'Providing Backgroun:Brmation'regarding Issues in the Dilemmas

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'Providing Backgroun:Brmation'regarding Issues in the Dilemmas Opt DOCUMENT RESUME ED 230 371 SE 0.41 568 ,AUTHOR Iozzi, Louis A.; And Others TITLE Energyl Decisions for Today and Tomorrow. [Student's Guidel] Preparing for Tomorrow's World. INSTITUTION Rutgers, The State Univ Nei.) Brunswick, N.J. Center for Coastal and Environmental Studies. SPONS AGENCY New Jersey State Dept., of Education, Trenton; 'PUB DATE 80 NOTE 44p.; For related documents, see SE 041 564-585. A complete catalog of,,the multi-media packages making up this program is contained in SE 041 585. AVAILABLE FROM SOPRI6 WEST, Inc., 1120 Delaware Ave., Longmont, CO 80501 (Complete multi-media module, including student materials, $.0; repladement student trorksheets, $5). PUB TYPE Guides ssroom Use - Materials (For Learner) (0.51) A EDRS PitICE Mi01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available\ from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Coal; Critical Thinking; Decision Making; *Energy; . Environthental Education; *Fuels; *gutures (of Society); Interdisciplinary Approach; Junior High Schools; Learning ACtivities; Moral Development; *Moral Iksues; *Nuclear Energy; *Problem Solvins; 'Science Mucation; Secondary School Science; Social : Studies; Technology IDENTIFIERS Dilemma Discussion Approach; Energy Education; , Preparing for Tomorrows World Program; *Science and Society ABSTRACT The purpose of this module is to engage students (grades 7-8) in examining issues that underlie the "energy ciiciis" and in considerrng value aspects involved'in decisions regarding energy consumption, distribut,ion,.sources, and other energy-related issues. The module is comprised of three parts, each focusing on a current, major source of fuel energy and its related issues. These include oiland transportation; nuclear energy, nd coal. To demonstrate some of the many aspects of the subject, dilemmas or role-playing sitUations highlight the effects and problems poied by incre&sed consumption of these fuels. Dilemmas are tbrief stories posing a critical decision to be made by a main charActei. This decisionrevolves around conflicts between two or more moral/ethical issues (as identified by Kohlberg) presented in the situation, ind it is the moral/ethical implication that provides the thrust for later _student diiCussions. Preceding each dilemma are readings/case studies 'providing backgroun:brmation'regarding issues in the dilemmas. Questions are also 'ov ed to stimulate thinking about the issues and generate discussioni. The module may be used as a separate unit- of study, as a mini-course, or incorporateci into social studies, general science, earth science, health education, or language arts f courses. (JN) U 3 0Elet3TIVIENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION I CENTER (ERIC) N(This document ha; been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it 'L.. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduition quality Points of view or opinions stated in this doco N. ment do not necessarily represent official 13E ' rr.c position or poky re. ik* iti.4 r.i , 0- fly,. S.I c3 Ot+,744414i Lt.) vtatvoollgi . 11\-4-44.4e i 41-....... A- - . II, "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS ONLY MATERIAL IN MICROFICHE - HAS BEEN GRANTED B TO THE EDUCATIONACRESQURelik* thFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." - S S New Jersey State Departfhent of Education Preparing for TomorroWs YAM Fled G. Burke An lotantaciiiiinary Curriculum Program Commissioner of Education Coptal Decisions: Difficult Choices ) Energy: De4isions for Today and Tomorrow Future Scentirios in Communicatitms. oseph L Picogna Space Emounters Director of Title IV Jechnoloiy and Changing Life-5tyles Food: A Necessary Resource Sarah Banks Perspectives on Transportation Consultajt, Divisionrof School Programs Future 'Net. Jersey. %blip issues and the quality of Life ol?le and Environmental Changes Environmental Dilemmas: Critical Decisions tor Society - Of Animals, Nature and Humans Beacon City:, Arl Urban Land-Use Simulation` ts Dilemmas in Bioethics ' Technology and Society: A Futuristic Perspective s A , Copyrighto 1960 by Highland Park Board of Education 0 Highland Park New Jersey . Copyright will be claimed only during the period of further development unless copyright of final material Is authorizer:My the New Jersey Department of Education. The materials presented herein were prepared pursuant toa grant from the New Jersey State Department of Education under provisions of Title IV-C of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965),as amended. However, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the New Jersey Department of Educationor the U.S". Office of Education. -3 A. / / 12. f - ....-,1 r A t , PREPARING FOR TOMORROW'SWORLD .. I , Energy: . Decisions for Today and Tomorrow I e 1 , A. I. i , . Developed and Preparedby, . *Louis A. lozzi, Director . Janey M.Y..Cheu, ASsoccate Director , Nancy Brzezinski, Administrative Assisfant P si . 4 v - . , .. v , e, * .4 .. , 1 ti Institute for Sciende, Technology and Social Science Education The Center for Coastal arid Environmental Studies, RtitgersThe State University of New Jersey \ Doolittle Hall New Brunswick, New Jersey o89op , , , .0 Si ncere a ppreciat ion is expressed,to the school systems that assisted thcproject and,sencd as field test centers. We especially thank the following teachers and their students who field tested the preliminary drafts df this program, and also those teachers andstudents who served as control classes. Their enthusiasm. cooperation and thoughtful critiques are iftgral components in the successfutdevelopment of thesematenals. Asbury Park District North Arlington Disirkt Asbury Park High School ,.. North Arlington High School Dolores Lynch. Joseph Manno,l-homas Sobieszczyk John Bennett, Burlington City Distrkt Oakland District Bilrbngton City High School .* Indian Hills Hiih School David Borchelt. James Franchipo Lawrence Insley Dumont District Old Bridge Township Distrkt Dumont High School Cedar Ridge High School Raymond Polomski 'Edna Hudson. Trudy lwanski. James Simes. Control Raymond Davh East Brunswkk Township Dhuict Princeton Regional Distrkt * Wamsdorfer Elementary School John Witherspoon Middle School Tracy Shisler James Messersmith' Franklin Township Dhtrict South Brunswick lbwnship District Sampson G. Smith Intermediate School. Crossroads Middle Schobl Robert Brobst. Chairperson. Science Dept., Mel Hill. Charles Koch. &can Dorgan. Director of Instructional DevelopmeT Victor Luty. Steven Michelovitz, Science Coordinator. South Brunswick High Schoor. _William Petscavage. Theresa Thorsen. Control Carol Guarino R. Brian Biemullet Robert Chôpick. Chairperson. Science Dept.. Galloway Tomiship Distrkt Terry Farinelld. William Gray. Robert Johnson, Virginia Markham. Arthur Rann Elementary Schofil -Control George Blackburn. Karen Kozarski Stephen Bent. Stanley Cwiklinski Spotswood District Hamilton Township District Spot4wood High School 4 Hamilton East - Steinert High School Roberta Baker. Ernesh Beckley. Control Karen Boyk Allen Dakin. Ronald DiGiuseppe. Thomas Ebeling, Chairperson, Toms River Regional Ohtrkt Science Dept.. Paul Fessein. flhan Kester. Rilla Lee Kramer. Toms River Intermediate - East Middle School Lester Gibbs. Kenneth Sullivan. Control Joseph DePuglio. Elmo Kirkland Terry Reagan Hillsborough Township Distrke Union Township District Hillsborough School Burnet Junior. High School Jane Voss Ralph Amato. Jack Rolandi Science Coordinator. R Obert NVeltz. Control-Patricia Abrahamsori. Thomas D'Agostino Irvington District Union Senior High School Union Avente Elementary School Patricia Mueller Louise Donnelly. Adek Huestort. John, Ignacio. Science Coordinator Long Branch District Washington Tonship District Ling Valley Mbidle School Long Branch High School. Joseph Anastapa Francis Hobbie. District C..rriculum Coordinator, Robert Joyce. Kenneth Kopperl. John Simko. Control Diane, Bauman., Long ikanch Junior High School..." Susan Chadwick. Vincent Domeraski. Carol Farrell. Philip Kinney, Robert Frost. Florence Kessler Richard Kkh. Anthony Martin. Jud4 Novack. David Weidemoyeri Middktown Torinship District Louis Zarrelth Middktown High School - South Woodbridge Township Distrkt William Harding, Patricia Larkin John F. Kennedy,Memorial tligh Milltown District Crystal Lingenfelter Parkview Elementary School NONPUBLIC SCHOOLS Judy Temkin ChelseaSchool. Long Branch Montgomery township District Thomis Cronin Montgomery High School Thomas Smith Red Bank Catholic High School. Red Bank Drew Arcomano. Steve Donato. Steve Johnson. Gene Luciani. Montvilk Township District St. Mary Wendelm. Control.George Jones. Kathleen Wlsh Montville High School St. MarA High School. Perth Amboy Joseph McKeon Itussell Simon Morris Hilts Regional 1;iistr1ct St. Peter's High School. New Brunswick Maris Knolls High School Sr. Joieph Marie McManus. S.:C. Cathleen Anderson. Priscilla Arnheiter.george firObuchak. St. PiIs X Regional High School. Piscataway SCience Coordinator. Barry Lehman.Raymond Tarchak Br. Kevin cunniff. Barbara Goodman. James Duris MorriPRIlls High School St. Thomas Aquinas High School. Edison Ralph Vanei. Edward Spencer. MarilynTenney ,Betsy Piesen 4:rt ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS _ A prujeu ui this pruad supt refleus the untribuiiunsuf many individuals vihu hdve shared with us then professional expenise,..,reative insights. wisdum and support. Our deepest appreciation and special thanks are extended to: / Highland Park Public Schools Graduate School of Education - Rutgers University Board of Education Dr. George J. Pallrand, Professor Dr. James Sgambcttera, Superintendent Dr.
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