May 19, 2016

DATE: May 21, 2016 LOCATION: Rosen Center Hotel 9840 International Dr. Orlando, FL 32819 EVENT TIME: 6:00-8:30 pm VIP RECEPTION: 6:00-6:45 pm DINNER: 7:00-8:00pm STAFF CONTACT: Phillip Thompson, Deputy Executive Director Email:[email protected] Cell:301-955-8211


YOU will attend a VIP reception and dinner with prominent members of the . This event is a new fundraiser done in addition to their state convention in order to raise funds for the Florida Democratic Party. The objectives of both events are to promote the Florida Blue Convention and further foster relationships between YOU and Florida Democrats.

II. DNC OBJECTIVES A. Give YOU an opportunity to reaffirm your connections within your home state. B. To promote the Democratic party and Democratic candidates up and down the ballot in Florida C. To raise awareness about democratic issues D. To further general election outreach as the democratic party ramps up coordinated campaign efforts


 YOU  Secretary Julian Castro, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development*  Senator Bill Nelson, U.S. Senator, Florida*  , Florida Democratic Party Chair*

* Have endorsed Secretary Clinton



 OPEN to the press


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm VIP reception 6:45 pm - 7:00 pm Doors to Dinner open 7:00 pm - 7:15 pm Program will begin with prayer, anthem, and two minute Trump video 7:15 pm - 7:20 pm VOG brings Allison Tant on stage, Allison Tant delivers welcome remarks + introduction of DWS 7:20 pm - 7:30 pm DWS remarks + convention video 7:30 pm - 7:40 pm Begin plating dinner 7:40 pm - 7:55 pm VOG brings Sen. Nelson on stage, Sen. Nelson remarks + introduction of Sec. Castro 7:55 pm - 8:15 pm Sec. Castro remarks + closing video 8:15 pm – 8:20 pm VOG brings Allison Tant on stage for closing remarks

VI. ROOM LAYOUT VIP Reception  There are about 200 expected attendees for the VIP reception and there is no program, just a mix and mingle with no Seating. Dinner  The stage will have a podium, fixed microphone, available step stool, and no teleprompter.  There about 500 expected attendees for the plated dinner.


 Dinner Speaking Participant/Meeting Leaders Biographies and Pictures  VIP/Dinner Elected Official List  Remarks/Talking Points



Julián Castro – U.S. Housing and Urban Development, Secretary Julián Castro was sworn in as the 16th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on July 28, 2014. In this role, Castro oversees 8,000 employees and a budget of $46 billion, using a performance-driven approach to achieve the Department's mission of expanding opportunity for all Americans. As Secretary, Castro's focus is ensuring that HUD is a transparent, efficient and effective champion for the people it serves. Utilizing an evidence-based management style, he has charged the Department with one goal: giving every person, regardless of their station in life, new opportunities to thrive.

Before HUD, Castro served as Mayor of the City of San Antonio. During his tenure, he became known as a national leader in urban development. In 2010, the City launched the "Decade of Downtown", an initiative to spark investment in San Antonio's center city and older neighborhoods. This effort has attracted $350 million in private sector investment, which will produce more than 2400 housing units by the end of 2014.

Before HUD, Castro served as Mayor of the City of San Antonio. During his tenure, he became known as a national leader in urban development. In 2010, the City launched the "Decade of Downtown", an initiative to spark investment in San Antonio's center city and older neighborhoods. This effort has attracted $350 million in private sector investment, which will produce more than 2400 housing units by the end of 2014.

Bill Nelson – U.S. Senate, Florida Senator Sen. Bill Nelson is a true son of Florida, his family coming to the Panhandle in 1829, and his grandparents homesteading in the early 20th Century on land that today is the Kennedy Space Center. From a spot near there Nelson would launch into space in 1986 and spend six days orbiting the Earth aboard the space shuttle Columbia. Nearly three decades later he still vividly recalls looking back at our planet from the window of the shuttle and not seeing any political, religious or racial divides.

Nelson's public service career began in 1972, with his election to the . He then served six terms in the U.S. Congress representing Orlando and the Space Coast, becoming an early champion of the environment.


Nelson was first elected to the U.S. Senate in November 2000. Since then, he's stood up to the insurance companies, Wall Street banks and Big Oil. He's exposed the lies of BP about the Gulf spill. And he's created a blueprint forward for our nation’s space agency. Now in his third term, he's continuing to fight for lower taxes, better education, Medicare and Social Security.

He's someone who thinks public service is a noble calling - which is why he is devoted his life to serving his community, his state and his country.

Allison Tant – Florida Democratic Party, Chair Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Allison Tant Richard is a fighter for the values of Florida's middle class families and has been a leader in electing Democrats at every level across the state. She currently serves as the Chair of the Leon County Democratic Executive Committee and is a member of the National Democratic Rules Committee.

Allison's passion for standing up for those who cannot fight for themselves was driven by her personal experience addressing the needs of one of her children who, at the age of 3, was diagnosed with a disabling condition called "Williams Syndrome," and had to undergo open heart surgery.

After taking herself out of the professional world, Allison was thrust into the world of advocacy for disabled children in Florida's schools, requiring better and appropriate education for students with all manner of exceptionalities after her disabled twin was denied an appropriate education in his school. Allison has succeeded in making many changes to the state's assessment of students with disabilities, the provision of speech, occupational, physical and behavioral therapeutic services, and has worked to develop post-secondary learning options for students with disabilities.

Most recently, Allison spoke out to stop extremely harmful State Board of Education rule making, which would have discriminated against Florida students who do not speak English as a first language, as well as students with disabilities and those who are medically fragile and in special schools.

A native Floridian, Allison was born in Jacksonville, graduated from FSU, and was an intern for Sen. Bob Graham. She has worked in the Florida Legislature and has been active in local Democratic politics across the state. Allison lives in Tallahassee with her husband, mother and family, and is also a proud new grandmother.



Sen Oscar Braynon Sen Eleanor Sobel Rep Dwayne Taylor Rep John Cortes Rep Randolph Bracey Rep Victor Torres Rep Janet Cruz Rep Mark Pafford Rep Lori Berman Rep Irv Slosberg Sen Darren Soto Tax Collector Scott Randolph Susannah Randolph Congressman Patrick Murphy Sen Audrey Gibson Congressman Alan Grayson Bob Poe Sen Geraldine Thompson Former Rep Ricardo Rangel Clerk Tiffany-Moore Russell Commissioner Viviana Janer Commissioner Brandon Arrington Sen Jeremy Ring Rep David Richardson Former Congressman Joe Garcia