1.. WELLINGTON COAL WE ARE PROMPT VVhvn you wont any Express, Fur l’V niture Van or Truck work done, HALL & WALKER phone us. F V %Wt 1232 Government St. * Phone 8S. PACIFIC TRANSFER 737 Cormorant 8t.? -Phu ie<| $43, Î4». 71*ffgage Stored. ÎT; C «rnWVTTTfj; 1*ik*T» NO. 23 m ALLX. Government Troops B9A German Submarine RECURRENCE OF WORLD WAR A NATIONAL Was Destroyed on Put Down Riot in Coast Near Calais Capital of Russia BROUGHT ON BY GERMANY IS CALLED BY KERENSKY ; London, July 27. Fresh and v oient I \trin, July -7. A German sub -fighting'occurred In the .tree,, of Pet- marine was destroyed on Thursday, oh • ,grad the last two day», according tq TO BE MADE IMPOSSIBILITY the French coast, west of Calais The , diauMlh from petrograd to The Cop SUMMONS TO LEADERS enhagen Tldende. tninamltted hy the undersea boat weal ashore and the ns.hang- Telegraph Company. The crew, unable to f#c* tier, opcned-~w Xtrrhie K— ial.-i. organised a great gasoline tank* «»d sotrftre to the ves r v.H ihe diapatch add», hut the Clov- Entente Representatives Before Separating At Moscow Next Tuesday; Advance by sel. The members of the.crew reach- j ernment troop» Immediately Interfered; ert the Shore, where they -were mad? ji jnd tty riot was suppressed after lively at Paris Declare Nations Absolutely . Roumanians; Further Withdrawals by priïBBÎI**, United to Attain Their Goal Russians; Germans Say Kolomea Taken BORDEN SHOULD DROP Paris, July 27.—The representatives of the Allies yesterday con Petrograd, July 27.—Tlie extreme gravity of this country's posi cluded their conference here after announcing a decision" to continue British Took La Basse Ville, In- tion at the front and internally has impelled Premier Kerensky to OUT; A LEADER NEEDED the war until the objects for which the Allies are fighting have been convoke on July 31 at Moscow an extraordinary national council.
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