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February 1981 Daily Egyptian 1981

2-26-1981 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 26, 1981 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1981 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1981 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily 'Egyptian Thursday, February 26, 1981:.....Vol. 66, No. 106 80uthem Dlinois University So mit calls for fee referendum ~=t:opskj parary $10 athletics fee., The temporary fee was ap­ judgment." proved in December 1979, and Long-range plans for In­ The sao athl'!tics fee must be will be revolted unless the board tercollegiate athletics whicb continued at "!aSt one year, but votes before JUlIe to extend it. ::revealed by 80mit in- stuJents should be allowed to The fee is a necessary COlI­ vote next fall Oil whether the fee tribution to a "precariously" -Changes in ,the "ad­ should be I'f':duced, President balanced $2.6 million athletiCs ministrative locus" of athletics Albert Somlt said Wednesday 'budget for next year, Somit including a possible transfer iii night. - ' said. He said the ooJy options autbority, from tbe Offic~of 80mit said that eveo other than extendirg the fee are Univenity Relations to another assuming tbat the ,fee is ell:- eliminating sports, firing vice-presidential &rea. tended' one year, "savage eoacbes CII' dropping the footbaJ) -Investigation of ~utting slasbing" is in store for the program-all options wbicb travel costs by $Cbeduling Men's Athletics Department. Somit said are ruled out by athletics contests Witb schooJ8 And once athletics is back 011 its moral and contractual cl~er to SIU-C. feet, . be said, a student obligations. -Dropping the football referendum will help bim 80mit said tbe student program froin Division l-A decide if the full $30 fee should referendum in the faD would be tbe bigbest level of National be caotinued. organized cooperatively by Collegiate Athletics Association ~omi,t'. 'long-awaited student government and ad­ competition, to l-AA or l-A remarks came before meetings ministraton. He said, though, the next leveJs down. • the Graduate Student Council that the referendum would "not of -Possible merging of the and Undergraduate Student be • biDdin --'-fb ... -, Organization. He will mllke .,...... wu •• men's and women's athJetii:s similar--endationsto...... "NopresiL tcan~ that departments with eertain .~~...... we vote in replaeernent his of own "guarantees for the 'NOmen to Board of Trustees next month judgement. " Somu said. "But it wben tbe board wilJ decide would be the most important assure tbem tbat tbe con­ wbetber to extend the tero- factor otber tban my own =~ces tbey fear will not Boycott ended by USO; SCalI ~, ~ lUcIa 8uI ...... An-t W' '",":7 .. Jl.... .4.;; I- n, J £

~~...... ,.~,~.-:.$:J°f(!e,- ".. ",,_~. <.. ,,: ...... ~ . _. .',. ",.. . ."., ~v. _ ~'" :.:~ ,:' ~,.~ .. ." refereDdum. to be held prior to maintain the pn!IeDt. student Oct. 1, on future athletics fee athletics fee of $30 ., the Simon to head heru-ing increases. The group also board's March mealin" and demanded tbat student ~:=e:e,~ :~ofJ The Undergraduate Student representation on the In­ . at SIU-.C,on b~dget cu~ Organization ,. called off a tercoiJegi.ate Athletics C0m­ on whether to COIltinue the fee: boycott of men's athletics mission be proportional to the Although the senate voted to By SceU ea.. somebody Co testily." Pemdng events and tbe Graduate amount of money students discontinue tbe Itoycott, it Staff Writer said. HI imagine they will Student Council recommended COIl!!'ibute to athletics through decided to mah::tain what probably get someone from that the temporary $10 athJetics Res. . Matalonis cal1ect "strong A congressional bearing aa - student governmeat." , fee be extended througb next S~udents currently are ~thefor.~_~::...-..~ tbe impact of President year in -' separate actions supporting 46 percent of in­ VOice m a ...~ y. -eo --" Reagan's proposed badget cuts Paul MataJonis, president of Wednesday night. tercrdJegiate athretics through The resolution approved by. for student financial aid the Undergraduate Student the senate also l'8CCJI!lmended a progra,:ms will be beld in tb,! OrganiIuation, said Wednesday Both actiolUJ were a direct fees. student demonstration before 'sv.1derrt Center MardI &. bis office bas not been con­ result of separate speeches The athletics bo)'COtt, called S~turdaJ's basJuotball game U.S. Rep. , [).. tactect about the bearing Jet. delivered to ea,.t: group on the by USO President Paul WIth Drake at the Arena. The carbondale chairmaD of the hut that he bas discussed the athletics fee by President Matalonis earlier this month to demonstration is to show ~t House su~mitfA!e on post_ hearing With Graduate Student Albert Somit. protest wbat be considered a .... w~~ some ~(ft input m:: secondary educa~on, auG, the. Cmmcil President _Debbie In its recommendation to lack of student input into SlU­ Browu. , eJ:tend tbe temporary $10 fee, C's athletics program. was :: ~or:nma~-= we !'lInking Repubhcan on tbe called off by the student Senate supf»Ort th~ athletes," ac- suheommittee-E .. Thomas "I hope they do caotad City, m.e," , ~~:u~t~;n S!1t~t~:'tb:i ~~:: after Somd said he would ask ' cordingtoGlennStolar.anEast ~n, Kansas Mo.- Matalonis said. "I'd be more tingent on a student-run the Board of Trustees to vote to Side senator. . ~~:of::::U:s1= than ba to talk to them." from DliDois and Missouri. P~said that either one Short respite expected Simon said the Reagan student CII' a panel of students proposals-would cut about $1 will testify. bilbon fromstucient loan The hearing in Carbondale is programs aDd elimiDate the DOt the ooJr. one planned by the Annual inflation rate deClines student loan marketing subcommIttee on bilJber program tbatencOl.D'ages banks education funding. Hearlugs WASHINGTON tAP) - ~. warned tbat Congress woulcJ to loan students money tbrqJgb began Tuesday on capitol &111 Inflation slowed toa 9.1 percent Presuient Reagan's budget onl,- worsen inflatiOft if it interest payments. ' and will contiAue througb annual rate in January, tbe direc.._. Uavid A. Stockman, wblttles awa, at Reagan'. 'Among those expeeted to Thursday. low t level ince last summer said the repcri uindicatea that (m)PCIIed budget cuts_ . testify are sru-c President as ::re dec~ines in food and we're still in a dangerous· Reserve Cbairman Paul Albert Somit, Illinois ScbooIs Simn Rid m-t ..u the house prices helped offset new double-digit inOation en- Volcker also declared tbat Superintendent Donald Gill. Witnesses that have testified so bursts in energy costs, the vironment iii this country" and unless iuOation abates, the Illinois State Scholarsbip far have warned against cutting government reported Wed- underscores the Deed tor the eentral bank's mODey policy Commission Executive financial aid to students, nesday. ..~ ~ eats" the adm- will mean further ~ 00 Director Larry Matej)gl, Rend ebarging that the fundi~g The JrKl8t unusual develop- nistr;tion '. proposing. .. tbe economy'B ab'.Ii,ty to ex-, Lake College l»resident Harry reductions would put an unfmr ment 11'88 a 0.4 percent drop 1ft Murra, Weidenbaum, pando . - , - Braun and First National Bank cost burden on middle- and bouse prices, the first decline iDchairman o.f tbe White HcuIe _ Part of Reagan'. eemomie and Trust of GreeDville lower-iDcome families. flYe years and the ~est since Council of E.~lomic Advisers.' program calls for the steps ; President Wticbael Jacbon.. 1961 said Jane;:ary's figures, 8nnOunced Tuesday by Vok:Iter, Nic:t P-~Din& subeommittee Clark MitH. ez..eutive'. rhe Reagan ad· "althougb yteJcome, prOvides who endorsed the pnsideat'. Btaff mc...,:.~. said students director of the Illinois .trts ministraticIft. in its latest pitcb little basis for optimism witll IJI'I.'IP08ala...... , from Soutbem DJinoiB will be Caundl, may al80 tatify before forage of tbe president'. regard to"de underlyiDC rate of .~ The eneouragiDg DeWlJ for -~ 10 testify at the beariDp. the congresBlJ'.8D ,iDee tbe economic program, said. Jnllatioa.'" aboppen in Janaary .....tbat However, be said he doesa" IIUbcaauDittee. • divisiaa of the respite from double-digit in· ,. Meanwbile. the· Federal rooer prieea at gorcery stores know wbieh students will be Reuse Educatioa aad Labor Oaoon wonld be Mort-tiV!l!ld and Reserve move Tuesday to fell ... pereeIlt, the 6nt decline· asked to speak. Committee. deals with lip­ CGnSWIlert eaa ezpec:t.atAIepeI' ;!::, down fW'tber OIl theiJI 11 months. wlU1e clothiDC .." "We ban ut.ed the U.S. , propriatiGaa to.1be _..... Pea- ~d~f: *rood~!d·; BUPPlY.ofuO: -rtation:::::~ :Se.IL\"B ~J', >: ... 8tJ1dent,~tion"Iine:. .DiDI~ ,. El Salvadoran leftists News. Roundup'-- New Spanish premier chosen MADRID Spain (AP) - The Spanish Parliament convened Wednesday 'to cries of "long live tIY: king" and swifUy named a 'broken,' says ex-e~voy new premIer two days after an a~tempted coup in which high military figures have been implicated. Deputy Premier Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo was chosen to suc­ WASHINGTON (AP) - The officials said one reason was Noting that tbe military ceed Adolfo Suarez as Spain's third premier since the death of former U.S. ambassador to EI Wbite's public criticism of already bas crushed the leftist dictator Francisco Franco in November 1975. Salvador said Wednesday that events there. "fmal offensive " without U.s. the leftist guerrilla movement Reagan is considering aid, he said, "There is no is "broken and declining" and boosting U.S. military ibility of leftists taking over Earthquakes kiII13 in Greece that any attempt to bolster the assistaoce and sending at least c:-El Salvador in • six-mOlltb government througb large­ some additional advisers to period if we dOD't send one piece ATHENS, Greece (AP) - Panicky Athenians streamed out scale U.S. military aid could help tbe Salvadoran govern­ of equipment to EI Salvador." of the city Wednesday after Greece was hit by two strong backfire witb a right-wing coup. ment fend off what the State earthquakes that kiDed 13 people and injured dozens of others Department says is "a textbook White said El Salvador's in colfapsed houses and bOtefs. Robert Wbite, a career case of indirect armed security forces, including so­ diplomat currently here aggression by Communist The quakes damaged the east and west faces of the famous called deatb squads, are Parthenon, including two corner columns of the ancient awaiting reassignment, said "I powers through CUba." responsible for most of the believe the right is constanUy k t br I temple OIl the 2,500-year~ld Acropolis overlooking Athens. trying to overthrow the spea in, ou U IC y killing in tbe Central American Br c nation and criticized the -.ovemment, as is the left, and ::::m!r::' :ma~::is~~ Pope ends Asian tour in Japan It's a beleal(Uered government that bad not yet disclosed its "weasal words" in a State in the middle." course of actioo. Department document· that NAGASAKI, JapU (AP) ..... Pope John Paul n celebrated White, ambassador during But White. in his testimOllY suggested that responaiblity for Mass for SO 000 people Thursday, the last day of his l2-day the last year of tbe ad- before. tbe House Ap­ 10;000 deaths last year was Asian tour, in tbiscradle of Japanese Christianity. which was miDistratiOll of then-President propriations foreilJn OI)eI"8tions evenlf divided between leftist covered with a thin blanket of snow. . Jimmy Cartert testified to a subcommittee, insISted that any and rightist forces. John Paw arrived Wednesday evening to a wann welcome cangressiooal subcommittee increased support could be amid the heaviest snowfall in four years, about three-quarters that "The real threat to the. counter-productive. . He said rightist death squads of an inch, after calling in Hiroshima for "the banishing of all stability of tbe government "I think it would be a grave have committed most of the nuclear weapons." comes not from tDe left, but error to put in important assassinations, as many as 5,000, including "thousands and The pope was to visit victims of the atom bomb, which killed fnm the extreme right The left amounts of advisers or an estimated 70,000 people in Nagasaki on Aug. 9, 1945. is broken and declining." equipment because I feel the tbousanus of young people for PresideDt Reagan ftred White Salvadoran government is mere suspicioo of being leftists as ambassador to EI Salvador perfectly able to bandJe the or being sympathizers of lef­ soon after taking office and situatioo itself," be said. tists." F ired employee shoots executives LOCKLAND, Ohio (AP) - A paper company engineer who Cross, Joel, Seger win GrllltlllJies bad just been fired pulled out a gun Wednesday and beRen shooting at a group of executives. killing two.and wounding year. two others be(ore fleeing, police said. NEW YORK (AP) female rock vocal {lerformer Lawrence McNair, 41, of Forest Park, was being sought in Christopher Cross, a 29-year-old went to Pat Benatar for ber In the classical field, the farst complete recording of Alban connection witb the shoot.. - JJOIH'OCk singer, guitarist and albura "Crimes of Passioll_" Gene Robinson, chief of police in this Cincimati suburb, said SODgWriter woo booors as best Bob Seger and tile Silver Berg's modern opera "Lulu" McNair had been told he was being fired after attending a new artist. Wednesday night as Bullet Bane! woo the award as woo in three categories, and so grievance bearing with four Diamond InternatiOllaJ Corp. the recording industry banded best rock group for the album did virtuoso violinist Itzbak officials and two representatives of United Paper Workers out its 23rd annual Grammy "Against the W~." Perlman. LncallOOl. Awards at a star-studded was named best , the jad ·tarist and' was also a Killed were olant manager John Pruitt, 49, and power plant nationally televised cereQlony female pop vocal performer for foreman Ray l.eacb, SO, both of Cincinnati. "-Marray. with ber mna1e . her single "The Rose" from the ~ple winne~ best. male ~ I Have Tbia ~"~, .'~"'" die _ aaIll4L.MiII& and George Jones witb bis Mldler's peTformanee' •• a ~~~ Percys.u~mitll debt collection biU .~"~.'- single "He Stopped loving Her drug-addicted rock singer in blues performance and best Today" won the awards as best that fllm earned her an Oscar jazz vocal .--fonnance, all for WASHINGTON CAP. - Sen. Charles H. Percy, R-m., in­ female and male country vocal nomination as best actress last his album ''GiVe Me the Night_" troduced a bill Wednesday that he said would belp the federal performers. year. . John Williams, cOnductor of government collect $25 billion in suc:b unpaid debts as fann Rof Orbison and Emmylou Cross - the name IS a the BostOD Pops, was a double and student loans. , Harris WOll the award for best pseudonym - is from San winner for his movi& score fOl" The biD would permit the government to report the debtors country performance by a duo Antonio, . His ~ix-man the "Star Wars" sequel. "The to commercial credit bureaus, take payment out of federal or group witb vocal for their band is called Cbnstopber. Empire Strikes Back." employes' salaries and allow access to Internal Revenue single "That Lovin' You Feelin' Cross· and so was his debut "Evita" a bit Broadway Service records solely for names and addresses of debtors. Again." album. A single from that musical about the wife of He said the total debt owed to tbe U.s. government by was best male rock album, became big "Sailing," a Argentine dictator Juan Peron, Americans is $126 billion. AU but $25 billion is being paid on vocal performer fOl" his album bit and was nominated for SOIlg was awarded the prize as best scbedule, he said_ "GlasS Houses." The award for of the year and record of the cast show album.

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10;1 Study determining feasibility Petitions to be available for April USO election of fuel plant expected soon. By Joh. Sehrag The presidential and riee SCaff Writer presidential candidates rua _ • By Randy RogaUi -transfered from sn to SJU~. would produce between 200 and Staff Writer team, and need to secure the He said the University would 300 gallons of fuel alcohol each Petitions for candidacy in the signature of at least 50 students administer the plant, but would day. The fuel alcohol would be April 15 Undergraduate Student from eacb of the four A study to determine. the consult SII in designing and made from grain and could be Organization election will toe geographic areas, he 8Ilid.. feasibility of installing a fuel operating it. sold to cO.rDpanies whicb available Monday in the USO Net01s said that ,oteatiaJ aleobol demonstratiod plant is "SII would have served its produce gasohol. be said. office, said Brian Netois, USO will be being conducted by the prime purpose in obtaining the candidates who moriaI The fuel alcohol produced elections commini"uer from their present 1"I!Sideace University and could be rom- grant," Tempelmeyer said. Wednesday. next year do have a problem. pleted tn about three weeks, "They would have provided aid could also be used to power University vehicles. Tem­ Petitions will be available for "If you're living in the dorms Kenneth Tempelmeyer, dean of in development of the region." tbe offices of president, rice and are moving off-hoto EdiIOl". JolIn \.4Iry. ~.~~be~~~a~~~:88J:·:d.~~_~ __~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~;~1 [to GOD MIll I Delivery Service 5-l2p.m. M-Th 5-la.m. F &5 4-l1p.m. Sun ...... toppe4 wlth~ chokIe of ..'.d ...... 3,5S.,II. 529-413. Want To Have Fun? itS.tOODRAFTS' .. . 'Lett..... WU .. - .~~I> ...... _ .' . SrI,. YOU to SoL "WU .;::swJ 75C SPEEDRAILSI. Si . .,,' . ALL NIGHT LONGI • Ws New! Now YaK Group Can Haw a BowI'IIl9 ~ .-I. .. Just $1.50 Cover - Doors at 8pm . Bowl & Boogl.or.Host Your Own Tournament! * Clubs Departments. Dorms, or Any Group Can Save ~~ ~ Bowf with Us! 41~1'sBEERGARDEN . ~-,~ OPB'!S TODAY AT 3PM s.L Jk1Is'JJ~ lt1l1ecl'eatlon Center ..~ " New Route 13 Carterville. II. . 529-3755 ~etters·---- We should all sacrifice

The reactions of various which would reduce the in­ constituencies to Reagan's comes of the big money lenders. budget cuts are not un­ Inflation would![O down and pn:dic:!able. Prima facie, it is more funds woul be available mdeed favorable to the ricb for investment whicb would thaa tbe poor and middle-class reduce the present rate of Americ:aos.. unemployment. More im­ portantly, tbe psychology of However, everybody agrees dependence would be gradually that same drastic actions are reduced and the sacredness needed to emtrol the growth of about the deficit's un­ the federal deficit. Nobody controllability would be reaDy wants the persistence of . destroyed. the pnseut eecJIlOIDic iDs hence Reagaa was O\'erwbelmingly elected. Wbay are many of Reagan may be a millionaire so us but be is doing a good job sheddiDg eroeodiJe tears and why are we not prepared to economically from the best conservative point of view. We sacrifice today for a better should all beware of those lomanvIr eeonomieally? Are senators and representatives we just realizing that our who do more harm capitalistic system is the root eauae f1l the large dichotomy economically for political betweeu the haves and the gains. Reagan needs the bave-aob! maximum sacrifice and sup­ port of everybody to address the Geumg rid of aD the wasteful present economic:: mess; We Shape America's policies programs would reduce the shoId be objective in responding def"ldts; hopefully this would tt' those budget cuts.-Dada redIxe the bigb interest rates 01 .... LIberal AJ1a College around global cooperation Don't pay for Abbie's toupee \\lTH PRICES AT THE NEIGHBORHOOD gas station rising another lE'n cent.~ a gallon, with . strapped city councils forced to reduce public My ~tulations are ex­ world was watchIng. services and with citizens in tho! dr.rught area;; of tended to the SPC Expressive In reality Abbie ·Hoffman is the country nervous about washng even a glass Arts Committee. The hype for D~W Bany Freed, a balding, . of drinking .water. who can think globally? And Colman the Abbie I10ffman lecture in mIddle-aged "fugitive" with a who ~n thInk both globally and long range? McCarthy Wednesday's Daily Egyptian new shnozz. Barry. is riding tbe Agalllst these ~in ~ures-we have enough was a work of art. There new turn·yoursell-m-and-make- trouble today, thIS minute. on our own blocks in standing before us with that all megabucks-off-it fad for the our own bomes-a group of officials from the weapons to prevent forei~ attack. It means chaIleDging smirk was Abbie six ti e s rev 0 lu t ion a r y Council on Environmental Quality and the State being secure from the effects of ()'Jr own attacks Hoffman. Yigrie extroranaire "fugitives." They'll probably Depar~nt is arguing the other way. on the earth's bounty. =rete wi American flag reunite the Chicago 7 for a To Withdraw, they sug~"'St in "The Global Except for a f_ news stories following the greatest hits LP or have Days of Future: Time To Ad," is 1",.,( only to flee our ~lease. of . "The Global Future," public Rage c:olIectible slurpee cups at m~1 obligations to the ,.iorld's hundreds of discussion of Its content has been limited. This is 'lbe copy for the ad reads like 7-11. mtlltons of desperately poor. It is also to gamble the routine fate of reports that dare suggest the preview to an u"lComing nations shape their policies acc:ording to global Mickey Spillane novel (He You've heard the term "Don't recklessly that economic and ecological stability buy books from c:rooks'1" W U I !mppen of themselves. Overall,it is to ignore cooperation. not mutual suspicion. The findings ehanaed his name; be ehan2ed , . e lOter-relatedness: that the increasing diseom- of last year's Brandt Commission and the his face). The entire ad brings Presi~HaI Con.mission on World Hunger us rigbt back tboae good Old :~= ~,z ~uby forts felt at the local gu station. city council raIsed slIndar uasettJiag .-u-.,______to .. tned G ...... ,; bearing t'Or".... and ki~ tap are skinnishes in DayS 01 Rage.. wben the whole C IS rad_te. battles thc:t rage at a distance but which advance ", closer everyday. TilE CEQ-STATE DEPARTMENT REPORT The authors of the report, who drew on 19 has had even less attention. It was released in federal agencies for ,uidance. make no claim the final week of the Carter administration. Christian acts like a Fascist that they are the hrst ones to say that a which means Reagan officials can dismiss it as relationship exists between A.oneriea·s political the dated thinking of the ousted. The President . This is an open letter to the religiously gO\'erned state; a and economic security and bow s.reh staggering himself, when questioned last October on an person I saw ripping down simple reading of the ideas of problems as world population, environmental earlier CEQ-State Department study, "The Dyers that bad been put up near Thomas Jefferson would bear abuse and resource misuse are solved. Their Global 2000 Report," revealed his distain for Faner Hall by the Krishna that out. U this country's liberty goal is more modest than that, one that seeks suggestions that the future is bleak unless we CoosciousnEss Center. When I and plurality displeases you. I only to offer "a body of good ideas for the first broaden our thinking. , ebaIIeuged YOU; you said that, suggest you move to a round of an effective response to the immensely "How do you propose reSponding." he was as a Christian. it was your duty theocratic atate, like Iran. challenging problems before us." asked, "to tOOk long-term global implications to rid the campus of pollution. You violated simple c:oortesy, (outlined in the Global 2000 Report) of over­ WbeD I said you WPre behaving if not a written law, by tearing NO ONE HAS A CORNER ON THE MARKET population, resource depletion and degradatioo like a Fascist, you cited Jesus' down flyers you didn't believe of "good ideas," but it is hard to ima~ine a of the enviornment." Reagan, in a rambling driving of the moneylenders in. You may bave thought you response that is effective without it including at answer, said be wasn't especially concerned. from the temple. were helping Christianity by least a few of the report's recommendations: a For one thing, he didn't see nluch accuracy in being a law unto yuurself, but major increase in America's foreign non­ past reports on future problems. Besides the military aid, which would reverse the decline in population menace is overblown. I bate to point out the ~t you were actin" in defiance of of our economic development assistance; more He told of adding thow.-ands of 2Cres to but JUIl, sir, are not Jesus. AJIQ the Biblical~tion to show just because your messiab mercy- toward all men (Luke participation in international programs to California's beaches when he was governor. Yet kicked a few butts 2,000 years 10:37) and to love even your assure safe drinking water Cin a world where 500 he said "you find many of those state beaches ago, that doesn't five you the enemies

_"'I"!,.... 1IIr.I ...... "RI

ATLANTA fAP) - Tbe even habitual nmawa)'l- have by the task force were aged 7 to year." disappearances of two more lately been receivlDg wide 15, all were black. and many Brown had said Monday that black boys prompted police attention because of the con­ received little parental Bohlinger bad assured him he -=-ra .....__ searcbes in Atlanta neigb­ tinued unsolved killings of supervision. AD but two were eould expect a restructured borhoods Wednesday, as children. boys. They were killed or program valued at $264,000. But prospects dimmed for a huge Dempster of ...... D. Williams, 10, disappeared over the past 19 Bohlinger said $38,000 was all for ..... a photo-«C federal cash outlay to bolster soutbwest Atlanta, was last months. LEM officials in Washington __ ...... tbe special inquiry into the seen at his home at 8 p.m. and Mayor Ma)'!18rd Jackson bas "were able to scrape together," UlNrMJ' _ 0.-....tA cases of 20 dead and missing was reported missing witbin "It asked PreSident Reagan fot" coneeding. doesn't buy At lHI HA. LAa I'OIt biaclt children. bours, police said. TermaJ over $1.5 million in federal aid mucb." Public Safety Commissioner Heard. 14, of northwest Atlanta, to belp pay for the cbild MOIIII.o. Lee Brown said the cases of the 3:30 p.m. State Crime Commission was last seen at at a sJayings iriQuiry. He also asked Bill KeUey he lHIHA.LA8 ...... two black boys wbo disap­ downtown park trying to catch Director said bas that a feder8J offer of $264,000 in about $40,000 the city might IIkfI ...... will lie peared Tuesday were being a bus to subtu'ban Coifege Park. tecbnical belp from tbe Law handled by the missing persons expect to get as a minimum ...... He was reported missing Enforcement Assistance Ad­ from federal grants turned over ..... you ...... division and had not been Wednesday. ministration be restructured. turned over to the special unit Child disappearances are not to bis agency. He estimated ...... a....., LEM actin director George $170,000 as the maximum grant set up in the other cases. turned over to the special child Bohlinger saif Wednesday that Can fnr 11ft LIP aT ...... About 1,700 people are deaths task force until it is bis agency would have little poss:ble. reported missing in Atlanta determined they fit the profIle money to give the ci!r, even if it Estimates of the cost of the 457-2523 each year, Brown said, and 89 of tbe 20 cases under in­ wanted to. "We don 1 have an police department's special ns s.'Y ()8I'CI!Dt are found in 24 hours. vestigation. All tbe dead and 6perating budget. The Carter mvestigation have ranged from (Oftthe...... , Reports of missing children - missing children investigated administration zeroed it out last $150,000 to $200,000 a month. Committee Lab equipment missing 'I11e value of items reported were reported missing. En­ rejects state stolen from a room in Life trance to the room was gained MOUSSAKA Science I during a break-in by breaking a window on tbe with Greek salad Saturday bas reached $1,500,­ door of the room, police said. tax breaks SIU-C police said Wednesday. A balance loader valued at $2.49 A tripJe..beam balance yalued $395 and a microscope valued at SPIUNGFlELD, m. (AP) - at $65 was reported missing $1,078 were also discovered An Illinois House committee Wednesday by police missing after, an inventory WednesdaJ: rejected legislation a worker, said. taken Monday. Murdol. for Breakfast, Lunch. Dinner tbat woUld have given state When the break-In was first Police have no suspects in the income las tireaks to reported to police, no items ease. homeowners and renters. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Joba Cullerton, ~~ was rejected whea 13 Ro!publicans on the House Revenue Com­ mittee voted against the GRAND OPENING CARBONDALE'S measure. Rente::'s would have saved up (DNLY PIZZA PICK-UP to about $19 in state income DRIYE-UP taxes. while homeowners could ~~~.rt!:.':!:'U: ~a =rei WINDOW have permitted homeowners to deduct the amount of property ~:n~be~lt.': t~r:!i ~ 01 their -a rent I····.. · up"tte ~:;mhte: vo~d 13'-le against tbe measure.. Tbe FREE'~COKE voting was along party lines. with Democrats supporting the leRisJ,ation. TOGO! He said a similar measure. calling specifically for renter tax relief, was approved by last Call this number now and get . session's Democr~tic­ two 32 oz. cups of Coke eootroUed Revenue Committee. CUllerton said be bad es;' FREE just by ordering a me­ peeled tbe Republican­ controlled committee to ap- r dium or large carryout pizza. ~~'sm=onwas passed by both the Senate and 529-3881 kouse. It later was vetoed by Gov. Jam. R. 1'bompIIOIl. only by Cul1erton said the legislation This deal's available phone so rejected Wednesday would Offer expires . March 31,1981. have saved Illinois homeowners and renters about $70 million. Tbe Thompson ad- ministration opposed the CALL AHEAD-GIVE US 15 MIN: 1egisJatiGn. saying it \".IOUld have deprived the state of needed AND WE'LL HAVE THE THICKEST. rc:::=rton say~ be plans t~ introduce a new bill to pemut renter tax breaks wbicb wauId RICHEST PIZZAYA EVER WRAPPED save renters S22 million a year. Cullerton araued tbat 12 states. including Indiana· and A JAW AROUND READY TO GO. wiscoOSiD. baYe laws giving tax breaks to renters an~ ~at Dlinoia should enact a similar DOlT bill. He alao noted· that bomeowners are entitled ~ various deductions on their Godfather's Pizza. f~al~ ~ returns. We Urge you to SHOP & COMPARE WE PAY MORI .' for

CLAAnything...... of Gold• or Silver J&JCoins 123 s. III. 457·6131 I· MOCK "NEW MeAT" TEST -Try Rush's· 'PictureS: Saturclay. March 7, , .., ':00 a.m.· S:OO p.m. Come to Room 211, Wheeler Hall by March 6 to pre-register for this test. for brainyheavy metal· There will be no fee required. No one will be admitted on March 1 without the green admission form. By RaMY Lyarla Peart finds that physicaly, WlDB MIISie DireeIGr there are DO major differences SponIOf'eCIlty between the two. Therefore, he MEDPREP Heavy metal rock started to GReviewPJl sees the vitality of its rcoidents School of Medici.,. make a comeback in 1980. Black as the quality which gives a city SIU.c Sabbath's "Paranoid" made M its spirit. the British Top 10 eight years ovlDl Pielllrel, R..... Mer- Peart again examines society after its initial release, cury Records, Reviewer'. in "Witch Hunt." He observes prompting them to make a new RatiDg: 3 s&an (4 s&an tepa). that "ignors'lCe and prejudice itIbum. Other metal mongers and fear go hand in band ... This like youngsters AC-DC, Angel song has frightening· im- City aDd Def Leppard were plications in light of the recent· II-..!!!:!!!~~ill~~~t~~~~~~~~~~ili!!!!~. suddenly in great demand. acceptance of Jerry Falwell There were rumors tbat the and the Moral Majority. members of were Finally. Peart offers some getting back together. standard advice in "Vital This yftU' it is evident that the Signs." He reminds us that lleavy metal resurgence was change is the only thing we can , just a spark in the electric count on, a.,d yet there will Skillet. Only AC-DC was able to always be people who resist make any lasting impression on change. The only acceptable the record buying market. Now way to deviate from the norm is that the generic dust has set­ to rise above it. tled, Rusb's new release. And so it is with the album. "Moving Pictures," fw1hers its The Jyric:s rise above the norm, ~tion as the 0IIe and only thInking man's heavy metal ~t8::r':c =Zu=ta~ band. Peart is truly a man of vision bassist-5inger Geddy Lee are Despite its aspirations, Rush as he proved on the ''2112'' LP. still responsibie for the music: is a band besieged by image He gives another glimpse of a and they baven't made as mucb QUADRO­ problems. No style of music ~ible future in a new song, progress as Peart. . 'Red 8arehetta: which is also In fact, "Moving Pictures" embraces the "sex and drugs ' PHIRIA and rock 'n' roll" ethic more about the simple pleasure of a seems to bt- a step backward for thaD beavy metal. In light of drive in the country. The song Rush in terms of intensity. such predilections, the term not only makes one think about Synthesizers are used more Late Show "thinking man's heavy metal" where our society is headed; it extensively than on past Rush friday & Saturday belps one to appreciate the albums, and tbe "riffs to joins the ranks of other such 11:45 PM ~ as'" bo shrimp," conveniences which we take for melodies" ratio is nearly even. ~ glassFand "military gr.mted. Lee bas also toned down the intelligence." However, however, this is not a science shrillness of his vocals, making "Moving Pictures" offers proof fiction oriented album. In his singing downright tolerable. that such a term is not "Limelight," Peart discusses Rush may never overcome necessarily paradoxical. his ambivaleoc:e about being a the limitations of heavy metal When it started out, Rush was stage performer. He finds that to attain mass appeal. Still, the just another thrashing power bei)~g ~ center of a~tention is group bas pushed the boun· trio. The key to the band's addic:ti~e and confusmg at the daries of its genre farther than elevation bas been drummer same ~me. any other band of the past Neil Peart. Since Peart took On Slde two, Peart becomes . decade. This is even mo.-e over as lyricist, Rusb bas totaUy objee\he, _ -a. tune; bnpn!SSiYe in light GIl tbe.·faet thematically risen above the called "Camera Eye" suggests. 'that this trio makes better in this ~ comparison of music tban most five- or six­ You con m. l'DUf hIoIT_ ~~ of the average "party London and New York City, piece metal bands. MY BlOODY VALENTlNE 1!1 ,.,...5'-'l.H Sale Of impounded grain requested .eek.-y. ,.7. t:tI


~ .. Daily Egyptian. F~ry 26.. 1581 -Entertainment Guide--__

Films Over-"Fort f "ache the Bronx." , the general public and 15, $4 and Th ....d.y- .. White Heat." $~ • for students and senior James Cagney's classic University 4: Ends Thur. clllzens. ~ngster melodrama is also an sd~y-:-"The Incredible lntense character study of a Sh!1nking Woman." Starting Concert hood. Directed by Raoul Walsh. Fnday-"AJtered States." Held 7 p.m. $1 admission. Sponsored Over:-::The Devil and Max WNnHdaY~immy Buffett by SPC Fi1ms. Devhn and "Nine to Five .. and the Coral Reefer Band 8 Thu ...d.y .nd Frld.y_ Friday and Saturdav Late p.~ .., Arena. $9 and $7 ad. mISSion. "Redd Fon in Performance in ~how-"QuadroDhenia'" and 112 South Illinois in Carbomb" Las Vegas." The star of S~ "Rocky llorror Pictur.e "Sanford and Son" at his un­ . International censored best. 7, 8, and 9 p.m., Student Center Video Lounge. Movie Thea&er-"Voice of the Festit"al so cent admission. Sponsored by WhisUer." Friday; "Best of the Saturclay.:-Inlernational SPC Video. Badmen," Saturday; "Fort disco, 9 p.m., Big Muddy Room, Frid:.y and Saturd.y_ Apache," Sunday, "BIackbeard Student Center. "Fame." Director Alan the Pirate," Monday. All films Fight Inflation Parker's fine study of the trials are shown at 10 p.m. 00 WSIU. ~day-lnternationaJ buffet. a~ tribulations experienced by TV (Channel 8). a vanety of foods from different Jilted young performers trying countries, 11 8.m. to 2 p.m., to perfect theIr crafts at a New Play, Renaissance Room, Student At York City school. Nominated Center, Advance admission is for six . 7 and Tharsda 'through Saturday_ $4.95 for students and $6.95 for ~:30 p.m. $1.25 admission. SPC ..Birdy .... ~· pm., Calipre Stage. adults, $1 more per ticket at the film. door. . Coyone's $2 admissIon. Late Show-"Midnigbt Cultural talent mow, sf.m., Cowboy." The 1969 Oscar Saturday-"La Boheme," 8 Ballrooms C and D 0 the Winning best picture tells the­ p.m., Shr10ck AuditOrium. Student Center, Admission is -Every Thursday story of a male hustler (Jon Admissioo IS $6, 15 and $4 for free. Voight.> and his decaying friend (Dustm Hoffman) trying to make it bif in New York City. BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY All the Spaghetti 11:45 p.m. 1.25 admissioo. sPc a. ftIm. Sunday-Matinee: "The -~ ~ J .j J tS~ you can eat! _ 9Uiet Man." John Wayne stars lD John Ford'd film about a boxer who returns to· his father's Irish homeland after ·\l"l~~'tk:J~ • with meat sauce killing a man in the ring. 2 p.m. $1 admission. SPC film. I '"--1. nlLn11 Like AIiid f()ll ~ J.11UD G!I Evening: "The Phantom of tTl...... J .. 1-r1 • hot bread & butter Liberty. .. Luis Bunuel's March 8th Shryock Auditorium vignette filJed work about the 8:00pm .free small soda fnillties and sometimes idiocy A II Seats 6.00 of the human race. Also featuring Alexander AJeseieff's All/or $1 69 shDr1 falm "The Nose." 7 p.m. $1 ON LOCATION: only • admISSion. SPC films. AU SPC films are shown at 'Houn 4p.m.. l0p.m. the Student Cell&« Auditorium RED FOXX anless otherwise aoted. . . Fox Eastgate: "The Com· ALSO SERVING .,' • _<.~ C!:'~tt::: ~~l~ 'j~~j' .. -'-',.~.....,. Thin stylepi.:iia SaJuki: Ends Thursday-"My Bloody Valentine." Starting ( deep pan pizza Friday-"Raging Bull." Held ~~r:-~\ stuffed pizza ~ .'~... .. Ann THEATRES r .... ALONG WITH OUR fOX EASTGATE . Described as the naughtiest comic of HOMEMADE ITALIAN SANDWICHES our time Foxx is his uncensored best in this Las Vegas Night Club Act. • Italian beef TONIGIIT and Friday • sausage, 7.8.and!tpm Fourth Floor Video l.ounge • meatball sponsored by SPC Video Committee • combination • BBQ beef Tonight 7pm $1 • submarines Frida" . Saturday • corn beef James Cagney is a 7&. 9-.3Opm $1.25 heartless killer in _ MGM • hotdogs this taut. brutal study ~msAn ofahood. ALAN PARKER FUm Raoul Walsh's HOURS White Heat Monday-Thursday 4p.m.-2a.m. Friday & Safurday 4p.m.-3a.m. Sunday 4p.m.-12nlidnight

OUR DELIVERY GIARGE IS -SitU. ONLY 504 Midnight Cowboy (Inlown) -..--lhy_

_. J

Daily Egyptian. FebnJary 26. -1.1. Pa«e 7 i (:;. .• ...... · •••• ·••••• ·•••••••••• · ...... n ...~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•..•.. _. 'Back on the Streets" shows~ IJfferH3fioJlaJ promise, but not consistent jashioltlS ByBll Crewe Iris fares best when per­ SUfi Writer forming pop without the burden of overexerted chordal poun­ Special Rock of Entire Much like the one-hit artist ~eviewpjJ ding. "Joking" is a catchy tune Blouses & Dresses Stock eharacteri%ed in Paul Simon's wbi<.h makes good use of Av­ film "One Trick POll .. Donnie B8el on tlte Streets. Doaaie sec's synthesizer and a fast· Iris eould be eal1e~'a "jour­ Iris, MeA ~. Revtew1!r'l talking vocal. Otherwise, 30-50% OFF 10% OFF oeyman roclter." However, his RaUag: Z stars (foU' stan "Agnes," Is the one thudding Come in and s_ our New Spring & Summer Blouses & It first solo release, "Back on the 1Gps). rocker that works. utilizes an Dresses. A boutique devoted exclusively to imports. Streets," is an album by a infectiously melodramatic approach that draws the Visit us for peasant. fold and embroidered dresses. silk jourDeyman who shows some scarves. hond bags. and hond blocked spreads. Comel prom.. but needs to be more liStener in to the story of a guy CGII!IisIeDL trying to steal a girl away from skin iomps. i_elry & rugs. Iris' eareer recording with the Ioeal tougb guy. But these Sale Ends Saturday various bands bas been statie to tunes are the exception to the say the ieasL In the late '60s, be rule on this record. Watch for the Grand Opening of another "Too 'YOWIg to Love" a farmed the Jaggen and seored takes International FO'ihion Store in the Universi Mol: a ... rec:oni with the single, good opening piano line and ' Rapper." Several years ruins it with a growling. 306 S.lIIinols Ave. 456-5913 later be recorded and per­ overblown vocal. The rest of the formed with Wild Cherry album, including "Ah! Leah!" (UPlay That Funky Music which is receiving some air­ White Boy") for a short time. play. is populated by pondorous Oa this solo effort, Iris shows rockers and vocals delivered in a desire to eseaP.': the pop-funk a dull monotone, for the most trappings of Wild Cherry and part. play straight-ahead rock, but layered vocals, such as the caD "Back OIl the Streets .. at its ihfj result is only partially and response on "Shock best, is a mediocre 'album. suceessfuI. For every song that Treatment" and the high­ Maybe mediocrity is all that shows some lyrleal distinc­ pitched chorus on "Joking," journeymen artists ean be tiveness or instrumental provide some distinction, but expected to come up with, but 30CDrafts ingenuity, there are two that are wasted without the in­ Iris shows just enough S1)8J'lI: to strumental guts to back them show some promise for the future. 90, Spa.dral•• ~ ::Je:~u:b~= up. . Tlu.n =-girlS, teenage fnlstration, more girls, etc. and two great ban s covering Most of Iris' problems stem o generation of Rock from a distinct lack of in­ 'ftlltiveness iD arrangements, relying too heavily on Marty PLAZA ••ILL Nickels & Shakers Lee's power chordin~ guitar work wbile not givlDg him· • B!'aakfast • Luncheon eoougb room to breathe with an ...... both bands-one night oc:casiClnaJ solo. Keyboardist­ producer Mark Avsec sets a i ...... Lunch: good eJeclric tone to the music • Spedolsl.-ytlay : doors open at 8pm at times, but his work is mostly 549-3932 _ ... _"',,, perfmctory also. ········UlU14·····: ~ • Avsec's use of Iris' multi-

JIMMY BLIFFETT Don1f Miss The ShoVi Wednesday March 4th Tickets on Sale Now at PLAZA RECORDS Save Your Concert Ticket Stub and get 50t oft anyone Jimmy Bulfett Albuml You Had To Be 1here COIle CGUpGft per penon) Volcano Get These Great Buffet Albums on MCAat C(ubondale's Most Complete Record Store M-S 10am-8pm Sun 12pm-5pm *We Special Order*

I'~ I. Daily Egyptian. FebniaI'Y 26. 1981 {1J} PIONEC-I::{~ -TRUCKLOAD SALE FEBRUARY 25-28



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Daily Egyptian. ~ebnlary 216, 1981. Page' , B.B~ King's latest LP :!7~ $~ f/Jale is more top-notch blues '13 off gold chains

By Red Smitlt Sure, the characteristic 113 off Diamonds EfttertamDleat EditGr extended lead gmtar solos that King is noted tor are here ~nd . When you think of the Nues, GReviewp:J] are as biting as ever, .uslO.g basic: call-and-response WIth his the first name that comes (Q There lUast Be A Better W..... mind is B.B. (Blues Boy) Ki~. singing and playing (King His distinctive. string-bendirig 8om_bere. B.B. KillS. MeA admits be can't sing and pick at electrie guitar style has ie­ Rec:wds. Reviewer's Ra&iDg: J the same time). But King:s .ian (4 stan tops). fluenced and been imita~ by guitar is overshadowed 00 this !llJon~$~ hordes of rock artists &IDee the . album by the suophone play 01 eod of World War U. old rhythm and blues players ~~ Because of his irJluence 00 H.nk Crawford and David rock music,. Kin,. helped to "Fathead" Newman. 4(J{) 9'. d~ attract wbite audit!'tlCes to the Crawford and Newman blues, a music form once (l!ayed recorded with King many years 4S7·.;22~ and listened to primarll) by ago but baven't been 00 any 01 blacks. He baa also con­ hi. most recent LPs. Their L soiidated various music fofms cmtributioos from a six-piece in the ,rowth of the blues­ brass sectioo make this album a ~ospeJ, )aZZ, Texas guitar--mto fine work with extremely tight a penonaIized style that DeVer instrumentation ratber than seems to stagnate with age and another run-of-the-miU blues ~tioo. . album. ENERGY . Kmg's new album, '''Ibere Crawfurd. wbo is c:redited Must Be A Better World with the born arrangem~nt, FUTURES dominates the first side 01 tbe Some.wbet:u::. <:t1~~t :-:n:b Wrong Time""), who also adds album with alto sax soIoo 00 all CONFERENCE ...... three tunes while NewD'.an - ~ dozens of previous some brilliant Louisiana aIbums-plenty of clean, razor­ barroom piano playiog. The displays jaZZ) tenar play OD two sharp guitar solos, reecl1ing the album's lyrical content. songs, including the's ~\ ~F--'2 •• 18IO' 7111. extremes of being up ("Life however, is nothing to get ex­ best cut, ''The Vic:tim," which ~ ear__._ c:--t-r c-.. Ain't Notbing But A Party") cited about. Tbe words get lost opens side two. 107 £Mt s.- and (-'in.. dow::! (the title cut) as they take a bac:k seat to the Tbere's reaIJy nothing DEW and ~ the considerable instrumentatioo. from B.B. King here other thaD talents of some top session a reunion with the two versatile musicians. 'I'1tis album doesn't capture sax players; and that'. good. King bas a powerful, booming tbe sizzliog excitement .of When you're the best at wbat vucal style that be bas used in King's live recordings (be bas you do, there's DO reason to CT'eIlting defmitive blues tunes at least six), but instead coo­ change- from other songwriters' works. ceotrates on drowsy, cry-in­ B.B. King is the definitive NGne 01 the most-noted blues your-beer tunes with some blues guitarist and pnves it standards eredited to bim effectively emotive bani play. albaa after album. (''The Thrill Is Gooe," "Sweet Sil:teen" and "Every Day I Have the Blues") bave been -'lfritten by bim but are ; IIe\'8I'Uaelesa known as classie ..,.-...­ t, KiIIg. o..Iif_

... ~=DL~~~< .' =-",:~~''''''~V''r.C~·:i\.6;",:.... _:;.~r~;...,.~.;j-_:'~>::.' ... ~t~ Joba (remember "~t Place. ---' ..._­c-_- Civil riglits .uit c· .... c...... Thurs. & Fri. $p«iot c".... Act...... filed on behalf, crt the Sf Airport ,.. c...... - 0/ Attica inmates • "COIlE TOGETHER'" BUFFALO, N.Y. (1JPI)­ .....y . ....-. .. ua ...... &fIIIM. ....-.•••• 1IU ,...... filefj U ..... ·HII_ -,t-...... - Legal papers were in U.s. "'.":31_ ~­ District Court Tuesday in $-I _&CINe-.__~_fISIIUL IK8"I1OIIIWI'-M_ ...... a _ALIillUlftCIMa -~~(1111 ~ billion civil ri~bts lawsuit by ... -.....-.aua -- U ..·He_ .Attica prison Inmates stem­ ~. ....-. .. ua ----~_-.-c:GfRU1IIMD ming from the 1m DrisGD riot. 'H'1I.I1:3O_ 1InIM.4-.-~-...u ~&CINe-' ...-. A lawyer for sene 01 the 11 NRHM~_fIS1WM. .... c:urrent and former inmates ·.....,,..-• ....-. .. 1111 bringing suit, filed ~ ...... ~:~=fn~c:aurt ...... ,...- proceeding. The suit was filed by the in­ mates 00 bebaIf oll,200 Inmates in D-Yard of the maximum­ security faeility wben police officials retook the prisoD aImsot 10 years ago. Defendants named in tbe lewsuit include state and Attica P1ison officials and the late Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. ~::c:s set for ~ The police assault at Attica 011 Sept. 13, 1971, resulted in the death of 39 people and the wounding 01 another 10.. &tteui. ~&k Permanent . W~ Starting at IlS.OO (fIIeludft ...... cylbrd StyIieD:Jcmrr 6& Darlene Il~S. OJ. Rings combine'heavy meiar·.. ······~~~~~OTHER'S ~ with hooks, distinctive style DELIYERSI

8y Alan Sealley listener want to sing along. PrOlllptly... StaB Writer It is when the Rings forget their lead acoustic gwtar style Home Cooked Italian Cuisine Along with the ska revival GReviewpJ] and go back to the generic style and the heavy metal of electric rhythm guitar that resurgence. 1980 will be they fall flat on their faces. remembered "'. a year that Tbe Rings, MeA Records, "Third Generation" is one song Dally Luncheon Special Reviewer'_ Ratiag: 3 _tan (4 where they make this mistake. spawned • slew of rock bands atan &op!I)_ known as power pop. NtrN we The result is a song that sounds SANDWIOI. SALAD. & SOFT DRINK can add the Rings to that list. like most every nondescript This band'. self-titled debut heavy metal band in existence. album. however, offen more $2.59 than the vast majority of power Other songs keep that poppen-a distinctive style. distinctive acoustic style, but (M-.0nIy, Most of the power pop banda fail because they just weren't 515'h 1.llIInoi. have a generic sound whicb gooo songs to begin with. 529-HH combines the power guitar riffs "Opposites Attract" and "Let Me Go" are examples of this, A~ ...... 014 ,_ Lr.-AmpIe Park...... of heavy metal with a melody and are nothing more than and tempo along the lines of filler. ~ A new wave. The Rings, though, have Another strong point for the found that by put~ a soft edge band is a capable performance on their songs with instruments '. from its members. None of like an acoustic guitar, they tbem get flashy enough to could offer musk: that at least overshadow each other, and didn't sound like the dozen or so they play wen enough so none of ot'-er bands in their genre. the songs get handicapped by This acoustic guitar is plar.ect One song that is laden with incompetent performances. like. an eleebic rhythm guitar boon is ..Got My Wish." It is and is punctuated 00 many 01 also the album's etanckJut cut. 11te singing is also basic but the albwn's euts with • p0un­ featuring a sweetly melodic acceptable, even though bite ding. steady dance beat. or acoustie guitar matched with a and less than intelligent lyrics yery infectious rockin" beat. damage this facet of the Rings' ::'~ ~.:::.~th catchy . "Too Mudl of NotIIi'il'-:i' and HI music. The vocals are mainly The on!:r factor the Ring. Need a Strange" use tbe used as another instrunwmt to make heavy use of in tbeir elecbie as the catch provide IOIJ8S with a book. songs is books. Most of the e~. wbiclt IIUIkes these songs work. . have some element that stands "'This One's For the Girls" and Still. wben you add the good out and draws the listener !!Ito "Watch You Brea"" featlll'e elements together, the result is the IOOg. smart choruses that make the a Dice, clean and energetic pop­ rocIt style that demands little more from the Jisteot!r than enjoyment. Since many oi the poweJ' pop bands don't offer --~ri~------~--- that mUCh, consider "The Southem IIHnois ~late Sailing SPC film, "Whit.. Heat," 7 .no , Ring§" a winner over the status Club meeting. 9 p.m.. Lawson 231. p.m. Student Centf:r Auditorium. quo of power pop. American Marketing Association SPC Travel-RecTeation ma>ting, meetiD& 7 ••:. ,.m.• ()b;o Room. ':3')109 p.m •• Ren~ Room. Red en- OrgaiUzational Blood School of Art Faculty Art exhibit. Ie Drive meeting. 6 to • p.m., •. 111. to l ,.m.. Mitchell Gallery. Milliasippi Room. Forestry Club meetInC. 7:30 to 18

....-·•. ... •• •...... !-...... ~ill::C&_::306. -- ~.I\':a:&~_::."lJJ!l!_. -_!!"!ft~_ ...... - !lJ..~ ..-- bt_~,-~ ... "Sigma· m;ooo"_~~";""'-._ Chi ··AlpIIa-~fta Zeta"-'.~"""" IDinois Office 01 Educatlan __ rellmrsal. 7:30 to 11:30 p.m .• Of1io - , fert!llCe. • a.m. to S p.m., ~n 1ftBtifuW. of ArdliWta ~~ A.:i~= D. ~!= meeting. 7 &0 , p.m., Mackinaw Auditorium.· Video ~ r.ld Room . .lnternational Lounge. vTriangle~·meeting. 7 &0, ,.m.• Sangamen Room. . Pre-V~nary Club meeting. 7:30 $PC video, "Redd Fou... 7, • and, to ':30 p.m.. Iroquois Room. p.m.. Video Lounge. Manon Art Gal1ery sale. U •. m.' Undergraduate S t'uden t p.m., Student Center lOutb Organimlionmeeting.S:3Oto6:3O acalator area. ur.':a !:::: ~~t& ':30 p.m .. International Festival. "MaJaylliaR Activity Room B. Wedding C«emllll),," 7 to 11:3D .. t'bemistry-BiGdIemistry seminar. 4 . p.m. Ballroom B.. ~p..~m:::,.. ~N:edl:en::.~C2:lt.:.. ____~~~~~~~!!~~

Taste Ths.:·.-:'· Bear's Beer. ~tricksSlioes DISCOUNT BASEMENT Me.. Shoes Values To U' NOW $14.99 To 29.99

Shoes Values To $50 ¥ NOW Billiards Parlour •••" To 24~99·· Special .rancl Na.... Shoes Wild Turkey At Discount Prices. (111 Proof) . Locateclln Zwlcb ShcNt '75~ " ...nt· Open lOAM ~r-IcksShoea 7H$outhlll 8 & J Distributing -CaD1PusBriefs- Man convicted of DeSoto robbery By!kGtt eaaea brothers. Dan and Bobby. Carr, said the testimony of Tips on job hunting and resume writing wiD be provided at 7:30 SUR Writer allegedly robbed the store of DeSoto Policeman KurtiS {).m. Thursday in the Communications Lounge f01" students seeking $250 cash, a cashier's wallet and Ehlers was crucial to the jobs with news media. Harlan Mendenhall. journalism lecturer, A Murphysboro man was a carton of ci~tte papers.. conviction. will be the speaker. The workshop is sponsored by the SIU Chapter convicted of armed robbery A jury of SIX men and SIX Ehlers was staked-«Jt across of the Society of Professional Journalism, Sigma Delta Chi. A SDX Tuesday for his part in the hold­ women deliberated for 2\,jJ from the store and testified that business meeting will preeede the workshopat 7 p.m. up of a Handi·Mart coovenience hours before returning the he saw Bruce Griffm drive the store in De Solo on Nov. 17. guilty verdict, ending a two-day car while Dan and Bobby en­ Black Dimemions, aired by WSIU-TV Channel a at a p.m. The gun used in the robbery. a trial. Judge Richard Richman. tered the store. Ehlers said Thundays,will brtJadeast the first part of a twOoP.lrt interview .22 c~ber &mtinM.nwmvB, who presided over the trial, win Bruce nevB entered the store. Thursday on "The Plight of the Black Athlete" WIth former and bad been stolen from a Car­ sentence Griffin on March 31. present Saluki athlP.tes Rod Camp, Charles Nance. Harvey Welch. bondale resdient, police said. Griffin faces a priso!t term of at Dan Griffm testified on his Eric Jones, Issace Brigham and David Lee. Part two of the in- Bruce Griffm was one of three least six years and a maximum brother's behalf saying the terview will be aired March 5. _ men arrested a few minutes of 30 years in {rii."Cl; Incident never took place. after the robbery. police said. Dan Grima has already However. the prosecution The environmental workshops at Touch of Na ture will sponsor an Materials stolen froin the store pleaded guilty to armed rob­ submitted a statement, signed overnight camping trip' f01" students ages t through 16 on March 7 were found when the arrests bery and will be sentenced by Dan Griffin and taken before and 8. Canoeing and hiking will bring campers to an Indian lodge were made. police said. March 10. Bobby Griffin's case the trial. admitting that the for an overnight stay. Reservations can be made by calling 529- Griffin. who was released bas not been brought to trial robbery took plate. 4161, extension 40- from the State Prison in yet. Menard just a week prior to the The prosecuter in the case, Both Bruce and Dan face TheSIU Marine Mammal Society will meet at 7p.m. Thursday in robbery, was convicted for assistant Jackson County armed robbery charges in Life Science II. Room 450. The speaker wiD be Winky Lee, a driving a getaway car while his State's Attora>'!y Michael C. Williamson County. teaching assistant in the English Department, and a member of General Whale. an organiza lion f01" the preservation of whales. Cecil J. Stralow, vice president and assistant general manager of AVCO New Ideal Farm Equipment Co., will speak at 1:30 p.m. Friday in Room 209 of the Agriculture Building. Stralow, who wiD ., be on campus to accept the Agriculture School's 1981 Outstanding Agriculture Alumnus Award. will speak on the outlook (01" agriculture.Straiow earned a bachelor's degree in agriculture educaticn at SIU-C in 1961 and a master's degree in agricultural i~ustries in llno. Greg Krispin, executive pr~ in charge· of operations at Chicago's WLS-TV news depar~ent, will be the guest speaker at the Epsilon Rho business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Lawson Hall lloom 221. Krispin will s~tk about. new teclmoJogicaJ developmenm in broadcasting. The Carbondale Energy FIJ!ures Conference will be beId at 7 p.m. Thursday. The meeting .'las been moved to the Carbondale Community Center, 6f11 E. College. David MOl"ris, executive director 01 the Institute f01" Local SeIf-ReHance. win speak on creating an "Energy Independent Carbondale. to The conference is the culmination of two previously held energy forums and wiD be ... ,.uae ...... II '" de: the basis for a report to the City Council from the Energy Futures • ~N~ ...... _ _".I11_~ .. ,...... , • .,.,...... ,.".. NameRegistration ______Form__ ~~~~= ..:-::::{IIor. .... ~_,.,.. s...... ,.,~'0 Task Force, which is drafting a c:omprebeasive energy plan for the .".:":;;;... __ ...... _...... t1 ttll t.-..,-_ .....

city. ) ...... ,- • ....,., ..... IIIII'e~Dt ...... " ., "'I(.fW~11:5 -~~,..,.,.., ~~ ~',...NCfl .,.. ~_ Add~ss~ ______-- ...... ,;_...... __...... Rec:reaticn for Special Populations wiD bold an Outdoor ~-:~~c:,~\5-;-1::-:=~:~~ Awareness Day Sunday. Various outdoor activities. including • ....."".....,~~r#~s-.c.. ~~.., ...... J~_~ ....,. ftIII' ....,~~.", III~"". __ .... ~..., 0IIIs ...... _ campfire dinner. are planDfld. A S1.50 fee for the dimer must be Ci~ ______~~~ ____-,~~ ____ ...... fJfII+",, __...... ) ,. .. kWlII ...... lA1"~ ..,..~ ...... ,., .. paid by Thursday in the Office of Recreation f01" Special .,,~.,. POI!llll"t)1 l"" "'.a&l':6 Populations in the Recreation Center. More information may be obtained by C'8lling 536.. 5S:n. extension :rI. ,,;'.. t-9 }':n. ~ct?on:';'.·~~~rldaY ,:~r:::' ""l_l~~~~.·fi· ,.. ".'iil. """ .. - -" challenge court fot men and women. Registration f01" play on this SAVIE .....11 ~ begins at 4:30 p.rn. at the DOl"th turnstile each of these ...... JIGW evt'IIIDgS. l $1488 EXHIBITION AND SALE O~IGINAl O~IENTAl A~ _ 1I..... 19th c.-, 0rIgi00at Etchi.... Woodcuts. Utho- ...... Ohio. --Japan, TiNt...... T1IoiIanll. - ...... by; HIrosIIlj.. 1(unIraIhI .... KuniMdo.

COft~,1a by; Saito. ~Aachi. Man and KatiudL

Prices good through the weekend. W.mea-. ADkleb ... Coaster.. caval. with • spotty look. In almond. 4 9 ~ :~~~~~lnnavy ~1Cyke~:"" ~~ ... 'LU.... ~~ America's #1 Self-- Service Shoe Store: , . Payle$s SheeS'eurce . '.' .. ' ~ CARBONDALE MURPHYS80RO-~-Qor .. Eastgate ShoppIng Canter Jackson Square 10-1 Mon-Thun '-'Mon-Sat .-.FrI&ht --_._------"-~..,..-.-- "------Court upholds -Campus Briefs- president's THE GOLD MIllE The Philosophy Colloquium wiD present Craig Walton, professor of philosophy at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, at 4 p.m. -LUNCH hiring freeze Thursday in Faner 1326. The subject of Walton's talk will be u('.orsi, Ricorsi. and the Way Out of Barbarism in Vico's Scienza WASHINGTON lAP) - U.S. Nuova." SPECIAL District Judge Charles R. Have • slice of our lulcy Richey ruled Wednesday that President Reagan's federal A resume writing and interview skills seminar will be conducted Deep ..... Pfuo•• crisp hiring freeze is "neither un· by John ~ummey, assistant professor of marketing, a~ 7 p.m ...... IOft .... for Thursday ID Student Center Ballroom A. The seminar is sponsored coostitutional aor contrary to only law," meaning that eYeD thGse by the American Marketing Association. $2.25 promised employment before the ban was invoked on Inauguration Day are out of 'I'm University Honors lunchtime seminar is scheduled to ~n 11...... ·2p ..... luck. at noon Thursday 1n the Student Center Troy Room. Jerome 549.7111 Richey said that the "20,000- Handl~r, professor of anthropology, will speak on early Afro­ odd" persons who received Amencan culture. acceptance letters from federal agencies between the election and Jan. 20 were not legally The Engineering Biophysics Colloquy will be held at 3 p.m. hired, since Reagan's executive Friday in Communications Room lOO1.·Stephen Scheiner. assistant order was retroactive to Nov. S. professor of chemistry and biochemistry, will present a paper on The letters were "mere offers "Protein Transport in Biomembranes." of jobs which did not rise to the level of appointments," Richey said in a ruling from the bench Dental hygiene students will present a dental health puppet show after oral arguments. Saturday in the University Mall. Shows are scheduled for each AMore Attorneys for the National half-hour, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The puppet show is intended to Beautiful And Treasury Employees Union: offer nutritional educaton and proper oral hygiene techniques to representing workers in several both children and parents. Confident You ~ovemment agencies, told the With EJectroIya CoII...,.",..~ __ _ Judge the letters constituted _----__I. appointments. The union estimates that as many as The Rehabilitation Institute Program proseminar is scheduled 50,000 persons may be affected. frot:" 2to3:30p.m. Friday in Lawson 151. Phyllis Ehrlich. visiting One lawyer for the assIstant professor at the Rehabilitation Institute. will discuss the "Mutual Help Model: A Social Network Service Delivery System challengers, Robert M. Tobias, for the Elderly." declared he would appeal the ruling and seek back -pay for those who are maae to depart BRIEFS POUCY-[nformation for Campus Briefs must be their government offices. delivered or mailed to the Daily Egyptian newsroom. Com· He and others argued that munications Building, Room 1247, by I p.m. the day prior to . people quit ~ sold homes and publication. The item mUFt include time, dab. place and sponsor of moved families after receiving the event and the name and telephone number of the persoo sub­ CODgra~lory letters from the mitting the brief. Briefs will be runony once. government on their new ~~~on;.;hite House no immediate comment upon ~~~ts Richey's rding. Reagan had ordered ::.e freeze in line with his pledge to reduce the size and '§@

~.., .. Illinois a·· ... MoIMIay-letuniay..... s:.

The late S'- is fost b«oming one '" the top acts in the midwest. The four m.mben of this band have pIoy«t clubs. concerts. and umv.rsities thoughout the country. The Late st- has \IWOft acclaim evet 'w ..... they have ~. and hold attendance records at most dubs where they have periormed. look for The Late Show's first olbum 10 be r-'-ed this year. People stay late for The ~ Show• ...,...... en. ....ea-- .,...... I. CHINESE ...... O-Pbtdr COMBINATION PLATES ...... from $2.65ond up or 1---COUPON FOR i LUNCH Mon-Fri LUNCHEON BUFFO $3.25 1·$1.00 off i 11:30-2:30 the door (one DINNER 1901W.Moin l!!. ""':!~!J MON-SAT 3 doors east from True Value HcJrdwant 5:00·10:00 MurdaIe Shopping Center 529-2813 . 611 S. illinois

Daily EgyptiaJI. Febnary .. 1981., Page 13 SMITH CORONA ELECTRIC ------.....""'!"'''''!:='''".., I KrNG TEMPO .TROMBONE with fOREIGN CAR PARTS Portable Typewriter. $ISO. Late 5 TERE 0 case. mint COnditiOn. S1JMJ~~~~. fJaily 1!.gyptian model Barber chair, '100. ~1622: 549-2702. 85106Af108 EXPERrENCED SOUNDMAN 529-164.4 DOLLS, A.NTIQ"!JE KEROSENE WITH Excellent complete P.A. lamps. spnng dnv~ Dhonograpb~ ,R E PA I R wants wGrlt. call 529-4~~~~~ poclCetwatcil; key·wina c1oell. ola AucIo tta.aItaf ...., 6pm.. GLOBAL AUTO ~~radiO, Wedgewoo4M~~~r2 (across from ihe train stofion) FOR SALE: PENCO 5-string North on tfwy. 51 Banjo. goodconditionj prl.ce "======i!• negotiable call 457-7859 art.. r 6.00 Carbondale COUCHES AND CHAIRS. used Cont...... T.y...... I pm.. 5097Anl08 ...... _.--..... and reasonable pri~. s::1~n08 ForS-Alee Someone who knows you. k.-s me, and that someone 2 ! MMETAL, VARIOUS .SIZE:) .~ '-__...;'..,;2_9_ •• '.64 _____ I =rs~lo~ ~~~~a s:~: has learned that T.V. and

s18reo repaif's need not be ex· I· t Motorcycles . ~~1~~~ileS:::Xn~ pensive. Low CMIfhaod and Apartmen s 1976 HONDA 750 Superspc;Rt. New EDIAS COMPLETE special ~permitme i _-~------.., ~m~'='r~tk~S1~(:~ f~fY?r;~des bOokeaRe and to make repaif's for less. I gNe COUNTRY PARK 529-44lI3. Also 1972 VW Conver!able yearbooks. $100. Call 993-24119 after "-estimates, a 90 day war· , MANOR 11650. 5061AclCII 5 pm. SJ.l4AflCII rantee, and lost dependable . ..-vice. Invite me into your • 'U1'1d1he4 • Unfumfshe4 ~~~a!t~~s~~,:-:::. Electronics harne. «ccme to ~ shop and ...... A~ unused past 2 years.. g;;od QREAT BUY!!!!! Sansui._77! save. And like that someone A_II.ltI. erooornica] trallSportatiGn, S350 or Receiver. 5OwxSOW. Exctuen. you know, coJl 549-5936, • ~te Occuponcy best offer. Call Roger. 453-2721 ConditiOn. Aslung $2.OO~~238106 between 10.20.- 457-490S. S056Aclll liarty. ....-ng AI_'s T.V. Repair ondScNe. .1ffIdet__ &, ......

]973 HONDA 125. new tires, new FOR SALE: KENWOOD Com­ • Nice Location .battery·nu1Sgreat,$395~~Os panents· KA 8100 Am~ier. $290: AUEN'ST.Y. ~T~::r.ll40.P ~[~~ ·1wI...... PooI 1m GS 550 SUZUKI: new tires. $141 for lffldendes custom seat. small crash bars. BANG AND OLUFSEN Beomaster excellent bike. 11350 or best )900 receiver. 60 walts, 1 pair 7S c: LI ".for' hdrootns reasonable offer Dave.S2!H290. walts M2I'antz speakers. $.;50.00. C A ,.... NO DEPOSITS DURING free. Ca]1 We buy used stereo flqUlpment ENROLLMENT PlRIOD _-_~·~~·~~~5~)22A--C)-08_.I~~ befor:l:~X?t~ guitars & amps. FOR SALE CYCLE TECH 1 I C BELT DRIVE turntable Good cond;=lr~r needing 529-174' Compare Our Specicu. On $45:00.8 four DLK Series I. ~peakers n,.. I$260.00 Excellent condition. S2!t- Avello ~!.!!~ ....~t5 Days 1:30-5:. Automobiles I ~ 4408 after Spm. 5123AgJI0 J,..__ ,:;;:;;;;;.;;~~.;.;; ..... __ ,FURNISHED THREE ROOM FOR SALE: 1973 Chevrolet 1m­ PoInts & PI.... PIONEER SX-7lIn RECIEVER. 3 pala-2 door-vinyl top. caJ=~Je EXPEIIT SEIIVICI AT IIEASONAIU! IWks. old. 60w x60w , under --N-O-W--.-N-S.. T.. O-C·K-....., ~=~r ::dv::.e~':.l:'~it~ PltlCESONAUMAkESOf warranty, demo•. asklRg S~4(). 687-3380. 51 11 B::: 108 MOTOItCYCUS Chuck 457-2344. EvenlJlg5S13IIAg108 t975 MAVERICK_ 4 door. auto. air. % MUIOU1'M OPntI AMM. I Apple.. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT ilJo. PS, new tires. 684-~:ar:e~ near.camllUs. ~ month. ,....,. A GOOD AS.<;ORTMENT of Black· Apple III utibties mcluded. B509&BaI06 White and Color TV'S fTom $35.09- THUNDERBIRD. 1979. white. ruU up. BiII's TV Shop.t'llJ34. Walnut U Mobile Homes power. AM-FM casse~yer, a Street. Murphysboro. I~gt 12 Atarl ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT option. caD after 4 pm. 5Ul:.Urt FOR SALE: 1973 12x&O Mobile near camlMl. S2~ month. Home. Call 1-965-9482 after 6:00 North Star Horizon utilities included. BS09sBal06 P.M. 5034Ael06 PIONEER STEREO SYSTEM for sale. Tel: 52IH220. call af:-.:1g'r09 :.r: !~I~~t B~!~Od~~~ C FOR SALE: 1OxSO Ritz Craft Plus • wide ..teetiOft of TWO BEDROOM AND Three miles. must sell. 54NU:SI07Aa1C11 Mobile Home. Price $1600.00. CIOI'IIpUMr --...... bedroom apartm~ts for rent. Pbone 964-16!J1. 5072A.elll Location Gn New Era Road. & poiH'lphorols Utilities paid on three bedroom. Available immediately. ~:ZS;:ilo !i':!t~~=~ke:.~tuJ::~ 12D!6 FOCYr. 1972 Mobile HOlM. STEREO -..- anet ...'-tor mlnt. \KJdy ILLINOIS COMIIUmt MAllY ~~: ,-....·'~·~~A~ ~:z.~ pI~~,;:a~. ,,,-SABIN AUDIO ..... s__tsc--..... CARTERVll..LE EFFICIENCY conditioning. new fiimace. Can CH!CX LOW (I ..... £ ...'oIMoU .....'10 Ik._) APARTMENT. furnished. lights 1976 CHEVY PICKUP. AM-FM 457-8062. 5OIIOAe 112 oc.. DISCIOUNr and water paid, natural gas iIeat, PIUCIS ::e.~a't ~~! !~:s:;It:ti~ ~ J2x55 ELCONA: WASHER- $125 month. crossroads. ~~':i08 WaDy. 541 !JAa 106 DRYER, furnisht-d. deck. skirted. All TlCHNIQUD EQUIPMlN1 bus tGcampus. is available in May. 457-7081. 5091Ael12 ~~.B:!tOOstt ~~~~~ ~ ~i~~~ ~ttre~.E&li lt~~ AUDIO-TECH.." Off111% CARl' Pets & Supplies 4003. 893-4532. B51211Ba1lO 4S7-fi1<17. 5124Aa1l4 !.r~2x::'tra~I~~~1~D~ RETAIL 160 SALE .20 EXCEPTIONALLY NICE. EF­ 1t73 FORD Floe PICKUP. AKC SIBERIAN HUSKY puppies. FICIENCY Apartment. Large ~,:!:r:ir~'a:'':=: 5fl~t:'~' blue ..yes. shoIS:. 1175.00. automatic transmission. 302 8 TDKSAC·90 kitchen. bathroom. bedroom...... Mastercharge and visa. Stud Immaculate condition. spotless ~=. fiberglass cap, ~:aJf:~ Service aVailable. (618)-724-7fB1. throughout. All heat. water. S __• oI966AIJI06 FOR SALE. 1m Audi 100 13. • HOM. IS Special r~gro P~~r.1inf;:~: Front wheel drive. 4 speed. 4 ~I.. I 8x40 "'-'_. '-0..-...... ~.Ia~~r ~ho"i~i~~r·$I~a: :;:e ~n'f'cJ:x= $~~ eluded utilities. Phont'549-2733. 4308. 512liAalC11= 4984BaICII '--. 549·3000 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED - ~t? 606 E. Park St. w.oar campus. 893- Phone: ....3324. 5145AallO Miscellaneous 4532. 893-<1003. 85129BaIlO MlSS KlT1'Y'S GOOD. used fur- Parts .& Services ~~B=~~r!:~ TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS. USED TIRES, AMERICAN and Milas. dinette Rta. dressers. desk. :",~p~ :~ :'~f.ce;ttre!~ import sizes, 110.$30. Goc!dYear :,~ mm~ more. Free :::~jg. refrigerator and stove furnished. Caiiloodale University Mall, 549- Very competitive. Save time and 2lG7. BSoMAblO'1 BUY AND SElL used furniture :.a~~1Oft costs. Ca~I~~ KARCO ~~~=Jtder Web~~fr:a ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS Kont_ Auto hcycU.. adjacent to campus on South Corp. TYPEWRITERS. SCM ELEC­ Poplar Street basic furnishings TRICS. new and used. Irwin Very compt'litive. Save Guaranteed TYpewriter Exchange. 1101 North trn:vided. R~ed Auto Parts ~:::;!da~~~~~~'Wfk ~~_~OO:==.atlOll~.r8a~~1 Foriegn • Domestic fr_ Parts locoting - States SAVE MONEY AT 'aundramat. APARTMINYS Buy new G.E. Washer or Dryer as N. New Era Road Carbondale NOW RENTING FOIt 457·042' .57-6319 ~n:.:1e 'lfniv:r~y ~c;r~ SUMMalaf'ALUI-82 2107. B5043Afl07 SIU crpprow.d for 549·5612 '~""up ,. FOlIO T-8IIIO 76 PLYMOUTH ADOW Feoturitog: ...... SuIwoof. PS. I Door. HotchlMldc. 4cyf. ~"'2&3bcf. ... c:rw... AM/fM ...... ' ...... Good ..... AMI Bicycles SplitleYefapl'l. Tape 'MAIr. NALDER with: NJSHIKI INTERNATIONAL: 25" ~poof SnREO Air ~Ft!LZ:a~.!: 3':::rm WaHIOWoII~ . ns s. U"'-nIty ~!r.~1~tour. S21~I~i211~'::~ FuIIy~ 77 CHIIYIUII NIWPOIrf '-on the ....nd .. CoIQ TV Cameras Chon:oaf griIb HonItop. WhIte. Vl-AT Prompt. Reliable ANOy\!T . . AMJPMS...... Afr...... BRAl'M RI.51S ELECTRONIC VBIY ClOSt: TO CAMPU5 ~he~.... ____ ~ ____ Service On Most flash. battery pack. hi~h &r low Few Info...... ,;_ stop by: MaJor Brands =~. wide angle fea ~tf~ 71VW~unu fSMUSTANGIt . The Wall Street Quads ~ Y.... ~,.Good ...... mew... AM/PM...... 10 ..... Audio Technka 111 Musical 1207S. Wall -S-1'heM& MMe At_ or (011451... 123 tltirI!C .... Me Now t2S.00 TWO CONRAD GUITARS-­ ..... Clas.'Iical ~ffer. {'urly Maple OFfiCE HOURS: EPPSDATSUN .... at. U At laic. 1004 J 549-1 SOl 6- st~ $I50---ofter. Tony 451- 9 to Spm ... 451·2114 ...... _._ ...... ___ ... 2871... . ~.goodcond~~AJtos ". Sotuntoy. 11-3pm GARDIN PARI( Mobile Homes OVERSEAS JOBS· Summe-r. year IIWING AOIIS APARTMINTS Mobile Home 1.01. round. Europe, S. Ampr.• FREE RENT FIRST month. Australia. Asia. An fields. $500 • ALTlRAnoNS OffwInglpecl.1 Raccoon Vallev. 5 miles South, f~r:. v7riO:~ &f'52~~.~'= 'A~ION DESIGNING Su,,","", R.te tns TRAILERS . Del Mar. CA 92625. 4705(."IOB . $1OO-Sl80permonth ~7~·:~57~::'~~:'8.$46-UP. CAUIYELYN B50598 I.. 122 '.talfor ...... SUMMER-RAFTING JOBS! $1.200 ""-1'.43 CHUCK RENTALS • $3.600! Training ~rovided! Grand Swf_'ngPool CanYon, H..,aii. Alrrea. Send $6.95 AfrCOlMltlonlng 549.3374 OiiU'. FREE NEED HELP? TU70RING. , HoMIS r:~~:::::'(~cwrr::~b gui: editing and proofreading by ex. SINGLES OR COUPLES. 2 MOVE TO to Lake Tahoe. CAl 113. Ii: t'129, perrenc ed persons: do~ al your bedroom. 12 widP. SI45. furnished Sacramento. CA 95860. 4776CI07 l'OIlvenienee. Reasonable rates. CARBONDALE HOUSING. and air conditioned. very clean. ... ~ .. -.... Rt. 51 North 529-3139. 5!31ElJ2 LARGE furnishpd, t bedroom -- apartml.'nt, available im· 549·3000 SEEKING INNOVATIVE. IN· ~O::t':!'J~~igtrc~r~~. ~ ---- TELLIGENT. energetic. female ABORTION-FINEST MEDICAL no Pets. 549-6612 or 50&30112. runningmate with Ideas for up­ earl.'. Immediate appointmtl'!ts. .::~Wlst ~~U:~d~ r::soll 88628c1l0 I Roule 13 West, call ~145. coming USO elections. No ex­ ¥:~lr~~:.~~: ~1iii' 84900BaI07 TWO BEDflOOM. SHADY lot, gas perience necessary. 549-34~5ocl08 NICELY FURNISHED TWO Pregnancy Aaistance ~f~ nfl;r.jt:s~~h !:1 ::= OPPORTUNITY FOR AM· Bedroom. air-c:onditioru!d. ,.,atu ------_.-----$150amor;th.549-2718. B4880BcIII .. HU~ WANTED " BITIOUS People - Dignified in· Center ~~~Ii:s~~~ ~~SBa~~' ('(){1NTR~ ~ETTING. NICE two ~rr-n;~m~.mJ." =;~ Pr..... nt-Neetl Help? bPdroom, a.,-eonditioned. fur. Call 529-2441 GLEN WILLIAMS RENTAI..S. 510 nished. Many extras. Ten minute ~~t=t~.. 2321 arte-r ~c:M. S. University. 457·7941 still has • drivetoc:ampus.~19JO. WA."ITED: BARTENDERS AND fl.'w pf(jcie-ncies Il.'ft for this 24 Hr. 5ery'ce 849748c107 ENGINEER FOR· DESIGN 0( st'fIIeste-r,1 block." fro"'s~~~i 19 FREE BU'.-S-TO--('-am-pus-. 12x50. 2 :~~~i.A~ i~nr:~·J::':. batt~·powerec! mine ~uipmpnt. New Route 13. Carterville Illinois. St'nd resume and sala!'"! B5OO8('120 NEW LUXURY APARTMENTS 2 ~~~~~":~t.=7:::e.S29- rPQuirpmPnts . to: General . . :'\!I~A!4TE~_ • bedrooms, dining, living '" kitchE'n. 49808c107 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: se-If clean oven. rrosUree ~pa;:~riL~. Box 1~1~~ STILL A FEW left, one c'- to ::'~C~I~ndtyp:~~jllta=~j SIOO REWARO to the first JJerson ~1!~:fu~~al:as,;!~~::::,pr, h::h and Univers8y experience lielpfut SERVICES. ~ S-;;:viding information resulting in carpeting throughou!: w.Vkout ~t~~~ooms.~B~TI2 .. Assist in all as~ of t'n­ deci. draperies, '225 rt. storage vironmental pIannmg firm. 549- . . OFF~RE~~' . '.~ , son(:~I:~b~or;~t'/:":~I::i CARBONDALE. 12x50. CLEAN, 2 2ItI2. 85066CI08 of a red 1m KZ650 KawasakI ~~aa~tro;~ bedrooms. no pets, 8e-IAir Mobile Grads and Faculty. BS039BaI20 MUSICIANS-FEMALE ONLY! ~:~~r:;.:, /::,y J:U=, ~'J rl'rr a~:~~aI:'~~ ~=: Bass guitar. lead guitar. drummer. , 3440. 221 Pierce Hall. 5085FI07 SPA('JOUS. FURNISHED EF­ 457-2874. 8510481:14. call 99:Hi83O or write PO Box 64, FICIENCY. available im· Johnston City. 5067C'108 Printing Plant i SALVAGE mediately. S150 ~ mmth. all Photocopying C.... &Trvcb electric, air-condlt~ waU·to­ l.!!~ai~=~Sp~~ WORKING MAN WITH children Offset COPYing lotteries. ItadIaton wall C831\ting. 1 mile from would share home _ith lady in Ant nwtaf will r..:yde campus. aJl529-3890a~~'I07 ~=::':2fi2f05S.:.£'rc:-:l exchange for lIous8eeping and Offset Printing KAIII1IN AUfO milek-are. Privacy and salary Thesis Copir.; 1IC'fQ.1'.... c::o-P WAl..K TO C-AMPUS from this available. 942~I.l.'Venint18l('J12 Resunws N ...... &0 ltd. CcartIandDI. economical Z bedroom, carpeted 1'. ROYAL RENTALS CRrds pr::"':n!"sl~:OO .per ROCK KEYBOARD TEACHER in Statiorwry Now ...... =. 51358c117 BUYING ...... --.., ------:llm~~. t:a1:~~~ ~~t; Spiral Bindings _ SMALL ONE BEDROOM. 185 pm. . 5OII4CU17 Wtodding Invitations GOLD ...... '-' ... monthly. Z blocks behind _South 1111.... Univet'5lty Mall. 1 mile from HELP WANTED: SENIOR or M-I1~Jp.... effIcIeMy I,. IMI campus. Sorry. no Dogs. Call 549- graduate. Com~nionship. light 606 S. lIJinois - Carbondale .,. 2533. b5137Bc 107 S2t-M51 1·..-- .,. =:n/~~:h:d:g.wt!!:a~ r:~~ 457-7732 ~ nee ... NEW ONE AND two bPdroom, C.. II536-7761 BA·5P or inlervie-w in MoIIfI&"- .., ,. furnished. and economical. Near person I..SII Room 179. 5100c108 Top Dollar For ... ", ...... ,.. . TYPING: EXPERIENCED . Mobil. Homes n."' ...... ~.~7.~~lable nowBs~i:~ HAIR STYusr WANTED: Full or FAST. Reliable- and aerurale. Ih.. ' ...... ,. Part time. Call Christina. 549-2833 . AnySI_ ••• TWO·BEDROOM MURDALE Fit_Cente-r; Eve·sApple-. ~=.eed work. $.~ pe~ll~6 Ilt:$~:::) Mobile Homes in city limilll west of 5114CI07 Any Condition A...... ,...... THE (,ARBONDALE WOMEN'S 544t-HM e4 .ntI elr condltlonacl. ::~:: ~P~"fvi~~erpa~:a Cente-r offers confidential \L"':::;::;':=-_======~ =p3nd l:~r~n&-fu~~~i~ ~~im~ No ..... 2324. Iw.I67E 116 .. ..' lOST ~' t ~.~Or~~:~Bc~;J' PREGNANT? LOST KITTEN IN· 4GO S. .57~22 call BIRTHRIGHT Washington Vicinity. Fem.I.e- Fr_ pregnancy short flair. Jrey and _hlte. Houses & conficMntiaf GSsl$tance. =::a~=~j:.SC:ar on =~~ 549·2794 LOST... MONTH old male Lab. STUDENT RENTALS .&.._M_on_6-_8pm;",-._T_.W_.F_l_2_.4.. p_m_" puppy. Blat'k ,,-ilL white ~ws • 1 NOW IIINIING NEED A PAPER t~ IBM ::'i.'ca'ii~31~~~1. Rewa~~bz ' ...11& ...... Rooms =k!n!:~~~.ecurate. ~ OLD Irale Malamute in ----...., ...... & ...... CABLE TV. ALL utilities paid. 491i8E1I6 Pamona Oulcb f;idgp Road an>a. =...... maid service. $55.65 ':" week. Wanted back Vl!i"y badly. Rewanl! , ...... Iy ...... King', lib) Motel. s.-4OL8llBdl08 ~~~~~~g~r~ Anyim(Ormc>.'ioncaU~I08 1&1 ...... ~eSsior!!yn~~ry. ~:NI~_ LOS!' PUPPY.LAST seen t-20 l1li 529-,., PRIVATE ROOM. SHARE kit·' 4463 or 543-7589: ask for Sharon west Side near c:am~ Black and chen. two baths, largf' Jiving room. LingJe.(:PS. 4!l92E1l8 white 5 montiJ-:oId femal.e. nVE BEDROOM HOllSE. four I shag ea~ 3 miles Soutb of ~:Imes.~ ~r.ss4:;W8~ \ ~1r:.pus. illehlding u=ds:i'i A.l TV RENT AL ~i=v~:r:.~f ~~~ B487lI8b1l1 LARGE ROOM FOR Rent. Close to New Color $2S monthfy =:~~~lfu~~fo1 ; ('ampus and T_n. Utilities in­ PNF1.JRNtSHE[) HOUSE. TWO BIodt &Whi1e $15 monthly . . bedrooms. NW side. nlra nice. cluded. Cau by night 549-: WI IVY",.. W_lrI.. firt'plaep. air conditioned. 8dt08 ANNOUNCEMENTS • not wortrl .. 4J7.7IIt references required. ~b113 Roommates ------HOUSE WITH 'fWO-onP bPdroom ROOMMATE: FEMALE DESIGNER JEANS NEEDED Own bPdroom for S7S-a AND TOP SALE :.;yres:.~r.:~ ory!~~itIi :'':i~b:~~l;S4~~~=~~~y ~~R:':h~ ~~~~: , . . 5018Be108 ...."OFF ~~~~~:.~. R~~ FIVE BEDROOM HOOSE. 1182 E. Walnut. $ItS monthly ~aeh. would FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE. 1182 E. rent 00 JII!I: bMroom basIS. ~ people need %more. 457-=i~l28 OSCA~~A ~~i!~I~rr.:::~= CALVIN KLIIN need 2 more. 457-4334. B5(03llbi20 CLEAN SPACIOUS HOUSE .in CHIC FURNISHED HOl!SE. TWO quiet area. . H.B.O.. alr- fUMNYGIIIL 8t'drooms plus. air. MIIJ'Ph~. ~iooed. large ~::s SASSON ~ ~_~ pets, =~ FOUR BLOt'KS OFF Cam- SA' ...... ,.., LARGE . THREE BEDROOM Brick Rancher. Available April ~~aa~. ;::t~"r~~ SUNDAY MAIICH ~12 lsi, sunken livingroom.«>. house. Available for Summer sublet. 54&-4751 or~. =~ room. $450 ,"=~:f:i HOUDAYINN CAHONDAU Ml.lRPHYSBORO·3 room ~ • ~i:r~~:·~it51r::Bt~· WAlmDt Studan! OrientatIon roVRBEi>Ri:(:,MHOO--sEc.-k.;.1"o 0Iairman.. Beginning ,.., IS. eampus. PlIrtially furnished. Ability to communicate. or­ wasliinR macbinP aDd dryPr. $100 ganize and work with lots 01 per. montb.529-IS8Ul.'Ven~~Bb14Y1 people. Apply Offb of ~ riiR."{ISHF.D-i1>17 AGE.(;i. DewIopment, third floor, Stu· PET. appJianN'!l. 6 mo. le-ILW. dent Centar br MardI 3, $pm. depoSit. referPfIC'es. ('o~ or si~~~~~.!~':.~i~~tcrr CARBONDALE ENERGY Tob Tntervl·eW,Q -J4 ~j. ~------Community Center. 107 East The following are oo-campus ELT, Computer Science, and engineering 01' other Majors: 88, MS ESSE, EM&M. ~t";: Da~OO~:r.. E~:l~1!: job interviews scheduled at econ.omies, ,EET, foreign area degrees with career interest in MET, EET, computer science. Oiredor. Institute For Local Self· Career Planning and studJea, languages (Russian, computer science and 12 boors American Hospita~ Supply Reliance. Washington. D.C. Placemellt Center for the week Eastern European, Middle computer science c:ourse work. Corp., Evanston. MaJOl'S: See ~~:.,:·E::,u~~nt of Marcb 2. For interview.po\ orienta!>. math, Thursday, March S. Shick. attorney. 5pe!lk on finallCia1 polntments and additional physICal ICience. photography. Friday, Mard • Shell Oil Co., Houston. Incentives to you for using con- . information, lnteruted United States Steel Corc., Majors: See TbursdaY. Marcb serYation and renewable students should visit the Career WeOesda7, Marcia • ~~~~~~~. Majors: S 5. rescul'CeS. This conference is the Planning and Placement Center National Steel Corp, Granite Wallace Business Forms, SL =.of.':: ~m=: ~ Woody Hall Room B-:lOf. City. Majora: ESSE, EET. United Tecbnology·Essex Louis. Majors: See Thursday•. enet"gy goaJs for Carbondale. This MET. Group, Fort Wayne, Ind. March 5. Centra) InteUigence Agency, =~'ic: ,:~;ad~ MGDday. Mare. ! Majon: EMIlM. Seismograph Service Corp., Chicago. Majors: See TuesdaY. Mercantile Trust Co., St. Tulsa, Okla. Majors: ~~O::s ~iutru::. 1::: of~!:estrictor!'~ ~ ruw~ March 3. Louis. Majors: BS, BA business ESSE,EMM, physiCS. Emstand Whinney, St. Louis. administration. finance. ac­ Co., Quincy. Majon: BS in IT. !t~Xi:.IIl::d\~~:en~::-~rn-_ Ag. Mecb, EM • M. MET. Majora: Accounting interns counting. data processing. Wal·Mart Inc., Bentonville, senratlon ~rements, ~cling, Illinois Department of Law only. Northrop Corp.-Defense Ark. Majors: business, marketing, management. ~~e ~~ a yOU~~ Enforcement, Fonmsic Lab, Proctor and Gamble Systems Division, Los Angeles. !'.?!"isscl.tion oCf~l"jJe. S~E~ Springfield. Majors: BS I .. Distributing Co. Majors: All ..... y ..,."rbondale ElK• ...,. chemistry, biochemistry. seniors with strong interest in ~~ IIIGre iDf=r.o. Digital EqUipment Cor­ sales and sales management. SOUALA...... -u••• al! poration, SL Louis. Majors: AS Cbeker Otl Co .• Hazel Crest. Majors: Business economics, Op.nings are still ClWQilabl. few """' and WOfNft to WELCOME!!!! "MUSIC CITY" iuJd BS electronics Technology. partfcipate In this three day educcrtfonoIexf*ience. Gerlacb and Associates, marketing, management, :~'~-i~l~~J!:,nd..srr:t Fidelty Union Life Insurance, administrative Sciences, M\ISie". Located at 8'" N. MariOll . business. WHIM? tHIS WllKOID. Pta. 27-MAL 1 COST: .15 St. "AU American tlty" of, Car· Carbondale. Majors: Business bondale. III 62901. Phorieus:M hrs. helpful, but all interested IIGIS1B 'IODAYl CAlI. CON'IINUING IDUCATION. "'7751, for orders and appointments. Res. majOr'S. Th1ll'lday. Mare" 5 Ph. 529-2382. Sll9J 124 Toucbe Ross and Co., St. 9Jt--J '" M. ~ Taesday, Mard t Louis. Majors: Accounting, 9'''-' ...---.... -' ow- PERSONAL BIORHYTHM interns. ~~ ...... ~~ CHART. Good forever! ! ! Per- Upjolm Co., West Des Moines. Iowa. Majors: Animal in­ Xerox Corp., Milwaukee, Wis. ~tuaI~n~! =~c: dustries only. Majors: Bachelors, masters in 1313IN),Ml Verno.. D.62Il64. K·Mart Apparel Corp., any major who wisbto seU. 5132.1107 Hoflman Estates. Majors: Dunkin Donuts of America, retailing. bome Park Ridge. Majors: Business == administratioa, restaurant . RIDER~ANTED { . '- K-Mart Corp., Hoffman management, lood ant! Estates. Majon: BS CII" BA in nutrition. ifill GOLD MID RIDE "THE STUDENT Transit" business, maoagement, Procter and Gamble eaten to your convenience :2~~~ ~ marketing, fiDaDc:e. personnel. Distributing Co., Cincinnati, -" ~I'!"d Y sales, retail. Ohio. See Wednesday, March 4- 20m. returns Sun a~. $35.75 S bell Com p. Die s Hyster Co.. Kewanee. with home delivery =~iPT~!l·7:':Sf ~i"we: CGeopbysical>, Houston. Majors: Industrial tecb. "Plaza Records", 606 S. illinois. Majors: ESSE. Pbysics, Wallace Business Forms, SL of their luscious S29-1862. Tickets may be ~ mathematics. Louis. Majors: Business majors 2 weeks ill advance. 84831PUO Sddumberger WeU Services, ooly. SPRING BREAK TICKETS to Houston. Majors: ESSE, America!; Hospital Supply Deep Pan Pizza Chica8l' and Suburbs now on sale. EM&M. physics. Corp. Evanston. Majon: BS in ''The Student Transit", departs Coles-Moultrie Electric IT, business or industrial Delivery Houn: ~'::'-lt':er:-ri.~: Sa~ Cooperative. Matoon. Majors: managemenL Marcil 22. $37.15 roundtrip. iS39.15 ESSE. EET. . Shell Oil Co.• Houston, Texas. S-12M-Th 5-1 '-5 4-11 Sun after Mah:h S). Ticket sales daily Central Intelligence Agency, "tajon: BA,BS, MS computer 529-413. 529-4139 529-4130 :;r: Records". &06 ~"P'l~ Chicaj(o. Majors: Two-year science, BS,MS math, ~ ,· .. t:~~d~toa~~=~~ TwoL~'i ~~~is-f!u~12.~==· svilJe.$ll.45. Contact agent at 457- destroJ?d byflTe 8In. Gulf Transport Co. B5092Pt2Z • in West Frankfort 43rd ANNUAL MEETING WEST FRANKFORT (UPD-The second business aftha district fire in a month destroyed a pizza parlor and a tavern bere Wednesday. SIU EMPLOYEES .CREDIT UNION There were no injuries In the blue whicb firemeD from more than a baIf-dor:en towns brought . Wednesday. March 4.1981 under cootrol in three hours. No damage estimate was altha available ana cause of the fire was not detemined. SIU STUDENT CENTER Firemen said the blaze on West Main Street started in the BALLROOM B ...... AIID Kitty Kat pizza parlor located ..., 01'1 the first floor of a two-etory building that included some seccJOCHloor apartments and ... 5pt'e8d to the one-story tavern D.L cu.... , ... building. *RSVP· ADVANCE TICKETS REQUIRED for thosa desiring lunch. Tickets will be availabla at tha Credit Union office and various on-campus locations for $2.00 par person.


Fanowing the Business Meeting and Election of DOOR PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED. Prizes Include:

:;;.;;.~:,.~ CLOCK Jeans COFFEEMAKER (Imp"" MISCELLANEOUS PRIZES Corel_roy ... THIS IS YOUR CREDIT UNION or Denlm.·...... ~.. t I. j ::r . MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND NOW!!! N~ a...... , ""Nartholfllli Jill , l'; * ~ ,,"i t l t , t • I I< J •• , 1 .~ j 10 J ). I .. f; ."'l t _ j ·'Collective work'is theme for black history observance

By Vicki Olgeaty Choirs from six area churches The BAC bonored other Student Writer and several campus talents famous Afro-Americans in slide performed, she said. presentations and dance February marked tlieob­ "The tribute united campus programs that have been shown servance of Black History and community by bringmg throughout February. "Black Month and the Black Affairs together top-level ad­ performing artists. educational Council has promoted ministrators.II said Gunn. 80th and political leaders, and numerous activities in hooor of SlUoC President Albert Somit athletes were the subjects of the occasion. and Mayor Hans Fischer were these dance programs," said Black History Month was present. Gunn. initiated by the father of black The BAC planned for Somit to A seml-fonnal Red. Black history, Carter G. Woodson, 55 sign a declaration making and Green Ball that featured years ago, according to the Black History Month and slide presentations and disco Negro History Bulletin. Martin Luther King's birthday, music was held Feb. 13. The theme.of the SIU-C Jan. 15, an annual campus The three colors are the celebration Is Ujima. Ujima, observance. This didn't happen colors of the BAC. "Red the third of the seven principles because of an administration represents the blood, black of blackness, . means a misunderstanding, according to represents the people and green "collective work and respon­ Gunn. represents t_he land, " said sibility." "We went through the proper Gunn. "One 01 the purposes of BAC . channels and things just got The last event of Black -wt...yotIre ...... ,.,."...... ,.redeclif,...... is to form a collective unit of COIIfused from level to level," History Month will be a dance .... tolluy...... only .... choIaI...J1IIOMS. participation among black said Gunn. The BAC and ad­ for the Fred Lawrence Mc­ W•• 1Ye ",."1. (lnduell,. students and the Carbondale ministraton are stiU working on Dowell Scholarship on Feb. 28. you ...... community," said Gena Gunn, the .proposaI, she added. "The dance committee's goal er- CIIPIt- ...... " ...... WW'CI far It.... IWd ...... graduate assistant for black The Alex Haley lecture, this year is to raise $500," said you're ... pIIrty It'll HStrohs, ...... affairs. "This fits right in with sponsored by BAC and the Gunn. why they IhcIcIecI to S11IOH-A-PAIIrf. our theme." Student Programming Council, McDowell was an SIU-C c..- Now Barry ...... 529-1..... The BAC planning committee was attendea by a large crowd student who died of a rare blood started planning the month-long in spite of sub-zero weather. disease. The scholarship money celebration in late September. Haley. ~haJl6 the man most will be given to a student who BAC is an umbrella responsIble for the abundant plans to attend graduate school, organization that coordinates interest in Afro-American said GUIlD. all black students and groups on heritage, spoke for several Movies, dinners and rap Unbelievable campus. hours about the parts of his life session" have also been planned Gunn said the tribute to the that lead to the writing of by the BAC. black church on Feb. 8 was the .. Roots." The male and female Sale largest effort among any smoC Cranston Knight, a member relations rap sessions, Which. organization to pull the campus of the Poetry Factory. read an will be directed by BAC staff original poem, "The Middle member Charles Law, are I ~::":h:!y t~ror::~or the Passage" befOl'e the lecture. expected to have a large at­ community churches because "The poem is a memorial to the tendance. . the church has been the back­ 15 to 20 million people who died The BAC took the tbeme , bone of bllli:k culture since the in the passage to slavery," said ~jima from the seven prin­ *70%*OFF I days of slavery." said Gunn. Knight. aples of blackness which are celebrated each year during the Kwanzaa celebration, said Gunn. • leans • coats Thursday's puzzle The other principles of blaclmess are Umoja (unity), • dresses • vestl Kujicbagulia (self­ determinatio'l), Ujamaa • skirts • overalls kC::~~~)=!i tfaith). ~ ,.~,blc:z:a',:;t""l Last year's Black History Alt =~:e was KujiciJagulia. colaA E ,. L All Winter Merchandise .0" GETAWAY FOILED CHICAGO (AP)- Three men priced to sell held up a tavern, took $80 from 11 patrons and the bartender, and ran out to tberr getaway car. They had to keep running because during the 10 minutes they spent in the South Side tavern Tuesday night, someone ruthie\ swiped the battery from their ear, police said. The American Tap Happy Hour -11:30-8 354 Drafts 65. Jack Daniels 75. Speeciralls $1.75 Pitchers .-----: ~~.r:-·-:.::· ~ On Special A il Day & Night 60C CJ1!iPBottles and After Happy Hour· 554 Drafts 65C JACK 'DANIELS $2.75 Pitchers

Daily E~ptian. February 3;. 1'l81. Page 17

~------:------_. -Shah's-fonner aide claim.s LUNCH SPECIAL Jordan tried double cross CHEF OR SPINACH By Charles I. Ruley He clIaracter"i2ed the shah in Tbe ex-shab's stay in New AstIocla&ed Press Writer the last months of his life as a York for gallbladder ~ery SALAD· AND -..,. led to the seizure of the U.S. The man worried that his family NEW YORK (AP)_ - would be scarred and brBnded Embassy and bostages in former chief aide to the uiIed by the hostage crisis, Tehran on Nov. 4. 1979. Six shah of Iran says Hamilton -vulnerable to Panamanian weeks later, Pahlavi left the SMAU.DRlNK Jordan, chief of staff in the extortionists and drivea into a United States for a resort island Carter White House, double­ off the coast of Panama. crossed the deposed ruler by dangerous legal comer by U.S. officials playing OIl his imperial Armao said Jordan and White "making a deal to have the shah Mon.-Fri. arrested in Panama" in an pride. House counsel Lloyd Cutler assured the cancer-stricken $2.19 llAM·2PM attempt to win freedom for the Armao. 3i, a New York public Amencan hostages. Pahlavi that "Panama had DO relations coosultant associated diplomatiC relations (with In an interview looking back with the Rockefeller family. Iran), DO extradition. He would over the events 01 the hostage began working for the shah in be safe, comfortable, and they crisis, Robert Armao used late 1978. When the shah fled would provide for his medical harsh language to describe U.s. Iran in January 1979, Armao care," meaning be would have actions during the late joined former Secretary of access to American hospita.... Mohammad Ren Pahlavi's State Henl'f Kissinger and three-mOllth stay in Panama. banker DaVId Rockefeller in But. Armao said, it even­ The fonner Pahlavi aide was fJDding refuge for Pahlavi in the tually became clear to him that particularly bitter toward Bahamas. He later managed Jordan later "made a deal to Jordan, who arranged the day-to-day aUairs for the exiled have the shab arrested in havea in Panama. Armao said royal family at their temporary Panama." bomes in Mexico, the United be knew all along that the Jordan refused comment fonner presidential assistant States, Panama and Egypt, Clean Sweep where Pahlavi died last July. Wednesday on A.'"tDao's latest "could not be trusted." assertions. but he ba.II answered P.d~~I~~~O c~~a:s thO: e~-a~:Ji Jeans 8ITested by say;ng the matter was out of u.s. bands because '5 Shirts Panamanian law requires the detention of anyone accused of Velours crimes in extradition proceedings. '6 Overall. Whne the sbab was in the Sweaters United States. Iran demanded his return in excbange f~ the Coreleroy. American hostages, hoping to try him for alleged mass DreuPants murder and corruption_ With Pablaviin Panama, the. Painter Pan.. revolutionary regime of Ayatollab RulJoIlah Khomeini CowlloyHats began court proceedings to have him extradited. , Armao said the ex-shah Sult. % agreed to live in Panama Sportcoat•• "becuse his pride would not let him linger here and because he Down OFF did not want responsibility for 60 ~~.~~:e:.::!,b on his Jacket. & Ve.t. '!be fonner aide contended the Carter administration played OIl the ex~'s pride to get him to go to Panama. since the only alternative was bumiliating - staying in the IICat'lt$~ United States, where offICials 606 5. illinois A_. made it obvious he was not wanted. A Panamanian doctor treating the shah. and a French Fight Inflation Deliciously lawyer and Argentinian· bUSinessman mediating tbe ·Wlth the Whopper. crisis. have since confirmed the WIIaI ...... ,nelall!ll.-, Panamanians planned to put S&aff ...... tty Ricl! S.... Pablavi under house arrest once aU the extradition SKATING FOR BUCKS-ADP. JUtes (left)•• fresJuaaa .. dnCal oo.,.J!Ilenls were filed. Whether teebllOlegy. aDd GaD a-sa. a 1resIa_ .. ~1otbiD1 ... tntiles. Panama eventually would have IIeogie to the Ileat ftriall a sbte-a4b._ for tbe American Cancer handed him over to Iran Society at the Great Sale Trabt, west "" Carlloadale. AIIoa' • remains an unanswerable akater's were ...... M-tay for the event .poa..-ed by Alp_ question.. - Ta. Omega. Skalen "aped to raise ...... HERE'S· THE BEER

~hen you bite into a Whopper. ;u know you're into the big burger that's the greatest. The one that·s flame­ broiled not fried, juicy not dry_ Only Burger King makes the Whopper.. Cut out the coupon and get your two Whoppers at one dollar off regular price.

tr--Id~;'~~~===:j! InftMton fItMIn9 price or ...... price , • ft." . I • - ...... II.. CCIUtIOft llefore Ofder.. j I BURGER Ing. LImIt OM CCIUpOft per cu.e-, IIOIcI I I KI NG =::.::'11~IIy I Good.... Only At: ..=, w.... Melft '''' ! L• ______I .... ______.4 . _. ~~~".d ...... 1 rISU ~~~~k c~~c~~~es Redbird-SIU fight i By·Gregw...... ~the eonference in 1m. SW-C In the l,OOO.. meter nm, ISU's beCause there are many other seaff ¥lriter baa never lost an MVC indoor or Mike Kirk bas already qualified good bigb jumpers in tbe outdoor championship meet, a for the NCAA indoor cham­ Valley. Illinois State wtll be com­ record SIU·C men'a track pionships with a time of 2:01.1, peting in its first Missouri Coacb Lew Hartzog said his 10 he was expected to do weD. "A guy could go&-11}% and not Valley Conference Men'. In­ :::='d does not want to However, CoUghlan said, Kirk place. Who knows wbo· will door Track Championship when may not be full atrength win'?" be said. it hosts the eight-school meet at This year the Redbirds have because he was hit by a car Hortoo Field House Saturday not done well against the while nmning Tuesday nigbL Coughlan said the Redbirds and Sunday.. Salukis either." The Salukis Coughlan IlBid, "He was taken wiD suffer the most in the other It did not take the Redbirds to beat the Redbirds in a Jan. 23 to the hospital and released. He field events. become contenders for the dual meet, 86-63. SIU·C also lIIlid his knee hurt a little, but he "We are nowhere near as conference crown.Men'. track outacored ISU in the Illinois will compete." strong as sru-c in the field." Coach JohnCougbJan lIIlid his Interc:ollegiates, 13H30, and As for the half-mUe, mile and Coughlan said. "In the pole seeond-ranked Redbirds wiD do. last week's Central CoUegiates, vault, long jump and triple their best to upset the Salukia, 1M-S2. . =:~tar:shas~ ti:t jump, we are definitely going to who are favore(! to win the meet But Coughlan would not say "to win a lot of them. eoten be outscored." ISU also for the fifth time. his Redbirds are ready to give Coughlan said he was very got a break since the 35-pOUDd "We are going to get OIl the . up. coafident in his mile relay weight throw was dropped from track and in the field events and . "We are going to make • team, wbicb bas qualified for the field events this year. . make a nm at them. We are prettx good run at them," he NCAA meet by running a I1IJ'e gOllD8 try bard," the four­ lIIlid. 'I don't think we have. any 3:13.04, over three seconds "There wiD be less ~ts to Yf!It! ISU coach 1lBid. clear-cut individual in any better than ita Saluki eoun- scort;z" Coughlan saId, "and He called the Saluld·Redbird event that will win for sure, but SIU-\; did weU in that Jast matcbup Ua pretty appropriate we have many that might win." T"~ is a weakness 00 the year," appraisal of the meet. The Redbirds could do weD in Redbird team, it is field events. . ''There "are probably three the 306- and 44O-yard dashes ISU's best chance for a fnt CougbJan pointed out the Ou groupings In the meet. The with people like All-American burt his team during late grouping would be In­ and January, and most of his track­ sec:0Iid Terry Menefee freshmen ::!~~ inDa~ ~tmwCi men have just returned to full diana State, Drake and Wichita Ernie Davenport, and "could the event, eVen though Saluld strength. State. Tbe first Is SIU-'C and win" the 600-yard rua with freshman Stephen Wray bas us." sophomore Scott MacDougal. jumped 1-4 higher to 7·2. "We're aboUt as healthy as I But the Redbirds may be at a But the 880 is "up for grabs," Coughlan lIIlid Wray and Davis want to be going into the meet," disadvantage. SiDce enterir.g Coughlan said. may not be the oo1y contenders Coughlan said. <6 {aSS Women swimmers cruise past SEMO ArcEnt By KeItII M.aeIUi national meet: to be held Mareb Tbe hiJlllight of th. meet Salukis' Peressini (57.41), anc! SIadeIIa Writer 1&-20 at CoIwnbia, S.C. occurred m the fIrSt awot wben Smith (58.06). S4f..4S21 "1 wa~ real!Y ~:. SIV-C SIU·C'. Pam Ratcliffe set a sru-c was also victorious in The SIU-C women's swim . Coach 11m Hill ~d. 'The girIa school record in the IPd-yard the 200-yard backstroke. Riker Stalnecl Gla.. team defeated Soutbeast really turned m lome good intermediate with a Ume of swam past SEMO'. Wendy • SU ....II_ ill last Missouri State, 42-23, ita timHill~·':_:.a he _m.-.,I Iy' 59.93. "The time also qualified Hansen with a time of 2: 10.92- home meet of the season ..... was It"'"" _~ her f(]l' the nationals ·C...... RecreatioD The 200-yard butterfly also went Wednesday at the pleased with the performances In tbe 206-yard riM relay SlU-C's way as Ratcliffe beat Center. of hi. four freshman swim- SW-C defeated SEMO with a Kay Douglas witb a time of For all practic:a1 purposes. m8!S-8hari Schedin, Pam time or 1:40.76. The 200-yard 2:11.42- the meet waa swum to allow Smltb, Patti Peressini afid freestyle was won by SEMO Hill said he was very happy more team members to try to Debbie Riker. All turned in standout Barb Wood with a time of qualify foc the upcoming AIAW their best times 0( the season.. of 56.01, allowing her 10 edge the ::ath~ season performance

By Uai&etl PreM Iatenaa&lGul have a Ietdowo c:oming ~ to the road in the last 11 years and play Michigan. . hasn't woo at Purdue since 1963. Iowa, first in Big Ten "Our players know what bas Indiana stay«! in the race by basketball and ranked eighth in to be done," Olson 1lBid. "1be whipping the Gopbers, 74-63, the nation. appears to be in the greater the pressure, the last SatW'day. But~..h Bobby driver's seat as the conference greater they seem top respond Knight said he is still looting for season enters ita last. two to it." consistency from his club in weeks. Michigan. 1-1 in the league order to make a run at defen­ The Hawkeyes begin a two- but 1&-7 overall, is coming bact ding the Big Ten title. _ BREAKFAST game home stand Tbursd~y lrom a J068 at home to Nor­ against Michigan. Iowa, u.s m .thwestem, .' and Coach Bill Indiana defeated Ohio State . SPECIAL the league, owns a ooe-game Frieder hopes his team can 00 the road last mooth and will Monday-FrkJoy 7AM· r JAM lead u'ier I1linois and Indiana.. regroup for the final two weeks. be seeking to shatter OSU's Hours: After Michigan, Iowa hosts "We've just "got to try ~ get post-seaSOll playoff dreams. Saturday & Sunday 8AM-2PM Wisconsin before windinI up" things going so we can WID a the campaign at Michigan State basketball game," Frieder Coach Eldon Miller," whose 2 Eggs. Hash Browns. Biscuits and then at Ohio State. laid. "We're at the tought;st team was considered • strong $1.29 (01' toart) The road is tougher f(]l' both part of our scbedule agalD, contender for title honors, has the lllini and Hoosiers. Illinois playing two of the leaders 00 the been under fire all week from WIth Bacon $1." must travel to Minnesota " road." Buckeye followers but has offer good 2-25-81 through 3-1-81 Thursday and Purdue Satur- . Illinois bas surged into iDsisted he woo't resign.. day. Each is a contender f(]l' an cootention with excellent play NCAA berth. The Hoosiers are . from its pards, and Coach Lou at home, but faee the Buckeyes Henson aa confident his team Thursday and MIchigan can continue its momentum at Sat\B"day. Minnesota.. but In otber games Thursday "It's a tough week, our ft; ....t. W<--;" is at Purdue players have been confronted UO§U ...... with tough weeks bef~" said HANGAR and Michigan State is at NOI'- "Henson,. wbose club IS 18-~ ~~ternba' . .-ad to get to overan...... s manaa.... Illinois defeated Minnesota.~ 10 heor •• =d,~~~l!~!d home earlier this year, but bas tonight you con reat his team is too experienced to 9IllY beaten Minnesota twice OIl new IMmtI Oft their first wIsIt to

BE~I1S from Page 20 Meade as hiS c:oacb bteause he . knew· he just wanted me to bas .Dowed him tal develop his im{>rove so lwould' make style nationals again. ~ like'to work individually "Coach Meade' Is great . and I doe't tike c:riticism coo- because be Jets me do what I stantly," Bettis said. "I was want and doesr:'t make me do doill(l bad at the beginnill(l of what be says," Bettis said. the year ami he would yeIlst me "He's great because he's both a a lot because he !mew 1could do friend and a coach. Once you better. He would ecme over and . graduate though. you know. you talk things over with me and I have a friend fOl' life." Only meniories remain from cage past 00 YOU REMEMBER when drew a erowd of almost 6,000 to reeonI l&-game losing atret.k the basketball Salutls were watch the annual victory ewer this year. Gottfried is in graye champs instead of chumps?· ROOSE~Tl for Pete's sate. danger of becoming the first I do~ That's why I'm writing The year DeJOI'e I arrived, the SIU-C basketball coaeh to be this column. Saturday night's Salutis bad been led by Mite fired. contest betWeet, SIU-C and Glenn, a fabulous guard. to the But the memories remaiD. I Drake wiD be'll'" last Saluki NCAA tournament. GlenD, Chip Shots still remember vividly the home game, ao;-J that fact stirs whose grade-point average was Salukis' 79-76 win fI'Ietr Indiana up a Jot of merdOries of my first almost as perfect as his jump SHU Stahmer State in January of 1978. The year iD Carboodale. shot, was gooe ~ my first year. Edftar SycamoreS were undefeated I've aUended close to 50 . but the team still bad some fiDe and ranked fourth in the nation Saluld home pmes, both as • players. at the time, but Bird and Co. nporter and as a fan, iD my Like Gary WUson, • 6-6 for- little man who preached a motel fire in Columbus, Ga .• were shot down by Wilson. four yean aa an sru..c student. ward koown, r.,r his leaping discipHned offense and tough iD June of 1978. Abrams. Smith. Huggins and a But the games from the 19'n-78 ability and shattering alam- defense, and buoyed by . Joe Gilttfried, a succesaful erowd that refused to let SIU-C season are the ODeS I remember dunks, and Milt Huggins, a good screaming Arena crowds, the Division III eoacb at Ashland lose. . most fondly. outside shooter, Barry Smith Saluki8 finished 17-10. They College, was hired to replace Believe me, freshmen, the and Wayne Abrama. just would baft ~ted aa Valley Lambert. The team that got DO I'D LIKE 1'0 make a fUm and crowds of 2,500 you've read sophomores at the time. also champions With a win over respect in 1977-11 received nothing but aduJa"ion-tbe role :~~!.~a~~:ef=~ ;_=-U:-r-==~'-.,. Plat:!!r=inf':!.ro}:.-c!~ ", ~~ ::.elastbut~ 01 valley favarite and a spot iD "The Way We Were." The first can remember the S:rukis §:iUkl was Dan KieSzkowski, sprained IUs ankle and SIU-C several Top 20 polls- during ball of the ftlm would consist 01 -- drawing sellout crowds of 10,014 the team's designated "eD- lost the regionally-leJeviaed the 197&-79 pre-ceason. clips 01 the Im-78 Salukis. of for Important Missouri Valley forcer." whose elbows were contest, 62-56. Wilson dunking, Abrams Conference games with IndianA feared around the MVC. Without Wilson, the Salukis BUT A BIRD from Frencb befuddling opponents with his State. New Mexico State and Nobody expected anything lost their first-round MVC Lick, Ind., first name Larry. ballhandling, Lambert Imeeling Creighton. Contests against from that team-alleast not tournament game to Drake, 75- wrecaed the Salukis' chances of along the sidelines yelling in­ Bradley and Wichita Stale drew during ml freshman year. Like 59. A crowd of just 3.000, the . going to the NCAA tourney. He structions, and fans cheering. about 9,000. And about 7,000 this year s team, the Salukis of smallest of the year. showed up. ied lndiana State from ob­ The secood part of the ftlm fans braved a snowstorm and lfm-'18 had DO seniCll'S. That just At tbe time, nobody tbought scurity iDto the NCAA cham­ would be tbe present-bad sub-zero temperatures to watch made what happened that year mucb of it. bot it was an omen. pionship game, and the Salukis, passes, traveling violations, SIU-C pip, a last-place West more fun. Lambwt resigned. attracted saddled with a 15-13 record, sat leak)' defense, Gottfried.:::r. Texas State team. by the big bucks Auburn at IHlme and watched enviously. in his chair with bead . COACHED MASTElfFULLY University offen!d. He never The slide bas continued since and a massive sign reading 'niB tm-71 SALUKIS even by Paul Lambert, a roly-poly' coached a game there. dying iD then. to ...17 in Im-al) and a ''Saluti Basketball Crisis." Gymnast a hit despite. mom's jinx the blink," Bettis said. he exudes a certain flair and Bettis can circumvent his charisma. He bas a style which mother's bad luck bewuse be sets him apart from the other Randy Bettis' motber baa has a goal to make the NCAA gymnasts. He lovea to dance never seen her 8011 perform iD a national meet April 2-4 in and bas incorporated dance gymnastics meet because she LineoIn., Neb. Should be mate moves into his routine. thinks sbe is a jiDL the national meet, his parents '" love choreography and "My mother is paranoid as and brother will come to watch dance and I use a lot of it in my ," Bettis aaid ''One time it. routines," Bettis said. 'CWhen I she went to see my brother play Bettis, a walk-on his fresh.. first came to sm; that is what in a football game and as sbe~ man year,made the natiGnaJs set me apart from the rest of the puUed inta the parking lot. an last year in floor exercise but team. The flnlt time I realized ambulance was leaving. When failed to mate the fmala. G9ing that people noticed the dif­ she got inside the stadiwn, they to the natioruJia again is one 01 ference was last year at ealled her to the medic's room his goals, but he would like to nationals when some guys from because my brother had brokeo see the rest of his Saluki the Nebraska team came and his collarbone iD the warmup." teammates go to nationals also. told me that they loved my Another time, abe walked in "I'd like to see tbe whole: floor. the gym for a gynmasties meet team get a chance to go because "I've sort of modeled my and two minutert later Randy it is really exeitin~tiS routines around Les Moore, who ~ missed a vault, bruising six ribs said. "I can't even . it, used to be with Oklahoma Uri and tearing cartilage in bis but it is so neat because·· because he was very poetic, cbest. Last y~ar at the K~t everyooe is pulling for everyone Bettis eontinued. "Now judges Thomas exhibition. Mrs. Bettia· else to do well." come up to me and ten me they e&me to watch bee' 8OII'S war- The senior from Jacksonville, remember me because I looked mup but went abcJpping during W.. is a floor exercise and different." the meet becauSe ·sbe was vaulting specialist. Bettis said Coach Bill Meade agrees that afraid to jina ber 110ft. Sbe didn't be starieQ CM:t the season well. Bettis' style is different from leave fast enough. howe¥er. as then went into a slump other gymnasts. •-' the electricity iD the Arena went folliJwiDg CbrisbDas break. He "Randy is a vey unique floor off 8CIOII after her departure. has come out of the alumlt man beeause be doesn't do a Mrs. Bettis might fiDaIly get.. recently and bas bad a strinl of Itoell: routine, ,. Meade said. ebaDc::e to lee RUdy in a'" good D«formanees. He fiDiabed '-rbere is more of an expression meet beeause the Pema State first In Door a«ciae at Pema of Randy Bettis in ... work. A SCalf .... ., .... Cary meet was fUmed Jut weekend State last weekend IIJJd tied for part of Randy ..... ia his b1 ESP" aDd will be aired third in vaulting. Earlier this work IIJJd that. what ma_ =:::.RaadylleUJaperf...... , ... trids .. u...... exerdM I'rfd8J at 1:31 p.DL "M~t". month, he seored • '.7 in him very eojoJabIt to watdL...... practie&·8eUIa ...... O ...... Uleresalt ... the kef wotd, aecordinl to gutting, Ilia penoaaI ... ,,; ,Be... t.tis .... is ...... , .!dUi, ... ,.~,.. ,. have.' ~re_~ a frind .. pwIe ...... He will ,..,... .. !ria Ia. RancIJ Bettia • e8S1 to reeopite fa .-..~. - --.. a ..... apiut DIiMiII ...... Sf:llte at 'NeW watch fbe TV -10 GQ tile Oeoraemse eveat beca.e .!- BETI'IS ~ If die Area Frida, at 7:1t • .a. - ...... DaiIJ ~ FebnarJ .. lilt