Volume 43, Number 10 • November 2008 In This Issue Paul Krugman Awarded Nobel Prize for Achievements in Economic Geography

rinceton University economist Krugman is a well-known public figure and New York Times columnist whose popular blog, numerous television P Paul Krugman has been awarded and radio appearances, and New York the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics Times columns connect both big and From the Meridian ...... 2 for groundbreaking research in interna- small picture economics with current President’s Column ...... 3 tional trade and economic geography. politics and social issues of the day, Washington Monitor ...... 9 In an announcement released by often using humor to make a point or Geographic Centers ...... 9 The Royal Swedish Academy of roil opponents. New Appointments ...... 10 Sciences, Krugman was cited for Krugman As Harvard economist Edward Glaeser Focus on the developing a groundbreaking new recently noted, Krugman is often a polar- Southwest ...... 11 model of international trade and for making izing public figure “loved by millions but also intensely Specialty Group News ...... 12 important contributions to the “analysis of trade disliked by his political opponents.” With such a wide Grants & Awards ...... 14 patterns and location of economic activity.” following, Krugman may also be the best-known Op-Ed ...... 15 These two distinct but connected achievements recipient of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Of Note ...... 16 “provided the seeds of a new economic geogra- Sciences, also known as the Nobel Prize in Econom- Grants & Competitions ...... 17 phy,” according to the announcement. Necrology ...... 17 Continued on page 4 Books Received ...... 18 Forthcoming in AAG Journals ...... 19 Award Deadlines...... 19 Jobs in Geography ...... 20 in Film Call for Papers ...... 46 Events ...... 47 t’s either a familiar cry of pleasure, or a lament: For that reason alone, Las Vegas is the Red Queen of The song starts with quick and repeating guitar popular culture, and inspiration for a remarkable set I riffs, and in then drop a pair of voices, instantly of films. They come in various flavors, but understate- recognizable as Emmylou Harris and Gram Parsons: ment isn’t a part of any of them; watch at will, though “Ooooohhh Las Vegas, ain’t no place for a poor boy with a little wariness for the strong fare. like me. / Every time I hit that crystal city ya know it’s gonna make a wreck out of me.” If there is any city in Vegas and Casinos in Film the that better-embodies With its jejune if cheerful image as a loser’s the image of lovably losing, share it later. paradise, home to the fabled national tag-line, “what Not just Americans but citizens around happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” and for fifty years the world see Las Vegas as the spitting strutting a hard-earned demographic supremacy as image of hope, of luck, of possibility, among the very fastest growing cities in the United and the bellwether of life and of chance States, Las Vegas is perennially in the world view. winning out in the end – while never failing to acknowledge the house edge. Continued on page 6 CREDIT: LAS VEGAS CONVENTION BUREAU The Riviera Hotel, site of the 2009 AAG Annual Annual Meeting Abstract Submission Deadline Meeting, provided the backdrop for the 1995 film Casino, starring Robert DeNiro. For more on Las Extended to November 13. www.aag.org/annualmeeting Vegas as portrayed in film, see article at right.

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15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 1 10/29/08 1:49:06 PM November 2008 From the Meridian

AAG Newsletter Faculty and Teacher Professional of the Association of American Development at the AAG Geographers eographers work in a variety of settings systematically in graduate curricula. In 2008, in higher education, government, and JW Harrington joined Ken as co-director the private sector. The progression of the GFDA workshops, which drew a full Douglas Richardson, Publisher G from student to accomplished professional is cohort of participants under a new fee-based and Managing Editor one that the AAG now supports through a model following the end of NSF support. The Jim Ketchum, Editor host of broad-based initiatives for individuals AAG now helps to administer and support AAG Voice 202-234-1450 at different career stages. This column dis- this important program to ensure its sustain- AAG Fax 202-234-2744 cusses current AAG profes- ability in future years. [email protected] sional development programs The AAG, through the www.aag.org for geographers in teaching NSF-funded EDGE program, fields; a future column will is also sponsoring workshops USPS 987-380 ISSN 0275-3995 report on the efforts the AAG at 2008 regional meetings, is leading to improve the based on the books Aspiring The AAG Newsletter ISSN preparation of geographers Academics and Teaching College Geography 0275-3995 is published monthly with for careers outside of universi- . EDGE workshops ties and these schools. will also be conducted at July/August combined, by the Associa- Enhancing professional the 2009 Annual Meeting in tion of American Geographers, 1710 development of early career Las Vegas. These books and 16th Street NW, Washington, DC faculty in higher education is a companion website offer 20009-3198. The cost of an annual foundational to the health of Richardson research-informed advice as subscription is $25.00 The subscription every academic department. well as substantial content price is included in the annual dues of The AAG’s approach to for use in graduate seminars, the Association. Not available to non- faculty professional development focuses espe- workshops, and mentoring programs for members. Periodicals postage paid in cially on programs for graduate students and graduate students and new faculty. Indeed, Washington, DC. All news items and new faculty, but also views the efforts of more participants in GFDA and EDGE workshops letters, including job listings, should be experienced faculty and department chairs are also using Aspiring Academics and Teaching sent to the Editor at the address below as vital for achieving long-term change that College Geo graphy to support professional devel- or to [email protected]. enhances the quality of geography teaching opment in several academic departments All Newsletter materials must arrive and learning at all levels of education. At during the 2008-2009 academic year. at the Association office by the 1st of the core of the AAG’s educational programs Professional development does not end the month preceding the month of the is a focus on developing the pedagogical once faculty earn tenure. It is a life-long, career publication. This includes job listings. skills of future educators while situating that spanning process that recognizes how faculty Material will be published on a space information within the context of geography. expectations evolve into mid-career and later available basis and at the discretion of The idea here is to marry general concepts stages. This is one of the reasons why the the editorial staff. in education with the discipline-based issues AAG established the Healthy Departments When your address changes, please that geography educators need to know, initiative in 2002 and subsequent annual notify the Association office immedi- making it easier for them to understand and workshops for strengthening department-al ately. Six weeks notice is necessary align relationships between teaching methods leadership. Through regular and sustained to ensure uninterrupted delivery of and learning outcomes. communications with department chairs, the AAG publications. To assist the AAG A good example of this approach is the Healthy Departments initiative and work- highly successful Geography Faculty Devel- shops support important departmental goals office in your address change, include opment Alliance (GFDA) workshops, directed such as strategic planning, growing student the address label with your change of since 2002 by Ken Foote at the University of enrollments, securing external funding and address. Colorado. GFDA workshops provide doctoral other fi nancial resources, establishing effec- Postmaster: Send address changes students and untenured faculty with theoreti- tive working relationships with other depart- to AAG Newsletter, 1710 16th Street cal and practical preparation on the key issues ments, and documenting student learning NW, Washington, DC 20009-3198, or of time management, career planning, writing outcomes. [email protected]. grant proposals, academic publishing, course design, and many other topics that, although central to faculty work, are often not discussed Continued on page 4

2 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 2 10/29/08 1:49:11 PM President’s Column Volume 43, Number 10

Belief and Policy

hen you apply for an NSF grant or to the best research emanating from the Vice-President of the United States was for all manner of other grants and halls of American academe? an early instigator of this pathology at W fellowships you are usually asked From one viewpoint, what has happened the behest of his President: name calling about the “policy implications” of your is a polarizing of politics (and, perhaps, the masquerading as political oratory. Desiring project. The presumption is that research public) between essentially non-negotiable an echo from the media, not any sort of is or can be a source of systematic theory views of policy based in abstract principles analysis, he excoriated journalists as the and information upon which to base public rather than in pragmatic conceptions of what “nattering nabobs of negativity.” Notwith- policies. In this perspective, policy should is and what is not desirable from a problem- standing the natty alliteration, this is the follow from or be led by reasoned analysis solving point of view. Thus, a whole slew of politics of the bar. In his marvelously idio- of propositions based at least in part on serious policy areas – human syncratic book, In Defence empirical information. Of course, this can influence on climate change, of Politics (University of be criticized as a technocratic view of poli- species preservation, energy Press Edition, cy making. In the real world, policies more systems, AIDS transmission 1993), Bernard Crick frequently seem to reflect disputes over val- and population policy, and requires his protagonists ues and beliefs in which protagonists cherry the militarization of outer to accept the necessity for pick information to fit a case for this or space – are now often hostage negotiation and strategic that policy that they have already decided to abstract and competing bargains, if only the better on. Lobbyists and interests rule. Be this as claims about geological to fight again another day. it may, at one time expert knowledge was history, seats of freedom and Absent this, major league presumed to play a vital role in making eco- democracy, when life begins, politics becomes impos- nomic, social, and environmental policies. and the human “mission” on Agnew sible. Then the possibility This appears to be less and less the case. the earth. Absolute belief of democracy dies too. It represents something of a crisis for many overwhelms a need for The role of the academic of us who still insist on the immediate “pol- analysis. Certainly, the issue of the use of U.S. specialist within this conception of policy icy relevance” of our research. intelligence before the Iraq War and the lack and belief is totally different from that In the 1960s and 1970s, a certain hubris of respect for compelling evidence of global of the technocratic expert fixing policies reigned about formulating policies as warming give one pause. The anti-scientific into place. First, it is about presenting “technical fixes” to this or that problem. global leadership of the U.S. in recent years evidence about consequences and alterna- Hitting just the right rate of money supply is hardly a cause for celebration. But, as tives so that others can be better informed would fine-tune the economy and having Tocqueville reported from his trip around when they or their representatives make all children attend pre-school would guar- America in the 1830s, Americans have long policies. Second, and perhaps even more antee better achievement later on in school been given to casting practical questions in importantly, it is about challenging what and ultimately reduce social inequality. grandiloquent terms. Many academics have goes for conventional wisdom when that Experts could engineer a better future long been happy recruits to the culture wars. seems to involve abuse of power and the without fundamentally changing social From another perspective, many policy manipulation of evidence at the behest and political institutions and without pesky prescriptions today are not so much the of a currently dominant belief. The great interference from the public or politicians. result of polarization into abstract camps American sociologist C. Wright Mills put An “experimenting society” would match as of democratized or more open policy this best: “The political calling of the intel- the best policy to whatever goal was set. debates. Politics should be all about the lectual [is in] the unmasking of lies which While a relative consensus about goals clash of ideals and prescriptions rather sustain irresponsible power.” Writing for existed, as it did in the U.S. down until the than a technocratic exercise in depoliticiz- popular audiences is one way of doing late 1960s and early 1970s, there wasn’t ing everything for the sake of efficiency. this. Encouraging our analytically bright- much problem with the “policy implica- People have different viewpoints about est students to pursue careers in public tions” model. Since then, however, the policy. These are not necessarily invariably service is another. In a world of so many entire connection between research and ill-informed. For this approach to work, Brownies and Albertos there’s still much policy has been thrown into doubt. Who however, there must be real limits on the work to do. ■ could say in all seriousness, for example, sort of demented rhetoric and political that recent U.S. economic and foreign obscurantism that have characterized U.S. John Agnew polices bear any even distant relationship politics in recent years. My namesake when [email protected]

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Paul Krugman Awarded Nobel Prize from page 1 ics, in the 40-year history of the award, and is revolutionary nature of this new approach versity. He is the author of Georaphy and perhaps one of the most widely-recognized for the theory of international trade” accord- Trade (1991), Development, Geography, and recipients of a Nobel Prize ever. ing to a report released by the Prize Com- Economic Theory (1995), and many other Krugman received his PhD in economics mittee of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, books. in 1977 from the Massachusetts Institute of which accompanied the announcement of The full announcement of the award Technology. In 1979 and 1980, he proposed the award. The report cited the elegance of and related documents are available at a new theory of international trade in two Krugman’s mathematical model which, “due http://nobelprize.org. ■ seminal papers by building on the 19th century to its simplicity…illustrates the key mecha- economic framework of David Ricardo and nisms in a particularly clear way.” References 20th century theories by Swedish economists In addition to economic geography and Glaeser, Edward. “Honoring Paul Krugman.” (Weblog entry) Economix: explaining the science of Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin. international trade theory, the report also everyday life. New York Times. Oct. 13, 2008. http:// While several researchers in the 1970s had cites Krugman’s contributions to strategic economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/10/13/honoring- been working to explain observable global trade policy. paul-krugman. Prize Committee of The Royal Swedish Academy of trade patterns in ways that would improve Paul Krugman is professor of economics Sciences. “Trade and Geography – Economies of Scale, on previous models, it was “Krugman who in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Differentiated Products and Transport Costs.” October, most clearly and forcefully articulated the and International Affairs at Princeton Uni- 2008. http://nobelprize.org.

Faculty and Teacher Development from page 2 The AAG’s professional development ini- recent work in geographic learning and spatial Outreach and learning materials developed tiatives also include a strong and integrated cognition, as well as the use of geographic in nine languages are provided free of charge set of successful materials, research projects, technologies in education. through an online library that emphasizes and ongoing programs for pre-service and The scope of the AAG’s professional hands-on, project-based, and inquiry-driven in-service K-12 teachers. With support from development opportunities extends beyond pedagogy. In 2008 alone, the AAG conducted FIPSE in the U.S. Department of Education, the United States through our international- MyCOE workshops for teacher and faculty the AAG developed a Teaching Geography CD, ization efforts. Since 2003, the AAG’s Center professional development for educators from which is distributed directly by the AAG and is for Global Geography Education project has 18 countries, with three regional events held also included in the second edition of the book sponsored workshops in places as far-flung as in Panama, Tunisia, and the Philippines. by Phil Gersmehl, Teaching Geography (Guilford Chile, Scotland, and Tunisia to help geogra- For more information about these and other Press). Through engaging multimedia units, phers practice international collaboration in AAG professional development programs and the AAG Teaching Geography CD illustrates their teaching. Founded in 2001, the AAG’s publications, please visit www.aag.org/educa- how spatial thinking concepts directly support My Community, Our Earth: Geographic tion/aag/edu_project_main.cfm. We welcome the geography, math, history, and science Learning for Sustainable Development your feedback and comments on the research, standards in every state. As many of you know, Program (MyCOE) has similarly supported materials, and programs undertaken by the the 1994 national geography standards are elementary, middle school, and secondary AAG in these areas.■ currently being revised and updated through teachers around the world to learn how to a process managed by the AAG in coordina- use geographic technologies and concepts as Doug Richardson, Susan Gallagher, tion with GENIP. The new standards will a framework for improving geography, math Patricia Solis, Michael Solem be published in 2009 and will reflect more and science, and environmental education. [email protected]

AAG Disability Fund In Memory of Todd Reynolds he AAG has established the AAG Disability Fund in memory of Todd Reynolds. The purpose of the fund is to expand support to geographers with disabilities to participate in the AAG and its Annual Meetings. Examples of the kinds of activities that the fund will T support include but are not limited to: providing financial assistance with travel, accommodations, registration, or related expenses for graduate or undergraduate students with disabilities to participate in professional meetings of the AAG; covering the cost of additional special services at AAG meetings to increase accessibility for attendees with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses; conducting dissemination or other activities around AAG events and activities to expand accessibility more broadly to geographers with special needs. Donations may be made by check. Checks should be written to the AAG with a note in the memo line designating the AAG Dis- ability Fund/Todd Reynolds. Mailing address: AAG, 1710 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009-3198. For further inquiries, please contact Candida Mannozzi, [email protected].

4 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 4 10/29/08 1:49:14 PM Volume 43, Number 10

Jobs in Geography Fair in Las Vegas

he AAG will host the Jobs in Geo- Source Center, TeleAtlas, The U.S. Census opportunity to post job announcements on graphy Career Fair at the 2009 Bureau, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the AAG website prior to the meeting. T Annual Meeting in Las Vegas. The many others. Job seekers will be able to There is no need for attendees to register JIG is open to all Annual Meeting attend- submit their resumes ahead of time via the prior to the event. The JIG Center will be ees, and all current and future job seekers online AAG 2009 Attendee Resume Bank open from 9:30-4:30, Tuesday through are encouraged to stop by and meet the on the Annual Meeting website for prior Thursday, March 24-26, 2009. recruiters. The JIG Center will provide review by recruiters. News and information about the JIG the opportunity for attendees to meet with The JIG Center Career Fair is organized Center Career Fair is posted on the AAG representatives and recruiters from a wide as an open exhibition. Employers will have Annual Meeting website at http://aag.org/ variety of government institutions, private display tables where they will exhibit company annualmeetings/2009. For more informa- companies, and academic departments. information and meet with job seekers. As tion about attending or recruiting at the Past JIG Center Career Fair employers they are confirmed, JIG employers will be 2009 Jobs in Geography Career Fair, have included ESRI, FUGRO EarthDa- listed on the Annual Meeting website, so job seekers and employers may contact ta, Google, the National Geospatial Intel- check frequently in the weeks prior to the Matthew Koeppe of the AAG Staff at ligence Agency, NAVTEQ, DNI Open conference. Employers also will have the [email protected]. ■

John Wesley Powell Biographer to Speak at 2009 AAG Annual Meeting

oted environmental historian Donald meticulously explored and docu- include the changing social Worster will be a featured speaker mented by Powell. perception of nature, the rise N at the AAG’s 2009 Annual Meeting, Worster’s earlier books of conservation and environ- to be held in Las Vegas, , March include The Wealth of Nature, mentalism, and especially the 22-27. Under Western Skies, Rivers of Empire, ways that the natural world has Donald Worster is Joyce and Elizabeth Dust Bowl, and Nature’s Economy. impinged on human society and Hall Professor of U.S. History at the Uni- He is former president of the provided the context for human versity of Kansas. His most recent book, American Society for Environ- Worster life over time. A River Running West: The Life of John Wesley mental History and a member The Association of American Powell, was published by Oxford University of the Western History Association, the Geographers is pleased to welcome Donald Press in 2001. Worster will reflect on the Organization of American Historians, and Worster to the Annual Meeting. Additional book some seven years after its publication, the American Historical Association. details on his presentation will appear in a near the site of the canyon that was so Worster’s primary concerns in the future AAG Newsletter and on the AAG website emerging field of environmental history at www.aag.org. ■

Getting to Las Vegas There are many low cost ways to get to Las Vegas. The city is easily accessible by air, rail, bus, and car. The AAG has arranged further discounts from United Airlines, Amtrak, and Hertz. The Las Vegas airport offers hundreds of economical flights each day from domestic and international locations. For more information on travel discounts for the Annual Meeting, see www.aag.org/annualmeetings/2009/ transportation.

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Las Vegas in Film from page 1 Not all is about losing, however. Twenty- that earned Cage an Academy Award. Las gasp of the slot machines are an eclectic but five years ago, A. Alvarez recounted the Vegas casinos wouldn’t allow interior shots hardly displeasing bunch. If Las Vegas (and story of a man who came in off the night- from their properties for what they saw as a Clark County broadly) can accurately be shrouded desert with two suitcases, entered “depressing” film, so much of it was filmed in said to have been formed by what Victoria Benny Binion’s Horseshoe Club, and quietly Laughlin, a newly-emerging gaming center Randlett once called “Mormons, the military, converted a half-million dollars to chips. along the Colorado River. The 1995 Paul and mobsters” (Marc Cooper, in The Last He navigated to a roulette table, put the Verhoeven vessel, Showgirls, can be described Honest Place in America added “MBAs”), then entire amount on red to win, and watched as almost anything except art, unless you’re there are stories to be told. the spin of the wheel. The ball dropped to into feathers boas and startling pneumatics; Perhaps the best single effort is a twofer: “red,” he tipped the croupier, cashed out it won nothing (except seven “Razzies” for the first pair of “Godfather” films (#2 and #4 the chips, put the neatly-wrapped bills into worst film, plus a posthumous eighth for on the IMDB top 250 film list), based on the the two suitcases, and headed back into the “worst film of the decade”). Perhaps the best novel by Mario Puzo. Especially good is The desert: a seamless single transaction. As he recent effort is the 2003 Wayne Kramer- Godfather: Part II, from a screenplay by Francis approached his car, someone thought to ask directed The Cooler, starring William H. Macy Ford Coppola, who directs the entire series. what he was doing. “I had the money lying as an ex-gambler so unlucky that he’s on Significant parts of the effort are set in Vegas, around, and I figured I might as well double retainer with an old-time Vegas casino boss and the role played by the city is both gentle it or lose it,” and with that closing note, he to “cool off” tables where a gambler is and reminiscent of some of the mid-period disappeared forever. on a roll and cutting too deeply into the work by crime novelist Thomas Perry, which Vegas-based casino films are a tough house take. Several of these offer superlative portrays Vegas as home and sanctuary to a bunch, and not for everyone. Many are fixed film-making and excellent character studies; variety of organized-crime family members. firmly on the odds — and beating them, certainly they are well above the sort of The “truthiness” of this, as Stephen Colbert either by dint of personality or by scheme fare offered by NBC television’s Las Vegas might have it, is not absolute, but the story or scam. Still, the Vegas scenery, economy, television series that aired for five years, and setting is grandiose. and élan dominate. For pseudo-historical disappearing in 2008. Other efforts do interesting things for films, there is 1991’s Bugsy, directed by Barry Vegas, including a couple of dark horses. A Levinson, with Annette Bening (as Virginia The Other Vegas small gem is Desert Bloom with , Hill) and Warren Beatty playing Ben Siegel, When you check on imdb.com for a plot JoBeth Williams, , and the mem- the godfather of the modern casino magnate. outline of Viva Las Vegas the window says orable Annabeth Gish, in a 1986 portrait of No truer than most fictionalized biopics, it’s “The plot synopsis is empty.” No truer words family adaptation to a variety of dysfunc- without a happy ending, unless you’re pulling were ever spoken. But with Elvis Presley and tions that end in a flash with detonation for Vegas, itself. The combination of Oceans Ann-Margret romping around Las Vegas in of an atomic test that the family watches 11 (1960), starring the fabled “Rat Pack,” a 1964 film, any injection of plot might be going off in the distance. A more ominous and the 2001 remake, directed by Steven overkill. Lucky Jackson (Presley) is trying view of the Atomic Test Site, which loomed Soderbergh, with George Clooney and a to race in the first Las Vegas Grand Prix; over Las Vegas like a Damoclean sword distinguished cast, present two versions of Rusty Martin (Ann-Margret) is the distrac- from the late 1940s through the 60s, is in what is essentially an ensemble heist flick, tion, with glorious scenes set on-campus at Jayne Loader’s 1982 documentary, The Atomic with lots of eye candy from actual Vegas the “Southern Branch” (later UNLV), and Cafe, which is alternately funny, nostalgic, properties. The banner film year was 1995, dancing and singing enough to go around. sarcastic, and terrifying. How DID some of with three releases representing essentially Of course, Clark County now has a current us live through such straits without guzzling the alpha and omega of visions of Vegas. population of more than two million people “atomic cocktails” by the quart? Casino, directed by , is a (2008), and is the fifteenth-largest county The late 1990s yielded a pair of quite gritty and unrelenting film noir in the spirit in the U.S. (larger than New Jersey). Las forgettable films, each intended as comedy, of the director’s early work, and earned Vegas is one of just five major cities in Clark or so we believe. Not even good enough Sharon Stone best actress recognition from County, and there is a considerable life to to reach the status of cult film was Terry the Academy. Leaving Las Vegas, from Mike the place beyond casinos and gambling, Gillam’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998), Figgis, offers Nicholas Cage as a down and even if many of the forty-million tourists a based on the hilarious novel by Hunter S. out alcoholic whose end seems near as he year who go to Las Vegas (itself) don’t have Thompson and starring Johnny Depp and heads to Vegas to finish himself off, until the a clue about what lies beyond. Elvis and Benicio Del Toro in two essentially brain intervention of Elizabeth Shue. She plays Ann-Margret knew; various film-makers do dead roles. Vegas Vacation (1997), is no less a a familiar type in the old-style Western, also. dim bulb; the fourth down payment on the a “soiled dove” who ultimately works him Films made in Vegas that don’t necessar- down from his psychological ledge – in a role ily emphasize libertinage and the clink and Continued on page 7

6 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 6 10/29/08 1:49:14 PM Volume 43, Number 10

Las Vegas in Film from page 6 Chevy Chase vacation series. Of the last, we who when taking a pee break by the side through basin and range topography, can only say, three was enough; it’s a Vegas of a rural highway comes upon a dishev- which is sui generis. The lesson? Vegas is a byword to quit while you’re ahead: they eled older man, injured should have done. in a motorcycle accident, At the other end of the spectrum, leaping who turns out, of course, from film to television, we would be remiss to be Howard Hughes. He not to laud a global (truly so) exposure rescues Hughes, drops him to Vegas through CSI (Crime Scene Investiga- off in Vegas, and is later tion), now in its ninth season (with multiple rewarded — if that’s the spinoffs) and, since 2002 regularly the most- word for it — by a hand- watched show on television. Luckily, the written note that purports actors only infrequently utter the name to award him a sizable slice “Nevada,” which they mispronounce as of the Hughes estate. A

routinely as the President. Yet, as luckily, characteristic chaos ensues, CREDIT: UNIVERSAL PICTURES the show exposes audiences to a variety of but the loving study is of Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward in a scene from Tremors (1990). venues for murder – not just casinos and Melvin, a sanguine soul after-hours clubs. Local neighborhoods and largely unaffected by his 15 minutes of world unto itself, and in full measure, film outlying or rural areas are featured, although fame, and of the Nevada countryside, from has found it. the only reliable on-location filming is in playas to fault scarps to trailer parks. This overhead shots of The Strip as each scene is Demme at his best, and clearly a harbin- Critical Studies… opens – a glimpse just to remind you where ger of such later common-touch work by Las Vegas as repository of popular you are. the director as Swing Shift, Something Wild, culture attracts social commentators, critics, Married to the Mob, or Silence of admirers, and detractors almost without the Lambs. limit. Among the better are Neal Postman, Any science-fiction film Marc Cooper, and our late colleague at fan knows the Nevada desert UNLV, Hal Rothman, who was more Vegas fare well, and there are at than Las Vegas itself. Why such a fasci- least three modern classics, of nation with Las Vegas in film? In part, widely varying value. Greatest being a temple of popular culture rings is Tremors, a film directed by true, and there’s an enduring sense among Ron Underwood with such a Americans that what’s popular is inherently great cast and scenery (Alabama more authentic or accessible. But there’s CREDIT: UNIVERSAL PICTURES In the Sci-Fi classic Tremors, giant worms eat their way through the popu- Hills, in the eastern Sierra, charm – or repulsion – in the gambling and lation of Perfection, Nevada. and various Nevada sites) that the wonderland of entertainment. Many it fully merits cult status. What thoughtful people regard “gambling” – sani- Vegas Environs can we say: Giant worms attack “Perfec- tized to “gaming” in the Nevada vernacular Although the has its tion, Nevada” and eat their way through – as an exploitation of the less educated, charm, the sphere of influence (and reach much of the population (14 people); never hooking into the hapless. Geodemographics for resources) goes far wider. Not only has rhythmic movement (pogo sticks, shouts otherwise: Las Vegas attracts nearly are water supplies and long-haul trans- basketball bounces, a broken bearing on everyone (except those who affect disdainful portation critical to modern-day Vegas, a drink cooler) been so ominous. Genius. superiority), and it shows ’em a good time. they’ve been important pivots since 1900. Tim Burton’s Mars Attacks! (1996) is, well, The city has warmth enough for all, up to Environs are important; there are loving bizarre, but the destruction of the trailer the point that your money runs out, and treatments of the surroundings of Vegas park world of Pahrump, Nevada, is epic, then there is grudging sympathy. But what a in a number of films, but none improves as is the treatment of country-western place Vegas is to visit, in person or on film, on the undeservedly obscure early (1980) music. And ID4 (Independence Day, 1996) and what a Rorschach test it offers of the film by Jonathan Demme, based ever-so- culminates in a delightful version of Area American psyche. ■ loosely on real events. Melvin and Howard 51 (which, of course, supposedly doesn’t is a portrait of Melvin Dummer. Melvin is exist) and an attack by vicious space Paul F. Starrs and Gary J. Hausladen a resident of Gabbs, Nevada (don’t ask), aliens. Each of these takes a sojourn University of Nevada, Reno

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USGS Seeks Proposals to Advance National Spatial Data Infrastructure

he United States Geological Survey In 2008, NSDI-CAP award- (USGS) and the Federal Geograph- ed over $1.1 million to 24 pro- T ic Data Committee (FGDC) have jects. One of the seven current announced a request for proposals to sup- categories is helping organiza- port the 2009 National Spatial Data Infra- tions build data stewardships structure (NSDI) Cooperative Agreements for The National Map and the Program (CAP). With over $1.3 million National Spatial Data Infra- spread across seven funding categories, structure. The overall goal the 2009 NSDI CAP will fund innovative of data stewardships is to projects in the geospatial data community. produce a national geospatial At the 2008 AAG Annual Meeting in , USGS director Mark Myers The goals of the awarded projects will be to data inventory of consistent, spoke of the need for building a national spatial data infrastructure. develop data partnerships and advance the seamless, integrated data that infrastructure required to discover, access, is continuously improved. The full list of at www.fgdc.gov/grants/2008CAP/2008C share, manage, and use geospatial data. the 2008 NSDI-CAP projects is available APDescriptions. ■

Symposium to be held on Geography, HIV/AIDS, and Drug Abuse

he Association of American Geo- • Geographic analysis linking globaliza- • Other geographic or medical research graphers (AAG) and the National tion and changes in drug use patterns relevant to better understanding the T Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) are • Geographic analysis linking other risk drug abuse-HIV/AIDS dynamic jointly sponsoring a small symposium on such as sexual behaviors and their If you are interested in participating in “Geography, HIV/AIDS, and Drug Abuse.” interrelation with drug use/abuse this symposium, please submit a 250-word The focus of this symposium is the devel- • Use of Geographic Information Systems abstract and background information or opment of a monograph that highlights in better understanding and responding CV no later than December 10, 2008, to the global geography of risk – specifically, to the drug abuse-HIV/AIDS nexus Megan Overbey at [email protected]. drug use/abuse and the risk for HIV/AIDS • New methodological approaches to spa- Earlier submission is encouraged. There in a globalizing world. The symposium tially linking national, regional, and local is no cost for the symposium, but par- will be held on March 24, 2009, in con- determinants of risk behavior related to ticipants must be registered for the AAG junction with the AAG Annual Meeting in HIV/AIDS and drug use/abuse Annual Meeting. Some financial assistance Las Vegas. • The role of simulations in analyz- is available for those with financial need. Geographers, sociologists, medical ing changing drug use patterns and A book or special journal issue publication researchers, epidemiologists, anthropolo- the HIV/AIDS epidemic as a dynamic of the symposium results, including selected gists, public health scientists, and others complex system research papers, is planned for publication with active research in the geographical • Spatial diffusion modeling of addictive in 2010. Symposium participants should be dimensions of drug use/abuse and HIV/ drug usage use and HIV/AIDS charac- prepared to develop a full paper for publica- AIDS are encouraged to apply to par- teristics, including predictive modeling tion if requested by the editors. ticipate in the symposium. Themes to be • Interaction of other spatially depen- Symposium organizers are Yonette addressed include: dent variables and drug use/abuse and Thomas (NIDA), Mei-Po Kwan (Ohio • Descriptive and spatial epidemiologic HIV/AIDS in prevention and treat- State University) Sandro Galeo (University perspectives on the spatial context of ment strategies of Michigan), and Doug Richardson (AAG). HIV/AIDS worldwide • Case studies from countries or regions For more information on the NIDA/AAG • Descriptive and spatial epidemiologic summarizing the role of drug use/abuse in sponsored Geography, HIV/AIDS, and perspectives on the geography of drug the changing epidemiology of the HIV/ Drug Abuse Symposium, contact Douglas use/abuse worldwide AIDS epidemic Richardson at [email protected]. ■

8 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 8 10/29/08 1:49:16 PM Volume 43, Number 10

Washington Monitor

CR Signed Into Law; FY 2008 advocates in the House and the Senate some Specifically, the legislation would “autho- Funding Levels Frozen Until leverage to seek increased funding. We will rize the Chief Administrative Office of the March 6, 2009 keep you apprised as the situation develops. House of Representatives to carry out a series On September 30, 2008, President of demonstration projects to promote the Bush signed into law a federal continuing House Bill Authorizes Energy use of innovative technologies in reducing funding resolution (CR) that freezes Fiscal Studies by High-Ranking energy consumption and promoting energy Year 2008 appropriation levels until March Geographer efficiency and cost savings in the House 6, 2009. The passage of the CR means In late September, the House Adminis- of Representatives.” The bill also calls on that Congress will not have to reconvene tration Committee favorably reported a bill the CAO to issue a report on each com- in a “lame-duck” session after the election that would authorize the chamber’s Chief pleted demonstration project – including an to act on federal appropriations – but it Administrative Officer (CAO) to perform “analysis of the extent to which the project” may return nonetheless to consider various several key studies aimed at saving energy was successful. The legislation authorizes economic stimulus measures. in House operations. The legislation is annual appropriations of up to $5 million to The lengthy term of the CR can be now before the full House – but may not carry out the projects. viewed as both a positive and negative for be considered until the new 111th Congress The bill would have to be passed by geographic research funding. On the one convenes in January. both the House and Senate and signed into hand, the key science agencies, including The bill (H.R. 6474) is significant to law by the President before Beard could the National Science Foundation (NSF), will geography in that the current CAO is begin work on the projects. While the not receive increased funding until Fiscal Daniel P. Beard – a PhD in geographer 110th Congress may reconvene to consider Year 2009 appropriations are enacted. This with an extensive background in managing economic stimulus actions, it is unlikely that is a blow in that science policy commu- environmental issues. As CAO, Beard H.R. 6474 will be acted on in a lame-duck nity leaders were expecting NSF and the was appointed directly by House Speaker session. If that is indeed the case, the leg- other research agencies to receive significant Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and oversees the islation would have to be reintroduced next increases. But on the flip side, the delay Speaker’s “Green the Capitol” environmen- year. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) is the bill’s does mean that Congress will be able to tal initiative. (For a full account of Beard’s chief sponsor. ■ negotiate the FY 09 appropriations with the appointment as CAO, please see the Wash- new administration – either ington Monitor column in the July/August John Wertman or John McCain. This should give research 2007 AAG Newsletter.) [email protected]

Geographic Centers A new five-year, $15 million grant sheds here in Idaho. A big component of forestry, and recreation management. from the National Science Foundation this project is to effectively communicate The participating faculty members bring will support 10 new faculty and additional our scientific results to decision makers significant expertise in glacial processes, facilities and equipment at the University and water users, so that they can ensure watershed hydrology, mountain hazards, of Idaho, Boise State University, and Idaho adequate water for future generations of alpine ecology, mountain-based livelihood State University in an effort to understand Idahoans,” said Walden. The three uni- systems, and wilderness politics and policy the current and future impact of climate versities will work closely with the Idaho to this program. Field trips and field change on the Snake and Salmon River Department of Water Resources on the courses introduce students to the Rocky watersheds. It is the largest grant ever project. More information on the project Mountains of Montana and Alberta, par- awarded to the state of Idaho by the is available at www.uidaho.edu/epscor. ticularly the Crown of the Continent, and NSF. Von P. Walden, associate professor high mountain environments of South and of geography at the University of Idaho, The Department of Geography at the Central Asia. Inquiries about the program is co-PI for the project, which will focus University of Montana in Missoula is should be addressed to one of the two on the effects of global warming on two offering a new undergraduate minor in co-advisors: Sarah J. Halvorson (sarah. different watersheds in the state. “It is Mountain Studies. The curriculum for [email protected]; 406-243-2793) critical that we understand how different the minor is interdisciplinary in nature or Ulrich Kamp (ulrich.kamp@umontana. scenarios of future climate change might and draws on courses in physical and edu; 406-243-6469). ■ impact both managed and natural water- human geography, geosciences, biology,

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 9

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 9 10/29/08 1:49:17 PM November 2008

AAG ADVANCING GEOGRAPHY FUND New Appointments Brigham Young University, Visiting Assistant Professor, Shaunna I (we) pledge to contribute______to the Burbidge. PhD 2008, University of California, Santa Barbara. Association of American Geographers as part of the Advancing Geography Campaign. Earth Institute at Columbia University, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Sandra R. Baptista. PhD 2008, Rutgers University. Giving levels include: ❑ $500 to $999 Scholars Circle ❑ Gustavus Adolphus College, Assistant professor, Anna Versluis. $1,000 to $4,999 Millennium Circle PhD 2008, Clark University. ❑$5,000 to $9,999 Century Circle ❑ $10,000 to $24,999 Explorers Circle ❑ Middle Tennessee State University, Assistant Professor, Patricia $25,000 and above Leadership Circle Boda. PhD 2007, University of Minnesota. This gift will be made as follows: Total amount enclosed: $ ______New Mexico State University, Assistant Professor, Michaela Plus annual payments of: $ ______Buenemann. PhD 2007, University of Oklahoma.

If you intend to fulfill your pledge through a gift other than Ryerson University-Toronto, Associate Professor, Brian Ceh, cash, check, or marketable securities, please check: PhD 1994, University of Western Ontario. ❑ credit card ❑ bequest ❑ other

Credit Card: ❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard Ryerson University-Toronto, Assistant Professor, Sutama Ghosh, Ph.D. 2006, York University. Account Number ______Texas State University-San Marcos, Assistant Professor, Laura J. Name on Card ______Stroup. PhD 2008, University of South Carolina. Expiration Date ______University of Miami, Assistant Professor, Juan Miguel Kanai. Signature ______PhD 2007, UCLA. ❑ My (our) gift will be matched by my employer University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), Assistant ______Professor, Eric Mathieu Delmelle. PhD 2005, SUNY Buffalo. I would like my gift to go toward: ❑ Advancing Geography Endowment Fund University of North Dakota, Assistant Professor, Jin-Kyu Jung. ❑ Developing Regions Membership Fund PhD 2007, State University of New York at Buffalo. ❑ AAG Student Travel Fund ❑ Mel Marcus Fund for Physical Geography University of South Florida, Assistant Professor, Joni Downs, ❑ AAG International Education Fund PhD 2008, Florida State University. ❑ Marble Fund for Geographic Science ❑ AAG Public Policy Initiatives University of South Florida, Instructor, Hyun Kim, PhD 2008, ❑ Enhancing Diversity Fund Ohio State University. ❑ Area of Greatest Need ❑ Other ______University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Assistant Professor, Anne Bonds. PhD 2008, University of Washington. Name ______University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Assistant Professor, Address ______Woonsup Choi. PhD 2005, University of Illinois, Urbana- ______Champaign.

Phone ______University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Assistant Professor, Ismaila Odogba. ABD, University of Louisville. Date ______Yale University, Associate Professor, Karen C. Seto. PhD 2000, Please send this pledge form to: Boston University. AAG Advancing Geography Fund 1710 Sixteenth St. NW, Washington, DC 20009 York College, Assistant Professor, David Fyfe. PhD 2008, Penn- sylvania State University.

10 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 10 10/29/08 1:49:17 PM Focus on the Southwest Volume 43, Number 10

The Greening of Las Vegas

as Vegas is probably one of the last than offsets the approximate 5-10% budget of The Strip, combines a preservation/ American cities that would conjure an increase for building to LEED standards. museum project with a showcase of desert- L image of wise resource use and sus- In 2008, it was announced that the specific green building design. Its Desert tainable living. First, there’s the matter of a Union Park development, a 61-acre public- Living Center is a campus of 5 buildings sprawling metropolis in the sensitive Mojave private infill development in Downtown Las and an outdoor garden/classroom that is ecosystem. Second, the demands of a resort Vegas, would be a pilot study for the LEED- certified LEED platinum. Each building city put extraordinary strain on energy and Neighborhood Development rating system. highlights an array of innovative use in water resources in a basin that receives LEED-ND is heavily influenced by New building materials (like straw bale walls), about 4 inches of annual rainfall and regu- Urbanist ideals like compactness, mixed energy use (passive evaporative cooling larly exceeds 100 degrees (F) in the summer. land uses, and accessibility to transit. Union instead of air conditioning), or finishing “Green development,” it seems, has best been Park, a legacy of the vision of Las Vegas touches (bamboo floors, salvaged timber defined by the hue of the manicured fairways Mayor Oscar Goodman, is being hailed as beams). The jewel of the center is the at the dozens of luxury golf resorts. Change the spark that will ignite a renaissance of “Sustainability Gallery,” a mock-up of is happening, though. These extreme con- sustainable downtown redevelopment. an average Las Vegas house outfitted ditions of both culture and climate with the latest sustainable products have sparked an impressive movement and systems. Other on-site facili- towards green urban design and archi- ties include a branch of the Clark tecture. County library specializing in green building literature, a “dialogue Taking the “LEED” center” that serves as a meeting place In 2005, the Nevada State Legis- for do-it-yourself green builders, and lature passed a bill offering deep tax an organic vegetable garden that breaks to developers that built “green.” doubles as a source of food for the The legislature adopted the U.S. cafeteria and an outdoor cooking Green Building Council’s Leadership classroom. in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) code as the standard. Primar- Conclusion ily aimed at commercial developers, Despite an image steeped in the new law allowed up to a 50% wasteful excess, Las Vegas is emerging reduction of property taxes on LEED as one of the country’s leading cities certified development for 10 years, for green development. Las Vegas has with possibilities of sales tax refunds never shied away from building tear- on construction materials. Casino/ downs or remodels. With generous Resort developers were among the first tax incentives, local political enthu- to realize that this law opened the door siasm, and even a resource center for for millions of dollars of savings in homeowners and residential develop-

short-term taxes and long-term energy CREDIT: DEREK EYSENBACH ers, future new and re-development costs. MGM’s massive CityCenter Roof eaves at the Springs Preserve’s Desert Living Center restrict summer promises to redefine “green.” ■ complex and Las Vegas Sands Corp.’s sunlight from hitting south-facing walls, but allow the benefits of light Palazzo were two of the more notable and heat in the winter, when the angle of the sun is lower. The ornamental Derek Eysenbach arrows depict the angle of sun at summer and winter solstice. new Strip developments designed to [email protected] LEED code after this law took effect. University of Arizona In 2007, the Legislature amended the law An Eye Towards the Future once it became apparent that the surge of The innovations of The Strip properties NOTE: A field trip to the Springs Preserve LEED development exceeded expectations. or Union Park are either hidden, in devel- for a tour of their state-of-the-art campus will New developments can still receive 10-year opment, or hard to translate from the com- be offered during the 2009 Annual Meeting. abatements on property tax, but it is capped mercial/institutional venue to a residential Watch for details on the AAG website and in at 35% for LEED platinum certification. development. The Springs Preserve, a the AAG Newsletter. This figure is still relatively radical, and more 180-acre cultural resource center just off

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 11

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 11 10/29/08 1:49:19 PM November 2008 Specialty Group News

Disability Specialty Group recipient will be notified shortly after the Students wishing to participate should Students working on topics concerned 2009 AAG meeting in Las Vegas. The send copies of a conference-length paper with the complex and multifaceted geog- check will be mailed to him/her shortly of no more than 11 double-spaced pages raphies of disability and chronic illness are thereafter. Post-conference announce- plus notes, figures, etc. to each person encouraged to submit a paper to the 2009 ments will be found on the DSG website listed below. Papers should be sent by AAG Disability Specialty Group Student and the GEOGABLE listserv, as well as e-mail in doc or rtf format. All questions Paper Competition. The award is named other appropriate venues. should be directed to the Paper Awards after Todd Reynolds, PhD (1971 - 2008), Committee Chair. Each award carries a scholar with disabilities who pursued Geomorphology SG with it a $100 first prize. Second prizes important research in human behavior The Geomorphology Specialty Group of lesser amounts may be awarded at the and hazards geography. The goal of the presents three awards at the AAG annual discretion of the competition judges. award is to encourage student participa- meeting each year: the Reds Wolman Please note: If the paper you wish to enter tion in the specialty group and to recog- Graduate Student Research Award (two for the Ralph Brown award is based upon nize outstanding emerging scholarship awards, masters level and doctoral, pre- research conducted while you were a in geographic research on chronic illness sented for outstanding thesis/dissertation Master’s student, you are eligible to enter and disability. The successful student will proposals); the G. K. Gilbert Award for this competition even if you are now a receive a cash prize of $100 and a year’s Excellence in Geomorphic Research (pre- PhD student. In evaluating the papers, membership to the DSG. Students do not sented to the author(s) of a significant preference will be given to those based have to be a current member of the DSG contribution to the published research on primary sources of information rather or AAG nor must they plan to attend the literature in geomorphology during the than literature reviews. 2008 or 2009 AAG conference to submit past three years); the Melvin G. Marcus Regardless of which competition you a paper. International submissions are Distinguished Career Award (presented enter, please indicate in your e-mail to welcome. to an individual who has made significant which one you are applying. The deadline Eligibility criteria: Papers prepared for contributions to geomorphology over his/ for receiving materials is March 1, 2009. publication, conference presentation, and her career). The committee members are: Matthew graduate or senior undergraduate courses, The Geomorphology SG invites Farish (chair), University of Toronto, as well as entries written specifically for proposal submissions for the Wolman [email protected]; Jamie Winders, this competition, are eligible for submis- Award, and the submission of nominations Syracuse University, jwinders@maxwell. sion. Each student may submit only plus supporting materials for the Gilbert syr.edu; and Lawrence Berg, University of one paper. The student should be the and Marcus Awards. Visit the Geomor- British Columbia, [email protected]. lead contributor to the paper if it is co- phology Specialty Group website at www. authored. The paper should not exceed aag-gsg.org for details regarding these Paleoenvironmental Change SG 25 double-spaced pages (including all awards and submission guidelines. Please The Paleoenvironmental Change Spe- notes, references, and figures). 12 point contact Dan Royall (e-mail: droyall@ cialty Group (PEC) has now been formed. font is preferred along with standard uncg.edu) with any questions regarding The purpose of the group is to carry out margins. nominations and proposals. Deadline for the mission of the AAG with a specific A cover letter should accompany all submission of relevant materials is January emphasis on improving our understanding entries and contain: current title of the 1, 2009. of Pleistocene and Holocene environmental paper and a brief abstract of no more change; to facilitate better communication than 100 words; names of the author and Historical Geography SG among practitioners of the study of past co-authors; academic affiliation; faculty The Historical Geography Specialty landscapes, climates, ecologies, cultures, advisor for the paper; mailing address; Group (HGSG) of the AAG will sponsor and their interrelationships; and to foster a e-mail address; phone number. All entries two student award competitions in 2008- greater spirit of collaboration among those must be received by February 28, 2009. 2009: the Ralph Brown Award for papers geographers working on topics related to A copy of the paper should be emailed to: written by Master’s students; and the long-term (decadal to millennial-scale) Maurizio Antoninetti, School of Public Andrew Hill Clark Award for papers environmental change, both natural and Affairs, San Diego State University, written at the PhD level. Eligibility anthropogenic. The group’s first Board [email protected]. for the awards is open to any graduate was elected in Boston: Michelle Goman Students considering submitting are student who has or will present a paper (Chair: Cornell University), Martin Arford advised to contact Maurizio by e-mail at any professional conference beginning (Secretary Treasurer: Saginaw Valley State in advance. He will also gladly address the day after the 2008 AAG Annual University), Rob Dull (continuing Past any questions or concerns regarding par- Meeting and ending the last day of the Chair: University of Texas), Don Sullivan ticipation in this competition. The award 2009 Annual Meeting. (University of Denver), Glen MacDon-

12 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 12 10/29/08 1:49:23 PM Specialty Group News continued Volume 43, Number 10

ald (UCLA), Catherine Yansa (Michigan missions are welcome); 6) the results of member who is a current AAG member State University), Trevor Porter (Student the DEA competition will be announced and has read the application and supports rep: Carleton University) and Zack Taylor to the winner on Monday, February 23, its submission for competition, must write (Student rep: University of Tennessee). 2009, prior to the AAG Annual Meeting this letter. The endorsement letter must The Paleoenvironmental Change SG’s in Las Vegas, and the winner will be clearly state that the individual submit- first student presentation competition will invited to attend the annual AAG Awards ting the application is indeed a student, take place in Las Vegas. Students must be Luncheon at the expense of the PGSG; must confirm the level of submission members of PEC. For information about 7) questions concerning the competition (Undergraduate, Masters, PhD). Three (3) the competition please contact Catherine may be directed to the members of the hard copies of the application or one (1) Yansa ([email protected]) or Don Sullivan Dissertation Enhancement Awards Com- complete electronic copy of the applica- ([email protected]). Deadline for submis- mittee. tion must be submitted on disc or via email sions is March 1, 2009. For more infor- Dissertation Enhancement Award to: Dr. Charles E. Button, WRSG Awards mation visit www.aagpaleo.org. Committee: Robert H. Watrel, Depart- Chair. Mailing address: Department of ment of Geography, South Dakota State Geography, Central Connecticut State Political Geography SG University, 246 Scobey Hall, Box 504, University, P.O. Box 4010, New Britain, The PGSG Dissertation Enhancement Brookings, SD 57007; robert.watrel@ CT 06050-4010; E-mail: buttonche@ Award is granted annually to a PGSG sdstate.edu; Robert M. Kerr, Department mail.ccsu.edu. As the requirements for student member. The Award includes an of History and Geography, University of each award are different, the applicants $800 prize. Final acceptance date for sub- Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., are strongly encouraged to go through missions is Monday, February 2, 2009. Edmond, OK 73034; [email protected]; the detailed application guidelines at the Interested students should prepare a Gabriel Popescu, Department of Political WRSG website: www.esu.edu/~shu/wrsg/ mini-dissertation proposal for submission Science, Indiana University South Bend, Awards/Calls4Students2009.html. to the Dissertation Awards Committee. P.O. Box 7111, South Bend, IN 466634; In addition, the WRSG also seeks Guidelines for the DEA are as follows: [email protected]. nominations for the Distinguished Career 1) The competition is open to all PhD Award in Water Resources to honor senior students who are members of the PGSG; Water Resources SG scholars for sustained and effective research 2) the DEA proposal should be 8-10 pages The Water Resources Specialty Group contributions in water resources science, in length total (single or double spaced) (WRSG) of the AAG invites student appli- planning, and policy. This honor is to be and include sections covering the research cations for the Student Paper, Illustrated bestowed no more than once each year question(s), theoretical issues, conceptual Paper, Research Grant Proposals, and based on a protracted record of published framework, methodology, relevance to Student Travel Grant Awards at the AAG research and other accomplishments. political geography, and a budget describ- Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, March 2009. Nominations are due February 6, 2009 and ing how the $800 would be used; 3) if The award winners will be announced will be judged by the WRSG Awards Com- a student has already incurred expenses during the Business Meeting of the WRSG mittee consisting of three Water Resources listed in the budget by the time of the at the Annual AAG Meeting. The deadline Specialty Group members. The award will award announcement, the student may use for the student paper, research proposal be made at the annual WRSG business the DEA to cover those expenses; 4) the grant, and travel grant awards is February meeting or an appropriate special session DEA proposal should be crafted from the 6, 2009 and for the student illustrated at the national AAG meeting. Please visit student’s dissertation proposal which has paper October 16, 2008. Each student WRSG website at www.esu.edu/~shu/wrsg/ been or will be submitted to the PhD com- applicant must be a current member of Awards/DistinguishedCareer2009.html for mittee within the 2008-2009 academic the WRSG and submit an application more information. Please contact Charles year; 5) to enable full consideration of all that focuses on a water or water resources E. Button by email at [email protected]. submissions, entrants should send copies theme that is clearly related to the disci- edu with any questions about the awards of their DEA proposals to each member pline of Geography. and nominations. ■ of the Dissertation Enhancement Awards A letter of endorsement must accom- Committee listed below (electronic sub- pany the submitted application. A faculty

ADVERTISE IN THE AAG NEWSLETTER The AAG Council has authorized the acceptance of advertisements for publication in the AAG Newsletter. All ads must meet AAG ethical standards and relate to the discipline or profession of geography. For more information on advertising in the Newsletter, please visit www.aag.org/ads.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 13

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 13 10/29/08 1:49:23 PM November 2008 Grants and Awards Received

On July 1, 2008, million grant from the from the National Geographic Education Timothy R. Oke was National Science Foun- Foundation to continue the project, “The awarded the Order of dation Experimental Geography and History Project: Develop- Canada for his contri- Program to Stimulate ing a National Curriculum Resource.” The butions to meteorology Competitive Research Project is administered by the Michigan and urban climatology, (EPSCoR) awarded to Geographic Alliance in conjunction with as well as for his men- the Nevada System the Grosvenor Center for Geographic toring of generations Oke of Higher Educa- Mensing Education, the Center for Geographic of geographers. The tion for the purpose Learning at Hunter College in New York, Order of Canada is the highest civilian of studying climate change in Nevada and the Croft Center for International honor bestowed by Canada. Oke is profes- and developing infrastructure to support Studies at the University of Mississippi. sor emeritus of geography at the University climate change science, education and The Michigan Geographic Alliance is coor- of British Columbia and a Fellow of the outreach. The project has six main com- dinated by Michael Libbee and Joseph Royal Society of Canada. ponents: climate modeling; ecological Stoltman of Western Michigan Univer- change; water resources; cyberinfrastruc- sity. The NGEF Geography and History Alberto Giordano (Texas State Univer- ture; education; and policy, decision- grant brings the total amount of support sity-San Marcos) and Anne Kelly Knowles making and outreach and will focus on generated by the Michigan Geographic (Middlebury College) have received a measuring and modeling the effects of Alliance to more than $5.5 million. two-year grant of $429,236 from the regional climate change on the Nevada’s National Science Foundation for a project landscape, ecosystems and water resources Steven M. Manson, titled, “Holocaust Historical GIS.” The and communicating this research to poli- associate professor of project will involve groundbreaking appli- cymakers and the public. geography at the Uni- cation of GIScience models and methods versity of Minnesota, to carry out four case studies that examine Molly E. Brown, has been awarded a geographic aspects of the Holocaust from Senior Research Scien- $2,924,729 grant the continental to the local scale. This tist at NASA’s Goddard from the National collaborative research effort includes col- Space Flight Center, Institutes of Health Manson leagues from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial has received the Robert for research entitled Museum in Washington, DC, which is H. Goddard Award for “Integrated Samples of Latin American providing much of the data for the project, Exceptional Achieve- Censuses,1960-2003.” He joins Robert as well as from six other universities in the ment in Science for Brown McCaa, Deborah Levison, Steve Ruggles, United States, the United Kingdom, and “outstanding scientific and Matt Sobek on the grant. The five- New Zealand. research, modeling and outreach leading to year project will create spatiotemporally important findings regarding food security continuous census data from about 100 Scott Mensing, Franco Biondi, and Scott and climate.” Latin American and Caribbean censuses. Bassett in Geography at the University of The project will develop new approaches Nevada, Reno are part of a team of research- Michael Libbee at Central Michigan to harmonize spatial, temporal, and attri- ers who have received a five-year, $15 University has received a $197,500 grant bute information. ■

Annals of the AAG – Call for Abstracts The Annals of the Association of American Geographers invites abstracts of papers to be considered for a special issue on Climate Change. This will be the second of a series of annual special fifth issues that highlight the work of geographers around a significant global theme. Papers are sought from a broad spectrum of scholars who address environmental, human, social, political, and methodological issues focused on the geographical dimensions of climate change, including original research in areas such as the climate record, the human and environmental impacts of climate change, the role of GISciences and modeling in understanding climate change and sustainability, and other relevant areas. Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted by 15 December 2008 to rmaier@ aag.org. Final papers of 5,000 words will be due (via Manuscript Central) by 15 May 2009 for publication in 2010. All submitted papers will be subject to full peer review.

14 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 14 10/29/08 1:49:24 PM Op-Ed Volume 43, Number 10

Geography Provides the Fundament

To be useful and valued are qualities and 2006, ten College programs lost more The Earth Sciences major requires 60 desired both by individuals and organiza- than 10% of their majors, three programs units of upper division, quarter system course tions. Thus, when departments in universi- retained approximately steady numbers, work. Within the major the student has two ties experience downturn in student interest and five programs increased more than options to engage geography: Environmental and decrease in the number of majors, they 10% in numbers of majors. Interpretation and Assessment Concentration attempt to bolster their falling fortunes The Soil Science Department is one or Geosciences Teaching Concentration. In by incorporation of elements of success- such unit that has experienced significant the former concentration the student takes 6 ful adjacent, compatible disciplines or by loss of majors; in the year 2000 it had 106 geography courses and 10 soil science courses allying with them. Geography at Califor- undergraduate majors, but by the year and in the latter concentration the student nia Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) 2006 the number of majors dropped to takes 6 courses in geography and 8 courses in San Luis Obispo, although not a separate 36. That department solicited two of Cal in soil science. The geography courses fit- department, has over the past decade been Poly’s geographers, William L. Preston and tingly focus on the human-environmental and one of the disciplines sought by outside Cal Wilvert, to aid in the creation of a new physical aspects of our discipline, but they departments under stress. degree program combining geography and also include cultural and regional courses. Agricultural The student rounds out either concentration degree programs with related science courses in botany (2), 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 at Cal Poly have math (2), geology (3 to 5), astronomy (1 or for more than a Earth Sciences 7 37 62 77 78 81 82 90 83 2), plus single courses in archaeology, agri- century been Soil Science 106 85 68 54 45 40 36 47 44 culture, chemistry, physics, engineering, sta- one of the chief tistics, oceanography, biology, and forestry/ academic components of the university; soil science; one of them (WLP) had team- natural resources. currently they enroll about 20% of the taught courses with soil science faculty. Geography in this setting has revived a approximate 19,000 students at the univer- After a couple of years formulating the sister department now named Earth and Soil sity and they are second only to the College new program and moving it through uni- Sciences, and at the same time it provides of Engineering. As has occurred elsewhere versity administrative levels and ultimately a fundament that deepens understanding of in the country, some agricultural programs through the California State University the natural environment and that links the at Cal Poly have not faired well in numbers System level (Long Beach), the degree role of humans in use of soil resources. ■ of majors in recent years. One response program in Earth Sciences commenced in to this downturn has been an attempt by the year 2000. While the number of majors William L. Preston and Donald E. Vermeer the college itself to refurbish its image; in enrolled in Soil Science continued to drop, California Polytechnic State University 2006 the College of Agriculture changed its those of the Earth Sciences program rose [email protected] and name to the College of Agriculture, Food, dramatically. [email protected] and Environmental Sciences. Between 2000

AAG Welcomes Laura Miller

he AAG welcomes Laura focus in Wildlife Conservation stingrays in the Amazonia exhibit. After Miller to the position of and Natural Resource Manage- high school, she volunteered at the National T administrative specialist at ment. She has worked for the Therapeutic Horseback Riding Center for AAG Headquarters in Washing- last five years in the greenhouse the mentally and physically disabled. ton, DC, where she is assisting of a garden center and nursery, A true geographer, Laura loves to travel in the accounting department, caring for tropical plants and and has been on a two-week adventure to with membership, and on AAG orchids while pursuing her South Africa, a three-week tour of ten cities geography projects. degree. in Spain, and a ten-day sailing trip in the Laura is a recent graduate Miller Laura has also served as a British Virgin Islands. In her spare time she from the University of Maryland, where volunteer zoo keeper at the National Zoo, enjoys playing soccer, horseback riding, she received her BS in Geography with a tending to the monkeys, birds, reptiles, and gardening, and playing the piano. ■

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 15

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 15 10/29/08 1:49:26 PM November 2008 Of Note

2009 National Geography Bee paper about spatial autocorrelation, Alan Program is supported by the National Deadline for principals to register their Wilson’s 1970 book about spatial interac- Science Foundation. These traineeships schools for the 2009 National Geography tion modeling, and graphic theory and include a generous stipend, tuition waiver, Bee is December 12, 2008. Schools with the new network science, which is sched- and health benefits. IGERT trainees will students in grades four through eight are uled to include a previously unpublished, address major challenges of biodiversity eligible. The contest is designed to encour- posthumous manuscript by the late Frank conservation and sustainable development age teachers to include geography in Harary. Yongwan Chun is the journal’s new by pursuing a PhD in one of over a dozen their classrooms, spark student interest in editorial assistant. Robert Haining, Stewart departments and participating in IGERT geography, and increase public awareness Fotheringham, and Mei-Po Kwan are its seminars, workshops, language training, and about geographic issues. Sponsored by the Associate Editors. Its abstracts will be trans- field research in the Himalayas of Yunnan, National Geographic Society, the National lated by Linwang Yuan into Chinese, and by China, a “biodiversity hotspot.” For more Geography Bee will be held May 19-20, Marco Millones into Spanish. Submissions information and application instructions, 2009, in Washington, DC. See www. are invited to be sent to Geographical_ please visit www.swchina.wisc.edu. The nationalgeographic.com/geographybee [email protected]. application deadline for this program is for additional information. January 2, 2009. For more information, Gamma Theta Upsilon please visit www.sage.wisc.edu/igert. The Professional Geographer Gamma Theta Upsilon, the Interna- The Professional Geographer will feature a tional Geography Honor Society, has Geographic Research in Rwanda number of issues with special themes over moved its headquarters to the Depart- Robert (Bob) Ford, formerly at USAID the next few years. Topics of forthcoming ment of Geography at the University of and Loma Linda University, will return to issues will include demography and aging, Arizona. James Lowry is now the Execu- Rwanda, Africa, this fall to become Research racialized poverty in America, critical tive Secretary. GTU is seeking your help Professor at the Geographic Information quantitative geographies, and the analysis in updating its chapter database. If you Systems and Remote Sensing Research and of narratives in geographic information are a faculty sponsor of a chapter, please Training Centre (CGIS) at the National systems. Several other issues are under take a few minutes to email James Lowry University of Rwanda (NUR). He will also consideration. Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen will at [email protected] to make sure GTU assist the new Master’s (GIS and the Environ- remain as editor for two additional years of has the correct listing, as some chapters ment) within the Geography Department, service. More information on The Professional change faculty sponsors yearly. If your and focus on outreach for the new Centre Geographer, including submission guidelines, department or program does not have for Environment, Entrepreneurship, and Sus- is available at www.aag.org/publications. an active chapter but would like to, visit tainable Development (CEESD) as well as www.gammathetaupsilon.org, select the the graduate programs of the CGIS-NUR. Geographical Analysis “membership” menu, and select “initiate AAG colleagues are invited to explore On July 1, 2008, Daniel A. Griffith, report and address form.” Initiate your opportunities for research, study abroad, Ashbel Smith Professor of Geospatial eligible students, send the appropriate or community development internships, Information Sciences at the University of forms and payment to James Lowry, and and service in Rwanda and the Great Texas at Dallas, became the ninth editor of your chapter will be reactivated. Also Lakes region of Central Africa with CGIS. Geographical Analysis: An International Journal contact Lowry to begin a new chapter. Formal partnerships already exist with of Theoretical Geography, which is entering its the University of Redlands, Loma Linda 40th year of publication. With his editorship, NSF-IGERT Traineeships University, ESRI, the Dian Fossey Gorilla the on-line version of the journal will begin The University of Wisconsin-Madison Fund International, EarthWatch Insti- to include abstracts published in Chinese is currently seeking exceptional students tute, USAID and other NGO and donor and Spanish, as well as in English. Griffith interested in interdisciplinary and inter- agencies. Learn more at www.cgisnur.org. is initiating special issues of the journal that national environmental studies to apply Contact Bob Ford at geobobford@gmail. will celebrate Cliff and Ord’s 1969 seminal for an NSF-IGERT PhD Traineeship. The com or at http://rford.home.igc.org. ■

AAG Conference Assistants Needed Earn $8.00 per hour and a 50% rebate on your conference registration fee when you work for a minimum of eight hours at the 2009 AAG Annual Meeting. Approximately 150 assistants are needed. There is a limit of 12 hours per assistant. To participate: 1) Register for the meeting and pay the full conference rate in advance, and 2) complete and submit the Confer- ence Assistant Form, available for download at www.aag.org/annualmeetings/2009. You will receive your rebate and pay for hours worked once your time has been verified following the Annual Meeting. All checks will be payable in U.S. dollars and will be mailed within 4-6 weeks following the Annual Meeting.

16 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 16 10/29/08 1:49:26 PM Grants and Competitions Volume 43, Number 10

Pruitt Minority Fellowships of $1,000 to $5,000 will be made for attendance at an international conference 2009-2010 2009-2010. The application deadline of your choice, at which the awardee will The Society of Woman Geographers is May 15, 2009. The award will be present a paper on a topic relating to (SWG) has announced two national fel- announced by July 1, 2009. feminist geography. The successful appli- lowships for 2009-2010. Both are for Request application guidelines for either cant is expected to use the award within women in geography and geographical the dissertation or minority program from one year of its receipt. aspects of allied fields and are funded by Dr. Ruth I. Shirey, Chair of the SWG Applicants are asked to submit the SWG’s Evelyn L. Pruitt Fund. National Fellowship Committee (rishirey@ following: an abstract of the conference The SWG National Fellowship Com- auxmail.iup.edu). The SWG website is paper (250 word max); a brief CV; a mittee invites applications from woman available at www.iswg.org. paragraph outlining how the applicant’s PhD candidates for the annual Pruitt research contributes to feminist geogra- National Fellowship for Dissertation Gender, Place and Culture phy; a proposed budget (for accommoda- Research Competition. SWG expects to The journal Gender, Place and Culture has tion, travel, conference fees, per diem, make two or three awards of $8,000 to introduced an annual award valued at etc); conference information including, $15,000 for 2009-2010. Applications are $1,000 for new and emerging scholars. if possible, confirmation of acceptance due by February 1, 2009 and awards will Priority for this award will be given of your paper; and a cover letter includ- be announced April 15, 2009. to current graduate students or faculty ing your contact details (mailing address, The SWG also invites applications for members within three years of receiv- email, and telephone number). the Pruitt National Minority Fellowship ing their PhD who work in departments Applications should be sent to Brenda Program. Women who are members of where little or no money is available for Yeoh at [email protected] by January a minority group and who have been conference participation and who have no 31, 2009. A decision on the award will be admitted to and plan to enroll or are recourse to grants from funding agencies made within 4-6 weeks of this deadline. enrolled in a Masters program in geogra- such as the Economic and Social Research The successful applicant is expected to phy or geographical aspects of an allied Council in the U.K. and the National submit receipts as well as a one page field are strongly encouraged to apply. Science Foundation in the U.S. or equiva- report within one month of attending the It is expected that one or two awards lent. This award is intended to be used for conference. ■


Calvin Beale 1950s and 1960s. He was the first to uncover back in Washington. A love of American Calvin Lunsford Beale, senior demo- the 1970s’ nonmetropolitan turnaround, architecture led to a collection of over grapher at the Department of Agriculture’s when for the first time more people were 2,000 county courthouse pictures. Several of Economic Research Service, died on Sep- leaving metropolitan areas than his best photos are published as tember 2, 2008 at the age of 85. A life- were moving in. More recently, magazine covers and featured at long resident of Washington, DC, Beale he drew national media attention the very popular County Court- earned an undergraduate degree at Wilson by documenting the dispropor- house web site: www.ers.usda. Teacher’s College in 1945. He studied geo- tionate placement of prisons in gov/briefing/population/photos. graphy under O.E. Baker at the University of nonmetropolitan counties. In 1990, the RAND Corpora- Maryland and received an M.S. in Sociology Beale collaborated with tion published A Taste of the Country: at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Donald Bogue on Economic Areas A Collection of Calvin Beale’s Writings. His 62-year career in the federal govern- of the United States, based on their Edited by Peter Morrison and ment began at the Veteran’s Administration county-level delineation of State Beale reissued in 2002 by Penn State in 1942 and included jobs in the Office of Economic Areas. Released in University Press, it includes notes Strategic Services and the Census Bureau. 1961, it remains the most comprehensive from his field visits and a selection of previ- Beale came to USDA in 1953 and, at the time socioeconomic portrait of the U.S. to appear ously unpublished papers. Beale received of his death, had the Department’s longest in a single volume. the USDA Distinguished Service Award in record of full-time federal service. Beale combined a legendary command 1968 and the Secretary’s Award for Superior Beale conducted ground-breaking research of statistical data with firsthand knowledge Service in 2003. He was made an honorary on the U.S. farm population, tracing and from 50 years of travel that took him to over fellow of the Population Reference Bureau. In explaining its rapid decline over several 2,400 U.S. counties. Conversations with 2005, Beale received the Lifetime Achieve- decades. His comprehensive reporting on USDA extension agents and other local offi- ment Award from the Melungeon Heritage black farmers chronicled the circumstances cials allowed him to spot emerging trends Association for his pioneering research on underlying the massive rural exodus of the and issues relevant to rural policymakers mixed-ancestry groups. ■

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 17

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 17 10/29/08 1:49:27 PM November 2008 Books Received

Adams, W. M. Green Development: Environment and Sustain- Konings, R., Priemus, H., and Nijkamp, P. (eds) The Future of ability in a Developing World, Third Edition. London: Routledge, Intermodal Freight Transport: Operations, Design and Policy. 2008. 449 pp., ISBN 978-0-415-39508-3. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2008. 343 pp. $140.00, ISBN 978-1-848542-238-7. Barry, Roger G. Mountain Weather and Climate. New York: Cam- bridge University Press, 3rd revised ed., 2008. 506 and 24 pp., Lanegran, David A. Minnesota on the Map: a Historical Atlas. St. $80.00, ISBN 978-0-521-68158-2. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2008. 216 pp., $34.95. ISBN:978-0-87351-593-1. Benson, Virginia O. & Klei, Richard. Historic Preservation for Profession- als. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2008. 242 and 10 pp., Layzer, Judith A. Natural Experiments: Ecosystem-Based Management and $35.00, ISBN 978-0-87338-927-3. the Environment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008. 365 and 14 pp., $18.95, ISBN 978-0-262-62214-1. Connelly, Matthew. Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population. Cambridge, MA: Belknap/Harvard University Press, Millstone, Eric & Lang, Tim. The Atlas of Food: Who Eats What, 2008. 521 and 14 pp., $35.00, ISBN 978-0-674-02423-6. Where, and Why. Berkeley: University of California Press. 128 pp. ISBN: 978-0-520-25409-1. Cova, T., Miller, H., Beard, K., Frank, A., Goodchild, M., eds. Geographic Information Science: 5th International Conference, Nevins, Joseph. Dying to Live: A Story of U.S. Immigration in an Age GIScience 2008, Proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2008. 396 pp. ISBN: of Global Apartheid. San Francisco: City lights, 2008. 255 pp., 978-3-540-87472-0. $16.95, ISBN 978-0-87286-486-3.

Darden, Joe, Stokes, Curtis, & Thomas, Richard, eds. The State of Newig, Jens et al., eds. Governance for Sustainable Development: Black Michigan 1967-2007. East Lansing: Michigan State University Coping with Ambivalence, Uncertainty and Distributed Power. London Press, 2007. 364 pp. ISBN: 978-087013827-0. and New York: Routledge, 2008. 188 and 14 pp., n.p., ISBN 978-0-415-45192-5. Gersmehl, Phil. Teaching Geography. New York: Guilford, 2nd revised ed., 2008. 319 and 16 pp., $45.00, ISBN 978-1-59385-715-8. Pope, C., White, R. T., and Malow, R. HIV/AIDS: Global Fron- tiers in Prevention/Intervention. London: Routledge, 575 pp., Hart, John F. and Ziegler, Susy S. with Lindberg, M. Landscapes ISBN 978-0-415-95383-2. of Minnesota: a Geography. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2008. 316 pp., $24.95. ISBN: 978-0-87351-591-7. Ranganathan, J., Munasinghe, M. and Irwin, F. (eds)388 pp., Policies for Sustainable Governance of Global Ecosystem Haslett, Simon K. Coastal Systems. London: Routledge, 2008. Services. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2008. $170.00, ISBN 216 pp., ISBN 978-0-415-44060-8. 978-1-84720-244-4.

Hebb. Tessa. No Small Change: Pension Funds and Corporate Engage- Thrower, Norman J.W. Maps and Civilization: Cartography in Culture ment. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2008. 152 and 10 pp., and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 3rd revised ed., $27.95, ISBN 978-0-8014-4696-2. 2008. 352 and 13 pp., $25.00, ISBN 978-0-226-79974-2.

Henke, Christopher R. Cultivating Science, Harvesting Power: Science Tyner, James A. The Philippines: Mobilities, Identities, Globaliza- and Industrial Agriculture in California Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, tion. London and New York: Routledge, 2008. 229 and 17 pp., 2008. 229 and 11 pp., $32.00, ISBN 978-0-262-08373-7. n.p., ISBN 978-0-415-95807-3.

Jeffrey, Craig & Dyson, Jane, eds. Telling Young Lives: Portraits of Williams, Allan M. and Balaz, Vladimir. International Migration Global Youth. : Temple University Press, 2008. 220 and Knowledge. London: Routledge, 2008. 226 pp., $150.00, and 14 pp., $23.95, ISBN 978-1-59213-931-6. ISBN 978-0-415-43492-8.

Knoben, J. Firm Mobility and Organizational Networks: Innova- tion, Embeddedness and Economic Geography. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2008. 167 pp., $85.00, ISBN 978-1-84720-245-1.

Register for the 2009 AAG Annual Meeting at www.aag.org/annualmeeting.

18 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 18 10/29/08 1:49:27 PM Forthcoming in AAG Journals Volume 43, Number 10

The Annals of the Association of American Geographers Table of Contents (December 2008) Volume 98, Issue 4

Methods, Models, and GIS Nature and Society Charles P. Daly’s Gendered Geography, Different Places, Different Stories: Infant Custom and Contradiction: Rural Water 1860-1890 Mortality Decline in England and Wales, Governance and the Politics of Usos y Cos- Karen M. Morin 1851-1911 tumbres in Bolivia’s Irrigators’ Movement Ian N. Gregory Tom Perreault Impacts of Trade on Wage Inequality in : Analysis Using Matched A Unified Conceptual Framework for Geo- Changing Rural Landscapes in Albania: Employer-Employee Data graphical Optimization Using Evolutionary Agricultural Abandonment and Forest David Rigby and Sébastien Breau Algorithms Clearing in the Postsocialist Transition Ningchuan Xiao Daniel Müller and Darla K. Munroe Environmental Sciences Numerical Analysis of Modern and Fossil The Potential Utility of Physically Based People, Place, and Region Pollen Data from the Tibetan Plateau Hydrologic Modeling in Ungauged Urban Rescaling the “Alien,” Rescaling Personhood: Caiming Shen, Kam-biu Liu, Lingyu Tang, and Streams Neoliberalism, Immigration, and the State Jonathan T. Overpeck Christina Tague and Molly Pohl-Costello Monica W. Varsanyi

Award Deadlines 2008 31. AAG E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller FEBRUARY NOVEMBER Award. www.aag.org/grantsawards. 1. Society of Women Geographers 11. Enhancing Diversity in the Geosci- 31. AAG International Geographic Infor- Pruitt National Dissertation Fellow- ences, Letter of Intent. Full applica- mation Fund. Student Travel Grant, ships. www.iswg.org. Contact Ruth tion due December 11. www.grants. Student Paper Award, and Graduate Shirey for details at rishirey@auxmail. gov. Research Award. www.aag.org/grants iup.edu. 15. Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program grants awards. for Canadian scholars. 31. AAG Mel Marcus Fund. www.aag. MAY www.fulbright.ca. org/grantsawards/marcus.cfm 15. Society of Woman Geographers 31. AAG Meredith F. Burrill Award. Pruitt National Minority Fellowships. DECEMBER www.aag.org/grantsawards. www.iswg.org. Contact Ruth Shirey 1. AAG Anderson Medal. http://agsg. 31. AAG Hoffman Award. www.aag.org/ for details at [email protected]. binghamton.edu. grantsawards. edu. 31. AAG Anne U. White Fund. 31. J.B. Jackson Prize. www.aag.org/ www.aag.org/grantsawards/Anne grantsawards/jackson_prize.cfm. AAG Grants and Competitions whitefund.html. 31. AAG Glenda Laws Award. The AAG offers numerous grants and 31. AAG Darrel Hess Community www.aag.org/grantsawards. awards. Visit www.aag.org/grantsawards College Geography Scholarships. 31. AAG Meridian Book Award. for a full listing, including detailed www.aag.org/grantsawards. www.aag.org/grantsawards. descriptions, deadlines, and application 31. AAG Dissertation Research 31. AAG Globe Book Award. procedures. Grants. www.aag.org/grantsawards/ www.aag.org/grantsawards. dissertationresearch.html. NSF Grants and Competitions 31. AAG Research Grants. www.aag.org/ JANUARY Detailed information about NSF grants grantsawards/generalresearch.html. 16. 36th Annual CaGIS Map Design Com- and awards is available at www.nsf.gov. petition. www.cartogis.org.

www.aag.org AAG Newsletter 19

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 19 10/29/08 1:49:28 PM NovemberDecemberSeptemberAugustJuneMay 2002 20022002June 2002 2003200420022008 2002 Jobs in Geography

UNITED STATES Applicants must be committed to contribut- Desired qualifications are demonstrated ing to a research program in resilience, adapta- experience in one or more of the follow- *ALABAMA, TUSCALOOSA. tion, and/or modeling of human-environment ing areas: modeling of human-environment The University of Alabama. Department of systems and to the development of a teaching systems (e.g., agent-based modeling), other Geography invites applications for a nine- program in geography and environmental methodological approaches for integration month, tenure-track faculty position at the studies. The applicant must also be commit- between social and biophysical systems rank of Assistant Professor in Physical Geog- ted to conducting interdisciplinary research, (e.g., GIS-based methodologies); experience raphy beginning August, 16, 2009. PhD in seeking external funding on their own or as working in Pacific Rim or Arctic human- Geography is required. Preference will be part of a team, and publishing in their area environment systems, including economic, given to those whose areas of expertise com- of specialization. The successful candidate environmental or political geography. plement the department’s existing strengths will teach introductory and upper division Review of applications begin November in geomorphology, climatology, and bio- undergraduate courses in the Geography and 1, 2008. geography, and with a strong background Environmental Studies program. Further details are available online at in GIS and remote sensing. Candidates The successful candidate must have an https://www.uakjobs.com under Faculty should be able to apply physical geography awarded doctorate at the time of appoint- Jobs, then scroll down to Assistant Professor to environmental issues and the department’s ment in human geography (candidates of Geography - Resilience Social Scientist. broader focus on human-environment rela- with a doctorate in other social science NOV 08-255 tionships. This includes human impact on disciplines with research experience in the environment, landuse/land cover change, human-environment interactions will also ARKANSAS, CONWAY. land degradation, and sustainability. The be considered); a demonstrated record of The University of Central Arkansas, Depart- ability to teach undergraduate and graduate scholarly achievement and publications in ment of Geography, invites applications physical geography courses in their area of appropriate journals; communication skills; for an Assistant Professor, tenure-track specialization and supervise graduate student experience working effectively in an inter- position in Physical Geography, beginning research is required. Applicants must provide disciplinary setting; record of excellence in August 2009. The ideal candidate will have evidence of a high quality, independent teaching, and evidence of or potential to completed a doctoral program in geography research capability and be committed to secure research funding. by the time of appointment. The successful securing external funding. Apply: go to http://facultyjobs.ua.edu and complete the online application. Attach a letter of application and curriculum vitae. “Jobs in Geography” lists positions available with US institutions who are Equal Opportunity Em- Send three letters of recommendation ployers seeking applications from men and women from all racial, religious, and national origin groups, directly to David Shankman, Search Com- and occasional positions with foreign institutions. mittee Chair, Department of Geography, Rates: Minimum charge of $150. Listings will be charged at $1.25 per word. Announcements run University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, for two consecutive issues unless a stated deadline permits only one listing. The charge for running 35487. an announcement more than twice is one-third the original charge for each subsequent listing. We For information about the Department will bill institutions listing jobs after their announcements appear in JIG for the fi rst time. visit our website at http://geography.ua.edu. Deadline: JIG announcements must reach the AAG before the fi rst of the month to appear in JIG for the Review of applications will begin January 2, 2009, and will continue until the position following month (eg: 1 January for February issue). Readers will receive their Newsletter copies between is filled. the 5th and the 15th of the month. Schedule job closing dates with these delivery dates in mind. The University of Alabama is an Equal Format: Announcements should be sent as an attachment or in the body of an e-mail to Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, [email protected]. The announcements must be saved in Microsoft Word 5.0 or greater, or Corel WordPer- and actively seeks diversity among its fect 6 or greater. No job announcements accepted by phone. Follow format and sequence of current employees. JIG listings. All positions are full-time and permanent unless otherwise indicated. State explicitly if NOV 08-274 positions are not fi rm. Employers are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their listings. JIG will not publish listings that are misleading or inconsistent with Association policy. Employers should *ALASKA, ANCHORAGE. notify the Editor to cancel a listing if the position is fi lled. The Editor reserves the right to edit announce- Assistant Professor (Tenure-track) in the ments to conform with established format. All ads must be in English. resilience, adaptation, and modeling of Display ads are also available. Ads will be charged according to size: 1/6 page (2 1/4” x 5”) $335; 1/3 human-environment systems. page vertical (2 1/4” x 10”)$475;1/3 page square (4 3/4” x 4 3/4”) $475; 1/2 page horizontal (7” x 5”) $625; 2/3 The Department of Geography and page vertical (4 3/4” x 10”) $750; Full page (7” x 10”) $900. Display ads run for one month only. Environmental Studies at the University of Affi rmative Action Notice: The AAG Affi rmative Action Committee requires job listers to send Alaska Anchorage invites applications for to the JIG Editor the name, academic degree, sex, and rank of each person appointed as a result of a tenure track faculty position in the resil- an annou ncement in JIG. ience and adaptation of human-environment Geographer Available. A service for AAG members only. Send personal listings of 50 words or systems. The appointment is supported by less, following the format of current listings. Listings run for two consecutive issues. Enclose $25 a new interdisciplinary program focusing with listing. A blind listing service is avail able - the editor will assign a box number and forward on resilience in Northern regions (http:// www.alaska.edu/epscor/pdfs/AK-EPSCoR- inquiries to the member listed. Project-Summary.pdf). * Indicates a new listing

20 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 20 10/29/08 1:49:28 PM Volume 43, Number 10

candidate will be a physical geographer degrees in History and in History/Social or Europe preferred. The successful candi- with advanced geospatial technology skills. Studies Education and an M.A. in Public date should demonstrate the ability and will- Ability to teach Geography of Landforms, History. ingness to teach lower division cultural, and Oceanography, Soils, Environmental GIS Apply: submit a letter of application (ref- upper division courses in their specialty. PhD Applications, and Geographic Information erence req#609) , CV, three letters of refer- in Geography expected by August 17, 2009. Analysis is expected. There is the possibility ence, and a statement of teaching philosophy The selected individual will be committed to of facilitating a graduate level GIS course to: Professor Gerald T. Hanson, Depart- excellence in teaching of undergraduates in a offered via distance education. A regional ment of History, University of Arkansas at liberal arts setting, and will maintain scholarly specialty in Africa, the Middle East, or South Little Rock, AR 72204 ([email protected]). and creative activity in support of the mission Asia, would be useful. Review of applications will begin October of the university. Review of applications will The Department of Geography is inter- 15, 2008 and continue until the position is begin for those received by December 1, ested in an enthusiastic individual who filled. 2008 and will continue until the deadline of connects with students, is engaged in schol- The University of Arkansas at Little Rock December 15, 2008. arly research leading to publications, and is an equal opportunity affirmative action Apply: a complete announcement with has the ability to promote the geography employer and actively seeks the candidacy application information, is available at program across campus and in the com- of minorities, women, and persons with http://www.sonoma.edu/aa/fa/employ- munity. The use of geospatial technology in disabilities. Under Arkansas law, all applica- ment.shtml. research and in the classroom is expected. tions are subject to disclosure. The person Sonoma State is an Equal Opportunity/ Salary is competitive. hired must have proof of legal authority to Title IX employer. Job #103077. Founded in 1907, the University of work in the United States. NOV 08-298-1 Central Arkansas is an accredited state- NOV 08-275-1 supported institution that awards the bach- * CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA. elor’s, master’s, specialist’s and PhD degrees. *CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY. University of California, Santa Barbara, The university has an enrollment of 13,000 The University of California, Berkeley Department of Geography, invites appli- students and a faculty of more than 400. invites applications for the 2009-2010 S.V. cations for a tenure-track position at the Conway, a community of over 50,000, has Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellowships Assistant Professor level in the Geogra- three colleges and universities, and is located in Natural Resource Economics and Politi- phy of Globalization with an emphasis on thirty miles northwest of Little Rock, the cal Economy. The S.V. Ciriacy-Wantrup its economic dimensions. Social scientists state capital. UCA is an Equal Opportunity/ Postdoctoral Fellowships in Natural Resource from disciplines such as economics, regional Affirmative Action employer. The Web site Economics and Political Economy will be science, political science, sociology, demog- is www.uca.edu. awarded for the 2009-2010 academic year to raphy, or anthropology are also encouraged Applicants must send a cover letter support advanced research at the University to apply. A common denominator of many providing information regarding teaching of California, Berkeley. of the most pressing issues facing humanity experience and suitability for the position, For the purposes of this fellowship, is the rapid increase in global and regional a detailed CV, and contact information for natural resources are defined broadly to connectivity that permits large-scale, cross- three references by November 30, 2008. include environmental resources. The fel- boundary socio-economic interaction. The Letters of reference will be solicited for lowship encourages, but is not limited to, spatial mobility of people, commodities, short-listed candidates. policy-oriented research. Applications are disease, pollution, cultural attitudes, and Apply: Dr. Brooks Green, Chair, Depart- open to scholars from any social science dis- technological innovations all contribute to ment of Geography, University of Central cipline and related professional fields such as complex multi-scale interactions that give Arkansas, 301 Irby Hall, 201 Donaghey law and planning, who will make significant rise to issues as diverse as national/regional Avenue, Conway, Arkansas, 72035. Voice: contributions to research on natural resource economic insecurity, the economic impacts 501-450-5636. FAX: 501-852-2926. E-mail: economics broadly defined. Preference will of hazardous events, the economics of pollut- [email protected]. be given to proposals whose orientation is ants and greenhouse gases, the management OCT 08-203 broadly institutional and/or historical, and of infectious diseases, and the globalization of which are conceptually and theoretically commodity and labor markets. The success- *ARKANSAS, LITTLE ROCK. innovative. Proposals with a primarily statis- ful candidate will tackle pioneering research Assistant Professor of Geography. The Uni- tical or econometric purpose are not eligible problems associated with these multi-scale versity of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR) for consideration. interactions, employing core geographic Department of History invites applications Application deadline is December 8, concepts such as scale, diffusion, networks, for a tenure -track position (req#609) in 2008. spatial interaction, and regionalization. A PhD Human Geography to begin August 15, For more information, please visit: http:// is required by the date of appointment. The 2009. Candidate should be prepared to research.chance.berkeley.edu/ciriacy/. Department has strengths in three broadly teach both introductory and upper- level NOV 08-252 defined areas: human-environment relations; human geography courses (including online modeling, measurement, and computation; courses using Blackboard), conduct research, *CALIFORNIA, ROHNERT PARK. and earth system science. The position also and participate in social studies education Sonoma State University. The Depart- provides opportunities for interactions with and interdisciplinary programs. ment of Geography and Global Studies UCSB’s Spatial Center and the Center for Little Rock is the state capital and seeks applicants for tenure track Assistant Global & International Studies. The depart- business center of Arkansas, boasting afford- Professor position beginning August 2009. ment is especially interested in candidates able housing, many cultural attractions and The selected candidate will be a human/ who can contribute to the diversity and excel- close proximity to extensive wilderness and cultural geographer with expertise in Urban, lence of the academic community through recreational area. It is the site of the Clinton Economic or Political Geography, and a research, teaching, and service. The appli- Presidential Library. The Department of regional specialization in Latin America, Asia, cation deadline is December 8, 2008, the History offers a Minor in Geography, B.A. starting date is July 1, 2009.

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Apply: qualified applicants should send filled. Address questions to: Nancy Lee significantly to existing strengths in physical their complete curriculum vitae, state- Wilkinson, Chair, Department of Geog- geography, environmental science, urban- ment of research and teaching interests, raphy and Human Environmental Studies, environmental studies, and GIS. The depart- and names of three referees with addresses [email protected]. ment operates a B.A. program in geography preferably by email to global_search@geog. OCT 08-218 and an interdisciplinary M.S. program in ucsb.edu, or by mail to Search Committee, environmental science. Geography faculty Department of Geography, University of *CALIFORNIA, TURLOCK. have full access to a multidisciplinary California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4060. The Department of Geography and Anthro- computer laboratory with state-of-the-art To learn more about the department, visit pology at California State University, Stan- GIScience technology for teaching and our website at www.geog.ucsb.edu. An EO/ islaus seeks a full-time, tenure-track Assistant research. Salary is commensurate with skills AA Employer. Professor beginning August 2009. Responsi- and experience. The University of Colorado NOV 08-311 bilities include teaching introductory World offers a full benefits package. Information Regional and an upper-division specialty on University benefits programs, including CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO. (political/global economy, sustainability, eligibility, is located at http://www.cu.edu/ San Francisco State University invites appli- international and regional development, rural pbs/. cations for an Associate or Full Professor studies, planning and transportation, fluvial When applying at www.jobsatcu.com, to serve as Department Chair on arrival in systems and water resources) and courses in applicants must include: A letter of applica- August, 2009. Proven administrative experi- GIScience. The successful candidate will tion describing teaching and research inter- ence; demonstrated excellence in scholarship, hold a PhD in Geography, exhibit excel- ests; a current CV/resume; and the names, service, and teaching; PhD in Geography lence in undergraduate teaching, possess a addresses, daytime telephone numbers and required. Research focus in political ecology, research history of using and/or teaching email addresses for three professional refer- human-environment interaction, nature-soci- with geo-spatial techniques and be expected ences. Question should be directed to the ety, biogeography or conservation preferred. to conduct field courses. A PhD is required search committee chair, Dr. Rafael Moreno San Francisco State University, a large at the time of employment. ([email protected]). Application urban university, is part of the 23-campus Apply: Send an application letter, review begins November 30, 2008, and will California State University system serving a addressing the courses the candidate is most continue until the position is filled. diverse student body in liberal arts, sciences, qualified to teach and research interests; UCD requires background investiga- and professional programs. The mission of CV; graduate transcript copies; names and tions for employment. The University of the University is to create an environment contact information of three referees, state- Colorado is committed to diversity and for learning that promotes an appreciation of ment of teaching philosophy; and evidence equality in education and employment. As scholarship, freedom, and human diversity; of teaching effectiveness to Dr. Jennifer one of three institutions within the Univer- fosters excellence in instruction and intellec- Helzer, Coordinator of Geography, CSU, sity of Colorado system, UCD is located in tual accomplishment; and provides broadly Stanislaus, Turlock, CA 95382, (209) 667- downtown Denver and seeks to meet the accessible higher education. SFSU faculty 3010; [email protected]. needs of a diverse population through its are expected to be effective in teaching; Screening of completed application files curriculum, research and community service to demonstrate professional achievement will begin on December 1, 2008. The activities. and growth through continued research, position will remain open until filled. Full NOV 08-289 publications, and/or creative activities; and position description: http://www.csustan. to contribute their academic expertise and edu/FacultyAffairs/EmploymentOpps.html. *COLORADO, DENVER. leadership to the campus and community. For details about the University and the University of Colorado Denver. Tenure- The Department of Geography and Department, consult: www.csustan.edu/ track Assistant Professor of Geography, Human Environmental Studies has twelve geography/geohome.htm. AA/EOE. beginning August 2009, pending budgetary full-time faculty. Our BA and MA programs NOV 08-299 approval. PhD required at time of appoint- in Geography attract students with diverse ment. The Department of Geography and backgrounds, professional and international *COLORADO, DENVER. Environmental Sciences seeks a Physical experience. We have a longstanding com- University of Colorado Denver. Tenure- Geographer with research and teaching mitment to excellence in teaching and track Assistant Professor of Geography, interests in fluvial geomorphology and research, and we welcome applications from beginning August 2009, pending budgetary watershed science. Additional strength creative, dedicated teacher-scholars. Depart- approval. PhD required at time of appoint- in geo-spatial technologies (particularly ment facilities include a Geographic Analysis ment. The Department of Geography and remote sensing) and the policy context of Teaching Lab, Physical Geography lab and Environmental Sciences seeks an Envi- water resources would be an advantage. Map Library. Our applied programs focus on ronmental Geographer with research and Commitment to excellence in both research physical geography, geographic techniques, teaching interests in human-environmental and teaching is expected; teaching load is human geography, resource management interaction and an emphasis on the interface two courses per semester including introduc- and environmental/land use planning. of science and policy. Additional strength tory courses in addition to upper division Apply: Please submit all materials elec- in areas that complement the goals of the and graduate courses in the specialization. tronically to [email protected]. Include an department, including urban environmental The department seeks to add significantly application letter, a curriculum vitae, and change, climate change, and/or sustainabil- to existing strengths in physical geography, separate statements concerning your admin- ity would be an advantage. environmental science, urban-environmental istrative philosophy, teaching and research Commitment to excellence in both studies, and GIS. The department operates interests. Three letters of reference should research and teaching is expected; teaching a B.A. program in geography and an inter- be emailed independently by referees from load is two courses per semester including disciplinary M.S. program in environmental their own accounts. introductory courses in addition to upper science. Geography faculty have full access Application screening begins November division and graduate courses in the spe- to a multidisciplinary computer laboratory 15 but the position will remain open until cialization. The department seeks to add with state-of-the-art GIScience technology

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for teaching and research. Salary is com- *COLORADO, GOLDEN. The review of applications will begin mensurate with skills and experience. The Division Director, Liberal Arts and Inter- December 1, 2008. University of Colorado offers a full benefits national Studies. Colorado School of Mines Yale University is an Affirmative Action/ package. Information on University benefits has an exceptional opportunity for a scholar- Equal Opportunity employer. Yale values programs, including eligibility, is located at educator to serve as Director of its Division diversity among its students, faculty, and staff http://www.cu.edu/pbs/. of Liberal Arts and International Studies and strongly encourages applications from When applying at www.jobsatcu.com, (LAIS) and invites applications and nomina- women and underrepresented minorities. applicants must include: A letter of application tions. The new Director will advance and NOV 08-307 describing teaching and research interests; a shape the critical role of humanities and current CV/resume; and the names, addresses, social sciences within a top-rated technolog- *DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. daytime telephone numbers and email address- ical university. LAIS (www.lais.mines.edu) is AAG Administrative Specialist. The es for three professional references. Question uniquely positioned to address the social and Administrative Specialist is responsible for should be directed to the search commit- humanistic aspects of the grand challenges responding to incoming queries via phone tee chair, Dr. Frederick Chambers (frederick. confronting global society in energy, natural and e-mail; providing administrative support [email protected]). Application review resources, and the environment. to AAG Project Managers and other staff as begins November 30, 2008, and will continue The successful candidate will be imagi- needed; assisting the AAG with research, until the position is filled. native but pragmatic and have the vision, correspondence, and special projects; fulfill- UCD requires background investiga- creativity, energy, and leadership to admin- ing publication orders; processing meeting tions for employment. The University of ister the Division as its chief academic registrations; and updating database content. Colorado is committed to diversity and and administrative officer. Applicants must The ideal candidate will have good com- equality in education and employment. As possess a PhD in an appropriate discipline or munication skills and be highly organized, one of three institutions within the Univer- interdisciplinary field. The successful appli- conscientious, and productive, with a strong sity of Colorado system, UCD is located in cant must also have a record of excellence customer-service ethic. Must also be able downtown Denver and seeks to meet the in teaching, scholarship and service, and to communicate effectively with academic, needs of a diverse population through its national or international professional recog- government, and private sector profession- curriculum, research and community service nition that would merit appointment at the als. Microsoft Office skills required; iMIS or activities. rank of Full Professor. Salary and benefits QuickBooks experience desired. A degree in NOV 08-290 will be commensurate with qualifications and or familiarity with geography a plus. Some experience. CSM also provides an attractive travel is required. We desire applicants COLORADO, DENVER. benefits package. interested in long-term, stable employment Assistant or Associate Professor - Inter- Apply: For a complete job announce- with the AAG, which offers an excellent national Futures Program and Associate ment, more information about the position working environment and benefits. Salary Director - Pardee Center and the university, and instructions on how commensurate with experience. The AAG is The University of Denver’s Frederick to apply, please visit: www.is.mines.edu/hr/ an equal opportunity employer. S. Pardee Center for International Futures Faculty_Jobs.shtm. Review of applications Apply: Submit application letter and invites applications for a dual role as an will begin by December 1, 2008. resume to Rachel Franklin, AAG, 1710 Six- Assistant or Associate Professor and Associ- CSM is an EEO/AA employer and is teenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20009, ate Director of the Center. The holder committed to enhancing the diversity of its or by email at [email protected]. of this position will have academic rank campus community. Women, minorities, NOV 08-303 to be determined and be tenured or fill a veterans, and individuals with disabilities tenure-track line at the Josef Korbel School are encouraged to apply. Employment with DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. of International Studies. The holder of this CSM is contingent upon the satisfactory The University, Depart- position will have teaching responsibilities at completion of a background investigation. ment of Geography. Applications are invited the Josef Korbel School as well as research NOV 08-284 for a tenure-track position at the Assistant and administrative ones at the Center. Professor level for a Physical Geographer The newly established Pardee Center’s *CONNECTICUT, NEW HAVEN. with expertise in Geographic Information research and publication agenda is built The Yale Program in American Studies Systems to begin September 1, 2009. The around the further development and use of invites applications for a tenure-track Assis- George Washington University is located in the International Future (IFs) forecasting tant Professor position beginning July 1, downtown Washington and offers a BA and system. A key agenda element is the prepara- 2009. Preference will be given to applicants a MA in Geography and minors in Geog- tion of annual reports in a series on Patterns whose research and teaching combine an raphy and GIS. It has recently moved of Potential Human Progress. Initial series interest in space or the geography of North to new quarters with an expanded Spatial volumes, the first three now underway, will America with either the humanities or social Analysis Lab and a Physical Geography be on poverty, education, health, infrastruc- science disciplines. Period and subject of Lab. Faculty members in the Department ture, and governance. Another important specialization open, but scholars whose work are actively involved in the Environmen- effort will be developing global networks focuses on the built environment in the 19th tal Studies Program, the Center for Urban for collaboration across world regions and or 20th centuries are particularly encouraged and Environmental Research and the Elliott issue areas. to apply. School of International Affairs. Apply: please visit our website at www. Apply: Please send a letter of application, Basic Qualifications: Applicants must have dujobs.org. your c.v., three letters of recommendation, a a PhD in Geography or closely related field The University of Denver is an EEO/AA two-page dissertation abstract, and a 30-page by August 1, 2009 and be able to teach Employer. writing sample to Matthew Frye Jacobson, undergraduate courses in introductory physical OCT 08-213 Chair, Program in American Studies, Yale geography, environmental quality/manage- University, P.O. Box 208236, New Haven, ment and GIS as well as graduate courses CT 06520-8236. in environmental geography and geospatial

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techniques. Applicants must show promise for information for three references to: Dr. Lisa Associate/Full professor and program a productive scholarly career as demonstrated Benton-Short, Chair of the Search Com- director, Urban and Regional Planning. The by scholarly presentations, publications and/or mittee, Department of Geography, 1922 F Urban and Regional Planning program/Depart- works in progress, and excellent GIS skills. St NW, Room 227, George Washington ment of Geography at the University of South Preferred Qualifications: Any sub-special- University, Washington DC 20052. Florida Department seeks a senior scholar to ty in Physical Geography will be considered Only complete applications will be con- be hired at the Associate or Full Professor level. but preference will be given to geomorphol- sidered. Review of applications will begin The appointment is for 9 months; an addi- ogy, climatology or biogeography. A can- December 1, 2008 and continue until the tional administrative stipend is negotiable. The didate with urban-environmental interests is position is filled. successful candidate will develop and direct highly desirable. The George Washington University is this new program, whose first students will Apply: To be considered send a letter an equal opportunity/affirmation action enroll in Fall 2009. The director will report to of interest, vita, statement of teaching and employer. the Chair of the Geography Department. The research interests, and the names and contact OCT 08-236 successful candidate will also teach core and information for three references to: Dr. specialization courses for the program. Can- Marie Price, Chair of the Search Committee, FLORIDA, CORAL GABLES. didates from all specializations are welcome to Department of Geography, 1922 F St NW, The Department of Geography and Regional apply. Final funding of this position is pending. Room 227, George Washington University, Studies (GRS) at the University of Miami Salary is negotiable. Washington DC 20052. invites applications for an open tenure-track Minimum qualifications: earned PhD Only complete applications will be con- position as an Assistant Professor in Envi- in urban and regional planning or closely sidered. Review of applications will begin ronmental Geography. Our Department related field. Evidence of capability for con- November 15, 2008 and continue until the seeks candidates who will enhance emerging ducting vigorous, externally funded research; position is filled. Departmental expertise in Medical Geog- demonstrated experience with university The George Washington University is raphy, Environmental Health, Hazards and and community service; demonstrated expe- an equal opportunity/affirmation action Urban-Environmental Studies. Ability to rience with program and/or curriculum employer. teach GIS will be considered a plus. GRS cur- development or other related administrative OCT 08-235 rently offers BA and MA degrees in Geogra- and leadership experience; commitment to phy with emphases in urban, environmental, outreach and recruitment activities. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. and development studies. Situated in the Preferred qualifications: ability to work The George Washington University, Depart- College of Arts and Sciences, GRS faculty effectively with colleagues in cooperative, ment of Geography. Applications are invited and students collaborate actively with a range cross-cultural, interdisciplinary endeavors; for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Pro- of other academic units at the University prior administrative experience; knowledge fessor level for an Environmental Geographer of Miami, including the Abess Center for of and experience with the PAB accredita- with expertise in natural resource use, envi- Ecosystem Science and Policy, The Miller tion process. Applications will be reviewed ronmental management and policy to begin School of Medicine, and The Rosenstiel starting October 1, 2008 and will continue September 1, 2009. The George Washington School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. until a candidate is chosen. University is located in downtown Washing- The successful candidate will be expected Apply: Send a letter of application, cur- ton. The Department of Geography offers a to realize synergies with other disciplines riculum vitae, statements of research and BA and a MA in Geography, a BA in Environ- and academic centers at UM and elsewhere teaching goals and experience, copies of mental Studies, and minors in Geography and and will teach introductory and upper-level teaching evaluations, samples of published GIS. It has recently moved to new quarters courses in environmental geography. research (no more than 3 articles), and with an expanded Spatial Analysis Lab and a Apply: Applicants should possess a PhD in names and contact information for three Physical Geography Lab. Faculty members in Geography or a related discipline at the time references to: Dr. Elizabeth Strom, Search the Department are actively involved in the of appointment and must submit a curriculum Committee Chair, Department of Geogra- Environmental Studies Program, the Center vitae, a maximum of three sample publications, phy, University of South Florida, 4202 East for Urban and Environmental Research and a statement of interest that outlines his/her Fowler Ave, NES 107, Tampa, FL 33620. Ph: the Elliott School of International Affairs. research and teaching philosophy, and three 813-974-3439; Email: [email protected]. Basic Qualifications: Applicants must letters of recommendation to Dr. Douglas O. The 20-member Department of Geogra- have a PhD in Geography or closely related Fuller, 1000 Memorial Drive #231, Univer- phy has a broad focus, with a teaching and field by August 1, 2009 and be able to sity of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124-2221. research emphasis on urban development, teach undergraduate courses in society and Application materials may also be sent elec- water resources and policy, hazards, karst the environment, environmental quality and tronically to [email protected]. and environment and policy. The depart- management as well as graduate courses in Please visit the GRS website at http:// ment also houses the Environmental Science resources and environment with a policy www.as.miami.edu/geography to learn more and Policy Program, and graduate certificate emphasis. Applicants must show promise for about the department. The University of programs in GIS, Community Development, a productive scholarly career as demonstrat- Miami strongly encourages applications and Environmental Management and Policy. ed by scholarly presentations, publications from women and minorities. Application Please visit our website for additional infor- and/or works in progress and grants. Deadline: October 31, 2008. mation (www.cas.usf.edu/geography). Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated skills OCT 08-202 The University of South Florida is an in global monitoring of environmental change equal opportunity, affirmative action, equal through the use of remote sensing or GIS. A *FLORIDA, TAMPA. access institution. For disability accommoda- candidate with urban-environmental interests or University of South Florida. The Depart- tions, please contact us at 813-974-4291 at expertise in energy policy is highly desirable. ment of Geography invites applications for least five working days in advance. Accord- Apply: To be considered send a letter an association/full professor position begin- ing to Florida law, applications and meetings of interest, vita, statement of teaching and ning August 2009, subject to funding. regarding them are open to the public. research interests, and the names and contact NOV 08-301-1

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*GEORGIA, ATLANTA. of Geosciences, Georgia State University, P.O. a tenure-track Assistant Professor – Geo- Georgia State University. The Department Box 4105, Atlanta, GA 30302. technique/Physical Geography position of Geosciences invites applications for a For further information contact Dr. Elliott beginning August 2009. PhD in Geography tenure-track position in Geographic Infor- at [email protected] or (404) 413-5756. or related fields with GIS and physical mation Science/Urban Health pending bud- Review of applications will begin on geography specialization (ABD consid- getary approval at the rank of Assistant or January 15, 2009 and continue until the ered). Screening of applications will begin Associate Professor beginning August 2009. position is filled. An offer of employment December 2, 2008 and continue until the This tenure-track faculty position housed in will be conditional on background verifica- position is filled. Send a letter of application, the Department of Geosciences in the College tion. curriculum vitae, copies of undergraduate of Arts and Sciences and it is funded through Georgia State University is an Equal and graduate transcripts (unofficial copies the Georgia State University’s Partnership for Employment Opportunity/Affirmative will be acceptable at the application stage), Urban Health Research which is one of several Action employer. recent teaching evaluations, e-mail address new multidisciplinary strategic areas of focus at NOV 08-304 and contact information for three current GSU. For more information please visit http:// references as well as your current email urbanhealth.gsu.edu. In addition to support- *HAWAI’I, HILO. address for correspondence. In your letter, ing individual research and instructional efforts, University of Hawai’i-Hilo, Department of please list your areas of interest for teaching there are abundant opportunities to engage in Geography and Environmental Studies invites and research. Additional information about and to develop plans for collaborative research applications for a tenure track, Assistant the department is available at www.wiu.edu/ in the use and development of GIS applied to Professor of Geography and Environmental geography. urban health with faculty members in the Insti- Studies (physical geographer), to begin August Apply: Interested applicants send applica- tute of Public Health and related disciplines. 2009. The successful applicant is expected to tion to: Dr. Samuel Thompson, Chair of The ideal candidate will have the opportunity teach introductory courses (physical geogra- Geography Department, Western Illinois to conduct collaborative research on a variety phy and environmental science) and advanced University, 1 University Circle, Macomb, of health and social problems confronting undergraduate and graduate level courses in IL 61455-1390. Applicant can also email urban communities involving many disciplines applied geo-spatial technologies (GIS, remote application material to [email protected]. in the colleges of Arts and Sciences, Health sensing) and natural resources assessment/ WIU has a non-discrimination policy that and Human Sciences and Law. A fully-funded management (e.g. ecosystem services, envi- includes sex, race, color, sexual orientation, graduate research assistant is associated with ronmental policy), and applicant’s areas of gender identity, gender expression, religion, this position. specialization. age, marital status, national origin, disability, Applicants should have expertise in GIS Preference will be given to applicants or veteran status. combined with research interests in urban who additionally can demonstrate teaching NOV 08-248 health. The successful candidate is expected expertise in some combination of the follow- to develop a strong research agenda, seek ing: natural hazards, environmental impact *ILLINOIS, MACOMB. external funding to support the applicant’s assessment and environment change. The Western Illinois University. The Depart- research plans, and direct students in graduate successful applicant will be expected to con- ment of Geography is accepting applica- and undergraduate research. Instructional tribute to the development of new interdis- tions for a tenure-track Assistant Professor- responsibilities include teaching an under- ciplinary undergraduate/graduate programs Meteorology position beginning August graduate – graduate course in GIS, graduate in Environmental Studies/Science (BA/BS, 2009. PhDin Geography, Meteorology or course(es) in his/her specialty relating GIS and a MS degree in Tropical Conserva- Atmospheric Studies required (ABD consid- to Urban Health research areas, and possibly tion Biology and Environmental Science). ered). Screening of applications will begin multidisciplinary lower division instruction. A strong commitment to scholarly research December 2, 2008 and continue until the A PhD is required prior to the time of and securing extra-mural grants is expected. position is filled. Send a letter of appli- appointment. This position will involve collaboration with cation, curriculum vitae, copies of under- Georgia State University, located in ongoing interdisciplinary, multi-campus graduate and graduate transcripts (unofficial downtown Atlanta, is one of the country’s research on large-scale human-environment copies will be acceptable at the application leading urban research universities. Regional relations in the Hawaiian Islands. Ability stage), recent teaching evaluations, e-mail offices for the US EPA and main CDC facili- to work with students from diverse cultural address and contact information for three ties are located nearby. The Geosciences backgrounds is essential. A PhD in geogra- current references as well as your current Department currently offers the following phy, environmental science or closely related email address for correspondence. In your degrees: B.A. in Geography, B.S. in Geology, field is required at time of appointment. letter, please list your areas of interest for M.A. in Geography, and M.S. in Geology. Apply: James Juvik, Chair Department of teaching and research. See: http://www. In addition, the department offers graduate Geography and Environmental Studies, Uni- wiu.edu/employment/emp.sphp?id=679 for certificates in GIS and Hydrogeology, and it versity of Hawai’i of Hilo, 200 W. Kawili, complete details. collaborates with the Department of Chem- Hilo Hawai`i 96720 ([email protected]). Apply: Interested applicants send appli- istry to offer a PhD in Chemistry with For complete information and require- cation to: Dr. Samuel Thompson, Chair, Geology specialization. For more informa- ments, please visit our Web site at: www. Department of Geography, Western Illinois tion about the Department of Geosciences, uhh.hawaii.edu/uhh/hr/jobs.php. Review of University , 1 University Circle, Macomb, IL visit the department’s website at: www.cas. applications will begin November 15, 2008 61455-1390. Applicant can also email appli- gsu.edu/geosciences. and will continue until position filled. cation material to [email protected]. Apply: Applicants should send a letter UH Hilo is an EEO/AA Employer. WIU has a non-discrimination policy that of interest, curriculum vitae, a statement of NOV 08-288 includes sex, race, color, sexual orientation, teaching and research interests, and names of at gender identity, gender expression, religion, least three references with full contact informa- *ILLINOIS, MACOMB. age, marital status, national origin, disability, tion to: Dr. W. Crawford Elliott, GISc/Urban Western Illinois University. The Depart- or veteran status. Health Search Committee Chair, Department ment of Geography invites applications for NOV 08-272

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ILLINOIS, URBANA. August 1, 2009. Preferred qualifications: ment of teaching and research interests, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham- expertise in geospatial techniques and cus- curriculum vitae, transcripts and contact paign. The Department of Geography invites tomization of GIS applications; ability and information for three references. applications for a full-time (9 month), tenure willingness to teach geography of North Review of applications begins November track position at the Assistant Professor America. Excellent benefits, including retiree 3, 2008 and will continue until the position level in Remote Sensing and Geographic health care and 100% pension contribution is filled. Inquiries should be directed to GIS Information Science, starting August 2009. for eligible employees. Search Committee: Voice 812-237-2444; Fax The successful candidate will be expected Apply: Send letter of application, includ- 812-237-8029; E-mail: geography@isugw. to develop an active program of research and ing statement of teaching interests; cur- indstate.edu. Visit us at http://www1.indstate. publication in remote sensing and related riculum vitae; copies of publications and edu/gga/gga/javatest/index2.html. areas of GIScience (including, but not grants; copies of transcripts; and the names Indiana State University is an equal limited to spatial analysis, geovisualization and contact information for three refer- opportunity/affirmative action employer and modeling of human and environmen- ences to: Dr. Kevin Turcotte, Chair, Search committed to excellence through diver- tal systems) as well as complement current Committee, Department of Geography, Ball sity. The University actively encourages departmental and school research strengths State University, Muncie, IN 47306. (Tel: the applications of women, minorities, and (see www.geog.uiuc.edu and www.earth. 765-285-1776; Email: [email protected]. persons with disabilities. uiuc.edu). The position also involves par- Official transcripts will be required upon NOV 08-267 ticipating in teaching for the Department’s employment. Review of applications will undergraduate and graduate core curriculum begin November 30, 2008, and will continue IOWA, CEDAR FALLS. in GIScience. The Department is part of until the position is filled. (www.bsu.edu/ The Department of Geography at the Uni- the School of Earth, Society and Environ- geography). versity of Northern Iowa invites applications ment (SESE, comprising the Departments The Department of Geography seeks to for a tenure-track Assistant Professor special- of Geography, Geology and Atmospheric attract a culturally and academically diverse izing in Geovisualization to begin August, Sciences), which provides excellent oppor- faculty of the highest caliber. Ball State 2009. The successful candidate will teach tunities for interdisciplinary research. There University is an equal opportunity, affirma- cartography and geovisualization courses, are also multiple opportunities to interact tive action employer and is strongly and additional courses in their specialty, and with the National Center for Supercomputing actively committed to diversity within its contribute to undergraduate and graduate Applications (NCSA), a leading center for community. instruction. Preference will be given to the development of cyberinfrastructure, sci- NOV 08-292 candidates whose interests complement those entific visualization and data mining. A PhD of department’s faculty. We seek an engaging in Geography or a closely related discipline *INDIANA, TERRE HAUTE. teacher and active researcher. The typical is required at the time of appointment. Salary The Department of Geography, Geology teaching load is three courses per semester. will be commensurate with experience. and Anthropology at Indiana State Univer- A PhD degree in Geography is preferred, Full consideration will be given to appli- sity invites applications for a tenure-track although other closely-related disciplines will cations received by November 15, 2008. Assistant/Associate Professor position in be considered. A PhD is required at the time Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae, a Geographic Information Science begin- of appointment. See additional requirements statement of research and teaching interests ning in August 2009. PhD in Geography at www.uni.edu/geography. and a writing sample. In addition, they must or a related discipline required at time With 11 full-time faculty we offer BA arrange for three letters of recommendation of appointment. The department seeks a and MA degrees, a minor, and a GISc cer- to be sent. broadly defined Geographic Informa- tificate. The department houses several spe- Apply: All materials, including an email tion Science specialist to teach primarily cialized labs/programs, including GeoTREE address, should be submitted to Sara McLaf- undergraduate and graduate level courses Center, Geography Alliance of Iowa, and ferty, Chair, GIScience Search Committee, in GIS, courses in their areas of expertise, Midwest Transportation Consortium. The Attn. Diane Lane, Department of Geography, and to advise graduate students. Research university is ranked second among public 220 Davenport Hall (MC 150), 607 South specialties are open to any application of comprehensive universities in the Midwest. Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801. Tele- geospatial technology to natural resources, Its enrollment is more than 12,600. The phone (217) 333-3488. Fax (217) 244-1785. environment, or physical geography, with Cedar Falls/Waterloo area has a population For further information, contact smclaff@ the expectation that the successful candidate of approximately 120,000 with a full range illinois.edu. will establish an active research program of educational, cultural, recreational, and The University of Illinois is an Affirma- that results in extramural funding and peer- medical programs and facilities. tive Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. refereed publications. Expertise in remote Applications received by November 7, OCT 08-23 sensing, geostatistics, geocomputation, and/ 2008 will be given full consideration. or geovisualization is a plus. Preference Apply: Send a letter of application, *INDIANA, MUNCIE. will be given to applicants with a PhD in curriculum vitae, separate statements of Ball State University, Department of Geog- Geography, university teaching experience research and teaching interests, and names raphy. Tenure-track position as Assistant (including web-based courses), peer-refereed of three references to Professor David May, Professor available August 21, 2009. The publications and a record of extramural Chair of Search Committee, Department of department seeks a human geographer with funding. The Department offers bachelor, Geography, University of Northern Iowa, strong GIS skills and the ability to teach key master, and doctoral degrees in geography Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0406; phone: (319) program courses in urban geography and and a GIS certificate. Geography has estab- 273-2772; fax: (319) 273-7103, e-mail: dave. GIS. Major responsibility: teaching lower lished a GIScience teaching/research facility [email protected]. and upper level courses in human/urban and a Center for Urban and Environmental The department has a strong commit- geography and GIS. Minimum qualifica- Change that extensively employ geospatial ment to achieving diversity among faculty tions: PhD in geography or closely related technologies. and we encourage applications from women, disciplines. ABD in these fields will be Apply: Applicants should apply online at persons of color, veterans, and people with considered but PhD must be completed by https://jobs.indstate.edu and attach a state- disabilities. The University is an Equal

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Opportunity Employer with a comprehen- *KENTUCKY, BOWLING GREEN. internationalize its curriculum is preferred. sive plan for Affirmative Action. UNI is a Western Kentucky University, Department PhD required at time of appointment. smoke-free campus. of Geography and Geology, is seeking Applicants should submit a letter of applica- OCT 08-221 applicants for an Assistant Professor of tion, curriculum vitae, statements of research Geomorphology and GIS. This is a tenure- and teaching interests, transcripts, reprints IOWA, CEDAR FALLS. track assistant professor position beginning of selected peer-reviewed publications, and The GeoInformatics Training, Research, August 2009. The successful candidate is contact information for three references. Education and Extension (GeoTREE - www. expected to contribute to the Department’s Apply: Katie Algeo, Chair, Search Commit- geotree.uni.edu) Center funded by NASA at research programs, to manage the MS Geo- tee, Department of Geography and Geology, the University of Northern Iowa seeks applica- science program, and to provide academic 1906 College Heights Blvd. #31066, Bowling tions for a Post-Doctoral Research Associ- leadership in GIS. Green, Kentucky, 42101-1066. ate (ABDs seriously considered) or Research Qualifications: Earned PhD in Physical Western Kentucky University is an Affir- Associate (Master’s degree required) in remote Geography, GIS, or a related field is mative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. sensing application areas. The candidate is required; Must demonstrate a commitment All qualified individuals are encouraged to responsible for the analysis, design and devel- to excellence in teaching and research at the apply including women, minorities, persons opment of remote sensing applications in undergraduate, Master’s, and post-doctoral with disabilities and disabled veterans. any of the following areas: 1) Invasive species levels; Will be expected to develop a strong OCT 08-211 mapping, 2) Crop residue modeling, 3) Land externally funded research program in geo- use/ land cover prediction modeling, 4) LiDAR morphology and/or GIS; Collaborative and *LOUISIANA, BATON ROUGE. quality control and 5) Crop yield prediction. interdisciplinary research is encouraged. Pro- Assistant Professor Research or Research Qualifications include: a) Experience in spective candidates should obtain additional Associate 5 (Program Manager) Depart- the remote sensing applications areas men- information at: www.wku.edu/geoweb. ment of Geography and Anthropology – tioned above. Submit (through a snail mail Apply: Interested candidates must submit The Southern Climate Impacts Planning or email [email protected]) a cover letter, a letter of application, curriculum vita, the Program (SCIPP) in the Department of CV, 1 or 2 publications (if any) and names/ names of three references, and separate Geography and Anthropology at Louisiana contact information for three references to statements of 1) teaching and 2) research State University seeks to fill an Assistant Dr. Raman than Sugumaran, 205 Innovative philosophy to: Department of Geography Professor – Research or Research Associate Teaching and Technology Center, Depart- and Geology; Geomorphology Search position. The successful candidate will be ment of Geography, University of Northern Committee; Western Kentucky University; the Program Manager for a new five year, Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA-50614, USA. Screen- 1906 College Heights Blvd #31066; Bowling NOAA Regional Integrated Sciences and ing of job applicants will begin on October Green, KY 42101-1066. Assessments (RISA) project focused on the 20, 2008. Review of applications will begin analysis and impacts of drought and other University of Northern Iowa is an equal December 15, 2008. Position will remain climatic hazards in the south-central United opportunity employer. open until filled. All qualified individuals States. Required OCT 08-206 are encouraged to apply including women, Qualifications: (RA5) Master’s degree; minorities, persons with disabilities and (AP-R) PhD degree; (both levels) expertise IOWA, IOWA CITY. disabled veterans. Western Kentucky Uni- in the human dimensions of extreme environ- The Graduate Program in Urban and Regional versity is committed to the promotion of mental events, variability, and change. Addi- Planning at the University of Iowa anticipates stewardship and student engagement. For tional Qualifications Desires: Excellent com- an opening for a tenure-track faculty position this type of employment, state law requires munication skills with the ability to engage at the Assistant or Associate professor level a state and national criminal history back- physical and social scientists as well as public beginning in August, 2009. The successful ground check as a condition of employment. and private stakeholder organizations. candidate must, at a minimum, have a PhD in Western Kentucky University is an Affirma- Candidates with backgrounds in physical planning or a related discipline, demonstrate tive Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. (e.g., atmospheric science, climatol- substantial potential for scholarly research NOV 08-263 ogy, hydrology) or social (e.g., geogra- and publication, and be able to teach courses phy, anthropology, sociology) sciences are in GIS as well as courses in transportation KENTUCKY, BOWLING GREEN. equally encouraged to apply. Responsibili- or economic development. Initial review of Western Kentucky University. The Depart- ties: participates in and coordinates RISA- applications will begin on January 2 for ment of Geography and Geology invites driven climate impacts research at LSU, as the August 2009 appointment. Applications applications for a tenure-track Cultural well as coordinating activities with his/her will be accepted until the position is filled. Geography position beginning August 2009 counterpart at the University of Oklahoma; We especially encourage applications from at the level of Assistant Professor. Screening develops RISA-related materials for a variety minorities and women. of applications will start on November 15 of audiences (newsletters, website materials, To apply for this position, please go and continue until the position is filled. and news releases) and foster stakeholder to http://jobs.uiowa.edu and search under The successful applicant will contribute outreach and education activities in Louisi- requisition number 55923. Charles E. to expanding undergraduate and graduate ana and neighboring states. Connerly, Director, Graduate Program in programs in cultural geography by par- Salary is commensurate with experience. Urban and Regional Planning, 343 Jessup ticipating in curriculum development and An offer of employment is contingent on Hall, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, teaching courses in place and culture, a satisfactory pre-employment background IA 52242. Phone: 319-335-0039. E-mail: thematic geography (ethnicity, political, check. Application deadline is November [email protected]. Homepage: historical, economic, religions, regions, etc.) 17, 2008 or until a suitable candidate is www.urban.uiowa.edu. tourism, and qualitative methods. We seek selected. The University of Iowa is an affirmative candidates who demonstrate excellence in Apply: Interested applicants should send action/equal opportunity employer. Women teaching, directing student research, and Curriculum Vitae (including e-mail address), and minorities are encouraged to apply. who maintain a substantive research program. brief statement of interest, and contact infor- OCT 08-208 Ability to help the department continue to

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mation for three references in PDF format to policy related to global change, particu- 2008 and will continue until the position is Dr. David Brown ([email protected]). larly climate, and its linkages with resource filled. LSU is an equal opportunity/equal access systems and their use (e.g., water resources, UMBC is an Affirmative Action/Equal employer. biodiversity, or land resources). The ideal Opportunity Employer and actively seeks NOV 08-254-1 candidate should have broad knowledge the applications of minorities, women, and of regional and international issues, and individuals with disabilities. *MARYLAND, BALTIMORE. an interest in the law, economics, politics, OCT 08-226 IGERT Traineeships. University of and/or history related to the evolution and Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) seeks development of current policies and future MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK. applicants for our NSF Integrative Graduate solutions. The ability to utilize geospatial The University of Maryland (at College Education and Research Training (IGERT) information technology as an analytical tool Park) Department of Geography invites program, “Water in the Urban Environ- is desirable. Candidates are expected to have applications for three tenured or tenure- ment.” Solutions to complex problems asso- an active program of research and publica- track faculty in human dimensions of global ciated with the effect of urbanization on the tion, ability to attract external funding, and change, rank commensurate with experience. water cycle require integrated ecological, evidence of commitment to excellence in These positions are expected to start on or economic and engineering approaches, as teaching. about August 2009. Salary and benefits well as innovations in policy-making. This In the most recent Carnegie ranking, are highly competitive, based on qualifica- program is training a generation of graduate UMBC is listed as a Research University- tions and experience. A PhD degree in students to understand these linkages and High Research Activity. Research opportu- geography, or in a related area of the social to be prepared to work in multidisciplinary nities at UMBC include collaboration with sciences, is required. teams to improve understanding and man- colleagues in the Public Policy graduate We are seeking the most outstanding agement of urban environmental systems. program, one of the largest in the country; candidates with an existing track record of We are interested in recruiting PhD students with the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES), publications and success in research grant interested in developing their own disserta- an NSF-funded Urban Long-Term Ecologi- applications, appropriate to rank. The suc- tion topic around such themes as (1) urban cal Research site headquartered at UMBC; cessful candidates are expected to establish hydrology and contaminant transport; (2) the Joint Center for Earth Systems Technol- productive research programs, appropriate to urban biogeochemical cycles, aquatic eco- ogy (JCET) and Goddard Earth Sciences & a research-intensive institution. Candidates systems, and human health; and (3) urban Technology Center (GEST), both research are sought who will complement the Depart- water policy, management, and institutions. consortia formed by UMBC and NASA- ment’s existing strengths in the physical The program takes advantage of the Goddard Space Flight Center; the Center for dimensions of global change and should have presence at UMBC of the field headquarters Urban Environmental Research and Educa- demonstrable potential to further enhance of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (http:// tion (CUERE), focused on the environmen- the Department’s national and international beslter.org), one of two urban sites in the NSF tal, social and economic impacts of urban activities in the field of human systems. Long-Term Ecological Research network; and suburban landscape transformation, and Applications should include a personal partnerships with public agencies, nonprofits, the U.S. Geological Survey Water Science statement of background and experience and private consultants; and proximity to the Center for the MD-DE-DC region located relevant to the position, including research, Chesapeake Bay, a coastal ecosystem severely at UMBC. In addition UMBC is a partner teaching and service activities, a signed, affected by urban land use change. in the Chesapeake Watershed Cooperative dated Curriculum Vitae, reprints of selected Applicants for IGERT Traineeships must Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU), part of peer-reviewed publications, and names and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. a national CESU network. The campus is addresses (including e-mail) of 3-5 referees. Awardees accepted to one of the nine located in close proximity to Washington For best consideration applications are due participating PhD programs will receive a D.C. and a broad array of federal, state, and no later than October 27, 2008 but the stipend of $30,000 per year plus $10,500 local agencies as well as to other research search will continue until suitable candidates cost-of-education allowance. institutions along the Washington-Balti- are appointed. Apply: Applications for Fall 2009 are due more-Philadelphia corridor. The Washing- Apply: Dr. Chris Justice, Chair, Search February 1, 2009. For further information see ton-Baltimore region has an extraordinary Committee, Department of Geography, http://www.umbc.edu/cuere/igert or contact number of agencies and institutions whose 2181 LeFrak Hall, University of Maryland, Dr. Bernadette Hanlon, IGERT Coordina- focus is on the environment and environ- College Park, Maryland 20742-8225. tor at [email protected], or Prof. Claire mental policy, both in national as well as Further information on this position Welty, IGERT Program Director at weltyc@ international contexts. The Department and on academic and research programs of umbc.edu. recently launched its MS/PhD program and the Department may be obtained from the The UMBC IGERT Program seeks the our faculty are active participants in UMBC’s address above and can be found at www. applications of minorities, women, and indi- NSF-IGERT traineeship program, “Water in geog.umd.edu/hdgc. viduals with disabilities. the Urban Environment.” Interested candi- Applications from women and minorities NOV 08-277 dates may visit the web site www.umbc.edu/ are particularly sought. The University of ges for additional information. Maryland is an Equal Opportunity Affirma- MARYLAND, BALTIMORE. Apply: please send curriculum vitae and tive Action Employer. University of Maryland, Baltimore County. cover letter describing research agenda and OCT 08-209 Assistant or Associate Professor, beginning teaching interests, and have three letters of in August 2009. PhD required at time of reference sent to: Dr. Jeffrey Halverson, at MASSACHUSETTS, CAMBRIDGE. appointment. The UMBC Department of [email protected]. For those unable to Environmental Fellows Program at Harvard Geography & Environmental Systems seeks submit electronically, please send applica- University. Purpose: The Harvard Univer- a faculty member with research and teaching tions to Department of Geography and Envi- sity Center for the Environment created interests in Environmental Policy. We are ronmental Systems, UMBC, 1000 Hilltop the Environmental Fellows program to interested in individuals with expertise in Circle, Baltimore, Maryland 21250. Review enable recent doctorate recipients to use and of applications will begin on December 1,

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expand Harvard’s extraordinary resources Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931- aaeo/). Minorities and women are encour- to tackle complex environmental problems. 1295. aged to apply. The Environmental Fellows will work for two Michigan Tech is an Equal Opportunity/ NOV 08-320 years with Harvard faculty members in any Affirmative Action Educational Institution/ school or department to create new knowl- Employer. *MICHIGAN, YPSILANTI. edge while also strengthening connections NOV 08-265-1 The Department of Geography and Geology across the University’s academic disciplines. at Eastern Michigan University invites appli- Environmental Fellows may include people *MICHIGAN, MOUNT PLEASANT. cations for a tenure-track faculty position at with degrees in the sciences, social sciences, The Department of Geography, Central the Assistant Professor level in process-based law, government, public policy, public Michigan University invites applications for Geomorphology, effective August 2009. health, medicine, design, and the full array a tenure-track appointment at the level of The candidate will be expected to: (1) of humanities. The award: The fellowship Assistant Professor in the area of Spatial conduct an active research program in will provide an annual stipend of $54,000 Decision Making to begin August, 2009. A process-based geomorphology, (2) be com- plus health insurance, a $5,000 allowance for PhD in Geography or a closely related field mitted to excellence in teaching at both travel and professional expenses, and other is required at the time of appointment. the graduate and undergraduate level, and employee benefits. Environmental Fellows Applicants should specialize in the (3) be able to contribute enthusiastically will begin work in September 2009. theories and techniques for spatial decision to both the intellectual and collegial life Apply: Applications and all letters of making in such areas as landuse planning, of the department. Instruction responsi- reference must be received by the Center for transportation planning, location allocation, bilities include teaching upper-level under- the Environment by 5 pm Eastern Standard logistics, and market analysis. Candidates graduate courses in Geomorphology and Time, Thursday, January 15, 2009. The should have a strong background in compu- Glacial Geology, as well as introductory- Center will announce the awards in April tational and analytical methods with system- level courses, developing and teaching a 2009. Complete details can be found at: atic education in one of the following fields: course for our new Master’s degree program www.environment.harvard.edu. Urban Geography, Economic Geography, in Earth Science Education, and directing Harvard University is an affirmative Political Geography, or Urban & Regional undergraduate research projects. action, equal opportunity employer. Planning. Candidates with a regional exper- M.S. plus 18 hours required at the time of OCT 08-231 tise in one of the following areas preferred: appointment but a PhD is preferred. Appli- Middle East, South Asia, Europe, or Russia. cants should send a letter of application that *MICHIGAN, HOUGHTON. The successful candidate must have effec- includes a statement of qualifications and Michigan Technological University invites tive communication skills and a strong com- teaching and research interests, a detailed applicants and nominations for the position mitment to teaching and mentoring under- curriculum vitae that includes education, pub- of Chair of the Social Sciences Department graduate and graduate students. Teaching lications, and teaching experience, and the at the rank of Full Professor to begin in responsibilities include introductory courses names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail August, 2009. Current Full or qualified Asso- in Human Geography and advanced courses addresses of at least three references familiar ciate Professors may apply. The chair will in the area of specialization. The candidate with your teaching and research potential. fill a three-year renewable term, reporting is expected to actively seek external funding Apply: Send applications or requests to the Dean of the College of Sciences and and develop a viable research program. for further information electronically to: Arts. Field of specialization is open to those Additional responsibilities include depart- [email protected]. Please make sure disciplines that complement the research and ment and university service. Screening will to include Posting #F0925 in the subject line teaching interests of the department. The begin on November 15, 2008, and continue and send attachments only. Do not type in foci of the department’s research and graduate until the position is filled. the body of the email. teaching are in archaeology, environment, The Department offers a B.S. (major and The review of applications will begin heritage management, history, policy, and minor) in Geography and M.S. in Geo- January 5, 2009 and continue until the technology. We seek an individual with a graphic Information Sciences as well as position is filled. Women and minorities are strong record of scholarship with a commit- Geography minors and majors for teacher encouraged to apply. Eastern Michigan Uni- ment to research. The candidate will have education students. Computer and lab versity is located between Detroit and Ann demonstrated leadership and communication facilities are state-of-the-art. Additional Arbor, Michigan, and is one of the largest skills and experience in graduate education. potential research opportunities are avail- producers of K-12 Earth Science teachers Administrative, budgetary, and programmatic able in CMU’s GIS Center and the Central in the country. For additional information experience is desirable. The successful can- Michigan University Research Corporation. about the university see our website: www. didate values diversity and interdisciplinary Classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a emich.edu. teaching and research. Please consult the doctoral research university, CMU is rec- NOV 08-251 Department webpage for the full advertise- ognized for strong undergraduate education ment: www.social.mtu.edu. and a range of focused graduate and research *MINNESOTA, MANKATO. Applicants should send a letter of interest programs. The Department of Geography at Minnesota describing their qualifications and experi- Apply: Send an application letter, curricu- State University, Mankato invites applications ence/philosophy pertinent to leading an lum vitae, copies of all transcripts, statement for a tenure-track Assistant Professor special- interdisciplinary social sciences department, of teaching philosophy, statement of future izing in GIS and Urban Geography, begin- vitae, and the names and contact informa- research plans, and three letters of reference ning August 17, 2009. Required qualifications tion for three references. Review of the to: Dr. Bin Li, Chair, Department of Geog- include: a graduate degree in geography; a PhD applications will begin October 15, 2008 raphy, Central Michigan University, Mount (ABD considered – PhD must be completed by and continue until the position is filled. Pleasant, MI 48859. Further information is August 16, 2010); demonstrated potential for Apply: Social Sciences Chair Search available at www.geo.cmich.edu. excellence in teaching introductory through Committee, Department of Social Sciences, CMU, an AA/EO institution, strongly and advanced GIS and Urban Geography; and the Michigan Technological University, 1400 actively strives to increase diversity within ability to bring diversity to the department, its community (see http://www.cmich.edu/ college, and university. Preference will be

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given to individuals who can also teach one starting August 16, 2009. Duties include is home to the NH Geographic Alliance. For or more of the following: transportation geog- teaching courses in physical geography, information about the Geography Depart- raphy, political geography, GPS mapping, or climatology, snow science, and mountain ment and the School of Sciences and Social population geography. geography; maintaining a strong program Sciences visit: www.keene.edu/programs/ MSU has a long-standing commitment of research and publication; and supervising geog and: www.keene.edu/science. to cultural diversity and is actively seeking masters and doctoral students. Full details Apply: please submit letter of applica- to nurture and enrich its cultural, racial, and on the required and preferred qualifications tion, curriculum vitae, names and contact ethnic communities. It is expected that the suc- for the position and application procedures information of three references to Geogra- cessful candidate will share this commitment. can be found at http://www.montana.edu/ phy Search Committee, FAC#43, via e-mail Review of applications begins on msuinfo/jobs/faculty. Screening of applica- to: [email protected] or mail to: Office November 17, 2008. For complete position tions will begin on November 21, 2008 of Human Resource Management, Keene description and application procedure, see and will continue until a suitable candi- State College, 229 Main Street, Keene, NH http://www.mnsu.edu (link to “Employment date is selected. We encourage applications 03435-1604. Review of applications will at MSU”). from members of underrepresented groups. begin immediately and continue until the Apply: Please submit a letter of appli- Montana State University is an institution position is filled. cation, curriculum vitae with names and committed to cultural diversity. Keene State College is a founding contact information of three references, NOV 08-250 member of the Council of Public Liberal official transcripts, teaching evaluations and Arts Colleges, a national alliance of leading examples of research to: Dr. Forrest Wilker- *NEW HAMPSHIRE, KEENE. liberal arts colleges in the public sector. The son, Search Committee Chair, Department The Department of Geography at Keene College is accredited by NEASC and its edu- of Geography, Minnesota State University, State College, New Hampshire’s public cation programs are NCATE-accredited with 7 Armstrong Hall, Mankato, MN 56001. liberal arts institution, invites applications for conditions. As an Affirmative Action/Equal More information: http://sbs.mnsu.edu/ a full-time tenure-track position as Assistant Opportunity Employer, Keene State College geography/. Professor. We seek highly motivated and is engaged in an effort to build a community NOV 08-261-1 broadly trained candidates who are commit- that reflects the diversity of society. ted to outstanding undergraduate education NOV 08-288 *MISSOURI, WARRENSBURG. in the context of a liberal arts college. The University of Central Missouri invites Teaching responsibilities include Physical NEW JERSEY, GLASSBORO. applications for a tenure-track, Assistant or Geography and advanced ArcGIS, based Rowan University. Regional Geographer. The Associate professorship in Human Geogra- on ArcGIS Toolbox, as well as extensions Rowan University Department of Geogra- phy starting August 2009. PhD preferred, (such as utilization of 3D Analyst or Spatial phy and Anthropology invites applicants for ABD considered. Applicants must be able Analyst). Other upper level course responsi- an Assistant Professor tenure-track position to teach world, cultural, urban geography bilities may include Cartographic Design and to begin in September 2009. We seek a and a regional course in the applicant’s Analysis, Cartography and Surveying, and broadly educated Human Geographer with specialty, Europe/Africa preferred. An addi- Environmental Remote Sensing. The ability an expertise in Regional Geography who has tional background in GIS, sustainability or to teach a regional or upper level physical a strong potential for excellence in teaching, transportation geography will be a plus. course is also an asset. Course development scholarship and service. The successful can- Scholarship and service are also required. will include growing responsibilities to inte- didate will teach a combination of courses in Salary is commensurate with qualifications. grate environmental management concepts general education (e.g., Cultural Geography Apply: Submit application letter and cur- into courses. Normal teaching load is three and World Regional Geography) and inter- riculum vitae on-line to Office of Human courses each semester. The ideal candidate mediate and upper division regional courses, Resources, University of Central Missouri: will also: a) endeavor to reach out to the along with courses in his or her topical spe- [email protected]. Send transcripts, evidence community via the GIS Lab as a platform cialization. Possible regional courses include: of teaching excellence, samples of scholar- for community involvement and interac- Europe, Latin America, Asia, Middle East and ship, and the names of 3 references to Dr. tion, b) seek external funding for GIS Lab Africa. In addition to a strong commitment to Keshav Bhattarai, Department of Geography expansion, and c) engage in a collaborative teaching, we expect an active research agenda, and Interdisciplinary Studies, Wood 8, Uni- research agenda involving students. Faculty which is encouraged by the university through versity of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO members also have the opportunity to teach travel support, internal grants and teaching 64093. Tel: 660-543-4048; Fax: 660-543- courses in the college’s Integrative Studies load reduction. Applicants must have the PhD 8006; E-mail: [email protected]. Review Program, a transformational general edu- in hand by September 1, 2009. will begin December 1, 2008 and continue cation approach. (Learn more about the Our department enjoys a friendly, col- until filled. Integrative Studies Program at: www.keene. legial environment and significant University The University of Central Missouri is an edu/isp). support in maintaining cutting-edge classroom EEO/AA institution and welcomes appli- Qualifications: PhD in Geography or and computer facilities. Beginning fall 2008, cations that support its commitment to related field required; college teaching we are teaching most classes in two completely diversity. experience preferred. Salary at the rank of renovated smart classrooms, one of which is NOV 08-293 Assistant Professor will be based on Collec- equipped with twenty-four computers. tive Bargaining Unit Agreement, and was at Rowan University, with an enrollment of *MONTANA, BOZEMAN. $55,380 minimum in fall 2008. approximately 10,000 students, is a bachelors The Department of Earth Sciences at Geography is a dynamic, growing depart- and masters level institution that values high Montana State University, Bozeman seeks ment of five full-time faculty offering a BA, quality teaching, scholarship and service. an Earth Scientist whose interests focus on GIS certificate, and minor. The Department Our classes are small (20-30 students), and climatology, snow science and mountain is dedicated to advancing environmental emphasize project-based, inquiry-based and systems science. The position is tenure- sustainability in its program offerings and is interdisciplinary approaches to learning. track, 1.0 FTE, 9-month Academic Year located in an award winning science center, We are conveniently located less than appointment at the Assistant Professor level, with a GIS Lab, Federal Map Depository, and an hour’s drive from the Atlantic Ocean,

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20 miles from Philadelphia, and midway Applicants must hold a PhD in Geog- Apply: Applicants must submit a letter between New York City and Washington, raphy or a closely related discipline upon addressing interest in the position and relevant DC. The immediate surroundings of the appointment, and be able to demonstrate experience, a CV, and list of three references University provide a variety of housing and excellence in research and teaching. with contact information to: Jazmin Knight, recreational opportunities in urban settings, Apply: Applications (cover letter; cur- Search Coordinator, Department of Geog- suburban settings and rural environments. riculum vitae; statement of research and raphy, MSC01 1110, University of New In 1992, Mr. Henry Rowan donated teaching interests, philosophy, and experi- Mexico, Albuquerque NM 87131 at (505) $100 million to the then Glassboro State ence; and contact information for three ref- 277- 5041 or [email protected]. Electronic College. In the years since then Univer- erences) and inquiries should be addressed (PDF) submissions are encouraged. sity’s endowment has grown to nearly $200 to: David A. Robinson, Chair, Department The University of New Mexico is an affir- million. During this time, we have enjoyed a of Geography, and submitted electronically mative action/equal opportunity employer. dramatic increase in the quality of our facili- to [email protected]. For best consideration, applications should ties, our students and our faculty. For more information about the depart- be submitted by January 15, 2009 and appli- Apply: Dr. Richard Scott, Department of ment, visit our web site: http://geography. cations will continue to be reviewed until Geography and Anthropology, Rowan Uni- rutgers.edu. Review of applications will the position is filled. UNM’s confidential- versity, 201 Mullica Hill Road, Glassboro, NJ begin December 1, 2008, and continue until ity policy (Recruitment and Hiring, Policy 08028. Telephone: (856) 256-4812. Appli- the position is filled. #3210) which includes information about cations must include: letter of interest, cur- Rutgers is an equal opportunity and affir- public disclosure of documents submitted riculum vita, graduate transcripts, teaching mative action employer. by applicants, is located at http://www.unm. evaluations and other evidence of excellence NOV 08-306 edu/~ubppm. UNM is building a culturally in the classroom along with the names and diverse faculty and encourages applications contact information of three references. In *NEW MEXICO, ALBUQUERQUE. from women and minority candidates. your letter, please discuss philosophy and New Mexico, Albuquerque. Chair, Tenured NOV 08-269 methods of teaching, anticipated scholarship Associate or Full Professor, Department program and anything else that you believe of Geography, University of New Mexico, *NEW MEXICO, LAS CRUCES. will make you an attractive candidate. Submit starting August 2009. The Chair will assume GIS Specialist/Landscape Ecologist. New application by mail or by e-mail to scott@ a leadership position in a vibrant depart- Mexico State University. The specialist will rowan.edu. Letters of recommendation must ment, which seeks to enhance its regional assist in development of land classification, be furnished upon request. Review of appli- and national reputation. Minimum qualifica- modeling, and monitoring systems for range- cations begins immediately and continues tions are a PhD in geography or related field lands. Specific duties include using satellite/ until we fill the position. and a current appointment as a Professor or aerial imagery and field data to map soils and For more information about Rowan Uni- advanced Associate Professor with tenure. vegetation, development of databases, moni- versity and the Department of Geography Preferred qualifications are demonstrated toring design, and client training. Requires and Anthropology, please visit: www.rowan. excellence in teaching and research, dem- Bachelor’s degree (Master’s preferred) with edu or www.rowan.edu/colleges/las/depart- onstrated or potential administrative and experience in GIS, remote-sensed data pro- ments/geography. leadership skills in an active department with cessing, geodatabase development, and a Rowan University is an Affirmative action/ a graduate program, and the ability to teach basic understanding of soils, climate, geo- Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, courses and mentor graduate students within morphology, and/or vegetation classification minorities, veterans, and the handicapped the department’s focus areas. Candidates and mapping. are encouraged to apply. Filling of the with these qualifications who are capable of Apply: send letter of interest, resume/ position is contingent on funding. teaching upper-level courses in GISc will be CV, unofficial transcripts, and contact infor- OCT 08-229 given special consideration. mation for 3 references to Dr. Brandon Founded in 1889, The University of New Bestelmeyer ([email protected]); see *NEW JERSEY, NEW BRUNSWICK. Mexico occupies 600 acres along old Route www.nmsu.edu/~personel/postings/pro- Rutgers University invites applications for a 66 in the heart of Albuquerque, a city of fessional/11533928.html for other details. tenure-track Assistant Professor position in more than 700,000 people. As New Mexico’s Review of applications begins on October the Department of Geography, starting Fall flagship university, UNM is committed to 10, 2008 until the position is filled. 2009 (pending budgetary approval). We are diversity and boasts a number of nationally NOV 08-278 searching for a Physical Geographer who recognized programs in multiple disciplines. specializes in hydrology and climate change, UNM is the only institution in the country *NEW YORK, HAMILTON. and whose research has a meso- to macro- that has a Carnegie Very High Research The Environmental Studies Program at Colgate scale landscape perspective. Activity designation and a federal designa- University invites applications for a tenure- The successful applicant will have the tion as a Hispanic-serving institution. stream position in environmental justice. opportunity to make contributions to inter- The department has recently expanded The successful candidate will be appointed disciplinary endeavors at Rutgers that focus and revitalized. Four new faculty members at either the assistant or associate professor on climate variability and change associated have been added in the last two years, and level, depending on qualifications. A joint with water resources, wetlands, and fluvial the curriculum has been revised to reflect appointment with one of Colgate’s depart- dynamics. There will be opportunities for the department’s emphasis on Environmental ments or other interdisciplinary programs is interactions with other academic units, Management, Nature and Society, GISc, likely. Colgate seeks an individual committed including the Center for Environmental Pre- and the Southwest. Preferred fields of spe- to scholarship and undergraduate teaching in diction, the NJ Water Resources Research cialization include hazards, conservation, environmental justice studies, defined broadly Institute, the Institute of Marine and Coastal landscape ecology, natural resource manage- enough to include, for example, connections to Sciences and the Center for Remote Sensing ment, sustainable systems, and environmen- the health sciences, ecology, water resources, and Spatial Analysis. This individual will tal planning, but individuals specializing in sustainability, globalization, development, and also participate in Rutgers’ Climate and other subfields are welcome to apply. Salary conflict studies as well as philosophy; environ- Environmental Change Initiative. is commensurate with experience.

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mental hazards; race, ethnicity, and gender riculum and may contribute to other vibrant considered an advantage, as will the ability studies; history; and the law. The five-course all-university programs such as Environmen- to teach introductory courses in Cultural teaching load will include environmental tal Studies, Women’s Studies, or Peace and and/or Political Geography. The success- justice courses and other courses in Colgate’s Conflict Studies, as well as off-campus study ful candidate will also have opportunities Environmental Studies Program, in the uni- programs in various locations. to teach in the Global Studies program. versity’s interdisciplinary core curriculum, and, Colgate’s Geography Department cur- Evidence is required of a commitment to depending on the successful candidate’s area rently consists of seven full-time faculty. It excellence in teaching and scholarship and of expertise, in a related department or in any is housed in the newly constructed Robert the successful applicants must demonstrate of Colgate’s interdisciplinary programs. Salary H. N. Ho Interdisciplinary Science Center an ability to obtain competitively based and benefits are highly competitive. Comple- whose facilities include well equipped GIS external funding. tion of PhD prior to or shortly after the date of and visualization labs, both with lab techni- It is expected that the candidate will have hire is expected. cian support. The Asian Studies Program is a PhD in geography orrelated discipline Colgate, located in central New York one of the largest and longest-running of Col- by the time the appointment begins. More State, is a highly selective liberal arts college gate’s interdisciplinary programs, embracing information about the Department can be with approximately 2750 students. We East, South, Southeast and West Asia. The found on our website at: http://hofstra.edu/ welcome applications from candidates who diverse faculty in the program have expertise Academics/Colleges/HCLAS/GEOG/index. bring diverse cultural, ethnic and national in art history, linguistics, literature, religion, html. perspectives to their scholarship and history, sociology, anthropology, econom- Apply: to be considered, send a letter teaching. Colgate is an EO/AA employer. ics, political science, and geography. For of interest, vita, statement of teaching and Developing and sustaining a diverse faculty, additional information see the Geography research interests, and the names and contact student body, and staff further the Uni- Department and Asian Studies web pages information for three references to: Dr. Jean- versity’s educational mission. Women and (http://departments.colgate.edu/geography; Paul Rodrigue, Chair of the Search Commit- members of historically under-represented http://www.colgate.edu/DesktopDefault1. tee, Department of Global Studies and Geog- groups are strongly encouraged to apply. aspx?tabid=1552&pgID=3188). raphy, 209H Roosevelt Hall, 130 Hofstra Apply: Please send a letter of interest, With 2,750 students and more than 250 University, Hempstead, New York, 11549. curriculum vitae, 3 letters of recommen- faculty, Colgate combines the intimacy of Review of applications will begin dation, evidence of teaching experience a liberal arts college with the breadth and November 24, 2008 and continue until the and effectiveness, and a sample of recent depth of a research university. It is a leading position is filled. Additional information scholarship to Robert W. Turner, Environ- liberal arts university committed to main- about the position can be obtained by con- mental Studies Program Director, Colgate taining an outstanding faculty in order to tacting [email protected]. University, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY educate global citizens prepared to engage Hofstra University is a private university 13346; electronic submissions to rturner@ the challenges and opportunities of the located in Long Island, 20 miles east of Man- mail.colgate.edu are encouraged. Review of 21st century. Salaries and benefits are very hattan. The campus is accessible by public completed applications will commence on competitive, and research and travel funding transit from anywhere in the New York/New November 17, 2008. opportunities are available to all Colgate Jersey metropolitan area. Hofstra University NOV 08-259-1 faculty. Colgate University is an Equal is an equal opportunity employer, commit- Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. ted to fostering diversity in its faculty, *NEW YORK, HAMILTON. Developing and maintaining a diverse administrative staff and student body, and Colgate University. Full-time tenure-track faculty, student body, and staff further the encourages applications from the entire joint-appointment in the Department of Geog- University’s academic mission. Women and spectrum of a diverse community. raphy and the interdisciplinary Program of minorities are encouraged to apply. NOV 08-312 Asian Studies at the Assistant Professor rank Send CV, email address, a detailed state- effective Fall 2009. PhD required, although a ment of professional experience as well as *NORTH CAROLINA, BOONE. doctoral candidate could be appointed contin- research and teaching interests, and at least Appalachian State University. The Depart- gent upon completion of PhD by the time of three letters of recommendation. Review of ment of Geography and Planning seeks appointment. We seek a geographer whose completed applications will begin November applications for a GIScience Lab Supervisor. research and teaching focuses on Asia, and 15, 2008. The range of duties will include: supervising who is proficient in the teaching of GIS. Apply: Professor Maureen Hays-Mitch- departmental computer equipment and labs The successful candidate should demonstrably ell, Search Committee Co-Chair, Depart- (system administration, network admin- integrate geographical analytical techniques in ment of Geography, Colgate University, 13 istration, SDE database development and his/her own research on biophysical, nature- Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346. Voice: maintenance), teaching one introductory society, social, political, economic or other 315-228-7534, Fax: 315-228-7726, E-mail: geotechniques lab course (Geospatial Data issues affecting Asia. S/he will be expected [email protected]. and Technology) per semester, collaborat- to contribute a global and/or trans-regional NOV 08-260-1 ing with faculty and students on research perspective to Colgate’s interdisciplinary Asian and service projects, and supervising student Studies Program and contribute to existing *NEW YORK, HEMPSTEAD. lab workers. Geography Department strengths in analytical The Department of Global Studies & A master’s degree in geography, planning, skill development. The successful candidate Geography at Hofstra University invites or related field is required (the candidate can anticipate teaching geography courses applications for a tenure-track Assistant must have a minimum of 18 graduate credits that examine environmental and/or human Professor position in Human Geography in geography or planning). The position phenomena in Asia, and will participate in a with expertise in GIS to begin September 1, requires proven experience with GPS, ESRI’s regular rotation in the teaching of introductory 2009. In addition to teaching undergraduate ArcGIS, and the Microsoft Office Suite with GIS and of interdisciplinary courses (introduc- GIS courses, and expanding the Depart- application to spatial data analysis. Experi- tory or capstone) in Asian Studies. In addition ment’s GIS offerings, the ability to teach a ence with ESRI’s ArcPad, ERDAS Imagine, to Asian Studies, the successful candidate will regional course on the Middle East/North Microsoft system/network administration, participate in the Liberal Arts Core Cur- Africa, South Asia, or Eastern Europe will be ArcSDE, and relational database develop-

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ment with Oracle preferred. Starting salary candidate is expected to participate in the ment of Geography, UNC-Chapel Hill, range between $38,000 and $40,000 per department’s off-campus graduate program. CB #3220, Saunders Hall, Chapel Hill NC year. Starting date is July 1, 2009. Additional information about Appala- 27599-3220. Additional information about Appala- chian State University, the Department, and For additional information on the chian State University, the Department, and this position can be found at our web site: position, contact Martin Doyle, Search this position can be found at our web site: http://www.geo.appstate.edu. Committee Chair, [email protected] www.geo.appstate.edu. Starting date July 1, 2009. Applicants (email); 919-962-3876 (voice). Review of Applicants should send: a) a cover letter should send: a) a cover letter identifying applicants will begin December 1, 2008 and identifying professional interests and quali- professional interests and qualifications; b) will continue until the position is filled. fications; b) detailed CV; c) photocopies of detailed CV; c) photocopies of all tran- University of North Carolina at Chapel all transcripts; and d) names, addresses, and scripts; and d) names, addresses, and phone Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer. phone numbers of three references. Review numbers of three references. Review of Women and minorities are encouraged to of applications will begin January 12, 2009 applications will begin January 12, 2009 apply. and continue until the position is filled. No and continue until the position is filled. No NOV 08-270 email applications will be accepted. e-mail applications will be accepted. Apply: Dr. Christopher Badurek, Search Apply: Dr. Richard Crepeau, Search Com- *NORTH CAROLINA, CHARLOTTE. Committee Chair, Department of Geography mittee Chair, Department of Geography and Chair, the Department of Geography and Planning, Appalachian State University, Planning, Appalachian State University, Boone and Earth Sciences, University of North Boone, NC 28608. Phone: 828-262-7054; NC 28608. Ph. 828-262-7052; crepeaurj@ Carolina at Charlotte, effective July 1, [email protected]. appstate.edu. 2009. 12-month appointment. Required Appalachian State University is a member Appalachian State University is a member qualifications: 1) a doctoral degree in a field institution of The University of North institution of The University of North relevant to the five thematic areas framing Carolina System. Appalachian State Uni- Carolina System. Appalachian State Uni- the department’s research, teaching and versity is a highly ranked comprehensive versity is a highly ranked comprehensive outreach mission; 2) a distinguished record university located in the Blue Ridge of university located in the Blue Ridge of of scholarship and teaching, appropriate for western North Carolina. western North Carolina. appointment as a full professor; 3) demon- The university has a strong commit- The university has a strong commit- strated ability to provide transformational ment to the principles of diversity and ment to the principles of diversity and leadership for a productive and innova- inclusion, and to maintaining working and inclusion, and to maintaining working and tive department. www.geoearth.uncc.edu. learning environments that are free of all learning environments that are free of all Desired qualifications: previous admin- forms of discrimination. Appalachian State forms of discrimination. Appalachian State istrative experience, a record of securing University is an Affirmative Action/Equal University is an Affirmative Action/Equal external funding. A full description of Opportunity Employer. Individuals with Opportunity Employer. Individuals with the position and application details can be disabilities desiring accommodations in the disabilities desiring accommodations in the found at http://jobs.uncc.edu. Screening of application process should contact Chris- application process should contact Richard applications begins Nov. 1, 2008. For more topher Badurek. Proper documentation of Crepeau. Proper documentation of identity information, contact Dr. Brian Etherton, at identity and employability will be required and employability will be required before 704-687-5984, [email protected], Dr. Ross before the hiring process can be finalized. the hiring process can be finalized. Meentemeyer, at 704-687-5944, rkmeente@ NOV 08-257 NOV 08-258 uncc.edu, or view www.geoearth.uncc.edu. AA/EOE. *NORTH CAROLINA, BOONE. *NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL. NOV 08-262 Appalachian State University. The Com- The Department of Geography at the munity and Regional Planning Program in University of North Carolina – Chapel *NORTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE. the Department of Geography and Planning Hill invites applications from outstanding The Department of Geography at East invites applications for a full time tenure scholars for a tenure-track faculty position Carolina University seeks to fill the position track position in Planning at the Assistant at the Assistant Professor level in any aspect of Professor and Chair beginning on or Professor level. A PhD from an accred- of Climate and/or Environmental Change at before August 1, 2009. The Department has ited planning program is required; ABD is the Regional to Global Scale. Opportunities 22 faculty members and offers BA, BS, and acceptable so long as the degree is obtained for collaboration exist across the university MA degrees in Geography, Applied Geog- by the start date. including the Institute for the Environment, raphy, and Urban and Regional Planning. The successful candidate will demonstrate the Southeastern Regional Climate Center We anticipate offering new degree programs excellence in teaching and research. Pre- (SRCC), and the Renaissance Environmental in Applied Atmospheric Science and Geo- ferred teaching and research interests include Computing Institute (RENCI). A PhD is graphic Information Science and Technology one or more of the following specializations: required at the time of appointment, with an beginning Fall 2009. The department offers economic development, environmental anticipated start date of July 1, 2009. a collegial and supportive work environment planning, housing or community develop- Apply: Qualified applicants should submit for faculty with varied interests and research ment. Teaching responsibilities include an application including their CV online agendas. Members of the faculty have a contributing to our core planning curricu- at: http://hr.unc.edu/jobseekers/ Search for wide range of specialties in human geogra- lum at the undergraduate level (introduc- positions listed in Geography. Additional phy, physical geography, GIScience, and tory planning, land use regulations, planning application materials, including a letter of planning (www.ecu.edu/geog). In a continu- techniques) in addition to the candidate’s application, a statement of research and ing effort to enrich its academic environment area of specialty. Candidates with planning teaching interests and experience, article and provide equal educational and employ- practice experience are especially encour- reprints, and the names and contact informa- ment opportunities, the department actively aged to apply, as well as those who are able tion for three references may be uploaded at encourages applications from members of all to focus their research and outreach within the above website or sent to: Barbara Taylor groups underrepresented in higher educa- western North Carolina. The successful Davis, Administrative Manager, Depart-

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tion. Qualifications for the position include OHIO, ATHENS. graphic Information Sciences position at a Ph.D. in Geography, a distinguished record Ohio University. The Department of Geog- the rank of Full Professor or Associate of research, and a demonstrated commitment raphy invites applications for a full-time Professor starting January to September, to excellence in teaching and service. Admin- tenure-track position in Meteorology at the 2009. This position is part of a new interdis- istrative experience is desired. Screening will rank of Assistant Professor effective Sep- ciplinary cluster in Geographical Informa- begin December 1, 2008 and applications will tember 2009. We seek an energetic faculty tion Networks (GINs), which also includes be accepted until the position is filled. member committed to excellent teaching the departments of Biology, Chemistry and Apply: complete a candidate profile and and dedicated to research with the skills Geology. The hire will lead the GINs cluster submit a letter of application, a statement of needed to secure external funding. We are and will play a major role in recruiting three administrative experience and philosophy, seeking a physical geographer with a solid junior hires for the cluster in the areas a description of research agenda, and cur- research agenda in atmospheric science and of natural hazards and sensor and sensing riculum vitae online at www.jobs.ecu.edu. a commitment to quality teaching to take a technology. The cluster will initially focus Also, arrange for three letters of reference leadership role in mentoring undergraduate on the development of GINs infrastructure to be sent (hard copy) directly to: Dr. students majoring in geography-meteorolo- to support real-time monitoring and analysis Kathleen A. Lawler Row, Geography Chair gy and geography master’s students focusing of physical and biological hazards in urban, Search, 104 Rawl Building, East Carolina on atmospheric science. PhD in Geography rural and arctic watersheds. University, Greenville NC 27858. For ques- is preferred, but applications from those in The hire will be expected to direct this tions, contact Dr. Row at [email protected] or allied fields such as Meteorology and Clima- research initiative and lead the effort in gar- 252-328-6800. EEO/AA employer. tology will also be considered. nering significant external interdisciplinary NOV 08-237 Ohio University is a four-year public research support. Applicants must demon- institution of approximately 20,000 students strate evidence of high-quality publications, *NORTH CAROLINA, PEMBROKE. located in Athens, a progressive community continuous external funding and the ability The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, situated in the rolling hills of southeastern to lead an interdisciplinary team. A strong invites applications for a tenure-track Assis- Ohio. The Department of Geography cur- background in computer science is desirable. tant Professor position in geography begin- rently has 12 full-time faculty members, The successful candidate will be expected to ning August 15, 2009. We seek a broadly 155 undergraduate majors and 23master’s teach GIScience and physical-environmental trained Human Geographer with expertise in students, and offers a range of degree geography courses at both the undergraduate Geographic Information Systems. programs including environmental geogra- and the graduate level. Salary is highly com- Qualifications include an earned doctor- phy, GISc, urban planning, environmental petitive and commensurate with experience. ate in geography by the time of appoint- pre-law, and meteorology. The meteorol- The Cincinnati metropolitan area is ment, willingness to work collaboratively in ogy program currently has 40 undergraduate located along the Ohio River and amid a small department, and strong commitment majors. The department enjoys excellent rolling hills in Southwest Ohio, Northern to undergraduate teaching and research. teaching, research, IT, and administrative Kentucky and Southeast Indiana. The Uni- Teaching duties will include general geogra- support for its activities. The Scalia Labo- versity of Cincinnati is classified as a uni- phy courses such as World Regional Geogra- ratory for Atmospheric Analysis supports versity with “very high research activity” phy as well as upper level classes in regional teaching and research in meteorology, cli- by the Carnegie Commission and ranked geography, methods, and the area of special- matology, and forecasting. by the National Science Foundation as one ty. Interest in a regional or topical specialty The completed online application must of America’s top 25 public universities for such as Geography of Native Americans is include a letter of application, curriculum federal research expenditures. The Depart- desirable. Visit our website at www.uncp. vitae, evidence of research and teaching ment of Geography, established in 1907, edu to find out more about UNCP and the experience, and the names and contact infor- is one of oldest geography programs in the Department of Geology & Geography. mation for three professional references. For nation. Applicants must submit letter of application more information please visit us online at The Department offers undergraduate (explaining your interest in our position/pro- www.ohio.edu/geography. Ohio University and graduate degrees (M.A., and PhD) in viding information relating to teaching experi- is an affirmative action/equal opportunity three focused areas: Environmental-Physical ence and suitability for the position), statement employer that strives to enhance its ability Geography, GIScience, and Urban-Eco- of research interests, a curriculum vita, unof- to develop a diverse faculty and we seek a nomic Geography. The Department has ficial transcripts, and contact information for candidate with a commitment to working two State-of-the-Art GIS/Remote Sensing three references. Letters of reference will be effectively with students, faculty, and staff teaching/research computer labs, with a total solicited for short-listed candidates. from diverse backgrounds. Applications of 42 computers and two servers and the Apply: Applications must be made using from women and persons from tradition- latest in GIS and remote sensing software. UNC Pembroke’s online faculty employ- ally under-represented groups are encour- As the recipient of nearly $2 million in ment system at https://jobs.uncp.edu. aged. For full consideration please apply by grants from NSF last year, the department Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2008. is highly productive in funded research and November 15, 2008 and will continue until Apply online at www.ohiouniversityjobs. other scholarly activities. The Department the position is filled. Inquiries about the com/applicants/Central?quickFind=54691. has active collaborations with Computer position can be directed to Dr. Dennis Questions may be directed to: Dr Timothy Science, Geology, Biology, Civil and Envi- Edgell, Search Committee Chair (910-521- G. Anderson, Chair, Department of Geogra- ronmental Engineering, Environmental 6479; [email protected]). phy, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701- Studies, and other units. The University of North Carolina at 2979. Voice: 740-593-1138. Fax: 740-593- Apply: Instructions on how to apply Pembroke is an EEO/AA employer. 1139. E-mail: [email protected]. online will be posted at www.geography. NOV 08-256 SEP 08-182-4 uc.edu/~linliu/gins.html. Evaluation of applications will begin November 1, 2008, OHIO, CINCINNATI. and the search will remain open until the University of Cincinnati. The Department position is filled. of Geography invites applicants for a Geo-

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The University of Cincinnati is an Equal Apply to: Donald Haurin, Chair, CURA *OHIO, OXFORD. Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. Search Committee, 1010 Derby Hall, 154 Miami University. Asian/Asian American Women and minorities are encouraged N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210. Voice Studies: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor to apply. Further information about the 614-292-6809. Email: [email protected]. (up to three positions) to teach, maintain Department is available at www.geography. The Ohio State University is an EEO/AA active research agenda and provide service uc.edu, or by contacting [email protected]. Employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and to the institution in a developing Asian/ OCT 08-205 individuals with disabilities are encouraged Asian American Studies Program with a to apply. joint appointment in one of the following *OHIO, COLUMBUS. NOV 08-249 departments: Comparative Religion, English, The Ohio State University seeks appli- Geography, History, Philosophy, Political cants for the position of Director of the *OHIO, KENT. Science, Psychology, Sociology & Gerontol- Center for Urban and Regional Analysis The Department of Geography at Kent State ogy. Require: PhD by date of appointment. (CURA). This is a tenured position, with University invites applications for an Assis- Apply: Send letter of application; dossier the Director spending approximately 50% of tant Professor in Geospatial Technology. with at least three letters of reference; her or his time directing activities of CURA This position is expected to begin in August writing sample; evidence of teaching effec- and the remainder as a faculty member 2009. We are interested in candidates who tiveness; statement of teaching philosophy; in an academic unit. The tenure home is have the potential to establish a strong and description of research program to open, depending on the applicant’s areas research and teaching program that applies Keith Tuma, Associate Dean, College of of research and teaching. Candidates for Geospatial Technology to their specialty Arts and Science, 143 Upham Hall, Miami this position should have a record of excel- areas. We are particularly interested in any University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. lence in scholarship in urban and regional area of Medical/Health Geography and Screening of applications begins issues. Applicants from various disciplines, Natural /Anthropogenic Hazards. The suc- November 10, 2008 and will continue until including the social sciences, humanities, cessful candidate must have a PhD in Geog- the position is filled. Miami is an EOE/ architecture and planning, and public policy raphy or closely related field at the time of AA employer with smoke-free campuses. among others, are encouraged. appointment. A record of publication and The university offers an excellent benefits CURA is an interdisciplinary center with external research funding is an asset. The package. Visit www.muohio.edu/benefits for the primary mission of facilitating research on successful candidate will be expected to details. The campus crime and safety report urban and regional issues. The staff includes teach undergraduate and graduate classes, can be found at www.muohio.edu/right- an associate director, data manager, program advise M.A. and PhD students, and develop a toknow; hard copy upon request. assistant, and graduate research associate. strong, externally funded research program. NOV 08-279-1 The Center encourages and enhances faculty The Department of Geography at Kent research, in part, through grant support State University focuses on the diverse, yet , ALTOONA. and data access. The Center has financially overlapping fields of Geospatial Technol- Assistant Professor of Geoscience. The assisted the research programs of faculty ogy, Extreme Environments, Geopolitics Pennsylvania State University, Altoona from 24 different departments through its and Global Studies, and Urban Studies. Our College invites applicants for a tenure-track seed grant program. Other CURA activities three high-tech computer labs can accommo- faculty position in Geosciences. Preference include organizing and facilitating confer- date over seventy students. Other facilities will be given to applicants in hydrology, ences, seminars and roundtables. An addi- include a physical geography lab, research groundwater, or related environmental tional set of activities includes involvement labs, and state-of-the-art field equipment. areas (such as climatology, geochemistry, in selected scholarly based outreach activities We actively promote collaborations across hydrogeology, environmental geophysics). for the community, state, and nation. disciplines within and outside the university Candidates should also demonstrate famil- The Director is expected to lead the demonstrated by several cross-departmental, iarity with geo-visualization and remote growth and shape expansion of this multi- cross-college, and cross-campus projects and sensing techniques. Teaching responsi- disciplinary Center, continue an active affiliations. bilities include introductory courses in earth personal research program, and participate Applicants must complete an academic sciences and upper-level courses in areas of in the academic life of the tenuring depart- data form and apply to the posting on expertise. The successful candidate should ment. A particularly important activity of line at: http://jobs.kent.edu. As well, please be dedicated to undergraduate teaching and the Director is attracting external grant mail the following to the Chair of the research (particularly on practical geo-envi- support for Center activities. The Director Search Committee, Mandy Munro-Stasiuk ronmental process problems/issues) and be also heads the university’s participation in ([email protected]): a detailed state- committed to supporting our undergraduate Ohio’s Urban University Program. Addi- ment of research experience and interests; B.A. program in Environmental Studies. tional detailed description of the Center can an up-to-date curriculum vita; evidence of Located in the beautiful Allegheny be found at cura.osu.edu. teaching experience; and letters from three Mountains of central Pennsylvania, Penn Applications should be sent to the search references. Applicants are encouraged to State Altoona is a largely residential campus committee chair. Applicants should submit visit the KSU website to learn more about of 4,000 students offering 19 baccalaureate to the address below a curriculum vitae, the Kent State University and the Geography degree programs and the first two years names of three references, and a cover letter program (http://www.kent.edu and http:// of 180 Penn State baccalaureate degrees. describing the applicant’s interest in and qual- dept.kent.edu/geography). Degree offerings at Penn State Altoona will ifications for the position, including adminis- Review of applications will begin continue to expand. Only 40 miles from the trative experience and examples of leadership November 7 and continue until the position University Park campus, Altoona College of multi-disciplinary efforts. Candidates from is filled. offers the advantages of small college underrepresented groups are especially urged Kent State University is an Equal Oppor- teaching with the readily available resources to apply. For full consideration, applications tunity, Affirmative Action Employer. Women of a major research university. should be received by December 8, 2008; and minorities are encouraged to apply. The position requires a PhD in one of the however, review of applications will continue NOV 08-291 Geosciences or related field, and is a tenure- until the position is filled. track appointment at the level of assistant

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professor or a rank commensurate with qual- Social Equity, 250 University Ave, Box 9, Integrity, Civility, and Responsibility are ifications beginning in Fall 2009. Applicants California, Pennsylvania 15419. Application the official core values of California Univer- should present a record of evidence and Deadline: November 21, 2008. sity of Pennsylvania, an affirmative action/ potential effectiveness in teaching, research, Apply: Send complete application except equal opportunity employer. Women, and service. Candidates should have a strong DD214 (if veteran) to: Dr. Chad Kauffman, minorities, veterans and the physically chal- commitment to undergraduate education, Chair, Search Committee, Department of lenged are encouraged to apply. research, student recruitment and retention, Earth Sciences, 250 University Avenue, Box OCT 08-210 and curricular development and assessment. 55, California University of Pennsylvania, Penn State Altoona offers a competitive California, PA 15419. Phone: 724-938-5760; PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA. salary and an attractive benefits package. Fax: 724-938-5780. Email: kauffman@cup. Temple University. The Department of Applicants should send a letter of appli- edu. Website: www.cup.edu/employment. Geography and Urban Studies invites appli- cation establishing their qualifications; a Integrity, Civility, and Responsibility are cations for a tenure-track position at the current vita; a description of teaching phi- the official core values of California Univer- rank of Assistant Professor in Environmen- losophy and evidence of teaching effec- sity of Pennsylvania, an affirmative action/ tal Sustainability beginning in August 2009. tiveness; a statement of research interests; equal opportunity employer. Women, Candidates should have interests in environ- transcripts (official transcripts required at minorities, veterans and the physically chal- mental policy, policy analysis, quantitative the time of an interview); and three letters lenged are encouraged to apply. analysis of metropolitan environmental issues, of reference. OCT 08-232 sustainable development, natural resource Apply: Applicants are strongly encour- management, land use policy for sustainable aged to submit their applications and PENNSYLVANIA, CALIFORNIA. metropolitan development (including hazard accompanying materials electronically to California University of Pennsylvania, a proud mitigation), environmental economics, and/ [email protected] in Word or PDF formats. member of the Pennsylvania State System of or resource conservation at local, regional, Review of applications will begin the week Higher Education. College of Science and national, and/or international scales. PhD of November 3, 2008 and continue until the Technology. Tourism Studies Specialization required at time of appointment. position is filled. Non-electronic inquiries, in tourism geography with an emphasis on Our department’s programs are built applications, and additional materials should tourism planning and development. Online around the central themes of globalization, be sent to: Chair Search Committee for teaching experience is an asset. Rank and sustainability, and social justice, supported by Geosciences, Job # A-28539, 3000 Ivyside Salary: This is a tenure track faculty appoint- an emphasis on spatial analytical techniques. Park, Altoona, PA 16601-3760. ment. Salary is competitive and commensurate We offer undergraduate interdisciplinary For additional information about Penn with academic preparation and experience. An degrees in Environmental Studies and Geog- State Altoona, please visit our web page at excellent fringe benefits package is included. raphy/Urban Studies, a Masters in Geogra- www.altoona.psu.edu. Application: In order to be a leading candidate phy and Urban Studies, and a PhD in Urban Penn State is committed to affirmative in this search, in addition to the aforemen- Studies. The PhD program commences in Fall action, equal opportunity and the diversity tioned requirements, the candidate minimally 2009 and the candidate will be expected to of its workforce. must be fluent in the English language, be able have a significant role in building its sustain- OCT 08-219 to communicate well, demonstrate outstanding ability theme. Temple University provides potential for excellence in teaching through ample opportunity for interdisciplinary and PENNSYLVANIA, CALIFORNIA. a successful interview and/or classroom dem- collaborative research in environmental sus- Position Announcement, California Univer- onstration and be experienced in the use tainability. Review of completed applications sity of Pennsylvania, a proud member of the of innovative curricular approaches that are begins November 1, 2008 and continues until Pennsylvania State System of Higher Educa- student-centered, inquiry-based and hands- the position is filled. tion, College of Science and Technology. on-oriented. Apply: Please forward a letter of applica- Position: Meteorology. Concentration in To be considered, applicants must submit tion with research and teaching statements, earth sciences with an emphasis on numeri- hardcopy all of the following before an CV, copies of selected reprints (maximum cal modeling and/or computer programming. on-campus interview is granted: full cur- three), and full contact information for three Undergraduate teaching experience is an riculum vitae; official transcripts from all referees to: Dr. Robert Mason, Search Com- asset. Rank and Salary: This is a tenure-track colleges and universities attended (unof- mittee Chair, Department of Geography faculty appointment. Salary is competitive ficial transcripts are acceptable for review & Urban Studies, Temple University, 309 and commensurate with academic prepara- purposes); letter of application highlighting Gladfelter Hall, 1115 W. Berks Street, Phila- tion and experience. An excellent fringe the applicant’s qualifications and teaching delphia, PA 19122. Electronic applications benefits package is included. interests; names, addresses, phone numbers, strongly preferred. Application: To be considered, applicants and e-mail addresses of three professional For further information visit www.temple. must submit in hard copy all of the following: references who have current knowledge of edu/gus or e-mail Dr. Mason at rmason@ Letter of application highlighting the appli- the applicant’s abilities. Veterans should temple.edu. cants’ qualifications in teaching, research, forward a copy of form DD 214 to the Temple University is an equal oppor- and service; A full curriculum vita; Official Office of Social Equity, 250 University Ave, tunity, equal access, affirmative action transcripts from all colleges and universities Box 9, California, PA 15419. Application employer, committed to achieving a diverse attended (unofficial transcripts are accept- Deadline November 21, 2008. community. able for review purposes); Names, addresses, Apply: Send complete application except OCT 08-222 phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of DD214 (if veteran) to: Dr. Susan Ryan, three professional references that have Chair, Search Committee, Department of PENNSYLVANIA, UNIVERSITY PARK. current knowledge of the applicants’ abili- Earth Sciences, 250 University Avenue, Box Tenure track faculty position at open ties in teaching, research, and service. Please 55, California University of Pennsylvania, rank (Full, Associate, or Assistant Profes- submit via regular mail (please no email or California, PA 15419. Phone: 724-938-4531. sor) specializing in geographic information faxed applications). Veterans should forward Fax: 724-938-5780. Email: [email protected]. science (GIScience). We are interested in a copy of form DD214 to the Office of

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candidates who will strengthen the Depart- The normal teaching load is 12 credit Apply: please submit a letter of applica- ment of Geography’s research and teaching hours per semester. Candidates should tion, curriculum vitae, and the contact infor- program and help build strong connec- have a high level of expertise with business mation for three references electronically at: tions to other relevant science communities. GIS software (ArcGIS 9.x, ArcGIS Business http://jobs.coastal.edu. Also submit copies GIScience research in the Department is Analyst 9.2©, MapInfo Professional v9.0© of transcripts, teaching evaluations if avail- coordinated through the GeoVISTA Center ). Preference will be given to the candidate able, and three letters of reference directly (www.geovista.psu.edu), an interdisciplinary with demonstrated teaching and research to Professor Alan Little, Search Committee GIScience unit based in Geography involv- experience and experience in leading under- Chair, Department of Politics and Geogra- ing five associated departmental faculty and graduate and graduate research, and poten- phy, Coastal Carolina University, P.O. Box nine faculty from departments across the tial for initiating GIS-based projects with 261954, Conway SC, 29528-6054. Review University Park campus. Candidates with public and private agencies. of applications will begin October 15, 2008 research expertise in any area of GIScience West Chester University places great and continue until position filled. will be considered. Excellence in teaching, emphasis on both excellence in teaching and For additional information please contact research, and service is expected, as is an sustained scholarship. Located in Chester Professor Little at [email protected] or established record of extramural funding. County, Pennsylvania’s leading residential (843) 349-2785, or Dr. Ken Rogers, Chair of A willingness to participate in the online environment by all measures of economic the Department of Politics and Geography Masters of Geographic Information Systems growth and education, West Chester Uni- at [email protected] or (843) 349-6507. (MGIS) graduate degree program is advanta- versity enjoys easy access by auto or train Coastal Carolina University is building a geous (http://gis.e-education.psu.edu). to Philadelphia and all major cities on the diverse faculty and encourages applications Applicants should submit, in digital form: east coast. Review of applicants will begin from women and underrepresented minori- 1) a letter describing how they would contrib- January 1, and continue until the position is ties. Coastal Carolina University is an EO/ ute to the Department’s teaching and research filled. Finalists must successfully complete AA employer. program; 2) a complete curriculum vitae; 3) a interview and/or teaching demonstration. NOV 08-244 maximum of five reprints; and 4) the names Apply: Applicants should send a letter and addresses (including e-mail and fax) of of application, vitae, and names of three *SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE. three to five referees. Review of applications referees, to: Dr. James P. Lewandowski, Tenure-Track Position in Sustainability will begin November 5, 2008, but applica- Department of Geography and Planning, Science. The department of Earth and Envi- tions will be accepted until the position is West Chester University, West Chester, PA ronmental Sciences at Furman University filled. Applications from women and under- 19383. Voice 610-436-2343. Fax 610-436- invites applications for a tenure-track position represented groups are encouraged. PhD 2889. Internet: [email protected]. at the Assistant Professor rank in the field of must be in-hand at time of application. Developing and sustaining a diverse Sustainability Science. Candidates must be Apply: Dr. Alan M. MacEachren, Chair, faculty and staff advances WCU’s education- committed to excellence in undergraduate Search Committee, Department of Geog- al mission and strategic Plan for Excellence. teaching and engaging undergraduates in raphy, The Pennsylvania State University, West Chester University is an Affirma- an active research program. The successful 302 Walker Building, University Park, PA tive Action – Equal Opportunity Employer. candidate will have a PhD in a field within 16802. Phone: (814) 865-3433; Fax: (814) Women and Minorities are encouraged to the earth system sciences that focuses on 863-7943; E-mail: [email protected]. apply. issues of sustainability. The candidate will Penn State University is committed to NOV 08-266 be responsible for teaching an introduc- affirmative action, equal opportunity, and tory course in sustainability science as well the diversity of its workforce. *SOUTH CAROLINA, CONWAY. as advanced undergraduate courses in the OCT 08-211 Assistant Professor of Geography. The candidate’s specialty. Furman University is Department of Politics and Geography at a small, selective private liberal arts college *PENNSYLVANIA, WEST CHESTER. Coastal Carolina University is accepting located in a rapidly urbanizing region. Join a vibrant campus community whose applications for a tenure-track position at For more details on the position and how excellence is reflected in its diversity and the rank of Assistant Professor to begin to apply, see http://ees.furman.edu. Furman student success. West Chester University, August 16, 2009. Successful candidate must University is an equal opportunity employer Department of Geography and Planning, be able to teach regional geography, as and encourages applications from minorities seeks an Assistant Professor, full-time, well as courses to support the development and women. tenure-track position, starting Fall of 2009. of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) NOV 08-253 PhD in Geography preferred; ABD con- courses. Candidates are required to have a sidered. PhD in related field considered. PhD in Geography or relevant field by time *SOUTH DAKOTA, BROOKINGS. The department is seeking a candidate with of appointment. The South Dakota State University Geo- qualifications to teach undergraduate and Coastal Carolina University is a public graphic Information Science Center of graduate courses in Business Geographics, mid-sized, comprehensive liberal arts-orient- Excellence is accepting applications for a and Business Applications of GIS. The ed institution. Coastal Carolina University is postdoctoral researcher to participate in a successful candidate is expected to teach located in Conway, South Carolina, just nine NIH-funded study applying remote sensing introductory geography courses; to teach miles from the Atlantic coastal resort Myrtle and spatial statistics for risk assessment and courses in Business Geographics, which is Beach, one of the fastest-growing metropoli- monitoring of mosquito-borne diseases in focused on using GIS technology as an tan areas in the nation. It has an enrollment the United States and Ethiopia. Responsi- analytical tool to improve business’ decision- of 8,400 students and is expected to have bilities include processing satellite imagery, making; and to teach Business Applications continued growth for the next several years. analyzing relationships between environ- of GIS, which is focused on the intensive use Coastal Carolina University is a part of the mental variability and spatial and disease of GIS in the business environment to aid in South Carolina system of public education patterns, and disseminating the resulting business-problem-solving. The successful and has close ties with its founder, the Horry information for disease prevention efforts. candidate will also direct student projects County Higher Education Commission. A PhD in environmental science, epidemiol- and theses, and mentor students.

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ogy, geography, ecology, or a related field is Minimum qualifications are a PhD in geog- *TENNESSEE, MEMPHIS. required along with appropriate experience. raphy or related field and a minimum of five The University of Memphis invites applica- Apply: Full details on the position and years of teaching in higher education. Appli- tions for a tenure-track Assistant Profes- application instructions can be found at cants must demonstrate a strong record of sor position in the Department of Earth http://globalmonitoring.sdstate.edu/ leadership in higher education and must also Sciences (DES) beginning in Fall 2009. PhD opportunities.php. For more information, demonstrate knowledge of current standards is preferred, but ABD candidates will be contact Dr. Michael Wimberly at michael. and national issues in the field of geography. considered for this position. [email protected]. Application deadline is December 1, 2008. The ideal candidate will have the ability NOV 08-287 Apply: For a complete position descrip- and interest to teach and conduct research tion and to apply, visit https://yourfuture. in at least one of the following areas: Envi- *SOUTH DAKOTA, BROOKINGS. sdbor.edu, search by the position title, view ronmental Conservation, Natural Resource The South Dakota State University Geo- the job announcement and click on “apply Management, and Sustainability. The suc- graphic Information Science Center of for this posting.” cessful candidate will join a growing, vibrant Excellence is accepting applications for a For inquiries regarding the application faculty who are engaged in national and Post-Doctoral Researcher. Looking for a process, please contact Human Resources at international interdisciplinary research and motivated researcher with expertise in the 605-688-4128. For questions on the position, who offer Baccalaureate, Master’s and PhD characterization of land cover and land cover contact Dean Jerry Jorgensen at (605) 688-4723 degrees, and will share in the future develop- change using remotely sensed data sets. or [email protected]. ment of Geography at this urban university. Project objectives include the pre-processing SDSU is an AA/EEO employer. Visit our website at http://cas.memphis.edu/ and operational near-real time mapping of NOV 08-281-1 DES/ . Review of applications will begin Landsat data for the United States. Principal November 17, 2008, and may continue until duties include: 1) developing and applying *TENNESSEE, KNOXVILLE the position is filled. operational land cover and land use change The University of Tennessee Department Apply electronically by visiting https:// mapping methodologies using multi-resolution of Geography invites applications for a workforum.memphis.edu. Please note data sources (MODIS, Landsat, Quickbird) 2) 9-month, tenure-track position at the Assis- that only electronic submissions will be composing and publishing results syntheses in tant Professor level beginning in August accepted. peer-reviewed journals. Earned PhD degree 2009. We seek a new faculty member in If you have questions, please contact Dr. in appropriate field with two years of experi- Physical Geography and spatial analysis Esra Ozdenerol, Search Committee Chair, ence in GISc/Remote Sensing is required. whose research complements and enhances Department of Earth Sciences-Geography, Knowledge of image processing and statistical existing departmental strengths. 001 Johnson Hall, University of Memphis, packages, including decision/regression tree The applicant is expected to sustain an Memphis, TN 38152; Phone: 901-678-2787; algorithms, is required. Ability to script in active, funded research program in spatial Email [email protected] . Perl, C, and other like languages is required. analysis and physical geography. Teaching The University of Memphis is an Equal Applications for the position will be reviewed duties will include undergraduate and graduate Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ Title VI/ until the position is filled. courses in physical geography and spatial Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer Apply: Send CV with three reference analysis. PhD in geography or closely allied that strives to increase its ability to serve a contacts to Dr. Matthew Hansen, via email field required at time of appointment. Our diverse student population by enhancing its ([email protected]), or post department is characterized by many shared diverse faculty and staff. (GIScCE, SDSU, Box 506B Wecota Hall, interests, excellent facilities, and collaborative NOV 08-271 Brookings, SD, 57007). ties to Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It SDSU is an AA/EEO employer. provides a supportive environment for students TEXAS, AUSTIN. NOV 08-241 and faculty. For information about the depart- The University of Texas at Austin. The ment, see http://web.utk.edu/~utkgeog. Department of Geography and the Envi- *SOUTH DAKOTA, BROOKINGS. Apply: Dr. Carol P. Harden, Search ronment invites applications for a tenure- The Department of Geography at South Committee Chair, Department of Geog- track Assistant Professor position in Dakota State University invites applications raphy, 304 Burchfiel Geography Building, Human Geography to begin August 27, for the position of Department Head. This is University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 2009. Qualified candidates will have exper- a 12-month administrative appointment with 37996-0925. tise in urban society and culture, such as faculty rank. The successful candidate will Applications should include a curriculum urban iconography, media representations have a clear vision of the role that a Geogra- vitae and a cover letter highlighting the of the city, urban society and the environ- phy department plays in today’s global envi- applicant’s qualifications for the position. ment, or the spatialities of social, racial, and ronment. The candidate will provide innova- Applicants should also have three referees ethnic diversity. Preference will be given to tive leadership in moving the department send supporting letters to the search com- candidates whose research interests comple- towards excellence in teaching, research/ mittee chair. Review of applications will ment those of existing Department person- scholarship, and service. The Department begin December 1, 2008 and will continue nel and show a potential to contribute to the of Geography offers both bachelors and until the position is filled. The University Department’s Urban Studies undergraduate masters degrees, and participates in support of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Section degree program, which is an interdisciplin- of a PhD in Geospatial Science and Engineer- 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision ary curriculum with over 100 majors and ing. Responsibilities include directing the of its education and employment programs cross-listings in a variety of units on campus. administrative and academic operation of and services. All qualified applicants will The ideal candidate will help develop links the department, providing leadership across receive equal consideration for employment with these units and build outreach to urban disciplinary lines, supervising clerical staff, without regard to race, color, national origin, agencies and organizations throughout the and managing departmental budget. The religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, dynamic and rapidly growing Austin-San Head is also expected to teach one to two sexual orientation, age, physical or mental Marcos metropolitan area. undergraduate/graduate courses per semester. disability, or covered veteran status. Applicants must hold the PhD at the NOV 08-264 time of appointment, have a proven research

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record, and clearly defined research agenda, Applicants must hold the PhD at the time of plishment in academia, industry, or govern- and present evidence or potential of teaching appointment, have a proven research record and ment appropriate for a tenured full Professor in excellence. The selected candidate will be clearly defined research agenda, and present one of the Departments of the College; Proven expected to teach at all levels of our cur- evidence of teaching excellence. The selected and distinguished record of administrative riculum, to direct dissertations and theses, candidate will be expected to teach at all levels service; Demonstrated ability to recruit, retain, to publish actively at the forefront of our of our curriculum, to direct dissertations and and develop outstanding faculty, staff, and discipline and beyond, and to offer service theses, to publish actively at the forefront of our students; Clear and demonstrated commitment to the Department, College, and University. discipline and beyond, and to offer service to the to excellence in research, undergraduate and Salaries are commensurate with qualifica- Department, College, and University. Salaries graduate education, and active engagement tions and/or expertise and are competitive. A are commensurate with qualifications and/or with our federal, state, industry and com- background check will be conducted before expertise and are competitive. A background munity partners; Commitment to diversity, a candidate is hired. We will begin review of check will be conducted before a candidate is equal opportunity, and global perspectives; applications on October 15, 2008. hired. We will begin review of applications on Commitment to leadership in fund-raising and Apply: send letter of application, cur- October 15, 2008. obtaining enhanced external support. riculum vitae, statements of research and Apply: send letter of application, cur- Texas A&M University is in the ninth year teaching interests, and three letters of refer- riculum vitae, statements of research and of a long-range planning process entitled ence to Dr. Paul Adams, Chair, Human teaching interests, and three letters of refer- Vision 2020 (www.tamu.edu/vision2020) Geography Search Committee, Depart- ence to Dr. Paul Hudson, Chair, Fluvial with the goal of becoming a consensus “top ment of Geography and the Environment, Geomorphology Search Committee, Depart- 10” public university. So far, the University 1 University Station, University of Texas at ment of Geography and the Environment, 1 has raised over $1.5 billion through a devel- Austin, Austin, TX 78712-1098. Dr. Adams University Station, University of Texas at opment campaign and has hired faculty for can be contacted at [email protected]. Austin, Austin, TX 78712-1098. Dr. Hudson 442 new faculty lines, 26 of whom are in the edu and 512-232-1599. can be contacted at [email protected]. College of Geosciences. The University of Texas is committed edu and 512-232-1554. Bryan-College Station, home of Texas to diversity and equality in education and The University of Texas is committed A&M University, consistently ranks as one employment. Members of underrepresented to diversity and equality in education and of the most livable metropolitan areas in the groups are especially encouraged to apply. employment. Members of underrepresented nation. Centrally located among three of the OCT 08-214 groups are especially encouraged to apply. country’s 10 largest cities (Dallas, , OCT 08-215 San Antonio) and just over an hour from TEXAS, AUSTIN. the state capital (Austin), B-CS boasts a The University of Texas at Austin. The *TEXAS, COLLEGE STATION. combined population in excess of 155,000, Department of Geography and the Envi- Texas A&M University. Dean, College of including the Texas A&M student body. The ronment invites applications for a position Geosciences. http://geosciences.tamu.edu. community has excellent school systems, in Earth Systems Science at the rank of The College of Geosciences is seeking an shopping centers, hospitals, and restaurants. Associate or Full Professor to begin August exceptional individual as Dean. The holder The twin cities are home to a high propor- 27, 2009. PhD required in geography or a of this position is the chief executive officer tion of professional people and feature many closely allied discipline. We seek a scholar of the College with 110 tenured and tenure- of the advantages of a cosmopolitan center at the leading edge of his/her research field. track faculty members, 16 research scientists, without the disadvantages of a congested The ideal candidate would work within envi- 265 graduate students, 489 undergraduate urban environment. ronmental fluvial geomorphology, and would students, and a total research and teaching The Search Advisory Committee will have demonstrated expertise in one or more budget of $84 million. The College of Geo- begin to review applications on November of the following supporting fields: human sciences seeks to provide an understanding 15, 2008. The review will continue until the impacts on fluvial systems, alluvial geoar- of our changing planet: the solid earth, the position is filled. chaeology, soils and land degradation, and oceans, the atmosphere; coupled human Applicants should submit a letter of Quaternary environmental change. The ideal and natural systems; and the application of application, 1-2 page narrative summary of candidate will have a field-based empirically state-of-the science research to energy, envi- experience and administrative philosophy, driven research program and be commit- ronment and climate change. The College curriculum vitae and the names and telephone ted to securing external funding. Addition- includes the Departments of Atmospheric numbers of at least three references. (Refer- ally, the applicant should have interests that Sciences, Geology and Geophysics, Geog- ences will be contacted only after permission complement and extend existing departmen- raphy, and Oceanography and a variety is obtained from the candidate.) Applicants tal strengths in GIScience, environmental of research units including the Integrated should also provide a preferred telephone science, and nature-society relations. Ocean Drilling Program, the Sea Grant number and mailing and e-mail addresses. Numerous opportunities exist within the College Program, and the Geochemical and Apply: Please send applications and nomi- UT-Austin campus for collaborative research, Environmental Research Group. Close col- nations to: Dr. H. Joseph Newton, Chair, and with research staff in state and federal laborations, through programs such as the Dean of Geosciences, Search Advisory Com- agencies within the Austin metropolitan Center for Atmospheric Chemistry and the mittee, Texas A&M University, College of area. The department has excellent facili- Environment and to Sustainable Coastal Science, 3257 TAMU, College Station, TX ties that house several specialized research Margins Program, exist with other colleges 77843-3257. Phone: (979) 845-8817, Fax: activities, including the Geomorphology across the campus. (979) 845-6077, E-mail: [email protected]. and Geoarchaeology Laboratory, Soils Lab- Texas A&M is seeking distinguished, proac- Texas A&M University is an Equal Oppor- oratory, and a Quaternary Paleoecology tive, and visionary candidates with: Dedication tunity and Affirmative Action Employer. Laboratory. Additional facilities include the to the goals of the College of Geosciences and The University is dedicated to the goal of Digital Landscape Laboratory and the Envi- commitment to energizing and enhancing the building a culturally diverse and pluralistic ronmental Information Systems Laboratory, activities of the College within and outside faculty and staff committed to teaching and the Texas Center for GIScience. the university; Distinguished record of accom- and working in a multicultural environment. We strongly encourage applications from

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women, underrepresented ethnic groups, education; or international geographic educa- Virginia Tech is an equal opportunity/ and individuals with disabilities. tion; or informal geography education involv- affirmative action employer. Find more information about the College ing environmental issues, new technologies, NOV 08-300-1 of Geosciences at http://geosciences.tamu. or socio-economic matters. edu. The successful candidate will play a major VIRGINIA, NORFOLK. NOV 08-273 role within the department’s Geographic Old Dominion University invites applications Education PhD program, while contributing for two tenure-track Assistant Professors in *TEXAS, COLLEGE STATION 77843- to the Master’s degree program, and provid- its Geography Program to begin in August 3147. ing undergraduate teaching service within 2009. (1) Environmental Geographer to Texas A&M University. The Department areas of expertise and departmental need. The teach introductory environmental geography of Geography (http://geography.tamu.edu) department has 30 full-time faculty members and to develop upper-division courses in areas invites applications for a tenure-track Assis- serving BA, BS, MS, Master of Applied of specialization. (2) Human Geographer to tant Professor position in Climatology with Geography, and three PhD programs. The teach introductory cultural geography and research interests in hydroclimatology or department houses the Gilbert M. Grosvenor to develop upper-division courses in areas land-atmosphere interactions to begin in Center for Geographic Education and the of specialization. Preferred specializations September 2009. We seek a scholar with the Texas Alliance for Geographic Education. include coastal geography, hazards, resources, ability to enhance the department’s strengths Applicants must electronically submit a letter urban and cultural geography. Familiarity in physical geography, and who will take of application, curriculum vitae, and the names with geospatial technologies and a regional advantage of the outstanding collaborative of three references no later than November specialization beyond North America will opportunities within geography and with 17, 2008 to: [email protected]. Applicants be considered an advantage. Applicants must other departments, research units, and inter- must arrange to have their three referees send have effective communication skills, evidence disciplinary initiatives within the College of letters of recommendation directly to: ps33@ of a long-term research agenda, and a strong Geosciences and university (e.g., Department txstate.edu, preferably to arrive by November commitment to undergraduate education. of Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Atmo- 24, 2008. Reprints of published work and PhD in geography is required by time of spheric Chemistry and the Environment, examples of course teaching evaluations (if appointment (8-15-09). For more informa- Watershed Management and Hydrological available) are to be submitted, either electroni- tion on the geography program see http:// Sciences program; http://geosciences.tamu. cally or via regular mail, preferably to arrive by al.odu.edu/pols-geog/academics/geog/. edu). The successful applicant must have a November 24, 2008. To apply, submit a letter explaining your strong commitment to quality teaching at Apply: Dr. Philip W. Suckling, Professor interest in the position, a CV, available the undergraduate and graduate levels and and Chair, Department of Geography, Texas evidence of teaching excellence, copies of supervision of undergraduate, M.S. and PhD State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, recent publications, and three letters of level research; and demonstrate the potential TX 78666-4616. Voice: 512-245-2170. Fax: reference. Review of applications will begin to initiate and maintain a vigorous externally- 512-245-8353. E-mail: [email protected]. on October 1, 2008, and continue until the funded research program. The PhD is required Texas State is an equal opportunity edu- positions are filled. at time of appointment. cational institution and as such does not Apply: Dr. Jonathan Leib, Chair, Geog- Apply: Candidates should submit a letter discriminate because of race, color, creed or raphy Search Committee, Department of application, curriculum vitae, and names religion, sex, national origin, age, physical of Political Science and Geography, Old and addresses (including e-mail addresses) or mental handicaps, or status as a disabled Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529- of three referees to Dr. Andrew Millington, veteran. Texas State is committed to increas- 0088. Email: [email protected]. Search Committee Chair. Review of applica- ing the diversity of its faculty. Texas State Old Dominion University is an affirma- tions will begin on December 15, 2008 and University-San Marcos is a member of the tive action, equal opportunity institution and will continue until the position is filled. Texas State University System. requires compliance with the Immigration, Texas A&M University is an Affirma- OCT 08-223 Reform and Control Act of 1986. tive Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. OCT 08-201 The University is dedicated to the goal *VIRGINIA, BLACKSBURG. of building a culturally diverse and plu- Virginia Tech’s School of Public & Interna- *WASHINGTON, BOTHELL. ralistic community committed to teaching tional Affairs (SPIA) invites applications for Assistant Professor, Science and Technol- and working in a multicultural environment. a tenure-track faculty position in its Urban ogy Studies. Tenure-track, one full-time We strongly encourage applications from Affairs & Planning (UAP) program as part position. The Interdisciplinary Arts and women, underrepresented groups, and indi- of an ongoing cluster hire. The position Sciences Program at the University of Wash- viduals with disabilities. will be located at the Blacksburg campus. ington Bothell is seeking a dynamic educator NOV 08-285 Appointment rank will be at the Associate who integrates research, teaching, and sci- or Assistant Professor level, depending on entific practice in Science and Technology TEXAS, SAN MARCOS. qualifications, and will start in August 2009. Studies, and whose work engages with one Texas State University-San Marcos. Assistant A doctorate is required by the start date in or more of the following areas: science com- Professor, tenure-track position, beginning planning or a related field. munications; science and technology policy; Fall 2009, with expertise in Geographic Apply: Applications and supporting docu- history of science; philosophy of science, Education. PhD in Geography or closely ments (except reference letters) must be including bioethics. Two-years teaching related field required. Demonstrated record submitted online at www.jobs.vt.edu (paper experience and PhD required at time of of excellence in teaching and research is documents cannot be accepted), reference appointment. required. Candidates must be well-versed in posting #081050. For a complete position For more information, see www.wash- educational theories of teaching and learning, announcement including necessary applica- ington.edu/admin/acadpers/ads/aa2176. and have demonstrated expertise in one of the tion materials and information on UAP and html, or e-mail the search committee co- following broad sub-fields within geographic SPIA please visit www.uap.vt.edu and www. chairs, Professors Gray Kochhar-Lindgren education: K-12 and/or university geographic spia.vt.edu. Application review will begin at [email protected] and Steve Collins November 12, 2008.

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at [email protected]. Preferred Regional Research Institute, NRCS, NASA, Apply to Richard A. Walasek, Chair, deadline: October 24, 2008. This position is USFS, DOE, and NIOSH). The Depart- Department of Geography, 900 Wood Road. contingent upon available funding. Univer- ment has masters and doctoral programs in Voice: 262-595-2149. Fax: 262-595-2602. sity of Washington faculty members engage Geography and Geology and undergraduate Email: [email protected]. in teaching, research and service. degrees in Geography, Geology, and Envi- OCT 08-220 The University is an affirmative action, ronmental Geoscience. equal opportunity employer. We are par- Morgantown is located in the Allegh- WISCONSIN, LA CROSSE. ticularly interested in faculty who can con- eny Mountains with access to outstanding The Department of Geography/Earth tribute to diversifying the undergraduate and natural recreation areas. WVU is an affirma- Science at the University of Wisconsin-La graduate curricula. tive action, equal opportunity employer and Crosse seeks to hire a candidate for each of NOV 08-276-1 strongly encourages applications from women, the following two tenure-track positions: minority, and disadvantaged candidates. The Position 1: Assistant Professor, full-time, WASHINGTON, BOTHELL. review of applications will begin December 1, tenure track appointment in GIS, beginning fall Assistant Professor, Geographic Analysis 2008 and continue until the position is filled. 2009. PhD in Geography required at time of and Visualization. Tenure-track, one full- Apply: Applicants should submit resume, appointment. Demonstrated expertise in GIS time position. The Interdisciplinary Arts and statement of interest, and the names and and spatial analysis with proficiency in ArcGIS Sciences Program at the University of Wash- contact information of three referees to: 9.2 or above and its extensions as applied to ington Bothell is seeking a dynamic educator Dr. Ann M. Oberhauser, Search Commit- any of the subfields of geography. Primary who can integrate teaching, research, and tee Chair, Department of Geology and teaching responsibilities include introductory practice in geographic analysis and represen- Geography, 330 Brooks Hall, PO Box 6300, and advanced courses in GIS, as well as addi- tation, including GIS, across diverse fields of Morgantown, WV 26506-6300. Voice: tional courses in his/her specializations. The study. Two-years teaching experience and (304) 293-2249. E-mail: ann.oberhauser@ appointee will be expected to provide leader- PhD required at time of appointment. mail.wvu.edu. ship and vision to the geographic information For more information, see www.washing- NOV 08-280 science core in an undergraduate geography ton.edu/admin/acadpers/ads/aa2174.html, or program. The Department houses the UWL e-mail the search committee chair, Professor WISCONSIN, KENOSHA. Center for Geography Information Science. David Stokes, at [email protected]. Preferred The Department of Geography invites appli- Position 2: Assistant Professor, full-time, deadline: October 24, 2008. This position is cations for a tenure track Assistant Profes- tenure track appointment in Physical Geog- contingent upon available funding. Univer- sor in Urban Geography and Land Use raphy, beginning Fall 2009. PhD in Geog- sity of Washington faculty members engage Planning beginning Fall 2009. PhD by start raphy required at time of appointment. The in teaching, research and service. date is required. ABD will be considered for a Department seeks a broadly trained physical The University is an affirmative action, one-year terminal appointment as a Lecturer geographer with demonstrated expertise and equal opportunity employer. We are par- with conversion to tenure track if PhD is research interests in soils and geomorphol- ticularly interested in faculty who can con- completed by June 2010. Strong abilities ogy and knowledge of GIS applications in tribute to diversifying the undergraduate and for high quality teaching, research, service, physical geography. Teaching responsibili- graduate curricula. undergraduate education, and working with ties include introductory courses in physical OCT 08-217 a culturally diverse population are required. geography and advanced courses in the Capacity to teach advanced courses in candidate’s areas of specialization. The *WEST VIRGINIA, MORGANTOWN. urban geography and land use planning; plus appointee will be expected to contribute to The Department of Geology and Geography introductory courses in human geography. the vision of integrating geographic infor- at West Virginia University invites applica- Additional responsibilities include leading mation science with physical geography. tions for a tenure-track Assistant Professor and advancing the Department’s Concentra- The appointees to both positions are position in Human Geography with an tion in Planning. Capability to help develop expected to demonstrate a commitment emphasis on development, globalization, or an urban studies program, knowledge of to excellence in undergraduate teaching, human dimensions of global change to begin GIS, remote sensing, and transportation. develop an active research program seeking August 16, 2009. A PhD in Geography or Additional information is at: UW-Parkside: external grants, participate in undergraduate closely related discipline is required at time Unclassified Positions. research, and provide service to the Univer- of appointment. Evidence is required of a The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is sity and broader community. commitment to excellence in teaching and committed to access, diversity, engagement, and Apply: Submit a letter of application scholarship and the successful applicants academic excellence. Located in the Chicago- stating which position you are applying for, must demonstrate an ability to obtain com- Milwaukee urban corridor in a beautiful park- vita, a philosophy of teaching statement, petitively based external funding. like setting, UW-Parkside enrolls about 5,100 contact information of three references, and WVU is a comprehensive land grant students. Geography has four faculty positions graduate transcript(s) to: Dr. Gregory Chu, university and is designated by the Carnegie and offers B.A. degrees to about 40 majors. Chair, Department of Geography and Earth Commission on Higher Education as a Send a letter of application, curriculum Science, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Research – High Activity Institution. The vitae, three letters of reference (including the 1725 State Street, La Crosse, WI 54601. department is located in a dedicated building names, phone numbers, and email addresses Voice: 608-785-8333. Fax: 608-785-8332. which opened in 2007. The building has state of the references), any evidence of teaching Email: [email protected]. of the art teaching and research laboratories, effectiveness, graduate transcripts (copies Review of complete application materials including the West Virginia GIS Technical acceptable at application stage), and one will begin on December 1, 2008 until each Center and a CAVE virtual environment representative example of scholarly work. position is filled. UW-La Crosse is an affir- laboratory (www.geo.wvu.edu). Opportu- Applications received by December 1, 2008 mative action/equal opportunity employer. nities exist to interact with major federal are ensured full consideration. The search Women, persons of color, and individuals and state institutes and research centers will remain open until the position is filled. with a disability are encouraged to apply. If located on campus and in Morgantown (e.g., The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is an you have a special need/accommodation to AA/EEO employer and D/M/V/W. aid your participation in our hiring process,

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please contact the committee above to make January 1st, 2010; 2) emphasis in Biogeography; in remote sensing research. Appointment at appropriate arrangements. The State of 3) some prior teaching and research experi- Salary Level 6 or Level 7 will be on the basis of Wisconsin requires a criminal background ence; 4) a commitment to or experience with experience in research leadership, recognition check on the successful applicant. undergraduate field-based research; and 5) a as an authority in your area of expertise, impact OCT 08-228 demonstrated commitment to or experience achieved, and capability management. with racially diverse populations. The position will require you to dem- WISCONSIN, MILWAUKEE. Review of applications will begin onstrate originality in strategic planning, Assistant Professor, Urban Studies. Fall 2008. November 21st, 2008 and will continue and make a contribution to leading edge The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee until the position is filled. Candidates should science in the areas of remote sensing of the Urban Studies Programs invites applications submit a letter of application including a environment or livestock production systems. for a tenure-track position in urban economic statement of teaching philosophy, a current Your experience in progressing complex, development. PhD by Fall 2009 required, in vita, and letters of recommendation from sensitive or contentious research matters to Geography, History, Political Science, Sociol- three references. Applications by e-mail are finality will be an advantage. Team leader- ogy, Urban Studies or Economics or related strongly discouraged. ship and strong interpersonal skills will be fields. Priority will be given to candidates Apply: Dr. J Elmo Rawling 3rd, Chair, highly regarded as the role will involve the specializing in urban political economy, com- Search and Screen Committee, Department development of productive relationships with munity economic development, local and of Social Sciences/Geography, 1 University funders and clients, attracting investment and regional economic development policy, non- Plaza, Platteville, WI 53818. For more infor- maintaining research collaborations to share profit studies, or related areas. A demonstrated mation contact Dr. Rawling at rawlingj@ leading edge concepts and technologies. record of scholarly excellence as evidenced by uwplatt.edu or (608) 342-1680. If you have the ability to resolve major publications/grants is essential, and an interest The University of Wisconsin-Platteville, conceptual scientific, commercial and man- in applied research is encouraged. The can- an equal opportunity, affirmative action agement problems, in areas that have little or didate will be expected to teach graduate employer, seeks to build a diverse faculty no precedent and require original concepts (master’s and/or PhD) courses in Urban Studies and staff and encourages applications from and approaches, we look forward to receiv- as well as to develop a scholarly research women and persons of color. The candidate ing your application. agenda, possibly as an affiliate with the Uni- should have demonstrated commitment to CSIRO prefers all applications to be versity’s Center for Economic Development, or experience with diverse populations. The lodged via our online careers portal (www. Center for Urban Initiatives and Research, or names of nominees and applicants who have csiro.au/careers). Late applications will not Nonprofit Management Program. A complete not requested in writing that their identities be accepted. application consists of a cover letter, a CV, be kept confidential, and of all finalists, will OCT 08-225 three letters of reference, and a writing sample be released upon request. Employment will consisting of an article or dissertation chapter. require a criminal background check. *CANADA, GUELPH. Apply: Cover letter, CV, and writing NOV 08-240 The Department of Geography at the Uni- sample should be uploaded to the follow- versity of Guelph invites applications for a ing URL: www.jobs.uwm.edu/applicants/ INTERNATIONAL tenure-track position in Human-Environ- Central?quickFind=50620. Letters of refer- ment Relations at the Assistant Profes- ence should be addressed to: Professor Marc AUSTRALIA, WA, FLOREAT PARK. sor level. Applicants should have a strong V. Levine, Search Committee Chair, Urban Research Leader - Spatial Informatics, social science background with expertise in Studies Programs, Bolton Hall 768, PO Box CSIRO Livestock Industries, Floreat Park, critical, theoretical, or applied perspectives 413, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Mil- Western Australia. $86K to $115K plus on human-environment relations, to com- waukee WI 53201. The Committee will begin superannuation. Ref. No. 2008/938. plement one or more departmental strengths reviewing applications by November 15, 2008. CSIRO Livestock Industries creates, in resource management, environmental UWM is an AA/EEO employer. develops, and commercialises technologies governance, gender and environment, and OCT 08-230 for the benefit of Australia’s livestock, the political ecology. The successful candidate environment, and the food industries. We are must have a PhD in Geography or a related *WISCONSIN, PLATTEVILLE. currently building our capability in landscape discipline, an established record of scholarly The University of Wisconsin-Platteville Geog- systems analysis which include environmental research, and a demonstrated commitment raphy Program invites applications for a tenure and social outcomes, and have an opening for a to excellence in teaching. The appointee will track position in Physical Geography with Research Leader specialising in Spatial Infor- be expected to contribute to undergradu- an emphasis in Biogeography. The position mation. Specifically, this position is focused ate and graduate teaching programs, advise will begin in August of 2009 and be at the on providing leadership and innovation in the graduate students, and develop a strong, Assistant Professor rank. Successful candidates measurement and monitoring of the spatial and externally funded research program. The will be expected to teach introductory physical temporal variation in landcover and quantify- position will commence July 1, 2009. geography as well as upper level undergradu- ing types and characteristics of available plants Apply: An application, including state- ate courses in their area of specialization in across landscapes, especially where livestock ment of interest, curriculum vitae and the Biogeography. UWP Geography has a strong are an important input variable for land use. names of three referees, should be submitted tradition of providing field experiences and We are aiming to identify where there are in writing (no electronic applications will be mentoring undergraduate research. The ideal multiple benefits to livestock and the environ- accepted) no later than December 15, 2008 candidate will plan to continue those traditions ment, and build innovation and resilience in to Dr. W.G. Nickling, Chair, Department of in Biogeography. In addition, UWP requires the face of increasing climate variability, fuel Geography, College of Social and Applied scholarly activity and university and community costs and demand for food. Human Sciences, University of Guelph, service for retention and tenure. Qualifications We encourage applicants possessing a PhD Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1. Infor- for the position include: 1) PhD in Geography, in spatial sciences, remote sensing or agri- mation about the Department can be found ABD’s will be considered however PhD must cultural or environmental systems modelling at http://www.uoguelph.ca/geography. be completed with transcripts no later than and analysis, with demonstrable experience The University of Guelph is committed to an employment equity program that includes

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special measures to achieve diversity among Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec, to carry out theoretically-informed and its faculty and staff. We therefore particularly Canada, H3A 2K6. Phone: 514 398-4112. empirically-based work on Asia, particularly encourage applications from qualified aborig- Fax: 514 398-7437. E-mail: recruit.geog@ China, India and/or East Asia. We welcome inal Canadians, persons with disabilities, mcgill.ca. applicants in an assortment of disciplines, members of visible minorities and women. All NOV 08-247 including political science, sociology, geog- qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; raphy and economics, as well as people however, Canadians and permanent residents *CHINA, HONG KONG. whose research is clearly multidisciplinary. will be given priority. The Division of Social Science of The Hong Salary is highly competitive and will be Appointment is subject to final budgetary Kong University of Science and Technol- commensurate with qualifications and expe- approval. ogy invites applications for a tenure-track rience. Fringe benefits include annual leave, NOV 08-246 position on environment and sustainable medical and dental benefits. Housing will development (Ref: 2008-1012). Applicants be provided where applicable. A gratuity *CANADA, MONTREAL. should possess a PhD degree in environmen- will be payable upon successful completion Applications are invited for a tenure-track tal economics, law, public policy, political of contract. position at the Assistant Professor level in science, geography, sustainability science or For more information about the Division, Human Dimensions of Global Environmental other discipline that integrates the environ- please visit http://www.sosc.ust.hk. Change beginning on August 1, 2009. Envi- ment with the social sciences. Research Apply: Interested candidates should send ronmental change has become a central aspect interest in Hong Kong and Chinese envi- a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, of scientific inquiry and policy concerns and our ronmental issues is an asset. The success- a statement of teaching and research inter- societies will have to adapt to rapidly changing ful candidate will teach introductory and ests, samples of published work, and three bio-physical conditions (see http://www.mcgill. upper level courses, conduct programmatic recommendation letters to Globalization ca/strategic). We seek a person with a research research, and supervise graduate students. Search Committee Chair, Division of Social program that examines the cultural, social, Appointment will be made at the rank of Science, The Hong Kong University of economic and political adaptations to envi- Assistant Professor or Associate Professor, Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, ronmental change connecting scales from the with an initial three-year contract starting Kowloon, Hong Kong [Fax: (852) 2335- local to the national and supranational. The from the fall of 2009. Salary will be com- 0014; E-mail: [email protected]] on or before successful candidate is expected to develop an mensurate with qualifications and experi- December 5, 2008. externally-funded research program, embracing ence. Fringe benefits include annual leave, NOV 08-308-1 graduate student supervision and undergradu- medical and dental benefits. Housing will ate teaching. There are excellent opportuni- be provided where applicable. A gratuity CYPRUS, NICOSIA. ties for collaboration within the Department will be payable upon successful completion Research Scientists for the Energy, Environ- and other units, such as the Earth System of contract. For more information about the ment and Water Research Center (EEWRC) Science program, the Global Environmental Division, please visit www.sosc.ust.hk. of the Cyprus Institute. The EEWRC is the and Climate Change Centre, the International Apply: Interested applicants should send first research center of the Cyprus Institute Development Studies Program, Field Studies a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a (CyI, http://www.cyi.ac.cy). The Center is Semesters in Africa, Panama and the Carib- statement of teaching and research interests, rapidly becoming an important research bean, the Centre for Developing Area Studies samples of publications, and three recom- resource for the Eastern Mediterranean, and the School of Environment. Information on mendation letters to Environment and Sus- Middle East and North Africa addressing McGill and the Department of Geography can tainable Development Search Committee energy, environment and water issues and is be found at and www.geog.mcgill.ca. Appli- Chair via e-mail: [email protected] on or being established in close collaboration with cants must possess a PhD or expect to graduate before December 15, 2008. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by summer 2009, and have demonstrated excel- NOV 08-305 (MIT). We are seeking to hire researchers lence in research, teaching and communication. with expertise in the following areas: Salary will be commensurate with qualifications *CHINA, HONG KONG. Hydrology/Water Management. Candi- and experience. Assistant Professor in Globalization and dates should have expertise in hydrology/ McGill University is committed to equity International Relations (Ref: 2008-1013). hydrological modeling/water management in employment and diversity. It welcomes The Division of Social Science of The as well as in managing multi-partner research applications from indigenous peoples, visible Hong Kong University of Science and Tech- projects, including liaison functions between minorities, ethnic minorities, persons with nology invites applications for a tenure-track the partner organizations involved in such disabilities, women, persons of minority position in the broad area of globaliza- projects. The successful candidate will assist sexual orientations and gender identities tion and/or international relations. We are the Head of the Water Research Division in and others who may contribute to further interested in promoting basic research and developing the pressing research agenda for diversification. All qualified applicants are teaching on the causes and consequences the Water Division. encouraged to apply; however, in accordance of globalization, the political economy of Geographic Information Systems. We with Canadian immigration requirements, foreign trade and regulatory policies, the are looking for a GIS specialist with solid priority will be given to Canadian citizens international politics of economic develop- experience in building and/or operating a GIS and permanent residents of Canada. ment, international migration, as well as the infrastructure for a research establishment; Candidates should ensure their curriculum impact of globalization on labor regimes, preference will be given to applicants whose vitae, statements of teaching specializations education, women and the family. experience lies in the application rather than and research interests, up to three reprints, and The appointment will be made at the rank the fundamental theory of GIS. The success- letters from three referees are sent to the fol- of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor, ful candidate will be involved in a number of lowing address. The review of applications will with an initial three-year contract starting research projects at the EEWRC. begin December 15, 2008 and applications will from August 2009. The successful candi- Environmental/Ecosystem Modeler. We be accepted until the position is filled. date must have a PhD degree at the time are seeking a specialist with a background Apply: Dr. Tim Moore, Chair, Depart- of appointment, with demonstrated ability in ecosystem research, regardless of the ment of Geography, McGill University, 805 specific specialization, but with expertise in

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environmental/ecosystem modeling. Prefer- didates who have regional expertise in Asia. and strong in quantitative and research skills. ence will be given to researchers that have Applicants should be Non-Korean Citizens The language of business and instruction at demonstrated abilities to develop system- with fluent written and oral communication the University is English. theory based models of environmental pro- skills in English. All qualified candidates Zayed University is fully accredited in cesses under various driving forces (e.g., are encouraged to apply, but native English the U.A.E. as well as by the Middle States climate change). speakers will be preferred. Commission on Higher Education in the Energy Specialist. We look for a person The rank of the position will be deter- U.S.A. The United Arab Emirates is a pro- with expertise in the energy field who can mined on the basis of the academic quali- gressive country known for its high standard contribute to advancing the research agenda fications and experience of the applicants. of living and its safe and family-friendly in the Energy Division of EEWRC. Priority Starting salary would be approximately U.S. environment. areas comprise Concentrating Solar Power $60,000 per year at the assistant professor The department of Humanities and Social (CSP) electricity generation and technolo- level. The salary may be commensurate Sciences seeks candidates for a position in gies for energy efficiency enhancements. with the qualifications and experience. The History/Political Philosophy. Scholars with The successful candidate should have a income tax rate is relatively low in South research interests in history of political fairly broad background in (ideally) both the Korea and health insurance can be purchased thought, and non-Western political thought technology but also the energy economics for less than 3% of the salary. University are encouraged to apply. The teaching load fields. Faculty housing will be available from Fall will also include teaching interdisciplinary Sustainable Built Environment. The Semester, 2009. Social Sciences and Humanities courses in person we are looking for should have exper- The University is located in Daegu, a the Colloquy on Integrated Learning, the tise in sustainable resource utilization (both city with a population of 2.5 million and University’s core curriculum. A PhD from a energy and water) in built environments recognized as the third largest city in South recognized university is required. (preferentially in the Eastern Mediterra- Korea. The University is known as the The University’s benefits package is nean). The successful candidate will address second most reputable national university highly attractive, with competitive salaries issues reaching from climate change adapta- in South Korea (founded in 1946) and cur- free of tax in the United Arab Emirates, tion over methodologies for new building rently includes 16 colleges and 12 graduate housing, a furniture allowance, annual (energy) codes to capacity building for the schools with more than 30,000 students and vacation airline tickets for the employee and public and private sector, His/her activities 1,000 faculty members. The department is immediate family, educational subsidies for will include basic research, applied research, one of the largest centers for geographical children and subsidized healthcare for the outreach and education. research and teaching in South Korea. The employee. Appointments will be for a fixed term of department offers BA, MA, and PhD degrees Apply: Please visit our website at www. initially four years with an option for renewal. in geography. zu.ac.ae. In addition to completing the online A PhD in a relevant field and at least three Apply: Applicants must send a letter of application form, attach a cover letter and a to five years of professional experience are application outlining research and teaching current CV, the names and contact details of essential conditions. Proficiency in spoken interests, a curriculum vitae, and the names of three referees, a statement of undergraduate and written English is indispensable. Experi- three referees with phone numbers and email teaching philosophy, and a statement of schol- ence in generating and maintaining contacts addresses via email to Dr. Byong-Woon Jun arly and creative interests, particularly as they in academic circles, as well as in obtaining ([email protected]), Department of Geogra- might apply to the Middle East, and as to how support for research projects from funding phy, College of Social Sciences, Kyungpook they might involve undergraduate students. If organizations, will be an important advan- National University, 1370 Sankyuk-dong, possible, also include student or departmental tage. Applications should include a CV, a list Buk-gu, Daegu 702-701, South Korea. Tel: teaching evaluations. The review of applica- of publications, a brief Vision Statement and +82-53-950-5231. FAX: +82-53-950-6227. tions will begin November 1, 2008. the names of five contactable referees. Review of applications will begin on October NOV 08-294 For further information please contact 31, 2008 and will continue until a suitable Prof. Dr. Manfred Lange, Director, EEWRC candidate is identified. *UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. ([email protected]). To be assured full Kyungpook National University is an Assistant, Associate and Full Professors, consideration, applications should be Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Humanities and Social Sciences. Zayed received by October 31, 2008 via email Employer. University, United Arab Emirates, August e-mail to [email protected]. Recruitment OCT 08-224 2009. will continue until the positions are filled. Zayed University, a premier university in Starting date is negotiable, but April 1, 2009, *UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. the United Arab Emirates, is an innovative is preferred. Assistant, Associate or Full Professor, institution based on an international model OCT 08-231 History/Political Philosophy. Zayed Uni- of higher education. With 600 faculty and versity, United Arab Emirates, August 2009. staff serving 4,000 students across two main SOUTH KOREA, DAEGU. Zayed University, a premier university in campuses – as well as satellite locations – The Department of Geography at Kyung- the United Arab Emirates, is an innovative in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the University pook National University invites applications institution based on an international model prepares graduates to become leaders in gov- for a tenure track faculty position (open of higher education. With 600 faculty and ernment, business, civil society, and family rank) to begin on March 1, 2009. A PhD in staff serving 4,000 students across two main life. The University expects its graduates to Geography or a closely related discipline campuses – as well as satellite locations – be fully bilingual in English and Arabic, pro- required at the time of appointment. Research in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the University ficient in the use of computing technology, expertise in a variety of areas of geography prepares graduates to become leaders in gov- and strong in quantitative and research skills. will be considered. Responsibilities include ernment, business, civil society, and family The language of business and instruction at teaching undergraduate and graduate courses life. The University expects its graduates to the University is English. Zayed University and conducting active research in his/her spe- be fully bilingual in English and Arabic, pro- is fully accredited in the U.A.E. as well as by cialty area. Preference will be given to can- ficient in the use of computing technology, the Middle States Commission on Higher

44 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

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Education in the U.S.A. The United Arab of higher education. With 600 faculty and of higher education. With 600 faculty and Emirates is a progressive country known for staff serving 4,000 students across two main staff serving 4,000 students across two main its high standard of living and its safe and campuses – as well as satellite locations – campuses - as well as satellite locations - family-friendly environment. in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the University in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the University The department of Humanities and Social prepares graduates to become leaders in gov- prepares graduates to become leaders in gov- Sciences invites applications for several posi- ernment, business, civil society, and family ernment, business, civil society, and family tions in its International Studies program. life. The University expects its graduates to life. The University expects its graduates Candidates will be scholars of the social be fully bilingual in English and Arabic, pro- to be fully bilingual in English and Arabic, sciences, humanities, or their disciplinary ficient in the use of computing technology, proficient in the use of computing technol- intersections and will possess a strong com- and strong in quantitative and research skills. ogy, and strong in quantitative and research mitment to undergraduate education at all The language of business and instruction at skills. The language of business and instruc- levels. Geographical area of expertise is the University is English. Zayed University tion at the University is English. open but candidates with research interests is fully accredited in the U.A.E. as well as by Zayed University is fully accredited in in Africa, the Indian Ocean, and the Middle the Middle States Commission on Higher the U.A.E. as well as by the Middle States East are strongly encouraged to apply. Education in the U.S.A. The United Arab Commission on Higher Education in the Successful applicants will teach courses in Emirates is a progressive country known for U.S.A. The United Arab Emirates is a pro- the Culture and Society and International its high standard of living and its safe and gressive country known for its high standard Affairs streams of the curriculum. The family-friendly environment. of living and its safe and family-friendly capacity to teach and research in an inter- The department of Humanities and Social environment. disciplinary environment is highly desirable. Sciences seeks candidates with research/ The Department of Humanities and Social The teaching load will also include one teaching expertise in the history, politics, Sciences invites applications for a position in or more courses in the Colloquy on Inte- economy, and culture of the Arabian Gulf. Political Economy and International Rela- grated Learning, the University’s core cur- The field and area of specialization is tions of the Middle East for the International riculum, and may include, when appropriate, open. The teaching load will also include Affairs stream of its International Studies courses in the Literature Minor. Evidence of teaching interdisciplinary Social Sciences program. Candidates should have a PhD in teaching ability and experience is important, and Humanities courses in the Colloquy political science, political economy, interna- including potential to supervise Capstone on Integrated Learning, the University’s tional relations or a closely related field. The thesis projects. Strong evidence of research core curriculum. A PhD from a recognized capacity to teach and research in an inter- and publication potential is required. A PhD university is required. disciplinary environment is highly desirable. from a recognized university is required. The University’s benefits package is Evidence of teaching ability and experience The University’s benefits package is highly attractive, with competitive salaries is important, including potential to supervise highly attractive, with competitive salaries free of tax in the United Arab Emirates, Capstone thesis projects. The teaching load free of tax in the United Arab Emirates, housing, a furniture allowance, annual will also include one or more courses in housing, a furniture allowance, annual vacation airline tickets for the employee and the Colloquy on Integrated Learning, the vacation airline tickets for the employee and immediate family, educational subsidies for University’s core curriculum. A PhD from a immediate family, educational subsidies for children and subsidized healthcare for the recognized university is required. children and subsidized healthcare for the employee. The University’s benefits package is employee. Apply: Please visit our website www. highly attractive, with competitive salaries Apply: Please visit our website www. zu.ac.ae. In addition to completing the online free of tax in the United Arab Emirates, zu.ac.ae. In addition to completing the online application form, attach a cover letter and a housing, a furniture allowance, annual application form, attach a cover letter and a current CV, the names and contact details of vacation airline tickets for the employee and current CV, the names and contact details of three referees, a statement of undergraduate immediate family, educational subsidies for three referees, a statement of undergraduate teaching philosophy, and a statement of children and subsidized healthcare for the teaching philosophy, and a statement of schol- scholarly and creative interests, particularly employee. arly and creative interests, particularly as they as they might apply to the Middle East, and Apply: Please visit our website www. might apply to the Middle East, and as to how as to how they might involve undergraduate zu.ac.ae. In addition to completing the online they might involve undergraduate students. If students. If possible, also include student application form, attach a cover letter and a possible, also include student or departmental or departmental teaching evaluations. The current CV, the names and contact details of teaching evaluations. The review of applica- review of applications will begin November three referees, a statement of undergraduate tions will begin November 1, 2008. 1, 2008. teaching philosophy, and a statement of NOV 08-295 NOV 08-296 scholarly and creative interests, particularly as they might apply to the Middle East, and *UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. *UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. as to how they might involve undergraduate Assistant, Associate and Full Professors, Assistant, Associate or Full Professor, The students. If possible, also include student History, Politics, Economy and Culture of Political Economy and International Rela- or departmental teaching evaluations. The the Arabian Gulf. Zayed University, United tions of the Middle East. Zayed University, review of applications will begin November Arab Emirates, August 2009. United Arab Emirates, August 2009. 1, 2008. Zayed University, a premier university in Zayed University, a premier university in NOV 08-297 the United Arab Emirates, is an innovative the United Arab Emirates, is an innovative institution based on an international model institution based on an international model

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African Geographical Review should be no more than 750 words and the rently being accepted. Submission deadline The African Geographical Review (formerly editor should be contacted about a potential is January 1, 2009. Student scholarships the East African Geographical Review) solicits book review before it is undertaken. are available to undergraduate and graduate research manuscript submissions. The African Articles should be submitted to William participants. Learn more and register at Geographical Review is a peer reviewed journal Moseley (editor) at Macalester College via http:\\sols.asu.edu/dynamicdeserts. published annually by the Africa Specialty e-mail ([email protected]). Inquiries Group of the Association of American can be made via e-mail or phone (651) 14th International Conference of Geographers. It provides a medium for 696-6126. More information may be found Historical Geographers publication of geographical material relating at the journal’s website (www.macalester. The ICHG Organizing Committee is cur- to Africa and seeks to enhance the standing edu/geography/agr). rently seeking abstracts for its 2009 meeting of regional geography by promoting a better in Kyoto, Japan. Conference themes will representation of geographic scholarship Geomorphology 2009 (ANZIAG) include: theory and history of historical geog- on Africa. We welcome submissions from The International Association of Geo- raphy, nature and environmental change, any sub-field of geography as well as con- morphologists and the Australian and New urbanism and built environments, tourism tributions that are theoretical, empirical or Zealand Geomorphology Group invite all and sport, and historical geographies of East applied in nature. geomorphologists and others interested in Asia, among many others. The conference Five kinds of submissions are requested: geomorphology to participate in the 7th will also feature a number of field trips. For research articles, methodological or field International Conference on Geomor- a full description of the conference, includ- notes, featured reflections, commentaries phology. The Conference will provide an ing application procedures, visit www.bun. and book reviews. Research articles should opportunity to discuss the latest research kyoto-u.ac.jp/ichg. Deadline for the submis- consist of original research material and not across all branches of geomorphology and to sion of abstracts is January 31, 2009. exceed 7000 word in length. Methodologi- experience fascinating antipodean landscapes. cal or field notes explore methodological Abstracts are due by December 3, 2008. For Intn’l Word & Image Conference or field issues and should not exceed 4000 details see www.geomorphology2009.com. An International Word & Image Confer- words. Research articles and methodological ence: Artists’ Words & Writers’ Images, or field notes are peer reviewed. They should Dynamic Deserts Conference will be held at the College of the Holy be accompanied by a 150-word abstract and Dynamic Deserts: Resource Uncertainty Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts, June 24, three to four keywords. Featured reflections in Arid Environments is a workshop and con- 25, and 26, 2009. Conference organizers on an aspect of African geographical schol- ference to be held February 26 to March 1, are currently seeking abstracts. Deadline arship should be no more than 2500 words. 2009 at Arizona State University, in Tempe is February 1, 2009. Send abstracts to Commentaries are short punchy articles (up Arizona. The conference will focus on gen- Frédéric Ogée ([email protected]) or to 1000 words) that address a contemporary erating knowledge and publishing synthetic Maurice Geracht (mgeracht@holycross. African issue. Featured reflections and com- papers related to resource uncertainty in edu). More information is available at http:// mentaries are reviewed in-house by the deserts across scales of biological and socio- college.holycross.edu/conferences/iwic. ■ editors and the editorial board. Book reviews ecological organization. Abstracts are cur-

46 AAG Newsletter www.aag.org

15093_NovemberNL_R4.indd 46 10/29/08 1:49:43 PM Events Volume 43, Number 10

2008 2009 JULY NOVEMBER JANUARY 6-11. International Association of 2-8. DISCCRS IV Symposium. Saguaro 7-9. Conference of Latin Americanist Geomorphologists, 7th International Lake Ranch, AZ. www.disccrs.org/register.html. Geographers (CLAG). Granada, Nicaragua. Conference. Melbourne, Australia. www. http://clagnica2009.org. geomorphology2009.com. 6-8. Race, Ethnicity and Place Confer- ence 2008. Coral Gables, Florida. Uni- versity of Miami. http://rep-conference. FEBRUARY AUGUST Dynamic Deserts: Resource 14th International Conference of binghamton.edu/html/highlights.htm. 26 - March 1. 23-27. Uncertainty in Arid Environments. Tempe, Historical Geographers (ICHG). Kyoto, 7-8. Middle States AAG Regional Arizona. http:\\sols.asu.edu/dynamicdeserts. Japan. www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ichg. Meeting. Lancaster, PA. Contact Kathy Schreiber: kathleen.schreiber@millersville. MARCH NOVEMBER edu. th 22-27. AAG Annual Meeting. 15-21. 24 International Cartography 13. AAG Abstract Submission Las Vegas, Nevada. www.aag.org. Conference. Santiago, Chile. www.icc2009.cl. Deadline, 2009 AAG Annual Meeting www.aag.org. APRIL 2010 13-15. West Lakes AAG Regional 16-17. 40th Annual South Dakota State APRIL Meeting. Indiana University, Bloomington Geography Convention, Brookings, South 13-18. AAG Annual Meeting. Campus. www.aag.org/Regions/west_lakes. Dakota. www3.sdstate.edu. Washington, D.C. www.aag.org. cfm. 22-25. Southeast AAG Regional MAY 2011 Meeting. Greensboro, North Carolina. 19-20. National Geography Bee, Wash- APRIL Contact: Jeff Patton at jcpatton@uncg. ington, DC. www.nationalgeographic. 12-16. AAG Annual Meeting. edu. University of North Carolina at com/geographybee. Seattle, Washington. www.aag.org. Greensboro. www.sedaag.org.

Pre-1946 Copies of Annals Needed The AAG is currently seeking donations of pre-1946 AAG Annals as we continue the process of making the contents of every issue available on-line. The digitization process requires that the binding of each issue be destroyed, thus donated journals cannot be returned. The AAG is currently seeking Annals 1911-1945 (Volumes 1-35). If you would like to donate these issues for digitization, please contact Rachel Franklin at [email protected] or 202-234-1450.

AAG Offers Two New Books Teaching College Geography is a new book designed to help you become a more effective teacher from the very first day of class, addressing the nuts-and-bolts of classroom teaching as well as topics such as geospatial technology and designing field studies. Aspiring Academics is a set of essays examining issues of concern to graduate students and early career faculty, and also features a companion website with activities for use in workshops, seminars, and informal gatherings. Both books have been produced through the AAG’s Enhancing Depart- ments and Graduate Education (EDGE) Project and are published by Pearson Prentice Hall. For details and to order: www.aag.org/edge/edge_materials.cfm.

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VGSP to Update Speakers List

he list of approved speakers for the speakers. Participating institutions select and Visiting Geographical Scientist Program make arrangements with the visiting geographer. T (VGSP) is currently being updated by the The VGSP covers travel costs and provides International Geography Honor Society, Gam- a small honorarium. Host institutions provide ma Theta Upsilon (GTU) and the Association of meals and housing. American Geographers. The program is funded If you are interested in speaking to students by GTU and managed by the AAG. (and faculty) in smaller departments and programs The VGSP sponsors visits by prominent and in championing GTU and geography on geographers to colleges and universities across these campuses, or if you would like to nominate the country. Its purpose is to stimulate interest in a potential speaker for inclusion on the approved geography, especially in small departments that speakers list, please contact James Lowry, GTU do not have the resources to bring in well-known Executive Secretary, at [email protected]. ■

AAG Conference Hotel Now Accepting Reservations The Riviera Hotel, site of the 2009 AAG Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, is now accepting reservations. Call 1-800-634-6753 or 1-702-794-9412 to reserve your room today. Ask for the discounted AAG Group Rate ($154 per room). To reserve your room on-line visit www.aag.org/annualmeetings/2009.

Receive Your AAG Journals Online Only If you would prefer to receive your Journals, The Professional Geographer and The Annals of the AAG, online only, and not to receive paper copies of the Journals, you may do so by logging into your online member profile and editing your personal information. At the bottom of your profile page you may check boxes to opt out of receiving paper copies of the AAG journals. AAG members will still have online access to all articles. Please direct questions to Laura Miller at 202-234-1450 or [email protected].

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Publications Mail Agreement No. 40717519 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: PO Box 503, RPO West Beaver Creek, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4R6

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