6 Weinberg Increases Representation in National Academy of Sciences

NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 8 WEINBERG COLLEGE OF ARTS Sharon Patton: AND SCIENCES Bringing a NewVisibility DEPARTMENTS to African Art by Lisa Stein 1 From the Dean


1 Photo by Mary Hanlon change theway we thinkandfeel. into how literature andlanguage convey ideasthat context for international affairs; andthey offer insights understanding ofthehistorical, political, andsocial and government planfor thefuture; they provide an to modelcomplex economic situations to helpbusiness new nanomaterials for medicine;they determine how of intellectual leaders. Ourstudentsgo onto discover graduate studentsto succeed asthenext generation most important contributions to theworld isto train In short,they become scholars. OneofNorthwestern’s inadequate data sets,andfragmentary literary records. at working through thefrustrations offailed hypotheses, for aproductive lineofinquiry, andthey become adept literature to attack theseproblems, they develop a“nose” technical skillsandthefamiliarity withtheresearch if we go about asking therightway. They acquire the asked, andwhichhave agood chance ofbeinganswered known. They discover what research questionsneedto be what isknown, graduate students focus onwhat isnot to beinganacademiccolleague. Instead ofjustlearning In our2002 fiscal year, externally funded research at foundations, andcorporations that enables usto grow. students andresults insupportfrom government agencies, place to work. Thisinturn attracts more top faculty and High-quality research makes an institution avibrant to problems andathirst for collaborative discovery. edge research. Thebestsuchstudentsbringfresh eyes topics andto work withgraduate studentsoncutting- which enable themto teach graduate seminars onadvanced positions at schoolsthat have strong graduate programs, the quality ofeducation for allstudents.Star faculty take A our success andfor ourmission asaresearch university. Because graduate education iscriticallyimportant for I want to callyour attention to graduate education.Why? campus. So, itmay come asabitofsurpriseto you that The caliberofgraduate studentsdirectly influences Graduate schoolisthetransition from beingastudent our distinguishedfaculty, ouralumni,and stories about ourundergraduate programs, s areader ofCrosscurrents, you willfrequently find FROM THE DEAN THE FROM the campus. my office at 1918Sheridan Road when you next visit by at e-mail [email protected] orstop by matters concerning theCollege. You may reach me wonderful. fellowships, andany helpinthat regard would alsobe students candependonproviding stipendsandtuition at Northwestern. Ofcourse, attracting thebestgraduate to talk about theirwork andthework oftheirstudents Tell usabout opportunitiesfor visitsfrom ourfaculty know about brightstudentswhomwe shouldbecontacting. word about what ishappeningat Northwestern. Letus and fellow students.Asyou read Crosscurrents, spread the apply to thoseprograms they learn about from advisors I could really useyour help. Prospective graduate students educational experience. That’s ourchallenge, andfor that outstanding research, andthebestpossible undergraduate experience for undergraduates. The better theteaching assistants, thebetter thelearning for debate about theissues raised inlarge lecture courses. answer questionsandtutor students,and provide aforum Theycurriculum. leadlaboratory anddiscussion sections, students alsoserve asteaching assistants inallareas ofthe help establish theintellectual tone for thecampus.Graduate decisions about career pathways. Indeed,graduate students about beingsuccessful intheirstudiesandabout making Our undergraduates canlearnfrom graduate students sciences where they work sideby sideinaprofessor’s lab. effective mentors for undergraduates, particularly inthe undergraduates sofresh, graduate studentsare extremely excellent graduate students.With theirown experience as institution intheChicago area. Northwestern exceeded themostfor $300 million, any Daniel Linzer We needastrong graduate program to have top faculty, Undergraduates know well thecontagious energy of I welcome your thoughts onthistopic andonall

1 educational experience. Iwas 100 also helpedmesteer my way to afull courses. My counselor, Bill Nims, literature, psychology, andsociology chemistry professor! SoIenrolled in fuller andricher.” Andthisfrom a sciences. Your life willbesomuch liberal artsinadditionto allthe should consider studying the courses asIcould before Igraduated. I enrolled inasmany liberal arts Youth Administration employee, for whomIalsoworked asaNational chemistry professor, Frank Gucker, Thanks to acaringandwonderful I ( letter inviting theircomments Readers respond to Dean Linzer’s 2

Crosscurrents I can hear him now: “Paul, you ON THE LONG-TERM VALUE OF LIBERAL ARTS ARTS LIBERAL OF VALUE LONG-TERM THE ON physics andmathematics. chemistry withminors in am aliberal artsgraduate in LETTERS , spring2003) the field. Now, asIfinish mymedical me eventually to pursue aminorin anthropology—another distro—led educational treasures. wouldn’t have stumbledacross such Without the“distros,” Iprobably with Professor GarySaul Morson. Weil, aswell as an additionalone two classes withProfessor Irwin I took. Ifeel privileged to have taken of thedistribution requirements that intellectually fulfillingonebecause M —Paul Kingsley ’37 arts education. assessment ofthevalue ofaliberal life. Ithoroughly agree withyour such aninteresting andchallenging education that provided mewith holding fast to theliberal arts I rejoiced that Northwestern was psychiatry. psychiatrist specializinginpediatric and later become aboard-certified go onto practice general medicine, I was able to enroll inmedicalschool, crucial years. After World War II, brother, andsister for anumberof me well to support my father, mother, with alimited view oflife. conventional middle-class family the Depression) andfrom avery percent self-supporting (itwas during Also, my initialexperience in Reading DeanLinzer’s letter, My chemistryeducation prepared Sciences was an College ofArtsand y experience inthe —AndrewHwang’97, MD Northwestern life. both my Northwestern andpost- way to adegree, definitely enriched as justitems to bechecked off onthe distros, though sometimesthought of better to my patients. training andhave allowed meto relate my experience asaphysician in learned inthesecourses have enriched training, Ifindthat the concepts I In summary, Iwould say that the


y friend and fellow alum Because it was a converted house, Thanks for running the photos of Carmen Edwards ’80 each room was different. Everyone Dartmouth House and bringing Midentified my picture in wanted to live in the former dining back the memories. your spring 2003 issue and sent me room space because it was a huge the article on Dartmouth House. room! I finally got my chance to —Ava D. Harth Youngblood Per your request for identification live in the “dining room” in my McCormick ’79 of those pictured, I was one of junior year. Past president, Northwestern the original group of freshmen Alumni Association in Dartmouth House and lived there until the end of my junior McCormick School of Engineering year, in June 1978. I loved living in Advisory Council Dartmouth House! I enjoyed the Habit Photo by Franklin Northwestern University Board of camaraderie and diversity of my Trustees fellow residents. Dartmouth House was a unique living experience for a non-sorority college student.

graduated from Northwestern had told me how much I would with an English major and Latin regret not having taken any history I minor and then, for two years, courses—not so much for learning taught high school English and Latin. facts, but for learning the discipline, Ever since, I have not been employed how historians think and work. outside the home, but as I reflect As you so well explained in your about my education, I cannot make letter, curricula and teaching methods Photos courtesy of University Archives of University Photos courtesy a clear distinction between which must be continually evaluated and MOODY PRIOR STUART SMALL part of it helped me in my “career” changed for the times. However, and which has enriched my life one constant remains, and that And so I would suggest that, personally and in my roles as parent is the necessity for excellence of whatever directions the College and active citizen in my community. instruction. It is the professor, no might take to stay relevant, the I am very much in favor of asking matter what the course, who asks hiring and supporting of outstanding students to fulfill a fairly large students to “evaluate data critically, teachers is the most important thing number of distribution requirements work collaboratively, apply creativity it can do. instead of giving them the freedom to problems, and communicate I am grateful for my Northwestern to choose whatever might sound clearly and effectively.” Even after 46 education. With what I know now, I interesting at the time. As one of our years, I am still challenged by what I wish I could begin again. Best wishes wise friends who taught for years at learned in Moody Prior’s Shakespeare in the tasks ahead! the University of used to classes and from Stuart Small in the say, “You don’t know what you don’t classics department. —Meta George ’57 know.” For example, I wish someone



n Friday, November 14, translational research, is encouraged a distinguished group through the use of cutting-edge Oof visiting scientists, equipment in shared facilities and Northwestern faculty and an “interaction room” on each floor. administrators, and friends of the The collaboration promises to bring University gathered to dedicate effective treatments more quickly and an innovative new facility. In efficiently to patients. attendance were those whose The pavilion was dedicated to generosity made the building the memory of the Pancoe’s grand- possible: alumnus Arthur Pancoe daughter Beth Elise Pancoe, a student and his wife, Gladys (“Hap”), and at Northwestern at the time of her officials of Evanston Northwestern death in 1999 from acute myelogenous Healthcare. Pancoe, senior leukemia. A portrait of Beth hangs Dean Daniel Linzer. managing director at Bear Stearns in the pavilion’s lobby. & Company in Chicago, received “My wife, Hap, and I could not a master’s degree in mathematics have hoped for a more fitting from Northwestern in 1951. memorial to our beloved grand- During the ceremony on the daughter Beth. It is our sincere pavilion’s second floor, speakers hope that the work done by the expressed the common hope talented scientists who will occupy that interaction between basic this building will serve to advance research scientists and clinical science so that one day, people like investigators will bring fruitful Beth can live full and happy lives,” results in molecular biology, said Arthur Pancoe. genomics, cell biology, neuro- The occasion was also marked biology, developmental biology, by a daylong symposium, open to and reproductive biology. Clusters the public, that featured talks by of basic scientists are already at alumni of the Weinberg College work in their new laboratories life sciences departments who studying questions of cellular are now leading scientists across function while physician-scientists the country. Nobel laureate Paul from ENH are nearby, exploring Greengard of the Rockefeller the roots of diseases such as cancer University delivered the keynote and diabetes. The exchange of ideas address, “Signaling: From Cells between these two groups, known as to Systems.”

4 5 Janardan Khandekar, professor, Feinberg School of Medicine; Homer Livingston, Jr., ENH Chairman We are pleased to share an excerpt NEW of the Board; University President from the remarks of Ellie Pancoe, Henry S. Bienen; Mark R. Neaman, right, mother of Beth, daughter-in- ENH President and CEO. law of Arthur and Gladys, at the PANCOE-ENH dedication. LIFE SCIENCES BUILDING hen Beth succumbed to Wleukemia four DEDICATED years ago, our family was changed forever. We were broken-hearted by the death of our beautiful child, our fun-loving sister, our talented granddaughter, our warm-hearted niece. There are people who were special to Beth here in this room with us today, sharing in this tribute, who lost their best child- Gladys and Arthur hood friend, their quick-witted student, their Pancoe with President Bienen. favorite babysitter. Beth cast a wide net of love in her short life…. But this is not a eulogy; it’s a story of inspiration. After Beth’s death, so many people reached out to breach the disconnect we felt from life…. Art and Hap, I’m sure you will all agree, found a rather amazing way to make mean- ing from their loss in their generous gift to help establish the science pavilion here at Northwestern. They were, I believe, inspired to make meaning of Beth’s loss in the way that made the most sense to them, where they felt most connected to her. They loved having her nearby while she went to school here. And, as you know, they also have a special love for this university. My father-in-law has always believed in the power of science to heal. He lives that belief every day in

Speakers Marc Vidal, Harvard Medical School and promoting drug research and development through his Curt Horvath, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; work. And Hap has always had faith in the power of Keynote speaker Paul Greengard. the human spirit to make connections. So, here we are at that intersection of science and spirit. This building is dedicated to research that may one day answer fundamental questions about the mysteries of life. I know that Art and Hap will feel that their investment in this project will have been worthwhile if even one discovery is made here that contributes to advances in healthcare…if other families will one day be spared the suffering of losing their children and grandchildren. I also want to say just a word about the partnership of Evanston Northwestern Healthcare in the realization of this building…Beth’s leukemia was diagnosed in the walk-in clinic of the Evanston Northwestern Hospital. The hospital staff were the first responders to what became an intense life-saving effort. We were then, and remain today, extremely grateful for the care and competence of everyone involved in her care. The story of this building began on that day in April in the emergency room—our family and the hospital working together in a desperate moment—and ends here today, having come full circle, with our family and ENH working together again, this time with such a splendid result. Members of the Pancoe family surround a portrait of Beth Pancoe. 4 5 Photo Photo by Cary Cochrane WEINBERG’S NEW DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND DEAN LINZER MAP OUT THE ROAD AHEAD DEVELOPMENT

en thousand alumni and friends of Weinberg comes the opportunity to meet alumni and friends of College came together to contribute to the the College who care deeply about its mission. “It is Tsuccess of the recently concluded Campaign especially thrilling to join as Campaign Northwestern Northwestern, which raised a record $1.5 million. comes to its successful conclusion, resulting in the cre- Buildings designed to foster collaborative research and ation of 24 new faculty lines, the construction of new learning have been completed, and areas of strength in buildings, and the increase in the number of gradu- many programs have been deepened. But the future is ate student fellowships and undergraduate summer what occupies Weinberg’s dean, Dan Linzer, and the research fellowships.” Williams says she will build on College’s new development director, Kristen Williams. the Campaign’s energy and momentum as she assem- “The Campaign has laid a foundation and has posi- bles a development team that shares her enthusiasm tioned us well along on the road ahead,” said Linzer, for the College. Prior to coming to Northwestern, she “but it’s not a destination; it’s a beginning. We look worked in development at Loyola University Chicago forward to building on our gains, to making indepen- and in alumni relations at Georgetown University. dent research and study abroad opportunities available In the dean’s paneled office, Linzer and Williams to more students, and to expanding some of the suc- shared with Crosscurrents the goals and plans for cessful interdisciplinary learning models made pos- the College: sible by the Campaign.” • Strengthening graduate education. As Dean Williams expressed her excitement to be part of Linzer pointed out in his letter in this issue, the the Weinberg College development team and wel- best faculty are attracted to institutions with the


he National Academy of Sciences was estab- professors both currently teaching and those with lished in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln to advise emeritus status. Tthe government on matters of scientific “It is extremely gratifying to see our representa- importance. It is a private organization of the leading tion in the National Academy of Sciences growing,” researchers in science and engineering, dedicated to the said Dean Daniel Linzer. “For individual scientists, it advancement of science and its use for the common is recognition of their ongoing achievements in origi- good. Membership in the academy is one of the highest nal research. It is also evidence that Northwestern is honors accorded scientists, social scientists, and engi- increasingly a place where scientists choose to set neers by their peers. up their research programs and succeed at the Four Weinberg faculty members have been elected to highest level.” the academy in the past two years, and two newly Elected to the academy this year were JOSEPH hired scientists bring membership in the academy TAKAHASHI, Walter and Mary Elizabeth Glass Professor with them to the College. In all, 17 living Northwestern in the Life Sciences, who cloned the first mammalian faculty members belong to the academy and include circadian gene, and ROBERT LAMB, John Evans Professor

6 7 Photo Photo by Cary Cochrane


strongest graduate programs. “Right now,” he a shared facility allowing biochemists, chemists, told Crosscurrents, “in some departments and pro- and biologists to use high-tech equipment too grams faculty do not have graduate students and costly for individual labs. are not teaching at the graduate level. Investing • Developing programs that encourage students in graduate education would ensure the scholarly to take advantage of Northwestern’s proxim- exchange between faculty and graduate students ity to Chicago. “We’d like the College to serve at the highest levels and would create the most as a gateway to the greater intellectual and cul- vibrant intellectual experience for the whole tural opportunities of the Chicago area,” Linzer community.” explained. New and ongoing programs will • Continuing to build an optimal teaching and further Northwestern’s partnerships with the learning environment. “A research university Field Museum, the Botanic Gardens, the Adler needs to adapt continuously to the changing Planetarium, the Newberry Library, and the ways in which professors do their scholarship,” Chicago Historical Society. The University has, said Linzer. “Funds will help us improve library for example, hired a lecturer jointly with the Adler facilities and collections and create computer Planetarium to teach undergraduate classes at systems in which humanists can work in new Northwestern and oversee the planetarium’s out- ways. They will enable us to maintain labora- reach programs. And Field Museum scientists will tories, shared equipment, and facilities that are teach Northwestern students courses in evolution- state-of-the-art.” An example is Keck Biophysics, ary biology at the museum.

of Biology, Cell Biology, and Molecular Biology. Biology, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology and of Lamb’s laboratory investigates the molecular structure Chemistry and a member of the academy, came to and the replication mechanism of two viruses, Northwestern this year. An expert in the structure both causes of potentially catastr0phic diseases. and function of ribonucleic acid (RNA), Also elected this year was he will help create a new interdisciplin- ARTHUR STINCHCOMBE, John Evans ary research center to study macro- Professor of Sociology emeritus, molecular assemblies, known as who has used quantitative, “machines,” which are the historical, and field methods site of many cellular func- to research his areas of interest: tions. C. BRADLEY MOORE joined law and society, science and tech- Northwestern this year as vice nology, and economy and society. president for research and a MARK RATNER, Morrison Professor of Chemistry, member of the chemistry faculty. was inducted last year. His work involves both His internationally recognized research includes the development of theoretical methods and their work on molecular energy transfer, chemical reaction application to chemical systems. dynamics, photochemistry, and spectroscopy. He was OLKE UHLENBECK, Board of Trustees Professor of elected to the academy in 1986.

6 7 SHARON of Photo courtesy PATTON BRINGING A NEW VISIBILITY TO AFRICAN ART BY LISA STEIN When Sharon Patton was named people to see that connection and not and graphic design firms turned up director of the Smithsonian’s see African art as an exotic, unusual nothing, Patton decided to return to National Museum of African Art art form.” school for a master’s degree. She went last January, she returned full-circle In addition to its holdings of on to study Italian Renaissance art at to a passion that first bloomed at ancient African art and works done the University of Illinois at Urbana- Northwestern, where she received in traditional media such as ceramics, Champaign, completing a master’s her PhD in art history in 1980. wood, and textiles, the museum degree with her thesis on Giorgione, As director of the Allen Memorial offers a wide range of contemporary an early 16th-century Venetian Art Museum at Oberlin College, African art. In fact, it is the only painter. Patton had overseen a collection museum in the country dedicated to At 24 she started a job that changed that ranged from ancient to collecting contemporary African art, her life: teaching art history and contemporary art. But for decades a role that Patton wants to highlight drawing at Mankato State College one of Patton’s deepest interests has in upcoming exhibitions. “We find in Minnesota. One of her colleagues been African art. She has written that when people come here, the art suggested she teach a course in two textbooks on African American they see is not what they expect,” African American art. “At first I art that included reference to Patton notes. “They expect statues or thought, ‘Why teach a course about African Art, curated five exhibitions more modern versions of traditional African American artists? Why of African Art, and taught countless art forms. But we also have art made divide art history and talk about race classes. Now, Patton says, she wants of Plexiglas, rubber tubes, and sand.” and culture?’ ” Patton recalls. to raise both the museum’s profile In describing the museum’s The colleague told her to read and knowledge of African art among viewpoint, Patton says, “Our James Porter’s groundbreaking the viewing public. museum has a Janus face. One side Modern Negro Art, the first comp- “I want to expand the museum’s gazes at the United States and our rehensive history of African American connection to African Americans, constituents here. The other side art, published in 1943. “The book was Africans living in America, and all looks toward Africa, because it is a real eye-opener,” she says. “There representing that continent.” were many African American artists Although it was the promise of from the 19th and 20th centuries who studying African art that brought did outstanding work. They had Patton to Northwestern and received acclaim overseas but were eventually to national prominence, not recognized within the standard early on she had taken a slightly of American art history…. I ended different path. She grew up on up teaching myself about African Chicago’s South Side, and as a American art because there was no child discovered she had a talent such course when I was a student.” for drawing. After graduating from Inspired by what she had learned, high school she took art classes at Patton developed and taught an the School of the Art Institute of African American art history course Chicago as part of the art curriculum that included a range of artists such at , where she as Joshua Johnson, Henry Ossawa Americans,” she asserts. “Africa is earned a bachelor’s degree. Tanner, Meta Warrick Fuller, a part of the history of the United When her search for an art- Archibald Motley, Hale Woodruff, States and of the Americas. I want related job in advertising agencies and Jacob Lawrence.


PATTON National Museum of of Art Art African Smithsonian’s courtesy images While teaching at the Virginia Since earning her doctorate at National Mall in Washington, D.C. Commonwealth University several Northwestern, Patton has held a She wants to make the museum more years later, she got her hands on variety of positions. She has overseen visible (literally, because 90 percent a book about African art by Frank the art galleries at Montclair State of it lies underground) by placing Willett, a British scholar. She College in New Jersey and taught artworks in front of the façade or found out that he was teaching at at the University of Maryland and wrapping the façade in the manner of Northwestern, and Patton applied the University of Houston. She the contemporary artist Christo. She to study with him. She received served as the chief curator at the wants to build the museum’s audience a fellowship and headed back to Studio Museum in Harlem, one of through outreach and educational Chicago. the country’s most renowned black programming, increase gifts of art to In addition to studying under art museums. From there she took the Museum, schedule guest curators Willett, Patton studied Twi, the the job of associate professor at the for exhibitions, and more effectively language of the Asante people of at Ann Arbor integrate digital technology and Ghana, with Jack Barry in the and directed its Center for Afro- media in exhibits and programs. Department of Anthropology. She American and African Studies. Although Patton’s new studied African history with Ivor Along the way Patton curated the position comes with tremendous Wilks, a Ghana specialist. Patton exhibition “Memory and Metaphor, responsibilities, she says she relishes decided to focus her doctoral the Art of Romare Bearden, 1940–1987,” the challenge. “I’m very aware that research on chiefs which developed into my visibility is greater and I’m under and royal family a book of the same more scrutiny because this museum stools made by name. Patton also is part of the Smithsonian family. We the Asante, which published African- are a national museum, and that is she has described American Art, both exciting and fulfilling.”

as important which has become LISA STEIN, MSJ MEDILL ’93, WRITES political and social a standard textbook ABOUT VISUAL ART FOR VARIOUS CHICAGO symbols. in the field and AND NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. About North- won the Choice western’s program Book Award for CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: SHARON in African studies, outstanding academic PATTON; ANA MMUO (LAND OF THE Patton says, “I was publication in 1998. DEAD), AN OIL PAINTING BY NIGERIAN spoiled, just spoiled. In 1998 Patton joined ARTIST UCHE OKEKE; PENDANT OF THE Anyone studying African the Allen Museum at BAULE PEOPLES OF CÔTE D’IVOIRE, culture is fortunate to have Oberlin, where she taught LATE 19TH TO MID-20TH CENTURY; the Melville J. Herskovits and curated two exhibitions MULTIMEDIA MASK OF THE LELE OF THE Library. Many visiting scholars about African art. Although Patton DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO, and artists from Africa and Europe says she loved her position there, EARLY TO MID-20TH CENTURY; CERAMIC visited or had residencies at the the invitation to direct the National VESSEL BY KENYAN ARTIST MAGDALENE Program of African Studies at Museum of African Art was an offer ANYANGO N. ODUNDO, 1994. Northwestern. It was and still is one she couldn’t refuse. of the major programs for the study These days Patton is working on of Africa in the United States. It’s major plans for the museum, which an outstanding resource.” is located on the south side of the


Weinberg College has increasingly her department “unusually supportive advances, women in this country hold become an attractive place for of junior faculty, male and female, and far fewer tenured positions in academic women scientists to advance their committed to advancing the careers science, receive lower wages, and face research and inspire students. The of talented and dedicated assistant subtle barriers to career advancement. physics department has four women professors in terms of money, time, Crosscurrents recently assembled a faculty members, one of the strongest and advice.” group of women scientists at Weinberg representations in the country. The On a national level the percentage for a panel discussion. We asked the chair of geology is a woman, as is of women earning doctorates in group why, when so many women are a recently named Howard Hughes science and engineering almost in the pipeline, so few make it to the top. Medical Institute Professor in chemistry. quadrupled between 1970 and 1999. They told us what roadblocks they faced The life sciences can boast of an As undergraduates, women earn more and what helped them succeed despite outstanding concentration of women than half the degrees awarded in the the odds. as well. Biologist Linda Hicke calls biological sciences. Yet, despite the


LINDA HICKE HILARY GODWIN DONNA JURDY INDIRA RAMAN (PhD, Berkeley) is associate (PhD, Stanford), a Howard (PhD, University of Michigan) (PhD, University of professor of biology, molecular Hughes Medical Institute is professor and chair of Wisconsin-Madison), assistant biology, and cell biology Professor, is associate professor the geological sciences professor of neurobiology (BMBCB). In 1999 she was of chemistry with a joint department. Her current and physiology, is currently awarded a Presidential Early appointment in BMBCB. research interests are the principal investigator on Career Award for Scientists She has received a CAREER tectonics of Venus and the grants totaling almost $1 and Engineers (PECASE), award from the National magnetic lineations on Mars. million, including support the highest honor the Science Foundation, a Sloan Jurdy, with colleagues and from the Searle Foundation, federal government grants Research Fellowship, and a students, uses the topographic the National Institutes of to scientists beginning their Camille Dreyfus Teacher- and radar data returned by the Health, and the Klingenstein independent careers. She Scholar award, among other Magellan Project to investigate Fund. Her lab examines the was also a Searle Scholar. honors. Her lab studies the the coronae and craters of biophysical properties of ion Hicke and her research team roles of calcium and zinc in Venus. She is a Fellow of the channels intrinsic to neurons, investigate how proteins neurological signaling and Geological Society of America in order to identify how that transmit extracellular development in order to and has won a Distinguished the diversity of ion channel information into cells are understand the mechanism Service Award from the families contribute to neuronal regulated. The research draws by which toxic metal ions Association for Women specialization. This work is on genetics, biochemistry, such as lead affect these Geoscientists. important in the development and cell biology, and could processes. of accurate computer models of lead to new therapies for neuronal activity. the treatment of cancer and diabetes.

10 11 Photos Photos by Cary Cochrane


FROM PHD TO PROFESSOR: IR: A range of reasons. But what’s IR: In running a lab you are the THE DISAPPEARING WOMAN interesting is that the reasons CEO. You can’t just disappear. You happened to hit the women much can’t imagine that your students Cc: Are there still issues for women more than they hit the men. would just carry on and your courses in science? Is a discussion like this would be taught by adjunct faculty. still relevant in 2003? HG: I think the biological one is a The role you play is hard to walk big one—having children. away from. IR: I think women’s experiences in science are still relevant and will LH: Women drop off, at least in LH: Research science moves at a always be. When I talk to Neena our field, in the years when they’re rapid pace, and the productivity Schwartz, whose office is next starting to think, “If I’m going to and contributions of individual door to mine, I realize that her have a kid, I’d better do it now.” Our laboratories depend heavily on the generation fought enormous battles biggest challenge as female educators presence of one person, the principal that make us come to the field with is to make it possible for not just the investigator. For a lab to continue a sense of entitlement. I expect to superstars with tons of energy to be to receive funding (and therefore be treated as an equal. I expect to scientists and have children, but for to exist), papers must be published be treated like a scientist. women across the board to function every year, and the scientist must be Now there are much more subtle in science at a high level and still aware of progress in her field on a experiences that we need to deal have a family. weekly basis. Also, PhD students, at with—showing that we’re on equal least in the chemical and biological footing with individuals—rather than Cc: Is having children the major sciences, are guided by their advisors fighting battles like not being allowed reason that women drop out of on a daily or weekly basis. Leaving a to get a PhD in mathematics from academic science? lab for a substantial amount of time Princeton until, what, 1969? would be likely to have a significant HG: It’s not that women scientists negative effect on their training and LH: When I was in graduate school start to have kids and realize, “I can’t success. 20 years ago, there were 50 percent do it.” It’s that they perceive that it’s women in the graduate classes. Now, a difficult career path to take if you Cc: It is easier to have both career in our department the percentage of want to have a family. and family in some areas of science women faculty is around 12 percent. than in others? The big barrier is leaping from PhD LH: I get the strong sense from to professor. a number of my female graduate HG: No. There are differences in the students that “Whoa, I just don’t culture, but there’s no difference in IR: I had many women friends coming want your lifestyle.” terms of how hard it is to get tenure, up through my PhD, but of my circle run a lab, and have a kid. As long of friends I’m practically the only WHY SCIENCE DEMANDS as you’re in a competitive scientific woman who ended up in a tenure- ARE DIFFERENT field, it’s incredibly stressful having a track or tenured faculty position. kid because it slows you down. Cc: Is scientific research less flexible DJ: What were the issues for the than the humanities and social others? Were they personal? sciences in terms of having children?


IS THERE A RIGHT TIME DJ: Yeah, right. post-tenure babies there are. In my FOR CHILDREN? department we were all childless HG: Here are people who spend 200 when we were hired. I did not have DJ: So what would you recommend days a year on the road and don’t my child until my lab was up and to people? Is grad school the time to think there would be any advantage running, and that was also true of have a baby? to on-site daycare. Things like that. my colleague Amy Rosenzweig. (See story on Rosenzweig’s LH: I always say high school MacArthur “genius grant” on page (laughter), tongue in cheek. 16.) For simple biological reasons, 39 is too old to be starting a family. IR: Having your kids in graduate school or as a post doc is extremely DJ: When you’re 17, you get pregnant difficult. like this (snaps fingers), when you’re 39…. LH: That’s why I strongly feel that something about the academic LH: That is one thing I would tell culture needs to accommodate younger women scientists: Don’t Cc: Do you have children? this. And I don’t have any good wait until you have tenure to have suggestions for how that would work. kids. Now that I have a child I can’t LH and HG: Yes. (They each have I think this is slowly changing. believe I would have considered not one child). The men who have come into having one. It would have been a our department after me with the huge mistake. But for me, the way DJ: No. My mother had two when exception of one all have spouses I grew up in the scientific milieu, I was in high school. I got a realistic with careers that are equally [having children] was still very much picture of what having children important. All but one have had in direct conflict with your career. entailed and then chose another path. children. Once the department We did not grow up during our When my friends started having becomes populated with men who generation believing that you could children they were amazed they have 50 percent responsibility, that’s be a great scientist and have couldn’t maintain two full time jobs. I when I see things changing, at least a family. don’t know what they were thinking. to some degree. BUILDING A IR: But you had your children as an HG: The worst-case scenario is FAMILY-FRIENDLY CULTURE assistant professor? when your [male] colleagues have kids as junior faculty but do not Cc: A big issue still seems to be the HG: I have one and he was born share 50 percent of the child rearing. lack of on-site daycare. shortly after I was tenured. I have some colleagues—love them to death, but they did absolutely HG: For both Linda and me, our Cc: What great timing. nothing in terms of child care— resolution to this was to have nannies and they say, “Oh, I know what it at home. We’re lucky that financially LH: It’s not coincidental (laughter). was like.” we were able to do this. But this has You can’t imagine how many been an issue that both of us have felt

12 13 1 2 to make it clear that this career can career this that clear it make to haveweSomehow doable. is family and career science a combining that generationyoungerconvince the wouldthat lab, the in work their maintain to them for easier it make and kids daycareon-sitetheir for havewethat postdocs and students graduateour show could we If LH: yet.who’s evenborn child any forworking we’renot point, Atthis it. exhaustedwith get just people and ’81, in here firstcame I since issue this on Facultyworking been has OrganizationWomenDJ:forThe step. small very,it’sa butreally direction, very right the movein a as that see I HG: downtownEvanston. in facilitydaycare fortheir at registrationstudent-parentspriority offerfaculty,to begun has staff,and Northwestern,with partnership in year,YMCA,last the Justthe Cc: in kids. had evenbeforewe here,arrived we since about strongly are. Dan Linzer, who has a young a has Linzer,who Dan are. care child like things importanthow realize to them forimpossible it’salmost child, have a and couple career dual a of part be it’sexperiencetowhat like people UntilHilary’s point: to back goes This LH: one. with up end didn’tbut husband a with out started who know I women of plenty are There own. your wereon you if it do youthat fact the like don’t I that. with wrong something nanny.affordtoa able is be There You’dscientist. research a as never career havea and parent single a be topossible be would it think not do WithoutI HG: care,dayon-site (laughter)husband?DJ: No children. and career research full-time a mean I IR: all.”“havingit of definition your on depends it think I HG: haveeverything? reallyyou Can wonder: I and on actually am I path the with am I now,”myselfhappyremindhow I kids threemy had and was24 I when path other the taken had I wish I children. had had I wish “I think, I dayswhen those On IR: It’sparent.flexible.very you’rea advantageshavetremendous when couldn’t

and still breastfeed their babies. their breastfeed still and workto back come can womenthat and too care child forresponsibility havemen that generationyounger showsThis the building. ENH Pancoe-new the in tables changing men’sand with roomspump breast a outfittedwith mother’sroomhave a to hardfought veryhimself, child digging down much lower[into much down digging women’sfillingwe’re then positions, men of number certain a are there and with, begin to men as women qualifiedmany as are there If LH: science. to“else” something bring womenstatementthat the with problemreal havea I IR: country? this in facultyscience the percentageof small a such up make still womenthat care people should Why science? to talents and differentgifts bring women Do Cc: DO WOMEN DO SCIENCE DO WOMEN DO DIFFERENTLY? 1 3

Photos by Cary Cochrane Photo Photo by Cary Cochrane


the talent pool] than if we had 50 and I think that’s not true. everything I had experienced before. percent women. If women could fill IR: No. These are two separate My lab relationship deteriorated these top positions, we’d have much questions. Do women bring according to your worst nightmares. more of the cream of the crop. something intellectually different The five women in our program all that is intrinsically female to the ended up quitting graduate school IR: I agree with all of those things. process of doing science? I doubt within two years of each other. I If qualified women drop out and are that the answer to that is yes. And literally ran away from science and miserable, it’s a problem. But when does having women and men in a entered a graduate program in a diverse group bring something to different field. I experienced complete science? I have no question that that boredom and discovered what I is true. disliked had not been the field but the situation. Then I started my third LH: I don’t think women think first year of graduate school. about problems differently, but I do think there are behavioral Cc: You’re one persistent person. differences. IR: I learned that there’s no situation MENTORS AND OBSTRUCTIONISTS that’s so important that you can’t quit it. That was very valuable. And I think of my women friends who Cc: What kind of support and having the opposite experience, so are extraordinarily smart and who mentoring has made a difference to I didn’t see all men as hostile, was drop out of science to do something you and your career? also important. I could discriminate else that’s rewarding, I ask myself among individuals according to if that’s necessarily a tragedy, and I IR: I worked with three of the their characteristics rather than their can’t answer that. most wonderful men in science gender, which is what we’re fighting who treated for, right? HG: What you’re asking is: is that a me entirely tragedy for them personally or is it a as a scientist DJ: When I was in tragedy for the field? in training, graduate school, from and that made 1970 to 1974, there were no IR: Both. an enormous women faculty. We were difference in my treated like we were of HG: It’s important to read some of life. I’ll always no consequence. When the research on how diverse groups be grateful to speakers came, we weren’t approach not just science but work them. even introduced. But I in general and how collaborative had a good postdoc experience; you they are and how they tend to accept DJ: What year was your PhD? need something supportive in your people from other groups. So saying background. we don’t bring anything to the mix IR: 1994. I started graduate school is saying that you don’t think there in 1989 with an absolutely horrible is any advantage to having diversity, situation that was the flip side of


Photo by Matthew Gilson departments. chemistry 20 top averagenationalthe forthe at arewe faculty,the on 30 of outwomen three havingnow So be. to thing pleasant a it’snot and department my in absolutely.firstwomanwasthe I Oh, changed? Havethings HG: changing.slowly is it But department. leavewomenthe senior We’vetwoyearsago.tenure had got just I and department my of member female senior the am I LH: thereare one ortwo. thereare nowomen orgoing where betweengoing todepartment a where allmen.In chemistry the choice is supportivepeople, even ifthey were andfelt like they were good-hearted, comehere was that likedI the faculty HG:For me, part ofthe decision to A CHANGING ATMOSPHERE CHANGING A ACADEMIC RANK: 1999 RANK: ACADEMIC AND DOCTORATE OF FIELD BROAD BY COLLEGES, YEAR 4- AND UNIVERSITIES IN ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS DOCTORAL EMPLOYED OF PERCENTAGE A AS WOMEN keep arguing. I learned to fightto learned arguing.I keep voiceand myraise to learned I lab our In woman. diplomatic quiet, nice, a be wasn’tto I going that graduatestudent wasa I when decision conscious a made I LH: (laughter)world. the differencein the all make can woman One LH: above.we’reslightly three average,with national and the below wereslightly wetwowomen Withdepartment: chemistry the in HG:This shows faculty.younger It’sstarted.heavily weightedtoward twohavejust and year a fortenured Twodepartment. the of havebeen percent 12 just havewomen,four Wepercent.average 25 national of definitelythe belowis BMBCB LH: CHANGING YOUR PERSONALITY YOUR CHANGING TO SUCCEED TO howclose things 100 20 40 60 80 0 ArgriculturalSciences

Biological and Biological 14.4 are 24.8 35.5 48.1 opposite—one of those few men who fewmen those of opposite—one JeremyBerg,wasexactly the handy.very advisor,Mypostdoc alwaysI in HG: swore.comes It (laughter). that do to had I unfortunatethat now,am I it’seventhoughreally where that’sam think I whyI and opportunity,now.right the is This same. the remain to going is culture the family]and and career combiningwomen of supportive not havewe[thosenow people of kind same the with filled be to going are positions those them, replace to minorities and women of portion significant a hiredon’t we If retiring.are ’60s the in hired those of manywhere now right period time a we’rein is reality (laughter)The years?10 get only we Do HG: making? science in women see you do gains years,what 10 ahead Looking Cc. (NIGMS). Sciences Medical General of NIH’sNationalof Institutedirector wasappointed just he And science. successfulin be still and being human wonderfulreally a be could youthat wasme: eye-openingfor That care. child in activewasreally 37.6 Health Sciences Health PARITY IN THE FUTURE? THE PARITYIN 43.5 64.7 64.8 47.9 91.6 Related Sciences Related

Physical and Physical 5.8 14.9 24.8 19.7 21.5 1 5 Source: National Science Foundation. “ SHE HAS OPENED WIDE THE DOORS FOR OTHER WOMEN TO ADVANCE.” NEENA –ADAIR WALDENBERG SCHWARTZ THE MENTOR OF MENTORS

hen Neena Schwartz came to Northwestern barriers that other women faced, and she acted. She in 1974 as chair of biological sciences, she joined, founded, mentored, testified, even sued so that Wwas already a respected endocrinologist. She other women would have opportunities to ascend to hadn’t faced overt sexual discrimination, she says, due to the top of their fields. And, almost 30 years later—as attending a then-women’s college, Goucher, and receiving William Deering Professor of Biological Sciences strong support from her parents and equal treatment from Emerita, founder and former director of the Center her professors at Northwestern’s medical school. She for Reproductive Science, and winner of the Lifetime couldn’t help but notice, however, that she was the only Mentor Award from the American Association for the woman chair of a department in the College of Arts and Advancement of Science—she’s still doing it. Sciences and that, while there were a few women faculty “She has opened wide the doors for other women to in life sciences, there were none in physics or chemistry. advance,” said Adair Waldenberg, Weinberg’s associate “It was a surprise to me that there were so few women dean of business and finance. “She has taken a pipeline around. But the Women’s Movement at the time shined a that leaked like a sieve and encouraged women to go spotlight on the situation.” through it.” In addition to the Association for Women Schwartz’s career at Northwestern was remarkable in Science (AWIS), Schwartz helped form Women in enough that she might have focused solely on her research Endocrinology (WE), in part, she says, to influence and teaching. In the ’70s and ’80s, she significantly the direction of research and its application to human advanced scientific understanding of normal reproductive welfare. Through these national organizations and groups processes and their abnormal counterparts in reproductive like Organization of Women Faculty at Northwestern, dysfunction. She is noted especially for her role in she has also helped provide senior female mentors to identifying inhibin, a hormone in the ovaries, which countless young women scientists to help them advance regulates the number of eggs produced during ovulation. through the system. But Schwartz looked beyond her own career, saw the Mentoring is an informal process that varies according


iochemist Amy Rosenzweig has been award- life but can be toxic in excess or in the wrong places. ed a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur By understanding on the molecular level how copper BFellowship. Known as “genius grants,” the ions are distributed in cells, we can gain insight into awards honor the contributions of a broad spectrum the causes and potential treatments for diseases such of creative individuals in society—artists, inventors, as Wilson disease or familial ALS, commonly known scientists, social scientists, humanists, teachers, and as Lou Gehrig’s disease.” Another project involves activists. Rosenzweig was one of 24 people to receive studying how bacteria convert methane gas to metha- the award this year. She is associate professor of bio- nol using copper ions. This may lead to more efficient chemistry, molecular biology, and cell biology and of use of natural gas as an energy source. chemistry. Rosenzweig said she was surprised and honored to Rosenzweig and her group are interested in how receive the award. “It is really gratifying to have our metal ions are processed in biological systems. “In work recognized—not just my efforts, but the contri- one project,” she explained, “we are studying how butions of the students, postdoctoral fellows, and col- the body handles copper ions, which are essential for laborators with whom I have worked.”

16 17 Photo Photo by Mary Hanlon



to what people need and want, says Schwartz. But a few known for its supportive climate, due in large part to factors are critical to the process. “Untenured teachers and her efforts. Colleague and former chairperson Lawrence students need to understand that they can get something Pinto says, “As one of the co-founders of our department, from a mentor. And the mentor needs to listen to what Neena sought out colleagues who were of high quality people are really asking before giving advice.” both professionally and personally, with a strong sense Even in retirement she has a busy office in Cook Hall of community and respect for one another. The culture with a beautiful view of Lake Michigan and a door that that she fostered continues to this day, making our is never closed for long. She helps young faculty—both department a very desirable place to work.” women and men, both scientists and scholars in other She says that the University has been supportive of fields—to realize what it takes to be promoted or to get her as well, by providing her with sufficient lab and office tenure. “There are good ways to present your curriculum space and grant money. She is gratified that the general vita and bad ways. I’ve been on promotions committees climate for women at Northwestern has improved for years and I know what committees want to see,” says since she first came here. “The Task Force on Women Schwartz. She also gives critical advice to women about in the Academic Workplace in 1994 led to a standing sexual harassment, which, she says, though uncommon, is Committee on Women in the Academic Community— especially terrible when it happens to graduate students, a good watchdog for women’s rights,” she says. And the least powerful people in the system. she reminds us of the “very satisfying” growth in the Weinberg dean Dan Linzer has experienced the value number of women department chairs—from one in 1974 of Schwartz’s mentoring firsthand and has asked her to to nine in 2003 or 36 percent of all Weinberg chairs. But mentor young Weinberg faculty in an official capacity she cautions, “Let’s face it: the battle is not yet won.” this year, thus ensuring that her door will remain open for years to come. Her department, neurobiology and physiology, is

“Northwestern has been very supportive of my work,” she added. “We have excellent facili- ties, including access to synchro- tron radiation at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory.” She will receive an unrestrict- ed gift of $500,000 over five years. She plans to use the funds for BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: high-risk research projects, such STEPHEN SMITH, RAQUEL LIEBERMAN. as X-ray crystallographic studies FRONT ROW: LILYA YATSUNYK, AMY WERNIMONT, AMY ROSENZWEIG, of membrane proteins, and for CARNIE ABAJIAN, SHANNON HENERY. high-quality childcare for NOT PICTURED: DEEPAK SHRESTHA, her two-year-old daughter. AMANDA HAKEMIAN




WHEN DID YOU BEGIN PLAYING TENNIS? on. So I jumped around from place sister Alice very well. Ruth had When I was about three I played a to place for the next year or so and nothing but high praise for the game called short tennis, really just then came here. school, so I came out here. I got in a badminton court, a very small net, touch with Claire and it just felt and plastic balls. At eight or nine WAS THAT AN UNUSUAL PLAN FOR A right. It wasn’t really a contest by I picked up a proper racquet, so to YOUNG ENGLISH PLAYER? the end of it. This was the place. speak. It wasn’t until I was 14 that In England, you either stay in educa- tennis sparked in me…. I asked my tion or you play full time. College THIS IS A DIFFERENT CULTURE FOR YOU. dad how my interest came about and does not lead to professional sports. WHAT’S IT LIKE BEING HERE? he said that I walked into his office The year prior to coming here was Everyone is so friendly and open, one day and said I wanted to play a big help [in making a decision] and the atmosphere is so charged more seriously. I can’t remember because I did a fair bit of traveling here, so positive. There may be doing that. and got homesick while I was away. bumps in the road but everyone says I went to a lot of places in Europe we’ll get over them together. Here, WHAT DID PLAYING MORE SERIOUSLY like Holland and Switzerland. The if you’ve done something badly, ENTAIL? big trip was to Australia for three you know it, but you will find the It meant a bigger commitment weeks. I found out that it wasn’t positive in it to work on. There is a time-wise, more effort, and a lot where I wanted to be, playing willingness to do something better more dedication to the sport....I met tournaments as an amateur on and to do it bigger and to put more up with Roger Taylor, the Davis the circuit. of yourself in it. It’s just a different Cup Captain in Great Britain and a atmosphere over here, and I like it. fantastic player in his time. He was YOU ARE A LONG WAY FROM HOME. A lot. my mentor from the time I was 14 WHY NORTHWESTERN? to 18, then it was just time to move I found out that [current teammate] Ruth Barnes was here. I know her

18 19 HAVE YOU DECLARED A MAJOR YET? [due to the differences in British and It is going to be American literature: American school systems] meant I love reading. It’s the greatest Ruth and I were unable to play in hobby in the world. I’ve started the regional championships last year. reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin. There is Missing two starters was a big blow. an awareness when you are reading books like this that they helped YOU EARNED A WILDCARD TO COMPETE change the times. AT WIMBLEDON, AND IT WAS YOUR THIRD TRIP THERE. WAS IT SCARY? WAS Photos courtesy of Northwestern Media Services of Northwestern Photos courtesy WOULD YOU LIKE TO TURN PRO IT HOME? SOMEDAY? It certainly wasn’t home. The I would love to. Having taken that qualifying events were held at a year out I know pretty much what it different venue. I think it’s being takes. So, if in the next three, four, my third year made it a lot more or five years I’m in the position to, comfortable for me. You’re talking and I feel that I want to, I’d like to about playing with and hitting with give it a shot. and just being around players who are within the top 200 in the world. ARE YOU UP FOR THE PROFESSIONAL And it’s just fantastic. You can try LEVEL OF COMPETITION? to see what they’re doing, try to I’m learning that here. With the get ideas from them. Obviously coaches’ help, I have looked at it’s individual, but you’ll see that NORTHWESTERN IS ACADEMICALLY matches differently, and I think that they’ll train differently, they’ll eat CHALLENGING. HOW DO YOU MANAGE is why I was lucky enough to get differently. There are little nuances THE DEMANDS? that winning streak last year. that you’ll pick up. A lot of the top It’s a balancing act when you’re players will get massages and get at such a great school, with YOU HAD AN OUTSTANDING SEASON themselves treated, even if it’s just the academic focus and our IN 2002, BUT IT ENDED IN for a slight niggle. determination to get the program DISAPPOINTMENT. into the top 10. Both of those take Yes, our team finished 18th in the WHAT’S A NIGGLE? such a commitment. Here, if you nation, which is unfortunate for A niggle is something that is not want to do it, and you are willing us. A complicated eligibility ruling to do it, there is everyone around to NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY WOMEN’S VARSITY TENNIS TEAM help you do it.

HOW MANY HOURS A DAY DO YOU PLAY TENNIS? Two or three hours of tennis, and then there is fitness that goes along with that. We are restricted to 20 hours of training in a week, however, for our own protection.

IT’S A LONG SEASON, ISN’T IT? Tennis is a yearlong sport. I think one of the foremost problems in the Women’s Tennis Association is that there is no off season. We’re quite used to it because we’ve grown up with it.

DO YOU HAVE TIME FOR A SOCIAL LIFE? I’m not a big party girl, myself. Pretty much at the end of the day, I’m ready for bed. FRONT ROW (FROM LEFT, SITTING): CRISTELLE GRIER, JESSICA RUSH, ASSISTANT COACH JEN LUTGERT, RUTH BARNES. BACK ROW (FROM LEFT, STANDING): ALEXIS PROUSIS, ANDREA YUNG, JAMIE PEISEL, KRISTI ROEMER, HEAD COACH CLAIRE POLLARD, GEORGIE WOLFFER, CONNIE CHIANG, ASSISTANT COACH LEIGH WEINRAUB, STACY KOKX NOT PICTURED: JESSICA GORDON, ALEX GULACY. 18 19 The real honor and privilege is not in receiving them; it is in working to get them with the people I’m with. I don’t think I could have received any of them if I wasn’t training with the Northwestern team, if I didn’t have the support that Claire gives us or the environment that the school gives us. It’s not quite as simple as getting an individual award. It’s a team, and when you do things as a team you and she was very athletic. She had receive things as a team. the package that everyone is looking for. Anyone who is in the top five LOREL MCMILLAN (MEDILL ’73 AND ’74) IS you just automatically respect, when A FORMER SENIOR EDITOR OF INTERIORS MAGAZINE WHO WRITES FREQUENTLY ABOUT you are trying to do what they have ART AND INTERIOR DESIGN. already done.

THE ACCOLADES THAT YOU HAVE WON MUST GIVE YOU A LOT OF CONFIDENCE. When they came to me, they were a huge surprise and I felt a great honor in receiving them. But I view the awards as icing on top, a bonus. quite an injury, but it’s something that is bothering you. NEWS FLASH YOU LOST TO YOUR SECOND OPPONENT AT WIMBLEDON THIS YEAR. WAS IT A LEARNING EXPERIENCE OR JUST A CRISTELLE AND TEAMMATE JESSICA RUSH CRYING SHAME? A bit of both. There were instances MADE HISTORY ON NOVEMBER 8 AS THE FIRST in that match where I played the BIG TEN TEAM TO WIN THE INTERCOLLEGIATE best I’ve ever played, and eventually TENNIS ASSOCIATION DOUBLES TITLE. it came down to the fact that perhaps I wasn’t fit enough, or still jet- lagged. At three-love in the third set CRISTELLE GRIER AND JESSICA I cramped in the calf. My opponent RUSH WITH HEAD COACH was a fantastic competitor. From CLAIRE POLLARD, CENTER. such a good match you can pick out things that you need to work on. There were shots that I played that perhaps in college tennis just might not come back. [Wimbledon competitors] have a different mind set. They’ve learned to be more concentrated on winning, which is where their wages come from. It is a very ugly way of looking at it, but it is so costly to travel and to bring a coach, that it is one of the things that you have to concentrate on.

WHO ARE YOUR PERSONAL TENNIS HEROES? Most definitely Steffi Graf. She had a certain grace all about her,



Thank you for your ongoing support of low alumni and friends of the University. the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. Wilson Society members are recognized in It is the commitment and generosity of various University publications for their alumni, faculty, staff, parents and other generosity and their role in sustaining friends like you who make it possible for the high quality of education within the the College to fulfill its mission year after College. year. We are grateful for Wilson Society Over ten years ago, the Wilson Society members’ support of the arts and sciences for the Arts and Sciences was formed to at Northwestern. Thank you. We hope recognize donors giving $1,000 or more you will renew your partnership with the annually to the College and to promote College’s faculty and staff by continuing consistent philanthropic support of the arts your annual gifts to the Wilson Society. To and sciences at Northwestern University. those who are not currently members, we Annual gifts to the Wilson Society for wish to invite you to join your fellow alum- the Arts and Sciences provide Dean Daniel ni as Wilson Society members. We look Linzer with the funds he needs to make forward to seeing you soon strategic investments in resources and faculty that directly impact the College’s Sincerely, achievements in research and education. Through generous contributions, alumni and friends are facilitating the College’s dedication to scholarship and teaching. The benefits associated with being a Carole Browe Segal ’60 member of the Wilson Society extend Cofounder and Vice President, Civic Affairs beyond the intrinsic satisfaction of helping Crate & Barrel Northwestern’s students. Throughout the year, members have opportunities to meet the dean and other key faculty members at events on campus and around the country. Society-sponsored lectures and discus- Steven C. Preston ’82 sions provide opportunities for members to Senior Vice President and CFO reconnect with the intellectual vitality of The ServiceMaster Company the College as well as to network with fel-

20 21 Donald E. Britton Polly B. Haynes BECOMING A MEMBER DEAN’S CIRCLE Becoming a Wilson Society Darcie A. Bundy Jordan Jay Hillman SJD ’66 member means making an *Simon J. Blattner ’58 Kenneth P. Cohen Karen G. Hillman MA ’60 annual personal gift for the *Kimberly Blattner Norman F. Codo ’53, JD ’56 Elaine Jaharis ’81 general support of the College *Marian R. Bolz ’50 Charlotte B. Codo Steven M. Jaharis at one of the levels listed below. *John A. Bolz Franklin N. Corbin ’51 Kathy Karth Jones ’77, MBA ’82 Unless otherwise specified, the Nicholas D. Chabraja ’64, JD ’67 Lee L. Corbin ’51 Larry Kaufman ’53 funds will be used as directed by Eleanor Chabraja Timothy G. Dalton, Jr. ’60 Marie Levenberg Kaufman ’64 Rosaline Cohn Judith B. Davis *James L. Ketelsen ’52 the dean of the College, when Christopher B. Combe ’70 William L. Davis III *Kathryn L. Ketelsen and where the need is greatest. Courtney B. Combe Malcolm Dole, Jr. ’57 Christine M. Lavelle ’89 William A. Cook ’53, H ’03 Ann Benedek Frank ’76 Frances E. Leland PhD ’59 MEMBERSHIP LEVELS Gayle Cook George H. Heilborn ’56 *Richard W. Leopold Current students and 2003 graduates Lester Crown ’46 Phyllis Ehrhardt Heilborn Eleanor Applebee Lorig ’73 any gift to WCAS The Crown Family David G. Kabiller ’85, MBA ’87 Michael A. Lorig 2000–2002 graduates Elaine Anderson Fellowes ’54 Elaine Kabiller Virginia Langner Luppescu ’78 $100 Margaret M. Forgan Irving Kabiller Ronald L. Marmer ’74, MA ’74 1995–1999 graduates Barbara E. Franke ’54 Adam R. Karr ’93 Leah Malmberg Mullin $500 Richard J. Franke *Jean Woollett Kellen ’58 Leo F. Mullin Member Mary McMeans Hoellen ’37 *Robert H. Kellen ’49 John E. Petry $1,000–2,499 Ellen Huppert ’58 *David S. Klafter ’76 *Henry B. Reiling ’60 Fellow Peter A. Huppert *Nancy Kestenbaum *Carol Schuetz Reiling $2,500–4999 Betty L. Kao *C. Douglas Kranwinkle ’62 James F. Sams ’54 Benefactor Kenneth C. Kao *Susan Warren Kranwinkle ’62 Betty Sams $5,000–9,999 Ellen Philips Katz ’70 Timothy K. Krauskopf ’84, MBA ’99 Kenneth A. Schneider (deceased) Leadership Circle Howard C. Katz Mele Howland ’55, MD ’59 $10,000–24,999 *Jean Gimbel Lane ’52 John Z. Kukral ’82 Nancy Dankes Schneider ’56 Dean’s Circle *Laurence W. Lane, Jr. Karin Bain Kukral Jean E. Sheridan ’80 Erwin J. Macey, Jr. ’55, MS ’57 John D. Smith MBA ’64 $25,000+ Alan M. Leventhal ’74 Sherry M. Leventhal ’74 Suzanne L. Macey Mary Frances Smith *Sherman R. Lewis, Jr. ’58 *Aaron R. Marcu ’77 Lawrence S. Spitz ’47, MA ’48 As a member you will be invited *Dorothy Downie Lewis *Mary Lu Bilek Barbara S. Spitz to attend special lectures and *Frances E. Lutz (deceased) ’35,MA ’36 *W. Robert Meadows ’41, MD ’44 Kent P. Steele ’78 events on campus, in Chicago, T. Willem Mesdag ’74 Michael H. Morris ’70 *George C. Stephenson ’67, MBA ’69 or in other metropolitan areas Arthur Pancoe MS ’51 *Deborah Lewis Norton ’70 *Jean T. Stephenson ’67 each year, and you will receive Gladys Pancoe *James R. Norton ’70 *Robert L. Tree MA ’50, PhD ’59 regular news from the College. Brian S. Posner ’83 *Steven C. Preston ’82 Janet Mead Unterman ’70 Jennifer G. Posner ’86 *Molly M. Preston Thomas E. Unterman Additionally, contributors each Adrienne V. Prokop ’58 *Francis C. Purtell ’41 Mark Waldman ’75 year will receive a brochure Bradford S. Prokop ’54, MD ’57 George B. Rathmann ’48, H ’02 Harold T. White III ’70 containing a list of active *Robert P. Saltzman ’64 D. Gideon Searle MBA ’83 Elizabeth Phillips White members and other items of *Diane M. Saltzman Nancy S. Searle MBA ’78 Kenneth Ziffren ’62 interest to the Wilson Society. *Helen G. Scott ’33, MA ’34, MA ’48 John H. Shields II ’62 Ellen R. Gilbert Daniel C. Searle Patricia Pesek Shields ’61 Anonymous (1) The alumni and friends whose Linda Crowe Tate Christine Elaine Tinberg ’05 Joseph A. Walder MS ’72, MD ’75, Richard W. Tinberg MBA ’75 names appear below made gifts FELLOWS to Weinberg College during PhD ’79 Elaine Tinberg fiscal year 2003 (September David B. Weinberg Howard F. Ward ’78 Louis G. Alexakos ’55 1, 2002–August 31, 2003), Lynne Weinberg Anne L. Ward *Glenn C. Anderson ’53 Undergraduate alumni are Diane Stillwell Weinberg Josephine B. Weiss *Anne Anderson Erwin K. Aulis ’80, MBA ’82 indicated by the year in which Richard G. Weinberg William L. Weiss Sharon V. Kristjanson the bachelor's degree was Jack A. Weinberg Sheila Weinberg *John H. Bitner ’61 awarded. Other Northwestern BENEFACTORS Judd A. Weinberg ’47 *Vicki D’Ianni Bitner ’66 degrees are noted by the Frieda L. Weinberg Augusta S. Arthur ’69 *Mildred L. Calhoun ’75 degree or program and year. Gerald Wilgus Douglas R. Conant ’73, MBA ’76 *Joseph U. Schorer ’75 An asterisk (*) marks donors Orrin R. Williams ’45, JD ’52 Susan Pierson Conant ’77 Larry L. Coates MBA ’82 who were also members of the Ruth Dunbar Davee MA ’37, PhD ’42 Jennifer Leigh Coates Wilson Society in its first year Steven F. Deli ’73 Bonnie Swanson Daniels ’69 LEADERSHIP CIRCLE (1991-92). Anne Tynion Michael A. Daniels ’68, MA ’69 James S. Aagaard ’53, MS ’55, PhD ’57 James F. Dorsey ’75 James A. De Naut ’84 Mary-Louise Aagaard Mary Eisner Eccles Esther Nielsen Deininger ’47 William F. Aldinger Robert Eccles *Jerald P. Esrick ’63 George O. Bennett ’80, MBA ’95 Daniel L. Flint ’53 *Ellen Esrick Robert J. Bishop ’79 Patricia Flint *Michael V. Fasano ’70 Susan Schmeichel Bishop ’80 Nancy B. Gilbert ’80, MA ’80 Nancy Furst Figgie ’49 Deborah H. Brady ’65 Mark D. Gilbert Harry E. Figgie, Jr. Larry D. Brady Qung Wing Go MBA ’75 John Gambs ’68, MBA ’74 Marjorie L. Bredehorn ’41 *Kathy L. Harper ’77, MA ’79 Paula Gambs *Nanette Colehower Britton ’44 *Steven J. Harper ’76, MA ’76 Bryna Goldman Gamson ’67, MSEd ’68 Edward P. Gamson PhD ’70 Megan P. Anderson ’76 Donald D. De Ford James P. Highland ’82 John R. Garrahy, Jr. ’58, MBA ’67 Ruth Teninga Anderson ’40 Leora De Ford Nancy Rose Hime ’50 Michael F. Gentile ’80 Roger A. Anderson Wendy de Monchaux ’81 William Gene Hime Stephanie Wilson Gentile ’79 Irene C. Aronin ’73, MBA ’75 Lois Dierstein ’47 Alice Burry Hoffman ’38 *Harry B. Gray PhD ’61, H ’84 Barbara L. Arras ’71 Catherine Miller Dixon ’87 Winifred Lehman Hohlt ’60 Michael J. Halloran ’75, MBA ’79 Nancy Babendir *Sharon L. Dooley GME ’77, GME ’78 Joseph A. Hollander, Jr. ’42, MBA ’73 Marsha Halloran Stuart J. Babendir *Ralph K. Tamura ’71, MD ’75, David R. Holmes MBA ’65 *Patricia J. Hamister ’44 Deborah Baratta-Kraus ’76 GME ’79 Nancy L. Holmes ’66 *Kenneth C. Hamister *Charles F. Barber ’39 Paul Drwiega ’77 *Jane S. Holzkamp ’80 Mary C. Henry ’81, MSJ ’82 *Lois LaCroix Barber ’42 *Janet Sally Dumas *Robert B. Holzkamp Raj Sandhu Patrick Fred Barron ’77, MBA ’88 *Lawrence B. Dumas Lee W. Huebner ’62 Joseph R. Hershberger ’85 Peter N. Baskin ’84, MBA ’93 Betty L. Duncan Berna G. Huebner Kathleen Targos Hewell ’80 Fred Basolo Gerald H. Duncan Claire Tolf Hugi ’78 Lynne Davidson Jarrell ’84 Mark H. Beaubien, Jr. ’64, JD ’67 Marie C. Duncan MD ’51, GME ’57 Robert F. Hugi ’80 Theodore Karwoski MS ’81 Mary Dee Prola Beaubien ’64, Eliza H. Earle Neal D. Hulkower ’70, MS ’73, Steven Jay Katz ’78, JD ’81 MSEd ’78 Timothy Keese Earle PhD ’77 Frances Ballou Kent ’72 Kurt W. Bedell ’93 Hilda Bolling Edwards ’53 Sara Kerr Hunt ’68 Paul Anthony Kent ’71, MBA ’79 Mary W. Beers ’39 Kristin Peterson Edwards ’92 David L. Hunt Keith L. Kline ’49 Esther R. Benjamin ’79, MA ’80, Jessie B. Ellis ’43, MS ’45 David S. Inglis ’79 Lois D. Kline PhD ’88 Leigh Karen Engelhardt ’82, MSJ ’83 Dwight M. Jaffee ’64 James C. Krieg ’86 John F. Benjamin David N. Kragseth ’81, MA ’86 *Nancy Whitford Johnstone ’52 James R. Kroner ’85, MBA ’85 Hillary S. Berger ’90 Deborah B. Errath ’85 Rowena Revis Jones Jody Krug-Schulte ’72 Marsha Lee Berkman ’58 Thomas R. Errath ’84, MBA ’89 Terence W. Jones ’65 James M. Levenson ’85 Robert S. Bernstein ’71 Anne H. Evans ’47 Marilyn M. Judson ’45 Ellen M. Levenson Roberta Buffett Bialek ’54 Evan R. Evans ’57 Edward H. Judson Mary Ellen Lewis ’45 Shannan Satkamp Bishop ’92 *Gordon P. Fairman ’43 Loretta Kahn ’48 Robert Milicevic Steve Bishop *Marjorie Reimers Fairman ’43 Valerie M. Kahn ’86 *Joan G. Monts ’73 Mark D. Blitstein GME ’77, GME Amy Millman Faxon ’75 Kuldip K. Kaul *Michael A. Monts ’73 ’79Lexis S. Blitstein *Ronnie Vail Fein ’64 Veena Kaul Gloria G. Morison ’87 *Joseph E. Bodovitz ’51 Jerome A. Feldman ’74 Matthew J. Keller, Jr. ’58, JD ’61 Michael M. Morison ’85, MBA ’95 David C. Bohan ’75 *Mary Ellen Fellman ’54 Karen Kent ’78, MS ’78, DDS ’82 John C. Morris MBA ’76 Kathryn L. Kemp ’78 Candace Cole Figa ’73 Theo Jean Kenyon ’44 Bruce F. Peters ’58, MD ’64 Clayton E. Bond ’76 Phillip S. Figa ’73 Ingrid Kern ’79 Aulana Peters Shirley F. Bond D. Cameron Findlay ’82 Robert L. Kern ’79 *Jane H. Peterson ’65, MSEd ’69 *Louis A. Bradbury ’68 Amy S. Findlay Howard Jay Kirschbaum ’76 *Lloyd J. Peterson ’65, MD ’69 Julie Meyers Brock ’71 *Thomas B. Fleeter ’73, MSHA ’75 Linda S. Kirschbaum ’77 *Mark A. Ratner PhD ’69 Thomas W. Brock MBA ’70 Marilyn Hansen Ford ’57 Peter R. Kollros ’75 Bruce I. Rosen ’74 Charles R. Bruton ’68 Russell J. Frackman ’67 Barbara A. Konkle ’75 Jeffrey A. Rosen ’79 Gita B. Budd ’76, MBA ’78 John Wall Francfort ’76, GME ’87 Patricia Korpan ’64 Kathleen Nichols Rosen ’81 J. Mark Budd Joan Trenchard French ’51 Richard Korpan ’64 *Mary Sue F. Rothenberg ’66 Jean Bordwell Burtness ’44 Melvin D. George ’56 Gilbert Lanoff ’43 *Frederick M. Rothenberg Jack L. Butts MBA ’70 Meta J. George ’57 Shirley Stein Lanoff ’49 Michael J. Rusinko ’84 Ann Elaine Butts Mary E. Gianos ’80, MD ’84 Paul A. Larson ’78 Mary L. Rusinko Susan B. Butts MS ’77, PhD ’80 *James F. Gibbons ’53 Margaret W. Larson Katharine A. Russell ’70, MBA ’80 Joseph K. Bylebyl ’73 *Lynn Krywick Gibbons ’54 Jacob Lassner Benita A. Sakin ’73, JD ’77 Lance F. Bylow ’90 James W. Gillespie ’68 Phyllis Lassner Gary M. Sumers JD ’78 Daniel J. Campbell ’77 Mary S. Gillespie John E. Lathrop ’88 Evans Schoeman ’70 Katherine M. Peshek Campbell Elliot R. Goldberg DDS ’72 Frances Lehman ’40 Linda B. Schoeman John A. Campbell GME ’79 Jeri Werner Goldberg ’71 Elliot Lehman Charlene Heuboski Shaw ’70 Katherine F. Campbell ’62, MA ’68 *Maxine S. Goldenberg ’35 Ronald E. Leone ’64 Robert E. Shaw ’70, MBA ’81 James D. Carper ’79 Howard W. Goldstein ’70 *Allan B. Levin ’60 Martin Sosin Sandra Carson ’75, MD ’77, GME ’81 Jonathan V. Goodman ’69 *Sandra E. Levin ’62, MA ’66 Derek A. Steelberg ’86 Joe Leigh Simpson Charlotte A. Gordon ’46 Ruth M. Levine ’72 Maria Vignali Steelberg ’87 Joseph M. Cernugel ’72 Eugene W. Gordon JD ’48 Charlotte Lindon ’42 Marilyn M. Vender MSJ ’78 Janet L. Cernugel *Diane M. Graese ’75, MBA ’79 Scott Linton ’84, MD ’86 Michael Ian Vender GME ’81, GME ’85 Chih Shan Chen MS ’64 Stephen M. Gurtner ’84 Daniel I. Linzer Adair L. Waldenberg ’72 Susan M. Chudacoff ’60 *Suzanne Griffin Hale ’76 Jennifer B. Linzer Jon K. Peck Susan B. Cohen *William Benton Hale ’76 John E. Lucas ’53 John W. Watkins ’83 Stuart F. Conston ’77 Margaret Weatherly Hall ’63 Lynn Jeffrey Lyall ’76, MBA ’77 *Jack Nelson Young ’48 *Ann Corrigan ’73 Diana J. Harrison ’55 Patricia M. Lynch ’89 *Kent A. Rice ’70, MA ’72, MBA ’78 George F. Hartnett JD ’56 Stephen C. Mack ’69, MBA ’70 Richard Dean Crago ’77 Marianne Neuses Hartnett ’53 Rosemary Mack MEMBERS *Robert A. Creamer ’63 Mark D. Hassakis ’73 Barry Alan Malkin MBA ’88 Nancy A. Abshire ’61 *Joy A. Creamer Janet Strunk Hassakis *Judd D. Malkin Geraldine S. Ackerberg ’35 William J. Damm ’77 Martha L. Carter Haynes ’52 Karen K. Malkin Lewis E. Albright ’53 Melissa K. David ’85 Elmer L. Herbaly ’48, MS ’50 Stephen J. Malkin Virginia B. Aldrich ’48 Oscar A. David James M. Herrmann MBA ’77 Randi Malkin *Suzanne E. Allen ’61 Robert E. Davis ’85, MBA ’89 Margaret Beckley Herrmann ’75 Arthur Mar MS ’89, PhD ’92 David H. Anderson ’53 Timothy Scott Davis ’76 Katherine Perkins Hickey ’79 Ann Augustus Marcus ’61 John L. Anderson ’76, MBA ’77 Robert L. De Fer, Jr. ’81, MBA ’88 James P. Hickey Richard L. Marcus Terry Marshall ’77, MEM ’94 Shirley W. Ryan ’61 Carrie C. Warburton ’00 Margaret F. Keller ’93 Diana Hellenga Marsilje MA ’68 *Barbara Soldmann Schadt ’60 Sally Bonacker Warburton ’64 Benjamin C. Kennedy ’03 Linda Martin MBA ’96 *James P. Schadt ’60 Arete Swartz Warren ’68 Samiah H. Khan ’00 Scott Martin ’84 Jay A. Scharer ’85 Arthur J. Washington III ’73, JD ’76 Christina S. Ko ’03 Scott Walter Mattis ’77 Margaret M. Schmidt ’98 *Joseph H. Wender ’66 David P. Kohn ’03 Sheryl Levy Mattis Patricia W. Schmidt ’51 *Ann Colgin Wender Jeremy J. Kohn ’03 James F. McCoy ’93 Frank E. Schmitz ’85 Barry A. Wilen ’72 Meredith E. Krevitsky ’03 Janet Kurzeka McDavid ’71 Hilary E. Schmitz Diane K. Wilen ’71 Tasha M. LaSpina ’02 J. Gary McDavid Rosemary J. Schnell ’54 Barbara Ziegler Wilson ’50 Anne E. Latham ’99 Helen C. McMahon ’55 Joshua H. Schott ’89 John R. Wilson ’48, MS ’52 Alisa Lee ’03 Deborah Ann Meisel ’75 John F. Schramm ’82 Stephen R. Wilson ’70, MBA ’74 Jane M. Lee ’03 John A. Merriman ’64 Wanda A. Schramm ’83 Susan Condon Wilson ’70 Joanna G. Lee ’03 Lisa R. Messinger ’89 Helane Schwartz *Barbara Hendrickson Winter ’53 Alexis Reiling Lessans ’98 Angela Metzger ’59 Michael B. Schwartz Wendell P. Wong ’73 Gregory P. Lessans ’97 Gale Metzger ’58 Howard S. Schwartz ’86 *Joseph L. Wyatt, Jr. ’44 John Paul H. Lussow ’98 Jonathan G. Miller ’02 Anne Nelson Scott ’89 Geri Doran Yanes ’80 Nina Mariano ’05 R. Duke Miller ’48 Gordon C. Scott ’89 Adalberto G. Yanes Sarah L. Martin ’02 Lois E. Miller *Carole Browe Segal ’60 James B. Young ’66 Todd J. Martin ’00 Thomas D. Morgan ’62 *Gordon I. Segal ’60 Sally G. Young ’66 Emily S. McGuiness ’03 Kathryn K. Morrison ’81 Douglas P. Seserman ’85, MBA ’86 *Roger A. Yurchuck ’59 Marc N. Meredith ’02, MA ’02 Rosalie G. Mortell ’44 Sue Berkey Seserman ’85, MS ’88 Steven J. Zelman ’73 Kirk M. Moore ’02 James W. Mortell *F. Sheppard Shanley Anonymous (4) Emily Morgano ’03 Eric E. E. Moum ’77 *Soretta Shapiro Jenna M. Morton ’02 Patricia Moum Stephen T. Shapiro ’77 RECENT GRADUATES Kelly L. Murphy ’03 Ralph W. Myerholtz PhD ’55 Donn George Sharer, Jr. ’83 Valerie G. Nicklas ’02 Herbert B. Nechin ’56 Scott A. Shay ’79, MBA ’80 Zachary A. Adair ’01 Shilpa C. Noronha ’02 Roberta Nechin Myung K. Shin ’87 Edward J. Ameen ’03 Yun Yeong Park ’02 J. Jordan Nerenberg ’56 Pheodora L. Shin ’87, MD ’89 Zeeshaan Fatema A. Arastu ’02 Vipul P. Patel ’98 Jean B. Nerenberg ’62 *Alan H. Silberman ’61 Sarah L. Babbitt ’02 Michael W. Payne ’03 Phyllis E. Oakley ’56 *Margaret A. Silberman MA ’85, Maria C. Badaracco ’02 Sean D. Pokorney ’01 Stephen F. O’Byrne MS ’74 PhD ’89 Michael H. Bahr ’02 Andrew Elliot Pulaski ’01 Cathleen McCurdy Osborn ’72 Greta H. Sims ’58 Marcus A. Banks ’99 Nina M. Rosete ’00 William A. Osborn ’68, MBA ’73 W. Ronald Sims ’58 Helen Ip ’02, MS ’02 Jill I. Roth ’98 Edward C. Osterberg, Jr. ’63, JD ’66 Mark A. Sims ’72, GME ’81 Elizabeth A. Bewley ’02 Christopher W. Rotzien ’02 Susan Snider Osterberg ’66 P. Justin Skala ’82 Carl J. Blickle ’02 Peter J. Sargon ’03 *James E. Padilla ’75 William M. Smedley ’38, MS ’40 Victoria L. Bourke ’03 Hansa T. Sawlani ’02 William L. Palmer ’83 *Jean C. Smith ’59 Lavar D. Boykins ’02 Kimberly Rose Schultz ’05 Alexander J. Pandell Stacey L. Smith ’86, MD ’91 Sean Bricmont ’02 Ralph J. Schwartz ’02 Jane C. Pandell *Harold Edwin Snow ’73 Meagan Burger ’03 Suken N. Shah ’98 *John E. Petersen ’62 Andrew Z. Soshnick ’85, MA ’85, Cristobal A. Casal ’01 Ali F. Sharaf ’03 *Mary Livingston Petersen ’62 JD ’88Brenda K. Soshnick Ali Cebi ’03 Thomas P. Sherman ’03 Donna M. Petkanics ’80 Robert D. Spector ’87 Conway T. Chen ’98 Nawshaba M. Siddiquee ’02 Jay R. Gerstenschlager Judy Stark ’77 Benjamin P. Cohen ’99 Sarah E. Smith ’03 *James B. Pick ’66 Randall P. Stark ’78 Joshua G. Cohen ’02 Rebecca C. Somers ’03 *Rosalyn M. Laudati John Lee Starks ’75, DDS ’79 Seth A. Cohen ’02 Emily M. Stutzman ’02 *Robert J. Piros ’49, MS ’79 Bonnie E. Stearns ’66 Todd Adam Cohen ’01 Steven P. Sullivan ’98 *Irving H. Porth ’41 Neele E. Stearns, Jr. Joseph Jameson Collins, Jr. ’01 Eddie Suttiratana ’98 *Eleanore Porth Judith L. Stiff MD ’74 Christian A. Dancer ’02 Jennifer Toh ’03 Irwin Press ’59 M. Ronald Stiff MA ’71, PhD ’71 Kipp R. Davis ’03 Elizabeth A. Uihlein ’03 Stanley E. Prosniewski ’87 Marcy S. Strauss ’71 Adriana G. De La Rosa ’02 Andrew K. Van Cleve ’98 Danae Kay Prousis ’71 Robert F. Strauss ’71 Jane Dean ’96, MBA ’02 Nicholas John Vetter ’01 Robert D. Rasor JD ’73 William F. Strome ’77 Katherine R. Delciello ’02 Megan A. Washburn ’03 *Maxine G. Pusinelli ’45 Mary C. Sunderland ’78 Brooke Eplee ’02 Mark Vincent Waterston ’01 *John A. Pusinelli, Jr. Eugene S. Sunshine ’71 Andrew A. Farwig ’02 Christina Y. Weng ’03 *Leontine V. L. Radler ’83 Hollis A. Sunshine ’71 Joy Gambino ’98 Jonathan H. Wong ’02 *Damon Raike ’50 *Guy R. Syvertsen ’70 Clare Gannon ’02 Krista L. Yorita ’03 Patricia Cusick Ripton Josef J. Tatelbaum ’83 Julia L. Gaskin ’98 Bruce W. Ristow ’62 David F. Taylor ’81 Julie A. Giardina ’02 Gwenn S. Robinson ’71 Eugene I. Tolpin ’67 David A. Giljohann ’03 Gabriel M. Rodriguez ’79 Gail D. Tolpin Lindsey C. Gilroy ’03 John Rose II ’72 *Cynthia A. Tuttle ’53 Jason P. Godfrey ’99 Judith C. Rose ’72 *Robert D. Tuttle ’51 Lucia Guridi ’02 *Eleanor Hobbs Rosenberg ’50 *Carol Upham ’57 Jennifer N. Haddad ’02 *Robert M. Rosenberg PhD ’51 Peter E. Van Nice ’64 Elizabeth A. Havey ’02 *James A. Rosenthal ’81 Martina A. Vasconcelles ’85 Michael N. Heaney ’02 Ann Rubel Roth ’43 Michael J. Vasconcelles ’85, MD ’89 Jon K. Hjelm ’98 Donald I. Roth Christopher P. Vernon ’83, MBA ’89 Jonathan G. Hook ’03 Aryeh Routtenberg MA ’63 Steven C. Voorhees ’72 Ashees Jain ’99 Lewis A. Rubin ’81 Jonathan G. Vukovich ’81 Christopher B. Kadel ’02 Patrick G. Ryan ’59 Harriet E. Wallace ’36 Margaret A. Kebrdle ’02


ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS: Weinberg College, as well as Medill and the Schools of Education and Social Policy, Music, and Communication, recommend that entering students complete courses in the following academic areas, plus four or more additional academic courses:

ENGLISH: 4 full-year courses, with as much composition as the curriculum allows 2-4 full-year courses of one foreign language

HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE: 2-4 full- year courses

LABORATORY SCIENCE: 2 full-year courses

MATHEMATICS: 3–4 full-year courses

ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS: 1–3 full-year courses in the academic areas listed above

OTHER ADMISSION FACTORS: Each application is reviewed carefully by several members of our admission committe. Seeking information beyond school tran- scripts and test scores, we take into account your involvement outside of class, as profiled in an activity chart, and read your essays to get a better sense of your interests, thought processes, and writing ability. Recommendations from secondary school teachers and counselors add perspective to your achievements. The qualities we look for in each candidate are independent thinking, a sense of humor, self-confidence, energy, enthusiasm, and an interest in activities, people and ideas.