Kovac: Every Victory Gives Iran More Confidence
6 SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 Kovac: Every Victory Gives Iran FILA, International Wres- tling Federation, Renamed More Confidence United World Wrestling pionship just two months ago, were the FILA Bureau supported the idea of overpowered by France 3-1 (19-25, FILA President Nenad Lalovic on the 25-17, 25-15 and 25-21) in the first organization’s rebranding and approved match on Saturday. his proposal to give the organization a In the last Group D match on Sat- new name - United World Wrestling. urday Puerto Rico in a unforgettable On February 12, 2013, the Ex- game brought down Italy 3-1 (19- ecutive Committee of the Interna- 25, 25-19, 25-23, 25-22) for their tional Olympic Committee (IOC) first win in Poland. at its meeting in Lausanne did not After the Saturday matches, France include wrestling in 25 Olympic kept their top spot in Group D with sports of 2020. To mend the situa- 10 points from their four matches fol- tion, FILA took extraordinary mea- lowed by Iran (8 points), the US (6 sures, in particular, elected its new points), Italy (5 points), Belgium (4 President Nenad Lalovic who re- points) and Puerto Rico (3 point). placed Raphael Marinetti. United World Wrestling (UWW) logo Iran’s last match will be against the As a result, the IOC Executive Com- Puerto Ricans on Sunday afternoon. TASHKENT (ITAR-TASS) - FILA, mittee at a meeting in St. Petersburg on Iran had earlier in the tournament de- the international wrestling federation, May 30 voted for including wrestling feated two volleyball powerhouses.
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