*n ' s

/ January 12, 1?C ]

O e


o Yc-jr ictt'-r oi J-na'-ry 3th b: ' '.vr.i rrcelvca.^* " ^

^..iihrcsjy^i to ycu.- irqu.'ri, iar_rn .itlcn cju^cd""' .. s o; uu -i.Vi ;>.i^t be -no . r i:3 'j'jT.ti-. :Li!.il In i-.ccoru- "* »i '.:c rcsul-ticus l!:~ . ul ; 2 »:v:.'. .cu*. ci ; .i^-tiec /.n,. i. avail. bi«* * .. i. *si:. :i.;il «ko tv-y. lb?re;oi-3, T tru.:t you . ill u^i-stand v,;.y • i - J. .«. -:* n i"octa?u to c<,»c:l .-.i-:\i;j t!::: *i -*r •»- -in Mtv si-~' ; 1 tr " .1;: ho .- yen will »:ot iiii-r eiib-jr f;-t ivr 0.9 c uo not ruvc d^Vii our fili•-. relatiu- to the r::t!on ! 1 C.v ,cli v( C. :urc!r_j i.3- the"" i :•-* *-J: *j; *. you n'irr'cJ.

-.xCkC-zc... ;•; -ci-..-. 1;. - \ t I Url ..ill Le oi i. t,rcjl.

")«* 'ioc?.-:-ly . ;,

"-«-•» •• -- • w 4-1-61 LEB Introduction 4-17-62 Internal Security Statement Let's Fight Communism Sanely I Faith in God—Our Answer To Communis::; "Our Heritage of Greatness"

NOTE; Correspondent is not identiLablc ir. Buttles. DTPiems (3)

• . r I

*?— j-wyt o

January 3, VAS

«'• lh\ --*~u* .•iocvov, I):lr'.:cbf«r Fo-vcr?.! Z.XL' .-iv. or Invesli-vhi .;, U,2 e cf Justice '•'-.' :i.v.c.i, D.C. 20?3^

:-:< •'tew "V. rv..r :

•7e ««r.::r.ic tr. i,cav rc/,c --^ frcn ppokeT.oi for tho F.-r Ri^-.t, cr^. - *•.-*

* *** **"*™" ™*> *» "™ -« scrlcu^v vTior S£Z\Z *nr1h! — ,

101 '£" a for ; ,r- : - ^**vmt fro;,: r ,- J. c VS i-r^it? ? ^7 yW ,f ;i3J H0 .,

'" "* = - y '--':„ : c bt;-C3i rx.;r.r:. -cm;; ? of tiiore v

•^>ci.:.3 uT.iit have :;--on circsj:;.ri #

1. ,.. ^; or 1S it a ncsitivs force, as c—c^im-'in... hr cr.*,r-~ pra*ox,:;, in coaLa-iti/i;; Co—iaisr.v ^

^cor^id^ial iaTorn.ticn, it aoe«, •ic'^fforl^i to no fciat wo clc

I'ltfti.': yy; fc ;.-car ccnfJL-Surst.-U.n of t:^ ...itUr.

,• i

1 '' ' ' ' *'* ji *'*• » *** ' . ' ?'' ' ..y-^^ ^i i * . — ' %?<> — ^•'M^^^BI^" ; !^ V ;. J . c (J


«>I i_ o A*T> -nl ^

col -fc. M£^^ r* 2P » • ^-~ r:* ->: * v '•%*<- »*t • »>•*•.,- l-v/v -n ? I*: tt?.» »I -: -.::^"*.*; 'Ti

! : il- ^ rr/j.'^t to yo-:ir ?^q:Ury f :-?;i-;'-tiw^.t;:.:.c: :.;-: 1; ^ of Uvl- *«JI i-urt *:? r-.uii.;.Unc-' r." c > -!•*- ^?I h.

I ^ :* :r;V co r:\;r.l-\tl?:: ; vl tho i spnrlrr ol . '••••I a>>:* iv "-.-- iiKblc for ofii; i~l a "c *»-ly. fi^r stern, I t :. ;: ;•••: j vi?I *v " . ' \ I:* I M\i not In ~';r ition to ;oii; ir>:;t r.T- v- t : 'I,—.* yo*

• • * " :* vV' 'JU* :, ;-n.- iiU ; ~Mi: ; ic i »i: -Iv;;; \ r.;:ii *:•/

.'Jn-jlcr:*/ I: r.jj -:e Ut:,r/;turo I iruc; v?i : bo of

ov-'.y •- -ir'

' • , / I. '• • •<• • '

*. . a. . i . w \ ; J-i-Ll L:,.;. intiv;:vctioii 4-J7-G? lnternn) Jj^uiity 't.^-r ei.t .'• I.-l*L Fi-it Coir.»T V;Ll; ;:- t Jy! ... I'^ith in Sod—Cur -^icver to Cjinnuuinr .i.\ "•«*ar T Ierita^c of Creatnec. i?

KvTS: Corves ;v.;^nt to net idcntifl'tblc in ^ j-.!cf. /ddresr- vcriiicc! per tel^iJ.'iar. i?irect«ry.

•i-. F--r:. » •!**<&? ,s:tCZ]

w i — 1 l ' " -^ i. »Mi ' * ' ^ y i^^^^* w _y ^wp^f*** »' * ' V "?'\.'*»'l» " * .^."g **i J" '* - sw .-.- -*

, (•

January , 2935

' Mr • J • ::;:ar Hoover i uroau of Ix,v astir at ion U . 3 . Df. -rtrnent of Justice t- - .-. :> r* Oz-^r: */ JJ. Urn U.

7 oovr.r,

v.tly I a- , oint^d^^^c^.te J a: >* member on the Ecar i oi^l'rustecc of tiicB^^^H^Vi-ocJist Church. The ^ arir on ac to vh utije^^^^^Wb:;!.* cor;: ".,ue to support th?";:ati cr.&l Council of Church-:.;* financially if it is a Ct: vinir t ix:s»-ir.£ organization* All r.-jv.oors have oe-n sent

hv •.: . athereJ a suecial co-mitt; v.v.ioh sj i.cs^jl;. =.fced tho Council. Hov.-. vjr, no ;r.j.-*tiv.o *&\i :; of

, .v ether sr not Gi'i/ of tho -u..ii s of the Council v;as or hf-'j •' i x i.-: iliat-cd . 't th -Co:.:..::i.ii.;t frcnto, » reacts or pu.-ll- *" " •! ~» y"i* * ** Xhe -natci-ial v,as :r.e;-j. i a. 11 / voto on I-oin^ "c ideational ,

Li-.i .c;j i'ui'iiiso *ie *..ith i.olh . past, a;ju u.. autc^iun Oi. one i clonal CouncJ.jL of Churches* and the uuc,;<-roui:*j jj it» '^rr,9 --incc x io iict r-.jl I car: vcr: •-- this ir,3uc J 4 * * .-.. f, u^r:;:::. 1 i:v :^i-!'t;;- . -r-u -en. .HI \.~* r^i .-. - -.. ,' r » i -j-tl.. i;.;>'Ci-:J:.'

w:i»c^r-r»l r ^,


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Jsnuu-y 12, 10C5 /'I': AIRMAIL

CD*" iv

";o>a- Ic.lxr oi J.*».Mt:.ry 7t:.i, citii^ura, u • •r «:« r^vj^ivco.

.'.Kh r.-:-spr.ct to yciu* inquiry, lnf..>rm-»j;c » cout2i.?e>i i.. the it»c3 cl the! IT 7 not bo ni-u'-tarn-.u ns coni* '.:. :t??.l ;-» rxcor\t- i* .':.'.» "in re^il -tkv»- ct L»o LfepaiSrirt rf Justice ;•.',: i^ :^ii:ti:lo i„/ oiiiC. il a< enl; c . '..:«*rc(;,rc, I tri-jt you will u-^ivtr no ».-i:y I n: n>t i;i a, ;?-j:.i;i;n Jo Ci»;^Ri2Ut aiosi' tii» llrir, y ;>.: -uvo cuj&efftc*; i»nii !ic-f.- yyu v. ill net lt:?r eilher rv.:t ..o tic Oi' tlu rot l«vr ciat" in cur iilT.- rr;l.-U:-. ;o ih-. r! .tJoiial Council cl •TSiurr.hc...

ri.cicscd ij literature 1 trurt ill be of interest,

1 ixio'vj. v.; in l':-»-;.' -.n"- sti ., rcH-aJ'Jro.;GcU cnvelcp-3 yc-J .so Ikouriitf-ally

-ino r :iy your.j,

' '..;-» I-icIc-.nrc-(v) \i ,

' • 4-1-61 LEB Introduction i / ./ 4-17-62 Internal Security Statement

Let's Fight Communism Sanely 1 Faith in God- -Our Answer To Communism ''' '"Our Heritage of Greatness" h Correspondent's self-addressed, stamped envelope

NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles.

DTP:ems (3) r--: ..... •• - ' * o WONY O (

The MUTUAL Lit* Insurance Company OP NEW YORK

/"•/ * r - - - 1 - -. Op

lii:f r*.r;- ether


^v..-^ w^ *. » .«•. , al.! « h*vr !.;:.• lite t .v.. c; *€£rl.*.-3 •1- r^ -t^e.

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W-*V ^v . .A ^i» w. # cr cvtr ;*L5 l^en Cci^xili-tlCfcll;. tc;-^r.*.ife.

L.*e e:c^ it d'.cuU mcvc i:. V.-^ ccntrcvcrsiel issue. I woul£ *tjpreci- ic^r r:;l. :r sec c: rcssiMe.

a^.»«. * "r. n ^ c. iirciit w««£r*f^i.^ j cii Z'cr » - » .*. £i.irc: .: "...


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L &* January 3, 1965_ jf


L*ar| p H5 - O Your letter . of jL>ecetnb«r 31st has been received. §

With respect to your inquiry, information contained in the ales of the rEI must be mair.oiined as confidential in accords ce with regulations of the Lepartmeut oi Juslice and is available for official use cniy. Thc-efore, I trust you will under- stand why I am not in a position to comment along the lines you h:i\'e su£«jested and hope ycu v/ill not infer either tbat we do cr do not have data In cur files relator, to the Katlonal Council of CLurcfc2S.

Enclosed i^ some literature I trust .viii te of interest.

"' ! "'~ ' t ' Sincerely yours,

J/ ? ; .;-i : - £.;:> ! , AlmtQF P"Hcovetr .„ u t t—£ii_l'±!!L___l :f".*f'

Enclosures (5) 4-1-61 LEB Introduction 4-17-62 Internal Security Statement Let's Fight Communism Sanely! Faith in God—Our Answer To Communism •vA**/'/ "Our Heritage of Greatness" /-' f

NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles.

DTP:ems (3) /' #»&'

" ' **" * * ' '* *-*-:?**—-«-:- '- > ' " . — .r;r . .»i..mjBw* -?*- P • w^ yr.if- *? ^» . - ^ .ry^^/^f^r.^i ^ t.", f . w^ > n ; w r


Dec. 31, 1964


Dear Sir, ?

I am deeply concerned over the supposed pro- Communist leanings and activities of the National Council of Churches and some of its officers and leading members. If you have any information verifying or denying the charges that many people have made against the organization I would y sincerely appreciate receiving it. I have just been elected to the consistory of my church and since my church contributes to the National Council of Churches I feel it is my duty to investigate before approving or disapproving of the contributions.


-; ftr -«V

%L> i^W4*wy OUeduJ **J



I ** ?H ' — c '-?-;:'

Cr * - » ~\M

*" , i -." *-^." , i . - J ''j^ ? / ' * «» > j ^Piyip — j v. *r*.i -mm *!h ^. ^.h . y * ?.- ^'T.ff '^ '. s'T rj v^-?»r*-ir ^ii.'M/^wrrf , t* y,f — 6 V

1 - Klclnlcauf

SAS, Nrw Yorfc 1/7/65

Director, FBI (lOO-ro?G:))


v TJio | "H^' York Herald Tribune-," page la, carried

a !»r. :'^;rcord pspcr;:- witL t;*e all cations of consuci^t iiililtriitioa in the Rational Council of Ciiureliaa.

You arc instructed to Jiscrcotly outran aad forward to t.'io Bureau too coyioo oi tlio sspci* released by Ecvcrcad Pry.

JUK:pdb y (4) /



' *=l!3nj', -

• *"Sr.* ___ "* ./ i> -___- . ~- ' » __

..«t.*jn _ __ ."V*i —

' " ff-M : l # tr. K^o; _

J- ry igA i ,^ : i , I L RC — TtLrrvPC u:«t I i * " ,

O '. olson Q m RpJmont

. rotter Toie Room Gindy &:< *•"

ithertin TSolcs Figlti. On Reds by Churches \ •- board that '"Thr Na- The Rf . Dr. Fi ankli£ Clark centra! of Ci.u.chrs ir of ihr l/uhrran tional Council I Fry. present % ami ;>lwr>ys hrs be* : . jnaltcr- ChJrch ir. America, ha? rc- | abi\ opposed to coiw;..»nism." . paper JA,/ .rased background , v \ a last summer'* ir.M- As for / < dealing with the alleganon* dents. thr paprr tak .*•. as one rt Communist Infiltration in cxampie. the Mir si.«*iiipi fcum- 830 the National Council of mrr Pro;ict. in voi:i educa- Churchcv A-h:ch has b'sct students l'flprd tion pro? i aims In that state. \ thr r."*ur.c:! for year?, despite /•• deals in - t its aims and y « with thr council's involvement but i*. din* endorse / fc!t a responsibility in the civil rights movement, therefore and a and particularly with toct- to provide counsel! :.r ? -i euidnncr to th^ d-r.ts in laM summer's evr,;u spiritual students "to prepaid ihrm for ir. the South*. tasks"." Dr. Fry said his action was potri.i:aIlv cancerous \ tiie Ux>- taken at the prompti::s of Thus, it sponsored course in Tour Southern synodical pres- wrrk orientation C>:lorri, Ohio: Tecr ii!rd srlf- idents, who arc confronted by Ti.- H'ashlnn. :. Pc»t an i xi.mfcier- __ "perM.«t?r.t charces a iinsl !#/. »rt volunteer and Tim* as H r i.j thr Council which counsr!ors and atton'ys. volunteer min- are troubllnp many of their arm self-paid The Wanhtn ;«'.. * Doily Nt*wi _ fcici s 10 explain the students' cnstitumis" His document Th- Iv-ninq Ttar vhite ministers __ i *-* back to the 1953 pin- activities to * !>w v ork Herala Trlb-nr- \ ^ ajuinr.^Qrni of the council's in Mississippi." « — *iew York Journal-Atriort -on __ "Jew York Dai.y Xrw* _^^_ tl»-w York P'=! ____^__ The Mcvf Yom Timet; _ T».»* Holtiiror** i>un ___

; I. 'jrt*rk-r

1 he I'cwl "O-i- t «_____

Th» Will S;r* ** Jrurrjl

I'hn Uatinna. • -bst*;rvcr

P^? !.**s W tlS

t -«f

i ••; i . "--ii

' . . »*^»' *y^ -^.%,*.* ^ --^^•r'yy^. ^ K. ^>.^— o c

December 29, M64

Y:n* letter of Dec«:;:bcril\.:; hn3 cec. received.

V'ith respect to your inquiries, information tontainci in the files of the FBI must be maintained as confidential in accordance with regulations of the Department of Justice and is available for official use only. Therefore, I trust you will understand why I am net in a position to comment aloarr the lines you have suggested. You may be interested in knowing, however, tint the FBI has not investigated the KationrU Council of Churches.

Enclosed is some literature i trust T.ill be of interest. I regret I know of no other agency tc which I may direct you to o.';tain the data you have requested.

Sincerely yours, ./*' /A -'

Enclosures (4) Let's Fight Communism Sanely! 4-1 -62 Internal Security Statement 4-1-61 LEB introduction "Faith in God--Our Answer To Communism" NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles.

' DTP/ufp / (3) AP

* * • » \\^i\'Mvi -V/ ./-' /i p' 4-i 'V. v.-

•L_J t'.lk-.yi- i-rzi

-*-- ?'* «-v*i ." , < «>*« ? *,< » ^j"w m ^: * / • u

December In # 1954

Fed- ml Bureau of Iim .-ii/jaWon Pesvisylvania Avenue and 9th Street, H.W. Washington, D.C #

Dear Sir;

Recently I've been becoming avare of the chargos of Coxmunisra in tho World Council and the National Council of Churches* Those groups described as being "right wingers* seen confidont that they have

I would be interested interested in having information on the following specific questions:

1. To what extent has tho FBI investigated tho National Council of Churches for Communistic influences,

2 # TdTijit if any, tyro of inforoatici; !.:»& be^r tho rocult of any

investigation:; you've nzdQ 9

2m If the charges of CcrctWiisR ii. Vw Natio; ;*.! Council is false, to wii^t extent can the National Council bo said to bo a foe of Conxunisa.

If you know of ary : thcr federal agoncy to vhi-h 3 rhcu3d £ .'.dress these qu?r Lions, or if w-;u prefer tc refer thca to another foJeril agency, p3*.':uc feel froc* U» d% so # Sincerely yours.

t • -V"'

\ */

i * l ' - "»- t»^ (I ' , *!' ' v~ • * i », '*': -v^i .t ^'?' * t'i mj <, ^ w m. .-v ,"^ j ,T'» < ^ «' <•

uccc-iL^r a:, IPS'

wvtt /

--»: .'lit •- -luc, .»::•• . 4^: t: t\::r'- yj-i ,:?; yc .r ^-'. , jii ; ramar* m conce* ;?i:?(j -iy a:*.-"«iinlit- "ilea cf Ui« Tbl :>j for your ! : In-.' . i'iC.-- fr;/ ihj holiday:.. It I hoped car ivlv.r ciuViivirs. vi;.i ci'i^in-"- 'o vncvlt /car suppr t am* rrpioval.

"..Itii rcsrirctloy-v Inqilry, th. II.T ioc;? n**. -7 i;:.Ti..: ele -ram .2.1 or Bcar.l-v.r\r»cc : c>r a?iy t>i;o air' i:if jrnaUor. cuataLi?.' in oar files must b2 maintained as* confidential in accordance with regulations of the Department of Justice and is available for officii use only. Therefore. I trust you will uudrcr-iand why this Fureau ha3 r.ct releassa any sUtsracnt alon^ the line* yea have indicated.

".-? 7 I am enclosing so e literature which I trust -#* \ »vili b^ ol interest. /^. mJ Included in this material is a copy of

• v \ epesrh delivered * . S * by AECfstuzt ;:.Vecto? V/UHam C. aOltvAA v before the Highland Far!: ilethodt it Chorch on October 10, iDul. |" i ia Dallas, Texar, which sets forti tills Bureau's position In vol related natters.

" Please accept ray bsst wlsliej for a New Year fillea v.'ith an abundance af all geci things. '<& ./J\/ ' / Sincerely yours, •

: ' lii'-/- V ./ Enclosures (5)

;*0>iBnmnism and Religion in the United States" : . .-*• 10/19/61 / 7 \-S ^'"4-1-61'LEB Intro Let's light Communism Sanely! , ,' O ' / x J.1*7-R-> Intoimol CAPiifltif >».««.».«,<,..* t

"---— .» ft . 1/ Ltecc.vlcr 196':.

> I

Mr. J. Ji.-ai- \:over, Director rcdr:ra": ijv.reau of Ir.v.^ti Ration

r .. a."h:V i ;.on, ii. C.

Dear .">-. I'ocvcr:

I.eir;/ i.^r; have had lcnp careers as public servants but certai:;ly no one individual can ,..atch your tenure of office in fcivinj able, devote::, an-* r-nsciontious service to hi- country, l'ou have v!:c Fl'j" r,n c/-\cv of tr:j~t, reject and h .;:c3iy ;le it reflects l\\z c.-'iaractti* anu. int»j t rJt;- of its Director.

'levin- lived ir- the o/uth ar.u having bee-* exposed for nar.y year- t<. '> a s:>c -l^.iciJ pattcrr.. born ov^r a centi-.y a^o, so^e of the change f

.•_• :cw bcl in this -y^te.a use rot ca.5j to accept. However, v:e ! '• •;ijj. c/rcc^t th'-r: in ti; o, ao i:ill i.iOJt Christian who believe in the .^ * di-;»iw; of thr i.vlividial and fair play for all citi^enfc. ^r : c:

.:a!:iv this acceptance difficult, is the attitude of so;;.e of the — . tjU' . .tjjv. particularly ryjl vche;.-cni, iiiadership of certain -ity Zr ! * !.-*• ;,-..;:• re::-arl;" rcraruinr? iiev. : o^.ir ^;:Kr I^i L: -v; orti:ir recent ,. 1 * 1 .av. hir.j :. .. ac'ty, it is rot jiut a w / ^hcrr/.r . ojj.?si -ion to */

f *'. I:cv. ::L;:7 o i-vjlc^y, but t! .t baching of a concerned American that . the I'll IT.rc:tcr is ju.-uifiod in dtfendi^ his v;-;o;. ever- f ..reL"^ - i,u:...tvr:tiated 'y facts. The recent article in u. i. Ifews

f JorZu Kejori. i^ a. ,.>lv proof that your rejaarXs vrcre justified. 9 •^^^-*'#^»«

: 7hor«» "• a*;ct! cr ratter : n which your na.: has been inserted .*r:d I appeal to ya in thir matter as a fellov/ Ilder in the Pretty *cria?) Church

_ have teco:. j rrcatlj cc-ncerncc over th*s controversy vrf.ich >ias 1 f have devolved regard:* s"c ^ National Council ;f Church 33. I read M ;.aiy of !r. h*;.\l; Karris' Vf>wi;w, Ir. Joru *..' h'one

,: Dare Cc.l It Jrca^on , ;jvi :>thcr; 'dealing with coj-rT.Jiirin and sub- to vert: >n. I!i» .Harris and ix. clt : riar.y authorities sutstr.r.tiatc t*.e clair. Jiat th r .':CC espouse J a nu-f. er of eoz.Juunistlc :;oal:: a/i thc-.w the lcad'jr/.nlj of the IICC J»a^ been ir^filtr^tc-i b;

c r ;.:,/. r.iats c. co^.ri'ii;;-- jy. ; at:;..icr.j. .

BEfrtt •a «

-tir • 5 >

1 ' ^ i^y"' *^ -: !'*. ^ . ^m-» * f.> .v " ?' • ? v ^ T ** fg^yy^E-g^w^-^A.— .'y^'-^/^^v ( (

<~strt?-i* bl :

Mi * \ There &r* a nuatoer of us I^csbyterians *4 ia^bodistc ^s;^-to> are ial^gtrely interred in whether or not these ' true. ^ a?fej.acial report covering $or.e 75 paces to the ite^i R^i&? r :^3.964-ft^l^tei»i«n Survey the KCC is compl*te3jr exonerated ao ^

: * infiltratltti tt«te in tb* prefate "Wild accusation of cosaaurd&t "" : no les& a naUi»ai; w: : in the t©C hare long been laid to rest by " "than J. Ed£&r Hoover ". The article does adnit to chargas ot. ^Tf pconaclc, political, or social activities^ perhaj* not in keapdiig vi ' 3**3 ?-'£ the ec&pe of a church body, but in these edndesiohs tfcie £Uu£ i* tfiich the 50C ^id$tf P?? --*hiftc£ to solc comaittee of the KCC over . - kittle eontrcl. .: V / V^#^'-^ q ,J%d8 article also attempts to discredit iJ.^Hergis, W«%Ui*H^J* :-Sr. Lowoan, fir. Edgar SfeBr.* *arl Lelniire, Mr. aobert Welch, I^ers ' v :? -;-: '. "^nd Kr« Dan £.-aoot. « ^: -~.-, l^g« ;

»«- a Presbyterian Elder this ratter of the KCC is w>st important^* ^try to filter out trsn our ne.-s nedie. i:hat nipst be the trtftSj.1r* •!*here is so jjich contradiction that. I fix.i myself icg^ing f«f;*J» ^absolute trui.. from rev* totally impeachable source s«eh as -jrairsfaj.^ o-ar reporting now i3 interpretive rathir than;faetj^jwith K^jiaeh of jF>re enphasis on discrediting anti-cormaiist ^artivi^i^ t^*° j-P"'"^ ^isclo&ing those activities of communists or conssaaslit JO^*tfil_ >:• -w*&~

' .'••." -.-- • - . "-v,-.-^ ;:.. V- • / r-r^^^-tzm^t**"" _^herr»-fax copy of a recent editorial from the Atlanta Avenue Fres_ ^IgMEfiriting on what action the Session of The North

' : -.";*-- .- -. - - - *- rjr:-- ^ • v J ''c -^&Ws&4 Ltiffet wishes of the Boliday 3aiM&v>m§fy

: ^t?;, -.

6- S^i^-^**>^-^S^*%^ """ "(" "O"

December 18, 1961 7 i



' \

I received your letter of December l&th anJ want to Jiank you for your kind sentiments.

V.'ith rerpsct to your inquiry, you may be assured I have not made a statement such a.i you indicated. The Fi31 being an investigative agency of the Federal Government neither ma';cs evaluations nor draws conclusionc as to the character or integrity of any organization, publication or individual. In addition, information in our files mu6t be maintained as confidential in accordance with regulations of the Department of Justice and is available for official use •jnly. Vurihor, tils Durcau does not isrue clearances or nonclc? ranees of any type. Therefore, I trust you will under- stand vhy the FBI is not in a position to comment alon& the lines you have suggested and hope you will not ir'ir either that we have or havi not "cleared" the National Council of Churches.

Enclosed is some literature t trurt i/ill be of interest.

Sincerely yourr.,

/ ) I

Enclosures (4) Faith in God—Our Answer to Communism / 4^1/61 LEB Intro 4/17/62 Internal Security Statement ),'''• Xet's Fight Communism Sanely i-'

NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. DTPrblk (3)

' , ' •..*K.h.M.!. L_J -n.! TV. i IM-CZ1 <-\...

-«"»—?- I^.^.^JW^^-V "

(• D' (• #


Dec. 12, 1964

Mr. J. Edgar Hoover Federal Bureau of Invesigation Washington 25, D. C.

Dear Mr. Hoover:

I have read much of your testimony before the House Committee On Un- Americans Activities and I know the Federal Bureau of Investigation does not issue clearances to any organization or individuals.

The following statement appeared in the Augusta Herald Newspaper by a local Minister: "As far as Communist infiltration in the National Council of Churches goes, Rev. Croft said J. Edgar Hoover has given it a "completely clean bill of health.

Is this statement true or false or taken out of context?

I hope and pray God will continue to bless you with good health because our country needs you.

For God and Country,


' ' " ' ~— mm . Pf < j **' * " y.^yr ^ T'!? — w j. y"^'»'; . 6

..~ ^"*"

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^^u 3?' is t S71-4>jj*&*~' >€.

V ^^"-o- ><%rsn££ &+*&£ t~^*e£9*^*1 -t.s

' ' ' * Tfr^i ! W. *>* -"* • .1 ^^

••• : .,••..•-.•-.•!•....•:>•"•.• •>-^>-.-'-. .• «:-. .:•••.• .•-^ .:; - • • • .:'.= : vr:-\?^»-:-ir^w^.:^V/: .. . W V . r ; #

tffrtt December 23, 19C1


T'. /

Your letter of Deceiver 17th, vith enclosures, h*»s been received.

With respect to your inquiries, information contained in t ;ie files of the FBI must be maintained as confidential in accordance wiih regulations of the Department of Justice and is available for official use only. Therefore, I trust you will understand why I am not in a position to comment along the lines j-m have suggested aid hope yru will not icier either that we do or do not have Aita in >ur files relating to the National Council of Churches.

Enclosed is some literature I trust will be ->f assistance, aloag with the stamped, self-addressed envelope you so thoughtfully forwarded.

£iacerely yours,

i S- u-n

Enclosure (5) > /

', Faith in Cod—Our Answer to Communism b 4/1/61 LSB Intro • Let's Fight Communism Sanely 4/17/62Jnternal Security Statement Envelope forwarded by correspondent NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. DTP:mlk (3) * ' {•

YMXfSP' *' ~i T: I.'"- YJ •rCl

l - i . »'^^ »« * i * '>• ! • * * i mm .. * * ji- - « * * j . ^ 4 ! V y . ^..^uv^T' **£

DecTxbv 17, 1964

fcr» J. Edgar Hoover Federal Eurecu of Investigation I-ashinfton, D. C«

Door I'r« Hcover:

kr a raestir of ono of Uo Christian Uhurcher. in this cit;; nnfl a t*jx payer I venture thia requor.t cf you, a very buay ran J know,

I understand the F. B. I. has investigated the National Council of Churchas for communirtic influence or leaning* ihere have bsen eo many charger leveled et the !*•• C. C« I feol the need cf dependable information concerning this orry.nitation, to irhicl; to3t of cur churches contribute xonie.c*

Tie hr;ve so cany sources of n^... * * digest an;} I ac ews-r.thnre aro many isme camps ting for i»jr ini's aind I fine! it s?.it difficult to rinnov the true fact* frco the false.

to save you tine I en enclosing a crirf questionnaire and i eelf-sdoressed; ateaped envelope enc if you tfiU give me ccrj information on this subject. I shall greatly apprecirte it«

Yourr. truly.

End* 2 ./.

<\ ' IV

* • * «0&** ;

' 1 **» «; '* * »" ',". *8 * ,K ^--^V-V>r°

1* Hban the F. B. I. investigated the National Council of Churches did they find any indications of communistic leanings, or influence:

2. Do you knon whether the National Council of Churctas organi- zation trains end assists students, or young people, for acn-riolctnt sit-5na and £exonstraticna:

3* Does the N« C* C. give financial aesistancs in the program of intergrating the races?

4/ Renarks:

— *\ir*.ocpu-. _- "

*-" - • /" .?*

i i ' rV i— r *r * i - J* iJfci ^Vidaa^fc^JLi o *afti- y rwr^^iiT-iwtwZi 'J

December 18, 1864 NO si *

Your letter of December 15th cmlosi g fifty csnt*3 has oeen received.

r With respect to your inquiry, I have not made a statement cuch as you indicated. The FBI being an investigative agency of the Federal Government neither makes cvateations nor draws conclusions as to the character or Integrity of any organization, publication or individual. In addition, infernation contained in our files must b~ maintained as confidential in accordance *itli regulations of the Department of Justice and is available for official iuw only. Farther, this Bureau does not issue clearances or noaclearance? of a*iy tyi;e. Therefore, I trust you will ur.dersia -d why this Bursiu Is not In a position to comment alcns the lines you have c^cestcd and it is hoped you will not infer either that wc have or >ji"3 not •t,cleared" the national Council of Churches.

I did not author the boc?, "Psychological V.'srfare, and therefore, I am not in a position to send yo-i a cc{ y. I am, however, enclosing literature which I trust will be cf arsistrnce to yea, Blows with the fifty cents you for.7arc.5d.

Sincerely yours,

f>r. i;;iw \ j\ t

,: ^^LLi:L fiX • ^ Enclosures (0) \~L~~Z ^ur Heritage of Greatness ~^.7.1~ Faith in God—Our Answer to Communism . . Let's Fight Communism Sanely! *" 4-1-61 LEB Intro. / 8 ?OEft-^?$3$5ernal Security Statement 7 . :i }. Gorre'spbndent's enclosure - NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufilcs. :: - DTP:cai (3) v,, ' 2 ~ • 1 mailh'- -CD r. :.::r . ;::r| 1 fcfc*»JS»


Dear Mr. Hoover, ::^

I am writing this letter as a concerned and confused citizen. Lately, I have read a lot of literature against the National Council of Churches. Some of this has been published by Church groups who claim they have made investi- gations into the council. They state it is terribly infiltrated with

. Communists, and is aiding the promotion of communism in the U .S.

Just recently a minister in our town preached a whole sermon in favor of the National Council of Churches.

In his sermon he made this statement, and I am copying word for word from his sermon. "I am happy that J. Edgar Hoover has put his stamp of approval on this organization. He has said that it is the greatest single force against Communism in America today. Freedom Foundation, which lacks a lot being a liberal organization gave the National Council of Churches the award for 1962 for its work against Communism.

These two groups have taken exactly opposite stands on this issue, and yet both of them use statements they claim you made to support their arguments.

I would appreciate it very much if you could send

- your / me true opinion of this organizat ion, and if you really do feel .. that it is a great I force against communism.

^y I would also like a copy of your book, "Phsyetological - M • • Warfare. I have enclosed m ^ 50$ to cover any mailing cosfthaftiight incurred. .."P* be Thank you very much for any information you might be ' h»"" able to send to help clear this matter up in my own mind. ^ 11 . . o

^W ;7^ SJ^, e ^ x

«. '*-„, •>»



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fTj NT- Eecenjber 16, IS 34

if£C-24 /J

I receive J your letter of Dacen-ber 4ih and want to thank you for your generou* remarks concerning my books on communism and n.y administration of the FBI. It is !...pcd our future endeavors will continue to xrcrit your support and approval. You may be interested in knowing it i£ my do: ire tc ivmain in n y present capacity as long as I can bs of service to c'.r ICation.

With respect to your inquiry, information contained in the filet of the FBI must be maintained as confidential in accordance with regulations of the Tepartment of Ju: tice and i^

available for official use only. Therefore, I truU yc•:. viii understand why I an: not in a position to comment alons tie lines you have suggested and hope you will not infer either that .vc do or do not have data in our files relating to the National Council of Churches.

EncloseJ is *oir«e litirature v.hich I tr :-.t rVili bo of intarest.

Sincerely yoar^, MAILED 8 / s DEC hi uu L COMY-fBI '/ Enclosures (5) > i V "• I " dur Herit? ga of Greatness'

...*f» __ . — * ? t __ --_ "Faith in God- -Our Answer to Communism" smii __ Let's Fijht cd 1 ._ Communism buaely! ' *:»• —^___ .. . 4-17-62 Internal Security Statement J 4-1-61 L£B Intro .-"••«*. _ _ P »; -tit - v* , „ -*r,\ .1 ,M)TE: Correspondent is not identifiable in C-jiIjlss. J ~i_i i*. / c-f (it , , l t t + :» / f * V4i>QCSt L-J TELFTYFrvrj/rLJ .^ DTP* TSO (3) I —

..«.-?» .— ^tf

Mr. T*l*r»n- Mr. Brlmon Mr^lcHr-Mr

^oc sr 4 f iv ^4 I Mr. Czyxr • Mr. Cal'.tban Mr. Onrad—-— Mr. Evnnj Mr. Cute I»eur T'r. Hoover: Mr. K'-jch

, Mr. Sullivan I huyo re-i'J your bco*;s on I. »/;T i\ J 0.' 1> :a II T £ '-'.Mr. Tavd % s T ' "" 0/ CC:J:UI;i;>::. I believe that books should hi u3sal* 7

clas3 roor. study and aj rojirforono^ boo*:3. I 'ilso bclicvo aj£* Gnnly J 30.T.0 that of our 2on?reo ion 3hculd rcud theii too. i r t - m I would li!o sor.o information if possible in the

L\iTI0Ij.iLj3GUi;CII 0^ 3IIU ; J: : iU and the -;co t;lo that c.oui the

organization. 13 the organisation infiltrr.t*ii \.Uh the

loft ;vinr! > al^cnt? Cur church /?rou : ;voulu bo v*ry ^ratoi^al for any infornution^ Vhe nue^tlon -ia3 to cc v.Uh ;ho rv^jon

hii'i uzzn;- vorae^ v (J y-v-nffed tc v/e a different ;io-rjir.* ^rJ the i ori inul ;:;3.\.nin

.^roups, I ro not holievo ..*ioth"r .i-?;;cm sc;;1. ; J fill the l-Ooltion a? v.ell as you :\vo in th<> p jt 'o ;/ Mr;;, it -..ill bo a lcn7 ti-c' hefo.v, the;; find a ;-n of y nr integrity

;n-: di^nit;- in which ? :* you nr/icO out ; o^r uutio/ c ;;c i- u.'fioo

I'h-inl; you, < ?? : r. Mocv-r anu t.- * ;in: , ;/ -i-a-; -t fro;.; a

' / «Ec-a /

'Jir.or^l •

\ — ^

' ' *- a .^.^rt^i^B. i tJt i tm \M. Lin>m (•

fR0>33 December 14, 1064 X / —

Your letter of December Cth has been received. Wlth r 8pect t0 012*" toquiry, ,<„«,» • «. «, . ? y information con- teined m the files cf the FBI must be mainlined as confidential ti0nS * ** **"**»* <* Justice a^J is a^SaWefor^iHr fflCial^use only, Sterefor* „«^* i ° r ' I trust you ^m understand vmy I am not in a position to be cf help in this instance and hope you will net infer either that v/e do or do rot iiavc cbto in our files relatin 5 to the National Council of a.urcheT »

Enclosed is some literature I trust v/ili be of Interest.

Jincsrely yours,

; *.r *~> / ! i«"! |

J. E^ij-tr 1 'j'-v-ir / / Enclosures (5) "Time for Decision" i,' * / "Faith in Freedom" Let's Fight Communism Sanely. :•# . / . 4-17-82 Internal Security Statement i arc, --» — 4-1-61 LEB Intro

• .sen * • NOTE: Correspondent .H is not identifiable in Buttles. ~~~

. DTP:pem : :.* j.i _.- — .— ' '* •_». — (3) •*r ie. «ooia~~

—I *.\IL ROOM I I TELETYPE nwrr l 1 . J j e

- w

Director - Mr. Ewu-iiJ Pederal Bureau of Investigation Mr. G*U__f.^ « Sept. of justice Building Mr. 8omb-££ ;| Washington D C Mr. Nlta^Ml Mis. tw*4V* ir

Dear Sir: * > In preface, may I identify myself: I am 50 years old, white, laiinCud-^ ile t college educated and have spent the past 27 years_ " * employ of the ' — I* For the paat ten year^^v^TEET^B^^ffEfrlnt end ent of the Mechanical Diviaion of ^ H0' responsible for maintenance, construction, dlsmantling^^^^^^"* *»"* flp^Hty- I started mj employme B^fr and" also worked at th#^| Pi h^ before coming to § ^| ^f.n 19^7^^^THV^nontcriminal record and my police record consists of a couple of traffic incidents and the burglary of my home. I'm married, have three children over 18 years of age, a grand- son, own most of a $25 *000 house, drive a 1963 Mercury and a I96 Jeep, am a registered 4VBHB^HBiBMIBBHIflHMlMMBHHiiHHflfc 0fl Blfcam a registered Republican with a steady voting record, earn over 315,000 per year^^nd am a Ruling Slder in the ^Inrst^ Presbyterian Church of^| ^The latter biographical fafF isf the factor behind this leTxerTl am communicating with yoi:l L- tie advice of your local 731 office.

Our Board of Slders created a committee, upon congregatio quest, to study the ^jational Council of Churchea . There has b some criticism the Council in our congregation. The United of j Presbyterian Church of the USA contributes to the y:of C finan- < > cial program. Cur local church has, prior to 1965, lead its ^ Presbytery in benevolences (contributions to the national church) i ** with a contribution of more than 3C£ of its income. ^ i

I sua a member of the committee studying the Council. In part- icular, I have been assigned the area of conmuni3m in the Council. • : I have summarized our interest into three questions.

Are there communist 3gent3 in the Council? 4 }• V) A^ J^* 2 - Are the actions of t he Council comnuni3tic in nature?

1 * \ k <\ 3. Is the Council an innnocent pawn of the Ccmunist3?

Hany thing3 tliat v/e have read imply that your bureau has checked

the roster of Council officials for re^i3~ered a?.i/or unregister-* ed agent3. However, I've been unable to validate thi3 Could you indicate to me whether 5he ?3I ha3 rejortei on r fact and, if possible, advise* te >f -he result^thereof „9 y^*2r^* '" .*-' —'- -*'-»v .*' d,di±,mtnm.~Cm»* m I ' ,«„,—.. w^' nThiWiv *r 'f'S^Mra-^^T' nin-'l <*

'4 -2-

The other two qu«w»ions, I realize, are sub„ ct to much debate. Recognizing that any organization my function, at times, in a manner compatible with communist aims, there is probably no pos- itive answer to these questions* Ve would appreciate any suggest- 13 ions as to material, references and/or information to which we could refer for a clear picture of the general cast of the council activities.

Some of our people are interested and concerned to some extent in the lobbying activities of the Council. This interest falls in the area of politics and is, I presume, outside the sphere of your bureau. i Dr. Charles B. Ehrhardt, of the ?irst Presbyterian Church of Phoenix, Ariz., has made reference to statements made by your assistant, Kr. William C. Sullivan, relative to Communists in our clergy and in the Council. Our committee is interested in presenting the sense of those statements to our Session and congregation in the most convincing manner possible. 7e believe a communication from your bureau would furnish that facility.

This communication with you is being executed with the full Know- ledge and approval of our committee. Cur chairman iflH^M^ MB»-also a Ruling Zlder and employee of ^— M, and our pastor member is our Associate Pastor, | _ .s the senior pastor, and i3 fuliyawar^of the rctivities of the committee. The committee is comcunicatinsr, directly, with the board of the Council with questions on fin- *'* ances, lobbying and other activities. The committee has been Hi . ., at work for most of this year. i- :!.; 7e realize that your bureau has many task3 of much greater im- M . portance than providing U3 with information. V;e begrudge the :.- M time for answering this letter that will be taken from those t * -*. tasks, '.'e would not have presumed uton you without the encour- ' agement of your local office, 'ie beiieve your efforts will be .< justified, however, in that we will use whatever ir.for=ati:n we i . obtain from you to help the ccngrs^ati-n be better citizens. ..'e are trying to avoid being victimised by slanted infcrr.a-i:n

'.'e appreciate your attsntion to this letter, and" thank you in advance for any information you cm croviie.

?*?urs truly. J

• -;-* .- . w .

..iW-,.fj; ^fciMiTf, ;•* i^sk£^i£i^i-^% 9o

December 11, 10G4



"Your letter oi Decen:bsr Cth has beea reciiyrJ.

With respect to your inquiry, information contain 2 in t!ie fii:*J of the FBI must be maintained as confiU?rtirl in accord- ance with regulations of the Fepartirent of Justice ?.nd is availrble for official use only. Therefore, f trust you vill u&dvrst?ni why I air not in a position to co>r,n ent along the Unas you Iiave suggested

an J hope you will not infer either tlir.t ;ve Uo r:.* Jj not .iave Jr. la in cir files relating to the National Co tncil oi Churches.

Enclosed is some literature I trust Will be of interest.

;incerely yours,

J- Erl,-jtt Hoover.

I | OEU i 1W-4

COiv'.M ' Kl

Lnclosures (5) "Time for Decision" "Faith in God—Cur Answer to Con iT.unicr.;' 4-1-61 LEB Intro 4-17-62 Internal Security statement Let's Fight Communism Sanely! i

_!' _ NCTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Eufiles. . 2*.

DTP:rsp (3)

4 • \




QJLaM ^f M ClJ-cul tut ^U/ <£J*?< i ^ i

Our £>u3ineAS Jk r*opfo DtP.'vsf ^^^ nrsvmsKSti&V ^ fcTh^rtMrt! mi I'M



:>'-' 12/B/64 £

Dear Sir: appreciate very I am a Methodist Minister and would much some information from the files of Federal authority. teach Our position as Ministers is trying to know and what I believe *o be true the truth, and before I can go any closer to responsible Citizen and head I make an earnest request to you as a of the F.B.I. & f.-- as Communist Is the National Council of Churches listed or fronts for Communisiom?

Please help us out as we will be better able to combat the evil of Mind and soul slavery. • Yours Respectfully J 1st / REO-34 'Our Business Is People" ^ 5 :" 14 "*


- ^ ?y»w ^ ' "*-- * — 1 -7^7 v ^^i^wffj ^vi^r^-Mj^u'V'ffjp amj u^ ^tpsj^jim M^EsnJwBrnni? vyj- ii^ — --iLr iv a ^»i»—.«*H^i«-T>»:s £= 0€ Cw

3 ST"- — 'j-'o December 10, 1964 Vrv *- loo- $erfJi-

ii Tour letter of December ftb has been received.

With respect to your Inquiry, Information con- tained In the files of the FBI most be maintained as confidential in accordance with regulations of the Department of Jnstlce and Is available for official nee only. I regret I am enable to be of help In this instance bat treat you will understand the £. necessary reasons for this policy. ft Is hoped you will not later f: either that we do or do not have data la our files relating to thsri i Hatlooal Council of Churches. <\»

enclosed la literature 1 treat you will find of H* « interest.

MAILED 6 Sncerely yours, DEC 101964 COMM-FBt %y *#p ff> "Time For Decision" *Talth In God—Our Answer TomCommunism* Let's Fight Communism Sanely! 4/1/61 LEB Intro V* \i> £"eK»!4 4/17/62 Internal Security statnnent

MOTE: Corijespondent Is not Identifiable In Buttles. Gate.

Tnwl Ti , <0W^ V DTP:fcl(3) Ho: 9£dPED TELETYPE WOT I

> I ^ -*>.a

ft December 1964

Federal Bureau of InYestigation Washington, D. 0.


I raeentlj llitanad to a speech by a well-kaoea speaker la ehleh ha stated that the fational Council of Churmhea advocates the'eliaina- organisation. tion, or tha near elimination, of jour fraat Investigative of the Thia haa upaat me very such ainca my church la a member O contributing towarda Sational Council of Churches and, therefore, !• thla la true, I refuse your defeai ehen I tend in my church duea. If comeunlste within the to contribute to such a canae. There must he organization could ao% Bational Council of Churchea otherwise that Si- possible pursue such aa un-Aaaricaa policy. Respectfully yours. 9


3? A* J iBLfrz I0O-5O3&7- i : \.J ; v ^ft»

/ i

. \ k.^-.^. —-—>-*. irttOm - » no i pri r* mi i ir-Tii —yhr, *(,

S : r~ December 9, 1964

Tour letter of November 90th has been received, end I went to thank you for your generous remarks concerning my administration of the FBL

With respect to your inquiry, Information contained In the file* of the FBI must be maintained ae confidential In accordance with regulation* of the Department of Justice and Is available for official use only. Therefore, I trust you will understand why I am not In a position to comment along the lines you have suggested. It Is hoped you will not Infer either that we do or do not have data In our flies relating to the National Council of Churches.

Enclosed is some literature I trust will be of interest.

Sncerely yours,

DEC 9 '1964 COMtfrFSt <*/ enclosures (5) I Faith In God—Our Answer to Communism Time for Decision I 4(1-61 LEB Introduction *?r. 4-17-68 Internal Security SUtgflfenf c Let's Fight Communism Sanely I 2 00; NOTE: Correspondent Is not Identifiable

DTP:med (3)



—:J —fc^-^-S.^ <— TlUA±m inn •'I'm'fc


Hsvenber 30 , 196/; llr J. £d£br h'eover Directcr ef FBI

Mb ehin«t *ii , Lf • C

*>eor 3ir

Recently I read in tte that ysu re-

j-.-rtlv nentivned that c^ui.unists hod infiltrated tte • ! ITaticKil C&uucil ;#f Churches. «suld ytu clease advise I

re if the c^rj.unist j l*ive t.ecie inrcads into the Ciuiicil \ 4

; ?. mentis leciV .

I wl tte^ p'i.uJis t

'.' ..:„-'Lci .: ."!•. i_y Ci-urci. is ene of these sup^trt- I

ia^ tte KctiwC&l Ceuncil of Churches. Tkerefcre

ay fffllwv cLurcti jiej-cera and I ere deeply interested

whether or n;:t ve ere auroortln* ceiii.uaists. oust Certainly en o local level we cen end stew cauunista. Any inftrr.etlsn ^ any suc;srt sf knewn

that ysu cen furniuk ae will be nipreciated.

Ourr Csuntry is everlasting indebted ts ilyuu fsr ysur Sincerely .

?'our letter of December 1st has bcea rx;o«

T*'ith respect to your inquiries, ta!o/ma*ji :SW 1- in the files of the FBI must be maintained as co^l^nOal ance with regulations of the Department of Justice and Is ^FJ&*y ^ ; ^>rV for cTicia! use only. 1 regret I am unable to be of help in this but trust you will understand the necessary reasons for this ^1*%. 1? ! one* you will not Infer cither that do or do not It wc fe^TfL . ^;^' ::>*•>'- Jn Oilr file 3 relating to tl»e National Council of Chtmmei-* ;.*»*»SJ

*•>' I am enclosing literature whfchitoc|Sles\s; evil of all of rc cm. use In combating the cbmounfrm^Pi~" may also wish to read iny books, "blasters of " , of Co**.l2a'.a-lf-m. ' These were written 1st an insight into the strategy and tactics ^f country an* abroad. Copies may be ax



v',j? *-^** -? J**-?

iSiOn *>>=«r* --"tv ( Introduction* - i-17-62 Internal Security Stotement $$&• Fight Communism " 'VjfcWRJ Faith to dr-0u rE:,Corri l£^^ " »**^:.> \ S?3?^ a*:

. > J^X^Vf**^^" Decenber 1, I964 }M ^Vc'-Jv?;;^^;


.''" '/'- Kr. J. Kd.-ar Eoover, Director .' -^.^^M Fedral Bureau of Investigation United Strtes £ept« Of Justice rr-if*)f? *(*- ^" -j> V/c shin- ton, D. C. l • v .••v-">---V-'?*5£

Der Sir; * • .,> •;:*»? Your assistance In answering th*. following qMpitiatut- " ." Sincerely Appreciated. , '^^s^:'^**^:

1. Hf 8 there ever been, or is there , -.•»„.«*••* Coti-rjnist influence, rSfc- or control within the -Rational . Of Churches of Christ in The USA f ' ^^-M^^^'^ 2. Has thore ever been, or is there nor, eny^ev; i$e^*S?5 the leadership of the Hatienal Council Of Churches **"'" ""3 Christ, having been involved, ifiiroctly, «q» " the Cosmunist Party USA*- or Communist Front " "' - ". : ""•-; ':".' : • • : L-.-. f:''^p^r^~,^-'^\' • • If So, who, and whet or/^nlsai <- '- : ££#?;*.- - '• \£- -+?• Our Cornrrcf*aticn Is not assocle to£ wlUt,^W~—c si'filiote of the Ne ti^aal CcmiKll flf (»uirchc»* requested is- to be rised In snwer&K iiqillrlea^ concerning Coramu^rt •€tivitiest&e ,-^r : Rational An infor »-.-: | 7 ation poneernlh£ Cowjanlst influence* •na1$ activities in^the Un?-*^dL states will be lie

w-i-XJ » >*-ii«5?1 - . ..,7§-

•s»^i^,^ > • •:•..,. ;•, m n -jr* y... -1 , - ..!, . T-i*.l"^-'r/t.'-.'-.^ JV- c •


Dear Mr Hoover:

r > Could you send me your idea of the National Council of Churches or World Council of Churches also an account of Rev Harry F. vVard.

Thanking you kindly,

*;-:c- 40 /


f ,7 ,: / • % % - ~ ^•~ • " '-*--•* ' J/ +rS - - » - Tj , *xjr^ M YilMI .-p; ii II >«WWl"ll«U

{ i #• (' O



«I %^zJ £LJ>/&£"£ $


7/~~ /

,.*S$^ \

^ ( cm

/<•• Decenber 1, lO~G4

Yoar letter of Kovc.ber 24ch, v.ith enclosure, sir.a been rectji/ei.

Vvrdie I would like to 03 oi assistance t:> >ju, Iho FBI is strictly an investigative njency of the Va loral Covcrnmcnt and neither ;nakcs evol tations nor drawt, Indus' jns

as to the character or inti^rity of any organization, o-ioiic;*.t :..

o-' individual. Information contain . ; in our files imt.t Jn .iiD'.r.talnca J Z3 confiucntlal in accordance with ls^-jlntior.R oi Ux ;*•-,,. *:.-ac;.t of Justice. In view of this, I am sure- ycu v/iil under »-tv«v. • xy i cannot

comment concerning toe oiganizatl^ns or individual r. jv'. whom joi Inquired.

I ;:.-u returning the j»tar:ii> wnlcu you so tiuM^ht\uly

for .va: J. A Sincerely yours, KC1- 191.4

cow FBI

! / '>' Enclosure / /^ 1? starr.p iUrZ^Z NOTE: ftufiles ctfttaii* no information iueutifiaUe witlixorresrondert.

<* L \VAM:med »«-J (3) / ..\


rYiViarirl "mI >' : nri4 jVj -^r.r j^l ^ **** =la ^ ^ ^ ^.;J _.. ^ (9

JJEfr 3V

?.'Ith rc£;::ct to yoiv In »uiry, ir/cruviion con- s .- L--.::I In the iils.; ?f U o ?j?I n::.«st ;?o irr""' n.-.[ as o^.^iC'Cn','' •! x .- in ncccT-Janse with rr.-ulr.ilocj cf J. i .vi ...'::u -;l' . ustiiQ

' ! -ind i:; vilb 'jlo far c-rficf -.1 tv?o cr'-ly. I yc.._.r~i I rn iL» 1 j

**3 , of Iirip In tM3 inst?.rco bvi tr^'.v. /u.j rrtt .nror-:t'v.vl t*.:

i ? V ; --r r '>:2^".iV r-?a£C3s fcr t: : policy. t i hr -3 yan t rv i ; P vr •' c-UUsr "t'l.-jt v.e do or cl;» rv:t h/ve : •. ".n c : fi!-:.» rc-*"**r^ ••* t .- r.lo: -.1 Cc.issll cf C?:arc!.-sr:-.

;.- l . ,,. c rcj l^r^f-j-o i ;.v» ; . r--»!*. i.,i ,

;!.r.r.-vtslv y -T •;.

— I

i" L - i%4

nclo v:-j: (a« • - -

"l-ie ior nseinicn, 21-:. '. -01

J'titii i.i Gcd— -?:r A:v;vov t? Coi; .. =m ! .. ./1/C7 LED Intro l/17/0,i Internal :c-vit/ ::ator:j{.,ji

let's- riiTht Con. jimi.-rn ,'j.nciy !

KOTS: Ccrreji - v'orl ii not i.1»utiTi.-*?lw> in * cf!.l. iTTPttUb (0)


r-_.L_ - VAJVflC:;*' L_3 7 r.rrv* £ "%»tQj ,,'mi t <*!« ^- O



Mr, J. Edgar Hoover Director of F. B. L Washington D. C.

Dear Sir:

I am a practicing vtternr.rian in northwest Kansas and my wife and I have boon interested in doing Christian work either in the U. S» or some foreign country. We have been in contact with th6 National Council of Churches who have been trying to locate a position for us.

Because of some of the stories we have heard about communist infiltrating this organization we have become concerned if it is a serious situation.

We thought you would be willing to give us what information you have and some advice as to whether it is a compLAly christian and trustworthy organization.



: r; r. ?i *—. Z%f&'ihJ*&£s 0#C-J M


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December 4, 1G64 * /- , - - /^y —/-j **


The letter of Kovember 2Vt!i £rom your wifo ari you las been received. It was indeed thoughtful of you to write and I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind comments and support.

V/hile I would like to be of service, information contained in the files of the FBI must be maintained as confidential in accordance v/ith regulations of the Department of Jurtico and is available for official

use only. In view of this, I am sure you v. ill understand why I cannot comment concerning the National Council of Churches. In addition, I hepo you will not infer either that we do or do not have information in our Ciles ra^ardin^ this organization.

I am enclosing a list of organizations tie :i;matcd by the . > Department of Justice as subversive pursuant to IVecutive Grdor 10430^ -1 and some otlier material which I hope you v/ill find of interest. You may" also bj intorerted in securing a copy of 'Guide to Subversive Organization..* and ^"," prcpired by the Homsc- Coaapi^.:: on Ur-^mcricin Activi-.i?s. T.iis booklet lists groups and -jericUicals which Lave been cited by various state and Federal agencies, and can be obtained from the Super intender.t of Documents, U. R. Government »Vintlng Office, ; Vashin«jton, T>. C. 20402, for seventy cents.

Sircerciy yaurs,

UtC * -18M Edg»r i-toovK CON'.M » l;l

i WSI.* _ z» # w List of Subversive Organizations '; • Counterintelligence Activities m — . Faith in God—Our Answer to Communism **1 f'i 4-17-62 Internal Security Statement

- ! Let's Fight Communism Sanely. National Council t NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. of Churches is well known to the Burea.

,. ^1** ^ 'vML-aoou CD ITLETVPE :iNIT WAMrcai (3) O <* ^a/. 7/, -rir^ctor ^ :, j ;*Y-durai utireau i:wv.:;ti-* t -L^ii •:. /fV . ./L-suin^ton, -/•v;

li3dir Jir: •

i^ni reuuac\-iri, thc-t your "^ ^licc pVai>; gl/il mj : op/

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' * ui. A ;o you have ; ry iiii*or:;atio;i on t.'je ..ationai ii^niJL

vi* ^iurclic a? 3ein^ a veteran o:' tv,.nty /oars naval Ucr'ice

aad tvo v.rrs; i r-iuuu to kaowinply contribute to or id '

•ii any rtnnex- nyt'iiaR- v.t A . 'ic;.;m..i.

: -t U;: tuis wi;no ^ir c?;T.sraL;uiate you en *;r ;; motion -^

to <~uty nd :;,^ri;linr accord c^r all t?jer;- yr-- ;:;. !;•;;; t? "TJ // years or ape, :;,/ vile ic? thrci- ! years .vounert/r; to u>s ^ ra O

Lave bu--4i Giie r.L).!. a^i of ot-r lifetime:. CO u

• ! fc . >

•j:. you3 ;*,; : r/ •.:? ability u^iulnee::.. iVir .ply ,0 t ; up-

io as .vpcCted aud ^luaid It; i*i ;;;,vai J.-..1' -,-l,. *'j1I ...wj.

•;- /•K'-^kiiiF you ior . owr oi^o and .ou: ii-r. tJ.c;n \

'!' ,1 I / ' / •J ;

, \ -s.y.W'^^;^"' *- *- .-.*- -*v* ^ \ vyf^^vtE^faftitfcx^^.^ -^ ('

Your letter of December 1st hag been received.

r| "q?ect to your tof :,jir Information rtf *? . y» contained in the«,„ filesm,. of the ^F3i muct oe maintain;,- J as confidential in accord- ance with regulations of the Department of Justice and is available

but trust you will understand the necessary reasons for this police It is hoped you will not infer either that we do or Jo not have data' in our files relating to the National Coun-i; of Churches.

•Sincerely your 3,

^EfGazH .V.AIUD 5 30V»j

P"i i - 1964

<: jsm i ji or 1, ™sP°ndent wrote in April of this year concerning Cnriannr£?JL t the C'm*#, of4 Iaynaund was " ; forwarded outgoing 4-30-64 enclosing Bureau ' reprint material usually sent in response to inquiries of this kind. At that Z time, she was not identifiable in Bufiles DTPrcai ^ (3)» ••!>>

- }

! . /

T f?..

«AtL . OOK CD TELrTYPE IJ.'.JT CD w-- ;^-

*.*-- -* >r>;'<.r^f >.,. Ti.^tA . . *.. v—i tMUJMMM ^if.a^rf^>" a i^^^a^y^g^^t-x;--.^^ ^ (* m

Federal Burecn Of Investigation Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:

/ i

Does your office evidence that will ir- vay * possess any my ^n^r^^Sf IS Churches carried on^- l ??' **•.***** Co^* of is^ ^^^tf 8"- the influence of *** in.-^are nP ^Ter ccnS^? Iff Serecre i-le> 3Ucl-v£ ^l to E2.. * - ll5t =««lt- a cony be for.ff-^ed


.* »• I w I ) -% ; -j.

, Trwi'tr » -nn .a—«—. _-* —»* ^ - ^', «y»-« — ;.~»*;;,jU ' it ,\m '! umai^war ftiit^TW^-' Tvfe*£:WNJkafe

• ( (B


December 1, 1034 HO- 5 -;///- <

.:• f-v-/ -'* Dear'

Your letter of November 2Gth has been receivee!.

With respect to your inquiry, inform ilica con- tained ia ti;e files of the FBI must b* maintained as woa'identiai in accordance with regulations of t':e department oi Justice and 3 is available for official use only. Further, the 131 befcig an u* investigative agency of the Federal Government neifcxr makes

evaluations nor draws conclusions aj to the - character or integrity g| of any organization, publication or individual. Therefore, I tr^t e-, you wili understand why I am not in a ^OLition to comment a.'or^~ S the lines you have suggssted. 2 o Enclosed is some literature I hone you will find c* interest. r- MAILED 6 Sincerely yours, § DEC 1-1964 C0MMF8I /

nclosures (3) ' Time /or Decision" The U. S. Businessman Faces the Soviet Spy Domestic Intelligence Communism— The Incredible Swindle One Nation's Response to Cdmmunism

NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable ia Eufilcs.

DTPrji (3)

MAI!. :-ccv i ! Tr^n Wv I'm; I— * *>.i.-'» :

:-v> .-:.--

November 26 » 196U

* Mr. J, Rdgar Hoover Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation ttrshin^ton, Z;»C«

Ir June Ivftl* the South Carolina Methodist Conference appointed a coumittee charged with the task z£ stt^T.ptin^ to clerify aorie allegations directea toward the" Rational Council of Churches of Cnrist in the I'nited itates. J am *»" member of the 'Vorvni ttee.

If it 1 •" wit air. your autnority, I snsuld like the answer

to znri u:i^r£Q ttiat : -- representatives of tr;.j it us £; inn Orthodox Charon, invited to this country by tno National

Council i are fn fact a/tents of the Soviet Union; th^t at l^st scTiO of these representatives **re nemb^^s of trio Soviet .--ocret Police.

We shrill ppprnciate any information you ccn ^i**e u:u


Sir.cerelv, )

.* * U-


.. -•-.; /

..-•o* --- • --— - **. -m - — ' *- ^ - t Oi m

/. <


Your letter oi November 21st has teen received.

Although I voulJ like to bo of service, ,} information contained in the files of the FBI must b3 i^ainUdiied as confidential in accordance with regulations of the Department of Justice and is available for ofiicial use only. In vie?* of lids, I am sure you will understand why I cr.nnct comment concern^;-? the National Council of Churches.

I hope you will n:>t infer either that ?»e do or Jj not nave information in our files regarding this organization. *— * Sincerely youre, MAILED 6 . DECl~l9u4

COMU r 6t

»-«*-*.*;» -;*£._**» *•*>. T.* ______

"it. no- ... --> I •

I? 7' v."'i --,> • ' - ; fir • • 1* i * * • v - - 5 'W __ .

:=" MAIL F.COmCU TiXETYP! 'imitP*] :

~*j* .i*k,m,m"** t j^uaZ, ?&*$*&l£iLi-]£'i?:. k/-

oe VI


Krrer^r 21, 19U

J. ZZrzr Eosrtr F.P.lZ Director rashingts* P. C.

Dear Sir lit d? I would like infcnraticn on the National Council cf Churches, Are they control by the corrsuni'sr? '

I would like this information >*fcre Decer^er 15, 3964. I as attend! r£ a borad ©eetit^ of our Presbyterian doner's Association and this is an issue. We hare always given $25.00 to th6 United Council of Church ITomen, but this year they voted no money because the Rational Council of Churches are control by the coiwrunist.

I had cut out of the Los Angeles Times a clipping about the f-V. Netioml Council 3 of Churches, that they bad been investigate- v • * v tar the P.B.I, and the report, that it could not find aigr proof that the organization was control by the conmunist. I gave this eliding to a party and. she misplace it. I aa afraid it is going to split our groun into chooslzg sides, and that is just i*at the communist wants*. At thi end of the V clipping it stated most of the accusation were politic. I know that the conmunist is into every thit^ but I don't believe in throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Christ tells us to love our enemies and pray fbr them. Be will destroy them. The Birch society and the Kinuteman will not and oannot destroy conrruriLst, because they bate. I hate what the communist stand for and want no part of it. I fear man that is without God, be be capitalist, socialist cr f y <-— * communist. Thank you ^*^- fj Tow b truly Kl U4 s OEC Z 1964 x / * ..->. ... .** .

<3i #

>o*\;:ribcv 27, 1C54 /

Your letter of ivovenibsr 22nd hi:; been receive?? and I want to take this opportunity to thank you lor the coir.pli- r entary remarks you made.

Although I would like to be cf service, information containca in the flics of the FBI mif ?t be maintained :*s confl&nv* tiui in accordance witli regulations *,! the Department of Justice and is available for official use only. In view of this I am sure yea v*ili understand \/hy I cannot comment concerning the Rational Council of Churches. I tope you will not infar either

that we c'.o or cio not have C:\ta in cur files regarding this organisation.

I am enclosing soinj materiel c:i the general topic of communism. You may also wish to refer to my books, "Masters cf Deceit" and "A Study of Comuuul-m. If The former was written v iih the lope that it would help renters gain an Insight into thi true nut ire of the c mmuni^t conSi £i*acy in tuis country, The letter contain* an analysis of international communist practices and co itrarts totalitarian methods with life in a fro? country. The* o books mpy be available at ynwr locr.i library.

Sincerely yenre,

*>; I i

1 - --^Lil «;!___»

enclosures (5) "\ •) r V/AM:blk


.1;. - '*»:».i. FCFC3MTU 1 1I Tf.LE-Yf .-: cm: dH * *« mt a mi* #

Enclosures The U. S. Businessman Faces the Soviet Sdv' Time of Testing "Faith in God—Our Answer to Communism" Internal Security Statement 4-17-62 Let's Fight Communism Sanely!

NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles and Council the Nationalws*""*l of Churches is well known to the Bureau.



November 22, 1964

U. S. Dept, of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation J. Edgar Hoover, Director Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:

Just recently, about 2 years ago, the church denomination I belong to affiliated vvith the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States . There have been many things said pro and con about this organization and since I am a Sunday School teacher and also a Youth Advisor in my particular congregation I am seeking as much factual informa- tion as you can give me about the National Council of Churches. These are some of the questions I have~w mind and I guess there are many more. I hope you cu» help give answers to these questions: Are any of the people that make up this group members of the Communist Party? Have any of them been members of the Communist Party in the past? Are any of these peoplenembers of or have been members of any Communist froat * organization?

I also understand that this organization was very instrumental in revising the King James version of the Bible to what is now known as the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Are any of the people ( and I do not Know any names to ask about) who worked on this revision Communists? Do these people (the same ones) have any affiliation with any Communist or Communist front organizations to day?

Does this organization (the N. C. C. C. U. S. A.) act as a lobby in Washington? Has this group asked for Communist China to be admitted to United Nations membershto?v' ' / - ::yv : .^'.^ •• r - • .-,<,y. •i^.:x "^'-S;*;--..-.- ..•= . » fc : > ! *» L&.« «iiTm i FT- fc #

I would appreciate any literature your organization (the F. B. L) can send to me en the subjects spoken about above. I ' would also appreciate any reference material pertaining to Communism and how it works, especially were it concern* and Involves young people. What are the things to be on the look out Xor?

I realize that there are many questions here and I hope and trust that all of them can be answered by your staff.

Thank you very much for your consideration in this matter.

I also want to take this opportunity to say "Thank you" for a wonderful job you and your staff are doing in these trying situations and times. Thank you once again for a fine job and I certainly hope it will continue for many years to come.


Please Reply To: * « r -;^ Ji :.» ^^**

Jr. _

//• :y... .

'Zt*-** .a?^L ,.<&LrX


: . ./C <. —*iJ


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.-*• 'S * *..'»• la thl'. hi^t liicc Lit tr«: .-1 yr-i -Hi un-»jr- « . 4 !.:?

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j sl-.-jc-J U t-o -io ii.-i «t'.rc i l;-jui ;;.! •..; 3l Litest.

i**r *V*V:

^ r-*.t\. . % i

Faith ii- Col— C-ir .-Vi:-. ver to C? •••:i-j:-.- 4-1 -t*l LLB Intro 4-17-?.: Ir.tcraal ^ccu^ty «Lit3.:.=.-.u Li-'-* : C-ht Coniuiajr. .^:Ayl • — - - .» •

WOTE: Correspondent iz not I ietnltlaH.e ia Lv.filc;. -r n DTPrfcl(J)

•niL «oov J""3 r*L : :vr: :"«irCZJ m *r\m m * — * «>



J. Edgar Hoover Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Hoover:

Recently I have come across several brochures, arcticles and documents pertaining to the' National Council of Churches. These documents make many charges against the activities of the N. C. C. The charge most commonly made and the one that is of particular interest to me is that the Council has been and is now o^in^ used anJ infiltrated by the Communist Parly. I do not know if this material is valid or not.

Since I am a member of the Presbyterian Church which is a participant in the N. C.C. , I am quite concer;:od as to the validity of the Charges.

I would appreciate obtaining reliable informatior frDm a trustworthy source. This is my purpose in n'ridng to you.


-. ;. .-.. .-w...r,- . .; *.-\>\i ?.yv -\^-^^^^^>V .^vi v— — • ilimi n«i !*' »t1«l— -*^> --»--- -' . -^ - - M«taJMMTd #

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.-•?:• Vcur letter of J!o "jur \'K . '•*£ be.-.,

* io.?olvja, anj it is a .v. pleasure to -lo -o r c-.:py ol j y Iut?ct dva.vj Jcfcrs 7ac /-wcrlcan I.c^ n, Mv^arr .vlth u'acr nic-rj U I tpi«rt ysn Till fLvJ of. ?;•* .^r.f.

,s r ith r..«psct to yo ' •p-;*u; ~o-?-;:i' .--, l-'.r. I otlonM •:? .•• ";5 Jewell C.V..:v.>os, I •.! vb p.ii: :, •. ;.. L •n;:>r:: ~ i->n •. in li.i flies must b3 v- kit- Jr.-. -u ...;.-,•: --».•.!--

! rn.l le , -r-ifcible • ';i- o »cir L '.viy. » \ ;-.• «;»•.! vUi — >t l...f

citl:»r t.: .t .-\ • ve Co :>r io njt icve J" i : '.'.:> r^: : .•.•3 t t.»e o-v, 'ruatisn wi ic!i you ri.oJ.

.' 7. •..•.-;. " r |..- . •'.-. vo t >.'.r.or, T'-'f : :;iih t, j

: : *" .".•\tiv- .i-.-r.3, :i:. - ' * *\:.':'i.i:c ».»r;i' : L . t: 7-V. . -.-..vr * ice • -CL^-ut-fy oi .tat-*, 5>.i-wt; :, ?». u. or 'his re: .:\. *-• 7 "a. rr-rvrrio-r n cc»py ;f jaai co:t= .ir.'ertlr- ii.t.= '.>: -n-.« •-- ii- j-'.i^n tc r.i lit i-» r-V io to fr; :•-.» • ;-ti.

\\- jr. s l'

•VJv M^i , .GOV**

r.!icloi!ir»*s (*>)

All Amaricrn's 'J!inllei:»i«* FMtli i- Gel--Our Ansv»r tc -Joir—mij; 1 Let's 4 i;;iit Coir.c unh:-:i can sly •Taith In Freedom** 4- 17- Ji Intern -I .3curit> ^it^?;n

2 ?T:mc: « <3) (/ee 2: C Ti: . .-. ^e ;•

*: -.XiWj:uLJ •vm ' ' ' : >»!• m fcfc^^— ^.w^..: j i iiii i m i , i i m.

^^gg: "either Uia corresp jr.icjr. ;r tiu.1 ** idantifiable In Cuttles. A c py ot ^orresiur. t-nt^fcajr^5? sent to the iicpsrtrcev.t at Ttats by .t;;..

- ? - "•'-' L-~'~J, r> «V'n i •m'*i MTU m

TRUE COPY Nov 18 - 54

J Edgar Hoover or Staff


May I have a copy of your "American Legion address"? A study group is beinj- formed here to try to inform ourselves and our friends about the Communist threat. t

We are interested in the involvmcnt of tne National Council of Churches. We would also like to know more about the ultimate use of Unicef funds. There is much discussion in our community on these two things at present.

Your help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

• » • - m C C ft

f'^ir*"-/^^-^aL^ .*,-**-. *.

~u 1 ~~i t~^' -*H-



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Record Srrt. 10, 1935. Q *» ~«»- Q^l^Kon^ ig35 _ 195 _ »«•* ^^ working «""* «* *—" ctacr •« • • . rr„„, 8,-Ur «ubl^ f*— J^SS^ 1 „->. 1950 ho » SocWWc Socety » *""££ UFE." r « '£ plani for ECOSOMlC which^iSS^ e JSS17J«*T/0>S£ ^r^^ . Lv.: U* *B«»-y J^'* 5TJ-,vc/j.££S ^VD njpoBR-ba,^ under «rr *«/«». * ' completed . cMnpd w ^ • wa> « , 10-0 . -rora^uation wa





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