OCTOBER 2015 N° 30 PERSPECTIVES DE POLITIQUE ÉCONOMIQUE Stability in a climate ofrisk inaclimate Stability REPORT COMPETITIVENESS 2015 OCTOBER 2015 OCTOBER PERSPECTIVES N° 30 DE POLITIQUE ÉCONOMIQUE 2015 COMPETITIVENESS REPORT Stability in a climate of risk The ‘Perspectives de Politique Économique’ series includes reports, studies, research results or summaries of conferences commanded by or carried out by employees of the Ministry of the Economy or by experts of associated institutions. The opinions expressed in these publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily correspond with those of the Ministry of the Economy. For any request or suggestion, please contact the Observatoire de la compétitivité of the Ministry of the Economy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Ministry of the Economy Observatoire de la compétitivité 19-21 Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg
[email protected] October 2015 ISBN: 978-2-919770-21-2 This publication can be downloaded from www.odc.public.lu © Ministry of the Economy, Luxembourg 2015 Competitiveness Report The following persons contributed to this publication: Serge ALLEGREZZA Ministry of the Economy/STATEC Marc FERRING Max JENTGEN Giulia SPALLETTI Pierre THIELEN Ministry of the Economy Claude LAMBORAY STATEC Chiara PERONI Leïla BEN AOUN Xi CHEN Umut KILINC Tatiana PLOTNIKOVA Cesare RIILLO Francesco SARRACINO ANEC 3 2015 Competitiveness Report Introduction There are several indicators which allow for a resolutely optimistic reading of the current economic situation in Luxembourg. The GDP growth rate should come closer to the long-term average, which stood at 3.5% per year from 1990 to 2014. This performance stands out when compared to that of other eurozone Member States.