Editors note: The following is a collection of materials from the Reps website to describe the program and show examples of their activities.

From reps.mozilla.org/ 1 29 August 2012 about:reps

The Mozilla Reps program aims to empower and support volunteer Mozillians who want to become official representatives of Mozilla in their region/locale. The program provides a simple framework and a specific set of tools to help Mozillians to organize and/or attend events, recruit and mentor new contributors, document and share activities, and support their local communities better. You can learn more about the program here [https://reps.mozilla.org/about/].

About Mozilla Reps Community is the backbone of the Mozilla project. As the Mozilla project grows in scope and scale, community needs to be strengthened and empowered accordingly. This is the central aim of the Mozilla Reps program: to empower and to help push responsibility to the edges in order to help the Mozilla contributor base grow. The Mozilla Reps program provides a simple framework and specific tools to help volunteer Mozillians become official representatives of Mozilla in their region. Anyone 18 or older who is passionate and knowledgeable about Mozilla and who is ready to dive deeper into the project can sign-up to the program. The Mozilla Reps program helps push responsibility and authority further outwards, to more Mozillians, making it much easier for volunteers organize and/or attend events, recruit and mentor new contributors, and better support their local communities. When joining the program, a Mozilla Rep agrees to take on the following responsibilities: • represent Mozilla in their country/region • promote the Mozilla Project and our mission • build on and support existing/future local community efforts and programs • inspire, recruit and support new contributors • support and mentor future Mozilla Reps • document clearly all his/her activities

An open and community-driven program The Mozilla Reps program is open to anyone 18 or older who is: • passionate about the Mozilla Project • knowledgeable of the Mozilla organization, its mission, its products and its community • willing to communicate to as many people as possible and keen to inspire people to contribute to Mozilla

From reps.mozilla.org/ 2 29 August 2012 Although anyone can sign-up to become a Mozilla Rep, that doesn't mean you automatically become a Mozilla Rep after submitting your application. Because Mozilla Reps are entrusted with new responsibilities and special tools to speak on Mozilla's behalf, to manage budgets, events and swag, each application is carefully reviewed by the Mozilla Rep council and each applicant, if shortlisted, must pass a short interview before officially becoming a Mozilla Rep.

ReMo Tools and Resources To make it easier, faster and more efficient to organize/participate in events, to obtain sponsorship for Mozilla-related travel, to order / customize swag, to document an activity, Mozilla Reps have a specific set of tools and resources at their disposal. Find out more here.

Who runs the program? And how? The Mozilla Reps program is a community-driven program that empowers hundreds of Mozillians around the world. It is managed by Mozillians (volunteers and paid staff) for Mozillians. The program's organizational structure ensures that the program runs efficiently, transparently, and in a participative / collaborative way. To learn more about the structure and governance of the program, click here.

Contact If you have a specific question or if you just want to learn more about the program, contact one of the members of the Mozilla Reps council at reps-council [AT] mozilla [DOT] com You're also strongly encouraged to reach out to other Mozilla Reps for any questions you may have or ideas you may want to share: • IRC - You can join us on these channels on irc.mozilla.org: 1. #remo General Channel for ReMo (will be used as our main one) 2. #remo-dev Channel on planning and deploying ReMo • Mailing Lists 1. Reps-general General mailing list of Mozilla Reps 2. Reps-webdev WedDev and Infrastructure planning and building mailing list 3. Reps-mentors Mentors mailing list used by Mozilla Rep mentors to exchange tips and best practices 4. Reps-students Students mailing list used by Mozilla Rep students to exchange tips and best practices

From reps.mozilla.org/ 3 29 August 2012 Examples from the Mozilla Reps Website

People (Reps) Linked from map

From reps.mozilla.org/ 4 29 August 2012 Events Linked from map. There is a choice of past, current and future, or all events.

From reps.mozilla.org/ 5 29 August 2012

Planet Mozilla Reps These are reports exchanged among Mozilla Reps to keep them informed. There is unrestricted access to the site.

From reps.mozilla.org/ 6 29 August 2012


Welcome to the Mozilla Reps program wiki. The program, also known by its codename ReMo, aims to empower and support volunteer Mozillians who want to become official representatives of Mozilla in their region/locale and wherever they go.

Overview Community is the backbone of the Mozilla project. As the Mozilla project grows in scope and scale, community needs to be strengthened and empowered accordingly. This is the central aim of the Mozilla Reps program: to empower and to help push responsibility to the edges in order to help the Mozilla contributor base grow. The Mozilla Reps program provides a simple framework and specific tools to help volunteer Mozillians become official representatives of Mozilla in their region. Anyone who is passionate and knowledgeable about Mozilla and who is ready to dive deeper into the project can sign-up to the program. The Mozilla Reps program helps push responsibility and authority further outwards, to more Mozillians, making it much easier for volunteers organize and/or attend events, recruit and mentor new contributors, and better support their local communities. When joining the program, a Mozilla Rep agrees to take on the following responsibilities:

From wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo 7 29 August 2012 • represent Mozilla in their country/region • promote the Mozilla Project and our mission • build on and support existing/future local community efforts and programs • inspire, recruit and support new contributors • support and mentor future Mozilla Reps • document clearly all his/her activities An open and community-driven program The Mozilla Reps program is open to anyone who is: • passionate about the Mozilla Project • knowledgeable of the Mozilla organization, its mission, its products and its community • willing to communicate to as many people as possible and keen to inspire people to contribute to Mozilla Although anyone can sign-up to become a Mozilla Rep, that doesn't mean you automatically become a Mozilla Rep after submitting your application. Because Mozilla Reps are entrusted with new responsibilities and special tools to speak on Mozilla's behalf, to manage budgets, events and swag, each application is carefully reviewed by the Mozilla Rep council and each applicant, if shortlisted, must pass a short interview before offically becoming a Mozilla Rep. ReMo Application Process Anyone applying to become a Mozilla Rep goes through three easy steps before officially becoming a Rep. Learn more about the application process. ReMo Tools and Resources To make it easier, faster and more efficient to organize/participate in events, to obtain sponsorship for Mozilla-related travel and to order/customize swag, Mozilla Reps have a specific set of tools and resources at their disposal. Find out more about ReMo tools and resources. ReMo Events See ReMo Events Calendar Structure and Governance The Mozilla Reps program is a community-driven program that empowers hundreds of Mozillians around the world. It is managed by Mozillians (volunteers and paid staff) for Mozillians. The program's organizational structure ensures that the program runs efficiently, transparently, and in a participative/collaborative way. Learn more about the structure and governance of the ReMo program. Tracking Progress

From wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo 8 29 August 2012 The Mozilla Reps program is a work in progress and constantly evolving/improving thanks to its open and participatory nature. All Mozilla Reps are actively encouraged to participate in the design and planning of the program by regularly checking and updating the ReMo Planning Wiki. Contact If you have a specific question or if you just want to learn more about the program, one of the members of the Mozilla Reps council at reps-council [AT] mozilla [DOT] com You're also strongly encouraged to reach out to other Mozilla Reps for any questions you may have or ideas you may want to share: • IRC You can join us on these channels on irc.mozilla.org o #remo General Channel for ReMo (will be used as our main one) o #remo-dev Channel on planning and deploying ReMo

• Mailing Lists o Reps-general General mailing list of Mozilla Reps o Reps-webdev WedDev and Infrastructure planning and building mailing list o Reps-mentors Mentors mailing list used by Mozilla Rep mentors to exchange tips and best practices o Reps-students Students mailing list used by Mozilla Rep mentors to exchange tips and best practices

From wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo 9 29 August 2012

ReMo/Tools and Resources Home » ReMo » Tools_and_Resources < ReMo

Budget request form If a Mozilla Rep wants to request sponsorship to attend a conference, request a specific budget to organize a community event, or request reimbursement for a previously approved activity, all the Mozilla Rep needs to do is fill out a special form which will be reviewed by the Mozilla Reps council (see below) and approved/rejected within a week. NB: the form is to be used ONLY by Mozilla Reps Fill out the budget form. Swag request form If a Mozilla Rep wants to request swag, all the Mozilla Rep needs to do is fill out a special form which will be reviewed by the Mozilla Reps council and approved/rejected within a week. NB: the form is to be used ONLY by Mozilla Reps Fill out the swag request form here. To find out about available swag and how to obtain a Mozilla Reps "Welcome Pack", click here. Events Toolkit Various printable and downloadable materials exist to help Mozilla Reps spread the word about Mozilla and educate people about specific areas of the project that anyone get contribute to. Presentation slide decks and templates

From wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/Tools_and_Resources 10 29 August 2012 Here's a collection (updated regularly) of great slides decks and templates you can use, re-use and hack at will for your event. Topics and ideas for talks If you plan to give a talk or lead a workshop about Mozilla, here's a list of recommended topics and ideas. Stuff you can download & print for events Download print-oriented collateral, presentation templates, slide decks and videos. Skills Development Webinars Here's a great roundup of free/cheap webinars aimed at communicators for nonprofits. Technology Grab Bag The Mozilla Developer Engagement team has put together a grab bag of definitions, presentations, demos and info about latest open web technologies. Very useful for conference attending/presenting! Contributor Program Resources • Mobile Testers - https://mozilla.org/mobile/testdrivers • Marketing - https://wiki.mozilla.org/MarketingGuide • SUMO - https://support.mozilla.org/kb/superheroes-wanted • L10n - https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Contribute; Sprint slides - ? Business Card Generator Mozilla Reps should be recognizable. Makes sure to create your Business Card and spread it on all events you attend. 1. Go to http://cards.mozillareps.org/ 2. Fill out your mail 3. Receive the card ready to be printed in your email! Note: The information is fetched by your Wiki User page, so edit it accordingly :) Companion Add-on Easy access to tools, documentation, and more for Mozilla Reps. Download Mozilla Reps SOPs Mozilla Reps are involved in variety of processes and procedures, called SOPs, that ensure that the program works smoothly and in a consistent way. An SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is a written document or instruction detailing all steps and activities of a process or procedure. See All Mozilla Reps SOPs.

From wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/Tools_and_Resources 11 29 August 2012


Welcome to Marketing at Mozilla!

Are you interested in helping spread the word about Mozilla and products like ? We'd love your help! It's fun and easy to do. It's also a great opportunity to make friends from around the world, gain experience working with one of the world's most powerful brands and share our amazing story. What makes Mozilla different

Mozilla is a global community with shared values. We believe that the is an integral component of modern life, and is therefore a public resource that must be open to all. And we believe that Free and Open Source software developed and promoted through transparent, community processes is the best way to realize this vision. We think these values are important, and we hope that everyone who wants to contribute to the Mozilla project takes the time to read the Mozilla Manifesto.

Mozilla does not have the advertising budget of a major corporation, and the hundreds of millions of users of Mozilla software have, (in almost all cases) found out about it by word-of- mouth, through their friends, family and acquaintances. In other words, it is the community that has made Mozilla what it is, by developing, testing and localizing software and documentation, and by marketing this software to the world. Mozilla is all about our users and rather than market to them in a traditional way, we prefer to connect and have conversations with them. Easy ways to get started

From wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/Tools_and_Resources 12 29 August 2012 Connect with your local community

Depending on where you live, there may be a good chance that there are people with a common interest in Mozilla who are already active nearby. Check the Mozilla Reps wiki to get in contact with your local Mozilla Rep. Speaking English is not required and we have Mozilla Reps and communities all over the world. You might be surprised to find that there's Mozilla community thriving in your home town. Join our Affiliates program

The Firefox Affiliates program is a great way to share your love of Mozilla Firefox. Host Firefox buttons on your site and climb your way to fame on the Affiliates leaderboard. To find out more or to sign up, please visit: affiliates.mozilla.org Get social with us

Start by following @firefox on twitter or like us on Facebook. Then you can work with us to create, and re-post in your language, Facebook and Twitter posts from the main EN-US Firefox accounts. If there's a better social network in your locale besides Facebook and Twitter, help us create a presence on those social media sites. Respond to comments and replies from users, answering their questions and pointing them in the right direction for Support help. If this sounds like fun, please email William at wreynolds [at] mozilla [dot] com. Connect with us online

You can get to know us on the #marketing IRC channel. For help with IRC, visit http://irc.mozilla.org. Want to make a bigger impact? Join the Marketing Collective

In 2012, the Marketing Collective will launch with many opportunities to collaborate with our Engagement team and get involved in the projects above, as well as projects within product marketing, user engagement, design, pr and more. To find out more, please check out the Marketing Collective wiki. Localize email newsletter content

Each month we send out the "Firefox & You" email newsletter with the latest tips and tricks to get the most out of your Firefox (sign up here). If you'd like to help localize and create Mozilla

From wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/Tools_and_Resources 13 29 August 2012 marketing content for your language, please email Jess at jdavis [at] mozilla [dot] com and Carmen at ccollins [at] mozilla [dot] com. Communications reps

If PR is your passion, have a look at the Communications Reps program. This group provides volunteers the education, tools and infrastructure they need to get involved with Mozilla PR efforts. Please visit the communications page for more information.

Portions of this content are ©1998–2012 by individual mozilla.org contributors. Content available under a Creative Commons license.

From wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/Tools_and_Resources 14 29 August 2012 ReMo/Planning/Swag

Swag Swag is a key component of the inventory of a Mozilla Rep. Below you may find categories of swag and detailed designs. Mozilla Rep Welcome Pack All Mozilla Reps will get with their approval, the Welcome Pack. This includes the basic swag you need to get you started. Some swag items only for you and a basic quantity of swag for starters :) • Mozilla Reps Polo-Shirt • Mozilla Reps Laptop sticker (x2) • Mozilla Reps Button (x2) • Mozilla Laptop Sticker (x10) • Firefox Stickers (x100)

Mozilla Reps Polo-Shirt Mozilla Reps Laptop sticker- Mozilla Reps Buttons 25mm transparent (letters also in diameter white) 12cm wide

Mozilla Laptop Sticker- transparent (also in white) 12cm wide

Mozilla Rep Special Pack For those hard working Mozilla Reps that have being doing exceptional job for the past period, we have created the Special reward pack. You will not when you get it, and if you want it what are you waiting for? Go spread mozilla and become the next Super Mozilla Rep! • Mozilla Hoodie

From wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/Tools_and_Resources 15 29 August 2012 • Mozilla Laptop Sleeve (15 or 13)

Mozilla Hoodie Mozilla Laptop Sleeve

Generic Mozilla Swag Those are the types of swag that are available for order through our Swag Request form • Firefox Lanyards • Firefox Stickers • Firefox Buttons • Mozilla Bracelets • Mozilla Nylon Bags

From wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/Tools_and_Resources 16 29 August 2012 Event Toolkit • Where is Mozilla • ReMo Tools and Resources • Budget Request Form • Available Display Items: o Horizontal Mozilla Banner o Vertical Mozilla Firefox Roll-Up Banner o Mozilla Booth Cloth • Print Collateral • Firefox Branding Guide • Company Descriptions • Swag Request Form • Available Swag:

Lanyard Firefox T-shirt Firefox Buttons

Firefox Pen Mozilla Bracelet Firefox Sticker

From wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/Tools_and_Resources 17 29 August 2012