

North Carolina State University's Student‘Newspaper Since 1920 Wednesday, Novemtaer 22, 1978

Vet school progresses

' Construction plansset by David Pendered number until after the Dec. 1 meeting. head of the v school Editor “We are moving right along." he ment. said that these will not be said. “We hope to have some of them drafted until after the dean has been The search for a dean of State‘s on campus but we won't know how selected. For example. entrance planned Veterinary School is winding many until after we meet." requirements have not yet been up and bidding for the construction 0fthe applicants. Simpson said most drafted. contracts will open soon. officials said of them are presently associated with a “We'll wait until the curriculum is Tuesday. university or some institute of higher completed. Once a.student is admitted. About 39 people have applied for the learning. Most have had some field it depends on what they'd had before. position of dean. according to William experience/as a practising veterinar- The curriculum. we hope. will be more H. Simpson. secretary of the Search ian. but later joined the academic lenient than the schools State contracts “Committee. Their applications have world. with." been passed to the investigative According to Curtin. the school is subcommittees which are responsible Degrees needed hoping to attract students from for contacting the applicant as well as curricula other than the traditional the references that person listed, he According to the position descrip— biology major. He said administrators said. tion, the dean of the new school must would like to attract students from the Simpson said the Search Committee possess both the Ph.D. and D.V.M. other sciences. whose vita would be )z' . will meet Dec. 1 to discuss the degree and have a record of “research acceptable after they beefed up their subcommittees' findings on the ap- and scholarly achievements. teaching. knowledge of the biological sciences. %Q i ' plicants and to narrow the field down clinical. and other professional exper- four or five applicants. These finalists ience to qualify for tenured rank in the Flaalpsedasteaeeslvsd ' will come to State to view the proposed University faculty." The brief also ‘ Shah blasted facilities and discuss the school with states that the applicant must be able State presently has a conception of Chancellor Joab Thomas. Although to handle the finances of the school as what the final product would be. but AmwpenmshddammnhTuudaydenwnchgnnShdidlnn’snglthema Simpson said the field would be well as represent it on the local and the approach will depend upon the beganatthaCapltalbulldhsgdovwfloWnandendsdontheStatecampus. holdingaralylnthegrassy narrowed down to four or five, he also national level. dean. according to Curtin. anabesldethebdckyard. . said that he could not be sure of the According to Simpson. the subcom- “There's a lot of put and take...it's imittees have been meeting with like my checkbook. things have got to applicants “off campus." usually at one balance.lknowwbattheproducthas of the veterinary conferences which tobe: l'vegottobalance.'With thev‘et Simpson said are held at this time of school. “weknow what the product will Quiz file contributions increase year. At these meetings, he said. “We be: veterinarians.” give information on us and of course we Bids for the contract labor include byTimCole unopened files. but we can’t become everyone who has participated in "These quiz files are important try to get to know them a little better." site preparation. grading. a power Staff Writer complacent because the files have to be expandingthe files further. It really because they help the student After the Dec. 1 meeting. Simpson plant and utility tunnels. Curtin said. kept up and expand ." shows concern for the student when familiarize himself with the instructor‘s said the Search Committee will He said the design documents have The quiz file maintained by Studenl. The major area not covered is these faculty members help." testing methods." Stratas said. continue to review the applicants until been sent to Property Control and have Government has been expanded to engineering, Stratas said. He said that The initialeffortsofthe Technician to Toobtain thetests. the student needs it has what it feels are the three best beensentback“alongwithafew minor better serve the needs of students. the School of Engineering does not publicize the quiz files have increased to go to the student government offices applicants. These names will be changes“ to the architect. according to Student Senate President provide old exams due to the technical usage tremendously. said Stratas. on the fourth floor of the Student presented to Thomas. along with any Curtin said the biddingopens Dec. 19 Nick Stratas. nature of the material. “Yesterday we had 24 people come up. Center andask for the file on the course special considerations. The final deci- but he was not sure how long the Stratassaidthat hisgoalistotakethe Stratas asked anyone who has old and we've had 25 today.” he added. heistaking.The files can be checkedout sion rests with the chancellor who bidding will remain open. Contracts for quizfileconceptandexpandittoinclude tests to mail them to Student Stratas said that the quiz files are for or photocopied downstairs. previously will have met all three the labor are usually close to each all courses atthe university. He said Government via campus mail. or to the students and that Student “Then it is the student's job to apply candidates. 4 other. within a few thousand dollars. he that all mathematics courses and most bringthem by to be photocopied. He Government is pleased with the file so the knowledge gained from the quiz file Concerning the actual operational general sciences courses were covered. added that Student Government can’t far. to the course." Stratas said. policies of the school. Terrence Curtin. (Sea “Plans."page 2) Stratas emphasized the role of the maintain the file without student and faculty and students in the file faculty help. . expansion. ' Stratas said. however. that a large “Thefacultyasa whole has been very number of tests were expected at the The news in brief 1’93". Stratas.I"'tbsawd.«anadmit, end of the semester. . "Our initial We”) from the ..... ' e continued expansion of the facultywentoutmurmur». which files. This is especially important in means that many faculty members are courses where the faculty does not waiting until the end ofthe semester in contribute. . order to mail quizzes with final exams." Recently the files have become large he said. The Financial Aid Office will hold sity loans. Name Scholarships. and a chance to get more student tickets. comments regarding the probable with to occupy a third file cabinet. Robert , E. Lee. student body important meetings on Tuesday. the North Carolina Student Incentive but only ifallofthe ones now available increase should attend the _ . Stratas added that “we have many treasurer. said he hopes the file November 28 and Wednesday. Grant. ' are sold. The Tangerine Bowl will continues toincrease at its present rate December to discuss financial aid feature State's Wolfpack against the and said that he hopes that all andtodistribute application forms for Tickets on-sale Pittsburgh Panthers. and will be held departments will participate. the 1979-80 academic year. Dec. 23 at 8 p.m. in Orlando. Fla. Stratas was very appreciative of the Any student who is presently . Twohundred Big Four Tournament It's turkey time again. Thanks- efforts of faculty members to support receiving financial aid and who plans tickets will go on sale at 8:30 a.m. giving vacation will officially begin the quiz .file. to apply foraid requiringthe filingofa Monday. Nov. 27 at the Reynolds Fee hike meeting today at l p.m.. as classes from that He cited the mathematics depart- Financial Aid Formtshould attend one Coliseum box office. The tickets. The Student Health Advisory point on will be cancelled. They will ment as an example. "Because of their ofthe meetings. Students who are not which will be sold on a first-come. Committee will hold an open meeting resume Monday. Nov. 27 on a regular cooperation. we have updated examina- aid recipients for the current year but first-serve basis. will cost $28 each. Thursday. Nov.30 in the Blue Room in schedule.‘ . tions ranging from Math 100 to Math who are interested in being con- Students may purchase two tickets the Student Center to discuss a The Technician will not publish a 601." be sad. sidered for awards for the next with appropriate ID and registration proposed increase in student fees to regular paper Monday. Instead. our ”The majority of faculty we've academic year should also attend. cards. health facilities. ‘ annual basketball special will be spokento have been very receptive and Meetings. allofwhich will be held in The increase proposed is $7 per distributed. The 40-page magazine helpful," Stratas said. He added that Stewart Theatre. will be on the Tangerine Bowl set semester and $3 for the Summer will feature previewsofthe upcoming “some departments and faculty consid- following days: Tuesday. Nov.28 at 4 Session. men's and women's seasons. inter- er this (the quiz files) as a form of p.m.. Wednesday. December 6 at 3:30 Tangerine bowl tickets will go on Presently. students pay $25 per views with players and coaches. cheating. but the majority do not share p.m.. and the same day at 4:30 p.m. salethis morhingto State students on semester and $10 for the summer. rosters. schedules and plenty of this View.” .. ‘ a first come. first serve basis. For the Students who have questions and pictures. Stratas added that the use ofthe quiz Students are reminded that a new price of 310. they can be obtained at The special was compiled by the file is not tocircumvent the learning application for aid must be filed for Reynolds Coliseum from 8:30 rum. to , Pub Board meeting Techncbion's sports department. process. but to supplement. each academic year.and that one may 4:30 p.m. The box office will be closed NickStratas Stratas said "we would like to thank be considered for the following types from Thanksgiving Day until Sunday. The Publications Authority com- of aid if the Financial Aid Form is Nov. 26 and will open again Monday, nntter investigating salaries of Senate to meet :fati filed: National Direct Student Loan. Nov. 27. publication staff members will make The Student Senate will meet ng. its report in the authority's meeting Wednesday. Nov. 29 at 7:30 in the College Work-Study. Supplimental In the past. State hastaken as many Monday. Nov.27. The meeting will be Food Services to unite Educational OpportunityGrant. Basic as 16.000 people to bowl games but as Senate chambers. Finance bills and lord, Educational Opportunity Grant. Uni- of now a limited supply of 8.600 in the Board Room on the fourth floor general academic policy will be ler's versity- Grant/Scholarship. Univer- is of the Student Center at 5 p.m. considered. her student tickets are available. There nlng under single office by Jeffrey Jobe cheaper than buyingtwo smaller ones." StaffWriter said White. “it would cost State less for food and eventually it might cost the The separation of the Student student less. Center with the food services offered “Presently. if the food operations in therein and the combination of all the Student Center operate at a loss. snack bars. grill lines and mini- the loss is made up out of student fees.” cafeterias under University Food White said. “Once under me. if the Services should result in better Student Center food operations op- .organization. lower costs, and better erate at a loss, it would be made up food for students. according to Arthur elsewhere. "If the loss was too large. I White. assistant to the Vice Chancellor would lose my job. of Student Affairs for University Food “All of this should help us to better Services. identify our costs of operations and r=ud=WJ-! He refused to speculate. however. on expenses." White said. “The better J when the separation would take place. organization and lower costs would sayingonly that he hoped it would be in definitely benefit the students. the near future. “There is no good overall food The separation. he said. would begin service on campus to meet the student in the area of payroll but would later needs." said White. "This consolid- expand to include all of the food ation—eventually ending in the operations. culminating in the con- building of the new cafeteria—will be struction of a new campus cafeteria. to the benefit of the students." When quizzed as to the betterment Ecsnomicsimportant of food itself White replied. “It's not the quality ofthe food. We serve a good Citing simple economics as one quality food‘but we need to improve important factor. White said it is the quality of food preparation‘." simply more economical and efficient to White said State's new cafeteria will purchase foodstuffs as one large not be built for about four years. He organization than as several small said an ad hoc committee of students. mm none-d ones.. faculty and administrators has been set “Suppose the main Food Services up to examine the cafeteria possibility. office had to buy a shipment of “In the new cafeteria. we hope to seat Sometimebelore Thanksgiving. me and textbooks come out of hiding—along Physical Plant. Leaf collection is a time-W process. m to m twoounce hamburgers and so did one about 2100 people per meal." 'White _ with those who get lmo-Iltardy—lsases. This unidentified sportsman relieved his Bynum, superintendent of Landscape Services. And the Physlud Ibis W 7ofthe.other food placeson campus. The said.:“Just about everythingelse is still pro-exam tensions with a plunge into the nearest pie. Necessary equipment: one usually use handrakaa to get rid of the speeding plea. University can buy one large shipment in the planning stages." large pile of leavesmand a latte confidence. But autumn's leaves are no fun lorthe l. a 1 1 Two / tandem / Novemberzz, 1973

On the Brickyard

Faculty evaluation debated by Syfvh A“ difficulty. texts.grading. classroom don't think students are qualified to to recieve in the course as a basis. The W Writer teaching. course value and individual judge content." Hoffman said. majority are interested in how the are attention. He added that a faculty evaluation being graded." he said. Does the student have the right to can bring out many things about a Garoutte also said that many Studenbrun faculty evaluations have grade his teachers and judge their professor that students need to know. students are not qualified to judge the beenlacedwithcontroversyin the past. . work? Arestudentsfair1n their judging “For instance. it's a university policy content of the course. Professors objected in 1971 when the ofprofessors? The Technician asked that class attendancels voluntary. yet “On the lower level the student is not Technician published a list of “the 99 students and faculty alike for their some professors count off for cutting . qualified. Hemay beimpressed withthe word professors at State." Last year responses on the brickyard. class. The students could find out that material covered. but at that point the the student government-sponsored Professor X is in violation of this student'13 not ready to judge. Maybe'I; evaluation was a list of the grade ‘0... university code." the 300-to 400level courses the distributions for each course taught at students are more qualified." «State intended to help students decide Robert Hoffman. a University ' ‘0“. on courses and professors when Studies professor. said that students 0‘... Proud-urina- can judge how well a professor knows H.L. Davison has been a math Professors grade their students all hismaterial. but that a student may not professor at State for 12 years. He John Hudson. a political science year long. Once a year the student is be qualified tojudge that content ofthe believes that students may be able to major from Salisbury. is a freshman given the opportunity to command or urea. judgeateacher‘3work better after they unfamiliar with faculty evaluations. condemn his professors on their job as “I'm definitely in favor of faculty have completed the course. Once explained. Hudson was enthusias- teachers. This year‘s student govern- evaluations by students. If a guy is in “I think students have a good idea of tic. ment evaluation may entail student ' there and he's ill-prepared. it's obvious. how tojudgeteachers. but not alwaysat “I thinkI w'ould useit. Ithink it would responsesto some 30questions such as. This may apply especially to grad the time they take the course. Often help a lot. especially for freshmen." he “how well does the instructor know his student teaching. Their prime concern times students give the best evalua- said. material?” and “was the instructor may be‘ their dissertation and their tions to the easiest professors. Later on Hudson looked at last year's grade available for individual attention?" teaching may be secondary they might change their minds." distribution and said that grades are a A computer willuse the responses to “Butaprofessorshould have first and Davison said. major factor1n course selection. ratethe professorin the areasofcourse final say on the content of a course. I "Of course. it’s hard for anybody to Would students use the grade'1n Bloody thrlll f judge-what a good teacherisz-the course as a basis for judging criterion is simply how much is professor? Iflhat'sthewayltfeelsmaybehsahouldglvabloodrnorsoftsn. ‘13 learned." he added. “I don't think that would enter into it This student was one of many dondflng blood In the drive 1 IOOOO with most students. But I can only sponsored Thursday by Scabbard and Blade, an honorary Army speak for myself." Hudson said. ROTC fraternlfy. ‘1 Jim Moore. a transfer student from Whiteville said that he would use a faculty evaluation when preregistering Plans updated for vet school ‘1 for courses. I'd follbw it to acertain extent. Of Continuedfrom page The new facility, which area not used directly for five points of importance: course, you have to take it with a grain will be located on Hills- 'veterinary purposes, such as the rooms' functions. their of salt." he said. said. so the decision on the borough St. at the present entranceways, elevator levels of occupancy, size. Moore said that students have the contractor should simply be shafts, closets, bathrooms their need to be placed near 0‘41 right to grade their teachers. "They a matter of the state site of the University Dairy and the like. other rooms (operation have the right to—whether or not it's selecting the best over-all will encompass 225,550 rooms, for example ‘need to that accurate an evaluation is some- bid. square “usable" feet. The Curtin said the building’s be near the surgical scrub thing else." Moore said. Ground-breaking cere- figure does not include “non- layout and the placement of rooms) and other special monies are set for January. usable" spacewhich is any rooms were determined by considerations. he said. Mark Evans. a senior in Computer Sciencefrom Greensboro. liked the plan The total planned non- for this year’s evaluation better than student population at the last year‘s grade distribution. school will be about 332. ' Weather forecast I “I'd rather see something like that including 50 residents. than what they did last year. Yes. I graduate interns. and other Hi Lo Weather think students are fair when grading special students, faculty Wednesday 58°F Partly cloudy. cool professors. I would use it." he said. members and "support Thursday 62-66°F 40-44°F Partly sunn ' persons." including clerks. warmer an some 0.... nurses. pharmacists. and morningfog. even "kennel boys." Friday 64-68°F 44-46°F Clearing, warmer Dennis Garoutte1s a math professor with 12 years experience teaching at Curtin said the first State. classes in the new facility Wednesday should be another cool and somewhat cloudy day as unsettled conditions “I'm in favor of these evaluations." will be taught in 1981. prevailin the area. Thursday will show increased cloudiness over most of the state but Garoutte said. “They are helpful to including two classes of 40' warmertemperatures. Look forclearing Friday and mildertemperaturesboth duringth professors. students each. In 1982 two day and early evening. Happy Thanksgiving. “Of course. there are bad things additional classes of 40 will about them too. They laudents)..don't . ,enter and by 1983 four full- ' k Forecaster: Russ Bu album; of the N‘Qsiji’. Student Chapter of'The . ‘ always evaluate objectively. Often sized classes 0772 students merican Meteorologic timesthey use the grade they aregoing will be enrolled.

The Irre gardless restaurant. vegetables can be fun! byTuckerJohnson “Thanks."I walkedover to to feel that all cookingIS a I finally got upthe nerveto “I relate a lot of it to batting come back often. A girl Features Writer where the chalked words creative endeavor." ask the big question. "Where average. When you're up counting money from the dissolved from a blur into Restaurant “Do you do all the did you get the name there at the plate. either you register moved from behind. ' You'd almost miss it if you~ meaningful English and cooking?" I asked. ‘Irregardless'?" hit or you miss. But it's your the counter to unlock the weren't looking for it. stopped to examine my "Slowly but surely. I train batting average. Of course. front door for me. I found A very unpresumptuous optionsforthenight'sdining. Review people to help me in the He smiled. "When I was in in a restaurant. you hope myself once again out on the brick buildingatthe end of a Quiche Friday. Piroshki. kitchen." he answered. "The college. I used the word quite that you hit more than you street.’ now deserted. string of houses. its only Mu-Shu Shrimp. Eggplant the bowls were filled with Durham could support one. way that I try and operate . . frequently . . . Every time I miss." ‘ I spotted my car and advertisement that I could Parmigiana. At a loss. I very normal looking salads. then Raleigh should be able is more or less by letting would use it in a term paper. Suddenly I looked around headed for it. reflecting upon spot from the road was. a examined the list ofbever- to support one. somebody he in the kitchen it would get circled in red and me and realized that the something that Gordon had lighted sign bearing the one ages and walked back tozmy Suddenly my quiche ar- “So I. and at the time two andseehowwe do it . . . So they'd say. ‘This is not a place was empty. The piano said: “It’s a giveand take word. “Irregardless." sus- table to puzzle over my rived. Similar to a slightly friends, invested a small there's a good sense of word.’ So eventually. I bench stood unoccupied, and proposition. learning and pended above the doorway. dec1sion. Sittingdown and oversized slice ofpie. it filled amountofcapital and put in a cooperation . . . Everybody decided that I was going to there was nomore music. My cooking. They sort of go lookingaround me. I realized the small bowl which the lot oflabor—our own—and knows that I'm the owner get the last laugh and make it watch told that it was way nicely together." Irregardless of what? I at once why I had had such waitress placed in front of changed this buildingover and the chef. but everybody a word." past closing time. Kind oflike people and the wondered. driving around difficulty'1n findinga parking me. Hesitantly. I took a bite. . to put in a vegetarian else is then left free to do In speaking about ilhe I thanked Gordon for his Irregardless. They sort of go the block at least four times place. Delicious. A combination what they want to do." restaurant business, he said. time. before finding sparking The restaurant was filled of shrimp. crab. mushrooms restaurant. resolving to myself to nicely together too. space nearby. Despite its almost to capacity. The and cheeses. it was a perfect "When did you first unusual name this restau- people were young. old. blending oftastes like none I “The thing that I‘m real become interested in cook- rant was doing a fantastic middle-aged. of all sizes and had ever encountered be— pleased about is that we've ing?" I questioned. business on this particular shapes. mostly in groups fore. I wondered about its been here for four years now “Well, my mother is avery Friday night. The street was with a few couples scattered creator. the man I had come andour clientele is the whole bad cook." he laughed. “So at lined up and down with here and there. to interview. spectrum of the population. an early age, I realized tht if I parked cars. The piano player stopped. We have little babies that didn't learn how to cook for Finally steppinginside the Covering the wall to my took a sip of beer. and come in here all the way to something for myself. I Irregardless. I found myself right was a collection of attackedthe keyboard again. retired folks," he continued. wasn't going to eat." face to face with a‘ large tapestries apparently done It was approaching closing "And to me that says that He had mentioned having bulletin board filled with by very young children. I time. and around me. people they're coming because of been a student at Chapel Hill. various flyers and advertise- was examining the prolifera- were standing up and the food. Not because it's an so I asked if he had studied ments. The words. “Who tion of birds. seascapes and retrieving their coats from ‘in' place. or because of its cooking there. killed Karen Silkwood?" colorful clowns when my hooks on the wall. atmosphere. or that kind of "No. I studied philosophy leapt out at me. but I was waitress arrived. Ifinished my quiche and thing. They're coming be- and chemistry," he an- more intrigued by the “I'll have the . . . Quiche ordered two scoops. of cause the food‘5 good,and swered. “Chemistry. in a lot shelves directly below. Friday." I announced. mak- chocolate mint ice cream to they know that it s freshly ofrespects. is like cooking. . . ing a quick and hopefully top off the meal. I was just prepared, and it's got The big difference is that if I All-yOu-con-eot salad bar Moving closer. I examined wise decision. “And a black polishing offthe bowl when I something that's unique and make a mistake. I can eat it." the labels on the clear plastic cherry soda." heard someone say. “hi. I'm original to it." We laughed and agreed packages which lined this Arthur Gordon." that it would not be wise to (0 $1.29 value) - mass of shelves. Caraway At the table next to mine. Remembering the .exotic eat achemistry lab mistake. I When you order any oll-you-con-eor feosr or The Family seeds. raw peanuts. black another waitress was deliv- I smiled and introduced names on the menu. Iasked asked him where he had Fish turtle beans . . . mung ering bowls piled high with myself and the owner of House this month you con also enjoy unlimited omounrs of oisp Irregardless seated himself , him where he got the ideas found his piano player. vegetables and tangy dressings beans?! I didn't have time to what appeared to be white across from me. for the dishes he served. “When wefirst opened up. free. wonder about the last one. straw. Uh oh. I thought and “Where did you get the “Iwent into this business we were more of a nightclub Our oll-you-con-eor solodborIS 0 $1 .29 value, but during “Hello." wondered fora moment what idea for a vegetarian restau- because I was interested in type." he said. "Over the the monrh of November, it's free with any oli-you-con-e01 feosr I looked upintothe smiling I was letting myselfin for by rant?" I had to ask. cooking." he said. "I was years we've come to realize low: face of a casually dressed eating at a vegetarian “The idea of a vegetarian then; I am now; I haven't lost that we're a restaurant; youngman. “One?" he asked. restaurant. it. that's our first priority. FriedOceonFish...... 2.99 Inodded and followed him The white straw was restaurant has existed in "What I do is that I read “But the residual has been toasmall woodedtable. “Our consumed rather quickly by other cities in the triangle cookbooks almost constantly that we've met a lot of nice Fried Flounder ...... 1. . . 3.89 menu's over there." he the occupantsof the next area." he told me. describing . . . I look for suggestions. for musicians. . . So we have Boby Shrimp ...... 399 informed me, gesturing to- table. I leaned back. relieved two such restaurants. ”I ideas: things that have meat piano players . . Live. so Fried Clom Strips . .‘ ...... 5.29 ward a nearby blackboard upon discovering that be- decided that if Chapel Hill in them. but I try to think of that there’s a freshness to it. Fried Shrimp ...... _...... 5.79 hanging on the wall. 1‘ neath the strange material. could support one and them without meat . . I like Like the food." “WW. 1...... — CALL ME FOR l Deviled Crobs in norurol shell. LIFE AND HOSPITAL SURGICAL INS. Spiced Shrimp . . . . 11. ‘WESTERN LANES 51"! IA.” 24 Lones-Billiords—Coclus Bor (across Hillsborough Street) Catch the best» INSUIANCI Fridoy & SoturdoS HM CARROLL SPECIAL seafood at 'lil 6:-OOpm Fri.& £1ONLY _ Raleigh-Western Blvd 81 Avenl Ferry Rd IMISSIOI’I A Macke Company " .Behind Big Star Store Bus. 828-9453 .2 Center. Lower Level) 828—1513 Valley Shopping Cameron Village a 828-9456 Ask 0 friend to come bowling41’5 fun. Also Burlington. Fayettevme Washington NC WE WILL BE CLOSED 1901 Smaliwood Drive Children'aMenu: Friedclams. flounder ocean fish orchicken Wing THANKSGIVING DAY mflhl NC Res ‘78’1 0773 ; BringLcoupon 8. Bowl 3 Games for $2.00 drumettes Under6 (plate) freeand6-12(ail-you-caneai) 51 m ~::. November 22, team 1 9. T's-4!— 24....r» ,.,.r_-- V Clip ‘& Gitchu Carl Bethea I.-my. ‘3 A-..1 I. O—‘——4‘—.“ Q!.

'm/ assault: or 1»: .. Iflmw WT +S! am: manor, m4- !3 OUTAAKAEMI fiodfi, CIALLY WIWD -:v.«- rm A menus Wu; .~r“ $19.39,; . ““W'vM‘ -._ ‘ILUI

A Ween-new

Doug Hurlbert

Gary King If

K I I ih‘mfi I“ am. dos: \oolg

Terry “MIR “TIC!“


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? IIIEMEAN eaten Intvtsmlion m APEX/FARY .g 1978 G HEILEMAN BREWING CO . INC . LA CROSSE. WISCONSIN AND OTHER CITIES .Jt 362—8821 -‘ 'l Technician-l November 22. 1973

The Moody Blues

N U Ni

17;:.0 ‘%L Photos

by Larry Merrell ‘ better Clockwise from upper left: ...they’re: older but flayThomasisbeyondcomparisonforhiscontributiontothe MoodyBlues. His1exceptionai flute on"l.egend oi the Mind” highlighted the performance. has been the‘driving spirit behind the ,most phenomenal progressive group in Williams sings, . The guitar is his instrument and “to is his inspiration. Justin Hayward and John Lodge may be showing a little age. but there was no loss of spirit Wednesday night. As the front of . both are as spectacular as they ever were. Pat More: is a, new member to the prestigious group. He managed to surpress his electronic fills Coffee House antics Wednesday evening to fully compliment and enhance the overal sound of- the Moody o byWMoore extensively .throughout the Entertainment Writer United States. and his informal style blends with It was a typical Coffee his personality. Entertainment House in the Walnut Room Friday night with plenty of “Free Man Happy Man." beer and music. Singer Mike Williams' second album, Williams kept the crowd in seems to be an accurate high spirits with his humor description of this singer. and talent on the 12 string Despite his free nature, guitar. Williams is not shallow: Local band promotes bluegrass Mike Williamsis a soloist. Back in 1967. he sang in a Yesterday is history duet with Emmy Lou Harris. Tommurrowsciencefiction by Moses Norton band prefers to mix their music and perform soft plan toplay in as many festivals as possible when the Williams isalsoasongwriter, Let 's not spend tonight Entertainment Writer tunes as well as progressive ones. seaSon comes back in. for his songs have been alone. ‘The band consists of four regular members plus a Pa: chwork's origin is stereotypical to the origin of recorded by Mike Cross, Patchwork, a local bluegrass band, performed at fiddler that sits in with them on occasions. All are many bands. Just common contacts of friends got John Denver. and others. He Mikewasborn in 1944, and the Cafe Deja Vu last Thursday night. and did all originally from different parts of North Carolina, but : hem together. The group has an unique sound and is has opened concerts for spent nine years at Chapel types of bluegrass tunes, from the old traditional are residing in and around the Raleigh area. perfecting it every time they play. Jerry Jeff Walker, Arlo Hill. Heexplained thatschool sounds. to some of today's hard instrumentals. The The manager. and guitar player, Bill Willis, from Soft tunes such as ”Hickory Wind" and “The Guthrie, Pure Prairie Lea- was an on and off affair. Burlington, majored in chemical engineering at Tennessee Blues“ were done in smooth high-pitched gue, Jimmy Buffet, and simply doing what he felt. State, and is now in his graduate work there. Bill is‘ harmony. AISo “Sin City" by Grand Parsons and OliviaNewton-John,to name Williams eventuallyreceived the lead vocal of the group, and hasa distinct a few. a degree in Journalism. , Chris Hillman was inspiringly performed. which Williams has Mum.. Williams wssvwsrm'shd "bluegrass music voice. He played‘wit be popular Contained a touch of gospel. He knows his music. and he entertaining. Tht‘l audie’nce bluegrass band back in the early seventies called the Instrumentals such as “Salt Creek" and “Little knows how to express got agooddeal thatnight, for Willis Wahoo Review, which toured the east coast Rock Gettaway" were picked, not to mention the himself. His music can vary admission was one dollar. regularly. band’s best instrtlmental, ‘fDixie Breakdown." Old from a warm ballad like his Thispaid for live music and a Tim Woodall picks the banjo and helps with the Songs like “Little Maggie" and "Dark Hollow," plus “Painting Song” to a ribald full mug. Coffee was pro- vocals on some songs. Tim works with Southland “How Mountain Girls Can Love." by Ralph and number that involves Anita vided for any one desiring it. Insurance Co., and is originally from Swift Creek. Omar Stanley, and Jimmy Martin's “Hit Parade of Bryant and Gay Rightsin one The Coffee House has a Before Patchwork got together, he played with the Love." were aISo performed. The band also played breath. performer almost every Sweet Dixie Band along with Gary Frink, the "Fox on the Run," “Old Home Place." “Devil in Williams speaks with his Friday night. It is in the upright bass player for Patchwork. Gary was born in disguise," “Sleigh Ride," and a song by the late Jim audience. His stories include 'Walnut Room. and maybe the mountains near Asheville, and works for . Croce called “Thursday." some off-color language, but you'll be lucky enought to Burroughs Computer, and has been playing the bass Patchwork‘s future is looking brighter every day, his friendly nature shows catch Mike Williams the next around fifteen years. bu‘ they are not really trying to make it big. "Picking through. He has traveled time around. James Renfrma fine mandolin picker for the bluegrass is more of a hobby,“ Bill said. “It’s group, is originally from Kenly, and is working with hard-lived and you really don't make any money at the Tufkin Company. James and Gary both sing 1 along with Bill on most of the songs and in close I is the enjoyment ofdoing something special that high-pitched harmonies. is different, and liked only by real bluegrass fans. “If you like this kind of music, you love it," is the way Keep Me Lastly, is the fiddler. Ray Blackwell, who is an James pu=s it. electronics technician in the chemistry department By the way. James also played in a band before a Stat e. Ray played with the New Deal String Band, Pa chwork, called Bluegrass Minority. The meaning and has a smooth style with a strong breakdown. of: he name should be obvit.,1us because it states (your car) I has been almost a year now that Patchwork has cxat ly wha- bluegrass is—a minority. Bluegrass been together, and in that small length of time they music is spreading. but only to the sensitive people ’ have had many appearances. Besides playing ha can grasp the feelings of simple country people. h The Paul Taylor Dance} Company monthly at the Deja Vu, Patchwork also appears at l’a chwork's music is'a specific. It has a distinct Going! On Saturday, December2, the Paul Taylor DanceCompany will the Fiddler’s Covein Greensboro monthly, plus difference from pop country or any. other kind of perform in Raleigh’s Memorial Auditorium. The Paul Taylor regular performances at the Station in Chapel Hill. coun ry music. So that it may even be called the Dance Comriany is one of the world's foremost dance groups. Back1n the summer, they performed at a bluegrass supreme country Sound. Patchwork's goal is just to Student ticlpts for the 8 p.m. performance can be purchased festival at Leé's Music Park, which is southeast of pr: .m..: e bluegrass music. and it is not icable. because Hawk Garner. At the present, '0' $3.50. I. a new festival15 being 'he turn- -ut gets larger every performance aLthe DWELL planned. but nothingis definite yet. The hand does Deja Vu. The bluegrass is upon us! TACH Setpiinu urbacumclyfor11min“adyut F1year4.6.61guarantor8(vi. Woody proves himself wit ’Interiors’ by Sinan Sumer The younger daughter has “Interiors" is not a com- only ifyou have the patience Through this serious style. successfully presents to the TESTER Entertainment Writer her shareofproblems too, for edy. Woody Allen's movie is and open mindedness to sit . it is possible for theviewer to audience. KIIA'. Enghsh rind 0710 ARMOR ALL she doesn't know what she enjoyable and very much and listen to very deep and completely understand the “Interiors" was playing at g 0 Mmlt' calibranons PROTECTAN I Woody Allen once again wants to do with her life. In worth your time to see it, but involved conversation. message Woody Allen so the Mission Valley Theater. 5warwarranty- excells in his creativity and addition. her husband is into O-AM proves why he is one of the the growing Marxist ideo- OOOCOOCCOOOCOOOOOOOOO00...... I[MING UGHT leading script writers and logy. 'cuurnmtrtu 1775Sunlte- mum.r. ;directors of the Hollywood The youngest daughter of systems0ftransistorDCpomen-1i arena in his new film. the family is aT.V. starand is & 11111511101111 “Interiors." This _time unaware of what is expected chmrnrpm din-ll. around, Allen proves his from her for her sudden °°821-5342 PM"?!1nill-lawman.mtsunrr. "\ ability as a'social critic by his success. 9‘ SUNDAY Brunch-speciahstsin 5-«carmania. treatment of the social crisis ‘6‘ omelets 10:30AM 1:”PM , that surrounds the daily lives The cast is completed by dfreshselectvegetables,offeringsalads.of: beef,quiche,fowl, . ‘ k tinf so many people and the father. a man who is tired homemadesandwichessoups& breads, families in our technologi- ofthe pressures of his job, quality handcrafted foods 2 For the Price of 1 cally advancing world. family and wife. He finally BAR OPEN NIGHTLV (Sunday thru Thursday “Interiors" is the story of a escapes to fulfill the empti- UNTIL only) successful man. his three ness in his life. but ends up daughters and insane wife. with a two-time divorcee Buy one pizza get one ois also an insomniac whotalks more than Howard y Allen uses the life of Cosell. The sad part is that he Wh character to portray a is unaware that he is leading FREE _ Give Him or Her ifferent aspect of the himself deeper into insanity. Thanks A Million ‘arious problems that dis- coupon good anytime as indicated urb so many people‘s lives. Finally, the wife comes from What They WANT, _ Diane Keaton is the oldest face to face with the same Mission Valley 833-2825 (laughter, and is a successful problem millions of women Harris Wholesale 407 E. Six Forks lid. 833-1601 fevriter whose career has a face and cannot accept, the , , rofound effect on her family problem of growing old. Her 3318 N. Blvd. 876-9420 Not , ‘ '.e Her husband develops only solution is to escape ‘IlilllltI 0.0...0.00000000COOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOCCOOOOCOCOCCCCOOOCOOOOOOOOQOO i 1 inferiority complex due to from her problems by [rel._-. v- What They NEED! I; r success. . committing suicide. t. t :Our customers litter: the difference: 00...... “00000OOOOOOOOOQOOO. Sizzling Pack bu r‘ns Oilers by Denny Jacobs court and blow people out." and lndiana. which is rated and raced to a 4833 halftime boards as his major concern Sports Editor he said. “But these guys Will. lead. paced largely by the in preparation for the Alaska (Marathon Oil) are exper- State. which returns nine deadly shooting of Mat- trip. Though State outre- . It was State‘sone and only ienced players and they took lettermen and all five thews. who canned his first bounded the Oilers 50-86. warm-up befOre traveling to advantage of our mistakes. starters from last year's seven shots and finished with Watts anaring 12 and chilly Anchorage. Alaska for cluh. faces a talented Texas seven for night. from the field Pinder 10. the Wolfpack the tough eight-team Sea "‘We would have liked to A&M quintet Friday at 4 before intermission. The coach is worried about first- WolfClassic (formerly called look a lot smoother. We had pm. (9 pm. Raleigh time) in aggressive inside play of round foeTexas AhM. which the Alaska Shootout) which moments when we looked first round action. A Wolf- Whitney. down to 215 led the Southwest Confer- begins Friday. And. despite good offensively and mo- pack victory would pit the pounds. was another key ence in rebounding last year. the usual early-season prob- ments when we looked good team against the Indiana- factor. He had 12 first—half Still. Sloan looks forward lems that prevented the defensively. But there were Pepperdine winner Saturday points. to the challenge. Pack from completely burn- other moments when we in the semifinals at 4 pm. »I ”i'm certainly glad we ing up Marathon Oil. head looked ragged at both ends of (Alaska time). Sizzling-booting played this game before we coach Norm Sloan had plenty the court." continued Sloan. "We may have gotten a went up there. We've got a to smile about. who enjoyed what many little more than we bar- The Pack. which played a lot of wrinkles to iron out." Yes. a slimmed-down observers felt was his finest gained for." noted Sloan. who ' zone throughout the entire he allowed. “I was a little Hawkeye Whitney looks set season as a coach last year in did not know what other game. picked up where it left disappointed in our overall to return to the buzz-saw guiding Stateto a 21-10 mark teams would be in the off to open the second half. board play but I'm looking ways of his freshman year and a second place finish in tournament when State ac- shooting a sizzling 68.4 forward to seeing us against after a frustrating sopho- the NIT. ”But that’s only cepted a bid last spring. But percent of its shots from the those teams." morecampaign. And yes. the natural. “now we could be facing the floor. 58.3 for the contest. strong board play of Craig kind ofopponents that you Matthews wound up as Following the Sea Wolf Watts appears to back up Opening game jitters might see in the national State's leading scorer with Classic. State will face No. Sloan's preseason contention championships." 22 points. followed by 1-ranked Duke in the Big that the sophomore center is “It was the opening game Although Marathon is not Whitney with 16 and Kendal Four Tournament at the sounds most improved and you‘re going to have national championship cali- Finder and Tony Warren Greensboro Dec. 1 and either player. And no doubt that opening game jitters no ber. Sloan still felt there with 14.npiece. Meanwhile North Carolina or Wake sophomore guard Kenny matter who or where you were things to be gained junior point guard Clyde Forest on Dec. 2.11. would be Matthews can still drill the play. It'wasgood competition from the early test. The Austin. who had an off tough to find a team in the eyes out of thp basket from for us. Oilers. who play a national shooting night. was credited country that opens the anywhere around the perim- Heading into the Sea and international schedule. with nine assists. several on season with a tougher eter. Wolf Classic. State'needed opened their season by the spectacular side. while schedule. The final result was a any kind of competition it sweeping the Ohio AAU committing only three turn- 104-74 triumph for the could get. Included in the Invitational. downing de- overs. ”Personally. l'm not sure Wolfpack in spite of a bullish tournament are Louisville. fending champ Joliet flu.) in we need this kind of 29 point performance by picked fourth by the pre- the finals. 108-69. Sloan pointed tothe Pack's competition this early in the Oiler James Lee. the note season Associated Press poll. State led from the start inability to control the season." said Sloan. sixth man on Kentucky's national championship team of a year ago. ' For Sloan. the Pack's lowly Cavs, tail photoby LaMerrry'rell shortcomings were obvious Reinwa 0f Battle for control and expected. "You’d like to go out Kenny Matthews fights for possession In State's 104-74 win. blistering up and down the recalls last tri p to Virginia With visions of Mickey Rein sees improvement in State‘s Terry Miller with a 121.9 rushing yards a game Mouse and‘his pals dancing the Cavaliers despite a 28 4.582 total. ' for the Wolfpack. stands in the minds of State’s record. 0-5 in the Atlantic Brown continues to as- 11th in the NCAA rushing Sports football players. Wolfpack Coast Conference. Last sault the State record book. category while his 141.3 head coach Bo Rein remem- week. Virginia dropped a currently holding records yards a game of all-purpose November 22,1978 Technician / Five bers well State’s last trip to 38-20 decision and the Cavs for rushing and scoring. yardage puts him 14th in the Charlottesville. Va. And have not won a conference Heading into this week's nation among that group. that is precisely why Rein is game since they topped Virginia game. Brown could concerned about traveling to Wake Forest last year. break three more. one he Bitter near-perfect meet Virginia in the final "They’re showing a lot of already holds. iState, Carolina dominate regular season tilt. consistency on offense now." TheHigh Point native has Wolfpack placekicker Na- State. which accepted a commented Rein. “They 1.219 yards rushing through than Ritter. the team's Tangerine Bowl bid last have two fine backs in (Tom) 10 games and. with just 33 leading scorer. tied a State week after defeating Duke Vigorito and (Greg) Taylor. yards against the Cavaliers. record for points by kicking 24-10 will face Pittsburgh in And it will mark the first Brown will surpass his when he booted three field “Atlantic Coast Relays Orlando. Fla. on Dec. 23. time we've played on an seasonrushing mark of 1.251 goals (42. 36. and 32 yards) holds a 20-6-1 edge over the artificial surface in two set a year ago. and an extra point in the .byClaflerrey. Cavaliers. But Rein recalls years." Also. Brown needs just 16 Pack‘s win over Duke last Sports Writer all too well a 1974 game in offenslvrplays. rushing or“ Saturday. Those 10 points " which quarterback Dave Brown nears records - passing. to break the Total boosted his season total to The AtlanticCoast Swim- .Buckey had to rally the Pack Offensive Plays career re- 70 points. tying the mark set mingand DivingRelays look- from a third quarter 21-0 Speaking of backs. Ted cord of 863 set by Dave by Gerald Warren in 1967. ed more like a dual meet deficit to capture a 22-21 Brown. the Pack's brilliant Buckey during the 1972-75 With one three-pointer Carolina. with Duke and thriller. senior running—back. enters seasons. And with 142 yards against Virginia Saturday. Wake Forest fillingIn the “i remember very clearly Saturday's game as the No. of total offense. the sen- Ritter. who has connected extra lanes. the last time we were up 5 man on the NCAA's sational senior will eclipse on 22of23 PATs and 16 of 18 The Wolfpack, completely there." allowed Rein. “We all-time rushing list with State's Total Offense mark field goals this season. would dominated the men's events had a fine football team then 4.471 yards. Brown needs of 4.787 yards also set by tie the school and ACC taking all eight swimming but we needed somewhat of . 112 yards against the Cavs Buckey. Brown currently record for field goals kicked relays and handily winning a miraculous comeback that to claim the No. 4 spot.“ has 4.645 yards. in a season. The record of 17 both the one 'and three- afternoon to pull out a win." ‘currently held by Oklahoma Brown. who is averaging is also held by Warren. set in meter diving events. 1967. “I think our men did what they were supposed to do.” Grier Ritter. who is enjoying an said Easterling, who also felt 50 that all Criers my be run, all THE WOMEN'S CENTER of FILM: Eugene V. excellent rookie season. is that his men could have been items submitted must be less Raleigh announces a new work- American Labor Movement.Debs and than 25 words. No lost items will shop "Are Your Prescriptions Debs ran for president ol US 4 fourth in field goals per a little tired. “It wasn't all - be run. No more than three items Your Best Friends?" Nov] 29 times and Great Railroad Labor game in this week's NCAA that pleased with our men. from a single organization will be from 7:30-9:30. No Charge. For organizer. Tues. Nov. 20, 7 p.m.. stats. He also has the best but I really haven't studied run in an iSSue, and no item will further into. call 834-9997. Wed. Nov. 29. 10:00 a.m., at appear more than three times.. Richard B. Harrison Library, connection percentage (.889) the results." The deadline for all Criers is lRC-Sponsored Dance Clinics 1313 New Bern Ave.. Raleigh. among the nation's top 20 M-W-F at 5 p.m. will bein Lee Lobbyon Tues. Nov. oi New Barn and field goal kickers. 28 and Alexander International Edenton).(corner For more into: 5262. Women even score SCHOLARSHIPS -. Two 3575 Basement on Wed., Nov. 29. Sponsor: Young Socialist Alli- scholarships available to rising Coordinated by DanceVisions. ence. 0n the other hand, while senior student, members or the “350 Pb!” WM the Carolina men were Central Carolina Chapter at the TENNIS COURT LIGHTING: fighting the waves of the Prolessionsl Engineers 01 North Beginning Nov. BLUE KEY will meet Wed. Nov. Kyle Wescoe continues to Carolina. Contact Prol. Blessis, tennis courts will27beonlylightedsix loweruntil 29 at 6pm. in room 129/13100 the be the Wolfpack's “big play" defending conference Mann Hall. lor information. 9 pm. due to the decrease in Cotiseum. man. Against Duke. Wescoe. champions. the women were MUSLIMSTUDENTASSOC.wIll players. This will continue until who totaled 19 tackles. was evening the score with Tar mm this Fri pmms In Rm alter Spring Break. The Technician is the ol- involved in two goal line Heel victories in seven ofthe 103 in Cultural Hall at 12:15 pm. licial student newspaper oi 10 events. Nov 24 THE MID TECH. CLUB will North Carolina State Uni- stands which limited Duke meet Mon, Nov.27at7p.m. in Ga versity and is to a lone field goal despite Freshmen Wendy Pratt. EVER BEEN-TO THE "BIG 3635. Millie Grillln, lrom Raleigh every Monday. Wednesday.published having a first and goal inside Tracy Cooper. and Valinda Sta” photoby Larry Merrell APPLE?" Takelrip to experi Community Hospital will be the and Friday throughout the Martin swam to the Wolf— Duncan 600th was part of ence the excitement at New York guest speaker. academic year lrom August , the State 10 twice. State'a record--setting 400--yard medley City with the Economics Society. ENGINEERS’ EXPOSITION until May except during the pack's only win in the relays. Details,Th.irs Nov 30.4p.m., will be held Feb ill 24,1979 at scheduled holidays and ex setting a new meet record in qualifying times in each think we have worked so performance in the men's Green Room, Student Center Crabtree Valley Mall. All orgeni emanation periods. Ollices The Bethlehem. Pa. na- the GOO-yard butterfly with a event. 600 yard backstroke with zelions wishing to participate are located in Suites 3170- tive's play prompted Pack much harder than the other PRE VET CLUB MEMBERS: please attend a meeting 1 ues. 3121 in the University Stu- defensive coordinator Chuck . time of 6:22.84. “I don't think we are as girls that we could have Joe Rhyne. Paul Sparkes. Rollin's Diagnostic Lab Iield Nov. 28 at 7:30 pm. in the Board dent Ccnter, Cates Avenue. That was just one of the strong as Easterling makes been tired. Later we could and Brian Kelca took the trips will leave trom Riddick Lot Room 01 the Student Center. Mailing address is P.O. Box Amato to comment. ‘_‘It records that fell in the us out to be." said North 313 pm on Wed. (ll/29) and seems every game Kyle be better." 600—yard butterfly relay Thurs. (ll/30). Also, please sign ECONOMICS SOCIETY meets lina,569s. 27650.Raleigh,SubscriptionsNorth Caro- comes up with two or three pre-season get together Carolina coach Frank Com- With a record time. up tor the pig pickin' in the vet. Thurs. Nov. 30 at 4 pm. in Green are m per year. Printed by which saw the Tar Heel fort. “A couple of the Although records could Since the Atlantic Coast science dept. in Grinnells Lab by Room. Guest speaket tor Open Hinton Press, Inc., Mebane. big plays for our defense. and Wolfpack women going women's races could have not stand up to the women's Relays are a preseason Nov 28 meeting for all Business, Econ. N.C. Application to mail at His play has been consistent ACS SA. Chemistry Students. and Accounting Majors. Details second class postage rates all year long. And consis- head to head to the wire. gone either way." intehse battle. only three event designed for condi- Meeting Tues. Nov. 20. 7:30 pm. on New York City Trip lor Jan. ls pending at Raleigh. N.C. forcing new meet records in Meanwhile. Easterling, times were bettered by the tioning and determining how in Dab. 210 Dr. Bosawill speak. "-21 27611. tency is the mark of an each event as well as three who watched his woman men.‘ All-Americans Dan far along swimmers are in excellent linebacker." national qualifying times for finish one point behind Harrigan. Duncan Goodhew. their training. team scores both teams. Carolina in last year's state Jim Umbdenstock. and were not kept. Earnaprofeesionalaalaryinthehicrative State’s 400-yard medley meet only to place one ahead freshman Chuck Gaul set a industryof Mixelogy. l—NOTICE relay. 400-yard freestyle . of them in the nationals was new meet record in the However. the season be- International Professional , relay. andnthe 800-yard optimistic about what he 400-yard medley relay. gins December 3 with a Schoolof Bartender, Inc freestyle relay teams fin- saw in his squad. Harrigan and Gaul teamed home meet against Virginia 127w. Hargat St Suite701. ass-amt ished second but pushed “1 was pleased the women up with Paul liohman for and then the scores will interested in MODERN c DANCE? past the AIAW National held tight." he answered. "I another record-breaking really count. come to the Dance Clinicsll Pack riflers gun down two more ESGUIRE tuesdoy. nov 26 by Larry Such shoots much better. but improving with every match. we'll need to improve greatly SHOP Sports Writer unfortunately. they lost accounted for 541 points. if we expect to be one of the lee Iobby...7pm many oftheirbetter shooters Ralph Graw. recovering top ten teams going to the 2402 Hillsbor‘otigh so State’s rifleteam defeated and are having to start from a case of the from flu. shot championships." thursdoy. nov 29 ' Virginia, and Hampton insti- scratch this year." below his average to some a The championships Rey- Closed Mondays / tute here Saturday in this 512. nolds is referring to are the olexonder International season'sfirst three-way com- Packontarget Second team individual Collegiate Championships. petition. Some unexpected scores showed progression which will be held on April 7. bosement...7pm scores resulted with State The Pack riflers were and recession over last 1979 at the Naval Academy shooting for 2182. Virginia. on target again this week. week's performance. Jeff in Maryland. ‘ 2138 and Hampton. 1881. Billy Thomas. as always, led Curka-536. Robert Conger- ®DERCO P.S. you can attend one or bothll “Virginia was surprising." theteam withan outstanding 527. Pete Young-513. and The Wolfpack riflers will 821-4259 For said Wolfpack head coach score of 575. Ginny Gerald's Mike King—492. to total a take a break for Thanksgiv- Appt. )John Reynolds. “That was perfect prone score of 200 score of 2068. ing. State's next match will coordinated by Dance Visions one of their best scores in aided greatly to her final “We are slowly looking be in Charleston. SC. FIEDKIN PFiGDLJCTS yeaca. Hampton usually tally of 554. Tpm Hill. better." said Reynolds. “But against the Citadel. ' sponsored by IRC l v . 7 r Six /.Technician / November 22, 1978 ‘ . -' - ' ,- l....._'-,., Technician ' ' . -.-n...-.sm.


itllIIIIIIIIIIIIa§IIIIIIIIIIIIINI . mum: circuit l Needs not met W ' _ “”le GINA“ Monday’s suicide-murder of at least could read his crowd Well. But in this respect M88000: m 7' \ 409 persons lio‘hestomi, Guyana, is yet Jones was no different than Reverend Moon, , cumsrm); . another indicatpn that the world is whose “Moonle” cult is expanding, or the :7 5-” PM Corfu cw: progressing at atate:too fast for the average Hare Krisha who were so powerful in the late “PM Vouru ren- ro ». . person to comprehend. As a result of this 19605. var sum vs. ' future shock, many are turning to.smaller cult cg/ room. 3m“, groups which offer the unity of a small family What this indicates is not that these cult /Y:oom Com: 9 Dom:rs aswell as the authoritative figure of a strong, leaders are becoming more powerful than central leader This practise of departing from their predecessors, for powerful men have :7 ‘5”AM EARN the “norm” is beginning to flourish in long been trying to sway the crowds. What it ’ . America, and the results often are does indicate is that society’s anchors are no l. horrendous. longer holding against the tide of the f . The People’s Temple. founded and headed technological advancements which challenge N\Mi by Jim Jones, originated in the San Francisco the “old way of thinking." Bay' area but was forced to leave because of The forts of the past are falling, very quickly pressure from local officials. After moving to in America, and the old concept of “church \J‘Ibx'w‘) the Guyana jungle settlement, which they and state” is falling away with the tide. The named in Jones' honor, the group continued primary religions of America, Protestantism, its practise of “discipline, intense activity, and Catholicism and Judaism, somehow are not ‘ ‘the feeling that they were fighting for a new getting the job done. With the rapid advances . world."’ In daily use, thisamounted to many being made daily, many find it hard to live hours of worship, extreme financial offerings with all the trappings that go along with then, that the policies adopted by the The record, commissioned by Deram Records as well as being repeatedly struck in public for organized religion. .Church breakfasts and Better things Administration would reflect both faculty and to be a rock version of Dvorak Symphony deeds considered evil'by the group. socials are nice, but are they something an To the Editor: student viewpoints and be fair to both. But “From the New World,” was to be dropped Jones tailored his pitch for new members to individual can depend upon in times of that ideal simply does not exist in real life. from sales. However, an executive from the individuals hewas addressing: sometimes personal need? This is in response to the editorial in the It’s not that we don’t make our feelings London Records was. by chance, visiting saying that the world was a constant struggle It’s time that religious leaders reevaluate Wednesday, Nov. 15 Technician. - known; it‘s just that our feelings and opinions Deram when the decision to drop the album . for the oppressed, a struggle they could never their present policies and honestly think about The editorial expressed concern over the have no effect. The administration listens to us was being made. The executive convinced win; sometimes sayingthat the struggle would whether they are meeting the needs of the declining participation in Student politely. and then goes ahead and does what Deram that the record could be sold in I”ta-9*‘w‘mf«in'h—rhfi”.4(-'“w-\an be won by his group, which would then average person Cult followers are looking for Government. publications. clubs, and other it wants anyway. One needs only to look at America. -q .. dominate allothecgroups. , something they haven’t been getting, and it's student organizations. the implementation of the Not-Credit grading The London Records execution came to Many said it was easy to beenraptured by time that those who claimto care takemore Frankly,lam not surprised at thewaning, systemand the ludicrousfourweek drop America and tried tosell the album with little interest in Student Government. That body is period to find pertinent examples. Concerning success. Then in 1971, a disk jockey in . Jones. saying he was a powerful orator who responsibility, before more lives are wasted. supposed to be the students’ input to the the latter, it is safe to say that the student body Seattle. having heard the cut “Knights in J . University Administration. One would think, as a whole was. and still is, diametrically White Satin." decided that this was the perfect V opposed to any drastic shortening of the drop song to play to give him a few minutes to get a ' period 'cup of coffee. As a result, “Knights in White “I But arguing with the Faculty Senate and Satin” became the most requested song in ’ ,. . I u r ey Wit 0 r I I '0 n‘ Stu i n g the University Administration was like beating Seattle in the summer of 1971. America had one’s head against a stone wall. Predictably, discovered the Moody Blues. 1 there was no effect. Oh. some may point to During the period 1967-1971, the Moody Years 390, Benjamin Franklin 50 admired Turkeys are usually raised in tIOCkS ot the fact that the original two-week drop was Blues has released a couple of additional ; the American turkey, he nominated it as ' several thousand in large barns With concrete extended to four weeks, but that amounted to albums which were marginally successful. But 't America’s national bird. Ben's bid lost out to Amencal'l Journal floors. They are separated by sex and kept in nothing more than a tidbit to quiet the , in 1971, when success came, the albums t . the Bald Eagle, the splendid creature that climate-controlled environments under artifi- Whlml’flng pup, In the end, the student’s turned to gold. we’ve since nearly succeeded t" exterminating. David Armstrong Clat light. Klippen claims the turkeys like it that voice is simply disregarded. Much more can be said of the Moody Blues I The turkey,bycontrast, hasgrOwn enormously way. “They experience less She-$5 than it they There seems to be a feeling among the and their history. I will leave that to Mr. I“ in number Were Franklin alive today. chloresterol and saturated fats and high in were outside having to light and forage for Administration officials that the students at Williams so that he may practice researching t however, it is unlikely he would recognize the protein, it is becoming a year-round favorite. their food." The birds are fed a diet laced with NC State are a necessary evil and must be the background material for his articles. 6 turkey. Americans will eat 10 pounds of turkey per antibiotics to ward off disease and . often times. put up with' they seem to forget that we are d person this year. about a pound more than in hormones to induce growth. State‘5 raison d’etre. David Wilso ( Franklin’s ideal was the wild turkey. a bird 1977. That's some 200 million birds. Most turkeys are killed with an electric knife 80 why should we get all excited about ' Grad. E = that still providessportfor hunters and lends its .Turkey tycoons credit their success to drawri across their throats as they hang Student Government when there are more name to a deservedly famous bourbon. The scientific breedingaThe laboratory wizards who upside-down from hooks. Their feathers are productive activities to be engaged in, like ‘l. modern holiday turkey, however, is a breed brought you the square tomato have not loosened by dipping the dead birds into a hot sleeping? Right-of-way apart. Hatched from genetically engineered neglected theturkey. Says Ken Klippen of the solution that usually contains chlorine added To theEditor: eggs, raised on a diet of chemicals. butchered National Turkey Federation. an industry to control bacteria and increase shelf life. Many David Thomas by machine, preserved with still more group, “Turkey growing is now an exact turkeys are also injected with vegetable oil to Sr. PY In response to Ms. Ann S. Whitaker’s letter chemicals and marketed by giant agribusiness science. We've bred the birds to be docile and make them juicier. Those that are frozen can on 11/15/78; _ corpOrations, the commercial turkey is an easy to harvest.” take on up to a quarter of their weight in water. Ms. Whitaker, you said in the last sentence assembly lineproductof~the technological age. America's well-advertised passion for The modern turkey is then ready for the PHI 201 i of your letter, “I don’t want to hit a student fo Like many technological wonders, it may also convenience foods is another factor. Where table. To the Editor: any reason." But referring back to the middle endanger human health in ways that are not once there were only whole turkeys that took Corporate producers are understandably of your letter you said, “But you might want t yet fully understood . hours to prepare, now there are turkey hot enthusiastic about the expanding market they In response to amateur philosopher risk joy-walking in front of me since I'll only - 35 Until the mid-1960's, most turkeys were dogs. turkey “ham". turkey “pastrami” and control. But smaller growers. some of them Charles Veit’s (Fr. Che) comment concerning going 15-20 miles per hour, but you better ‘ raised by small independent farmers. Today, readily available bundles of more conventional advocates of natural or organic techniques. are Wendy McBane’s Nov. 10 Editorial,_l must move fast because I will not brake for you." the independent poultry grower is going the turkey products like wings and drumsticks. less enamoured of this brave new world of confess my belief he is a future victim of “Not braking” and “not wanting to hit,” way of the nickle candy bar. The big names in The business of raising gobblers is highly turkey technology. therminal depression and ulcers. He obviously seems to me at least. like just a small turkey growing include red-meat packers and specialized. Few turkeys, for example. are born One of them is Leslie Thoelecke an lacks the insight required to translate the true _ contradiction. I can’t agree with you more processors like Swift, dairy giants like Land where they grow up and die. Instead, eggs are independent poultry grower in Sonoma. meaning of Miss McBanes words Ann. It is your privilege not to stop for a O’Lakes and well-known purveyors of laid by a few breeder flocks—nearly 90per cent California. According to Thoelecke. eating Truthfully. the happy human is the human pedestrian (sic, or maybe if you like, sick). foodstuffs like Greyhound, which owns of them in California. .for some reason—-and turkey could be hazardousto your health. “The who can humor everyday life and whistle Students sometimes. do not think, and for Armour Meats, another big turkey producer. ' shipped through out the nation to commercial antibiotics that most growers put into turkey” away regrets, not the one who turns his that do you believe they should die? Maybe Turkey hascome into itsown in-recent years hatcheries. The new arrivals spend their lives feed build up in the turkeys. then they build up problems into a series of inorganic species. they should. I don’t know. I do know this, 7 as a comparatively .cheap. good-tasting on huge turkey ranches that may hold over in us when we eat them. That in turn can make ~ In my opinion,.Miss McBane is an students do not walk in front of oncoming car alternative to beef and pork. Low in a million birds. people resistant to certain drugs which they exceptionally talented and imaginative intentionally. may need later to fight diseases of their own." individual whose work is readily identifiable I at least will do anything I can to avoid . 'l‘hoelecke also claims that formaldehyde is by many people sharing similar day to day hitting a student (or any animal). It is no , St interimes coupled with chlorine in processing Misery." to put it harshly. consolation to me to stand over someone’s turkeys. although the large commercral By the way Mr. Veit-have you received bleeding body and say. “I had the Better not fill -’er up growers deny it. As for hormones. Thoelecke is your invitation to the next area Ku Klux Klan right-of-way." smiply aghast. argumg that they are probable meeting? You seem to contain the proper I IN CASE YOU MISSED IT.... got a little rambunctious and decided to make cancer-causnig agents. Large growers general attitude listed in their requirements. Charles Willar- ! Recently. a United States Army automo- a quick exrt from around the cap. Iy downplay the use of hormones when they Sr. Econ . I bile, used by the NC. State ROTC depart- When notified that gas was leaking from its aw quizzed about them. but Thoelecke claims 3,990“, May ment and parked on the east side of Reynolds vehicle, the ROTC Department put their IIicil federal investigators— who spot-check the 50p}. LEB Lem“ '0 me Gum" should be no my" "m 250 word Coliseum, was spotted dripping gasoline from creative heads together and announced that millions of massproduced turkeys~routlnely New of Wm." legible and must include the writer' the gasrear.wasNo,comingthere wasn'tfrom thea leakcapinwhichthe tank.was aroundsomeone.mwouldorder beto outlowersoonthetoamoumdrive thein thecar findmeal.dangerous levels of hormones in turkey Can t bear; it classification“6'95? "id 9'50"eand curriculum."WW" °f°n9LettersWlth contalnln"‘5 0' "9 possibly libelous or obscene material will be edited. used to cover the tank. tank. Genius idea, right! I f U 'l'o Thoelecke. the only safe way to raise To the Editor Wrong! That's just typica o .S. Govern- turkeys is to do it organically—“Without ~ l It seems that the last person to “fill ’er up" mentvpolicy about saving for the citizens of hormones or antibiotics and without chemicals In response to Mr. Veit’s letter concerning Technician l went a little overboard and really topped off thiz country. Next time whymot just put in a in the processing." Thoelecke also advocates Wendy McBane‘s editorial of November 10. 1 the tank, bringing the precious liquid right to co ple of dollars worth instead of topping off letting the birds eat and exercrse out of doors. we wish to thank Mr. Veit for informing usthat Editor ...... David Pendered .' the top. After a few hours in the tank, the gas the tank? WIilCIi he says improves their muscle tone and dissenliOn is outlawed at North Carolina State ~' -.. . uinmately their taste. University in the State of- North Carolina. and “W. Editor JOt‘" ”93"" There are no legal standards for organic in the United States Of America. Furthermore. Sports Editor """""""" 09m” “PM turkeys. Thoelecke allows. but he figures his we wish to-commend him on his worldlyness, Entattaitunont Editor """ Ka'9",Edm'5‘°" working guidelines are sufficient to prdduce a so uncommon of freshmen in CHE. s mfiflm"""""""SE? Agog: natural bird. “There are very few truly organic Allow us to share a quote that may help Mr. Sarto?» p... Editor I ' _ . l-IZItan‘Tart turkeys because raising turkeys in a natural Veit deal with life. “Kiss a big, hairy, dead bear Production Manager. ______David Blythe l . way is hard work. You have to watch them with warts and water skis up his ass." Asst. Production Manager” .Leigh Gosnoll . i really closely. And a lot of growers don't want "interim ...... Martin Ericeon ' to do that. They let the drugs do the work for Kurt Deitrick Kevin Newton ,‘ them." Grad. EE 5 But Thoelecke believes the extra work pays John O'Connor Advertising 1 off with the superior taste of the natural bird. Grad. EE . "The chemicals used in processing strip away Martin Wortman MW """"""" SW0“, RPb'm the flavor.. And the drugs ruinj the texture.,_ Most Grad' EE Salesman """KenDaveSilverman,Bobbitt,VernonSam Platoo,Voglta commercral turkeys taste like mush. I Design .Norman Belch, Marc Blumenstoin, That may not seem like a disadvantage in an MOOdY B “es El tion M Angela MOM StanTlemlatis age when. American children prefer. Tang. to To the Editor: Assistant ...... wager ' ' 'D'mougHayesShull orange mm. and a cookbook duplicating the secret recipes of Kentucky Fried Chicken and Mr. William's concert preview for the Production Big Macs can sell thousands of copies. but Moody Blues is misleading and in error. Tlloelecke insists quality will out. With evident The error is stating "Days of Future Past" Layotrt/Pasto-up'...... Robin Baxter, Satisfaction. he tells of a taste test conducted was the first album from the Moody Blues. As ‘ Suzi Gaffer, Beth Gottys. last year by New West magazine in which any true Moody's fan knows “Go Now" was Cherie Hinkle, Mle Hunnamann, consumers were asked to choose between the first album and‘Days’ of Future Past" was _ Billie W0“! ' scrennfically'programmed turkeys and natural the second album. "MP" - Cara ”.93th 0‘3"“ Gullion, '_ ly grown birds. In his desire to set the mood for his article, we” ”mm" Lon McElravy, SW. PM“ ‘ ‘lhey picked the organic turkeys." he 7 Mr. William omitted telling the actual story of P Robert Puckett. Sally me reports. "One hundred per cent of .."them the Moody,5 second album,5 success. “Days of roofreaders ...... Julie WandaHaigler,Bombardier,Alan Powell Are you listening. Ben? Future Past" released in 1967. was a failure. ..