
Rob Atkinson is a Professor at the University of the West of England, Bristol, in the Department of and Environmental Management. He is also a member of the Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments. His research interests include cross-national work on urban regeneration, urban governance and community participation, urban social exclusion and European urban and spatial policy, and he has published widely on these areas. A key transversal aspect of this work has been a concern with sustainability and the nature of sustainable urban development. In parallel, and closely linked, he has also become increasingly interested in the role of knowledge and how differ- ent forms of knowledge are combined, with particular reference to urban and spatial policies/projects. He has participated in a wide range of pan-European research projects. He is editor of the journal Urban Research and Practice. József Benedek is Professor of Human Geography at the Babeș-Bolyai University Faculty of Geography, Cluj, and the Miskolc University Faculty of Economics. He is also Director of the Research Centre of Sustainable Development in Cluj, and Country Ambassador at the Regional Studies Association. His research interests fall into four major areas: regional economic development; economic theory and regional geography; geography and public policy; and geography of human risks, vulnerability and sustainability. His latest major publication is: Benedek, J., et al. (2019), ‘Urban growth pole policy and regional development: old wine in new bottles?’ in: Lang, T., and Görmar, F. (eds), Regional and Local Development in Times of Polarization: Re-thinking Spatial Policies in Europe, pp. 173–196, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Tobias Chilla is Professor of Geography at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. His research focus lies upon European spatial devel- opment and applied geography. His academic track includes posts at the universities of Cologne (PhD), Bamberg, Luxembourg and Saarbruecken (). He combines fundamental research with policy-oriented research on the territorial dynamic in contemporary Europe, with an intense engagement in projects of applied geography on the regional and European level. Tobias Chilla approaches topics of spatial governance in an interdisci- plinary manner, including both quantitative, data-driven arguments and the governance dimension.


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Giancarlo Cotella is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino. His research focuses on (EU) territorial governance and the Europeanisation of spatial planning, and on the comparison of territorial gov- ernance and spatial planning systems. He has 15 years of research experience on the comparative evaluation of the impact of the EU Cohesion Policy on the Member States. He participated in several international research projects on similar matters (among others: ESPON SUPER, ESPON URRUC, ESPON COMPASS, ESPON ReSSI, MILESECURE-2050, ESPON TANGO, ESPON Smart-Ist, ESPON 2.3.2 Governance, ESPON 2.3.1 ESDP) and has published widely in the international literature. He has been visiting professor at various institutions in Europe and beyond, and has actively participated in the activi- ties of the Association of European Schools of Planning since 2005. Marcin Dąbrowski is Assistant Professor at the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of and the Built Environment, TU Delft, where he conducts research and teaches in the fields of spatial planning and territorial governance. He has a background in political science and regional studies. However, his research interest spans across many topics related to the gov- ernance of territory: regional strategies, circular economy (H2020 REPAiR), transition, regional development policies and the EU Cohesion Policy (H2020 COHESIFY, ESPON Financial Instruments and Territorial Cohesion), governance of urban climate change adaptation and the evolution of spatial planning systems in Europe (ESPON COMPASS). Estelle Evrard is Research Scientist (Maître assistante) in Political Geography at the University of Luxembourg. She holds a master’s degree in European Law and a PhD in Geography. Her interest in European integration is the common thread through her professional career. She studies how the local ter- ritorialises space and adjusts to/against European (dis)integration. She works with notions such as autonomy, spatial justice, territory and practical knowl- edge. She is a member of the UniGR-Centre for Border Studies, is part of the editorial board of the Justice Spatiale/Spatial Justice Journal and teaches the of European Integration at the University of Luxembourg. Andreas Faludi is Professor Emeritus Spatial Policy Systems in Europe and Guest Researcher at the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology. He holds a PhD from University of Technology. His previous appointments include the Oxford Polytechnic (now Oxford Brooks University), Delft University of Technology, and Radboud University Nijmegen. His research and publications have covered planning theory, Dutch planning, European planning and recently territory, territoriality and territorialism. He lives at Delft in the .

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Yvonne Franz is a post-doc University Assistant at the University of Vienna and has been the local coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Urban Studies (4CITIES). She is also the co-director of the postgraduate course in ‘Cooperative Urban and Regional Development’ at the Postgraduate Center, University of Vienna. Her research interests lie in the fields of urban geography with a focus on neighbourhood development, urban arrival spaces, housing market transition and social innovation as well as sustainable urban planning and governance. David Goldsborough is a researcher and lecturer on Marine Policy at Van Hall Larenstein. He is an environmental scientist by training. His current teaching focuses on marine policy, marine spatial planning, biodiversity conservation and sustainable fisheries. He also teaches master’s courses at the University of Twente and at the University Centre of the Westfjords. He is an active member of five International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) expert groups. His key research interest is on the science–policy–practice interface in ecosystem-based marine management, with an emphasis on documenting and understanding marine governance. Elisabeth Gruber is a researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Department for Urban and Regional Research). She holds a PhD in Human Geography from the University of Vienna. Her research expertise focuses on population developments (migration, population ageing) and their conse- quences for spatial development. Her chapter is based on research outputs from the EU project YOUMIG funded by the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. Alois Humer is currently University Professor of Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning at the University of Vienna. Before that, he was a senior researcher at the Institute for Urban and Regional Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and an outgoing FWF Erwin Schrödinger Fellow (grant no. J-3993-G29) at the Department of Built Environment at Aalto University Espoo/Helsinki. He is active in the European Association of Planning Schools (AESOP), Regional Studies Association (RSA), European Regional Science Association (ERSA) and other international research com- munities, joins research teams in Interreg and ESPON projects and serves as senior expert for DG Regio. His research has been published in key journals (such as European Planning Studies and Regional Studies). Thematically, regional centre–periphery relations, the geography of welfare and implications for strategic spatial planning are among his key interests.

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Tomasz Komornicki is a graduate of Warsaw University (1988); the holder of a PhD from the Polish Academy of Sciences (1998); the Head of the Department of Spatial Organization in the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS); a professor at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin; President of the Committee for Spatial Economy and Regional Planning, PAS; the head of or participant in many Polish and international research projects (including Horizon, ESPON and Interreg); was a member of the Consulting Board for preparation of the Spatial Development Concept of up to 2030 (in the Ministry of Regional Development); and was a member of the international scientific team that prepared the Territorial Agenda of the European Union 2020. He is also the author of more than 400 sci- entific publications. His main areas of interest are socio-economic geography, transport geography and spatial planning. Klaus R. Kunzmann is Professor Emeritus of the School of Planning of the Technische Universität Dortmund, where he was Director of Research from 1974 to 1993. From 1993 until his retirement in 2006 he has held a personal Jean Monnet Professorship on Spatial Planning in Europe, a field which he has explored since 1975. He is an honorary professor of the Bartlett School of Planning at the University College London and a visiting professor of Dong Nam University in Nanjing/China, an elected member of the German Academy of Spatial Planning (ARL), and an honorary member of the AESOP and the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) in London. He holds an hon- orary PhD from Newcastle University and has been a visiting professor at universities in (Paris VIII), the USA (MIT/UCLA/UPenn), (ETH Zürich), (Rome), Greece (Volos) and Poland (Wroclaw). Julie Le Gallo has been Professor of Economics at AgroSup Dijon, University of Burgundy Franche-Comté and a member of CESAER (the Centre for Economics and Sociology Applied to Agriculture and Rural Areas) since 2015. She is internationally recognised for her work in spatial econometrics and economic geography (h-index = 18) with more than 70 articles pub- lished in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 20 book chapters. She has been a co-editor of Spatial Economic Analysis since 2007 and Papers in Regional Science since 2019, and is a member of ten editorial boards of other peer-reviewed journals. She is an elected Fellow of the Spatial Econometric Association. Eduarda Marques da Costa is Associate Professor at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the . She has taught Geography and Spatial Planning since 1990, and has been a researcher in the Centre of Geographical Studies since 1987 and a coordinator of the Modelling

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Evert Meijers is Associate Professor in Economic Geography in the Human Geography and Spatial Planning Department, Utrecht University. He is also a director and trustee of the Urban Studies Foundation. He has a passion and reputation for innovative research making him a highly-cited scholar in Urban and Regional Studies. Much of his work aims to develop empirically under- pinned territorial strategies that make cities and regions better able to satisfy human and societal needs. He focuses on the development of institutional, behavioural and particularly network perspectives on urban and regional development. John Moodie is a senior researcher at Nordregio Research Institute for Regional Planning and Development based in Stockholm. He has a PhD from Newcastle University and specialises in the role of knowledge and expertise in EU governance and policy-making in the fields of innovation policy, cohesion policy and maritime policy. His most recent research examines governance and stakeholder participation in transboundary marine spatial planning, and the role of cross-border integration in enhancing cohesion at the supranational level. Theoretically his work is informed by the concepts of technocracy, terri- torial governance and smart specialisation. Júlia A. Nagy is an economist and urban planner. She holds a PhD in Geography from the Babeș-Bolyai University Faculty of Geography, Cluj, and an MSc in Planning from the University of Manchester School of Environment and Development. Her research has focused on sustainable metropolitan devel- opment. She is currently working as an expert at the Department of Sustainable Development as part of the General Secretariat of the Romanian Government, being responsible for coordinating the elaboration of the Action Plan for the implementation of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Romania 2030. Her research interests focus on sustainable urban and regional development, urban and territorial governance and strategic spatial planning. Ádám Németh was a thematic expert and communication manager in the YOUMIG project in 2017–2018. He is now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pécs and an OeAD Fellowship holder at the Institute for Urban and Regional Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. His investi- gations are directed toward international migration and the spatial patterns of ethnic diversification in Europe (mainly in the Baltic region and Central Europe), and their potential impacts on social cohesion. However, his current postdoctoral project involves subjective well-being issues in the context of cross-border commuting between Hungary and . Raquel Ortega-Argilés is a professor and holds the Chair of Regional Economic Development at City REDI Institute at the University of Birmingham. She is an economic researcher and policy adviser specialising in issues of regional

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Cristina Serbanica is Associate Professor of European Studies at Constantin Brancoveanu University in Pitesti, and the Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module ‘European Regional Policy in Action’. She holds a PhD in Economics and a post-PhD in Regional Economics from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. She also works as an independent external expert for the Romanian Ministry for Education and Research; the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the EU (EACEA); DG Regio; and so on, and is an editor of the Romanian Journal of Regional Science. Her research inter- ests centre around regional innovation, knowledge transfer, resilience, smart specialisation, the EU Cohesion Policy and lagging areas. Franziska Sielker is a Lecturer in Planning and Housing in the Department of Land Economy at the University of Cambridge. She joined Cambridge first as a British Academy Newton International Postdoc Fellow before becoming a Senior Research Associate and then Lecturer. In the academic year 2018–2019 she was Interim Professor for International Planning Studies at TU Dortmund, where she also graduated in 2012. She took her PhD at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg at the Institute of Geography. Her research focuses on European spatial governance, international transport corridor devel- opments, in particular the Belt and Road Initiative, and digitalisation/building information modelling and housing. Theoretically her work is informed by planning theory, political geography and border studies. Iván Tosics is an ‘urban explorer’, eager to find interesting examples and good practices of cities to innovate urban development, for the sake of public inter- est and keeping the balance between social, environmental and economic inter- ests. As one of the principals of the Metropolitan Research Institute (MRI), Budapest, he is a sociologist (PhD) with long experience in urban sociology, strategic development, housing policy and EU regional policy issues. Since 2011 he has been one of the Programme Experts of the URBACT programme. He teaches at the University of Pécs, Department of Political Studies, Doctoral School. He is Vice-chair of the European Network of Housing Research (ENHR) and an executive committee member of the European Urban Research Association (EURA). He is the Policy Editor of the journal Urban Research and Practice. He publishes extensively on integrated urban development, urban renewal and metropolitan areas topics. Simone Tulumello is an assistant research professor at the University of Lisbon, Institute of Social Sciences and member of the coordination board of the PhD in Development Studies of the University of Lisbon. His appoint- ments include: Fulbright Research Scholar at the University of Memphis (2016); Policy Fellow at the B. Hook Institute for Social Change of the University of Memphis (2016–2017); Visiting Scholar at DIST, Polytechnic of

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Turin (2019); and Senior Expert Evaluator at the 2019 edition of the Regiostars Awards (DG Regio, European Commission, 2019). His research interests span planning research, human geography and critical urban studies; housing policy; austerity and neoliberal urban policy; security, fear and urban violence; and Southern European and Southern US cities. He is author of Fear, Space and Urban Planning: A Critical Perspective from Southern Europe (2017, Springer). Lionel Védrine has been Research Fellow (Economics) at INRAE (the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment) and a member of CESAER since 2011. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Clermont School of Economics. His research interests focus on evaluation of place-based policies, regional economics, local public economics and spatial econometrics, mainly applied to European regional policies. He has won the ERSA Epainos prize in 2012. Karsten Zimmermann has been Professor at the Faculty of Spatial Planning at the Technical University of Dortmund, where he holds the Chair for European Planning Cultures since 2012. He was educated as a political sci- entist and has dedicated most of his academic work to the study of cities and regions. From 2012–2016 he was President of the European Urban Research Association (EURA), and from 2013–2017 he was country representative for at the AESOP Council. His list of publications includes numerous articles and books on metropolitan governance, European urban policy, knowl- edge and planning and local climate policies. Current research projects focus on comparative metropolitan governance and spatial planning in Germany, Italy and France and local innovation in mobility policies. He is editor of Urban Research & Practice.

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