St Columba's Portree Newsletter

Scottish Episcopal Church Diocese of Argyll and The Isles Somerled Square, Portree, Isle of Skye, IV51 9EH E-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Curate, The Rev’d Rosemary Bungard, Tel: 01478 660248, 07719585732

Bishop The Rt. Rev’d Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Argyll and The Isles

General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church: SC015962 Charity Number: SC020146

Welcome to our visitors and parishioners

St Columba’s, Portree

Eucharist each Sunday at 11am.

Sunday school meets during the service in term time.

The Church is open daily 10am to 3pm.

St Michael and All Angels, Raasay

Communion Service 11am fortnightly, one Tuesday and one Sunday as


2017 St Mary’s, Sleat

Liturgy of the Word and Communion or Eucharist

May nd

6pm on 2 Sunday of each month in the Parish Rooms of the - Church of Scotland, Kilmore. Candlelit Taize Hour

April The Taize Hour is held the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm.

Services andPrayers Services The chants are simple and the silent meditation periods between each song are short. All are welcome, please see church calendar for dates.

Intercessions, Prayers and Thanksgivings

Everyday St Columba’s is open for Prayer. A book is on the table at the rear of the church for any prayer requests.

St Columba’s Newsletter April – May 2017 Page 1

Letter from Bishop Kevin

Dear Friends

We carry within ourselves one of the greatest signs of resurrection in our Tears. The tears we shed consist of two elements, water and salt. Water is the sign of life, growth, flourishing, abundance. Salt is the element which symbolises affliction. At the Passover meal, our Jewish friends bless salt water with a prayer which speaks of God’s people brought to the promised land through ‘the waters of affliction.’ In our tears, as in our lives, these two elements are present whether we shed tears in sorrow or in joy. Jesus proved in His Passion, Death and Resurrection, God is with us as se shed tears of sorrow and affliction, which Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, turns to tear of joy, resurrection, abundance, flourishing.

Think of Mary Magdalene standing in the Garden weeping and asking this gardener where he has laid the body of Jesus. Mary cannot recognise Him she is weeping so much but all Jesus does is call her by her name, ‘Mary’ and hearing this familiar voice she weeps on but now her tears are tears of joy. Notice in that story of Mary in the garden, she doesn’t leave the spot where she is standing, she simply ‘turns.’ Jesus literally turns her life around by simply calling her by her name. The greatest comfort of love to be called by name and that is Jesus’ promise to each one of us. God is with us, He calls me by my name.

The recent terrorist attack in London surely cause all of us if not to weep, then surely as you watch the pictures of the chaos and carnage, you find yourself swallowing very, very hard. The sight of children and old people, bewildered – they weep. The M.P. desperate to save the policeman’s life, the tears rolling down his cheeks. God weeps with us as Jesus cries ‘My God my God why have you forsaken me.’

Then looking more closely at the pictures those injured given blankets and a kind word. They weep but they smile. Love conquers Hate. Love is the only thing that conquers Hate. Love is the only thing that conquers in time and for eternity. That is what the story of the resurrection is all about. Love that is stronger than anything we experience even death itself.

As they laid Jesus in the tomb the women wept. The tomb is an essential part of the story because in our tombs of loneliness, failure, depression we weep but God is with us. That’s why Jesus was laid in the tomb by the weeping women. When Jesus called Mary by her name, he turned her life around and she wept tears, but tears of joy, life, has meaning and purpose in Love.

The kindness, the understanding, the compassion of the emergency services, the security forces, the warmth of passer-by given to people they may never see again. The very pictures make you weep – that in the midst of affliction there Love triumphs through millions of tiny acts of compassion, kindness, understanding that we are all together, human. There in those tiny acts, there is abundance of Love, there is the flourishing of Love, of those made in God’s image. There is the resurrection and the life in our tears, which are ever with us, as the light of God’s love and acceptance.

I wish you all a blessed Easter, Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia

Bishop Kevin Argyll and The Isles Easter 2017 St Columba’s Newsletter April – May 2017Page 2

Holy Week and Easter

th Palm Sunday, 9 April, 11am

Blessing and Distribution of Palms with the Eucharist

th Wednesday 12 April, 10am

Moring Prayer

th Maundy Thursday 13 April, 7pm

Foot washing, Eucharist and Stripping the Altar

th Good Friday 14 April

Readings and Reflections at St Columba’s 2pm

Readings and Reflections at Portree Church of Scotland 7.3pm


th Easter Sunday 16 April

Sunrise Service with Church of Scotland on the Lump just after 6am

Lighting of Paschal Candle, Renewal of Baptismal Vows and Eucharist, 11am

St Columba’s Newsletter April – May 2017 Page 3

“Try Praying”

Over the last few months the Church of Scotland in Strath and Sleat has been exploring an initiative called “Try Praying”. This is a unique initiative which encourages all, especially non- churchgoers to try praying for 7 days using a booklet provided. All church leaders in Skye have been invited to join in this initiative encouraging prayer throughout Skye. St Columba’s Vestry has agreed to our participation.

God works in mysterious ways

Within a few days of our Vestry meeting, I received the following request from our provincial office.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has invited all provinces of the Anglican Communion to join together in a specific prayer initiative between Ascension and Pentecost. There is a dedicated website for Archbishop Welby’s initiative

The College of Bishops of the Scotland has responded positively to the invitation and has expressed a wish that our congregations in Scotland become involved. There could be no better timing for our “Try Praying” action.

Our action

We will launch the initiative in conjunction with Portree Church of Scotland on Ascension Day, Thursday 25th May with the selected 7 days starting on Sunday 28th May. There will be a service of prayer daily in St Columba’s at 10am from Mon 29th May to Sun 4th June inclusive.

Booklets will be available for distribution before 25th May. It is hoped that everyone will take a booklet, use it for a week and then pass it on to a non-churchgoer.

“Use it and Lose it”

The “Try Praying” movement began in and now runs programmes nationwide. The materials are now being translated into other languages.

For more information please visit

Let us join together in working to establish God’s Kingdom on earth.


St Columba’s Newsletter April – May 2017 Page 4

Diocesan Conference, Oban - Lay Representatives Report

As your new Lay Representative, I attended the Diocesan Conference and Synod in Oban with Chrissanne McInnes and Rosemary on 7th and 8th March. This was my first experience of these meetings. I received a warm welcome and found everyone very friendly.

Diocesan Conference on Tuesday dealt with a new 5-year Mission programme based on moving

“From Membership to Discipleship”. The day’s proceedings were led by Isobel McNaughton and Rev Jane Ross, Rector of St Ninian’s, Prestwick and a Mission Adviser to the diocese of

Glasgow and Galloway.

Bishop Kevin stressed that we were looking to have our churches “flourishing”, not necessarily growing. He noted that we were the only diocese where numbers had not dropped. During the afternoon session several churches shared how they had been following their targets set by their

Mission Action Plans developed from the Building the Vision programme.

As with the previous programme tasks would be suggested for each year. In the coming year, each church is asked to open its doors to the local community for a non-church event sometime before next Synod.

Synod itself began with the Chrism Mass in the Cathedral at 5.45pm. Chrissanne welcomed the congregation at the door whilst Rosemary and I processed in with Clergy and Lay Leaders.

Following Bishop Kevin’s sermon which should appear on the diocesan website in due course,

Rev Sr Clare was installed as an Honorary Canon of St John’s Cathedral. This was a most moving ceremony with Bishop Kevin smiling and crying in equal measure. Bishop shared his long memories of the ministry of Sr Clare from when he first knew her as a youth in and how she had played an extraordinary role in the life of the diocese of Argyll and The Isles.

Synod dinner at the Argyllshire Gathering Halls was a time of much conversation and sharing ending with a Quiz organised by the Bishop.

The business part of Synod was held on Wednesday opening with prayer and leading into general administration and reports from the Bishop and the Treasurer. Bishop presented a confidant picture of the diocese and outlined the current situation regarding West Highland Region where he, the Dean and the Provost had played a big role during the vacancy. Hopefully this would be filled soon with a member of the Church Army working alongside.

The Director of Communications from General Synod Office, Lorna Findley, held an interesting conversation with the Dean discussing how the Scottish Episcopal Church is highly involved in many discussions, punching well above its weight in terms of membership numbers.

The afternoon was given over to what, for many was the most challenging part of Synod – the discussion on proposed changes to Canon 31 the marriage canon, that, if passed in the General Synod in June 2017, would allow same-sex marriage to become part of the life of the SEC. When

I first arrived on Tuesday morning, my impression of peoples’ expectations of the debate was that of unease. However, I found the table discussions very helpful with people sharing a wide range of opinions and experiences. Feedback from these discussions can be found at -and-vote-proposed-amendment-to-allow- same-sex-marriage/

St Columba’s Newsletter April – May 2017 Page 5

Diocesan Conference - continued

The suggested wording for the new Canon gives protection for clergy who do not wish to conduct a same-sex marriage. Clergy will have to “opt – on” to a register to be allowed to be legally allowed to conduct such marriages.

A secret vote was taken and the result received in silence.

House of Bishops 1 in favour

House of Clergy 5 in favour 2 against

House of Laity 12 in favour 7 against

Totals 18 in favour 9 against

(67%) (33%)

This vote will be used to reflect the views of the diocese when the suggested change is debated at General Synod.

Bishop Kevin confirmed the Acts of Synod and closed the proceedings with prayer.

The whole two days were a wonderful experience when I felt really involved in the life of the church. I whole-heartedly recommend that other church members take the opportunity of attending Synod if they have not already experienced this.

Steve Fennell

Lay Representative

St Columba’s Newsletter April – May 2017 Page 6

Come and Join Us – every Wednesday 11am to 2pm

St Columba’s Bread Basket

Open every Wednesday

Soups, breads, hot food and drinks available

11am to 2pm

All are Welcome

St Columba's Bread basket opened on 20th November 2013 and been greatly supported.

We are now open every week for those who want



and Friendship.

St Columba’s Newsletter April – May 2017 Page 7

St Columba’s Notices

General Notices

Car Drivers

Occasionally some members of our congregation need transport to enable them to come and worship with us. It would be very helpful to have a few volunteers who could be called upon to offer this service. Please talk to Beth or Rosemary if you would like to be involved.

Volunteers needed

There are several vacant slots in the current rota for teas and flowers.

Please will someone volunteer for these – see Rosemary.

Help needed! We are short of volunteers for the following Church Duties

Leading intercessions during the Sunday service - Training can be offered

Providing and arranging Flowers in Church

We would welcome offers from people willing to make a cake for Bread Basket on

a rota basis.

We also need volunteers to help clean the church, parish rooms and toilets.

Please contact Rosemary

Gift Aid Envelopes

Our Gift Aid Coordinator requests that people donating in this scheme check that they have paid sufficient tax in the last tax year to cover their donations.

Thank you

St Columba’s Newsletter April – May 2017 Page 8

St Columba’s Church Calendar


Sun 2nd Eucharist 11am rd th 3 – 6 Retreat at The Coach House th Wed 5 Taizé Worship 7.30pm Sat 8th Contemplative Prayer led by Marcus 11am th Sun 9 Eucharist 11am St Mary’s Sleat, Eucharist 6pm Tues 11th St Michael & All Angels’ Eucharist 11am th Thurs 13 Maundy Thurs: Eucharist and Washing of Feet 7pm th Fri 14 Good Friday Service of Readings and Reflection 2pm Service in Church of Scotland 7.30pm th Sun 16 Joint Sunrise Service with Church of Scotland on the 6am Lump Easter Sunday Eucharist 11am th Tues 18 St Michael & All Angels’ Eucharist 11am rd Sun 23 Eucharist 11am Sun 30th Eucharist 11am


rd Wed 3 Taizé Worship 7.30pm th Sun 7 Eucharist 11am Tues 9th St Michael & All Angels’ Eucharist 11am th Sun 14 Eucharist, Rev,d William Mounsey 11am St Mary’s Sleat, Eucharist 6pm Sun 21st Liturgy of the Word and Communion 11am th Thurs 25 Ascension Day Eucharist 11am Launch of “Try Praying” Sun 28th Eucharist 11am th th 28 – 4 June “Try Praying” Week 10am daily


Sun 4th Pentecost Eucharist 11am th Wed 7 Taizé Worship 7.30pm th Fri 9 St Columba’s Day Eucharist 11am

Other Events at St Columba’s


Wednesday Bread Basket 11am – 2pm Sat 15th April Church decorating for Easter

St Columba’s Newsletter St Columba’s Newsletter April – May 2017 Page 9

Readings and Rotas

Passion Sunday Ezekiel 37.1-14 Reader Marion Roberts 2nd April Psalm 130 Intercessions Robert MacDonald Romans 8.6-11 Welcome Beth & Archie

John 11.(1-16)17-45 Teas Beth & Archie Palm Sunday Blessing of Psalms Matt 21.1 -11 Reader Muriel Watson th 9 April Isaiah 50.4-9a Intercessions Marcus Ridsill-Smith Philippians 2.5-11 Welcome Matthew 26.14 – 27.66 Teas Chrissanne McInnes Maundy Thursday Exodus 12.1-14 Reader Judith Bell th 13 April Psalm 116.1, 10-17 Intercessions Rosemary 1 Corinthians 11.23-26 John 13.1-17, 31b-35 Good Friday Isaiah 52.13 – 53.12 Reader 14th April Psalm 22 Hebrews 10.16-25 John 18.1 - 19.42

Easter Sunday Acts 10.34-43 Reader Helen Danter th 16 April Psalm 118. 1-2, 14-25 Intercessions Stephen Plant Colossians 3.1-4 Welcome Barbara Rutterford John 20.1-18 Teas Dawn Campbell Flowers Church Ladies Second Sunday of Acts 2.14a,22-32 Reader Jackie Torrance

Easter Psalm 16 Intercessions Helen Danter rd 23 April 1 Peter 1.3-9 Welcome Trevor Mann John 20.19-31 Teas Colin & Kathleen Flowers Chrissanne McInnes Third Sunday of Easter Acts 2.14a,36-41 Reader Muriel Watson 30th April Psalm 116.1-3, 10-17 Intercessions Stephen Plant 1 Peter 1.17-23 Welcome Muriel Watson

Luke 24.13-35 Teas Chrissanne McInnes Flowers Margaret Greer Fourth Sunday of Acts 2.42-47 Reader Marion Roberts Easter Psalm 23 Intercessions Helen Danter (Vocations Sunday) 1 Peter 2.19-25 Welcome Beth & Archie 7th May John 10.1-10 Teas Beth & Archie Flowers Beth & Archie

Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 7.55-60 Reader Jackie Torrance th 14 May Psalm 31.1-5, 15-16 Intercessions Robert MacDonald 1 Peter 2.2-10 Welcome John 14.1-14 Teas Chrissanne McInnes Flowers Beth & Archie Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 17.22-31 Reader Kathleen McCormack st 21 May Psalm 66.7-18 Intercessions Helen Danter 1 Peter 3.13-22 Welcome Barbara Rutterford John 14.15-21 Teas Colin & Kathleen Flowers Eileen McDonald Ascension of the Lord Acts 1.1-11 Reader Judith Bell 25th May Psalm 47 Intercessions Eileen McDonald Ephesians 1.15-23

Luke 24.44-53 Seventh Sunday of Acts 1.6-14 Reader Muriel Watson Easter Psalm 68.1-10, 33-36 Intercessions Rosemary 28th May 1 Peter 4.12-14, 5.6-11 Welcome Trevor Mann John 17.1-11 Teas Dawn Campbell Flowers Eileen McDonald

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Contact Us

Scottish Episcopal Church

Diocese of Argyll and the Isles Somerled Square, Portree, Isle of Skye, IV51 9EH

E-mail contacts

General [email protected]

Pastoral Care [email protected]

Web Address:

Sat Nav coordinates:- Latitude N 57° 24’ 50” Longitude W 6° 11’ 44”

General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church: SC015962 Charity Number: SC020146

Dolly Parrot Productions Kildonan, Isle of Skye. April 2017

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